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1. Program/Project Title: PROJECT PAGBASA: “Patibayin ang Galing at
BAyanihan ng SAmbayanan” Ikalawang Bersyon
Project Leader: Marvin E. Eusebio

2. Project Component Titles

a. Project Component Title: PROJECT SANTA: “Ay-ayam ni Ading
Project Component Leader: Reden S. Cabato, Ana Grace Macaranas
Faculty Leader : Michelle G. Quijano, Ph.D

b. Project Component Title: EDUKALIKASAN: “Go Clean and Green

Project Component Leader: Ariel G. Dela Cruz, Aaron Velasco, Alcher
Faculty Leader: Marines Zilabbo, LPT

c. Project Component Title: PROJECT LAKBAY: “Literacy Action and

Knowledge Building for the Academic Year”
Project Component Leader: Cristian T. Bruno
Faculty Leader : Romel R. Costales, Ph.D

d. Project Component Title: PROJECT AFAC: “An Art Fostering and

Appreciating Culture and Tradition”
Project Component Leader: Eugene B. Abarra and Marife P. Pagalilauan
Faculty Leader : Angelica Maglelong, MST

3. Implementing Campus:
a. Lead Unit/College: Isabela State University
b. Cooperating Unit/College: Council of Young Educators
c. Project Site: Adopted Barangay of ISUI

4. Cooperating Agencies: Barangay Canapi, Karikkikan Norte, Bagong Silang,

Mangcuram, City of Ilagan, Isabela

5. Duration
a. Date Started: November 2022
b. Date Completed: March 2023
c. Status: New

6. Project Beneficiaries: High School Students of the Adopted Barangays

7. Funding Agency/ies: ISUI Extension and Training Office

a. Budget: P50, 000.00

8. Budget Requirement/Buget

Fund Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total

MOOE 50,000.00
TOTAL 50,000.00

9. Detailed Proposal
a. Rationale

According to Article 1 Section II states that one of the core objectives of Council of
Young Educators is to adhere to the principles that concerns the students, college and the
university, society and the indigenous people. In this time of global health crisis, we want to
help others especially those children who are in need of developing their literacy and
numeracy skills. Literacy is an important part of a child's development, especially in this fast-
paced, technology-driven age. Project PAGBASA aims to bring out the best in every child.
Using this concept, the Council of Young Educators will conduct an outreach program to the
high school students of adopted Barangays in City of Ilagan, Isabela on November 26, 2022
in order to promote a reading culture. This outreach program includes reading activities and
tutoring, fun activities, feeding program, and distribution of reading materials. We believe
every child should know how to read since they are developing and should be aware of their
surroundings. Furthermore, children will be more productive the more knowledge they have.

In context of this, the Extension and Training Office on the ISU-City of Ilagan
Campus offers programs to help young people acquire the life skills necessary to lead
more rewarding lives. This will teach them how to compose simple sentences using
proper grammar and pronunciation. In addition, the target beneficiaries will receive
instruction on how to properly care for and reduce environmental issues. Students will
also participate in art-making activities. Mathematical concepts, including Geometry and
Algebra, will also be covered. In addition, there will be trainings on community-based
risk reduction and management and basic first aid with CPR.

Consequently, this extension project provides the possibility to train the intended
recipients by extending opportunities to the underprivileged and isolated communities. If they
were equipped with the necessary knowledge, life skills, and values, they would be more
productive, more cooperative with others, and more self-confident in their ability to handle
life's numerous adversities. Whatever knowledge the project's beneficiaries gain will serve as
a foundation for the creation of subsequent social intervention programs that will ultimately
contribute to the realization of the goals of teacher education and the vision and purpose of
the university.

b. General Objective and Specific Objectives

The goal of this project is to train and holistically develop High School students of the
adopted barangay of ISUI.

Specific Objectives:

1. To foster a reading culture among students and to support individuals who

require further assistance in developing their literacy and numeracy skills.
2. To provide reading and school supplies to the students of adopted Barangays.
3. To encourage community participation and accountability by ensuring that
every member of the community understands their role in our children's
4. To spread happiness and joy to the children of adopted Barangays.

