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Amersham Imager 600 Including: 600, 600 UV, 600 QC, 600 RGB: Operating Instructions

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Amersham™ Imager 600

600, 600 UV, 600 QC, 600 RGB
Operating Instructions
Original instructions
Table of Contents

Table of Contents
1 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 4
1.1 About this manual ................................................................................................................................ 5
1.2 Important user information ............................................................................................................. 6
1.3 Regulatory information ...................................................................................................................... 8
1.3.1 EU Directives .................................................................................................................................... 9
1.3.2 Eurasian Customs Union ............................................................................................................ 10
1.3.3 Regulations for USA and Canada ........................................................................................... 11
1.3.4 Notification - products containing mercury (Canada) ................................................... 12
1.3.5 Other regulations and standards ............................................................................................ 14

2 Safety instructions ............................................................................................... 16

2.1 Safety precautions ............................................................................................................................... 17
2.2 Labels ......................................................................................................................................................... 27
2.3 Emergency procedure ........................................................................................................................ 31
2.4 Recycling information ......................................................................................................................... 32
2.5 Declaration of Hazardous Substances (DoHS) ........................................................................ 34

3 Instrument description ....................................................................................... 36

3.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 37
3.2 Feature overview .................................................................................................................................. 38
3.3 Illustration of the instrument ........................................................................................................... 39
3.4 Instrument hardware description ................................................................................................. 40
3.5 Instrument software description ................................................................................................... 47
3.5.1 Description of the Capture tab ................................................................................................. 48
3.5.2 Description of the Library tab ................................................................................................... 53
3.5.3 Description of the image view .................................................................................................. 55
3.5.4 Description of the analysis workflow .................................................................................... 59
3.5.5 Description of settings views .................................................................................................... 62
3.6 Accessories .............................................................................................................................................. 66

4 Installation ............................................................................................................ 69
4.1 Site requirements .................................................................................................................................. 70
4.2 Instrument setup .................................................................................................................................. 74
4.3 System settings ..................................................................................................................................... 75
4.3.1 Date and time .................................................................................................................................. 76
4.3.2 Focus ................................................................................................................................................... 78
4.3.3 Instrument indicator ..................................................................................................................... 80
4.3.4 Service ................................................................................................................................................ 81
4.4 Network ..................................................................................................................................................... 83
4.4.1 Network setup ................................................................................................................................. 84
4.4.2 Network access from instrument ............................................................................................ 88
4.4.3 Instrument access from network ............................................................................................ 90

5 Operation .............................................................................................................. 93
5.1 Operation flow chart ........................................................................................................................... 94

2 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

Table of Contents

5.2 Turn on the instrument ...................................................................................................................... 95

5.3 Select tray ................................................................................................................................................ 98
5.4 Place the tray in the instrument .................................................................................................... 99
5.5 Capture an image ................................................................................................................................. 102
5.5.1 Available methods ......................................................................................................................... 103
5.5.2 Chemiluminescence capture ..................................................................................................... 104
5.5.3 Colorimetric capture ..................................................................................................................... 127
5.5.4 Fluorescence capture ................................................................................................................... 131
5.6 View the image ...................................................................................................................................... 153
5.7 Save and manage image files ........................................................................................................ 157
5.7.1 Save locations ................................................................................................................................. 158
5.7.2 Save images ..................................................................................................................................... 161
5.7.3 File manage options ..................................................................................................................... 166
5.8 Analyze the image ................................................................................................................................ 169
5.8.1 Lane creation ................................................................................................................................... 172
5.8.2 Background Subtraction ............................................................................................................. 174
5.8.3 Band detection ................................................................................................................................ 178
5.8.4 Molecular weight assignment .................................................................................................. 180
5.8.5 Normalization .................................................................................................................................. 183
5.8.6 Summary ........................................................................................................................................... 184
5.9 Turn off the instrument ...................................................................................................................... 186

6 Analysis software ................................................................................................. 187

6.1 Software installation and activation ............................................................................................ 188
6.1.1 Amersham Imager 600 Analysis Software installation ................................................. 189
6.1.2 Amersham Imager 600 Analysis Software registration ................................................ 192
6.2 Software operation .............................................................................................................................. 196
6.2.1 Lane creation ................................................................................................................................... 200
6.2.2 Background subtraction ............................................................................................................. 202
6.2.3 Band detection ................................................................................................................................ 207
6.2.4 Molecular weight assignment .................................................................................................. 209
6.2.5 Normalization .................................................................................................................................. 212
6.2.6 Summary ........................................................................................................................................... 213

7 Maintenance ......................................................................................................... 216

7.1 Instrument ............................................................................................................................................... 217
7.2 Accessories .............................................................................................................................................. 218
7.3 Regular inspections ............................................................................................................................. 220

8 Troubleshooting ................................................................................................... 221

8.1 General problems ................................................................................................................................. 222
8.2 Problems with image quality ........................................................................................................... 224
8.3 Problems with the software ............................................................................................................. 226

9 Reference information ........................................................................................ 229

9.1 Specifications ......................................................................................................................................... 230
9.2 Health and Safety Declaration Form ........................................................................................... 233
Index ....................................................................................................................... 235

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 3

1 Introduction

1 Introduction

About this chapter

This chapter contains important user information, description of safety notices, regula-
tory information, and a general description of the intended use of Amersham Imager

In this chapter

Section See page

1.1 About this manual 5

1.2 Important user information 6

1.3 Regulatory information 8

4 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

1 Introduction
1.1 About this manual

1.1 About this manual

Purpose of this manual

The Operating Instructions provide you with the instructions needed to operate, and
maintain Amersham Imager 600 in a safe way.

Typographical conventions
Software items are identified in the text by bold italic text. A colon separates menu levels,
thus File:Open refers to the Open command in the File menu.
Hardware items are identified in the text by bold text (for example, Power).

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 5

1 Introduction
1.2 Important user information

1.2 Important user information

Read this before operating

Amersham Imager 600

All users must read the entire Operating Instructions before installing, operating or
maintaining Amersham Imager 600.
Always keep the Operating Instructions at hand when operating Amersham Imager 600.
Do not operate Amersham Imager 600 in any other way than described in the user
documentation. If you do, you may be exposed to hazards that can lead to personal injury
and you may cause damage to the equipment.

Intended use
Amersham Imager 600 is a CCD camera system that produces digitial images of samples
in gels or membranes in three different modes: chemiluminescence, colorimetric, and
Amersham Imager 600 is intended for research use only, and shall not be used in clinical
procedures, or for diagnostic purposes.

In order to operate Amersham Imager 600 in the intended way, the following prerequisites
must be fulfilled:
• You have read and understood the safety instructions in this Operating Instruction
• You should be acquainted with the use of general laboratory equipment and with
handling of biological materials
• The instrument is installed by GE representatives

6 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

1 Introduction
1.2 Important user information

Safety notices
This user documentation contains safety notices (WARNING, CAUTION, and NOTICE)
concerning the safe use of the product. See definitions below.

WARNING indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided,
could result in death or serious injury. It is important not to proceed
until all stated conditions are met and clearly understood.

CAUTION indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided,
could result in minor or moderate injury. It is important not to pro-
ceed until all stated conditions are met and clearly understood.

NOTICE indicates instructions that must be followed to avoid
damage to the product or other equipment.

Notes and tips

Note: A note is used to indicate information that is important for trouble-free and optimal
use of the product.
Tip: A tip contains useful information that can improve or optimize your procedures.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 7

1 Introduction
1.3 Regulatory information

1.3 Regulatory information

This section describes the directives and standards fulfilled by Amersham Imager 600.

Manufacturing information
The table below summarizes the required manufacturing information.

Requirement Information

Name and address of manufacturer GE Healthcare Bio-Sciences AB,

Björkgatan 30, SE 751 84 Uppsala, Sweden

In this section

Section See page

1.3.1 EU Directives 9

1.3.2 Eurasian Customs Union 10

1.3.3 Regulations for USA and Canada 11

1.3.4 Notification - products containing mercury (Canada) 12

1.3.5 Other regulations and standards 14

8 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

1 Introduction
1.3 Regulatory information
1.3.1 EU Directives

1.3.1 EU Directives

Conformity with EU Directives

This product fulfills the European Directives listed below. See the EU Declaration of
Conformity for the directives and regulations that apply for the CE marking.
If not included with the product, a copy of the EU Declaration of Conformity is available
on request.

Directive Title

2006/42/EC Machinery Directive (MD)

2014/30/EU Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Directive

2014/35/EU Low Voltage Directive (LVD)

2011/65/EU Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) Directive

CE marking

The CE marking and the corresponding EU Declaration of Conformity is valid for the in-
strument when it is:
• used according to the Operating Instructions or user manuals, and
• used in the same state as it was delivered from GE, except for alterations described
in the Operating Instructions or user manuals.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 9

1 Introduction
1.3 Regulatory information
1.3.2 Eurasian Customs Union

1.3.2 Eurasian Customs Union

This section contains additional regulatory information to comply with the Eurasian
Customs Union technical regulations.

Manufacturer and importer

The table below summarizes the manufacturer and importer information required by
the Eurasian Customs Union.

Requirement Information

Name and address of manufacturer See Manufacturing information

Telephone number of manufacturer Telephone: + 46 771 400 600

Importer and/or company for obtain- GE Healthcare LLC

ing information about importer GE Healthcare Life Sciences
Presnenskaya nab., 10C, 12th floor
RU-123 317 Moscow, Russian Federation
Telephone 1: + 7 495 411 9714
Fax nr: + 7 495 739 6932

10 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

1 Introduction
1.3 Regulatory information
1.3.3 Regulations for USA and Canada

1.3.3 Regulations for USA and Canada

NRTL certification

This symbol indicates that Amersham Imager 600 has been certified by a Nationally
Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL).
NRTL means an organization, which is recognized by the US Occupational Safety and
Health Administration (OSHA) as meeting the legal requirements of Title 29 of the Code
of Federal Regulations (29 CFR), Part 1910.7.
This product Conforms to UL 61010-1, and is Certified to CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 61010-1.

FCC compliance
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following
two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device
must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired
Note: The user is cautioned that any changes or modifications not expressly approved
by GE could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital
device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide rea-
sonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a
commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequen-
cy energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may
cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a
residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be re-
quired to correct the interference at his own expense.

CAN ICES/NMB compliance

This product complies with the Canadian standard ICES-003/NMB-003 concerning
electromagnetic compatibility.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 11

1 Introduction
1.3 Regulatory information
1.3.4 Notification - products containing mercury (Canada)

1.3.4 Notification - products containing mercury (Canada)

This notice is provided in accordance with the Products Containing Mercury Regulation
SOR/2014-254 November 7, 2014 as annexed in the Canadian Environmental Protection
Act, 1999.
Cette mise en garde est fournie conformément au règlement DORS/2014-254 du 7
novembre 2014 sur les produits contenant du mercure, tel qu’annexé à la loi canadienne
sur la protection de l’environnement (1999).

Notification (English)
Notification about this product.

• Contains mercury.

• For safe handling procedures and the measures to be taken in case of accidental
breakage, and for options available for disposal and recycling, please refer to
If additional support is needed, please contact your GE representative.
• This product should be disposed of or recycled in accordance with the applicable

12 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

1 Introduction
1.3 Regulatory information
1.3.4 Notification - products containing mercury (Canada)

Notification (français)
Notification sur ce produit.

• Contient du mercure.

• Pour les procédures de manipulation sécuritaires et les mesures à prendre en

cas de rupture accidentelle, et pour les options disponibles pour l'élimination et
le recyclage, veuillez consulter le site
Pour obtenir une aide supplémentaire, veuillez communiquer avec votre
représentant GE.
• Ce produit doit être éliminé ou recyclé en conformité avec les lois applicables.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 13

1 Introduction
1.3 Regulatory information
1.3.5 Other regulations and standards

1.3.5 Other regulations and standards

Environmental Conformity

Requirement Title

2012/19/EU Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)


China RoHS Management Methods for the Restriction of the

Use of Hazardous Substances in Electrical and
Electronic Products.

Standards, machinery and

electrical equipment
Standard requirements fulfilled by this product are summarized in the table below.

Standard Description

EN ISO 12100 Safety of machinery. General principles for design. Risk

assessment and risk reduction.

EN 61010-1, IEC 61010-1, Safety requirements for electrical equipment for mea-
UL 61010-1, CAN/CSA- surement, control, and laboratory use - Part 1: General
C22.2 No. 61010-1 requirements.

IEC/EN 61010-2-010 Particular requirements for laboratory equipment for

the heating of materials

IEC/EN 61010-2-081 Particular requirements for automatic and semi-auto-

matic laboratory equipment for analysis and other pur-

EN 60529 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures

14 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

1 Introduction
1.3 Regulatory information
1.3.5 Other regulations and standards

Standard Description

IEC/EN 61326-1 Electrical Equipment for Measurement, Control, and

Laboratory Use-EMC requirements-Part 1: General re-
(Emission according to CISPR 11, Group 1, class A)

This equipment is not intended for
use in residential environments
and may not provide adequate
protection to radio reception in
such environments.

UL94-V2 Standard for safety of flammability of plastic materials

for parts in devices and appliances testing

Light sources
The safety of the LED light sources in this instrument has been assessed by risk analysis
in accordance with EN 61010-1.
Amersham Imager 600 , depending on configuration, is equipped with some or all light
sources in the table below:

Light sources Wavelength

Blue LED 460 nm

Green LED 520 nm

Red LED 630 nm

White LED 470 nm to 635 nm

Trans-UV-illuminator 312 nm

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 15

2 Safety instructions

2 Safety instructions

About this chapter

This chapter describes safety precautions, safety labels, and emergency procedures for
the Amersham Imager 600 instrument, in addition to information on the safe disposal
of the instrument.


Before installing, operating or maintaining the product, all users
must read and understand the entire contents of this chapter
to become aware of the hazards involved.

In this chapter

Section See page

2.1 Safety precautions 17

2.2 Labels 27

2.3 Emergency procedure 31

2.4 Recycling information 32

2.5 Declaration of Hazardous Substances (DoHS) 34

16 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

2 Safety instructions
2.1 Safety precautions

2.1 Safety precautions

Amersham Imager 600 is powered by mains voltage, may be equipped with a UV light
source, and is used to capture images of samples that may be hazardous. Before in-
stalling, operating or maintaining the system, you must be aware of the hazards described
in this manual.
Follow the instructions provided to avoid personal injuries, damage to the product,
or to other personnel and equipment in the area.
The safety precautions in this section are grouped into the following categories:
• General precautions
• Personal protection
• Installation
• Operation
• Maintenance

General precautions

Do not operate the product in any other way than described in the
user documentation.

Use of this equipment in other ways than those specified in the
user documentation may result in physical damage because of
exposure to irradiated light or electric shock or injury from touching
an operating part.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 17

2 Safety instructions
2.1 Safety precautions

Do not use the instrument if smoke, atypical noises or odors can
be perceived, or if the instrument becomes unusually hot as this
may result in fire or electric shock.
Stop using the instrument immediately, turn off the power switch,
and unplug the instrument from the power outlet. Contact your
local GE representative to request repair.

Do not damage the power supply cord by bending, twisting, heating
or allowing them to become pinned under the equipment. Using
damaged power cords could result in fire or electric shock.
If the power supply cords are damaged, contact your local GE
representative for replacements.

Access to power switch and power cord with plug. Do not block
access to the power switch and power cord. The power switch
must always be easy to access. The power cord with plug must
always be easy to disconnect.

Do not block vents and ensure that they are kept free of dust and
dirt. Blockage can cause overheating and malfunctioning. To ensure
adequate cooling ensure there is at least 40 cm of free space in
front of the instrument and at least 10 cm on all other sides to walls
or other equipment.

18 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

2 Safety instructions
2.1 Safety precautions

Personal protection

Hazardous substances. When using hazardous chemicals, take
all suitable protective measures, such as wearing protective
glasses and gloves resistant to the substances used. Follow local
and/or national regulations for safe operation and maintenance
of the system.

The instrument is equipped with a safety interlock. If the interlock
is out of order or has been tampered with, UV and visible light may
be emitted, which may cause skin burn and impair vision.
Do not open the instrument door during operation, when the RUN
indicator is lit. If the door is opened and the instrument keeps run-
ning, turn off the instrument immediately and contact GE service.

Do not touch the UV unit after UV exposure. There is a risk of skin


As the equipment is heavy, contact a GE service person when
moving or relocating the main body of the equipment. If the
equipment drops, it may be broken, or you may get seriously injured
if it drops on your foot.

Power cord. Only use power cords with approved plugs delivered
or approved by GE.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 19

2 Safety instructions
2.1 Safety precautions

Protective ground. The product must always be connected to a
grounded power outlet.

In USA and Europe (Belgium, Netherlands, Luxemburg, Germany,
France, Italy, Denmark, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Austria, Finland,
Sweden, Poland, Hungary, Czech, Slovenia, Slovakia, Estonia, Latvia,
Lithuania, and Romania), use the proper power cord included in
the product package. In other countries, use the proper power cord
delivered separately from the product package by GE. Do not
change AC power cord to inappropriate one.

Connect the power supply directly to a grounded wall power outlet.
The use of extension cords or multiple loads on one electrical outlet
could result in fire and electric shock.

Amersham Imager 600 must be secured before transport or relo-
cation. Contact GE for instructions before transporting the instru-

Do not connect telephone lines to the Ethernet port.
Only the IEC 60950-I/VL 60950-1 standard non-shielded cables are
appropriate for connection to this connector.

Only use IEC 60950-1-certified equipment and cables to connect
to the instrument.

20 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

2 Safety instructions
2.1 Safety precautions


Do not use the instrument within or near a sink, or in humid (above
70% RH) or dusty environments. This can result in fire or electric

In case of thunder, do not touch the power supply plug, as this can
result in electric shock.

Always use appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) during
operation and maintenance of Amersham Imager 600.
• Protective eyewear
• Protective gloves
• Protective footware, preferably with steel lining

Reagents used to prepare the sample should be used in accordance
with the manufacturer instructions.

Do not lean on the sample door.

Use the handle to open or close the instrument door.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 21

2 Safety instructions
2.1 Safety precautions

Do not place heavy objects on top of the instrument.

Handle sample trays and tablet computers with care to avoid
dropping them.

Do not touch the light source in the instrument. The light source
may be hot.

Do not leave samples in the instrument after exposure. If left, these
may degrade and cause damage to the instrument.

Do not disable the interlock of the equipment as UV light can be
emitted if the door is opened.

Both the Amersham Imager 600 Control Software and Amersham
Imager 600 Analysis Software do not analyze the image files other
than those captured and generated by Amersham Imager 600.
Analysis of files other than those captured on the Amersham Imager
600 may introduce errors.

22 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

2 Safety instructions
2.1 Safety precautions

Do not add and/or remove any files in the folder generated by
Amersham Imager 600 with Amersham Imager 600 Control
Software and Amersham Imager 600 Analysis Software. Do not
modify any folders in which files have been added or removed. This
may prevent a correct analysis afterwards.

Do not use USB ports for recharging external devices. This can
cause instrument malfunction.

Connection of multiple computers to one instrument may impair
performance. Simultaneous use can cause loss of data.

Avoid connecting additional accessories such as computers,
monitors or keyboards to the instrument during operation as this
can stop the exposure or cause loss of data.

Do not turn off power during operation as this can cause loss of
data and damage the Compact flash drive. Only turn off power in
an emergency situation.

Do not open the instrument door during exposure, when the RUN
light indicates operation. This will stop the exposure and data will
not be saved.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 23

2 Safety instructions
2.1 Safety precautions

Transferring large amounts of files to a connected computer during
operation can impair the system’s performance.

