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Talk Your Mind-1

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Am General Reuben Osborne in the U.

S Army originally from North Carolina, lives in

Dallas Texas

I work presently in Damascus Syria on a Peacekeeping Mission authorized by the

United Nations due to the War and Terrorism here

How may I address you and where are you from?

I learnt that your country is such a beautiful and large place with different
culture and creativity

That he people over there are so nice, sincere, honest and truthful also good in
business productivity. Am i right?

How is your day and how is the weather condition over there ?

Nice to know about your weather condition over there, the world is wonderfully made
by God

I came across your profile and i found you attractive and interesting to be friend
with me

I hope you are not offended for banging into your privacy ? We can be good friends
if you don't mind okay

How long have you been using this site and what are your expereince here ?

However, i wanna know if you have encountered chat with any U.S Army or General on
here before ?

Because am aware a lot of U.S Army are on here since is one of the fastest means of
communication they have in where they have been assigned to for service

I have even gotten several request from few since i join facebook so i thought you
might also have experience the same thing

How is the situation of things over there in regards to the economic standard and

Life is precious and I think nation's economy grows as a result of good government
and understanding of the people. What do you think?

Am just new here and I saw your profile and add you so we can be friends, know
more about each other okay
Are you married with kids or a single mom ?

I have being divorced for years now and with a lovely son of 14 years.

I enjoyed being a married man but didn't have much time to enjoy my marriage before
my wife and I got divorced, i have a son of 14 years old

However, am looking forward to a better life in the future if God will bring me my
desire woman that we will both love and cherish each other forever

Life is full of joy and great honor when our expectations come through

My son is studying in the boarding schoool in London. His class Teacher look and
care after him till my Mission here is over

I see family life important because everyone needs to establish a home and have
lovely children

So what do you do for a living to overcome the economical expenses and for your
kids ?

There is a saying that it is difficult to find a prominent personnel of high

principles which are responsible online regards to good friendship

I will appreciate us being good friends in sincerity, honesty and trust although we
just knew each other

We can share ideas and discuss issues as we talk more about ourselves and as time
goes on there may be something great for us in the future. What do you say?

Although we just met, with the step of trust and willingness to begin this
friendship okay

I believe you are so much concern about the U.S Army and i really do appreciate for
being nice and sincere. With the step of trust and willingness to begin this
friendship okay

It will be very nice of you leaving me with your email address so that i can used
in texting you when we both are busy because i often use the app for communication

Can we try a text message i will want to send an email to your mail box now please
if you receieves it type yes as a reply to me.
Ok i just sent you an email to your mail box please type a yes back to me.

Ok i got it here it's really fast heheheh

Please if you don't mind, can I ask you for few of your photos. I hope you don't
mind sending me about 2 of your photos ?

You are looking younger than your age my dear. You are so beautiful and charming,
you look like 35 years old. what's the secret of your beauty ?

Am still watching your photos because I like your style of dressing and to be
sincere, your beauty has captivated my soul and your charming eyes has captured my
heart. In a nutshell, you actually look amazing and my head is going whiskey right

We seem to have an interesting conversation and I hope for our communication to

lead to a fruitful end, don't you wish so too?

What are your hobbies, interest, life style, religion and your plans for life in
the future ?

Well, my hobbies are camping, fishing, swimming, watching TV, listening to music,
country songs to be precised, going to beach and traveling. I also love to play
golf, I am a Roman Catholic Christian by Religion

My plans for life in the future is to find a good and honest woman like you dear,
that we can both love and cherish each other and then settled down with a
profitable business after my mission here, retirement or before retirement from the

What are your favorite food ? My favorite foods are Pickgo, Vegitable, Pizza,
Salad, Rice, Fish, meat and Vegetable

Besides love, what one trait have you noticed in couples that have maintained a
successful relationship for many years ?

Good communication is very much a part of it but also acceptance of each others
faults and looking beyond them with much love

The most vital thing in a relationship is Trust and willingness

What have you learn't from past relationships?

I haven't had all that many previous relationships. But I have learned a few things
along the way. Take your time and get to know one another.

Listen carefully. Don't make assumptions. Words can wound, use them carefully.

