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AW-E - Practical Electrical Wiring Standards -

AS/NZS 3000:2018

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Short Description
This manual aims to familiarise readers with the requirements of standard
AS/NZS 3000:2018

, commonly known as Australia-New Zealand Wiring Rules. For those

installations covered in the scope of this standard, its provisions are mandatory
and must be followed. Any engineer involved in planning and design of electrical
systems, their installation or maintenance must have a clear idea about the
various requirements contained in the standard.

This manual aims to familiarise readers with the requirements of standard
AS/NZS 3000:2018

, commonly known as Australia-New Zealand Wiring Rules. For those

installations covered in the scope of this standard, its provisions are mandatory
and must be followed. Any engineer involved in planning and design of electrical
systems, their installation or maintenance must have a clear idea about the
various requirements contained in the standard.

The introductory sections of this manual outline the basic principles that should
be understood for a better appreciation of the standard. These include sections
which illustrate the calculation for the power demand of a system and the
computation of earth fault current as discussed in the appendices of the
standard, which are informative in nature but yet are very important in making an
electrical system safe for operation. The actual provisions of the standard are
then discussed in detail in the subsequent sections. Note: This manual is NOT
the standard itself, it is a guide to the implementation of the standard.

Table of Contents
Download Chapter List

Table of Contents

First Chapter
Introduction to AS/NZS 3000:2018

The latest edition of AS/NZS 3000 Wiring Rules was published in the year 2018.
This standard, approved by the council of standards in Australia and New
Zealand, defines the regulations to be adopted in selection, design and
installation of Electrical distribution systems mainly falling under low voltage
category. In this chapter we will go through the history of this standard and the
objectives with which this standard had been framed along with a review on the
needs and benefits of such regulations. The chapter also includes an overview
on the scope of this standard with brief introduction to the various topics covered
in the standard and how they are organized in the latest publication before going
into a more detailed discussion on each of the sections and their importance in
the subsequent chapters.
Learning objectives

Objectives of the course

Need for regulations
Background and evolution of AS/NZS 3000
Objectives of the AS/NZS 3000 regulations
Scope of Wiring Rules
General exclusions
Other related standards and regulations
Arrangement of AS/NZS 3000
Objectives of the course

The objective of this course is to familiarize the participants with the Australian /
New Zealand Wiring Rules (Fifth edition) published as Australia / New Zealand
standard AS/NZS 3000: 2018. This standard covers the requirements to be
adopted for electrical installations of nominal voltages up to and including 1000V
ac and 1500V dc. It contains stipulations covering issues of safety, selection,
installation testing and verification of electrical equipment in common areas as
well as in special locations. The topics contained in the standard are of interest
and relevance to all practitioners of electrical technology whether they are
designers of electrical installations, erection engineers or personnel responsible
for operation and maintenance of the installations.

In order to appreciate the requirements and stipulations contained in the standard

better, it is necessary to have a clear understanding of the fundamental principles
that the standard aims to address. In preparing this manual an attempt has been
made to give the reader an insight into the relevance of the stipulations of the
standard by first touching upon the basics of the relevant aspects of electrical
theory before going on to study the requirements contained in the standard. As
such the chapters of this manual cover the following main objectives of this

Review the basic electrical theory related to selection of equipment and

circuit connections in low voltage systems and the importance of the
regulations defining the rules for safe use of electrical equipment and
Review the important and basic safety aspects related to electrical
systems covering insulation, enclosure, earthing, etc.
Review the various sections and requirements of AS/NZS:3000: 2018
Areas of applications of these regulations in Electrical installation
Understand the simple calculations for these systems related to
conductor sizes, main and earthing conductor sizes, maximum demand,
etc. to ensure safe design and reliable operation
Review on the recommended checks and tests to be carried out in an
electrical installation before energisation and also periodically to ensure
its longevity.
Need for rules and regulations

