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(GR) CHECK - Textbook Answers Section 4 (Hodder & Stoughton)

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4.1 German schools

4.1a Das deutsche Schulsystem

Pages: 170–171
Level of difficulty: Abfliegen
 Learn about the German school system
 Demonstrative pronouns; prepositions with da
 Additional objective: in conversations, remember to include opinions and extra details
Audio files needed:

Vocabulary-building exercise. Students read the groups of words and decide which one is the odd-
one-out and give a reason for their choice.

1 die Schüler – Es sind Personen, die anderen sind Gebäude.
2 Pause – Das ist kein Fach.
3 die Kantine – ein Ort
4 das Klassenzimmer – ein Ort, keine Person
5 die Schulstunde – kein Gegenstand
6 der Schulhof – keine Schulart
7 sitzen – ist nicht „lernen“
8 die Direktorin – eine Person

Read the article about the German school system with the class, and ask volunteers to come to the
front and draw a diagram to illustrate how the system works, following the progression through the
years and labelling each stage according to the terms given in the article. Students then read the
article and the accompanying sentences in detail, and identify which four of the sentences are true.

True sentences: 1, 3, 5, 7

Extra activity
When students have completed the exercise, ask them to correct the false sentences.

Lesen Sie den Artikel noch einmal und korrigieren Sie die falschen Sätze.

Cambridge IGCSE™ and IGCSE (9–1) German Second Edition 1

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2 vier drei
4 Alle Schüler mit guten Noten
6 dem Mittleren Abschluss dem Abitur / der Allgemeine Hochschulreife
8 nur für ein paar für viele

Listening skills. Check that students understand the rubric and the multiple-choice questions by
asking them to work in pairs, with a dictionary if necessary, to gather information in advance of
listening. They should start thinking about what sort of language they will hear in the context of a
conversation about school. Students then listen to Anna talking about her school experiences and
select the correct option for the six multiple-choice questions. The track should be played twice.

1A 3C 5A
2A 4C 6B

Ask students to look at D8 in the Grammar section where demonstrative pronouns are covered.
Students then complete sentences by writing the correct form of the pronoun stem given in brackets
each time.

1 diese 3 dieses
2 diesen 4 diejenigen

Ask students to look at E6 in the Grammar section where prepositions with da are covered. Students
then complete sentences by writing the correct preposition from a choice given in the rubric.

1 damit 3 Dafür
2 Darin 4 darüber

Writing skills. Students write 80–90 words to compare the German school system with their own.
Students should ensure they answer the four bullets provided. It can be useful to go through the mark
scheme with students before they begin writing so that they know exactly what they need to include.
When they have finished, remind them to check grammar and spelling, and in particular the gender of
words and verb endings. For this question, students should:
 show understanding of the options available after primary school in both Germany and their own
 discuss kinds of schools in both countries, using information from the reading text in exercise 1
 use the future tense to say how much longer they will stay at school
 explain their options for after school, including being able to say they are not sure what their plans
If time permits, students could work in pairs to share or exchange their writing and give each other
suggestions on how to correct or improve it, based on the mark scheme.

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If using this task for assessment purposes, mark out of 12, using the specimen mark scheme
available on the Cambridge International website.

Students’ own answers.

Speaking skills. Students work in pairs to ask and answer five questions to compare the German
school system with their own. Encourage them to answer each question, but then also to include an
additional detail in each answer, using connectives, comparatives and a variety of tenses. Point out
that they can find ideas in the reading text and other exercises on this spread. For this conversation,
students should:
 identify the main differences between the German and their own school systems
 use comparatives and superlatives to say which system they find better
 explain what they think is good about the German system
 discuss the concept of lernen und arbeiten, as explained in the reading text
 use the conditional tense to say whether they would prefer to continue studying or work when
they leave school.
Students should regularly justify their opinions throughout the conversation.
If using this task for assessment purposes, mark out of 15, using the specimen mark scheme
available on the Cambridge International website.

Students’ own answers.

The strategy for this unit is that students should always remember to include opinions and extra
details in their conversations. Encourage them to do this by making comparisons with their own
experience wherever possible.

Cambridge IGCSE™ and IGCSE (9–1) German Second Edition 3

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4.1b Als ich in der Grundschule war…

Pages: 172–173
Level of difficulty: Unterwegs
 Talk about experiences at primary school
 Imperfect (irregular), with seit
Audio files needed:

Writing skills. As a starter activity, ask students to work in pairs and describe the photo and discuss
their former primary school experiences, i.e. what they did, how they learnt, how they found it,
friendships, sports etc. Students read the article, firstly for gist, to see if any points of comparison
between themselves and Lisa can be made. They then read the article and the eight accompanying
questions in greater detail and answer them in German. Remind students to look at the marks given
for each question to make sure they write enough information to secure all the marks. They do not
need to answer in full sentences.

1 das Hören 5 singen und Gitarre spielen
2 Sie lernte Gitarre. 6 Zaubertricks machen
3 freitags 7 das Brotmuseum
4 eine Schulglocke 8 langweilig, nicht gut

Before students listen to Oliver and Carmen discussing their primary school memories, ask them to
read the eight sentences in pairs to give them an idea as to what they will be listening to. Tell students
they will need to decide whether the eight sentences are R (correct), F (false) or NA (not given).
Students might like to guess their answers before they listen, then return afterwards to see how many
they guessed correctly. The track should be played twice.

1R 3F 5R 7F
2F 4 NA 6F 8R

Extra activity
Students can correct the false sentences after a second listening.
Hören Sie die Aufnahme noch einmal zu und korrigieren Sie die falschen Sätze.

