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TRF-607 & 608 IESCO Indexation FY 2024-25 14-06-2024 9223-29

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National Electric Power Regulatory Authority

Islamic Republic of Pakistan

NEPRA Tower, Aftaturk Avenue (East), G-511, Islamabad.
Tel: +92-51 -9206500, Fax: +92-51 -2600026
Web:, E-mail:
No .NEPRA/RIADG(Trf)/TRF-607&TRF-608/IESCO-2024/ J223 June 14, 2024

Subject: Decision of The Authority regarding Reciuest filed by Islamabad Electric Supply
Company (IESCO) For Adjustment/Indexation of Tariff for the FY 2024-25 under
the MYT

Dear Sir,

Please find enclosed herewith the subject Decision of the Authority along with Annexure-1,
I-A II, III, IV & V (total 43 pages).

2. The instant Decision of the Authority along with annexures, is hereby intimated to the Federal
Government for filing of uniform tariff application in terms of section 31 of the Regulation of
Generation, Transmission and Distribution of Electric Power Act, 1997. The instant Decision of the
Authority and the Order part along with Annexure-I, I-A II, III, IV & V be also notified in terms of
section 31 of the Regulation of Generation, Transmission and Distribution of Electric Power Act,
1997, while notifying the uniform tariff application Decision of the Authority

Enclosure: As above

(Engr. Mazhar fqbal Ranjha)

Ministry of Energy (Power Division),
'A' Block, Pak Secretariat,
Is! am abad

Copy to:

1. Secretary, Cabinet Division, Cabinet Secretariat, Islamabad.

2. Secretary, Ministry of Finance, 'Q' Block, Pak Secretariat, Islamabad.
3. Secretary, Energy Department., Government of the Punjab, 8th Floor, EFU House, Main
Gulberg, Jail Road, Lahore,
4. Chief Executive Officer, NTDC,414 WAPDA House, Shaharah-e-Qauid-e-Azam, Lahore
5. Chief Executive Officer, Central Power Purchasing Agency Guarantee Limited (CPPA-G),
Shaheen Plaza, 73-West, Fazl-e-Haq Road, Islamabad.
6. Chief Executive Officer, Islamabad Electric Supply Company Limited (IESCO), IESCO
Headquarter, Street No. 40, G-7/4, Islamabad
Decision of the Authority in the matter ofrequest flied bylESCO for
Adjustnient/Indexation of Tarifffor the FY2024-25 under the MY?'


1. Background

1.1. The Authority determined tariffs of Islamabad Electric Supply Company Limited (IESCO)
(herein referred to as "Petitioner") under the Multi Year Tariff (MYT) regime, for a period of
five years i.e. from FY 2023-24 to FY 2027-28, separately for both its Distribution and Supply of
power functions vide tariff determinations dated 14.03.2024. The said decision was notified vide
SRO dated 02.05.2024.

1.2. The Petitioner in line with the adjustment mechanism provided in its notified MYT
determination, has filed its request for adjustment! indexation of different components of its
revenue requirement for the FY 2024-25, along-with break-up of costs in terms of Distribution
and Supply functions. A Summary of the adjustments request submitted by the Petitioner is as

Mlii Rs.
Distribution Power Supply Total Revenue
Busmess Busmess Requirement

Power Purchase Price 325,618 325,618

Pay & Allowances 14,510 3,690 18,200
Post-Retirement benefits 4,803 1,028 5,831
O&M Costs 4,455 620 5,075
Depreciation 6,557 - 6,557
Return on Rate Base 12,285 - 12,285
Gross Margin 42,610 5,338 47,948
Less: Other Income (679) - (679)
Net Margin 41,931 5,338 47,269
PriorYearAdjustment 27,597 27,597
Total 41,931 358,553 400,484

2. Hearing

2.1. Since the impact of any such adjustments has to be made part of the consumer end tariff,
therefore, the Authority, in order to provide an opportunity of hearing to all the concerned and
in the interest of natural justice, decided to conduct a hearing in the matter.

2.2. A Hearing on the matter was held on April 03, 2024, for which advertisement was published in
newspapers on March 24, 2024. Separate notices were also sent to the stakeholders for inviting
comments from the interested! affected parties. The salient features and details of the proposed
adjustments along-with notice of hearing were also uploaded on NEPRA's Website for
information of all concerned.

2.3. For the purpose of hearing, and based on the pleadings, following issues were framed to be
considered during the hearing and for presenting written as well as oral evidence and arguments;
Decision of the Authority in the matter ofrequest filed byIESCO for
Adjusrment/Indexation of Tarifffor the FY2024-25 under the MYT

i. Whether the requested indexation/adjustments in tariff are in line with the MYT tariff
determination and are justified?
ii. IESCO to present its Power Purchases Price (Energy & Cost) for the FY 2024-25, keeping in
view the Section 32 of NEPRA Act and NEPRA Power Procurement Regulations?

iii. Whether IESCO has deposited the required amount in the Post Retirement Benefit fund in
line with the amount allowed by the Authority?
iv. Whether the requested PYA, is justified?
v. Whether the existing tariff rate design needs to be modified, to levy fixed charges on all
consumer categories and fixed charges be designed in a way to ensure that it accounts for a
significant portion of fixed costs i.e. capacity charges, UoSC etc., in line with Strategic
Directives given in NE Plan.
vi. Whether the existing tariff rate design needs to be modified for consumers having net
metering generation facilities or generation facilities behind the meters installed by third
parties or Captive generation power, to levy fixed charges, etc. in order to ensure recovery
of fixed costs i.e. capacity charges, UoSC etc.?
vii. What will be the mechanism to recover fixed charges from consumers having meters not
recording MDI?
viii. Whether the schedule of tariff be designed on cost of service basis or otherwise?
ix. Whether the rate design for Temporary connections needs to be revised or otherwise?
x. Whether the peak and off-peak timing and rate design needs to be revised, in line with
Strategic Directives given in NE Plan?
xi. Whether prepaid metering shall be allowed to different consumers categories and what shall
be appropriate tariff for such consumers considering various periodic adjustments in the
base tariff?
xii. Whether the Petitioner has prepared any plan in consultation with the Federal Government
for its organization restructuring in terms of segregation of responsibilities of Distribution
and supply function in order to ensure independent and transparent working of both these
xiii. Any other issue that may come up during or after the hearing?

3. Filing of objections! comments:

3.1. The interested parties were given an opportunity to submit comments/replies and filing of
Intervention Request (IR), if any, within 7 days of the publication of notice of admission in
accordance with Rule 6, 7 & 8 of the NEPRA Tariff (Standards & Procedure) Rules 1998 (Tariff
Rules). However, no comments have been received in the matter.

3.2. During the hearing, the Petitioner was represented by its CEO along-with its technical and
financial teams. Based on the pleadings, evidence/record produced and arguments raised during
the hearing, issue-wise findings are given as under;

::. A UTHoflIr
Decision of the Authority in the matter ofrequest filed byJESCO for
Adjustment/IndexadOfl of Tarifffor the Y2O24-25 wider the MYT

4. Whether the requested indexation/adjustments in tariff are in line with the MIT tariff
determination and are justified?

4.1. During the hearing, the Petitioner submitted that filed annual indexationladjustments in line
with the Authority determinations in the matter of MIT Petition of IESCO for Supply and
Distribution Tariff. The Petitioner during hearing requested the following adjustments on
account of its O&M costs, Other Income & RoRB along-with indexation factors for claimed
amounts, for the FY 2024-25;

Determined Determine Actual Index Request

Description FY FY (Provisional) factor for FY
2022-23 2023-24 2023-24 2024-25
Salaries, Wages& Other Benefits 11,277 12,342 14,986 1.4 17,234
Post Retirement Benefits 3,613 6,330 10,896 1.89 11,986
Other 0 & M Costs 3,145 5,292 5,374 1.3 6,862
Depreciation 4,063 5,843 6,077 1.12 6,557
Return on Rate Base 7,612 15,060 16,838 1.32 19,913
Gross Distribution Margin 29,710 44,867 54,171 1.39 62,551
Less: Other Income -2,255 -6,155 -8,172 1.39 -8,581
Net Distribution Margin 27,455 38,712 45,999 1.39 53,970
Units to be Sold (MkWh) 11,745 11,939 11,939 1.13 13,492
Per Unit DM Rs./kWh 2.34 3.24 3.85 1.23 4.00

4.2. Regarding Indexation/adjustment the Petitioner submitted that requested expenses are projected
based on notified MIT mechanism as prescribed by the Authority.
4.3. A summary of the allowed adjustment! indexation, as per the mechanism provided in the MYT
determination of the Petitioner is as under;

Salaries. Wages and Other benefit

4.4. Regarding Salaries, Wages and Other Benefits notified MIT decision provides following
mechanism for adjustment;
Considering the fact that employees ofXWDISCOs are hired on Government pay scales,
and any salary increase announced by the Federal Government in the Federal Budget is
applicable on the employees of the Petitioner, therefore, being un-controllable cost, the
Salaries & Wages and benefits, would be actualized, based on the audited accounts of the
Petitioner for the relevant year for its existing employees. The impact of any such
adjustment would allowed as part of PYA in the next indexation/ adjustment request or
tariff deten'nination as the case may be.
Post-Retirement benefit
4.5. Regarding Post-retirement benefit notified MIT decision provides following mechanism for
"Considering the fact that the Petitioner is obligated to pay to its pensioners, the pension
increases announced by the Federal Government, therefore, being an un-controllable cost,
e Post-retirement Benefits would be actualized based on the audited accounts of the
Decicion of the Authority in the matter ofrequest filed byJESCO for
Adjustment/Inde7ation of Tarifffor the FY2024-25 under the MYT

Petitioner for the relevant year. The impact of any such adjustment would allowed as part
of PYA in the next indexation/adjustment request or tariff determination as the case may
be. It would be mandatory for the Petitioner to deposit the whole amount of allowed Post
retfrement benefits into the separate Fund and route all its pension payments through the
Fund. Ifthe Petition er fails to transfer the whole amount ofpostretirement benefits into the
Fund, the same shall be adjusted/deducted in the subsequent tariff determination and from
thereon, only actual amounts paid and amount transferred into the fund would be allowed"

O&M expense

4.6. The O&M part of Distribution/supply Margin shall be indexed with CPI subject to adjustment
for efficiency gains (X-factor). Accordingly the O&M will be indexed every year according to
the following formula:

= 0 & M 1) x [i + ( ci- x)]

O&M(Rev) = Revised O&M Expense for the Current Year
O&Me0 Reference O&M Expense for the Reference Year
iCPI = Change in Consumer Price Index published by Pakistan Bureau of
x = Efficiency factor

4.7. Regarding Efficiency Factor, the Authority decided that;

'.. The Authority in line with its decisions in the matter of XWDJSCOs which have been
allowed MYTs has decided to keep the efficiency factor 'X as 30% ofincrease in CPI for the
relevant year of the MYT control period. The Authority has further decided to implement the
efficiencyfacrorfrom the 3r0' year of the control period..."

4.8. RORB assessment will be made in accordance with the following formula/mechanism;

Adjustment Mechernam - RoRB

RORB(Rev) =RORB(Ref) x RAB(Rev) / RAB(Ref)

FY 2023-24, proposed RORB may be considered as reference cost for future adjustment.
In addition the allowed RORB for previous year will be trued up based one actual invesunent (ma,dntum cap to the extent of allowed
investmenr)carried out during rhet year. Further KIBOR flucation on hi-annual basis also subject to adjustment.

"In addition the allowed 1MB for previous year will be trued up downward only, keeping
in view the amount of investment allowed for the respective year. In case, the Petitioner
ends up making higher investments than the allowed, the same would be the Petitioner's
own commercial decicion and would not be considered while truing up the 1Mb', unless due
to any regulatory decisions/interventions/appro ved plans for which the Petitioner obtains
prior approval of the Authority. In such case the Authority may also revise the efficiency
targets in terms of T&T) losses etc.
The Authority also understands that interest payment is an obliatozy cash flow liability
ER unlike discretionary dividend payment and considering the fact that any default may
-----,.Q( 4
Decision of theAuthority in the matter ofrequest flied bylESCO for
Adjosrment/Indexation of Tarifffor the Y2O24-25 under the MYT

hamper the financial position of the Petitioner, hence the Authority has decided to cover
the risk of floating KIBOR. Accordingly, fluctuation in the reference KIBOR would be
adjusted biannually. In addition, the Authority has also decided to allow sharing of benefit
by introducing a claw back mechanism for axiy savings resulting from cheaper financing by
the Petitioner to the extent of 2.00% spread If the Petitioner manages to negotiate a loan
below 200% spread, the savings would be shared equally between the consumers and the
Petitioner through PYA mechanism annually. In case of more than one loan, the saving
with respect to the spread would be worked out by a weihted average cost of debt. The
sharing would be only to the extent ofsavings only i.e. lithe spread is greater than 200%,
the additional cost would be borne by the Petitioner.
Depreciation expense
4.9. Depreciation expense for future years will be assessed in accordance with the following
Adjustment Mechanism - DEPRECIATION (DEP)


FY 2023-24, proposed Depreciation may be considered as reference cost for future adjustment.
In addition the allowed Depreciation for previous year will be trued up based one actual investment (maximum cap to the extent of
allowed investment) carried out during that year

"In addition the allowed Depreciation for previous year will be trued up downward only,
keeping in view the amount of investment allowed for the respective year. In case, the
Petitioner ends up making higher investments than the allowed, the same would be the
Petitioner's own commercial decision and would not be considered while truing up the
depreciation expenses, wiless due to any regulatory decisions/interventions/appro vedplans
for which the Petitioner obtains prior approval ofthe Authority. In such case the Authority
may also revise the efficiency targets in terms of T&D losses etc."

Other Income
4.10. Other income will be assessed in accordance with the following formula/mechanism:
Adjustment Mechanism - Other Income (01)

=OI(Allowed Previous year) + [OI(allowed for previous year) —

OI(Actual previous year))

FY 2023-24, proposed Other income may be considered as reference cost for future adjustment.
In sddition the allowed Other Income for previous year will be trued up based on actual Other Income during that year

4.11. Regarding adjustment of Salaries. Wages & Other Benefits, the petitioner was allowed an
amount of Rs. 12,342 million for both of its Distribution and Supply function for FY 2023-24,
used as reference for future adjustment/indexation of FY 2024-25. Therefore, for assessing the
salaries & wages cost of the Petitioner for the FY 2024-25, the amount determined for the FY
2023-24 i.e. Rs.12,342 miffion, has been considered as reference.

