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Crossword 1. The Natural World-Đã G P

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The natural world

Complete the crossword puzzle below

3 4 5 6

8 9


11 12



15 16


18 19

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Across Down
2. plants in general, or plants that are found in a 1. the air, water, and land in or on which people,
particular area animals, and plants live
3. to prevent someone from doing something by 3. a powerful effect that something, especially
making them feel nervous or embarrassed something new, has on a situation or person
5. relating to the planet earth, or living or existing on 4. to stop and catch something or someone before
the land rather than in the sea or air that thing or person is able to reach a particular place
7. to add to something in order to make it bigger or 6. the activity of cutting down trees in order to use
longer their wood
10. the cutting down of trees in a large area, or the 8. damage caused to water, air, etc. by harmful
destruction of forests by people substances or waste
11. the natural environment in which an animal or 9. to cause something to become fixed and stop
plant usually lives changing
13. any substance that plants or animals need in 12. a large group of things or people
order to live and grow 14. to disappear or stop being present or existing,
15. consisting of, relating to, or being in water. especially in a sudden, surprising way
16. a very large number of something 17. to cut down a tree
18. the fact of soil, stone, etc. being gradually
damaged and removed by the waves, rain, or wind
19. the act of protecting someone or something
against attack or criticism
Bird migration
Complete the crossword puzzle below
1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

9 10 11 12








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Across Down
1. being active or happening at night rather than 2. best; most likely to bring success or advantage
during the day 3. to keep animals or plants for the purpose of
5. a substance that is used to provide heat or power, producing young animals or plants, often for chosen
usually by being burned qualities
7. being active or happening during the day rather 4. a person who watches what happens but has no
than at night active part in it
8. to move away from a place where you should be or 6. something difficult needing a lot of skill, strength,
from a direction in which you should go courage, etc. to achieve it
9. the process of animals travelling to a different 8. a set of animals or plants in which the members
place, usually when the season changes have similar characteristics
13. one of two halves of the earth, especially above or 10. extremely important or urgent
below the equator 11. to live in a place
15. the act of directing a ship, aircraft, etc. from one 12. to interest someone a lot
place to another 14. a characteristic or feature of something.
17. open to and not protected from strong winds 16. to suffer something difficult, unpleasant, or painful
18. not known to many people
19. to develop gradually, or to cause something or
someone to develop gradually
Life in desert
Complete the crossword puzzle below
1 2

4 5

6 7 8

9 10 11 12








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Across Down
1. a big and sudden change in a situation, price, 1. small in numbers or amount, often spread over a
opinion large area
6. a liquid such as water in the form of very small 2. to grow, develop, and become successful
drops 3. to change, or to change something, to suit different
8. very large in amount or degree conditions or uses
11. something that causes stress 4. to collect a large number of things over a long
13. to make a liquid weaker by mixing in something period of time
else 5. including many different types of people or things
14. belonging or relating to a change, or the process 7. to fill, exist in, or use a place or period of time
of change, from one form or type to another 9. to control or influence directly; to decide
17. a way of doing something that is planned or part 10. able to quickly return to its usual shape after being
of a system bent, stretched, or pressed
18. using force to hurt or attack 12. the process of a liquid changing to a gas,
19. producing a great number or amount of something especially by heating
15. to reduce something to the least possible level or
16. the outer part of an area
Life in desert

2 3 4

6 7

9 10

11 12


14 15






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Across Down
3. to make various, separate things work together 1. at the edge of something
5. a real or imagined line that marks the edge or limit 2. to imagine or expect that something will happen
of something 4. a group of hills or mountains
6. the ability to see 7. in a way that is impossible to see, hear, or notice
8. to show or make something clear clearly
9. without being aware of what you are doing 10. difficult to see clearly
11. the action of entertaining other people by dancing, 12. not clear
singing 15. to deal with something unpleasant or annoying
13. a movement or set of movements 16. to give your full attention to what you are doing or
14. making it difficult for someone to give their to what is happening
attention to something 17. to notice something that is partly hidden or not
18. to make something more difficult to deal with, do, clear
or understand
19. to look at something carefully, with the eyes or
with a machine, in order to get information
20. a person who is very good at sports or physical
Complete this crossword puzzle
1 2

