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can be implemented in spreadsheets.

In this paragraph we will present a few correlations which can

be used to estimate the water content (yw).

First of all, we can consider the Raoult law yw =

(1 − x )P g W

which can be transformed into

yw = sat
if gas solubilities are negligible. PW is the water vapor pressure and x g is the solubility of
the gas into water. A correction term for the effect of pressure can be added

yw =
v P− P
w ( W
)  with v l
the water molar volume in the same conditions of T and P.
P RT  w
 
Bukacek [7] has proposed a similar method which can be used for wet sweet natural gas.

PWsat − 3083.87
y w = 47484 + B where log(B ) = + 6.69449 (1)
P 491.6 + t
Water content is given in lbm/MMscf and the temperature in °F. The accuracy of this correlation is
around 5% between 288.15 and 511.15 K and between 1 and 960 bar. Sharma [8] and Sharma and
Campbell [9] have also proposed a more sophisticated correlation which requires the estimation of
fugacities of water and gas in the condition of temperature and pressure ( fWsat , f gaz ).
  fWsat  
 f sat 
Z  sat   

 where k =   PW
 PWsat  P 
yw = k  W    and Z is the compressibility factor.
 f    P  f w  PWsat 
 gaz  
 P  
   
Behr [10] has also proposed an equation which can be used between 1.379 and 20.679 MPa.

( ) ( )
yw = exp A0 + A1 1 + A2 1 + A3 (ln(P)) + A4 (ln(P)) + A5 (ln(P)) + A6 ln(P)  + A7 ln(P)   (2)
 
2 3
2 3 2 3

 T T  T  T 
The parameters Ai were adjusted on experimental data (dew point).
Kazim [11] has proposed an analytical expression which can be used for sweet gas. Water content is
estimated using equation 3.
i −1 i −1
 p − 350   p − 350 
y w = A × B where A = ∑i =1 ai  and B = ∑ bi 
t 4 4
 i =1
 (3)
 600   600 
p is the pressure in psi, t the temperature in °F. Parameters ai and bi are given in Table 2.

Table 2 : Parameters of the Kazim correlation (eq. 3)..

Parameter Range of temperature

T<310.93 K 310.93 K<T<355.37 K
a1 4.34322 10.38175
a2 1.35912 -3.41588
a3 -6.82391 -.793877
a4 3.95407 5.8495
b1 1.03776 1.02674
b2 -0.02865 -0.01235
b3 0.04198 0.02323
b4 -0.01945 -0.01155

GPA Europe, Florence, Italy 16th -18th September 2015 8

McKetta et Wehe [1] have proposed a chart for the estimation of water content as shown in Figure 1
The accuracy of this chart are around 5%. This chart can only be used for sweet gas with more than
70 mol% of methane. Ning et al. [12] have proposed a correlation with 3 parameters
( (
y w = exp a0 + a1T + a 2T 2 ). )
Correction functions exist for the heavy hydrocarbons. Table 3 presents the parameters up to 100

Table 3 : Parameter values of Ning et al. Correlation [12].

Pressure /MPa a0 a1 a2 ×10-4
0.1 -30.0672 0.1634 -1.7452
0.2 -27.5786 0.1435 -1.4347
0.3 -27. 8357 00.1425 -1.4216
0.4 -27.3193 0.1383 -1.3668
0.5 -26.2146 0.1309 1.2643
0.6 -25.7488 0.1261 -1.1875
0.8 -27.2133 0.1334 -1.2884
1 -26.2406 0.1268 -1.1991
1.5 -26.129 0.1237 -1.1534
2 -24.5786 0.1133 -1.0108
3 -24.7653 0.1128 -1.0113
4 -24.7175 0.1120 -1.0085
5 -26.8976 0.1232 -1.1618
6 -25.1163 0.1128 -1.0264
8 -26.0341 0.1172 -1.0912
10 -25.4407 0.1133 -1.0425
15 -22.6263 0.0973 -0.84136
20 -22.1364 0.0946 -0.81751
30 -20.4434 0.0851 -0.70353
40 -21.1259 0.0881 -0.74510
50 -20.2527 0.0834 -0.69094
60 -19.1174 0.0773 -0.61641
70 -20.5002 0.0845 -0.71151
100 -20.7974 0.0838 -0.70494

