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Unit 1 - PQM

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Basics of power quality

Syllabus: Importance of power quality, terms and definitions of power quality as per IEEE
std. 1159-2019 such as transients, short and long duration voltage variations, interruptions,
short and long voltage fluctuations, imbalance, flickers and transients. Symptoms of poor
power quality. Definitions and terminology of grounding. Purpose of groundings. Good
grounding practices and problems due to poor grounding, grounding and power quality,
recommended grounding practices for noise and power quality control.

Importance of power quality:

Q. Explain the importance of power quality in today’s context.

(Aug 15, Dec15, Aug 16, Dec 17, 5 Marks)

Q. Why are we concerned more about power quality now a days. (May 16, 5 Marks)

 The ultimate reason that we are interested in power quality is economic value. There
are economic impacts on utilities, their customers, and suppliers of load equipment.
 The electric utility is concerned about power quality issues as well. Meeting
customer expectations and maintaining customer confidence are strong motivators.
 Besides the obvious financial impacts on both utilities and industrial customers, there
are numerous indirect and intangible costs associated with power quality problems.
 Poor power quality Increases system losses.
 Bad power quality causes serve health hazards.
 Poor voltage and high current with harmonics cause heating and high losses.
 Poor quality power damages consumer’s equipment’s and affects equipment life.

Terms and definitions of power quality:

Q. Explain definition of power quality with reference to each stake holder.
(Aug 15, Aug 17, 5 Marks)
Q. Define power quality in general sense. What are the objectives of grounding?
(May 16, 5 Marks)
 Power quality:
 Power quality generally refers to quality of voltage.
 Defination:

It is any deviation of the voltage or current waveform from its normal sinusoidal wave

Standard IEEE1100 defines power quality as “the concept of powering and
grounding sensitive electronic equipment in a manner suitable for the
Any power problem manifested in voltage, current, or frequency deviations that result
in failure or misoperation of customer equipment.

 Power quality is a set of electrical limitations that allows a piece of equipment

to function in its intended manner without affecting its performance.
 To a utility, it means supply is adequate and reliable.
 To a customer, it means adequate, uninterrupted power which does not affect
the life of equipment’s.
 To the manufacturer, it means the quality and tolerance of voltage and current
parameters that is within the range of parameters that is within the range
parameters for which he has manufactured and tasted the products.

 Transients:

Q. Define power quality terms transients, voltage fluctuations and waweform


(Dec 17, 5 Marks)

 a transient is “that part of the change in a variable that disappears during

transition from one steady state operating condition to another.”
Transients are sub-cycle disturbances that last for less that one cycle of Ac
 Another word in common usage that is often considered synonymous with
transient is surge, spikes, power pulse, etc.
 Broadly speaking, transients can be classified into two categories, impulsive
and oscillatory.
 Impulsive transient: A sudden, non-power frequency change in the
steady state condition of voltage or current that is unidirectional in

 Oscillatory transients: A sudden, non power frequency change in the

steady state condition of voltage or current that is bidirectional in

 Short Duration Variation:

 A variation of the RMS value of the voltage from nominal voltage for a time
less than 1 min.
 Short-duration voltage variations are caused by fault conditions, the
energization of large loads which require high starting currents, or intermittent
loose connections in power wiring.

 Long duration Variation:

Q. Explain the power quality issue like overvoltage, undervoltage, voltage sag and
voltage imbalance.

(May !7, 5 Marks)

 A variation of the RMS value of the voltage from nominal voltage for a time
greater than 1 min.
 Long-duration variations can be either overvoltages or undervoltages.
 Overvoltage: It is resulted when there is increase in the rms ac voltage
greater than 100 percent at the power frequency for a duration longer
than 1 min.
 Undervoltage: It is resulted when there is decrease in the rms ac
voltage less than 90 percent at the power frequency for a duration
longer than 1 min.

 Interruption:
 The complete loss of voltage on one or more phase conductors for a time
greater than 1 min.
 An interruption is due to equipment malfunctions or loose connections can be
 Interruptions can be the result of power system faults, equipment failures, and
control malfunctions.