Today the rules and regulations have become necessary to ensure that the
people in the society get fair deal in every aspect of their daily life. These can
range from the basic need for food to specific needs related to the travel,
dresses, etc. With electricity becoming an important commodity in the modern
society it is necessary to ensure that it is used in a safe and reliable manner. The
electrical system today comprises of power generation limited to specific
locations in a country but its transmission, distribution and consumption being
extended to all the parts and remote corners, in an extensive and elaborate
manner. Hence it is absolutely essential that the distribution systems and
consumer equipments are designed and installed with features that would ensure
safe consumption of electricity and also help regular maintenance, revamping,
additions/ alterations, etc in a safe way. With due consideration for the same,
regulations have been brought in to specify the kind of features essential for the
safe use and also strictly enforced as rules to fulfill the following.

To ensure uniform practices in the construction/ installation for enabling

interchangeability for identical equipment when needed and also for
avoiding interchangeability when not desired to meet the fundamental
safety aspects.
To ensure a stable source of supply and loads in the system for longevity
in service of the equipment as well as for the electrical systems.
To define the aspects that are to be considered in the design of the
systems such as characteristics of available supply, nature of demand,
emergency supplies for safety services, environmental considerations,
conductors to be used, type of wiring, protective equipment, emergency
control, isolation and switching, accessibility for operation etc in order
achieve the earlier two.
To ensure availability of correct and dependable electrical equipment to
suit the voltage and frequency of the supply system followed in the
To enable the designers in selecting correct and matching devices that
shall be uniformly available in the market satisfying basic safety needs
To make certain that the manufacturers, designers and installation
contractors follow uniform regulations for the safety of people, properties
and livestock coming in close contact with these systems in day to day life
To support quality and reliability of installations and equipments for safe
and continuous service.
To ensure safety against shocks, and also against failures or damages
due to thermal effects consequent to over current, fault current and over
To aid equipment erection using good workmanship and proper materials,
use of conductors with proper sizing and rating, proper jointing and
connections at terminal points, installations in a manner not to cause
temperatures in excess of the design temperatures and verification and
testing of equipment periodically to avoid degradation.

We will illustrate few of these major objectives further.

1.2.1 Ease of Interfacing

Imagine for a moment, that there are no standards for electrical appliances. The
result would be that each product manufacturer might choose a different voltage
rating for his product. It would mean that we will have electrical heaters, ovens,
toasters etc. each of different voltage, different plugs, etc that cannot work on a
common electrical system but would require tailor made system to serve their
purpose. Your power supply company might have a distribution voltage that is
unsuitable for any or all of your gadgets. This obviously is not helpful and not

Thus a standard has to be established and its adherence made mandatory within
a national or geographical entity so that generation, transmission, distribution and
utilization of electrical energy are done at stipulated voltages and frequency
which will vary only within acceptable bands specified for each parameter.

Such a standard enables the designer of an appliance to choose a suitable

voltage and frequency at which the appliance can function and also the variations
of these parameters which have to be taken care of in the design for the
operational range of the appliance. It also allows the designer to select
appropriate conductors and configuration of power supply connectors forming
part of the appliance.

In turn, this enables people to buy an off-the shelf appliance and connect it to the
electrical outlet at home and use it without worrying too much about the suitability
of the appliance for the electric supply provided by the power company. Anyone
who has traveled with a device made in one country and tried to use in another
where different standards prevail would certainly appreciate the convenience
which uniform standards provide us with.

