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zenon driver manual


© 2013 Ing. Punzenberger COPA-DATA GmbH

All rights reserved.

Distribution and/or reproduction of this document or parts thereof in any form are permitted solely
with the written permission of the company COPA-DATA. The technical data contained herein has been
provided solely for informational purposes and is not legally binding. Subject to change, technical or

1. Welcome to COPA-DATA help ...................................................................................................... 4

2. IEC850 ......................................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 IEC850 - Data sheet ..................................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Driver history .............................................................................................................................................. 6
2.3 Requirements .............................................................................................................................................. 8
2.3.1 PC.................................................................................................................................................. 9
2.4 Configuration .............................................................................................................................................. 9
2.4.1 Creating a driver ........................................................................................................................... 9
2.4.2 Settings in the driver dialog ........................................................................................................ 11
2.5 Creating variables...................................................................................................................................... 29
2.5.1 Creating variables in the Editor .................................................................................................. 29
2.5.2 Addressing .................................................................................................................................. 32
2.5.3 Driver objects and datatypes ..................................................................................................... 35
2.5.4 Creating variables by importing ................................................................................................. 40
2.5.5 Treibervariablen ......................................................................................................................... 50
2.6 Driver-specific functions ........................................................................................................................... 55
2.7 Reporting .................................................................................................................................................. 64
2.7.1 Unbuffered Reporting ................................................................................................................ 66
2.7.2 Buffered Reporting ..................................................................................................................... 68
2.7.3 Dynamic Data Sets ...................................................................................................................... 70
2.8 Driver commands ...................................................................................................................................... 71
2.9 Error analysis ............................................................................................................................................. 73
2.9.1 Analysis tool ............................................................................................................................... 73
2.9.2 Check list..................................................................................................................................... 75
2.10 Appendix A - Description of the ‘Functional Constraints’ (FCs): ............................................................... 76
2.11 Appendix B - Abbreviations for data object/data attribute ...................................................................... 77
2.12 Appendix C - Conformance statement ...................................................................................................... 90
2.12.1 Protocol implementation conformance statement (PICS) ......................................................... 90
2.12.2 Model implementation conformance statement (MICS) ........................................................... 98
2.13 Appendix D - PIXIT for COPA-DATA IEC61850 Client ................................................................................. 98

Welcome to COPA-DATA help

1. Welcome to COPA-DATA help


If you cannot find any information you require in this help chapter or can think of anything that you
would like added, please send an email to


You can receive support for any real project you may have from our Support Team, who you can contact
via email at (


If you find that you need other modules or licenses, our staff will be happy to help you. Email (

2. IEC850
Communication between the driver and the PLC is based on the IEC 61850 protocol with client/server
services via TCP/IP (A1/T1 profile). The driver acts as a client (master) when communicating.


Configurations that have been edited with a driver from version 3400 cannot be
opened with older drivers anymore.

2.1 IEC850 - Data sheet


Driver file name IEC850.exe

Driver name IEC61850

PLC types IEC 61850 compatible PLCs

PLC manufacturer ABB; Siemens; IEC; SAT; Sprecher Automation; Kalki; GE Multilin;

Driver supports:

Protocol IEC 61850;

Addressing: Address-based -

Addressing: Name-based x

Spontaneous x

Polling communication x

Online browsing x

Offline browsing x

Real-time capable x

Blockwrite -


Modem capable -

Serial logging -

RDA numerical -

RDA String -


Hardware PC standard Network Adapter

Software PC XML-Lite is required, it is included in Microsoft Internet Explorer

7.0; xmllite.dll, can also be downloaded from Microsoft

Hardware PLC -

Software PLC -

Requires v-dll -


Operating systems Windows CE 5.0, CE 6.0; Windows Vista, 7, 8, Server 2008/R2,

Server 2012;

CE platforms x86; ARM;

2.2 Driver history

A list of the main changes that were made to the driver documentation. The driver version (driver exe
file version) corresponds to pre-compilations for test and documentation purposes and not the
approved version of the driver with the described functions.
If you have questions about your project, please contact the Consulting Team by email. (


Date Driver version Change

8/31/2006 100 Driver and documentation created

4/11/2007 400 Support for all models (SBO) of the control model

10/4/2007 700 Unbuffered Reporting

1/9/2008 1100 Version for Windows CE

1/10/2008 1100 File Transfer

1/28/2008 1200 Buffered Reporting

2/4/2008 1300 Auto reset of ctlNum

5/29/2008 1900 Alternative use of identification as external name

9/11/2008 2300 Check condition by a command from Check attribute

12/12/2008 2500 reedited driver documentation

12/23/2008 2500 recognition of duplicated datasets in Reports;

log messages for reported or polled variables

12/29/2008 2500 configurable names of BRCBs

5/12/2009 2900 bitstrings also as STRING variables

3:11 AM 09 3300 dynamic Data Sets

option: Use preconfigured TrgOps

12/30/2009 3600 option: Do not purge BRCB buffer at start

1/7/2010 3600 Reports not only from LLN0

2/1/2010 3700 off-line import also from *.cid and *.scd files

2/17/2010 3700 Origin is sent to RT before all other attributes of a data object from

3/24/2010 3800 Additional Cause Diagnosis

3/24/2010 3900 possibility to split up Select and Operate for Command Processing

3/24/2010 3900 mapping of Time quality bits ClockFailure and ClockNotSynchronized

11/8/2010 4000 Off-line Import: LNs embedded directly into IEDs without LDs are

11/12/2010 4100 support of data type “Check” (Tissue 10);

PICS reviewed;


PIXIT enclosed (KEMA Certification)

5/4/2011 4200 UNICODE STRING in UTF-8 character encoding;

consideration of all possible TimeAccuracy values;
support of Authentication (ISO 8650-1)

5/6/2011 4300 support of alternative IP address

5/19/2011 4400 local time stamp for variables with FC not ST or MX

10/31/2011 4500 individual TrgOps bits setting for Unbuffered Reports

11/2/2011 4600 driver setting for Origin orCat

11/8/2011 4700 individual TrgOps bits setting for Buffered Reports

The versioning of the drivers was changed with zenon 7.10. From now on, there is a build number that is
valid throughout all versions. This is the number in the 4th position of the file version, for example: means that the driver is for version 7.10 service pack 0, and has the build number 4228.
Expansions or error rectifications will be incorporated into a build in the future and are then available
form the next consecutive build number.

A driver extension was implemented in build 4228. The driver that you are using is build
number 8322. Because the build number of your driver is higher than the build number of
the extension, the extension is included. The version number of the driver (the first three
digits of the file version) do not have any significance in relation to this. The drivers are

Date Build number Change

7/16/2012 4230 support of ARRAY OF

2.3 Requirements
This chapter contains information on the requirements that are necessary for use of this driver.


2.3.1 PC
XML Lite, which is part of Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0, is necessary; xmllite.dll can also be
downloaded separately from the Microsoft website.

This driver supports a connection via the standard network card of the PC. Make sure that the PLC and
the PC are in the same network range and that the subnet masks are set accordingly on both devices.

2.4 Configuration
In this chapter you will learn how to use the driver in a project and which settings you can change.

Find out more about further settings for zenon variables in the chapter Variables
(main.chm::/15247.htm) of the online manual.

2.4.1 Creating a driver

In order to create a new driver:

1. Right-click on Driver in the Project Manage and select Driver new in the context menu.


2. In the following dialog the control system offers a list of all available drivers.

3. Select the desired driver and give it a name:

 The driver name has to be unique, i.e. if one and the same driver is to be used
several times in one project, a new name has to be given each time.
 The driver name is part of the file name. Therefore it may only contain characters
which are supported by the operating system. Invalid characters are replaced by an
underscore (_).


 This name cannot be changed later on.

4. Confirm the dialog with OK. In the following dialog the single configurations of the drivers are

Only the respective required drivers need to be loaded for a project. Later loading of an additional driver
is possible without problems.

For new projects and for existing projects which are converted to version 6.21 or higher,
the following drivers are created automatically:

 Internal

 MathDr32

 SysDrv.

2.4.2 Settings in the driver dialog

You can change the following settings of the driver:



Parameter Description
Mode Allows to switch between hardware mode and simulation mode

 Hardware:

A connection to the control is established.

 Simulation static

No communication between to the control is established,

the values are simulated by the driver. In this modus the
values remain constant or the variables keep the values
which were set by zenon Logic. Each variable has its own
memory area. E.g. two variables of the type marker with
offset 79 can have different values in the Runtime and do
not influence each other. Exception: The simulator driver.
 Simulation - counting

No communication between to the control is established,

the values are simulated by the driver. In this modus the
driver increments the values within a value range
 Simulation - programmed

N communication is established to the PLC. The values are

calculated by a freely programmable simulation project.
The simulation project is created with the help of the zenon
Logic Workbench and runs in a zenon Logic Runtime which
is integrated in the driver. For details see chapter Driver
simulation (main.chm::/25206.htm).

Keep update list Variables which were requested once are still requested from the control
in the memory even if they are currently not needed.
This has the advantage that e.g. multiple screen switches after the screen
was opened for the first time are executed faster because the variables
need not be requested again. The disadvantage is a higher load for the
communication to the control.

Output can be Aktiv: Outputs can be written.

Inactive: Writing of outputs is prevented.

: Not available for every driver.


Variable image This option saves and restores the current value, time stamp and the states
remanent of a data point.

Fundamental requirement: The variable must have a valid value and time

The variable image is saved in mode hardware if:

 one of the states S_MERKER_1(0) up to S_MERKER8(7), REVISION(9), AUS(20)

or ERSATZWERT(27) is active

The variable image is always saved if:

 the variable is of the object type Driver variable

 the driver runs in simulation mode. (not programmed simulation)

The following states are not restored at the start of the Runtime:


 WR-ACK(40)

 WR-SUC(41)

The mode Simulation - programmed at the driver start is not a

criterion in order to restore the remanent variable image.

Stop at the Setting for redundancy at drivers which allow only on

Standby Server communication connection. For this the driver is stopped at the
Standby Server and only started at the upgrade.

If this option is active, the gapless archiving is no longer


Aktiv: Sets the driver at the not-process-leading Server

automatically in a stop-like state. In contrast to stopping via driver
command, the variable does not receive status switched off
(statusverarbeitung.chm::/24150.htm) but an empty value. This
prevents that at the upgrade to the Server irrelevant values are
created in the AML, CEL and Historian.

Global Update time Aktiv: The set Global update time in ms is used for all
variables in the project. The priority set at the variables is not used.
Inactive: The set priorities are used for the individual variables.

Priority Here you set the polling times for the individual priorities. All variables with
the according priority are polled in the set time. The allocation is taken


place for each variable separately in the settings of the variable properties.
The communication of the individual variables are graduated in respect of
importance or necessary topicality using the priorities. Thus the
communication load is distributed better.

OK Accepts settings in all tabs and closes dialog.

Cancel Discards all changes and closes the dialog.

Help Opens online help.


The following applies for cyclical drivers:

For Set value, Advising of variables and Requests, a read cycle is immediately triggered for all drivers -
regardless of the set update time. This ensures that the value is immediately available for visualization after
writing. Update times can therefore be shorter than pre-set for cyclical drivers.

Driver dialog basic settings

Parameters Description
Configuration file name Name of the file in which the driver-specific configurations
are saved. Click on the ... button to open the dialog for
selecting a drop folder.

Deactivate standard double Inactive : The values of double point values are
point value mapping adjusted to the operating elements of zenon. Use this
configuration if you want to use the modules of zenon



Find more Details: Tabelle Double Point Values.

Active: The values of the double point values are

forwarded to zenon as they are: In this case, you cannot use
the command function of zenon Energy for example.

Default: Inactive

Use identification for Inactive : The variable name is used for addressing.
external name:
Active: The driver uses the entries of the
'identification' variable property for addressing.

Default: Inactive

Do not purge BRCB buffer at Active: The buffer of the BRCBs are not deleted when
start the connection is first established after Runtime has
Requirements: For this BRBC, the last entry ID received
has been saved.

Originator category (orCat) The driver sends configured orCat values as commands.

Possible settings:

 1 - Bay-control

 2 - Station-control

 3 - Remote-control

 4 - Automatic-bay

 5 - Automatic-station

 6- Automatic-remote

 7 - Maintenance

Default: 2- Station-control.

Directory for file transfer Directory for file transfer. All files loaded are saved in
this folder.



The following is applicable to the Inactive setting of Deactivate standard double point value
The driver depicts the double point values for Runtime according to the zenon column (stVal : CODED
ENUM in DPS and DPC Classes, IEC 61850-7-3).

Position position position Transferred Dbpos zenon

value value value (unmapped) (mapped)
decimal binary-string
intermediate 0 00 0x00 2

off 1 01 0x40 0
on 2 10 0x80 1
bad state 3 11 0xC0 3

This means in Runtime (for example):

Parameters mapped unmapped

off 0 64

on 1 128

Read more about this in the chapter driver-specific functions (on page 55) -> Mapping.



