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Mansoor et al.

BMC Nephrology (2017) 18:379

DOI 10.1186/s12882-017-0794-0


Systematic review of nephrotoxicity of

drugs of abuse, 2005–2016
Kanaan Mansoor1, Murad Kheetan1, Saba Shahnawaz2, Anna P. Shapiro3, Eva Patton-Tackett1, Larry Dial1,
Gary Rankin1, Prasanna Santhanam4, Antonios H. Tzamaloukas5, Tibor Nadasdy6, Joseph I. Shapiro1
and Zeid J. Khitan1*

Background: The United States is faced with an unprecedented epidemic of drug abuse. Every year thousands of
Americans visit the emergency departments all over the country with illicit drug related complaints. These drugs have
been known to be associated with a range of renal pathologies, from reversible acute kidney injuries to debilitating
irreversible conditions like renal infarction. So far, no comprehensive study or systematic review has been published
that includes the commonly used street drugs and designer drugs with potential nephrotoxic outcomes.
Methods: We conducted a systematic review of published case reports, case series, and cross sectional studies of
nephrotoxicities related to drugs of abuse. Literature review was conducted using PubMed/Medline from January 1,
2005 -December 31, 2016 to search for publications related to drug abuse with a defined renal outcome. Publications
which reported renal injury in relation to the use of illicit drugs were selected, specifically those cases with raised
creatinine levels, clinically symptomatic patients, for instance those with oliguria and proven renal biopsies.
Results: A total of 4798 publications were reviewed during the search process and PRISMA flow chart and Moose
protocol regarding systematic reviews were followed. 110 articles were shortlisted for the review. A total of 169 cases
from case reports and case series, and 14 case studies were analyzed. Renal manifestations of specific illicit drug abuse
were included in this review.
Conclusion: Based on the evidence presented, a wide range of renal manifestations were found to be associated with
drug abuse. If the trend of increasing use of illicit drug use continues, it will put a significant percentage of the
population at an elevated risk for poor renal outcomes. This study is limited by the nature of the literature reviewed
being primarily case reports and case series.
Keywords: Nephrotoxicity, Drugs of abuse, Illicit drugs, Acute renal failure

Background for deaths related to drug overdose while Marijuana is the

The United States is stricken by an unparalleled crisis of a most common illicit drug used in the United States [2–4].
drug overdose epidemic. In 2011 the National Center for According to the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA),
Health Statistics (NCHS) reported that drug overdose death 17.2 billion units of opioids were dispensed at retail level
rates were fivefold higher as compared to the 1980s [1]. A during 2011 compared with 14.9 billion in 2015 [4]. A
survey by the National Survey on Drug Use and Health study estimated that the cost of opioid abuse can go as
(NSDUH) in 2011 reported that 24.6 million Americans of high as $53.4 billion to cover the legal cost, medical com-
ages 12 or older had used illicit drugs over the past month. plications, criminal justice system and loss of productivity
This represented approximately 9.4% of the population which is a major portion of the cost and amounts up to $
aged 12 or older [2]. Opioids are the most common cause 42 billion [5]. New psychoactive drugs such as Synthetic
Cathinones or Bath Salts are on the rise and patients with
* Correspondence:
their toxicities are presenting to the EDs; they are deriva-
Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine, Marshall University, 1690 Medical tives of pyrrolidinopropiophenone [MDPV] or mephe-
Center Drive, Huntington, WV 25701, USA drone [6]. They are not commonly tested for during drug
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

© The Author(s). 2017 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to
the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver
( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.
Mansoor et al. BMC Nephrology (2017) 18:379 Page 2 of 15

