Agard Manual - Vol 2
Agard Manual - Vol 2
Agard Manual - Vol 2
Volume 2
Edited by
Max RPlatzer
Department of the Navy
Naval Postgraduate School
Monterey, CA 93943-5100, USA
Franklin O.Carta
United Technologies Research Center
East Hartford, CT 06108, USA
This AGARDograph was prepared at the request of the Propulsion and Energetics Panel
and of the Structures and Materials Panel of AGARD.
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8.Author(s)/Editor(s) 9. Date
Editors: MF.Platzer and F.O.Carta June 1988
Reviewing Flutter
Turbomachinery Blades
Structural dynamic analysis Discs
Aeroelasticity Rotors
Metal fatigue
14. Abstract
The first volume of this Manual reviewed the state of the art of unsteady turbomachinery
aerodynamics as required for the study of aeroelasticity in axial turbomachines. This second
volume aims to complete the review by presenting the state of the art of structural dynamics and of
The eleven chapters in this second volume give an overview of the subject and reviews of the
structural dynamics characteristics and analysis methods applicable to single blades and bladed
The blade fatigue problem and its assessment methods, and life-time prediction are considered.
Aeroelastic topics covered include: the problem of blade-disc shroud aeroelastic coupling,
formulations and solutions for tuned and mistuned rotors, and instrumentation on test
procedures to perform a fan flutter test. The effect of stagnation temperature and pressure on
flutter is demonstrated and currently available forced vibration and flutter design methodology
is reviewed.
This AGARDograph was prepared at the request of the Propulsion and Energetics Panel and
of the Structures and Materials Panel of AGARD.
The first volume of this Manual reviewed the state of the art of unsteady turbomachinery aerodynamics as required for
the study of aeroelasticity in axial turbomachines. It is the objective of the present second volume to complete the review by
presenting to state of the art of structural dynamic's and of aeroelasticity.
As pointed out in the preface to the first volume, further engine performance improvements and the avoidance of
expensive engine modifications required to overcome aerodynamic/aeroelastic stability problems will not depend only on
the continued systematic research in unsteady turbomachinery aeroelasticity. Rather, the need to transfer highly specialised
unsteady aerodynamic and aeroelastic information to the turbomachinery design community and the introduction of young
engineers to these disciplines suggested the compilation of a "Manual on Aeroelasticity in Turbomachines", similar to the
" AC ARD Manual on Aeroelasticity" for the aeroelastic design of flight vehicles, due to the lack of any textbook or other
comprehensive compendium on unsteady aerodynamics and aeroelasticity in turbomachines.
This conclusion was presented to and endorsed by the AGARD Propulsion and Energetics and Structures and
Materials Panels, the U.S. Office of Naval Research, the Naval Air Systems Command, and the Air Force Office of Scientific
Research. The support of these organizations is gratefully acknowledged. We are especially indebted to the late Dr Herbert
J.Mueller, Research Administrator and Chief Scientist of the Naval Air Systems Command, for his encouragement and
guidance during the initial phase of the project. Thanks are also due to Dr Gerhard Heiche and Mr George Derderian (Naval
Air Systems Command), Dr Albert Wood (Office of Naval Research), Dr Anthony Amos (Air Force Office of Scientific
Research) and Mr David Drane (AGARD) for their continuing interest and support.
In the present second volume, after an introduction and overview by Sisto, the structural dynamics characteristics and
analysis methods applicable to single blades and whole bladed assemblies are reviewed. Ewins first presents a chapter on
basic structural dynamics, followed by a chapter on individual blades, written together with RHenry, and concludes with a
chapter on bladed assemblies. This is followed by an exposition of the blade fatigue problem and its assessment methods,
written by Armstrong. The problem of life time prediction is reviewed by Labourdette, who also summarizes ONERA's
research in viscoplasticity and continuous damage mechanics. The remaining chapters are devoted to aeroelasticity. Carta
first introduces the reader to the problem of blade-disk shroud aeroelastic coupling. Crawley then presents detailed
aeroelastic formations and solutions for tuned and mistuned rotors. Special attention is given in this chapter to the effects of
mistuning. The sophisticated instrumentation and test procedures required to perform a fan flutter test are reviewed in
considerable detail by Stargardter. The effect of stagnation temperature and pressure on flutter is demonstrated by Jeffers,
who presents flutter boundaries obtained in a heavily instrumented fan rig as well as in a full-scale engine. In the concluding
chapter the currently available forced vibration and flutter design methodology is reviewed and put in perspective by Snyder
and Burns.
The editors are deeply indebted to the authors for their willingness to contribute their time and energies to this project
in spite of other pressing demands, Our thanks also go to the authors' employers for their support. Funding limitations made
it necessary to limit the number of contributors. Nevertheless, we hope that a fairly comprehensive and balanced coverage of
the field of turbomachinery unsteady aerodynamics and aeroelasticity was accomplished and that the two volumes on
unsteady turbomachinery aerodynamics and on turbomachinery structural dynamics and aeroelasticity will be found useful
as an introduction to this important special discipline and as a basis for future work.
Chairman: Professor Paolo Santini Deputy Chairman: Prof Dr-Ing. Hans Forsching
Dipartimento Aerospaziale Direktor der DFVLR Institut fur Aeroelastik
Universita dcgli Studi di Roma Bunscnstrassc 10
"La Sapienza" D-3400 Gottingen - Germany
ViaEudossiana, 16
00185 Roma — Italy
Mr Murray C.McConnell — UK
The first volume of this Manual reviewed the state of the art of unsteady turbomachinery aerodynamics as required for
the study of aeroelasticity in axial turbomachines. This second volume aims to complete the review by presenting the state of
the art of structural dynamics and of acroclasticity.
The eleven chapters in this second volume give an overview of the subject and reviews of the structural dynamics
characteristics and analysis methods applicable to single blades and bladed assemblies.
The blade fatigue problem and its assessment methods, and life-time-prediction are considered. Aeroelastic topics
covered include: the problem of blade-disc shroud aeroelastic coupling, formulations and solutions for tuned and mistuned
rotors, and instrumentation on test procedures to perform a fan flutter test. The effect of stagnation temperature and
pressure on flutter is demonstrated and currently available forced vibration and flutter design methodology is reviewed.
Le premier volume de ce manuel a examine 1'etat actuel des connaissances dans te domaine de 1'aerodynamique
instationnaire des turbomachines en vue de 1'etude de 1'aeroelasticite dans les turbomachines axiales. Ce deuxieme volume
vient completer cet examen, en presentant 1'etat actuel des connaissances dans les domaines de la dynamique des structures
et de 1'aeroelasticitc.
Les onze chapitres du present volume donnent un apercu du sujet, avec un examen des caracteristiques de la
dynamique des structures et des methodes d'analyse applicables aux aubes simples et aux ensembles munis d'aubes. Le
probleme de la fatigue des aubes est examine, ainsi que les m£thodes d'estimation de la fatigue et de la duree de vie des
Parmi les questions aeroelastiques couvertes, nous signalerions, le probleme du couplage aeroelastique de 1'aube et le
talon du disque, les formulations et les solutions en ce qui concerne les rotors accordes et desaccordes, et I'instrumentation
necessaire et les procedures & suivre pour la realisation des essais de flottement des soufflantes. L'effet de la temperature et
de la pression d'arret sur le flottement est demontre et la methodologie de calcul de la vibration forcee et du flottement,
employe £ 1'heure actuel, est passee en revue.
A0v 238- vIOL-Z
twisted beam element and illustrating The computed results reveal the typi-
the effect of bending-bending-torslon cal feature (for each configuration) of
coupling. Inertia coupling due to non- 'single1 and 'double' modes of which the
coincidence of section centroids and latter is in the majority. Most of the
center of twist and the effect of rotation assemblies' modes occur in these pairs
are demonstrated in a series of examples. with similar shapes and identical
A number of practical conclusions are frequencies. This is consistent with the
drawn concerning the effects on natural identification of these combined modes by
frequency and mode shapes and the conse- the number of nodal diameters, n. The
quent need for using "refined" beam-type special nature of modes for n • 0 and
elements for aeroelastic studies. n • 1 is discussed as is the general
behavior as n becomes very large. With
The second example, the analysis of a the beam, plate, and finite element models
fan blade using three node triangular nodal circles may also appear. For an N-
plate elements, elucidates the untwist bladed disk, the maximum value for n is
effect which, along with accurate centri- 1/2N (or(N-l)/2 if N is odd) for the dis-
fugal stiffening, requires an iterative crete lumped parameter model. However,
solution procedure. Coriolis effects can for continuous disk or shroud models
be safely ignored for this particular pro- higher values of n are possible, but the
blem of mode definition. This is not blade or rim displacement for n > N/2 are
necessarily true for highly swept blades, Indistinguishable from the mode with N-n
or blades on a processing rotor. In any nodal diameters. This 'aliasing1 property
event, the nonlinear iterative solution is very significant and may allow an
procedure, for example, using an updated infeeding of energy from aerodynamic
Lagrangian formulation at each iteration, sources at frequencies associated with n
is recommended. nodal diameters, but with N-n nodal
diameters being measured. This important
The third example is a high pressure feature is fully discussed and
turbine blade modelled with thick shell elucidated.
elements. Dynamic analysis shows that the
rotation effect is weak for both frequency A number of configurations are ana-
and mode shape for this "thick" blade. lyzed, with an N = 36 bladed disk used to
The change in frequency can be adequately study parametrically the effects of disk
estimated from the nonrotating case using stiffness, root flexibility, stagger,
the method of Rayleigh Quotients. twist, shroud stiffness and shroud
The final paragraphs of the chapter
consist of practical recommendations for Dr. Henry presents the results of
structural dynamic modelling of single analyzing a specific turbine rotor using
blades based on the findings of the pre- finite elements and assuming axisymmetry.
ceding studies and computations. The six lowest frequency modes are dis-
cussed as well as their variation with
rotational speed. The important point is
Blade-Disk Model. In Chapter 15, made that if cyclic symmetry must be
Structural Dynamics of Bladed Assemblies, assumed (e.g., due to a small N, and hence
the subject material of the previous two with blades which cannot be modelled as
chapters is brought together by David beams) then the mode shapes no longer dis-
Ewins for the treatment of practical play simple diameters and circles as nodal
systems. As in the previous two chapters lines.
there is also an important contribution by
Or. R. Henry in this chapter. The important characteristics of mis-
tuned assemblies is discussed next leading
to the important characteristics of mode
Initially, the configurations to be and frequency splitting. Each double mode
examined are described, ranging from un- with identical frequencies and mode shapes
shrouded identical blades to packetted in the tuned state splits into distinct
blades to blades that are not identical to modes with close natural frequencies and
each other. Disks are considered with modal shapes upon the introduction of
various degrees of flexibility up to com- mistuning. The very complex behavior of
plete rigidity. In the remainder of the mistuned assemblies is discussed including
chapter the natural frequencies and mode the effects of regular versus random
shapes are presented for these various mistuning, the effect of damping (may
assemblies and the major controlling introduce complex modes if the damping is
factors are described. The results of non-proportional) and the effect of lash-
analyzing and computing a number of repre- ing the blades in packets. The subject of
sentative cases are presented qualitative- mistuning as applied to self-excited sys-
ly in the text and in the form of figures tems is returned to in Chapter 19.
for more quantitative comparisons and
tests. The chapter closes with a discussion
of force vibration assuming two types of
Models which are evaluated by computa- forcing: single point harmonic excitation
tion are generally at three distinct and engine-order excitation. It is empha-
levels of abstraction: the lumped param- sized that a resonance can be obtained
eter model where full axisymmetry is only by excitation at the proper frequency
assumed; the beam and plate models of and with an appropriate spatial distribu-
blades with either axisymmetric, cyclical- tion (i.e., the sign of the work done on
ly symmetry (i.e., rotationally periodic the vibration will depend locally on the
structure) or full blade-to-blade phase between the force and the displace-
variation; and finally, the finite element ment and will be zero at the nodes). The
model in which axisymmetry, or at best detailed character of the response of a
cyclic symmetry with substructuring must number of computed cases is presented for
be assumed due to computing limitations. both types of excitation. It is empha-
sized that the aliasing phenomenon appears The emphasis is on jet engine experience;
most importantly in the engine order case. flight conditions and installation charac-
An (N-n)th engine order excitation and an teristics enter the discussion frequently.
nth engine-order excitation will be
equally effective in exciting modes with n A detailed derivation is then given of
diametral nodes and the vibration will the "amplitude ratio" method of forced vi-
occur at an N-n multiple of the rotation- bration assessment. The application of
al speed. The corresponding alias vibra- the method is discussed, including corre-
tion where the nth engine order excites lations supplied from cantilever beam
N-n nodal diameter modes is also demon- theory, different blade materials, fatigue
strated and discussed. This and other ex- capability, material damping, temperature,
tremely complex behavior is presented for statistical scatter, and the evolution of
a number of computed cases. The chapter design/development rules.
ends with a discussion and an estimate
of the increase in forced response on The "amplitude ratio" method is con-
the "worst", or "rogue", blade attribu- trasted with the stress level method of
table to a particular degree of mistuning. assessing blade vibration and fatigue
This is a fitting conclusion for the failures. This second method depends on a
third chapter on structural dynamics where detailed knowledge of the vibratory and
the emphasis is on forcing, not neces- steady stresses and has become increasing-
sarily or exclusively from aerodynamic ly used as the finite element method of
sources. It should be emphasized, as stress analysis has come into widespread
introduced briefly in Chapter 1 and dis- use. The application of the method, and
cussed more fully in Chapter 19, that the the special effects that can be handled
conclusions on the harmful effect of mis- (such as restraint of edge warping, cen-
tuning may be quite different in the case trifugal forces, etc.) is discussed at
of self-excited aeroelastic instabilities. length and practical examples are
Vibratory Blade Failure. Chapter 16, The two methods are compared and the
F a t i g u e a n d AssessmentMethods of Blade benefits of each are emphasized. Modern
Vibrations, by Keith Armstrong is a tho- practice in a large organization will be
rough treatise on the practical aspects of to use an efficient blend of the two. The
blade failure and its prevention. The influence on design and an historical
initial sections of this chapter are taken description, with many examples and prac-
up with many definitions related to metal tical observations, concludes this ex-
fatigue and the character of the tremely useful chapter on the blade vibra-
phenomenon. tion aspects of jet engine design and
operation. The successful developments of
Definition of alternating stress, the the past twenty years in the United
experimental means of testing metal sam- Kingdom are described and explicated in
ples and/or blades with a high number of the text of this chapter.
stress reversals,the establishment thereby
of S-N curves and the use of these data to High Temperature Material Behavior.
construct the modified Goodman diagram are Chapter H has a long tTtlV, Lifetime
all thoroughly discussed. The qualitative Prediction: Synthesis of ONERA's Research
nature of these diagrams is described, in- in Viscoplasticity and Continuous Damage
cluding the factors which affect them such Mechanics Applied to Engine Materials and
as notch sensitivity, mean stress level, Structures. Contrasted with the title,
(due to static loading as well as residual this short chapter by R. Labourdette deals
stresses) the presence of defects and the with the problems of high temperature tur-
propagation of fatigue cracks. bine blades: creep and fatigue. While in
the previous chapter temperature effects
This leads to a discussion of fracture are recognized but not dealt with in great
mechanics, particularly as applied to com- depth this is not so in the present
pressor/fan blades and turbine buckets. chapter; temperature effects are
The effect of grain size, loading history paramount. The work is a joint effort of
(leading to Miner's hypothesis for the ONERA and SNECMA.
accumulation of damage) surface treatment,
low cycle fatigue, fretting, erosion, Adopting a tensor notation, visco-
corrosion, and data scatter are discussed. plasticity of high temperature materials
The need for fatigue testing is empha- is formulated in the general thermodynamic
sized, the correspondence between sample framework of irreversible processes. This
or coupon testing versus blade testing branch of continuum mechanics is applied
is discussed and the methods of testing to the- cyclic straining of the prototyp-
are described. ical turbine blade beyond the elastic
limit. Creep represents the response to
A discussion follows of the factors loading over long periods of time, i.e.,
affecting amplitude of blade vibration, with a very low frequency of the loading
noting the previously discussed disparity cycle. For fatigue behavior the frequen-
between flutter and forced vibration inso- cies are much higher and the vibration
far as amplitude determination is thus defined is most appropriate to the
involved. The manner of stress measure- province of dynamic aeroelasticity. The
ment using strain gages is discussed and theory is also quite general and accounts
the practical diagnosis of vibration of for an interaction between creep and
both types in running compressors is pre- fatigue.
sented by examples. This broad ranging
mid-chapter exposition by Dr. Armstrong is The model developed for general visco-
one in which qualitative factors related plastic behavior of a metallic material is
to vane and blade vibration,its detection, then applied to the generation of a new
and developmental steps for its ameliora- theory for damage accumulation. This
tion are discussed in considerable detail. theory of damage on the microscopic scale
use of experimentally determined standing the dynamic coupling, e.g. through the
wave structural modes. aerodynamic reactions, is usually not
strong enough to be of significance. The
These results are subsequently gen- effect of loading is speculated as being a
eralized for two degrees of freedom per possible source of flutter near stall, and
blade, e.g., coupled bending torsion, and the stability trends with reduced velocity
then to multiple degrees of freedom. In are discussed qualitatively, noting both
broad terms this amounts to replacing structural and aerodynamic implications of
single elements in the previous formu- the reduced frequency parameter.
lation by sub-matrices and sub-vectors.
Furthermore, modal coordinates are usually The remainder of the chapter Is
adopted for the multiple degree of freedom concerned with mistuning for stability
model. The transformation of the blade enhancement. Using a simplified example
aerodynamic forces is detailed in an for a supersonic fan with structural
appendix. In all these developments (mass) mistuning and restricted to tor-
Professor Crawley makes numerous qualita- sional motion, it is shown that optimal
tive comments concerning the properties of mistuning is more effective than alternate
the various matrices and describes under- mistuning which might intuitively be
lying physical characteristics of the chosen. The details of the optimal mis-
aeroelastic system. tuning patterns are then discussed, where
the optima have been obtained by mini-
Solution of the various problem formu- mizing a penalty function using nonlinear
lations are then exemplified by expressing programming techniques detailed elsewhere.
the aerodynamic forces in travelling-wave
form (sinusoidal motion) and restricting
the analysis to one or two degrees of Basically the optimum patterns are
freedom for a cascade of characteristic- 'almost' alternate mistuning, I.e., with
section blades. Traditional methods, such Important exceptions on one or two blades.
as the V-g and p-k methods are then dis- Practical considerations devolve upon the
cussed for solution, and subject to accuracy with which an intentional mis-
special conditions such as the very large tuning pattern can be effectuated due to
mass ratio of blade to air. I.e., the errors in measurement, manufacture, or
real part of the aeroelastic eigenvalue is selective assembly. Based on considera-
very close to the natural frequency in tion of this nature, alternate mistuning
yacuo. The character of the eigenvalue is more robust and may be the method of
plots is discussed giving some insight as choice. The detailed analysis of mistun-
to how these may be expected to differ ing patterns and their practicality in the
from fixed wing results. Naturally, the manufacturing phase forms a fitting con-
interblade phase angle is a key clusion to this extremely important
parameter. concept which is one of the dominant areas
of practical application in turbomachine
For the first time in the Manual the aeroelasticity today. More research on
need is described for obtaining the ex- mistuning may be expected to yield in-
plicit time dependence of the aerodynamic creasingly practical results.
forces for arbitrary blade motions. This
form of the aerodynamic operators, for
studying response to tip rubs or surge for Aeroelastic Research in Rotors. In
example, is theoretically derivable by a Chapter2"0"7FanFlutter Test,By Hans
complex inverse Fourier integral from the Stargardter, aeroelastic instability in a
frequency domain expression. In practice turbomachine is investigated experimental-
this is accomplished by using the so- ly. In this sense it epitomizes the
called Pads' approximation, whose deriva- purely experimental approach to the sub-
tion is outlined. ject of the Manual.
The analytical methods described up to Using an existing single stage fan
this point are applied next to a short research rig, a great deal of sophisti-
discussion of trends in aeroelastic sta- cated Instrumentation was installed for
bility of turbomachine rotors. Analyzing the measurement of steady and unsteady
a simplified system, it is demonstrated aerodynamic quantities as well as blade
that a necessary but not sufficient condi- deflection and deformation. (Deformation
tion for aeroelastic stability is that the measurements were limited to steady un-
blades be self-damped; i.e., the effect of twist and uncambering due to centrifugal
a blade's motion upon itself must be to effects.) In order to emphasize the range
contribute positive aerodynamic damping. and complexity of the instrumentation,
The unsteady interactions amongst or be- these systems are simply listed here;
tween blades in the cascade are destabi- their frequency response, accuracy, and
lizing for at least one possible inter- modes of operation are detailed in the
blade phase angle. This blade-to-blade text of the Chapter.
destabilizing influence is reduced by
mistuning, and is hence desirable. Instrumentation: Strain gages, laser
Mistuning, however, can never produce beams and blade-mounted mirrors, semicon-
stability when the self-damping is ductor pressure transducers, hot film
negative. With nonzero structural damping gages (probes and anemometers), time code
blades of larger (blade to air) mass ratio generator and revolution counter, wedge
are relatively more stable. probes, static taps and thermocouples.
Most unique was the large number of small
The effect of coupling is qualitative- mirrors fixed to the rotor blades in a
ly discussed and it is noted that kine- variety of radial and chordwise positions.
matic coupling (e.g., the presence of some By recording the position of reflected
bending displacements in a predominantly laser light beams it was posssible to re-
torsional natural mode) may be quite im- duce the data to yield blade deflection,
portant in determining stability whereas both steady and unsteady (i.e., mode
shapes) as well as static untwist and terns are identified by spectral process-
uncamber. The acquisition of reliable ing of the experimental data. The
blade surface pressures and the recon- guidance that this result provides for the
struction of passage pressure distribution theoretical computational aeroelastician
near the housing are described. Of equal is profound. It will be interesting to
importance was the recording and elec- see in the future how this mutual stimula-
tronic reduction of these data. Sophisti- tion of theory and experiment will help to
cated enhancement and spectral processing define the most realistic and therefore
of the periodic signals was employed, and most useful aeroelastic model for a row of
analysis of the on-rotor data as a super- turbomachine blades which are always
position of backward and forward rotating mistuned to some extent.
harmonic waves, allowed comparison and
correlation with other data measured in Effects of Ambient Variables. In
absolute coordinates, i.e., relative to Chapter 21, Aeroelastic Thermal Effects,
the fixed housing of the fan. Phasing was by James D. Jeffers, II, the effect on
obtained using cross-spectral density flutter of variable inlet stagnation tem-
techniques. These overall data reduction perature and pressure is reported. These
methods are unique. As noted throughout experimentally derived results were ob-
the Manual, the phasing of certain param- tained in a sequence of tests beginning
eters along the cascade, e.g., the inter- with a heavily instrumented fan rig, pro-
blade phase angle, is of supreme impor- gressing on to a full-scale engine program
tance in understanding and describing and concluding with a full parametric
aeroelastic phenomena in turbomachines. flutter mapping of the engine under NASA
Using this powerful system for the ac-
quisition of flutter-related data the ex- The 3-stage fan rig, operated under
perimental exploration of fan flutter led standard sea level static inlet conditions
to some interesting results. The flutter demonstrated a first stage stall flutter
region of the fan was mapped out. Aero- boundary referred to a representative
dynamic work computation led to the deter- span, similar to Figure 2 of Chapter 1.
mination of modal aerodynamic damping The mode was predominantly with a 5 nodal
values and are shown to be negative in diameter system mode, and classified in
flutter. The historic correlation of the region la of Figure 1 in Chapter 1. The
flutter region in incidence versus reduced important conclusion that the operating
velocity coordinates, and as depicted line of the fan component would not pene-
somewhat humorously in Figure 2 of Chapter trate the stall flutter region was a
1, is confirmed experimentally in the factor in clearing the engine for
final • figure of Chapter 20. A number of fabrication. Subsequently, simulated
other observations are made concerning the flight testing of the full engine which
steady pressure distribution, the passage included high Mach number conditions at
Mach number distribution, the localization altitude, uncovered a flutter condition.
of instability influence near the leading However, the mode was predominantly above
edge and the roles of uncamber and untwist shroud torsion at a slightly higher fre-
in flutter. quency corresponding to the next higher
natural mode. This important and unex-
Perhaps the most important contribu- pected result was then mapped in great
tion of the Chapter is the detailed infor- detail using the high altitude facility at
mation concerning blade frequency, vibra- NASA Lewis.
tion amplitude, and interblade phase
angle. For this type of flutter, identi-
fied as the subsonic/transonic flutter of In this program the imposition of
region I in Figure 1 of Chapter 1, the higher inlet stagnation temperature, and
frequencies of all blades are identical; to a lesser extent higher inlet stagnation
there is a single flutter freuqency, i.e., pressure, were found to be destabilizing.
"frequency entrainment" has taken place. Although the effect was quantitatively
Thus the interblade phase angle between measured for the particular flight article
any two blades is well-defined and remains of the test, no theoretical underlying
constant in time. However, the value of explanation was offered. Flutter has
the interblade angle varies from passage multiple-parameter dependence and when
to passage on the rotor and concomitantly, there is a validated analytical theory,
the vibration amplitudes vary from blade these dependencies are made explicit.
to blade (but not in time). This detailed However, the theory of unsteady stalled
experimental revelation of the flutter aerodynamics is still in a deficient
mode goes beyond the analytical or com- state, particularly with respect to Mach
putational description of the flutter number and Reynolds number dependence (see
mode in a mistuned stage. Mistuning, as Chapter 8). Thus, the results, reported
characterized by the assembled blade for the first time in Dr. Jeffers'
natural frequency distribution, is shown chapter, are quantitatively useful as the
to correlate with the blade amplitude at basis for a semi-empirical model for un-
flutter. Thus, it is suggested by Hans steady stalled aerodynamics.
Stargardter, that the analysis of flutter
in mistuned stages consider the following Perhaps of most importance was the
model: The blade amplitude pattern repre- experimental confirmation of the stall
sents "a family of spatial harmonics flutter mode as described in the previous
described by the superposition of a number chapter; the vibration at a single fre-
of rotating nodal diameter patterns, each quency in rotor-fixed coordinates is com-
characterized by a different number of posed of a number of different nodal
nodal diameters with different but uniform diameter mode shapes travelling in both
amplitudes and different but uniform phase forward and backward directions in these
indexing, with each pattern rotating at a coordinates. As noted in the previous
speed that results in the same flutter chapter, the blade-to-blade vibration am-
frequency u&" In Chapter 20 these pat- plitudes vary around the rotor circum-
ference as does the interblade phase Each of the five types of flutter are
angle. In essence, the present chapter then discussed: subsonic/transonic stall
demonstrated that the contribution of each flutter, unstalled supersonic flutter,
complex mode to the overall aeroelastic supersonic torsional flutter, choke
mode is dependent as well upon inlet and flutter, and supersonic stall flutter.
engine operating conditions. A reliable The characteristics with respect to unique
stall flutter prediction system in a prac- frequency and interblade phase angle, mode
tical sense remains somewhat elusive. shape and operative mechanism are dis-
cussed at length. Corrective actions that
Aeroelastic Design. The terminus of the may be taken by the designer, such as
M a n u a l I s C h a p t e r 22, entitled Forced lowering the reduced velocity for example,
Vibration and Flutter Design Methodology, are presented in the concluding sections
authored by Lynn Snyder and Donald Burns. of the chapter. in a sense this final
The focus here is on summarizing what is section of Chapter 22 of Volume II and of
known about aeroelasticity in axial turbo- the entire Manual, is the most immediately
machines and bringing it to bear on the useful to the operator or designer faced
process of design. The procedure may be with self-excited aeroelastic instability
iterative in the sense that a candidate in an axial turbomachine. Although the
design which fails flutter or fatigue cri- chapter is rife with practical explanation
teria is redesigned and then re-analyzed of vibration mechanisms and the means to
or re-tested. Whereas flutter is to be ameliorate or eliminate the resulting
avoided entirely, the criterion for forced fatigue damage, this is most particularly
vibration is to limit the stresses to some true of the final section. Although there
fraction of the endurance limit. These is always need for further research, this
two contrasting criteria have been noted final chapter indicates that much is known
previously in the Manual. Prediction is about aeroelastic problems in axial turbo-
based on empirical correlation and semi- machines and much can be done of a practi-
empiricism for certain phenomena while cal nature to eliminate its harmful
some types of flutter are assessed on a aspects. It is always nice to close on an
theoretical/analytical basis. optimistic note.
In order to limit forced vibration
response at the design stage it is neces-
sary to first identify the sources of ex-
citation by constructing a Campbell dia-
gram based on calculated natural modes and Acknowledgements. The author is pleased
on noting potential mechanical and aero- to acknowledge the support of the Naval
dynamic periodic forces. This is followed Air System Command, via the Naval Post-
by an assessment of stresses as the inter- graduate School, for supporting these par-
sections on the diagram in the running ticular publishing efforts. More Impor-
range. This assessment is based mostly on tantly, the editors and other contributors
empirical correlation for each mechanism, are to be congratulated for their applica-
e.g., rotor blade excitation in the tion to a difficult assignment, under
torsional mode from upstream struts. The sometimes trying circumstances. The
predicted stresses are then entered into a result has been a very valuable set of
modified Goodman diagram for several high reference volumes that are now available
stress points on the blade, taking into to the aerospace research and development
account stress concentration factors, community. AGARD is also to be commended
notch sensitivity, temperature distribu- for its foresight in undertaking the pro-
tion and scatter of fatigue data (a factor ject Initially and for underwriting
of safety amounting to three standard substantial production costs.
deviations typically is used). If a blade
is found deficient in this assessment, or
for that matter at a later stage in the
course of subsequent experimentation,
there are a number of corrective measures
that can be taken in the redesign effort.
These range from weakening the effective
source of excitation, to changing the
forcing and/or natural frequencies, to the
introduction of increased mechanical
damping. An example is given of the
assessment of a particular turbine rotor
row. This was found to have an adequate
vibratory stress margin, and hence, re-
design was not required.
In the discussion of flutter assess-
ment, five different types of mechanisms
are discussed by Dr. Snyder and Mr. Burns.
These correspond roughly to the regions in
Figure 1 of Chapter 1. Each of the five
phenomena are discussed with respect to
changes in five dominant flutter design
parameters: reduced velocity, Mach num-
ber, steady loading, mode shape, and pres-
sure or density level. In the last
parameter the effect of temperature is
subsumed in pressure and density through
the perfect gas law and the effect of
temperature is felt also in the Mach num-
ber through the acoustic velocity.
D. S. Vhitchead
It has been found that progran LINSUB (pp. 3-24 through 3-30 in
Volume I) produces incorrect results in certain cases when the phase angle
is not within the recommended range. This la due to the condition used to
terminate the series, which terminates vhen one tern of the aeries becomes
small. In order to eliminate this behaviour, It is recommended that the
program should be modified so that the series is terminated vhen tvo
successive terms of the series become snail. The nodifications occur in
subroutine OSVK (pp. 3-26, 3-27) and are shown In the following tvo
[Left Column, p. 3-27]
IF(Itf.EQ.l) GO TO 142
DO 131 I.l.NP
DO 131 J-l.NP
IF(ICHECK(I,J).E0.2) GO TO 131 Replace .EQ.l by .BQ.2.