4.12. It is pertinent to mention here that the Federal Budget for the FY 2024-25, has not yet been
announced by the Federal Government, therefore, budgetary increases of Pay & allowances to
Decision of the Authority in the matter ofrequest filed byJESCO for
Adjustment/Inde-atiOJi of Tarifffor the FY2024-25 wider the MYT

be applicable for FY 2024-25, are not available as of to date. In view thereof, the Authority has
decided to apply an Adhoc allowance of 15% on provisional basis on the amount of Pay &
allowances allowed for the FY 2023-24. In addition, the impact of annual increment @ 5% has
also been included in the assessed amount of Salaries, Wages & Other Benefits for the FY 2024-
25. Accordingly, for the FY 2024-25, the amount of Pay & allowances has been worked out as
Rs.13,334 miffion, which is hereby allowed to the Petitioner. Since the increases being allowed
for the FY 2024-25, are on provisional basis, therefore, the same shall be adjusted subsequently,
based on actual increases of Pay & Allowances as announced by the Government in the Federal
Budget for the FY 2024-25. The financial impact thereof, would be allowed separately as part of
PYA, either in the next adjustment request or tariff determination of the Petitioner as the case

4.13. Additionally, the allowed Pay & Allowances amount of the Petitioner for the FY 2023-24,
included impact of GENCO employees transferred to the Petitioner. The Authority directed the
Petitioner to provide proper details of such allocated employees in terms of pay scales, terms of
adoption, approvals of competent Authority for such adoption and placement details along-with
their financial impact. However, no such details have been shared by the Petitioner. In view
thereof, the Petitioner is again directed to submit the required details, along-with its next Tariff

4.14. Accordingly, for the FY 2024-25, the total Salaries, Wages & Other Benefits (excluding post-
retirement benefits) of the Petitioner have been worked out as Rs.13,334 million for both the
distribution and supply of power functions.

4.15. In order to bifurcate the allowed cost of Salaries, Wages and other benefits costs in terms of
Distribution and Supply Functions, the criteria adopted by the Authority in the MYT
determination has been used. Thus, the cost of Salaries, Wages and other benefits (excluding
postretirement benefits) for the FY 2024-25 pertaining to the distribution function works out as
Rs. 12,208 million and Rs. 1,126 million for Supply function.

4.16. Regarding Post-retirement Benefits, the Authority allowed provision for post-retirement
benefits to the Petitioner in the MYT tariff determination, with the direction to deposit the
whole amount of allowed Post retirement benefits into the separate Fund and route all its
pension payments through the Fund. If the Petitioner fails to transfer the whole amount of
postretirement benefits into the Fund, the Authority would adjust the deficit payments in next
year's provision and from thereon, only actual amounts paid and amount transferred into the
fund would he allowed.

4.17. The Authority noted that the Petitioner was allowed a total amount of Rs.27.058 billion from
FY 2015-16 to FY 2022-23 (in previous MYT control period) under the head of post-retirement
benefits. As per the data submitted by the Petitioner, it has paid actual post-retirement benefits
of around Rs.22.24 billion from FY 2015-16 tifi FY 2022-23. Further, the amount available in
the Pension Fund by end of FY 2023, is around Rs5.4 billion, as per the information provided by
the Petitioner tabulated below;

DecLcion of the Authority in the matter ofrequest filed by JESCO for
Adjustinent/Indexation of Tarifffor the FY2024-25 wider the MY]'

NEPRA allowed Amount Paid to Profit earned Fund Balance
Years Fund Balance
amount Pensioners net of Profit

mount m X(S.
2015-16 2,894,000,000 1,381,525,739 - -
2016-17 3,532,000,000 1,657,817,045 69,145,356 145,356 69,000,000
2017-18 4,444,000,000 2,141,745,724 124,843,152 4,843,152 189,145,356
2018-19 4,444,000,000 1,692,168,338 341,384,940 21,384,677 513,988,771
2019-20 1,861,000,000 2,962,857,648 1,857,279,337 131,279,337 2,261,373,448
2020-21 2,986,000,000 3,732,356,425 700,887,655 125,887,655 2,967,652,785
2021-22 3,284,000,000 4,212,994,673 867,076,247 217,076,247 3,743,540,440
2022-23 3,613,000,000 4,455,818,508 2,053,511,946 528,812,471 5,485,316,162
Total 27,058,000,000 22,237,284,100 6,014,128,633 1,029,428,895

4.18. Based on the information provided by the Petitioner, the Authority noted that the Petitioner
has shown compliance of the directions of the Authority, whereby the excess amount has been
deposited in the Fund.

4.19. Regarding assessment of post-retirement benefits for the FY 2024-25, the determination
provides that it would be allowed based on the actuarial valuation report for the year for which
assessment is being made or as per the latest available audited financial statements. As per the
latest audited financial statements of the Petitioner i.e. for the FY 2022-23, the provision for
post-retirement benefits is Rs.7,964 miffion. The same is being allowed to the Petitioner for the
FY 2024-25, for both the distribution and supply of power functions.

4.20. In order to bifurcate the allowed cost of Post-retirement benefits in terms of Distribution and
Supply Functions, the criteria adopted by the Authority in the MYT determination has been
used. Thus, the allowed amount of post-retirement benefits for the PY 2024-25 pertaining to the
distribution function works out as Rs.7,292 million and Rs.672 miffion for Supply function.

4.21. Regarding Other O&M expenses, (Repair & Maintenance, Traveffing, Transportation and Other
O&M expenses) the MYT tariff determination requires the same to be indexed with NCPI of
December for the respective year after adjustment for the X factor i.e. 30% of CPI (applicable
from 3rd year of tariff control period). Accordingly, for indexation of other O&M expenses for
the FY 2024-25, the NCPI of December 2023 has been considered. The same as reported by
Pakistan bureau of Statistics is 29.66%. Further, the Petitioner was allowed MYT from FY 2023-
24, therefore, as per the notified MYT decision X-Factor would be applicable from 3rd year of
control period, therefore, for adjusiment/indexation of FY 2024-25, X-Factor has not been
accounted for. With NCPI of December 2023 i.e. 29.66%, the Other O&M cost of the Petitioner
for the FY 2024-25 works out as Rs.6,862 million based on reference cost of Rs.5,292 miffion.

4.22. Based on the foregoing, , the total Other O&M cost of the Petitioner for the FY 2024-25,
including Supplier License Fee, works out as Rs.6,862 miffion. The same is being allowed to the
Petitioner for both the distribution and supply of power functions.

4.23. In order to bifurcate the allowed cost of Other O&M expenses in terms of Distribution and
Supply Functions, the criteria adopted by the Authority in the MYT determination has been
Decision of the Authority in the matter ofrequest filed bylESCO for
Adjustment/Indexation of Tarifffor the FY2024-25 under the MY?

used. Thus, the allowed amount of Other O&M for the FY 2024-25 pertaining to the distribution
function works out as Rs.6,068 million and Rs.794 million for Supply function.

4.24. Regarding Depreciation expenses, the same are required to be worked out based on the Revised
Gross Fixed Assets in Operation (GFAIO) for FY 2024-25, to be calculated based on Investment
allowed for the FY 2024-25. For FY 2024-25, allowed investment for the Petitioner is Rs.28,461
miffion, by considering the same revised Gross Fixed Assets in Operation of the Petitioner for
the FY 2024-25 works out as Rs. 165,624 million. Accordingly, as per the allowed mechanism
the total depreciation expense of the Petitioner for the FY 2024-25 works out as Rs.6,298 million.
The same is being allowed to the Petitioner for both the distribution and supply of power

4.25. In order to bifurcate the allowed cost of depreciation expenses in terms of Distribution and
Supply Functions, the criteria adopted by the Authority in the MYT determination has been
used. Thus, the total allowed amount of Depreciation for the FY 2024-25 allocated to the
distribution function.

4.26. In addition, the mechanism given in the Iv1YT, also provides that the allowed Depreciation for
previous year will be trued up downward only, keeping in view the amount of investment
allowed for the respective year. In view thereof, the depreciation cost allowed for the F'Y 2022-
23, has been trued up and made part of PYA of the Petitioner for the FY 2024-25 as under;

Depreciation IESCO
Allowed Rs. Mlii 4,063
Actual Rs. Mlii 3,917
Under/(Over) Recovery Rs. Mlii - 146

4.27. It is clarified that the Authority is in the process of evaluating the investments actually carried
out by the Petitioner, whether the same in line with the allowed investment plan or otherwise.
Therefore, for the purpose of truing up of Depreciation expenses for the FY 2022-23,
depreciation expense as reported in Audited financial statements of the Petitioner have been
considered, keeping in view the mechanism prescribed in the MYT determination. Any
adjustment based on the final evaluation of the Authority, if required, would be made in next
adjustment/indexation request of the Petitioner.

4.28. Regarding RoRB, the reference RoRB is required to be adjusted every year based on the amount
of RAB worked out for the respective year after taking into account the amount of investment
allowed for that year, as per the mechanism provided in the MYT.

4.29. Accordingly, the revised RAB of the Petitioner for the FY 2024-25, based on the Investment
allowed for the FY 2024-25 i.e. Rs.28,461 million, and incorporating therein 100% balance of
CWIP, works out as Rs.98,206 million. The average RAB of the Petitioner however, for the
purpose of calculation of RoRB, works out as Rs. 81,531 million for the FY 2024-25.

4.30. It is relevant to mention here that the Authority vide MYT determination, allowed adjustments
on account of variation in KIBOR on biannual basis. The same would be adjusted subsequently
once the actual KIBOR and Audited accounts of the Petitioner for the FY 2024-25, are available
for true up of RORB.
Decision of the Authority in the matter ofreçiuest filed by JESCO for
Adjusrment/Indeiation of Tarifffor the FY2024-25 under the MYT

4.31. Based on the above discussion, the total RoRB of the Petitioner for the FY 2024-25 works out as
Rs. 17,265 million. The same is being allowed to the Petitioner for both the distribution and
supply of power functions.

4.32. In order to bifurcate the allowed RoRB in tenns of Distribution and Supply Functions, the
criteria adopted by the Authority in the MYT determination has been used, wherein, complete
amount allocated to Distribution function.

4.33. In addition the mechanism also provides that the allowed RAB for previous year will be trued
up downward only, keeping in view the amount of investment allowed for the respective year.
Further, the variations on account of KIBOR are also required to be allowed on biannual basis.
In view thereof, the RoRB cost allowed for the FY 2022-23, has been trued up and made part of
PYA of the Petitioner for the FY 2024-25, on both these accounts as under;


Allowed KIBOR 9.75%

Actual KIBOR 04.07.2022 15. 32%
Actual KIBOR 03.01.2023 17.06%

RoRB (Investment + KIBOR)

Allowed Rs.M1n 7,612
Actual Rs.M1n 7,392
Under/(Over) Recovery 220

4.34. The Authority in its earlier decisions, while allowing RORB on 100% balance of CWIP also
directed DISCO to disclose the amount of Interest during Construction (IDC) separately in their
financial statements. While going through the Financial Statements of the Petitioner, it was
observed that the Petitioner has separately disclosed the amount of IDC. The Petitioner shall
continue with this practice in future and in case the Petitioner fails to reflect the amount of IDC
in its future financial statements, the Authority may consider not to allow RORB on 100%
balance of C'WIP. The Petitioner is, therefore directed to continue to reflect the IDC amount
its Audited Financial Statements.

4.35. It is also clarified that the Authority is in the process of evaluating the investments actually
carried out by the Petitioner, whether the same in line with the allowed investment plan or
otherwise. Therefore, for the purpose of truing up of RAB for the FY 2022-23, investments as
reported in the Audited financial statements of the Petitioner, have been considered. However,
the amount of investment appearing in the financial statements has been restricted to the extent
of allowed investments only. Any adjustment based on the final evaluation of the Authority, if
required, would be made in next adjustment/indexation request of the Petitioner

4.36. Regarding Other Income, the same has been adjusted as per the mechanism provided in the
MYT determination for the FY 2024-25. The same for the FY 2024-25 works out as
Rs.8,581mi1lion for the Petitioner. The Petitioner in line with mechanism also requested same

4.37. In order to bifurcate the allowed cost of Other Income in terms of Distribution and Supply
Functions, the criteria adopted by the Authority in the MYT determination has been used. Thus,
Decision of the Authority in the matter ofrequest filed byIESCO for
Adjustment/Indexation of Tarifffor the FY2024-25 under the MYT

the allowed amount of Other Income for the FY 2024-25 pertaining to the distribution function
works out as Rs.4,061 million and Rs.4,520 miffion for Supply function.

4.38. Further, the MYT determination also provides truing up of Other Income every year.
Accordingly, the allowed Other income (excluding LPS) for the FY 2022-23, has also been trued
up based on Audited Financial statement of the Petitioner for FY 2022-23, resulting in negative
adjustment of Rs.2,853mi11ion. The same has been made part of PYA for the FY 2024-25.

Other Income IESCO

Allowed Rs. Mln - 2,255
Actual Rs. Mln 5,108
Under/(Over) Recovery Rs. Mm - 2,853

5. Whether the requested PYA. is justified?

5.1. The Prior Year Adjustment includes the impact of variation in the following, based on the
Authority's allowed benchmarks of T&D losses and recoveries;
v' Impact of Negative/Positive FCAs not passed on/recovered
/ Under/Over Recovery of allowed Quarterly Adjustments
v' Under/Over Recovery of the assessed DM
v' Under/Over Recovery of the previously assessed PYA
V Cost allowed in Motion for Leave for Review/interim tariff differential
V Sales Mix Variance
V Adjustment of excess LPS over supplemental charges
V MYT True ups
5.2. The Petitioner requested the following amount on account of PYA and also provided its
workings under each head as mentioned hereunder;
Description Mm. Rs.
Un-Recovered Distribution Margin For FY 2022-23 2,232
Minimum Tax Paid during FY 2022-23 7,823
Un-favorable Consumer Mix Vaiiance for FY2022-23 366
Excess Allowed DepreciationforFY2022-23 1,677
Less Allowed Other Income for FY 2022-23 865
Less Allowed PRB for FY 2022-23 843
Actuarial GairilLoss Charged to OCT for FY2022-23 13,791
Total PYA for FY 2022-23 27,597

5.3. Un-Recovered Distribution Margin (DM) For FY 2022-23:

. The Petitioner submitted that the Authority allowed a Distribution Margin (DM) of Rs.27,455
Million for the FY 2022-23 vide decision dated July 22, 2022. The same was notified by the GoP
vide SRO dated July 25, 2022. The DM recovered was Rs.25,223 Million, thus Rs.2,232 as un-
recovered be allowed as part of PYA.
Decision of the Authority in the matter ofrequest ified bylESCO for
Adjustment/Indexat/on of Tarifffor the FY2024-25 under the MYT

Description PKR Mlii.