Expected Outputs/Targets

At the end of the project, the following are the expected output:

1. A total of 70 children in the different adopted Barangays of City of Ilagan, Isabela would
get a CYE reading materials package that consist of reading books, pencils, sharpener
and crayons.
2. The ISU- Ilagan Campus together with its staff and CYE members (volunteers) get
involved in this community outreach program.
3. To bring enjoyment to the children of adopted Barangay.
4. Strengthen the linkage between ISU-I and the adopted Barangays in City of Ilagan,

1. Project Components/Strategies Implementation

ISUI-City of Ilagan Campus, specifically the College of Education through the University's
extension section, will organize a training program in the ISUI-adopted barangays. The
Council of Young Educators will facilitate the community-based seminars and programs. By
equipping people with the knowledge and skills necessary to appreciate the benefits and
significance of the project, it is intended to address the consequences of the many parts of the
program's planned activities. The following strategies will be implemented for this project:

The project's outcomes are based on the following objectives.

1. Make a record that includes the gender, age, grade level, and specialization of the

2. Workshops and seminars on disaster risk management were among the themes for
which training plans and modules were developed. Other topics covered included
cultivating an appreciation for nature and learning to communicate effectively with
experts in that field.
3. Improved their capacity for abstract reasoning in the mathematical domains of
statistics, algebra, and geometry.

4. Those students who participated in the survey received instruction in areas such as
self-awareness, health and wellness, letter writing, and journalistic abilities.

The Project Leader, along with the Project Implementers and Extension Staff, will
inform the Council of Young Educators officers and volunteers on the project's
objectives, projected results, identified target beneficiaries, and timetable for
completing each activity.

The ISU-Ilagan Campus project manager, component leaders, training facilitators,

and extension workers will oversee each activity and ensure that it is carried out as

During the execution of this project, all applicable health and safety laws must be
adhered to. This project's personnel must be adequately inoculated and maintain
proper hand hygiene. They need to wear face masks. Additionally, they must be
conscious of physical distance. Additionally, it is prohibited to hug or exchange
materials physically during the session.

Component 1: PROFILING

Objectives Activities Outputs

Identify and establish the profile of the Profile student-beneficiaries
student-beneficiaries in the adopted based on their sex, age, grade data base on
barangay level and skills of the student-
the profile of
beneficiaries the student-
Prepare MOA for signing Preparation and Signing of Signed MOA
MOA for the implementation
of the project


1. PROJECT PAGBASA: “Patibayin ang Galing at BAyanihan ng

SAmbayanan” Ikalawang Bersyon
Objectives Activities Outputs Budget
Build/develop a  Creating training guides One (1) training plan P10, 000
single Training and other educational was developed.
Plan and Course tools and distribution of
educational kits to the Built-up and Designed
target beneficiaries Modules
 Meetings with the
Project Component
Leader and any other
CYE officers with
relevant backgrounds
will be scheduled.
To promote a  Preparation of training The student-
culture of reading instructional beneficiaries were
among students materials/resources educated and were
and to assist those given adequate kits for
who require their schooling.
further assistance
in developing
their literacy and
numeracy skills.

2. PROJECT SANTA: “Ay-ayam ni Ading”

Objectives Activities Outputs Budget
Build/develop a  Creating training guides One (1) training plan P10, 000
single Training and other educational was developed.
Plan and Course tools and gift giving to
the target beneficiaries Built-up and Designed
 Meetings with the Modules and
Project Component distribution of
Leader and any other educational kits and gift
CYE officers with toys
relevant backgrounds
will be scheduled.
Educate the  Preparation of training The student-
student- instructional beneficiaries were
beneficiaries on materials/resources educated and taught
different topics on with the topics on
Geometry,  Literacy workshop on Geometry, Algebra,
Algebra, English math and English related English Grammar and
Grammar and topics pronunciation.

3. EDUKALIKASAN: “Go Clean and Green Project”

Objectives Activities Outputs Budget
Build/develop a  Creating training guides One (1) training plan P10, 000
single Training and other educational was developed.
Plan and Course tools to the target
beneficiaries Built-up and Designed
 Meetings with the Modules and
Project Component distribution of
Leader and any other educational kits
CYE officers with
relevant backgrounds
will be scheduled.
Educate the  Preparation of training The student-
student- instructional beneficiaries were with
beneficiaries on materials/resources the importance of
mitigating environmental
environmental  Seminar-Workshop on awareness and be one
problems and mitigating environmental of the warriors in
teach them about issues and Information- protecting the
environmental Dissemination on nature/environment.
awareness its environmental awareness
importance to
one’s life  There will be a tree-
planting activities

