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Dell Sonicwall SMA6200

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SonicWall Secure Mobile

Access (SMA)
SonicWall SMA is the unified secure access gateway for organizations
facing challenges in mobility, BYOD and cloud migration.

SonicWall SMA is a unified secure access Managed service providers Benefits:

gateway that enables organizations to For either organizations hosting their • Unified access to all network and cloud
provide anytime, anywhere and any own infrastructure or for managed resources for “any time, any device, any
device access to mission critical corporate application” secure access
service providers, SMA provides turnkey
resources. SMA’s granular access control solution to deliver a high degree of • Control who has access to what resources
policy engine, context aware device business continuity and scalability. SMA by defining granular policies with the robust
authorization, application level VPN and access control engine
can support up to 20,000 concurrent
advanced authentication with single connections on a single appliance, with • Increase productivity by delivering
sign-on empowers organizations to federated single sign-on to any SaaS or
the ability to scale upwards of hundreds
embrace BYOD and mobility in a hybrid locally hosted application with a single URL
of thousands users through intelligent
IT environment. clustering. Data centers can reduce costs • Lower TCO and reduce complexity of access
with active-active clustering and a built-in management by consolidating infrastructure
Mobility and BYOD components in a hybrid IT environment
dynamic load balancer, which reallocates
For organizations wishing to embrace global traffic to the most optimized • Gain visibility into every connecting device
BYOD, flexible working or third party data center in real-time based on user and grant access based on policies and the
access, SMA becomes the critical health of the endpoint
demand. SMA tool sets enable service
enforcement point across them all. providers to deliver services with zero • Prevent malware breaches by scanning
SMA delivers best-in-class security to all files uploaded into your network with
downtime, allowing them to fulfill very
Capture ATP sandbox
minimize surface threats, while making aggressive SLAs.
organizations more secure by supporting • Protect against web based attacks
latest encryption algorithms and ciphers. SMA empowers IT departments to and provide PCI compliance with Web
Application Firewall add-on
SonicWALL’s SMA allows administrators provide the best experience and the most
to provision secure mobile access and secure access depending on the user • Stop DDoS and zombie attacks with Geo IP
detection and Botnet protection
role-based privileges so end-users get scenario. Available as hardened physical
fast, simple access to the business appliances or powerful virtual appliances, • Get secure, native agent functionality
applications, data and resources they SMA fits seamlessly into existing IT using web browser based clientless HTML5
access without the overhead of installing
require. At the same time, organizations infrastructure. Organizations can choose and maintaining agents on the endpoint
can institute secure BYOD policies to from a range of fully clientless web- devices
protect their corporate networks and based secure access for third parties or
• Gain actionable insights you need to make
data from rogue access and malware. employees on personally owned devices, the right decisions with real-time monitoring
or a more traditional client-based full and comprehensive reporting
Move to the cloud tunnel VPN access for executives across • Ease deployment with flexible virtual and
For organizations embarking on a cloud all device types. Whether organizations physical appliance options to suit your
migration journey, SMA offers a single need to provide reliable secure access to business
sign-on (SSO) infrastructure that uses a five users from a single location, or scale • Enable dynamic issuance of access
single web portal to authenticate users up to thousands’ of users across globally licenses based on real-time demand, with
in a hybrid IT environment. Whether the distributed data centers, SonicWall SMA automated endpoint direction to the highest
performing and lowest latency connection
corporate resource is on-premise, on has a solution.
the web or in a hosted cloud, the access • Reduce upfront costs with built-in load
SonicWall SMA enables organizations to balancing without additional hardware or
experience is consistent and seamless.
embrace mobility and BYOD without fear, services, while providing zero user impact
SMA also integrates with industry leading on appliance failover
and move to the cloud with ease. SMA
multi-factor authentication technologies
empowers workforces and provides them • Insure against business disruptions or
for added security. seasonal spikes by scaling capacity instantly
with a consistent access experience.
SMA Appliance & Deployment
A hardened edge gateway for anytime, anywhere, any device secure access
SMA is an advanced access security gateway that offers secure access to network and cloud resources from any device. SMA provides
centralized, granular, policy-based enforcement of remote and mobile access to any corporate resource delivered using a hardened
Linux based appliance. Available as hardened physical appliances or powerful virtual appliances, SMA fits seamlessly into any existing
IT infrastructure.