The connections of the IEC850 driver are set in the Connections tab of the driver dialog.

Parameters Description
Server List of connectiosn to the IEC 61850 server that have already been
configured (to the control objects).
New Creates a new connection to an IEC 61850 server. Opens the 'Server'

Delete Removes the selected connection from the list.

Edit Opens the 'Server' dialog to edit the selected connection


Clicking on New or Edit in the dialog connection (on page 17) opens the dialog for the configuration of a
connection to an IEC 61850 server:

Parameters Description
Net address Corresponds to the Net address property in variable configuration.

Maximum value: 65535

Server name Freely definable name. Is used for the names of variables when variables
are imported.

Polling rate Defines the update frequency in milliseconds. The driver supports this rate
to poll data that is not in active reports. At this a possible failure of the
IEC61850 server is also considered.

Maximum value: 4294967295 (2^32-1)


If a higher value is entered, it is automatically changed to 1 when saved.

Default: 1000

: At least one variable should always be polled even if all data of the
project is present in the report. Otherwise a problem with the IEC61850
server cannot be detected if the TCP/IP connection still exists. Create a
*LLN0/Mod/cltModel[CF] variable for this and ensure that the variable
is always signed in with the driver.

Exchange of data in Runtime does not depend on this setting

or on the global update time. This is set to 100ms and fixed.

Link Layer (TCP) Connection settings

IP address IP address of the server to which a connection is to be made.


IP port (primary) Port via which the connection will be established.

Default: 102

IP address Alternative IP address. If the connection to the first IP address fails, the
(redundant) alternative IP address will be used after the net error waiting time has
passed (20-30 sec., depending on the network). The
alternative address will be kept until the driver is restarted (via driver
functions or restart of the zenon Logic Runtime) or until the connection
fails. Then, the first IP address will be used again.

At least one variable, such as *LLN0/Mod/stVal[ST] should

always be polled to detect a connection failure.

IP port Alternative IP port.


Application Layer Settings for the ACSE.


Calling AP title Settings according to ISO 8650-1(ACSE), the value for the OSI ACSE
AP Title of the client in the Universal Identifier notation.
Should not normally be amended.

Calling AE Settings according to ISO 8650-1(ACSE).

qualifier Should not be used in standard cases.

Called AP title Settings according to ISO 8650-1(ACSE), OSI-AP-Title of the server

in the format for Universal Identifier.
Should not normally be amended.

Called AE Settings according to ISO 8650-1(ACSE).


qualifier Should not be used in standard cases.

Use Authentication Activate this checkbox if you want to use authentication according
to ISO 8650-1.

Active: If active, the driver sends the Authentication String at

establishing the connection.

Authentication If Use Authentication is active, enter your Authentication

String String.
Take care about the length restriction of 55 characters according to
ISO 8327-1 OSI Session Protocol.

GetNameList on DO Active: The driver reads the Objekt Model by requesting data
objects (DO) for each available Logical Node pro in every
server in the IEC61850 standard defined Functional
Constraint (FC).

Therefore Objekt Models can then be read when some

Logical Nodes are larger than the PDU size supported by the

If this option is active, it can take much longer to

establish the connection. Only activate this option if reading in
cannot be carried out in full due to server limitations.

Default: inactive

Reporting Settings for the reports (on page 64).

Max. auto used Maximum number of Unbuffered Reports which the driver
URCBs activates at automatic allocaton, i.e. in addition to RCBs which were
configured in dialog RCB assignment/dynamic datasets.
Default: 1

Entry is only valid for unbuffered reports.

you can find more information on automatic allocation in the

Unbuffered Report (on page 66) chapter.

Use preconfigured Active: Trigger options which are pre-configured in the IEC61850
TrgOps Server are used. In this case, the driver does not write the TrgOps
attribute to the Report Control Block during assignment.

inactive: the driver writes the TrgOps attribute during the activation


of each RCB.

You can activate/deactivate the following Tripper options individually.

 TrgOp: data-change

 TrgOp: quality-change

 TrgOp: data-update

 TrgOp: integrity

 TrgOp: general-interrogation

Default: all active

: Not all servers support TrgOps data-change and data-update

together. TrgOp intergity can also lead to an unnecessary overload of
communication if a an IntgPd (Integrity Period) that is too short was
defined in the server for RCB. In case of doubt, set TrgOps: data-change +
quality-change + general-interrogation.

Use report ID for Active: The report ID is used instead of the report name in the client
RCB assignment configuration dialog for static RCB assignment.

Inactive: The RCB instances of the server are identified by name.

Default: inactive

If this option is subsequently changed, all RCB

assignments in the client configuration must be deleted and
created again.

RCB assignment/dynamic Static Report Control Block allocations and settings for Dynamic Data Sets.
: If you have activated 'Use redundancy' in your zenon project,
(Network active property activated and Server and Standby
configured), you must create two entries here: one for the server and one
for the standby.
New Creates a new entry in the list. Opens the client configuraton

Del Removes the selected entry from the list.

Edit Opens the Client configuration dialog to edit the selected entry.


OSI value (ACSE)
The driver uses the following OSI selector values:

 Presentation Selector (OSI-PSEL) = "00000001"

 Session Selector (OSI-SSEL) = "0001"

 Transport Selector (OSI-TSEL) = "0001"

In a server SCL file, it corresponds to the following entries:

 <P type="OSI-AP-Title">41,999,1,1</P>
- coded in accordance with Basic Encoding Rules (IEC 8825) for Object Identifier - corresponds
to standard values of the Universal Identifiers in the Called AP title.

 <P type="OSI-AE-Qualifier">12</P>
- corresponds to standard values in the Called AE qualifier.

 <P type="OSI-PSEL">00000001</P>
set in the driver; cannot be changed

 <P type="OSI-SSEL">0001</P>
set in the driver; cannot be changed

 <P type="OSI-TSEL">0001</P>
set in the driver; cannot be changed


Client configuration

Clicking on New or Edit in the RCB assignments/dynamic datasets list in the server dialogs
(on page 18) opens the dialog for the client configuration settings:


Parameters Description
Hostname Name of the computer on which the driver is running that receives the

 For standalone projects: The computer name of the computer on which

zenon Runtime runs;

 in the zenon network: The computer name of the project server or project

: Do not use "localhost"; use the computer names from the

operating system instead.

static RCB assignment Settings for the static assignment of RCBs (the same for unbuffered and
buffered RCBs).

: Buffered reports must be configured in the driver configuration.

They are not used if theay are not configured.

For more information, see driver-specfic functions (on page 55).

Report-ID Displays the report IDs already entered.

DataSet Displays the dynamic data set (if the RCB was allocated one).

New Creates a new entry in the list. Opens the 'statically assigned RCB' dialog
to create a new entry with a report ID (or a name) - you can either enter
it manually or browse the server
and if necessary with dynamic data set (is taken from the lower list).

Del Removes the selected entry from the list.

Edit Opens the 'statically assigned RCB' dialog to edit the selected entry.

dynamic DataSets Settings for dynamic data sets.

: Dynamic data sets are not a requirement for buffered or

unbuffered reports. They are optional settings if the IEC61850 server
that is used supports this.

For more information, see dynamic data sets (on page 70).


Name Displays the data sets that have already been enterd - that are already
present in the upper list.

New Opens the dialog for creating a data set.

Del Removes the selected entry from the list.

Edit Opens the 'dynamic DataSet configuration' dialog to edit the selected

statically assigned RCB

Clicking on New or Edit in the static RCB assignment list of the client configuration (on page
23) dialog opens the dialog to create an RCB and/or to assign an RCB a dynamic data set. RCBs are either
defined by means of the RCB name:

or by means of the report ID:


Parameters Description
RCB name/report ID The name or the ID of the report (buffered or
unbuffered). Must correspond exactly to the name/report
ID in the PLC (IEC61850 server).

A click on ... starts online browsing of the configured

IEC 61850 server and shows if the server is running and all
reporting control blocks that are currently on the server.

: RCB name is expected here by default. The

use of the RCB name can be be changed using the
Use report ID for RCB assignment
property in the Server (on page 18) properties on
report ID.

Report ID: Use the report ID that was configured

in the server. Depending on the PLC, the ID may
already be predefined or it can be configured by the
user themselves, for example using an SCL file.

: If Runtime is running at the same time on the

same computer, the RCBs cannot be browsed

dynamic Dataset You can also optionally select a data set from the drop-
down list of the data sets that have already been entered
into the 'dynamic DataSet configuration (on page 27)'

If you do not define a data set here, the

data set that is predefined for this RCB in the PLC
(IEC61850 server) is used.

This list is displayed after you have browsed RCBs online on the IEC 61850 server:


Select the desired Reporting Control Block from the list.

dynamic DataSet configuration

Clicking on New or Edit in the dynamic data sets list of the client configuration (on page 23)
dialog opens the dialog to define a dynamic data set.


Parameters Description
Name Name of the data set.

Members List of pre-configured data objects.

Add Starts the browsing of data objects dfrom the variable list
of the zenon project and displays all data objects for
which a variable has already been created in the project.

: The driver does not browse the data objects from

the IEC61850 server, but from the variable list in the
Editor. However, if Runtime is running at the same time
on the same computer, the variables cannot be browsed.

Remove Removes the selected entry from the list.

Export Exports members to a TXT file.

Import Imports members to a TXT fle.

In the open dialog:

 select the corresponding file

 select the desired variables

 Confirm the settings by clicking on OK

The list is displayed to you after you have prepared suitable project variables:


The diriver displays all data objects - that are appropriate for data reporting - from the variable list of
the zenon project, except those that have already been selected for the data set. In the upper list, you
can filter and select the variable filters (multiple selection is also possible) and add these to the lower
list. Objects that have already been selected are kept. Use the OK button to add the selected variables to
the members of the dynamic data set.

2.5 Creating variables

This is how you can create variables in the zenon Editor:

2.5.1 Creating variables in the Editor

Variables can be created:

 as simple variables

 in arrays (main.chm::/15262.htm)

 as structure variables (main.chm::/15278.htm)


To create a new variable, regardless of which type:


1. Select the New variable command in the Variables node in the context menu

2. The dialog for configuring variables is opened

3. configure the variable


4. The settings that are possible depends on the type of variables

Property Description
Name Distinct name of the variable. If a variable with the same name already
exists in the project, no additional variable can be created with this name.

Maximum length: 128 characters

The # character is not permitted in variable names. If non-

permitted characters are used, creation of variables cannot be completed
and the Finish button remains inactive.

Drivers Select the desired driver from the drop-down list.

If no driver has been opened in the project, the driver for internal
variables (Intern.exe (Main.chm::/Intern.chm::/Intern.htm)) is
automatically loaded.

Driver object type Select the appropriate driver object type from the drop-down list.


Data type Select the desired data type. Click on the ... button to open the selection

Array settings Expanded settings for array variables. You can find details in the Arrays

Addressing options Expanded settings for arrays and structure variables. You can find details
in the respective section.

Automatic element Expanded settings for arrays and structure variables. You can find details
activation in the respective section.


Measuring range, Signal range and Set value are always:

 derived from the datatype

 Automatically adapted if the data type is changed

If a change is made to a data type that does not support the set signal range, the
signal range is amended automatically. For example, for a change from INT to SINT, the signal
range is changed to 127. The amendment is also carried out if the signal range was not inherited from
the data type. In this case, the measuring range must be adapted manually.

2.5.2 Addressing
The addressing is based on the variable names.


Name Description
Name Freely definable name

The name is used for addressing the variables and must be clear in each
control system project. As a result, the server name is also taken into account if the
driver identifies the connection with the help of the Net Address property.

Identification Enter any desired text; for example resource name, comments, ...

Can be used for addressing (optional).

Net address Network address of variable.

This address refers to the network address in the connection list of the driver
configuration. It defines the IEC 61850 server on which variables are saved.

Data block Not used for this driver

Offset Not used for this driver

Alignment Not used for this driver

Bit number Not used for this driver

String length Only available for String variables: Maximum number of characters from which a
variable can exist.

Driver object Dependent on the type of variable, the object type is selected when the variable is
type created; the type can be changed here later. For more information, see also the
driver objects (on page 35).

Data type Data type of variables that were selected when the variable was created; the type
can be changed here later.

If you subsequently change the data type here, you must check all
variable properties, such as value range for example, and change them if necessary.

The naming convention is based on the following syntax: SERVER!LD/LN/DATA/DataAttr[FC]

For this, the following applies:

 The server name (on page 18) is separated by the exclamation mark (!) from the following

 All additional identifiers to DataAttr are separated by a slash (/).


 Only if an identifier is a structure, their elements are separated by a dot (.); for example:

The designations are:

Parameters Description
SERVER Freely definable name of the server.

Name should make sure that all variable names are identical.