All the correlations shown above were adjusted for sweet gases. In the presence of acid gases, they
have to be modified, or new ones have to be determined. For example, we can cite the abacus of
Wiebe and Gaddy [13] for the estimation of water content with CO2. Robinson et al. [14], Maddox et al.
[15] and Wichert and Wichert [16] have developed some correlations to correct water content
calculation from sweet gas (Figure 6).

With the presence of CO2, water content can also be estimated from a very simple correlation,
y w = z HC y w sweet + z CO 2 y w CO 2 . Figure 7 illustrates an example of utilization of such correlation.

Another method consist of using semi empirical correlations: these equations start from fundamental
equation of phase equilibrium and use correlation for estimating each part of the equation.
Thermodynamically, these equations are inspired by classical dissymmetric approach. Liquid phase is
mainly composed of water and its activity coefficient is equal to 1.

Starting from classical expression of phase equilibrium considering dissymmetric approach

 v l P − Pi sat
yi Φ i P = γ i xi Pi sat exp i
)  ), we obtain for water equation 4.
RT 
 

yw =
(1 − x )P g W

 vwl P − PWsat )  (4)
ΦwP RT 
 

GPA Europe, Florence, Italy 16th -18th September 2015 9

Figure 6 : Chart of Wichert and Wichert, extract from [16].

Figure 7: Estimation of water content of natural gases including CO2 (this chart is not valid for pure CO2). Extract from GPSA
handbook [17], p 20-8.

Solubility of gases are very low so 1 − x g ≈ 1 . Fugacity coefficient of water ( Φ w ) is determined using
a equation derived from Virial theory,Φ w = exp(BP + CP 2 ) where coefficients B and C are
b d
temperature dependant ( B = a + and C = c + ). Constants a, b, c and d are calculated for the
methane. The other terms of equation (4) are calculated using equations 5 to 8.

Pwsat = 10 −6 exp 73.649 − 7258.2 − 7.3037 ln (T ) + 4.1653 × 10 −6 T 2
) (5)

, B w = (1 + ∆VwP )(1 + ∆V wT )
18.015 62.368
v wl = , dw = (6)
dw Bw
( ) (
∆VwP = − 3.58922 × 10 −7 + 1.95301 × 10 −9 t p − 2.25341 × 10 −10 + 1.72834 × 10 −13 t p 2 ) (7)
−2 −4 −7 2
∆VwT = −1.0001 × 10 + 1.33391 × 10 t + 5.50654 × 10 t (8)

GPA Europe, Florence, Italy 16th -18th September 2015 10

Where units of T, t, p and Pwsat are K, °F, psia et MPa. Table 4 gives all the parameters for the

Table 4 : Values of a, b, c and d of methane in liquid water

273.15<T<423.15 K Values (for liquid water)
P<22 MPa
a -0.01559551
b -1.61575838
c 0.00412617
d -1.41158956

Accuracy of the correlation is more than 98%. Correction parameter C has to be considered if the gas
contains other hydrocarbons than methane: y c w = Cγ y w .

3 T 
Cγ = 1 − aγ (γ − γ M ) + bγ (γ − γ M ) + cγ (γ − γ M )  
2 T
T0  T0 

γ is the “gas gravity factor”. This factor is the ratio of molar mass of the gas other the molar mass of
∑ y MM
i i
air. For a mixture of hydrocarbons, we have γ = i
. γM is the gas gravity factor of the
methane and T0=273.15 K. If the gas contains acid gases as CO2, another correction has to be

 2
 P  

y w = C acid y wdoux . C acid = 1 − z equiv  a T + b  T  + c P

+ d acid   (10)
acid 
 acid T0 T0   P0  
H 2S acid
 P0

Where 2 S = z H 2 S + 0.75 z CO 2 . Table 5 gives the parameters of equations 9 and 10. This method is
z Hequiv
fully described by Chapoy [18].

