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June 2017 (v3) QP - Paper 3 CIE Biology IGCSE

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Cambridge International Examinations

Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
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BIOLOGY 0610/33
Paper 3 Theory (Core) May/June 2017
1 hour 15 minutes
Candidates answer on the Question Paper.
Variant 3

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This document consists of 19 printed pages and 1 blank page.

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1 (a) Leaves play an important part in plant nutrition.

(i) Name the process plants use to make carbohydrates such as simple sugars.


(ii) State the word equation for this process.


(iii) Suggest one way that leaves are adapted to make carbohydrates.


(b) Fig. 1.1 shows whole leaves from five different trees.

D not to scale

Fig. 1.1

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(b) (i) Describe two ways that the structure of a red blood cell differs from the structure of a
white blood cell.

1 ........................................................................................................................................

2 ........................................................................................................................................

(ii) Suggest why it is important for blood to form a clot if a blood vessel is cut.


[Total: 6]

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Fig. 1.2 is a key which can be used to identify the five leaves shown in Fig. 1.1.

The key shows the scientific names of the five trees that the leaves came from.

In this key Box 4 is missing.

1. Does the leaf have more

than one separate part?

NO go to 2 YES go to 4

2. Does the leaf 4.

have a rough,
toothed edge?

NO go to 3 YES

3. Does the leaf

have a smooth,
oval shape?

Quercus Laurus Betula Fraxinus Aesculus
robur nobilis pendula excelsior hippocastanum

Fig. 1.2

(i) Use the key to identify the five leaves shown in Fig. 1.1.

The leaf labelled B has been identified for you.

Complete Table 1.1 by writing the correct letter next to the Latin name of each type of leaf.

Table 1.1

name of tree letter

Aesculus hippocastanum B
Betula pendula
Fraxinus excelsior
Laurus nobilis
Quercus robur

(ii) Suggest a suitable question which could be used to distinguish between the leaves of
Aesculus hippocastanum and Fraxinus excelsior.

Write your answer in Box 4 on Fig. 1.2. [1]

[Total: 8]

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9 Fig. 9.1 shows a person donating blood.

Blood is split into its separate components and used to treat different medical conditions.

Fig. 9.1

(a) Table 9.1 shows the components of blood and the medical conditions that they are used to

The boxes on the left show the components of blood.

The boxes on the right show the medical conditions that they are used to treat.

Draw a straight line from each component of the blood to the medical condition that it is used
to treat.

Table 9.1

components of blood medical condition

to help patients whose blood does

not clot easily

to treat patients with burns who

have lost body fluids

to treat patients who have low

red blood cells

to treat patients with low levels of

white blood cells

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2 Fig. 2.1 shows some of the external features of the human heart.


Fig. 2.1

(a) (i) State the function of the heart.


(ii) Name the tissue that makes up most of the heart wall labelled C on Fig. 2.1.


(iii) State two ways that the activity of the heart can be monitored.

1 ........................................................................................................................................

2 ........................................................................................................................................

(b) (i) Identify blood vessel B on Fig. 2.1.

Draw a circle around your answer.

aorta coronary artery pulmonary artery

pulmonary vein vena cava


(ii) Blockage of this blood vessel can cause serious damage to the heart.

Describe one factor that can increase the risk of developing a blockage in this blood


(iii) Name the type of blood vessel that carries blood

away from the heart ..........................................................................................................

towards the heart ..............................................................................................................


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(b) Fig. 8.1 shows four animals with different adaptive features.

They are all mammals.

flying flying
phalanger squirrel

Tasmanian wolf

Fig. 8.1

(i) Define the term adaptive features.




(ii) Describe two features, visible in Fig. 8.1, which show that all of these animals are

1 ........................................................................................................................................


2 ........................................................................................................................................


(iii) Describe one feature of mammals that is not visible in Fig. 8.1.


[Total: 10]

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(c) (i) Deoxygenated blood from the body enters the part of the heart labelled A on Fig. 2.1.

State the name of part A ...............................................................................................[1]

(ii) The inside of the heart contains a number of valves.

State the function of these valves.



(iii) State the name of the structure which separates the two sides of the heart.


[Total: 10]

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8 (a) The theory of natural selection explains how one species can gradually evolve into a new

The statements A to F describe six stages in the process of natural selection.

The stages are not in the correct order.

A competition for resources

B passing on of their alleles to the next generation

C production of many offspring

D reproduction by individuals that are better adapted to the environment than others

E struggle for survival

F variation within populations

(i) Arrange the stages in the correct order and then complete the flow chart by writing the
letters in the four empty boxes.

