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Configure An IP Address On A Switch

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Configure an IP address on a switch

By default, Cisco switches forward Ethernet frames without any configuration. This
means that you can buy a Cisco switch, plug in the right cables to connect various
devices to the switch, power it on, and the switch will work properly.

However, to perform switch management over the network or use protocols such as
SNMP, the switch will need to have an IP address. The IP address is configured under
a logical interface, known as the management domain or VLAN. Usually, the default
VLAN 1 acts like the switch’s own NIC for connecting into a LAN to send IP packets.
Here are the steps to configure an IP address under VLAN 1:

1. enter the VLAN 1 configuration mode with the interface vlan 1 global configuration
2. assign an IP address with the ip address IP_ADDRESS SUBNET_MASK interface
3. enable the VLAN 1 interface with the no shutdown interface subcommand.
4. (Optional) use the ip default-gateway IP_ADDRESS global configuration command to
configure the default gateway.
5. (Optional) Add the ip name-server IP_ADDRESS global configuration command to
configure the DNS server.

Here is a simple example network:

We have a simple network of a host and a switch. We can assign the switch with an IP
address to enable IP communication between the two devices:

SW1(config)#int vlan 1


SW1(config-if)#ip address

SW1(config-if)#no shutdown


%LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface Vlan1, changed state to up

%LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Vlan1, changed state to up

To verify the IP address set on a switch, we can use the show int vlan 1 command:

SW1#show int vlan 1

Vlan1 is up, line protocol is up

Hardware is CPU Interface, address is 0030.a3e8.6b3c (bia 0030.a3e8.6b3c)

Internet address is


We can verify that the host can reach the switch using its IP address by pinging it from
Host A:


Pinging with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=255

Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=255

The ARP table on a Cisco router
Just like regular hosts, if a Cisco router wants to exchange frames with a host in the
same subnet, it needs to know its MAC address. The IP-to-MAC address mapping are
kept in the router’s ARP table. Consider the following example:

R1 has two connected subnets – and Before exchanging

frames with either host, R1 will need to know their MAC addresses. Here is the output of
the R1’s ARP table:

R1#show ip arp

Protocol Address Age (min) Hardware Addr Type Interface

Internet - 0060.5C32.7E01 ARPA GigabitEthernet0/0

Internet 6 000C.85CA.AD73 ARPA GigabitEthernet0/0

Internet - 0060.5C32.7E02 ARPA GigabitEthernet0/1

Internet 10 0001.63DB.1802 ARPA GigabitEthernet0/1

The ARP table contains two entries for R1’s own two interfaces with the IP address of and The – in the age column indicates that the entry will never be
timed out.

The ARP table also lists the MAC addresses of the two connected hosts. Consider the
entry for Host A:

Protocol Address Age (min) Hardware Addr Type Interface

Internet 6 000C.85CA.AD73 ARPA GigabitEthernet0/0

Here is a brief description of each field:

 Protocol – the protocol type, almost always Internet
 Address – the IP address associated with the MAC address, in our case the IP address
of Host A
 Age – by default, an entry will be removed from the ARP table if it wasn’t used in 240
minutes. 6 in this column means that the entry was last used 6 minutes ago. Each time
an entry is used, the age will be reset back to zero.
 Hardware – the MAC address of the host with the corresponding IP address.
 Type – the type of hardware address. For Ethernet, this value will always be ARPA.
 Interface – the interface on R1 on which the corresponding host is connected.

Here are the steps R1 needs to take before forwarding frames to Host A:

1. R1 wants to communicate with Host A. R1 checks its routing table. The subnet on which
Host A resides is a directly connected subnet.
2. R1 checks its ARP table to find out whether the Host A’s MAC address is known. If it is
not, R1 will send an ARP request to the broadcast MAC address of FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF.
3. Host A receives the frame and sends its MAC address to R1 (ARP reply). The host also
updates its own ARP table with the MAC address of the Gigabit0/0 interface on R1.
4. R1 receives the reply and updates the ARP table with the MAC address of Host A.
5. Since both hosts now know each other MAC addresses, the communication can occur.

ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) explained

ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) is a network protocol used to find out the
hardware (MAC) address of a device from an IP address. It is used when a device
wants to communicate with some other device on a local network (for example on an
Ethernet network that requires physical addresses to be known before sending
packets). The sending device uses ARP to translate IP addresses to MAC addresses.
The device sends an ARP request message containing the IP address of the receiving
device. All devices on a local network segment see the message, but only the device
that has that IP address responds with the ARP reply message containing its MAC
address. The sending device now has enough information to send the packet to the
receiving device.

ARP request packets are sent to the broadcast addresses (FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF for the
Ethernet broadcasts and for the IP broadcast).

Here is the explanation otf the ARP process:

Let’s say that Host A wants to communicate with host B. Host A knows the IP address
of host B, but it doesn’t know the host B’s MAC address. In order to find out the MAC
address of host B, host A sends an ARP request, listing the host B’s IP address as the
destination IP address and the MAC address of FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF (Ethernet
broadcast). Switch will forward the frame out all interfaces (except the incoming
interface). Each device on the segment will receive the packet, but because the
destination IP address is host B’s IP address, only host B will reply with the ARP reply
packet, listing its MAC address. Host A now has enough information to send the traffic
to host B.

All operating systems maintain ARP caches that are checked before sending an ARP
request message. Each time a host needs to send a packet to another host on the LAN,
it first checks its ARP cache for the correct IP address and matching MAC address. The
addresses will stay in the cache for a couple of minutes. You can display ARP entries in
Windows by using the arp -a command:
The no ip domain-lookup Command
By default, any single word entered on an IOS device that is not recognized as a valid
command is treated as a hostname to which you want to telnet. The device will try to
translate that word to an IP address in a process that can last about a minute.

Consider the following example:


Translating "writte"...domain server (

% Unknown command or computer name, or unable to find computer address

In the output above you can see that I’ve mistyped the command write. The router
entered the DNS resolution process which lasted about a minute. This can be annoying
and this is why this feature is often turned off, especially in the lab environments.

If you don’t need to have a DNS server configured for your router, you can use the no ip
domain-lookup command to disable the DNS translation process:

R1(config)#no ip domain-lookup

Now, if I mistype a command, the router will not perform a DNS resolution process:


Translating "writte"

% Unknown command or computer name, or unable to find computer address

How to Configure a Cisco Router as a DNS
Domain Name System or DNS is considered as the phonebook of the Internet. DNS
servers resolve domain names to IP addresses. Google Public DNS ( and is an example of free DNS services and can replace your ISP’s default DNS
server addresses.

Configuring Cisco Routers as DNS Servers

A Cisco router can act as both a Domain Name System cache name server (DNS
resolver) and as an authoritative name server for local hosts. The cache name server
stores the DNS queries so that it can answer requests quickly without having to query
authoritative servers for each transaction.

1. Using the sample network topology above, let’s configure the IP address first on each

Cisco Router (DNS) –

DNS(config)#interface GigabitEthernet0/0

DNS(config-if)#ip address

Server (dnstest.lab) –

eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:50:00:00:06:00

inet addr: Bcast: Mask:


RX packets:136 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0

TX packets:183 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0

collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000

RX bytes:12343 (12.0 KiB) TX bytes:52120 (50.8 KiB)

PC1 – IP address, Mask /24, Gateway

Primary DNS Server –
Let’s leave the secondary DNS server blank.

2. Enable DNS service in global configure mode on our Cisco router.

DNS(config)#ip dns server

3. Configure the Domain Name System server with the hostname of your local hosts. In
this case, when any other PC wants to ping the ‘dnstest.lab’ server, the router will
resolve its domain name to the appropriate IP address.
DNS(config)#ip host dnstest.lab

Domain Name System Server Verification

From the Cisco router, I can ping the domain name.

DNS#ping dnstest.lab

Type escape sequence to abort.

Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:


Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 2/3/4 ms

From PC1, I can ping the domain name.

C:\Users\PC1>ping dnstest.lab

Pinging dnstest.lab [] with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time=9ms TTL=64

Reply from bytes=32 time=2ms TTL=64

Reply from bytes=32 time=2ms TTL=64

Reply from bytes=32 time=3ms TTL=64

Ping statistics for

Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),

Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:

Minimum = 2, Maximum = 9ms, Average = 4ms

Also, I can access the web page from PC1.

Switching DNS servers and finding the best DNS server in your area can also increase your Internet
speed or provide you with more features like privacy, parental controls, and high redundancy.