Table 5 : Constant parameter values.

Parameters Values

aγ -0.013359

bγ -0.091676

cγ 0.04253

aacid 0.931524

bacid -0.774631

cacid 0.070257

dacid -0.000685

This correlation can be used only if the concentration of CO2 is limited. High content of CO2 leads to
an increase of the water content with pressure (at constant temperature). For example, the figure 8
extracted from GPSA Handbook [17] presents the evolution of the water content for a gas mixture
composed with 94.69% of CO2 and 5.31% of CH4 at 311.15K.

GPA Europe, Florence, Italy 16th -18th September 2015 11

Figure 8 : Extract from GPSA Handbook [17] p 20-7 (gas mixture composed with CH4 and CO2 (0.9469/0.531 mol frac, from
Song and Kobayashi [19])

In order to have a better prediction of the water content we have adjusted parameters based on
literature data. The data of Chapoy et al. [20] on the water content of pure methane were used to fit
the parameters of the correlation. Table 6 presents the new parameters. Maximum relative deviation is
less than 15%. Concerning the comparison with the data of Sinayavska et al. [21], maximum deviation
is close to 40% for the low temperature (around 300 K).

Using these new parameters we have predicted the data of Song and Kobayashi and Sharma. The
deviations are very important (AAD=48% for the data of Song and Kobayashi and, 10% with the data
of Sharma). These results seem indicating that the data of Song and Kobayashi are suspicious. The
parameters of the correlation on the correction due to the presence of acid gases were adjusted on
the data of Sharma. The new parameters are presented on Table 7.

Because of the lack of data for the adjustment of the parameters, we have decided to adopt another
strategy which consists of using an equation of state adapted to the system with associating fluid like
Table 6: New values of a, b,c and d for methane with water.


273.15<T<423.15 K Parameter Values

P<22 MPa

a 0.19124865
b -74.1600149
c -0.00526282
d 1.83449045

Table 7: New parameters concerning the acid gases correction.

Parameters Values

aacid 0.931524

bacid -0.774631

cacid 0.070257

dacid -0.000685

GPA Europe, Florence, Italy 16th -18th September 2015 12

Instead of using correlation with numerous parameters, another solution consists of using an equation
of state. The Peng Robinson or Soave-Redlich-Kwong [22] EoSs are commonly used in oil and gas
engineering. However, for substances that have the ability to form strong associating bonding
interactions between molecules, like hydrogen bonding, predictions using these EoS are usually not
good and it is preferable to use an equation that can take into account the association between
molecules like the CPA equation of state [24]. A detailed description of the CPA-EoS and the original
thermodynamic framework used in this work can be found elsewhere (Haghighi et al. [24]). In
summary, the thermodynamic model is based on the uniformity of fugacity of each component
throughout all the phases. The CPA-EoS is used to determine the component fugacities in fluid
phases. The model can predict accurately the distribution of water in the CO2 or CH4 rich phase and
solubility of CO2 or CH4 in the aqueous phase below and above the critical point of pure CO2 as shown
in Figure 9.

Hajiw et al. [25] have shown that for the prediction of the water content, no binary interaction
parameter is necessary. Consequently we have used the previously described model for the prediction
of water content of CO2 + CH4 system with no kij. Figure 10 presents some results for different
concentration of CO2.