Do not touch the light source windows as scratches or dirt may
impair performance.

The tablet computer cannot be recharged with this instrument.

When connecting an external monitor to the system, use a monitor
with SVGA resolution. With a low-resolution monitor, operation
buttons cannot be seen.

Remove all traces of acidic solutions to prevent corrosion in the


Electrical shock hazard. All instrument repairs or modifications
should be performed by service personnel authorized by GE. Do
not open any covers or replace parts unless specifically stated in
the user documentation.

24 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

2 Safety instructions
2.1 Safety precautions

Do not use excessive amounts of liquids for cleaning the Amersham
Imager 600 instrument. This may result in instrument malfunction
or electric shock.

Always use appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) during
operation and maintenance of Amersham Imager 600.
• Protective eyewear
• Protective gloves
• Protective footware, preferably with steel lining

Turn off the power switch before cleaning the inside of the instru-

UV lamps in Amersham Imager configurations 600 UV, 600 QC,
and 600 RGB contain mercury, which must be recycled or disposed
of in accordance with local regulations.

Do not use abrasive cleaning materials, such as a scouring pad,
for cleaning. This may cause damage to the instrument.

Dispose of the tablet computer as instructed in its user manual.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 25

2 Safety instructions
2.1 Safety precautions

When performing maintenance of the equipment, remove the tablet
computer. There is risk of injury if it falls on your foot.

26 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

2 Safety instructions
2.2 Labels

2.2 Labels

This section describes the system label and other safety or regulatory labels that are
attached to the product.

System label
The following illustration shows an example of the system label that is attached to the
Amersham Imager 600 instrument. The system label identifies the product and shows
electrical data and regulatory compliance.

Manufacturing date
Manufacturing year and month are determined by the serial number on the system label.
The serial number has the format YMMSSSSS and depicts the manufacturing year and
month as follows.

Character Meaning

Y The last digit of the manufacturing year

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 27

2 Safety instructions
2.2 Labels

Character Meaning

MM The manufacturing month + 60

SSSSS Serial production number

Example: A product with serial number YMM = 364 is manufactured in April 2013. For
information regarding shelf life please contact your local GE representative.

Symbols used on the labels

The following symbols are found on the label on the instrument:

Label Meaning

Warning! Read the Operating Instruction before using the system.

Do not open any covers or replace parts unless specifically stated
in the Operating Instruction.

The instrument complies with the requirements for electromagnetic

compliance (EMC) in Australia and New Zealand

The instrument complies with applicable European directives

This symbol indicates that the waste of electrical and electronic

equipment must not be disposed as unsorted municipal waste and
must be collected separately. Please contact an authorized repre-
sentative of the manufacturer for information concerning the de-
commissioning of equipment.

This symbol indicates that the product contains hazardous materials

in excess of the limits established by the Chinese standard GB/T
26572 Requirements of concentration limits for certain hazardous
substances in electrical and electronic products.

Eurasian Conformity mark: the single conformity mark indicates

that the product is approved for circulation on the markets of the
member states of the Eurasian Customs Union.

This symbol indicates that the instrument has been certified by a

Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NTRL). An NRTL is an
organization that the Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA) has recognized as meeting the legal requirements in USA
title 29 of the Code of Federal Regulations (29 CFR) Part 1910.7.

28 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

2 Safety instructions
2.2 Labels

Position of label and additional


Note: For details on symbols see Section 3.4 Instrument hardware description, on
page 40.

Symbol Description

On/Off switch

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 29

2 Safety instructions
2.2 Labels

Symbol Description

I/O Power switch

I: Power ON
O: Power OFF

DVI-D Connector for DVI-D monitor

USB port

Ethernet port

Caution, hot surface

30 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

2 Safety instructions
2.3 Emergency procedure

2.3 Emergency procedure

Emergency shutdown
In case of emergency:
• Turn off the power by pushing the Power switch to the O position on the bottom
right hand side of the instrument.

• Disconnect the power cord from the wall socket.


Access to power switch and power cord with plug. Do not block
access to the power switch and power cord. The power switch
must always be easy to access. The power cord with plug must
always be easy to disconnect.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 31

2 Safety instructions
2.4 Recycling information

2.4 Recycling information

This section contains information about the decommissioning of Amersham Imager 600.

The equipment and the accessories must be clean from contaminants before decom-
missioning and all local regulations must be followed with regard to waste disposal.
Samples are to be disposed of according to local regulations.

Disposal of the product

When taking the product out of service, the different materials must be separated and
recycled according to national and local environmental regulations.

Recycling of hazardous
The lamps in Amersham Imager 600 configurations: 600 QC, 600 UV, and, 600 RGB
contain mercury vapour. These must be recyled or disposed of in a manner compliant
with national and local environmental regulations.

Disposal of electrical

Waste electrical and electronic equipment must not be disposed of as unsorted municipal
waste and must be collected separately. Please contact an authorized representative
of the manufacturer for information concerning the decommissioning of the equipment.

32 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

2 Safety instructions
2.4 Recycling information

Instructions for disposal

Follow the instructions below for disposal of the Amersham Imager 600:

Step Action

1 Separate all electronic components (terminal strips, power supplies, trans-

mitters, pumps, probes / sensors, etc.) from the system cabinet.

2 Decontaminate the Amersham Imager 600 Cabinet and system cabinet

following appropriate procedures depending on what type of environment
the unit was located in. Follow local and/or national/federal requirements
for disposal of the Amersham Imager 600 Cabinet and the system cabinet.

3 Dispose of electronic components as specified by local regulations depending

on material used in the construction of the components. Follow local and/or
national/federal requirements for disposal of the electronic components.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 33

2 Safety instructions
2.5 Declaration of Hazardous Substances (DoHS)

2.5 Declaration of Hazardous Substances (DoHS)

The following product pollution control information is provided according to SJ/T11364-2014 Marking
for Restriction of Hazardous Substances caused by electrical and electronic products.

Explanation of Pollution Control Label

该标志表明本产品含有超过中国标准GB/T 26572 《电子电气产品中限用物质的限

量要求 》中限量的有害物质。标志中的数字为本产品的环保使用期,表明本产品
This symbol indicates the product contains hazardous materials in excess of the limits
established by the Chinese standard GB/T 26572 Requirements of concentration
limits for certain restricted substances in electrical and electronic products. The
number in the symbol is the Environment-friendly Use Period (EFUP), which indicates
the period during which the hazardous substances contained in electrical and elec-
tronic products will not leak or mutate under normal operating conditions so that the
use of such electrical and electronic products will not result in any severe environmen-
tal pollution, any bodily injury or damage to any assets. The unit of the period is “Year”.
In order to maintain the declared EFUP, the product shall be operated normally ac-
cording to the instructions and environmental conditions as defined in the product
manual, and periodic maintenance schedules specified in Product Maintenance Pro-
cedures shall be followed strictly.
Consumables or certain parts may have their own label with an EFUP value less than
the product. Periodic replacement of those consumables or parts to maintain the
declared EFUP shall be done in accordance with the Product Maintenance Procedures.
This product must not be disposed of as unsorted municipal waste, and must be
collected separately and handled properly after decommissioning.

34 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

2 Safety instructions
2.5 Declaration of Hazardous Substances (DoHS)

Name and Concentration of Hazardous Substances

Table of Hazardous Substances’ Name and Concentration

部件名称 有害物质
Component name Hazardous substance

铅 汞 镉 六价铬 多溴联苯 多溴二苯醚

(Pb) (Hg) (Cd) (Cr(VI)) (PBB) (PBDE)

29083461 X O O O O O

29083463 X X X O O O

29083464 X X X O O O

29083467 X X X O O O

本表格依据SJ/T 11364的规定编制。
This table is prepared according to SJ/T 11364.

0: 表示该有害物质在该部件所有均质材料中的含量均在 GB/T 26572规定的限量要求以下。

X: 表示该有害物质至少在该部件的某一均质材料中的含量超出 GB/T 26572规定的限量要


• 此表所列数据为发布时所能获得的最佳信息.

0: Indicates that this hazardous substance contained in all of the homogeneous materials for
this part is below the limit requirement in GB/T 26572.

X: Indicates that this hazardous substance contained in at least one of the homogeneous
materials used for this part is above the limit requirement in GB/T 26572.

• Data listed in the table represents best information available at the time of publication.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 35

3 Instrument description

3 Instrument description

About this chapter

This chapter presents an overview of Amersham Imager 600 features and different in-
strument configurations. It also contains descriptions of hardware components, software
displays, and functions.
Note: Due to cosmetic changes to the software, the screen captures in this manual may
differ sligtly compared to the acutal software. However, the general functions are
the same.

In this chapter

Section See page

3.1 Introduction 37

3.2 Feature overview 38

3.3 Illustration of the instrument 39

3.4 Instrument hardware description 40

3.5 Instrument software description 47

3.6 Accessories 66

36 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

3 Instrument description
3.1 Introduction

3.1 Introduction

Amersham Imager 600 is an imaging instrument designed to identify and quantify pro-
teins or DNA in gels or membranes. A cooled 3.2 megapixel CCD camera is used to
capture high resolution digital images of protein and DNA bands in gels and on mem-
branes obtained by electrophoresis or western blotting separation methods. The instru-
ment can capture images of chemiluminescent, fluorescent, and colorimetric samples,
depending on the system configuration. Analysis software is included with the instrument.
The instrument can be used for research purposes in the academia and life sciences

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 37

3 Instrument description
3.2 Feature overview

3.2 Feature overview

The following features are offered by Amersham Imager 600:

• A highly sensitive CCD camera with 3.2 megapixels
• Fast detector cooling capacity
• Ready-to-use within 5 minutes after start-up
• Tablet computer interface
• Chemiluminescence imaging with high sensitivity
• Generation of a combined color image of a chemiluminescence sample image and
a white light image of a color marker
• Fluorescence imaging using blue, green, and red Epi light sources and UV trans-illu-
• Color images of colorimetrically stained gels or membranes obtained by white light
• Accurate quantification of stained gels using white trans-illumination
• Intuitive design with easy to use image analysis workflow

38 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

3 Instrument description
3.3 Illustration of the instrument

3.3 Illustration of the instrument

The Amersham Imager 600 instrument is operated from a wireless connected tablet
computer. It may also be operated from a wired touch screen or a monitor with mouse.
The illustration below displays Amersham Imager 600 setup with tablet computer.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 39

3 Instrument description
3.4 Instrument hardware description

3.4 Instrument hardware description

Main components in each

Amersham Imager 600 is available in four different configurations. Different parts and
functions of Amersham Imager 600 are available depending on configuration.
The table below describes the functions and components of the different instrument

Functions Amersham Amersham Amersham Amersham

Imager 600 Imager 600 Imager 600 Imager 600
29-0834-61 UV QC RGB
29-0834-63 29-0834-64 29-0834-67

Control Software for image capture and X X X X


Chemiluminescence CCD camera head X X X X

including lens

Epi-White light source X X X X

Filter changer X X X

Trans-UV light source X X X

Trans-White light source X X

Blue, Green, and Red Epi light source X

40 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

3 Instrument description
3.4 Instrument hardware description

Amersham Imager 600 exterior 10 11 12 13

The illustration below shows the main exterior hardware components of the instrument.

5 6 7 8 9

Part Name Description

1 USB port A USB 2.0 port for connection of USB flash


Password protected USB flash drives are not

2 On/Off button and LED On/Off button: Press the button to turn on
indicators power. Press again to turn off the power.
Power: The LED is lit (white) when the instru-
ment is powered on.
Run: The LED is lit (blue) when the instrument
is operating, or if the Instrument indicator is
Error: The LED is lit (red) when the instrument
is malfunctioning.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 41

3 Instrument description
3.4 Instrument hardware description

Part Name Description

3 Tablet computer dock The dock can hold tablet computers of the
following dimensions and weight:
Width: 222 to 242 mm
Height: 183.5 to 186 mm
Depth: 9.5 mm or less
Weight: 750 g or less

Some tablet computers cannot fit due to the
shape of corners.

The tablet computer cannot be recharged on
the instrument.

With an iPad Air® attachment, iPad Air can be
placed on the dock.

4 Door Instrument door

5 Power switch Toggle switch:

I: Power ON
O : Power OFF

6 Power connector Connector for attaching the AC power cord.

7 DVI-D port Port for connecting a digital only DVI monitor.

8 USB port Port for additional external devices, for exam-

ple a printer.

The tablet computer cannot be recharged with
the instrument.

9 Ethernet port Connector for a network cable.

42 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

3 Instrument description
3.4 Instrument hardware description

8 9 10 11 12 13
Amersham Imager 600 interior
The illustration below shows the main hardware components inside the instrument.

6 6

Part Name Description

1 Upper Tray guide Guides which support and position the tray.

2 Lower Tray guide Guides which support and position the tray.

3 Trans-White light source White light

4 Trans-UV light source UV light

5 Epi light source For configurations 600, 600 UV, and 600 QC:
White light source
For configuration 600 RGB: White light plus Blue,
Green, and Red light sources

6 Epi light source White light

7 Filter changer Filter changer unit

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 43

3 Instrument description
3.4 Instrument hardware description

Amersham Imager 600 LED

The table below describes the different states of the LED indicators located at the front
of the instrument, to the right of the On/Off button.

State POWER RUN ERROR Indication type and fre-

White Blue light Red light quency


Power up X Flashing ~ 1 Hz
ON = 0.5 s / OFF = 0.5 s

Ready / Power X Steady light


Busy / Run X X Steady light

Error X X Flashing ~ 1 Hz
ON = 0.5 s / OFF = 0.5 s

Shutdown X Flashing ~ 1 Hz
ON = 0.5 s / OFF = 0.5 s

Power save X Flashing slowly ~ 0.5 Hz

ON = 0.5 s / OFF = 1.5 s

Mount iPad Air attachment

The description below gives the necessary information for the mounting and dismounting
of the iPad Air attachment to Amersham Imager 600.

Mounting the attachment

Note: Place the attachment as illustrated below.


44 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

3 Instrument description
3.4 Instrument hardware description

Step Action

1 Hold the attachment and slide it upward.

2 Push the attachment upward firmly into the guide until you hear a clicking

3 Connect an iPad Air to the attachment.

Dismounting the attachment

Step Action

1 Push the center of the attachment to release the lock points.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 45

3 Instrument description
3.4 Instrument hardware description

Step Action

2 Pull out the attachment downward.

46 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

3 Instrument description
3.5 Instrument software description

3.5 Instrument software description

The Amersham Imager 600 software is designed to guide you through the workflow of
capturing images and analyzing the image data. The software is normally operated on
a wireless connected tablet computer placed in the dock on the instrument front. This
section describes the main components and functions of the software.
Note: The software can be controlled from a handheld tablet computer, a wire connected
touch screen or a monitor plus mouse.
Note: The available functions may vary depending on the system configuration.
For details on system configurations see Section 3.4 Instrument hardware descrip-
tion, on page 40.

In this section
This section contains the following:

Section See page

3.5.1 Description of the Capture tab 48

3.5.2 Description of the Library tab 53

3.5.3 Description of the image view 55

3.5.4 Description of the analysis workflow 59

3.5.5 Description of settings views 62

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 47

3 Instrument description
3.5 Instrument software description
3.5.1 Description of the Capture tab

3.5.1 Description of the Capture tab

Capture view
The Capture tab is displayed as the default start screen when Amersham Imager 600
and the tablet computer are turned on and the start up procedure has finished. It allows
you to select image capturing method and set details for the exposure. The display
changes depending on the choice of method.
The following illustration describes the basic elements of the Capture tab.

2 3 4

10 9 8 7

Part Function

1 The selected image capturing method.

2 Capture - The tab for selecting image capturing method and starting ex-

3 Area displaying options for the selected method.

4 The settings icon for accessing the Settings view.

5 The help icon for accessing context sensitive online help.

6 Start - The start exposure button.

7 The date and time.

48 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

3 Instrument description
3.5 Instrument software description
3.5.1 Description of the Capture tab

Part Function

8 High dynamic range checkbox for image capture with high dynamic range
is available in Auto and Semi-auto capturing methods.

9 The position of the inserted tray.

10 The instrument CCD status displaying one of:

• Green = The CCD temperature is within specifications and the instru-

ment is ready for use.
• Orange = The CCD temperature is not within specifications. Wait for a
green light before proceeding.

Method sensitive displays

The display on the screen shows the selected image capturing method and presents
the options relevant for that method. Depending on system configuration you may or
may not have access to all methods. The following section describes all available method
displays in the Amersham Imager 600 product family.
For details on system configurations see Section 3.4 Instrument hardware description,
on page 40.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 49

3 Instrument description
3.5 Instrument software description
3.5.1 Description of the Capture tab

The illustration below shows the main components of the Capture tab with the default
setting Chemiluminescence image capturing method and automatic exposure time,

5 4

Part Function

1 Chemiluminescence button: the selected chemiluminescence image

capturing method.

2 Colorimetric marker check box: use the check box for samples with colori-
metric marker.

3 Exposure drop down menu: use to select the exposure option for chemilu-
minescence image capturing: Auto, Semi-Auto, Manual, Incremental and

For more information on manual and incremental settings see Set exposure
time, on page 64.

4 Start button: use the button to start capturing.

5 High dynamic range checkbox: use the check box for image capture with
high dynamic range.

50 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

3 Instrument description
3.5 Instrument software description
3.5.1 Description of the Capture tab

The illustration below shows the specific components of the Capture tab with the Col-
orimetric image capturing method selected.
For more details of the general components, see Capture view, on page 48.

Part Function

1 Colorimetric image capturing method selected

2 Options area for the colorimetric image capturing method:

• Epi-illumination (selected here)

• Trans-illumination

The illustration below shows the specific components of the Capture tab with the Fluo-
rescence image capturing method. Depending on selected options, the display changes
and unavailable options are hidden (greyed out).
For more details of the general components, see Capture view, on page 48.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 51

3 Instrument description
3.5 Instrument software description
3.5.1 Description of the Capture tab


Part Function

1 Fluorescence image capturing method selected

2 Options for the selected image capturing method:

• Epi-RGB

• Custom (selected here)

• UV

3 Exposure options:

• Auto (selected here)

• Semi-Auto

• Manual

• Advanced

For more information on manual settings see Set exposure time, on page 64.

4 High dynamic range checkbox: Use the check box for image capture with
high dynamic range.

52 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

3 Instrument description
3.5 Instrument software description
3.5.2 Description of the Library tab

3.5.2 Description of the Library tab

The Library tab allows you to find and manage image files.
The illustration below shows the main components of the Library tab.

2 3 4 5 6






Part Function

1 The list of files in the selected location. The selected file is highlighted in

You may need to scroll or navigate between views to see all files.

2 The selected file location (here on the instrument): use to view file storage
options, for example USB flash drive or network locations. Select the drop
down menu for more file location options.

3 Search field: use the field to search for specific files

4 Clear button: use the button to clear the search field

5 Scroll buttons and bar: use the bar or buttons to navigate among files in
the displayed list of stored files

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 53

3 Instrument description
3.5 Instrument software description
3.5.2 Description of the Library tab

Part Function

6 The selected Sort option: select the drop down menu to view the file sorting

• Name - name

• Date - date

• Method - method

7 The list displayed of the number of lists available: use the arrows to navigate
between lists.

8 The number of selected files.

9 Select all/Deselect all button: use the buttons to select all files displayed
or to deselect a selection of files.

10 Delete button: use the button to delete the selected (marked) file or files.

11 Rename button: use the button to rename a saved file.

12 Copy/Move button: use the button to copy or move selected files.

13 Open button: use the button to open the selected file.

54 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

3 Instrument description
3.5 Instrument software description
3.5.3 Description of the image view

3.5.3 Description of the image view

After capturing, the resulting image or images are displayed. The illustration below de-
scribes the main components of the image view.