2 trifft sich noch öfter mit mehreren Mitschülern aus der Grundschule. hat ihre Klassenkameraden
schon seit 4 Jahren nicht mehr gesehen
3 schrecklich super
6 muss zu Hause nachsehen, ob sie noch Fotos von der Grundschule hat hat immer noch Fotos
7 aber die Schokolade war nicht und die Schokolade war

Cambridge IGCSE™ and IGCSE (9–1) German Second Edition 4

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Ask students to look at F4 in the Grammar section where irregular imperfect tense forms are covered.
Students complete the gaps in the sentences by adapting the infinitive form given in brackets each
time to its imperfect tense form.

1 ging 5 las
2 fuhr 6 nahm
3 mochte 7 bekamen
4 durften 8 rief … an

Speaking skills. Students work in pairs to carry out a role play with a classmate about their
experiences at primary school. In this role play, students should:
 use the past tense, including imperfect forms, to describe what their time at primary school was
 use the past tense to describe how often they used a computer at this time
 give an opinion on the teaching in their primary school and compare this with what they know
about German primary schools
 use the past tense to explain what they found good at primary school
 use the future tense to describe how they think primary schools will change in future.
Students should regularly justify their opinions throughout the role play.
Circulate in the class, listening to the various role plays, before picking a couple of good examples to
be demonstrated to the rest of the class.
Students swap roles and repeat the task.
If using this task for assessment purposes, each answer is worth either 0, 1 or 2 points, giving a total
mark out of 10. Refer to the specimen mark scheme available on the Cambridge International

Students’ own answers.

Students write a blog about their primary school years, explaining what they did and didn’t do, and
which aspects they both liked and disliked. Encourage students to use the material from the spread to
help them with ideas and vocabulary and ensure they check their word order and spelling, using the
textbook and their own word list to help. Students could swap their work with a partner to see if their
ideas are similar or differ, as well as to check for accuracy.

Students’ own answers.

Cambridge IGCSE™ and IGCSE (9–1) German Second Edition 5

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4.2 Further education and training

4.2a Möglichkeiten nach der Schule

Pages: 174–175
Level of difficulty: Abfliegen
 Talk about training places and career pathways after school
 Verbs with zu
 Additional objective: study the questions first (R & L) — they will give you an idea about
what is coming
Audio files needed:

Vocabulary-building exercise. Students categorise the terms relating to future choices (1–8) into three
categories: A (Ausbildung), B (Beruf) and U (Universität). As an extension task, students could come
up with their own terms which suit the categories, and compare these with a partner or in small

1A 2U 3A 4B 5B 6B 7U 8A

Article about future choices. Students choose words from the box to fill the gaps in the article. The
box includes eight distractors. Make sure students understand the words in the box (A–P), referring
them to a dictionary if necessary, and reminding them of the need to break down compound nouns to
aid understanding.

1K 2J 3G 4A 5I 6C 7D 8F

Extra activity
When students have completed the exercise, ask them to note down in their vocabulary books any
useful words and expressions from the article. They also write down the meanings in their own
Lesen Sie den Artikel noch einmal. Welche Wörter finden Sie besonders nützlich? Kopieren Sie sie
und übersetzen Sie sie in Ihre Sprache.

Students’ own answers.

Listening skills. Check that students understand the multiple-choice questions by asking them to work
in pairs, with a dictionary, if necessary. They should start thinking about the sort of language they will
hear in the context of future hopes. Students then listen to Alex and Lukas talking about their hopes

Cambridge IGCSE™ and IGCSE (9–1) German Second Edition 6

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for the future, and select the correct option for the six multiple-choice questions. The track should be
played twice.

1B 2A 3C 4A 5C 6B

This exercise is ideal to support students with the strategy of studying the questions first, in both
reading and listening exercises, as an aid to gaining an idea about what is coming. Encourage
students to look at the multiple-choice questions first and think about the vocabulary that is likely to
come up in the recording. They should consider synonyms that may be used in the listening. They
need to consider what the information coming up could be, based on the questions. They then need
to double-check afterwards whether their inferences are correct and correspond with the content they
have listened to.
In a reading task, students should do likewise and think about how to go about the task. For
answering questions in German, students need to look closely at the question word used, to ensure
they locate the precise information for the answer.

Ask students to look at G2 in the Grammar section where verbs with zu are covered. Students match
the first half of the sentences (1–8) to the endings (A–H).

1E 2C 3G 4F 5H 6A 7D 8B
Extra activity
As an extension task, ask students to re-read the article in exercise 2 and find at least four infinitive
constructions with zu. They copy these into their books and translate them into their own language.
Finden Sie mindestens vier Konstruktionen mit zu im Artikel in Übung 2. Kopieren Sie sie und
übersetzen Sie sie in Ihre Sprache.

In der Schule hat es mir Spaß gemacht zu programmieren. (It was fun to program at school.)
Es war nicht schwierig, die Stelle zu bekommen. (It was not difficult to get the job.)
Ich arbeite viel, um Experte in meinem Fach zu werden. (I work a lot to become an expert in my field.)
Es ist toll, jeden Tag mechanische und elektronische Bauteile zu bauen und zu installieren. (It is great
to build and install mechanical and electronic parts every day.)
Man kann die Ausbildung nicht machen, ohne hart zu arbeiten. (You can’t do the apprenticeship
without working hard.)
Es lohnt sich also, fleißig zu sein! (Therefore, it is worth being hard-working!)

Speaking skills. Students work in pairs to carry out a role play with a penfriend discussing the topic of
school, using the mix-and-match grid for support. In this role play, students should:
 use the conditional tense to explain what they would like to do when they leave school
 use the conditional tense to explain why they would (not) like to do an apprenticeship, giving

Cambridge IGCSE™ and IGCSE (9–1) German Second Edition 7

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 use the past tense to describe what older friends have done since leaving school
 discuss why they think some teenagers like to go travelling after they leave school
 discuss what they feel is more important — having a job that interests them or earning a lot of
Students should regularly justify their opinions throughout the role play.
Circulate in the class, listening to the various role plays, before picking a couple of good examples to
be demonstrated to the rest of the class.
If using this task for assessment purposes, each answer is worth either 0, 1 or 2 points, giving a total
mark out of 10. Refer to the specimen mark scheme available on the Cambridge International

Students swap roles and repeat the task.