Use the same names as defined in driver dialog Dialog Server (on page
18). The driver however does not recognize the used connection via the Server name
but via settings the Net address.

LD Name of the logical device.

LN Name of the logical node.

DATA Name of the 'data object', see Appendix B - data objects / data attributes

DataAttr Name of the 'data attribute', see Appendix B - data objects / data attributes

FC "functional constraint" of the "data attribute", see Appendix A - Description of the Functional
Constraints (FCs)

The naming convention for variables complies with the ObjectReference defined in
standard IEC61850-7-1.

In the standard a slash (/) is only used as separator between LD and LD and otherwise
separated by dots (.). If DATA or DataAttr is a structure, dots make it impossible to
differentiate between DATA and structure. Therefore an own naming conversion is used
for the variable addressing.

The logical node "XCBR1" (circuit breaker 1) has, among other things, a data object "Pos", which is a CDC
(Common Data Class) "Controllable Double Point" (DPC). This data point 'Pos' has, in turn, attributes
'stVal', 'q' and 't', the name and semantics of which is specific due to its CDC, which is defined in


Data attribute Name IEC 61850 Standard

XCBR1/Pos Switching position In accordance with LN definition XCBR in 61850-7-4

XCBR1/Pos/stVal[ST] position value In accordance with CDC definition DPC in 61850-7-3

XCBR1/Pos/q[ST] Quality In accordance with CDC definition DPC in 61850-7-3

XCBR1/Pos/t[ST] time stamp In accordance with CDC definition DPC in 61850-7-3

XCBR1/Pos/Oper.ctlVal[CO] Value of the In accordance with 'Oper' type definition in 61850-8-

command 1, Table E.9

All objects in the variable model are constructed in this way. For this reason, the driver knows, for
example, that the attributes 'q' and 't' contain quality and time stamps for the variables in 'stVal'. This
allows access to all attributes of the each object in the variable model. Existing values for quality and
time stamp are automatically assigned to the actual values of the driver.

Operate command: Thanks to the specific variable nomenclature, the driver automatically notices that
an operate command is to be created if a variable is written to, for example with the name
'*/Oper.ctlVal[CO]' (Operation.ControlValue). It the automatically sends the required sequence of
telegrams to the control object.


Time stamp and quality attribute are always parts of variables in zenon. Variables with attributes 'q' and
't' do not need to be created separately. The driver automatically uses the time stamp and the quality of
the data object for its variables with FC = ST and MX (FC stands for Functional Constraint (on page 76)).
Without taking into account whether a variable for attribute 't' was created, the time stamp received is
used for all ST and MX variables, for example the stVal variable for CEL, AML or Historian. Selected
quality bits that are received in attribute 'q' are also assigned the status bits of the stVal variable (see
also Driver-specific functions (on page 55)).

2.5.3 Driver objects and datatypes

Driver objects are areas available in the PLC, such as markers, data blocks etc. Here you can find out
which driver objects are provided by the driver and which IEC data types can be assigned to the
respective driver objects.

Driver objects

The following object types are available in this driver:


Driver object type Channel Read / Supported Comment

type Write data types
PLC marker 8 R/W REAL, LREAL, Data attribute variables

File Transfer 9 R/W STRING Command and return variables for

the file transfer.
: The string length should
correspond to the maximum length
of the file names (including the
path) in the PLC; a maximum of 260
characters for *!Command
variable for example, (but more for

You can find more information in

the chapter on driver-specific
functions (on page 55)

State Info 11 R UINT Internal variables display the

current status of the command.

You can find more information in

the chapter on driver-specific
functions (on page 55)

Driver 35 R/W BOOL, SINT, Variables for the static analysis of

variable USINT, INT, the communication; is transferred
UINT, DINT, between driver and Runtime (not to
: The addressing and the
behavior is the same for most
zenon drivers.
You can find more information in
the chapter on driver
variables (on page 50)


Assignment of data types

All variables in zenon are derived from IEC data types. The following table compares the IEC datatypes
with the datatypes of the PLC.



Control zenon Data type Comment

















UNICODE STRING WSTRING 21 Coding is carried out in UTF-8

PACKED LIST UDINT, STRING 4, 12 MMS Bitstring , inverted

bit order

TIMESTAMP LREAL 6 Only octets 0..7 (see also

TimeQuality Bit mapping (on
page 55))

EntryTime LREAL 6

TriggerConditions UDINT, STRING 4, 12 MMS Bitstring , inverted

bit order


The property Data type is the internal numerical name of the data type. It is also used
for the extended DBF import/export of the variables.

MMS Bitstring: The data attribute types that were assigned to the MMS Bitstring in accordance
with the standard (see IEC61850-8-1), CODED ENUM, PACKED LIST und TrigerConditionsfor
example, correspond to the UDINT data type in zenon. Whereby in the case of PACKED LIST and
TrigerConditions, the bit 0 has the highest value in its octet. The driver also allows bit string
variables with the data type STRING instead of UDINT to be inserted manually. The value of the string
only contains the characters "0" and "1" in a sequence that is the same as that of the bits defined in the
standard and only in the length of the bit string, for example the value of the TrgOps Attribute -
Bitstring(6) - as String "011111" (in UDINT=124) means that all trigger condition bits except bit 0 -
'Reserved' are set and the value "000010" (in UDINT=8) - only bit 4 - 'intergity'.


If there is an array level in the IEC61850 Data Classs, this level is placed at the end of the variable
structure for display in zenon. This means that, from an ARRAY OF that may have nested structures,
there are one or several arrays of scaled values in the zenon variable model. This remapping is carried
out at the start of the configuration time during online import and in the runtime environment during
the allocation between the zenon variable list and the IEC61850 object model.

As a result of this, there is the restriction that only one array level is supported. The support for arrays is
also limited to the data attribute.

The data attribute HaAmp.har of the Common Data Class (CDC, -7-3) MHAN - as defined in the IEC61850
standard: ARRAY[0..numHar] of Vector - becomes the following array in zenon:

In addition, there are of course also the arrays for ang.i, mag.f and mag.i.


2.5.4 Creating variables by importing

Variables can also be imported by importing them. The XML and DBF import is available for every driver.

You can find details on the import and export of variables in the Import-Export
(main.chm::/13028.htm) manual in the Variables (main.chm::/13045.htm) section.

Online import

Variables in a zenon project can be created with the import of the driver. The driver can browse the
variable list of the IEC 61850 server.

If Runtime is running on the same computer at the same time, the variables in the editor
cannot be imported by the PLC, because the driver in Runtime uses the given settings for

You call up the import using the context menu of the driver in the driver list.

In the dialog that opens, select the PLC Browsing option and select a server from which the variables are
to be browsed.


The connection to the server is established and the list of existing data points (LDs, LNs, data objects,
data attributes) is read.

If the reading in has ended, an important dialog opens in which you can filter the browsed variables
(capitalization, for example *XCBR1*stVal*), select them (including multiple selection) and add them
from the upper to lower list.

You create the selected variables in the project using the OK button.

The driver creates variables with default value ranges, for example a UDINT with <0...
4294967295> and a LREAL with <-1000..1000>, which may not correspond to the value
ranges of the attributes, for example stVal-attribute UDINT <0..3> or t-attribute
LREAL<0.. 2147483647> with three decimal places for milliseconds. Therefore ensure
after import after that all variables have the correct value range properties and the string
is the right length.


As a result of the limitation of only one array level being supported (on page 37), the support of arrays is
also limited to the data attributes.

These ARRAY OF variables are created as zenon arrays when imported.

The data attribute HaAmp.har of the Common Data Class MHAN - as defined in the IEC61850 standard:
ARRAY[0..numHar] of Vector - becomes up to four arrays in zenon, with the same respective
number of elements:

 */HaAmp.har.ang.f[MX][0..count-1]

 */HaAmp.har.ang.i[MX][0..count-1]

 */HaAmp.har.mag.f[MX][0..count-1]

 */HaAmp.har.mag.i[MX][0..count-1]

Offline import

Variables can also be imported offline. The following file endings are accepted:


 *.xml

 *.scl

 *.icd

 *.cid

 *.scd
The driver only imports DOI elements online. The ReportControl properties (report control block)
and SettingControl (Setting Control Block) are not supported during offline import. You can
create the variables for theses attributes by means of online import or manually.

Directly-linked logical nodes are ignored by the IED during offline import. This does not
affect Logical Devices. The driver can only import attributes from the object model that
are fully compliant with the IEC61850 standard.

To import variables from a file:

1. Select the File browsing option in server selection


2. Select the import file.

3. The following steps for the selection of variables are similar to online import.

XML import of variables from another zenon project

For the import/export of variables the following is true:

 The import/export must not be started from the global project.

 The start takes place via:

 Context menu of variables or data typ in the project tree


 or context menu of a variable or a data type

 or symbol in the symbol bar variables

When importing/overwriting an existing data type, all variables based on the existing
data type are changed.

There is a data type XYZ derived from the type INTwith variables based on this data
type. The XML file to be imported also contains a data type with the name XYZ but
derived from type STRING. If this data type is imported, the existing data type is
overwritten and the type of all variables based on it is adjusted. I.e. the variables are now
no longer INT variables, but STRING variables.

DBF Import/Export

Data can be exported to and imported from dBase.

Import and Export via CSV or dBase supported; no driver specific variable settings, such
as formulas. Use export/import via XML for this.


To start the import:

1. right-click on the variable list

2. in the drop-down menu of Extended export/import... select the Import dBase command

3. follow the import assistant


The format of the file is described in the chapter File structure.


 Driver object type and data type must be amended to the target driver in the DBF file in order for
variables to be imported.

 dBase does not support structures or arrays (complex variables) at import.


To start the export:

1. right-click on the variable list

2. in the drop-down menu of Extended export/import... select the Import dBase command

3. follow the export assistant

DBF files:

 must correspond to the 8.3 DOS format for filenames (8 alphanumeric characters for name, 3
character suffix, no spaces)

 must not have dots (.) in the path name.

e.g. the path C:\users\John.Smith\test.dbf is invalid.
Valid: C:\users\JohnSmith\test.dbf

 must be stored close to the root directory in order to fulfill the limit for file name length including
path: maximum 255 characters

The format of the file is described in the chapter File structure.

dBase does not support structures or arrays (complex variables) at export.

File structure of the dBase export file.

The dBaseIV file must have the following structure and contents for variable import and export:


dBase does not support structures or arrays (complex variables) at export.

DBF files must:

 conform with there name to the 8.3 DOS format (8 alphanumeric characters for name, 3 characters
for extension, no space)

 Be stored close to the root directory (Root)


Description Type Field size Comment

KANALNAME Char 128 Variable name.

The length can be limited using the MAX_LAENGE entry in


KANAL_R C 128 The original name of a variable that is to be replaced by the new
name entered under "VARIABLENNAME" (field/column must be
entered manually).

The length can be limited using the MAX_LAENGE entry in


KANAL_D Log 1 The variable is deleted with the 1 entry (field/column has to be
created by hand).

TAGNR C 128 Identification.

The length can be limited using the MAX_LAENGE entry in


Unit C 11 Technical unit

DATENART C 3 Data type (e.g. bit, byte, word, ...) corresponds to the data type.

KANALTYP C 3 Memory area in the PLC (e.g. marker area, data area, ...)
corresponds to the driver object type.

HWKANAL Num 3 Bus address

BAUSTEIN N 3 Datablock address (only for variables from the data area of the

ADRESSE N 5 Offset


BITADR N 2 For bit variables: bit address

For byte variables: 0=lower, 8=higher byte
For string variables: Length of string (max. 63 characters)

ARRAYSIZE N 16 Number of variables in the array for index variables

ATTENTION: Only the first variable is fully available. All others
are only available for VBA or the Recipe Group Manager

LES_SCHR R 1 Write-Read-Authorization
0: Not allowed to set value.
1: Allowed to set value.

MIT_ZEIT R 1 time stamp in zenon zenon (only if supported by the driver)

OBJEKT N 2 Driver-specific ID number of the primitive object


SIGMIN Float 16 Non-linearized signal - minimum (signal resolution)

SIGMAX F 16 Non-linearized signal - maximum (signal resolution)

ANZMIN F 16 Technical value - minimum (measuring range)

ANZMAX F 16 Technical value - maximum (measuring range)

ANZKOMMA N 1 Number of decimal places for the display of the values

(measuring range)

UPDATERATE F 19 Update rate for mathematics variables (in sec, one decimal
not used for all other variables

MEMTIEFE N 7 Only for compatibility reasons

HDRATE F 19 HD update rate for historical values (in sec, one decimal possible)

HDTIEFE N 7 HD entry depth for historical values (number)

NACHSORT R 1 HD data as postsorted values

DRRATE F 19 Updating to the output (for zenon DDE server, in [s], one decimal

HYST_PLUS F 16 Positive hysteresis, from measuring range

HYST_MINUS F 16 Negative hysteresis, from measuring range

PRIOR N 16 Priority of the variable

REAMATRIZE C 32 Allocated reaction matrix


ERSATZWERT F 16 Substitute value, from measuring range

SOLLMIN F 16 Minimum for set value actions, from measuring range

SOLLMAX F 16 Maximum for set value actions, from measuring range

VOMSTANDBY R 1 Get value from standby server; the value of the variable is not
requested from the server but from the standby-server in
redundant networks

RESOURCE C 128 Resources label.