9 8 7 6

Part Function

1 Display of the captured image.

Incremental and Advanced exposures may result in several images being
displayed two at a time as they are exposed. Navigate among the images
using forward and backward arrows.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 55

3 Instrument description
3.5 Instrument software description
3.5.3 Description of the image view

Part Function

2 Buttons for captured images. A blue text and frame highlights the displayed

By selecting two or more images a composite image is displayed.
For more information on displayed images for the different capturing
methods see Section 5.5 Capture an image, on page 102.

If the colorimetric marker

option was checked the
tabs will display Sample
and Marker.

If a multichannel fluores-
cence capture was per-
formed, the tabs will dis-
play the selected channels
of Blue, Green, and Red.

3 Information icon: use to access additional image and exposure information

such as image file name and exposure time.

56 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

3 Instrument description
3.5 Instrument software description
3.5.3 Description of the image view

Part Function

4 The image tools menu: use the tools to modify the settings of the captured
image and to view details.




Intensity tool

For more information on the image tools see Image tools, on page 154.

5 The selected image tool and options view: Display is the default view.

6 Done button: Use the button to leave the view without saving.

A dialog appears asking to confirm the cancellation. This prevents deleting
images by accident.

7 Save button: use the button to save the image. See Section 5.7 Save and
manage image files, on page 157 for further details.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 57

3 Instrument description
3.5 Instrument software description
3.5.3 Description of the image view

Part Function

8 Analyze button: use the button to open Analyze view. See Section 5.8 Ana-
lyze the image, on page 169 for further details.

9 Print button: use the button to print the image.

The print function requires that the instrument is connected to a USB con-
nected printer. For installation of a printer contact a representative from

58 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

3 Instrument description
3.5 Instrument software description
3.5.4 Description of the analysis workflow

3.5.4 Description of the analysis workflow

This section describes the analysis workflow options. The workflow allows you to perform
an analysis of the image data. Open the analysis workflow by selecting the Analyze
button. The button is available after capturing or when opening an already captured
The workflow is performed in five steps and results in a summary. After completing a
step, navigate to the next step by selecting the Next button. For more details see Sec-
tion 5.8 Analyze the image, on page 169.

The following illustration shows the start screen and first step of the analysis.

2 3

Part Function

1 Contrast button: Use the button to change the contrast of the image.

2 Image view button: Use the button to activate the image view.

3 Lane profile button: Use the button to display separate graphical lane

4 Zoom out button: Use the button to zoom out.

5 Zoom in button: Use the button to zoom in.

6 Analyze workflow buttons: Use the buttons to navigate in the analysis


Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 59

3 Instrument description
3.5 Instrument software description
3.5.4 Description of the analysis workflow

Analysis options
The illustration below describes the workflow steps and options.

Step Illustration of step Description

1 Open the lane creation step with the button

Lane Creation is used to define and position lanes to

be used in the subsequent analysis.

2 Open the background subtraction step with the button

Background is used to select method for background


3 Open the band detection step with the button

Band Detection is used to detect the bands in each

defined lane.

60 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

3 Instrument description
3.5 Instrument software description
3.5.4 Description of the analysis workflow

Step Illustration of step Description

4 Open the MW calibration step with the button

MW Calibration is used to create a molecular weight

calibration curve based on a selected standard marker.

5 Open the normalization step with the button

Normalization is used to select bands to be used for


6 Open the summary with the button

Summary is used to present an overview of the result

data from the analysis.
Use the Save button to save the analysis data together
with the image file.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 61

3 Instrument description
3.5 Instrument software description
3.5.5 Description of settings views

3.5.5 Description of settings views

This section describes various settings views and options.

General settings view

The settings options found in the Settings view allows you to set specifications for the
instrument. The settings view is displayed by selecting the settings icon:

The illustration below shows the main components of the Settings view. For details see
Section 4.3 System settings, on page 75.

6 7

4 9


Part Function

1 Back button: Use to close the settings view and return to the previous view.

2 Network button: Use to set up DHCP or Static IP network

3 Show mouse cursor check box: Use to display a mouse cursor on a con-
nected external monitor by checking the check box.

4 Instrument indicator button: Use to activate the instrument connected

to the tablet computer and light the instrument Run LED light.

5 Date & Time button: Use to set date and time on the instrument

6 Focus button: Use to adjust focus

7 Sleep button: Use to set the time when the automatic CCD cooling shall
stop after periods of non-use.

62 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

3 Instrument description
3.5 Instrument software description
3.5.5 Description of settings views

Part Function

8 Service button: Use to view instrument serial number, version number and
for accessing Software update and Export log.

9 Analysis software license button: Use to generate license keys for Amer-
sham Imager 600 Analysis Software.

10 Save locations button: Use to add new, edit or remove network locations
for image file storage

Keypad view
The keypad appears when you select text fields where typing is required. Examples of
text fields are: Search, Optional image name prefix, Comment or Rename.
The following illustration and table show the main components of the keypad. The image
to the left shows the alphabetic view of the keypad (with lower case letters). The image
to the right shows the numeric and symbol view of the keypad.

1 2 1 2

4 4
7 7
12 11

10 9 8 10 9 8

Part Function

1 The text field where the typed text is displayed.

2 Clear button: Use the button to remove all typed text in the text

3 Keyboard area: Use the 14

15 keyboard to type text.

4 Delete button: Use the button to delete one letter at a time.

5 Enter button: Use the button to create a new row.

6 Shift button: Use the button to change to upper case letters keypad.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 63

3 Instrument description
3.5 Instrument software description
3.5.5 Description of settings views

Part Function

7 Navigation buttons: Use the buttons to navigate back and forward

in the typed text.

8 Done button: Use the button to save the changes.

9 Space button: Use the button to create a space.

10 Cancel button: Use the button to return to the previous window

without saving the changes.

11 abc button: Use the button to change to the lower case letters

12 @123 button: Use the button to change to the numeric and symbol

Use abc or the ABC button to return to the alphabetic keypad.

Set exposure time

The Set exposure time view appears when you select Manual or Incremental exposure
in the drop down menu and then select the Exposure time button or Interval time button.
It allows you to set the exposure time manually.
The illustration below shows the main components of the Set exposure time view.

3 4



Note: The time displayed in the Set exposure time window, is by default the exposure
time used during the last capture. The time can be set from 0.1 seconds up to 60

Part Function

1 Cancel button: Use to return to the Capture tab without saving changes.

64 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

3 Instrument description
3.5 Instrument software description
3.5.5 Description of settings views

Part Function

2 Reset button: Use to reset the the exposure time to zero.

3 Time units area: Use the plus or minus buttons to increase or decrease the
exposure time by Minutes, Seconds, or 1/10 sec.

4 Keypad: Use the right and left arrow buttons to navigate between the
Minutes, Seconds, and 1/10 sec fields. The active field appears blue in the
time units area.
Use the numeric keys to set the time in the selected field.

5 Arrow buttons: Use the buttons to navigate between minutes, seconds,

and 1/10 s in the time units area.

6 Set button: Use the button to save the changes made.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 65

3 Instrument description
3.6 Accessories

3.6 Accessories

Accessories delivered with the

The following table shows the accessories of Amersham Imager 600. Depending on
configuration the included accessories may vary.

Part Description Code no. Relevant for con-


Black tray, marked 29083417 All configurations

Black Tray

UV Trans tray, marked 29083419 600 UV

UV Trans Tray 600 QC
(transparent) 600 RGB

White Trans tray, 29083418 600 QC

marked White Trans 600 RGB

White Insert, marked 29088060 All configurations

White Insert
(for use with Black Tray
where applicable)

66 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

3 Instrument description
3.6 Accessories

Part Description Code no. Relevant for con-


Diffuser Board, marked 29083420 600 QC

Diffuser Board 600 RGB
(for white light Trans-il-

Amersham Imager 600 29064517 All configurations

Operating Instructions

DVD containing transla- 29090297 All configurations

tions of Amersham
Imager 600 Operating

Amersham Imager 600 29154084 All configurations

Analysis Software

AC power cord (for 19244801 All configurations

North America)

AC power cord (for Eu- 80648033 All configurations


Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 67

3 Instrument description
3.6 Accessories

Additional accessories to order

Part Description Code no. Relevant for con-


Gel Sheets 17x25 (for 29083457 600 UV

UV-Trans tray) 600 QC
600 RGB

iPad Air attachment 29133829 All configurations

Upgrade options

Part/Description Code no. Relevant for con-


AI600 Upgrade 600 to 600 UV 29083422 600

AI600 Upgrade 600 UV to 600 QC 29083424 600 UV

AI600 Upgrade 600 QC to 600 RGB 29083425 600 QC

AI600 Upgrade 600 UV to 600 RGB 29083426 600 UV

68 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

4 Installation

4 Installation

About this chapter

This chapter contains information on how to prepare the site for Amersham Imager 600,
how to set up network connections, and set system settings.
Note: Installation or transport of the Amersham Imager 600 instrument must be per-
formed by GE authorized personnel. The instrument contains parts that may be
damaged unless they are secured for transportation and handled correctly.

In this chapter

Section See page

4.1 Site requirements 70

4.2 Instrument setup 74

4.3 System settings 75

4.4 Network 83

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 69

4 Installation
4.1 Site requirements

4.1 Site requirements

Space requirements
Prepare a clean working area on a stable laboratory bench. The bench must comply
with the specifications in the following table.

Parameter Specification

Minimum bench area for operating 70 x 60 cm

Amersham™ Imager 600

Free space required around the imager At least 40 cm free space in front of the
10 cm free space on all other sides

Load capacity 980 N (100 kg) or higher

Inclination of bench surface Horizontal ±2°

Access to power cord. Do not block access to the power cord. The
power cord must always be easy to disconnect.

This equipment is not intended for use in residential environments
and may not provide adequate protection to radio reception in
such environments.

70 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

4 Installation
4.1 Site requirements

The following illustration shows the dimensions of the instrument.

785 mm

485 mm
360 mm

Amersham Imager 600 weighs 43 kg.

Environmental conditions
The following general requirements must be fulfilled:
• The instrument should not be exposed to sources of heat, such as radiators or direct
• Dust in the atmosphere should be kept to a minimum
• The equipment must not be excessively exposed to vibration or impacts
• Exposure to corrosive gas must be avoided
The installation site must comply with the following specifications.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 71

4 Installation
4.1 Site requirements

Environmental requirements
The following table describes the environmental requirements for Amersham Imager

Do not use the instrument in a room with a temperature above
+28°C. Higher temperatures does not allow the CCD to cool down
properly (to -25°C).

Parameter Requirement

Operating temperature/humidity Temperature: 18°C to 28°C (with temperature fluctuation below 10ºC
conditions per hour or lower)
Humidity: 20% to 70% RH (no dew condensation)

When the above conditions cannot be satisfied, take appropriate

Transportation/storage Temperature: -25°C to 70°C

conditions Humidity: 5% to 95% RH (no dew condensation)

When the above conditions cannot be satisfied, take appropriate

Operation site Indoor use

Maximum operating altitude 2000 m or lower

Noise 70 dB(A) or lower

Fast Lmax ≤60dB(A), and average Leq ≤ 54dB(A) (1 m from the instru-

Protection provided by enclosure IP21

Overvoltage category Transient overvoltage category II

Rated pollution applied Pollution degree 2

72 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

4 Installation
4.1 Site requirements

Parameter Requirement

Other conditions 1 Take into consideration the workflow and ancillary facilities when
planning the installation.
2 Any required construction and electricity/air conditioning work
must be completed prior to installation.
3 It is not desirable to have a heat source near the Amersham
Imager 600 air intakes, even if the other environmental require-
ments have been met.
4 Do not install the equipment near a window. Avoid direct sunlight.
Ensure blinds are attached to nearby windows.
5 Do not place objects near the power outlet to ensure easy access
to the power cord for disconnection in case of emergency.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 73

4 Installation
4.2 Instrument setup

4.2 Instrument setup

Amersham Imager 600 is initially installed by GE service representatives.
Amersham Imager 600 must be secured before long distance transports. Contact GE
for instructions before transport or relocation of the instrument.
For connecting additional monitors or peripheral equipment contact GE for instructions.

74 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

4 Installation
4.3 System settings

4.3 System settings

This section describes how to set system specific settings.
System settings are found under the Settings view. Open the settings view by selecting
the settings icon found in the top right hand corner of the Capture and Library tabs.

For the general components of the Settings view see Section 3.5.5 Description of settings
views, on page 62

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 75

4 Installation
4.3 System settings
4.3.1 Date and time

4.3.1 Date and time

Date and time view

The following illustration describes the Date & Time view.

Part Function

1 Cancel button: Use the button to return to the Settings window without
saving the changes.

2 Date field: Use the plus and minus buttons next to Year, Month, and Day
to set values for year, month, and day.

3 Time field: Use the plus and minus buttons next to Hour and Minute to set
values for hour and minute.

4 Ok button: Use the button to save the changes to date and time and return
to the Settings window.

Change date
To change the date setting on the instrument, select the plus or minus buttons next to
the Year, Month, and/or Day field, to change the value of year, month or day.

76 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

4 Installation
4.3 System settings
4.3.1 Date and time

Change time
To change the time setting on the instrument, select the plus or minus buttons next to
the Hour or Minute field, to change the value of hour or minute.

Save the changes to date and

Select the Ok button to save the changes to the Date & time view.
Select the Cancel button to leave the view without saving changes.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 77

4 Installation
4.3 System settings
4.3.2 Focus

4.3.2 Focus

Focus view
The focus is normally fixed. For thick samples this fixed focus may not be adequate and
you may need to temporarily adjust it.

1 2 3 4


Part Function

1 The image area which displays the image of sample.

2 Double arrow buttons: Use the buttons to adjust focus in larger steps.
3 The focus value.
15 14
4 Single arrow buttons: Use the buttons to adjust focus in smaller steps.

5 Default button: Use the button to reset focus to the default value.

The default value differs between instruments.

6 The brightness value.

7 Plus and minus buttons: Use the buttons to adjust the brightness value.

8 OK button: Use the button to save the new settings.

9 Cancel button: Use the button to leave the view without saving changes.

78 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

4 Installation
4.3 System settings
4.3.2 Focus

Adjust focus
Step Action

1 Prepare and place a sample on a tray and place the tray in the instrument's
lower tray position.

2 If relevant, point to an area of interest to zoom in on.

3 Adjust the brightness of the image to a satisfactory level by using the plus
and minus buttons next to the Brightness value.

4 Adjust the focus to a satisfactory level by using the arrows above and below
the Focus value.

5 Select OK to save the settings.

Cancel will close the view without saving changes.

6 The new focus will be available for captures until a new capturing method
is selected, or until the instrument enters standby mode.
Prior to the capture confirm the use of the new focus with Yes. Selecting the
No button cancels the adjustments to focus and the normal fixed focus
setting (default) is once again in use.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 79

4 Installation
4.3 System settings
4.3.3 Instrument indicator

4.3.3 Instrument indicator

The Instrument indicator is a useful tool when several Amersham Imager 600 instruments
are used in the same location. It identifies which instrument is connected to a certain
tablet computer.
Select the Instrument indicator button. This activates the Run LED light on the instrument
it is connected to.

80 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

4 Installation
4.3 System settings
4.3.4 Service

4.3.4 Service

In the Service view the following information can be found:

• Instrument serial number

• Software version
• Firmware version
• FPGA version
The view also displays buttons for software update and export log functions.

Update software
Follow the instructions below to update the software for Amersham Imager 600.

Step Action

1 Connect a USB flash drive containing the update file provided by GE stored
at the root level of the USB flash drive.

2 Select the Software update button.

3 Confirm USB insertion by selecting the OK button.

4 Select the Yes button to update the software.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 81

4 Installation
4.3 System settings
4.3.4 Service

Step Action

5 To return to the Settings window select the OK button.

6 Confirm the software, Firmware and FPGA version numbers are correctly

Export log
Follow the instructions below to export a log from Amersham Imager 600.

Step Action

1 Select the Export log button.

Result: A text file will be created on the instrument containing the export log

2 Insert a USB flash drive and confirm insertion by selecting the OK button.
Result: The export log file will be transferred to the USB flash drive.

3 To return to the Settings view, select the OK button.

82 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

4 Installation
4.4 Network

4.4 Network

Via a network connection you can save image files to a network location, access files
stored on a network location from the instrument and copy and delete image files from
a computer.
This section contains information on network setup options, virus protection, network
settings, and file access.

In this section

Section See page

4.4.1 Network setup 84

4.4.2 Network access from instrument 88

4.4.3 Instrument access from network 90

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 83

4 Installation
4.4 Network
4.4.1 Network setup

4.4.1 Network setup

Virus protection
The technical solution for Amersham Imager 600 protects it from virus transfer from in-
fected USB flash drives. Each restart of the instrument resets the software to its original
Note: If you, for any reason, suspect that the instrument has been infected by a computer
virus, restart the instrument as soon as possible.

Network connection options

Do not connect telephone lines to the Ethernet port.
Only the IEC 60950-I/VL 60950-1 standard non-shielded cables are
appropriate for connection to this connector.

Connection to a network enables the instrument to access files from, and to save files
to, a network location.
There are two options for network setup:
2 Static IP
Note: If a DHCP network is used the IP address will be assigned automatically by the
DHCP server. If a Static IP network is used the network details have to be entered

84 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

4 Installation
4.4 Network
4.4.1 Network setup

Connect to network
Follow the instructions below to connect to a Network:

Step Action

Select the settings icon.
Result: The Settings view will appear.

2 Select the Network button.

Result: The Network view will appear.

3 Select the type of network connection and follow the separate instructions

Connect to a DHCP network

Follow the instructions below, to connect to a DHCP network:

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 85

4 Installation
4.4 Network
4.4.1 Network setup

Step Action

1 Connect the network cable to the Ethernet port on Amersham Imager 600.

2 Check the DHCP radio button in the Network window.

3 If desired, check the Workgroup field and use the keypad to enter the

For detailed information on how to use the keypad, see Keypad view, on
page 63.

4 Select OK.
Result: An automatic connection to the DHCP network is established within
a couple of seconds.
Reserve the IP address to Amersham Imager 600 for easier access of its net-
work resources.

Connect to a Static IP network

Follow the instructions below, to connect to a Static IP network:

Step Action

1 Connect the network cable to the Ethernet port on Amersham Imager 600.

86 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

4 Installation
4.4 Network
4.4.1 Network setup

Step Action

2 Check the Static IP radio button in the Network window.

3 Select the:

1 IP address field and use the keypad to enter the IP address.

2 Subnet mask field and use the keypad to enter the subnet mask.
If desired, select the :

• Gateway field and use the keypad to enter the router.

• Workgroup field and use the keypad to enter the workgroup.

4 Select OK to save the changes.

Result: The connection to the network will be established within a couple of

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 87

4 Installation
4.4 Network
4.4.2 Network access from instrument

4.4.2 Network access from instrument

To be able to store and access files on a network location, Amersham Imager 600 must
have access permission to the specific computer or server where the files are to be
The exact procedure for setting permissions for network file sharing depends on the
computer's Operative System (OS) and your organization's network security settings.
Note: Contact your GE representative for optional OS instructions or refer to your local
IT support or your own computer's help files.

OS Windows® 7 instructions
Step Action

1 On the computer: Open Control panel:System and Security:System and

write down the name of the computer (the network identification name).

2 Create a new folder and name the folder:

Example: "AmershamImager600".