Management Employees &

Applications &

Auditors IT Admin


Remote Partners &

Workers Vendors ON-PREM

SMA Appliance
Applications &
Wireless Users Guests / RADIUS

Access Corporate Data Center

SMA solutions provide secure access for all users, devices and applications.

Flexible deployment with physical and virtual appliances interrogated for essential security information such as jailbreak
or root status, device ID, certificate status and OS versions prior
SonicWall SMA can be deployed as a hardened, high-
to granting access. Devices that do not meet policy requirements
performance appliance or as a virtual appliance leveraging
are not allowed network access and the user is notified
shared computing resources to optimize utilization, ease
of non-compliance.
migration and reduce capital costs. The hardware appliances are
built on a multi-core architecture that offers high performance Consistent experience from a single web portal
with SSL acceleration, VPN throughput and powerful proxies
to deliver robust secure access. For regulated and federal Users do not need to remember all the individual application
organizations, SMA is also available with FIPS 140-2 Level 2 URLs and maintain exhaustive bookmarks. SMA provides a
certification. The SMA virtual appliances offer the same robust centralized access portal, giving users one URL to access all
secure access capabilities on major virtual platforms including mission critical applications from a standard web browser. After
Microsoft Hyper-V and VMware ESX. the user logs on through a browser, a customizable web user
portal is displayed in the browser window, providing a single
Shared user licenses across the appliances pane of glass view to access any SaaS or local application. The
portal only displays links and personalized bookmarks relevant
Organizations with appliances that are globally distributed can
to the particular endpoint device, user or group. The portal
benefit from the fluctuating demands for user licenses due to
is platform agnostic and supports all major device platforms
time differences. Whether an organization deploys full VPN
including Windows, Mac OS, Linux, iOS and Android devices,
licenses or basic ActiveSync licenses, SMA’s central management
and broad browser support across all these devices.
reallocates licenses to managed appliances where user demands
have peaked from appliances in a different geographic area, Federated single sign-on to both SaaS and local applications
where usage has fallen due to off‐work/night hours.
Eliminate the need for multiple passwords, and stop bad security
Network visibility with context aware device profiling practices such as password reuse. SMA provides federated
SSO to both cloud hosted SaaS applications and campus hosted
Best-in-class, context-aware authentication grants access only
applications. SMA integrates with multiple authentication,
to trusted devices and authorized users. Laptops and PCs
authorization, and accounting servers and leading multi-factor
are also interrogated for the presence or absence of security
authentication technologies for added security. Secure SSO is
software, client certificates, and device ID. Mobile devices are

delivered only to authorized endpoint devices after SMA checks Intuitive management and comprehensive reporting
endpoint health status and compliance. Access policy engine SonicWall provides an intuitive web-based management
ensures that users can see only the authorized applications and platform to streamline appliance management while providing
grants access after successful authentication. extensive reporting capabilities. The easy-to-use GUI brings
clarity to managing individual or multiple appliances and
Prevent breaches and advanced threats
policies. Each page shows how settings are configured across
SonicWall SMA adds a layer of access security to improve your all machines under management. Unified policy management
security posture and reduce the surface area for threats. helps you create and monitor access policies and configurations.
• SMA integrates with the SonicWall Capture ATP cloud-based A single policy can control access from your users, devices and
multi-engine sandbox to scan all files uploaded by users with applications, to data, servers and networks. IT can automate
unmanaged endpoints, or by those outside the corporate routine tasks and schedule activities, freeing up security teams
network. This ensures users have the same level of protection from repetitive tasks to focus on strategic security tasks like
from advanced threats, such as ransomware or zero-day incidence response. IT gains insights into user access trends
malware, when they are on the road as they have in the and system-wide health through easy-to-use reporting and
office1. centralized logging.

