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Maternity Allowance Claim Form Interactive Version

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Your claim for Maternity Allowance
Claim Maternity Allowance if you are expecting a baby and you
are or have been:
• employed but cannot get Statutory Maternity Pay, or
• self-employed, or
• not employed or self-employed, but you take part in the
business of your self-employed spouse or civil partner, or
• an agency worker.

Use this form to claim Maternity Allowance if you live in

England, Scotland or Wales
If you live in Northern Ireland, get a claim form from
To fill in this form, you will need to read the Notes sheet and
Test Period table that came in this claim pack. Please fill in this
form with BLACK INK and in CAPITALS.
Your benefit payments may be delayed if you do not
l answer all the questions on this form that apply to you
l send us all the documents we ask for.

If you cannot do this, get in touch with us straight away.

If you have any problems filling in the claim form,

someone else can do it for you.
Please sign the form yourself if you can. If another person signs
it for you, your claim may be delayed.
If you want any more information about Maternity Allowance,
get in touch with the Maternity Allowance office which deals
with your benefit, you can find their address and contact details
in Part 13 of this form.
For information about benefits and services visit

If you claim more than 3 months after the date your

Maternity Allowance is due to start, you will lose money. MA1 05/18
Part 1: About you
Surname Title Merchant

Other names Mohamed Sohel Yasmin

Any other surnames you have been

known by
If you need to tell us about more
names, use the space in Part 11
Other information.

Date of birth 11.08.79

Letters Numbers Letter
National Insurance (NI) number S K 2 0 1 2 1 9 D
You can find this on your National
Insurance (NI) numbercard, letters
from the Department for Work and
Pensions or payslips.

If you do not know your NI number, No

have you ever had one or used one Yes
at any time?

Address 18 Rectory Road


Postcode SM1 1QW

Address, if different in the
last 3 years
If you need to tell us about more
than one address, use the space in
Part 11 Other information.

Home phone number Code Number

Mobile phone number 07830393260

Email address
where we can contact you
Please confirm if this email address is personal x private secure
What date do you expect to have
your baby?
You must send in your MATB1
If your baby has already been born, 08.06.2018
please tell us the date you had
your baby.
Please see page 6 of the
Notes sheet for evidence of birth.
If your baby was stillborn, please see
page 6 and page 8 of the
Notes sheet.
2 MA1 05/18
Part 2: About your work

a Look at the Test Period table

that came in this claim pack.
Find the week in column 1 that
includes the date you expect to
have your baby. Read across to
column 4 to find the start of the
15th week before the week your
baby is due. Write the date from
column 4 here. 11.02.2018

b Were you employed by an

employer during this 15th week?
We explain what we mean by
No Please go to Part 3 About your Test Period.
employer and employed on
page 3 of the Notes sheet. Yes x Please go to question c below.

c If you were employed in this 15th

week you may be able to get
Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP).
Please get in touch with your
employer and ask about SMP.
Will you be able to get SMP? No X Please tell us why: Because my average
earning limit was be-
low lower earnings

Yes You cannot claim Maternity Allowance. See page 2 of the

Notes sheet.

If you cannot get SMP, each of your employers must give you a form SMP1 to send to us.
You must send us an SMP1 from your employer if you were employed up to and
including the 15th week before the week your baby is due, even if you are no longer
employed by them. If you do not send us an SMP1, your claim will be delayed.

MA1 05/18 3
Part 3: About your Test Period

a Look under column 1 of the Date, month and year

Test Period table that came in 02/06/2018
this claim pack to find the week
that includes the date you For example:
expect to have your baby. DD/MM/YYYY
Write that week here.

b Look across the table to column 2

to find the first day of your Test
19.02.2017 Your Test Period is the 66 weeks
Write that date here up to and including the week
Look across the table to column 3 before the week your baby is
to find the last day of your Test due. See page 5 of the Notes
Period. sheet.
Write that date here 26.05.2018

During your Test Period, are you or

have you been:

c employed? No
Yes x` Go to Part 4 About employment and earnings in your
Test Period. See page 9 of the Notes sheet.

d self-employed? No
Yes Go to Part 6 About self-employment in your Test Period.
See page 10 of the Notes sheet.

e taking part in activities No

related to the business of
Yes Go to Part 7 About taking part in activities related to the
your self-employed spouse
business of your self-employed spouse or civil partner
or civil partner?
during your Test Period. See page 11 of the Notes sheet.

f During your Test Period, are No

you or have you been an
agency worker? Yes Go to Part 5 Agency workers

If more than one of the above

applies to you in your Test
Period, please complete each
relevant part in full.

