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Second edition

Cranes — Inspections —
Part 3:
Tower cranes
Appareils de levage à charge suspendue — Vérifications —
Partie 3: Grues à tour


ISO 9927-3:2019

Reference number
ISO 9927-3:2019(E)

© ISO 2019
ISO 9927-3:2019(E)


ISO 9927-3:2019


© ISO 2019
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Published in Switzerland

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ISO 9927-3:2019(E)

Contents Page

Foreword......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... iv
1 Scope.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative references....................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
4 General............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
5 Daily inspections................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
5.1 General............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 2
5.2 Content............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 2
5.3 Results............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 2
6 Frequent inspections........................................................................................................................................................................................ 2
6.1 General............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 2
6.2 Items to be inspected.......................................................................................................................................................................... 2
6.3 Periodicity.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
6.4 Results............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 3
7 Periodic inspections.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
7.1 General............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
7.2 Content............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
7.3 Periodicity.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Results............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
8 Thorough inspections...................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
8.1 (
General............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
8.2 Content............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
8.3 Periodicity....................................................................................................................................................................................................
ISO 9927-3:2019 5
8.3.1 Periodicity for tower cranes or components for tower cranes with no
automatic data eb16188b339b/iso-9927-3-2019
recording of use.......................................................................................................................... 5
8.3.2 Periodicity for tower cranes or components for tower cranes with
automatic data recording of use.......................................................................................................................... 5
8.4 Results............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
9 Exceptional inspection.................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
9.1 General............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
9.2 Content............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
Annex A (normative) Overview of inspections........................................................................................................................................... 7
Annex B (informative) Verification of hooks..............................................................................................................................................10
Annex C (informative) Example of report for periodic, thorough or exceptional inspections...............11
Bibliography.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 26

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ISO 9927-3:2019(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
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ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
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The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
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For an explanation of the voluntary nature of standards, the meaning of ISO specific terms and
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World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see www​.iso​
.org/iso/foreword​.html. (
This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 96, Cranes, SC 7, Tower cranes.
ISO 9927-3:2019
Any feedback or questions on this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A
complete listing of these bodies can be found at www​.iso​.org/members​.html.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 9927-3:2005), which has been technically
revised. The main changes compared to the previous edition are as follows:
— in 6.4 and 7.4, information on results inspection has been updated;
— in 7.3, requirements have been revised.
This document is intended to be used in conjunction with ISO 9927-1.
A list of all parts in the ISO 9927 series can be found on the ISO website.

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Cranes — Inspections —
Part 3:
Tower cranes

1 Scope
This document specifies the regular inspections to be carried out on tower cranes.
It does not cover inspection prior to the first use of a tower crane.

2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 4309, Cranes — Wire ropes — Care and maintenance, inspection and discard
3 Terms and definitions
No terms and definitions are listed in this document.
ISO 9927-3:2019
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform:eb16188b339b/iso-9927-3-2019
available at https:​//www​.iso​.org/obp
— IEC Electropedia: available at http:​//www​.electropedia​.org/

4 General
In order to ensure safe operation of tower cranes, their proper working and operational condition shall
be maintained. Therefore, all cranes need to undergo regular inspections. This ensures that deviations
from safe conditions are detected and can be rectified. The inspections shall be arranged.
The regular inspections are:
— daily inspections;
— frequent inspections;
— periodic inspections; and
— thorough inspections.
Inspections (periodicity, content, persons in charge, results and reports) shall be in accordance with
Clauses 5 to 9 and Table A.1 which provides an overview of the inspections.
NOTE The manufacturer can give inspection instructions that differ from those of this document. In this
case, the manufacturer's instructions are applicable.

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ISO 9927-3:2019(E)

5 Daily inspections

5.1 General
Daily inspection shall be performed before starting. This inspection shall consist of a visual inspection
(in general, no dismantling is required) and functional tests as defined hereafter.
They shall be carried out by a competent person (e.g. the crane operator).

5.2 Content
The inspections before each start shall take in:
a) the functioning of mechanisms, in particular the brakes (generally without load);
b) the functioning of limiting and indicating devices; and
c) observation of conspicuous defects, including ropes.

5.3 Results
Any defect shall be pointed out to a person who can make a suitable decision (to leave the tower crane in
use, repair, thorough inspection of a part of the tower crane or the whole tower crane, limitation of use).
The causes of these defects shall be investigated, depending on the type of component and defect
concerned. iTeh STANDARD PREVIEW
The operator’s log shall be updated (date of the repair, method).