Free string for export and display in lists.

The length can be limited using the MAX_LAENGE entry in


ADJWVBA R 1 Non-linear value adaption:

0: Non-linear value adaption is used
1: Non-linear value adaption is not used

ADJZENON C 128 Linked VBA macro for reading the variable value for non-linear
value adjustment.

ADJWVBA C 128 ed VBA macro for writing the variable value for non-linear value

ZWREMA N 16 Linked counter REMA.

MAXGRAD N 16 Gradient overflow for counter REMA.

When importing, the driver object type and data type must be amended to the target
driver in the DBF file in order for variables to be imported.


Limit definition for limit values 1 to 4, and status 1 bis 4:


Description Type Field size Comment

AKTIV1 R 1 Limit value active (per limit value available)

GRENZWERT1 F 20 hnical value or ID number of a linked variable for a dynamic limit

(if VARIABLEx is 1 and here it is -1, the existing variable linkage
is not overwritten)

SCHWWERT1 F 16 Threshold value for limit

HYSTERESE1 F 14 Is not used

BLINKEN1 R 1 Set blink attribute

BTB1 R 1 Logging in CEL

ALARM1 R 1 Alarm

DRUCKEN1 R 1 Printer output (for CEL or Alarm)

QUITTIER1 R 1 Must be acknowledged

LOESCHE1 R 1 Must be deleted

VARIABLE1 R 1 Dyn. limit value linking

the limit is defined by an absolute value (see field GRENZWERTx).

FUNC1 R 1 Functions linking

ASK_FUNC1 R 1 Execution via Alarm Message List

FUNC_NR1 N 10 ID number of the linked function

(if “-1” is entered here, the existing function is not overwritten
during import)

A_GRUPPE1 N 10 Alarm/event group

A_KLASSE1 N 10 Alarm/event class

MIN_MAX1 C 3 Minimum, Maximum

FARBE1 N 10 Color as Windows coding

GRENZTXT1 C 66 Limit value text

A_DELAY1 N 10 Time delay

INVISIBLE1 R 1 Invisible




2.5.5 Treibervariablen
The driver kit implements a number of driver variables. These are divided into:

 Information

 Configuration

 Statistics and

 Error messages
The definitions of the variables defined in the driver kit are available in the import file drvvar.dbf (on
the CD in the directory: CD_Drive:/Predefined/Variables) and can be imported from there.

Variable names must be unique in zenon. If driver variables are to be imported from drvvar.dbf
again, the variables that were imported beforehand must be renamed.

Not every driver supports all driver variants.

For example:

 Variables for modem information are only supported by modem-compatible drivers

 Driver variables for the polling cycle only for pure polling drivers

 Connection-related information such as ErrorMSG only for drivers that only edit one connection at
a a time



Name from import Type Offset Description

MainVersion UINT 0 Main version number of the driver.

SubVersion UINT 1 Sub version number of the driver.

BuildVersion UINT 29 Build version number of the driver.

RTMajor UINT 49 zenon main version number

RTMinor UINT 50 zenon sub version number

RTSp UINT 51 zenon service pack number

RTBuild UINT 52 zenon build number

LineStateIdle BOOL 24.0 TRUE, if the modem connection is idle

LineStateOffering BOOL 24.1 TRUE, if a call is received

LineStateAccepted BOOL 24.2 The call is accepted

LineStateDialtone BOOL 24.3 Dialtone recognized

LineStateDialing BOOL 24.4 Dialing active

LineStateRingBack BOOL 24.5 While establishing the connection

LineStateBusy BOOL 24.6 Target station is busy

LineStateSpecialInfo BOOL 24.7 Special status information received

LineStateConnected BOOL 24.8 Connection established

LineStateProceeding BOOL 24.9 Dialing completed

LineStateOnHold BOOL 12:00 Connection in hold


LineStateConferenced BOOL 12:00 Connection in conference mode.


LineStateOnHoldPendConf BOOL 12:00 Connection in hold for conference


LineStateOnHoldPendTransfer BOOL 24.13 Connection in hold for transfer

LineStateDisconnected BOOL 24.14 Connection terminated.

LineStateUnknow BOOL 24.15 Connection status unknown


ModemStatus UDINT 24 Current modem status

TreiberStop BOOL 28 Driver stopped

For driver stop, the variable has the value

TRUE and an OFF bit. After the driver has
started, the variable has the value FALSE and
no OFF bit.

SimulRTState UDINT 60 Informs the status of Runtime for driver



Name from import Type Offset Description

ReconnectInRead BOOL 27 If TRUE, the modem is automatically
reconnected for reading

ApplyCom BOOL 36 Apply changes in the settings of the serial

interface. Writing to this variable
immediately results in the method
SrvDrvVarApplyCom being called (which
currently has no further function).

ApplyModem BOOL 37 Apply changes in the settings of the

modem. Writing this variable immediately
calls the method SrvDrvVarApplyModem.
This closes the current connection and
opens a new one according to the settings
PhoneNumberSet and ModemHwAdrSet.

PhoneNumberSet STRING 38 Telephone number, that should be used

ModemHwAdrSet DINT 39 Hardware address for the telephone


GlobalUpdate UDINT 3 Update time in milliseconds (ms).

BGlobalUpdaten BOOL 4 TRUE, if update time is global

TreiberSimul BOOL 5 TRUE, if driver in sin simulation mode

TreiberProzab BOOL 6 TRUE, if the variables update list should be


kept in the memory

ModemActive BOOL 7 TRUE, if the modem is active for the driver

Device STRING 8 Name of the serial interface or name of the


ComPort UINT 9 Number of the serial interface.

Baud rate UDINT 10 Baud rate of the serial interface.

Parity SINT 11 Parity of the serial interface

ByteSize USINT 14 Number of bits per character of the serial


Value = 0 if the driver cannot establish any

serial connection.

StopBit USINT 13 Number of stop bits of the serial interface.

Autoconnect BOOL 16 TRUE, if the modem connection should be

established automatically for

PhoneNumber STRING 17 Current telephone number

ModemHwAdr DINT 21 Hardware address of current telephone


RxIdleTime UINT 18 Modem is disconnected, if no data transfer

occurs for this time in seconds (s)

WriteTimeout UDINT 19 Maximum write duration for a modem

connection in milliseconds (ms).

RingCountSet UDINT 20 Number of ringing tones before a call is


ReCallIdleTime UINT 53 Waiting time between calls in seconds (s).

ConnectTimeout UINT 54 Time in seconds (s) to establish a




Name from import Type Offset Description

MaxWriteTime UDINT 31 The longest time in milliseconds (ms) that is
required for writing.

MinWriteTime UDINT 32 The shortest time in milliseconds (ms) that is

required for writing.

MaxBlkReadTime UDINT 40 Longest time in milliseconds (ms) that is required

to read a data block.

MinBlkReadTime UDINT 41 Shortest time in milliseconds (ms) that is required

to read a data block.

WriteErrorCount UDINT 33 Number of writing errors

ReadSucceedCount UDINT 35 Number of successful reading attempts

MaxCycleTime UDINT 22 Longest time in milliseconds (ms) required to read

all requested data.

MinCycleTime UDINT 23 Shortest time in milliseconds (ms) required to read

all requested data.

WriteCount UDINT 26 Number of writing attempts

ReadErrorCount UDINT 34 Number of reading errors

MaxUpdateTimeNormal UDINT 56 Time since the last update of the priority group
Normal in milliseconds (ms).

MaxUpdateTimeHigher UDINT 57 Time since the last update of the priority group
Higher in milliseconds (ms).

MaxUpdateTimeHigh UDINT 58 Time since the last update of the priority group
High in milliseconds (ms).

MaxUpdateTimeHighest UDINT 59 Time since the last update of the priority group
Highest in milliseconds (ms).


PokeFinish BOOL 55 Goes to 1 for a query, if all current pokes were



Name from import Type Offset Description

ErrorTimeDW UDINT 2 Time (in seconds since 1.1.1970), when the last error

ErrorTimeS STRING 2 Time (in seconds since 1.1.1970), when the last error

RdErrPrimObj UDINT 42 Number of the PrimObject, when the last reading error

RdErrStationsName STRING 43 Name of the station, when the last reading error occurred.

RdErrBlockCount UINT 44 Number of blocks to read when the last reading error

RdErrHwAdresse DINT 45 Hardware address when the last reading error occurred.

RdErrDatablockNo UDINT 46 Block number when the last reading error occurred.

RdErrMarkerNo UDINT 47 Marker number when the last reading error occurred.

RdErrSize UDINT 48 Block size when the last reading error occurred.

DrvError USINT 25 Error message as number

DrvErrorMsg STRING 30 Error message as text

ErrorFile STRING 15 Name of error log file

2.6 Driver-specific functions

Special specifications of the IEC 61850 standard were implemented as specific functions in the IEC 850


The driver only opens a connection to a Logical Device if at least one variable from the LD is created in the


After communication is broken off (due to a network failure, for example), the connection to the Logical
Device is then only reestablished automatically if at least one variable of the LD is being polled.

Create at least one variable for each LD (for example */LLN0/Mod/stVal[ST] or

*ctlModel[CF]) for an obligatory attribute and activate the DDE active property for the variable
(Additional settings group), so that the variable always remains signed in with the driver. This
attribute may not be communicated using Reports but should use polling communication.


The driver supports the 'Direct Operate' and 'Select Before Operate' commands (SBO) with normal and
increased security. The driver automatically checks the actual Control Model and executes this command

If a value is set to a project variable that corresponds to the item ctlVal in a data attribute with the name
'Oper' and has the Functional Constraint CO or SP (*/Oper.ctlVal[CO|SP]), the driver automatically checks
which Control Model is required for a command with this data object.
To do this, the attribute */ctlModel[CF] of this data object is read off first. Depending on the value of
this attribute, the corresponding command is executed and the respective Control Model is used:

No action, execution of the command not possible (status only)

Value 1: an service command direct control with normal security is executed.
Value 2: 'Select' and 'Operate' services (select before operate with normal security) are executed.
Value 3: An 'Operate' service (direct control with enhanced security) is executed.
Value 4: 'SelectWithVariable' and 'Operate' services (select before operate with enhanced security) are

The driver reads the ctlModel attribute from the server to execute the command, but
the driver does not transfer the ctlModel value to Runtime automatically. This includes
situations where a variable was created for the ctlModel. If a variable was created, it is
updated in accordance with the polling rate that is defined in the driver configuration.


Operate command: The value is set directly to */Oper[CO].

Select Select commands are processed sequentially.

 Select command with normal security: read from */SBO[CO], write to */Oper[CO].


 Select command with increased security: write to */SBO[CO], write to */Oper[CO].

The required command sequences are automatically performed in the right sequence by the driver. No
further configuration steps are necessary.

In addition, the driver supports manual selection and cancellation, but only via the Command input
module in zenon.
If the command sends a command and the Select Before Operate property is active, the driver
carries out a select - in accordance with the ctlModel of the same object. This only applies for
Model=2 or 4. The values of the ctlModel=0, 1 or 3 are treated as a negative select response.

Select Before Operate means the property for the Oper.ctlVal variable in zenon and
must not be confused with the SBO attribute,

If the IEC 61850 server responds positively to the select, the driver saves the information on the selected
data object and in the following command (from the second stage of the command input), the driver
only executes the operate.
If the command is cancelled from the second stage, the driver sends a cancel.

The driver ignores the Select Before Operate property of the Oper.ctlVal variables if the value
of ctlVal is set directly and not replaced by a command input action.

The driver automatically creates the values of the ctlNum attributes. If a value is set to the project
variable and to the attribute */Oper.ctlVal[CO|SP] accordingly, the driver automatically
increases the value of */Oper.ctlNum[CO]. The driver restarts incrementing the ctlNum at 0 if the
value has reached 127.
The driver also counts ctlModel=0 (no action). For this model, the ctlNum variable is not updated in
Runtime, because in fact - in accordance with the standard (IEC61850-7-3) - the ctlVal attribute
should not exist.


The IEC61850 server keeps AdditionalCauseDiagnosis ready for negative responses to a command
(AddCause in LastApplError structure). The possible values of the AddCause service parameter are listed
in the IEC 61850-7-2. The driver can relay the received AddCause to zenon and also the current state of
the current command (for example: Select/Operate/Cancel) and provide information on whether the
command was successful.


The driver provides this information in 'State Info' driver object variables (see Driver objects (on
page 35)) if these have been created. Variables that relay the stage of the current command can be
created for each */Oper structure.