• SonicWall Web Application Firewall service offers businesses Provide 24x7 service availability
an affordable, well-integrated solution to secure internal
Organizations have requirements to maintain their services
web-based applications. This allows customers to ensure
and keep them up and running with a high degree of reliability
the confidentiality of data, and internal web services
to provide secure access to mission critical applications at all
remain uncompromised should there be malicious or rogue
times. SMA appliances support traditional active-passive High
authenticated user access.
Availability (HA) for organizations with single data centers, or
• Geo-IP & Botnet detection protects organizations from global HA with active-active clustering for local or distributed
DDoS and zombie attacks, and from compromised endpoints data centers. Both HA models deliver frictionless experience to
functioning as botnets. users with zero-impact failover and session persistence.
Seamless and secure browser-based clientless access
Reduce upfront costs with built-in load balancer
The “clientless” nature of the SonicWall SMA means that there
The load balancing functionality built into the SMA appliance
is no need for the administrator to install a fat client component
achieves the level scalability expected for medium-sized
manually to a computer that will be used for remote access.
business and enterprise deployments. Select models of SMA
This removes any dependency on Java and overhead for IT,
appliance offer dynamic load balancing to intelligently assign
thereby greatly expanding the concept of remote access. It
session loads and allocate user licenses in real-time based on
means that since there is no pre-installation or pre-configuration
demand. Organizations do not need to invest in external load
required, an authorized remote worker can sit down at any
balancers, thus reducing upfront costs.
computer, anywhere in the world, and securely access their
corporate resources. In its purest form, secure access is strictly Get insurance against unforeseen events
browser-based using HTML5, providing a seamless and unified
experience for the users. A complete business continuity and DR solution must be able
to handle a significant spike in remote access traffic, while still
Deploy the VPN client that suits your needs maintaining security and cost controls. SonicWall Spike license
packs for the SMA are add-on licenses that enable distributed
Choose from a broad range of VPN clients to deliver policy-
businesses to scale user count and reach maximum capacity
enforced secure remote access for various endpoints including
instantly, enabling seamless business continuity. Spike licenses
laptops, smartphones and tablets.
work like an insurance policy toward any future planned or
unplanned spikes from current user counts to tens or even
hundreds of additional users.

VPN client Supported OS Supported SMA model Key highlight

Mobile Connect iOS, OS X, Android, Chrome OS, All models Deliver biometric authentication, per app
Windows (8.1 or higher) and Kindle Fire VPN and endpoint control enforcement

Connect Tunnel Windows, Mac OS and Linux 6200, 7200, 8200v Provide a complete “in-office” experience
(Thin Client) with robust endpoint control

NetExtender Windows and Linux 200, 400, 500v Enforce granular access policies and
(Thin Client) extend network access through native


Access management

Access Control Engine (ACE) Administrators grant or deny access based on organizational policies and set remediation
actions when quarantining sessions. ACE object-based policy utilizes elements of network,
resource, identity, device, application, data and time.

End Point Control (EPC) EPC allows the administrator to enforce granular access control rules based on the health
status of the connecting device. With deep OS integration, many elements are combined
for type classification and risk factor assessment. EPC interrogation simplifies device
profile setup using a comprehensive, predefined list of anti-virus, personal firewall and
anti-spyware solutions for Windows, Mac and Linux platforms, including version and
applicability of signature file update.

App Access Control (AAC) Administrators can define which specific mobile applications are allowed to access which
resources on the network through individual app tunnels. AAC policies are enforced both
at the client and server, providing robust perimeter protection.

Superior security

Layer 3 SSL VPN The SMA 1000 series delivers high performance layer-3 tunneling capabilities to a wide
variety of client devices running in any environment.

Cryptography support Configurable session length

Ciphers: AES 128 + 256 bit, Triple DES, RC4 128 bit
Hashes: MD5, SHA-256, SHA-1
Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA)

Advanced ciphers support SMA 1000 solutions provide strong security stance out-of-the box for compliance, with
default configuration ciphers, and administrators can further refine for performance,
security strength, or compatibility.

Security certifications Certified for FIPS 140-2 Level 2, ICSA SSL-TLS

Secure file share1 Stop unknown, zero-day attacks such as ransomware at the gateway with automated
remediation. Files uploaded using unmanaged endpoints with secure access to corporate
networks are inspected by our cloud based multi-engine Capture ATP.

Web Application Firewall Prevent protocol and web-based attacks, helping financial, healthcare, e-commerce and
other businesses attain OWASP Top 10 and PCI compliance.

Geo IP Detection and Botnet Geo IP Detection and Botnet Protection allows customers with a mechanism to allow or
Protection restrict user access from various geographical locations.

Advanced authentication

Cloud single sign-on2 SMA SAML IdP proxy enables SSO via a single portal to both traditional AD username/
password and SaaS cloud resources, while enforcing stacked multifactor authentication for
added security.