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(a) h
'x,(t) h(t) xh(t)
'x a
3 'h '-h
x '(t) H
a) Schematic Model
However, the drawback to the structural excitation. It is the former which leads
damping model is Its presupposition that to the description of the resonance phe-
vibration is taking place at a prescribed nomenon which is the forced vibration man-
frequency, or set of frequencies: a situ- ifestation of a natural frequency or mode
ation not strictly true for transient of vibration. However, it is most impor-
vibration. Having said that, use of one tant to establish that not all modes of
of these two models is almost essential if vibration will necessarily exhibit a
the equations of motion are to remain resonance under forced vibration condi-
linear: more accurate descriptions of the tions: the nature of the excitation func-
damping effects (and, to some degree, the tion is just as important in determining
stiffness effects) would lead to a non- resonance as are the modal properties of
linear model, the added complexity of the system itself.
which is almost certainly not practicable
in the present case. In the case of transient response
calculations, Interest Is very often con-
fined to what happens immediately after
Vibration Properties such an excitation has been applied. If
the combined effect of all the damping
Once the model has been established elements is negative, then vibration will
and used to generate a set of equations of tend to grow uncontrollably once started
motion, these are then analyzed for two by some transient disturbance: otherwise,
types of solution. The first of these is It will tend to die away.
the free-vibration solution, which yields
the intrinsic modal properties possessed
by the structure. Most important amongst Summary
these are the natural frequencies - those
frequencies at which vibration will take Thus, to summarize, the main features
place In the absence of any continuing ex- of a structural dynamic analysis are:
citation. Associated with each such
natural frequency Is a corresponding mode - the construction of a suitable mathe-
shape which describes how the displacement matical model;
of the system varies from point to point
across Its geometry, see Figure 2{b). It - the derivation of a set of governing
Is an important feature of these modal equations of motion;
properties that free vibration can take
place in any one of the 'normal' modes - the free vibration solution to yield
(natural frequency and mode shape combina- the intrinsic modal properties of the
tion) completely independently of all the structure; and
other modes.
- the forced vibration solution to
describe the actual displacements (and
When the system is undamped, the stresses, etc.) under some specified
modal properties are quite straight- excitation condtlons.
forward, and easy to interpret, but when
damping Is added, they become rather more
complex. The natural 'frequency* Itself
becomes complex with both an oscillatory
component (as for the undamped case) and a STRUCTURAL DYNAMIC ANALYSIS METHODS
decay component, the latter being due en-
tirely to the damping. The mode shapes Derivation of Equations of Motion for
can also become complex in that they Discrete Systems
describe not only the relative amplitudes
of vibration for the different positions
on the system but also introduce phase Having developed a discrete model for
differences. This means that when vibrat- a given structure, the derivation of its
ing in one such complex mode, each part of equations of motion Is a routine task. It
the system reaches Its maximum displace- should be noted at the outset that there
ment at a different instant to Its is no unique set of such equations. First
neighbour. In a classical or undamped of all, the variables chosen to describe
system normal mode, all parts reach their the system's behaviour (the coordinates)
maximum excursion simultaneously. are themselves not unique, but even given
a specific set of these variables, then we
may develop an infinity of equally valid
sets of equations of motion. The one
Response Characteristics thing all these different equation sets
share is the solution.
While the modal properties are an
essential part of the structural dynamic A valid set of equations can be de-
analysis of any system, they do not pro- rived by one of two methods, based respec-
vide the whole picture and in order to tively on equilibrium and energy
complete the analysis It is generally principles. In both cases, the starting
necessary to undertake also the second point is to assume that the system is in a
type of solution; namely, that for forced- state of general motion, with displace-
vibration response. At this stage in the ments, velocities and accelerations in all
analysis, it is necessary to introduce its coordinates, x, x, x*. Following this
some additional information in the form of assumption, It Is possible to define all
the excitation or forcing function (and it the forces which are acting upon each com-
is just this fact that makes the response ponent of the model and by applying equi-
solution fundamentally different from the librium conditions at all junctions
free-vibration analysis). This generally between components, we can derive a set of
falls into one of two types - steady, or governing equations - the equations of
continuous, excitation and transient motion. In the case of free vibration.
with no externally applied forces, the and the corresponding patterns, or mode
equations contain only the system para- shapes (f}r , by solving the homogeneous
meters and the (unknown) displacement equations:
variables of each component.
([K] - ur2 [M]) {?}r =• (0) (5)
Alternatively, expressions for the
instantaneous energy levels - kinetic, (NOTE that this does not give a unique
stored and dissipated - can be derived answer for the displacement amplitudes of
from the same starting point and by apply- the individual variables, {x}. Because
ing the principle of conservation of the equations are homogeneous, only
energy, a similar and equally valid set of RELATIVE amplitudes are obtained and as a
equations can be derived. result It is appropriate to assign them a
different parameter, {41} , which reflects
In all cases, it is convenient to this indeterminancy of scale.)
write the equations in matrix form and
thus to describe the mass and stiffness The mode shapes have Important pro-
properties of the system in terms of a perties of orthogonality which, concisely
mass matrix (M] and a stiffness matrix stated, are:
tK]. A corresponding viscous damping
matrix [C], or structural damping matrix 0:
[H] may be defined as well, if the damping {*)rT [Ml mr (5a)
effects are included. The general form of
the equations of motion is then: and
IM] {x'} + [K] {x} + [C] {*} IK] (5b>
{x} =
Once again, it is important to note These can be grouped into the simple ma-
that these system matrices apply only when trix expressions:
the coordinate set is {x} and are not a
unique description of the system's charac- W T [M] [mr]
teristics. The system matrices must ex- (6)
hibit certain properties and in many cases [*J [K] lkr)
they will be symmetric matrices. Even if
the equations as derived are not sym- where the individual elements mr and kr
metric, they can often be rearranged so as are referred to as the 'modal masses' and
to become symmetric. However, under con- 'modal stiffnesses'. As mentioned
ditions where gyroscopic inertia effects earlier, the coordinates used are not the
are present, or where certain hydrodynamic only variables which can be used to
or aerodynamic effects apply, then some of describe the system's behaviour. We could
the system matrices may be non-symmetric, rewrite the equations of motion using a
with a consequent Increase in the complex- different set of coordinates, such as {p}
ity of the ensuing analysis and which are defined as
properties. We shall concentrate here on
the standard case where symmetry of the (p) = [»rl {x} (7)
system matrices is obtained.
Substituting into (2) and premultiplylng
by [?]T, leads to:
Free Vibration Solution for the
Undamped System [M] [t] {p} + [*]T [K] (P) - (0)
The basic system properties can be which reduces to:
derived from the equations of motion for
the undamped system in the absence of any [ror] (p) + [kr] {p} = {0} (9a)
excitation. For this case, the equations
of motion reduce to: It Is clear from this that each indi-
vidual equation contained in the complete
[M] {x} + [Kl {x} = {0} (2) set takes on the simple form:
mr pr + kr pr = 0 (9b)
and the method of solution is to assume
that simple harmonic motion is possible of leading directly to the solution that
the form:
<&f = kr/mr
It may be seen that the values for mr
and kr will vary according to the scaling
Substitution into the Equation (2) used for the mode shapes, and so these
shows that this is indeed a valid solution parameters are not unique. However, their
to the equations, provided that the fre- ratio - the square of the natural frequen-
quency is one of a finite set of specific cy - is unique. It is found convenient to
values (ur) and, further, that the dis- scale the modes in a particular way known
placements of different parts of the sys- as mass-normalization. This requires
tem conform to a specific pattern. The simply the rescaling of all the elements
specific values of frequency - the natural in {<>}r by /mr to give:
frequencies ur - are determined by solving
the determinantal equation: (10)
det| [K) - [M] (4)
This leads to a more covenlent form of the the damping Is relatively localized AND
orthogonality statement in (6): when the system has close natural frequen-
cies. This last characteristic la of
U1T IMJ Ul = til particular relevance here because axisym-
(11) metric bladed assemblies possess most of
U1T IK] [*] = Nr2J their modes In pairs with Identical or
very close natural frequencies. Such
modes may thus be particularly prone to a
Free Vibration Solution tor Damped high degree of complexity.
When damping is added to the system,
a similar type of result is obtained to
that described above but each of the modal Forced Vibration Solution
parameters becomes complex. The natural
frequencies become complex so that the
solution postulated in (2) takes the Although we are likely to be con-
form: cerned with response predictions for any
type of excitation, we shall show that
{x)est s {x}e~at eiwt (12) undertaking an analysis for the frequency
response properties (response to individ-
indicating not only oscillation (at fre- ual point harmonic excitation forces) per-
quency u) but also an exponential decay mits the extension to any more general
(rate = a ). Thus, free vibration of a excitation conditions. Thus, we shall
damped system also consists of a number of concentrate on this particular form of
independent modes, each of which has this response prediction.
type of complex natural frequency.
Similarly, the mode shapes may become The basic relationships are simply
complex, indicating phase differences be- stated: If the excitation forces can be
tween one point and the next, in addition represented by the simple harmonic func-
to the amplitude differences. tion
The exact form of the modal proper-
ties varies with the type of damping. For
viscous damping, the analysis becomes (ISa)
rather lengthy but a set of natural fre-
quencies and mode shapes are obtained in
the form of complex conjugate pairs: then it may reasonably be assumed that the
response will be similarly sinusoidal and
have the form:
fsr . 0I • *r* 1
;i ..... :.... ' (13)
L° • 8
**r*J U5b)
=• ([K] - ( (17)
In practice. It Is found that for
systems with relatively light damping (the which, while correct, is not very conven-
case for most applications to blade sys- ient for numerical application. It re-
tems), the inclusion of damping has quires the inversion of a large matrix at
virtually no effect on the oscillatory each frequency of interest and does not
component of the natural frequency and is readily permit the calculation of just one
only effective at introducing the decay or two of the frequency response elements
rate. If the damping is 'proportional' - in the matrix. Following the simplifying
i.e., is distributed in a similar way to effect of transforming the equations of
the mass and/or stiffness - then the modes motion by the mode shape matrix (Equations
of the damped system are not complex, and (8) and (9)), we find that if we premul-
are in fact identical to those of the sys- tiply both sides of Equation (17) by [$) ,
tem without damping. However, it is par- and introduce [$]U)'1-[11 , then it may
ticularly relevant to note here the be replaced by
conditions under which the mode shapes
become noticeably complex, and thus differ
significantly from the undamped system
properties. This is found to happen when [H(U)J (18a)
which is both easier to compute and con- Those excitations which do not re-
siderably easier to interpret. Speci- spond to this approach, such as tran-
fically, it is possible to extract just sients, may be more amenable to a time do-
one element HJK(U) from the frequency main analysis. This is typically stated
response function matrix, which provides as follows: the time history response
the (harmonic) response at point j per x(t) caused by a force f(t) can be ex-
unit (harmonic) excitation at point k: pressed by the integral equation:
.fn «n (21a)
as also can the resulting response:
and this can be expressed in term of the It must be noted that the matrix [B]
displacement {x} and velocity {x}. includes both the linear and the non-
linear parts of the strain definition
(Equation 28).
Kinetic Energy; Analytical Form.
Integrating over the whole component gives
the kinetic energy of the structure: Finite Element Expression for the
Potential Energy. Using equation <30a)
for a t y p i c a l element e and substituting
T - 1/2 /p V M -V M (32a) (33c) leads to:
2 U
(assuming a uniform mass density, p). (34)
Substituting (31) into (32a) leads
to: where [KL~] Is the element linear stiff-
ness matrix and [KQ~] the element geom-
etric stiffness matrix which Is linked to
T = TM(x2) + Tc(x,x) the initial stress vector {oo} due to the
(32b) centrifugal forces.
+ TS(X2) + Tp(x) +
Finite Element Expression for the Kinetic static centrifugal force distribution. F
Energy. Substituting (33a) and (33b) into can be any other static or dynamic excita-
the gene
general equation (32a) for an element tion force, such as the aerodynamic forces
e leads toi that will be detailed In other chapters.
However, we shall concentrate here on the
(35) basic case where rotating structures such
as blades or bladed disk assemblies are to
2Te - {ie}T [Me> <ie} be considered purely from a structural
dynamics standpoint and where such addi-
+ (xe>T [K8eJ {xe} {xe>T {Pce(Q2)} tional excitation forces are not
and the way to obtain the solution has their different types of vibration mode
been outlined in the section "Free Vibra- and response In Chapter 15, but it is
tion Solution for Damped Systems." appropriate here to review some of the
methods which are used for analyzing such
If the Coriolis effects can be ne- a system as a bladed assembly. The need
glected -and this is usually so for radial for special methods of analysis arises
or quasi radial blades -then [G] is disre- from the inefficiency of the direct solu-
garded and (38c) reduces to: tion of constructing a single model for
the whole structure without taking advan-
(38d) tage o'f Its high degree of symmetry.
[M] ) - QZMG] {x}d Also, it is sometimes found that different
types of model are appropriate for the
different parts of the assembly (blades,
which is the governing equation of motion disk, shroud) and if these components can
for a classical undamped system. The be treated independently, at least in a
motion is assumed to be simple harmonic first stage, a more optimal analysis may
and the method of solution has been de- be possible.
tailed in section "Free Vibration Solution
for the Undamped System." At this stage,
it should be noted that the finite element Thus, we shall outline some methods
approach may involve a very large number of analysis which respond to these re-
of degrees of freedom and, consequently, quirements: one which requires the dif-
the extraction of the eigenvalues and ferent components to be analyzed sepa-
eigenvectors can be a formidable task. In rately as a first stage - substructurlng -
this case, instead of solving the deter- and another which seeks to exploit the
rainantal equation (4), it is often more repetitive symmetry of a complete bladed
convenient to use special numerical disk - cyclic symmetry.
methods such as the Sturm Sequences
(Gupta, 1973) or the Simultaneous
Iterative Method (Jennings & Clint, 1970). Substructure Methods
The basic concept of substructuring
Conclusion is that a more efficient analysis of a
complex structural assembly can be ob-
The general theory developed in this tained if it is first considered in its
section can be adapted for the dynamic constituent component parts, or substruc-
analysis of any rotating structure. Some tures. By analyzing each of these as a
special treatment of the equations (38) separate system and determining its Indi-
can be outlined to particular systems, vidual vibration properties, we can (a)
i.e., axisymmetric or repetitive struc- use the most appropriate type of model for
tures, but the present generality is not each subsystem and (b) reduce the size of
affected. each model (if required) by retaining only
the primary or major vibration modes of
.the component. In this way, we can ensure
that the results from different types of
DYNAMIC ANALYSIS METHODS FOR STRUCTURAL analysis are presented in a standard for-
ASSEMBLIES mat and are thus suitable for combining in
an analytical equivalent of the physical
Introduction connections by which the actual assembly
Is formed.
Although there are a number of situa-
tions in which it is useful to study the
behaviour of a single blade at a time, in There are essentially two different
most practical applications the blades approaches to this procedure. The first
interact with each other and must be is that in which the modes of each compo-
treated as a complete assembly. Perhaps nent are first obtained by separate sub-
the most common of the bladed assembly system analyses and are then combined to
configurations is the complete bladed predict the modes of the complete
disk, Figure Ib, where the flexibility assembly. The second approach uses the
and inertia of the disk serve to couple frequency response properties and by de-
the vibration of the individual blades. A riving these characteristics for each com-
variant on this arrangement is where the ponent individually, and then combining
blades are additionally Interconnected them, it is possible to determine directly
through a shroud, which may be situated at the corresponding frequency responses for
the blade tips or at a midspan station, the complete assembly. Of course, since
Figure Ic. In some cases, the disk may we have seen from earlier sections that
be so stiff as to provide virtually no the frequency responses may be derived
coupling and it is then the shroud which from the modal properties, these two
takes on that role. In some special approaches are effectively different ways
cases, we may be concerned with a group of of organizing the same data and do not in-
blades spanning an arc of less than the volve any fundamentally different assump
complete 360°. This refers to a 'packet' tions. Where they do differ is in the
of blades in which the interconnection Is facility with which one or other type of
applied between just a few blades at a result is obtained: if the modes of the
time (Figure le). assembly are the essential end result,
then a modal coupling approach is more
All these assemblies of blades ex- appropriate but if it is the responses
hibit vibration characteristics which are which are ultimately of interest, then the
very much more complicated than are those response coupling approach is perhaps more
of the individual blade upon which the effective. The two approaches differ in
assembly is based. We shall be describing their sensitivity to errors or approxima-
tions introduced into the component
[A] (44)
ft.:.?! !**{
IP '• IJ \PB $
o |*A
*A o] /£A1
1° *BTJ I«B]
but through the connections, we can relate
the forces to the responses, thus:
where [Kcl is the stiffness matrix for the
connection and {XA} and {XB} are the geo-
metric coordinates of the attachment.
These, In turn, are related to the modal
coordinates by
- (0)
which thereby permits direct derivation of
the frequency response function properties
of the assembled structure, described by
[Hc]. While the more representative sys-
tems consist of more numerous and complex
(45) configurations than this, the principle of
J the method is exactly that illustrated
[MA ] - [• here.
other words, the structure vibrates with a For the symmetric case, i.e., when
dominant n nodal diameter mode shape hav- the number of nodal diameters equals 0,
ing negligible contributions from other the coefficient N/2 Is replaced by N.
diametral orders. Thus, for example, the Thus, noting that Uo and To are Indepen-
displacement of the jth blade can be dent of n, the stiffness and mass matrices
written as: of the vibrating blading are those of a
single blade weighted by the factor N or
N/2 according to the value of n. The axi-
symmetric part of the bladed assembly is
(xn}j cos 2nn(j-l)
(50) modelled by axisymmetric finite elements
(thin and thick), U A < n) and TA(n) are de-
rived and the complete structure finite
where n and N are the numbers of nodal element energies U and T are obtained by
diameters and blades respectively. As N simple summation. Applying Lagrange's
Is generally large, the blades can be con- equation as described previously leads to
sidered to be a continuously distributed an individual governing equation for the
component attached to the rim of the disk. system (Equation 38a) for each value of n.
Thus, the blade array strain and kinetic Then, the static and dynamic solutions are
energies UB, TB, may be obtained from the performed as detailed in Equations 38b and
strain and kinetic energies of a single c. A practical application on a jet
blade (Uo, To), as follows: engine turbine stage Is reported In
Chapter 15.
N (51)
i i l>
springs equivalent
to the root stiffness
Imperial College of Science & Technology
London, United Kingdom
Institut National des Sciences Appliquees
Lyon, France
,y,z (w)
tors Hz
In the tables and figures below, longitudinal mode (A) natural frequency,
natural frequencies and corresponding mode although this is usually so much higher
shapes are given for uniform rectangular than those of the bending or torsion modes
section beams with five different sets of that it is of relatively little interest
end conditions (the first of these at the in practice.
root - the second at the tip - see Figure
(a) Clamped-Free (C-F) In fact, for each case considered,
(b) Pinned-Free (P-F) two results can be quoted for the natural
(c) Free-Free (F-F) frequencies of the bending modes, as shown
(d) Clamped-Pinned (C-P) in Table 3(b). These are found using (i)
(e) Clamped-Clamped (C-C) Bernoulli-Euler theory (B-E) and (ii)
Timoshenko theory (T) which respectively
exclude and include the second-order ef-
These represent different conditions fects of shear deflection (as well as
under which the blade might be analyzed or bending deflections) and rotatory inertia
tested: (a) considered to be rigidly (as well as translational inertia). From
clamped or grounded at the root; (b) these results it is seen how the second-
attached at the root but only restrained order terms become increasingly important
laterally - not in rotation; (c) suspended as the thickness of the beam relative to
as a free object; (d) and (e) with addi- its length becomes greater and the defor-
tional constraint at the tip, such as mation shape becomes more complex. In all
might be provided by interconnecting tip cases, the result of including the second-
shrouds. order terms is a lowering of the natural
(b) CF
\ 2B
Figure 2. Mode Shapes of Uniform Beams Figure 2. Mode Shapes of Uniform Beams
(a) free-free (b) clamped-free
PF (d) CP
2B 2B
3B \ 3B \
Figure 2. Mode Shapes of Uniform Beams Figure 2. Mode Shapes of Uniform Beams
{c) pinned-free (d) clamped-pinned
dimensions in mm
Complex Geometry. The first compli- the tapered case and (ii) that the fre-
cation to be considered is that arising quencies in the twisted case are less
from the complex geometry demanded by the noticeably affected but, in this case, the
aerodynamic performance requirements for mode shapes become more complex, many be-
the blade. In general, this results in a ing combinations of motion in both the
blade whose section varies along its lon- flapwise and edgewise directions simultan-
gitudinal axis in one or several respects eously. It can be seen that if the beam's
(as illustrated in Figure 5(al): symmetry were disturbed further by mis-
aligning the centroids of successive
- the section area varies (if the blade sections (up to now they have been thus
is tapered); aligned), then additional coupling would
result with all modes exhibiting some con-
- the centroid of each section may not tribution from each of the flap, edgewise,
lie on the same longitudinal axis as and torsion directions, although in many
the others; modes it is likely that just one of these
directions would predominate.
- the stagger, or principal axes, of
each section may vary in orientation
(if the blade is twisted). Similar considerations apply to
plate-like blades as well and reference
In addition to these features, the can be made to the recent studies by
cross section itself is unlikely to be Kielb et al. (1985) who have examined
symmetric, as was the case in the uniform the changes in natural frequencies and
beam and plate models discussed mode shapes for a rectangular uniform
previously. Work by Carnegie (1966), cross-section cantilever plate as it is
Montoya (1966), Rao (1980), Irretier et. progressively twisted more and more. The
al (1981), and others has demonstrated how purpose of that study was primarily to in-
the beam model can be extended and refined vestigate the difficulties encountered by
to include these various effects and the different methods of analysis, and to cat-
reader is referred to their publications alogue the various results which different
for full details. Also, some recent prediction methods produce. However, it
studies of plate models by Leissa et. al provides a convenient series of examples
(1986) have highlighted some of the diffi- for the present discussion and a selection
culties encountered when trying to include of results are included in Figure 8.
correctly the effects of twist on the vi-
bration properties of otherwise simple
cantilevered plates. Root Flexibility. In pursuit of an
accurateprediction of the natural fre-
quencies of a blade, careful consideration
In this section, it is proposed sim- must be given to the end or boundary con-
ply to illustrate some of the effects ditions which actually obtain in practice.
which can arise from the complexity of It is common to assume that the root pre-
blade geometry but without making any sents a grounded or cantilever base to the
attempt to provide a comprehensive cover- blade but this is often not at all realis-
age of the wide range of possibilities tic for actual designs. Clearly, the
which are dealt with in the literature. material of the root itself (whether of
We shall consider the changes that would fir-tree, pin or dovetail type) will pos-
be found in the previously-quoted vibra- sess some flexibility, as will the disk or
tion properties (for a uniform beam) if ring onto which the blade is mounted but
certain types of nonuniformity are intro- there will also be a 'junction flexi-
duced into the model. Two specific varia- bility* which is determined by the exact
tions on the clamped-free beam configu- conditions of contact that exist in the
ration are considered: (i) taper and (ii) joint. These various features all serve
twist. to reduce the rigidity of the boundary
condition(s) for the blade and thus to
In the first of these cases, the rec- lower its natural frequencies from those
tangular cross section is reduced linearly of the ideal clamped case.
from the root (where it is 30x10 mm) to
the tip (where, in the extreme case, it is
reduced to 15x5 mm), all other properties Whether or not the root flexibility
remaining unchanged: see Figure 5(b). effects will be significant depends on
several parameters but it is often found
In the second case, the cross section that the errors incurred by ignoring them
is kept constant (at 30x10 mm) but is pro- are greater than others in the prediction
gressively rotated (about the longitudinal process and than those associated with
or radial axis) so that the tip section is measurements. Thus, as the methods for
aligned with a stagger angle of up to 60" coping with the complex geometry and other
relative to that at the root of the blade, effects become more reliable, the effects
as shown in Figure 5(c). of root flexibility (or at the tip, where
similar comments apply to shroud attach-
ments) emerge as important factors and
Results for these two cases -which have been the subject of increasing atten-
may be taken to demonstrate the trends tion in recent years: Beglinger et al
caused by the common geometric features of (1976), Irretier (1981), Afolabi (1986),
tape and twist -are summarized in Table 5 for example.
and graphically in Figures 6 and 7. In
the table, an indication is given of the
direction(s) in which vibration is taking A clear illustration of the effect of
place. The essential results observed are root flexibility can be provided using the
(i) that the natural frequencies (but not simple beam model of a blade. Here, we
the mode shapes) are significantly af- suppose that the rigidity of the root end
fected by the reduced section present in fixing is less than complete and represent
V y y
Mode 1 z
Mode 2 z
* x-x
/xzT 7/
Rigid Beam
150 —
(Hz) (b)
this effect by a boundary which prevents obtain a result such as that shown in
translational motion (i.e., which is rigid Figure 9(d), which clearly demonstrates
laterally) but which offers a finite the same basic trend as before.
stiffness kt to any rotation of the end of
the beam: see Figure 9(a). If the natur- Analysis of real blade designs tends
al frequency of the fundamental mode of to indicate that it is the rotational
vibration is calculated for a range of stiffness elements (or flexibilities)
values of 'root flexibility' (with k t which are most likely to be the determin-
varying between 0 and •»), then it is clear ing factors in root flexibility effects.
from Figure 9(b) that two regimes of vi- Furthermore, it is short or otherwise very
bration mode exist. First, for very low stiff blades which will be most affected
stiffness values, there is effectively a by the non-rigidity of actual blade fix-
rigid body mode with the inertia of the tures and in analyzing these, consider-
beam combining with the root flexibility ation of root flexibility is a primary
but involving very little bending of the requirement if the natural frequencies and
beam itself. Then, for much higher values the mode shapes are to be correctly
of kt (much less flexibility in the root), predicted.
the beam is found to approach the clamped-
free case which might normally be assumed. It should be noted that as consider-
However, unless the stiffness is very ation of the root flexibility effects be-
high, there may still be a noticeable re- comes more detailed, a point is reached
duction in the beam's fundamental natural where it is desirable to include the flex-
frequency from that of the fully grounded ibility of the disk also, and from there,
case and if this discrepancy is more than to incorporate the interblade coupling
2 or 3%, then it is necessary to include which is provided through the disk. At
the root flexibility in the analysis of this stage, it is necessary to review the
the blade vibration properties. whole analysis process and to employ a
much more complete model - of the entire
bladed assembly, or row. Such considera-
tions are the subject of the next chapter
In practice, of course, root flexi- and will not be considered further here.
bility effects are more complex than the However, in order to define a suitable
simple model presented here but the essen- 'boundary1 for the individual blade
tial results are generally similar to analysis, it is appropriate to include all
those shown. If we extend the previous those sections of the blade itself, plus
model to include flexibility in both the any additional flexibilities which are in-
rotation and translation directions troduced at the junction with the disk
(Figure 9(c)), and then consider ranges of (e.g., fir-tree 'branch') but not of the
values for both stiffness elements, we disk or annulus itself.
1000 —
500 —
element method modelling of all three finite element. These characteristics are
types of blade is reported by Hitchings et the area, the position of the centroid and
al, (1980). Other methods of analysis, that of the center of twist, the second
such as direct integration of the govern- moments of area and their principal
ing differential equations, the transfer values, the principal section axes (gives
matrix method, and others, are no longer the pretwist), the torsion constant due to
widely used; not because of a lack of pre- warping and some higher order moments of
cision but because their implementation area. Some of these quantities result
via standard computer programs is not from performing integrals of the forrni
yndS 0,1,..4
Blades Modelled by Beam Elements.
Generally, a beam type of model is well
suited to the analysis of low pressure The other parameters (torsion con-
turbine blades. This kind of blade may be stant, centre of twist) are quantities re-
pretwisted, have an asymmetrical varying lated to the torsion problem of airfoil
airfoil cross section and be mounted with cross sections, Ferraris (1982).
a stagger angle. Depending on its de-
tailed geometric characteristics, the As the blade profiles are usually de-
blade can execute either uncoupled bending fined by a set of points resulting from
or coupled bending-torsion vibrations, the aerodynamic design calculations, it is
latter occurring when the shear centre (or convenient to solve the torsion problem
centre of twist) does not coincide with and all the area integrals by using the
the centroid of the blade cross sections, boundary integral technique. A pre-
Saada (1974), Sokolnikoff (1956). Also, processor to the blade analysis program
bending-bending coupling exists due to the will furnish all the required cross sec-
pretwist and, under rotation conditions, tion properties, Ferraris et al (1983).
coupling occurs between longitudinal and Since the chord and pretwist tend to have
torsion motions (untwist due to centrifu- rather smooth variations along the blade
gal effects) and between longitudinal length, linear variations of the geometric
stress and bending (centrifugal stiffen- characteristics are assumed for the blade
ing). A procedure for deriving the cor- stiffness calculations.
responding beam element with two nodes and
six degrees of freedom per node is de-
tailed by Ferraris et al (1983) and repre- Root Flexibility and Platform Effect.
sents a finite element version of the Two approachesarepossibletotake
classical Montoya analysis, Montoya account of the blade platform and root
(1966). effects: the first consists of modelling
the root with a large number of finite
elements, while the second consists of
Blades Modelled by Plate or Shell using an equivalent but simple model.
Elements..This typeincludes fan blades
and some compressor blades. Doubly curved The first method is a priori more
thin shell elements and flat plate ele- precise but is much more costly because it
ments can be used to model blades in this increases considerably the number of de-
category. The only requirement is that grees of freedom in the model. The second
the longitudinal (membrane) stress and method is simpler and is most efficient
bending motions coupled by the centrifugal for three-dimensional turbine blades. It
effects are taken into account (geometric consists of neglecting the mass of the
and supplementary stiffness), but as the root (because of its relatively small
blades in rotating axial machines are al- motion), and deriving equivalent stiff-
most radial, the Coriolis effects can nesses calculated using simple formulas
often be disregarded. Some studies and (tension, bending, and shear) for the
checks show that the flat plate triangular strength of materials properties of an
element with three nodes and six degrees- equivalent parallelepiped element. These
of-freedom per node still remains compet- stiffnesses are then distributed to the
itive for the analysis of general thin convenient nodes. The platform is rela-
shells for practical engineering applica- tively thin and as such acts like a mass
tions in spite of extensive work done with that can also be neglected (see the sec-
refined shell elements, Clough (1980), tion "Three-Dimensional Blade: High
Olsen and Bearden (1979). Pressure Turbine Blade.*)
0x$1.5°/mm in y
in z
-1 1 y
Mode 1 -. 1 F Mode 2 » 1E
1 y -1
Mode 3 • IT Mode A » 2 FE
(scaling z
_ 0X = 1 (scaling
factor) factor)
-1 1 V
Two-Dimensional Blade Plate Model of a Fan (Figure 15). The plate element used is
Blade. partly conforming: the displacements are
continuous across the element and at the
Blade Finite Element Modelling. This boundaries; the interpolation functions
blade is modelled with 80 three-node tri- are complete and the slopes are continuous
angular plate elements, with six degrees at the nodes, but not on the interelement
of freedom per node. The blade is assumed contours. Kirshhoff' assumptions are used:
to be clamped at the platform, leading to i.e., constant stress in membrane, linear-
some 300 effective degrees of freedom ly varying stress in bending.
Stress Analysis; Displacements and Stress Let us consider the mean untwist if and the
Distribution maximum displacement 6 of the blade tip
section in terms of n. Firstly, these
At a typical operating speed, &, the quantities are calculated with the non-
steady displacements < and the Von Hises linear rotation effects included (KG * 0).
stress OVH are determined following the Secondly, the same quantities are calcu-
procedure described in the previous lated with KG neglected (KQ = 0 ) . In
chapter. Figure 17, the S and $ variations are pre-
sented in reduced form (6r = 6/<max; *r *
The reduced isodisplacement lines 6r as a */*max> wnere 5max and *max are Efie maxi-
percentage of the maximum are presented in mum values of 6 and 41 for the maximum
Figure 16(a) and one can see clearly the speed of rotation -non-linear effects in-
untwist <)> due to rotation since the zero cluded -and J!f is the non-dimensional
displacement line is located along the speed of rotation related to the first
blade axis. The stress distribution on natural frequency of the blade at rest (ftr
the suction and pressure surfaces of the = 8/foi)- It is clear that the non-linear
blade are also presented in terms of re- geometric stiffness Kg cannot be dis-
duced stress or in Figures 16(b) and (c). regarded, since neglecting the centrifugal
When examining these two figures, it can stiffening will lead to significantly
be seen that the maximum stress is not overestimated displacements. Remembering
located at the same point on the suction that the stresses are directly linked to
and pressure surfaces. This is due to the the displacements in finite element
fact that the stresses at a typical point modelling , errors in the design analysis
are the superposition of a membrane stress could follow, not only in the static
(constant across the thickness) and a cases, but also in the dynamic ones.
bending stress (of opposite sign on the
two surfaces).