 */Oper.AddCause: After a failed command, the value displays error information that it has
received from the PLC.

 */Oper.ControlRun: The status or the result of the current command:

 1 = command is running
 0 = command successful
 -1 = command failed

 */Oper.ControlState: The state of the command that is currently running (processed

 -1 = command ended
 0 = read ctlModel
 1 = 'Select' sent
 2 = 'Operate' sent
 3 = 'Cancel' sent

You can create the following status variables for the variable
'PLC-Marker'-BOOL 'GE650!GEDeviceF650/XCBR1/Pos/Oper.ctlVal[CO]':

State Info'-SINT 'GE650!GEDeviceF650/XCBR1/Pos/Oper.AddCause

State Info'-SINT 'GE650!GEDeviceF650/XCBR1/Pos/Oper.ControlRun

State Info'-SINT 'GE650!GEDeviceF650/XCBR1/Pos/Oper.ControlState

Case 1:

If you set the value to */Oper.ctlVal directly or the variable does not have the SBO property, the
sequence of states is as follows:

1. */Oper.ControlRun = 1 and */Oper.ControlState = 0

2. */Oper.ControlState = 1 and then */Oper.ControlState = 2

3. */Oper.ControlRun = 0 and */Oper.ControlState = -1

Case 2:


If you use the two-stage command input for */Oper.ctlVal with the SBO property, the sequence of
states for each command serve (for select, operate and cancel) is the following:

1. */Oper.ControlRun = 1 and */Oper.ControlState = 0

2. */Oper.ControlState = x

3. */Oper.ControlRun = 0 and */Oper.ControlState = -1

For this, the following applies: x=1 or 2 or 3, depending on the command service.

The State Info variables do not have any value if no command was given. To evaluate
status variables, you must first send a value to */Oper.ctlVal[CO|SP].


There are two methods for setting check conditions with the following Operate or SelectWithValue

1. Check condition can be pre-defined by setting a value for */Oper.Check[CO]. The current value
of this attribute is used for the command service parameter.
: The Check attribute is a PACKED LIST (MMS bit string) with 2 bits. In accordance with
IEC61850-8-1, the first member of the PACKED LIST is mapped to bit(0) and this bit
should be the highest value (most significant) bit of the octet. This means that the valid target
values for the Check attribute are 0x80 (synchrocheck), 0x40 (interlock-check), 0xC0 (both check
bits) and 0x00.

2. In zenon by setting in the command input: Action - Qualifier of Command property. The
valid target values are 2 - synchrocheck (inverted 01b), 1 - interlock-check (inverted 10b), 3 (both
bits bits) and 0.


The originator attribute orCat (Category) and orIdent (Identification) show which originator (for example a
client that is on bay level) caused the last change of data (such as issuing a command).

The Origin attributes are an obligatory part of Oper, SBOw and Cancel services and optional in some
cases, such as the 'Pos' data object. To analyze the originator of the values received in Runtime, for
example */Pos/stVal[ST], you can create project variables with corresponding names in zenon:


*/Pos/origin.orCat[ST] and */Pos/origin.orIdent[ST].

: To be able to analyze the origin of a data object, the following must be implemented in an
IEC61850 server: the server must write the origin of the command received to this attribute, for
example from * /Oper.origin.*[CO].

When a Reports is received, the driver forwards this to Runtime before it forwards the other attributes of
the received data object (if only one origin with Functional Constraint ST exists in the data object that was

You can use orCat or orIdent variables to compile a dynamic limit value text for a reported
stVal variable.

When a command is executed, the driver sets the following values for the originator
attribute in SBOw, Oper und Cancel:
orCat = 2 (station control)

You can adapt the value for orCat in the Basic Settings (on page 14).
orIdent = 'zenon: <Computer name> (string between quotation marks - CHAR(27)) ,
e.g. zenon: MyPC'


In accordance with the IEC61850-7-3 standard, the attribute stVal has, in common data classes Double
Point Status (DPS) and Controllable Double Point (DPC), the data type CODED ENUM with the value range:
intermediate-state (00) | off (01) | on (10) | bad-state (11). The driver therefore waits until a Double Point
attribute of the data type CODED ENUM is mapped to the communication protocol as an MMS of the
bit string data type and thus can have the following values: 0x00, 0x40, 0x80 and 0xC0. This
basic data type is permitted in the SCL language with the name 'Dbpos' (IEC61850-6 chapter
Attribute basis types). In zenon, it corresponds to a variable with UDINT data type (see Assignment of
data types (on page 37)).

As in the driver configuration, the option 'Deactivate standard double point value
mapping' remains inactive by default. To use the modules from zenon Energy, for example the
command input functions, the driver assigns values of the stVal attributes of DPS and DPC in accordance
with the following table:


position value zenon Dbpos value - zenon Dbpos value - zenon Wert - value
STRING UDINT unmapped mapped
Difference '00' 0 2
position (00)

Off (01) '01' 64 (0x40) 0

On (10) '10' 128 (0x80) 1

Invalid (11) '11' 192 (0xC0) 3

The driver only converts values for variables with the name *stVal and data type UDINT.


The driver can support received attributes 'q' and 't' in corresponding project variables if these have
been created.
However the driver always assigns the selected Quality Bits (of the 'q' attribute) and TimeQuality Bits (of
the 't' attribute) of the corresponding status bits to each zenon variable that was created for an
attribute of the data object and for which FC (on page 76)=ST or FC=MX, for example status bits of
stVal. The driver also assigns the value of the 't' attribute to the time stamp of all ST/MX variables of
the data object.

For example: Receiving the time stamp as a 't' attribute is used for the corresponding stVal variable in
the CEL. The driver automatically uses the time stamp and the quality of the data object for all its
variables that were created in the project. For this reason, no variables need to be created separately
for the attributes 'q' and 't', except if you want to analyze quality bits that have not been assigned any
status bits.

The driver takes into account the precision value received from the TimeQuality. If this
value is specific (all bits), the driver shortens the time value accordingly.

For example: Precision value< 10 bit: the driver shortens the time value received down to
the milliseconds.

The selected Quality and TimeQuality bits are assigned to the status bits of the variables of the data
objects that respond as follows:


IEC61850 Quality Status bit in zenon Notes

or TimeQuality bits
Validity = INVALID Identified by a red square on the linked
Invalid, Reserved element.
or Questionable

Overflow OV_870 (Overflow) Also an IEC 60870 status

Source = SB_870 (substituted) Also an IEC 60870 status


Test TEST (test bit) Also an IEC 60870 status

OperatorBlocked BL_870 (Blocked) Also an IEC 60870 status

ClockFailure T_INVAL (invalid time) The value of the 't' attribute is ignored
and - stVal has the time stamp of the local
T_INTERN (real time PC time.
ClockNotSynchronize T_INVAL (invalid time)
T_EXTERN (real time

The TimeQuality bit LeapSecondsKnown is not assigned T_INVAL.

The variables of the data object without 't' attribute (or with 't' value of 0) and the variables with other
FC (on page 76) as ST/MX receive the time stamp of the local PC time.

You can evaluate status bits (such as T_INVAL) by using a combined element or
reaction matrix ('multi' type) and you can also filter in the CEL or AML.


There are three functions implemented for the file transfer:

1. Request folder information

2. Get file from server

3. Delete file


To request folder information:

1. Create, in your zenon project, two file transferdriver object type string variables
with the corresponding network address:
a) The first variable, hereafter called the command variable, with the name
"SERVER!Command" can also be used to get files and to delete them.
b) The second variable with the name "SERVER!Directory" is only used for the result of
the folder query. It receives the folder content as legible text. For this reason, its size
should correspond to the maximum size of the file name (including the folder) in the

2. For the command variable, set the value "DIR" (for the root directory) or "DIR
<file_spec> is a string that is sent to the server as a transfer parameter.

If the folder has been successfully received:

 The command variable changes its value to "DIR OK"

 The folder variable contains the received folder content as legible text. One line of this text has
the following format:

<File name>;<File length>;<Time stamp>.

To get a file from the server, set the value "GET <File name> for the command variable".

If the file has been successfully received:

 It is saved in the folder that was defined as Directory for file transfer in the driver
dialog basic settings (on page 14).
Files from a subfolder are also stored in the main folder.

 The command variable changes its value to "GET OK"

To delete a file from the server, set the value "DEL <File name>". for the command variable".


If the file was deleted successfully, the command variable changes its value to "DEL OK"

If errors occur when carrying out the file transfer, such as the server responding negatively, the
command variable changes its value to "XXX ERROR" (XXX = DIR, GET or DEL) and the driver optionally
writes an entry into the log file (see also error analysis (on page 73)).


Only one array level is supported. The support for arrays is limited to the data attributes. It is not
possible to write array elements. When reading via polling or reporting, the whole Data Object that
contains the array attribute is read, as with other data attributes.

You can find the information on supported or required services in Appendix C (on page 90).

2.7 Reporting
Reporting was introduced by the IEC 61850 standard for spontaneous communication. The variables that
are linked with a successfully activated Report are no longer polled, but a reported by the PLC if there is
a value change. The variables that are reported if a client activates a special report control block (RCB)
are saved in the DatSet (Data Set) attribute of the RCB. The DatSet attribute is a visible string for the
name of the data object, the value change of which is reported spontaneously by the IEC 61850 server.

The IEC850 driver supports Buffered and Unbuffered Reporting with the data predefined in the PLC and
with Dynamic Data Sets - with the DatSet attribute, which was dynamically defined during activation of
the RCB.

As envisaged by the IEC 61850 standard, data objects with Report (FC) are available for a report
Functional Constraints:

 Status (ST)

 Measurands (MX)

In a data set:

 Data objects with different FCs can be used together if the IEC 61850 server supports this.

 Data objects from different Logical Devices can be contained.


To make activation of reporting possible, the following conditions should be met:

 The data set and the Reporting Control Block that uses the data set must be in the same Logical

 At least one variable of the Logical Node, in which the RCB is included, must have been created in
the project. Otherwise the driver does not take this Logical Node into account at all.
Exception: LLN0. The logical node LLN0 is automatically taken into account for each logical
device if the LD has at least one variable that was created in the project variable list.

If you configure the data sets in the PLC, you cannot add data attributes, only whole
data objects. Otherwise the time stamp and quality information in the driver cannot
be edited, because they are not sent by the PLC (see also standard 61850-7-2, figure 23)
The driver only activates reports in which data sets contain whole data objects.

The basic configuration of the reporting is carried out in driver configuration - server (on page 18). The
configured Buffered Reports in the driver configuration has a higher priority than the Unbuffered Reports. If
the activation of the Buffered Reports is not successful, the driver will instead activate Unbuffered Reports,
which contain the required objects as well as the data sets. If you do not want the driver to activate the
Unbuffered Reporting, set the max. auto used URCBs property in the driver configuration to 0.

If the driver cannot activate the reports for any reason, polling is used instead.

When activating reporting, the driver can (optionally) write log entries, in which it can be
seen which variables are no longer polled but were successfully activated in reporting (in
the 'general text' column).


The driver supports all Trigger Conditions, that are used to trigger the sending of the report. The
Trigger Options (TrgOps) define which value change of a data instance is reported. The driver attempts to
activate all configured TrgOps when the report is activated, but ignores write errors. If writing is
unsuccessful, the Trigger Options that were already configured in the SCL file (or by the IED program) of
the IEC61850 server are used.
You can activate/deactivate the individual Trigger Options via checkbox if you deactivate checkbox Use
preconfigured TrgOps. This settings is true for all RCBs.


The TrigerConditions data attribute type that was assigned to the MMS Bitstring(6) in
accordance with the standard if the corresponding *TrgOps[RP|BR] variable was created during import,
corresponds to the UDINT data type in zenon by default (Motorola format, bit 0 highest value in its
octet). In addition, the driver allows such variables with the data type STRING instead of UDINT. The
value of the string has a length of 6 and only contains the characters "0" and "1" in a sequence that is
the same as that of the bits defined in the standard, for example the value as a string "011111" (as
UDINT=124=01111100b) means that all trigger condition bits except bit 0 - 'Reserved' are set and
the value "000010" (as UDINT=8=00001000b) - only bit 4 - 'intergity'.

2.7.1 Unbuffered Reporting

The IEC850 driver supports two variants of Unbuffered Reports:

1. Automatic assignment: All existing Reporting Control Blocks is checked in terms of content(data
sets). Reports that contain most variables of a project are registered first;

2. Static assignment: The driver uses the assignment of Reporting Control Blocks to the client
computer as it is defined in the driver configuration - client configuration (on page 23).


Automatic assignment works with pre-defined data sets and pre-configured assignments of data sets to
Reporting Control Blocks in the PLC.

Whilst the driver starts, all data sets that are present in the server are read off and ordered according to
their usability (number of project variables included). This sorting indicates the sequence in which the
driver attempts to activate free URCBs for reporting. At most, only as many URSBs are activated as are
defined in Drive configuration (on page 18) in the max. auto used URCBs property. All data
objects of the data sets that are successfully linked to an active RCB are no longer polled but are
reported in the event of a value change.