4 MA1 05/18
Part 4: About employment and earnings in your Test Period
a Please tell us about ALL your employers in your Test Period.
If you do not tell us about ALL your employers your claim will be delayed. Use the space in Part 11
of this form to give us any further information. For example, if your employer was an agency, if you
had more than two employers or if you still have a contract with your employer.

Employer 1 Employer 2
Name and address of Streatham Dental
the employer Clinic
393 Streatham High

Postcode Sw16 3PE

Phone number 02087644340`

Date your employment started 01 August 2011

Date your employment stopped

If you still have a contract with
your employer, do not fill this
date in.
Payroll, employee, clock or 31
works number

b How often are you Weekly 4-weekly Weekly 4-weekly

normally paid?
Fortnightly Monthly Fortnightly Monthly x
If other, If other,
how often? how often?

We need you to choose 13 weeks worth of payslips from within your Test Period that you worked out
in section b of Part 3, so we can work out how much Maternity Allowance you can get.
Please see page 9 of the Notes sheet and enclose the payslips for those 13 weeks.

c What date did you last work? 30.04.2018 Only fill this date in if you have
stopped work to have your baby.

MA1 05/18 5
Part 4: About employment and earnings in your Test Period continued

d Did you get any sick pay after No x

you last worked?
Yes If Yes, what dates did you get sick pay?
from to
Was your sickness pregnancy-related?

No If No, what was your sickness reason?


e If you have not yet started your 01.05.2018

maternity leave, on what date
will it start?
f What date would you like your
maternity allowance to start?

You may not be able to choose your maternity allowance period if

you have been off sick for pregnancy-related reasons during or
after the 4th week before the week your baby is due.

6 MA1 05/18
Part 5: Agency workers
a Do you or have you worked for No
x Go to Part 6 About self-employment in your Test Period.
an agency within your test
period? Yes

Agency 1
b Name and address of Agency 1?


c Phone number

d What dates did you work From To

within your test period?
(The dates you worked out at From To
Part 3b, page 4).
From To

From To

From To

From To

From To

From To

Agency 2
e Name and address of Agency 2?

f Phone number

g What dates did you work From To

within your test period?
From To
(The dates you worked out at
Part 3b, page 4). From To

From To

From To

From To

From To

From To

MA1 05/18 7
Part 5: Agency workers continued

h What date did you last work?

i Did you get any sick pay after No

you last worked?
Yes If Yes, what dates did you get sick pay?

from to

Was your sickness pregnancy-related?

No If No, what was your sickness reason?


j Have you stopped work to have No What date do you plan to stop work to have your baby?
your baby?

Yes Go to question k on this page.

k What date did you stop work to

have your baby?
l What date would you like your
maternity allowance to start?
You may not be able to choose your maternity allowance period if
you have been off sick for pregnancy-related reasons during or
after the 4th week before the week your baby is due.

8 MA1 05/18
Part 6: About self-employment in your Test Period
To find out more about self-employment and registration with
HM Revenue & Customs, see page 10 of the Notes sheet.

a What date were you registered From

as self-employed?

b Are you still self-employed? No If No, what date did your self-employment end?


If you have not paid enough Class 2 National Insurance

contributions during your Test Period to entitle you to the
standard rate of MA, we will contact HMRC who will offer you
the opportunity to pay these contributions.

c Have you stopped work to No What date do you plan to stop work to have your baby?
have your baby?

Yes Go to question d on this page.

d What date did you stop work to

have your baby?

e What date do you want us to pay

your Maternity Allowance from?
See page 7 and 8 of the Notes

MA1 05/18 9
Part 7: About taking part in activities related to the business
of your self-employed spouse or civil partner during
your Test Period

To find out more about taking part in activities related to the business of your self-employed spouse or
civil partner see page 11 of the Notes sheet.

On what date did you start to take

part in activities related to the
business of your self-employed
spouse or civil partner?

Have you stopped taking part in No Go to the next question.

activities related to the business What date did you stop?
of your self-employed spouse or
civil partner? Did you stop taking part in activities related to
the business of your self-employed spouse or
civil partner due to
l your pregnancy? No

l sickness? No

l pregnancy-related sickness? No

If you have not stopped yet,

on what date do you plan to stop
taking part in activities related to
the business of your self-employed
spouse or civil partner?