Multifactor authentication X.509 digital certificates

Server-side and client-side digital certificates
RSA SecurID, Dell Defender and other one-time password/two-factor authentication tokens,
using RADIUS protocol
Common Access Card (CAC)
Dual or stacked authentication
Captcha support, username/password

SAML gatekeeper support2 SMA provides air gap security to your campus hosted SAML IdP through credential
chaining technology in its FIPS certified edge point appliance.

Authentication repositories SMA provides simple integrations with industry standard repositories for easy management
of user accounts and passwords.
User groups can be populated dynamically based on RADIUS, LDAP or Active Directory
authentication repositories, including nested groups.
Common or custom LDAP attributes can be interrogated for specific authorization or
device registration verification.

Layer 3-7 application proxy SMA provides flexible proxy options, for example vendor access can be provided through
direct proxy, contractor access through reverse proxy and employee access to Exchange
through ActiveSync.

Reverse proxy The enhanced reverse proxy service with authentication allows administrators to configure
application offloading portal & bookmarks, allowing users to connect seamlessly to remote
applications and resources including RDP and HTTP. This feature supports all browsers
including IE, Chrome and Firefox.

Kerberos constrained delegation SMA provides authentication support using an existing Kerberos infrastructure, which does
not need to trust front-end services to delegate a service.

Intuitive user experience

Secure Network Detection (SND) SMA’s network-aware VPN client detects when the device is off campus and auto-
reconnects the VPN, bringing it down again when the device returns to a trusted network.

Clientless access to resources SMA provides secure clientless access to resources via HTML5 browser agents delivering
RDP, ICA, VNC, SSH and Telnet protocols.

Single Sign-on portal The WorkPlace portal provides easy to use, customizable, single pane view for secure
access with Single sign-on (SSO) to any resource in a hybrid IT environment. No additional
login or VPN is needed.

Layer 3 tunneling Administrators can choose Split-Tunnel or enforce Redirect-All mode with SSL/TLS
tunneling and optional ESP fallback for maximum performance.

HTML5 file explorer1 Modern file browser makes it easy for users to access file shares from any web browser.

Mobile OS integration Mobile Connect is supported on all OS platforms providing users complete flexibility in
mobile device choice.


Global Traffic Optimizer (GTO) SMA offers global traffic load-balancing with zero-impact to users. Traffic is routed to the most
optimized and highest performing datacenter.

Dynamic high availability2 SMA supports active/passive and offers active/active configuration for high availability,
whether deployed in a single datacenter or across multiple geographically-dispersed

Universal session persistence1 Provide users a frictionless experience with zero impact failover. In the event of an
appliance going offline, SMA’s intelligent clustering reallocates users along with their
session data without the need for re-authentication.

Scalable performance SMA 1000 appliances scale performance exponentially by deploying multiple appliances, thus
eliminating a single point of failure. Horizontal clustering fully supports mixing physical and virtual
SMA appliances.

Dynamic licensing User licenses no longer have to be applied to individual SMA appliances. Users can be distributed
and reallocated dynamically among the managed appliances, based on user demand.

Central management & monitoring

Central Management System (CMS) CMS provides centralized, web-based management for all SMA capabilities.

Custom alerts Alerts can be configured to generate SNMP traps that are monitored by any IT
infrastructure Network Management System (NMS).

SONAR monitoring SonicWall SONAR allows the IT administrator to quickly and easily diagnose access issues,
gaining valuable insight for troubleshooting.

SIEM integration Real-time output to central SIEM data collectors allows security teams to correlate event
driven activities, to understand the end-to-end workflow of a particular user or application.
This is critical during security incident management and forensic analysis.

Scheduler The scheduler enables users to schedule maintenance tasks such as deploying policies,
replicating configuration settings and restarting services, without manual intervention


Management APIs Management APIs allow full programmatic administrative control over all objects within a
single SMA or global CMS environment.

End User APIs End User APIs provide complete control over all logon, authentication and endpoint workflow.

MDM integration SMA integrates with leading enterprise mobile management (EMM) products such as
Airwatch and Mobile Iron.

