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Offer cum Appointment Letter

Sai Nagarjuna

Dear Nagarjuna,

On the basis of the interview and discussions we had with you, we are pleased to offer you employment with Epicenter Technolo gies Pvt. Ltd
(Company) as "Software Engineer" on the following terms andconditions with effectfrom DOJ:16 th November 2023
Kindly note that this offer of employment is subject to the submission and validity of required documents as per the checklist given to you. If
you fail to submit these documents on the date of document submission or if any of these documents are found to be forged / fake, this offer
may be revised or cancelled at the Company's discretion.
Please sign and return a copy of this letter as a token of your accept ance. We would like to welcome you to our organization and
wish you a rewarding career.

Our Values and Culture:

-People are our greatest assets. They matter. W e continue to invest in their personal development and growth. Treating people with

respect and dignity is the cornerstone of our organization.

-Customers are the reason for our existence. W e seek to add value in every transaction we have with the customer.

-Integrity will be displayed in every transaction we have with our associates, customers, partners, suppliers and other stakeholders.

-Teamwork and Togetherness will help us achieve great things and will be advanced without prejudice to reward and recognition of

individual contribution.

-W e strive to instill a re-engineering bent of mind across all levels of the organization to achieve Continuous Improvement, Quality and


1. Compensation & Benefits: The compensation and benefit program applicable to your band is enclosed for your reference. Please note

that your compensation is a confidential matter between you and the company, and the company shall view any breach of confidentiality

with outmost seriousness.

I. The compensation structure is subject to change at the company's discretion and will be communicated to you from time to time.

II. You may participate in the Company Provident Fund Scheme as applicable to your category of employees in accordance to statutory

III. You will be entitled to gratuity in accordance with the rules governing such payment.

IV. Applicable tax would be borne by you. The company is obliged to deduct Income Tax at source as per provision of Income Tax Act /

Rules. Accordingly, you are required to submit all required proof of permitted savings / investments and other details from time to time to

enable the company to comply with the provisions of law. In the event of non-compliance by you as aforesaid if the company is required

to pay any interest or payment under Income Tax Act, it shall deduct the amount as may be paid or payable from your salary or other
payments and you shall allow the company to comply with these requirements without objection.

2. Transfer: Your services can be transferred by the company in such capacity, as the company may from time to time determine, from

-One location to another.

-One department to another.

-One project to another, based on the exigencies of business and company needs.
It is a condition of employment that you can be transferred by the company anywhere in India or abroad to any of the parent Company's Subsidiary

Companies, Joint Ventures, Associates, Sister Companies, etc., as per needs. Such transfers will not create for you any right to ask for revision in

your salary or other terms and conditions of your services. Consequent to such transfers, you wi ll be governed by the terms and conditions of

service as applicable to your category of employees in the new place.

During your employment with the Company you will agree to work on any project that you are assigned to , irrespective of tech nical

platforms/skills and nature of the project. If necessary, you may also be required to work shifts. Failing to do so can lead to termination of

employment without notice. Regardless of any Secondment to any other epicenter entities or where you may be requi red to work

overseas for such Epicenter entities for an extensive period, you shall at all times remain an employee of the company exclus ively and

shall not be entitled to any such foreign salary or benefits (including medical insurance, green card sponsor ship, etc.) payable or

applicable to employees of such other Epicenter entities other than the salary and benefits specified in this offer letter or salary and

benefits that may have been decided by Epicenter and communicated to you.

You should not draw, accept or endorse any cheque or bill on behalf of the Company or, in any way, Pledge the Company's credit except

so far as you may have been authorized by the company to do so, either generally or in any particular case.

3. Promotion / Demotion: The Company has the right to Promote or Demote you to any designation at its discretion and the company will

decide your salary and allowances at the time of such change.

4. Working hours, holidays and leave: You will observe the working hours, holidays and leave rules as per the service rules applicable to

your category of employees.

5. Health Examination: You may be examined at any time, by a Doctor of the Company's choice for your medical fitness to continue to

work for the company and the opinion of the Company's Doct or in this regard shall be final and binding on you. The company also

reserves the right to screen or test you for intoxicants and / or prohibited substances while you are at work. These tests ma y be
administered in-house or via an external laboratory as the company deems fit.

6. Proof of Age: You will be required to produce satisfactory proof of age at the time of joining. The same may be evidenced from the

School Leaving Certificate or from the birth register certificate. Once, such proof of age is accepted and recorded on the Company's

register, and you may not be permitted to seek a change of date of birth.

7. Past Record: If any declaration given or information furnished by you to the company proves to be false or if you are found to have

willfully suppressed any material, information, you may be liable to be removed from services without any notice or compensation


8. Confidentiality & Secrecy: During your employment and for a period of 12 months commencing the last day of your employment w ith

the company, you will not at any time disclose to a third party, any of the Company's confidential technical information or any information
concerning the business of the company and its parent and affiliated companies, which you may come to know during your services with

the company.