3 Right-click on the folder and select Properties:Share with.

4 Select which user or group you wish to grant permission (for example users)
and check the check box Full control.

Limited permissions, such as Read, will not allow the instrument to export or
analyze saved files on the computer.

5 Select Share.

6 Note the full computer name and go to the instrument.

7 On the instrument: Select the settings icon.

8 Select the Save locations button.

9 Select the Add new button.

10 Browse to the location, or type the name of the computer in the field Loca-
Example: "//HXX-DTKJ8Q9.clients.region.division.compa-"

88 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

4 Installation
4.4 Network
4.4.2 Network access from instrument

Step Action

11 Select OK.
Result: This will allow for sharing files from the computer to the instrument
and from the instrument to the computer for users.

Note: If password-protected sharing is turned on, you must have a user account and
password on your computer for full access to shared items. Password-protected
sharing is located in the Control panel under Advanced sharing settings. Pass-
word protection is turned on by default.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 89

4 Installation
4.4 Network
4.4.3 Instrument access from network

4.4.3 Instrument access from network

Amersham Imager 600 is equipped with a web tool which allows instrument access from
a network. The web tool can be used to copy or delete files on the instrument from a
remote location.
To be able to access Amersham Imager 600 web tool the following conditions must be
• The instrument and the computer must be connected through a local network.
• The instrument's IP address must be known.
Your instrument's IP address is found in the Network view. Open the view by selecting
the settings icon in the top right hand corner and then select the Network button in the
Settings view.
Note: DHCP networks has a dynamic IP address assignment, therefore the IP address
may vary between connections. When using a DHCP network connection, check
regularly that the IP address is still accurate. If the IP address has changed, use
the new IP address in the Network view.
Access the web tool
Follow the steps below to set up and access files via the web tool.

Step Action

1 Open the computer's web browser.

90 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

4 Installation
4.4 Network
4.4.3 Instrument access from network

Step Action

2 Type the instrument's IP address in the browser address field and select
Result: A page asking for password is displayed.

The password can be changed. Press Option in the Login window and follow
the instruction in the Options window.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 91

4 Installation
4.4 Network
4.4.3 Instrument access from network

Step Action

3 Type the default password: AI600user and select Login.

Result: This opens the Amersham Imager 600 web tool page.

4 Use the search function to limit the list.

• Search by date: Use the date format YYYY-MM-DD

Example: "2013-11-30"
• Search by keyword
Select Search to perform the search.
Delete the information in the search fields and select Search to reset the

5 Select the files to be copied or deleted by checking the file's check box.

A maximum number of 5 files can be copied at one time. You may repeat this
step to copy additional files.

6 • Select the Copy button to copy the selected files.

• Select the Delete button to delete the selected files.

The copied files will be downloaded as a zip-file with an automatically gener-
ated name. The download location and procedure will vary with the chosen
web browser's download settings.

92 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

5 Operation

5 Operation

About this chapter

This chapter describes how to operate Amersham Imager 600.
Prior to operating the Amersham Imager 600 system it is important that you have read
and understood the safety information. Make sure to read the relevant safety instructions
prior to operation. See Section 2.1 Safety precautions, on page 17 for details.

Do not operate Amersham Imager 600 in any other way than de-
scribed in the User Manual.

In this chapter

Section See page

5.1 Operation flow chart 94

5.2 Turn on the instrument 95

5.3 Select tray 98

5.4 Place the tray in the instrument 99

5.5 Capture an image 102

5.6 View the image 153

5.7 Save and manage image files 157

5.8 Analyze the image 169

5.9 Turn off the instrument 186

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 93

5 Operation
5.1 Operation flow chart

5.1 Operation flow chart

The general flow of operation is as follows:

Turn on the instrument

Select a tray and place sample

Place the tray in the instrument

Capture the image

Save the image file

Analyze the image

94 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

5 Operation
5.2 Turn on the instrument

5.2 Turn on the instrument

The following section describes the startup process.
Note: If using a wired external monitor or touch screen it must be connected to the in-
strument before start up.

Step Action

1 Turn on power to the instrument by pressing the Power switch on the bottom
right side of the instrument to the I position.

2 Press the On/Off button on the front of the instrument to activate it.

Result: The instrument's self-diagnostic process will initialize.

The self-diagnostic process will normally take approximately 5 minutes.
Connection to a network may take longer.

3 If relevant, connect a USB flash drive to the instrument for file storage.
The USB flash driver is automatically installed when the USB flash drive is
connected to Amersham Imager 600.

Password protected USB flash drives are not supported.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 95

5 Operation
5.2 Turn on the instrument

Step Action

4 Select the icon for Amersham Imager 600 on the desktop screen of the
connected tablet computer.
1. A welcome screen appears.

2. The following screen will be displayed.

96 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

5 Operation
5.2 Turn on the instrument

Step Action

5 Select the Continue button.

Result: The following screen will be displayed.

6 Wait for the CCD status to turn green.

Result: Image capturing can begin.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 97

5 Operation
5.3 Select tray

5.3 Select tray

The following table describes the suitable tray and accessory for each capturing method.
Note: Use the correct tray to the selected exposure for optimal image quality.

Image capturing method Sample type Tray and accessory Available in


Chemiluminescence • Membrane Black Tray 600

600 UV
600 QC
600 RGB

Chemiluminescence • Membrane Black Tray + 600

with colorimetric marker White Insert 600 UV
600 QC
600 RGB

Colorimetric • Membrane Black Tray + 600

Epi-illumination White Insert or, 600 UV
• Gel
White Trans Tray 600 QC
600 RGB

Colorimetric • Gel White Trans Tray + 600 QC

Trans-illumination Diffuser Board 600 RGB

Fluorescence RGB • Gel Black Tray 600 RGB

• Membrane

Fluorescence • Gel UV Trans Tray 600 UV

Trans-UV (transparent) + 600 QC
Gel sheet 600 RGB

With regards to third party patents related to sample preparation
etcetera, it is recommended that you consult a lawyer or patent
attorney for information on obtaining appropriate licenses.

98 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

5 Operation
5.4 Place the tray in the instrument

5.4 Place the tray in the instrument

Place the tray

This section describes how to place the sample on the tray and how to place the tray in
the correct tray position in Amersham Imager 600.

Step Action

1 Select a tray and accessories suitable for the capturing method.

2 For Chemiluminescence with colorimetric marker and Colorimetric Epi

capturing, place the White Insert inside the Black Tray.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 99

5 Operation
5.4 Place the tray in the instrument

Step Action

3 Place the sample(s) on the tray or on the White Insert.

Take care not to cover the areas outside any visible markings on the tray,
or the White Insert, as they mark the field of view.
It is possible to place more than one membrane or gel provided they fit into
the field of view.
There are two alternative tray positions with different fields of view:

1 One side indicates the maximum field of view of 8 x 11 cm for the upper
tray position. Use the upper tray position for Chemiluminescence captur-
ing for a smaller field of view of a single membrane and shorter exposure

2 The other side indicates the maximum field of view of 16 x 22 cm for the
lower tray position. Use the lower tray position for a larger field of view
for one to four samples.

100 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

5 Operation
5.4 Place the tray in the instrument

Step Action

For Colorimetric Epi-illumination position the gel so that the lanes are par-
allel to the long side of the tray as illustrated below. This is important to avoid
capturing artefacts in the image.

4 Open the instrument door.

5 Insert the tray in the correct tray position.

For Chemiluminescence capturing you may also select the upper tray position
(1 in the illustration below).

6 Close the door.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 101

5 Operation
5.5 Capture an image

5.5 Capture an image

This section describes how to capture an image with any of the available methods.

In this section

Section See page

5.5.1 Available methods 103

5.5.2 Chemiluminescence capture 104

5.5.3 Colorimetric capture 127

5.5.4 Fluorescence capture 131

102 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

5 Operation
5.5 Capture an image
5.5.1 Available methods

5.5.1 Available methods

This section describes how to capture an image.
The table below describes the available methods for each Amersham Imager 600 con-

Method 600 600 600 600


Chemiluminescence x x x x

Chemiluminescence - with colorimetric marker x x x x

Colorimetric - Epi-illumination x x x x

Colorimetric - Trans-illumination x x

Fluorescence - UV trans-illumination x x x

Fluorescence - Blue, Green, Red, Epi-illumination x

(single channel or multichannnel)

Fluorescence - Blue, Green, Red, Epi-illumination x

with colorimetric marker (single channel)

Do not open the instrument door during exposure, when the RUN
light indicates operation. This will stop the exposure and data will
not be saved.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 103

5 Operation
5.5 Capture an image
5.5.2 Chemiluminescence capture

5.5.2 Chemiluminescence capture

The chemiluminescence image capture method is available in all configurations of
Amersham Imager 600. The instrument captures the light which is emitted during the
chemical reaction on the membrane. When a colorimetric marker is present in the
sample, an additional color image can be captured using a white light source.

Chemiluminescence image capture is performed

on one to four membranes placed on a Black Tray.

Chemiluminescence image capture with colorimet-

ric markers is performed on one to four mem-
branes placed on a Black Tray with a White In-

The White Insert has 2 sides, one for upper tray
position and the other for the lower tray position.

There are two alternative tray positions:

1 Upper tray position:

Use the upper tray position for a
smaller field of view of a single
membrane and shorter exposure
The field of view is 8 x 11 cm.
2 Lower tray position:
Use the lower tray position for a
larger field of view for one to four
membranes. 2

The field of view is 16 x 22 cm

104 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

5 Operation
5.5 Capture an image
5.5.2 Chemiluminescence capture

Chemiluminescence exposure
There are five exposure options for Chemiluminescence capturing. The table below
suggests the options to use in different situations.

When... Then...

An optimal dynamic Select Auto for automatic exposure.

range is required: A short pre-exposure is performed to determine the signal
intensity. The system will use this information to calculate
which exposure time will give the highest possible signal
below saturation to enable accurate quantification of the
To use the full dynamic range of the image file, check High
dynamic range.

To minimize exposure time, leave High dynamic range


A specific area of a Select Semi-automatic.

sample is of interest: A short pre-exposure is performed which results in an
image. This allows you to select the area of the sample
image to focus on. The software automatically calculates
the optimal exposure time for the specified area.
To use the full dynamic range of the image file, check High
dynamic range.

To minimize exposure time, leave High dynamic range


Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 105

5 Operation
5.5 Capture an image
5.5.2 Chemiluminescence capture

When... Then...

The intensity of the Select Manual exposure and set the exposure time man-
image is inadequate af- ually.
ter automatic exposure
or a known exposure
time is required:

A sequence of images is Select Incremental exposure and set the number of repe-
required: titions and interval time of the exposures to capture se-
quential images.

Full control of exposure Select Advanced exposure

parameters is required
for special applications:

Note: Do not open the door during exposure as this will stop the exposure and the data
will not be saved.

Chemiluminescence with
automatic exposure time
Follow the instructions below to perform chemiluminescence capture using automatic
exposure time.

Step Action

1 In the Capture tab, select Chemiluminescence.

Result: The options available for Chemiluminescence capturing are displayed
to the right on the screen. Automatic exposure is selected by default and
the Exposure options field displays Auto.

106 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

5 Operation
5.5 Capture an image
5.5.2 Chemiluminescence capture

Step Action

2 If your sample contains a colorimetric marker, then select the check box
Colorimetric marker.

3 To use the full dynamic range of the image file, check High dynamic range.

To minimize exposure time, leave High dynamic range unchecked.

4 Select Start.
Result: The exposure will begin following a pre-exposure. A progress bar
appears on the screen indicating the time remaining of the imaging process,
the exposure selected and the calculated remaining time.

Selecting Cancel will cancel the exposure and the Capture view will appear.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 107

5 Operation
5.5 Capture an image
5.5.2 Chemiluminescence capture

Step Action

5 When the exposure is finished the image view appears displaying the im-
age(s). Amersham Imager 600 creates a folder containing the created image
files which can be saved. For details see File formats, on page 163.

If... Then...

No colorimet- The resulting image is displayed in gray scale.

ric marker
was used

Colorimetric The resulting images are displayed under Sample and

marker was Marker tabs.
• Select the relevant tab for the image you wish to
display. A selected tab is highlighted with blue text
and frame.
• Select both tabs simultaneously to see a composite
color image of the Sample and Marker images.

6 Select the Save button to save the images.

For other options after capturing see Options after capturing, on page 125.

108 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

5 Operation
5.5 Capture an image
5.5.2 Chemiluminescence capture

Chemiluminescence with
semi-automatic exposure
Follow the instructions below to perform chemiluminescence capture using semi-auto-
matic exposure time.

Step Action

1 In the Capture tab, select Chemiluminescence.

Result: The options available for chemiluminescence capturing are displayed
to the right on the screen.

2 If your sample contains a colorimetric marker, then select the check box
Colorimetric marker.

3 To use the full dynamic range of the image file, check High dynamic range.

To minimize exposure time, leave High dynamic range unchecked.

4 Select Semi-Auto exposure in the exposure drop down menu.

5 Select Next and wait for the pre-exposure to finish.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 109

5 Operation
5.5 Capture an image
5.5.2 Chemiluminescence capture

Step Action

6 When the pre-exposure is finished a low resolution preview image is dis-


Use the zoom tools and arrows to get an optimal view of the area of interest.

Choose to zoom in.

Choose to zoom out.

Use the contrast tool and arrows to get an optimal view of the area
of interest.

Choose (blue arrows) to adjust the lower range of the grayscale in

the displayed image indicated by the blue line in the image histogram.

Choose (red arrows) to adjust the upper range of the grayscale in

the displayed image indicated by the red line in the image histogram.

110 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

5 Operation
5.5 Capture an image
5.5.2 Chemiluminescence capture

Step Action

7 Choose one of the two options displayed to the right of the image to point
out the area of interest:

Choose , then select one point of interest in the image.
Result: The selected point is highlighted with an X.

Choose , and then select two diagonal corners of an area of interest
in the image.
Result: The selected area is highlighted with a square.
Use the right hand side arrow buttons to move the highlighted point or area.

8 Select Start exposure and wait for the exposure to finish.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 111

5 Operation
5.5 Capture an image
5.5.2 Chemiluminescence capture

Step Action

9 When the exposure is finished the image view appears displaying the im-
age(s). Amersham Imager 600 creates a folder containing the created image
files which can be saved. For details see File formats, on page 163.

If... Then...

No colorimet- The resulting image is displayed in gray scale.

ric marker
was used

Colorimetric The resulting images are displayed under Sample and

marker was Marker tabs.
• Select the relevant button for the image you wish
to display. A selected tab is highlighted with blue
text and frame.
• Select both buttons simultaneously to see a com-
posite color image of the Sample and Marker im-

10 Select the Save button to save the images.

For other options after capturing see Options after capturing, on page 125.

112 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

5 Operation
5.5 Capture an image
5.5.2 Chemiluminescence capture

Chemiluminescence with manual

Follow the instructions below to perform chemiluminescence capture using manually
set exposure time.

Step Action

1 In the Capture tab, select Chemiluminescence.

Result: The options available for chemiluminescence capturing are displayed to the right on
the screen.

2 If your sample contains a colorimetric marker, then check the check box Colorimetric

3 Select Manual exposure in the exposure drop down list.

4 To change the exposure time, select the exposure time field.

Result: The Set exposure time view opens.

5 Enter the new time and select Set to return to the previous view. For detailed instructions
see Section 3.5.5 Description of settings views, on page 62.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 113

5 Operation
5.5 Capture an image
5.5.2 Chemiluminescence capture

Step Action

6 Select Start and wait for the exposure to finish.

7 When the exposure is finished the image view appears displaying the image(s). Amersham
Imager 600 creates a folder containing the created image files which can be saved. For details
see File formats, on page 163.

If... Then...

No colorimetric The resulting image is displayed in gray scale.

marker was used

Colorimetric The resulting images are displayed under Sample and Marker tabs.
marker was used
• Select the relevant tab for the image you wish to display. A se-
lected tab is highlighted with blue text and frame.
• Select both tabs simultaneously to see a composite color image
of the Sample and Marker images.

8 Select the Save button to save the images.

For other options after capturing see Options after capturing, on page 125.

114 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

5 Operation
5.5 Capture an image
5.5.2 Chemiluminescence capture

Chemiluminescence with
incremental exposure
Follow the instructions below to perform chemiluminescence capture with incremental
exposure time.

When using incremental exposure, images that are not selected
will be deleted at saving.

Step Action

1 In the Capture tab, select Chemiluminescence.

Result: The options available for chemiluminescence capturing are displayed
to the right on the screen.

2 Select Incremental exposure in the exposure drop down menu.

3 Set the number of repetitive exposures in the Expose field using the plus
and minus buttons.

4 Check the check box Stop when saturated if you wish the exposure to stop
when the pixel intensity of the accumulated exposed images reaches satu-

The Stop when saturated function overrides the set repetitive exposures.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 115

5 Operation
5.5 Capture an image
5.5.2 Chemiluminescence capture

Step Action

5 Set Interval time by pressing the value.

Result: This opens the Set interval time view.

6 Enter the value and select Set to to save the value and to return to the pre-
vious view.
The Reset button resets the value to zero.

7 Select the Start button and images are captured repeatedly for the set time
period (or until saturate). During repeated image capture, the contrast of
the images can be adjusted by pressing Auto. This adjustment can be reset
with the Reset button.
Result: The number of images matching the selected repetitions are displayed
as they are exposed. A progress bar indicates the time remaining of the
imaging process.

116 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

5 Operation
5.5 Capture an image
5.5.2 Chemiluminescence capture

Step Action

8 When the exposure is finished the image view appears displaying the images.
You can navigate among the images by selecting the left or right arrows.
Use the intensity tool to check pixel intensity and the contrast tool to adjust
contrast and brightness.
Amersham Imager 600 creates a folder containing the created image files
which can be saved. For details see File formats, on page 163.

9 Use the Select button to select which image or images you wish to save.
Then select the Save button.

If you select more than one image, then the Library view will open after se-
lecting Save.

Chemiluminescence with
advanced exposure
Follow the instructions below to perform chemiluminescence capture with Advanced
exposure mode.
Note: This exposure mode is for greater control of image capture in case it is needed for
a particular application.

When using advanced exposure, images that are not selected will
be deleted at saving.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 117

5 Operation
5.5 Capture an image
5.5.2 Chemiluminescence capture

Step Action

1 In the Capture tab, select Chemiluminescence.

Result: The options available for chemiluminescence capturing are displayed to the right on
the screen.

2 If your sample contains a colorimetric marker, then check the Colorimetric marker check

118 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

5 Operation
5.5 Capture an image
5.5.2 Chemiluminescence capture

Step Action

3 Select Advanced in the exposure drop down menu.

Result: Advanced exposure setting is displayed.

Sensitivity, Image area and Number of captures can be specified depending on the condi-
tions. The table below shows the available combinations.

Colorimetric marker No colorimetric marker

Tray position Lower Lower

Sensitivity 3 levels 3 levels

Image area 1 area 4 areas

No. of captures 1 1 - 12

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 119

5 Operation
5.5 Capture an image
5.5.2 Chemiluminescence capture

Step Action

4 Select a sensitivity level in the Sensitivity menu.

Two sensitivity levels can be chosen when the tray is in the Upper position.

Three sensitivity levels can be chosen when the tray is in the Lower position.

The table below summarizes the availability of sensitivity levels for different tray positions.

Tray position Sensitivity level

Upper position Standard High binning (x4)

Lower position Standard High binning (x4) Highest binning (x16)

This function increases sensitivity by binning pixels and results in lower image resolution.

120 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

5 Operation
5.5 Capture an image
5.5.2 Chemiluminescence capture

Step Action

5 Select an area in Image area. This is only available for image capture in the lower tray position
with standard sensitivity and without colorimetric maker.