Allowed by Authority 27,455
Recovered by JESCO 25,223
Less Recovered 2,232

5.4. Mininium Tax Paid during FY 2022-23:

• The Petitioner stated that it paid minimum tax of Rs.7,823 Miffion for the FY 2022-23 as given
here under and the Authority is requested to allow an amount of Rs.7,823 million in the Prior
Year Adjustment of FY 2022-23;
Tax paid
CPR No Date
(Mlii. Rs.)
IT2021100801011145848 08/10/2021 924
IT2022010401011012968 04/01/2022 577
IT2022033101011616144 31/03/2022 534
IT2022062901011694926 29/06/2022 696
FY 2022-23
IT2022092301012023442 23/09/2022 1,340
IT2022092701012229177 27/09/2022 240
IT2022103101012434997 31/10/2022 600
IT2023033001012513744 29/03/2023 651
IT2023061601011900523 16/06/2023 140
IT2023062601012506022 26/06/2023 38
FY 2023-24
IT2O23092801012312464 28/09/2023 1,387
IT2023122801011649152 28/12/2023 695
Total Tax Paid 7,823

5.5. SalesMix Variance

• The actual Sales Mix for FY 2022-23 at the base tariff notified vide SRO dated February 12, 2021
(effective from 12.02.2021 to 24.07.2022) & dated July 25, 2022 (effective from 25.07.2022 to
30.06.2023) was Rs.360 million, than the standard Mix. The Authority is requested to adjust the
impact of sales mix of Rs.360 Million in the Prior Year Adjustment of FY 2022-23.

5.6. Depreciation for FY 2022-23

• The Petitioner submitted that the Authority has allowed Depreciation of Rs.4,063 million for the
FY 2022-23 vide decision dated July 22, 2022. The same was notified by GoP Vide SRO dated July
25, 2022. As per audited financial statement for the FY 2022-23 was Rs.5,740 Million. The actual
depreciation was higher than the allowed depreciation by Rs.1,677 Million (difference of amount
allowed and actual) as given below;

Description Mm. Rs.

Allowed Depreciation 4,063
Actual Depreciation 5,740
Excess Depreciation for FY 2022-23 1,677

Decision of the Authority in the matter ofrequest ified bylESCO for
Adjustment/Indexation of Tarifffor the FY2024-25 wider the MYT

The Authority is requested to allow excess Depreciation of Rs. 1,677 Mm in PYA 2022-23.

5.7, Other Income for FY 2022-23

• The Petitioner submitted that the Authority allowed Other Income of Rs.2,255 Miffion for FY
2022-23 vide decision dated July 22, 2022. The same was notified by GoP vide SRO dated July 25,
2022. As per audited financial statement for FY 2022-23, actual Other Income earned for the FY
2022-23 was Rs.3,120 million. The Company earned an extra Other Income of Rs.865 Million
(difference of amount allowed and actual) than allowed by e Authority for FY 2022-23. Detailed
is given below;

Other Irome Allowed by NEPRA 2,255
ActualOtherlixome 3,120
Add. Other Income earned
for FY 2022-2 3

It is requested to adjust the amount of other income Rs.865 Million in the PYA of FY 2022-23
earned above the allowed/determined.

5.8. Less Allowed Post Retirement Benefits (PRB) for FY 2022-23

• The Petitioner submitted that the Authority determined Post Retirement Benefits of Rs.3,613
Million for the FY 2022-23 vide decision dated July 22, 2022. The same was notified by GoP vide
SRO dated July 25, 2022. As per audited financial statement the actual Post-Retirement Benefits
for the FY 2022-23 were Rs.4,456 Million. Post-Retirement Benefits of Rs.843 Million (difference
of amount allowed and provision) less allowed for the FY 2022-23 as detailed below;

Description PKR. M]n

Allowed PRB 3,613
Actual PRB 4,456
Less Allowed PRB 843

It is requested to allow Post Retirement Benefits of Rs.843 Million in PYA of FY 2022-23

5.9. Actuarial Gain/Loss Charged to OCI for FY 2022-23

• The Actuarial loss of Rs. 13,791 million for the FY 2022-23 charged to Other Comprehensive
Income as a result of re measurement of Post-Retirement Benefits Obligations of IESCO
employees. Breakup of which is given below;

Mm Rs.
Free Leave Free
Pension Total
Supply Encashment Medical
11,855 901 - 1,035 13,791

Decision of the Authority in the matter ofrequest flied bylESCO for
Adjustment/Indexadon of Tarifffor the FY2024-25 under the MYT

5.10. The Authority has considered the submissions of the Petitioner regarding PYA and point wise
discussion is as under.
5.11 On the issue of minimu.m tax, Section 113 of the Income Tax Ordinance 2001 states as under;
113- Minimum tax on the income of certain persons. - (1) This section shall apply to a resident
company, permanent establishment ofa non-resident company, an individual (having turnover
ofhundred million rupees or above in the tax year 2017 orin any subsequent tax year) and an
association ofpersons (having turnover ofhundred million rupees or above in the tax year 2017
or in any subsequent tax year), where, for any reason whatsoever allowed under this Ordinance,
including any other law for the time being in force (a) loss for the year; (b) the setting off ofa
loss ofan earlier year; (c) exemption from tax; (d) the application of credits or rebates; or (e) the
claiming ofallowances or deductions (including depreciation and amortization deductions) no
tax is payable orpaid by the person for a tax year or the tax payable orpaid by the person for a
tax year is less than the percentage as specified in column (3) of the Table in Division IX ofPart-
I ofthe First Schedule, of the amount representing the person c turnover from all sources for
that year;
Explanation; For the purpose of this sub-section, the expression "tax payable or paid" does not
include- (a) tax alreadypaid or payable in respect of deemed income which is assessed as final
discharge of the tax liability under section 169 or under any other pro vision of this Ordinance;
and (b) tax payable or paid under section 4B or 4C

5.12. LESCO in its Petition, provided an opinion in the matter from M/s Yousaf Adil, Chartered
Accountants, wherein it has been submitted inter alia as under;
.from bare perusal of the above mentioned provisions of section 113, it is clear that the
mthiniwn tax shall be applicable on evezy company whose normal tax liability, calculated
currently as 29% of the taxable income (under DivLcion II ofPart Ito the Second Schedule of the
Ordinance), is either zero or lower than the minimum tax calculated under section 113 of the
Ordinance. This requirement is particularly relevant to the companies like Electric Distribution
Companies (DISCOs) including LESCO who have historically reported substantial taxable losses.
Since the normal tax liability of LESCO is zero due to taxable losses including brought forward
taxable losses, therefore, given the absence ofa normal tax liability, Section 113 ofthe Ordinance
is invoked/applicable on LESCO. Therefore, LESCO is obhed to discharge its minimum tax
obharion, calculated as prescribed under section 113 of the Ordinance..."
"Furthermore, it is important to hibhght the historical context ofSection 113 with respect to its
applicability on DISOCs, which initially saw the issuance ofSRO 171 (1)/2008 dated February 21,
2008. This SROprovidedreliefto DISCOs, wherein the DISCOs were obligated to pay minim um
tax under Section 113 (ifapplicable) solely on their distribution margin calculated as the difference
between sales value of electricity and purchase cost of electricity. It is noteworthy that the
aforementioned SRO, having lapsed in the tax year 2013, was not renewed or extended.
Additionally, in Section 113 ofthe Ordinance, there existed a proviso which stated that companies
declaring gross losses (calculated as per the provision ofsection 113), would be excluded from the
application of Section 113. The benefit of this proviso was availed by major DISCOs including
LESCO, owing to the fact that such DISCOs were incurring gross losses. However, it is pertinent
to note that this proviso was removed through the Finance Act of2016." "1 ER
Decision of the Authority in the matter ofrequest flied bylESCO for
Adjustment/Indexadon of Tarifffor the FY2024-25 wider the MY?'

•.till today, both ofthe above mentionedrelithi.e. the extension ofsaidSROandtheproviso to

Section 113 have not been restored.."
"In consideration of the aforementioned circumstances and as per the existing legal framework
from tax year 2017 and onwards, it is darified that Section 113 is applicable to LESCO on its
turnover calculated under the said section and no exemption is available from its applicability
under the Ordinance even in the presence ofgross losses incurred byLESCO'

5.13. In view of the relevant provision of Income Tax Ordinance 2001 and the opinion submitted by
LESCO, the Authority may consider that minimum tax is applicable on every company even if it
is incurring gross loss. Here it is pertinent to mention that IESCO initially in its adjustment
request, asked for an amount of Rs.7,823 million on account of minimum tax, however, during
hearing the Petitioner revised its request to Rs.2,911 million, owing to the fact that the Authority
allowed an amount of Rs.4,912 million vide its decision dated 14.03.2024. In view thereof, the
Authority has decided to allow IESCO the remaining minimum tax of Rs.2,91 1 million, paid by
the Petitioner as under;

ax pai
CPR No Date
(Mm. Rs.)
FY 202 1-22
IT2021100801O11145848 08/10/2021 924
1T2022010401011012968 04/01/2022 577
IT2022033l01011616144 31/03/2022 534
IT20220629010 11694926 29/06/2022 696
FY 2022-23
IT2022092301012023442 23/09/2022 1,340
IT2022092701012229177 27/09/2022 240
IT2022103101012434997 31/10/2022 600
IT20230330010 12513744 29/03/2023 651
IT2023061601011900523 16/06/2023 140
1T202306260 1012506022 26/06/2023 38
FY 2023-24
IT2023O92801O12312464 28/09/2023 1,387
112023122801011649152 28/12/2023 695
Total Tax Paid 7.823

5.14. Regarding the Sales mix the Authority in its previous determination dated 14.07.2023, directed
DISCOs to provide the reconciled date of sales mix with its reported revenue as per audited
financial statement of the respective year. However, no such reconciliation has been submitted
by the Petitioner, rather DISCOs have claimed new sales mix for FY 2022-23. Therefore, the
Authority has decided not to allow the sales mix variance of FY 2022-23, till the time, the
Petitioner complies with the direction of the Authority and submits the reconciled data till FY
5.15. Regarding post-retirement benefits, the Petitioner as a result of re-measurement of its Post-
Retirement Benefits obligations, has claimed an amount of Rs. 13,791 million, charged to Other
Comprehensive Income (OCI) for the FY 2022-23.
5.16. The Authority observed that it already allowed post-retirement benefits to the Petitioner as the
available information at that time, in line with the criteria given in the MYT determination of the
Petitioner. The Authority may consider this request of the Petitioner going forward, keeping in
Deci.cion of the Authorityth the matter ofrequest ified bylESCO for
Adjustmeiit/Indexation of Tarifffor the FY2024-25 wider the MYT

view the pension obligation of the Petitioner, amount deposited in the Fund and quantum of
future tariff increases. Considering the increase in tariff for the FY 2024-25, owing to rebasing and
annual indexation/ adjustment of X'.VDISCOs Distributionl Supply Margin for the FY 2024-25,
the Authority has decided not to allow this amount in the instant adjustment request.
5.17. Regarding difference of amount allowed for the FY 2022-23 and the actual payments made for the
FY 2022-23, the Authority has carried out an analysis of the amounts allowed to the Petitioner,
payments made and the amount deposited in the Fund till FY 2022-23, as under;

Amount to be
NEPRA Amount Paid Accumulated
Years Transferred to
allowed amount to Pensioners balance

2015-16 2,894,000,000 1,381,525,739 1,512,474,261 1,512,474,261

2016-17 3,532,000,000 1,657,817,045 1,874,182,955 3,386,657,216
2017-18 4.444,000,000 2,141,745,724 2,302,254,276 5,688,911,492
2018-19 4,444,000,000 1,692,168,338 2,751,831,662 8,440,743,154
2019-20 1,861,000,000 2,962,857,648 (1,101,857,648) 7,338,885,506
2020-21 2,986,000,000 3,732,356,425 (746,356,425) 6,592,529,081
2021-22 3,284,000,000 4,212,994,673 (928,994,673) 5,663,534,408
2022-23 3,613,000,000 4,455,818,508 (842,818,508) 4,820,715,900

5.18. From the above analysis, it has been noted that the Petitioner has deposited an amount of Rs.4.8
billion in the Fund net off the amounts, paid to its pensioners. Thus, the Petitioner has sufficient
funds to meet its financial obligations in terms of pension payment. In case the Petitioner deposits
any excess amount in the Fund, the Authority may decide to allow the same in future, keeping in
view the financial obligations of the Petitioner and quantum of future tariff increases.
5.19. Regarding impact of FCAs, the Authority in line with its earlier decision in the matter of negative
FCA, has calculated impact of negative FCA pertaining to the period from January 2023 to
December 2023 in the matter of lifeline consumers, domestic consumers (consuming up-to 300
units) and Agriculture consumers, which has been retained by the Petitioner. As per the
information provided by the Petitioner, it has retained only Rs. 118 in this regard. The Authority
has also worked out the impact of positive FCAs not recovered by the Petitioner from life line and
EV consumers during the same period, which as per the Petitioner is only Rs.85,019. The workings
have been carried out based on the information provided by the Petitioner. The Authority also
considered the relevant clauses of the S.R.O. 189 (1)/2015 dated March 05, 2015 issued by GoP
and the amount of subsidy claims filed by the Petitioner for these periods.
5.20. After considering all the aforementioned factors, the Authority observed that the Petitioner has
not recovered a net amount of Rs.84,900 on account of positive FCAs pertaining to the lifeline
and EV consumers. The Authority in view of the above and in line with its earlier decisions, has
decided to allow the impact of Rs.84,900 to TESCO as part of PYA. The above working has been
carried out based on the data! information provided by the Petitioner, however, the information
submitted by the Petitioner regarding units billed to lifeline consumers, domestic consumers
(consuming up-to 300 units) and Agriculture consumers' needs reconciliation with PITC.
Therefore, the Petitioner is directed to get its data reconciled with PITC and submit such
reconciliation to the Authority for the period FY 2020-2 1 to FY 2023-24.
Decision of the Authority in the matter ofrequest filed byZESCO for
Adjustment/Indexation of Tarifffor the FY2024-25 under the MYT