ISO 9927-3:2019
6 Frequent inspections
6.1 General
Any defect shall be pointed out to a person who can make a suitable decision (to leave the tower crane in
use, repair, thorough inspection of a part of the tower crane or the whole tower crane, limitation of use).
The causes of these defects shall be investigated, depending on the type of component and defect
The record book shall be updated (date of the repair, method).

6.2 Items to be inspected

The following items shall be inspected:
a) level of lubricants: leakage of lubricants, greasing;
b) hydraulic equipment: leakage;
c) hooks and latches: visible deformation, cracks, wear;
d) wire ropes: in accordance with ISO 4309;
e) connections, joints: corrosion, visual inspection;
f) break wear: thickness of brake linings, adjustment, noise, etc.;
g) hydraulic and pneumatic hoses: in particular those which are bent during operations;
h) electrical installation: state, signs of deterioration, moisture accumulation;

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ISO 9927-3:2019(E)

i) anchorage: braces or guys supporting cranes (condition).

6.3 Periodicity
The periodicity of the frequent inspections shall take into account the actual use of the tower crane and
the environment in which the tower crane is working.
The minimum periodicity is as follows:
a) for 6.2 a) to 6.2 e), monthly;
b) for 6.2 f) to 6.2 i), twice yearly.

6.4 Results
Any defect shall be pointed out to a person who can make a suitable decision (to leave the tower crane in
use, repair, thorough inspection of a part of the tower crane or the whole tower crane, limitation of use).
The causes of these defects shall be investigated, depending on the type of component and defect
Maintenance record book should be presented. Inspection record book should be presented and

7 Periodic inspections iTeh STANDARD PREVIEW

7.1 General (
Periodic inspections are inspections made ISOperiodically,
9927-3:2019 as indicated in 7.3, and after each re-erection.
Periodic inspections shall comprise visual inspections (in general, no dismantling is required), and
functional tests, both with and without load, as defined below.
They shall be carried out by a competent person (e.g. an experienced technician, see ISO 9927-1).
The competent person shall be in possession of:
— the report of the previous inspections; and
— the automatic registered data, where available, (cycles, hours, days, loads, etc.) permitting knowledge
of the service time of the components for which data exist.

7.2 Content
The periodic inspections shall include the content of the frequent inspections.
The functional tests for all components shall be performed in the most unfavourable position for these
a) verification of the tower crane's identification and plates;
b) verification of the presence of the instruction handbook;
c) verification of the records of maintenance;
d) verification of the components, equipment and steel structure. Compare the component installed
on the tower crane with the component listed in the documentation;
e) consideration of the condition of equipment indicating its deterioration:
— the gear or its components are loose and its oil (lubricant) leaks;

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ISO 9927-3:2019(E)

— visible couplings between particular components (e.g. motor, gear, brakes, drums) show wear
or damage;
— unusual noise and vibration is noticeable;
— unusual high temperature is noticeable;
— fastening bolts are loose, fissured or defective;
— brake linings are worn or damaged;
— the general condition (corrosion, dirt) is doubtful;
— the electrical installation (cable entries, cable attachments) shows damage;
— wire ropes (see ISO 4309);
— hooks (see Annex B);
f) functional tests. Functioning and efficiency, with the rated load of:
— mechanisms, in particular the brakes; and
— limiting and indicating devices;
g) steel structure and rails:
— welding; iTeh STANDARD PREVIEW
— corrosion; (
— remaining deformation;
ISO 9927-3:2019
— cracks;
h) support of the tower crane/crane-track.
For an example, see ISO 9927-1:2013, Annex A.

7.3 Periodicity
Tower cranes shall be inspected at least each year and after each re-erection.
NOTE 1 Some verifications can be performed when the tower crane is dismantled.

NOTE 2 Changing the hoist rope reeving, i.e. from 2 falls to 4 falls or addition of a jib extension or tower section
are not considered as dismantling and re-erection.

NOTE 3 After folding and unfolding of a self-erecting tower crane, there is need only for an inspection limited
to 7.2 b), c), f), g) and h).