6 Set the number of repetitive exposures in Number of captures by using the plus and minus

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 121

5 Operation
5.5 Capture an image
5.5.2 Chemiluminescence capture

Step Action

7 Set the waiting time by pressing value.

Result: this opens the Set waiting time view.
Enter the value and select Set to save the value and to return to the previous view.
The Reset button resets the value to zero.

8 Set the exposure time by pressing value.

Result: the Set exposure time view opens

Enter the value and select Set to save the value and to return to the previous view.
The Reset button resets the value to zero.

122 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

5 Operation
5.5 Capture an image
5.5.2 Chemiluminescence capture

Step Action

9 Select Start exposure.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 123

5 Operation
5.5 Capture an image
5.5.2 Chemiluminescence capture

Step Action

If... Then...

No colorimetric marker The resulting image is displayed in gray scale.

was used and one cap-
ture was chosen

When the exposure is finished the image view appears dis-

playing the image. Amersham Imager 600 creates a folder
for the image files. For details see File formats, on page 163.
Select the Save to save the images.

Colorimetric marker was The resulting images are displayed under Sample and
used and one capture Marker buttons.
was chosen
• Select the relevant button for the image you wish to dis-
play. A selected button is highlighted with blue text and
• Select both buttons simultaneously to see a composite
color image of the Sample and Marker images.

When the exposure is finished the image view appears dis-

playing the image. Amersham Imager 600 creates a folder
for the image files. For details see File formats, on page 163.
Select the Save to save the images.

More than one captures Images are captured several times with the set waiting and
was selected exposure times.
The number of images matching with the set waiting and
exposure times are displayed as they are exposed. A progress
bar indicates the time remaining of the imaging process.

124 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

5 Operation
5.5 Capture an image
5.5.2 Chemiluminescence capture

Step Action

If... Then...

When the exposure is finished the image view appears dis-

playing the image. Navigate among the images by selecting
the left or right arrows. Use the intensity tool to check pixel
intensity and the contrast tool to adjust contrast and
Amersham Imager 600 creates a folder for the image files.
For details see File formats, on page 163.

Use the Select to select the images to be saved then Save

to save the images.

If more than one image is selected, then the Library view will
open after selecting Save.

Options after capturing

Select one or more of the following actions after capturing:
• To save the image select Save. This will allow you to reopen the image later to use
the image tools, to perform an analysis or to print the image.
See Section 5.7 Save and manage image files, on page 157 for further instructions.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 125

5 Operation
5.5 Capture an image
5.5.2 Chemiluminescence capture

• To modify the display settings or view details of the image, select the image tools to
the right of the image.
See Image tools, on page 154 for further instructions.
• To analyze the image, select Analyze.
See Section 5.8 Analyze the image, on page 169 for further instructions.
• To print the image, select Print.
• To discard the image without saving select Done and confirm the following dialog.

126 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

5 Operation
5.5 Capture an image
5.5.3 Colorimetric capture

5.5.3 Colorimetric capture

Colorimetric capture is available in Amersham Imager 600 configurations as described
in the following table.

Option Sample Illumination 600 600 600 600


Epi- • Membrane Epi-White x x x x

• Gel

Trans- • Gel Trans-White x x


Both options use white light imaging sources. For Epi-illumination the light source is lo-
cated at the top of the Amersham Imager 600 interior. For Trans-illumination the sample
is illuminated from the light source at the bottom of the instrument interior. When using
Trans-illumination, the intensity data is converted to optical density (OD values), which
provides a more quantitative result compared to Epi-illumination.
Note: Colorimetric capture is only available with Lower tray position.
The images are by default created with automatic exposure time.
The table below describes details on accessories and tray positions for colorimetric image

Option Tray and accessory Tray position

Epi- Black Lower tray position

illumination Tray +
White In-

White Lower tray position


Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 127

5 Operation
5.5 Capture an image
5.5.3 Colorimetric capture

Option Tray and accessory Tray position

Trans- White Lower tray position

illumination Trans
Tray +

Colorimetric capture
Follow the instructions in the table to perform colorimetric capture.

Step Action

1 In the Capture tab, select Colorimetric.

Result: The options available for colorimetric capturing are displayed to
the right on the screen.

128 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

5 Operation
5.5 Capture an image
5.5.3 Colorimetric capture

Step Action

2 Choose Epi-illumination or Trans-illumination as preferred.


For Colorimetric Epi-illumination capture

position the gel so that the lanes of the gel
are parallel to the long side of the tray. This is
important to avoid artefacts in the image.


For Trans-illumination place1a diffuser

board at the bottom of the instrument
with the matte side up, before capturing.

3 Select Start.
Result: A progress bar appears on the screen indicating the time remaining
of the imaging process.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 129

5 Operation
5.5 Capture an image
5.5.3 Colorimetric capture

Step Action

4 When the exposure is finished the image view appears displaying the im-
ages. Amersham Imager 600 creates a folder containing the created image
files which can be saved. For details see File formats, on page 163.
Select the relevant tab of Sample and Color for the image you wish to
display. A selected tab is highlighted with blue text and frame.

5 Select the Save button to save the images.

For other options after capturing see Options after capturing, on page 130.

Options after capturing

Select one or more of the following actions after capturing:
• To save the image select Save. This will allow you to reopen the image later to use
the image tools, to perform an analysis or to print the image.
See Section 5.7 Save and manage image files, on page 157 for further instructions.
• To modify the display settings or view details of the image, select the image tools to
the right of the image.
See Image tools, on page 154 for further instructions.
• To analyze the image, select Analyze.
See Section 5.8 Analyze the image, on page 169 for further instructions.
• To print the image, select Print.
• To discard the image without saving select Done and confirm the following dialog.

130 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

5 Operation
5.5 Capture an image
5.5.4 Fluorescence capture

5.5.4 Fluorescence capture

Fluorescence image capturing is performed with Epi-illumination (Blue, Green and Red)
or Trans-UV illumination. The Epi-illumination method allows for both single and multi-
channel detection. Fluorescence capturing is performed using a light source and emission
Note: Fluorescence capture is only available with Lower tray position.
The methods available in Amersham Imager 600 configurations are described in the
following table:

600 600 UV 600 QC 600 RGB

Epi-RGB x

Custom x

Trans-UV x x x

Note: The Custom method allows for different combinations of the blue, green or red
light sources and an emission filter of choice.

Fluorescence capture options

The table below illustrates sample types for fluorescence capturing:

Sample type Tray and accessory Light source (location in-

(placement only in the side)
lower tray position)

Gel (e.g. Cy™2/Cy3/Cy5) Black Tray Epi-Blue, Green, and Red

fluorescence (top)

Membrane (e.g. ECL Plex™ Black Tray Epi-Blue, Green, and Red
Cy2, ECL Plex Cy3, ECL fluorescence (top)
Plex Cy5)

Gel (e.g. EtBr/SYBR™ UV Trans Tray (transpar- Trans-UV (bottom)

Green) ent) + gel sheet

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 131

5 Operation
5.5 Capture an image
5.5.4 Fluorescence capture

Fluorescence exposure options

There are four exposure options for fluorescence capturing. In the following table the
benefits of each exposure option are described.

When... Then...

Optimal dynamic range Select Auto for automatic exposure.

is required A short pre-exposure is performed to determine the signal
intensity. The system will use this information to calculate
which exposure time will give the highest possible signal
below saturation to enable accurate quantification of the
To use the full dynamic range of the image file, check High
dynamic range.

To minimize exposure time, leave High dynamic range


A specific area of a Select Semi-automatic.

sample is of interest A short pre-exposure is performed which results in an
image. This allows you to select the area of the sample
image to focus on. The software automatically calculates
the exposure time for the specified area.
To use the full dynamic range of the image file, check High
dynamic range.

To minimize exposure time, leave High dynamic range


Semi-automatic exposure is not available for multichannel
fluorescence capture.

The intensity of the im- Select Manual exposure and set the exposure time man-
age is inadequate after ually.
automatic exposure or
a known exposure time
is required

132 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

5 Operation
5.5 Capture an image
5.5.4 Fluorescence capture

When... Then...

Full control of exposure Select Advanced exposure.

parameters is required
for special applications

Fluorescence Epi-RGB
This method is used for fluorescence imaging: single or multichannel.
Follow the instructions below to perform Fluorescence Epi-RGB capture.

Step Action

1 In the Capture tab, select Fluorescence.

Result: The options available for fluorescence capturing are displayed to the
right on the screen.

2 To use the full dynamic range of the image file, check High dynamic range.

To minimize exposure time, leave High dynamic range unchecked.

This function is only effective with the Auto and Semi-Auto exposure settings.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 133

5 Operation
5.5 Capture an image
5.5.4 Fluorescence capture

Step Action

3 Check the Epi-RGB radio button, and then check the relevant detection
channel check boxes of Blue, Green and Red.

More than one check box can be checked for simultaneous multichannel

4 Choose an exposure option in the Exposure: drop down menu:

• Auto and proceed to step 7, or

• Semi-auto,

• Manual and proceed to the next step.

• For Advanced exposure see Fluorescence RGB with Advanced exposure,

on page 141.

5 If exposure option Manual was selected, then select the Exposure time: Set

If more than one detection channel was selected, the Exposure time button
displays Set.
If only one detection channel was selected, the button displays the latest set
exposure time.
Result: This opens the Set exposure time view.

134 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

5 Operation
5.5 Capture an image
5.5.4 Fluorescence capture

Step Action

6 Set the exposure time for each detection channel by selecting the color tab,
enter the value.

When all values are entered press Set.

Result: This will close the view.
For details see, Set exposure time, on page 64.

7 Select Start. A progress bar appears on the screen indicating the time re-
maining of the imaging process and the selected exposure option.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 135

5 Operation
5.5 Capture an image
5.5.4 Fluorescence capture

Step Action

8 When the exposure is finished the image view displays the images.
Amersham Imager 600 creates a folder containing image files which can
be saved. The display and number of images created depends on the number
of detection channels selected in step 2.
For details see File formats, on page 163.

If... Then...

Three detection • Select the relevant tab of Blue, Green or Red

channels were se- for the image you wish to display. A selected
lected tab is highlighted with blue text and frame.
• Select two or more tabs simultaneously to
see a composite color image.

Two detection chan- • Select the relevant tab of Blue, Green or Red
nels were selected for the image you wish to display. A selected
tab is highlighted with blue text and frame.
• Select both tabs simultaneously to see a
composite color image.

One detection chan- • Sample: One image is displayed

nel was selected

9 Select the Save button to save the images. For other options after capturing
see Options after capturing, on page 125.

136 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

5 Operation
5.5 Capture an image
5.5.4 Fluorescence capture

Fluorescence Epi-RGB with

colorimetric marker
This method is used for samples containing a colorimetric marker, and is only available
for single channel capture.
Follow the instructions below to perform Fluorescence single channel capture with a
colorimetric marker.

Step Action

1 In the Capture tab, select Fluorescence.

Result: The options available for fluorescence capturing are displayed to the
right on the screen.

2 Check the Epi-RGB radio button, and then check the relevant check box of
Blue, Green, or Red.

3 Check the Colorimetric marker check box.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 137

5 Operation
5.5 Capture an image
5.5.4 Fluorescence capture

Step Action

4 Select an exposure option in the Exposure: drop down menu:

• Auto

• Semi-Auto

• Manual - press the Exposure time button and set an exposure time and
then press Set.
More details are found in Set exposure time, on page 64.

• For Advanced exposure see Fluorescence RGB with Advanced exposure,

on page 141.

5 If Auto or Manual exposure was chosen, select Start.

Result: A progress bar appears on the screen indicating the time remaining
of the imaging process and the selected exposure option.
Proceed to the final step of this instruction.

6 If Semi-Auto exposure was chosen, select Next and wait for the pre-exposure
to finish.
Result: A pre-exposed image appears.

138 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

5 Operation
5.5 Capture an image
5.5.4 Fluorescence capture

Step Action

7 When the pre-exposure is finished a low resolution preview is displayed.

Use the zoom tools and arrows to get an optimal view of the area of interest.

Choose to zoom in.

Choose to zoom out.

Use the contrast tool and arrows to get an optimal view of the area of

Choose (blue arrows) to adjust the lower range of the grayscale

in the displayed image indicated by the blue line in the image histogram.

Choose (red arrows) to adjust the upper range of the grayscale

in the displayed image indicated by the red line in the image histogram.

The colorimetric marker is not displayed in the preview.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 139

5 Operation
5.5 Capture an image
5.5.4 Fluorescence capture

Step Action

8 Choose one of the two options displayed to the right of the image to point
to the area of interest:

Choose , then point to one point of interest in the image.
Result: The selected point will be highlighted with an X.

Choose , and then point to two diagonal corners of an area of interest
in the image.
Result: The selected area will be highlighted with a square.
Use the right hand side arrow buttons to move the marked point or area.

9 Select Start exposure and wait for the exposure to finish.

10 When the exposure is finished the image view appears displaying the images.
Amersham Imager 600 creates a folder containing the created image files
which can be saved.
For details see File formats, on page 163.

• Select the relevant tab of Sample and Marker for the image you wish
to display. A selected tab is highlighted with blue text and frame.
• Select both tabs simultaneously to see a composite color image of the
Sample and Marker images.

11 Select the Save button to save the images.

For other options after capturing see Options after capturing, on page 125.

140 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

5 Operation
5.5 Capture an image
5.5.4 Fluorescence capture

Fluorescence RGB with Advanced

Follow the instructions below to perform Fluorescence RGB capture with Advanced ex-
posure mode.
Note: This exposure mode is designed only for those who need more control of image
capture for a particular application.
Note: Fluorescence capture is only available with the Lower tray position.

When using advanced exposure mode, images that are not selected
will be deleted at saving.

Step Action

1 In the Capture tab, select Fluorescence.

Result: The options available for fluorescence capturing are displayed to the right on the

Advanced exposure mode is available with only one channel of Epi RGB or a custom channel
under Fluorescence RGB capture.

2 If the sample contains a colorimetric marker, then check the Colorimetric marker box.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 141

5 Operation
5.5 Capture an image
5.5.4 Fluorescence capture

Step Action

3 Select Advanced exposure in the exposure drop down menu.

Result: Advanced exposure setting is displayed.

Sensitivity, Image area and Number of captures can be specified depending on the condi-
tions. The table below shows the available combinations.

Colorimetric marker No Colorimetric marker

Tray position Lower Lower

Sensitivity 3 levels 3 levels

Image area 1 area 4 areas

Noumber of captures 1 1 - 12

142 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

5 Operation
5.5 Capture an image
5.5.4 Fluorescence capture

Step Action

4 Select a sensitivity level in the Sensitivity drop down menu.

Three sensitivity levels can be chosen when the tray is in the Lower position.

The table below summarizes the availability of sensitivity levels with the tray positions.

Tray position Sensitivity level

Lower position Standard High binning (x4) Highest binning (x16)

This function increases sensitivity by binning pixels and results in lower image resolution.

5 Select an area in Image area. This is only available for image capture in the lower tray position
with standard sensitivity and without colorimetric maker.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 143

5 Operation
5.5 Capture an image
5.5.4 Fluorescence capture

Step Action

6 Set the number of repetitive exposures in Number of captures by using the plus and minus

7 Set the waiting time by pressing value.

Result: this opens the Set waiting time view.
Enter the value and select Set to save the value and to return to the previous view.
The Reset button resets the value to zero.

144 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

5 Operation
5.5 Capture an image
5.5.4 Fluorescence capture

Step Action

8 Set the exposure time by pressing value.

Result: the Set exposure time view opens

Enter the value and select Set to save the value and to return to the previous view.
The Reset button resets the value to zero.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 145

5 Operation
5.5 Capture an image
5.5.4 Fluorescence capture

Step Action

9 Select Start exposure.

146 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

5 Operation
5.5 Capture an image
5.5.4 Fluorescence capture

Step Action

If... Then...

No colorimetric marker The resulting image is displayed in gray scale.

was used and with only
one capture was chosen

When the exposure is finished the image view appears dis-

playing the image. Amersham Imager 600 creates a folder
for the image files. For details see File formats, on page 163.
Select the Save to save the images.

Colorimetric marker was The resulting images are displayed under Sample and
used and with only one Marker buttons.
capture was chosen
• Select the relevant button for the image you wish to dis-
play. A selected button is highlighted with blue text and
• Select both buttons simultaneously to see a composite
color image of the Sample and Marker images.

When the exposure is finished the image view appears dis-

playing the image. Amersham Imager 600 creates a folder
for the image files. For details see File formats, on page 163.
Select the Save to save the images.

More than one captures Images are captured several times with the set waiting and
was selected exposure times.
The number of images matching with the set waiting and
exposure times are displayed as they are exposed. A progress
bar indicates the time remaining of the imaging process.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 147

5 Operation
5.5 Capture an image
5.5.4 Fluorescence capture

Step Action

If... Then...

When the exposure is finished the image view appears dis-

playing the image. Navigate among the images by selecting
the left or right arrows and check pixel intensity with the in-
tensity tool.
Amersham Imager 600 creates a folder for the image files.
For details see File formats, on page 163.

Use the Select to select the images to be saved then Save

to save the images.

If more than one image is selected, then the Library view will
open after selecting Save.

Fluorescence Custom
The Custom option is designed to allow for various customized combinations of wave-
lengths of the illuminating light and filters.
Please contact your GE representative for more details as the customized methods require

148 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

5 Operation
5.5 Capture an image
5.5.4 Fluorescence capture

Fluorescence Trans-UV
Capturing with the Fluorescence image capturing method option Trans-UV is performed
using the UV Trans Tray (transparent tray) and a gel sheet.
Fluorescence Trans-UV sample preparation
Follow the instructions below to prepare the sample.

Step Action

1 Cut out a gel sheet slightly larger than the sample size.

2 Place the gel sheet on the UV Trans Tray (transparent tray).

3 Place the sample on the gel sheet.

4 Proceed with the capturing.

After use, wash the gel sheet with mild detergent, rinse with water then dry
well. A gel sheet can be reused about 20 times.

Follow the instructions below to perform fluorescence capture using Fluorescence UV.

Step Action

1 In the Capture tab, select Fluorescence. The options available for Fluores-
cence capturing are displayed to the right on the screen.

2 Choose the UV.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 149

5 Operation
5.5 Capture an image
5.5.4 Fluorescence capture

Step Action

3 Select an exposure option in the drop down menu:

• Auto or

• Semi-Auto or

• Manual, enter the exposure time and press Set.

4 To use the full dynamic range of the image file, check High dynamic range.

To minimize exposure time, leave High dynamic range unchecked.

This function is only effective with Auto and Semi-Auto exposure setting.

5 If Auto or Manual exposure was selected, select Start.

Result: A progress bar appears on the screen indicating the time remaining
of the imaging process and the exposure time. Proceed to the final step of
this instruction.

6 If Semi-Auto exposure was selected, select Next.

Result: A low resolution preview appears.

150 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

5 Operation
5.5 Capture an image
5.5.4 Fluorescence capture

Step Action

7 When the pre-exposure is finished a low resolution preview image is dis-


Use the zoom tools and arrows to get an optimal view of the area of interest.

Choose to zoom in.

Choose to zoom out.

Use the contrast tool and arrows to get an optimal view of the
area of interest.

Choose (blue arrows) to adjust the lower range of the grayscale in

the displayed image indicated by the blue line in the image histogram.

Choose (red arrows) to adjust the upper range of the grayscale in

the displayed image indicated by the red line in the image histogram.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 151

5 Operation
5.5 Capture an image
5.5.4 Fluorescence capture

Step Action

8 Choose one of the two options displayed to the right of the image to point
out the area of interest:

Choose then select one point of interest in the image.

