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Orion's Gate - Core Rules v1.1.0

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Introduction Index

From the creative mind of Austin Peasley we bring you Orion’s 1. Cover
Gate, a single-page miniature spaceship wargame set in the 2. Introduction & Index
distant future. Gameplay is focused on creating unique ships and 3. Rules
fighting space battles with tactical depth.

All you need to play is a flat 6’x4’ playing area, a measuring tape
in inches and a couple of six-sided dice. Then you will need some
miniature spaceships in either mass battles scale (like Battlefleet
Gothic) or in skirmish battle scale (like X-Wings). The system can
also be used for dogfights and naval battles. Give it a try!

Find more free games at, and more

awesome art at You can follow
Austin’s blog at

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Thank you for playing and happy wargaming!

One Page Anon (Rules), Boris Samec (Cover)
Orion’s Gate – Core Rules v1.1.0
by Austin Peasley & OnePageAnon (

General Principles Shooting Basic Components

The Most Important Rule: Whenever a rule is After having moved, units that are in range and have Ablative Armor: Enemy ships that Ram this ship
unclear or does not seem quite right, use common line of sight of an enemy unit may fire their primary immediately take 1 damage on a roll of 4+.
sense and personal preference. Have fun! guns at it as long as they didn’t Cruise or Ram. Cannon: The cannon may be fired at one enemy unit
Units: Each unit consists of one or more models on a To Hit – The attacker rolls 2D6 and adds its Accuracy within 18”, has Accuracy 3 and Strength 5.
single base, from scouts to battleships. value, and compares it to the target’s Evasion value. EMP Blaster: Enemy ships within 12” must re-roll
Line of Sight: If you can draw a straight line from If the result is equal or higher, then the target is hit. the highest result of all rolls.
the attacker’s front to the target without passing To Damage – If the target is hit you must check if Engine: The ship moves +D6” when using Move
through any solid obstacle, then he has line of sight. the attack managed to pierce its armor. Roll 2D6 and actions, and + 2D6” when using Cruise/Ram actions.
Building your Fleet add the Strength value of the attacker, and if the Giga Cannon: The giga cannon may be fired at one
Point Cost: Units have a different point cost based result is equal or higher than the target’s Toughness, enemy unit within 6”, has accuracy 2 and Strength 8.
on their type, which you can find on this table: then it takes 1 damage. If the target is hit in the back Hangar: The hangar may release a swarm of
Type Components Point Cost then you get +1 Strength and deal +1 damage. fighters, which attack all enemy units within 6”, have
Scouts - 1 Damage – Squadrons are killed if they take any Accuracy 6 and Strength 0.
Fighters 1 2 damage, however when other types of ships take any Inhibitor: Enemy ships within 12” halve their move.
Destroyers 3 6 you must assign it to the left-most component on Missile Cluster: The missile cluster may be fired at
Battleships 6 12 their entry. If a component has taken 2 damage it is up to three enemy units within 12”, has Accuracy 3
destroyed and may not be used any more. Once a and Strength 3.
Customizing your Fleet: When you build your fleet ship has lost all of its component it is also destroyed. Precision Sensor: The ship gets +1 Accuracy.
you can customize your ships by selecting which You can find each unit type’s offensive stats here: Railgun: The railgun may be fired at one enemy unit
components they take and noting it down on a piece Type Range Accuracy Strength within 48”, has Accuracy 0 and Strength 4.
of paper. Note that you can take the same Scouts 6” 6 0 Reinforced Ram: The ship adds +D3 to its Strength
component multiple times on each ship. Fighters 12” 4 2 value when using Ram actions.
Before we begin... Destroyers 18” 2 4 Shield: The ship gets +1 Toughness.
Fleet Composition: Each player may take up to Battleships 24” 0 6 Torpedo: The torpedo may be fired at one enemy
12pts worth of units in his fleet, and each fleet may unit within 36”, has Accuracy 0 and Strength 6.
only have one battleship. You can find each unit type’s defensive stats here: Tractor Beam: Target enemy ship within 18” is
Setup: The game is played on a flat 4’x4’ surface, Type Evasion Toughness moved D6” toward the ship.
with at least 5 pieces of terrain on it. The players roll- Scouts 13+ 7+ Warp Drive: The ship may be placed anywhere
off, and the winner chooses on what side to deploy Fighters 11+ 9+ within 2D6” of its position.
and places his army first within 12” of his table edge, Destroyers 9+ 11+ Advanced Components
then the opponent does the same. Battleships 7+ 13+ Armored Plating: This component is destroyed
Objective: After 4 rounds the game ends, and both after taking 4 damage instead of 2. Note that you
players sum the point value of all enemy ships they Components may only take 1 armored plating per ship.
destroyed. The player with the most points wins. After having fired its primary guns, each ship can use Barracks: The ship gets +1 when boarding or being