Students’ own answers.

Writing skills. Students write 80–90 words to describe their future plans. Students should ensure they
answer the four bullets provided. It can be useful to go through the mark scheme with students before
they begin writing so that they know exactly what they need to include. Remind them that they can
use their answers to the speaking activity and the mix-and-match grid to help them. When they have
finished, remind them to check grammar and spelling, and in particular the gender of words and verb
endings. For this question, students should:
 use the past tense to explain how much they have researched different jobs
 describe why they do or do not want to do an apprenticeship
 use the future tense to say if they plan to study in the future
 use the third person singular or plural to describe their friends’ future plans, giving reasons.
If time permits, students could work in pairs to share or exchange their writing and give each other
suggestions on how to correct or improve it, based on the mark scheme.
If using this task for assessment purposes, mark out of 12, using the specimen mark scheme
available on the Cambridge International website.

Students’ own answers.

Cambridge IGCSE™ and IGCSE (9–1) German Second Edition 8

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4.2b Zukunftspläne nach der Oberstufe

Pages: 176–177
Level of difficulty: Unterwegs
 Talk about future plans after school
 Subjunctive with möchte
Audio files needed:

Reading skills. As a starter activity, ask students to work in pairs and describe the photo and discuss
what the article might be about, using the heading to help them. Gather all the ideas together then ask
students to read the article for gist and see if they were thinking along the right lines. Students then
read the article in greater detail along with the eight comprehension questions which they should
answer in German. They do not need to answer in full sentences.

1 Reisen
2 drei Tage
3 an einer Schule/Universität; in einem Restaurant
4 Arzt; Geld/gut bezahlte Stelle/gute Bezahlung
5 die Finanzierung/das Geld
6 Schulabschluss
7 auf einem Bauernhof
8 eine Person (oder vielleicht keine)

Tell students to read the statements (1–8) before they listen, to check understanding and to give
themselves an idea of what they might hear. They then listen to eight people talking about university
and note whether the statements are R (correct), F (false) or NA (not given). The track should be
played twice.

1 R 5 R
2 R 6 F
3 F 7 F
4 NA 8 R

Students listen again and note whether each person gives a P (positive), N (negative) or PN (positive
and negative) opinion. They should give a reason for their choice.

1 P – gut bezahlte Stelle
2 PN – P möchte gute Qualifikation haben / ihre Freunde studieren auch alle; N schreibt und lernt
nicht gern

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3 PN – P möchte Modedesign studieren / ist kreativ; N Jura: kein Interesse

4 PN – N möchte nicht jahrelang lernen; P Sport ist ein interessantes Studium
5 P – will viel Neues lernen
6 P – lernt gerne
7 P – will Journalist werden, freut sich auf das Studium
8 N – Studieren ist nichts für sie

Ask students to look at F7 in the Grammar section where the subjunctive form möchte is covered.
Students complete the sentences with the correct form of the subjunctive form of mögen.

1 möchte 5 möchtest
2 möchten 6 möchte
3 möchte 7 möchten
4 Möchtet 8 möchten

Extra activity
Students find five subjunctive forms of mögen in the article in exercise 1 and translate them into their
own language.
Lesen Sie den Artikel in Übung 1 noch einmal und finden Sie fünf Konjunktivformen des Verbes
mögen. Kopieren Sie sie und übersetzen Sie sie in Ihre Sprache.

1 Was möchtest du nach der Schule machen? (What would you like to do after school?)
2 Möchtest du ein Jahr lang reisen oder im Ausland arbeiten? (Would you like to travel for a year or
work abroad?)
3 Sie möchte ein Auslandsjahr machen und ihre Französischkenntnisse verbessern. (She would like
to do a year abroad and improve her French [skills].)
4 Er möchte nach der Schule lernen und arbeiten. (He would like to study and work after school.)
5 Sie möchte ein Jahr lang durch Australien reisen, das Land kennenlernen und sich den Aufenthalt
durch Gelegenheitsarbeiten finanzieren. (She would like to travel through Australia for a year, get
to know the country and finance the stay by taking on casual jobs.)

Speaking skills. Students work in pairs to ask and answer five questions about their future plans.
Encourage them to answer each question, but then also to include an additional detail in each
answer, using connectives, adjectives, pronouns and verbs. For this conversation, students should:
 use the future tense to explain what they will do after they leave school
 use the past tense to explain what job they wanted to do when they were younger
 discuss why many teenagers prefer to go into employment rather than study
 discuss why many teenagers work abroad for a year before they start studying
 use the conditional tense to explain what they really would not want to do after school, giving
Students should regularly justify their opinions throughout the conversation.
If using this task for assessment purposes, mark out of 15, using the specimen mark scheme
available on the Cambridge International website.

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Students’ own answers.

For this follow-on activity, students can present their plans for the future to a group or to the class.
Encourage them to speak unsupported, or from notes only.

Students write an email to a friend, outlining their plans for what they would and would not like to do in
the future. They should include conditional forms and use their discussion from the speaking activity
as well as the example answer for support. Encourage students to check their writing once complete
and see if they can find ways of improving it, through including a range of tenses and extending
sentences with conjunctions.

Students’ own answers.