When activating reporting, the driver also recognizes reports with the same content; the name of these
reports can be different. Before the RCBs are sorted for the zenon project according to their usability,
the driver first sorts the data objects of the data sets of each RCB and compares them in order to avoid
duplicates. The following applies for conflicts when activating the Reporting:


 For the same reports - with identical or different sequences of the same data objects: Only one
report is activated.

 If a report is already occupied by another client, the next free report is activated.

 If all reports are already occupied by other clients, the data points are polled.

The following variables are available in your project

The */urcbMXA01/* variables are for information only. The variables for the RCB attributes need not
necessarily exist in the zenon project in order for reporting to work. The PLC also contains a data set
GEDeviceF650/LLN0$MMXU1$MX with the following content.


This data set is assigned to RCB LLN0$RP$urcbMXA01 in the PLC. To do this, enter the name of the data
set in the DatSet attribute of this RCB.

The RCBs LLN0$RP$urcbMXA01 and LLN0$RP$urcbMXB01 are activated when the driver starts (if they
are still free).
Because there are no further suitable RCBs that have project variables in their datasets, the remaining
RCBs are not used. If the project also contains a variable that is included in the data set
GEDeviceF650/LLN0$eveGGIO1$ST, this would mean the LLN0$RP$urcbSTA01 is also activated.


For static assignment, the Reporting Control Blocks that can be used is defined and fixed in the driver
configuration - statically assigned RCB (on page 25). The driver attempts to activate all listed Reporting
Control Blocks, regardless of its content.
If, in the driver configuration, a Dynamic Data Set was entered, the driver in the PLC assigns this data set
to the RCB, by changing the value of the DatSet attribute of this block before the report is activated.
If no Dynamic Data Set was entered, the data set pre-defined in the PLC is valid (just as with automatic

If a block was activated successfully, all data objects that are contained in its data set are no longer
polled but are reported if a value is changed.

2.7.2 Buffered Reporting

For Buffered Reports, an IEC61850 server saves the changes in the time in which a connected client
cannot be reached. If the client (the IEC850 driver) is online again (if the connection is reestablished, for
example), the driver reads all changes and processes them; it creates omitted alarms, for example.

There is no automatic allocation for Buffered Reporting. The allocation of BRCBs to the driver is always


 Either using the driver configuration as described for static allocation with unbuffered reporting;

 Or for reasons of compatibility with older drivers that were used to configure the SCL file using
the Report ID of the BRCBs (the Use Report-ID for RCB assignment should be
activated in the driver configuration).
If the assignments are to be configured in the SCL file, the assigned report ID (RptID) of the BRCB must
contain a string with the following nomenclature: 'zenon_Computername_*'; for example:
zenon_MyPC_Measurands1. The driver thwen uses the data set of RCB, which has a fixed link to the SCL
file. A Buffered Report can only be activated by a host. To prevent the driver from activating all Buffered
Reports and blocking access for other IEC61850 clients, they must be explicity defined in the driver
configuration (on page 9).

Irrespective of this, the basic behavior is the same as with Unbuffered Reporting.


 The driver automatically deletes the content of the BRCB buffer if the connection was only
established after Runtime has been started.

 If the buffer is to be retained,

 You must activate the Do not purge BRCB buffer at start option in the
basic settings (on page 14);
 The last received Entry ID for the BRCB must be present.

 If the connection is lost and re-established without Runtime being started again, the buffer is
retained and the data is collected.
The driver saves the last received entry ID for each BRCB every minute or if the driver is closed in a fle in
the Runtime data directory.


Because zenon supports redundancy (see zenon network) and a BRCB can only be activated once by a
PC, you must define separately,for the project server and the standby server, which PC is to activate
which report. The driver is started on both the server and the standby and checks the driver
configuration (Host name property), to see if it finds a configuration that corresponds to the
computer names that is running on Runtime.

For this reason, you need two copies of the Buffered Report in the event of a redundant configuration;
one for the driver that runs on the project server and and one for the driver that runs on the standby
server. You also create two entries in the RCB assignment (on page 25) list in the driver configuration.


One with the computer name of the project server and one with the computer name of the standby
server. When entering the configuration of the project server, the first copy of the BRCB is entered and
the second copy when entering the configuration of the standby-server.

Even if you do not use redundancy, you must nevertheless define which reports are
used for the PC (Host name property) in the driver configuration on which zenon
Runtime runs.

2.7.3 Dynamic Data Sets

To use Dynamic Data Sets, the two sservices CreateDataSet() and DeleteDataSet() must be
supported by the IEC 61850 server awerden und the DatSet attribute must be able to be written to in
the Reporting Control Blocks (SCL: ReportSettings.datSet="Dyn"). When configuring, you must take into
account all possible server restrictions such as the maximum number of elemnts in the data set (SCL:
DynDataSet.max und maxAttributes).

Dynamic Data Sets lists data objects and are configured in the dynamic DataSet configuration (on page 27)
dialog. They can be used for Unbuffered Reporting and for Buffered Reporting, but only if static assignments
with RCBs were configured in the driver configuration - client configuration (on page 23).

If, in the driver configuration, a Dynamic Data Set was entered for an RCB, the driver in the PLC assigns
this data set to the RCB, by changing the value of the DatSet attribute before the Report is activated.

The creation of a dynamic data set can be checked in the Diagnosis Viewer (on page 73):

Before the statically assigned Reporting Control Blocks is activated, all dynamic data sets that are linked to
them via driver configuration - client configuration (on page 23) are compared to those on the IEC 61850
server. All Dynamic Data Sets avaialbe on the server that are not (or no longer) required are deleted. All


Dynamic Data Sets not available on the server are created and all data sets that are avaialable on both
sides are checked to see that they have the same content. If the content is different, they are deleted
and created again. However, the driver only deletes the data sets that it has created itself. If the driver
cannot delete a data set, the asigned RCB is activated with the pre-existing data set.

The deletion of a dynamic data set can be checked in the Diagnosis Viewer (on page 73):

The dynamic data sets that were created in Runtime (using the CreateDataSet() service) receive a
client-depenent name on the server, in order for them to be easily found again. The nomenclature of
the Dynamic Data Set name is as follows:

LLN0$ZENON_hostname_datasetname. Here:

Hostname is the computer name of the clients is as defined in the driver configuration - client
configuration (on page 23) under Hostname and
datasetname is the name that was defined iin the driver configuration - Dynamic DataSet
configuration (on page 25).

If no Dynamic Data Set was entered in the RCB configuration of the driver, the pre-defined data set in the
PLC is not valid.

2.8 Driver commands

This chapter describes standard functions that are valid for most zenon drivers. Not all functions
described here are available for every driver. For example, a driver that does not, according to the data
sheet, support a modem connection also does not have any modem functions.

Driver commands are used to influence drivers using zenon; start and stop for example.
The engineering is implemented with the help of function Driver commands. To do this:

 create a new function


 select Variables -> Driver commands

 The dialog for configuration is opened

Parameters Description
Drivers Drop-down list with all drivers which are loaded in the project.

Current state Fixed entry which has no function in the current version.

Driver commands Drop-down list for the selection of the command.

 Start driver (online Driver is reinitialized and started.


 Stop driver (offline Driver is stopped. No new data is accepted.

If the driver is in offline mode, all variables that were
created for this driver receive the status switched off
(OFF; Bit 20).

 Driver in simulation Driver is set into simulation mode.

mode The values of all variables of the driver are simulated by the
driver. No values from the connected hardware (e.g. PLC, bus
system, ...) are displayed.

 Driver in hardware Driver is set into hardware mode.

mode For the variables of the driver the values from the connected
hardware (e.g. PLC, bus system, ...) are displayed.

 Driver-specific Enter driver-specific commands. Opens input field in order to

command enter a command.

 Activate driver write Write set value to a driver is allowed.

set value


 Deactivate driver Write set value to a driver is prohibited.

write set value

 Establish connection Establish connection (for modem drivers) Opens the input fields
with modem for the hardware address and for the telephone number.

 Disconnect from modem Terminate connection (for modem drivers)

Show this dialog in the The dialog is shown in Runtime so that changes can be made.

If the computer, on which the driver command function is executed, is part of the zenon network,
additional actions are carried out. A special network command is sent from the computer to the project
server, which then executes the desired action on its driver. In addition, the Server sends the same
driver command to the project standby. The standby also carries out the action on its driver.

This makes sure that Server and Standby are synchronized. This only works if the Server and the Standby
both have a working and independent connection to the hardware.

2.9 Error analysis

Should there be communication problems, this chapter will assist you in finding out the error.

2.9.1 Analysis tool

All zenon modules such as Editor, Runtime, drivers, etc. write messages to a joint log file. To display
them correctly and clearly, use the Diagnosis Viewer (main.chm::/12464.htm) program that was also
installed with zenon. You can find it under Start/All programs/zenon/Tools 7.10 -> Diagviewer.

zenon driver log all errors in the log files. The default folder for the log files is
subfolder LOG in directory ProgramData, example:
C:\ProgramData\zenon\zenon7.10\LOG for zenon Version 7.10. Log files
are text files with a special structure.

With the default settings, a driver only logs error information. With the
Diagnosis Viewer you can enhance the diagnosis level for most of the drivers to
"Debug" and "Deep Debug". With this the driver also logs all other important tasks


and events.

In the Diagnosis Viewer you can also:

 follow currently created entries live

 customize the logging settings

 change the folder in which the log files are saved

1. In Windows CE even errors are not logged per default due to performance

2. The Diagnosis Viewer displays all entries in UTC (coordinated world time) and
not in local time.

3. The Diagnosis Viewer does not display all columns of a log file per default. To
display more columns activate property Add all columns with entry in
the context menu of the column header.

4. If you only use Error logging, the problem description is in column Error
text. For other diagnosis level the description is in column General text.

5. For communication problems many drivers also log error numbers which the
PLC assigns to them. They are displayed in Error text and/or Error code
and/or Driver error parameter(1 and 2). Hints on the meaning of error
codes can be found in the driver documentation and the protocol/PLC

6. At the end of your test set back the diagnosis level from Debug or Deep
Debug. At Debug and Deep Debug there are a great deal of data for logging
which are saved to the hard drive and which can influence your system
performance. They are still logged even after you close the Diagnosis



You can find further information on the Diagnosis Viewer in the Diagnose Viewer
(main.chm::/12464.htm) chapter.

2.9.2 Check list

Check your system for errors using the driver documentation; for example correct driver configuration,
addressing of the variables in zenon projects, report settings in the control unit, etc.

Check most of all:

 Is the device (IEC 61850 server) connected to the power grid and ready for use?
 Can a TCP connection to the device be created (check this using a 'ping') via the
defined port (check this via Telnet)?
 Is communication between this device and another IEC 61850 client possible?
 Is the driver in hardware mode and not in simulation mode?

 Have you evaluated the errors that are logged in the log file of the driver?
 Which errors occurred?
 Was the diagnosis logging activated, at least for the error level and for all driver
 Have you taken into account that the times in the Diagnosis Viewer are always UTC?
 Is the Diagnose Viewer set so that all registered and all columns are diplayed with
the content (filtering)?

 Variable addressing:
 Do all variables have the right addresses?
 Are the names (or identifications) of the variables valid
 Do the variables have the right driver object type, data type and value range?

 General information and reporting:

 Is at least one variable from Logical Device polled?
 Doe the RCB contain the whole data objects (not just the data attributes */stVal, but
also */q and */t)?
 Does the max. auto used URCBs property have the correct value?


 Is reporting available in the device?

 If defined in the SCL file: Does the report ID of Buffered RCB contain the string
 For Dynamic Data Set: Is the data set describable in the Reporting Control Block?
 Have you taken ini account limitaitons of the device, such as the maximum number
of elemtents in the data set etc. ?

2.10 Appendix A - Description of the ‘Functional Constraints’ (FCs):

FC Semantics Description
ST Status information Stands for status information, the value of which can be read,
replaced, reported and logged, but not written.

MX Measurands (analogue values) Stands for status information, the measured size of which can
be read, replaced, reported and logged, but not written.

CO Control represents a control information whose value may be

operated (control model) and read.

SP Setpoint represent a set-point information whose value may be

controlled (control model) and read.

SV Substitution represents a substitution information whose value may be

written to substitute the value attribute and read.

CF Configuration represents a configuration information whose value may be

written and read.

DC Description represents a description information whose value may be

written and read

EX Extended definition represents an extension information providing a reference to a

name space. Extensions are used in conjunction with extended
definitions of LNs, DATA, and DataAttributes in 61850-7-3 and
IEC 61850- 7-4. Value may be read.