Result: The selected point is highlighted with an X.

Use the button to point out two diagonal corners of an area.

Result: The selected area is highlighted with a square.
Use the right hand side arrow buttons to move the highlighted point or area.

9 Press Start exposure and wait for the exposure to finish.

10 When the exposure is finished the image view displays the image. Amersham
Imager 600 creates a folder containing the image files which can be saved.
For details see File formats, on page 163.

11 Select the Save button to save the images.

For other options after capturing see Options after capturing, on page 125.

152 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

5 Operation
5.6 View the image

5.6 View the image

Image view screen

When the capture is performed a view with the captured image(s) is displayed on the
screen. The content on the screen varies with the capturing method and chosen exposure
The following illustration and table describe the image result view of a Fluorescence Epi-
RGB multichannel capture. For a detailed description of the image result view see Sec-
tion 3.5.3 Description of the image view, on page 55.


Part Function

1 The captured image is displayed.

2 Tabs for captured images: Use the tab to select or deselect images of the
different detection channels

A displayed channel is indicated with a tab in blue text and blue frame. All
three channels can be selected simultaneously.
A non displayed channel is indicated with a black text and gray frame.

3 Image tools menu: Use the buttons to choose tools to modify the image
display and to examine the image.

4 The selected image tool options.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 153

5 Operation
5.6 View the image

Image tools
A captured image can be visually modified and examined with the image tools found to
the right on the screen. The image tools can be used on images immediately after capture
and on a previously saved image. Use one or several of the tools to modify or to examine
the image.
Note: The original image data remains unaltered.
The following table describes each tool in the image tools menu in detail.

Description Illustration

The Display tool is displayed by default after capturing or

opening an image.
Select the Invert check box to invert the display of the im-
age, that is to change from white background and black
bands to black background and white bands.
Use the Rotate 90 degrees left or right buttons to rotate
the image. Rotation changes will be saved in the image
Use the Edit image buttons to edit the image into separate
image files. The selected edit option is marked, and red
lines illustrate the edit in the image. Edits will be saved in
the image file.

Open the Zoom tool by selecting the zoom button in the

image tools menu.
Use the plus or minus buttons to zoom in or out in the im-
When zooming in, arrows appear in the image view. Use
the arrows, or point to the image and drag, to position the
image on the screen. If a different tool is selected when
the image is zoomed in, the selected zoom will be kept
until saved.
Use the Reset button to return to the original zoom view.

154 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

5 Operation
5.6 View the image

Description Illustration

Open the Contrast tool by selecting the contrast button in

the image tools menu.
The contrast tool allows for modifications of image contrast
and brightness and displays the results as modifications
are made.
The software will automatically adjust the contrast if you
select the Auto button.
Image histogram
A histogram is displayed illustrating the intensity distribu-
tion, plotting the number of pixels for each intensity value
in the captured image. The horizontal axis represents inten-
sity variations. The vertical axis represents the number of
pixels with a given intensity.
The blue and red lines indicate the min/max range of the
grayscale in the displayed image.
Use the blue and red arrows to modify the contrast.

For samples with colorimetric marker, use the contrast tool
for setting the contrast of the chemiluminescent sample.
The selected contrast is saved with the combined color im-

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 155

5 Operation
5.6 View the image

Description Illustration

Open the Intensity tool by selecting the intensity button

in the image tools menu.
Select an area of interest in the image. The selected area
will be displayed to the right of the image. The maximum,
average and minimum intensities in the area of interest
are displayed under the image.
Use the arrow buttons to make fine adjustments or point
to a new area of interest in the main image.

When multiple channels are selected for viewing only the
maximum value for each channel is displayed.

For incremental images the intensity tool is the only available
tool. Navigate between the images using the forward and
backward arrows. Point to a specific area of interest to dis-
play the maximum pixel intensisty and the average pixel
intensity in the area.

If the intensity is too low or too high, consider to capture
the image using a different exposure time.
Too high intensity results in saturation and prevents quan-
titative analysis. Saturation occurs close to 65 500 intensity

Print image
Image files may be printed directly from the result image screen. The printing option
requires a printer to be connected to the instrument. Print using the Print button.
Contact your GE representative for further details on printer installations.

156 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

5 Operation
5.7 Save and manage image files

5.7 Save and manage image files

After capturing the image(s) can be saved. You can also copy, move, rename, delete,
search, sort, and open files. If the Amersham Imager 600 instrument is connected to a
network, you can access and manage files stored on the network location.
This section describes the locations where you can save files, how to save a file, the
various file formats, and the file management options.

Transferring large amounts of files to a connected computer during
operation can impair the system’s performance.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 157

5 Operation
5.7 Save and manage image files
5.7.1 Save locations

5.7.1 Save locations

You can save files on several locations:
• On the instrument
Note: Amersham Imager 600 is equipped with a flash drive that allows for storage
of a finite number of images on the instrument. It is necessary to regularly re-
move images from the instrument to ensure available storage space. If the
instrument flash drive runs full, the oldest images will automatically be removed
when a new image is captured.
Tip: An external hard drive can be added to the USB port at the rear of the instru-
ment to expand available storage capacity.
• On an external USB flash drive
• On a network drive
Note: Network access is possible providing the instrument has been granted access
to the network location. For more details see Section 4.4 Network, on page 83.

Connect a USB flash drive

A USB flash driver is automatically installed when the USB flash drive is connected to
Amersham Imager 600.
Note: Password protected USB flash drives are not supported.

Add new save location

Follow the instructions to add a location for file saving.
Note: To enable access to a location for saving files over the network, the specific folder
must be shared and read/write privileges must be added for the Amersham Imager
600 instrument. See Section 4.4 Network, on page 83.

Step Action

1 Select the settings icon in the top right hand corner of the screen:

158 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

5 Operation
5.7 Save and manage image files
5.7.1 Save locations

Step Action

2 Select the Save locations button.

Result: The following screen appears:

3 Select the Add new button.

Result: The following screen appears:

4 Select the Name field and use the keypad to type a name for the new loca-

5 Select the Browse button next to the Location field.

The network settings need to be properly configured before a network folder
can be added as a location for saving files. For information on how to configure
a network, see Section 4.4 Network, on page 83.

6 In the Choose save location view, mark the network folder you wish to add
and select the Use this location button.

7 Ensure that the path to this location appears in the Location field.

8 Select the OK button to save the added location. The Cancel button will leave
the view without saving changes.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 159

5 Operation
5.7 Save and manage image files
5.7.1 Save locations

Remove save location

Follow the instructions below to remove a location for files saving.

Step Action

1 Select the settings icon in the top right hand corner of the screen.

2 Select the Save locations button.

3 Select the location you wish to remove from the list.

4 Select the Remove button.

5 Confirm removal by selecting the Yes button.

Edit save location

This table describes how to edit a location for files saving.

Step Action

1 Select the settings icon in the top right hand corner of the screen.

2 Select the Save locations button.

3 Select the Edit button.

4 If desired, edit the name for the save location in the Name: field.

5 If desired, edit the folder for the save location by selecting the Browse button
next to the Location field.

The network settings must be properly configured before a network folder
can be added as a location for saving files. For information on how to configure
a network, see Section 4.4 Network, on page 83.

6 To save the changes, select the OK button.

160 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

5 Operation
5.7 Save and manage image files
5.7.2 Save images

5.7.2 Save images

Saving the image

Follow the instructions below to save the image(s).

Step Action

1 Select Save to save the image or images.

Result: The Save view opens. The automatically generated image name(s)
are displayed in the lower part of the view.

If an edited (split) image is saved then the screen will display the edited (split)


Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 161

5 Operation
5.7 Save and manage image files
5.7.2 Save images

Step Action
If multiple images have been taken with Advanced capture, you have an
option to save selected files as summed images.

2 Select the location to save in the Where to save the file: drop down menu.

Images can be saved on the instrument. However, when the instrument
memory status is full, the oldest file will automatically be deleted when a new
image is saved. It is therefore recommended to save the images on a USB
flash drive or a network drive.
It is possible to expand storage capacity by connecting an external hard drive
to the USB port at the rear of the instrument.

3 To personalize the image file name, select the Optional image name prefix:
field to add a prefix to the auto generated image file name. This opens a
keypad view. Type your text and then select Done to return to the previous

4 To add a comment, select the Comment: field. This opens a keypad view.
Type you comment and then select Done to return to the previous view.

5 Select Save to save the file(s). The saved files can be accessed via the Library
tab. See Section 3.5.2 Description of the Library tab, on page 53 for more

6 If capturing is finished for the day, switch off the instrument by pressing the
On/Off button on the front panel. Wait until the instrument is shut down
(LED lights are turned off). Then press the Power switch on the right side of
the instrument to the O position.

To optimize the instrument's life time and to minimize unnecessary power
consumption, shut down the instrument when image captures and analyses
have been completed for the day. If the Amersham Imager 600 instrument is
used around the clock, make sure to restart the system at least once a day
to remove temporary files that may take up unnecessary memory space.

162 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

5 Operation
5.7 Save and manage image files
5.7.2 Save images

File formats
The saved image files are stored in the formats described in the following table.
Note: The jpg images are created from the equivalent tif image, to facilitate for presen-
tation purposes.

Imaging method File format of saved image

Chemiluminescence A folder containing the following files:

• Sample: A .tif image in gray scale, for

quantification of chemiluminescence data
• A .jpg image in gray scale, and with set
contrast, for presentation purposes

The .jpg image is included in the folder but
it is not displayed on the screen.

Chemiluminescence A folder containing the following files:

with colorimetric marker • Sample: A .tif image in gray scale, for
quantification of chemiluminescence data
• Marker: A .tif image in gray scale, for
quantification of colorimetric data

Both the above files have the same pixel
• Sample + Marker: A .jpg composite im-
age of chemiluminescence and colorimet-
ric data in color, and with set contrast

The composite image is displayed if both
tabs are selected simultaneously.
• A .jpg image of the Marker image in col-
or, and with set contrast, for presentation

The .jpg image is included in the folder but
it is not displayed on the screen.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 163

5 Operation
5.7 Save and manage image files
5.7.2 Save images

Imaging method File format of saved image

Colorimetric A folder containing the following files:

• Sample: A .tif in gray scale, for quantifi-

cation of colorimetric data
• Color: A .jpg in color, and with set con-
trast, for presentation purposes

Fluorescence A folder containing the following files:

Single channel imaging • Blue/Green/Red: A .tif in gray scale,
for quantification of fluorescence data
• A .jpg in gray scale, and with set con-
trast, for presentation purposes

The .jpg image is included in the folder but
it is not displayed on the screen.

Fluorescence A folder containing the following files:

Single channel imaging • Sample: A .tif in gray scale, for quantifi-
with colorimetric marker cation of fluorescence data
• Marker: A .tif in gray scale, for quan-
tification of colorimetric data

Both the above files have the same pixel
• Sample + Marker: A .jpg composite im-
age of fluorescence and colorimetric data,
in color, and with set contrast

The composite image is displayed if both
tabs are selected simultaneously.
• A .jpg of the Marker image in color, and
with set contrast, for presentation purpos-

The .jpg image is included in the folder but
it is not displayed on the screen.

164 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

5 Operation
5.7 Save and manage image files
5.7.2 Save images

Imaging method File format of saved image

Fluorescence A folder containing the following files:

Multichannel imaging • Blue: A .tif in gray scale, for quantifica-
tion of fluorescence data
• Green: A .tif in gray scale, for quantifi-
cation of fluorescence data
• Red: A .tif in gray scale, for quantifica-
tion of fluorescence data

The number of tif files created correspond
to the number of selected detection chan-
• Blue + Green + Red: A .jpg composite
image of fluorescence data, in color, and
with set contrast

The composite image is displayed if two or
three tabs are selected simultaneously.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 165

5 Operation
5.7 Save and manage image files
5.7.3 File manage options

5.7.3 File manage options

Select and deselect all

The Select all and Deselect all buttons are used to select or deselect all of the files in
the library.

Delete files
Follow the instruction to delete files from the device.

Step Action

1 Select the file(s) to delete.

2 Select the Delete button.

Result: The following window will appear:

166 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

5 Operation
5.7 Save and manage image files
5.7.3 File manage options

Step Action

3 Select the Delete button.

Result: The following window will appear:

4 Select Yes button to delete the file(s).

Copy or move files

Follow the instruction to copy and move files.

Step Action

1 Select the file(s) to copy or move.

2 Select the Copy/Move button.

The following window will appear:

3 Select the location to copy or move the file(s) to in the drop down menu in
the Move (or copy) selected files to: field.

4 Select the Copy button, to copy the file(s) to the desired location.
Select the Move button, to move the file(s) to the desired location.

When a file is copied, the file will remain in the original location, thus be stored
in two places.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 167

5 Operation
5.7 Save and manage image files
5.7.3 File manage options

Rename files
Follow the instruction to rename files.

Step Action

1 Select the file to rename.

2 Select the Rename button.

Result: The keypad will appear.

3 Use the keypad to change the name of the file. Select Done to save the
For detailed information on how to use the keypad see Keypad view, on
page 63.

Open files
Follow the instruction to open files.

Step Action

1 Select the file to open.

2 Select the Open button to open the file.

3 If desired, use the Image tools to adjust the view of the image.
For detailed information on the Image tools, see Image tools, on page 154.

4 When finished, select the Done button to go back to the Library tab.

168 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

5 Operation
5.8 Analyze the image

5.8 Analyze the image

This section describes how to analyze the image using the analysis tool.
The analysis workflow in Amersham Imager 600 allows you to perform a step-by-step
analysis of the image data and to save the analysis results. The workflow is performed
in five steps and the final result is presented in a summary. You can analyze a newly
captured image or analyze a previously saved image.
Select the Analyze button in the image view to open the analysis workflow view.

The following illustration and table describe the start view of the analysis workflow.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 169

5 Operation
5.8 Analyze the image

5 6

4 1

1 8

Part Function Illustration

1 The current step in the analysis workflow (highlighted).

2 Back button: Use the button to close the analysis


170 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

5 Operation
5.8 Analyze the image

Part Function Illustration

3 Image view buttons:

Contrast button: Use to adjust the contrast of the dis-

played image. Saturated pixel highlights on the image
can be removed with a check box.

Lane profile button: Use the button to view a selected

lane profile. Use the drop down list to select which lane
to view.

Image view button: Use the button to display the image.

Zoom buttons: Use the button to zoom in on, or zoom

out of, the image.

Navigation arrow buttons: Use the button to move the

image on the screen.

4 The automatically created lane grid and lane numbers.

5 The displayed image tab highlighted with a blue frame.

6 Options and steps associated to the current step in the


7 Help icon: Use to reveal additional information on the

selected step in the analysis.

8 Next button: Use to open the next step in the analysis


Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 171

5 Operation
5.8 Analyze the image
5.8.1 Lane creation

5.8.1 Lane creation

This is the first step of the analysis workflow. The selected image appears on screen with
a grid of automatically created lanes and the button Lanes marked in the workflow. The
options for lane creation are presented next to the image.
Use the Lane Creation options to the right to arrange the lane grid to correspond with
the lanes in the image.

Adjust the lane grid

Follow the instructions below to adjust the lane grid to match lanes in the image.

Step Action

1 Select the minus and plus buttons adjacent to Number of lanes to increase
or decrease the number of grid lanes to correspond with the number of
lanes in the image.

2 Select a grid corner circle.

Result: The selected corner circle is highlighted.

172 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

5 Operation
5.8 Analyze the image
5.8.1 Lane creation

Step Action

3 Drag and drop the corner, or use the Move corner point arrow buttons, to
move it to the correct lane position on the displayed image.
Repeat until all four corners are positioned corresponding to the lanes in
the image.

4 Select the minus and plus buttons adjacent to Lane width to increase or
decrease the lane fill factor.

If the value is 100% then the grid contains only the lanes. Using a lesser per-
centage creates an empty space between lanes.

5 When you are done select the Next button or select the Background button
in the workflow. The Back button will bring you back to the captured image.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 173

5 Operation
5.8 Analyze the image
5.8.2 Background Subtraction

5.8.2 Background Subtraction

This is the second step of the analysis workflow. The options for background subtraction
are presented next to the image.
Tip: Use the lane profile button to display separate graphical lane profiles with the
current lane number displayed in the dropdown list.

The illustration and tables below describe the background subtraction options.
Note: The selected method subtracts background for all lanes in the image.
Tip: Use the Show background check box to see how each background subtraction
options works. This function shows the background level calculated by each option.

Option Description

None Use this option when no background should be subtracted

from the image.

Rubber band Use this option to subtract the background below a base-
line between the lowest points on the lane profile, as
though a rubber band was stretched under the profile.

174 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

5 Operation
5.8 Analyze the image
5.8.2 Background Subtraction

Option Description

Minimum profile Use this option to subtract all the background below the
minimum value in the lane profile view.

Rolling ball Use this option to subtract the background below the graph
as if erasing it using the radius of a ball. A small radius will
subtract more background than a large.

Subtract background
Step Action

1 If an image of the sample is displayed, select the lane profile button.

Result: A screen will appear displaying the lane profile graphically, with the
current lane number displayed in the drop down list and the lane profile
button in blue.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 175

5 Operation
5.8 Analyze the image
5.8.2 Background Subtraction

Step Action

2 To see how each background subtraction options works, check Show

background. This function shows the background level calculated by each

3 Choose one of the relevant method radio buttons:

• None

• Rubber band

• Minimum profile

• Rolling ball, and then select the Radius plus or minus buttons to set the
radius for the virtual rolling ball eraser to set the new baseline of the

The smaller the radius the more background will be removed.

176 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

5 Operation
5.8 Analyze the image
5.8.2 Background Subtraction

Step Action

4 Select Subtract to subtract the background.

Result: The lane profile view is displayed with the background subtracted.

To view the result in any lane, select the lane number to view in the drop
down menu.

5 When you are done select the Next button or select the Bands button in the
workflow. The Previous button will bring you back to the previous step.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 177

5 Operation
5.8 Analyze the image
5.8.3 Band detection

5.8.3 Band detection

This is the third step of the analysis workflow. The options for band detection are present-
ed next to the image.
Bands can be detected automatically and/or manually. However, manual bands can
only be added in single channel view. Bands modified manually are highlighted in the
The bands resulting from multichannel imaging are color marked in the image or lane
profile according to the detection channel used. For example, a band detected in the
green channel is displayed with a green frame, etc.

Detecting bands
Follow the instructions below to detect bands.

Step Action

1 Select the Detect button to detect the bands automatically.

Shift between lane profile, image view, and image tabs to verify the result of
the band detection.
If the band detection is satisfactory, then proceed to the final step in this

2 If too many bands are detected, then use the Sensitivity minus button to
decrease the sensitivity.
If too few bands are detected, then use the Sensitivity plus button to increase
the sensitivity.

178 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

5 Operation
5.8 Analyze the image
5.8.3 Band detection

Step Action

3 To make manual changes, select one detection channel from: Sample,

Markers, Blue, Green or Red above the image and select one or more rele-
vant options.

• To create a new band, point to the position in the image.

Result: A new highlighted band appears.
• To shift a band position, select the band and shift the band position up
or down with the Position arrow buttons.

• To adjust a band width, select the band and adjust it with the Width plus
and minus buttons.

• To delete a band, select the band and press Delete.

• To delete all detected bands in the image, select Clear.