Also the use of standards reduces the number of variant appliance designs a
manufacturer has to plan and manufacture; an issue which will have adverse cost
implications to the manufacturer and hence to the buyer. Low cost mass
production is thus a direct result of standards benefitting millions across the
1.2.2 Ensuring Quality of supply, equipment and installation
Equipment and installations have to deliver functionalities for which they are
designed without any undue hazards to the users or the environment for their
entire design life under varying operating conditions. The provisions of a standard
therefore define the parameters for functionality, safety and maintainability. They
also contain stipulations that lay down the tests that the device has to withstand
to either prove a design (by what are called Type tests conducted on prototypes
or selected samples) or ensure that the output and quality parameters are met
(by Routine Tests done on each piece manufactured). Thus when you buy an
appliance or equipment that is declared as conforming to a particular standard,
you have an assurance that it will perform under conditions defined by the
standard, is safe to use and will deliver the output or functionalities which the
manufacturer furnishes in accordance with the standard for the period it is
expected to serve.

An installation standard has a similar objective too. When an installation is

carried out in accordance with a standard, it has to follow the methodologies
stipulated in the standard using recommended accessories which, in turn will
ensure that the installation achieves the intended quality minima, is safe for
personnel and environment, and will have adequate provisions for maintainability.
An installation standard also usually lays down the procedures for initial
inspection and testing for certifying that the installation is fit to be put in service
and the periodicity and detail of subsequent inspections and testing to ensure
that it is fit to remain in service till the next scheduled inspection.
1.2.3 Ensuring safety
The regulations also specify some of the finer aspects related to the practices to
be adopted right from basic design, during selection, installation and also tests/
verifications to be carried out periodically so that the people and livestock in close
proximity to these systems are protected against various hazards commonly
prevailing in such systems. The following are some of the main regulations
defined in the standards and are expected to be followed by the system
designers so that safety becomes part of the design, selection and installation
when the systems are put into use.

Regulations for protection against direct and indirect contacts that

otherwise could lead to shocks
Regulations for enclosure and equipment design features for protection
against thermal effects, over current, fault current and over voltage that
otherwise could lead to fire accidents or equipment failures.
Methods to be followed for selection of electrical equipment with
guidelines for properly sizing the conductors, providing emergency
services, safe isolation and switching, accessibility, etc
Erection methods to be followed to ensure minimum quality with
consistent workmanship by use of proper materials, proper jointing and
connections and methods to safeguard against high surface
temperatures, etc
Regulations and mandatory procedures for inspection and testing of
equipment by competent personnel to ensure that the installed
equipments meet some basic characteristics desired in the regulations
and also are having provisions for taking out the failed equipments from
service without impacting the healthy equipments.
Background and evolution of AS/NZS 3000
This Standard was prepared by the Joint Standards Australia/Standards New
Zealand Committee EL-001, represented by the following agencies/ authorities.

Australian Building Codes Board

Australian Energy Council
Australian Industry Group
Communications, Electrical and Plumbing Union - Electrical Division
Consumer New Zealand
Consumers Federation of Australia
Electrical Contractors Association of New Zealand
Electrical Regulatory Authorities Council
Electrical Safety New Zealand
Electrical Workers Registration Board
ElectroComms & Energy Utilities Industries Skills Council
Energy Efficiency & Conservation Authority of New Zealand
Energy Networks Australia
Engineers Australia
Institute of Electrical Inspectors
Master Electricians Australia
National Electrical and Communications Association
National Electrical Switchboard Manufacturers Association
New Zealand Manufacturers and Exporters Association
NSW Department of Industry, Skills and Regional Development
Wellington Electrical Association
WorkSafe New Zealand

The earlier 2000 edition superseded Australian standard AS 3000:1991,

Electrical installations – Buildings, structures and premises (known as SAA
Wiring Rules). In New Zealand the 2000 edition had superseded selected parts of
NZS 3000:1997 Electrical installations – Buildings, structures and premises
(known as the NZS Wiring Rules). The 2000 edition was further updated with
Amendments No. 1 (September 2001), No. 2 (April 2002) and No. 3 (July 2003).

The development of the 2018 edition of the standard had been based on the
following considerations by the council of standards.

new technology, new equipment and improved installation

industry feedback regarding readability and compliance;
identification and clarification of normative (mandatory) requirements and
informative guidance material throughout the document; and
experience gained in the application of the previous edition as expressed
to Standards Australia and Standards New Zealand.