These results are obtained when taking in- Dynamic Analysis Ten natural frequencies
to account the centrifugal stiffening and mode shapes are calculated for a range
offset but, noting that these calculations of values of the rotation speed and a
require an iterative procedure, it is of Campbell diagram is plotted and presented
some practical importance to examine the in Figure 18(a). It can be seen that the
extent of this effect. In other words, in influence of rotation is noticeable on the
view of the higher cost of such a non- bending frequencies but is relatively weak
linear calculation process, is it justifi- on the torsion modes. Some mode shapes -
able (by an improvement in the precision those of the second and third bending and
of the results) to include the rotation first and second torsion modes -are pre-
effect (KG, Kg) in the stiffness sented in Figure 18(b). The calculated
S> r (KG)
Nr 2 Qr
Figure 17. Influence of the CF Stiffening (KG) on Static Deflection of Fan Blade
at rest
finite element
at rest
•—finite element
at operating
Figure ISb. Mode Shapes (nodal lines) for Fan Blade Nodes
convenient to choose a simpler way of tak- It is not appropriate to present again the
ing into account the root effect using an static analysis (for centrifugal stresses)
equivalent model obtained from mechanical that has been detailed in the preceding
considerations. First, noting that the section. Hence, in the following sec-
root motion is generally low, it is rea- tions, only the dynamic analysis is pre-
sonable to suppose that its inertia influ- sented and some practical considerations
ence on the kinetic energy may be concerning the rotation and temperature
neglected. The platform is thin and as effects are discussed.
such acts only as a mass (contributing
negligible stiffness) and so may also be
neglected. Secondly, the root is modelled
by an equivalent rectangular parallel- Dynamic Analysis The finite element model
epiped whose geometrical and mechanical results in 384 degrees of freedom. The
characteristics are defined as follows. first three natural frequencies and asso-
(Figure 19(b)): ciated mode shapes are calculated at rest
(0 - 0) and at room temperature, firstly
the dimensions are the mean dimensions with the blade clamped at the platform
of the fir tree (or other) root, (root effects neglected altogether) and
clamped at the first branch; and secondly including an equivalent root
iiodel. The natural frequencies are com-
the stiffness characteristics in the pared with experimental ones measured in
three directions are obtained from situ in the engine (see Table 7). Good
simple Strength of materials formulae agreement is obtained, provided that the
for bending, shear and longitudinal root is modelled, albeit with a relatively
effects. These stiffnesses are equally simple model.
distributed to the convenient nodes of
the blade base.
springs equivalent
to the root stiffness
The first mode is mainly a flap-wise bend- Estimation of the Rotation Effect on the
ing mode; the second one edgewise bending Frequencies. Provided that the at-rest
and the third one is predominantly natural frequencies are determined using
torsion. Still at room temperature, the the appropriate finite element mesh, the
blade properties are next calculated for a mass matrix [M] and the mode shapes («]
rotation speed of 16,000 rev/min. are known. At rest, the stiffness matrix
Examination of these results shows clearly [K] is the linear stiffness [Kr]. In
that for this case of a three-dimensional rotation, 2the stiffness becomes [KJ » IKL1
blade, the rotation effect on the natural + [KG] -n [MG], (see Chapter 13), and con-
frequencies is weak and almost negligible sequently it can be stated that:
on the mode shapes and this is likely to
apply to most other blades in this [AK] = IKG1 - 02[MG1 (2)
where [KG], the geometric stiffness
In practice, it is often recommended that matrix, and [MQ], the centrifugal mass
the number of finite elements be increased matrix, are known at the end of the static
in order to improve the accuracy of the analysis.
analysis, but this will result in a higher
cost, especially if several different Using Equation (1) for a typical
speeds of rotation are required. However, mode, results in:
noting that the rotation may have little
or no influence on the results, a good
estimate of the natural frequencies at (3)
various non-zero rotation speeds (ft > 0)
can be obtained at low cost by using the
at-rest results together with the so- or fi<n)
called Rayleigh's Quotients.
The results presented in Table 9 for
a speed of 16,000 rev/min show very good
Use of the Ravleiqh's Quotients. It is agreement when compared with those ob-
well known that for a slight modification tained by a complete finite element calcu-
UK] or [AM] to the stiffness and mass lation, since the error incurred by the
matrices [K] and [M] of a structure, the Rayleigh's Quotient calculation is less
equation for free harmonic vibration: than or equal to 0.5%.
Freq (Hz)
t° f0 20° 200°C 400°C 600°C 700°C %
n - 16000
Imperial College of Science and Technology
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Exhibition Road, London SW7 2BX
Much of this chapter will make use of STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS MODELS FOR BLADED
simplified mathematical models of a bladed ASSEMBLIES
assembly since these readily permit the
detailed parametric studies necessary to Lumped Parameter Models
determine the patterns of behaviour. The
design analysis for an actual assembly In view of the inherent size and com-
will necessarily incorporate all the plexity of a typical bladed assembly, it
details of geometry and operating condi- is necessary to reduce the system model to
tions {as was the case for the single the most basic form which is appropriate
blade), but these calculations are very for the study in hand. Originally, this
expensive. As our primary interest here meant simplifying the usually complex geo-
is to understand the interaction between metry so that the blades could be repre-
the various blades, it is appropriate at sented by equivalent beams in order that
each stage to consider only those features the complete assembly could be modelled
which are essential and so a number of Armstrong (1955). Even then, it was
simplified models have been devised and necessary to assume full axisymmetry (so
will be used throughout this chapter. that the basic component consisting of a
Accordingly, the first discussion will be single blade/disk sector could be
concerned with the development of the modelled) and to use the repetitive nature
models themselves. The basic model, which of the actual assembly, together with some
is very simple, admits a single degree of knowledge of the anticipated results, in
freedom (or mode of vibration) for each order to extract a solution.
blade and includes a similarly simplified
representation of the disk and/or shroud Early attempts to study the effects
coupling. The resulting discrete lumped- of blade mistuning required a less re-
parameter (mass-spring) model permits strictive model and one which was proposed
rapid and cheap calculation of its vibra- for this purpose Dye and Henry (1969) (and
tion properties and is ideal for a para- derived from an earlier concept, Bishop
meter study but is of limited application and Johnson (I960)) now provides us with
as a design tool since the model para- the basis of a simplified, but nonetheless
meters can only be specified after a com- very useful, model for studying bladed
plete analysis has been made o 5 t h e blade assemblies of all types, (Ewins 1980),
and disk separately. A second group of Ewins and Han (1963), Griffin and Hoosac
models is used which is based on simple (1983). The model is a standard lumped-
beam and plate components. Although, once parameter mass-spring system of the type
again, not directly usable for design pre- introduced in Chapter 13 together with the
dictions, these models are more represent- basis for its analysis. Each blade is
ative of the actual assemblies than are modelled by just one or two degrees of
the first type and yet are still rela- freedom although later applications have
tively inexpensive to analyze. Both taken the concept rather further, Jones
models are suitable for studies of and MuszynshkR(1983), and the disc or
mistuned, as well as tuned, assemblies. shroud by equally simple spring and nass
The third and final type of model is that elements. Figure 1 shows the basic model
which contains few or no simplifications plus a number of variants which have
and is usually based on finite element evolved from it. It should be noted that
techniques. These are the models used for the model can he readily extended to in-
direct design predictions but are suf- clude damping elements as well, and some
ficiently expensive in computation time to applications have made use of this facil-
be inappropriate for exploratory studies ity albeit only in a rather qualitative
and are almost always limited to tuned way.
and/or cyclically symmetric assemblies.
All three types of models will be used in The model of this type is character-
this chapter. ized by a mass and stiffness matrix pair
such as the example which follows for
model (c) in Figure 1.
Throughout the chapter, our main aim The main limitations of this model
is to demonstrate and to illustrate the are (1) its restriction to a range of fre-
essential structural vibration properties quencies around the blade mode(s) repre-
of various bladed assemblies. The calcu- sented, and (2) the difficulty of esta-
lation of their specific values in a prac- blishing suitable mass and stiffness
tical case is largely an exercise in values for a given design. The latter
numerical analysis and it is probably as, process is possible if the actual proper-
if not more, important to know what to ties of an individual blade and the disk
calculate and what to expect from the com- are known, Afolabi (1982), so that the
puted results as it is to know which cod- model can be used for parameter studies,
ing to use and how to use it. if not as a prediction tool.
Once derived, analysis of the model where the six elements In the displacement
is straightforward, involving only the vector represent motion in the three
classical methods outlined in Chapter 13. translational and three rotational
In numerical solution for large assem- directions. 8 represents the position
blies, advantage can be taken of the around the disk and n the sinusoidal order
banded nature of the stiffness matrix and, of the assumed vibration pattern (and,
indeed, some studies have shown how a re- also, the number of "nodal diameters").
arrangement of the sequence of the coor- If we define a vector {Fn}d for the
dinates from that shown above can compact corresponding harmonic forces at the disk
the stiffness matrix even further to gain rim, and vectors {Xn}br, {Fn*br' (Xn}bt,
additional computational efficiency. The <Fn>bt' <Xn}g, tFn^s for the blade root,
model can be used just as easily for mis- blade tip and shroud respectively, then we
tuned assemblies as for the perfectly can relate all these parameters by apply-
tuned version and is capable of providing ing equilibrium and compatibility at the
natural frequencies, mode shapes and disk/blade and blade/shroud junctions.
forced response characteristics. The ad- Thus:
dition of damping terms to the model gen-
erally expands the computation effort by a <*n>d 5 {X }
n br ' <Xn}bt °- «n>s (2)
large amount and in view of the uncertain-
ty of their magnitude and distribution, and
such an extension is seldom made. It
should be noted, however, that it is in
the modelling - the definition of the (3)
appropriate parameter values - and not in
the analysis of that model'that the diffi-
culty lies. In addition, because of the assumed
harmonic vibration, the displacements and
forces for each component are related by
Beam and Plate Models its frequency response functions, thus:
A number of models based on beam and {Xn}d {Fn}d
plate components were developed prior to
the widespread availability of finite ele- where [an(u>] is the (receptance) frequen-
ment methods. Although essentially re- cy response function matrix for the disk
stricted- to uniform - or simple geometry - when vibrating in a cos n6 (or n nodal di-
components, these models are more repre- ameters) pattern. Similar expressions
sentative than those of the lumped para- apply for the shroud:
meter type but are still relatively inex-
pensive to use. One of the earliest lF n ) (5)
models of this type was devised for an
axisymmetric unshrouded bladed disk using and the blade:
the receptance (or frequency response)
coupling method, Armstrong (1955), and sub-
sequent developments have extended this f [B]rr I8lrt < p n>b,
type of model to shrouded assemblies,
Ewins and Cottney (1975), and to mistuned (6)
and packeted configurations, Ewins (1973),
Ewins and Imregun (1983). There are now <*n>bt [p] tr <F n >bt
two derivatives - one for cyclically sym-
metric configurations and the other for
the more general cases where blade- Combining (2) to (6) leads toi
to-blade variations exist. Figure 2 shows
the essential features of each type of (7)
model from which it can be seen that a de-
gree of non-uniformity (in component UBl
geometry) can be accommodated although not
to a great extent. Much the same comments
concerning derivation of the model para-
meters in a particular case apply to this (Ultr
type of model as well as to the previous
one although its ability to represent the
behaviour of actual turbomachine stages from which the determinantal equation
has been demonstrated, Ewins and Cottney
(1975). Uel rr
The method of analysis is similar in det (8)
the two types of model. Considering first
the fully symmetric or tuned case (all <lf» t t
blades identical), we can exploit the cir-
cular nature of the structure and the provides a method for finding the natural
known properties of the connecting disk frequencies and - by back substitution in-
(or shroud) and assume that the variation to the earlier equation - the mode shapes
in displacement around the assembly is es- of the bladed assembly. (All the elements
sentially sinusoidal. (The validity of in the matrices [anl, [01, and [in] are
this assumption will be borne out by later frequency-dependent, and the derivation of
results but its use may be likened to that their individual elements are detailed in
of assuming simple harmonic motion (in Ewins and Cottney (1975) and Ewins and
time)). He shall thus assume that the Imregun (1983).
motion at any point on the disk rim may be
expressed as Analysis of the other, more general
model follows similar lines except that it
(x(t)} cos ne cos ut (1) does not presuppose the coshe displace-
h h-
A A A f< , A A B
VA/V MAyv 1
-VW^ -^AAAA B.
Figure 1. Simple Lumped Parameter Models of Bladed Assemblies
(a) unshroudedf (b) tip-shroud; (c) mid-height shroud
characterized by n "nodal diameters" all parts of the disk and the blades, in-
since the displacement is constrained to cluding not only the circumferential vari-
be zero along n equally-spaced diametral ation (as before) but also a radial dis-
lines, whatever the displacement 'shape' placement shape. When plotted as a dis-
is in a radial section, although the placement variation with radius, it is
orientation of these diameters will depend found that each family of modes is itself
on some additional external influence. associated with a number of nodal points
along the radial line - much as is found
for the vibration modes of a single beam -
Calculation of a typical assembly and these represent nodal 'circles' on the
using the simple lumped parameter model bladed assembly, in addition to the nodal
demonstrates this pattern clearly, as diameters already established by the cir-
shown in Figure 3 where the double modes cumferential variation. The nodal dia-
are identified. It is also clear from meter pattern used to identify each
this example that the assembly possesses a natural frequency on the plot is obtained
smaller number of 'single1 modes - each by analyzing the relative displacement of
with a single natural frequency and a each blade tip (or other selected refer-
unique mode shape - and that these fit in- ence location along the blade).
to the pattern set by the larger number of
double modes. The single modes correspond
to motion with all the blades having the It should also be noted from these
same amplitude of motion, either in phase results that each family of modes extends
with each other (0 nodal diameters) or out only up to a maximum diametral order of
of phase with their neighbours (N/2 nodal N/2 (or of (N-D/2, if N is odd). This is
diameters - only possible if N is even). to be expected with the discrete lumped
parameter model since higher diametral
orders simply could not exist but with the
In addition to the sketches of mode continuous disk (or shroud) model, vibra-
shapes which show the relative displace- tion of these components with higher nodal
ments of the various blades. Figure 3(b), diameter patterns is possible. However,
a second diagram is given in which each if we choose to describe the circum-
entry is obtained from a (discrete) ferential variation in amplitude by
Fourier analysis of the corresponding noting the relative displacement of some
column from the first set of results. In reference point of each blade, then we are
this format, the diametral order of each unable to resolve higher diametral orders
of the modes is clearly seen and readily than N/2 (or N-l/2 if N is odd). A dis-
facilitates the graphical presentation of placement shape in the disk of cos(nO)
the results shown in Figure 3(b). This (where n > N/2) which is described in
form of presentation, and where appro- terms of the rim or blade displacement at
priate, its tabular counterpart, will be N equal points around the disk will appear
used throughout the rest of this chapter. just as a mode shape in the form of
cos (N-n)6. In other words, n nodal dia-
meters and (N-n) nodal diameters are in-
From the example in Figure 3 and also distinguishable to a set of N blades - see
from a second one in Figure 4 for a more Figure 7. This phenomenon has implica-
complex model, another important charac- tions for a number of bladed assemblies,
teristic may be observed. As the number including all shrouded ones (where n nodal
of nodal diameters (n) increases, the diameters in the disk and (N-n) diameters
natural frequencies in each 'family' in the shroud will be directly compatible
approach asymptotically one of the 'blade since the two components are connected
cantilever frequencies' - the natural fre- only through the N discrete blades), and
quencies of an isolated blade with the those with small numbers of blades (where
disk attachment point (or root) grounded. n and (N-n) are both relatively low dia-
This behaviour is caused by the progres- metral orders).
sive stiffening of the disk as it adopts a
more complex shape, and it demonstrates
the relevance of performing an individual At the lower end of each family, the
blade analysis, as in Chapter 14, even 0-and 1-nodal diameter modes should also
when that blade is known to be part of a be noted for their special characteris-
coupled assembly. When the coupling is tics. These three modes (one single and
small, such as will apply with a very one double) differ from all the others
stiff disk, the same family characteris- with two or more nodal diameters because
tics are observed although, in this case, they involve a net motion of the center of
almost all the natural frequencies are the disk. Movement with a 0-nodal diameter
very close to the blade-alone values - as pattern involves axial or torsional disk
would be expected - Figure 5. movement while 1-nodal diameter displace-
ments indicate rocking of the disk about a
diameter or translation along a diameter.
Having established the main charac- All other diametral orders are 'balanced'
teristics using the very simple lumped and involve no motion of the disk center.
parameter model, we can confirm this be- The main practical implication of this
haviour using one of the beam and plate characteristic is that the 0-and 1-
models. Taking first the more general diameter modes will be influenced by the
model, a series of calculations are shown shaft and bearings which support the disk
in Figure 6 for a simple unshrouded 30- upon which the blades are mounted, while
bladed disk. From these results,we see the none of the other modes will be influenced
same general pattern - families of modes at all by these other parts of the system.
approaching the individual blade canti- This, in turn, means that the model should
lever frequencies - but now we observe be extended to include these components if
many more modes and, indeed, the full mode accurate estimates of the 0-and 1-diameter
shape for each one of these is more com- modes are to be determined. However, this
plex as it describes the displacement of extra complication is not often included.
6 8 10 12
Nodal Diameters
10 2O 0 10
Blade No. Fourier Component
r IP
8 TO 12
Nodal Diameters
o. oa
3 15°
5 10 15
No. Nodal Diameters (n)
32 Nodal Diameter Shape
(b) ,
2 5 10
F i g u r e 12. Effect of Root F l e x i b i l i t y on N a t u r a l Frequencies
(a) = 10~ 5 ; U) = 10"*; (o) * 10~ 3 ; (•) - 0 Nm/rad
0 K) 18
Fiqure 14. Effect of Blade Twist- on Natural Frequencies
tip twist: (V)—15°; {•>- 0°; (o)-15°; (A)-30°; (0) -45°
same frequency range as used before are results for other positions are shown
shown in Figure 15(a) and immediately show alongside those of the datum case.
rather more complex patterns of behaviour
than in any of the previous cases. The DYNAMIC ANALYSIS FOR PRACTICAL ASSEMBLIES
main difference is that the 1 natural fre- (contributed by R. Henry)
quencies in any one 'family no longer
necessarily increase steadily with the Dynamic Analysis of Low Pressure Turbine
number of nodal diametersi sometimes they Stage
do, following previous experience, but
sometimes not. The reason is that each Having explored the characteristics
mode labelled as "n nodal diameters" may of bladed assemblies in general, we shall
indeed have n diameters, but could also now present an example of a specific prac-
(or instead) have (N-n) diameters, or tical assembly analyzed by a finite ele-
(N+n) etc. (N being the number of blades). ment model, using the axisymmetric method
In all modes involving radial motion of outlined in Chapter 13 applied to a rotat-
the shroud, the lowest order pattern - n ing low pressure turbine stage of a modern
nodal diameters - is suppressed by the jet engine, Ferraris et al. (1973).
very high radial stiffness of the blades
and, as a result, it is the second order, Finite Element Modelling
(N-n), which dominates. When the shroud is
effectively dictating the coupling, as in Figure 20 shows the finite element
the case when the disk is relatively mesh used to calculate the natural fre-
stiff, then an increasing "n" involves a quencies and mode shapes of the above-
decreasing controlling shape, (N-n), hence mentioned turbine stage. The disk is
the falling natural frequencies seen in modelled mainly with thin shell axisym-
this plot. This conclusion is reinforced metric elements (nine elements for the
in Figure 15(b) where the same assembly is flanges and ten elements for the web),
analyzed admitting only the lowest order connected to the disk rim using junction
shroud modes to the model. This result elements (I to VI). The rim itself is
follows the same pattern as the earlier modelled with eight thick isoparametric
calculations - as expected - but is clear- elements. The blade is modelled with 16
ly an inadequate representation of the twisted, beam elements (see Chapter 14) and
actual system. continuity of displacements and slopes at
the blade root is ensured using two junc-
(b) Disk Stiffness tion elements (VII, VIII) placed on the
disk rim. The shroud element at the blade
A series of calculations is included tip is modelled by additional masses and
in Figure 16 where the disk is first made inertias in the three directions. The
much more flexible than the datum case, by disk is clamped as shown in Figure 20.
halving its thickness, and then much stif- The blade tip is free in the X and 2 di-
fer (double thickness). These results, rections, supported in Y and restrained in
though complex, are comprehensible. torsion. The whole model results in 288
Indeed, the latter case presents an indi- effective degrees of freedom.
cation of the typical characteristics for
an assembly of blades where virtually all Dynamic Analysis
the inter-blade coupling is through the
shroud band. The first six natural frequencies and
mode shapes are computed for the structure
(c) Shroud Stiffness vibrating with n = 0 to 5 nodal diameters
and at various speeds of rotation (1 . The
In the same vein, a series of calcu- results are presented using a dimension-
lations is shown in Figure 17 for two less frequency parameter fr(=f/fOl'» fQl
variants where the shroud is first less being the fundamental natural frorju'ncy
stiff and then more stiff than the refer- for 0 nodal diameters) and a dimension-
ence case, this effect being achieved by less speed Or = 0/fQl • The natural fre-
halving and doubling the radial thickness quencies related to n and 0 are presented
of the shroud band. in Figure 21(a) and (b) and the associated
mode shapes are arranged in families f^i,
(d) Shroud Attachments nli» •••• fnVl and presented in Figure
21(c) to <g).
In many assemblies, the connection
between blades and shroud is not fully in- Family I, Figure 21(c), is mainly a
tegral. Sometimes, there is a local flex- disk-rim vibration mode while the blades
ibility, similar to the root flexibility, move in the XZ plane following the rim
which relaxes the coupling provided by motion. It is seen that the natural fre-
this attachment and sometimes the connec- quencies of family I approach the first
tions are deliberately made only in cer- bending frequency of the clamped blade for
tain coordinates, or directions. In increasing values of nodal diameters but
Figure 18, we see the result of making the that the rotation effect results in a 30
blade/shroud attachment rigid in only 1, to 40% increase of the natural frequencies
or 2, or 3 of the 6 coordinates previously (Figures 21(a) and (b)).
included in the datum case. It is clear
how certain modes are greatly affected by Family II, Figure 21(d), shows a disk
these conditions while others are barely bending mode. Motion of the rim is
influenced at all. limited and the blade bends in the XZ
plane. It can be seen in Figure 21(d)
(e) Shroud Position that the rotation effect is significant on
the various n diameter modes as the asso-
Lastly, we show some typical effects ciated natural frequencies increase by
resulting from changing the radial loca- more than 20% in the range of rotation
tion of the shroud (previously, it was speeds studied (from rest to operating
at 100% blade length). In Figure 19, speed).
Figure 15. Natural Frequencies for Datum Case Shrouded Bladed Disk
(a) (•) full analysis
(b) (o) analysis omitting higher order terms
beam «t«mtnt* btad*
dtic rim
Figure 20. Finite Element Model for Low Pressure Turbine Stage
fr o flr=0.0
o Dr= 0.35
Qr=0.6 t«v
0 1 2 3 4 5 n
n=0 z ,
n -s 1
A QS»^ blade tip
n =/ .^. ..*... 'Nj'"'""1*^
(f) n=3 *--4-
n =4o---o-
"o,. °^*"" "io
n = 5 o —o- Wadetip^
n =4 de root
_ jtf
,"' °**^x0>
L. *-j*4K^3i?:I1=i jfcS. - ^* **"" ' "N ^ X
0 0.01 O.O2
0.01 O02
f ¥
Figure 23. vibration Properties of a Mistuned 24-Bladed Disk
hx° h
|—\AAr- —vW
s v
5.033 159.23O 275.719
5.O33 225.136
M = 1.O Kg
A second example is shown using the situation, each point on the rotating sys-
more representative beam and plate type of tem experiences the variations in steady
model, again referred to a 30-bladed disk. axial pressure or force as time-varying,
Using the general model of this type and thus responds by vibrating at a fre-
(i.e., one which does not presuppose quency or frequencies directly related to
cyclic symmetry), we can analyze any de- the speed of rotation. Such an excitation
sired packeting configuration and two not only has a characteristic frequency
specific cases are illustrated in the (an integer multiple of the rotation
results shown in Figure 29. Using the speed) but also has a characteristic shape
same form of presentation as before, we since it is applied simultaneously to all
show three sets of natural frequencies on points around the bladed assembly.
the same plot! (a) those for a single
packet of blades with roots cantilevered;
(b) those for the bladed disk when contin- In each case, it is necessary to in-
uously shrouded, and (c) those for the clude some form of damping and that which
packeted bladed disk. As before, with the is generally assumed is proportional,
simpler model, there is strong relation- thereby permitting most of the computa-
ship between the first two of these sets tional effort to be made on the basic un-
of results and the third, although in this damped system, introducing the damping
case they represent more of a trend than only at the very last stage. However, it
an exact pattern. Two different packeting should be noted at the outset that this is
arrangements produce the same essential a very crude approximation to the real
result. physical conditions.
It was mentioned earlier that the
principal diametral component of each mode
shape was used to identify that mode on
these plots, whereas in fact each such Review of Forced Response Analysis
shape has several significant components.
Once again, a pattern is observed which
connects the number of blades on the disk The basis for a general forced re-
and the number of blades in a packet with sponse analysis was presented in Chapter
the combinations of diametral orders which 13; explicitly, for the single point har-
appear together in the various modes. For monic excitation condition but also,
example, taking the case cited in Figure implicitly for the more complex situation
29, we find that each of the modes has a of engine-order excitation. A very impor-
shape which contains one of the following tant feature of all types of forced vibra-
sets of diametral components: tion is the double requirement to obtain a
resonance condition: namely, an excita-
(a) 0,5,10 or (b) 1,4,6,9,11,14 or tion at the appropriate frequency and with
(c) 2,3,7,8,12,13 the appropriate shape. The former is
self-evident but the latter condition is
A different set of diametral orders ap- more subtle and, indeed, plays a major
plies for other bladed assembly configura- role in the forced vibrations of interest
tions but the connection with the essent- here. In its simplest form, It is clear
ial parameters of the packeting is self- that a particular mode of vibration will
evident. not be excited into resonance, even at its
natural frequency, by an excitation force
which is applied at a nodal point of that
FORCED VIBRATION RESPONSE mode. This is a very simple example of
the excitation shape being incompatible
Scope of Response Analysis with the mode shape and we shall find
other morecomplex ones apply in this
Although the main objective of this study.
chapter has been to establish the modal
properties of the bladed systems of
interest, we shall include some brief con- We shall consider the implications of
sideration of the forced response behav- this aspect of forced vibration for the
iour as well. As mentioned in Chapter bladed assembly whose mode shapes, as we
13, such a response analysis requires the have already seen, are conveniently de-
introduction of additional information in scribed in terms of the diametral compo-
the form of the definition of a specific nents present in the circumferential dis-
forcing function to be considered plus the tribution of the disk and blades' dis-
inclusion of some damping terms. In this placement. Thus, we shall be looking at
application, both of these features in- or for the existence of similar diametral
volve assumptions or information which patterns in the excitation functions as a
extend beyond the structural dynamics measure of their potential ability to
aspects that are strictly the concern of excite resonant vibrations in the bladed
this chapter. assembly. The frequency of the exciting
force(s) is obviously of direct signifi-
We shall focus our attention in this cance as well, but the shape or distribu-
section on two specific excitation cases tion must not be overlooked.
and one specific assumption regarding the
damping effects. The first excitation
case is that of a single point harmonic Consider first the single point har-
excitation, such as Is used for most vi- monic excitation which will be assumed
bration test/measurement procedures. The (for the purpose of this discussion) to be
second, and major, case will be that of applied on a specific blade. The effec-
•engine-order' excitation: that which tive forcing function, as described in the
exists when a bladed disk rotates past (or governing equations of motion in Chapter
through) a steady flow pattern which is 13, will be a vector which only has one
nonunifonn around the annulus. In such a non-zero element so that
Figure 29. Vibration Properties of Packeted Bladed Disk
(Beam/Plate Model)
(a) sinqle packet
(b) continuously shrouded
(c) packeted
0° 180° 360'
10000 20OOO
SPEED (Rev/min)
300 350 400
i . K. -M-M-vn-'i in- :
! « _ < ! . I '--R'.'Yi':: ; •! • .
I •- 1 i • to
. ixin !'"•.
• • . , . . • • -. ..... • i in init La] rnn-n n.i . - i oas Hnwtjv*! , Fiqure 1 is . 1 M'" 1 iqrapti ni i
turbines in th 1930's, Mi-ii ,|,-y.-- | >->pmcnt .."i-jmrm-;>:'-.ii ..iLi.>-i "i 111,1 " ( ' • ! I-si liirf- w l Ii h
I i , .- 1 ..-, • i ; • n . . i > ! i .-if [ • • • • • '••-, J •; I I i f ' ' • L l l u s t r a t - . - ' : the • [ r v w i T y nt" the irohlen.
, t t h e bl • M L i. l 'i ,i ! •-• r--jf pei cent :ino - - - r
• ;, ;i failure; I hi ma joi i_-.:iu^c- w:i-: <)uo ' ;• i r (MM t > saiii that 1 1 i di'
! , ; . . » .,i • ,t i ., . . Tht-Ki l ,ii. i TII' r.i i I t i t '.-s hi?- -,, , • ! , ] f-FH .-,r metaJ Latiquo f •> i I u i •-• -'IH r.-r
,',1-n*-.' "' ' , • • - . ' - • imo f ' . K> ' rlurint] the r^rl y • x i s l r i-h.-n i 'n --.' i i ' i y "i- ; • i > i- ' i h r a t j i >n
: ••. , i . - • . • i,- i , r , ,r the ax M • ciiK' 1.1 i • i.iociaterl .-,«-!-• • > • ' .r i. i • i L v I'lfM-i 1 im-
i n pi •].--,' ,> T r i ,- • . "ii r i t ' j ' j 1 .in i t whirl, MTM would ' iv '" justified, it i--.
1 net i'1 :i:--.,-! ry apprC 1 i 3te
were used in the •• . i i -, iero "n i i i - ;. i ht-r.--ff.i-i-- »v i i. !>'••
t >i < i | i . < 1 l i l uri .'i ••>rni'. int.'t:' • - n f f i ' i t , t!t. j 111,1']". i' t'ltcUit'R r.inf r. .1 i i ii'; ' '«' f'lfi'iif. •'!
' , . > , , . 1 • . | -n, - r I M" i i ' L IC'fc i wll I i.''i I'f r i (i.Kl 'It '"" n1-nil-if w.'iii-h .ir>- encountered i-i i'"•
v e r y quick 1 y across the sjoct ion < •! ft-* ric-tu-'j I oixT.Mt i'in 'H I'T'n ' u rh i IL-S MI i ' N - -
..... ('••ivnl'. I '"i the "•'"•! i> 'i l t y - ' I <.-.T-,CS t h i s [ ; i . - i i - r i i-ril 9tepS -.v^iii't. ' ' i (-•-!! t'.'
i l t e r n a r i nt| stress is trie tli reel n .;n I i of .-,.-.•-,,..: the Levels - i vibration w h i rh a r t -
I f . •: i ! : i ,l i . i . ,i tin ' - I ' -I".., • • • . • " ! ] . I eS - ir <.r •si . . - M - I - I , t-n ensure a t.- r as p- is siblo i ti,--*r
i i ] i •: i - , , • , . i .. - M. i t i • anl amp II tU<1< . -\^ i, | H if Fa i lures "!i:-- t- fi f.n i^ cause ••irt i>
i ,. i -, i i , • ! • c:i • • - [,• • • 1 1 • • .-- ..i i.1 1 •"! SP t hi- -i i " i 1 1 - 1 7i".! . ;'li L.-: 1 •- t\n: :v,j r : • • •'-.<- Dl t h IS
t,|,-,ii-_- • • i i ' , , i 4 " leveJ '••t r.hf? steady ! r genl chanter.
;treas on rtic t .-ni., i M n<; part ot the se< -
tion ' r. i ..... . , md i ' m l 1 r<id. ure t a k < .•-
ic-e i. . thi : t •••-. -; ' i '-";• '.i!"1 ''••'" i '"-'
: , i ,• i ] . ,' i - t - n i i r ! i •• i. ' i < > m,- 1 < • ! KI t .
'I h,' | • r .1 . • I t FM> T i l ' .I I i ; ,|i' 111!