Other 3rd party integration SMA integrates with industry leading vendors such as OPSWAT to provide advanced
threat protection

Available with SMA OS 12.1 or higher
Enhanced in SMA 12.1

Feature Summary (comparison by model)

Category Feature 200 400 500v 6200 7200 9000 8200v

Max concurrent user sessions 50 250 250 2,000 10,000 20,000 5,000
Throughput 100 368 186 400 3.75 3.75 1.58
Max SSL/TLS throughput
Mbps Mbps Mbps Mbps Gbps Gbps Gbps
Layer 3 tunnel • • • • • • •
Split-tunnel and redirect-all • • • • • • •
Auto ESP encapsulation – – – • • • •
HTML5 (RDP/VNC/ICA/SSH/Telnet) • • • • • • •
Secure Network Detection – – – • • • •
File browser (CIFS/NFS) • • • • • • •
Citrix XenDesktop/XenApp • • • • • • •
Client access VMware View • • • • • • •
On Demand tunnel – – – • • • •
Chrome/Firefox extensions – – – • • • •
CLI tunnel support – – – • • • •
Mobile Connect (iOS, Android,
• • • • • • •
Chrome, Win 10)
Net Extender (Windows, Linux) • • • – – – –
Connect Tunnel (Windows, Mac OSX,
– – – • • • •
Per app VPN – – – • • • •
Mobile access App control enforcement – – – • • • •
App ID validation – – – • • • •
Branding • • • • • • •
Customization – – – • • • •
Localization • • • • • • •
User portal
User defined bookmarks • • • • • • •
Custom URL support • • • • • • •
SaaS application support – – – • • • •
FIPS 140-2 – – – • • • –
ICSA SSL-TLS – – – • • • •
Suite B ciphers – – – • • • •
Dynamic EPC interrogation • • • • • • •
Role Based Access Control (RBAC) – – – • • • •
Endpoint registration • • • • • • •
Capture anti malware protection – – – • • • •
Security Endpoint quarantine • • • • • • •
OSCP CRL validation – – – • • • •
Cipher selection – – – • • • •
PKI and client certificates • • • • • • •
Geo IP filter • • • – – – –
Botnet filter • • • – – – –
Forward proxy • • • • • • •
Reverse proxy • • • • • • •
SAML 2.0 – – – • • • •
LDAP, RADIUS • • • • • • •
Kerberos (KDC) • • • • • • •
NTLM • • • • • • •
and identity SAML IdP gatekeeper – – – • • • •
services Biometric device support • • • • • • •
Two-factor authentication (2FA) • • • • • • •
Multi-factor authentication (MFA) – – – • • • •
Chained authentication – – – • • • •
One Time Passcode (OTP) issuance – – – • • • •

Feature Summary (comparison by model con't)

Category Feature 200 400 500v 6200 7200 9000 8200v

Common Access Card (CAC) support – – – • • • •
X.509 certificate support • • • • • • •
Captcha integration – – – • • • •
Authentication Remote password change • • • • • • •
and identity
services con't Forms based SSO • • • • • • •
Federated SSO – – – • • • •
Session persistence – – – • • • •
Auto logon • • • • • • •
Group AD • • • • • • •
LDAP attributes • • • • • • •
Access control
Geolocation policies • • • – – – –
Continual endpoint monitoring • • • • • • •
Management interface (ethernet) – – – • • • •
Management interface (console) – – – • • • •
HTTPS administration • • • • • • •
SSH administration – – – • • • •
SNMP MIBS • • • • • • •
Syslog and NTP • • • • • • •
Usage monitoring • • • • • • •
Configuration rollback • • • • • • •
Centralized management – – – • • • •
Centralized reporting – – – • • • •
Management REST APIs – – – • • • •
Authentication REST APIs – – – • • • •
RADIUS accounting – – – • • • •
Scheduled tasks – – – • • • •
Centralized session licensing – – – • • • •
Event-driven auditing – – – • • • •
IPv6 • • • • • • •
Global load balancing – – – • • • •
Server load balancing • • • – – – –
TCP state replication • • • • • • •
Cluster state failover – – – • • • •
Networking Active/passive high availability – • • • • • •
Active/active high availability – – – • • • •
Horizontal scalability – – – • • • •
Single or multiple FQDNs – – – • • • •
L3-7 smart tunnel proxy • • • • • • •
L7 application proxy • • • • • • •
EMM and MDM product support – – – • • • •
SIEM product support – – – • • • •
Integration TPAM password vault – – – • • • •
ESX hypervisor support – – • – – – •
Hyper-V hypervisor support – – – – – – •
Subscription based license – – – • • • •
Perpetual license with support • • • • • • •
Web Application Firewall (WAF) • • • – – – –
options Spike licensing • • • • • • •
Tiered licensing – – – • • • •
Virtual assist • • • – – – –