Playing the Game its components. Each component can be used once boarded by enemy ships.
The game is played in rounds, in which players per activation, and different components can target Boarding Pods: The ship has +3” range when trying
alternate in activating units throughout several different enemy units. Note that each component to board enemy ships.
phases. The player that won deployment goes first uses its own accuracy and strength, which does not Deflector: As long as the ship didn’t move you may
during each phase on the first round, and in each new stack with the ships original stats. place one piece of obscuring terrain (up to 3” in size)
round the player that finished activating last in the Ramming within 3” of it, at least 1” away from enemy ships.
previous round goes first during each phase. Ramming models may only move in a straight line, Mine Launcher: Place a mine within 6” of this ship.
Phases and are placed in base contact with their target. The Enemy units moving within 3” of the mine take an
During each phase the first player has to activate all target then takes one automatic hit with a Strength automatic hit with Strength D6+1.
of his units of that type before play passes to the depending on the unit’s type. You can find each unit Plasma Cannon: The plasma cannon may be fired
second player. Once all units have acted during a type’s Strength on the following table: at one enemy unit within 24”, has Accuracy 3 and
phase the game passes to the next phase, and this Type Strength Strength 5. If you roll a double 1 when trying to hit
continues until all phases have been played. This is Scouts - the shooting ship immediately takes 2 damage.
the phase order: Fighters D3+2 Repair Bay: Remove one point of damage from a
1. Scouts Phase Destroyers D3+4 friendly ship within 3”. Note that you may only take 1
2. Fighters Phase Battleships D3+6 repair bay per ship.
3. Destroyers Phase Salvage Arm: Whenever a friendly ship within 6” is
4. Battleships Phase Resolve these hits as described in the Shooting destroyed you may remove 1 damage from this ship.
section. Then the target is pushed D6” directly away Note that you may only take 1 salvage arm per ship.
Activation & Movement from the direction the Ramming unit came from. Stealth Generator: The ship may go into stealth
The player declares which unit he wishes to activate, After having resolved all hits and pushed the target, mode, getting +2 Toughness and -2 Accuracy until it
and it may either Hold, Move, Cruise or Ram. This the Ramming unit also takes one automatic hit, which goes out of stealth mode again.
allows the unit to move based on its type: is resolved at the target’s ramming Strength. Tsunami Cannon: The tsunami cannon may be
Type Move Cruise Ram Terrain fired at one enemy unit within 48”. When it is fired it
Scouts 10” 15” - Obscuring Terrain (asteroids, nebulas, etc.): If a unit has Accuracy 0 and Strength of X*4, where X is the
Fighters 8” 12” 12” that is being targeted for shooting is within or behind number of rounds it hasn’t attacked. Note that you
Destroyers 6” 9” 9” Obscuring Terrain it gets +1 Toughness. may only take 1 tsunami cannon per ship.
Battleships 4” 6” 6” Blocking Terrain (planets, stars, etc.): Units may not
move through Blocking Terrain, and units that are
Squadrons may move and turn in any direction. Other pushed into it take one automatic hit at Strength D6.
ships may only move straight and pivot once by up to If Blocking Terrain is covering at least half of the
90° at any point. Units may only move within 1” of target from the perspective of the attacker, then it is
other units when using a Ram action. Note that units treated like a piece of Obscuring Terrain.
may also simply not move, which allows them to Dangerous Terrain (suns, black holes, etc.): If a unit
pivot on the spot by up to 180°. moves into Dangerous Terrain it takes D6 damage.
Advanced Rules
Firing Arcs Missions Multi-Player Games
An advanced way to play the game is to give ship When using the following missions the table and The game can be played with more than two players
components a limited firing arc, which increases the armies are set up as described in the core rules. You by adjusting the rules a little. Essentially the game is
importance of strategic movement. can either choose any of these or play with a random still played with two opposing forces, however more
Follow the regular fleet customization rules, however objective by rolling one die on this table: than one player takes control of each force.
in addition to defining in which order each ship Result Mission Army Composition: Split the amount of points the
component is placed, you also have to define it to be 1 Annihilation players are allowed to take evenly amongst players
facing either the Front, Left or Right side of the ship. 2 Territory Control on the same side. Each side still follows the same
Each component can only target enemy units within a 3 Artifact Hunt restrictions across all players, meaning that in a 12pts
90° arc of that side of the ship. Primary guns can fire 4 Station Assault game with two players per side each player may take
in any direction as usual. 5 Breakthrough 6pts worth of ships, but only one of them may take a
6 Capture the Gate battleship.