25 120


Pressure / MPa

Pressure / MPa



0 0.005 0.96 0.97 0.98 0.99 1 0
x,y water / mole fraction 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
yw / mole fraction

Figure 9 Pxy, Phase equilibria in the carbon dioxide + water system at 298.15 K left) and 423.15 K (right). Black
Lines: Model predictions. Left figure: ( ) Experimental data from Wiebe and Gaddy (1941); ( ) Experimental data from
Gillepsie and Wilson (1982) ; ( ) Experimental data from Nakayama et al. (1987) ; ( ) Experimental data from King et al.
(1992) ; (): Experimental data from Hou et al. (2013) ; ( ): Experimental data from Valtz et al. (2004). Right figure: ( ):
Experimental data from Takenouchi and Kennedy (1964); ( ) Experimental data from Gillepsie and Wilson (1982); ( ):
Experimental data from Tabasinejad et al. (2011) at 422.98 K ;( ): Experimental data from Hou et al. (2013). ( ): calculated
data Duan and Sun (2003)

Water content / ppm

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Pressure /MPa

Figure 10: Water content for the 50 mole% CO2 + 50 mole% CH4 system as a function of pressure at 278.15 K. Red line:
modified correlation, symbol: CPA model prediction with no binary interaction parameter.

GPA Europe, Florence, Italy 16th -18th September 2015 13

Using the predicted data, and taking into account that with high concentration of CO2 at high pressure
the water increase, we have decided to modify the correlation presented in section 4
(DETERMINATION OF WATER CONTENT). The equivalent acid gas concentration is estimated using
the new equation 11.

z Hequiv (
2 S = z H 2 S + 0.75 z CO 2 exp aP + bP + c T
) (11)

The Table 8 presents the final values of the correlation parameters directly adjusted on the predicted
data. In order to validate the prediction, new experimental data were measured.

Table 8: Parameters used for the modified correlation

Parameters Values
Equation 11
a -0.09791553
b 0.01977949
c -0.00063166
Equation 10

Equation 9




The range of utilization of the new correlation is so far limited to 278 K < T < 313 K and P < 7 MPa


In order to validate the prediction of the new correlation, new experimental data were measured. The
core of the equipment for water content measurement has been originally described by Chapoy et al.
[26] and Burgass et al. (2014) [27].The setup comprises of a twin equilibrium cells and a device for
measuring the water content of equilibrated fluids passed from the cell. The twin equilibrium cell
consisted of 2 piston-type variable volume (maximum effective volume of 300 ml), titanium cylindrical
pressure vessel held within a single cooling jacket (Figure 11). Cell volume, hence pressure, can be
adjusted by injecting/withdrawal of hydraulic liquid behind the moving piston. The rig has a working
temperature range of 203.15 to 453.15 K, with a maximum operating pressure of 70 MPa. The
moisture/water content measurement set-up consists of a heated line, a Tuneable Diode Laser
Adsorption Spectroscopy (TDLAS) from Yokogawa and a flow meter. The estimated experimental
accuracy of water content is ±5 ppm mole.

GPA Europe, Florence, Italy 16th -18th September 2015 14

Cooling Fluid out Cooling Fluid in


Figure 11 : Schematic diagram showing equilibrium cell and water content measurement set-up.

Table 9: show the comparison of the results with the new correlation and prediction using CPA.

Table 9. Experimental and predicted water content measurements for the three gas mixtures at the different test conditions.

Mole% Mole% T/°C ±0.1 Pressure Water content Water content Water content
CO2 CH4 Bara ±0.3 ppm mole ±1% (CPA-SRK) (Correlation)

20.0 30.0 989 962 960.1

50 50 60.0 636 600 598.9

40.0 30.0 2961 2993 2919.0
60.0 1791 1793 1755.0
20.0 30.0 959 928 923.5

30 70 60.0 584 553 552.2

40.0 30.0 2873 2878 2800.3
60.0 1693 1661 1613.8
20.0 30.0 884 892 886.9

10 90 60.0 502 511 505.6

40.0 30.0 2806 2762 2681.6
60.0 1543 1537 1472.5

GPA Europe, Florence, Italy 16th -18th September 2015 15

3500 8.0%
3000 Correlation 6.0%

Deviation % = 100 *(exp - cal)/exp

Calculated water content




0 -4.0%
0 1000 2000 3000 0 1000 2000 3000
Measured water content Measured water content
Figure 12: Comparison between experimental water content (n ppm mole), model predictions and correlation

As can be seen in Figure 12, there is an excellent agreement between the experimental data and
correlation or the model. The model is slightly more accurate (AAD=2.1%) than the correlation