9. Use of company resources: Use of company resources for personal use is strictly restricted. This includes usage of computer

resources, information, internet service, and working time of the company for any personal use.

10. Intellectual Property: If you conceive any new or advanced method of improving designs/ processes/ formulae/ systems, etc. in

relation to the business/ operations of the Company, such developments will be fully communicated to the company and will be, and

remain, the sole right/ property of the Company.

11. Alternative Employment: During the course of your employment with the organization, you will not engage yourself directly or

indirectly in any trade, business, occupation, employment, service, whether for remuneration or otherwise.

12. Code of Conduct: Epicenter prides itself as a company with the highest order of ethical conduct in its dealing with customers, suppliers,

agents, and governments. As part of your employment agreement with the Company, it is important that you fully understand this

philosophy and the policies governing it. At the beginning of your employment, you will be expected to familiarize yourself with the

Company’s” Code Of Conduct” and sign a copy as an acknowledgment of your having read, understood, and agreed to abide by its


For any loss suffered by Epicenter or Epicenter’s clients due to your negligence or deliberate actions, Epicenter reserves th e right to

initiate legal actions against you as it might deem fit according to the governing Laws.

13. Roles & Responsibilities: Your duties and responsibilities will be communicated to you by your reporting manager. However you shall

execute and perform all such duties that may be assigned to you by the organization from time to time and the organization reserves

the right to vary these at its discretion.

14. Probation and Confirmation: You will be on probation for a period of six months from the date of appointment and if your conduct and

performance in the appointed position are found satisfactory you will be confirmed at the end of the probation period. In cas e of
unsatisfactory performance your probation may be extended for a period 3 months.

15. Notice Period: If you decide to part ways with the company, you are expected to serve the applicable notice period as per the Employee

Separation policy please familiarize yourself with this policy once you have joined service and ensure you provide all support for handover
of your responsibilities to your designated replacement.

16. Termination of Employment: The Company reserves the right to pay or accept salary in lieu of notice. Your employment can be

terminated either at your instance or that of the Management, where the Notice Period applicable for both parties shall be as per the

Employee Separation policy.

The company reserves the right to terminate your contract / employment without notice, or pay in lieu of notice if it has rea sonable
grounds to believe you are guilty of gross misconduct, gross negligence and violation of company policies or in material breach of any
of the terms of your employment. However, release from the services of the company will be subject to satisfactory handover o f the
responsibilities assigned to you.

17. No Poach - In the event you leave the company either initiated by yourself or the company, you shall not recruit or influence, support or

facilitate the recruitment of any employee from the company for a period of 12 months commencing the last day of your employment

with the company.

18. Separation: On termination of employment and/or your resignation during the period of your probation or thereafter, you will

immediately return to the Company, all assets including data, tools,accessories, formulae , documents,specification, books, etc. of

whatsoever nature accessible to you or in your custody, care or charge and obtain a clearance certificate from the relevant p erson /

office / department, on production of which alone your dues, if any, will be sett led by the Company. Any balance amount due to the

company shall be fully recovered from your salary / full and final settlement, at the time of your leaving the services of the Company.

19. Any Unauthorized absence: As detailed in the Attendance and Employee Separation Policy, would attract consequences which might

include Termination of services. Termination on Absconding (NCNS ? No Call No Show) grounds may render the employee ineligibl e

for Full and Final Settlement amounts, Documents/paperwork and Reference checks at the discretion of management.

20. Retirement: You will retire from your service with the Company on attaining the age of fifty eight years. However, you may be retired at

any age before fifty-eight years if you are unable to continue in service satisfactorily due to any form of physical or mental infirmity or

are not able to perform given work. The actual date of retirement shall be the last working day of the calendar month in which your 58th
birthday falls.

21. Covenant: The employee agrees that: I will not

I. For a period of one year after the termination of this agreement, directly or indirectly solicit to provide any professional services such

as those provided by the Company for anyone who is a client of the Company anytime during the twelve months prior to my leaving the
Company and for whom I provided any service as an employee of the Company during the five years prior to my leaving,

II. For a period of Twelve months after the termination of this agreement directly or indirectly, without the prior written consent of the

Company, solicit for employment at any firm, entity or client with which I was associated during my tenure with the organizat ion, or

otherwise disrupt, impair, damage, or interfere with the Company relationship with its employees, client or any other business partners;

III. Upon the termination of my employment, retain, copy, or utilize any confidential, privileged or proprietary information, trade secrets,

or other property of the Company, including but not limited to manuals, software, data, files, client lists or materials, or other dat a,

publications or materials. The employee and the Company acknowledge and agree that the duration and the scope of the covenant s

contained in this paragraph are fair and reasonable.