During preparation of this Standard, reference was made to IEC 60364, Electrical
installations of buildings (all parts) and acknowledgment is made of the
assistance received from this source. The 2007 edition had been published on 12
November 2007 after being approved on behalf of the Council of Standards
Australia on 19 October 2007 and on behalf of the Council of Standards New
Zealand on 9 November 2007. This Standard was superseded by AS/NZS 3000:
2010 from its date of publication. The edition was improved with additional
diagrammatic representation of concepts and by including more practical
examples adopted in the user installations as desired by the industry. The edition
is divided into two parts with Part 1 (Section-1) covering Scope, application and
fundamental principles of safe electricity use and is generally made complete in
itself without cross-referencing to Part 2. The edition also establishes the
‘deemed to comply’ status of AS/NZS 3018 relating to simple domestic

National requirements

Certain provisions of the Standard have a different application in Australia and

New Zealand. The following symbols appearing in the outer margin indicate that
the identified Section or Clause is:
(i) Applicable in Australia only.
(ii) Applicable in New Zealand only.

Informative appendices

An informative appendix is for information or guidance only. Informative

appendices provide additional information intended to assist in the understanding
or use of the Standard.

Deemed to comply

The term ‘deemed to comply’ means that a requirement can be met by following
a specified Standard or method. So, where an installation is carried out in
accordance with the specified Standard or method, within the text of this
Standard, the installation is ‘deemed to comply’ with the requirements of this
Standard. Conformance to a deemed to comply Standard may exceed the
minimum requirements of this Standard.

Objectives of AS/NZS 3000

The main objective of regulations for electrical installations in any country is to
provide the rules for the design and erection of electrical installations for safety
and proper functioning. It is also necessary that when use of a new material or
invention in an installation results in deviation from one or more stipulations
already prevailing in the regulations, the degree of safety shall not get
compromised by such deviation. The fact of such use shall also be recorded on
the electrical installation certificate as reference for anyone who is concerned
with the safe functioning of the installation. Keeping these basic objectives and to
enable ease of understanding of the regulations, the AS/NZS 3000 Wiring rules
standard is divided into two main parts – Part 1 and Part 2.

This Standard comprises two parts, as set out below, with both parts bound as
one document.

Part 1 provides uniform essential elements that constitute the minimum

regulatory requirements for a safe electrical installation.
Part 1 also provides an alternative regulatory vehicle for Australian and New
Zealand regulators seeking to move from the present prescription of AS/NZS
3000 in electrical installation safety and licensing legislation.

Part 1 satisfies the following objectives:

To allow its content to be called up in regulation as a separate Part or

together with Part 2.
To be generally complete in itself to avoid cross-referencing to Part 2.
To provide high level safety performance outcomes/conditions without
prescriptive work methods that demonstrate means of compliance (which
are in Part 2).
To establish an enforcement link to Part 2. Failure to comply with a work
method in Part 2 would breach the requirements of Part 1 unless an
alternative method is used.
To establish the ‘deemed to comply’ status of Part 2, confirming that
installations that comply with Part 2 comply with the requirements of Part
To maintain alignment with IEC 60364, Low voltage electrical
installations (series), developments at the level of essential safety.
To provide a mechanism for acceptance of alternative design and
installation practices that are not addressed in, or are inconsistent with
those given in the ‘deemed to comply’ Part 2. This mechanism is
intended to apply where departures from the methods in Part 2 are
significant rather than minor aspects that remain within the flexibility of
Part 2.
To detail requirements for designers or installers seeking to apply an
alternative method to the ‘deemed to comply’ methods contained in Part

Part 2 provides installation practices that are deemed to comply with the
essential safety requirements of Part 1.