What duties or activities did you or

do you perform to support the
business of your self-employed
spouse or civil partner?
We may ask for more information
about the duties or activities you do.

Tell us when in your Test Period From To

you took part in activities related
to the business of your self- From To
employed spouse or civil partner.
From To

From To

From To

From To

From To

10 MA1 05/18
Part 7: About taking part in activities related to the business
of your self-employed spouse or civil partner during
your Test Period continued

About your self-employed spouse or civil partner

Letters Numbers Letter

Your spouse’s or civil partner’s
National Insurance (NI) number
Your spouse’s or civil partner’s

Your spouse’s or civil partner’s

other names

if it is different from your address.
If you do not know their address,
write Not known.

About your marriage or civil partnership

Your claim may be delayed if we do
not have your original marriage or
civil partnership certificate.
What was the date of your
marriage or civil partnership?
If you converted or changed your
civil partnership into a marriage or
married your civil partner, enter
the date your marriage is treated
as starting on.

In which country did your marriage

or civil partnership take place?
Has your marriage ended in No
divorce or has your civil
partnership been dissolved? Yes On what date?

About the self-employment of your spouse or civil partner

When did your spouse or civil

partner become self-employed?

Is your spouse or civil partner No

registered as self-employed with
HM Revenue & Customs? Yes What is their registration number or
Unique Tax Reference number?

MA1 05/18 11
Part 7: About taking part in activities related to the business
of your self-employed spouse or civil partner during
your Test Period continued

About the self-employment of your spouse or civil partner continued

If your spouse or civil partner is no

longer registered as self-employed,
when did they end their self-
employment registration with
HM Revenue & Customs?
What is or was the full name
and address of the business of
your self-employed spouse or
civil partner?

Does your self-employed spouse No

or civil partner have a business Yes What is the web address?

What is the nature of the

business of your self-employed
spouse or civil partner?
Tell us what is or was produced
or sold, or what services are or
were delivered.
We may ask you for more
information about the business
of your self-employed spouse or
civil partner.

We may need to contact your spouse or civil partner about paying Class 2 National Insurance (NI)
contributions. If your spouse or civil partner has not paid enough Class 2 NI contributions to entitle
you to Maternity Allowance, and you do not consent to us contacting them to explain how they can
make the payments, we may not be able to pay you Maternity Allowance.

If you do not wish us to contact

your spouse or civil partner
about your claim for Maternity
Allowance, please tick here.

12 MA1 05/18
Part 8: About periods abroad in your Test Period

Did you spend any time abroad, No Go to Part 9 About other benefits.
other than holidays, in your
Yes See page 12 of the Notes sheet.
Test Period?

During these visits, were you

l employed abroad by an
overseas employer

l employed abroad by a
UK employer

l self-employed abroad

l taking part from abroad in

activities related to the UK
business of your self-employed
spouse or civil partner

l a member of a service
family abroad

l receiving any benefits in a

foreign country

l none of these?

Tick the boxes which apply to you.

Which countries did you spend Country

time in?
From to


From to

If you need to tell us about more than 2 countries,

please use the space in Part 11 Other information

What periods did you pay National From to

Insurance contributions for?
From to

MA1 05/18 13
Part 8: About periods abroad in your Test Period continued

Please give details of your employers while you were abroad.

If you need to tell us about more than two employers, please use the space in Part 11 Other information.

Employer 1 Employer 2
Name and address of the employer


Phone number

Date your employment started

Date your employment stopped

If you still have a contract with your
employer, do not fill this date in.
Payroll, employee, clock or
works number

How often are you normally paid? Weekly 4-weekly Weekly 4-weekly
Fortnightly Monthly Fortnightly Monthly
If other, If other,
how often? how often?

14 MA1 05/18
Part 9: About other benefits

We need to know about any money that you are getting from the Department for Work and Pensions,
any other government department or the Training Agency.
We also need to know about any money that your spouse, civil partner or anyone else is either
l getting for you, or
l getting added to their benefit for you.

This money may make a difference to your Maternity Allowance. Your Maternity Allowance can also
make a difference to the other money that you can get. There is more information about this in
NI17A A guide to Maternity Benefits. You can find the guide on our website. The address is

Are you getting any of these No x

benefits or entitlements? Yes Please tell us about the benefits.
Tick Yes if you are waiting to hear
about a benefit. Name of benefit Reference number, if known.
Even if the benefit or entitlement is
not listed here, tell us about it
anyway. We will contact you if we
need more information.
For example:
l Bereavement benefits
l Carer’s Allowance
l Child Benefit
l Employment and Support
l Incapacity Benefit
l Income Support
l In Work Credit or Return to Work
l Jobseeker’s Allowance
l Pension Credit
l State Pension
l Statutory Adoption Pay (SAP)
l Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP)
l Statutory Sick Pay (SSP)
l Training Allowance
l War Widow’s Pension
l Widow’s Benefit
l Universal Credit
l any other benefits.