• ) • iy L • • i - , 7 , ' '•' f di lurr: ' ,1 .1 M .!•:<-• 1 n - > t impiirt a n < - > ' in nifCh.m i T.T 1 enqin ei
i ! way - i • .; • < • • i • l ••• in ""i .-tx I d I co M|-.I !-•.-,-- since 1.1"-'"1 r i t : ; ( , l i v : ol r ho r a i l w a y s .
Oj I m,-iTiy -t Kie: - • •• , ! [ > ' - r - - , : t t f nuch .^-(•ori- \ .-,,-•. \ :-., .in.- .-..f tru j u.;ii or i .-• I r.estlm] tnethori*
i , f I six.-jMf , --is '- H-- t 1 - -n 'it n- i.' l Lfniny .•ir-.1 '.juvi-* l<:»r>iTl frtw the eat'Iy
Li,.- blade ricochets l-.!i»- si at or -. w.'A i-.r -\. W('ihl<.-t [ c . l f t S Q ) who •*'ts in-
,-, , i ii i ,|h .; • i . . i , •< Ti is not volved in t:i-- inv>--:~r ! • n i i , . : i ' - •! the t .'i i 1 -
un,-. !'firn.:i tOI ill ''" ircn > r axles • >l t'.-i i 1 w t v wagons , -"'• >oi e
=;or r . , :„- f r a c L u t • - ' . i i 'iv ; i . ;; !in.-.-. i |-,.-it t 1 1 tt- I'l.K-t, I'.'i^ been
ifte t.ii- ! , i ! ' i r . - ^f an •j-.i i I y ';! .nf !"Ln: H! t:j .11.1 <<ur u r i i f , . - t .'1 indinq ol r t i * -
I . , :.-. i1 i- .-xtt-nt ot lni:i r.'-i.-i'i .t-i.-l - , ] • t - c i •• conl rr, 1 I i n'i tht-
l.-, i,-,.|. i' b - I I. rjoverneti '. in .1 v.--ry i:i/m i>r--i;i11.1^.. Mowi" i! /of, i"*!!!" k t t o w I « " ' l p i " ^t rh"
w.iv ) 'iv the flo; trin ar.d .-;ii.i<*i ti,j of t.ln- .-.•ui--iln 1 - I. y t":l •! nvif >• s i .i ! , ''in SO H , i - i • -in
, . ] ,,i i , . - ; , r i , r , ., Large < ' x r ,-nr ) by i_h>.' ;>nn<T:t , lt..*rt ",! i I I r.n i -• 1 v upon >n»p i i •• i 1
Mi: 1 H T i;i: j '„ I i :'i i - M 1 P I ' ' '. «'' t~ I M ' '-. of t'-ll-.' o,--it ,i -:.t ct 1'if.-.-; t rom •-.[•"••• i 1 1 "net nl 1 urn • i t
!, ' I'! I H . J . t yr>,'" f dt. pjut:' l_.--^t i m| , ni actu£ • i t i ,i,,i
1. ---.^t - , .11 '•oinni.iri'-'ni -^ . Tin - a in - i t ' I • SC~
! • j | > l i • - . ! • • i photntjCfjphs • ii i ..... •• 'in|.i es- l i o n i:; t « * i n'. rcHnr-' Mi-- I ictors wii i . ' i i
soi . • . ii iequeni r • • tli i u; ' VP 1 '- '^ f.i i 1 ' t : < • .itr..-c-r th." l ."'i ).-;u(.> -.t M'nnih 'it ,-i
.1 1 , no I i -.--.moii >; i , dm'1 , -i- • do'ilit. t ; , i tiiv iMriF«Kn--iit . Th-'s.- have ' • i " 1 ice •» lated
i . . . , ;. c - 1 1 1., I - . , I • - ; iluchance of MM nut fie I un.'i •-; iii iny aaKess.'nent conci r ( i i n , | t i •- ; i por-
i . release i l. i • yi- ol. i ntoi-m^t on. t nnce of a l«vei o) vi hrat i on •! i •' i • • - -
. . - .1 • ' i : V ! .. i . 1 1 [•
I ,, 1 I , I •• I -, Mi I ..- I ,,-:i. [-.'• .', . iliq 1 , CyClO i'j';,.- IT .pe I I 1
,t_>-'r ! r I . ••, i l l .in i ,i '-i ; • [ . , . \ f - '-i,-|,-!.-, l,y will, -, 1 1 1 - i t . " -. ni.iMD.M- .1!" i ' reals ' • t.> i 1 •
HI.-I ! •• ,. . ! iuiVi-- ; . . ] , • • • i i -t t il i '|M'' .iti- i i i . - n Hn- re ! •-. • I arqei attei in
, , , . ,, , i . .• i •. . • • • ' ,' il-.'j1,'.' "i : L'ni Lai 1 i f,,. FI,|- ]uw ,'v 1' : , i i i . i' -it "..v H' 4
1. 1 , , , - . i- • ! . - i " • t .1 •••• ' i ----' '- - m i nna 1 l".u . v . l , , ; - . i. 11.-.- '-.- ,-ir t ••! it, Li Le is ">• >re "f tln. j
-,(..•(... " I ••! , . ! • • ! , .1 • I ,
w i Ui i ii t l i - - --..--ir-if . .-. t nt 2:1.
• -s- , . • , j , , - ! . - • . - .• -i ! 1 1 v ry , .]<M-"r-.-
:-T ' ipon t l . i - , - , . - ' | r . - i > t I '"-i i i ' . ; w < i r h • .....
! . • , , ! ..• • • , ..... - . 'l * -. , t i n prop* tiles
.1 . i :,, . i • , . - • . u - ' i • i . . . j u n c t i o n '"'f •'»"• . ••(. i.i |.:i j i t • .•!' i •. m whK.'li ' •(' cur. i 11
I,., , > | , i I ,: -1 .:,• .:,,•! Wl ! he ' l i l t fn Hi enni no«riiiq structures iv Mir- ;•>!'" 'I.I..H,'.TI ,t;
, | , , ' ! , 1 . 1 .. ,- • ,1 • .1 I I . ! > . .'.'.,-. i. • • -,,T is i. i ..•' I i nr: . M oci ' I T - : - wl.-ri two
i ... pl.Tf.fmn ii, ; f h c 1 am l»he • . r:om(>onf ol s ar«? Loaded Loqcther, CM w t i ' - n
r;,,. 1 , 1 , l , . • • i - i , ! i ! • • . - ' • - i t , . ,-. ••< i I -,i -
1 (
i |.,: -.!,.•!! "-VI"- '.f fnrc* •! -"nycni-nl-. .
i ', • • , : , -i pr • • < • • •:.•• ' M i i • i I , nf M M , Jei t he-s • :ondilir nr, t ••>• -.1 rlaci ^f t.lie
f : :
i ,i i . , , . , . . ,i i, i . - r , i , ! , . .; • - , . , - ,i >,-• i I i n i . Lnlei ' n " lf - '- • ' i ' ' i' •"!'"'" i-' l "' • ! " ' i ' > ' i '• • ' - 'nd
,i . i • -,.'.. i i , . i ' • j.- . i : nanuf act jri no i -, this i •-. Kir 'wn a3 i i ' < - t ; : n. - dan an? . rhese
._ | . • , • , ; l ' i • ' ' " ''I . ! • > ' , • • -i f
l : ;ituations • • * i :-t in t tu- bladinq nl rjas
I i r in i 11*1 il ' • " - " • •• 82, Heothnm i l "»\ . i . tuchi n e ? , w*-i- re the hlarlci ire • • inneei •••<•
• •-, : i . t , , ': . ' , , . . • ! , i V - - I J ! ! .--ft.;!!--'- in • : I ,i t n ,-int:'. I h^ ri";L - .L ' h-. onyine •-:! r . r - - in ' • ,
hoi -••:• i • •:••• M ! . 1 1 • ' •"•" i • " ' tri -I l i ' v , . , ] . , toLor hla i - - l i/ i !"i onto tl'.e disk j
, .. i i..\< iv -, ; raken t t o«n <•'•• '• i i in • it i v,itt': "iif < - r ( i \ i M - I intn • - . j > i t n j * -inr)
• . ) . Mi,, irint.-i- onrlK • - I " y a r i •(!-• 11-- statoi vanes.
: ! , . , , itory l-ostsj haterhoust! • ! »:•'-! I , Ahi-w,
t-|,,it. i »!.-• t.u. i'lut- .'iM-i'-ncr h of sofflQ nars
rial? r -i i. I.-'- i edue • • • • ' to 1/3 ol t"hi tar
-I : • ' >- , ( . • • • l n . t strength. A t t t - n r n - n t o J o t a i l dasiqi
ZIIK: ,inr i l-rt-U inq .^i^tin.|t>, Wrtterh . •
l -i . •; - i - . i?et ions, -i|n. i • it ( L H K I > , can h<- l|i to reduce th> • jorious
i ,-.,-..•, • .• i i , f i r, taticjm i'|lt.M L ii'--; • • t Eects.
. :-... : . • - . • ! , ••; i ven . ,.-r , to Hi •' i- i'i'i^.1 '• •'
,.--,.[ the . .-, .1- , i r t •Airi .it i i > n s I.--'. -'"--I
i . j irtc-R .<•: i .'I .•,"" i i,B ' . - - .. comply w i t.'i ' I'.-
I i.-'., . : ! I ! .- i - t - i , , . •••, will
.,r i - •• i ' i • nanuf acturinq M - I >M mces I tt t-hf rn:-i i»r i.t.y nf t»ny ' naei • - i
., i i, i - i. • , , . is , rln ,r i]aJ len in-., , - 1 1 i o n e , ' . • • ' • ' - Ls "i 1 1 1 - - t ri.u 1 1 ) , i s t P. ire
l, . , . , 1 1 , IL-I .1 ij • .1 ape and loi.-«i v^ri.-i- , t ,i constant w ] th ' i me , and - ' • ci -ns Ldi • .
!,,,!,•: ,n -,i t . • ncenlrat inn ire as ' i t •• ( j , , , , ],,-, - been given to w a y s in wt, i . • ! . t. ii i:-.
M l l c r radii, m-i rail inn; * - i j < V ' Ht i '.•knvss . niii]hi I--- icci mm. .»-|.-ti - - ' I i 'i any .-111,11 y s i;, to
i,. • , i i • H i i i - M i i t i f - r of t . l ,i.|'-s "it '" V I - • i . . l i .-I, hi .w .-i '.',-u-1 -at i • ,n in .Tim I i t in'!--1
• , . ,i . . . • i ...... •••," •• at' "li.-! .Mm -ii i ii- sano w i l l a f f e c t the i - a i <•!<!<; :-;t. r H T I M T t.. i-'f-t
I ,.,..,. I . ,l -It ! . i |l j . .I, , I i|,--M f Ill'l f.- W i l l >)<• d , - , . - , l •.'--, i / , . i i i,i;=t loads, >L sircrart struc-
• -,;•.,( tei i i ' mi ' s .' i l ii - • . ''"i* "ii =ih t hi;
antlcipntod, wh-.- 1 • ! !n- stress -n f . - i ! • i. Iy -iimpl.' in ' t,' "1 "t •-1.-H -,-! !• • lulal inn.
i n i t i ^ t t t o i poinl i ':- -it r octed hv 1 . 1 r i;" III. 1 ; cnri-jf-->L W.i.". , tli.'i'. t hi ICCUmuJ lt< '.
.ihil > i • i , ,1 fa tfira, s. in'- t-'i i 1 i;i t* !i frtl 1 •i,im,Ti-|r> h<- expresaed i « r.Tin-> ui iho
l i t - . .1 i , - . ) HOT ,.-1 1 ' i '- I ' -; III.!' ] . . I I , I.''., - rn,r,):.---! - - t cycles applied, v i i v i ^ i e d Liy t.he
norm il riist-.ri hut i r.t ih,- !• "i-:ir i t h ' , M , . | ; ., to p!''-"!'"' 1 ' ' •' i lure -.r t tie - j i vii
i i •-,.• i i [ ... . Ujure 'i i '? t n k i - n L L >'>"> \>m\f stress level. Pur tin , this cumulative
( 14 n i w h i < - t how i t i ,i t h.-- v;i,'cat_.-!i- ir ,i HI,.-I:|I. r i i t - r . r v issumea •-'!•:* I ' liluru i fv-i
l i i . . n-i.ii. the hortesi ' • lonrn-r.t lil.o or lrttii|iif' w i l l i-.i.-t-ur wln-n clu:- •-. inirrinf i . <n - i |
. qi oup -i I- 1 blade: !•• :;f..?tl unrtir-r the various contri -".M ions ol rlamaqe •-.[iia 1 .s
r UK: it ions i . - .: fl ": i -mr t h a t Uiei • un i t y .
tiution approximate vrrv elrtt-tly I In,,
- K i t "i.-i I d i K t r i b u t ion. 11 i ^ 'i f • ot
i 11 ,-] i;, • ;. t < i J ' - : i i • • ' . ' H ,_•( iii!pnm~*n1
•;. '- ..
•. h «rlu«fiCi iJilAi I I'llI'MfUM li.l^l I T V
n Ui" 1
-,..., ... - ,
, '- i •"'•• I y .-:i'ii».-i !, ,p:,, . . , . . ,, : . • ! , , , .
r tin: 1
• ! ••• l i I flu • " - • •• l im
•,u; 1 near cr; ' . Ln< i • -. i , , , - , - . . . . Una! ten
, w tI
ibli ;,i - ! , •. • - • i '" f i a c r u r e * me. rhis Li Cdusi Lh<
it ia] ii t , - •i: '.-, !
i ; . • i. t«.iunn • i . , . .. . i ,i . . • t r i , • -:
• ' ..... ' ' • • ' - propdyai • • : - in ,-» 1 1 ins u in-
11 !
in t,. these , r i 1 ' l -: "iu '-' : LK
-' mannei . n , •--:,..; ; , •. .[ ,,,,,, . ,..,, | | j f| .
| • - i . ' • • ) , ! 1
.. t , . i Iff • • i in r i| II ; • . life ol ' ' l ! " ' ; • • • " ' • i •! •• , -.1. not ional . being
: • , . .-lS-'30L-lHr>'tI W] t.h .;t , - , , . - . . , .-, i .. _ i, ,L ,
•" ' •" ' ' ' • •'" ' • • • • ' • le Cdt i t,- w i H, ..... , ri.-r
, , [ hi
i i, , [ 'i-ini,-,';, I ...... ft ! ' . i Li.-: i .[;,:. e I bhi . -• .
t>] ide ""•i ' I - ' in . I . : - . ! • - ,,f
. i '_• t • > 1 . , I i •.
' : •• ,:
l • • ,, • i , i. , . . , . , . , . . , , , . , ,
-: -
i I.T , . 1 ..; .
' !•<•• i ng i ii ! , • : _ • • i! i f t - mi i nal i • nr permits ' i . •< , . . . hanit:n
I ' ,>r|U , . . . . . _ |_
t a d nq iri.'iy *uffoi t ""' '"""-- I: ' " ipp led. • wevi r, *ith
'-• ' ' i n i f leant ni • • , , . , th< Lead i nq 1 he .:!, i f . - ..'. - ;,'! . . :-.,; i tUill " - I . • , •- LI
''"' l" !
il t(ju- : i r , . - i - , . ; t t, wh i • • ! «>l.ved 'Hi , : i ! • • v i hral ion, , i Ui
' ' n i c k s , lependi upon MI " ' 1 ' ' • " ' • ; " '• n' •* POSH ii.,|.-', bul the ,- -
no t C h , ' • ' ' ods . 't
1 %
' ' • • i '• f i thi material having btjon h i < ] h Vlljr.-i! i i, . : I, . p, , , i , ,.
'"' incoi la i "'.ii A i , ) • ; wh i r i , act i-t-nteri .1 - i b - . i j r
" i i ' t l l ' " ' 1 • " • r ' ' lit n^i M I i. turi nq in--| htat 1
•- • , I«R. [ ri , T , ,,-,.. ,.., -,,.. '"-• ' • tique nitrleus. *> uhotoejra h it a
'" " - ' ' - ' ' -• Face •!- i. i t .in i UN t)]fldi in i :. i ..• -
DMxlUi ed I l, I M . 9. M, i :-; l;yj.--- ..[ f .-i t jfjue
cracking oxhibita oract. icall y no >luf-(-ility
l:nl !
l the t LIU l tens i ! • • t a i l u r o . Ehus, , -
" very . l i t r i,:ul t. to detect i he pi enc.
' ' ' "-' ' ' i " " ''.'-•'•-'•L- !' ipmr-nt in ,111 opnt, ,. n :
l 1 1
' " ' " 'Eeasor, rhe h r t i . .';i.,-d.iv st resa ' •. ' , - , , '
blade f .-i»• m ,-j i •;., .• • ^ i. : -,.- ^ 11,,-. ciack ' •
i > r . '[irnijti t - - quickly, anc .1-. -i • • • i •>.':" i ' ; i • 11 i i l
i« inusurfl t o f in.) ,:• • i n :on press •;
trot > ! - M.i-.j.' .-I.,.] ofoi I y "i '• ' -n< • \, I ,-, *,•-
1 ills. Wlieri the cracking nucleates in ( h e
bldde root f i n i n q , wh.,-r.> t h e ie,m t ,-,•
s t r e s s is lowor , thon Lh<- cracks ->••• - . \ . . «
L'' f>r'-.:.i.u],iM.- .-,r,d r;o cracks i n i I,, riiol •-,
f i n y h.- tound pi [ o r to E a i l u r e a .
In r : L 1 1 , - o r iri't Is U LJ tin
.-it ress n'cnLrut ions i Wh I t / h J , ,..:.-. i., ;•
1 t i n - pna LI- i uni ot MI.;- t , nut iei
I V[' I ' -'I i-'i aci u r t r/i.-,-s Due ti-
r.-;' Lque <L '[' i !•, .'in i urn i 'i i
Llie ;;t rt-ss V f l i.'l V t ! li I 'Jh , f lu-:i .•xpcr-
, >r 1 OI|,Jf
IU ides. f hot i t- ci dfk ? (nj will
s I ,:. r t -H n-jmtj^r .->( s i -s .-mn.u-fnr- : v
simultaneously. i:? rt.-pr,-,-
, . i •• i in F if) . \'-i I" i k - ' E i f >'-Mt Ar • .•; I i m.; ( h ) Wh.-it f ll r t hi-r ••••-.- pi ;i • .ii i i .'• -n
, I ' , • • . . - i ,. ,. • : • • . i• i w i- riuh i ' - i t ".I (•' ' I <>;, I , - w whnn ' i.. I" i I" i :,..-.( hits fUl ' r
hiqh alt' not ii , Lres ' I1 • tons/sqii I o ' revers i - ind Ls inLailwd? <.",:•- nu • • • - ,
wh i - :i cauiuij i i i I uri i d '< x hi'1 L'ycles n > ;.-.r v ' i •' r i i ••"• w i t ! Mui il :• :, i -|. :• i . , near I y
ll t ipli .' i' ' - w • • f i. A hi .-'.o.-,! . J i :-,!•- ll) :t. i; f". .
H, - W " v ' ; , I • : i h j -i h i ••• .-..-\' • • . : •. • 'h >w > i f > y. 'h plan .. •-.. ries •: i .-.- . i ,••
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i:; the s t r e s s r.itrio above
Hud wi.ll bo mode and speed
HtWUlOOH •jt
.00 * OH LOB •
Jiofl I'M
O, C I C l l l
Figure 4. Compact Tension Test Piece Figure 5. Range Stress Intensity Factor.
Dimensions (mm).
Material Structure
I Illllj I I ihllll l I il.llll l I ll.llll
In most materials which are used for
CYCLIl TO rULUM blading, the fatigue properties are depen-
dent upon the grain structure of the
metal, which is determined by the way the
component is made. A forging, in which
the aerofoil is forged to size from an ex-
Figure 6. Shot Pee n ing as a Means of truded bar stock, provides possibly the
Overcoming Prior Fatigue Damage best grain flow and with the optimum heat
with 4340 Steel Tested in treatment, the finest grain size, to ob-
Rotating Bending. tain the highest fatigue properties for
•• » 1 I I • W
duced in Fig. 10 taken from Armstrong (ti) What further test program should you
(1966a) where a shaft was subjected to follow when the first blade has run for
high alternating stress ± 40 tons/sqin 10' reversals and is unfailed? The neces-
which caused failure in 5 x 104 cycles and sary test time with 100 Hz blade is nearly
multiple cracks were found. A bladed disk 30 hours,
may be considered to be an assembly, with
many similar stress concentrations in (c) How do you run the second test if the
the blading. If it is found that a lot of first test failed early; was it a weak
fatigue crack systems are present, then it blade at the bottom end of the scatter, or
is most likely that they have been caused was the amplitude too high? Remember, the
by a high amplitude -for example a strong mean life will vary by at least 10:1 for a
flutter condition. 20% change in stress level, Koff (1978),
Armstrong (1966b).
However, if only one blade is cracked (d) How do you plan a series of fatigue
or broken then it is likely to have re- tests to solve a development or manufac-
sulted from a moderate amplitude, maybe a turing problem and be able to fix a
resonance. Of course, it may be that be- complet ion date?
cause of the spread in natural fre-
quencies, only one blade was vibrating. (e) Can you do anything worthwhile with
Such a situation is not usually the case. only a small number of blades; for
example, three or four?
Determination of Properties
Some of these problems can be avoided ysis based on Miner fatigue damage simula-
by the adoption of an incremental method. tion, and with the statistical tests,
Hunt (1972), Armstrong (1966b), Armstrong Students 't1 and 'F test1, see "Blade
(1967). The purpose of the test is not Fatigue Capability," a more formal assess-
to provide data which replaces the basic ment of the results may be obtained.
metallurgical type of S-N curve, but to Because a valid result is obtained from
provide an effective engineering answer to each specimen, an informative result can
the questions; how do these two standards be obtained with as few as three
of blade compare in fatigue properties? specimens. The limited duration for each
What is the scatter and mean fatigue test also allows the test sequence to be
strength of this blade for use in asses- planned, which is often a useful advantage
sing the level of vibration in an engine? when faced with an engine development
Remember, the blades in an engine do not problem.
vibrate at constant amplitude, and are
only subjected to relatively short periods A comparison between constant-
of vibration during the engine life, and amplitude and incremental tests is hard to
so the results of an S-N curve cannot be form, as it depends entirely upon the pur-
applied directly. This is dealt with more pose of the test.
fully in the section "Amplified Ratio
Method." If the purpose of the tests is to
establish a "full" knowledge of the
In an incremental fatigue test such fatigue properties of the blade, then per-
as that illustrated in Figure 11, the am- haps the constant amplitude tests are the
plitude of vibration is increased regular- best. This will involve testing over the
ly every half hour. The starting level of full S-N curves, or say from 10* to lo"
vibration is standardized for a particular reversals, although to cover 100 hours for
material so that results will be more a frequency of 3 kHz the number of rever-
comparable. A value of about one third sals would need to be 1 x 10'. A number
the failure amplitude is normal, and en- of specimens will be needed to establish
sures that time is not wasted at very low the degree of scatter. This type of test-
ineffective amplitudes, but also provides ing is hardly, if ever, required other
ample accommodation for specimens with than for research purposes. Also, in
very low fatigue strength. The time axis doing this type of testing, certain data
was selected in hours rather than number like the slope of the S-N curve for the
of cycles, as engine life is in hours material are reassessed. One criticism of
rather than reversals, and so the stan- the incremental test is that the number of
dardized test method will be equally rele- reversals during an amplitude increment is
vant to blades of all frequencies. During low. For 300 Hz these are 5.4 x 10s re-
the test each blade is stepped through the versals in half an hour which of course
increments of increased amplitude each could be extended at the expense of a
lasting for 30 minutes. longer testing time. However, the testing
procedure integrated in an assessment
The incremental steps are fixed at a method, Armstrong (1966a and 1966b), seems
constant value. If the amplitudes are to provide a very satisfactory method.
measured in 'af (see the section "Mechan-
ical Aspects of af"), then this is either
0.5 ft/sec or 0.2 mHz. At some amplitude
level, the blade will fail, and the time
in the increment is recorded together with
the level and site of fatigue crack on the
The major advantage of the above
method is that all specimens are taken
through the same test cycle until failure
occurs. By plotting the results in a
simple form. Figure 12, a ready appraisal
of the relative strengths of two groups of
blades can be obtained. By using an anal-
Figure 11. Incremental Test Programme/ - Figure 12. Comparison of Two Test Groups
Fatigue Failures (Example©). Tested by Incremental Method.
second engine order line is stronger The one marked 3D is so identified since
towards 100% than lower in the speed it is resonant with the 3 engine order
range. While the excitation strength is (EO) excitation. Notice also that the 2
expected to rise with engine power, an EO signal is stronger than the 1, 3, and 4
additional reason is the proximity of the EO components; this is because the engine
excitation to the IF natural frequency was run behind an aircraft intake with a
line. It will be seen that there is no bifurcated inlet.
resonance of the IF mode between 70%
of full speed-flight-idle, and 100%. In Because of the difficulty of accu-.
fact, as a result of this form of testing, rately predicting whether flutter will be
a minimum frequency limit was imposed on present on a compressor rotor blade,
the IF mode to ensure that a second engine strain gauge testing is usually carried
order resonance did not occur on a blade out to establish if flutter is in the
with a particularly low IF natural operating range. Fig. 15 shows an ana-
frequency. In the region below 60% engine lyzed strain gauge signal from a rotor
speed, and at frequencies between 200 Hz blade having part-span shrouds. For this
and 800 Hz, excitation lines additional to test the engine speed was progressively
the engine orders can be seen. These are increased, and the frequency data are pre-
due to the presence of rotating stall sented against time rather than engine
cells. speed, as is normal for a Campbell
Fig. 14 is a reproduction of a fre-
quency analysis from a strain gauge on a In the early part of the record, the
fan rotor blade. The fan blade has a natural frequencies of the blades can be
snubber or part-span shroud. In this par- easily distinguished from the engine order
ticular engine test, the blades were excitations. At the flutter condition it
assembled with a clearance between the will be seen that the strain gauge signal,
snubber contacting faces of 0.060 inches. at the natural frequency, is greatly in-
Under the influence of the centrifugal creased. This is, of course, characteris-
field, the blades untwist, until the tic of self excitation, and unmistakably
inter-snubber gap closes, and then the different from the response due to a
snuhber ring acts as a ring coupling the forced resonant type of vibration. Since
blades together, and producing assembly, the flutter involves a periodic change in
rather than blade modes. the aerodynamics of the blading, the re-
sultant variations in pressure can be de-
The characteristics of the above tected on the casing. In Fig. 16 also
effects can be readily seen from Figure reproduced is a record of a pressure pick-
14. At speeds below 60% full speed the up installed in the casing at the time of
cantilever natural frequencies IF, 2F, IT, the flutter incident. It can be seen that
3F can be seen. Between 60% to 70% full the two signals are coincident in time.
speed, a signal which has intermittent
components over the whole frequency range However, the difference in the fre-
is evident. Experience has shown that quency of the signals is because the
this type of signal is usually present strain signal is taken from the rotating
when two surfaces are in intermittent blade, and the pressure pick-up is on the
contact. Above the 70% speed condition a casing. By using these two frequencies,
new set of natural frequencies are it is possible to establish the number of
present. These are the natural frequen- lobes in the rotating pattern and the
cies of the bladed assembly, all the speed of rotation.
blades being coupled with the ring formed
by the snubbers. The modes are character-
ized by the presence of nodal diameters.
.S-i 'i^K^^W'1
Figure 14. Frequency V Speed Plots Engine Figure 15. & 16. Frequency V Time Plots
with Aircraft Intake Component: Engine Research Compressor Test
1st Fan Rotor Blade 0.060" Component Fan Rotor Blade and
Snubber Gap. Casing Pressure PU.
Tbrottk* •ur.UcbopJ Bigh Opeiitln? Lift* •Igh Operating l>ia*
* C«a*ff«ll]r Aggravate*
* tfc«C bttrMf TraOBiont ItedUeO Marf ftU
Aff*et*4 lt«g» Depend* on
etatac ftehoftaU Betting « MXO Mfllgn Hay
Halfenotion Hay M4*o* taplitod** tapwt-
c«wo rlvtu* dant o* •efaadula
141* *p**d Variation Hay a*Milt la Longer Via*
Hay Can** Longer Kuanlng on K**ooanc*
Tin* in hulifcud* •*«•)».
Aircraft lauka
•> May 10cr*M* HargiB Can Caw** L*r«« Mtpll- iBUrodiMtion of Hay lUault in Largo
CUco»C*t**U«L tudM on S«9«*at of •tator ttakon
Likely to Reave* •tator Vaa«
ladial Hug in
Oc«ataa 3rd BagiM
• Magnitude Donend on
Hiftat Condition,
t.f., Incidence, low.
rjjfltr mt
Intake ToBvorotnco ••doetion of ftugie |p«*d R«ng* CoatEollad by IlfOdUOtlon Of *fi*M t*BOO*Jk oa At Migk «•• Duo to Drop
Corr*ot*4 BpMd. la lUtural frogjacoeUi wit* 1r**p*r«tac«.
In addition to the primary task of B. The surface finish and the finishing
assessing a particular design, it is also process, e.g., shot peened.
important to be able to relate the results
of a particular investigation with similar C. The actual local profile, e.g., any
data from other engines or rig test local undercutting or thinning.
results. This comparison across a field
of experience then allows a feedback to D. Variations in the manufacture process
take place into the design processes for heat treatment.
new engines. Ideally, this type of infor-
mation should be in a form which will be E. Method of manufacture whether it be
of use at the earliest project stage, and forged, machined, or degree of cold
often before the details of the mechanical setting.
design are finalized. Thus, there are the
two important aspects of the aeromechan- F. Level of steady stress in blading.
ical behaviour to be considered in the
assessment method; the excitation and the Each group will contain variations in
response in terms of ability to withstand the values of the factors, and so they
the vibration. will create some form of distribution as
indicated in the Figure 22. It is evident
Aerodynamic and Mechanical that when the two distributions are well
separated, i.e., the upper end of the
There is no doubt that the factors amplitude distribution is well below the
which are relevant in blade vibration low end of the fatigue capability, then
fatigue problems can be divided into two failure will not occur. It will be
major groups. This is illustrated in equally obvious that failure is certain to
Figure 22 which is taken from Armstrong occur when the fatigue capability is below
1980. The degree of vibration in the the engine amplitude distribution. The
operating environment is controlled by a most difficult problems are when the two
number of factors of which perhaps the distributions just overlap as indicated in
following are the most important, for a Figure 22.
particular condition of resonance.
The desire to separate the problems
A. Basic blade aerodynamics and nominal associated with blade fatigue capability
flow conditions. from the level of vibration in the engine,
has resulted in a method of assessment be-
B. Individual blade geometry, stagger ing developed which is an alternative to
angle, aerofoil shape, and thickness. the more direct technique of stress
C. The mode shape of the blade which is in
Stress Method and Amplitude Ratio
D. Aerodynamic factors controlling the Techniques
balance between excitation and damping.
The two methods which have been de-
E. The mechanical damping. veloped have much in common, and both are
effective in satisfying the basic require-
F. The flight condition and the mode of ment of evaluating the seriousness of a
operation of engine and aircraft. particular vibration incident. Unfortu-
nately, the degree of expertise invested
G. The consistency between engines and in each method, and the extensive exper-
aircraft. ience gained and succcess with its opera-
tion, rather precludes the possibiity of a
While these, and others control the serious assessment of the benefits and
level of the vibration, another group disadvantages of the alternative method.
establish the ability of the blade to In the following sections each method will
withstand the vibration, for example: be introduced and a brief comparison will
be attempted.
A. The material of the blade which will
control the fatigue strength. AMPLITUDE RATIO METHOD
Therefore, using equations 1 to 6, we
Vector Diagram
vwsinptcosao-x sine-
- vwsinptsinao+x cose 8
The vibrational energy gained per The above analysis also holds in the
second by the blade is W with frequency case of flutter, but with vw » 0 . Thus,
for energy to be fed into the vibration to
ID overcome the mechanical damping, the term
2n ~jAa2u)2 must be positive. Hence A must
0 = mechanical damping work done per be negative but2 again the term is propor-
second. We have: tional to (af) .