The experimental data follow the expected trends, i.e.:

- The water content is increasing with temperature at a given pressure (see Figures 13, 15
& 17)
- The water content is decreasing with pressure at a given temperature (see Figures 14, 16
& 18)
- The water content is increasing with the CO2 concentration in the feed gas (Figures 19 &

CPA-SRK P=30 bar (50 mole% CO2)
0.005 CPA-SRK P=60 bar (50 mole% CO2)
Exp data
yw/ mole fration





10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
T/ °C
Figure 13. Predicted and experimental water content for the 50 mole% CO2 + 50 mole CH4 system – Temperature dependency

GPA Europe, Florence, Italy 16th -18th September 2015 16


0.016 CPA-SRK P=30 bar (50 mole% CO2)

0.014 CPA-SRK P=60 bar (50 mole% CO2)

Exp data

yw/ mole fration







5 25 45 65 85
P/ bara
Figure 14: Predicted and experimental water content for the 50 mole% CO2 + 50 mole CH4 system – Pressure dependency

CPA-SRK P=30 bar (30 mole% CO2)
0.005 CPA-SRK P=60 bar (30 mole% CO2)
Exp data
yw/ mole fration





10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
T/ °C
Figure 15: Predicted and experimental water content for the 30 mole% CO2 + 70 mole CH4 system – Temperature dependency


0.016 CPA-SRK P=30 bar (30 mole% CO2)

CPA-SRK P=60 bar (30 mole% CO2)

Exp data
yw/ mole fration







5 25 45 65 85
P/ bara
Figure 16: Predicted and experimental water content for the 30 mole% CO2 + 70 mole CH4 system – Pressure dependency

GPA Europe, Florence, Italy 16th -18th September 2015 17

CPA-SRK P=30 bar (10 mole% CO2)
CPA-SRK P=60 bar (10 mole% CO2)
Exp data

yw/ mole fration




10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
T/ °C

Figure 17: Predicted and experimental water content for the 10 mole% CO2 + 90 mole CH4 system – Temperature dependency


0.014 CPA-SRK P=30 bar (10 mole% CO2)

CPA-SRK P=60 bar (10 mole% CO2)

Exp data
yw/ mole fration






5 25 45 65 85
P/ bara
Figure 18: Predicted and experimental water content for the 10 mole% CO2 + 90 mole CH4 system – Pressure dependency

Exp data
CPA-SRK T=20°C & P=30 bar
yw/ mole fration

0.002 CPA-SRK T=20°C & P=60 bar




0 20 40 60 80 100
zCO2 / mole%
Figure 19: Predicted and experimental water content at 20°C – Effect of CO2 in feed gas

GPA Europe, Florence, Italy 16th -18th September 2015 18



yw/ mole fration



Exp data
0.0015 CPA-SRK T=40°C & P=30 bar
CPA-SRK T=40°C & P=60 bar

0 20 40 60 80 100
zCO2 / mole%
Figure 20: Predicted and experimental water content at 20°C – Effect of CO2 in feed gas

New data concerning the measurement of water content of various mixtures composed of CO2 and
CH4 were determined with an accuracy of +/- 1%. These new data were used to validate the
predictions of a new correlation especially developed for the estimation of water content of such gas
mixture. This new correlation was developed taking into account the specificity of the phase diagram
of the ternary system H2O – CH4 – CO2. At high pressure and with high concentration of CO2, the
water content trends to increase due to the presence of a CO2 rich liquid phase. For this main reason,
the range of utilization of the correlation is limited to 278 K < T < 313 K and P < 7 MPa. This new
correlation represents with high accuracy the literature data and the new experimental data. Moreover,
this new correlation gives similar results in comparison with the calculations obtained from equation of
state like SRK – CPA. Therefore this correlation can be used for industrial purpose.

GPA Europe, Florence, Italy 16th -18th September 2015 19


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GPA Europe, Florence, Italy 16th -18th September 2015 21

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