Cambridge IGCSE™ and IGCSE (9–1) German Second Edition 11

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4.3 Future career plans

4.3a Berufe und Karrieremöglichkeiten

Pages: 178–179
Level of difficulty: Abfliegen
 Describe jobs and career opportunities
 Masculine and feminine nouns for jobs
 Additional objective: whenever you get an opportunity, look at issues from two angles,
e.g. advantages and disadvantages, positive and negative (W, S)
Audio files needed:

Vocabulary-building exercise. Students read the groups of words and decide which one is the odd-
one-out, giving a reason for their choice.

1 Tourist – ist kein Beruf
2 Koffer – ist kein Beruf
3 Lagerfeuer – ist kein Beruf
4 Messer – ist kein Beruf
5 entspannen – hat nichts mit der Arbeit zu tun
6 Reiseleiter – ist Maskulinum
7 Einwohner – ist kein Beruf
8 Lehrer – ist kein Arbeitsplatz

Reading skills. Students read the forum entry in pairs for gist, using a dictionary to help them with any
vocabulary they do not know and cannot work out with one of the strategies they have developed
during the course. They can then read the text individually in greater detail and answer the eight
questions in German. They do not need to answer in full sentences. Remind students to watch out for
any questions which contain two marks so they can ensure they write sufficient detail to gain all the

1 langweilig 5 einen online-Kurs
2 von seinen Kollegen 6 Übersetzerin / die Arbeit
3 ins Ausland 7 sie spricht vier Fremdsprachen
4 sein Vater 8 12 Monate / niemand

Check that students understand the eight sentences by asking them to work in pairs, with a dictionary
if necessary. Students listen to three people talking about work and identify the four true sentences.
The track should be played twice.

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True sentences: 4, 5, 6, 7

Students listen again to the passage and select a positive and a negative aspect for the three jobs

1 Lehrerin: + den Kontakt mit Jugendlichen; – langer Schultag/arbeitet viel
2 Ausbildung zum Bäcker: + interessant/wenig Geld; – früh aufstehen/nicht gut bezahlt
3 Friseur: + mit Kunden sprechen/kreativ sein; – Rückenschmerzen/Beine tun weh

Ask students to look at A9 in the Grammar section where masculine and feminine nouns for jobs are
covered. Students then answer the multiple-choice statements about jobs, choosing the correct
gender for each one.

1 Kellnerin 3 Köchin
2 Arzt 4 Polizistinnen

Extra activity
As an extension task, write the following four sentences on the board. Students write the word in
brackets to match the person each time, masculine or feminine.
Setzen Sie jetzt die richtige Form des Nomens ein. Vorsicht! Das Wort ändert sich nicht immer.
1 Silvia ist (Auszubildender) bei einer großen Firma.
2 Sandro ist (Beamter) und er sucht eine Stelle.
3 Kathrin und Anna möchten nach der Schule (Briefträger) werden.
4 Olivia sagt seit drei Jahren, dass sie (Geschäftsmann) werden will.

1 Auszubildende 3 Briefträgerinnen
2 Beamter 4 Geschäftsfrau

Speaking skills. Students work in pairs to carry out a role play at a jobs fair about work, using the mix-
and-match grid for support. In this role play, students should:
 name a few jobs they find interesting and justify their choice
 use the conditional tense to talk about two jobs they would not want to do, giving reasons for this
in some detail
 discuss important aspects of jobs, offering a range of important points
 use the past tense to talk about what their dream job used to be, giving reasons
 use the future tense to discuss the qualifications they will need to achieve their dream job.
Students should regularly justify their opinions throughout the role play.

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Circulate in the class, listening to the various role plays, before picking a couple of good examples to
be demonstrated to the rest of the class.
If using this task for assessment purposes, each answer is worth either 0, 1 or 2 points, giving a total
mark out of 10. Refer to the specimen mark scheme available on the Cambridge International

Students swap roles and repeat the task.

Students’ own answers.

The strategy for this spread is to encourage students to look at issues from two angles, e.g.
advantages and disadvantages, positive and negative, when they are working on productive writing
and speaking activities. By considering the pros and cons of an argument and looking at the positive
and negative aspects whenever possible, students will sharpen their critical thinking skills. They can
practise this using the topic covered on this spread, e.g. advantages and disadvantages of different

Writing skills. Students write 80–90 words to describe their career choice, including their opinion.
Students should ensure they answer the four bullets provided. It can be useful to go through the mark
scheme with students before they begin writing so that they know exactly what they need to include.
Remind them that they can use their answers to the speaking activity and the mix-and-match grid to
help them. When they have finished, remind them to check grammar and spelling, and in particular
the gender of words and verb endings. For this question, students should:
 describe in detail which job they want to do, giving reasons
 use the past tense to describe what sort of job they wanted to do when they were younger
 explain what further education/training they will need to reach their career goal
 use the future tense to explain how long they will have to study, before they can reach their
chosen career goal.
If time permits, students could work in pairs to share or exchange their writing and give each other
suggestions on how to correct or improve it, based on the mark scheme.
If using this task for assessment purposes, mark out of 12, using the specimen mark scheme
available on the Cambridge International website.

Students’ own answers.

Cambridge IGCSE™ and IGCSE (9–1) German Second Edition 14

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4.3b Berufswünsche

Pages: 180–181
Level of difficulty: Unterwegs
 Talk about job wishes and career opportunities
 Subjunctive with würde
Audio files needed:

As a starter activity, write Berufe in der Zukunft on the board and hold a class brainstorming session
of ideas which could come under this heading. For categories, you could use adjectives, verbs and
nouns and then ask students to come up with related vocabulary they already know. As they read the
article, they can add to each category, as well as adding any further vocabulary they think of as they
work their way through the exercises on this spread. Students read the article and note whether the
eight statements (1–8) are R (correct), F (false) or NA (not given).