In the next section it will be shown
that the product (af) is also a very use-
W=f /(-Fx ful and general method for specifying the
intensity of a vibration from a mechanical
is not a precise prediction of the re-
sponse of the vibrating blade, but as was Where a = the tip amplitude of vibration
pointed out in Pearson (1953) and Parry
(1954) and in the Blackwell contribution f - the natural frequency of the
the discussion of Carter (1957) and flexural mode
Blackwell (1958) the product of af is a
very convenient method of assessing the k - radius of gyration
relative strength of the aerodynamic exci-
tation from the results of a strain gauge y = distance of the highest stress
test on a compressor or turbine. fiber from the neutral axis
a = stress on the fiber
E • Young's modulus
m = mass per unit volume
and X
A. If the amplitude ratio in any mode is perience, and so only the basic aspects of
found to be greater than 100%, . then the methods, which are published in the
adequate engine restrictions must be technical press may be reviewed here.
imposed until satisfactory engine
modifications have been incorporated.
Service evidence has shown that short Steady Stress Distributions
life failures had taken place with
amplitude ratios greater than 100%. A knowledge of the steady stress dis-
tribution is equally vital to both the
B. When the amplitude ratio lies between Amplitude Ratio Method as it is to the
50% and 100% then failures during Stress Level Method, because the level of
long service use may be expected. In steady stress, through the Goodman or
these cases, long term rectifications equivalent type of diagram, establishes
and improvements should be prepared. the level of vibration which may be
permitted. It is discussed here because
C. For amplitude ratios less than 50%, some aspects are also applicable to the
the vibration may be considered to be study of the alternating stress
acceptable for the full service use. distributions.
Modern finite element analysis
These rules have proved to be satis- methods permit the stress distributions
factory for the last 20 years, Armstrong over the whole of the blade surface to be
1980, but it is emphasized that to obtain predicted. However, to obtain a suffi-
a thorough assessment it is necessary to cient accuracy does demand a fairly small
carry out the strain qauge survey at all grid size, and for the/modelling of the
flight conditions. See also the section blade platform and root fixing zones,
"Flight Testing" further below. solid or brick elements will be required.
As is reported by Koff (1978), it is pos-
sible to confirm these calculated values
Foreign Object Damage (F.O.D.) and either by strain gauge measurements or by
Ex Engine Blades photoelastic tests and analysis. The ob-
vious advantage of the finite element
During engine service use, the blad- analysis is that it is possible to perform
ing suffers foreign object damage (F.O.D.) the calculations for various combinations
or in some cases the surface of the blades of the steady state force systems which
deteriorate due to corrosion and erosion. might be present.
This results in the problem of establish-
ing what should be the limits of accep- In order to appreciate the results of
tance for this form of damage, and in the the detailed finite element analysis, it
case of blades showing corrosion and is beneficial to understand the physical
erosion on engine overhaul, to determine representations of the force systems which
if they are acceptable for engine rebuild. are present, and also the reasons for the
stress/strain distributions which will be
The amplitude ratio method provides a observed in practical blading. The steady
technique for readily answering -these state forces may be considered, for canti-
queries. Fatigue tests are carried out on lever blading, to be caused by four force
the defective blades, in the modes which systems.
exhibit cracking where the damaqe is most
severe. Or alternatively in those modes A. Centrifugal forces acting on the blade
with the highest amplitude ratios. From sections. In the absence of high de-
these results it is possible to establish grees of twist if the centers of mass
a new 100 hours life for this standard of of each section lie on a radial line,
bladinq. With the originally measured then these forces will be a radial
bench or flight amplitude data it is pos- force givinq rise to an average P/A
sible to create a new assessment which can type stress; at sections remote from
be called an Effective Amplitude Ratio. the fixing.
Obviously, the same rules for acceptance
can be used as for the new blades. B. Because of the variation in stagger
angle of the blade from root to tip,
the centrifugal body forces acting on
STRESS LEVEL METHOD the leading and trailinq edge zones
of the blade will not be normal to the
The stress level method of assessing blade sections. Thus, there will he a
the severity of a blade vibration is ba- component of force, in addition to the
sically very straightforward, and follows radial force, which will act in the
directly from the strain gauge investiga- tangential plane and cause a twisting
ton work of the early days of jet engine moment which will alter the blading
development. In essence, the alternating stagger anqle.
stress at the most critical oart of the
blade is measured by the use of strain C. The aerodynamic forces on the blade
gauges, and then this level is compared sections. There will be both forces
with the material properties. The prob- which cause bending of the blade about
lems which arise are a consequence of the its two principal axes, and also an
complex stress distributions of current aerodynamic twisting moment.
high performance blading and the lack of
sufficient knowledge of the material D. If, as is the usual practice for large
properties. However, these problems have and medium size blades, design causes
been overcome, and a number of companies the centers of mass of the blade
emnloy these techniques very successfully sections to lie off a radial line
in their assessment methods. However, its through the root section of the blade,
successful operation does rely upon a good then the centrifugal forces will
background of practical knowledge and ex- also result in bending moments
about the blades' principal axes. It is Blades with High Rate of Stagger Change
customary to design the blade shape so
that the combined gas bending moment, and when a blade has a high rate of
the centrifugal bending moments, provide change of stagger along the blade span,
the optimum stress condition. Note the and when it is subjected to a torque load
gas bending moment will be a function of the twist distortion is accompanied by
the flight condition, and so the optimum tensile stresses in the leading and trail-
arrangement will depend upon the aircraft ing edge zones of the blade. In order to
duty. provide the equilibrium of forces normal
to th£ aerofoil section, a stress of op-
The stress distribution within the posite sign and reduced magnitude is set
blade aerofoil which would be obtained by up over the central zones of the blade.
the application of the elementary Euler
beam theory, under the action of the above
forces, will be modified by a number Blades with Root Camber and High Degree of
effects. These modifying factors are dis- Stagger Change
cussed by Danforth (1975) and Shorr
Shorr (1961) explained that when a
Warping Stress due to End Restraint high rate of change of stagger was present
with highly cambered sections, then the
If a thin rectangular beam is rigidly three force systems, - radial load, tor-
fixed at its end, then under the action of sional twist, and bending moment about the
a torque, the Saint Venant shear stress least moment of inertia - are all coupled
distribution (which would be obtained in a with their corresponding displacement
free beam) is modified. The edges of the strains.
section undergo a bending type of distri-
bution as in Figure 27 from Danforth
(1975). For a thin rectangular section the
bending stress can be 2.9 times the shear
Effect of Partial Chord Root Fixing \
It is unusual in the design of the
root fixing for the root to be the same
chordal width as the aerofoil at the sta-
tion above the platform. Thus, the lead-
ing and trailing edge zones of the blade
will not be fully supported, and the
stress distribution as determined by a
completely rigid fixing will be modified.
Figure 28 from Danforth (1975) shows this
effect of axial width reduction. This
effect would be much more severe in the
case of blades which are carried in a cir-
cumferential slot, where the axial width
of the portion below the platform may be I ..
only 1/3 or less of the aerofoil chord.
B) mmimfm uimmitM-^im.
Figure 28. Illustrative End Effects Stress Figure 29. End Effect Stresses for
Blade Root in Spanwise Pull Illustrative Fan Blade Root
Compared to Nominal Pull/Area Section (A) Spanwise Pull, (B)
Stress. Moment, and (C) Torque Load.
a fan blade, which has at its root, both In Figure 32 are presented the re-
high camber, and a rapid rate of change of sults for the IF, 2f, 3F, and IT modes of
stagger at sections above the platform, the first stage rotor blade of an LP com-
then in the IF mode, which is predominant- pressor. It will be seen that, for the IF
ly bending about the axis of minimum mode, the maximum strain on the concave
second moment of area, the stress distri- form is in the central zone of the aero-
bution will be similar to that of Fig. 29. foil, as would be anticipated from Fig. 29
These coupling effects, primarily due to for the bending moment about the minimum
end effects, will therefore result in axis. This is also true of the root
motion in the torsional and edgewise coor- stations for the higher modes, but the
dinates being present in the mode. These peak strains in these roodes are found in
additional distortions together with the areas nearer the blade tips. Also in Fig.
associated inertia forces result in a 32 are the strain distributions for the IT
change in the natural frequency, from the mode, which shows the peak strain to be
'Euler beam' frequency value which would present in the leading and trail ing edges,
neglect these effects. and not in the areas of maximum aerofoi1
thickness as one would expect from tor-
Experiment a j^Deterra i_n_a t ion of S t r a in sional strains of a beam wi th long thin
Distributions sections. The reason was discussed in the
section "Blades with High Rate of Stagger
As reported in Passey (1976), a Change."
visual impression of the strain distribu-
tions of a blade may be obtained by carry- These alternating strain distribu-
ing out an incremental vibration test, tions will of course be altered to some
with the aerofoil surface coated by a degree under the action of the centrifugal
strain sensitive brittle lacquer. This field. The extent of the change will
then gives a series of strain contours/and depend upon the mode, the stagger angle,
so the strain distribution. the hub to tip ratio of the -stage, and the
blade aspect ratio, but the general
pattern will remain.
1F MODE S2 Hi 2F MODE ?B4 Hi IT MODE 420 Hi SF MODE •!• Mi
IP MODE 82 Hi 2F M O D E 246 Hi >T MODE 430 Hi 3F M O O t B I B Hi
Material Properties
One of the major considerations, in
the stress level method of assessment, is
the knowledge of the material properties,
Figure 33. Turbine Blade Finite - Element Figure 35. Vibratory Strain (Plus Three
Model Standard Deviations) on Tur-
bine Blade Pressure Surface
(Micro-Strain X 10 ).
figure 34. Turbine Blade Steady-State Figure 36. Schematic of Typical Stress
Effective Stress kN/cmz. Range Diagram.
For development work, the severity of a Strain Gauge Position and Operation
measured stress may be expressed as a
"percentage endurance", by comparing the
measured alternating stress with the The number of gauges which are used
alternating endurance stress from curve on a blade may be restricted by the size
•C^' having applied the correct mean of the Marie and the lead out wire
steady stress. arrangements. Normally 3 or 4 atrain
gauge locations are used per stage, and 4
blades in a stage will be instrumented to
Typical values of alternating stress allow for blade to blade variation and
which may be used are seldom reported, gauge failure. However, the problem of
although Passey •''1976} does provide the gauge failure is much reduced by the adop-
following table of safe levels of alter- tion- Koff (1978)- of thin film gauges
nating stress. Figure 37. It is stated that thin film
gauges offer higher quality, lower cost,
improved test survivability, and a 60% im-
SAFE ALTERNATING STRESS RANGE provement in the strain level that can be
measured. The usual ceramic strain gauges
Material (Peak-Peak)Ib/sq in fail at approximately half the amplitude
necessary to produce an aerofoil failure,
Aluminium Alloy 10,000 whereas tests with thin film gauges have
Titanium Alloy 25,000 permitted measurements of strain levels up
Steel 25,000 to the failure amplitude.
Nickel-Iron Alloys 35,000
ia the stress
Where oacp range diagram
endurance stress for the
critical point under the
given operating conditions.
9 «"OH. »•".* MUM MM**. OH* V-.U11
ML* - « « ' W i n . 1 0 •(• M.1OI
is the stress ratio as above
and will be mode and speed
Figure 38. Typical Turbine Blade Strain
Gauge Installation.
5 "•
i n.
lit • -•9
Figure 39. Ranges of Measured and Figure 41. Modified Goodman Diagram
Analytical Strain Data. Including Analytical Data.
01 M M 0* Or M 0» 1C II
present in the intake flow. The bench turbines, the level of vibration may be
test program should also include the con- sufficiently high to cause fatigue
sequences of likely malfunction of the failure. It is normal for these high-
engine control system; examples being; cycle fatigue cracks to propagate very
sudden opening of reheat nozzle, mal oper- quickly and as there is no prior elonga-
ation of variable vanes or blow off valve, tion of the material the final fracture
operation of deicing air. takes place without warning. The fatigue
strength of a component is dependent upon
Strain gauge testing should also be many factors, e.g., material charac-
employed during any testing in engine al- teristics, manufacturing methods which
titude test facilities, as this will pro- determine the material structure and re-
vide an early anticipation of the influ- sidual stress, applied steady stress,
ence of the worst flight conditions. As stress concentration and surface
Fig. 43 would imply, high _ intake densi- condition. The materials which are used
ties, i.e., high aircraft speeds* at low conventionally for gas turbine blading ex-
levels, nay cause a worsening of any flut- hibit a high degree of scatter in their
ter condition. fatigue strength and this characteristic,
combined with the variability of manufac-
ture of components, creates one of the
Flight Testing major problems in the assessment of blade
vibration levels.
A series of flight tests will be
essential to ensure that service failures The blading of a gas turbine is con-
can be avoided. Normally it will be the tinuously subjected to forces which will
early stage blading which will be instru- cause it to vibrate. The most difficult
mented because they will be affected most vibration situation to assess is that
by the special flight conditions. These which may cause a long-term service fail-
conditions will result from the aircraft ure to occur. Under these conditions, ex-
operations which cannot be simulated in perience shows that it will 'be necessary
the altitude test plant. Typically, they to carry out fatigue tests on the compo-
will be: nent to obtain a sufficiently accurate
measure of the blade's fatigue strength.
A. Intake conditions during the take-off A high fatigue strength requires attention
phase for supersonic aircraft. to detail design and also to ensure that a
good distribution is obtained for the
B. Operation of single and dual engines in applied steady stress as well as the al-
installations where the intake of one ternating stress caused by the vibration.
will affect the second. The use of the af - tip amplitude times
frequency - techniques helps to verify
C. Aircraft incidence. that a high fatigue strength has been
D. Aircraft yaw.
It is expected that it will always be
E. High speed 'g' turns and spirals. necessary to confirm by engine testing
that a design is satisfactory from a vi-
F. Approach and -landing conditions; bration point of view. Blades can be sub-
reverse thrust. jected to two major classes of excitation
-self excitation, e.g., flutter, or forced
G. Firing of any armament. resonant vibration. In the case of self
excitation the published data recommend
H. Operation of reheat. that a margin of operation from the onset
of flutter be available throughout the
I. Aircraft intake operation for total operation of the engine. Self exci-
supersonic flight. tation can be distinguished from forced
resonance response by detailed analysis of
The testing should include any the strain gauge signal from the vibrating
special aircraft maneuvers as listed above component. For flutter, the response will
but recordings of deceleration and accel- be at the natural frequency of the compo-
erations should also be made during high nent or assembly and is not dependent upon
and low speed flight at a range of. alti- a forcing function being present. With a
tudes throughout the flight envelope. forced resonant condition the essential
Finally, it is prudent to carry out re- forcing frequencies are likely to be seen
cording throughout normal flights or away from resonance and the response of
sortie patterns. the vibrating component will increase as
the forcing frequency coincides with the
Normally in this work the early stage natural frequency.
blading will be instrumented. However, be-
cause of the knowledge from previous test- As it is generally not possible to
ing, if specific engine orders are operate engines without forced resonances
generated, which may cause problems on being present in the running range, it is
later stages, then on subsequent flights necessary to ensure that the levels of vi-
these too should be included for bration will not give rise to an unaccept-
verification. able incidence of fatigue failure during
the engine working life. This can be
achieved by the measurement of the maximum
CONCLUSIONS alternating stress present on the blade
and then forming a comparison with the
Fatigue is the failure mode of a fatigue properties of the material. tn
metal which has been subjected to a large this process it is necessary to allow for
number of applications of stress. Under the material scatter, the influence of
conditions of high-frequency vibration, steady stresses and temperature, stress
which is typical for the blading of gas concentrations and the degradation of
properties due to erosion, corrosion, and The 2:1 range of amplitudes between
fretting. A good data bank in conjunction those which are acceptable for long life
with experience of application is required and those which may result in a dangerous-
to ensure all factors are accommodated ly short life ensures that it will always
correctly. An alternative method of be necessary to measure the operating am-
assessment measures the level of vibration plitudes in an engine in order to assess
achieved in engine operation for each of them accurately. It is difficult to see
the normal modes of vibration of the com- how predictive methods can become a prac-
ponent and then compares this level with tical alternative due to the largely un-
an acceptable one which is derived from known factors which must be considered to
fatigue tests on the component. achieve the amplitude accuracy. The fac-
Experience has shown that, when measured tors which have to be considered include
amplitudes are double those which are sat- mechanical damping, all sources of excita-
isfactory for service then failures with tion including variations in aircraft in-
short lives are likely to take place. The take distortions over the full flight
advantage of the method lies in the abil- envelope, the influence of blade to blade
ity to allow for the variation of the coupling due to variation in natural
fatigue strength of components and can frequencies. However, the role of the
easily be extended to include surface predictive methods must be to ensure that
deterioration effects, e.g., erosion and designs are not considered which would
corrosion. Because the vibration is mea- generate extremely short life failures.
sured in the amplitudes of the normal The aeroelastic work will also indicate
modes rather than the maximum stress, one the best way in which a design can be
strain gauge, or some other convenient modified, to reduce the level of excita-
method of vibration measurement, can be tion, should an unacceptable level be mea-
used to cover a number of modes and this sured during the engine design verifica-
is an advantage in the testing for design tion testing.
verification. A disadvantage is that the
method is not directly applicable to vi-
bration involving an assembly mode because
of difficulty of carrying out the neces-
sary fatigue tests and calibrations.
APPENDIX I For a beam of uniform cross section,
El is constant and we have
The vibration velocity can be used as
a criterion for the assessment of vibra- b2 . «
tion stress. The proposition, which is mA
outlined in a general way by H.G. Yates
(1948), can be developed analytically for
a cantilever beam of constant cross sec- If we assume that the beam is
tion when it is vibrating in its flexural vibrating at a natural frequency <o and
mode. The analysis follows a standard so, with y=Xsinut where X is the mode
type of text, e.g., Timoshenko (1937). shape and is a function of x
With the usual assumptions that the cross with the values of ci. , c2 , 03 , and c4
sectional dimensions are small compared being determined by the particular end
with the length of the beam, and that it conditions for the beam. In the case of a
is vibrating in one of its principal cantilever beam for the fixed end
planes of flexure, then the following will
define the deflection curve. x-0 , x=0 and = 0 (i.e., deflection
and slope zero);
for the free end
, 3Y
where El is the flexural rigidity x»L, 5^7=0 and ^3=0 (i.e., bending
M is the bending moment at any moment and shearforce are zero).
cross section
Thus at x-0
Differentiating twice:
+C4P(cospx-coshpx) A. 4
~ dx ="°
with x=0 dX c3
dx' dx Therefore
relationship A.7
= (sinpL+sinhpL)
°2 (cospL+coshpL) 4c^ainzpLainh2p
From A.6
by using the frequency relationship A.8.
Thus, the following relationships between
stress and tip amplitude will be valid for
-C4 < cospL+coshpL) any of the flexural natural frequencies.
0=sin pL-8inh2pL-T-cos2pL+cosh2pL
From A.8 and A.7 cos2pLcosh2pL=l
Remembering sin29+cos2e=l
H-sinh2pL A.11
2 2
and cosh e-sinh e>l A.7
we have cospLcoshpL=-l - - - - - - - A.8
This is the frequency relationship
which determines the natural frequencies From A.10 and A.7
of a cantilever beam in flexure, the first
six roots of which are:
?_4cjsin2pLsinh2pL 4cpain2pL^ coa*pL
P4L p5L * -sinzpL-sinhzpL~-ainzpL-f l-co82pL.
4.730 7.853 10.996 14.137 17.279
_ _ ,13
The frequencies can be obtained using the z z z
definition of p from equ. A.2 -sin pLcos pL+sin pL
yEp2a = yEaw
For half total tip amplitude a at x»L
from A. 3 as cj-»C3"0 Therefore af
2 ( cospL-coshpL) +c4 ( sinpL-sinhpL)
, [-28inpLainhpLl
*• cospL-f-coshpL
In the context of plasticity and vis- In order to describe this kind of be-
coplasticity, such general concepts have haviour, it is worthwhile to use a state
been applied by many workers, giving rise equation written ass
to a coherent tool, especially for the
classical flow rules, Halphen and Nguyen P («> ep, cp) = o (2)
(1975), Sidoroff (1975).
(for the one-dimensional case).
In the next sections we shall derive
and present a model able to describe com- A product of power functions gives good
plex behavioral effects such ast cyclic results over a wide range for the primary
hardening or softening, time recovery, creep as well as for the tensile teat or
aging and strain memory. relaxation teat, Lemaitre (1971).
Description of the Model of Viacoplastic KK
Behavior Cp
C (3)
Figure 2. Time and Strain Hardening Visualized Schematically by Two-Level Creep Tests.
This model has been shown to describe,
very accurately, the additional hardening
induced by overheating periods for a the IN
The internal stress may be a scalar or 100 alloy in the range of 900-1000 C.
a tensor depending on the type of interac-
tion considered. On the macroscopic level, - R is the variation in Orowan's stress
four types of internal stresses can be induced by a plastic strain. It la di-
introduced, corresponding to an additive rectly related to the increase in the dis-
decomposition of the applied stress. In location density, but may also depend on
3-D form we can write: the dislocation configuration, e.g. creat-
ion of dislocation cells, size, and fine-
ness of the cell, etc.
j(<r-X)-k-R-R-Kp (8)
- R*, sometimes called RSQL or the draO
stress, is included to describe the har-
which, under pure tensile stress, reduces dening as seen by the atoms or particles
to: in solution. This hardening slows down
the movement of the dislocation by a drag
a - X + k + R R* - phenomenon.
where (9)
o - «i + Kp 1/n - The last term, - Kp1/n la the vis-
cous stress itself' (viscous friction)
- X la a second-order tensor, called the which can be approximated initially by a
back stress or rest stress correaponding power function. Of course, equation (8)
to long-distance interactions: intergran- can be rewritten In the ordinary form
ular stress induced by the nonhomogeneous (Di
plastic strains from one grain to the
other, interactions between dislocations - k - R -R
and precipitates, as exact calculations K (10)
have shown on the precipitate scale. Carry
and Strudel (1978). Many models have been developed to
describe the variations in the internal
- k is Orowan's isotropic (or scalar) stresses X, R, R*.
stress. It corresponds to the initial
yield strength of the material and, among
other things, depends on the volume frac- Constitutive equations for
tion of precipitates and the initial den- viscoplasticity
sity of the dislocations. This flow
The law of viscoplasticity (10) de-
rives from a viscoplastic potential of the
form, Chaboche (1977):
* K .Jfo-Xl - k - R - R*
* = n-t-1 {
K (11)
Using expression (10) for the modulus p
of the plastic strain rate, we again find:
Isotropic hardening
In order to obtain a better fit of the Figure 5. The Model of Viscoplasticity
monotonic hardening curve, and of the cyc- Applied to the IN 100 Alloy:
lic softening or hardening ones, it is Stabilized Hysteresis Loop.
necessary to describe an isotropic harden-
ing, that is to introduce an equation for
R evolution. A simple form of such an
equation, similar to the kinematic case, R(P) - R8(l-exp(-bp)) (22)
Coefficients b and R8 depend on the
dR •> b' (Rs-R)-dp temperature. Tensile-compressive stress
(21) is now expressed in the form:
R(o) = o
This internal stress varies as a func- X (ep) * vk -t- vR(p) vK-p (23)
tion of the cumulated plastic strain p .
After a certain number of cycles (less aa For a controlled strain amplitude (alter-
the strain amplitude increases) it stabil- nating, for simplicity), we have at each
izes at the value Rg . This is necessary, cycle:
or else the only possible stabilized cycle
would be elastic. We integrate to get: 0M = XM(Aep) + k + R(p) (24)
o.i O.t
where OM and o^ are the stress peaks
s o
Figure 6. Modelization of the Cyclic
Curves for the IN 200/Alloy in the stabilized cycle and in the first
at 1000°C. cycle.
Dl 20 (32)
too To fit the viscoplasticity law with
nonlinear kinematic hardening and isotro-
pic hardening into this thermodynamic
framework, we simply use the following
expressions for the two potentials:
» (27)
Prntnt dtfinition
of trtck miliilian
„ _ _ _t . »-' 1 Frteturt
j1 mtcfitnict
Gnini Frtcturt
i ont man
microscopic trie*
ffu • 439 Moo
'6/6 &Ot'«H ..
a aat "tu os
O.S l
The second case, more important for Stress-strain behaviour of the damaoa
the applications, appears when creep and material
fatigue act simultaneously during each
cycle: low frequency stress controlled or In the case of high temperature viaco-
strain controlled cyclic testa, cyclic plastic behaviour of some refractory
creep, cyclic tests with hold times under alloys, particular strain rate equations
strain control. In such cases the deve- have been developed, using isotropic and
loped damage equations, Chaboche et al nonlinear kinematic hardening rules,
(1978), are numerically integrated, the Chaboche et al (1978), consistent with a
nonlinear interaction effect being repro- general thermodynaraical framework. For IN
duced through the different damage rates 100 alloy, the one-dimensional isothermal
under creep and under fatigue for a given equations are:
damage state. This is supported by the
physical idea that creep cavities nucleate Jo-xJ-R \n . , ,
early in the life and accelerate the nu- '—jr1 J ' sign(o-x) (46)
cleation and the propagation of fatigue
x = cF(pHaep-x|Ep|-b|xfsign(x) (47)
Figure 15 shows that such a theory
predicts nonlinear creep-fatigue inter-
action with a stress range dependency: F(p) = l+(l-
the lower the stress, the greater the (48)
interaction that is the greater the life
reduction by comparison with pure fatigue. P-
Such predictions are consistent with ex-
perimental results reported in the liter-
ature, Krempl and Walker (1968), and agree where p and X are isotropic and
fairly well with results of cyclic creep kinematic internal variables and n, K,
tests performed with IN 100. For this C, a, b, m, B, » are coefficients.
material the Low-Cycle High Temperature
fatigue, with or without hold timea, is
predictable from damage eguations deter-
mined under pure creep and pure fatigue ,. non imiw cuffluinnt
conditions, as shown in Figure 16. Let us t
c/lc / pridieti«ni
emphasize that the predictions shown in
Figures 15 and 16 have been made with
equations whose constants have been deter-
mined only from pure creep and pure
fatigue tests.
OS lin«i» N
cumulation .>
On.20S.5MPt ^
a. 0.965
AcC/.) soo'c
linear cumulation
\^^ tOOO'C
x o. tent
0 *•
10 20 40 60
- semi-implicit
EVPCYCL Finite Element Code (Euler-Cauchy), Chaboche (1978 )
ee : elastic strain
ep : viscoplastic strain
One feature of the chosen algorithm is to
EJ.^ : thermal strain (= 06) increment only the state variables c,
aj which leads to:
so that Hooke's law leads to:
pt tp)t.4t t. at*
o = De - Dep - Do9.n (50)
where a is the thermal expansion (54
Jt+it .at
8 the temperature,
Life time prediction of turbine blades tions, Manson (1954), Coffin (1954), for
fatigue, and the Kachanov-Rabotnov equa-
The general method previously de- tion for creep, Rabotnov (1969).
scribed, i.e.:
The computed crack initiation numbers
- structure analysis under viscoplastic of cycles were compared (Fig. 22) to the
behaviour experimental ones obtained through tests
on actual blades with thermal and centri-
- damage cumulation for creep-fatigue in- fugal loadings (see Pig. 23 for the de-
teraction has been applied to the case scription of the experimental set-up).
of two turbine blades with different
cooling ducts, but made of the same All this work is fully described by
material, the IN 100 refractory allot. Policella and Culie (1981). It can be
shown, from Figure 22, that the predic-
In this case, the structure analysis tions fall reasonably in the experimental
was performed using Bernoulli's kinemati- scatter zone, the number of cycles to
cal hypothesis for beams, Chaboche and initiation being determined by extrapolat-
Culie (1980); the damage behaviour was ing the curves of crack length versus num-
described using the Hanson-Coffin equa- ber of cycles toward zero length.
Control Dyrumormtar
Air outlet
; . -
... , •
. ; : i . •i
, • .
: ' ' . .
., . • ,
FiqL»e d Rubber wheel deformation . . . . .
In the Introduction and Overview of Volume 1, Within Units, the Increase in torsional
the vide diversity of flutter and vibration frequency vas a viable fix to this problem. It vas
instabilities of turbomachinery blade rovs faced by generally accomplished by Increasing the thickness
the designer have been described. Common to all of of the blade, vhlch had the effect of Increasing
these Instabilities are tvo necessary requirements engine weight. Early designs vere based on steam
for them to occur: 1) an available energy supply turbine technology, in vhlch thick blades vere the
(I.e., the moving air stream) and 2) a zero or norm, and the percentage Increase In bulk vas not
negatively damped system. In the noat elementary prohibitive to the overall system operation.
sense, the vord "system" refers to the combination Hovever, as higher performance vas required of the
of the blading and the alrstream. Taken alone, the engine, thin blades of higher aspect ratio vere
blades have positive damping. The Inclusion of the found to provide this extra performance margin, and
alrstream will either increase or decrease the unfortunately, both of these blade characteristics
damping of the system, and In the case of a vere found to place the operating point securely
negatively damped system, vill lead to within the flutter region of Pig. 1. Further
self-excitation or flutter. discussions of these early problems can be found In
Shannon (1945), Armstrong and Stevenson (1960), and
It should be noted that the emphasis on Slsto and Nl (1970).
self-excited phenomena in this chapter does not
imply that this Is the only important vibratory The introduction of part-span shrouds (called
problem faced by the engine designer. Indeed, snubbers or clappers in Great Britain) provided an
there are several chapters In this Manual (Chapters additional constraint that dramatically raised both
9, 16, 17, 19, 20, 22) that are concerned with the torsional and bending frequencies of the blades
forced vibration, resonant response, and fatigue of vlthout materially affecting the overall velght,
engine structures. Nevertheless, most or all of and in some instances permitted the use of thinner
these phenomena involve the close coupling and (and hence lighter) hardvare. The need for this
Interaction of aerodynamics and structures, and for configuration vas driven by the introduction of the
this reason, the present topic vas chosen to fan engine, vhich required one or more stages of
introduce the reader to the subject of coupled extra long blades at the compressor inlet to
aeroelaticity in axial flov turbomachines, in provide an annulus of air to bypass the central
preparation for the chapters that follow. core of the engine. This solved the stall flutter
problem, but introduced a more Insidious problem,
It is historically appropriate to initiate initially termed "non-integral order flutter",
this chapter with a brief reviev of the evolution vhich vas Impossible to predict vith the available
in engine design that led to the occurrence of empirical tools. The term "non-Integral order" vas
coupled flutter, and to Its subsequent analysis and chosen because the flutter, vhlch Involved the
prediction by the energy method. Prior to the coupling of bending and torsion modes, did not
early 1960s the observed flutter of turbonachinery occur exclusively at the intersections of the
blading vas usually a slngle-degree-of-freedom engine order lines and the natural frequency curves
instability associated with high blade loading, and of the Campbell diagram (cf. Pig. 3 of the
vas invariably called "stall flutter" (cf. Chapter Introduction to Vol. 1). The problem vas further
7). Although several multiblade unsteady exacerbated by the relative supersonic speeds at
aerodynamic theories existed (Lane and Vang 1954, vhlch the blade tips operated.
Sis to 1932, and Vhitehead 1960), they vere all
based on linear potential flov of an incompressible
fluid past Infinitely thin flat plate airfoils. FLUTTER
Clearly, none vere applicable by virtue of the BOUNDARY
nonlinear nature of the governing aerodynamics.
Hence, empiricism vas the only tool available to
the designer.
The empiricism took the form of a plot of
reduced velocity (U/btu) vs. Incidence angle
(Fig. 1) in vhlch the lover left portion of the
plot vas flutter free and represented "goodness",
while the upper right portion, above the curved
boundary, vas a region of progressively increasing
torsional stress, leading ultimately to blade
failure (cf. Pig. 2 of the Introduction of Vol. 1, UNSTABLE
and Pig. 2 of Chapter 7). If a blade design
yielded an operating condition at "1", within the
flutter regime, the designer could apply a series
of corrections that vould lead to a reduction In STABLE
angle of attack (which vould yield a lover pressure
rise and vas therefore unfavorable), or a reduction
in velocity (having the sane unfavorable effect on
performance), or an increase in torsional
frequency, u., vhich vould also decrease ' the INCIDENCE ANGLE, o
value of the ordlnate of the operating point to "2"
In Pig. 1.
Figure 1 Schematic stall flutter map.