Configure Cisco device as DNS client

DNS is an application layer protocol used to resolve hostnames to IP addresses. If you
have a DNS server on your network, you can configure your Cisco device to use it for
name resolution. Here are the steps:

1. (Optional) If you’ve previously disabled DNS lookups on your device, re-enable it with
the ip domain-lookup command.
2. Specify the IP address of the DNS server using the ip name-server command. It is
possible to specify up to six DNS servers.
3. (Optional) Specify the domain name to append to the hostname you type in by using
the ip domain-name command.

Here is an example configuration:

Floor1(config)#ip name-server

In the output above you can see that I’ve specified the IP address of my DNS server
( Let’s say that the DNS server contains a record for a server
called fileshare. I can try to ping that host using its hostname to verify that the name
resolution process is indeed working:

Floor1#ping fileshare
Translating "fileshare"...domain server (

Type escape sequence to abort.

Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:


Success rate is 80 percent (4/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 0/0/1 ms

As you can see from the output above, the hostname fileshare was translated to the IP
address of

Map hostnames to IP addresses

It is possible to define static hostname-to-address mappings on a Cisco device for the
purpose of name resolution. This is usually done in environments without a DNS server.

The mappings can be defined using the global configuration command ip host

Floor1(config)#ip host HQ_SERVER

In the output above we’ve defined the IP address of for the
hostname HQ_SERVER. To display the hostname-to-address mappings, the show
hosts command is used:

Floor1#show hosts

Default Domain is not set

Name/address lookup uses domain service

Name servers are

Codes: UN - unknown, EX - expired, OK - OK, ?? - revalidate

temp - temporary, perm - permanent

NA - Not Applicable None - Not defined

Host Port Flags Age Type Address(es)

HQ_SERVER None (perm, OK) 0 IP

We can ping the server using its hostname to verify that the hostnames are being

Floor1#ping HQ_SERVER

Type escape sequence to abort.

Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:


Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 0/0/1 ms

You can see that HQ_SERVER responded to the ping request, which means that the
name resolution was successful.
The drawback of this method of name resolution is that we need to create static hostname-to-
address mappings on each device in order to be able to resolve hostnames. If possible, use DNS

What is Domain Name System (DNS) & How

Does it Work?
Computers communicate with each other by using an IP address (IPv4 or IPv6), but
how come we are using hostnames like to access the web server of
Google where their website is hosted? By using DNS, we can be able to access
websites with easy-to-remember names.

Imagine always remembering IP addresses to access specific websites. That is not a

convenient way by typing only a hostname on the web browser like
instead of typing (Google web server’s public IP address), which will
simplify the process of accessing the website.

What is a Domain Name System (DNS)?

DNS is a decentralized and hierarchical naming convention system for computers or
other resources that are connected to the Internet or to the Local Area Network (LAN). It
uses a hostname to identify other computers. DNS solves the issue of remembering all
the IP addresses by converting (resolving) them into a hostname that the website
administrator can customize. The primary purpose of DNS is to resolve the hostnames
to the IP addresses. The Uniform Resource Locator (URL) or a domain name of the
website is a lot easier to remember compared to the IP address of the website.

Before the DNS is being implemented, the computer can use a domain name by using a
host file. The host file contains the hostname and maps it to a specific IP address.
Whenever the computer wants to visit a website on the internet, it will check first on the
host file and map it to the IP address of the website. What if the hostname of the
website or its IP address is not registered on the host file? The computer will not be able
to connect to the website.

Frequently updating the host file is not a convenient and efficient way as the internet is
continuously growing. To solve the issue, a DNS Server (Name Server) was created.
The DNS servers are being the root servers for its domain and contain all the DNS
records for the specific domain like TLD. Top-Level Domain (TLD) is a domain that
contains a root (.) and ends name like .net, .com, or .org. On the other hand, the Fully
Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) contains a hostname, domain name, and TLD. When
accessing, “www” is the hostname, “google” is the domain name, and
“.com” is the TLD.

A hostname represents a network used to deliver a user to a specific address, while a domain
name is a site that the user is accessing.