Words are important, actions are more important and more revealing of a person's
heart and character. Meet each other's friends
and family early on. Honesty is not optional

Trust is essential, We are all individuals and we are all different. Communication
is key to building, maintaining a healthy relationship. Good communication can be
hard work. The Lord has to be at the center of the relationship

What is the one dream for your life you most look forward to having come through?

I want just to continue waking up everyday with a big smile, and everyday being
helpful to at least one person and a hindrance to no one

Thank you very much for your

nice and honest chat with me, I really do enjoy your accompany, however nice to
meet you once again, we will chat some more better time again

Am going to send you an email later, tell you more about myself also with some of
my photos and my son

And i want you to get back to me as soon as you read my email Okay ?

Alright dear, it was really nice chatting with you and once more, it's absolutely
my pleasure to chat with you


Hello my good friend

How are you doing today, I hope everything is fine?

I missed chatting with you,what is your mood today ?

I guess you're at home now, am I right?

It's such a good feeling to realize that I have you in my life and am pleased as we
chat with each other again

I just wish we are together right now, having this conversation face to face but
never the less, it's just a matter of time for us to find out if we are compatible
with each other. So how is the weather condition there?

That's interesting... How are your children?

My regards to them and your siblings


We have left the past behind us and I think all we need to do is to focus on the
future because I believe that the future is more important than the past, do you
think the same?

I understand all that you have told me about yourself and I promise not to go
against your views about life, I have found so much joy in our mutual

Am really glad that I met you, am not here for endless online conversations because
I will like to meet you as soon as i my Mission here is oveer. Don't you wish to
meet with me someday ?

My priority in life is to settle down with the right woman and share wonderful
moments together and forever.

What about you, what is your priority..?

I hope my questions are not harsh to you?

I pray for both of our dreams to come true

In a relationship I seek for Love, sincerity, mutual understanding and happy

moments. What do you seek for in a relationship?

If you guarantee me this things then I believe that we'll be happy together and
forever like the best couple in the world

I still don't forget your beautiful face since I saw your photos you send to me.
Your photo is in my head

Why you choose to remain single without a man in your life ?

The truth is that, it's difficult to find the right one this days especially with
the case of men who are single searching for a woman.

Most woman this days are not faithful i mean the young ones who don't know more
about a marriage life.

Am really searching for a matured God fearing woman, caring, faithful, trusted and
honest lady who will be my wife and a mother to my lovely son Harry

What about you, what kind of a man will you love to meet?

It's will be easy to fine men who are honest and caring this days because most men
are searching for the perfect woman to marry but in the other hand am searching for
the imperfect woman to love and care for perfectly.

Are you a jealous woman?

Am filled of jealousy,i will not love to see my wife hanging around with another
man. Although people do say jealousy does not matter in a relationship but i see it
to as my first point because it makes me secure my relationship and family

Have you been to the USA before ?

I have travelled to over 15 countries in the world whice are Canada, Brazil,
France, Isreal,Western African, Germany, United kingdom, Afghanistan, Poland,
Italy, Pakistan, Poland, Greece, Denmark and Damascus of Syria

Can we do some exchange of photos here ?

Wow! beautiful they say is in the eyes of the beholder. You are really beautiful,
what a beautiful eyes going together with your smiles

What is your free time here ?

So we can always keep in touch with each others

What is it by your time now?

here is :______________

Your time is ahead of me.

Am ahead of you.

Tell me about your children?

Are they living with you?

Do you love roses?

Yes i love white and red roses. i have a rose garden in the USA it's a beautiful
Do you have your own house in your country?

What kind of house?

Yes i have 2 beautiful castle in USA with swimming pool and wide foot ball fied

How do you feel all this years leaving without a man in your life?

I feel empty, i think love is dead, never have feelings for love since i got
divorced with my wife, until i saw two Birds one week ago caring for themselfs,
then i realize love is all about life

Which i can meet the woman of my life now so i give her my heart, soul and whole

Am ready to spend my whole life with my woman in any part of the world.

Have you been in any relationship since your previous marriage ?

I have never been in any because i have been so busy with my work and my son Harry

I will love to see you here on Cam but it's highly risky here. I was warned by the
Commanding General here

Calls are not allowed here due to security reasons, It's against the Military
Protocols for any Army to use Webcam in War Zone since Captain Kelvin Robert Bruce
was killed during Webcam chat with his wife 2012.