screening and are available as various products not yet diethylamide (LSD), mescaline, magic mushrooms, peyote
labeled as controlled substances, allowing a “legal high”. mushrooms, bath salts, cathinones, synthetic cathinones,
Thus they have a higher affinity for abusers as well as benzodiazepines and Ativan.
peddlers [4].
There is a wide range of renal manifestations in sub- Study inclusion criteria
jects exposed to elicit drugs ranging from prerenal azo- All abstracts were evaluated by 2 independent reviewers
temia to more severe functional and structural injuries. (KM, MK) and the full-text article was procured only if one
Rhabdomyolysis is a common cause of acute kidney in- or both reviewers regarded it as a relevant publication. The
jury (AKI) which is incited by a number of reasons such reviewers were selected so as to avoid potential conflict of
as prolonged immobilization as seen in opioid users [7]. interest due to authorship. Publications which reported
Rhabdomyolysis is also evident in patients presenting renal injury due to illicit drug use were selected, specifically
with synthetic cannabinoids and synthetic cathinones those with 1) raised creatinine levels 2) clinically symptom-
abuse but these patients have rhabdomyolysis possibly atic patients for instance those with oliguria 3) proven renal
due to exertional muscular breakdown [8–10].One of biopsies. All case studies, case reports, case series and
the notable causes of renal injury in drug abusers is an original articles (cross sectional, cohorts) in the English
increase in the sympathomimetic activity which leads to language were included. Articles in other languages were
generalized vasoconstriction and ischemic renal injury; only included if a version translated in English was
this scenario is usually witnessed in patients with co- available. Only human based studies with specific renal out-
caine and methamphetamine abuse [11–13]. Newer opi- comes attributed to drug abuse were included. CARE
oids and methamphetamines can cause thrombotic guidelines/methodology were adhered to.
microangiopathy (TMA) [14].
Direct renal injury due to illicit drugs have been sug- Results
gested but most of the reported direct injury is by mode A total of 2846 publications were reviewed during the
of glomerular immunoglobulin and amyloid deposition search process through PubMed/Medline while 1952
such as in heroin abusers [15, 16]. Adulterants such as number of publications were reviewed through the refer-
levamisole which is used to cut cocaine is known for its ence list of selected articles. Preferred Reporting Items for
immunomodulatory properties that can cause antineutro- Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (Fig. 1 PRISMA)
phil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA)-vasculitis [17, 18]. flow chart and Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies in
To our knowledge, there is no comprehensive report Epidemiology (MOOSE) protocol were followed. 110 arti-
or systematic review that includes the commonly used cles were shortlisted for the review [19]. Two investigators
street and designer drugs with potential nephrotoxic independently screened all abstracts and assessed the stud-
outcomes. In this review, we are summarizing the neph- ies for eligibility, then extracted data on specific drugs and
rotoxicities of common and emerging drugs of abuse. their nephrotoxic effects. Selection of articles was based on
the title and abstracts but in case of uncertainty, the entire
Methods text of an article was read. All literature was catalogued in
Search strategy Mendeley. The primary outcome assessed was the nephro-
Qualified health care professionals (KM, MK, SS) conducted toxic effects of the abovementioned illicit drugs. A total of
the literature search in PubMed with the earliest time limit 169 cases from case reports and case series with clinical
set at January 1, 2005 and latest time limit set at December, parameters and outcomes reported with or without kidney
31st 2016. The main literature search was conducted on 11/ biopsy were included as shown in Table 1. Table 1 summa-
1/2016 and a secondary update search was carried out on 1/ rizes the different illicit drugs and their patient demograph-
20/2017. Further relevant publications were identified from ics, showing that a majority of the illicit drug users were
reference lists and those which fulfilled the inclusion criteria male except for Levamisole adulterated cocaine cases. Cases
were included. Phrases and MeSH terms used for the search came from a range of ages 2 years to 65 years. Cocaine and
included were acute kidney injury; chronic kidney disease; Synthetic Cannabinoids (SCB) abuse led to the highest
renal failure; acute renal failure; chronic renal failure; ne- systolic and diastolic blood pressures whereas in other cases
phropathy. These terms were tested against the names of all there wasn’t such a marked increase or decrease. The pulse
drugs under review specifically marijuana, synthetic was raised with all drugs of abuse and cases mostly
cannabinoids, Heroin, opioids, vicodin, subutex, suboxone, presented with gastrointestinal symptoms, hyperthermia,
morphine, methadone, tramadol, opana, norco, oxycontin, altered mental status or flank pain. Intravenous drug abuse
hydrocodone, oxycodone, cocaine, cocaine and levamisole, was the most common route used. Where a renal biopsy
hallucinogens, methamphetamines, 3,4-methylenedioxy- was performed, the most common outcomes were acute/
methamphetamine (MDMA), foxy, molly, ritalin, adderall, chronic interstitial nephritis and membranopoliferative
phencyclidine, ketamine, angel dust, Lysergic acid glomerulonephritis (MPGN). Amphetamine, Cocaine and
Mansoor et al. BMC Nephrology (2017) 18:379 Page 3 of 15