 Voltage fluctuation:

Q. Define power quality terms transients, voltage fluctuations and waweform


(Dec 17, 5 Marks)

 A cyclical variation of the voltage that results in flicker of lightning.
 Loads that can exhibit continuous, rapid variations in the load current
magnitude can cause voltage variations that are often referred to as flicker.
 Voltage imbalance:

Q. Explain the power quality issue like overvoltage, undervoltage, voltage sag and
voltage imbalance.

(May !7, 5 Marks)

 Three phase voltages differ in amplitude.
 A condition in which the three-phase voltages differ in amplitude or are
displaced from their normal 120 degree phase relationship or both. Frequently
expressed as the ratio of the negativesequence or zero-sequence voltage to the
positive-sequence voltage, in percent.

 Flicker:
 Variation of input voltage sufficient in duration to allow visual observation of
a change in electric light source intensity.
 Quantitatively, flicker may be expressed as the change in voltage over nominal
expressed as a percent.

Symptoms of poor power quality:

Q. Discuss in brief symptoms of poor power quality. (Aug 17, 5 Marks)

 Excessive reactive power.

 Flickering of lights.
 Overheating of wires, motors and transformers.
 Process control devices act unpredictably.
 Overloaded generators.
 Supply interruption.
 Computers shutting down.
Definitions and terminology of grounding:

 Conducting connection by which an electrical circuit or equipment is connected to the

earth or to some conducting body of relatively large extent that serves in place of the
 Figure shows two conductive bodies are bonded and connected to ground.
 Grounding of metallic non-current-carrying parts of equipment is done primarily for
safety reasons. Grounding the metal frame of equipment protects any person coming
into contact with the equipment frame from electrical shock in case of a fault between
an energized conductor and the frame.
 Grounding the equipment frame also ensures prompt passage of fault current to the
ground electrode or ground plane; a protective device would operate to clear the fault
and isolate the faulty equipment from the electrical power source.

Purpose of groundings:

 The most important reason for grounding is safety. Two important aspects to
grounding requirements with respect to safety and one with respect to power quality
1. Personnel safety: Personnel safety is the primary reason that all equipment must
have a safety equipment ground. This is designed to prevent the possibility of high
touch voltages when there is a fault in a piece of equipment. The touch voltage is
the voltage between any two conducting surfaces that can be simultaneously
touched by an individual. The earth may be one of these surfaces.
There should be no “floating” panels or enclosures in the vicinity of electric
circuits. In the event of insulation failure or inadvertent application of moisture,
any electric charge which appears on a panel, enclosure, or raceway must be
drained to “ground” or to an object which is reliably grounded.
2. Grounding to assure protective device operation: A ground fault return path to
the point where the power source neutral conductor is grounded is an essential
safety feature. An insulation failure or other fault that allows a phase wire to make
contact with an enclosure will find a low-impedance path back to the power
source neutral. The resulting overcurrent will cause the circuit breaker or fuse to
disconnect the faulted circuit promptly.
NEC Article 250-51 states that an effective grounding path (the path to ground
from circuits, equipment, and conductor enclosures) shall
a. Be permanent and continuous
b. Have the capacity to conduct safely any fault current likely to be imposed on it
c. Have sufficiently low impedance to limit the voltage to ground and to facilitate
the operation of the circuit protective devices in the circuit.
d. Not have the earth as the sole equipment ground conductor
3. Noise control: Noise control includes transients from all sources. This is where
grounding relates to power quality. Grounding for safety reasons defines the
minimum requirements for a grounding system. Anything that is done to the
grounding system to improve the noise performance must be done in addition to
the minimum requirements defined in the NEC and local codes.
The primary objective of grounding for noise control is to create an equipotential
ground system. Potential differences between different ground locations can stress
insulation, create circulating ground currents in low-voltage cables, and interfere
with sensitive equipment that may be grounded in multiple locations. Ground
voltage equalization of voltage differences between parts of an automated data
processing (ADP) grounding system is accomplished in part when the equipment
grounding conductors are connected to the grounding point of a single power
source. However, if the equipment grounding conductors are long, it is difficult to
achieve a constant potential throughout the grounding system, particularly for
high-frequency noise. Supplemental conductors, ground grids, low-inductance
ground plates, etc., may be needed for improving the power quality. These must
be used in addition to the equipment ground conductors, which are required for
safety, and not as a replacement for them.
Good grounding practices:
Figure illustrates the basic elements of a properly grounded electrical system. The
important elements of the electrical system grounding are described further.