5.21. Regarding points raised in the Review Motion, the Authority has admitted the MLR of the
Petitioner, for which proceedings would be carried out separately. Any adjustment, if required,
based on final decision of the Authority in the matter of MLR, would be allowed in the
subsequently as part of PYA.
5.22. Regarding under! over recovery of other adjustments in terms of already allowed PYA, DM for
the FY 2022-23, quarterly adjustments for the 2 & 3 quarter of FY 2022-23, MYT True ups for
FY 2022-23, reworking of other income for FY 2020-21 & FY 2021-22 after including therein the
impact of amortization of deferred credits etc., the Authority has carried out its workings and the
same has been included in the PYA of the Petitioner determined for the FY 2024-25.
5.23. Based on the foregoing , decisions of the Authority under various head of accounts in the earlier
paras and in line with the scope of MYT, the PYA of the Petitioner for the FY 2024-25 has been
worked out and is tabulated below;

January 2023 to December 2023

lirtoct.ilNogoiKuFC..O-nolaiood 9.. Olin
Plejihv rCA- i.ikljnc . Ky 03, OlIn 0.0050
Net 00. SIlo 0.0049
.ro.ry 2023 to D.r.mber 2023
Tonill fm. 0uhe4y Re. OlIn 0,534
Siuclorgu 0,. OlIn - 50,041
Net - Jul.10 to Mm. 23 II.. Olin - 39.507

tour.. VGA impact .*d( toed I. .ub.idy 00.0110

YCA Impact -Adjusted a. PVA lie. Olin 009

led Qtr. FY 2022-23 (Apr. Jut. 23)

.6flc1cu4 Antnn 60. ii,,
(lit. Ko.kWh (1Sf k0Vfl Os. Mlii
Undrn/lOvrr) Recovery Rn. OlIn 173

Srd Qnr. LV 2022-23 0°'. Sep. 23)

(mood 30(0110
(inn. 00. 1.31, 1.3110
Rcnnl(-nol 00.016 - 5022
UndrrliOrrp) Recovery 00.0110 . 131

n.M Lv 2022.23
.5Ik,00j .6000lnn 00.016 27,455

Ucde,/(Ovrr) R.uovlry 00. Olin 2.132

PVA 2022
is. Olin 13.191
(s,flilO'ln ill
PS. Olin 10302
Uoje,/(Ovrrl Reconety 00.0110 2339

Other Colt,. btrd to Pyfl

0.01 15 1021-22 _Ad,alnonl
011.0 Cool
P. SI AOl I. cv c Pu c Logo
,olivetun,,mrn 2,911
0110,, .Odjiolmu.0 01 pncvitln P5-co 567
AENIC Pv,o4cncfl
.Sdjiclnu.n,l.illinolcenttS.o Iitcnin1.r10


la__Co _oC_
flip rev lot (
.lSiund Or. Olin
AId0 I Cc. Olin
UoodorilOvrrl Rlouvery to-Olin - 146

0009 110(011menlo 010001

AI10,evi Ru. Olin
-Social Co. OlIn
Under/lOver) Recovery Re. Olin 220

Other )tccmr
Ro, OlIn
Mo . Olin
Under/lOon) R.covrry 00. Olin 2,803

Uflflflflilfl.o Ru. Olin 3.2)9

ltalflhlpamat Os. Olin 6.033

Decision of the Authorityin the matter ofrequest filed byJESCO for
Adjustment/Indexation of Tarifffor the FY2024-25 under the MYT

6. IESCO to present its Power Purchases Price (Energy & Cost) for the FY 2024-25, keeping in
view the Section 32 of NEPRA Act and NEPRA Power Procurement Regulations?

6.1. The Petitioner during hearing has submitted following projections;

FY 2022-23 FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 FY 2023-24 FY 2023-24
Description . Projected with 8%
Determmed Actual Determsned Provissoani
Energy Transfer Charges 114,884 134,186 86,466 126,330 136,436
Capacity Transfer Charges 112,582 94,931 160,942 164,055 177,179
TransmissnCharges 10,309 12,147 12,959 11,113 12,002
Power Purchase Price 237,775 241,264 260,367 301,498 325,618
Growth Determined vs
1% 16% 8%

6.2. The Authority noted that Power Purchase Price (PPP) forecast of the Petitioner as well for all
XWDISCOs for the FY 2024-25 has since been determined by the Authority through a separate
decision, detailing the assumptions of the forecast and relevant share of the Petitioner. In view
thereof, the Authority does not see any rationale to discuss this issue again herein in the instant
decision. However, for the purpose of calculation of overall revenue requirement of the
Petitioner, the PPP forecast for the FY 2024-25 as determined by the Authority, has been made
part of the overall Revenue Requirement of the Petitioner. Further, Annex-I of the PPP decision,
to the extent of the Petitioner, has been attached as Annex-TV with the instant decision. The
PPP forecast of the Petitioner for the FY 2024-25 shall be used as reference for future
adjustments of PPP including the monthly and quarterly adjustments.

7. Whether the rate design for Temporary connections needs to be revised or otherwise?

7.1. The Petitioner during hearing submitted that Tariff rates for temporary connections needs to be
7.2. The Authority noted that as per the existing notified tariff terms & conditions, the Temporary
Residential! Commercial Supply means a supply given to persons temporarily on special
occasions such as ceremonial, religious gatherings, festivals, fairs, exhibitions, political
gathering, marriages and other civil or military functions. This also includes supply to touring
cinemas and persons engaged in construction of house/buildings/plazas of single phase loads. A
temporary electric power supply connection for the construction shall be provided by
Distribution company initially for a period of six months which is further extendable on three
month basis up to completion of the specific job/project for which the temporary connection
was obtained. "Temporary Industrial Supply" means the supply given to an Industry for the
bonafide purposes mentioned under the respective definitions of "Industrial Supply", during the
construction phase prior to the commercial operation of the Industrial concern.
7.3. Different DISCOs raised their concerns regarding misuse of temporary connections by
consumers as the existing tariff rates for temporary connections are lower than standard rates of
comparable regular categories of consumers. DISCOs submitted that this provides incentive to
some consumers to exploit by reselling electricity illegally due to delayed infrastructure
completion. Therefore, to address such issues, tariff rates needs to be increased, coupled with
MDI adjustment.

Decision ofthe Authority in the matter ofrequest filed by IESCO for
Adjustment/Indexadon of Tarifffor the FY2024-25 under the MYT

7.4. The Authority in order to address such issues and to discourage delay in infrastructure
completion, has decided to increase the rates of temporary connections for Residential,
Commercial and Industrial consumers. Accordingly, the rates for temporary connections have
been revised along-with application of fixed charges, as mentioned in the SoT attached with this
decision. The Authority considers that this will contribute to a fair and balanced tariff structure,
encouraging responsible usage of temporary connections.
8. Whether the schedule of tariff be designed on cost of service basis or otherwise?

8.1. The Petitioner during hearing submitted that tariff needs be designed on cost of services basis.
8.2. The Petitioner in the matter submitted that schedule of tariff should be made reflective of Cost
of Service , without inter-tariff cross subsidy. The Petitioner also referred to various Strategic
Directives (SD) of NE Plan i.e. SD-82, SD-83, SD-84. It further stated that till implementation of
subsidy disbursement mechanism (SD 67 of NE Plan), and action plan thereof (SD 68 of NE
Plan), the subsidy to the protected residential consumers may continue.
8.3. The Authority observed that as per NE Plan 2023-27 under SD 82, Tariffs for residential
consumers shall be progressively adjusted to align with the principle of cost-of-service, taking
into account the following:
V Subsidies to the protected categories of residential consumers shall be disbursed directly
pursuant to the detailed action plan to be developed under Strategic Directive 067;
V Residential consumers (below cost recovery) shall be cross subsidized by:
i. industrial & commercial consumers, pursuant to the Strategic Directive 084;
ii. Other residential consumers (above cost recovery).

8.4. Similarly, SD 83 states that Tariff structure for agricultural consumers shall be segmented into
sub-categories, taking into account the following:
V subsidies to the agricultural consumers shall be disbursed pursuant to the detailed action
plan to be developed under Strategic Directive 068;
V Agricultural consumers (below cost recovery) shall be cross-subsidized by:
i. industrial & commercial consumers, pursuant to the Strategic Directive 084;
ii. Other agricultural consumers (above cost recovery).

8.5. Further, SD 84 provides that cross-subsidy by the productive consumers, to subsidize residential
and agricultural consumers, shall be progressively restricted to 20% of the respective cost of
service of such consumers by FY-2026.

8.6. The Authority noted that as per different provisions of NE Plan mentioned above, tariff for
residential consumers is progressively to be aligned with the principle of cost-of-service, and till
such time, residential consumers below cost of service shall be cross subsidized by Industrial and
Commercial consumers and other residential consumers. Similarly, for Agriculture consumers,
the tariff structure same shall be segmented into sub-categories and agriculture consumers below
cost of service shall be cross subsidized by Industrial and Commercial consumers and other
agriculture consumers.

Decision of the Authority iii the matter ofrequest filed by JESCO for
Adjusrmenr/Indexation of Tarifffor the FY2024-25 wider the MYT

8.7. In view thereof, the Authority has decided to gradually reduce the quantum of cross
subsidization among different consumer categories and the SoTs for the FY 2024-25, have been
designed accordingly.

9. Whether the peak and off-peak timing and rate design needs to be revised, in line with Strategic
Directives given in NE Plan?

9.1. The Petitioner during the hearing submitted that If peak/off peak timing is changed then
software of existing metering equipment will also be changed accordingly to record/measure
peak/off peak timings. If the timing through software could not be changed then all the TOU
meters have to be replaced which involve huge cost.

9.2. The Authority noted that NE Plan envisages that first assessment of ToU tariff, is to be completed
by March 2024. The Authority observed that USAID (PSIA) has been asked to provide technical
assistance for carrying out the required assessment. USAID has intimated that said assessment
require data from SO, CPPA, and NTDC, therefore, subject to the availability of data, it will be
able to conduct the assessment by July / August 2024. In view thereof, the Authority would
deliberate this issue, once the required assessment form USAID is received. Further, the
Authority also understands that the existing infrastructure of DISCOs needs to be evaluated in
terms of its capability to cater for multiple peak /off peak rates and times during a billing cycle.
9.3. In view thereof, the Authority has decided to continue with the existing mechanism of peak /
off-peak hours and prevailing rate design. At the same time, the Petitioner is directed to evaluate
the different proposals of tariff design so as to make it more efficient and cost reflective with the
objective to maximize the utilization of available capacity.

10. Whether prepaid metering shall be allowed to different consumers categories and what shall be
appropriate tariff for such consumers considering various periodic adjustments in the base tariff?

10.1. The Petitioner on the issue of pre-paid metering submitted that Prepaid metering option is
available in ongoing project of AMI in IESCO for which prepaid tariff including periodic
adjustment is required to be incorporated in prepaid tariff. Prepaid metering shall be suitable for
all types of consumers i.e Domestic, Commercial, General, Industrial and Temporary
connections. Tariff determination will ensure the incorporation of periodic adjustment for
prepaid consumers OR as an incentive to Prepaid consumers, the Periodic adjustments should
not be charged keeping in view the time value of money as paying in advance.

10.2. The Authority observed that various DISCOs have been allowed investments for AMRJAMI
meters, in their MYT determinations I Investment plans. IESCO accordingly vide its letter dated
18.01.2024 also requested for pre-paid tariff for Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) project
and made the following submissions in this regards;

The scope of the IESCO AMI project encompasses the implementation of an Advanced
Metering Infrastructure (AMI) system, covering the deployment of Smart Meters, Data
Concentrator Units (DCU) and essential communication infrastructure in the jurisdiction of
Rawalpindi City Circle, Rawalpindi Cantt. Circle and Taxila Division along with the
implementation of the new Billing System/Customer Information System (CIS) for whole
ESCO. The project scope involves the installation of 879,564 smart meters, with the first