Fig. 1 PRISMA 2009 Flow Diagram

levamisole adulterated cocaine users were most likely to changes on biopsy and in one case series, death of all the
need dialysis and amphetamine users were most likely to subjects due to AKI and rhabdomyolysis.
succumb to death as compared to other illicit drug users. Seven cases of hyperemesis were gathered during the data
Fourteen case studies and analyzed case series were iden- search with their clinical parameters as shown in Table 3,
tified as shown in Table 2. A case series based on 456 SCB while 6 cases of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDA)
users showed AKI and rhabdomyolysis as the outcomes receptor agonist from two studies were tabulated in as
when SCB were used solely. Heroin users had a high prob- shown in Table 4. Renal biopsy findings in selected patients
ability of developing amyloidosis, nephrotic syndrome and with drug abuse are shown in Fig. 2. Data presented are
progression to end-stage renal disease (ESRD). They also specified by type and route (if reported) of drug exposure.
had a higher chance of developing rhabdomyolysis as com- Units of laboratory values are all presented in SI units.
pared to non- Heroin users and were seen to be co-infected
with hepatitis C virus (HCV) as well as Human Immuno- Discussion
deficiency Virus HIV. Controlled prescription drugs (CPD) Marijuana
opioids were significantly shown to lead to renal failure (p The psychoactive compound in marijuana is Delta-9-
< 0.001) A post mortem case series on cocaine users Tetrahydrocannabinol [20, 21]. While synthetic cannabi-
showed hypertensive- ischemic nephropathy in most co- noids do not have anything in common with marijuana
caine users. Levamisole adulterated cocaine users were chemically, they can bind to cannabinoid receptors per-
prone to be anti-neutrophil cytoplasm antibodies (ANCA) ipherally and in the central nervous system.
positive after long term drug use with a 100% prevalence of Synthetic cannabinoids are known to cause AKI but the
anti-myeloperoxidase antibodies. Amphetamine case series exact mechanism is still unclear. As shown in Tables 1&2,
showed varied effects such as rhabdomyolysis leading to several reports have documented specific renal patholo-
renal failure, malignant hypertension with hypertensive gies mainly acute tubular necrosis (ATN) and acute
Mansoor et al. BMC Nephrology (2017) 18:379
Table 1 Summary of Case reports and Case series of Synthetic Cannabinoids, Bath Salts, Heroin, Amphetamines, Cocaine, Cocaine and Levamisole and CPD – Opioids
SCB [8, 22, Bath Salts [6, 9, Heroin [15, 16, 35, Amphetamine [13, Cocaine [11, 57–63, Cocaine & Levamisole CPD Opioids
23, 97–107] 10, 92, 108–112] 37–40, 43, 113] 81, 85, 86, 88–90, 66, 71, 118–128] [17, 70, 72–76, 129–133] [7, 14, 44, 45,
114–117] 48, 134–137]
# of Patients In Case Reports 47 11 35 16 22 15 23
Sex (M:F) 45:2 (n = 47) 10:1 (n = 11) 33:2 (n = 35) 12:4 (n = 16) 21:1 (n = 22) 7:8 (n = 15) 2:1 (n = 21)
Age Range (Years) 15–65 (n = 46) 25–45 (n = 10) 24–42 (n = 35) 2–37 (n = 16) 22–65 (n = 22) 22–63 (n = 15) 22–59 (n = 21)
Mean Systolic BP(mm/Hg) 140.9 (n = 21) 135.5 (n = 6) 109.8 (n = 5) 116.1 (n = 8) 170.7 (n = 17) 122 (n = 3) 110.3 (n = 3)
Mean Diastolic BP (mm/Hg) 78.3 (n = 21) 69.3 (n = 6) 68.2 (n = 5) 71.5 (n = 7) 98.2 (n = 17) 73 (n = 3) 59.3 (n = 3)
Mean Pulse (bpm) 91.7 (n = 11) 131.3(n = 8) 99.75 (n = 4) 161.1 (n = 14) 82.5 (n = 11) 96 (n = 3) 124 (n = 3)
Route of Administration
Smoking 29.8% (n = 14) 0 2.9% (n = 1) 0 59.1% (n = 13) 66.7% (n = 10) 0
Intranasal 0 18.2% (n = 2) 2.9% (n = 1) 0 18.2% (n = 4) 20.0% (n = 3) 0
Oral 14.9% (n = 7) 27.3% (n = 3) 0 87.5% (n = 14) 0 0 26.1% (n = 6)
Intravenous 0 27.3% (n = 3) 88.6% (n = 31) 6.25% (n = 1) 4.5% (n = 1) 6.7% (n = 1) 73.9% (n = 17)
Not Specified 55.3% (n = 26) 27.3% (n = 3) 5.7% (n = 2) 6.25% (n = 1) 18.2% (n = 4) 6.7% (n = 1) 0
Clinical Presentation*
Gastro-intestinal Symptoms 63.8% (n = 30) 9.1% (n = 1) 2.9% (n = 1) 6.25% (n = 1) 40.9% (n = 9) 26.7% (n = 4) 26.1% (n = 6)
Altered Mental Status 25.5% (n = 12) 36.4% (n = 4) 8.6% (n = 3) 31.25% (n = 5) 4.8% (n = 1) 6.7% (n = 1) 17.3% (n = 4)
Flank Pain 23.4% (n = 11) 0 0 0 27.3% (n = 6) 0 0
Neuro-Muscular Symptoms 6.4% (n = 3) 9.1% (n = 1) 2.9% (n = 1) 0 0 0 13.0% (n = 3)
Hyperthermia 2.1% (n = 1) 36.4% (n = 4) 2.9% (n = 1) 75% (n = 12) 13.6% (n = 3) 6.67% (n = 1) 0
Seizures 2.1% (n = 1) 0 0 56.3% (n = 9) 0 0 0
Other** 2.1% (n = 1) 63.6% (n = 7) 11.4% (n = 4) 12.5% (n = 2) 68.1% (n = 15) 80.0% (n = 12) 21.7% (n = 5)
Lab Parameters
Mean Peak Serum Cr (mg/dL) 7.6 (n = 43) 7.25 (n = 11) 2.54 (n = 35) 3.31 (n = 16) 7.35 (n = 20) 6.9 (n = 14) 4.21 (n = 23)
Range Peak Serum Cr (mg/dL) 2.6–21 (n = 43) 1.2–15.2 (n = 11) 0.8–11.26 (n = 35) 1.79–9.60 (n = 16) 1.3–17.3 (n = 20) 2–20.8 (n = 14) 1–14 (n = 23)
Range Peak Serum CPK (U/L) 144–301,901 (n = 14) 1183–235,377 (n = 10) 3200–236,000 (n = 3) 863–196,000 (n = 14) 45–990,400 (n = 13) 4585 (n = 1) 17,680–86,000 (n = 4)
# of cases of ADAMTS%T Def. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Serology- ANCA 0 0 0 0 0 73.3% (n = 11) 0
# of cases with Urinalysis
Hematuria 34.4% (n = 11)+ 80% (n = 4)B 61.8% (n = 21)C 100% (n = 3)E 75.0% (n = 12) G 84.6% (n = 11) H 100% (n = 4)K

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Proteinuria 68.8% (n = 22)+ 40% (n = 2) B 94.1% (n = 32) C 100% (n = 3) E 56.25% (n = 9) G 76.9% (n = 10) H 75% (n = 3) K
Table 1 Summary of Case reports and Case series of Synthetic Cannabinoids, Bath Salts, Heroin, Amphetamines, Cocaine, Cocaine and Levamisole and CPD – Opioids

Mansoor et al. BMC Nephrology (2017) 18:379

SCB [8, 22, Bath Salts [6, 9, Heroin [15, 16, 35, Amphetamine [13, Cocaine [11, 57–63, Cocaine & Levamisole CPD Opioids
23, 97–107] 10, 92, 108–112] 37–40, 43, 113] 81, 85, 86, 88–90, 66, 71, 118–128] [17, 70, 72–76, 129–133] [7, 14, 44, 45,
114–117] 48, 134–137]
Eosinophils 12.5% (n = 4)+ 0 0 0 6.3% (n = 1) G 7.7% (n = 1) H 0
Radiology (U/S, CT Scans)
Abnormal 45.9% (n = 17) A 66.7% (n = 4)U 75% (n = 3)D 0% (n = 0)F 92.8% (n = 13)S 25% (n- = 1)J 33.3% (n = 1) L