The ground rod provides the electrical connection from the power system ground to
earth. The item of primary interest in evaluating the adequacy of the ground rod is the
resistance of this connection. There are three basic components of resistance in a ground
 Electrode resistance. Resistance due to the physical connection of the grounding wire
to the grounding rod.
 Rod-earth contact resistance. Resistance due to the interface between the soil and the
rod. This resistance is inversely proportional to the surface area of the grounding rod
(i.e., more area of contact means lower resistance).
 Ground resistance. Resistance due to the resistivity of the soil in the vicinity of the
grounding rod. The soil resistivity varies over a wide range, depending on the soil
type and moisture content.
The resistance of the ground-rod connection is important because it influences
transient voltage levels during switching events and lightning transients. High-magnitude
currents during lightning strokes result in a voltage across the resistance, raising the
ground reference for the entire facility. The difference in voltage between the ground
reference and true earth ground will appear at grounded equipment within the facility,
and this can result in dangerous touch potentials.
Problems due to poor grounding:
Some typical power quality problems that are due to inadequacies in the grounding of
electrical systems are:
I. Problems with conductors and connectors;
one of the first things to be done during a site survey is to inspect the service
entrance, main panel, and major subpanels for problems with conductors or
connections. A bad connection (faulty, loose, or resistive) will result in heating,
possible arcing, and burning of insulation. Table summarizes some of the wiring
problems that can be uncovered during a site survey

II. Missing safety ground:

If the safety ground is missing, a fault in the equipment from the phase conductor to
the enclosure results in line potential on the exposed surfaces of the equipment. No
breakers will trip, and a hazardous situation results (see Fig. 10.2).

III. Multiple neutral-to-ground connections:

Unless there is a separately derived system, the only neutral-to-ground bond should
be at the service entrance. The neutral and ground should be kept separate at all panel
boards and junction boxes. Downline neutral-to-ground bonds result in parallel paths
for the load return current where one of the paths becomes the ground circuit. This
can cause misoperation of protective devices. Also, during a fault condition, the fault
current will split between the ground and the neutral, which could prevent proper
operation of protective devices (a serious safety concern). This is a direct violation of
the NEC.

IV. Ungrounded equipment:

Isolated grounds are sometimes used due to the perceived notion of obtaining a
“clean” ground. The proper procedure for using an isolated ground must be followed
(see Sec. 10.5.5). Procedures that involve having an illegal insulating bushing in the
power source conduit and replacing the prescribed equipment grounding conductor
with one to an “isolated dedicated computer ground” are dangerous, violate code, and
are unlikely to solve noise problems.

V. Additional ground rods:

Ground rods should be part of a facility grounding system and connected where all
the building grounding electrodes (building steel, metal water pipe, etc.) are bonded
together. Multiple ground rods can be bused together at the service entrance to reduce
the overall ground resistance. Isolated grounds can be used for sensitive equipment, as
described previously. However, these should not include isolated ground rods to
establish a new ground reference for the equipment. One very important power
quality problem with additional ground rods is that they create additional paths for
lightning stroke currents to flow. With the ground rod at the service entrance, any
lightning stroke current reaching the facility goes to ground at the service entrance
and the ground potential of the whole facility rises together. With additional ground
rods, a portion of the lightning stroke current will flow on the building wiring (green
ground conductor and/or conduit) to reach the additional ground rods. This creates a
possible transient voltage problem for equipment and a possible overload problem for
the conductors.