Part 2 satisfies the following objectives:

To allow it to be called up in regulation, in addition to Part 1, to reflect a

range of regulatory adoption options.
To incorporate and elaborate on all requirements of Part 1 with additional
requirements and recommendations to clarify and support compliance.
To restore certain requirements, recommendations and examples of
typical, effective compliant solutions from previous editions.
To emphasize common, practicable and cost-effective methods that
achieve safety compliance, fitness for purpose and a level of good
practice rather than overly conservative or obscure measures.
To make greater use of figures and examples to promote understanding
of common or difficult aspects, e.g. line diagrams, alternative overcurrent
device locations, ingress protection (IP) rating and switchboard access.

Scope of AS/NZS 3000 Wiring Rules

This Standard sets out requirements for the design, construction and verification
of electrical installations, including the selection and installation of electrical
equipment forming part of such electrical installations.
These requirements are intended to protect persons, livestock, and property from
electric shock, fire and physical injury hazards that may arise from an electrical
installation that is used with reasonable care and with due regard to the intended
purpose of the electrical installation.
In addition, guidance is provided so that the electrical installation will function
correctly for the purpose intended and takes into account mitigating the
foreseeable adverse effects of disruption to supply.

Changes to AS/NZS 3000:2018 include the following:

Section 1:

1. New and revised definitions are indicated in Clause 1.4 by an asterisk (*)
in the left margin.
2. The definition of mains supply has been removed.
3. ‘Direct contact’ and ‘indirect contact’ are now designated ‘basic
protection’ and ‘fault protection’.
4. IP ratings revised to suit local environmental conditions.
5. Requirements for conductors with green/yellow insulation are specified.
6. References to AS/NZS 3018 have been replaced with references to other
7. Requirements for alterations and repairs have been clarified and
8. New Part 1 solutions have been added along with details on where they
may be used.

Section 2:

1. Operating characteristics of switchgear, control gear and switchboards

have been added.
2. Origin requirements of sub-mains and final subcircuits have been added.
3. Requirements for main switch operations have been added.
4. Positions of overload protective devices have been clarified.
5. Requirements for alternate positions of short circuit protective devices
have been updated.
6. Discrimination/selectivity of protective devices has been expanded.
7. Protection requirements for switchboard internal arcing faults have been
8. Requirements for RCD protected circuits in domestic, non-domestic, non-
residential and medical installations have been added, and RCD
requirements for alterations and repairs clarified.
9. Illustration of basic clearances for switchboard access has been updated.
10. New clause on arc fault detection devices and their installation
requirements has been added.
11. Requirements for switchboard installations at 800 A or greater have been
enhanced, including access and egress, switchroom door sizes and
minimum clearances around switchboards in switchrooms.
12. Further clarification has been provided regarding rising mains tee-offs.

Section 3:

1. Improved installation safety requirements for cables that pass through

bulk thermal insulation.
2. Colour identification of active, neutral and earth conductors further
3. Requirements for wiring systems installed in positions where they are
likely to be disturbed have been clarified.
4. Requirements have been clarified for cables of different electrical
installations in common enclosures and for segregation of cables.
5. Requirements for segregation of cables of different voltage levels have
been clarified.

Section 4:

1. Revised figures identify where IP rated equipment is to be installed.

2. The requirements for installation wiring connected via an installation
coupler have been revised.
3. Electric vehicle socket-outlet requirements now included.
4. Requirements for lighting equipment and accessories have been revised.
5. Requirements for the safe installation of recessed luminaires have been
enhanced, and an updated list of luminaire classifications added.
6. Requirements for cooking appliance switching devices clarified for
improved safety outcomes.
7. Gas appliances and equipment isolation requirements clarified.
8. Further clarification of isolator requirements for airconditioning and heat
pump systems.
9. A new clause and figures have been added relating to electrical
equipment installed in locations requiring protection from the weather.
10. Installation and location requirements for socket-outlets for electric
vehicle charging stations have been added.
11. Clearance requirements for socket-outlets and switches from open gas or
electric cooking appliances have been added.
12. Requirements for isolating switches to be installed adjacent to all fixed
wired water heaters have been added.
13. Requirements on hazardous areas presented by gas relief vent terminals
have been added.
14. Requirements for airconditioners and heat pumps where the internal unit
(or units) are supplied from a switchboard or circuit separate to that of the
compressor, and new exceptions have been added.
15. Requirements for lifts installed for general use and that are not
emergency lifts (safety services) have been added.