Kidney Biopsy
Done 38.3% (n = 18) 0 88.6% (n = 31) 6.25% (n = 1) 54.5% (n = 12) 86.7% (n = 13) 17.4% (n = 4)
Renal Biopsy Diagnosis
Acute Tubular Necrosis 55.6% (n = 10) 0 0 0 0 0 0
Acute/Chronic Interstitial Nephritis 33.3% (n = 6) 0 9.7% (n = 3) 0 33.3% (n = 4) 7.7% (n = 1) 0
MPGN 0 0 41.9% (n = 13) 0 0 0 0
Thrombotic Microangiopathy 0 0 0 0 25.0% (n = 3) 7.7% (n = 1) 100% (n = 4)
Pauci Immune GN 0 0 0 0 0 76.9% (n = 10) 0
Chronic / Hypertensive 5.6% (n = 1) 0 0 0 16.7% (n = 2) 0 0
Renal Infraction 0 0 0 0 8.3% (n = 1) 0 0
Thrombosis 0 0 0 100% (n = 1) 8.3% (n = 1) 0 0
Crystals 5.6 (n = 1)[22]M 0 3.3% (n = 1)[43]N 0 0 0 0
Amyloidosis 0 0 32.3% (n = 10) 0 0 0 0
Others 0 0 12.9% (n = 4)T 0 8.3% (n = 1)[127]P 7.7% (n = 1)[132]R 0
Diagnosis of non-biopsy Pts.
Acute Kidney Injury 29 11 4 14 5 2 19
RPGN 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
Renal Infraction 0 0 0 0 5 0 0
# of Patients Dialyzed 23.4% (n = 11) 27.3% (n = 3) 11.4% (n = 4) 40% (n = 6) 40.9% (n = 9) 40.0% (n = 6) 17.4% (n = 4)
Death as end point 4.25% (n = 2) 9.1% (n = 1) 14.3% (n = 5) 68.8% (n = 11) 0 6.7% (n = 1) 17.4% (n = 4)
* Patients had more than one symptom at presentation;**others include: Dyspnea, SOB, weight loss, chest pain, skin lesions, immobility, urinary complaints like hematuria, anuria; (+ 32/47 cases had urinalysis; A 37/47
cases had imaging studies; B5/11 cases had urinalysis; C 34/35 cases had urinalysis; D 4/35 cases had imaging studies; E3/15 cases had urinalysis; F 2/15 cases had imaging studies; G 16/22 cases had urinalysis;H13/15
cases had urinalysis; J 4/15 cases had imaging studies; K4/23 cases had urinalysis; L3/23 had imaging studies. S14/22 cases had imaging studies U 6/11 had imaging studies) M Calcium oxalate crystals, N Heroin crystal
nephropathy, T Proliferative GN, Granulomatous GN and MCD + IgA deposits (2,1,1 cases), p Good Pastures Syndrome, R Membranous Nephropathy, S RPGN, T ADAMTS (A Disintegrin And Metalloproteinase with a
Thrombospondin type 1 motif),

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Table 2 List of Clinical studies and Analyzed Case Series of Synthetic Cannabinoids, Bath Salts, Heroin, Amphetamines, Cocaine, Cocaine and Levamisole, CPD Opioids

Mansoor et al. BMC Nephrology (2017) 18:379

Author, Year Type of Study Results Misc Findings
Synthetic Cannabinoids
Reiderer et al., CDC, Cross Sectional Cases involving Synthetic Cannabinoid Use = 456 N/A
2016 [138] n = 456 Sole agent =277; SCB as agent in multi-agent = 179;
AKI in Sole agent SCB = 4.0%;
Rhabdomyolysis in Sole agent SCB = 6.1%
Connolly et al., Cross Sectional Amyloidosis = 100% Cr mean = 6.4 ± 4.2 mg/dl
2006 [36] n = 20 Nephrotic Syndrome = 95% Proteinuria mean = 7.3 ± 4.1 g/24 h
ESRD = 60% CRP** mean (μmol/l) = 61.4 ± 64
Garg et al., 2011 Prospective Cohort Study+ Heroin use- HR 1.18 (0.75, 1.87) p = 0.43* 216 HIV+ HCV Confection cases
[41], n = 367 Model 2- Heroin −1.62 (1.01, 2.60) p = 0.045** 151 HCV Monoinfection cases
Model 4- Heroin- 1.28 (1.07, 2.87) p = 0.352**
Model 5- Heroin- 0.97 (0.53, 3.71) p = 0.910**
Kosmadakis Case Control Heroin Users (HU) with Rhabdomyolysis = 11 HU v/s NHU CPK# = p 0.039
et al., 2011 Case =11, Non-Heroin Users(NHU) with Rhabdomyolysis =10 HU v/s NHU LDHZ = p 0.031
[139] n = 21 Control = 10 Rhabdomyolysis Severity HU > NHU HU v/s NHU PO4 = p 0.002
Novick et al., Cohort Study Opiate users = 15%, Cocaine users = 22% Odds of reduced eGFR:
2016 [42] Odds of albuminuria: Opiates: OR 2.71, 95% CI 1.50–4.89
n = 2286 Opiates: OR 1.20, 95% CI 0.83–1.73 Cocaine: 1.40, 95% CI 0.87–2.24
Cocaine: OR 1.80, 95% CI 1.29–2.51
CPD Opioids
Briggs, 2013 [49] Case Control 4/8 TTP without infection patients in the case group had (Odds ratio = 35.0; 95% confidence
n = 33 Case-15 renal failure and 7/7 TTP infection patients in the case interval = 3.9–312.1) between TTP-like
Control-18 group had renal failure. illness and injection of reformulated
Opana ER
Aghabiklooei Cross Sectional Acute methadone toxicity – Total n = 322, Survivors n-294, Rhabdomyolysis: Total 15 (4.6%),
et al., 2014 [140] Non survivors n- 28 Survivors 7 (2.4%), Non-Survivors 8 (28.6%)
n = 322 Acute Renal failure: total 16 (4.9%), Survivors 3 (1%),
Non Survivors 13 (46.4%) p < 0.001
Glanzmann Case Control AKI with morphine – OR- 2.4 (1.02, 6.03) p = 0.042 Age and sex was matched in cases
et al., 2015 [47] Case = 100 AKI with opioids drug group- OR 3.2 (1.35, 7.75) p = 0.008 and controls
n = 200 Control =100
Buettner et al. Case Series 75/129 cocaine positive subjects HTN-Ischemic Nephropathy with
2014 [55] (autopsy) Signs of glomerular ischemia with cocaine = OR 3.08 (1.35–7.01) cocaine = OR 5.42 (1.17–25.20)
p = 0.007 *; OR = 3.34 (1.37–8.14) p = 0.01**. p = 0.02*, OR = 6.0 (1.27–28.44) p = 0.02**
Arteriosclerosis with cocaine = OR 2.35 (1.08–5.11) p = 0.02*;
OR 3.88 (1.49–9.92) p = 0.005**