N2PRA 1jci3 c::k

Decision ofthe Authority/n the matter ofrequestified byIESCO for
Adjustnient/Indexation of Tarifffor the FY2024-25 wider the MYT

phase targeting the installation of 135,000 smart meters in area of Rawalpindi City Circle.
The new Buffing system will be operational tentatively from June 2024.
V IESCO AJvII Billing System has a value-added feature of Prepayment along with Post-
payment functionality which is already in vogue. The new Buffing System is capable to
calculate the allowable units I consumption (KWh) and communicate this information to
Meter Data Management System (MOMS). Consequently, smart meters are configured to
operate exclusively within the limits of these calculated units. After the exhaust of these
units, a remote disconnection order will be executed through the smart meter. Further, after
the recharge of the new top up the reconnection order will be made automatically.
V The inclusive development of this prepaid functionality offers various advantages for both
the utility companies and consumers;
• Advance payment will improve the cash flow of utility companies.
• Mitigate the financial risk associated with bad debts and will increase the revenue
• Diminishes traditional billing and collection expenses, leading to cost savings for utility
companies. Remote disconnection and reconnection through the AMI system will
improve overall efficiency and reduce cost.
• Offers diverse payment options, including online and mobile payments, enhancing
convenience for consumers.
• Enabling consumers to actively monitor and manage their energy consumption pattern
through a mobile application.
V To fully operationalize the salient feature of prepayment in the Alvil system, it is imperative
to accurately convert the energy top-up amount into units. Currently, prepaid tariff
structure is not available. Therefore, it is requested to formulate the prepaid tariff structure
initially up-to 25 KW for tariff categories such as Domestic, Commercial, General, Industrial
and Temporary by considering the IESCO submissions:
• Formulation of prepaid tariff structure that will cater for both Protected and non-
protected type of consumer categories.
• Incorporation of Fuel Price Adjustment (FPA) and Quarterly Tariff Adjustment (QTA)
charges, minimum charges and PTV fee.
• Calculation of Electricity Duty (ED), GST and Income tax for non-filer consumers.
• Incorporation of extra tax and further tax for the industrial consumers.
• Imposition of fixed charges, especially related to Maximum Demand Indicator (MDI).
10.3. Considering the request of IESCO, the Authority made this "pre-paid metering" an issue for
deliberations during tariff proceedings of all DISCOs for the FY 2024-25. However, no
comments were received from any stakeholder on the issue including the Ministry of Energy
10.4. The Authority understands that prepaid metering system is a modernized buffing mechanism
which integrates metering equipment with smart card technology. It may offer benefits for the
stakeholders of electricity supply chain but at the same may also have some disadvantages. At
he consumer end, it helps them to control electricity consumption patterns and provides a smart
Decision of the Authority in the matter ofrequest filed byJESCO for
Adjustment/Zndexation of Tarifffor the FY2024-25 under the MYT

payment option. The availability of real time electricity consumption data, also motivates
consumers towards utilization of energy-efficient appliances, thus, may help reduce the undue
increase in electricity demand. Consequently, may reduce the burden of government in terms
of subsidies, circular debt, and import bill. From DISCOs perspective, prepaid metering provides
the opportunity to optimize billing & revenue of the distribution utility and improved cash
flows, thus helping in meeting their financial obligations. It may also mitigate the financial risk
associated with bad debts.
10.5. Similarly, in several cases around the world, prepaid metering has helped in significant reduction
in non-technical losses. It also reduces financial burden of DISCOs for maintaining workforce
employed for manual billing system and may also lead to improved employee to customer ratio.
Remote disconnection and reconnection through the AMI system may also improve overall
efficiency and reduce cost.
10.6. On the other hand, there may be resistance from the employees of DISCOs due to the fear of
downsizing and reduction of non-technical staff. Another critical challenge could be the
development of IT-based prepaid metering infrastructure, while replacing the conventional
billing mechanism. The internet-based purchase of electricity requires specific technical
expertise for designing, installing and managing the backend operations of the prepaid metering
system and full coordination among power sector institutions on technical systems. Moreover,
consumers' acceptance of the technology shift could be one of the challenges towards
implementation of prepaid technology.
10.7. In view of the above discussion, the Authority has decided to allow the request of IESCO for
pre-paid metering as a pilot project, and if successful, the same may be started in other DISCOs.
TESCO in this regard shall ensure that all required Technical & IT infrastructure, Security
controls and billing system etc. for prepaid metering, are in place.
10.8. The Authority has further noted that prepaid metering system had been implemented in
neighboring countries like India and Bangladesh in 2005 with the aim of reducing electricity
pilferage and non-payment from consumers in remote areas. The Authority observed that
different approaches were adopted by these countries w.r.t. tariff for prepaid meters. Initially
tariff for conventional and prepaid metering was kept same in India, to motivate the consumers.
In Bangladesh, the aim of introducing prepaid metering was to eliminate electricity pilferage
and to motivate consumers to adopt prepaid metering, a 2% discount was offered.
10.9. In view thereof and to promote the pre-paid metering, the Authority has decided to allow a flat
variable rate (Rs./kWh) for pre-paid consumers along-with fixed charges, as mentioned in the
SoT attached with the instant decision. No monthly FCAs or quarterly adjustments shall be
charged from the pre-paid metering consumers. However, regarding applicable Federal and
Provincial taxes, duties or surcharges, DISCO shall ensure to recover the same from pre-paid
metering consumers, as the same are not part of NEPRA determined tariffs.

11. Whether the Petitioner has prepared any plan in consultation with the Federal Government for
its organization restructuring in terms of segregation of responsibifities of Distribution and
supply function in order to ensure independent and transparent working of both these functions.


Decision of the Authority in the matter ofrequest ified by ZESCO for
Adjustment/Indexation of Tarifffor the FY2024-25 under the MYT

11.1. The Petitioner submitted during the hearing that working for restructuring of is started and the
same will be consulted with Federal Govt.
11.2. The Authority, keeping in view the amended NEPRA Act, 2018, whereby sale of electric power
has been removed from the scope of distribution licenses and transferred to supply licensee,
directed the Petitioner in its earlier tariff determinations to make organizational restructuring
in terms of segregation of responsibilities of the Distribution and Sale functions, in order to
ensure independent and transparent working of both these functions.
11.3. Since all the distribution companies are 100% owned by the GoP, therefore, DISCOs in
consultation with GoP should develop a centralized restructuring plan and submit the same to
NEPRA for consideration and necessary vetting for its compliance with NEPRA applicable
11.4. The Authority observed that the Petitioner although in instant Petition has bifurcated its costs
into Distribution and Supply of Power Functions, however, the petition was submitted with
common accounts and both functions combined. No progress has been shared by the Petitioner
in terms of its organizational restructuring. The Authority understands that a proper
organization restructuring, is essential to improve the performance of the Petitioner and to
ensure transparency for both functions. Therefore, the Petitioner is again directed that a
restructuring plan in consultation with the Federal Government be prepared, within the
stipulated time.
11.5. The Petitioner is directed to ensure compliance of the Authority's direction during the FY 2024-
25 and submit its progress report along-with its annual adjustment! indexation request or
petition for the FY 2025-26. In case of non-compliance by the Petitioner, the Authority shall
start legal proceedings against the Petitioner under relevant rules and regulations, which may
not be limited to imposing of fines but also initiate process for adjustment in the revenue
requirement of the Petitioner.

12. Whether the existing tariff rate design needs to be modified, to levy fixed charges on all
consumer categories and fixed charges be designed in a way to ensure that it accounts for a
significant portion of fixed costs i.e. capacity charges. UoSC etc., in line with Strategic Directives
given in NE Plan?

What will be the mechanism to recover fixed charges from consumers having meters not
recording MDI?

12.1. The Petitioner during the hearing submitted that tariff design is required to be modified to
charge fixed charges as envisaged in National Electricity Plan for which digital meters are
required to be replaced against electro mechanical meters so that fixed charged could be charged
in accordance with MDI recorded. It involves huge cost to be borne by IESCO as a significant
quantity of electromechanical non static meter still exist in IESCO which have no feature to
record MDI. For consumers where MDI is not recorded, fixed charges may be charged as per
sanctioned load till installation of MDI meters.

12.2. The Authority observed that as per the current tariff structure, certain consumer categories like
mmercial, Industrial, Bulk and Agriculture are levied fixed charges, based on billing demand.

Decision of the Authority in the matter ofrequest filed by ZESCO for
Adjuctment/Indexation of Tarifffor the FY2024-25 under the MYT

Billing demand means 50% of the sanctioned load or actual maximum demand recorded in a
month, whichever is higher, except in the case of agriculture tariff D2 where Billing Demand
shall mean the sanctioned load. The Authority observed that capacity charges of generation
companies which are fixed in nature, as it has to be paid based on plant availability, are charged
to DISCOs based on the actual MDIs of DISCOs. However, the present consumer end tariff
design is volumetric in nature, whereby major portion of the cost is recovered from consumers
on units consumed basis i.e. per kWh, and only a small amount of around 3-4% is being
recovered on MDIs basis from the consumers. The Authority has also considered NE Plan which
provides that fixed charges shall be progressively incorporated in the tariffs of all consumer
segments except consumers of protected category. Accordingly, the Authority in line with the
relevant provisions of NE Plan 2023-27, has decided to levy fixed charges on certain consumer
categories. The Authority has further decided to increase the rate of fixed charges currently
applicable to certain categories, keeping in view the quantum of overall fixed charges in the
revenue requirement of DISCOs, the cost of service (CoS) of each consumer category and the
fact that NE Plan obligates that fixed charges shall account for at least 20% of the fixed cost of
the respective categories evaluated through a cost-of-service study. The rate of fixed charges @
Rs./kWfMonth for each consumer category, has been mentioned in the Schedule of Tariff (SoT)
attached with the decision.
12.3. Here it is pertinent to mention that there are certain consumer categories, where actual loadl
MDI is not being recorded. The Petitioner for such consumers, submitted that either a fixed
charge per connection or per KW sanctioned load be used for recovery of fixed charges. The
Authority, for such consumers where MDI is not recorded, has decided to initially levy fixed
charges at a fixed rate per month, as mentioned in the SoT attached with the decision. The
Authority further directs the Petitioner to ensure that by the time it files its next tariff petition!
adjustment request, MDI for all consumers at all levels is properly recorded. However, at the
same time, the Authority, not to overburden such consumers who are being levied fixed charges,
has adjusted their variable rate (Rs./kWh), to minimize the impact of increase in fixed charges.
12.4. Here it is pertinent to mention that Rs.164.185 billion and Rs.13.848 billion is the share of the
Petitioner on account of CpGenCap and UoSC (NTDC/ HVDC) & Market Operator Fee
respectively for the FY 2024-25. The overall fixed charges comprising of CpGenCap and UoSC
(NTDC/HVDC) & Market Operator Fee in the instant case works out as Rs.178.033 billion,
which translate into Rs.6,905fkW/month based on projected average monthly MDI of the

13. Whether the existing tariff rate design needs to be modified for consumers having net metering
generation facilities or generation facifities behind the meters installed by third parties or
Captive generation power. to levy fixed charges, etc. in order to ensure recovery of fixed costs
i.e. capacity charges. UoSC etc.?

13.1. The Petitioner on the issue submitted that in such cases only tariff design is required to be
modified to the extent of charging fixed charges. While referring to NE Policy 2021 and NE Plan
(FY 2023-27), it submitted that the NE Policy provides for assured financial viability of the
sector, inter a]ia, through "recovery of costs arising on account of open access, distributed
generation, etc. The Petitioner also referred to Strategic Directive (SD) 90 of the NE Plan, for

Decision of the Authority in the matter ofrequest filed bylESCO for
Adjustment/Indexation of Tarifffor the FY2024-25 under the MYT

recovery of stranded costs, arising on account of distributed generation (including self-

consumption & net metering) for consumers utilizing grid connection.
13.2. The Authority considers that the matter requires further deliberations, therefore, the same
would be decided subsequently after having input from all the stakeholders.

14. Any Other issue that may come up during the hearing?

Revision in Tariff Terms & Conditions

14.1. The Authority has also decided to revise the tariff Terms & conditions for certain consumer
categories as under;
Billing Demand
Regarding change in mechanism of application of fixed charges based on actual MDI or
sanctioned load or otherwise, large number of stakeholders raised their concerns in the matter
especially with respect to calculation of their sanctioned loads. The Authority considering the
concerns of consumers has decided to amend the definition of billing demand for the purpose of
charging of fixed charges. The same has been reflected in Tariff Terms & Conditions attached
with the instant decision.
Month or Billing Period
Various DISCOs have shown their concerns regarding definition of Month or Buffing period,
appearing in the Tariff Terms & Conditions, as it does not take into account the month where
no of days are in excess of 30. Considering the submissions of DISCOs, the Authority has decided
to amend the definition of billing month. The same has been reflected in Tariff Terms &
Conditions attached with the instant decision.

Further, the issue of delayed readings due to holidays etc., resulting in change in slab of domestic
consumers, has also been addressed in the Tariff Terms & Conditions attached with the instant
Late Payment charges (LPC)
The Authority also decided to rationalize the Late Payment charges (LPC) by modifying existing
rate of 10% into two brackets and accordingly the Tariff Terms & Conditions have been

15. Revenue Requirement

15.1. In view of the discussion made in preceding paragraphs and accounting for the adjustments
discussed above, the adjusted revenue requirement of the Petitioner, for the FY 2024-25 is as

Decision of the Authority in the matter ofrequest filed by IESCO for
Adjustment/Indexadon of Tarifffor the FY2024-25 under the MYT

Allowed FY 2024-25
Description Unit

Units Received [MkWh] 12,078 12,078

Units Sold [MkWh] 11,195 11,195
Units Lost [MkWh] 883 883
Units Lost [%] 7.31% 7.31%

Energy Charge
Capacity Charge
Transmission Charge & Market
Operation Fee
Wire Business UoSC
Power Purchase Price [Mm. Rs.]

Pay & Allowances 12,208 1,126

Post Retirement Benefits 7,292 672
Repair & Maintainance 2,581 7
Traveling allowance
Vehicle maintenance 3,487 787
Other expenses
O&M Cost 25,567 2,592
Depriciation 6,298
RORB 17,265
O.Income (4,061) (4,520)
Margin [Mlii. Rs.] 45,069 - 1,928
Prior Year Adjustment 6,833

Revenue Requirement [Mlii. Rs.] 45,069 345,688

PPP with Wire Business Cost-Unadj. 28.22

PPP with Wire Business Cost-adj. 30.44
Margin 4.03 0.17
PYA Adjustments 0.61
Average Tariff [Rs./kWh] 4.03 30.88

15.2. The above determined revenue shall be recovered from the consumers through the projected
sales of 11,195 GW1is, as per Annex— II.
15.3. The above assessment has been carried out based on the data/information provided by the
Petitioner, which the Authority believes is correct and based on facts. In case of any deviation /
misrepresentation observed at a later stage, the Petitioner shall be held responsible for the
consequences arising out, under NEPRA Act, Rules and Regulations made thereunder. Any
consequential adjustment, if required will be made accordingly.

16.1. From what has been discussed above, the Authority hereby approves the following adjustments
in the MYT of the Petitioner Company for the Financial Year 2024-25:-


Decision of the Authority in the matter ofrequest flied bylESCO for
Adjustment/Indexadon of Tarifffor the FY2024-25 under the MYT

I. Islamabad Electric Supply Company Limited (IESCO), being a supplier, is allowed to

charge its consumers such tariff as set out in the schedule of tariff for JESCO annexed to
the decision.
II. In addition to compensation of losses, IESCO, being a distribution licensee, is allowed
to charge the users of its system a "Use of system charge" (UOSC) as under:
For both
Forl32kV ForllkV
Description 132kV & 11
only only
Asset Allocation 36.87% 36.82% 73.68%
Level of Losses 0,98% 4.57% 5.51%
UoSC Rs./kWh 1.59 1.80 3.47

III. The Petitioner shall comply with, all the existing or future applicable Rules, Regulations,
orders of the Authority and other applicable documents as issued from time to time.