If you need to tell us about more

than 6 benefits, please use the
space in Part 11 Other information.

MA1 05/18 15
Part 10: How we pay you

We normally pay your money into an account.

Many banks and building societies will let you collect your money at the post office.
We will tell you when we will make the first payment and how much it will be for.
We will tell you if the amount we pay into the account is going to change.
Finding out how much we have paid into the account
You can check your payments on account statements. The statements may show
your National Insurance (NI) number next to any payments we have made. If you
think a payment is wrong, get in touch with the office that pays you straight away.
If we pay you too much money
If we pay you too much money we have the right to take back any money we pay
that you are not entitled to. This may be because of the way the payment
system works.
For example, you may give us some information which means you are entitled to
less money. Sometimes we may not be able to change the amount we have
already paid you. This means we will have paid you money that you are not
entitled to.
We will contact you before we take back any money.

What to do now
l Tell us about the account you want to use on the next page. By giving us your
account details you
– agree that we will pay you into an account, and
– understand what we have told you above in the section If we pay you
too much money.
l If you are going to open an account, please tell us your account details as soon
as you get them.
l If you do not have an account, please contact us and we will give you
more information.

Fill in the rest of this form. You do not have to wait until you have opened an
account or contacted us.

16 MA1 05/18
Part 10: How we pay you continued
About the account you want to use
l You can use an account in your name, or a joint account.
l You can use someone else’s account if
– the terms and conditions of their account allow this, and
– they agree to let you use their account, and
– you are sure they will use your money in the way you tell them.
l You can use a credit union account. You must tell us the credit union’s account details.
Your credit union will be able to help you with this.
l If you are an appointee or a legal representative acting on behalf of the claimant,
the account should be in your name only.
Please tell us your account details below.
It is very important you fill in all the boxes correctly, including the building society roll or
reference number, if you have one. If you tell us the wrong account details your payment
may be delayed or you may lose money.
You can find the account details on your chequebook or bank statements. If you do not
know the account details, ask the bank or building society.

How often do you want us to x Every 2 weeks

pay your benefit?
Every 4 weeks
Name of the account holder
Please write the name of the account Mohamed Sohel Yasmin Merchant
holder exactly as it is shown on the
chequebook or statement.

Full name of bank or

building society

Sort code
1 1 0 5 6 2
Please tell us all 6 numbers,
for example 12-34-56.

Account number 1 0 8 6 2 5 6 2
Most account numbers are 8 numbers
long. If your account number has
fewer than 10 numbers, please fill in
the numbers from the left.

Building society roll or

reference number
If you are using a building society
account you may need to tell us a
roll or reference number. This may be
made up of letters and numbers, and
may be up to 18 characters long.
If you are not sure if the account has
a roll or reference number, ask the
building society.
You may get other benefits and
entitlements we do not pay into
an account. If you want us to pay
them into the account above,
please tick the box.
MA1 05/18 17
Part 11: Other information

Use this space to tell us anything else you think we might need to know.
If there is not enough space, please use a separate sheet of paper. Make sure you put
your full name and National Insurance (NI) number on each sheet of paper, and sign
and date each sheet that you use.

When my pregnancy was established, my local GP provided me the

Maternity Certificate which I forwarded to my employer's ac-

The accountant accepted the maternity certificate but did not

he did advise that based on my salary level, I will not qualify
for SMP and dint give me SMP1 instead.

Later I discovered form my family friend that I was actually

eligible for maternity allowance which is possible if SMP1 is
submitted is correct order. I reverted back to my accountant
he issued me the SMP1 on 2nd of March. This is the reason why
the process got delayed.

I humbly request yo to consider and accepted the Maternity Al-

lowance form in this instant. I keenly look forward to your ac-

Many thanks in advance.

Mohamed Sohel Yasmin Merchant

NI - SK 201219D

18 MA1 05/18
Part 12: Declaration

The table below tells you which documents you need to send in with your claim.
Please tick the boxes below to show what you are sending to us.