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Table 2 List of Clinical studies and Analyzed Case Series of Synthetic Cannabinoids, Bath Salts, Heroin, Amphetamines, Cocaine, Cocaine and Levamisole, CPD Opioids

Mansoor et al. BMC Nephrology (2017) 18:379

Author, Year Type of Study Results Misc Findings
Cocaine and Levamisole
McGrath et al. Cross sectional 30/327 New ANCA patients N/A
2012 [141] 100% had antimyeloperoxidase antibodies
and 50% antiproteinase 3 antibodies,
2 cases had acute renal failure.
Liechti et al., Case Series 90.4% used drugs in combination with Ecstasy N/A
2005 [142] 3 patients had rhabdomyolysis and 1 patient
n = 52 had acute renal failure
CDC 2010 [83] Case Series One patient had renal failure, rhabdomyolysis N/A
and seizures who was admitted to the ICU
and required hemodialysis.
Jones et al., 2015 [143] Cross Sectional Methamphetamine User: N = 47, Malignant Biopsy Findings- Biopsy was performed on 24 patients, Hypertensive
Hypertension present in 89.45 (n = 42), changes were present in 50% (N = 12) (with N = 6 had malignant
CKD was present in 95.7% (N = 45) (55.3% changes), 25% (N = 6) had ESRD, MPGN Type 1 with IgM-C3 deposits
had stage 5 CKD, 8.4% had stage 4 CKD, was found in 58.3% (N = 14), 37.5% (N = 9) had IgG deposits and 29%
10.6% had stage 2 CKD and 12.8% (N = 7) had IgA deposits.
had stage 1 CKD)
Nicol et al. 2015 [87] Case Series All subjects’ death. 17/27 died after Median Peak Cr was 2.4 (1.7–12.8) mg/dl; Median Peak CK was
arrival to hospital. 8200 (1952–237,960) U/L
85% AKI
54% Rhabdomyolysis
Several models used to assess risk of AKI due to concern for collinearity between Heroin, cocaine and alcohol
* univariate analysis, ** multivariate analysis
**CRP- C reactive protein, Z lactated dehydrogenase, # Creatinine phosphokinase

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Table 3 Case reports of Marijuana induced Hyperemesis Syndrome

Author, Year Age/Sex Drug Clinical Presentation Findings Findings
Price et al., 2010, [144] n = 1 30/M Marijuana Abdominal Pain, Cr-3.2 mg/dL Acute Kidney Injury
Nausea, Vomiting Urinalysis-Trace ketones
Baron et al., 2011 [145] n = 1 28/M Marijuana Vomiting Cr-5.9 mg/dL Acute Kidney Injury
Abodunde et al., 2013, [146] n = 1 36/M Marijuana Nausea, Vomiting, lethargy Cr-9.06 mg/dL Acute Kidney Injury
Chang et al., 2013 [147] n = 1 50/M Marijuana Vomiting, epigastralgia, Cr-10.1 mg/dL Acute Kidney Injury
Altered consciousness Urinalysis-PH 5.5
with bland sediment
Ukaigwe et al., 2014 [148], n = 1 38/M K-2 Abdominal Pain, Cr-4.78 mg/dL, Pre renal acute kidney Injury
Nausea, Vomiting
Habboushe et al., 2014 [24] n = 1 25/M Marijuana Nausea, Vomiting Cr-3.21 mg/dL Acute Kidney Injury
Srihari et al., 2016 [149] n = 1 43/M Cannabis Epigastric pain, Cr-2.54 mg/dL Acute Kidney Injury
Nausea, Vomiting