22. Other Terms & Conditions: Your employment with the Company will be subject to the rules and regulations of the Company, as

promulgated and modified from time to time in relation to your conduct, discipline and other matters. Your employment with the

organization is subject to the following pre-conditions:

I. The Company receiving satisfactory references from suitable referees suggested by you. Additionally the Company reserves the right

to seek references from your current/previous employer(s) at any stage.

II. The Company receiving a satisfactory report following a medical examination, if found necessary, by a doctor nominated by the

III. The Company receiving a copy of all your education and professional qualification certificates.

IV. The Company receiving a copy of the relieving letter from your previous employer.

V. A positive background Verification report if conducted based on the information provided by you
In addition to the above, all such other rules and regulations as may be in operation at the time of your accepting the appointment with
the Company and as may be amended or altered from time to time at the discretion of the Company, will also apply to you.

Please confirm that the terms and conditions of this employment agreement are acceptable to you and that you accept the same by
signing the duplicate copy of this letter as a token of your acceptance.

We welcome you to Epicenter and look forward to having a long and mutually beneficial association with you.

Policy Certificate of Receipt

I hereby certify that I have read and understood all the points mentioned in this document. I commit to abide by all terms and conditions of the
policy, as well as my original ETPL employment agreement and client guidelines. I also understand and acknowledge that failing to adhere to
the above would make me liable for disciplinary action as per the policy of the organization.

Yours sincerely,
For Epicenter Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Authorized Signatory
Human Resources

This is a computer-generated document

Compensation & Benefit Plan

Designation: Software Engineer
Date: 16th November 2023

Annual Pay

Employee Name Employee ID E - 5199
Sai Nagarjuna

Designation Software Engineer

Department, IT
16th November
Date of Joining
Gross Salary 400000 P.A

Earnings Deductions
Basic Salary ₹ 3,00,500 EPF ₹ 21,600
House Rent Allowances ₹ 60,500 ₹0
₹ 1,600 Professional Tax ₹ 2,400
Medical Allowances ₹ 1,250
Special Allowances ₹ 12,150
Gross Salary ₹ 3,76,000 Total Deductions ₹ 24,000

Net Pay
Amount in Words Three Lakh Seventy-six Thousand

* Variable Earnings (LOGIN /ATTENDANCE and PERFORMANCE INCENTIVE) if applicable, will be paid as per the incentive
policy and guidelines for the process / department that the employee has been assigned to.
** Tax exemption can be availed for the Reimbursements listed above. Please note these reimbursements although paid out
on a monthly basis, will be subject to Tax unless relevant bills are submitted to the finance team as per timelines.
1. Besides the above particulars, you will also be eligible for the following additional benefits
a. Gratuity - Eligible on completion of 5 years of employment with the organization
b. Personal Accident Insurance - Eligibility as per the BAND, (only for employee)
c. Mediclaim Insurance coverage if mentioned above is for Employee, Spouse and up to 2 Children (ESIC exempted)
d. Term Insurance - Eligibility as per the BAND, (only for Employee post completion of six months from date of joining)
2. Epicenter Technologies Pvt. Ltd. has the absolute right, in its sole discretion, to Interpret, Terminate, Modify, and Amend or
Revise any of the components of compensation mentioned above.
3. All allowance(s) applicable will be paid as per the Eligibility and Policy Guidelines
4. The above compensation package will be subject to Income Tax Regulations and other relevant laws applicable from time
to time
5. Compensation figures are CONFIDENTIAL in nature and should not be disclosed to anyone except for statutory reasons.
6. As per ESIC guidelines an existing employee can only be removed from ESIC coverage in April or October. During your
tenure if your salary is revised and the new gross monthly take home crosses the statutory limit for ESIC benefits, you will be
enrolled under Mediclaim but the deduction of your ESIC contribution (0.75 % on gross salary) will continue till the next Sep /
Mar whichever falls early. This amount may not be displayed in your Annexure but will show in your salary slip during the
deduction period (maximum 5 months)
7. Probation and Confirmation: You will be on probation for a period of six months from the date of appointment and you will be
confirmed at the end of the probation period if your conduct and performance in the appointed position are found satisfactory.
In case of unsatisfactory performance, your probation may be extended up to 3 months.
8. Please reach out to your HR representative in case you have questions or need clarification.

Policy Certificate of Receipt

I hereby certify that I have read and understood all the points mentioned in this document. I commit to abide by all terms and
conditions of the policy, as well as my original ETPL employment agreement and client guidelines. I also understand and
acknowledge that failing to adhere to the above would make me liable for disciplinary action as per the policy of the organization.

Name: Sampasani Sai Nagarjuna

Signature - __________

Date - _______________

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