9 10





15 16




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4. from a long time ago 1. the quality of being very large and special or
6. lasting for a long time or for ever beautiful
8. a period of 100 years 2. a group of musicians who play modern music
11. the act or process of repairing and improving together
something, especially a building 3. liked, enjoyed, or supported by many people
13. to show something publicly 5. public shows, performances, or other ways of
14. to become or to make something become smaller enjoying yourself
in size 7. to continue to live or exist, especially after coming
15. unusual and specially interesting because of close to dying or being destroyed
coming from a country that is far away 9. grow or change into a more advanced, larger, or
16. very large in size, amount, or number stronger form
18. a person who watches an activity 10. to bring something into existence, set up
19. a natural skill or ability to be good at something, 12. a person who teaches skills to people or animals
especially without being taught 14. a small piece or amount of something that is left
17. the place where a public event or meeting
Leisure time
Complete this crossword puzzle
1 2 3 4

6 7 8

10 11



14 15

16 17 18



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Across Down
1. people with power or responsibility 2. clear
3. only 4. involve, participate
6. a strong feeling 5. being extremely fat, in a way that is dangerous for
9. to make someone look or feel young and energetic health
again 7. difficult to fight against
11. regularly working very hard 8. intentionally
12. the state of feeling very unhappy and without hope 10. not active
for the future 13. not willing to do something and therefore slow to
14. necessary or needed do it
15. to accept, admit, or recognize something 17. to experience physical or mental pain
16. an activity that is done for enjoyment 19. a part of something
18. relating to your ability to think and understand
20. relating to the body
Complete the crossword puzzle below
1 2

3 4 5

8 9






15 16




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Across Down
3. to make or produce 1. very strong
5. strict and firm 2. cargo carried by train or ship
6. a method or type 4. working effectivel without waste
7. to throw light on something 5. an object that sends light back or make it stronger
10. to provide with something 8. a new idea or product
11. an object that produces light 9. to show or exhibit
13. easy to carry 12. difficult, severe
14. a problem or disadvantage 16. a join made by tying together the ends of a piece
15. hard, difficult or pieces of string, rope, cloth
17. the engine of a train
18. weak, without defense
19. a terrible event
Subways in Europe
Complete the crossword below
1 2 3

6 7

8 9


11 12




16 17




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Across Down
6. to let something out 1. stopping the usual course of an activity
10. the working of something 2. below the ground
13. the act of ruining something 3. something as a protection
14. the main or most important feature of something 4. basic
16. the center office 5. people who walk
19. to make bigger 7. to appear suddenly
20. cause something to become blocked or filled 8. to make an object or place beautiful
9. a style of a building
11. to show or display
12. to use
15. the outer part of something
17. competitor
18. an opening that let air, steam, or smoke out
Electric cars
Complete the crossword below

4 5 6

7 8

9 10

11 12


14 15

16 17




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Across Down
3. related to money 1. a typical or common thing
4. to accept something enthusiastically 2. a reason to to something, a reward
8. attract 5. a person who travels regularly between home and
12. harmful gas smoke work
13. to gain speed, to make something happen faster 6. to refill power or energy of something
15. to cover a large area 7. noticeably
16. an ability to do something well 9. to divide into groups by type
18. related to the countryside 10. related to the area just outside a city
19. the period that something exists 11. to make things difficult
20. to use 14. slow
17. related to the city
Origins of writing
Complete the crossword below

2 3

4 5

7 8

10 11


13 14


16 17


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Across Down
2. to establish a permanent place to live 1. to perform well
4. to write words or mark them on a surface 3. the ability to read and write
6. an asset or possession 5. the first maker of something
7. to give credit for or see as the origin of something 7. related to farming
9. a person who has lots of knowledge about a 8. to include
subject 12. an act, especially a good or bad one
10. the act of digging to find objects 16. to accept or starting using something new
11. a set of traditional stories 17. to cut and shape hard material
13. related to a particular area
14. a thin and flat thing to write on
15. something that is built
17. human society
18. an object used to represent something

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