interstitial nephritis (AIN) with some accompanied clinic- stage renal disease (ESRD) increase by 3 fold, in comparison
ally by rhabdomyolysis. Extreme state of volume depletion to people who have never had an AKI [25].
because of recurrent vomiting and extreme dehydration
along with immobilization can be the precipitating factor. Opioids
Bhanushali and Kamel et al. reported that apart from Heroin use has been known to cause nephropathy since
ATN, calcium oxalate crystals were also present upon biopsy. the early 1970s, as reported by the Kings County Hospital
Kamel et al. proposed that as plants are used along with syn- in Brooklyn, NY and the term heroin-associated nephrop-
thetic cannabinoids, there is a possibility that these plants athy (HAN) was coined [26, 27]. Details of reported renal
may be oxalogenic and could lead to formation of oxalate effects of opioids are summarized in Tables 1 & 2.
crystals which could lead to renal injury. Direct nephrotox- HAN has been studied in detail but no specific facts
icity of the synthetic cannabinoids remains as yet to be seen have come to light as to whether heroin, morphine, co-
[22]. A slightly varied presentation was seen in a patient with caine, adulterants or diseases such as HCV, Hepatitis B
Tubulo-Interstitial Nephritis and Uveitis (TINU) syndrome virus (HBV) or HIV were responsible for the renal mor-
[23]. phological changes [28]. Even though the Heroin epidemic
Although synthetic cannabinoids are the obvious culprits is on the rise, HAN is at an overall decline and it has been
behind these toxicities, chronic use of marijuana can also debated that HAN predated the investigations of HCV
lead to “Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome” which results and HIV [29]. It was postulated that chronic use of heroin
in extreme hypovolemia that leads to severe prerenal azote- or its vehicle incites an undefined response which leads to
mia [24] (see Table 3). In general, prerenal AKI in such pa- focal glomerulosclerosis with glomerular IgM deposition
tients is mostly reversible and remains in question regarding [30], resulting in nephrotic syndrome [31]. Turgutalp et al.
its long term renal sequelae but Coca et al. reported in their reported a patient who used Heroin thrice a week for
systemic review that the chances of developing chronic kid- 2 years, and on biopsy the patient had minimal change
ney disease (CKD) increase by 9 fold and the chances of end disease with IgA-C3 4+ and IgG 1+ depositions [16].
Table 4 Case Report and Case Series of NMDA Receptor Antagonists
Author, year N, Age/Sex Drug Clinical Presentation Findings Diagnosis
Wiergowski et al., 31/M Methoxetamine, “lack of Information” Peak Cr- 3.56 mg/dL Acute renal failure secondary
2014 [150] Amphetamines Peak CK- 129,800 U/L to rhabdomyolysis
Anuria +ve
Chenoweth et al., 27/M Gacyclidine Confused, combative Peak Cr- 1.84 mg/dL Acute kidney injury
2015 [96] Peak CK- 2413 U/L and rhabdomyolysis
49/M Gacyclidine Agitated Peak Cr- 2.07 mg/dL Acute kidney injury
Peak CK- 28,305 U/L and rhabdomyolysis
47/M Gacyclidine Difficulty in ambulating Peak Cr- 3.84 mg/dL Acute kidney injury
Peak CK- 13,923 U/L and rhabdomyolysis
47/M Gacyclidine Agitated and confused Peak Cr- 1.47 mg/dL Acute kidney injury
Peak CK- 1780 U/L and rhabdomyolysis
47/M Gacyclidine Found unconscious Peak Cr- 5.9 mg/dL Acute kidney injury
next to a gas station Peak CK- 62,694 U/L; and rhabdomyolysis
Dialysis +ve
Mansoor et al. BMC Nephrology (2017) 18:379 Page 9 of 15

Fig. 2 a Segmental glomerular necrosis and early crescent formation (arrow) in a heroin abuser who developed glomerulonephritis secondary to
MRSA tricuspid endocarditis. There were glomerular IgA and C3 deposits. The patient was also ANCA positive, which may occur in Up to 30% of
patients with endocarditis associated glomerulonephritis. b Heavy glomerular amyloid A protein deposits (brown color) in an IV drug user and
“skin popper” who presented with nephrotic syndrome and was diagnosed with AA amyloidosis. Immunoperoxidase stain with antibody to
Amyloid A protein. c Severe obliterative vascular changes secondary to chronic stage thromobotic microangiopathy in a young patient with
Opana abuse. d Myoglobin positive (brown) casts in a young female patient with heavy cocaine use and acute kidney injury. Her CK on
presentation was 120,000 and her serum creatinine was 7.9 mg/dl. Immunoperoxidase stain with an antibody to myoglobin

Do Samerio et al. reported MPGN type I to be the most intravenous drug users, but their work was limited due
dominant type of disease present in Caucasian Heroin to the fact that it was not specified as to whether heroin
abusers, but the sample selected for the study had a positive or cocaine was used, and secondly only patients with
HCV serology [15]. Thus, despite being a valuable resource, amyloidosis were chosen for the study. 90% of the pa-
their study cannot demarcate whether the nephropathy tients had nephrotic syndrome at presentation, 95% pa-
should be attributed to Heroin use or HCV. Older studies tients had HCV antibodies and 5% had HIV [36].
suggest that focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) was Recently, a case reported by Cooper et al. found serum
the most common type of nephropathy in heroin users in amyloid A protein deposits and AIN in a Heroin abuser
the 1970s [27, 32]. Detailed pathologic mechanisms are of 18 years [37]. Figure 2b illustrates the kidney biopsy
beyond the scope of this study and can be found elsewhere with heavy glomerular amyloid A protein deposits of an
[29]. Recently, endocarditis associated glomerulonephritis IV drug abuser diagnosed with AA amyloidosis.
has become an increasingly common disease in IV drug AKI due to Heroin has been attributed to rhabdo-
(heroin) users. It is almost always right sided and is associ- myolysis [38]. A case report by Gupta in 2011 reported
ated with variable degree of glomerular immune complex de- rhabdomyolysis associated with AKI [39]. Similarly Ab-
position. Crescents can be seen in approximately 50% of the dullah et al. reported rhabdomyolysis and compartment
cases and 25 to 30% of patients are ANCA positive. There- syndrome in their patient who was also concomitantly
fore, differentiating endocarditis-associated crescentric glom- using cocaine [40]. Grag et al. studied the incidence and
erulonephritis from ANCA vasculitis-associated crescentric predictors of AKI in 367 cases with HCV and HIV coin-
glomerulonephritis can be difficult, particularly if the glom- fection, and reported that after adjustments, Heroin has
erular immune complex deposition is mild, which can hap- a slightly significant HR of 1.62(1.01,- 2.60) p = 0.05, but
pen in endocarditis-associated glomerulonephritis. Figure 2a loses statistical significance when cocaine use is subse-
illustrates kidney biopsy of a heroin abuser with segmental quently added into the model with a hazard ratio (HR)
glomerular necrosis and early crescent formation. of 1.28 (0.76–2.14)p = 0.35 [41]. Meanwhile, a prospect-
Amyloidosis has been documented in heroin users [33, ive cohort study reported that reduced eGFR was associ-
34]. In 2009, a study demonstrated that all 9 patients ated with Heroin [42]. Lastly, a relatively new mode of
had renal amyloidosis but all were HCV serology positive AKI has come to light as “heroin crystal nephropathy”
[35]. In 2006 Connolly et al. studied renal amyloidosis in by Bautista et al. in 2015 [43]. This case showed that
Mansoor et al. BMC Nephrology (2017) 18:379 Page 10 of 15