You must send the original, not a x
photocopy of a Maternity Certificate MAT
B1. See page 6 of the Notes sheet.

If you were employed by an employer

in the 15th week before the week your
baby is due and you cannot get Statutory
Maternity Pay
You must send form SMP1. See page 2 of x
the Notes sheet.

If you have worked for an employer

You must send us original payslips for the x
13 weeks you choose. See page 9 of the
Notes sheet.

If you are claiming after the baby is born

You must also send your baby’s birth x
certificate if the date you had your baby is
not on the MAT B1. See page 6 of the Notes
If your baby was stillborn, please send us
the notification of stillbirth or the stillbirth
certificate. See page 6 and page 8 of the
Notes sheet.
If you were not employed or self-
employed, but taking part in activities
related to the business of your self-
employed spouse or civil partner
Please send us your original marriage or
civil partnership certificate, if you have it. Do
not send us a photocopy.
Also –
If you are divorced or your civil
partnership has been dissolved
Please send the original, not a photocopy
of your decree absolute or dissolution of
Civil Partnership formal order.

Please do not send:

l bound documents
l unopened wages
l poor quality wage slips (please obtain duplicates before sending)

If you are sending documents after you have submitted your claim form, attach
a cover note with your name, address and NI number.

MA1 05/18 19
Part 12: Declaration continued

l Check that you have answered all the questions on this form that apply to you.
l Check you are sending us all the documents we have asked for. Use the list on page 19
of this claim form. Your benefit may be delayed if you do not send us all the
documents we need.
l Send your form and documents to the office that deals with your benefit. You can find
out which office deals with your benefit below.
Please keep the MA1 Notes and MA1 Table for your information, do not return them with
your MA1 claim form.

l I declare that the information I have given on this form is correct and complete as far as
I know and believe.
l I understand that if I knowingly give information that is incorrect or incomplete,
my benefit may be stopped and I may be liable to prosecution or other action.
l I understand that I must promptly tell the office that pays my benefit of anything that
may affect my entitlement to, or the amount of, that benefit.
l I agree that
– the Department for Work and Pensions
– any health care professional advising the Department
– any organisation with which the Department has a contract for the provision of
medical services
may ask any of the people or organisations mentioned on this form for any information
which is needed to deal with
– this claim for benefit
– any request for this claim to be looked at again
and that the information may be given to that health care professional or organisation or
to the Department.
l I also understand that the Department may use the information which it has now or
may get in the future to decide whether I am entitled to
– the benefit I am claiming
– any other benefit I have claimed
– any other benefit I may claim or be awarded in the future.
This is my claim for Maternity Allowance.

Do not sign and date this form earlier than the 14th week before
the week your baby is due.

Signature Date


If you have filled in and signed this form for someone

else, please tick here.

20 MA1 05/18
Part 13: What to do now

If you live in England, Scotland or Wales, send your form and documents to:
Wrexham Maternity Allowance
Mail Handling Site A
WV98 1SU

English speakers phone 0800 169 0283

Welsh speakers phone 0800 169 0296
Textphone users with speech
or hearing difficulties use 0800 169 0286

If you are claiming from abroad, send your form and documents to:
International Pension Centre
The Pension Service 11
Mail Handling Site A
WV98 1LW

Phone: 0191 218 7644 (or +44 191 218 7644 when calling from abroad)
Textphone users with speech or hearing difficulties use 0191 218 7280
(or +44 191 218 7280 when calling from abroad)
Fax: 0191 218 7147
Or you can find out more at

If you live in Northern Ireland, get a claim form from:

MA1 05/18 21
Part 14: How the Department for Work and
Pensions collects and uses information

When we collect information about you we may use it for any of our purposes.
These include dealing with:
l social security benefits and allowances
l child support
l employment and training
l financial planning for retirement
l occupational and personal pension schemes.

We may get information about you from others for any of our purposes if the
law allows us to do so. We may also share information with certain other
organisations if the law allows us to.
To find out more about how we use information, visit our website at or contact any of our offices.

Part 15: Our service standards

At Jobcentre Plus we aim to provide a high standard of customer service

at all times. Details of the standard of service you can expect from us can
be found at
For more information please contact Jobcentre Plus.

22 MA1 05/18
Parenting Report SMP1,SPP1,SAP1

This form records the Maternity absences for the employee, and should be given to the employee to
explain any reasons why SMP may not be due.