IV. To file future monthly & quarterly adjustments on account of Power Purchase Price
(PPP) in line with MYT determination, NEPRA Act and other applicable documents.

V. The Petitioner shall comply with the Tariff terms & Conditions for supply of electricity
as annexed with decision as Annex-V.
17. Summary of Direction
17.1. The summary of all the directions passed in this decision by the Authority are reproduced
hereunder. The Authority hereby directs the Petitioner;
• To provide the reconciled date of sales mix with its reported revenue as per audited financial
• To provide proper details of GENCO employees allocated to it by providing proper employee
wise details, their pay scales, terms of adoption, approvals of competent authority for such
adoption and placement details along-with their financial impact.
• To provide year wise detail of amounts deposited in the Fund, amount withdrawn along-
with profit/interest earned thereon since creation of Fund.
• To provide the IDC amount with subsequent adjustment request and reflect the same in its
Audited Financial Statements.
• To get its data, regarding units billed to lifeline consumers, domestic consumers (consuming
up-to 300 units) and Agriculture consumers', reconciled with PITC and submit such
reconciliation to the Authority for the period FY 2020-21 to FY 2023-24.
• To evaluate the different proposals of tariff design so as to make it more efficient and cost
reflective with the objective to maximize the utilization of available capacity.
• To Prepare restructuring plan in consultation with the Federal Government during the FY
2024-25 and submit its progress report along-with its annual adjustment! indexation
request or petition for the FY 2025-26.

Decision of the Authority in the matter ofrequest tiled bylESCO for
Adjustment/Indexation of Tarifffor the FY2024-25 under the MYT

• ensure that by the time it files its next tariff petition! adjustment request, MDI for all
consumers at all levels is properly recorded.
18. The instant decision of the Authority along-with annexures, is hereby intimated to the Federal
Government for filling of uniform tariff application in terms of section 31 of the Regulation of
Generation, Transmission and Distribution of Electric Power Act, 1997,
19. The instant decision of the Authority and the Order part along with Annex-I, I-A, II, III, IV and
V, be also notified in terms of section 31 of the Regulation of Generation, Transmission and
Distribution of Electric Power Act, 1997, while notifying the uniform tariff application decision
of the Authority.


¶ Niaz Rana (nsc) Raflque Ahmed Shaikh

Member Member

Engr. Maqsood Anwar Khan Amina Ahmed

Member Member

Waseem Mukhtar

14ER 1



Actual variation in fuel cost component against the reference fuel cost component for the
corresponding months will be determined according to the following formula

Fuel Price variation = Actual Fuel Cost Component - Reference Fuel Cost Component


Fuel Price variation is the difference between actual and reference fuel cost component

Actual fuel cost component is the fuel cost component in the pool price on which the
DISCOs will be charged by CPPA (G) in a particular month; and

Reference fuel cost component is the fuel cost component for the corresponding month
projected for the purpose of tariff determination as per Annex-IV of the determination;

The fuel price adjustment determined by the Authority shall be shown separately in the bill of the
consumer and the billing impact shall be worked out on the basis of consumption by the
consumer in the respective month.



Quarterly adjustment shall be the Actual variation in Power Purchase Price (PPP), excluding

Fuel Cost Component, against the reference Power Purchase Price component and the impact

of T&D losses on FCA, for the corresponding months and shall be determined according to

the following formula;

Quarterly PPP (Adj = PPPAnn (excluding Fuel cost)-PPPRecoverd (excluding Fuel cost
PPP(Ac1) is the actual cost, excluding Fuel Cost, invoiced by CPPA-G to XWDISCOs,
adjusted for any cost disallowed by the Authority.

PPPcoveredJ is the amount recovered based on reference rate in Rs.fkWh, excluding

fuel cost, as per the Annex-IV of the XWDISCOs determination that remained
notified during the period.

Impact of T&D losses on FCA

= Monthly FCA allowedj1whx Actual units Purchase x % T&D losses


Monthly FCA allowed nw is the FCA allowed by the Authority for the respective
months of the concerned period.

T&D Loss % is percentage of T&D losses that remained notified during the period.

The sum of amounts so worked for each month of the Ojiarter shall be divided by the Projected units
to be sold as determined by the Authority to work out Rs./kWh Quarterly adjustment.

isiurnabad Electric Supply Company (IESCO)

Estimated Sales Revenue on the Basis of New Tariff

Sate. Revenue Base Tariff PYA 2023 Total Tariff

Description Flood Charge Vli@bie nt1,i8 Variable Fixed ....Variabia
Total Fixed Charge Fixed Charge Amount
Mix. RI.

For peak load requirement lOSS than S kW

Up to SO Units - Life Lire 2S . 140 140 . . 5.50 . . S 50
Sf.I0O units - Life Line 25 . 202 202 . . 0 14 . . 814
01.100 Units 977 . 22590 22,595 . . 23.12 590 061 . - 2373
101.200 Units 241 . 6.185 6.155 - . 25.49 140 0.61 . . 2611
01.100 unIts 339 . 7837 7.037 . - 23.12 206 0.61 . . 2373
101-200 UriS 710 . 17.933 17.933 . . 25.27 435 0.61 . . 2S80

201.300 Units 1081 . 31.790 31,700 . . 29.13 669 0.61 . . 28.74

301.400 Units 565 138 16.274 18.4ff 200 . 32.37 346 0.61 200 . 32.80
401.500 Units 287 85 9,66S 9.751 400 . 33.65 170 561 400 . 3427
501.600 001$ 150 49 5.520 5.568 600 . 35.02 97 ooi 605 . 3564
601.700Uniis 92 30 3.333 3364 000 . 3635 56 0.61 800 . 36.96
Above 100 Units '192 56 7.097 7.950 1.000 . 41.07 118 0.61 1,000 . 41.69
For peak load requirnnrnnt exceeding 5 kWi
rime of Use (TOUi.Pnak 133 . 5,193 5,193 . . 3914 01 061 - -
TimeotUso(i'OUI-Otf.Pvak 659 1.672 18.348 20.019 1,000 . 32.81 343 0.61 1.000 . 3342
Temporary Suppiy 4 8 190 190 2.000 . 50,20 2 0.01 2.000 - 5092
Total Ra.iderttiai 0.397 2,049 100,007 187.09$

Fot poak load requirement icon than 5kw 422 4,656 12,974 I 17,630 1,000 . 30.73 259 I 051 1.000 - 3134
For peak ivad requirement cxc Ceding 55W
ffOqular 0 3 11 14 . 2,000 29.33 0 0.61 - 2050 2994
Time of Use iTOU) 'Peak 160 - 5.863 5,863 . 35.60 98 0.61 . . 37.21
Time at Use (TOW. Ofl,Pnak 686 7,025 17.068 24.892 ' 2.000 26.04 421 061 . 2.000 2665
Temporary Supply 30 72 1,338 1,410 5.000 . 44.55 '18 0.61 5.000 . 4S.16
EiectrivVehicleCyaixingStation 0 . 0 0 . . 41.15 0 0,61 . . 41.76
Total Commercixi 1,299 11,755 35 .0 53 49,809 796

General Servlces-A3 042 243 18,006 98.220 1,000 35,03 332 0.61 1,000 35.64

51 2 19 40 59 1,000 . 21,37 1 0,61 1,000 - 2190

91 Peak 6 - 172 172 - . 27.89 4 0.61 - - 26,50
91 Ofi 'oak 48 86.02 1.029 1.114 1.000 . 21,47 29 0.61 1,000 - 22,09
92 0 1 3 4 - 2.000 1713 0 0,61 - 2,000 1774
02- TOU iPoaki 56 - 1,533 1.533 . . 27,24 35 5.61 - . 27,8S
92- TOU (OIf.poaki 411 3.711 6.840 10,550 . 2,000 16.63 252 0.61 - 2.000 17.25
83. TOO (Poak) 45 . 1251 1,251 . . 27.51 28 0.61 - . 20.13
93- TOU (Otl-poaki 306 1.213 5.613 6,826 . 2.000 18.33 108 0.61 - 2.000 1894
94- TOLl (Peak) 49 - 1,353 1.353 - - 27.00 30 0.61 - - 28.46
54- TOU iOfl-pnaki 379 1.956 6.951 8.906 - 2,000 10,36 232 0,61 . 2.000 15.97
Temporary Supply 0 0 2 2 5.000 . 31,11 0 0.61 5.000 - 31.72
lolai indUehtS 1.302 6.996 24,706 31,772 708

Clix) Suppiy at 400 Volts.irss then 5kW 0 0 0 0 2,000 . 31,92 0 0.61 2.000 - 32.53
Cl(S) Suppiy an 400 VeilS,eoceeding 5kW 1 5 24 29 - 2,000 27,29 1 0,61 - 2,000 27.90
limo of Use (TOUi -Peak 9 - 350 350 . . 38.02 6 0.61 - - 3563
Time of Use iTOLJ) - Off-Peak 43 136 1.211 1.347 ' 2,000 26.41 26 0,61 - 2.000 2903
02 Supply at 11 kV 4 19 115 134 . 2.005 30.44 2 0.61 - 2.000 31,06
Time of Joe iTOUi- Peak 81 . 3,192 3.192 - . 39.21 SO 0.61 - - 3983
Time of Use iTOUi - OIl-Peak 371 2.341 10.177 12.518 - 2,000 27.40 228 0.61 - 2.000 28.01
03 Supply aSovo 11 kV 0 - . . . 2,000 26,84 . 0.61 - 2.000 2746
Time of Use iTOUi 'Peak 84 - 3.201 3.201 - - 38,15 51 0,61 - - 36,7/
Time of Use iTOUi - Oft-Peak 353 2.070 9.283 11354 . 2.000 26.29 216 0.61 - 2.000 26,90
Tatai Single Point Seppip 846 4,072 27.004 82,125 980
Aariculturai Txbe.wclls - Tarif'
ocarp 0 - 1 1 - . 31.35 5 0.61 - - 31,96
lime of Use IrOW- Peak 0 . 3 3 . . 24.60 5 0.61 ' . 25,22
TimeotUseiTOUi.Otf-Peak I I II 12 - 500 17.92 0 0,61 - 500 1853
Agticuitual Tube.wetis 5 9 86 95 - sos 16.70 3 0.61 - 500 17.32
Time of Use iTOUi.Prak 3 - 77 77 - . 23.11 2 0.61 . . 23.72
Time of Use iTOUi -Off-Peak 21 51 456 507 . 500 21,94 13 0.61 - 500 22,55

Public Lighljr9 - Tariff 0 75 48 2.563 2.630 2.000 . 34,54 46 0.61 2,000 - 30.15
ioesidentialCoionies 3 1 110 110 2.000 _ 35.00 2 0,61 2.000 _ 3561
Raiiway Traction 0 - - . 2.000 ' 10,61) - 0,61 2.000 - -
Tar/I K- AJK 5 28 134 172 . 2.000 24,35 3 0,61 - 2000 2500

Time of Use ilOUi -Peak 294 - 7.932 7.932 - 26.99 100 0.61 . 2/,60

Time xl Use iTOUi - Ofl.Pealo 1300 7835 20440 37274 . 2.000 22.64 797 0.61 - 2.000 2325
T7f K -5awat Lab 5 0 12 11 2,000 . 35.36 0 0.61 2.000 - 36.97
Isle 7,921 40.210 40,129 l,029
ffosideftiai 1.000 37.25 0,61 1.000 - 3786
C ommorcial. 02 2.000 30,59 0,61 - 2.000 SI IS
General Servives.A3 1,000 38,53 0.61 1.000 - 30,15
Industrial 2.000 29.50 0.61 - 2.000 30ff
oingln Point Supply 2,000 40.06 0,61 - 2,000 406/
Agilcilitural Tube-weils -Tariff 0 2,000 20,94 0,61 ' 2.000 21 55

Grand Total 11,190.01 33,579.11 305,278,29 338.e55.60 0.932,98

Note: The PYA 2023 coiunln shall cease to exist after One (01) year Of notitloaliofl of the instant decisIon.



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• ,,

r.T/ A1ll


C -i For .t400/230Volta

104 -
a) 6.flttio*M loadIta,than 5kw

poo p
• .a a
5)S otl.asd load6kw S Op to 500 kw

.1 _u
C-2).) For. pplyat11.35kvoptoand lncitsdlg.5 5000kw

C-3)0) Forsupply.t 66kv5.50,. aolflnotioa.d IOWA.50,. 5000kw
Tins00 01..

Ic-11.1 p.O supply St 400/230Volts 66WS uptO 600kW 3L02 28.41

IC -Sib) Forsupplyat11.23kvop toand laoludlo& 6000kw 39.21 2740
Ic &LTOO 000,1,5066 kV Sabet.andaaoetloa.dloadabs..5000kw 38.16 26.28
00, 8036 Sop,l. TaluS
t! 40.06



P P0 VARIAJLZ cHARGES PTA 2023 Ta Vadelie ChorDs

- / Ps/kwh 2./kWh 2./kWh
Ccii.. / H P./kw/U
A I C 0 EC+0
0.1).) SCASPI...tbonlkW . SLaG 5.61 31.96
0.2)5) Mrloultos.lTubeW.fl. . 600 16.0 0.61 17.S2
P.ek Off' Peek Off.Pak Peek OWP.nk
0.1(b) SCARP S kW A .bat. . 500 24.60 17.92 0.61 0.61 35.22 15.03
0-3(b) A40050ISI.l5kW&.bon . 500 nil 21.94 0-61 ft61 23.72 flss fog Act A Snip . 2.000 20.94 0.61 21.55
Undo. this *0.1W. thor. shall be joimum monthly chat,.. 2..2000/. pm cn..m em mssth. inn if.. nan is insnai.d.
Iota. Tb. 000..m.goba nneCOn.d l..d 1... than 0kWc50.. for TOP

Y=0 TITED VARIASIE 00*5058 PTA 2023 TOtal V.stebl. Chest..