Management: A Training for Basic First-Aid and Disaster Management

Objectives Activities Outputs
Construct/develop  Preparation of training Developed one (1)
one (1) Training instructional training design
Design and materials/resources
Module  Project Component Trained First Aiders
Leader and other faculty
members from the
College of Education
whose expertise are
related to DRRM and
Basic First Aid will be
Train and educate  Preparation of training The student-
the student- instructional beneficiaries will be
beneficiaries materials/resources trained as First Aiders
DRRM and Basic and taught with
First Aid and  Training-Workshop on DRRM
Basic Life DRRM
Support (CPR)
 Lecture-Demonstration
on First Aid and Basic
Life Support (CPR)

4. PROJECT LAKBAY: “Literacy Action and Knowledge Building for the

Academic Year”
Objectives Activities Outputs Budget
Build/develop a  Creating training guides One (1) training plan P10, 000
single Training and other educational was developed.
Plan and Course tools and distribution of
educational kits to the Built-up and Designed
target beneficiaries Modules and
 Meetings with the instructional materials
Project Component for library cart
Leader and any other
CYE officers with
relevant backgrounds
will be scheduled.
To foster a  Preparation of training The student-
learning instructional beneficiaries were
community materials/resources educated and were
among students given adequate kits for
and to assist their schooling.
individuals who
need more
support in
developing their
literacy and
numeracy skills.

5. PROJECT AFAC: “An Art Fostering and Appreciating Culture and

Objectives Activities Outputs Budget
Build/develop a  Creating training guides One (1) training plan P10, 000
single Training and other educational was developed.
Plan and Course tools and distribution of
art kits to the target Built-up and Designed
beneficiaries Modules and
 Meetings with the instructional
Project Component
Leader and any other
CYE officers with
relevant backgrounds
will be scheduled.
To foster an art  Preparation of art The student-
learning materials beneficiaries were
community  Mural painting educated and were
among students  Training workshop for given art kits for their
drawing, painting, and workshops.

a. Conceptual/Operational Framework/Extension Program Framework


Lectures and Information
Dissemination on Improvement of Filipino
different components of and English Proficiency, Enhanced or Improved
the program: Mathematical and life life skills and reading
1. Reading and Writing Skills of the student-
Literacy literacy of the student-
beneficiaries. beneficiaries of the
2. Environmental
Awareness Distribution of adopted barangays of
3. Mathematics educational kits and ISUI
4. Technical Writing and

13. Monitoring and Evaluation

Regular monitoring and evaluation will be conducted by the department's extension

unit and participating institutions to assure the implementation of ongoing activities that will
lead to the achievement of the program's objectives.

Regular visits to the project site may be utilized to perform monitoring activities, which may
include participant interviews. This will serve as a standard for project implementers to
improve their services.

Sustainability Plan/Way Forward

The project's viability is clear from the interest and support shown by the project's
supporters and Isabela State University, Ilagan Campus. Conduct impact assessment as to the
efficacy of the project to be conducted.

14. Budgetary Breakdown by Line-Item Budget

Particular/Item Budget Counterpart Total
(Identify Source
of Funding)

A. Personal Services (PS)

B. Maintenance
and Operating

- Travel 5, 000.00 P50, 000

- Supplies and 20, 000.00
- Meals and Snack 20, 000.00
- Communication
- Other Services 5, 000

C. Capital Outlay (CO)

TOTAL P50, 000.00 P50, 000

15. Schedule of Activities/Work Plan (Gannt Chart)

Due Dates in Months
Activities Deliverables Outputs (November–December 2023)
Organizing and Conduct a meeting Finalization of
planning with the and give inputs on the components
Project leaders. the project of the project.
Meeting or Conduct ocular visit Visited the
Coordinating with and evaluation on Project site
the Barangay the project site.
Officials and the
Seminar/ Conduct of seminar/ Participants
Workshop Proper workshop on the were taught,
project site. educated and
trained on the
life skills
delivered and
conducted by
the project

Practiced and
involved the
community in
applying the
skilled and
Evaluation Assess the Find out the
extension project needs for
improvement on
the extension
Final meeting with Discuss the result of Finalization of
the Barangay the assessment. Terminal Report
officials, student-
beneficiaries and Summarize the data
Project Leaders gathered.
Submission of Final editing of the Submitted the
Terminal Report Terminal Report Terminal

Prepared by:
Project Leader

Project Manager


Project Leader Component Leader 1
Component Leader 2 Component Leader 3
Component Leader 4

Endorsed by:


Chairperson, Bachelor of Secondary Education Dean, College of Education



Campus Extension and Training Director

Recommending Approval:


Executive Officer University Extension Director



Vice President for RDET

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