4 Repeat actions in step 3 for other detection channels, if relevant.

5 When you are done detecting bands press the Next button or select the MW
button in the workflow. The Previous button will bring you back to the previ-
ous step.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 179

5 Operation
5.8 Analyze the image
5.8.4 Molecular weight assignment

5.8.4 Molecular weight assignment

This is the fourth step in the analysis workflow. The selected image is displayed on the
screen and the button MW is highlighted in the workflow. The options for molecular
weight assignment are presented beside the image.
Molecular weight is calculated using standard molecular weight (MW) markers.

Assign molecular weight

The following illustration and table below describe how to assign molecular weight.
Note: Molecular weight calibration can only be performed in single channel view.

Step Action

1 Select the lane containing the molecular weight marker.

Result: The selected lane appears highlighted.

2 Select the standard molecular weight marker from the drop down menu.
If the correct marker is missing:

• Add a missing marker by selecting Add new... button. See instructions

• Edit a marker by selecting the Edit button. See instruction below.

3 Deselect any missing bands in the sample marker lane by unchecking rele-
vant check boxes.

180 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

5 Operation
5.8 Analyze the image
5.8.4 Molecular weight assignment

Step Action

4 Select the fitting function by marking one of the Curve type radio buttons:

• Linear - log - which presents a linear fit to logarithmic data.

• Cubic spline - which presents a smooth polynomial that is piecewise


5 Select View plot to see the plot.

6 Select Close to return to the previous view.

7 When you are done select the Next button or select the Normalization
button in the workflow. The Previous button will bring you back to the previ-
ous step.

Note: The calculated molecular weight is presented in the summarized table in Summary.

Add a molecular weight standard

Step Action

1 Select the Add new... button.

Result: The following view appears.

2 Select the Name field and type the name of the marker.

3 Select the unit from the Unit drop down menu.

4 Type a value, and select the Add button.

Result: The value will appear in the bottom of the list to the left on the screen.

5 Select the Save button to save the added values and to return to the MW
Calibration view. Select Cancel to leave without saving changes.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 181

5 Operation
5.8 Analyze the image
5.8.4 Molecular weight assignment

Edit a marker
Step Action

1 Select the Edit button.

Result: The following view appears.

2 Select the value from the list. The marked values are highlighted.

3 Type a new value, and select the Add button.

Result: The new value will appear in the list.

You may need to scroll to see the new value.

4 Select the Save button to save the edited values and to return to the MW
Calibration view. Select Cancel to leave without saving changes. Delete will
delete the entire marker group.

Note: To delete a value, select the X next to the value.

182 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

5 Operation
5.8 Analyze the image
5.8.5 Normalization

5.8.5 Normalization

This is the fifth step in the analysis workflow. The selected image is displayed on screen
and the button Normalization is highlighted in the workflow.
Normalization calculates band volumes relative to one or more reference bands. Select
reference band(s) in the lane and all other bands in that lane will be normalized against
the selected band(s). If multiple reference bands are selected, the reference value is set
as the average of the selected band volumes.
Normalization is useful when comparing relative band volumes in different lanes.
The options for normalization are presented next to the image.

Normalize bands
Follow the instructions below to perform normalization.

Step Action

1 Select one or two control bands in a lane.

Result: The selected band(s) appear highlighted.

Control bands can only be selected in single channel view.

2 When you are done select the Next button or select the Summary button
in the workflow. The Previous button will bring you back to the previous step.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 183

5 Operation
5.8 Analyze the image
5.8.6 Summary

5.8.6 Summary

This is the final view of the analysis workflow. The analyzed image is displayed on the
screen and the Summary button is highlighted in the workflow.
The illustration and table below describe the summary view.
1 2 3

Part Function

1 The analyzed image

2 Tabs for displaying details.

3 Print button: Use to print the summary on a connected printer.

4 Columns displaying:
Ch. - the detection channel
Lane - the number of the lane (change the sort order by selecting up or
down arrow in the column heading)
Band - the number of the band (from top to bottom)
Volume - the integrated signal intensity in the specific band
Lane% - the relative band volume within a lane (in percentage)
Normalized value - the band volume relative to the control band volume
Mw - the calculated Mw
Rf - the relative mobility of the band

184 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

5 Operation
5.8 Analyze the image
5.8.6 Summary

Finalize and save analysis

Step Action

1 Review the summary.

2 If the analysis is completed, press Done.

Result: The image view appears.

3 To save the analysis, press Save.

Result: The image file is updated with the analysis information.

4 Choose a location to save the analysis by selecting the Where to save file:
drop down menu and select a location in the list.

5 If desired, edit the prefix of the image name by selecting the Image name
prefix: field. Type the new prefix using the appearing keypad and select the
Done button to save the changes.

6 If desired, add a comment by selecting the Comment: field. Type the com-
ment using the appearing keypad and select the Done button to save the

7 Press Save.
In addition to the image file(s), analyzed data is saved with a CSV file and
the summary view is saved as a pdf file.

See Section 5.7 Save and manage image files, on page 157 for details.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 185

5 Operation
5.9 Turn off the instrument

5.9 Turn off the instrument

This section describes the instrument shutdown procedure.
Follow the instruction below to turn off the instrument when capturing and analysis is
finished for the day.

Step Action

1 Press the On/Off button on the front panel.

Result: The LED Power light shuts down.

2 Press the Power switch button on the right side of the instrument to the O

Result: The instrument is turned off.

Note: To optimize the instrument's life time and to minimize unnecessary power con-
sumption, shut down the instrument when image captures and analyses have
been completed for the day. If the Amersham Imager 600 instrument is used
around the clock, make sure to restart the system at least once a day to remove
temporary files that may take up unnecessary memory space.

186 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

6 Analysis software

6 Analysis software

About this chapter

This chapter describes the installation and the operation of Amersham Imager 600
Analysis Software, which is available as an independent software package. Amersham
Imager 600 Analysis Software can be installed on computers using Windows 7 or Win-
dows 8.1 operating system.

In this chapter

Section See page

6.1 Software installation and activation 188

6.2 Software operation 196

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 187

6 Analysis software
6.1 Software installation and activation

6.1 Software installation and activation

System requirements

Parameter Minimum requirement

Operating system Microsoft® Windows 7 Professional SP1 (32/64-bit)

Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro (32/64-bit)

Internal memory 2 GB

Processor Intel™ Core i7 processor

Hard drive 80 GB

Monitor resolution 1280 × 1024 pixels

Other requirements DVD-ROM drive

Installation sequence
Software installation is performed in the following sequence:
1 Install the Amersham Imager 600 Analysis Software.
2 A registration number is presented by the Amersham Imager 600 Analysis Software.
3 Go the main instrument to create a license key with the Amersham Imager 600
Control Software.
4 Activate the Amersham Imager 600 Analysis Software by registering with the license
Note: You need to have access to the main instrument to activate the Amersham Imager
600 Control Software.

188 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

6 Analysis software
6.1 Software installation and activation
6.1.1 Amersham Imager 600 Analysis Software installation

6.1.1 Amersham Imager 600 Analysis Software installation

Step Action

1 Insert the installation DVD

2 In the Installer, locate and double-click the file, Amersham Imager 600
Analysis Software.msi
Result: Amersham Imager 600 Analysis Software InstallShieldWizard dialog
box appears.

3 Click Next.

4 Read the license agreement. If the license agreement is not acceptable,

please contact your GE representative.

5 If the license agreement is acceptable, select I accept the terms in the license
agreement and click Next.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 189

6 Analysis software
6.1 Software installation and activation
6.1.1 Amersham Imager 600 Analysis Software installation

Step Action

6 Define the software destination folder in the Destination Folder dialog as

described below.

• If the default folder C:\Program Files (x86)\ is acceptable, click Next.

• If you want to use a different folder, click Change and define a suitable
destination folder. Click Next.
• If “C:\Program Files\GE Healthcare\Amersham Imager 600 Analysis
Software” already exists, please save the software file to another location.
Otherwise the installer will ovrwrite the software file.

7 Click Install

190 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

6 Analysis software
6.1 Software installation and activation
6.1.1 Amersham Imager 600 Analysis Software installation

Step Action

8 Click Finish in InstallShield Wizard.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 191

6 Analysis software
6.1 Software installation and activation
6.1.2 Amersham Imager 600 Analysis Software registration

6.1.2 Amersham Imager 600 Analysis Software registration

Follow the instructions below to register the Amersham Imager 600 Analysis Software.

Step Action

1 After the installation, the software starts automatically and shows the Reg-
istration dialogue box.

2 Make a note of the 4-digit registration number for later use.

“3216” is an example. This 4-digit number will differ each time you install the

Access to the main instrument is needed for steps 3-7

192 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

6 Analysis software
6.1 Software installation and activation
6.1.2 Amersham Imager 600 Analysis Software registration

Step Action

Select to open the Setting Screen on the Amersham Imager 600 Control
Select Analysis software license

Result: Analysis software license appears.

4 Enter the Serial number and the Registration number.

The 6-digit serial number is printed on the analysis software DVD.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 193

6 Analysis software
6.1 Software installation and activation
6.1.2 Amersham Imager 600 Analysis Software registration

Step Action

5 Press Register.

6 Press Yes when confirmation of the registration appears.

Result: The 10-digit License key number is generated.

Make a note of the 10-digit License key number.

194 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

6 Analysis software
6.1 Software installation and activation
6.1.2 Amersham Imager 600 Analysis Software registration

Step Action

7 Enter the Serial number and the License key to the registration screen.

8 Press Register.

The registration of the analysis software is now complete.

The software license screen shows the number of licenses generated.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 195

6 Analysis software
6.2 Software operation

6.2 Software operation

This section describes how to analyze the captured image by Amersham Imager 600
using Amersham Imager 600 Analysis Software. The analysis software runs independently
on a Windows PC.
The workflow in the Amersham Imager 600 Analysis Software allows you to perform a
step-by-step analysis of the image data and to save the results in the same way as with
the Image analysis function in the Amersham Imager 600 Control Software.

Step Action

1 The workflow starts with opening the image file and is followed by five steps
of analysis. The final result is presented in a summary.
Select Open in the start-up screen to open images for analysis.

2 Choose a folder containing the images to be analyzed.

Up to 5 images can be opened simultaneously.

The image file opens in the analysis workflow. The following illustration and table describe
the start view of the analysis workflow.

196 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

6 Analysis software
6.2 Software operation

5 6

2 1 8

Part Function

The current step in the analysis workflow is highlighted in blue

Use the Close button to close the analysis workflow

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 197

6 Analysis software
6.2 Software operation

Part Function

Image tools button: Use to access the image tools which modify
display settings and to view image details.




For more information see Image tools, on page 154.

198 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

6 Analysis software
6.2 Software operation

Part Function

4 Display of the opened image with automatically created lane grid and lane

5 The displayed image buttons are highlighted with a blue frame.

6 Options and steps associated with the current step in the analysis.

Help icon: Use to show additional information about the selected

step in the analysis.

Next button: Use to proceed to the next step in the analysis

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 199

6 Analysis software
6.2 Software operation
6.2.1 Lane creation

6.2.1 Lane creation

This is the first step of the analysis workflow. The selected image appears on screen with
a grid of automatically created lanes and the button Lanes marked in the workflow. The
options for lane creation are presented next to the image.
Use the Lane Creation options to the right to arrange the lane grid to correspond with
the lanes in the image.

Adjust the lane grid

Follow the instructions below to adjust the lane grid to match lanes in the image.

Step Action

1 Select the minus and plus buttons adjacent to Number of lanes to increase
or decrease the number of grid lanes to correspond with the number of
lanes in the image.

2 Select a grid corner circle.

Result: The selected corner circle is highlighted.

200 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

6 Analysis software
6.2 Software operation
6.2.1 Lane creation

Step Action

3 Drag and drop the corner, or use the Move corner point arrow buttons, to
move it to the correct lane position on the displayed image.
Repeat until all four corners are positioned corresponding to the lanes in
the image.

4 Select the minus and plus buttons adjacent to Lane width to increase or
decrease the lane fill factor.

If the value is 100% then the grid contains only the lanes. Using a lesser per-
centage creates an empty space between lanes.

5 When you are done select the Next button or select the Background button
in the workflow. The Previous button returns you to the captured image.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 201

6 Analysis software
6.2 Software operation
6.2.2 Background subtraction

6.2.2 Background subtraction

This is the second step of the analysis workflow. The options for background subtraction
are presented next to the image.

Use the lane profile button to display separate graphical lane profiles with
the selected lane number displayed in the dropdown list.
Tip: Use Show background check box to see how each background subtraction option
works. This function shows the background level calculated by each option.
The illustration and tables below describe the background subtraction options.

Option Description

None Use this option when no background should be subtracted from the image.

Rubber Use this option to subtract the background below a baseline between the
band lowest points on the lane profile, as though a rubber band was stretched
under the profile.

202 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

6 Analysis software
6.2 Software operation
6.2.2 Background subtraction

Option Description

Mini- Use this option to subtract all the background below the minimum value in
mum the lane profile view.

Rolling Use this option to subtract the background below the graph as if erasing it
ball using the radius of a ball. A small radius will subtract more background than
a large.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 203

6 Analysis software
6.2 Software operation
6.2.2 Background subtraction

Subtract background
Step Action

Select the lane profile button , if an image of the sample is displayed.

Result: A screen will appear displaying the lane profile graphically, with the
current lane number displayed in the drop down list and the lane profile

button in blue .

2 To confirm that each background subtraction options works, check Show

background check box .

This function shows the background level calculated by each option.

204 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

6 Analysis software
6.2 Software operation
6.2.2 Background subtraction

Step Action

3 Choose one of the relevant method radio buttons:

• None

• Rubber band

• Minimum profile

• Rolling ball
If Rolling ball is selected, use the Radius plus or minus buttons to set the
radius of the virtual rolling ball eraser.

The smaller the radius the more background will be removed.

Result: The lane profile view is displayed with the background subtracted.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 205

6 Analysis software
6.2 Software operation
6.2.2 Background subtraction

Step Action

4 To view the result in any lane, select the lane number in the drop down menu.

5 When ready, press Next or select the Bands in the workflow. Pressing Previ-
ous takes you back one step.

206 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

6 Analysis software
6.2 Software operation
6.2.3 Band detection

6.2.3 Band detection

This is the third step of the analysis workflow. The options for band detection are present-
ed next to the image.
Bands can be detected automatically and/or manually. However, manual bands can
only be added in single channel view. Bands modified manually are highlighted in the
The bands resulting from multichannel imaging are color marked in the image or lane
profile according to the detection channel used. For example, a band detected in the
green channel is displayed with a green frame, etc.

Detecting bands
Follow the instructions below to detect bands.

Step Action

1 Select the Detect button to detect the bands automatically.

Shift between lane profile, image view, and image tabs to verify the result of
the band detection.
If the band detection is satisfactory, then proceed to the final step in this

2 If too many bands are detected, then use the Sensitivity minus button to
decrease the sensitivity.
If too few bands are detected, then use the Sensitivity plus button to increase
the sensitivity.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 207

6 Analysis software
6.2 Software operation
6.2.3 Band detection

Step Action

3 To make manual changes, select one detection channel from: Sample,

Markers, Blue, Green or Red above the image and select one or more rele-
vant options.

• To create a new band, point to the position in the image.

Result: A new highlighted band appears.
• To shift a band position, select the band and shift the band position up
or down with the Position arrow buttons.

• To adjust a band width, select the band and adjust it with the Width plus
and minus buttons.

• To delete a band, select the band and press Delete.

• To delete all detected bands in the image, select Clear.

4 Repeat actions in step 3 for other detection channels, if relevant.

5 When you are done detecting bands press the Next button or select the MW
button in the workflow. The Previous button will bring you back to the previ-
ous step.

208 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

6 Analysis software
6.2 Software operation
6.2.4 Molecular weight assignment

6.2.4 Molecular weight assignment

This is the fourth step in the analysis workflow. The selected image is displayed on the
screen and the button MW is highlighted in the workflow. The options for molecular
weight assignment are presented beside the image.
Molecular weight is calculated using standard molecular weight (MW) markers.

Assign molecular weight

The following illustration and table below describe how to assign molecular weight.
Note: Molecular weight calibration can only be performed in single channel view.

Step Action

1 Select the lane containing the molecular weight marker.

Result: The selected lane appears highlighted.

2 Select the standard molecular weight marker from the drop down menu.
If the correct marker is missing:

• Add a missing marker by selecting Add new... button. See instructions

• Edit a marker by selecting the Edit button. See the instructions below.

3 Deselect any missing bands in the sample marker lane by unchecking rele-
vant check boxes.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 209

6 Analysis software
6.2 Software operation
6.2.4 Molecular weight assignment

Step Action

4 Select the fitting function by marking one of the Curve type radio buttons:

• Linear - log - which presents a linear fit to logarithmic data.

• Cubic spline - which presents a smooth polynomial that is piecewise


5 Select View plot to see the plot.

6 Select Close to return to the previous view.

7 When you are done select the Next button or select the Normalization
button in the workflow. The Previous button will bring you back to the previ-
ous step.

Note: The calculated molecular weight is presented in the Summary table.

Add a molecular weight standard

Step Action

1 Select the Add new... button.

Result: The following view appears.

2 Select the Name field and type the name of the marker.

3 Select the unit from the Unit drop down menu.

4 Type a value, and select the Add button.

Result: The value will appear in the bottom of the list to the left on the screen.

5 Select the Save button to save the added values and to return to the MW
Calibration view. Select Cancel to leave without saving changes.

210 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

6 Analysis software
6.2 Software operation
6.2.4 Molecular weight assignment

Edit a marker
Step Action

1 Select the Edit button.

Result: The following view appears.

2 Select the value from the list. The marked values are highlighted.

3 Type a new value, and select the Add button.

Result: The new value will appear in the list.

You may need to scroll to see the new value.

4 Select the Save button to save the edited values and to return to the MW
Calibration view. Select Cancel to leave without saving changes. Delete will
delete the entire marker group.

Note: To delete a value, select the X next to the value.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 211

6 Analysis software
6.2 Software operation
6.2.5 Normalization

6.2.5 Normalization

This is the fifth step in the analysis workflow. The selected image is displayed on screen
and the button Normalization is highlighted in the workflow.
Normalization calculates band volumes relative to one or more reference bands. Select
reference band(s) in the lane and all other bands in that lane will be normalized against
the selected band(s). If multiple reference bands are selected, the reference value is set
as the average of the selected band volumes.
Normalization is useful when comparing relative band volumes in different lanes.
The options for normalization are presented next to the image.

Normalize bands
Follow the instructions below to perform normalization.

Step Action

1 Select one or two control bands in a lane.

Result: The selected band(s) appear highlighted.

Control bands can only be selected in single channel view.

2 When you are done select the Next button or select the Summary button
in the workflow. The Previous button will bring you back to the previous step.

212 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

6 Analysis software
6.2 Software operation
6.2.6 Summary

6.2.6 Summary

This is the final view of the analysis workflow. The analyzed image is displayed on the
screen and the Summary button is highlighted in the workflow.
The illustration and table below describe the summary view.
1 2 3

Part Function

1 The analyzed image

2 Tabs for displaying details.

3 Print button: Use to print the summary on a connected printer.

4 Columns displaying:
Ch. - the detection channel
Lane - the number of the lane (change the sort order by selecting up or
down arrow in the column heading)
Band - the number of the band (from top to bottom)
Volume - the integrated signal intensity in the specific band
Lane% - the relative band volume within a lane (in percentage)
Normalized value - the band volume relative to the control band volume
Mw - the calculated Mw
Rf - the relative mobility of the band

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 213

6 Analysis software
6.2 Software operation
6.2.6 Summary

Finalize and save analysis

Step Action

1 Review the summary.

2 If the analysis is completed, press Save

Result: The save view appears where comments can be added to the file.