0 coot radius or
P pitching term
R real part
t torsional
tan tangential
T tip value
due to pitch
(~) amplitude or average over Figure 3 Typical diametric nod* configurations.
one cycle
(•),(•*)first and second derivatives
with respect to time
A graphic depiction of thes* coupled diak
node* can b* found in th* "rubber wheel"
SYSTEM MODE SHAPES experiment performed by Stargardter (1966) in
vhleh a flexible nultiblad* rotor, vlth integral
The vibratory mod* shapes vhich can exist on pact-span ring, vaa spun over a range* of
a rotor consisting of a flexible blade-disk-ihroud rotational speeds and subjected to integral order
system are veil knovn to structural dynamiclsts in excitations with air jeta. The deformation mod*
the turbomachinery field and are discussed in shapes vere exaggerated relative to k "real*
detail in chapter 15 of this volume. Although rotor, but left no doubt about the phyiics of the
both concentric and diametric modes can occur, the problem and the key role played by the part span
latter are the only system modes which are of shroud in coupling the bending and torsion mode*.
interest in the present chapter. These diaaetric Figure 4, taken from the vork that led to th*
modes are characterised by node lines lying along paper, shovs the flexible wheel in plan view, and
the diameters of the wheel and having a constant tvo other edgevlae vleva of tvo- and three-
angular spacing. Thus, for example, a two-nodal nodal diameter vibrations. Of necessity, tbaae
diameter nod* vould have tvo nod* lines are integral order modes because of the use of aa
intersecting normally at the center of the disk, excitation source that was fixed in apace.
and a three-nodal diameter mod* vould have thrt* However, they differ from the nonintegral order
nod* lines Intersecting at the disk center vlth an flutter mode* only in that they are stationary in
angular spacing of 60 deg betveen adjacent node apace while the nonintegral modes are traveling
lines (see Fig. 3). Theae diametric modes ar* the wave*.
Two-Dimeniional Section Coefficients
.3,2 h'
iL- * A-a (1)
In the early 1960s, a number of instances of
nonintegral order vibrations at high sirtss
occurred in both engine and test rig compressor
rotors. The stress levels reached in a number of LBh — * B. (2)
cases were sufficiently high to severely liuit the
safe operating range of the compressor. Attempts
to relate these vibrations to the stall flutter where B^, and Baa represent the
phenomenon or to rotating stall failed, largely standard' unsteady aerodynamic coefficients -- lift
because the vibratons often occurred on or near due to bending, lift due to tvist, moment due to
the engine operating line. Subsequent analysis of bending, and Moment due to tvist, respectively.
these these cases revealed that the observed For exampie. if Theodorsen's theory (1935) for an
frequencies of these instabilities correlated well isolated airfoil at ztro incidence oscillating in
with the predicted frequencies of the coupled an incompressible, two-dimensional flow is used,
blade-disfc-shroud motion described previously. these quantities may be rewritten in the for* of
Sailg and Wasserman (1942) as
The initial object of the 1967 analysis vas
to explore the underlying mechanism of this
Instability and to shov that under certain
conditions of airflow and rotor geometry this
coupled oscillation was capable of extracting
*n«rgy from the alrstream in sufficient quantities
to produce an unstable vibratory motion. A
further objective was to make the analysis
sufficiently general to permit its use vlth
advanced aerodynamic and/or s t ructural dynamic
theories, and ultimately, to provide the designer - M -
vlth a tool for flutter free operation.
vhere. in turn, H, and a
an M „. The line integrals over one cycle of action are
tabulated in both Scan Ian and Smilg. (Mote that equivalent to an integration ovar the range
in these sources the positive liftP and vertical 0 <w < 2r; after the indicated integrations
translation are both directed downward which in equation <6) are perforned and the equation is
accounts for the negative right-hand side of simplified, the total work done on the system is
equation (l).) Appropriate coefficients for other given by
aerodynamic conditions nay be inserted for A.,
Aa, flh, and &„, and it shown in Mikolajcxak {Anlh2 * ,)si.n 9
(1975) and Halliwell (1975) that this leads to an
accurate prediction of the instability boundary. * «hl)coa (7)
At present, though, the development will be based
on the coefficients A h , A a , BH, Ba, and
consequently will be quite general. In this equation, lh« quantities A,_ and fl^
represent the damping in bending and the damping
It Is well known from unsteady aerodynamic in pitch, respectively. For an isolated airfoil
theory that the forces and moments acting on an oscillating at zero incidence in- an incompressible
oscillating airfoil are not in phase vith the flow, both of these damping terns will be negative
motions producing these forces and moments. A and hence will contribute to the stability of the
convenient representation of this phenomenon Is system.
obtained on writing the unsteady coefficients in
complex form as AR . AhR * iAhJ1 etc. and The sign of the cross-coupling term in
the time dependent displacements as equation (7) (the tern enclosed by the square
brackets and multiplied by the product oh )
is strongly dependent on the phase angle between
tie1 cos we * ih ain the notions, 9 , In the usual classical flutter
analysis, the phase angle remains an unknown until
il ^X the end of the calculation, at which time It may
be evaluated as an output quantity. For the
* a cos (u« + 6) + ia sin. t wt «• S) configuration presently under consideration,
however, the physical constraint of the structure
on the node shape fixes 0 to be a specific Input
where, in general, it has been assumed that the quantity, as will be shown in the next section.
torsional notion leads the bending motion by a This quant i ry w i thin the square brackets Is
phase angle, fl. in this equation, h . h'/b Is dominant in specifying regions of unstable
the dinensionless bending displacenemt, and h and operation.
a are the dimcnsionless amplitudes of the notion
in bending and torsion, respectively. Relations Between Blade Motions
and Disk Deformation
Two-Dimensional Vork Per Cycle
It is assumed that a given rotor system
The differential work done by the aerodynamic consists of a set of flexible blades uniformly
forces and moments in the course of this motion Is distributed on the periphery of a flexible,
obtained by computing the product of the In-phase rotating disk. To determine the phase relations
components of force and differential vertical between the components of blade vibration,
displacenent and of moment and differential twist. consideration is given to the portion of the blade
Accordingly, the vork done p«r cycle of notion in which Is in thai Immediate neighborhood of the disk
each node is obtained by integrating the rln. The nomenclature for a compressor blade rov
fferential work in each mode over one cycle. is illustrated in Fig. 6, in vhich the blades havm
The total vork done per cycle of coupled motion is been schematically represented as a serlts of __
given by the sum plates oriented at a chordal stagger angle o UH
relative to the line connecting the leading edges
of all blades.
where the minus sign is required because L and h
are defined to be positive in opposite directions.
It Is Important to note that In equation <5),
positive work Implies Instability since them
equations represent work done by the air forces on
tht system.
TOT " -'"»>4u2{h"dJ[Ahilh coa <* - A hI S sin we Figure 6 Ca*cad* geometry,
* aR* cosd* + fl) - A OI 5ain(«t + 8) ]sin u>td(ut> The disk deformation, which Is primarily In
the axial direction, is denoted by £ (s') at the
* "* * disk rim, where s' is the peripheral distance
along the rim, measured from a diametric node
- B al o «U (ut + 6) B)d(ue <6) point. 11 can be assumed that for small
amplitudes of vibration thm rim mode will be
sinusoidal and given by the formula
ein (2»»'/S) 2»a (8) The amplitudes of the periodic functions must be
equal, and therefore
where a is the dinensionless peripheral distance
measured in units of the wavelength, S, and where h - (13)
6 ax is the amplitude of the peripheral wave
at the disk rim.
The blade embedded in the rim of the 2 if
compressor disk may nov be represented by the (14)
intersection of a line segment (i.e., the blade)
and a portion of the disk deformation curve, vlth
the angle of Intersection betveen the line segment Hence equations (11) and (12) become
and the tangent to the curve equal toOCH. This
is shown in Fig. 7, In vhich both a deflected and coi ut • -ain 2ns
an undeflected rim are depicted.
coa (ut » 9) • coa 2"3
In order to satisfy this set simultaneously, one
possible solution for the phase angle is 8• - w/2
(i.e., the bending motion leads the torsional
notion by 90 deg). This result can also be
obtained intuitively (at least for the magnitude
of the phase angle) from the fact that at the
nodal points in the disk rim the blade will
experience maximum twist with no normal
displacement, whereas at the antinodes in the disk
rim the blade will have no twist, but will
experience maximum normal displacement, as shovn
fxsie TOACF
in Fig. 8.
-,M, cos 2Rs
£ O
8 O gS 5
o O
4 5 e T S O
500 -O05
Figure 12 Variation of blade tip deflection ratio with /"
frequency. II 4 S • T •
aoo 350 400 45O 500
Stability Analysis Using Isolated Airfoil Theory FREQUENCY, f - cps
Figure 13 Variation of logarithmic decrement with
The stability of the system vaa originally frequency uatng Isolated airfoil theory.
determined using equations (18) and (19) and
employing unsteady isolated airfoil theory as
described in Appendix 2. The logarithmic LOCUS OF POINTS FOR WHOM 8 - 0 (THEORY)
decrement, 5 , vas calculated for each nodal CONFIGURATIONS WHICH FLUTTERED
diameter (2 through 8) at the resonant CONFIGURATIONS WHICH DID NOT FLUTTER
frequencies appropriate for each case. Results DENOTES REDESIGN OF UNSTABLE
of these stabilitity calculations are found in CONFIGURATION TO OBTAIN STABUTY
Pig. 13. The natural frequency in each case Is
denoted by the circled point. System stability
is Indicated by positive values of 5 and
instability is indicated by negative values of
5. It is seen from this figure that the system
is stable for the 2, 6, 7, and B-nodal-diameter
modes and Is unstable for the 3, 4, and
5-nodal-diameter modes, vith minimum stability
(i.e., maximum instability) occurring at four
nodal diameters. A comparison of Pig. 13 vlth
Pig. 12 reveals a rather strong correlation
betveen maximum system Instability and maximum
torsion-bending coupling, represented in Fig. 12
Ity the maximum values of (a/h_)_ at four
nodal diameters. Similar results vere obtained
for a number cf rotor configurations vhich vere
analyzed using these procedures. Thus it vas
tentatively concluded that the greater the degree
of coupling betveen torsion and bending in a
shrouded rotor, the greater the likelihood of a
flutter instability.
0 02 0.4 0.6 08 1.0
Comparison Betveen Theory and Experiment
The theoretical procedure for an Isolated
airfoil at zero incidence described in a Figure 14 Stability boundary — comparison between
previous section vas modified slightly (by the theory and experiment.
engine development groups) for use in evaluating
various rotor configurations. An iterative
procedure vas developed vhich produced the rotor
parameter values for the neutrally stable condi- of Fig. IA may also be confirmed by
tion, 6 - 0, in vhich the incompressible interpolating Pigs. 12 and 13 to 6 - 0, through
Isolated airfoil theory of Theodorsen (1935) vas fictitious curves passed through the circled
used at lov speeds, and the supersonic isolated eigensolutlons. This vas done for several
airfoil theory of Garrick and Rublnov (1946) vas configurations in the report (Carta 1966) that
used at high speeds. A number of rotors vere formed the basis for the 1967 paper.
considered in this study, and In each case,
values of blade tip deflection ratio, In Pig. 14 the region beneath and to the
(a /h*T)T, and reduced velocity at the blade left of the curve represents stable operation,
tip, (U/bwt)T, vere obtained for the and the region above and to the right of the
condition of zero logarithmic decrement, 5- 0. curve represents unstable operation. Super-
The locus of points so obtained yielded a narrov imposed on this curve are the results of a
band of scattered points through vhlch a faired number of engine and rotor tests. The solid
curve vas dravn. This formed a single zero circular symbols represent configurations vhich
damping stability boundary valid for all fluttered and the open triangular symbols
configurations, as shovn in Fig. 14. It is represent stable configurations. It is seen
interesting to note that the theoretical curve that the engine experience And the theoretical
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.6 1.0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
3 4
Figure 16 Fen unsteady work component* et
100 per cent speed four-diameter
eecond family mode (from Halllwell Figure 17 Fen unsteady work components et 100 per
1975). cent epeed variation with eecond family
mode number (from Hafllwell 1976).
distributions of vork shorn in Fig. 15. Note
that Halliveil's results are dimensional, and typical compressor designs. The vork by
are Inverted relative to Fig. 15. He further Hlkolajczak and his co-authors employed several
computed the integrated vork per cycle for each aerodynamic theories, depending on the local
component of the stability equation, and the aerodynamic conditions. For the supersonic
results are shown in Fig. 17 as a function of relative flov (vlth subsonic axial Mach number)
nodal diameter number, again for the second use vas made of Verdon (1973), and for subsonic
family mode. Here again the coupling term is flovs Smith's theory (1971) vas used. In
destabilizing, and opposite to the bending term. addition, cambered thin airfoils vere treated
An overall system instability for the 4, 5, and using an extension of Vhltehead's early vork
6 nodal diameter forvard traveling vaves vas (1960) or the analysis of Slsto and Ni (1974).
predicted, and vas confirmed as 4 nodal
diameters for the test compressor. Three radial modes vere examined In this
vork, vhich concentrated on tvo compressor
The vork by Hlkolajczak et al (1975) rotors. Rotor A vas designed specifically to be
concentrated on the overall aerodynamic damping susceptible to an (installed supersonic flutter
of several compressor designs. This vas in its second radial mode. It experienced
preceded by the cascade study of Snyder and flutter at 13,290 rpm in its second mode vith a
Connerford (1974) vhlch also examined the 4 nodal diameter vibrational pattern. The
K 0
•2.0 -2.0
•4.0 0.2 0.3 0.4 O.S 0.6
0.2 0.3 0.4 O.S 0.6
Figure 18 Damping predictions for PaWA research rotor Figure 1ft Second mode damping n e function of rotor speed.
et flutter speed.
predicted aerodynamic damping for the three
•odes, plotted as a function of reduced
frequency, is found In Fig. 18. This clearly
shovs the second node to be the least stable
mode, although the S and 6 nodal diameter
patterns appear to be theoretically more
unstable than the 4 nodal diameter pattern. The
sensitivity of predicted stability to rpm for
Rotor A is shown in the prediction of Fig. 19
for the second radial mode. Rotor B (a
NASA 1800 fps design) vas specifically designed
to be flutter free over its performance range.
It vas tested successfully vlth no flutter up to
12,464 rpm. The predicted aerodynamic damping
for the first three radial modes vas positive
for all nodal diameters, as shown in Fig. 20.
In a summary of these and several other rotor
designs, the Hlkolajczak paper shovs that the
use of the analytical prediction techniques
described here vere consistently conservative
(at least up to the date of publication) and
generally capable of predicting the correct
flutter mode, vhen it occurred. This is shown
in Pig. 21, vhere the predicted minimum
aerodynamic damping for each of several rotors 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.» 1.1
Is plotted horizontally for the first three REDUCED FREQUENCY.*
radial modes. The tabulation at the right of
this figure briefly describes each rotor and
indicates the observed flutter mode vhen it
occurred. It should be noted that the estimated Figure 20 Damping prediction for NASA 1SM fpa
mechanical damping of a typical rotor system rotor et 100H speed.
(the sum of material and frictlonal damping) vas
approximately 0.03. Thus, it can be seen from
Pig. 21 that whenever flutter vas observed, the
analysis predicted a level of negative
aerodynamic damping vhich vas comparable to this
expected level of mechanical damping of the
It vas shown in the original 1967 paper
Logarithmic Decrement for Simple Linear System
that the energy method, using unsteady isolated
airfoil theory, and applied to actual multiblade
The simple aprlng-masx-dashpot system is
rotors, yielded results that vere remarkably governed by the linear differential equation
accurate. This fortuitous agreement vas
sufficiently encouraging to foster a continuing
development of the technique and its constituent (30)
aerodynamic and structural dynamic components.
As shown in these tvo volumes and In the several
citations to advanced analyses, current practice vhere (see Scanlan and Rosenbaum 1951)
has gone veil beyond the relatively simplistic
viev of this early paper. The aerodynamic input u> " /K/B * undanped natural frequency
nov encompasses multiblade systems subjected to
compressible flows, and structures are modeled
to include nonlinearities and mis tuning. Y • c/ccr - damping retio (31)
Nevertheless, the paper has served its purpose
well. In its original fora it set the stage for c • 2nu - critical damping
the continual Improvement of engine flutter
prediction methods, and in this Manual it The damping force alvays opposes the velocity
provides the reader vith a vehicle for and is given by
coordinating the separate disciplines vhlch,
together, represent the modern approach to
flutter prediction of turbomachlnery blade rovs. P - -ex • ~ Y c x - -
L 1 i[
'-"; 2C(k)] - -y C(k)
and hence the average kinetic energy over one
cycle of the motion Is
h "2
i (37)
(33 3^ i_
2T > M
°"7 " k
In these equations the reduced frequency, k, is
where T - 2tr&v, is the period of the damped based on the freestream velocity component, U,
motion. It can be shown (cf. Scanlan) that the parallel to the flat plate airfoil.
damped frequency is given byw. -uiv \-"T. After C(k) and equation (37) are
substituted into equations (3), multiplied
through by k and separated into real and
If the ratio of the work per cycle to imaginary parts, the required coefficients in
average kinetic energy for the same cycle is equation (IB) are given by
taken, then from equations (32) and (33),
• -2kP
k A0& - - -2F * 2kfl (38)
- lo g (A n /A n+1 ) - — - (35)
Gas Turbine Laboratory
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Typical section
Blade assumed modes Blade Structural
Blade calc. modes Dynamic Hodel
Blade raeas. nodes
+ disk elastic coupling
+ shroud coupling
+ mistuning
+ rotational/centrifugal effects
(stiffening, untwist, etc.)
Rotating blade-disk
modes from calculation Rotating Blade -
or measurement Disk Dynamics
+ thermal-elastic effects
+ shaft elastic support effects
(gyroscopic & centrifugal)
Homogeneous Aeroelastic
Blade - Disk - Shaft Hodel Flutter
Return to start
Complete Rotor Aeroelaatlc-
Nechanlcal Model
' Structural
for design or Forced
optimization Response
At the next step, however, the addi- section of the ith blade is given as
tion of the unsteady aerodynamic distur-
bances and unsteady aerodynamic "gust11
response function, even fewer analytic
tools are available, and the assumption
of sinusoidal motion becomes limiting.
Techniques will be presented below to
transform the aerodynamic influences de- where mi is the generalized mass, t>t its
rived in the frequency domain, back to the natural frequency, q^ its displacement,
time domain.
f? the motion dependent aerodynamic
Of course, the complete model would forces, and f, the aerodynamic disturbance
include the capability to couple the forces acting on the ith blade. When
structural dynamic, aeroelastic and modelling a typical section, the general-
mechanical disturbance models to produce a ized mass and force traditionally have
complete, time accurate model of the units of mass per span and force per span.
turbomachine aeromechanical response. The assembly of N structurally
However, due to lack of the proper uncoupled blades would then be governed
analytic tools, this, is probably not pos- by
sible at the current time. Ultimately,
iteration takes place over this entire
procedure, either in the form of heuristic
design or formal optimization.
(20) _ O
where 41 is the matrix whose columns are
the traditional structural modes, and qn
are the coordinates of those modes. The dependence of the aerodynamic force on
Comparison of equation (24) and equation motion is
(29) show that for perfect sine and cosine
twin orthogonal modes that P matrix is
just a special case of the normal modal
vector matrix $ under the assumption of
sinusoidal motion.
M (29)
If each section is allowed a translational
and pitching degree of freedom, then the
and substitution into equation (18) and generalized coordinate sub-matrix map to
premultiplication by <(>T gives the aero-
elastic formulation in terms of arbitrary
blade-disk modal coordinates
S/b I/b' N-I
Finally, the aerodynamic forces and with m=l.2.•••.!! for every 1=0.1.*".N-1
moments now depend on translation and
pitch, so that
h /b (P) (50)
p = 1,2,--,H (44)
\f\ I=W-1
IvU \fl 1=N
<V> uo
where the transformation =[T]
[T] Is defined by :
If the aerodynamic forces were derived To this point all the necessary trans-
from a three-dimensional aerodynamic model formations and formulations have been
which assumed a travelling wave pattern of rigorously developed to express the spa-
an assumed blade mode shape, then the tial (i.e., spanwise and circumferential)
aerodynamic forces are dependencies of the aeroelastic
formulation. However, the entire formula-
tion to the point, except for the basic
equations (3), (4), and (9) have assumed
temporally sinusoidal motion. This is due
to the assumptions inherent in the deriva-
tion of the aerodynamic operators. In the
next section, solution techniques for the
sinusoidal formulation will be presented,
and in the following section, an approxi-
mate transformation to an explicit time
where the £3.0 matrix is the representa- accurate formulation will be discussed.
tion of travelling wave three-dimensional
unsteady aerodynamic forces due to travel-
ling wave motion (Chapters 4 and 5). SOLUTIONS FOR SINUSOIDAL TEMPORAL
It may be desirable to express the Under the assumption that the aerody-
aeroelastic equations of motion of a com- namic operators are only available for
plete rotor in terms of both spanwise sinusoidal motion, the steps remaining
blade modes and coupled blade-disk circum- after formulation of the aeroelastic pro-
ferential modes. In this case the formu- blems are its proper nondimensionalization
lation for blade modes of his section can and solution for stability and forced
be coupled with the formulation for stand- response. For reference, the dynamic
ing blade-disk modes given above to yield equation of equilibrium, assuming sinu-
the governing equations of motion. soidal motion is
- BpU2
Generalized forces on the ith blade due to
the nth travelling displacement wave
pattern and the wake forced vibration
terms are
This will be referred to as the c t formu-
lation for the aerodynamic forces.
(57) If the homogeneous aerodynamic force due
to translation and moment due to pitch are
examined in the Ct form, they are
gust velocity
individual blade coordinates as
n » {••(*) r (66)
Figure 4: V-g Representation of System Stability
as shown in Figure Sa for a single value
of reduced frequency k. If a range of k is Figure 5a: Complex s-Plane Interpretation of
plotted, the root locus of the individual Aeroelastic Eigenvalues for a Single k
eigenvalues plot out as curves originating
at (0 + lj ) in the case of no structural
damping. Instability is then defined to
occur as the first root crosses into the
right half planes (Fig. 5b).
There remains in all this analysis the
contradiction that the system behavior is
non-oscillatory, while the aero forces
were derived for oscillatory behavior.
Where accuracy is most needed, at the
point of neutral stability, the behavior
is truly oscillatory, so the aerodynamic
forces are exact. Common sense would
dictate that for lightly damped and mar-
ginally unstable systems, the stability
margin would approximate the true damping
ratio of the system. This, in fact, has
been shown to be the case, but a proof re-
quires the expression of the aerodynamic
forces in time explicit form, Dugundji and 0 Re(s)
Bundas (1984). An approximate scheme for
this time accurate representation will be Figure 5b: Complex s-Plane Interpretation of
shown in the next section. Eigenvalue Root Loci for Increasing k
where each column of L was identical, and
shifted down one row relative to its
neighbor. Thus all the diagonal terras are
L0 , the blade's aerodynamic force on
itself, the first diagonal below the prin- In other words, the y^ variable is a
cipal is LI , the effect of the adjacent first order lag of time constant g(, on
blade downstream, etc. (eq. 19). The the rate of change of the displacement q<.
elements of the matrix L are of course The time constants are the same for all
complex and functions of the reduced fre- the nominally identical blades. Such
quency k. The restriction of sinusoidal approximations ,are motivated by their suc-
temporal behavior was therefore still cess in approximately unsteady aerodynamic
present. forces in external flows and cascades.
In principle, a complex inverse In order to evaluate the unknown con-
Fourier integral in the reduced frequency stants in C2» Cjf Cfj, G0, Gj etc., equa-
parameter k, allowing k to range from zero tions (73) and (74) are expanded to
to infinity, could be taken of the ele- examine the forces acting on the zeroth
ments of L in order to explicitly trans- blade. Equation (73) gives
form them to the time domain. In
practice, the frequency dependence of the
L terms is either expressed as a very com-
plicated expression of k, or, if L is
found through computational techniques,
never written as an analytic function of
k. Thus approximate transform techniques
from the frequency to time domain must be
The most popular approximate transform
technique for unsteady aerodynamic forces
involves the so-called Pade approximation
of exponential lags in the aerodynamic (75)
forces, Edwards et al. (1979). In order
to prepare the aerodynamic coefficients
for this approximation procedure, it is
necessary to convert the coefficients to a . b • for
form in which the frequency does not U l !fql and
appear explicitly in the nondimension-
Assuming pure sinusoidal motion
where [C]
then substitution into equations (75) and
The CL form of the coefficients is (76), and combining the two, the force on
similar, but not identical to the c t form. the zeroth blade can be written
Now a general approximation to the time
dependent form of the aerodynamic forces
is Introduced
(f ^ - UpU2
NM'VKK (78)
where the C's, G's, and g's are real con-
stants to be determined, and CLr is a
complex function of k. in which g is the structural damping £,
and e the stiffness and mass nonuni-
All that remains is for the real un- formity, and L, the complex aerodynamic
knowns to be determined by a fitting pro- influence coefficients of the form
cedure, such as a least squares fit to CLr
versus the reduced frequency k for each
value of the index r. Such experience in
fitting sometimes produces an adequate fit
using the single lag pole shown. This is
true for the case of an incompressible
cascade, Dugundji and Bundas (1984). More (83)
accuracy is attained by introducing a
second set of poles g' and associated con-
stants G*. The classic Jones approximation
to the Theodorsen function is an example
of this kind of two pole fit, Bisplinghoff
and Ashley (1962).
Once the aerodynamic constants have In order to identify the stabilizing
been determined, the governing equation of and destabilizing influences, we simplify
equilibrium, equation (9),and the time do- the problem by allowing the blades to be
main expression for the aerodynamic forces uniform in stiffness and structural
can be combined into a single expression. damping. The governing equations for one
degree of freedom per blade flutter are
DpU2 (84)
CONSTRAINT i The distribution pattern of eigen-
i values about the centroid is influenced by
i the pattern of stiffness and mass mistun-
i ing of the blades, but the location of the
centroid is not Influenced by the pattern
i of mistuning so long as the average value
is zero. Thus, the effect of mistuning
is to reduce the influence of the blade to
blade aerodynamic coupling and move the
Rets) less stable eigenvalues toward the
centroid. Note that no amount of mistun-
ing will cause the centroid to move in a
stabilizing direction and no amount of
Figure 6. s-Plane Interpretation of mistuning can increase the stability mar-
Eigenvalues Showing Centroid gin of the rotor beyond that given by the
and Stability Margin Constraint blade self damping.
where n is in general some positive
integer. In particular, n was chosen to Q1
be 4. Since this cost strongly penalizes —K
large amounts of mistuning in any single 1
blade, no blade mistuning becomes exces-
sively larger than that of any other
ioc "» 0
1 2 3 4 S 6 7 S 9 10 II 1*2 13 M
where c< is the damping ratio of the Figure 9. Unsteady Aerodynamic Moment
eigenvalue, and J, is the desired stability Coefficients Showing the Influ-
margin. This requirement is shown graph- ence of the i-th Blade on the
ically in Figure 6. 14th Blade in a 14-Bladed Rotor
1.03 "
2 1-02 309- OT
3 ^..0-^ 2 1-02
o o
uT i.oi / \ 309-
r> i.oi
^ 1.00
' \ o«
^ 257«o \
* °»
UI \
0 5 '•«» /
w \ 2
0.99 \
«\ \
ui 257-4, \
^^ ^V V*
v % \
\ n\ 154' I \ 206-^
C O98
/ § ase
^ *.^
^ ' ^^
103* a.
£ o.9T Interblade phase ' \ \\
angle | 0.97 / \ \\
z Stable *- -».Uns
< 0.96
O.94 1 1 1 1 1 O.94 1 1 1 1 1
-0.05-004 -OX)3 -O02 -0.0) -OOO 0.01 -0.05 -004 -009 -0.02 -0.01 -0.00 0.01
5 t v
, *Q
I. 00 -
/1 i
5 0.98 / \ 206y^
a. / \ 1 \ 6»»
1 \ 1 1
/ \ 1 1
K 0.97
Z / \
/ '\ IB4-V
< 0.96
tuned interblade phase X, ,'e
angle associated with ~C3*
eigenvalue •Va.oo2
Stable •«— — >.Un -o.ooi
0.94 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 S 6 T 8 9 10 II 12 13 14^ -a oca
-a05 -0.04 -0.03 -0.02 -0.01 -OJOO Ofll -o. oo*
For an RMS scatter of 1 percent in can be shown that for the first increment
mass mistuning, it was found that the of mass mistuning of blades with a single
stability was reduced from 0.002 to degree of freedom, no change in stability
-0.00317 (Figures 15 and 16). The opti- occurs. Thus, on average, a rotor must
mally mistuned rotor is extremely sensi- have several percent mistuning before it
tive to errors in mistuning. begins to exhibit the behavior of a
mistuned rotor.
Hence we have seen that even though
the optimal mistuning is the best possible
mistuning pattern in one sense, that is, Beyond the first few percent in mis-
it requires the lowest level of raistuning tuning, the trend enters an approximately
to achieve a desired level of stability, linear region of sensitivity, that is,
it is clearly not practical to implement a linearly increasing stability with in-
pattern of mistuning which requires very creasing mistuning. Beyond this region,
close tolerances on the natural frequen- one moves into a region of diminishing
cies of the blades. As an alternative, returns. Eventually, the asymptotic limit
consider the case of alternate mistuning. of stability, the centroid of the eigen-
As was shown earlier, this mistune pattern values, is approached and the level of
is not nearly as effective as the optimal mistuning required per increase In sta-
mistuning in terms of required levels of bility rises sharply.
raistuning. However, the pattern is not as
susceptible to errors in implementation as This idealized trend can be used to
the optimal mistuning pattern. The same explain the sensitivity of the optimum
sensititivy analysis was applied to an mistuning patterns. figure 9 shows that
alternately mistuned rotor with a perfect- the optimum cost curve has a very shallow
ly mistuned stability margin of 0.00171. slope in the region of c = 0.002. This
For a 1 percent RMS scatter in mass implies that a small amount of mistuning,
mistuning, the stability margin was re- if introduced correctly, can greatly in-
duced from 0.00171 to 0.00047 as shown in crease the stability of the rotor. But
Figure 16. Therefore, although alternate for the same reason, small errors in mis-
mistuning is not as cost effective as tuning can cause large decreases in
optimal mistuning, it is clearly much more stability. On the other hand, alternate
robust to errors in implementation. mistuning is relatively insensitive to
errors in mistuning but is not nearly
Some insight into this difference in optimal. Thus there is a clear design
sensitivity can be gained by examining the trade-off between the level of mistuning
trends shown in Figure 16. These trends and the robustness of the design.
can be divided into three regions. For
the first few percent of mistuning intro-
duced into the tuned rotor, very little
change in stability occurs. In fact, it
287' I
— Opting Miiurtng
_._ Alrcrnot. Uithmlug
U— I RMiKilon li> Jiowiit, $»-
y ^
^ '<»• Ml%«i.l.«.
lMill<M Tnndi
0.97 MOST SENSITIVE f f- ,' Limit 10
EIGENVALUE f ,.' Mltnwng
1— **
O96 ^^f*
/ &
0.95 litial /X'V 002
uniilivc *^r /
*v**~^r/ ^s^^1' '»
O94 I I J
f 1 • 1 0 \ 1 l
-0.05-0.04 -0.03 -0.02 -0.01 0.00 0.01 -0005 -0.004 -0.002 0 0002 0.004 0006 0008
REAL PART OF EIGENVALUE. RE ( S) Stability Margin.(
Summary Comments
For travelling rove coordinate*:
In this chapter an attempt has been transform equation 1 using equation 3
made to outline a complete and generalized
formulation for the aeroelastic problem
and its solution. This includes informa- ..Zrr-i-l
tion necessary conventions of the aerody- (AS)
namic and structural dynamic operators.