Section 5:

MEN system further defined for clarity.

MEN connection requirements have been added regarding location in an
accessible position.
Acceptable earth electrodes types have been updated.
Earthing requirements for SELV and PELV systems have been updated.
Equipotential bonding requirements have been expanded and clarified
through enhanced requirements for showers, bathrooms, pools and spas.
Earthing of conductive building materials in combined outbuildings.
Earthing requirements for individual outbuildings and combined
Earthing requirements for conductive switchboard enclosures associated
with unprotected consumer mains.
Earthing of conductive reinforcing in combined outbuildings that contain
showers or baths.
Conductive pool structures and the bonding connection point required to
be installed and bonded to the installation earthing system regardless of
other specified requirements.
Figure showing bonding arrangements for pools and spas has been
Requirements on conductive fixtures and fittings installed within arm’s
reach of the pool edge, and that are in contact with the general mass of
earth, either directly or indirectly, have been added.

Section 6:

Additional content applying to water containers into which persons do

not normally put a part or all of their body.
Installation requirements for deluge showers have been clarified.
Showers Zone 1 has been clarified for different shower head
Fixed water container size reduced from 45 L to 40 L.
A figure for showers with a hinged door has been included.
Specified capacity for spa pools or tubs has been increased from 500 L
to 680 L.
Electricity generation systems, including inverters have been excluded
from being installed in classified zones.
Clause excluding pools and spas from being located in areas containing
electrical equipment owned by the electricity distributor, that result in such
electrical equipment being incorporated into any classified zone.

Section 7:

Clause 7.2, Safety services, has been restructured.

Installation requirements for electricity generation systems have been
reviewed and clarified in line with applicable Standards.
Electric vehicle charging system requirements have been added.
Clause 7.8, Standards for specific electrical installations, has been

Section 8:

A number of clauses split into subclauses to differentiate between

general, application, visual inspection, test requirements and accepted
Extra low voltage installation testing requirements have been relocated to
Section 8 from Section 7.
Clarification of RCD testing and EFLI testing.
The date of initial energization is now required to be recorded at the
installation switchboard.


Appendix A—Now a single list of referenced Standards.

Appendix B—Table from FAQ34 (voltage drop and EFLI values
comparison) added for further guidance.
Appendix C—Expanded and the information provided on maximum
demand has been clarified and updated.
Appendix D—Revised to provide more comprehensive guidance
information for the construction of private aerial lines.
Appendix E—Updates incorporated and building classifications Class 1
and Class 10 have been added.
Appendix F—A recent update carried out by Committee EL-024 on
protection against lightning.
Appendix K—Switchboard equipment summary has been added to
provide a checklist of requirements for switchboards.
Appendix L—Appendix deleted. Formerly on first aid in Australia.
Appendix M—Formerly on first aid in New Zealand. This content was
deleted and a new Appendix on reducing the impact of power supply
outages has been added to provide guidance on continuity of supply and
back up plans.
Appendix N—New Appendix to provide guidance on the types and
variations of conduit available for electrical installations.
Appendix O—New Appendix to provide guidance on the installation of Arc
Fault Detection Devices (AFDDs).
Appendix P—New Appendix to provide guidance for circuits intended to
supply energy to electric vehicles.
Appendix Q—New Appendix to provide guidance for the selection of circuit
protection and switching devices when being operated on a
that would be deemed to meet the design, equipment selection and
installation criteria of this Standard.
General exceptions and exclusions

Italic print in the Code indicates exceptions or variations to requirements.