volume depletion along with elevated urinary pH leads muscles to constrict [50, 51]. Cocaine up regulates vascular
to crystallization of Heroin or its metabolites in renal tu- endothelin-1 receptors which causes decreased renal blood
bules. Heroin being adulterated with sodium bicarbonate flow and GFR [29, 52, 53]. Sustained cocaine-induced vaso-
is the likely explanation [43]. constriction has devastating effects that lead to renal hyper-
It has been reported that Heroin addicts, when put on tension even without signs of systemic hypertension. This
a methadone rehabilitation program, presented to the hypertensive state causes renal damage and leads to kidney
emergency department with fatigue and myalgia or at failure [54, 55]. Cocaine may also cause platelet adhesion
times unconsciousness, were found to have AKI with and microaggregates [56]. Detailed mechanisms and patho-
rhabdomyolysis. Primarily this occurs due to prolonged genesis are beyond the scope of this study and can be found
immobilization. [7, 44, 45]. in studies by Zimmerman et al. and Jaffe et al. [29, 53]. A
Another unusual mode of AKI has been reported combined effect of these proposed mechanisms can cause
amongst infants and pediatric age groups; a 27-week-old cocaine-induced renal infarcts (CIRI). Bemanian et al. re-
infant developed hydronephrosis and bladder distension ported lack of evidence of a thrombus or valvular vegeta-
following morphine infusion with normalization of renal tion and concluded that the vasoconstrictive effect and
function once the infant was catheterized and morphine thrombogenicity of cocaine were the major causes of CIRI
was stopped [46]. Glazmann et al. reported that the odds [57]. Madhira et al. reported bilateral renal infarction due
ratio (OR) of developing AKI in the pediatric intensive to vasospasm, confirmed by angiography [58]. Similar
care unit (PICU) when morphine was being adminis- cases were also reported [59–62]. TMA has also been re-
tered was 2.4 (1.02–6.03) p = 0.04 [47]. ported in relation to cocaine use. Two patients presenting
In recent years, many cases of oxymorphone or OPANA with worsening renal function and hypertension, were
ER misuse by addicts have been reported. This is achieved shown to have no rhabdomyolysis on investigation, and a
by crushing and mixing the pill with water and inject- kidney biopsy confirmed the diagnosis of TMA [63]. It
ing the said drug. OPANA-ER has been associated with would be safe to propose that renal infarction should be
thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA), with or without in the differential diagnosis of severe abdominal pain
the presence of infection. A case series by Miller et al. developing in cocaine users.
reported 9 out of 18 patients who used oral OPANA- Cocaine is associated with rhabdomyolysis [64, 65],
ER intravenously developed a TTP-like condition and but when co-abused with alcohol, liver metabolism leads
had AKI [48]. A study by Center of Disease Control to the formation of an active metabolite cocaethylene
(CDC) in 2013 showed that the odds of developing which is highly toxic in comparison to cocaine alone.
TMA (TTP-like illness) with misuse of OPANA was Recently, a study reported AKI in a patient who co-
OR 35 (3.9–312.1)p < 0.01 [49]. Further studies are re- abused alcohol and cocaine; this report recommended
quired to fully understand the roll of OPANA in this that clinicians should be aware of rhabdomyolysis in pa-
condition. Figure 2c illustrates severe obliterative vas- tients with a history of co-abuse [66]. Connor et al. re-
cular changes secondary to chronic stage TMA in a ported that rhabdomyolysis was present in 33% of the
young patient with Opana abuse. cocaine users with the prevalence of severe rhabdo-
myolysis (CK > 10,000 IU/L) being 11% among cocaine
Cocaine users [67]. Renal biopsy findings are that of severe ATN
Cocaine use has increased in the United States in 2014– with numerous eosinophilic, globular and frequently pig-
2015 due to the increase in cultivation of Coca in mented casts, containing myoglobin. Figure 2d illustrates
Colombia, but these levels are still below the 2006 levels the kidney biopsy finding of a patient suffering from
[4]. Cocaine seizures have increased and reached their myoglobinuric AKI with a CK of 120,000 U/L and a
highest since 2010; this is an indicator for increased serum creatinine of 7.9 mg/dL.
cocaine availability. The per gram price of cocaine surged Levamisole, a discontinued anti-helminthic drug, is a com-
to its highest in the first quarter of 2015, while the purity mon adulterant used with cocaine. In 2009, 70% of cocaine
of cocaine is at its all-time low [4]. Levamisole, dexamisole in the USA had levamisole. Levamisole when used with co-
and fentanyl are the usual adulterants found in cocaine caine increases the action of catecholamines on neuronal
seized by the DEA [4]. Cocaine is available in two forms; synapses. It also potentiates the reuptake inhibition effect of
as a salt (powder) with HCL and as an insoluble free base Cocaine. Adjunctive use of cocaine and levamisole either by
which is used as crack [20]. smoking or sniffing has been associated with vasculitis [68,
Vasoconstriction caused by cocaine is thought to result 69] Levamisole possesses immunomodulation properties and
from uptake inhibition of catecholamines, serotonin and causes pauci-immune crescentric GN [20]. Usually, this is as-
dopamine and increased release of norepinephrine from sociated with myeloperoxidase (MPO) and proteinase-3
the adrenal glands. This surge of catecholamines increases (PR3) antibodies. In addition, antinuclear antibody (ANA),
alpha adrenergic stimulation which causes vascular smooth lupus anticoagulant and low complement levels are detected
Mansoor et al. BMC Nephrology (2017) 18:379 Page 11 of 15