Is/kWh Ia/kWh Is/kwh
Coss./ H R./kW/H
* I C 0 EoC*D
0-1)1) RUd0nti.hl,pply 2,000 50.20 0.61 00.52
5.1(U) Coisiitnolsloiipply 5,000 44.05 0.01 46.16
53 Ijidosistol Supply 5. aLil 0.61 31.72


121% Of ..l.n.t lndo.tll.ltOSW
Not. 7.24ff F esnavesoec will have US. opUs. to rennet to 5ui.z To.tS and .0.. tons, This opt1..... be oflopia.d 50*. tim. 05.00w 000000t(on .5.tthe b.V.nifl Of the eams. Ones .n.rdoed.
- option ,i.s In - for at 10.2* on. yeas.


- / Ps/kwh Ps/kwh Ps/kwh
Con / H Ps/kR/U
* I C D 5.0*0
Sisost UI_Sting 2000 34.54 0.01 30.15


I.. / 2./kwh 2./kwh 2./kwh
CO / H 15/kW/H
* I C 0 5.0+0
Iaddontlol 001001.. .Uoohod to lndustl.l pinion 2,000 35.00 0.61 31.01

FD FD VARIASIS CHARGES PTA 2023 TOtal V.sisbl. Cbnps

- / 55/kWh P0/kwh Is/kwh
Cost / H R.W/U
1 Load J.m050 I. Xtsbr.iz (A.JIfl . 2,000 24.39 0.61 35.00
p.s_S P..k Offpak Pmk 02.P*
TIme 010.. . 2,000 26.99 23.64 0-61 5.61 37.60 23.25
3 lthflttth 2,000 30-36 0.61 35.97

Iota Tb. PTA 2023 column elan to... to nist after 00.01) lx' of notlflalion Of lbs InStant dodalon.

PRgO Zsf 2
Annex - IV
Description July August September October November December January February March April May June Total
Units Purchased by DISCOS (GWh) 1,449 1,542 1.300 845 704 785 824 644 739 818 1,081 1,347 12,078

Fuel Cost Component 9.3520 9.3877 9.80061 10.27521 7.8609 1. 10.6364 13.01001. 8.5276 9.25601. 7.6803 7.3925 8.3341 9.2639
Variable O&M 0.4550 0.4854 05260 0.5218 0.4063 0.4337 0.6064 0.3927 0.4800 0.4277 0.4575 0.5072 0.4797
capacIty 113264 113102 120318 151943 169593 17 6145 166938 161083 116405 - 12 0782 144291 132721 - 135939
UoSC 1.0220 1.07731 1.0711 1.3356 1.4362 1.4198 1.3331 1.3338 0.9443 0.9441 1.0890 1.0795 1.1465
Total PPP in Ru/kWh 22.1554 i. 22.2606 1 23.4296 27.3269 26.6627 30.1044 31.6433 I 26.3624 i. 22.3208 21.1303 23.3682 23.1929 24.4840

Rs. in million
Fuel Cost Component 13,555 I 14,478 12,737 i. . 8,664 . 5,530 8,350 i. 10,726 5,492 6,839 6,281 i. 7,992 1. 11,224 111,888
Variable O&M 659 749 684 . 441 1. 286 i. 340 500 I 253 355 350 . 495 1 663 5,794
rapacity 16,416 1. 17,443 1 15,637 12,842 1 11,931 . 13,828 13,7631. 10,373 8,601 9.877 15,599 1 17,815 164,185
UoSC 1.,661( 1.3921 1,123 i 1.0101 1,115 1,099( 859 6981 7721 1,177T 1,454 13,843
Total PPP in Rs.Mln 32,111 34,331 30.450 i. 23,096 i. 18,757 23,633 i. 26,089 16,977 16,493 17,280 i. 25,263 31,236 295,715

It is clarified that PPP is pass through for all the DISCOS and its monthly references would continue to eOist irrespective of the fleancial year, unless the new SOT is revised and notified by the GoP
The Company, for the purposes of these terms and conditions means IESCO engaged in the
business of distribution/supply of electricity within the territory mentioned in the licence
granted to it for this purpose.
I. "Month or Billing Period", unless otherwise defined for any particular tariff category,
means a billing month of 3 1 days or less reckoned from the date of last meter reading.
If, for any reason, the scheduled reading period of a consumer exceeds the number of
days in a calendar month, the total consumption should be prorated to match the number
of days in that calendar month for determining the applicable slab rate and same be used
for actual billing purpose.
2. "Minimum Charge", means a charge to recover the costs for providing customer service
to consumers even if no energy is consumed during the month.
3. "Fixed Charge" means the part of sale rate in a two-part tariff to be recovered on the basis
of "Billing Demand" in kilowatt on monthly basis.
4. "Billing Demand" means the 50% of the sanction load or Actual maximum demand
recorded in a month, whichever is higher, except in the case of agriculture tariff D2 where
"Billing Demand" shall mean the sanctioned load.

Provided that for the purpose offixed charges sanctioned load means maximum demand
recorded so far.

Provided furl her that in case of new connections or consumers who have renewed/revised
their sanctioned load, the fixed charges will be charged on 50% of the sanctioned load or
actual maximum demand recorded in a month, whichever is higher. However, upon
establishment of MDI in next six months, the adjustment offixed charges will be made
accordingly by the DISCO."

Provided also that consumers having alternate! dual source i.e. captive power, net
metering etc. the existing mechanism offixed charges shall remain the same i.e. the 50%
of the sanctioned load or actual maximum demand recorded in a month, whichever is
5. "Variable Charge" means the sale rate per kilowatt-hour (kWh) as a single rate or part of
a two-part tariff applicable to the actual kWh consumed by the consumer during a billing
6. "Maximum Demand" where applicable, means the maximum of the demand obtained in
any month measured over successive periods each of 30 minutes' duration except in the
case of consumption related to Arc Furnaces, where "Maximum Demand" shall mean the
maximum of the demand obtained in any month measured over successive periods each
of 15 minutes' duration.
nctioned Load" where applicable means the load in kilowatt as applied for by the
mer and allowed/authorized by the Company for usage by the consumer.
Factor" means the ratio of kWh to KVAh recorded during the month or the ratio
to the square root of sum of square of kWh and kVARh,.

Page 1 of 10
9. Point of supply means metering point where electricity is delivered to the consumer.
10. Peak and Off Peak hours for the application of Time Of Use (TOU) Tariff shall be the
following time periods in a day:
Dec to Feb (inclusive) 5 PM to 9 PM Remaining 20 hours of the day
Mar to May (inclusive) 6 PM to 10 PM -do-
June to Aug (inclusive) 7 PM to 11 PM -do-
Sept to Nov (inclusive) 6 PM to 10 PM -do-
* To be duly adjusted in case of day light time saving
11. "Supply", means the supply for single-phase/three-phase appliances inclusive of both
general and motive loads subject to the conditions that in case of connected or sanctioned
load 5 kW and above supply shall be given at three-phase.
12. "Consumer" as defined in NEPRA Act.
13. "Charitable Institution" means an institution, which works for the general welfare of the
public on no profit basis and is registered with the Federal or Provincial Government as
such and has been issued tax exemption certificate by Federal Board of Revenue (FBR).
14. NTDC means the National Transmission and Despatch Company.
15. CPPA(G) means Central Power Purchasing Agency Guarantee Limited (CPPA)(G).
1 6. The "Authority" means "The National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA)"
constituted under the Regulation of Generation, Transmission and Distribution of Electric
Power Act.
1. "The Company shall render bills to the consumers on a monthly basis or less on the
specific request of a consumer for payment by the due date.
2. The Company shall ensure that bills are delivered to consumers at least seven days before
the due date. If any bill is not paid by the consumer in full within the due date, a Late
Payment Surcharge (LPS) of 5% may be levied for next three (03) days after the due date
and thereafter 10% LPS may be charged on the amount billed excluding Govt. taxes and
duties etc. In case bill is not served at least seven days before the due date then late
payment surcharge will be levied after 7tb day from the date of delivery of bill.
3. The supply provided to the consumers shall not be available for resale.
4. In the case of two-part tariff average Power Factor of a consumer at the point of supply
shall not be less than 90%. In the event of the said Power factor falling below 90%, the
consumer shall pay a penalty of two percent increase in the fixed charges determined with
reference to maximum demand during the month corresponding to one percent decrease
in the power factor below 90%.

Page 2 of 10
(1)efinitions and Conditions for supply of power specific to each consumer category)
"Life Line Consumer" means those residential consumers having single phase electric
connection with a sanctioned load up to 1 kW.
The lifeline consumers to include residential Non-Time of Use (Non-ToU) consumers
having maximum of last twelve months and current months consumption ~100 units;
two rates for < 50 and <100 units will continue.
"Protected consumers' mean Non-ToU residential consumers consuming 200 kWh
per month consistently for the past 6 months.
Residential Non-ToU consumers not falling under the protected category would be
categorized under 'Un-protected consumer category'.
1. This Tariff is applicable for supply to;
i) Residences,
ii) Places of worship,
2. Consumers having sanctioned load less than 5 kW shall be billed on single-part kWh rate
i.e. A-l(a) tariff.
3. All new consumers having sanctioned load 5 kW and above shall be provided T.O.0
metering arrangement and shall be billed on the basis of tariff A-l(b) as set out in the
Schedule of Tariff.
4. All existing consumers having sanctioned load 5 kW and above shall be provided T.O.0
metering arrangement and converted to A- 1(b) Tariff by the Company.

1. This tariff is applicable for supply to commercial offices and commercial establishments
such as:
i) Shops/Flower Nurseries/Cold Storage
ii) Hotels, Hostels and Restaurants,
iii) Petrol Pumps and Service Stations, C,

iv) Compressed Natural Gas filling stations,
v) Private Hospitals/Clinics/Dispensaries,
a. -
vi) Places of Entertainment, Cinemas, Theaters, Clubs;
vii) Guest Houses/Rest Houses,
viii) Office of Lawyers, Solicitors, Law Associates and Consultants etc.
ix) Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (EVCS)
2. Electric Vehicle Charging Stations shall be billed under A-2(d) tariff i.e. Rs./kWh for
peak and off-peak hours. For the time being, the tariff design is with zero fixed charges,
however, in future the Authority after considering the ground situation may design its
tariff structure on two part basis i.e. fixed charges and variable charges.

Page 3 of 10
3. The Electric Vehicle Charging Station shall provide "charging service" to Electric
Vehicle shall provide charging service to Electric Vehicles as per the applicable tariff for
EVCS plus Rs.24.44/kWh as margin for EVCS. The EVCS shall be billed by DISCOS
under A-2(d) tariff. However, monthly FCAs either positive or negative shall not be
applicable on EVCS.
4. Consumers under tariff A-2 having sanctioned load of less than 5 kW shall be billed
under a Single-Part kWh rate A-2(a)
5. All existing consumers under tariff A-2 having sanctioned load 5 kW and above shall be
billed on A-2(b) tariff till such time that they are provided T.O.0 metering arrangement;
thereafter such consumers shall be billed on T.O.0 tariff A-2(c).
6. The existing and prospective consumers having load of 5 kW and above shall be provided
T.O.0 metering arrangement and shall be billed under tariff A-2(c).
1. This tariff is applicable to;
Approved religious and charitable institutions
ii. Government and Semi-Government offices and Institutions
iii. Government Hospitals and dispensaries
iv. Educational institutions
v. Water Supply schemes including water pumps and tube wells other than those
meant for the irrigation or reclamation of Agriculture land.
Consumers under General Services (A-3) shall be billed on single-part kWh rate i.e.
A-3(a) tariff.
I. "Industrial Supply" means the supply for bona fide industrial purposes in factories
including the supply required for the offices inside the premises and for normal working
of the industry.
2. For the purposes of application of this tariff an "Industry" means a bona fide undertaking
or establishment engaged in manufacturing, value addition and/or processing of goods.
3. This Tariff shall also be available for consumers having single-metering arrangement
such as;
i) Poultry Farms
ii) Fish Hatcheries, fish farms, fish nurseries & Breeding Farms and
iii) Software houses
An industrial consumer shall have the option, to switch over to seasonal Tariff-F,
provided his connection is seasonal in nature as defined under Tariff-F, and he undertakes
to abide by the terms and conditions of Tariff-F and pays the difference of security
deposit rates previously deposited and those applicable to tariff-F at the time of
acceptance of option for seasonal tariff. Seasonal tariff will be applicable from the date of
commencement of the season, as specified by the customers at the time of submitting the
option for Tariff-F. Tariff-F consumers will have the option to convert to corresponding
Regular Industrial Tariff category and vice versa. This option can be exercised at the time
of obtaining a new connection or at the beginning of the season. Once exercised, the
option will remain in force for at least one year.