3 To overwrite the analysis of the file opened, press Save.

Result: The image file is updated with the analysis information.
To create a new file set, press Save as.
Result: The Save image as view appears.

214 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

6 Analysis software
6.2 Software operation
6.2.6 Summary

Step Action

4 Select/Create a folder and type a file name, then press Save.

Result: In addition to the image file(s), analyzed data is saved with a CSV file
and the summary view is saved as a pdf file.

See Section 5.7 Save and manage image files, on page 157 for details.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 215

7 Maintenance

7 Maintenance

About this chapter

To ensure optimal performance, Amersham Imager 600 and accessories should be
maintained regularly. This chapter describes the maintenance that should be performed
on a regular basis.
For all safety cautions and notices relevant to maintenance please see Maintenance, on
page 24.

Electrical shock hazard. All instrument repairs or modifications
should be performed by service personnel authorized by GE. Do
not open any covers or replace parts unless specifically stated in
the user documentation.

Do not use excessive amounts of liquids for cleaning the Amersham
Imager 600 instrument. This may result in instrument malfunction
or electric shock.

When performing maintenance of the equipment, remove the tablet
computer. There is risk of injury if it falls on your foot.

In this chapter

Section See page

7.1 Instrument 217

7.2 Accessories 218

7.3 Regular inspections 220

216 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

7 Maintenance
7.1 Instrument

7.1 Instrument
Use a soft dry cloth to clean the exterior of Amersham Imager 600. For marks that are
hard to remove, wipe with a soft cloth slightly dampened with water and a neutral de-
tergent, or 70% ethanol, then wipe with a new clean, dry cloth.
To clean the interior of the instrument, use a soft cloth slightly dampened with distilled
water or 70% ethanol. Make sure to wipe the interior dry. Do not use any neutral domestic
detergent, as the detergent residue may fluoresce when an image is captured.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 217

7 Maintenance
7.2 Accessories

7.2 Accessories

Amersham Imager 600 accessories must be cleaned after use. This section describes
recommended cleaning agents and how to clean the accessories.

Recommended cleaning agents

Cleaning agents should be for biochemical use to avoid that
residues fluoresce when images are captured.

The accessories may be washed with water and one of the following:
• 70% ethanol
• Mild, neutral detergent
• Isopropanol
• 6% H2O2

Cleaning sample trays, white

insert and diffuser board

Wear gloves while cleaning. There may be residues of hazardous

Do not use organic solvents. These may damage the surface.

218 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

7 Maintenance
7.2 Accessories

Do not use abrasive cleaning materials, such as a scouring pad,
for cleaning. This may scratch the surface.

After cleaning trays, inserts and/or diffuser boards, wash the accessory in water using
a soft sponge soaked in a cleaning agent.
After cleaning, rinse the accessory immediately in water, until no detergent remains,
and allow to air dry.

Cleaning gel sheets

After use, wash the gel sheet with mild detergent, rinse with water then dry well.
Note: A gel sheet can be reused about 20 times.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 219

7 Maintenance
7.3 Regular inspections

7.3 Regular inspections

Regularly inspect Amersham Imager 600 to ensure the following:
• The power supply plug is firmly secured in the power outlet.
• The power cord and supply plug do not become overheated.
• The power cord is not damaged in any way.
• The ventilation holes in the equipment are free from dust and dirt.

220 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

8 Troubleshooting

8 Troubleshooting

About this chapter

This chapter provides information to assist users and service personnel to identify and
correct problems that may occur when operating the product.
If the suggested actions in this guide do not solve the problem, or if the problem is not
covered by this guide, contact your GE representative for advice.

In this chapter

Section See page

8.1 General problems 222

8.2 Problems with image quality 224

8.3 Problems with the software 226

General troubleshooting
Follow this procedure if an error occurs:
1 Take note of the error code and error message on the monitor.
2 Turn off the instrument by pressing the On/Off button on the front panel and then
the Power switch on the right hand side, and turn it back on again after about ten
3 If the error persists refer to this troubleshooting guide for possible solutions.
4 If the error cannot be resolved with this troubleshooting guide, contact your GE

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 221

8 Troubleshooting
8.1 General problems

8.1 General problems

This section describes possible causes and corrective actions for various problems with
the instrument. If the error persists after taking the suggested corrective actions, contact
your GE representative.

Atypical noise is heard

If... Then...

Noise comes from the camera head then Turn off the power switch immediately
a camera head failure has occurred and contact your GE representative

Atypical odor is emitted

If... Then...

Atypical odors are emitted from the Turn off the power switch immediately
camera head then a camera head failure and contact your GE representative
has occurred

Atypical odors are emitted then an instru- Turn off the power switch immediately
ment failure has occurred and contact your GE representative

Smoke is emitted

If... Then...

Smoke is emitted from the camera head Turn off the power switch immediately
then a camera head failure has occurred and contact your GE representative

Smoke is emitted from the instrument Turn off the power switch immediately
then an instrument failure has occurred and contact your GE representative

The LED blinks

If... Then...

The ERROR LED blinks a hardware error If an error code is displayed, make a note
occurred of it and contact your GE representative.

222 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

8 Troubleshooting
8.1 General problems

If... Then...

The instrument indicator LED lights do Connect the power cable correctly
not light during startup diagnosis a pow-
er cable installation failure has occurred

Operation is not stopped when

the door is opened

If... Then...

The light source is lit or the motor is run- Turn off the instrument's Power switch
ning when the door to the instrument is immediately and contact your GE repre-
open, an interlock failure has occurred sentative

Other hardware problems

If... Then...

The door to the instrument cannot be Remove the foreign object

opened or closed or the door cannot be
locked because a foreign object is
present in the locking section or the door

The door to the instrument cannot be The locking section is damaged. Contact
opened or closed, or the door cannot be your GE representative
locked and no foreign object is present

the instrument cannot be cooled down The ambient air temperature is too high.
properly Lower the room temperature to 28°C or

The instrument does not appear to re- The instrument is not connected to the
spond to software control tablet computer
Use the flash indicator tool to identify
which instrument is connected to a cer-
tain tablet computer

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 223

8 Troubleshooting
8.2 Problems with image quality

8.2 Problems with image quality

An appropriate image does not


If... Then...

An image is overex- Shorten the exposure time


An image is underex- Prolong the exposure time


The focus is not correct- Adjust the focus temporarily. See Section 4.3.2 Focus, on
ly adjusted page 78.
If the problem persists contact your GE representative.

The tray, white insert or Clean the tray, white insert or the window covering the
window covering the light source.
light source are dirty

The wrong sample tray Change to the correct sample tray

is used

The wrong light source Select the correct light source

is selected

The size of the object Place the sample correctly on the sample tray and place
exposed does not coin- the tray in the correct tray position
cide with the exposed

Light leaks on the image

If... Then...

The door to the instru- Close the door to the instrument and expose the image
ment is not completely again

the instrument is ex- Avoid direct sunlight

posed to direct sunlight

224 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

8 Troubleshooting
8.2 Problems with image quality

The image appears misty

If... Then...

Dew is condensing in Turn off the instrument with the On/Off button on the
the optical system front panel and wait until the ambient environments meets
the specifications

Unevenness appears on the


If... Then...

The LED is deteriorated Turn off the instrument and contact your GE representa-
from age tive

A lamp in the UV transil- Turn off the instrument and contact your GE representa-
luminator is broken tive

Noise appears in an image

exposed using the UV Trans tray

If... Then...

The UV Trans Tray is de- The UV Trans Tray is contaminated. Clean the tray.
teriorated from age

Artefacts appear in a
Colorimetric Epi image

If... Then...

The correct tray is used Rotate the gel sample 90° positioning the gel so that the
lanes of the gel are parallel to the long side of the tray.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 225

8 Troubleshooting
8.3 Problems with the software

8.3 Problems with the software

This section describes possible causes and corrective actions for problems with the
software. If the problem persists after taking the suggested corrective action, contact
your GE representative.

After exposure, no image is

displayed on the screen

If... Then...

The light source does not function prop- Contact your GE representative

The sample is not in position Check the sample position

The screen of Amersham Imager

600 is not displayed on the
connected tablet computer

If... Then...

Wireless access points are not properly Contact the network administrator or
set connect a monitor, mouse and keyboard
directly with a cable

The buttons do not appear on an

external monitor

If... Then...

The monitor resolution is too low Use monitors with SVGA resolution or

226 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

8 Troubleshooting
8.3 Problems with the software

The software is non responding

If... Then...

Transferring large amounts of files to a Avoid transferring during operation.

connected computer during operation
can impair the system’s performance.

Problems with tablet computer


If... Then...

The tablet computer screen turns white Make sure you are connected to the cor-
when starting the software. rect network on the tablet computer, that
is same network as Amersham Imager

If the instrument has recently been

switched on it may take a few minutes
for the instrument to come online. The
wireless network can be detected before
the instrumented is fully connected.
Normally the instrument becomes online
within 5 minutes.

Restart the software on the tablet com-


The software display on the tablet com- Press the home button on the tablet
puter screen has frozen after a long time computer and restart the software.
of inactivity.

No or few button presses are registered. Use gentle and distinct touches on the
tablet computer to control buttons in the
software. A light and short tap is best
registered by the software.

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 227

8 Troubleshooting
8.3 Problems with the software

If... Then...

The Amersham Imager 600 icon has been Connect to the same network as
accidently removed from the tablet Amersham Imager 600. Open the Safari™
computer. web browser and type in the IP address
of the instrument in the address field.
Once the instrument connect screen is
shown, add this page to the home screen
of the tablet computer by clicking on the
square with an upward arrow next to the
address field in the browser.

If a USB dongle is used on the camera the
default IP address is

228 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

9 Reference information

9 Reference information

About this chapter

This chapter lists the technical specifications of Amersham Imager 600. The chapter also
includes ordering information, and Health and Safety Declaration form for service.

In this chapter
This chapter contains the following sections:

Section See page

9.1 Specifications 230

9.2 Health and Safety Declaration Form 233

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 229

9 Reference information
9.1 Specifications

9.1 Specifications

Imaging specifications

Parameter Data

Image sensor Peltier cooled, 3.2 megapixel CCD

Image sensor temperature -25°C

Cooling down time <5 minutes

Lens F0.85/43 mm

Light source Blue Epi light: 460 nm

Green Epi light: 520 nm
Red Epi light: 630 nm
UV transillumination light: 312 nm
White Epi light: 470 to 635 nm
White transillumination light: 470 to 635 nm

Operation Fully automated (auto exposure, no focus or other

adjustment or calibrations needed)

Maximum sample size 160 X 220 mm

Greyscale 65 536 levels (16 bit)

Exposure time 1/100 second to 12 hours

Dynamic range 4.8 orders of magnitude

Capture control Binning, crop, and programmed capture

Image output Gray scale 16 bit tif

Color image jpg

Gray scale jpg

Emission filters Cy2: 525BP20

Cy3/EtBr: 605BP40

230 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

9 Reference information
9.1 Specifications

Dimensions and weight

Unit Dimensions Weight

Amersham Imager 600 360(W) x 785(H) x 485(D) mm 43 kg

Power supply

Parameter Data

Input voltage 100 to 240 V AC

Voltage variation ±10%

Frequency 50/60 Hz

Max power 250 W

Environmental requirements
The following table describes the environmental requirements for Amersham Imager

Do not use the instrument in a room with a temperature above
+28°C. Higher temperatures does not allow the CCD to cool down
properly (to -25°C).

Parameter Requirement

Operating temperature/humidity Temperature: 18°C to 28°C (with temperature fluctuation below 10ºC
conditions per hour or lower)
Humidity: 20% to 70% RH (no dew condensation)

When the above conditions cannot be satisfied, take appropriate

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 231

9 Reference information
9.1 Specifications

Parameter Requirement

Transportation/storage Temperature: -25°C to 70°C

conditions Humidity: 5% to 95% RH (no dew condensation)

When the above conditions cannot be satisfied, take appropriate

Operation site Indoor use

Maximum operating altitude 2000 m or lower

Noise 70 dB(A) or lower

Fast Lmax ≤60dB(A), and average Leq ≤ 54dB(A) (1 m from the instru-

Protection provided by enclosure IP21

Overvoltage category Transient overvoltage category II

Rated pollution applied Pollution degree 2

Other conditions 1 Take into consideration the workflow and ancillary facilities when
planning the installation.
2 Any required construction and electricity/air conditioning work
must be completed prior to installation.
3 It is not desirable to have a heat source near the Amersham
Imager 600 air intakes, even if the other environmental require-
ments have been met.
4 Do not install the equipment near a window. Avoid direct sunlight.
Ensure blinds are attached to nearby windows.
5 Do not place objects near the power outlet to ensure easy access
to the power cord for disconnection in case of emergency.

232 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

9 Reference information
9.2 Health and Safety Declaration Form

9.2 Health and Safety Declaration Form

On site service

On Site Service Health &

Safety Declaration Form

Service Ticket #:

To make the mutual protection and safety of GE service personnel and our customers, all equipment and work areas must be
clean and free of any hazardous contaminants before a Service Engineer starts a repair. To avoid delays in the servicing of your
equipment, please complete this checklist and present it to the Service Engineer upon arrival. Equipment and/or work areas
not sufficiently cleaned, accessible and safe for an engineer may lead to delays in servicing the equipment and could be subject to
additional charges.

Please review the actions below and answer “Yes” or “No”.

Yes No
Provide explanation for any “No” answers in box below.

Instrument has been cleaned of hazardous substances.

Please rinse tubing or piping, wipe down scanner surfaces, or otherwise ensure removal of any dangerous
residue. Ensure the area around the instrument is clean. If radioactivity has been used, please perform a
wipe test or other suitable survey.

Adequate space and clearance is provided to allow safe access for instrument service, repair or
installation. In some cases this may require customer to move equipment from normal operating location
prior to GE arrival.

Consumables, such as columns or gels, have been removed or isolated from the instrument and from
any area that may impede access to the instrument .

All buffer / waste vessels are labeled.

Excess containers have been removed from the area to provide access.

for any “No”
answers here:

Equipment type / Product No: Serial No:

I hereby confirm that the equipment specified above has been cleaned to remove any hazardous substances and that the
area has been made safe and accessible.

Name: Company or institution:

Position or
Date (YYYY/MM/DD):
job title:


GE and GE monogram are trademarks of General Electric Company.

GE Healthcare Bio-Sciences Corp, 800 Centennial Avenue, P.O. Box 1327, Piscataway,
NJ 08855-1327
© 2010-14 General Electric Company—All rights reserved. First published April 2010.

DOC1149542/28-9800-26 AC 05/2014

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 233

9 Reference information
9.2 Health and Safety Declaration Form

Product return or servicing

Health & Safety Declaration Form

for Product Return or Servicing

Return authorization and/or

number: Service Ticket/Request:

To make sure the mutual protection and safety of GE personnel, our customers, transportation personnel and our environment,
all equipment must be clean and free of any hazardous contaminants before shipping to GE. To avoid delays in the processing of
your equipment, please complete this checklist and include it with your return.
1. Please note that items will NOT be accepted for servicing or return without this form
2. Equipment which is not sufficiently cleaned prior to return to GE may lead to delays in servicing the equipment and
could be subject to additional charges
3. Visible contamination will be assumed hazardous and additional cleaning and decontamination charges will be applied

Yes No Please specify if the equipment has been in contact with any of the following:

Radioactivity (please specify)

Infectious or hazardous biological substances (please specify)

Other Hazardous Chemicals (please specify)

Equipment must be decontaminated prior to service / return. Please provide a telephone number where GE can contact
you for additional information concerning the system / equipment.

Telephone No:

Liquid and/or gas in equipment is: Water


None, empty

Argon, Helium, Nitrogen

Liquid Nitrogen
Other, please

Equipment type / Product No: Serial No:

I hereby confirm that the equipment specified above has been cleaned to remove any hazardous substances and that the
area has been made safe and accessible.
Company or
Name: institution:

Position or job title: Date (YYYY/MM/DD)


GE and GE monogram are trademarks of General Electric Company.

To receive a return authorization number or service number, GE Healthcare Bio-Sciences Corp, 800 Centennial Avenue, P.O. Box 1327, Piscataway,
please call local technical support or customer service. NJ 08855-1327, US
© 2010-14 General Electric Company—All rights reserved. First published April 2010.
DOC1149544/28-9800-27 AC 05/2014

234 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE


Amersham Imager 600
LED Indicators, 44
Feature overview, 38
Hardware components, 41 M
Analyze, 59
Maintenance, 81, 216
C Amersham Imager 600, 217
Sample trays and filter, 219
Manufacturing information, 8
conformity, 9
Monitor requirements, 24
marking, 9
Moving instrument, 74
Connect to a network, 84
Multichannel imaging, 133
DHCP network, 85
Static IP network, 86 N
Contrast tool, 154
Notes and tips, 7
Display tool, 154
Disposal Operation
instructions, 33 Place the sample, 99
Sample and tray combina-
E tions, 98
Save the image, 157
Electrical Cabinet
disposal, 33 P
Emergency procedure, 31
Place the sample, 99
F Print
Printer, 55
FCC compliance, 11
Purpose of this document, 5
File formats, 163

Recycling information, 32
Hardware components, 41
disposal of electrical compo-
I nents, 32
Installation, 69 S
Site requirements, 72, 231
Safety notices, 7
Transport, 74
Safety precautions
Intended use, 6
Installation precautions, 19
Intensity tool, 154
introduction, 17
iPad Air attachment, 44
Mainenance precautions, 24
K Operation precautions, 21
Sample and tray combina-
Keypad, 63 tions, 98
Save location, 158
Save the image, 157

Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE 235


Settings Contrast tool, 155

Date and time, 76 Display tool, 154
Maintenance, 81 Intensity tool, 156
Save location, 158 Zoom tool, 154
Settings options, 62 Troubleshooting, 221
Single channel imaging, 133, Two channel imaging, 133
137 Typographical conventions, 5
Site requirements, 72, 231
Software U
File formats, 163 User information, important, 6
Keypad, 63
Space requirements, 70 V
Specifications, 230 Virus protection, 84
Standards, 14
Start screen, 48 W
T Web tool, 90
Windows 7, 88
Web, 90 Z
Tools Zoom tool, 154

236 Amersham Imager 600 Operating Instructions 29064517 AE

GE, the GE Monogram, Amersham, Cy and ECL Plex are trademarks of General
For local office contact information, visit Electric Company. Safari is a trademark of Apple Inc. iPad Air is a registered trademark of Apple
GE Healthcare Bio-Sciences AB SYBR is a trademark of Life Technologies Corporation.
Björkgatan 30 Intel is a trademark of Intel Corporation.
751 84 Uppsala Microsoft and Windowsare registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
Sweden All other third party trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
© 2014-2017 General Electric Company
All goods and services are sold subject to the terms and conditions of sale of
the company within GE Healthcare which supplies them. A copy of these terms
and conditions is available on request. Contact your local GE Healthcare repre-
sentative for the most current information.
GE Healthcare Europe GmbH
Munzinger Strasse 5, D-79111 Freiburg, Germany
GE Healthcare UK Limited
Amersham Place, Little Chalfont, Buckinghamshire, HP7 9NA, UK
GE Healthcare Bio-Sciences Corp.
100 Results Way, Marlborough, MA 01752, USA
GE Healthcare Dharmacon, Inc.
2650 Crescent Dr., Lafayette, CO 80026, USA
HyClone Laboratories, Inc.
925 W 1800 S, Logan, UT 84321, USA
GE Healthcare Japan Corporation
Sanken Bldg. 3-25-1, Hyakunincho Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-0073, Japan

29064517 AE 02/2017 a124

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