Domain Name System Operation

When a computer is trying to access a website using hostname –, it
will send a DNS query or DNS lookup to the DNS server that will request an IP address
of the website. Next, the DNS server will respond with an IP address (
for When the computer has the IP address of the website
(, it will request and establish a connection to the web server where
the website is hosted using the IP address. The below image shows the process of
What if the DNS does not have the record for the specific hostname? The DNS server
will request and exchange information with other DNS servers located somewhere on
the Internet and will respond to the customer with the IP address of the hostname. The
DNS requests are sent using the UDP port 53. However, it can failover and use TCP.

What is Layer 3 Switch and How Does it Works?

A Layer 3 switch is a special network device that has the functionality of a router and a
switch combined into one chassis. It works in our network by simply allowing connected
devices that are on the same subnet or virtual LAN (VLAN) to exchange information at
lightning speed, just like a switch that operates in the data link layer of the OSI model,
but it also has the IP routing intelligence of a router built into it.

It can inspect incoming packets in the network layer, support routing protocols, and
even make routing decisions based on the source and destination IP addresses. With
both its Layer 2 and Layer 3 capabilities, this device is popularly known also as a
Multilayer Switch. Just be mindful that Layer 3 switches do not have WAN ports which
should be considered while designing your network.
How do Layer 3 Switches function in the Network?
Layer 2 switch dynamically routes traffic between its physical interfaces according to the
MAC addresses of the connected devices, wherein Layer 3 switches use this feature to
manage traffic in a LAN. A Layer 2 switch functions well in low to medium traffic in its
VLANs, but these switches have their limitations once traffic increases.

The Layer 3 switch was conceived to augment this limitation by developing equipment
that has routing capabilities within the same chassis. The hardware is where the main
difference lies. Layer 3 switches have a mix of traditional switches and routers, except
for the fact that the router’s software logic is replaced by integrated circuit hardware to
improve its performance further.

Layer 3 switches can perform on the OSI model’s Layer 2 and Layer 3. The Layer 3
switching functionality can take either of two forms:

 Cut-through switches – will only look into the first packet of a series of packets to determine its
logical Layer 3 destination IP address and then shift the remainder of the packets in the series
using the MAC address leading to higher data throughput rates.
 Packet-by-Packet Layer 3 (PPL3) switches – will look into every packet to determine its
logical Layer 3 destination IP address. A PPL3 switch basically functions as a high-speed router
with the routing functionality built into its hardware instead of software. Similar to routers, aside
from forwarding packets to their destination, PPL3 switches perform other functions that a
standard router accomplishes, such as using the packet’s checksum to verify its integrity,
updating the packet’s Time to Live (TTL) information after each hop, and processing any
optional information in the packet’s header.

In addition to performing Layer 3 switching functions and routing functions, these

switches perform the Layer 2 switches functions, such as bridging functions, at each
switch interface. You can group switching interfaces in various ways to allocate
bandwidth and contain broadcasts, which makes Layer 3 switches a powerful, scalable
technology for building high-speed Ethernet backbone networks.
L3 Switch Benefits
Layer 3 switches were developed to provide the network with the following advantages:

 Better fault isolation and traffic segregation

 Simplify security management
 Reduce broadcast traffic volume
 Easier VLAN configuration process
 Support Inter-VLAN routing
 Separate routing tables
 Reduce effort and time in troubleshooting
 Support flow accounting and high-speed scalability
 Lower network latency

Network router explained

A router is a network device that routes packets from one network to another. It is
usually connected to two or more different networks. When a packet comes to a router
port, the router reads the address information in the packet to determine out which port
the packet will be sent. For example, a router provides you with the internet access by
connecting your LAN with the Internet.
A router is most commonly an OSI Layer 3 device, since its forwarding decision is based on the
information of the OSI Layer 3 – the destination IP address. Routers divide broadcast domains,
provide full duplex communication, and have traffic filtering capabilities.

The picture below shows a typical home router:

If two hosts from different networks want to communicate, they will need a router in
order to exchange data. Consider the following example:

We have a network of three hosts and a router. Note that each computer is on a
different network. Host A wants to communicate with Host B and sends the packet with
the Host B’s IP address ( to the router. The router receives the packet,
compares the packet’s destination IP address to the entries in its routing table and finds
a match. It then sends the packet out the interface associated with the network Only Host B will receive and process the packet. In fact, Host C will not
even be aware that the communication took place.

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