Page 4 of /0
1. This tariff is applicable for supply to Industries having sanctioned load upto 25 kW.
2. Consumers having sanctioned load upto 25 kW shall be billed on single-part kWh rate.
3. Consumers under tariff B-i having sanctioned load of less than 5 kW shall be billed
under a Single-Part kWh rate. However, B-i consumers having sanctioned load of less
than 5 kW may opt for ToU meter
4. The existing and prospective consumers having load of 5 kW and above shall be provided
'l'.O.0 metering arrangement and shall be billed under tariffBi(b).
I. This tariff is applicable for supply to Industries having sanctioned load of more than 25
kW up to and including 500 kW.
2. All existing consumers under tariff B-2 shall be provided T.O.0 metering arrangement by
the Company and converted to B-2(b) Tariff.
3. All new applicants i.e. prospective consumers applying for service to the Company shall
be provided T.O.0 metering arrangement and charged according to the applicable T.O.0
B-3 SUPPLY AT 11 kV AND 33 kV
I. This tariff is applicable for supply to Industries having sanctioned load of more than 500
kW up to and including 5 MW and also for Industries having sanctioned load of 500 kW
or below who opt for receiving supply at ii kV or 33 kV.
2. The consumers may be allowed extension of load beyond 5MW upto 7.5MW from the
DISCOs owned grid station subject to availability of load in the grid and capacity in the
11kV existing dedicated feeder. In such a case the consumer will bear 100% grid sharing
charges including transmission line charges and 100% cost of land proportionate to load.
While allowing extension in load, the DISCOs shall ensure that no additional line losses
are incurred and additional loss, if any, shall be borne by the respective consumers.
3. If, for any reason, the meter reading date of a consumer is altered and the
acceleration/retardation in the date is up to 4 days, no notice shall be taken of this
acceleration or retardation. But if the date is accelerated or retarded by more than 4 days,
the fixed charges shall be assessed on proportionate basis for the actual number of days
between the date of the old reading and the new reading.
4. The supply under this Tariff shall not be available to a prospective consumer unless he
provides, to the satisfaction and approval of the Company, his own Transformer, Circuit
Breakers and other necessary equipment as part of the dedicated distribution system for
receiving and controlling the supply, or, alternatively pays to the Company for all
apparatus and equipment if so provided and installed by the Company. The recovery of
the cost of service connection shall be regulated by the Eligibility Criteria laid down by
the Authority read with Consumer Service Manual (CSM).
5. All B-3 Industrial Consumers shall be billed on the basis of T.O.0 tariff given in the
Schedule of Tariff.
This tariff is applicable for supply to Industries for all loads of more than 5MW receiving
ply at 66 kV, 132 kV and above and also for Industries having load of 5MW or below
opt to receive supply at 66 kV or 132kV and above.
any reason, the meter reading date of a consumer is altered and the
ion/retardation in the date is up to 4 days, no notice shall be taken of this

Page 5 of 10
acceleration or retardation. But if the date is accelerated or retarded by more than 4 days,
the fixed charges shall be assessed on proportionate basis for the actual nuniber of days
between the date of the old reading and the new reading.
3. If the Grid Station required for provision of supply falls within the purview of the
dedicated system under the Eligibility Criteria laid down by the Authority read with
CSM, the supply under this Tariff shall not be available to such a prospective consumer
unless he provides, to the satisfaction and approval of the Company, an independent grid
station of his own including Land, Building, Transformers, Circuit Breakers and other
necessary equipment and apparatus as part of the dedicated distribution system for
receiving and controlling the supply, or, alternatively, pays to the Company for all such
Land, Building, Transformers, Circuit Breakers and other necessary equipment and
apparatus if so provided and installed by the Company. The recovery of cost of service
connection shall be regulated by Eligibility Criteria laid down by the Authority read with
4. All B-4 Industrial Consumers shall be billed on the basis of two-part T.O.0 tariff.
"Bulk Supply" for the purpose of this Tariff; means the supply given at one point for self-
consumption to mix-load consumer not selling to any other consumer such as residential,
commercial, tube-well and others.
General Conditions
If, for any reason, the meter reading date of a consumer is altered and the
acceleration/retardation in the date is up to 4 days no notice will be taken of this
acceleration or retardation. But if the date is accelerated or retarded by more than 4 days
the fixed charges shall be assessed on proportionate basis for actual number of days
between the date of old reading and the new reading.


1. This Tariff is applicable to a consumer having a metering arrangement at 400 volts,
having sanctioned load of up to and including 500 kW.
2. Consumers having sanctioned load less than 5 kW shall be billed on single-part kWh rate
i.e. C-I(a) tariff'.
3. All new consumers having sanctioned load 5 kW and above shall be provided T.O.0
metering arrangement and shall be billed on the basis of Time-of-Use (T.O.U) tariff C-
1(c) given in the Schedule of Tariff.
4. All the existing consumers governed by this tariff having sanctioned load 5 kW and above
shall be provided T.O.0 metering arrangements.
C-2 SUPPLY AT 11 kV AND 33 kV
I. This tariff is applicable to consumers receiving supply at 11 kV or 33 kV at one-point
metering arrangement and having sanctioned load of more than 500 kW up to and
including 5 MW.
2. The consumers may be allowed extension of load beyond 5MW upto 7.5MW from the
DISCOs owned grid station subject to availability of load in the grid and capacity in the
11kV existing dedicated feeder. In such a case the consumer will bear 100% grid sharing
Cs including transmission line charges and 100% cost of land proportionate to load.
,only such consumers be allowed extension of load beyond 5MW upto 7.5MW
nnection is at least three (3) years old. While allowing extension in load, the
all ensure that no additional line losses are incurred and additional loss, if any,
me by the respective consumers.

Page 6 of JO
3. The supply under this Tariff shall not be available to a prospective consumer unless he
provides, to the satisfaction and approval of the Company, his own Transformer, Circuit
Breakers and other necessary equipment as part of the dedicated distribution system for
receiving and controlling the supply, or, alternatively pays to the Company for all
apparatus and equipment if so provided and installed by the Company. The recovery of
the cost of service connection shall be regulated by the Eligibility Criteria laid down by
the Authority read with CSM.
4. All new consumers shall be provided TOU metering arrangement and shall be billed on
the basis of tariff C-2(b) as set out in the Schedule of Tariff.
5. Existing consumers governed by this tariff shall be provided with T.O.0 metering
arrangement and converted to C-2(b).
1. This tariff is applicable to consumers having sanctioned load of more than 5000 kW
receiving supply at 66 kV and above.
2. If the Grid Station required for provision of supply falls within the purview of the
dedicated system under the Eligibility Criteria laid down by the Authority read with
CSM, the supply under this Tariff shall not be available to such a prospective consumer
unless he provides, to the satisfaction and approval of the Company, an independent grid
station of his own including Land, Building, Transformers, Circuit Breakers and other
necessary equipment and apparatus as part of the dedicated distribution system for
receiving and controlling the supply, or, alternatively, pays to the Company for all such
Land, Building, Transformers, Circuit Breakers and other necessary equipment and
apparatus if so provided and installed by the Company. The recovery of cost of service
connection shall be regulated by Eligibility Criteria laid down by the Authority read with
3. Existing consumers governed by this tariff shall be provided with T.O.0 metering
arrangement and converted to C-3(b).
4. All new consumers shall be provided TOU metering arrangement and shall be billed on
the basis oftariffC-3(b) as set out in the Schedule of Tariff.

"Agricultural Supply" means the supply for Lift Irrigation Pumps and/or pumps installed
on Tube-wells intended solely for irrigation or reclamation of agricultural land or forests,
and include supply for lighting of the tube-well chamber.
Special Conditions of Supply
1. This tariff shall apply to:
i) Reclamation and Drainage Operation under Salinity Control and Reclamation
Projects (SCARP):
ii) Bona fide forests, agricultural tube-wells and lift irrigation pumps for the irrigation of
agricultural land.
iii) Tube-wells meant for aqua-culture.
iv) Tube-wells installed in a dairy farm meant for cultivating crops as fodder and for
upkeep of cattle.
for any reason, the meter reading date of a consumer is altered and the
eration/retardation in the date is up to 4 days, no notice shall be taken of this
ration or retardation. But if the date is accelerated or retarded by more than 4 days,
ed charges shall be assessed on proportionate basis for the actual number of days
n the date of the old reading and the new reading.

Page 7 of/C
3. The lamps and fans consumption in the residential quarters, if any, attached to the tube-
wells shall be charged entirely under Tariff A-i for which separate metering
arrangements should be installed.
4. The supply under this Tariff shall not be available to consumer using pumps for the
irrigation of parks, meadows, gardens, orchards, attached to and forming part of the
residential, commercial or industrial premises in which case the corresponding Tariff A-I,
A-2 or Industrial Tariff B- 1, B-2 shall be respectively applicable.
I. This tariff is applicable to all Reclamation and Drainage Operation pumping under
SCARP related installation.
2. Consumers having sanctioned load less than 5 kW shall be billed on single-part kWh rate
i.e. D-1(a) tariff given in the Schedule of Tariff.
3. All new consumers having sanctioned load 5 kW and above shall be provided IOU
metering arrangement and shall be charged on the basis of Time-of- Use (T.O.U) tariff
D-I(b) given in the Schedule of Tariff.
4. All the existing consumers having sanctioned load 5 kW and above shall be provided
T.O.0 metering arrangements and shall be governed by D-i(a) till that time.
I. This tariff is applicable to consumers falling under Agriculture Supply excluding SCARP
related installations.
2. Consumers having sanctioned load less than 5 kW shall be billed on single-part kWh rate
i.e. D-2(a) tariff given in the Schedule of Tariff.
3. All new consumers having sanctioned load 5 kW and above shall be provided TOU
metering arrangement and shall be charged on the basis of Time-of- Use (T.O.U) tariff
D- 2(b) given in the Schedule of Tariff.
4. All the existing consumers having sanctioned load 5 kW and above shall be provided
T.O.0 metering arrangements and shall be governed by D-2(a) till that time.
Temporary Residential/Commercial Supply means a supply given to persons temporarily
on special occasions such as ceremonial, religious gatherings, festivals, fairs, exhibitions,
political gathering, marriages and other civil or military functions. This also includes
supply to touring cinemas and persons engaged in construction of house/buildings/plazas
of single phase loads. A temporary electric power supply connection for the construction
shall be provided by Distribution company initially for a period of six months which is
further extendable on three month basis up to completion of the specific job/project for
which the temporary connection was obtained. However, there is no minimum time
period for provision of temporary connection. The temporary connection for illumination,
lighting, weddings, festivals, functions, exhibitions, political gatherings or national and
religious ceremonies, civil or military functions etc., testing of industrial equipment or
any other emergent requirement of temporary nature, can be provided for specific time
period not exceeding two weeks. The sanctioning officer shall ensure that the temporary
connection will be utilized for temporary purpose only.
Special Conditions of Supply
tariff shall apply to Residential and Commercial consumers for temporary supply.
ily the supply under this Tariff shall not be given by the Company without first
g security equal to the anticipated supply charges and other miscellaneous
for the period of temporary supply.

Page 8 of 10
"Temporary Industrial Supply" means the supply given to an Industry for the bonafide
purposes mentioned under the respective definitions of "Industrial Supply", during the
construction phase prior to the commercial operation of the Industrial concern.
1. Ordinarily the supply under this Tariff shall not be given by the Company without first
obtaining security equal to the anticipated supply charges and other miscellaneous
charges for the period of temporary supply.
2. Normally, temporary connections shall be allowed for a period of 3 months, which may
be extended on three months basis subject to clearance of outstanding dues.
"Seasonal Industry" for the purpose of application of this Tariff, means an industry which
works only for part of the year to meet demand for goods or services arising during a
particular season of the year. However, any seasonal industry running in combination
with one or more seasonal industries, against one connection, in a manner that the former
works in one season while the latter works in the other season (thus running throughout
the year) will not be classified as a seasonal industry for the purpose of the application of
this Tariff.

"Year" means any period comprising twelve consecutive months.
I. All "Definitions" and "Special Conditions of Supply" as laid down under the
corresponding Industrial Tariffs shall also form part of this Tariff so far as they may be
Special Conditions of Supply
1. 'l'his tariff is applicable to seasonal industry.
2. Fixed Charges per kilowatt per month under this tariff shall be levied at the rate of 125%
of the corresponding regular Industrial Supply Tariff Rates and shall be recovered only
for the period that the seasonal industry actually runs subject to minimum period of six
consecutive months during any twelve consecutive months. The condition for recovery of
Fixed Charges for a minimum period of six months shall not, however, apply to the
seasonal industries, which are connected to the Company's Supply System for the first
time during the course of a season.
3. The consumers falling within the purview of this Tariff shall have the option to change
over to the corresponding industrial Supply Tariff; provided they undertake to abide by all
the conditions and restrictions, which may, from time to time, be prescribed as an integral
part of those Tariffs. The consumers under this Tariff will have the option to convert to
Regular Tariff and vice versa. This option can be exercised at the time of obtaining a new
connection or at the beginning of the season. Once exercised, the option will remain in
force for at least one year.
4. All seasonal loads shall be disconnected from the Company's Supply System at the end of
the season, specified by the consumer at the time of getting connection, for which the
upply is given. In case, however, a consumer requires running the non-seasonal part of
load (e.g., lights, fans, tube-wells, etc.) throughout the year, he shall have to bring out
ate circuits for such load so as to enable installation of separate meters for each type
d and charging the same at the relevant Tariff.
e a "Seasonal Supply" consumer does not come forward to have his seasonal
y re-connected with the Company's Supply System in any ensuing season, the

1L Page 9 of JO
service line and equipment belonging to the Company and installed at his premises shall
be removed after expiry of 60 days of the date of commencement of season previously
specified by the consumer at the time of his obtaining new connectionlre-connection.
However, at least ten clear days notice in writing under registered post shall be necessary
to be given to the consumer before removal of service line and equipment from his
premises as aforesaid, to enable him to decide about the retention of connection or
otherwise. No Supply Charges shall be recovered from a disconnected seasonal consumer
for any season during which he does not come forward to have his seasonal industry re-
connected with the Company's Supply System.
"Public Lighting Supply" means the supply for the purpose of illuminating public lamps.
The supply under this tariff shall also be applicable for lamps used in public playgrounds
and public parks.
"Month" means a calendar month or a part thereof in excess of 15 days.
Special Conditions of Supply
The supply under this Tariff shall be used exclusively for public lighting installed on
roads or premises used by General Public.
This tariff is applicable for one-point supply to residential colonies attached to the
industrial supply consumers having their own distribution facilities.
"One Point Supply" for the purpose of this Tariff, means the supply given by one
point to Industrial Supply Consumers for general and domestic consumption in the
residential colonies attached to their factory premises for a load of 5 Kilowatts and
above. The purpose is further distribution to various persons residing in the attached
residential colonies and also for perimeter lighting in the attached residential
co Ion ies.
"General and Domestic Consumption", for the purpose of this Tariff means
consumption for lamps, fans, domestic applications, including heated, cookers,
radiators, air-conditioners, refrigerators and domestic tube-wells.
"Residential Colony" attached to the Industrial Supply Consumer, means a group of
houses annexed with the factory premises constructed solely for residential purpose
of the bonafide employees of the factory, the establishment or the factory owners or
partners, etc.
Special Conditions of Supply
The supply under this Tariff shall not be available to persons who meet a part of their
requirements from a separate source of supply at their premises.
Supply under this tariff means supply of power in bulk to Railways for Railway
Traction only.

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