2.11 Appendix B - Abbreviations for data object/data attribute

Term Description
f floating point (analog value)

i integer (analog value)

d Visible String(255)

q Quality

t Timestamp


A Current

Acs Access

ACSI Abstract Communication Service


Acu Acoustic

Age Ageing

Alm Alarm

Amp Current non phase related

To Analogue

Ang Angle

Auth Authorization

Auto Automatic

Aux Auxiliary

Av Average

B Bushing

Bat Battery

Beh Behavior

Bin Binary

Blk Block, blocked

Bnd Band

Bo Bottom

Cancel Cancel

Cap Capability

Capac Capacitance

Car Carrier


CB Circuit Breaker

CDC Common Data Class

CE Cooling Equipment

Cf Crest factor

Cfg Configuration

CG Core Ground

Ch Channel

Cha Charger

Chg Change

Chk Check

Chr Characteristic

Cir Circulating

Clc Calculate

Clk Clock, clockwise

Cls Close

Cnt Counter

Col Coil

Cor Correction

Crd Coordination

Crv Curve

CT Current Transducer

Ctl Control

Ctr Center

Cyc Cycle


Dea Dead

Den Density

Det Detected

DExt De-excitation

Diag Diagnostics

Dif Differential, difference

Dir Direction

Dis Distance

Dl Delay

Dlt Delete

Dmd Demand

Dn Down

DPCSO Double point controllable status


DQ0 Direct, Quadrature, and zero axis


Drag Drag hand

Drv Drive

DS Device State

Dsch Discharge

Dur Duration


EC Earth Coil

EE External Equipment

EF Earth Fault

Ena Enabled

Eq Equalization, Equal

Ev Evaluation

Ex External

Exc Exceeded

Excl Exclusion

Ext Excitation

FA Fault Arc

Fact Factor

Fan Fan

Flt Fault

Flw Flow

FPF Forward Power Flow

Fu Fuse

Fwd Forward

Gen General

Gn Generator

Gnd Ground

Gr Group

Grd Guard

Gri Grid


H Harmonics (phase related)

H2 Hydrogen

H2O Water

Ha Harmonics (non phase related)

Hi High, highest

HP Hot point

Hz Frequency

IEEE Institute of Electrical and

Electronic Engineers

Imb Imbalance

Imp Impedance non phase related

In Input

Ina Inactivity

Incr Increment

Ind Indication

Inh Inhibit

Ins Insulation

Int Integer

ISCSO Integer status controllable status



Km Kilometer

R Lower

LD Logical Device

LDC Line Drop Compensation

LDCR Line Drop Compensation


LDCX Line Drop Compensation


LDCZ Line Drop Compensation


LED Light Emitting Diode

Len Length

Lev Level

Lg Lag

Lim Limit

Lin Line

Liv Live

Lo Low

LO Lockout

Loc Local

Lod Load, loading

Lok Locked

Los Loss

Lst List

LTC Load Tap Changer


M minutes

M/O Data Object is Mandatory or


Max Maximum

Mem Memory

Min Minimum

Mod Mode

Mot Motor

Ms Milliseconds

Mst Moisture

MT Main Tank

N Neutral

Nam Name

Net Net sum

Ng Negative

Nom Nominal, Normalizing

Num Number

Ofs Offset

Op Operate, Operating

Oper Operate*

Opn Open

Out Output

Ov Over, Override, Overflow

Pa Partial


Par Parallel

Pct Percent

Per Periodic

PF Power Factor

Ph Phase

Phy Physical

Pls Pulse

Plt Plate

Pmp Pump

Po Polar

Pol Polarizing

Pos Position

POW Point on wave switching

PP Phase to phase

PPV Phase to phase voltage

Pres Pressure

Prg Progress, in progress

Pri Primary

Pro Protection

Ps Positive

Pst Post

Pwr Power

Qty Quantity

R Raise


R0 Zero sequence resistance

R1 Positive sequence resistance

Rat Winding ratio

Rcd Record, recording

Rch Reach

Rcl Reclaim

Re Retry

React Reactance; Reactive

Rec Reclose

Red Reduction

Rel Release

Rem Remote

Res Residual

Ris Resistance

Rl Relation, relative

Rms Root mean square

Rot Rotation, Rotor

Rs Reset, Resetable

Rsl Result

Rst Restraint

Rsv Reserve

Rte Rate

Rtg Rating

Rv Reverse

Rx Receive, received


S1 Step one

S2 Step two

SBO Select before operate*

SBOw Select with value*

Sch Scheme

SCO Supply change over

SCSM Specific Communication Service


Sec Security

Seq Sequence

Set Setting

Sh Shunt

Spd Speed

SPl Single Pole

SPCSO Single point controllable status


Src Source

St Status

Stat Statistics

Stop Stop

Std Standard

Str Start

Sup Supply

Svc Service

Sw Switch

Swg Swing

Syn Synchronization


Tap Tap

Td Total distortion

Tdf Transformer derating factor

Test Test

Thd Total Harmonic Distortion

Thm Thermal

TiF Telephone influence factor

Tm Time

• Tmh = Time in h

• Tmm = Time in min

• Tms = Time in s

• Tmms = Time in ms

Tmp Temperature (°C)

To Top

Tot Total

TP Three pole

Tr Trip

Trg Trigger

Ts Total signed

Tu Total unsigned

Tx Transmit, transmitted

Type Type

Un Under


V Voltage

VA Volt Amperes

Vac Vacuum

Val Value

VAr Volt Amperes Reactive

Vlv Valve

Vol Voltage non phase related

VT Voltage Transducer

W Active Power

Wac Watchdog

Watt Active Power non phase related

Wei Weak End Infeed

Wh Watt hours

Wid Width

Win Window

Wrm Warm

X0 Zero sequence reactance

X1 Positive sequence reactance


Z Impedance

Z0 Zero sequence impedance

Z1 Positive sequence impedance

Zer Zero

Zn Zone

Zro Zero sequence method

* SBO,SBOw,Oper, and Cancel are defined in IEC 61850-8-1:

Data attribute Semantics

SBO Select – returns ACSI name of control

SBOw SelectWithValue – receives service parameters

Oper Operate – receives service parameters and control values

Cancel Cancel – receives service parameters and control values

2.12 Appendix C - Conformance statement

The Confirmance Statement of the iec850 driver for the IEC61850 protocol is in English only.

2.12.1 Protocol implementation conformance statement (PICS)

Client / Server / Value /

subscriber publisher comments


Client-Server roles
B11 Server side (of TWO-PARTY- - N for Server see

B12 Client side of (TWO-PARTY-APPLICATION- Y -


SCSMs supported
B21 SCSM: IEC 61850-8-1 used Y

B22 SCSM: IEC 61850-9-1 used not supported

B23 SCSM: IEC 61850-9-2 used not supported

B24 SCSM: other not supported

Generic substation event model (GSE)

B31 Publisher side -

B32 Subscriber side N

Transmission of sampled value model (SVC)

B41 Publisher side -

B42 Subscriber side N

- = not applicable

Y = supported

N or empty = not supported

Client / Server / Value /

subscriber publisher comments


If Server or Client side (B11/12) is supported

M1 Logical device Y

M2 Logical node Y

M3 Data Y

M4 Data set Y

M5 Substitution Y

M6 Setting group control Y not tested

M7 Buffered report control Y

M7-1 sequence-number Y

M7-2 report-time-stamp Y

M7-3 reason-for-inclusion Y

M7-4 data-set-name Y

M7-5 data-reference Y

M7-6 buffer-overflow Y

M7-7 entryID Y

M7-8 BufIm Y

M7-9 IntgPd Y

M7-10 GI Y

M8 Unbuffered report control Y

M8-1 sequence-number Y

M8-2 report-time-stamp Y

M8-3 reason-for-inclusion Y

M8-4 data-set-name Y

M8-5 data-reference Y

M8-6 BufIm Y

M8-7 IntgPd Y


M8-8 GI Y

M9 Log control N

M9-1 IntgPd N

M10 Log N

M11 Control N

If GSE (B31/B23) is supported



If SVC (B41/B42) is supported

M14 Multicast SVC N

M15 Unicast SVC N

If Server or Client side (B11/12) is supported

M16 Time N Time of
System must be
available with

M17 File Transfer Y

Y = service is supported

N or empty = service is not supported

ACSI Service Conformance AA: Client (C) Server (S) Comments

S1 GetServerDirectory TP Y

Application association


S2 Associate Y

S3 Abort Y supported

S4 Release N

Logical device
S5 GetLogicalDeviceDirectory TP Y

Logical node
S6 GetLogicalNodeDirectory TP Y

S7 GetAllDataValues TP N not supported

S8 GetDataValues TP Y

S9 SetDataValues TP Y

S10 GetDataDirectory TP Y

S11 GetDataDefinition TP Y =

Data set
S12 GetDataSetValues TP N not supported

S13 SetDataSetValues TP N not supported

S14 CreateDataSet TP Y

S15 DeleteDataSet TP Y

S16 GetDataSetDirectory TP Y

S17 SetDataValues TP Y

Setting group control

S18 SelectActiveSG TP Y not tested

S19 SelectEditSG TP Y not tested

S20 SetSGValues TP Y not tested


S21 ConfirmEditSGValues TP Y not tested

S22 GetSGValues TP Y not tested

S23 GetSGCBValues TP Y not tested

Buffered report control block (BRCB)
S24 Report TP Y

S24-1 data-change (dchg) Y

S24-2 quality-change (qchg) Y

S24-3 data-update (dupd) Y

S25 GetBRCBValues TP Y

S26 SetBRCBValues TP Y

Unbuffered report control block (URCB)

S27 Report TP Y

S27-1 data-change (dchg) Y

S27-2 quality-change (qchg) Y

S27-3 data-update (dupd) Y

S28 GetURCBValues TP Y

S29 SetURBCValues TP Y

Log control block
S30 GetLCBValues TP Y not tested

S31 SetLCBValues TP Y not tested

S32 QueryLogByTime TP N not supported

S33 QueryLogAfter TP N not supported

S34 GetLogStatusValues TP Y not tested


ACSI Service Conformance AA: Client/ Server/ Comments

TP/MC subscriber publisher
Generic substation event model (GSE)
S35 SendGOOSEMessage MC C8 C8 not supported

S36 GetGoReference TP O C9 not supported

S37 GetGOOSEElementNumber TP O C9 not supported

S38 GetGoCBValues TP Y O

S39 SetGoCBValues TP Y O

S40 SendGSSEMessage MC C8 C8 not supported

S41 GetGsReference TP O C9 not supported

S42 GetGSSEDataOffset TP O C9 not supported

S43 GetGsCBValues TP Y O not tested

S44 SetGsCBValues TP Y O not tested

C-8 shall declare support for at least one (SendGOOSEMessage or SendGSSEMessage)

C-9 shall declare support if TP association is available

Transmission of sampled value model (SVC)

Multicast SVC
S45 SendMSVMessage MC N C10 not supported

S46 GetMSVCBValues TP N O not supported

S47 SetMSVCBValues TP N O not supported

Unicast SVC
S48 SendUSVMessage TP N C10 not supported

S49 GetUSVCBValues TP N O not supported

S50 SetUSVCBValues TP N O not supported

C10 – shall declare support for at least one (SendMSVMessage or SendUSVMessage)


ACSI Service Conformance AA: Client (C) Server (S) Comments

S51 Select Y

S52 SelectWithValue TP Y

S53 Cancel TP Y

S54 Operate TP Y

S55 Command-Termination TP Y

S56 TimeActivated-Operate TP N not supported

File Transfer
S57 GetFile TP Y

S58 SetFile TP N not supported

S59 DeleteFile TP Y

S60 GetFileAttributeValues TP Y

ACSI Service Conformance Client (C) Server (S) Comments

T1 Time resolution of internal clock Operating

T2 Time accuracy of internal clock Operating T1 T0 (10ms), T1 (1ms), T2

System (100µs), T3 (25µs), T4
(4µs), T5 (1µs)

T3 Supported TimeStamp resolution T1 (1ms) or LREAL decimal place

when t-attribute created
as variable (T3)


2.12.2 Model implementation conformance statement (MICS)

All logical nodes, common data classes and data attribute types - as defined in IEC 61850-7-3 and IEC
61850-7-4 (Standard Edition 1) - are supported.

Introduced by Edition 2 for common data class APC the data attribute ctlVal as AnalogValue (structure)
with FC=CO is supported in read-only Services; ctlVal[SP] in APC from Edition1 is supported in all

2.13 Appendix D - PIXIT for COPA-DATA IEC61850 Client

The PIXIT document for the certification test of the IEC850 driver is only available in

PIXIT based on a template provided by KEMA.


This document specifies the protocol implementation extra information for testing (PIXIT) of the IEC
61850 interface in the client system: “COPA-DATA IEC850 - Driver for IEC61850 protocol”, further referred
to as “Client”.