7.4 Results
Periodic inspections shall be recorded. This report shall indicate the components verified and remaining
defects. An example of such a report is presented in Table C.1.
The report shall be given to a person who can make a suitable decision (to leave the tower crane in use,
repair, thorough inspection of a part of the tower crane or the whole tower crane, limitation of use).
The causes of these defects shall be investigated, depending on the type of component and defect
Maintenance record book should be presented. Inspection record book should be presented and

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ISO 9927-3:2019(E)

8 Thorough inspections

8.1 General
Thorough inspections are detailed inspections made with a periodicity according to 8.3 (and as
identified in Table A.1).
They shall be performed by a competent person, capable of defining the actions needed to be taken
depending on the results of these inspections (e.g. an expert engineer, see ISO 9927-1).
The competent person shall be in possession of:
— the report of the previous inspections; and
— the automatic registered data, where available, (cycles, hours, days, loads, etc.) permitting knowledge
of the service time of the different components for which data exist.

8.2 Content
The thorough inspections shall comprise at least all the elements of the periodic inspections.
A thorough inspection can require non-destructive tests and/or dismantling if considered justified,
taking into account:
— the content of the previous verifications (daily, frequent, periodic or thorough);
— the results of the current tests; and

the result of the current visual checks.
When dismantling, special care shall beISO taken in order to avoid mistakes or wrong operation while
following the maintenance instructions. If these are not available, the manufacturer of the tower crane
or of the component concerned should be contacted for assistance.
During the thorough inspection, particular attention shall be given to the following:
— vibration;
— unusual noise or temperature;
— poor general condition, corrosion;
— alignment of machinery, motors and gears, rails, wheels, shafts;
— brakes;
— connections, bolts, pins.

8.3 Periodicity

8.3.1 Periodicity for tower cranes or components for tower cranes with no automatic data
recording of use

Thorough inspection of a component or the tower crane is recommended at periodic intervals as

recommended by the manufacturer and no longer than every 5 years.

8.3.2 Periodicity for tower cranes or components for tower cranes with automatic data
recording of use

The instruction handbook should contain the periodicity of the thorough inspection of the crane and of
the corresponding components based on the registered data, at least at the intervals given in 8.3.1.

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ISO 9927-3:2019(E)

In addition to the periodicity, the manufacturer should give guidance to reinitialize the value of the
parameter (return to zero, keep the value as new origin, etc.).

8.4 Results
The report of the thorough inspection shall contain the result of the inspection made by the competent
person as well as their conclusions and recommendations, including the time until the next thorough
An example of such a report is given in Annex C.
When the tower crane or a component is not used as classified or is in a condition which seems to be
hazardous, the competent person (see 8.1) recommends appropriate action.
The causes of defects shall be investigated, depending on the type of component and defect concerned.
Maintenance record book should be presented. Inspection record book should be presented and

9 Exceptional inspection

9.1 General
The inspection shall be carried out after:
exceptional circumstances, such as:

extreme weather conditions (storm);
— an earthquake of medium seismic intensity; ISO 9927-3:2019
— overload, collision or foundation disturbance;
— fire;
— premature component failure;
b) substantial modification, for example, increase of rated capacity, change of mechanisms, transfer
of control station, change of power, change in design of the load-bearing structure, welding on the
load-bearing structure, modification of control system or change in operating condition relative to
the class of utilisation and load spectrum.
The verifications shall be performed by a competent person (experienced technician or engineer,
depending on the nature of the verification).

9.2 Content
The extent of the inspection shall be proportional to any damage or modification that can have occurred.

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ISO 9927-3:2019(E)

Annex A

Overview of inspections


ISO 9927-3:2019

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Table A.1 — Overview of inspections
Daily inspection Frequent inspection Periodic inspection Thorough inspection
When (periodic-
— Before each start up of — Monthly or every six months — At a determined period — After finding a fundamental failure
the tower crane and/or according to the (given in national
manufacturer's regulations, given by — At a determined period, either:
the manufacturer or — given in national regulations
ISO 9927-3:2019(E)

— given by the manufacturer, or
— After dismantling/re-
erection — given by recommendation
following report (frequent or
periodic inspection)

What (content)
— As recommended in 8.3

See 5.2 See 6.2 See 7.2 See 8.2
— Visual inspections — Visual inspections — Visual inspections, including — Same as for the periodic inspection
reading of recording
— Functional tests — Functional tests instruments

— Functional tests (loaded and If necessary, with dismantling or meas-
unloaded) urement (play) or specific tests on all
Without dismantling Without dismantling or part of the tower crane

ISO 9927-3:2019
Without dismantling, if not oth-
erwise required by the manu-

By whom

Competent person (e.g. crane Competent person (experienced Competent person (experienced Competent person (engineer)
operator) technician) technician)
a Systematic changes of certain parts can be recommended by the manufacturer or by a competent person. iTeh STANDARD PREVIEW

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