VI. Ground loops:

Ground loops are one of the most important grounding problems in many commercial
and industrial environments that include data processing and communication
equipment. If two devices are grounded via different paths and a communication
cable between the devices provides another ground connection between them, a
ground loop results. Slightly different potentials in the two power system grounds can
cause circulating currents in this ground loop if there is indeed a complete path. Even
if there is not a complete path, the insulation that is preventing current flow may flash
over because the communication circuit insulation levels are generally quite low.
Likewise, very low magnitudes of circulating current can cause serious noise
problems. The best solution to this problem in many cases is to use optical couplers in
the communication lines, thereby eliminating the ground loop and providing adequate
insulation to withstand transient overvoltages. When this is not practical, the
grounded conductors in the signal cable may have to be supplemented with heavier
conductors or better shielding. Equipment on both ends of the cable should be
protected with arresters in addition to the improved grounding because of the coupling
that can still occur into signal circuits.

VII. Insufficient neutral conductor:

Switch-mode power supplies and fluorescent lighting with electronic ballasts are
widely used in commercial environments. The high thirdharmonic content present in
these load currents can have a very important impact on the required neutral
conductor rating for the supply circuits.
Third-harmonic currents in a balanced system appear in the zerosequence circuit. This
means that third-harmonic currents from three single-phase loads will add in the
neutral, rather than cancel as is the case for the 60-Hz current. In typical commercial
buildings with a diversity of switched-mode power supply loads, the neutral current is
typically in the range 140 to 170 percent of the fundamental frequency phase current
Recommended grounding practices for noise and power quality control:

1) Proper grounding practices:

Figure illustrates the basic elements of a properly grounded electrical system.

2) Isolated ground
The noise performance of the supply to sensitive loads can sometimes be improved
by providing an isolated ground to the load. This is done using isolated ground
receptacles, which are orange in color. If an isolated ground receptacle is being used
downline from the panel board, the isolated ground conductor is not connected to the
conduit or enclosure in the panel board, but only to the ground conductor of the
supply feeder (Fig. 10.4). The conduit is the safety ground in this case and is
connected to the enclosure. A separate conductor can also be used for the safety
ground in addition to the conduit. This technique is described in the NEC, Article 274,
Exception 4 on receptacles. It is not described as a grounding technique.
The isolated ground receptacle is orange in color for identification purposes. This
receptacle does not have the ground conductor connected to the receptacle enclosure
or conduit. The isolated ground conductor may pass back through several panel
boards without being connected to local ground until grounded at the service entrance
or other separately derived ground. The use of isolated ground receptacles requires
careful wiring practices to avoid unintentional connections between the isolated
ground and the safety ground. In general, dedicated branch circuits accomplish the
same objective as isolated ground receptacles without the concern for complicated
A special case of isolated grounds is used for grounding some hospital equipment.
These procedures are described in the NEC and in the White Book (IEEE Standard

3) Separately derived systems

A separately derived system has a ground reference that is independent from other
systems. A common example of this is a delta-wye isolation transformer (Fig. 10.5).
The wye-connected secondary neutral is connected to local building ground (not a
separate ground rod) to provide a new ground reference independent from the rest of
the system. The point in the system where this new ground reference is defined is like
a service entrance in that the system neutral is connected to the grounded conductor
(neutral wire), which is connected to the ground conductor with a bonding jumper.
Separately derived systems are used to provide a local ground reference for sensitive
loads. The local ground reference can have significantly reduced noise levels as
compared to the system ground if an isolation transformer is used to supply the
separately derived system. An additional benefit is that neutral currents are localized
to the load side of the separately derived system. This can help reduce neutral current
magnitudes in the overall system when there are large numbers of single-phase
nonlinear loads
4) More on grounding for sensitive equipment
The following practices are appropriate for any installation with equipment that may
be sensitive to noise or disturbances introduced due to coupling in the ground system:
■ Whenever possible, use individual branch circuits to power sensitive equipment.
Individual branch circuits provide good isolation for high-frequency transients and
■ Conduit should never be the sole source of grounding for sensitive equipment (even
though it may be legal). Currents flowing on the conduit can cause interference with
communications and electronics.
■ Green-wire grounds should be the same size as the current-carrying conductors, and
the individual circuit conduit should be bonded at both ends.
■ Use building steel as a ground reference, whenever available. The building steel
usually provides an excellent, low-impedance ground reference for a building.
Additional ground electrodes (water pipes, etc.) can be used as supplemental to the
building steel.

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