1 R
2 F (die Gebäude sicher sind das Internet sicher ist)
3 R
4 F (kontrollieren das Essen machen das Essen sicher)
5 F (produzieren Abfall entwerfen neue Produkte aus Abfall)
6 R
7 R
8 NA

Extra activity
When students have completed the exercise, ask them to copy any words and expressions they find
useful in the article. They also write down the meanings in their own language. Students could also
correct the false statements for further reinforcement.
Welche Wörter finden Sie besonders nützlich und wichtig im Text? Kopieren Sie sie und übersetzen
Sie sie in Ihre Sprache.

Students’ own answers.

Listening skills. Before students listen to Claire talking about her career wishes, ask them to read the
multiple-choice questions to give them an idea as to what they will be listening for. Brainstorm ideas in
the class of aspects which might be covered, gathering a selection of vocabulary on the board. Once
students have completed the multiple-choice exercise, refer them back to the list of ideas and see
how many of them they had anticipated correctly. The track should be played twice.

1B 2A 3C 4C 5B 6C

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Ask students to look at F7 in the Grammar section where the subjunctive with würde is covered.
Students complete eight sentences, using the correct subjunctive form of würde.

1 würdest 5 Würdet
2 würde 6 würden
3 würde 7 würde
4 würden 8 würdest

Speaking skills. Students work in pairs to ask and answer five questions about career ambitions and
wishes. For this conversation, students should:
 justify why they choose one of the listed aspects (high salary, short working hours, good team)
over the other, when discussing what is important in a career
 discuss careers they are not interested in, giving reasons for their choices
 use the future tense to explain if they will work abroad, giving both details and reasons
 use the past tense to describe any work experience they have completed
 state their intentions regarding careers, discussing their choice in some detail.
Students should regularly justify their opinions throughout the conversation.
If using this task for assessment purposes, mark out of 15, using the specimen mark scheme
available on the Cambridge International website.

Students’ own answers.

Students write two paragraphs for the article in exercise 1 about how they view jobs of the future.
Remind students that they can use material from the other exercises on this and the previous spread
for ideas. When they have finished, ask them to check grammar and spelling, and also to check that
they have used a variety of structures, conjunctions and verbs, including the subjunctive würde.
Students could swap their work with a partner to allow peer review and suggestions for
improvements. They then produce a final version.

Students’ own answers.

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4.4 Employment
4.4a Gelegenheitsjobs und das Auszeitjahr

Pages: 182–183
Level of difficulty: Abfliegen
 Talk about casual jobs and a gap year
 Dative pronouns and their position
Audio files needed:

Vocabulary-building exercise. Students categorise the terms (1–8) into two categories: A (Auszeitjahr)
and G (Gelegenheitsjobs). As an extension task, students could come up with their own terms which
suit the categories, and compare these with a partner or in small groups.

1A 3A 5A 7A
2G 4G 6G 8G

Reading skills. Students work in pairs to read Mete’s blog about his casual work for gist, using a
dictionary to help them with any vocabulary they do not know and cannot work out with one of the
strategies they have developed during the course. They can then read the text individually in greater
detail and answer eight questions in German. They do not need to answer in full sentences. Remind
students to watch out for any questions which contain two marks so they can ensure they write
sufficient detail to gain all the marks.

1 zweimal die Woche
2 Verkäufer in einem Modegeschäft / einmal pro Woche
3 im Winter
4 seit 16 / seit er 16 ist / seit 2 Jahren
5 das Geld / der Verdienst
6 zwei
7 drei
8 das Studium / ein Zimmer/eine Wohnung/Unterkunft

As a starter activity, make sure that students know what each picture represents and what it is called
in German. Students listen to three young people talking about their wishes for the future and match
each picture (A–H) to the correct speaker (Tobias, Iris and Sebastian). There is one distractor. The
track should be played twice.

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A Tobias E Iris
B distractor F Tobias
C Sebastian G Sebastian
D Iris H Tobias

Ask students to look at D1 and A6 in the Grammar section where dative prepositions and their
position are covered. Students then complete the gaps in the sentences with the words from the box.

1 ihnen 5 ihm
2 ihnen 6 ihr
3 ihrer 7 euch
4 ihm 8 ihr

Extra activity
As an extension task, ask students to read the article in exercise 2 again and find examples of dative
pronouns after verbs and prepositions. They should establish which category each sentence fits: a)
verbs that take the dative and b) dative pronoun after prepositions.
Lesen Sie den Artikel in Übung 2 noch einmal. Finden Sie Beispiele für a) ein Dativpronomen mit
einem Dativverb und b) ein Dativpronomen nach einer Präposition. Kopieren Sie sie und übersetzen
Sie sie in Ihre Sprache.

a Ich helfe ihnen. (I help them.)
Der Matheunterricht gefällt mir viel besser. (I much prefer maths lessons.)
Meine Nachbarin gibt mir manchmal einen Gelegenheitsjob. (My neighbour gives [to] me
casual jobs sometimes.)
Ich helfe ihr das ganze Wochenende zum Beispiel bei der Gartenarbeit. (I am helping her with
the gardening for the whole weekend.)
b Ich verbringe gern Zeit mit ihnen. (I like spending time with them.)
Eine Agentur arbeitet mit dir. (An agency is working with you.)

Speaking skills. Students work in pairs to ask and answer five questions about casual work and a gap
year. Encourage them to answer each question, but then also to include an additional detail in each
answer, using connectives and verbs. Point out that they can use the mix-and-match grid to help
them, as well as find ideas in the reading text and other exercises. For this conversation, students
 use the past tense to discuss their experience of casual jobs
 state which sort of casual jobs they like (including any they dislike), with reasons
 use the conditional tense to explain which casual jobs they would like to do in the future
 justify their choice of potential casual jobs thoroughly, with examples and reasons
 use the conditional tense to discuss why they would or would not like to take a gap year.
Students should regularly justify their opinions throughout the conversation.