* To learn more about VPN clients, visit:

Benefits of upgrading to high end appliances
Higher performance | Increased throughput | Advanced features | Better scalability

Appliance Specifications
Choose from a range purpose-built secure mobile access (SMA) appliances.
Get flexible deployment options with virtual and physical appliances.

Physical appliance specifications

Performance SMA 200 SMA 400 SMA 6200 SMA 7200 SRA EX9000
Concurrent sessions/Users Up to 50 Up to 250 Up to 2,000 Up to 10,000 Up to 20,000
SSL VPN Throughput* (at max CCU) Up to 100 Mbps Up to 368 Mbps Up to 400 Mbps Up to 3.75 Gbps Up to 3.75 Gbps
Form factor 1U 1U 1U 1U 2U
16.92 x 10.23 x 1.75 16.92 x 10.23 x 1.75 17.0 x 16.5 x 1.75 in 17.0 x 16.5 x 1.75 in 27.0 x 18.9 x 3.4 in
in (43x26x4.5cm) in (43x26x4.5cm) (43 x 41.5x 4.5 cm) (43 x 41.5x 4.5 cm) (68.6 x 48.2x 8.8 cm)
Appliance weight 11 lbs (5 kgs) 11 lbs (5 kgs) 16 lbs (7.3 kgs) 18.3 lbs (8.3 kgs) 49.1 lbs (22.3 kgs)
Encryption data acceleration (AES-NI) NO NO YES YES YES
Dedicated management port NO NO YES YES YES
SSL acceleration NO NO YES YES YES
2GB (Flash 2GB (Flash
Storage 2 X 500 GB SATA 2 X 500 GB SATA 2 X 2TB SATA
Memory) Memory)
(2) GB Ethernet, (2) (4) GB Ethernet, (2) 8 (6-port 1GE + 12 (8-port 1GE +
Interfaces 6 (6-port 1GE)
USB, (1) console USB, (1) console 2-port 10Gb SFP+) 4-port 10Gb SFP+)
Memory 2GB 4GB 8GB DDR3 16GB DDR3 32 GB DDR3
Processor 2 cores 4 cores 4 cores 4 cores 2 X 4 cores
MTBF (@ 25°C or 77°F) in hours 61,815 60,151 200,064 233,892 129,489
Operations and Compliance SMA 200 SMA 400 SMA 6200 SMA 7200 SRA EX9000
Dual power supply, Dual power supply,
Power Fixed power supply Fixed power supply Fixed power supply
hot swappable hot swappable
100-240VAC, 50- 100-240VAC, 50- 100-240 VAC, 100-240 VAC,
Input rating 100-240 VAC, 1.1 A
60MHz 60MHz 1.79 A 2.8.5 A
Power consumption 26.9 W 31.9 W 78 W 127 W 320 W
Total heat dissipation 92 BTU 109 BTU 266 BTU 432 BTU 1091 BTU
Environmental WEEE, EU RoHS, China RoHS
Non-operating shock 110 g, 2 msec
Emissions FCC, ICES, CE, C-Tick, VCCI; MIC
Safety TUV/GS, UL, CE PSB, CCC, BSMI, CB scheme
Operating temperature 0°C to 40°C (32°F to 104° F)
FIPS certification NO NO FIPS 140-2 Level 2 with anti-tamper protection
* Throughput performance may vary based on deployment and connectivity. Published numbers are based on internal lab conditions

Virtual appliance specifications

Specifications SMA 500v (ESX/ESXI) SMA 8200v (ESX/ESXI) SMA 8200v (Hyper-V)
Concurrent sessions Up to 250 users Up to 5000 Up to 250
SSL-VPN throughput* (at max CCU) Up to 186 Mbps Up to 1.58 Gbps Up to 1.2 Gbps
Allocated memory 2GB 8 GB
Processor 1 core 4 cores
SSL acceleration NO YES
Applied disk size 2GB 64 GB (default) Admin Configurable
Operating system installed Linux Hardened Linux
Dedicated management port NO YES
* Throughput performance may vary based on deployment and connectivity. Published numbers are based on internal lab conditions. SMA 8200v on Hyper-V scales
up to 5000 concurrent sessions and provides up to 1.58 Gbps SSL-VPN throughput when running SMA OS 12.1 with Windows Server 2016