The most important lesaon to be learned ffpb*
from this review is that in the case of
linear analysis, all of these analyses are
equivalent, and the practicing engineer
should use the one which gives the most
insight into a particular problem. For standing mode coordinates (•In/cos):
In addition, a brief review of the transform «qn. 4 for <ii and prowl tlply by [P]-1
most common trends in stability analysis
was conducted: the destabilizing influ-
ences in cascades, the influence of kine-
matic vs. dynamic bending torsion
coupling, the effects of mistuning, and
the yet largely unmodelled effects of V «n
Structural dynamics: m
Unsteady aerodynamics:
«p if,
r r
\ 1\ *\
c .0 • • • o,»-i ] p _ eJTT~
• »•' ~ 2HkC
[E] •
s -!• ,--^,J^-J.^
" £
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 • • •
O j - g j O 0 0 0 • • •
0 0 O j - j J O O ' - ' (B3b)
[E] *[PJ
Force notation used with the t notation
0 0 ® J jj 0 0 • • •
0 i M 0 0 0 0 • • •
The forces and noments are assumed to be
acting at the elastic axis (see figure 3a). and
APPENDIX B: FORCE AKD MOMENT NOTATION the displacements and wake velocities are,
The forces and moments acting at the leading By comparison of the two convention*.
edge are:
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Corr airflow ~ioibs/sec
Time code
. .
Percent (a) Value Minus
Span Minimum Maximum Average Value
0.08 47054- 47040' 48012' 47050 OOQ4'
0.12 46010' 45024' 460Q' 45044 0026'
0.22 42054' 42015' 43012- 42042 0012'
0.32 40° 54 i 39028' 39046- 39037 0030'
43 3/058- 37018' 37040' 37029 0029'
52 36052' 3508' 1 370Q' 36029 0023'
55 3704- 360 SO 3700' 36055 009-
58 37010- 36010' 36028' 36018 0052'
62 35026' 350Q' 3508' 1 3502' 0024'
66 34036- 33030'1 34054 34015 0021'
72 320Q' 31048 31052' 3105' 0°55'
82 28050' 28024' 28044- 30029 0014'
92 25024' 25041 25050' 25029 -0005'
0.99 23010' 22056' 2304' 22058 0012'
Note: U)Percent Span From Hub
Percent(a) Value Minus
__.Spa_n__ Minimum Maximum Average Value
0.08 96050' 95050' 9602' 95054 0056'
0.12 87° 10' 86014' 86042 ' 86028 0°42'
0.22 69056' 690Q- 70016' 69° 37 0°29'
0.32 58°28' 57058' 58034' 58014 0°14'
0.42 49«8 ' 48°42' 49°0' 48°40 0°18'
0.52 44034. 43044. 44040' 4407- 0027'
0.55 43042 ' 43024' 43030' 43028 0014'
0.58 43014' 42022' 42046' 42037 0037'
0.62 410Q' 4004' 40028' 40015 0°48'
0.66 39042' 4904' 39052' 39025 0017'
0.72 350 28' 35026' 35038' 35032 004'
0.82 30028' 30014' 30048' 30029 Q01«
0.92 24024' 24024' 25°0' 2 4°41 -OP 17'
0.99 21058' 21038' 21056' 2P44 0014'
Note: ( )Percent span from hub
:-:_ ..
IL .|, !
._ + rr
.... . i
_ ._ J ... i
4 - -H 1 « f • MAM «D. i
...|... *_
h.^.* .
. .^4. —
r f * -
j\\ n
I) m rti m
., MrtlMMMNaMMt
0 «MA n*ne RU
78.4% SPAN
86.3% SPAN
Figure 8. Schematic of TS22-X204 Laser Configuration
Non-Steady Instruments Recorded
32 Strain gages
24 Hot films - blade mounted
4 Stationary hot film probes
10 Wall Kulltes
3j2 Blade mounted Kulltes
102 Sensors
1 70 channel multiplex
2 9 channels Sangano
3 11 channels Sangamo
4 12 channels strain gage console
5 4 channels strain gage console
106 channels
Each of the five recorders had strain gage 3 1n parallel as a common signal to
permit time correlations between any of the 102 sensors.
Kullte - Model XCQL-8V-80B
Rated Pressure: 17.24 N/onZ (25 lbf/ln.2)
Sensitivity: 3.8 x 10* mV/N/m* (2.62 mV/lbf/ln.*)
Temperature Compensation 278K to 422K (40°F to 300°F)
Acceleration Sensitivity:
Traverse 0.00004* Full Scale Gage
Perpendicular: 0.0002X kHz
Natural Frequency 230 kHz
Non-Linearity and Hysteresis: +0.75X full scale maximum
Kulltc =.Model LQL5-080-25S
Rated Pressure: 17.24 N/oj2 (25 Ibf/ln.*)
Sensitivity 3.8 x lO-* HV/N/riZ (2.62 mV/lbf/1n.2)
Temperature Compensation: 278K to 422K (40°F to 300°F)
Acceleration Sensitivity:
Transverse: 0.00008X Full Scale Gage per g
Perpendicular: 0.00042 Full Scale Gage per g
Natural Frequency: 125 kHz
Quartz Hot Film
Thermo-systems model 1210-60
0.0154 cm (0.006 In.) quartz rod with platinum sensor deposited 0.203 on
(0.080 In.) between posts
Temperature coefficient of resistance » 0.0026 ohm/ohm-*
Frequency Response at 91.44 m/sec (300 ft/sec): 200 kHz
Percent Rotor
Run Speed Point Unsteady Percent Corrected Pressure
Muaber Code Hunter Record Speed Oeslqn flax Ritlo
AH Hlrrort
001 70 01 20-27 70 72.8 1.228 UldB Open OUcrurgt
i l l '
50 S 66 p 1? SHROUD
£ y
4 66.0 50 M I? V
S 66.0 25 | 55 —
9 95.2 5 25 50 70
86.3 5 25 50 70
76.4 5 25 SO 47 '/ v
66.0 S 25
S5.0 S 25 50
47.0 5 25
38.0 S 38 V
20.0 5
sampling rate to equal the rotational Blade mode shape was determined by
frequency, both the rotating and analysis of the laser optics mirror data.
stationary transducer flutter signals Blade deflection amplitudes were
were transformed to a new coordinate determined from the mirror data. For the
system in which a single flutter blades without mirrors, the deflection
frequency existed for both sets of amplitudes and relative phases were
signals. Phasing of the signals in determined through correlation of the
question could then be performed. The strain gage data and the mirror data.
one-per-revolution speed pip was used as
the sampling rate command Typical still photographs of the
mirror data in and out of flutter are
Two different procedures were used shown in Figure 10. The difference in
to produce phase information. One width of the same spot in the two images
procedure was to allow all the flutter is proportional to the torsional
components in the stationary signal to amplitude and the difference in height la
be aliased. The other procedure was to proportional to the axial component of
isolate individual spectral components the bending slope.
of the flutter with a narrow filter
before aliasing. This latter technique The 16mm film record of the
extracted a single nodal diameter signal reflected laser beams was digitized using
plus its harmonics at multiples of the a Spatial Data Systems Scanner. The
rotor speed. In all cases, the sampling measurement accuracy was better than
command was properly conditioned to ±0.00254 cm (0.001 in.). The data were
allow the rotor to be in a selected stored on magnetic tape for computer
orientation before a data sample was processing. A fast Fourier transform was
taken. Corrections to the final phase used to convert the data from the time
angle were included for influences of domain to the frequency domain. This
all signal conditioning and the aliasing procedure allowed the calculation of
process. power spectral densities and cross-
spectral densities to determine amplitude
and phase angles for the different
Strain Gages mirrors.
Each of the 32 blades was Instru- Case Mounted Kulites
mented with one dynamic strain gage
located near the maximum thickness point The case-mounted Kulites were used
above shroud at 64 percent span. The to obtain nodal diameter patterns present
stage flutter response was obtained from in the rotor system during flutter,
the strain-gage signals consisting of contour maps of the pressure distribu-
amplitude, frequency, and phase. The tions over the blade tips during stable
amplitude and frequency characteristics operation, contour maps of the unsteady
of the individual blades were obtained pressures during operation with flutter,
from power spectral density (PSD) plots and contours of the real and imaginary
from 0 to 2 kHz. Phases relative to the components of the unsteady pressure and
gage on the No. 3 blade were obtained by relative phase during flutter.
using the cross spectral analysis tech-
nique described above. The strains were The nodal diameter patterns in the
of the form Sveiut where the complex rotor system during flutter operation
number, S v , representing the strain in were determined through Fourier analysis
the No. 3 blade, defined phase as well as of the signals from the case-mounted
amplitude. The Sv numbers, where l£v<N , Kulite pressure transducers.
may be represented by the finite summa-
tion The contour maps of pressure
distributions over the blade tips were
obtained from wall Kulite and wall static
12irmu (7) tap data. The one-per-revolution speed
°m signal was the reference signal used in
the enhancement. Data from 512 rotor
where is the amplitude of a series revolutions were averaged to produce the
of patterns having numbers of lobes, m , final plots. The enhancements were
where l<m<N , rotating with respect to timed to allow a selected group of
the disk~a<? speed u/m . From the known blades to occupy a desired orientation
amplitude and phase of each strain gage, relative to the wall Kulites. These
Sr , the complex coefficients, m , of the enhancement techniques produced a signal-
series in Equation (7) may be determined to-noise improvement factor of about
by mathematical inversion to give the 22.6
strength of the mtn modal component or
spatial harmonic and its phasing with Plots of pressure versus time were
respect to all other components. digitized to obtain an array of pres-
sures representing the variation from the
The broadband and flutter frequency mean at the specific axial location. A
amplitudes for all strain gages and minimum of ten samples per blade gap was
rotating Kulites were plotted versus time digitized. The time location of each
to help establish the stability of the pressure sample was translated into a
data during the two-minute steady-state rotating frame, with the leading edge of
records. The plots were also used as a the No. 2 blades used as the zero
cross-check with the power spectral reference. The wall mean static pressure
density curves to help identify possible for each axial location was added to the
errors in engineering unit conversions. local variation to obtain the steady
state pressures. The array of local
Mirrors static pressures was input into a contour
plotting package, which linearly inter-
tip was slightly higher than predicted. which is 2 times the ratio of available
However, the deformations in this damping to critical damping, since this
region, where the airfoil was very thin, number represents the percentage rise or
were sensitive to the actual airfoil decay of the signal, a negative of the
thickness, and slight variations within logarithmic decrement represents an
specified tolerance might have been unstable or flutter condition. Complex
sufficient to cause the observed discrep- pressures used in the stability calcula-
ancies. tions are listed in Table IX and plotted
in Figures 21, 22 and 23 for th upper and
Unsteady Deformations lower surfaces of the airfoil. The
chordwise position of the pressures is
Previous to this program, fan flut- the same as for the wall mounted Kulltes
ter had been visualized as a sinusoidal, from which the data was obtained.
circularly traveling wave superimposed on
the rotor, forming a single multinodal Table IX shows that the fifth
pattern, each rotor blade deflecting harmonic was the principal source of
sinusoidally in sequence as the wave instability at 70 percent speed. The
traveled around the rotor, Bendat and seventh harmonic was marginally unstable,
Piersall (1971). the ninth, marginally stable. The
results suggest that the effect of
Such a wave was characterized by asymmetries, or "mistuning," on the
concentric ring nodes and traveling system in flutter is to couple secondary
nodal diameters or diametral lines of modes into the instability. This is an
zero deflection. Figure 18 shows such a important result, clearly demonstrating
system with two ring nodes and three that any future flutter analysis that is
nodal diameters. This pattern is to be correlated against test data for a
referred to as a vibration in the second mistuned bladed disk system must be
mode with three nodal diameters. On a capable of handling several spatial
rotating stage, the radial lines travel harmonics.
either forward or backward, and adjacent
blades experience a relative time delay The present analysis is not capable
or phase difference (interblade phase of explaining the mechanism that deter-
angle) as the wave passes. With such a mines what patterns will occur or what
concept, all blades are assumed to their relative indexing will be. How-
flutter at the same frequency and ampli- ever, the mechanism probably relates to
tude, with uniform phase angles between the mistuning of the stage, which results
adjacent blades. from small dimensional differences among
these airfoils. These airfoils had been
The results of the current program deliberately grouped by frequency when
revealed a different picture: All the rotor was assembled, see Figure 24.
blades fluttered at the same frequency, And it may be significant that the group
but not at the same amplitude and of airfoilds with the highest flutter
interblade phase angles were not equal. amplitudes were those that individually
Typical amplitudes and phase angles had natural vibratory frequencies equal
observed during the program are shown in to the average frequency for the blade
Figures 19 and 20, respectively. These set. It may also be significant that
data were obtained from the strain-gage only forward traveling waves (traveling
measurements. Amplitudes in Figure 19 in the same direction as the rotor) were
are expressed in terms of measured observed.
stress. The patterns shown represent a
family of spatial harmonics described by Pressure Distributions
the superposition of a number of rotating
nodal diameter patterns, each charac- Increasing rotor speed on a given
terized by a different number of nodal operating line resulted in a strengthen-
diameters with different but uniform ing of the expansion waves and normal
amplitudes and different but uniform shock and a rearward shift of the shock.
phase indexing, with each pattern Moving up a speed line to higher loading
rotating at a speed that results in the and incidence shifted the shock forwards
sane flutter frequency. towards the leading edge. Crossing the
flutter boundary produced little change
The detailed definition of the although the normal shock appeared to
amplitude and phase for each nodal have spread, which is probably indicative
diameter pattern was determined from wall of shock oscillation.
Kulite data. A result of this analysis
is presented in Table VIII. As shown in Steady-State Pressure Distributions
the table the fifth nodal diameter pat-
tern had the strongest signal at 67 At 63 percent outside of flutter,
percent speed. The seventh nodal dia- data from the case-mounted Kulites
meter pattern was strongest at 73 percent showed that high loading occurred at the
speed, and the eighth was slightly leading edge and that the flow was
stronger than the others at 75 percent subsonic (Figure 25). Moving up to a
speed. high operating line Into flutter is
shown in Figure 26.
To further study the complex mode
shapes of the rotor and blading, At 67 percent speed on the low
stability calculations were made for the operating line, expansion waves occurred
fifth, seventh, and ninth nodal patterns behind the leading edge, culminating in
at 70 percent design speed. These a shock at about 15 percent chord (Figure
patterns represented two strong signals 27). At the flutter boundary at 67%
and one weaker signal. The results of speed, the shock appeared to be a gradual
these calculations are given in Table IX compression, which may be indicative of
in terms of the logarithmic decrement an oscillating shock (Figure 28).
2 1.24 - 1. WIDE OPEN ^ ^RECORD 25
- 4.
5. a UTTER
ib i i
l.?Q 1 1 1
50 55 60 6S 70 75 SO
tO 70 80
10 40 so JO 1
&0 60 «0 100
JJ <-*(- 7S% CHORD
60 n TO 7»
0 1O 20 40 SO 60 70 80 90 100
L.e. T.t.
0.4 -
0 40 «0 100
Relative Power Spectral Density
Nodal Percent Chord
Diameters -55.4 -15.1 -3.6^ ZZ.Z 34.5 47.5 73.4 99.3 141.4
67 Percent Speed
3 30
4 40 45 24 25 33 34
5 65 58 50 100 140 220
6 65 60 60 SO 75 70
7 65 70 75 70 85 80
8 100 140 80 80 85 60
9 65 100 45 35 28 20
10 30
73 Percent Speed
3 26 24 25
4 40 36 24 57 41
5 9 25 96 54 78 100 140 170
6 10 32 92 59 86 74 150 125
7 24 84 96 68 165 240 180 340 270 280
8 35 77 130 165 150 140 160 150 120
9 110 88 75 44 35 38
10 26 125 80 34 31 24
75 Percent Speed
3 18 1?
4 25 20
5 50 100 55 39 45 60
6 50 80 78 70 70 100
7 120 70 50 45 45
8 140 UO 78 55 75
9 120 85 45 35
Figure 18. Three Nodal Diameter Pattern Second Mode - Previous Theory Predicted
the Presence of only one Nodal Diameter Pattern at Any Time
- S
O f* 3
J 4 B t 10
wm 12 14 1-
It 30 33 34 24 M 3D H
12 IS
O MM'ApVT-U*f<tA
Q IUO. PAMT - UffUt fcJ)t»>ACI
NORMALIZED TO -'600N/MI(-0.r»L8FflNzl
q -01
0 30 40 60 80 100
L.E. T.E.
248 o o
oo o
246 ooo ooo
oo oo
o o
242 oo ooo
1 4 • 12 IS 20 14 28 32
0* 790QOOC*C2
0. 7
oant eiMvc
0. MBBOflt^K
o.isoooot ot
cunvf cwvc
uwo. mi*
} C.880000f>01
4 O.T90OTOE»Oi
s o.72oacoe*o2
e o.8soooce*02
7 o.saooooc«c2
9.76 N/cm<14.14 IM/ln.1)
2 0.930000E»OZ
S 0.86000aE*02
H O.?90000t>02
5 0.7200001*02
6 0.8500BDE.OZ
7 O.S80000E*02
8 o.sioooae«02
9J3 N/cm] 114.25 IM/M,2)
onm cum
i tun VH.UI
to n.mooot^a
ti o.taamtxa
cum* cum
uun. VKLUC
I 0.(10000C«Ot
10.4)N/an2l16.11 let/In.3)
I l.ll
180-r -lo-
' ^X 4-
-25 *
i ROTATION r™«.._«-.
\jifr -25
O 80
1.9 l-
Q 63
O 87
& 70
1* -
6 73
X n
V 85
Q '•»
The two-dimensional bi-variate experience number flight. For flight inlet condi-
limit was generated by enveloping the tions, the normalized incidences of the
available stall flutter experience at a first stage were calculated to be the same
reference span to create a "conservative" as those in the rig at part corrected
stall flutter boundary. speed on the normal operating line.
However, the increased temperatures did
Extensive rig component testing was con- increase the reduced velocities (decrease
ducted early in the development program to the reduced frequencies) such that the
evaluate the aerodynamic design and flutter region on a fan map was projected
structural durability of the FlOO fan. to enlarge (Figure 5). The enlargement
The testing included heavily instrumented was small, and therefore the engine was
fan rigs that were operated at ambient in- predicted to be flutter-free throughout
let conditions in sea level facilities at the flight envelope. Obviously, the
both normal and off-design engine operat- blade failures experienced durinq flight
ing conditions. Instrumentation included testing indicated that the prediction was
standard steady state temperature and in error.
pressure probes at stator leading edges
and strain gages placed at strategic loca- Engine Test Results
tions as dictated by modeling and
laboratory tests. A full-scale engine test program was
initiated to investigate the blade
During off-design testing of an FlOO fan failures. Strain gages were placed on the
rig, a response at a non-integral order first stage fan as dictated by laboratory
frequency was observed in the first staqe tests that reproduced the failure.
rotor at low corrected speed and high Aerodynamic instrumentation was sparse due
pressure ratios, well away from the normal to the difficulty of the twin-spool enqine
operating line (Figure 3). The flutter environment. The engine was placed in an
frequency was very near that calculated altitude test facility capable of simulat-
for a 5 nodal diameter, blade-shroud-disk ing flight inlet conditions in excess of
system mode, but phasing of the strain Mach 3.0 and 70,000 ft.
gage responses proved inconclusive. In
the 5 nodal diameter system mode, the
blade motion is calculated to be comprised
primarily of bendinq motion with a high BOUMMftY
degree of shroud coupling. At these near
surge operating conditions, the first ENOXC CONOmONS
stage experiences very high incidences, ON OP LINE f
and consequently the response was desig- (800 Hi)
nated as stall flutter.
Correlation of the rig stall flutter data
on the empirical experience curve in-
dicated that it was indeed a conservative no CONDITIONS
operating limit (Figure 4). The rig data NEW SUM
formed a "nose curve" similar to the cor-
relations of previous Pratt £ Whitney
Aircraft flutter data considerably beyond
the experience boundary. Because many of
the variables not included in a two- 24 U M
dimensional flutter were reasoned to not NORMALIZED INCIDENCE, £„
appreciably change, the rig boundary was
used to assess the stability of the FlOO
first stage fan at the elevated tempera-
tures and pressures of high Mach Figure 4. Prediction of First-Stage Fan
Blade Stability at Engine
Flight Conditions.
The flutter region was probed by two basic The FlOO engine data determined the first
paths, as illustrated in three formats in stage durability problem wasr in fact the
Figure 6. Initially, inlet conditions result of an aeroelastic instability that
were set at a maximum safe experience was a function of stalled incidence. The
point based on endurance testing (point engine flutter exhibited a marked dif-
A). Inlet temperature was then steadily ference from that observed in the com-
increased to simulate a high Mach number ponent rig tests; i.e., the flutter
excursion into the failure region (point response changed from an 800-Hz, coupled
B). Above a certain Mach number, the bending-torsion system mode to a 1000-Ht,
engine is scheduled such that the fan cor- above-shroud torsion mode (Figure 7).
rected speed decreases with increasing Because phasing of the strain gage data
temperature to avoid aircraft inlet again proved inconclusive, the engine
Instabilities. On a fan map, the fan flutter mode could have been either a
approaches lower corrected flows and pres- high-nodal-diameter, second coupled mode
sure ratios as temperature or flight Mach or a low-nodal-diameter, third coupled
number is increased. During this tempera- mode.
ture excursion, the first stage fan exper-
iences increasingly higher normalized
incidences but only slightly decreasing
reduced velocities. Temperature was in-
creased until stability was encountered.
The second basic path employed suppressed
speed excursions to flutter onset (points
A to C, Figure 6). Speed was decreased at
constant temperature by circumventing the
engine control system. The fan followed
an off-schedule operating line at in-
creasing higher pressure ratios as speed
and corrected flow were reduced. As a
result, flutter was generally encountered
at higher normalized incidences but lower
reduced velocities than on the tempera-
ture transients.
0 2 4 ( I 10 12
ROTOR SPEED, rpm (Thouwmii)
The data confirmed the destabilizing The redesigned first stage blade was
effect of increased temperature, but in demonstrated to be free of flutter
addition demonstrated that increasing throughout the aircraft flight envelope in
pressure is destabilizing, a fact not pre- tests of the FlOO engine in altitude test
viously documented. This pressure depen- facilities and in F-15 and F-16 aircraft.
dence was readily seen when the engine Concern remained, however, for the FlOO
stall flutter boundaries were presented on stall flutter problem had revealed grave
a speed-versus-inlet-temperature plot inadequacies in the state of the art of
(Figure 8). Subsequent testing of candi- stall flutter prediction.
date redesigns substantiated the pressure
effect as illustrated in a correlation of FOLLOW-ON RESEARCH
pressure-versus-temperature flutter bound-
aries (Figure 9). As pressure was In recent years, the emphasis on light-
increased, flutter occurred at lower weight, high performance engine designs
temperatures. has resulted in flutter problems similar
to the one encountered in the FlOO engine.
When plotted on the empirical Vr-versus- Efforts have intensified in academia,
6lf correlation, the engine flutter was industry and government to develop accu-
shown to occur at considerably lower re- rate and reliable flutter prediction sys-
duced velocities and normalized incidence tems that go beyond the limitations of the
than previous stall flutter experience empirical method.
(Figure 10). In fact, the engine Vr-
versus-Bif boundary would have predicted Carta (1967) proposed the aerodynamic
the first stage fan to have fluttered on damping approach to flutter prediction in
the normal operating line at low tempera- which the unsteady aerodynamic work over
ture and pressure. Nevertheless, the one oscillatory cycle is normalized by
general stability trends represented by four times the system kinetic energy to
the empirical correlation were used to obtain the logarithmic decrement commonly
redesign a flutter-free first stage fan. denoted as <aero> The total system log-
The thickness-to-chord ratio in the air- arithmic decrement is the sum of <3aero and
foil tip region was increased to increase the mechanical logarithmic decrement,
the torsional frequency from 1000 Hz to 6mecn, which is always positive or
1240 Hz and thereby decrease the reduced dissipative. Thus, instability occurs
velocity. The airfoil thickness increase only when Saero is negative and of a mag-
also improved the loss characteristics re- nitude such that «mech is overcome. The
sulting in lower calculated normalized unsteady aerodynamic work for the entire
incidence at a given operating condition. blade is obtained by summing the contribu-
A finite element analysis (NASTRAN) of the tions from two-dimensional strips of con-
steady-state aerodynamic loading on the stant airfoil cross section along the
blade also indicated that the destabiliz- blade span in an attempt to account for
ing effects of increased pressure were, at three-dimensional effects.
least in part, due to increased blade
deflections and consequently the cascade The aerodynamic damping approach requires
geometry. The increased stiffness in the an unsteady aerodynamics model to predict
tip region created by the thickness in- the unsteady lift and moment responses to
crease minimized the cascade geometry the unsteady motion, which is assumed to
changes and the accompanying increase in be that of the system natural modes.
normalized incidence. Unsteady aerodynamic modeling has inves-
tigated two areas for the subsonic stall
flutter problem. Some investigators
M ii u
Figure 11. Static Pressure Transducer Frequencies During Flutter Indicate Presence
of Several Nodal Diameter Modes and Wave Directions.
these forces feed energy into the system, For either forced vibration or flutter,
the self-induced oscillations are clas- the response (equilibrium amplitude) of
sified as flutter. Therefore to avoid the component is equal to the work done
forced vibration and flutter through by the component. For forced vibration,
design requires an accurate knowledge of the equilibrium amplitude is reached when
the forces and the dynamic properties the work done on the component by the
of the structural component involved. external forcing function is equal to the
work done by the structural damping force
A simplified view of. the forces and the and by the aerodynamic damping force.
dynamic characteristics of the structural This work balanced is expressed as:
component are shown in Figure 1. The
basic equation of motion shown combines WORK/CYCLE) WORK/CYCLE) (1)
the structural dynamic properties on the
left side of the equation with the
forcing function on the right. The WORK/CYCLE)FORCING (2)
dynamic properties of the component are
based upon the mass (M) and stiffness (K) FUNCTION
matrices of the system from which natural
undamped frequencies (>o) and mode shapes = WORK/CYCLE)
are determined. The force required to
move the component in each mode shape is DAMPING
dependent on the structural damping (C)
of the system. WORK/CYCLE)
Definition of the forcing function is DAMPING
divided to distinguish between external
and self-induced forces. External forc- For flutter, equilibrium is reached when
ing functions which are independent of the work on the component by the self-
component displacement can be generated induced force, aerodynamic damping, is
by such things as air flow nonuniformi- equal to and opposite in sign to the work
ties or by mechanical mechanisms such as done by the component by the structural
rub. The aerodynamic force which is damping force. This is expressed as:
created as a result of the component's
displacement is classified as a self- WORK/CYCLE) (3)
induced force called aerodynamic damping.
This self-induced force may either be DAMPING
stabilizing (positive aerodynamic damp-
ing) or destabilizing (negative aero- s. WORK/CYCLE)
dynamic damping).
L Aeroelaitlc analyses
The key elements of an analytical design external forces acting on the blade, disk
system for aeroelastic response pre- or vane component. The type of component
diction is shown in Figure 2. This geometry can be tailored to limit or
system can be used to predict steady lesson the effects of these forces
state (equilibrium) response of turbo- through displacement limitation, fre-
machinery components to forced response quency tuning, mode selection and/or
or flutter with the ultimate goal being damping control. Accurate calculation of
elimination of HCF failure in the design the undamped natural frequencies and mode
phase. The basic elements of the shapes is required to effect an accept-
equation of motion are shown here with able geometry for forced response. These
the structural dynamic properties on the areas will be discussed and an example of
left side and the forcing function on the the basic steps in forced vibration
right. The structural dynamics analyses design will be presented in this section.
used presently are based on finite
element techniques and are able to
accurately predict natural modes and Sources of Unsteady Forces
frequencies of blade, disk and vane
structures. Structural damping is defined The most common aerodynamic sources of
by qualifying the various sources of forced vibration are shown in Table 1.
damping such as material and interface Aerodynamic sources due to structural
friction. Recently structural damping blockages to the flow are mainly due to
has been measured by Srinivasan (1981) the upstream or downstream airfoil rows.
and Jay (1983). Damping materials have Upstream vanes and struts create a
been identified for optimum application periodic unsteady flow field for down-
to various designs to improve flutter stream rotating blade rows. Likewise the
characteristics and/or reduce forced viscous flowfield of rotating blade rows
vibration responsiveness. D.I.G. Jones creates a periodic unsteady flowfield for
(1979) gives an extensive list of efforts downstream stationary vanes and struts.
to increase/add structural damping to Generally, vanes, struts and blades are
components. Prediction of the strength equally spaced circumferentially but if
of the forcing function due to aerodynamic they are nonuniform in a) circumferential
disturbances is also required. Research location b) shape (i.e., thickness,
to acquire data and model such distur- camber, trailing edge thickness, chord)
bances to provide an experimentally or c) setting angle, for example, then
verified analytical prediction system has the unsteady downstream flowfield will
been carried out by Callus (1982a, contain harmonics of the pattern which
1982b). Research to develop unsteady may coincide in the operating speed range
aerodynamic analyses to calculate the of the engine with a natural frequency of
time-dependent pressure distribution due a downstream airfoil structure.
to airfoil motion and/or flow uniformity
has been conducted by Smith (1971), Downstream vanes and struts can also
Caruthers (1980). All of the elements create a periodic unsteady flow field for
shown are necessary to adequately design upstream rotating blade rows. Likewise
components for forced vibration or flut- potential flow effects of rotating blade
ter considerations. rows create a periodic unsteady flowfield
for upstream vanes and struts.
The preceding definitions and equations
form the basis for the design systems Asymmetry in the stationary flowpath can
used for preventing high cycle fatigue of cause unsteady forces on rotating (rotor)
gas turbine blades, disks and vanes. airfoils. Examples of flowpath asymmetry
These design systems are largely centered are a) rotor off center, b) non-circular
on defining the sources and/or mechanism case and c) rotor case tip treatment.
of forcing function generation and
accurately predicting the aeroelastic Circumferential inlet flow distortion can
properties of the component. The success be a source of unsteady forces on rotating
of a design system is directly dependent blade rows. A non-uniform inlet flow con-
on how well it can define these elements dition creates unsteady forces on the ro-
of forced vibration and flutter. Use of tating (rotor) airfoils. The strength and
empirical relationships are still re- harmonic content of the forcing function
quired as a substitute for exact defini- produced will be dependent on the magni-
tions of some elements. Estimates of tude of the velocity/pressure/temperature
values of certain elements based on defect and the radial and circumferential
experience are needed. These approx- extent of the distortion.
imations compromise the ability of the
designer to completely avoid high cycle
fatigue of blades, disks and vanes but Table 1.
are used to prevent most high cycle
fatigue problems. As more exact defini- Sources of Unsteady Forces in Rotating
tions of these elements are obtained Turbomachinery Structures.
through experimental and analytical
approaches, the designer will be able to o Aerodynamic sources
more adequately attain the goal of a Upstream vanes/struts (blades)
elimination of high cycle fatigue failure <> Downstream vanes/struts (blades)
in turbomachinery components. o Asymmetry in flowpath geometry
Circumferential inlet flow distortion
Additional references on aeroelasticity (pressure, temperature, velocity)
are Scanlan (1951), Bisplinghoff (1955, o Rotating stall
1962) , and Fung (1955). a Local bleed extraction
Mechanical Sources
Gear tooth meshes
Forced vibration is the result of Rub
Circumferential inlet flow distortion Gear tooth (NT = number of teeth) meshing
taking the form of velocity, pressure or can be a source of such translation
temperature variations at the inlet to motion of the rotor system (fTR = NT x
the compressor or turbine can induce high fN). Therefore whenever the blade fre-
sinusoidal forces through the length of quency matches the order frequency due to
the compressor or turbine. Crpsswinds or the number of gear teeth plus or minus
ducting at the compressor inlet may one, excitation is possible (fc * <N T x
produce distortion patterns of low order fN) + fN or fc (NT N.
harmonic content. Combustor cans, because
of the variations in operation, may
produce temperature patterns of low order Considering the case of torsional vibra-
harmonic content. Even annular combustors tion of a rigid rotor, all blades experi-
may produce velocity/temperature patterns ence the same in-phase excitation forces
of low order harmonic content which are at any instant, independent of whether
due to circumferential flow variations. the rotor is turning. Each blade will
resonate when its natural frequency (fc)
equals the rotor torsional vibrating fre-
Rotating stall zones are another source quency.
of aerodynamic blockage which can produce
high response in blade, disk and vane TR (5)
components. Stall zones are formed when
some blades reach a stall condition Again, gear tooth meshing can be a source
before others in a the row. A zone(s) of of such £torsional motion of the rotor
retarded flow is formed which due to system ( TR - NT * *$)• Therefore when-
variations of angle of attack on either ever the blade frequency matches the
side of the zone begins to rotate other frequency due to the number of gear
opposite the rotor rotation direction. teeth, excitation is possible.