Two of the stages have been filled in for you.

è C è è è D è


(ii) Statement B mentions alleles. An allele is a version of a gene.

State one way new alleles are formed.


(iii) State one factor that can increase the rate at which new alleles are formed.


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3 Fig. 3.1 shows some of the endocrine glands of a woman.

The boxes contain the names of three substances made by the endocrine glands.

(a) (i) Which group of substances do adrenaline, insulin and oestrogen belong to?





Fig. 3.1

(ii) On Fig. 3.1 draw three straight lines to join each of the names in the boxes to the
endocrine gland that releases the substance.

(iii) State the name of the gland which produces:

insulin ................................................................................................................................

oestrogen ..........................................................................................................................

(iv) State the function of:

insulin ................................................................................................................................


oestrogen ..........................................................................................................................


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A farmer uses selective breeding to produce a new variety of potato.

Describe the stages in selective breeding.








(c) Genetic engineering can also be used to provide new varieties of crop plants.

Using an example, explain what is meant by genetic engineering.










(d) State two ways of improving the yield of crops, other than selective breeding or genetic

1 ................................................................................................................................................

2 ................................................................................................................................................

[Total: 11]

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(b) Describe two effects that adrenaline has on the body.

1 ................................................................................................................................................


2 ................................................................................................................................................


[Total: 10]

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7 (a) There are two types of cell division, meiosis and mitosis.

Cells produced by each type of division have different characteristics and functions.

Complete Table 7.1 by placing a tick in two of the boxes in each row to show the characteristics
and functions of the cells made by each type of cell division.

Tick only four boxes.

Table 7.1

characteristics of cells uses

type of cell
division genetically genetically to produce for growth and
different similar gametes repair

(b) One way of producing more potatoes is by planting tubers.

Potato tubers are produced by asexual reproduction.

Another way of producing potato plants is by planting seeds.

Seeds are a result of sexual reproduction.

Fig. 7.1 shows a potato plant.


fruit containing seeds

potato tubers

Fig. 7.1

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4 This question is about chemical digestion.

(a) Before food can be absorbed into the body it needs to be digested.

Define the term chemical digestion.




(b) Pasta contains starch, which is a carbohydrate.

(i) Name the enzyme that breaks down starch.


(ii) Name the substance formed when starch is digested.


(c) Fig. 4.1 is a partially labelled diagram of the human alimentary canal.

Some parts of the alimentary canal have been labelled but have not been named.



large intestine


Fig. 4.1

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(c) Plants also respond to other stimuli.

This is shown in Fig. 6.2.

Fig. 6.2

(i) State the name of this response.


(ii) Explain why the shoots are all bent over to the left and how this response is important for
the plant.








[Total: 7]

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(i) Identify the two letters on Fig. 4.1 that show the structures which produce enzymes that
break down starch.

1 ....................

2 ....................

(ii) State the name of the part of the alimentary canal responsible for the absorption of
digested food.


(d) State two functions of the stomach.

1 ................................................................................................................................................

2 ................................................................................................................................................

[Total: 9]

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6 Fig. 6.1 shows a plant growing in the dark.

The pot has fallen over and has been left on its side for a few days.

Fig. 6.1

(a) Describe how lying on its side has affected the growth of the plant.



(b) The stem of the plant in Fig. 6.1 is responding to an external stimulus.

(i) State the name of this stimulus.


(ii) State the name of this type of plant response.


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5 Pectinase is an enzyme which is used to extract juice from fruits such as apples.

Fig. 5.1 shows the volume of juice extracted from two equally sized samples of crushed apple
over 16 minutes.

Sample A contained pectinase and Sample B contained the same volume of water.

110 with pectinase




70 B
volume with water
of fruit 60
juice / cm3





0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
time / minutes

Fig. 5.1

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(a) (i) How much juice had been extracted from the apples in Sample A after 2 minutes?

.................................................... cm3 [1]

(ii) How much longer does it take for Sample B to produce this amount of juice?

Show your working.

........................................................... [1]

(iii) State two advantages to the food industry of using pectinase in juice extraction.

1 ........................................................................................................................................


2 ........................................................................................................................................


(b) Yeast can be added to the apple juice to make cider by anaerobic respiration.

(i) Define the term anaerobic respiration.




(ii) As well as making alcohol, the anaerobic respiration of yeast can be used to make other
useful products.

State the name of one of these products.


(iii) Yeast can also respire aerobically.

State two ways aerobic respiration differs from anaerobic respiration in yeast.

1 ........................................................................................................................................


2 ........................................................................................................................................


[Total: 9]

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