Exceptions generally give specific examples where the requirements do not apply
or where they are varied for certain applications. They may contain requirements.
Examples are also presented in italic text. As applicable in any country, the wiring
rules does NOT cover the requirements for design/manufacture of electrical
equipment but limits itself to their selection and application in electrical

Other related regulations and standards

Appendix A of the standard provides detailed list of other regulations and

standards that are referenced in the rules. Table 1.1 tries to identify some of the
important standards that are to be additionally reviewed by the practitioners to
ensure compliance with the stipulations in AS/NZS 3000.

Table 1.1
Partial list of standards/ regulations referred in AS/NZS 3000

Standard Title
AS 2067 Switchgear assemblies and ancillary equipment
for alternating voltages above 1 kV
AS 60269 Low-voltage fuses
AS 60947 Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear
AS 60947.2 Part 2: Circuit-breakers
AS 60947.4.1 Part 4.1: Contactors and motor-starters—Electro
mechanical contactors and motor-starters
AS 60947.8 Part 8: Control units for built-in thermal protection
(PTC) for rotating electrical machines
AS/NZS 2430 Classification of hazardous areas
AS/NZS 3008 Electrical installations—Selection of
cables—Cables for alternating voltages up to and
including 0.6/1 kV
AS/NZS 3008.1.1 Part 1.1: Typical Australian installation conditions
AS/NZS 3439 Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear
AS/NZS 3439.1 Part 1: Type-tested and partially type-tested
AS/NZS 3439.2 Part 2: Particular requirements for busbar
trunking systems (busways)
AS/NZS 3439.5 Part 5: Particular requirements for assemblies
intended to be installed outdoors in public
places—Cable distribution cabinets (CDCs) for
power distribution in networks
AS/NZS 3820 Essential safety requirements for low voltage
electrical equipment
AS/NZS 5000 Electric cables—Polymeric insulated
AS/NZS 5000.1 Part 1: Electric Polymeric insulated cables for
working voltages up to and including 0.6/1 (1.2)
AS/NZS 5000.2 Part 2: Electric Polymeric insulated cables for
working voltages up to and including 450/750 V
AS/NZS 61009 Residual current operated circuit-breakers with
overcurrent protection for household and similar
uses (RCBOs)
ABCA and NZBC Building Code of Australia (ABCA) and the New
Zealand Building Code (NZBC)
A number of other standards covering fire protection systems, storage battery
systems, hoists, elevators, etc are also listed for further reference and guidance,
which are not covered in this table.


The regulations are needed to ensure uniform practices adopted in all equipment
and installation practices for safety and reliability of the installations. AS/NZS
3000 standard covers regulations to be followed for design, selection and
installation of LV electrical systems of common and special premises in Australia
and New Zealand. The 2018 year edition had been updated with many
illustrations and worked out examples compared to the earlier edition based on
the feedback from industry and the end users. The standard is divided into two
parts. Part-1 of the standard provides basic compliance requirements to be met
in the design, selection and installation of the systems with an objective to
achieve high level of safety in the systems without referencing part-2. The
second part is divided into a number of sections and outlines guidelines and
procedures to be adopted by the designers and installation contractors for
achieving the high level safety objectives of part-1 in specific application areas.
This book is not intended to replace the AS/NZS Wiring Rules as a work of
reference but is merely an introduction to it. As all of us are aware, the standards
are dynamic in nature in the manner that they continuously undergo amendments
and revisions to match the pace of the growth in the technology. In case further
information is required it is recommended that the participants shall directly refer
the standard as well as other references such as the reference documents
identified in appendix A of the standard. A lot of published literature is available
on these topics by industry bodies and reputed manufacturers of electrical
equipment as well as on the Internet and can be referred for assistance in solving
specific problems one may come across.

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