This speed of rotation has been observed
to be less than the rotor speed. Thus, Rub, as a source of forcing function, can
the zone(s) alternately stalls and un- produce high response in components.
stalls the blades as it rotates. The Contact of a rotor blade tip with the
number, magnitude and extent of the zones stationary casing locally, may cause an
and the relative speed between zone initial strain 'spike" of the blade
rotation and blade, disk or vanes followed by strain decay in a natural
determines the magnitude and frequencies mode. At its worst the rub excitation
of the forcing function available for frequency will be equal to a blade
component excitation. High stresses natural frequency. Causes of contact may
observed with this source of excitation be related to rotor unbalance response,
can lead to quick failure of turbo- ovalizing of the case, casing vibration
raachinery components. characterized by relative blade to case
radial motion, casing droop, and non-
Local bleed extraction, where air flow is uniform blade tip grind.
not removed uniformly around the case
circumference, may produce unsteady
forcing functions which may excite Types of Turbomachinery Blading
natural modes of blade and disk com-
ponents. Stages upstream and downstream There are may types of turbomachine
of the bleed locations have been observed blades and vanes. Table 2 is a partial
to respond to harmonics of the number of list of the types of blades and vanes.
bleed ports. Each of these descriptors have a definite
impact upon the dynamic properties of the
components. They describe some aspect of
Tooth meshing of a gear that is hard the component design from how it is sup-
mounted on the same shaft is a common ported, general shape, structural geo-
mechanical source of blade forced metry, material, to its aerodynamic de-
vibration excitation. Rotor blade sign.
failure is possible when the rotor system
is excited in a natural mode in which Some examples of turbine blade and disk
there is high vibratory stress at the geometries are presented in Figure 3. As
blade root. The mechanism of this exci- shown, blades may be integrally cast with
tation can be illustrated by examining blades or may be separate and have at-
two examples. tachments at the blade root. The dif-
ferences in dynamic characteristics of
Consider a rotating rigid rotor system each of the blades must be accurately
vibrating in a fixed plane, the instanta- considered during the design of testing
neous direction of acceleration that is phases.
applied to each blade root differs from
blade to blade for a total variation of Table 2.
360» around the rotor. Each blade will
resonate when its natural frequency (fc) Types of Turbomachinery Blades and Vanes
equals either the sum or differenceand of
the rotor translation frequency (fjR) Blades Vanes
the rotational frequency (CN)>
Shrouded/shroudless Cantilevered/
f f {4) Axial/circumferential inner banded
fc ' TR ± N attachment High/low
This equation defines phase equality be- Stiff/flexible disk aspect ratio
tween the vibrating blade and the forcing High/low aspect ratio Solid/hollow
function dynamics. If the rotor was not High/low speed Metal/ceramic
rotating only those blades which were Solid/hollow Compressor/
normal to the plane of translation would Fixed/variable turbine
be resonant due to common phase equality.
A / ',
21 IT 1IW 3B
2T 3T 4B 4T IL
5224 5473 8088 B610 8779 9214 HB84 mu 12866 13515
2L 3L 58 3T
rej S£
° E
q 2
2 n
13600 NOT 14115 14166 16018 15688 16233 17145 17741 17914
Holographic photographs (see Figure 6) of hollow blade is a low aspect ratio (length
a blade/disk system illustrate the rela- to width) design, with twenty-two (22)
tionship between nodal diameter pattern airfoils in the stage. A nickel alloy
and mode number. Three nodal diameter which has good structural properties at
patterns are shown with the 3ND pattern high temperature and stress conditions is
family expanded for the first three used in this design.
modes. The second mode is characterized
by one circumferential node while the Step one calls for an identification of
third mode has two. possible sources of excitation (forcing
function) while step two requires the
Ten Steps of Forced Vibration Design definition of the operating speed ranges
the component will experience. For the
The ten basic steps in designing to example turbine the possible sources and
prevent high cycle fatigue due to forced speed ranges are shown in Figure 9.
response are listed in Figure 7. These Several sources of aerodynamic excitation
steps involve evaluating the environment exist and are listed. Two upstream and
in which the component must operate two downstream sources have been identi-
(steps 1, 2, 5), predicting the aero- fied. Each of these sources creates a
elastic characteristics of the component periodic forcing function relative to the
(steps 3-8), investigating possible de- rotating second stage blade/disk com-
sign changes (step 9), and finally the ponent. The relevant content of these
actual measurement of the dynamic re- forcing functions will be the harmonics
sponse of the component in the engine associated with the second stage blade
environment (step 10). These steps will passing these stationary sources. The
be illustrated by examining the design of frequency of the forcing function is
a second stage gasifier turbine blade/ dependent upon the rotating speed of the
disk component. The choice of a turbine second stage blade. The speeds of pos-
instead of a compressor component was sible steady state operation are between
arbitrary since the steps are the same idle and design. Any resonance occuring
for each. below idle would be in a transient speed
range implying lower chance of accumu-
The example blade is an aircooled design lating enough cycles for failure or main-
incorporating the features listed in taining high enough response to produce
Figure 8. It is a shroudless blade which failure.
is integrally bonded to the disk. The
2677 Hi
Figure 9 also notes that the spacer and To determine if the natural frequency of
disk have been designed to be in constant a blade coincides with the frequency of a
contact throughout the engine operating source, resonant condition, a resonance
conditions. This contact limits the disk diagram is constructed (step 4). A
flexibility and eliminates the disk resonance diagram relates frequency to
participation in the assembly modes. rotational speed as shown in Figure 11.
Therefore accurate prediction of natural Since the forcing function frequency is
modes, step 3, can be made for this type dependent on rotational speed, lines of
of design by modeling only the blade concurrent frequencies can be drawn for
geometry and fixing the blade at the various harmonics (i.e., 1,2,3,.... 10,
proper radial location. ... 13 ,... 19,. .21... sine waves per revo-
revolution of the rotor) of engine speed
The natural modes of a blade as compli- for which sources exist. Placing of the
cated as this example, can be calculated calculated natural frequencies on the
using finite element techniques developed diagram with the lines of concurrent
especially for rotating turbomachinery frequencies, engine order lines, of the
components. The natural frquencies of known sources, identifies possible reso-
the blade have been calculated using a nant conditions of a component natural
model constructed with triangular plate frequency coinciding with a forcing func-
elements. The elements have been used to tion, source frequency. In this example,
simulate the hollow airfoil, platform, a dropping of natural frequency with
and stalk geometry as shown in Figure 10. rotor speed indicates that temperature
The stiffness and mass matrices formed by effects are dominant over centrifugal
these elements are solved to compute the stiffening within the operating speed
natural frequencies. The more elements range.
used, the closer to the actual blade is
the mathematical model. The possible resonant conditions are
identified by intersection of natural
This method of calculation is shown to b« frequencies and order lines which occur
accurate by the comparison of frequencies within or near to the steady state
and mode shapes of test holograms with operating speed range. The strongest
those of the finite element model. This expected aerodynamic sources of excita-
comparison is for zero RPM and room tem- tion are those immediately upstream (in
perature conditions. Additional calcula- front of) and downstream (behind) the
tions are made for various temperature blade. The amount of response (step 5),
and rotational speeds to determine depends not only on the strength of the
natural modes at the actual operating forcing function, but also upon the
conditions. aeroelastic characteristics of the com-
ponent. For this example, the dynamic
7018 HZ
13279 HZ 19970 HZ
20225 HZ
21E (LP1V)
19E (HP2V)
13E {HP1VJ
10 20 30 40
characteristics for the first torsional The response of turbine blade modes to
mode (IT), mode shape and damping are the turbine downstream vane source of
significant in determining possible re- excitation has been shown to be related
sponse amplitudes. to the variation of static pressure in
front of the vane source. Figure 13. iP/Q
The response of modes of blades due to is a calculated value based on the aoro-
aerodynamic sources of excitation have dynamically predicted static pressure
been empirically defined based on experi- field created by the presence of the vane
ence. This empiricism groups typical in the airflow stream. This pressure
blades by common mode shape, damping, field is dependent upon aerodynamic
type of source, and distance from the characteristics (velocity triangles, mass
source to correlate with response experi- flow, etc.) and vane cross-sectional
ence. The use of an empirical method for geometry. Plotting iP/Q versus a nor-
estimating response is due to a current malized value of axial gap allows the
inability to adequately predict the designer to space (gap) the blade-vane
strength of the forcing functions pro- row to avoid a larqe forcing function. A
duced and the damping present in the gas specif ied lirnit would be based upon
turbine environment. turbine blade experience to date and
represents the maximum value of fiP/Q that
For example, the response of first tor- is considered acceptable. The second
sional modes of turbine blades due to an stage blade range (based on build toler-
upstream vane source might be empirically ances ) indicates an acceptable value of
defined as in Figure 12. A plot of axial fiP/0 and thus indicates that a low
gap/vane axial chord (rate of decay of response due to the third vane row is
forcing function) versus the vane overall expected.
total to static expansion ratio (forcing
function) may allow the designer to pick Calculation of dynamic stress distribu-
the combination of variables that will tion, step 6, is necessary for determin-
ensure a viable design. A range of blade ing locations of maximum vibratory stress
gap/chord values is defined for the for high cycle fatigue assessment and as
second stage based upon build up toler- an aid in the placement of strain gages
ances from engine to engine of the to measure strain due to blade motion
various rotor components. This range during engine operation. A number of
indicates that a maximum dynamic stress these gages placed in various positions
of six to ten thousand psi would be on the airfoil can be used to qualify the
expected for the first torsional mode relative responses of the blade at each
coincidence with the upstream vane order location for each natural mode. A
line. distribution of stress for each mode is
thus identified.
J L-J l 1 I I I
-1 +1 -1 +1
w [il
Figure 14. calculation of Dynamic Stress Distribution for
First Stage Blade—Trailing Edge.
An example of a first stage turbine blade Parameters which can affect the distribu-
stress distribution is shown in Figures tion of mean fatigue strength and, thus
14 and IS. The analytical results are allowable vibratory stress, are notch
based upon finite element calculations factor, data scatter, and temperature.
and ahow good correlation with test data. These are illustrated in Figure 17. The
The results of the bench test are limited fatigue notch factor is related to a
to the number of and direction of the stress concentration factor which is a
gages, while the analytical results cover ratio of the maximum steady stress to the
all locations and directions. Use of average steady stress of a particular
analytical stress distributions to pick a geometry (notches, fillets, holes). The
limited number of gage locations on the relationship between fatigue notch factor
blade helps to ensure the best coverage (KKj), and stress concentration factor
of all modes of concern. It should be ( t), is dependent upon the notch sensi-
noted that one gage location may not tivity of the material. The one-sigma
cover all modes of concern since maximum scatter, which is obtained from test,
locations vary with mode shape. data, accounts for variations in mean
fatigue strength due to compositional
To determine the allowable vibratory changes of the material and processing
stress for various locations on the blade differences from piece to piece. A minus
a diagram relating the vibratory and three sigma (-30) value of fatigue
steady state stress field is used, step strength used accounts for 99.865 percent
7. A typical modified Goodman diagram ia of all pieces having a fatigue strength
shown in Figure 16. Material properties greater than this value. The temperature
are normally obtained through testing at affects both the ultimate and fatigue
several temperatures with smooth bar strengths. The example shows a dip in
samples, no notches or f i1lets. From fatigue strength with temperature which
these properties mean ultimate strength is characteristic of some alloys used in
at zero vibratory stress and mean fatigue turbine blades.
strength at 107 cycles (or infinite life)
of vibration at zero steady stress are
placed on the diagram. A straight line
is drawn between these two values which,
for most materials/ is a conservative
mean fatigue strength as a function of
loading (steady stress).
+1 -I
ti S
1 g
ia »—.
-1 -1
-1 -t-1 -1
MARGIN N. 800'F,
800'F, MEAN
Returning to Figure 16, degradation of the stress values for the two locations of
line representing the mean distribution of concern, yields maximum allowable stresses
fatigue strength is made for notches, of 15.3 and 14.3 ksi. These values of
scatter and temperature. Where notches or maximum allowable vibratory stress are
fillets exist, it is necessary to degrade above what is expected based upon evalua-
the mean fatigue strength by the notch tion of the upstream and down stream vane
fatigue factor (Kf) . Lowering of both row sources. Thus, the high cycle fatigue
the mean fatigue and ultimate strengths life is predicted to be infinite and no
for -3a scatter effects is made. Tempera- redesign is required.
ture effects which also affect both fa-
tigue and ultimate strengths was included Redesign, step 9, was not necessary in
initially in establishing their values. this example, but if it had been, design
The lowest line now represents the distri- changes such as those listed in Table 3
bution of fatigue strength versus steady would have been reviewed. Redesign
stress at temperature for a specified considerations fail under the categories
notch factor and for which 99.865 percent of changes to the source, component geo-
of blades produced will have a greater metry, fixity, damping, material and pos-
strength. sible maximum amplitude. Changing the
proximity of sources may lower the forc-
This diagram is now entered at the steady ing function strength and thus blade re-
stress value based on the resonance speed sponse. The frequency of resonance may
and specific component location of con- be moved to occur outside the operating
cern. The maximum allowable vibratory range by changing the number of sources
stress level for infinite life', 10' and thus forcing function frequency.
cycles in this case, is then read. The Geometry changes to the sources may be
difference between the maximum allowable made to lower the disturbance factor
vibratory stress level and the predicted (i.e., fiP/0).
vibratory stress level is called the
vibratory stress margin. Table 3
The modified Goodman diagram for the Typical forced vibration redesign
example second stage blade is based on considerations
MAR-M2465 material properties at 1300»F,
Figure 18. The mean ultimate and the « Proximity of sources (gap/chord,
mean fatigue strengths are 142 and 31
thousand pounds per square inch (Ksi) o Number of sources (resonance speed)
respectively. The one-eigma scatter for
each strength is 6 and 2.2 ksi, respec- « Geometry of sources (lower disturbance)
tively. The stress concentration factor
(Kt) for the hub fillet radius is 1.36. o Geometry of resonant piece (stiffness
For this material and fillet radius, this and mass distributions )
gives a notch factor (Kf) of 1.18. De-
grading the mean strengths by the respec- « Boundary conditions (type of fixity)
tive factors and entering the steady
o Increase system damping (coating,
* Amplitude limitation (shroud gap)
40 0
Increase fatigue strength (geometry,
material, temperature)
eo MEAN (Kf=1.0) MAR M246 at 1300'F
CO 30
20 MEAN (Kf =1.18)
CD •3<r(Kf»1.1B)
42.000 RPM
- HUB, CCTE 42.000 RPM
60 80 100
21E (LP1V)
15 ALLOWABLE 15.3 KSI 14.3 KSI 19E (HP2V)
20 30
Figure 20. Resonance Diagram for Second Stage — Gasifier Test Configuration
Once any random excitation causes a small The criterion for stability requires that
vibration of the blade, if the blade the unsteady aerodynamic work/cycle re-
aerodynamic damping is negative, the main positive {i.e., system is not
blade will absorb energy from the air- absorbing energy). The unsteady aero-
stream as the blade vibrates. If the dynamic work/cycle is the integral over
energy absorbed from the airstream is one vibratory cycle of the product of the
greater than that dissipated by the in-phase components of unsteady force
structural damping, the blade vibratory (pressure times area) and unsteady dis-
amplitude will increase with time until placement.
an energy balance is attained. Random
excitation is always present at low (h0exp{l«tH (8)
levels in the turbomachinery environment.
Thus predicting the onset of flutter 211
entails predicting the aeroelaatic condi- h_exp{i<ot}d(ut) (9)
tions that exist when the absorbed energy
due to negative aerodynamic damping VIBRATORY
equals the dissipated energy due to DISPLACEMENT
structural damping at the equilibrium FORCE
vibratory stress level.
In-phase Components
For most blade/disk/shroud systems,
structural damping (i.e., frictional Thus positive aerodynamic damping is
damping , material damping, etc.) Is not related to the aerodynamic characteris-
large. Therefore, the stability (design) tics of the flow field (unsteady forces)
criterion essentially becomes positive and vibratory mode shape (displacement).
aerodynamic damping. Aerodynamic damping
is proportional to the nondlmensional Dependence upon the flow field Is noted
ratio of unsteady aerodynamic work/cycle by the names given to five types of
to the average kinetic energy of the fan/compressor flutter which have been
blade/disk/shroud system. observed and reported during the last
thirty-five years. These five are
SAERO -AERODYNAMIC DAMPING presented in Figure 21 on a compressor
performance map. Each of these types of
flutter is characterized by a distinct
UNSTEADY AERODYNAMIC WORK aerodynamic flow field condition. Each
(6) of these types will be discussed later
with respect to avoidance of flutter In
design. References for this section are
Carta (1966) and Snyder (1974).
Increasing the gas density is stabilizing of the airfoil about the minimum polar
if aerodynamic damping is positive. moment of inertia axis. Some cases of
Likewise, increasing the gas density is flutter have been encountered in a chord-
destabilizing if aerodynamic damping is wise bending with node lines nearly per-
negative. An indirect effect of changing pendicular to the airfoil chord. Since
gas density is that of changing the flut- blade modes generally contain chordwise
ter mode shape which is a weak function bending, bending and torsion motions,'the
of mass ratio. Thus aerodynamic damping modes can best be described in terms of a
is also a function of density through the generalized mode shape where motion per-
effect of air density on the flutter mode pendicular to the mean line is expressed
shape. Aerodynamic damping is also a as a function of radial and chordwise
function of density through the effect of position.
density on the Reynolds number and the
effect of Reynolds number on the unsteady References for this section are Pines
flow field. (1958) and Theodeorsen (1935).
The final dominant design parameter is vi-
bratory mode shape. The unsteady aerody- Design System and steps
namic work per cycle of blade motion is a
function of both the unsteady surface This dependence of flutter or vibratory
pressure created by the blade's motion in mode shape is illustrated in Figure 22 in
the air flow and the vibratory mode shape. the definition of the ideal flutter
Thus, since the blade unsteady surface design system, an experimentally verified
pressure distribution is also a function analytical prediction system. Classical
of the blade mode shape (motion), the supersonic unstalled flutter is one type
aerodynamic damping is a strong function of flutter for which such a design system
of the vibratory mode shape. Vibratory exists. The analysis which is a part of
mode shape may be described as pure bend- an ideal flutter design system considers
ing or torsion of the airfoil or a coup- the mode shape and frequency for each
ling of bending and torsion. Rigid body nodal diameter of each mode. It also
bending or translation of the airfoil is considers both forward and backward
displacement of the airfoil perpendicular traveling wave directions, Campbell
to the minimum moment of inertia axis. (1924). There is a least stable nodal
Rigid body torsion or pitching is rotation
All five dominant flutter design para- Based on this empirical design system, a
meters are needed to describe subsonic/ blade design may be stabilized by lowering
transonic stall flutter (S/TSF). By ita the blade loading parameter. This may be
very name, S/TSF is dependent on Mach accomplished by modifying the position of
number. The shape of the flutter boundary the operating line as shown in Figure 25a.
on the compressor map shows its dependence This change may be made through reschedul-
on a blade loading parameter such as inci- ing staters or re-twisting the airfoil.
dence or diffusion factor. The simplest Likewise, by changing the blade shape, the
S/TSF design system is a correlation of position of the flutter boundary may be
flutter and no flutter data on a plot of moved. Such changes to shape would in-
reduced velocity versus a blade loading clude leading edge radius, recamber of
parameter such as incidence (see Figure leading edge, blade thickness and maximum
24). Experience has shown that with such thickness location. All of the above
a correlation with parameters chosen at a changes demonstrate the effect of lowering
representative spanwise location it is the blade loading parameters (i.e. dif-
possible to separate most of the Clutter fusion factor, incidence) to increase the
and no flutter data with a curved line. stability of the blade in the operating
This curve is then called the flutter environment (Figure 25b).
boundary. The relationship between points
A and C on the flutter boundary on the Another way of avoiding a potential flut-
compressor map and the same points on the ter problem suggested by this empirical
design system flutter boundary are shown. design system is to lower the reduced
This example shows that S/TSF flutter can velocity. This is roost commonly done by
prevent acceleration along the operating increasing the product of semi-chord timeA
line of the compressor. For the case frequency, but . Increasing the chord or
where the boundary falls between the op- lowering blade thickening, adding part
erating line and surge line the flutter span shrouds (also called snubbers,
boundary can become a limiting character- dampers, bumpers and clappers) or changing
istic at the compressor performance if taper ratio have been used. Use of com-
distortion, increased density or tempera- posite materials have been made to change
ture or changes in the operating line the material modulus/density ratio to in-
occur. The design goal is to have all crease frequency. The effects of increas-
points on the surge line be below the ing bu are shown graphically in Figure 26.
flutter boundary with an adequate margin. The change shows up as a relocation of the
operating and surge lines in the correlat-
ion plot (Figure 26a) while it Is a shift
in the flutter boundary on the performance
_N •50% 60%
(b) (a)
Blade inlet static density (or static Sufficient flutter margin must be designed
pressure) changes may occur as the air- into a new compressor or fan such that
craft changes altitude and/or flight speed flutter will not be encountered under any
or as the engine changes speed. As dis- aircraft operating point.
cussed earlier aerodynamic damping is
proportional to static density. If the Vibratory mode shape is a dominant S/TSF
aerodynamic damping is positive, in- design parameter. For a given reduced
creases in static density are further sta- velocity a bending mode is much more
bilizing. If the aerodynamic damping is stable than a torsional mode (Figure 30a)
negative, decreases in static density are with node-line located at mid-chord. This
stabilizing. The latter is shown in implies the need of the designer to evalu-
Figure 27 on both the compressor map and ate the S/TSF flutter margins of both
the S/TSF design system as shifts in flut- bending and torsion modes. If bend-ing
ter boundary. Changes in aircraft alti- and torsion modes are coupled by the
tude and/or flight speed also affect blade presence of a flexible disk or part span
inlet static temperature. However, to or tip shroud, the ratio of bending to
properly predict the independent effects torsional motion and the phase angle be-
of density and temperature changes, they tween them must be considered in the flut-
should be considered independently. After ter analysis. This is illustrated in
they are considered independently, the two Figure 30b.
effects can be combined. References for subsonic/transonic stall
flutter are Shannon (1945), Graham (1965),
Changes in blade inlet static temperature Huppert (1954), Pearson (1953), Sisto
affect the relationship between Mach num- (1953, 1967, 1972, 1974), Schnittger
ber and velocity. If Mach number is held (1954, 1955), Carter (1955a, 1955b),
constant and static temperature is de- Armstrong (1960), Rowe (1955), Halfman
creased, velocity is decreased and, there- (1951), and Jeffers (1975).
fore, reduced velocity is reduced. Thus,
reducing static temperature and holding Classical unstalled supersonic flutter
static density will be stabilizing. The (USF) is a design concern if a significant
effect of such a change is shown on both portion of the blade has supersonic rela-
the compressor map and the S/TSF design tive inlet flow. The term unstalled is
system plot in Figure 28. used because USF is encountered at the
lowest corrected speed when the stage is
In gas turbine engine applications, tem- operating at the lowest pressure ratio.
perature and density changes generally oc- Classical is used because of its similar-
cur simutaneously. Such is the case as ity to classical aircraft wing flutter.
aircraft flight speed is changed. As air- The stress boundary is very steep with
craft flight speed is increased, the blade respect to speed as shown in Figure 21,
inlet static temperature Increases, cor- thus, preventing higher speed operation.
rected speed drops if there is a mechani- The stress level does not usually fluct-
cal speed limiter and blade inlet static uate with time and all blades vibrate at a
density increases. These effects can common frequency unlike S/TSF. Experience
cause a S/TSF boundary to move nearer to to date has been predominately in torsion-
the compressor operating region, while at al modes but has occurred in coupled
the same time causing the engine operating bending/torsion modes or chordwise bending
point to move closer to the S/TSF region. modes. Four dominant design parameters
This is illustrated in Figure 29. are used to describe USF. They are re-
duced velocity, Mach number, vibratory
mode shape, and static pressure/density.
(b) (a)
Sea Level
Sea Level Static
Flutter Boundary
1/1 OPERATING Sea Level
LINE Static
80% 90% •Sea Level
(b) (a)
The simplest classical unstalled super- is shown on both the empirical and ana-
sonic flutter design system consists of lytical design systems in Figure 33. In
plotting available classical USF data on a each case three points are shown: The
plot of reduced velocity versus inlet Mach original flutter point, the same operating
number and drawing a curve (flutter bound- point after the decrease in static dens-
ary) which best separates the flutter and ity, and a new flutter free operating
no flutter data points (Figure 31). The point at higher rotor speed.
flutter data points should be about this
curve, while the no flutter data points Since reducing inlet static temperature at
should be below the line. The design sys- constant corrected rotor speed causes the
tem can be applied to new designs by cal- mechanical rotor speed and, hence, blade
culating the parameters reduced velocity inlet relative velocity to decrease, the
and Mach number for points along the com- effect of reducing inlet static tempera-
pressor operating line and then plotting ture at constant static density is stabi-
the operating line on the design system lizing for classical USF. The result of
plot. No classical USF is predicted if such a change is to move the flutter
the operating line is below the flutter boundary to a higher speed. This is Illu-
boundary. strated in Figure 34 on both empirical and
analytical design system.
As in the case of subsonic/transonic stall
flutter, increasing the product bo is sta- References for classical unstalled super-
bilizing for classical supersonic un- sonic flutter are Snyder (1972, 1974),
stalled flutter. The effect of increasing Mikolajczak (1975), Garrick (1946),
bu> is to push the flutter boundary to Whitehead (1960), Smith (1971), Verdon
higher operating speeds. This is illu- (1973, 1977), Brix (1974), Caruthers
strated in Figure 32. The slope of the (1976), Nagaahima (1974), Goldstein
"new" operating line on the design plot is (1975), Ni (1975), Fleeter (1976),
inversely proportional to boo. For success- Adamczyk (1979), and Halliwell (1976).
ful designs, the flutter boundary is be-
yond the highest expected operating speed. A third type of fan/compressor flutter,
which has been identified, is A100 type
Classical unstalled supersonic flutter is supersonic flutter, Troha (1976). This
the one type of flutter for which a rea- was identified as a torsional mode flutter
sonably accurate analytical design system of a shroudless blade. The flutter bound-
exists. This analytical design system ary for this type of flutter is unlike the
parallels the ideal flutter design system. other types of flutter, indicating that
The existing analytical design system con- the unsteady aerodynamics of this type of
tains a blade-disk-shroud vibrational flutter are unique. Looking at Figure 21,
analysis, an unsteady, flat plate, cascade a moderate pressure ratio at constant cor-
analysis, and an aerodynamic damping cal- rected speed is destabilizing, while at
culation. The result is the capability to sufficiently higher pressure ratio the ef-
calculate the aerodynamic damping for each fect of the same change is stabilizing.
mode (and nodal diameter if necessary) of However, though unique in boundary it is
a compressor blade/disk assembly. A typi- very similar to USF. The outer portion of
cal plot of the resulting data is shown in the blade is supersonic. The stress
Figure 22. boundary is steep. All blades vibrate at
the same frequency and interblade phase
The effect on classical USF of lowering angle. The reduced velocity/inlet Mach
static density at constant static tempera- number empirical method also predicts this
ture is stabilizing since aerodynamic instability. Varying of bu , static
damping is proportional to blade inlet pressure/density and inlet static tempera-
static density. This stabilizing effect ture produces similar effects as those ob-
served with USF.
UJ bo>
V0"-90% 95% 100%
Classical Unstalled Supersonic Flutter Design
System Using Reduced Velocity and Mach Number.
V?~-90% 95% 100% 1
(b) (a)
(b) (a)
90% 95% 100%
Choke flutter received its name from the the mode is generally first bending. An
close proximity of the flutter boundary analytical design approach which deter-
and the choke operating region of the com- mines the unsteady aerodynamic force,
pressor. This boundary can be encoun- aerodynamic damping, as a function of
tered during part speed operation. Figure interblade phase angle has been developed
21. Blades are usually operating at nega- for the designer by Adamczyk (1981). The
tive incidences in the transonic flow authors use two dimensional actautor disk
regime. In this near choke condition, in- theory in which flow separation is repre-
passage shocks with associated flow sepa- sented through rotor loss and deviation-
ration are thought to influence the aero- angle correlations. The analysis is for
elastic characteristics and thus the blade the fundamental mode bending of shroudless
stability. Recently, modal aerodynamic blades. Based on experimental data,
solution codes which analytically predict Rugger! (1974), blade stability is in-
aerodynamic danping as in the ideal flut- creased by increases in bu and reduction
ter design system and the USF analytical in blade loading. The presence of strong
design system have been developed for shocks is indicated to have an effect on
choke flutter. The crucial element in this type of flutter, Goldstein (1977).
these codes is the development of the This effect is one of destabilizing for.
transonic unsteady aerodynamic programs. both bending and torsional motions and as
Improvement in this area is presently such may be expected to lower the back
underway and will benefit the designer in pressure at which this flutter first
predicting the occurance of choke flutter. occurs. Flow separation was observed to
Experimental data has been cocrelated much exist, Riffel (1980), for a cascade of
like S/TSF data as a function of reduced airfoils representing the airfoils exhib-
velocity and incidence. Reducing solidity iting flutter above 105% speed in Ruqgeri
has been found to increase stability due (1974).
to increases in incidence. As with S/TSF
lowering reduced velocity, static This concludes the discussion of forced
pressure/density and inlet static tempera- vibration and flutter design methodology.
ture are stabilizing effects. Choke flut- Design principles have been presented to
ter has been observed in both bending and aid the designer of turbomachinery in
torsional modes. understanding the mechanisms involved and
in properly evaluating the crucial compo-
References for choke flutter are Carter nents of turbomachinery. Effective appli-
(1953, 1957), Schneider (1980), and Jutras cation of the design steps for both forced
(1982) vibration and flutter are necessary to
limit the occurrences of HCF failure in
The last type of flutter to be discussed new turbine engine designs. Research is
will be supersonic stall flutter. The continuing at this time to define and
position of this flutter boundary on the model the unsteady flow fields and forces
compressor map is suggested by the title. present during forced vibration and flut-
This flutter is like unstalled supersonic ter. As knowledge is acquired, experi-
flutter in that all blades vibrate at a mental and theoretical, and combined to
common frequncy. Experience indicates that develop better analytical predictions
tools, the possibility of eliminating high
cycle fatigue from turbine engines in de-
sign is increased and costs decreased.
90% 95% 100%
, :^_fc I t^MECH
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[Left Column, p. 3-27]
IF(IV.EQ.l) GO TO 142
DO 131 1=1,NP
DO 131 J=1,NP
Replace .EQ.l by .EQ.2.
IF((X/Y).LE.1.0E-10) GO TO 111
GO TO 131 Replace 2 old lines
HI IF(ICHECK(I,J).EQ.l) GO TO 112 by 7 new lines.
GO TO 131
112 ICHECK(I,J)=2
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7. Presented at
9. Date
8. Author(s)/Editor(s)
Editors: M.F.Platzer and F.O.Carta June 1988
11. Pages
10. Author's/Editor's Address
Reviewing Flutter
Turbomachinery Blades
Structural dynamic analysis Discs
Aeroelasticity Rotors
Metal fatigue
14. Abstract
The first volume of this Manual reviewed the state of the art of unsteady turbomachinery
aerodynamics as required for the study of aeroelasticity in axial turbomachines. This second
volume aims to complete the review by presenting the state of the art of structural dynamics and ot
The eleven chapters in this second volume give an overview of the subject and reviews of the
structural dynamics characteristics and analysis methods applicable to single blades and bladed
The blade fatigue problem and its assessment methods, and life-time prediction are considered.
Aeroelastic topics covered include: the problem of blade-disc shroud aeroelastic coupling,
formulations and solutions for tuned and mistuned rotors, and instrumentation on test
procedures to perform a fan flutter test. The effect of stagnation temperature and pressure on
flutter is demonstrated and currently available forced vibration and flutter design methodology
is reviewed.
This AGARDograph was prepared at the request of the Propulsion and Energetics Panel and
of the Structures and Materials Panel of AGARD.
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