Ordering Information


01-SSC-2231 SMA 200 with 5 user license
01-SSC-2243 SMA 400 with 25 user license
01-SSC-8469 SMA 500v with 5 user license
01-SSC-2301 SMA 7200 with administrator test license
01-SSC-2300 SMA 6200 with administrator test license
01-SSC-9574 SRA EX9000 base appliance
01-SSC-8468 SMA 8200v (virtual appliance)
01-SSC-9182 SMA 500V add 5 user (Also available for SMA 200)
01-SSC-2414 SMA 500V add 100 user (Also available for SMA 400)
01-SSC-7856 SMA 5 user license - stackable for 6200, 7200, EX9000, 8200v
01-SSC-7860 SMA 100 user license - stackable for 6200, 7200, EX9000, 8200v
01-SSC-7865 SMA 5,000 user license - stackable for 7200, EX9000, 8200v
01-SSC-5286 SMA 5 user HA license - stackable for 6200, 7200, EX9000
01-SSC-5290 SMA 100 user HA license - stackable for 6200, 7200, EX9000
01-SSC-5295 SMA 5,000 user HA license – stackable for 7200, EX9000
01-SSC-9188 8X5 support for SMA 500V up to 25 user 1YR (Also available for SMA 200 & 400)
01-SSC-9191 24X7 support for SMA 500V up to 25 user 1YR (Also available for SMA 200 & 400)
01-SSC-8434 24X7 support for SMA 8200V 5 user 1 YR - stackable (Also available for SMA 6200, 7200 & EX9000)
01-SSC-8446 24X7 support for SMA 8200V 100 user 1 YR - stackable (Also available for SMA 6200, 7200 & EX9000)
01-SSC-7913 24X7 support for SMA 8200V 5000 user 1 YR - stackable (Also available for SMA 6200, 7200 & EX9000)
CMS appliance license
01-SSC-8535 CMS base + 3 appliances license (free)
01-SSC-8536 CMS 100 appliances license 1yr
Central user licenses (subscription)
01-SSC-2298 CMS pooled license 10 user 1yr
01-SSC-8539 CMS pooled license 1000 user 1yr
01-SSC-5339 CMS pooled license 50000 user 1yr
Central user licenses (perpetual)
01-SSC-2053 CMS perpetual license 10user
01-SSC-2058 CMS perpetual license 1000user
01-SSC-2063 CMS perpetual license 50000user
Support for central user licenses (perpetual)
01-SSC-2065 CMS 24x7 support 1yr 10user
01-SSC-2070 CMS 24x7 support 1yr 1000user
01-SSC-2075 CMS 24x7 support 1yr 50000user
Central ActiveSync licenses (subscription)
01-SSC-2088 CMS pooled email license 10user 1yr
01-SSC-2093 CMS pooled email license 1000user 1yr
01-SSC-2087 CMS pooled email license 50000user 1yr

Ordering Information con't

Central spike licenses

01-SSC-2111 CMS spike 1000user 5days
01-SSC-2115 CMS spike 50000user 5days
Capture add-on (subscription)
01-SSC-2116 CMS capture trial 1yr for SMA
* Subscription licenses have 24X7 support included
01-SSC-2406 SMA 7200 FIPS add-on
01-SSC-2405 SMA 6200 FIPS add-on
01-SSC-9185 SMA 500V Web Application Firewall 1 YR (Also available for SMA 200 & 400)
01-SSC-5967 Virtual assist up to 1 concurrent technician (SMA 200,400,500v)
01-SSC-5971 Virtual assist up to 10 concurrent technicians (SMA 200,400,500v)
01-SSC-2240 SMA 200 10 day 50 user spike license (Also available for SMA 400 and 500v)
01-SSC-7873 SMA 8200v 10 day 5-2,500 user spike license (Also available for SMA 6200, 7200 & EX9000)
* Multi-year SKUs and support contracts are also available. For a complete list of SKUs contact your reseller or sales

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