Employee Employer
Other names YASMIN Address 393 STREATHAM HIGH ROAD
NI Number SK 20 12 19 D STREATHAM
Works No. 31 LONDON

SW16 3PE
Tax Ref. 846 / AZ36369

Key dates
Expected date of birth Sat 02-Jun-2018
Sunday of Expected Week of birth Sun 27-May-2018
Actual Date of birth Fri 08-Jun-2018
11th week before EWB Sun 11-Mar-2018
15th week before EWB Sun 11-Feb-2018
Qualifying week Sun 11-Feb-2018
Intended start of Maternity leave Tue 01-May-2018
Actual start of Maternity leave Tue 01-May-2018
Start of statutary SMP period Tue 01-May-2018

Average Weekly Pay

Saturday of 15th week before birth Sat 17-Feb-2018
End of Set Period Wed 31-Jan-2018 Last pay day before that
Start of Set Period Thu 07-Dec-2017 Back 8 weeks, forward 1 day
For pay days within the set period:
Pay on Wed 31-Jan-2018 389.81
Pay on Sun 31-Dec-2017 429.00
Total for 2 periods 818.81
Weekly Avg=(818.81 / 2) * (12 / 52) = £94.48

Earnings & Rates

Lower Earnings Limit LEL £ 113.00
Average Weekly Pay £ 94.48

No SMP is payable because the Average Weekly Pay is below the LEL

STREATHAM DENTAL PRACTICE Parenting Report SMP1,SPP1,SAP1 11:02 am 04-Mar-2019 Page 1 of 1


Payments Deductions

SALARY 50.00 8.25 412.50 Income Tax 0.00 Earnings for NI 412.50
Total Hourly Pay 412.50 National Insurance 0.00 Gross for Tax 412.50
Total Paym e nts 412.50 Total De ductions 0.00 Total Gross Pay 412.50

Year to Date
Taxable Gross Pay 5,011.89
Income Tax 0.00
Employee NIC 0.00
Employer NIC 0.00

NI Number SK 20 12 19 D (A)

Mt 12 31-Mar-2018 Monthly 1150L 31 Mrs YASMIN MERCHANT 412.50


Payments Deductions

SALARY 43.50 8.25 358.88 Income Tax 0.00 Earnings for NI 358.88
Total Hourly Pay 358.88 National Insurance 0.00 Gross for Tax 358.88
Total Paym e nts 358.88 Total De ductions 0.00 Total Gross Pay 358.88

Year to Date
Taxable Gross Pay 4,599.39
Income Tax 0.00
Employee NIC 0.00
Employer NIC 0.00

NI Number SK 20 12 19 D (A)

Mt 11 28-Feb-2018 Monthly 1150L 31 Mrs YASMIN MERCHANT 358.88


Payments Deductions

SALARY 47.25 8.25 389.81 Income Tax 0.00 Earnings for NI 389.81
Total Hourly Pay 389.81 National Insurance 0.00 Gross for Tax 389.81
Total Paym e nts 389.81 Total De ductions 0.00 Total Gross Pay 389.81

Year to Date
Taxable Gross Pay 4,240.51
Income Tax 0.00
Employee NIC 0.00
Employer NIC 0.00

NI Number SK 20 12 19 D (A)

Mt 10 31-Jan-2018 Monthly 1150L 31 Mrs YASMIN MERCHANT 389.81


Payments Deductions

SALARY 52.00 8.25 429.00 Income Tax 0.00 Earnings for NI 429.00
Total Hourly Pay 429.00 National Insurance 0.00 Gross for Tax 429.00
Total Paym e nts 429.00 Total De ductions 0.00 Total Gross Pay 429.00

Year to Date
Taxable Gross Pay 3,850.70
Income Tax 0.00
Employee NIC 0.00
Employer NIC 0.00

NI Number SK 20 12 19 D (A)

Mt 9 31-Dec-2017 Monthly 1150L 31 Mrs YASMIN MERCHANT 429.00


Payments Deductions

SALARY 29.00 8.25 239.25 Income Tax 0.00 Earnings for NI 239.25
Total Hourly Pay 239.25 National Insurance 0.00 Gross for Tax 239.25
Total Paym e nts 239.25 Total De ductions 0.00 Total Gross Pay 239.25

Year to Date
Taxable Gross Pay 239.25
Income Tax 0.00
Employee NIC 0.00
Employer NIC 0.00

NI Number SK 20 12 19 D (A)

Mt 1 30-Apr-2018 Monthly 1185L 31 Mrs YASMIN MERCHANT 239.25

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