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If using this task for assessment purposes, mark out of 15, using the specimen mark scheme
available on the Cambridge International website.

Students’ own answers.

Students write 60–75 words about casual jobs, making sure they include the four words provided.
Remind them that they can use their answers to the speaking activity and the mix-and-match grid to
help them. When they have finished, remind them to check grammar and spelling, and in particular
the gender of words and verb endings.

Students’ own answers.

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4.4b Die Arbeit

Pages: 184–185
Level of difficulty: Unterwegs
 Understand job adverts and applications
 Adjective endings after etwas, nichts, viel, wenig, alles
 Additional objective: make sure you include all of the information you are asked to give
Audio files needed:

Students work in pairs to read Phillip’s email about job applications for gist, using a dictionary to help
them with any vocabulary they do not know and cannot work out with one of the strategies they have
developed during the course. They can then read the email individually in greater detail and work out
which of the words from the box (A–J) best fits each gap (1–8). Point out to students there are two

1C 3A 5G 7H
2F 4B 6D 8E

Extra activity
When students have completed the exercise, ask them to note down in their vocabulary books any
useful words and expressions from the reading text. They should also write down the meanings in
their own language.
Lesen Sie Phillips E-Mail noch einmal. Welche Wörter finden Sie besonders nützlich? Kopieren Sie
sie und übersetzen Sie sie in Ihre Sprache.

Students’ own answers.

Listening skills. Make sure that students know what the three sets of sentences (A–E) mean and go
through all these sentences with them, eliciting what type of words they might expect to hear in the
recording. Students listen to Peter talking to his boss about the job and select the two correct
sentences for each section. The track should be played twice.

1 A, B 2 A, D 3 C, D

Ask students to look at B7 in the Grammar section where adjectives after alles, etwas, nichts, viel and
wenig are covered. Students complete ten gaps in a paragraph with the correct form of the adjective
given in brackets each time.

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1 Schöneres 6 Weitere
2 Wunderbares 7 Gute
3 Neues 8 Positives
4 Kreatives 9 Nettes
5 Mögliche 10 Erfreuliches

Extra activity
Students find six examples of adjectives after alles, etwas, nichts, viel or wenig in the email in
exercise 1. They copy these into their vocabulary books and translate them into their own language.
Lesen Sie Phillips E-Mail in Übung 1 noch einmal und finden Sie sechs Beispiele für
Adjektivendungen nach alles, etwas, nichts, viel, wenig. Kopieren Sie sie und übersetzen Sie sie in
Ihre Sprache.

nichts Bestimmtes (nothing in particular), wenig Interessantes (nothing of interest), etwas Neues
(something new), viel Nützliches (a lot of useful stuff), nichts Gutes (nothing good), alles Mögliche (all

Speaking skills. Students work in pairs to carry out a role play with a manager at a job interview. In
this role play, students should:
 use the past tense to comment on how the journey went
 use the conditional tense to give a succint and clear response as to why they would like the job
 explain why they feel they are suited to the job
 use the past tense to describe any relevant work experience
 use the future or conditional tense to talk about the type of job they would like to do in the future.
Students should regularly justify their opinions throughout the role play.
Circulate in the class, listening to the various role plays, before picking a couple of good examples to
be demonstrated to the rest of the class.
Students swap roles and repeat the task.
If using this task for assessment purposes, each answer is worth either 0, 1 or 2 points, giving a total
mark out of 10. Refer to the specimen mark scheme available on the Cambridge International

Students’ own answers.

Writing skills. Students write 130–40 words in an article for the school newspaper, explaining a
successful job application. For this question, students should:
 express why they are looking forward to the job
 use the past tense to describe the interview process
 use the future tense to describe their duties in the new job
 use the past tense to give their reasons for applying for the job in the first place
 use the future tense to discuss what skills they will learn in the job.

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Students should regularly justify their opinions throughout the article.

If time permits, students could work in pairs to share or exchange their writing and give each other
suggestions on how to correct or improve it, based on the mark scheme.
If using this task for assessment purposes, mark out of 10 for completion, 10 for range and 8 for
accuracy, giving a total mark out of 28. Refer to the specimen mark scheme available on the
Cambridge International website.

Students’ own answers.

The strategy for this unit is to alert students to the fact that when they answer a question, they should
include all of the information they are asked to give. Students can practise the strategy for this spread
by carefully following the instructions given for this writing task. They could do so by underlining the
key words and tenses in the rubric and ticking off each bullet point once they have answered it.
Students need to include all five bullet points.

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4.5 Communication and technology at work

4.5a Kommunikation bei der Arbeit

Pages: 186–187
Level of difficulty: Abfliegen
 Communicate by telephone at work
 Telephone numbers; formal imperative
 Additional objective: circumlocution — different ways of saying things
Audio files needed:

Vocabulary-building exercise. Students read eight descriptions of terms relating to G (Gerät), K
(Kommunikation) or S (Sicherheit), and categorise them accordingly. As a follow-up activity, students
could compare their answers with a partner and come up with further suitable terms.

G: 1, 3, 7
K: 2, 4, 8
S: 5, 6

Reading skills. Read the email with the class, eliciting what it is about and in which context it has been
sent. Point out to students the formal headings, as are commonplace in email communication.
Students can then work in pairs to read the accompanying multiple-choice questions to check
understanding. They then read the email in detail and select the correct option for the six multiple-
choice questions.

1C 2B 3B 4C 5C 6A

Check that students understand the eight questions, by asking them to work in pairs, with a dictionary
if necessary. Remind them that reading the questions before they listen gives them a good indication
of the sort of language and content they will be listening to. Students listen to a phone conversation
between a secretary and a customer and answer the questions in German. The track should be
played twice.