Destroyed Components Preparation: Players on the same side deploy ships
An advanced mechanic that you can use in your 1 – Annihilation: After 4 rounds the game ends, on the same table edge.
games is to have destroyed components leave behind and both players sum the point value of all enemy Mission: Points, objectives, deployment zones, etc.
debris which obscures ships. ships that they destroyed. The player with the most are counted for each side, not for each player.
Whenever a ships component has been destroyed points wins. Playing the Game: Whenever one side has the turn
you may place one piece of obscuring terrain 1” in only one of the players may activate a single ship, and
size within 1”, at least 1” away from enemy ships. 2 – Territory Control: Before deploying armies then activation passes to the other side.
place D3+2 objective markers on the table. Roll-off to
Boarding Parties see who goes first, and then alternate in placing one Playing Bigger Games
An advanced action that ships can take is to launch marker each at least 12” away from any table edge If you wish to play games that are bigger than
boarding parties to capture enemy ships. Scouts may and from any other marker. After 4 rounds the game described in the core rules you may use this table to
not board or be boarded by other ships. is over, and both players check if they have any shipsdetermine what unit limits you must follow:
Ships may launch a boarding party onto enemy ships within 3” of an objective marker, and if no enemy Points Battleships
within 3” after moving, and may not shoot or use any ships are within 3” of that marker it counts as seized. 12 0-1
components during their activation. Both players roll The player with the most seized objectives wins. 24 0-2
one die and add +2 for each active component on 36 0-3
their ship and +1 for each damaged component. If a 3 – Artifact Hunt: Before deploying armies place 3 48 0-4
player has a higher result than the other, then he artifact markers on the table. Roll-off to see who goes 60 0-5
captures the enemy ship and may use it as one of his first, and then alternate in placing one artifact marker 72 0-6
own from the next round on. If the result is a tie then each at least 12” away from any table edge and from 84 0-7
both ships take D3 damage instead. any other artifact marker. If a ship moves into contact 96 0-8
with the marker it picks it up, and if it is destroyed
Advanced Terrain & Multi-Table Play the marker is dropped on the spot. Ships holding Note that the rules were not designed with such large
A very advanced way to play the game is to play with markers may move off any table edge, removing the games in mind, and as such your playtime might
multiple tables. To do this you will need to set up two ship and the marker. After 4 rounds the game is over, substantially increase.
separate tables, each with at least one warp gate or and both players sum how many artifact markers
wormhole so that ships can travel between them. We they are holding or they moved off the table. The
recommend playing with at least 24pts per side to player with the most artifact markers wins.
keep the game exciting at this scale. Note that you
can use the advanced terrain rules without multiple 4 – Station Assault: Before deploying armies place
tables by setting up the warp gates or wormholes on two space stations on the table. Roll-off to see who
the same table. goes first, and then place one space station within
Warp Gates: This terrain counts as Blocking Terrain, your deployment zone, at least 6” away from any
however units may enter it and be placed within 3” of table edge. If a ship is within 3” of an enemy space
another warp gate (pick one). If a unit is pushed into station, and no enemy ships are within 3” of that
a warp gate it must be placed within 3” of the closest space station, then it is destroyed. After 4 rounds the
other warp gate. game is over, and if one of the players destroyed the
Wormholes: This terrain counts as Blocking Terrain, enemy space station whilst keeping his own space
however any unit that is pushed into it takes D6 station intact, then he wins.
damage. If there are any other wormholes the unit is
then placed within 3” of the closest other wormhole. 5 – Breakthrough: After 4 rounds the game ends,
and both players sum the point value of all ships that
Mysterious Objectives they have in the opponent’s deployment zone. The
When using mysterious objectives rules roll on the player with the most points within the opponent’s
table whenever a ship moves within 3” of an deployment zone wins.
objective marker for the first time. The result is
permanent as long as the marker is alive. 6 – Capture the Gate: After 4 rounds the game
Result Effect ends, and both players sum the point value of all
1-2 None. ships that they have within 12” of the table center
3 Ships moving within 3” of the marker that are not pinned. The player with most points
roll one die. On a 1 they immediately within the table center wins.
take D3 damage.
4 Ships moving within 3” of the marker
halve their move.
5 Ships within 3” of the marker get
+1 Accuracy.
6 Ships within 3” of the marker get
+1 Toughness.

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