in most patients [70–76]. Immune complex glomeruloneph- MDMA and thienopyridines which are known to cause
ritis (GN) has been described but in such case, an underlying TTP. Necrotizing vasculitis from MDMA leading to ESRD
infection should always be considered [20, 74]. A case by was also reported in one patient by Bingham [84].
Neynaber reported that their patient developed a fulminant
case of granulomatosis with polyangitis and PR3 antibody Bath salts – Synthetic Cathinones
[17].Though the synergism between these two has not yet AKI with mild rhabdomyolysis and hyperuricemia sec-
been fully understood, the toxicity of levamisole and cocaine ondary to ingestion of bath salts has been reported and
combined, expedites their respective manifestations leading urinary sediment analysis revealed ATN [6]. Regunath et
to severe disease. In Tables 1 & 2, we have listed case reports al. reported a patient who developed oliguric AKI
and studies where the renal effects of cocaine in different coupled with mild rhabdomyolysis after ingesting bath
scenarios have been studied. salts. In this case supportive measures weren’t enough
and continuous renal replacement therapy was required
Methamphetamine for a period of 48 h [9]. There have been more severe
Methamphetamines especially MDMA are known to cause cases that resulted in DIC and rhabdomyolysis [91].
AKI by several mechanisms. The most common mechanism, Multi organ failure has also been known to occur after
also found to be the most prevalent throughout literature se- injection of bath salts, with anuric AKI being the pri-
lected for this study, was myoglobinuria-associated tubular mary presentation. Continuous renal replacement ther-
injury secondary to rhabdomyolysis [77]. Other commonly apy was required, followed up with intermittent therapy
proposed renal effects include prerenal azotemia, malignant for a span of one month [92].
hypertensive nephropathy, hyponatremia and necrotizing
vasculitis, while some novel mechanisms include TTP in- NMDA receptor antagonists
duced by MDMA and thrombosis [13, 78–84]. NMDA receptor antagonists, potent hallucinogens, are
Ago et al. reported a patient who collapsed minutes after primarily used for their euphoric, anesthetic and hallu-
he was injected with methamphetamine. Multi-organ failure cinogenic properties. PCP and Methoxetamine mostly
and rhabdomyolysis followed, and a biopsy showed presence cause AKI secondary to rhabdomyolysis, while Ketamine
of myoglobin pigmentation in his kidneys and AKI [85]. has been known to cause lower urinary tract dysfunction
Similarly, Lin et al. reported a patient who ingested 26 tablets [77]. Peng et al. reported a 45-year-old male intranasal
of Ecstasy resulting in a tonic-clonic seizure and presented Ketamine user who had increased urinary frequency with
with hyperthermia [86]. CPK is a good indicator for the ex- urethral pain. In this patient, computed tomography
tent of rhabdomyolysis, which in our literature review ranged showed bilateral hydronephrosis and decreased bladder
from 1672 IU/L to 196,000 IU/L in patients presenting with capacity confirming the diagnosis of Ketamine induced
AKI. A case series documented that 18 of 27 patients had uropathy [93]. Similar cases were also reported [94, 95].
AKI and 50% of them had rhabdomyolysis [87]. Santoro et As shown in Table 4, several reports have documented
al. reported a dextroamphetamine user, whose intense work- renal injury as a result of NMDA receptor antagonists.
out routine led to the development of rhabdomyolysis but A case series by Cheoweth et al. based on Gacyclidine
timely treatment protected her from renal injury [82]. An- users (which is similar to Phencyclidine), reported that
other cause of rhabdomyolysis reported by Davis et al. was all patients had rhabdomyolysis and AKI [96].
attributed to serotonin syndrome [88].
Thrombosis, TTP and coagulopathy have also been re- Conclusion
ported in association with MDMA. Eldehni et al. reported a The use of illicit drugs continues to surge and is approaching
22 year old male with worsening renal function and bilateral epidemic proportions throughout the United States. With
loin pain who was found to have a small venous thrombus nearly 10% of the population older than 12 having taken
in the corticomedullary junction [85]. Though the exact drugs for nonprescription purposes in the last month (2),
mechanism is not known, it would be fair to postulate that new synthetic substances being introduced into the market
MDMA was the exacerbating agent in this case as it is and increased ease of access there will undoubtedly be a
known to cause coagulopathy combined with its sympatho- continual increase in the negative medical, financial and soci-
mimetic effects. Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy etal outcomes. The pathophysiology underlying renal injury
(DIC) has been reported as a common occurrence along from drugs of abuse continues to be delineated as research
with renal failure; five out of six AKI patients in a case series into this condition develops. Studies performed to date have
had DIC as well [89]. Recently reported, a patient after con- elucidated specific mechanisms of injury. However, many of
suming Ecstasy rapidly developed AKI, rapidly progressive the studies are confounded by multiple illicit substance or
glomerulonephritis (RPGN) and TTP with a platelet count comorbid conditions such as HIV or hepatitis. Continued re-
as low as 5000 /uL, followed by the patient’s death [90]. De sources, education and research are needed to fully under-
Fallois postulated that there is similarity in the structure of stand the myriad of renal insults related to drugs of abuse.
Mansoor et al. BMC Nephrology (2017) 18:379 Page 12 of 15

Abbreviations Received: 18 April 2017 Accepted: 12 December 2017

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