1 um 11.30 Uhr 5 Sie sprechen über ein neues Projekt.
2 Frau Neuner 6 über dem Restaurant
3 am Mittwoch 7 im 2./zweiten Stock
4 um 15 Uhr 8 01828 439582

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Ask students to look at F2 in the Grammar section where the formal imperative is covered. Students
complete eight gaps in sentences by converting the past tense forms in the second parts to the formal

1 Überprüfen Sie alle Leitungen!
2 Kopieren Sie alle Dateien!
3 Machen Sie bitte einen Soundcheck!
4 Holen Sie bitte ein Ladegerät!
5 Installieren Sie bitte das Anti-Viren-Programm.
6 Aktualisieren Sie bitte die Webseite unserer Firma!
7 Finden Sie bitte die Telefonnummer!
8 Besprechen Sie das bitte mit der Chefin.

Speaking skills. Students work in pairs to carry out a role play about technology in the workplace,
using the mix-and-match grid for support. In this role play, students should:
 describe how they find the computer set-up at work
 use the past tense to explain which technology they have used before at work
 use the conditional tense to explain what they would do if they encountered a computer problem
 say which pieces of technology they find the most useful at work, giving reasons for their choice
 use the conditional tense to explain which pieces of technology they would like to use at work in
the future.
Students should regularly justify their opinions throughout the role play.
Circulate in the class, listening to the various role plays, before picking a couple of good examples to
be demonstrated to the rest of the class.
Students swap roles and repeat the task.
If using this task for assessment purposes, each answer is worth either 0, 1 or 2 points, giving a total
mark out of 10. Refer to the specimen mark scheme available on the Cambridge International

Students’ own answers.

It would be helpful to introduce the strategy before the speaking activity, as students will probably
need the concept of circumlocution, i.e. employing different ways of saying things, explained to them.
It does not mean using synonyms, but rather paraphrasing or expressing ideas in a different way,
especially as they will sometimes lack the vocabulary needed to express their ideas perfectly. For
example, if they are unable to recall the German word for a certain noun, they could describe it by
using other words that they do know.
As a whole-class activity, collate some useful (but highly advanced and unknown in German)
vocabulary in students’ native language to describe a picture you have displayed on the whiteboard.
Students then explain the words in German using circumlocution (it is the opposite of/it means the
same as/it is similar to etc.).

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Students write a work email to address an issue they are having with their computer, using the four
bullet points provided to help them structure their writing. They can refer to the mix-and-match grid for
support, as well as the email in exercise 2 for the layout.

Students’ own answers.

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4.5b Informationstechnologie bei der Arbeit

Pages: 188–189
Level of difficulty: Abfliegen
 Discuss information technology at work
 Infinitive constructions (ohne … zu, um … zu)
Audio files needed:

As a starter activity, ask students to work in pairs and describe the photo and discuss the title of the
report. Gather all the ideas together before students read Hannah’s report for gist and discuss the
content in pairs or small groups. Go through the eight sentences with students, pointing out they all
refer to the report, but they are not listed in the same chronological order. Students should then read
both the report and the sentences again, this time in greater detail, and put them in the correct order.

Correct order: 1, 5, 7, 4, 3, 2, 6, 8

Listening skills. Check that students understand the multiple-choice questions by asking them to work
in pairs, with a dictionary, if necessary. They should start thinking about what sort of language they
will hear in the context of a conversation with an IT expert at work. Students then listen to the
conversation and select the correct option for the six multiple-choice questions. The track should be
played twice.

1C 2B 3C 4A 5B 6C

Ask students to look at G2 in the Grammar section where infinitive constructions with zu are covered.
Students combine the pairs of sentences by linking them with the appropriate zu clause.

1 Ich verbringe viele Stunden am Computer, um eine Programmiersprache zu lernen.
2 Man kann die Fotos posten, ohne einen PC zu haben.
3 Wir organisieren eine Videokonferenz, um mit den Mitarbeitern zu sprechen.
4 Er kommuniziert per Telefonkonferenz mit dem Kunden, ohne das Haus zu verlassen.
5 Er arbeitet, ohne im Büro zu sein.
6 Die Chefin macht eine Bildschirmpräsentation, um die neusten Statistiken zu zeigen.
7 Alex hat Schwierigkeiten, das Dokument in der Datei zu finden.
8 Wir lesen immer den Newsletter vom Chef, um informiert zu sein.

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Extra activity
Students find at least four zu infinitive constructions in the report in exercise 1 and translate
them into their own language.
Lesen Sie Hannahs Bericht in Übung 1 noch einmal und finden Sie vier Infinitivsätze mit zu.

(Any 4)
Ich habe es gemacht, um mehr über die Arbeit zu erfahren. (I did it to find out more about the
Meine Chefin hat gestern eine Präsentation gemacht, um den Kunden eine neue Software zu
zeigen. (My (female) boss did a presentation yesterday to show the client a new software.)
Heute konnte ich eine Datei nicht öffnen und vorgestern hatte ich noch Probleme, die richtigen
Ordner zu finden, aber jetzt habe ich das System verstanden.
(Today I couldn’t open a file and I had problems the day before yesterday to find the right files
but now I understand the system.)
Ich werde das Praktikum nicht beenden, ohne etwas Programmiersprache zu lernen. (I won’t
finish the work experience without having learnt anything about programming language.)
Ich bin etwas traurig darüber, mein Praktikum zu beenden. (I’m a bit sad that my work
experience is finishing.)

Speaking skills. Students work in pairs to ask and answer five questions about technology.
Encourage them to answer each question, but then also to include an additional detail in each
answer, using connectives and verbs. Point out that they can use the mix-and-match grid to
help them, as well as find ideas in the reading text and other exercises. For this conversation,
students should:
 say which technology they currently use and for which purpose
 say how often they use it
 use the past tense to talk about the last app or piece of technology they used
 use the future tense to discuss which apps or technology they will use in the future to do
their homework
 use the conditional tense to describe technology they would like to see available in future
Students should regularly justify their opinions throughout the conversation.
If using this task for assessment purposes, mark out of 15, using the specimen mark scheme
available on the Cambridge International website.