Together with the PICS and the MICS the PIXIT forms the basis for a conformance test according to IEC

The following chapters specify the PIXIT for each applicable ACSI service model as structured in IEC
61850-10 and the “Conformance Test Procedures for Client System with IEC 61850-8-1 interface” by



Description Value / Clarification

Describe how the client handles nameplate The Client reads out data model at each associate
configuration revision mismatches and therefore does not need to check configuration

Describe how the client handles report control RCB configuration is read out at each associate.
block configuration revision mismatches

<additional items> The Client does not use items of pre-defined data
model until reading them from data model from an
online server.
The SCL file is used only by offline import of
variables to HMI project in the Editor for pre-
Please refer Client documentation for more details.


Description Value / Clarification

Guaranteed number of servers that can set-up an Per design: 65535
association simultaneously (one association per Tested: 50

Lost connection detection time range (default The current TCP/IP timeout of Operating System
range of TCP_KEEPALIVE is 1 – 20 seconds)
The connection loss to LD is only detected if at least
one its attribute is currently polled.
Please refer Client documentation for more details

Lost (abort) connection retry time 30 seconds

Is authentication supported Y

What is the maximum and minimum MMS PDU Max MMS PDU size 65535
size Min MMS PDU size dependent of max. DO

What is the typical startup time after a power The Client works only together with the zenon
supply interrupt Runtime and both are Windows applications.

1. Windows does not guarantee the files will be not

corrupted after power failure. Please use an UPS to
prevent loss of data stored on HDD.

2. There is no typical start-up time for the Client as

the start-up time of the Runtime depends of HMI
project design and PC performance. In practice, the
Client opens TCP/IP session to a server after few
(1-4) seconds since application start.



Description Value / Clarification

Maximum object identification length LD: 128 chars/octets
LN: 16 chars/octets
DO: 128 chars/octets
DA: 128 chars/octets
FC: 2 chars/octets

Does client support autodescription In the Runtime the Client reads data model only via
MMS. Then the Client does not use data not
responded via MMS by association.

In the HMI Editor (by pre-configuration of the HMI

project) the Client can read the data model from SCL
file (off-line import) or from the server via MMS
(on-line import) or data can be configured manually
(variable creation).
Please refer to HMI documentation for more details.

What analogue value (MX) quality bits are used in Y Good,

the client Y Invalid,
Y Reserved,
Y Questionable
Y Overflow
Y OutofRange
Y BadReference
Y Oscillatory
Y Failure
Y OldData
Y Inconsistent
Y Inaccurate
Y Process
Y Substituted
Y Test
Y OperatorBlocked

Which status value (ST) quality bits are used in the Y Good,
client Y Invalid,
Y Reserved,
Y Questionable
Y BadReference
Y Oscillatory
Y Failure
Y OldData
Y Inconsistent
Y Inaccurate
Y Process
Y Substituted


Y Test
Y OperatorBlocked

Describe how to view/display quality values 1.zenon Status Bits by stVal variable in HMI (only
selected bits.
Please refer Client documentation for more details.),

2.the value of */q variable in HMI, if created

Describe how to force a SetDataValues request Set value to the variable created in HMI.
Please refer HMI documentation for more details.

Describe how to force a GetAllDataValues request not used

Describe how the client behaves in case of:

 GetDataDefinition response-  I-Bit* + log error entry

 GetLogicalDeviceDirectory response-  I-Bit* + log error entry

 GetAllDataValues response-  not supported

 GetDataValues response-  I-Bit* + log error entry

 SetDataValues response-  log error entry

*Status bit INVALID of variables mirroring DO/DA.

Please refer to HMI documentation for more details.


Description Value / Clarification

Describe how to force a GetDataSetValues not used

Describe how to force a SetDataSetValues request not used

Describe how to force a DeletaDataSet request would be done automatically according Client
configuration for Dynamic Data Sets.
Please refer Client documentation for more details.

Describe how the client handles following dataset No mismatch possible - SCL file is not used in the
mismatches between the SCL and the data sets Client during communication; the Client only uses
exposed via MMS: data sets exposed via MMS.

1. new dataset element

2. missing dataset element

3. Reordered dataset members in a


dataset of a different data type

4. Reordered dataset members in a

dataset of the same data type

Describe how the client behaves in case of: log entry + data will be polled (no reporting)

 GetLogicalNodeDirectory(DATA-SET) response-

 GetDataSetDirectory response-

Does the client support the creation of:

 persistent datasets  Y

 non-persistent datasets  N

Describe how the client behaves in case of:

 CreateDataSetDirectory response-  log entry + data will be polled (not reported)

 DeleteDataSet response-  log entry + old dataset used for reporting


Description Value / Clarification

Describe how to substitute a value For attributes with FC = SV (*/subEna, subQ, subID
and e.g. subVal) create variables in the HMI project.
Then first set values to be substituted (*/subVal,
subQ, subID)
and then set value TRUE to variable */subEna.
Please refer HMI documentation for more details
about setting variable values

<additional items> There is a second method to make substitution only

in HMI - e.g. when an IEC 61850 server does not
support substitution. Any variable created in the
HMI project can be turned to alternative value and
that makes the HMI to simulate it.
Please refer description of status bit ALT_VAL in the
HMI manual for more details.


Description Value / Clarification

Describe how to change the active setting group set value of adequate variable in HMI project

Describe how to get the actual setting group create variables in the HMI project for attributes


values with these values

Describe how to edit setting group values set value of adequate variables in HMI project

Describe how the client behaves in case of:

 GetSGCBValues response-  log entry

 The configured SG is different than the actual  not tested

setting group

<additional items> The Client was never tested with an IED supporting
Setting Group


Description Value / Clarification

Does the client search for RCB in all logical nodes? Y All logical nodes* or
When not specify the logical nodes Y The following logical nodes**:

 LLN0

 RCBs assigned in the Client configuration

 BRCBs with RptID=zenon_computername_*

* for automatic allocation of URCBs

** for static allocation of URCBs and BRCBs
Please refer Client documentation for more details.

Which dynamic RCB attributes are/can be N RptID

configured by the client Y DataSet
Y (fix)* Optional fields
Y Trigger conditions
N Buffer time
N Integrity period
*are pre-configured; cannot be changed

For attributes with FC = BR|RP variables in the HMI

project can be created, read, written.

Does the client support IED's with indexed and Y Buffered RCB indexed
non-indexed report control blocks (RCB) Y Buffered RCB not indexed
Y Unbuffered RCB indexed
Y Unbuffered RCB not indexed

The supported trigger conditions are Y integrity

Y data change
Y quality change


Y data update
Y general interrogation

The minimum required optional fields are N sequence-number

N report-time-stamp
N reason-for-inclusion
Y* data-set-name
N data-reference
N buffer-overflow
Y* entryID
N conf-rev
The Client can receive reports with any additional
optional field, not only the minimum; the optional
fields not required are then ignored.

Does the client support segmented reports Y

Does the client support pre-assigned RCB Y

Does the client support reported data set Y reporting of data objects
containing structured data objects or data N* reporting of data attributes
*the Client process report but ignores single data
attributes while they do not have time and quality.
Skipped daName items of data set will be polled.

Describe how the client does respond when an log entry + trying to use another one if dynamically
URCB is already reserved allocated, fallback polling

Describe how the client does respond when a log entry, data will be polled
BRCB is already reserved

Describe how the client does respond on a log entry

SetBRCBValues(EntryID) respond-

Describe how the client does respond when a mismatches are not possible - dataset directory and
report has an unknown: dataset, RptId, RCB configuration is read out via MMS at each
unexpexted number of dataset entries, and/or associate
unexpexted data type format entries

Describe how the client detect reporting RCB configuration is read out at each associate,
configuration changes (mismatches). Does it "configuration revision" doesn’t care
check the "configuration revision" attributes
and/or does it check the dataset members?

Describe how to force the client to change the no setting in the Client configuration
RCB buffer time
For attributes with FC = BR|RP variables in the HMI
project can be created, read, written.



Description Value / Clarification

Does the client search for LCB in all logical nodes? not supported
when not specify the logical nodes

Describe how to change LOG and LCB attributes not supported


Description Value / Clarification

What elements of a subscribed GOOSE header are not supported
checked to decide the message is valid and the
allData values are accepted?

Ignored = element value is not checked, message

will be accepted

SCL match = element value should match with the

configuration, otherwise the GOOSE message will
be ignored

For the checked GOOSE header elements describe not supported

the checking conditions in more detail when

What is the behavior when one subscribed GOOSE not supported

message isn’t received or syntactically incorrect
(missing GOOSE)

What is the behavior when one subscribed GOOSE not supported

message exceeds the previous time Allowed to
Live (TAL)

What is the behavior when a subscribed GOOSE not supported

message is out-of-order

What is the behavior when a subscribed GOOSE not supported

message is duplicated

May the GOOSE data set contain structured data Y/N



Description Value / Clarification


What control modes are supported Y status-only

Y direct-with-normal-security
Y sbo-with-normal-security
Y direct-with-enhanced-security
Y sbo-with-enhanced-security

For each use of */Oper.ctlVal[CO|SP], the Client

automatically checks current */ctlModel[CF].
Depending on the value of that attribute, the
corresponding control model is executed.
Please refer Client documentation for more details.

Is Time activated operate (operTm) supported N

Is "operate-many" supported N

Can the client set the test flag? N

What check conditions can be set Y synchrocheck

Y interlock-check

There are two methods to set check conditions for

Operate and SelectWithValue:

1. Check condition can be predefined by setting a

value to */Oper.Check[CO] variable. The current
variable value is used for command service

2. in the IEC 61850 interface (HMI): by setting in

Command processing: Action its property Qualifier of
Command (Please refer HMI Help)

Which originator categories are supported and orCat =2 (station control)*

what is the originator identification? orIdent ='zenon: nnn'
where: nnn - computer name
' - apostrophe (CHAR(27))

*per default orCal=2 - setting in the Client


Describe if and how the client sets/increments the for each use of any ctlVal[CO|SP] the Client
ctlNum increments* ctlNum from 0 to 127 and next turns
to 0.
* also by ctlModel=0 (no control possible)

What does the client when its receives a The Client gives possibility to create (pro */Oper
LastApplicationError and describe how to view the structure) an internal "State Info" variable for
additional cause? received AddCause item value and variables
ControlRun and ControlState showing current state
and success/fail of command. These internal
variables can be display and store in the HMI


Please refer Client documentation for more details.

What does the client when it receives a Select, The Client sets corresponding values to intern
SelectWithValue or Operate respond negative ? variables ControlRun (-1=error) and AddCause.
Optionally writes a log entry.
Please refer Client documentation for more details.

Can the client change the control model via online Y


What does the client when the ctlModel is not out of scope
initialized in the SCL? The Client does not read ctlModel from SCL, only via

<additional items>


Description Value / Clarification

Describes how to view the internal time & quality The Client uses Windows time (local PC clock), thus
or how to expose the timestamp and timestamp the Client does not cooperate directly with any SNTP
quality via the IEC 61850 interface application. The Client does not send timestamp
quality to control object.

What time quality bits are supported N LeapSecondsKnown

Y* ClockFailure
Y* ClockNotSynchronized
*only time quality bit received in t attribute

What is the behavior when the time Not applicable

synchronization signal/messages are lost

When is the quality bit "Clock failure" set? The Client does not set any time quality bits, it
supports reception of ClockFailure

When is the quality bit "Clock not synchronized" The Client does not set any time quality bits, it
set? supports reception of ClockNotSynchronised

<additional items> The Client maps time quality bits received in t

attribute into Status bits of variables responding
same DO in the HMI project:

 ClockNotSynchronised
- status bits T_INVAL & T_EXTERN

 ClockFailure
- status bits T_INVAL & T_INTERN
(and changes time attribute to HMI time).

Please refer Client documentation for more details.



Description Value / Clarification

Describe when or how to force the client to The Client gives possibility to create two internal
request GetServerDirectory(FILE) and what it does string variables: a Command and a Directory
with the responded filenames variable. Setting value of Command to: "DIR
<fileSpec>" results with the name or list of files in
Directory variable.

Please refer Client documentation for more details.

Does the client use a wildcard in the No

GetServerDirectory(FILE) request

Does the client support IED’s that include the path Y path included
in the file name in the GetServerDirectory(FILE) Y path not included
respond? Y list of files with a char separator

Does the client support IED’s that use the file N "/"
separator Y "\"

What is the maximum file name size including OS limit, e.g. Windows Vista - 256 chars

Can the client read a file with size 0 Y

Are directory/file name case sensitive Not case sensitive

only Command value is case sensitive: "DIR
<fileSpec>" or "GET <fileSpec>",
the <fileSpec> is not case sensitive

Maximum file size per design 4 GB

practical* 25 MB
* transfer of 25 MB takes about 40 seconds, bigger
transfers wasn't tested

Describe how the client behaves in case of: Command Variable value changes to
"DIR ERROR" (or "GET ERROR" for GetFile
GetFileAttributes response- response-)

<additional items> For DeleteFile set Command variable value to "DEL



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