Students’ own answers.

Writing skills. Students write 80–90 words to describe technology in the workplace. Students
should ensure they answer the four bullet points provided. It can be useful to go through the
mark scheme with students before they begin writing so that they know exactly what they need
to include. Remind them that they can use their answers to the speaking activity and the mix-
and-match grid to help them. There should be a clear thread running through their work, and

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students need to make sure they use complex structures and vocabulary covered in this unit.
For this question, students should:
 describe which pieces of equipment they use at work
 explain what they use them for, giving some detail and examples
 explain which piece of equipment is the most useful, justifying their choice
 use the future tense to say which piece of equipment will be used (even more) at work in
the future, justifying their opinion.
If time permits, students could work in pairs to share or exchange their writing and give each
other suggestions on how to correct or improve it, based on the mark scheme.
If using this task for assessment purposes, mark out of 12, using the specimen mark scheme
available on the Cambridge International website.

Students’ own answers.

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4.5c Vorstellungsgespräche für Gelegenheitsjobs

Pages: 190–191
Level of difficulty: Unterwegs
 Talk about interviews
 Imperfect subjunctive in conditional clauses: haben and sein
 Additional objective: practise different forms of writing, e.g. email, blog, letter, essay
Audio files needed:

Reading skills. Ask the class what advice they would offer somebody preparing for a job
interview, and if their knowledge is limited, ask them to research ideas online, before discussing
the tips offered in the leaflet.
Students read the leaflet, either individually, in pairs or even as a class. They could use this to
practise their German pronunciation, if they read the tips out loud. Students then read the
comprehension questions, checking they understand any question words and how much
information is required each time, as indicated by the number of marks available. Students then
answer the questions in German. Remind them they do not need to answer in full sentences,
but they should check their answers at the end to make sure what they have written makes

1 Man muss recherchieren.
2 der Kandidat und die verantwortliche Person
3 Man soll den Weg recherchieren. Or Man sollte mindestens fünf Minuten vor dem Gespräch
dort sein.
4 keine flippige Kleidung
5 selbstsicher
6 laut und deutlich
7 Wenn man übertreibt, ist es peinlich.
8 danke sagen/sich bedanken

A useful tip for students attempting this type of gap-fill exercise is to organise the words in the
box first of all by parts of speech: nouns, verbs, adjectives etc. When looking at the gaps in the
sentences, students should firstly identify what sort of word they are looking for, using clues
such as determiners or intensifiers. This will then help them narrow down the selection of
possible words to choose from.
Students listen to Lukas’s job interview and complete the gaps in the sentences (1–8) with the
correct word from the box (A–M). There are five distractors. The track should be played twice.

1F 2A 3E 4M 5J 6C 7B 8K

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Ask students to look at F7 in the Grammar section where the conditional of haben and sein is
covered. Students complete the gaps with the correct subjunctive form of haben, werden or

1 hätte, wäre 5 Hättest, wäre
2 wäre 6 hätte
3 wäre, würde 7 wäre, hätte
4 hätte, hätte 8 würden, hätten

Extra activity
Students read the leaflet of tips in exercise 1 again and find four subjunctive sentences. They
copy these into their books and translate them into their own language.
Lesen Sie die Tipps in Übung 1 noch einmal und finden Sie vier Sätze im Konjunktiv II.
Kopieren Sie die Sätze und übersetzen Sie sie in Ihre Sprache.

(Any four)
1 Es wäre wichtig, die Firma genau zu recherchieren. (It would be important to research the
company in detail.)
2 Welche Antwort hättest du auf die Frage…? (What would be your answer to the
3 Geh auf Nummer sicher, trage klassische Kleidung – flippige Klamotten wären nicht
angemessen. (Be safe and wear normal clothes – funky clothes would not be appropriate.)
4 Es hätte keinen Sinn, Kleidung zu tragen, in der du dich nicht wohlfühlst. (It would not make
sense to wear clothes which you don’t feel comfortable in.)
5 Es wäre peinlich, wenn dein Handy während des Gesprächs plötzlich klingeln würde. (It
would be embarrassing if your mobile started ringing suddenly during the interview.)
6 Wenn du übertreiben würdest, könnte es peinlich werden. (If you overdid it, it could be

Speaking skills. Students work in pairs to carry out a role play with a neighbour about summer
jobs. In this role play, students should:
 use the past tense to describe any previous summer jobs they have had
 use the conditional tense to describe their ideal summer job, giving reasons for their choice
 express an opinion on whether they value summer jobs or not
 give examples of what they might learn in a summer job
 use the future tense to describe what they are planning to do this summer, with regard to
Students should regularly justify their opinions throughout the role play.
Circulate in the class, listening to the various role plays, before picking a couple of good
examples to be demonstrated to the rest of the class.
If using this task for assessment purposes, each answer is worth either 0, 1 or 2 points, giving a
total mark out of 10. Refer to the specimen mark scheme available on the Cambridge
International website.

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Students swap roles and repeat the task.

Students’ own answers.

Students write an email to a friend about their summer job, using the four bullet points provided
to help them both structure their work and ensure a spread of tenses.

Students’ own answers.

Students need to practise different genres of writing by looking at examples, e.g. emails and
letters and notice the conventions, i.e. how to start and finish a letter. They need to learn typical
chunks (e.g. Vielen Dank für Ihre Nachricht…) used in the genres and remember conventions
which may differ from practices in their own language (i.e. the first word in a letter after
addressing the recipient is always small: Lieber Florian, wie…).

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