Therefore all our Webcam has been disconnected by the UNSA (United Nation security

The only call access we have here are Land line and Radio message communication
which is for our Major General use only and is being monitored

Here is a link of what happened during a Webcam call in the War Zone in Afghanistan

I have good web camera here,but it's block,i can only see you but you will not be
able to see me.

But i assure you that you will see me as soon i travel to the city of Damascus some
of this days okay
Will you allow me see your beautiful smiles?

ok i see you now ,you are really an Angel without wings?

I see you are a good and honest woman who is ready to settle and love the man of
your life with your whole heart.

If i give you my heart will you play and dance with it?

Just asking because i will be a good keeper to a heart of yours if given to me

What can you define a simple love as?

I see love as a place were we share one thought, have good communication, move slow
and fast holding our hands thight together

Love is not love until one heart is ready to love, trust being honest to give and
accept without no doubt


Hello my darling, how are you today?

I have developed the habit of thinking about you, so how has your day been? I hope
all is well?

You have now become a great part of my life, my heart is glad to have you and my
soul rejoices too

My dear, would you like to work in America?

There are a lot of favorable and comfortable jobs in america but like i said
before, I will to build a hospital in America as soon as my Mission here is over

And I intend to run it with my wife. As destiny may have it, if you become my wife,
I hope you will be delighted to take the reponsibilty to run the hospital with me?

Do you have any nursing or hospitality experience?

Do you like dance, can you dance

As for me, I also healthy and fit. I like listening to music, although am not a
good dancer but I like dancing when am happy. How about you?
it's cool listening to nice music, sometimes it can be inspirational, it also
softens the spirit.

so tell me, what other things do you enjoy doing ?

I see! if I'm not mistaken, i think we have almost the same interest, it's such a
great feeling and I believe that by sharing all these features in commom we will be
able to understand each others feelings and respect each others decision

I really miss you, I had a busy day, but the thought of you has helped me to calm

I see! I wish I'm there with you right now, how is the weather there today?

It's my pleasure to have you in my life, my heart is so grateful to have you

And I will be proud of you as my wife, if everything eventually works out with the
wishes and efforts of both our hearts

I have a question to ask you and I want you to be sincere with me. Have you ever
thought of our future?

So now, am asking you, what do you think about our future together?

The feelings I have for you is not just ordinary, am old enough to realize that
I've developed a very special and unique feelings towards you both when I think of
you and when I chat with you

You are precious to my heart, you deserve never to be hurt, you deserve all the
good things of life and you deserve to be treated by a nice man who will give you
full respect as his wife, My heart desires your presence so much

Even when am busy, I still think of you and I pray for the angels to guide you

I promise to always make you happy and contented with my love, My desire is to high
to be with you and take care of you

Destiny has brought us together, I promise to love, honor and cherish you for the
rest of my life

All I need from you is your prayers and best wishes for me while am still here in
the War Zone okay


Love means making the other happy, even from a distance. Don't measure the
distance; measure my love. Distance does not matter if two hearts are loyal to one

Distance between two hearts is not an obstacle rather a great reminder of just how
strong true love can be.No matter the distance between our hearts, To truly love
something, If it survives, it is going to be stronger than ever. Distance is pure
proof of this, It's not the distance that counts, it's the love.Love knows no
boundaries, no distance, no fear. What captures is the God's love that will
eternally melt hearts together to stay, fused and sealed forever as one. Love has
its way and new life has begun.

contrary to what the cynics say, distance is not for the fearful, it is for the
bold. It's for those who are willing to spend a lot of time alone in exchange for a
little time with the one they love. It's for those knowing a good thing when they
see it, even if they don't see it nearly enough If someone truly loves you,
distance is not a problem. It's just the power of making love grow each day.

The distance between us is only as far apart as our hearts will let it be.. So, to
me there is no distance, for we share each others' hearts, from mine to yours and
from yours to mine.There is no long distance about love, it always finds a way to
bring hearts together no matter how many miles there are between them.

True love does not worry about the distance between, for the heart and soul travels
through one's words Distance doesn't matter if you really love the person, what
matters most is your honesty and trust for that relationship to work out.If it is
really love, you can see yourself standing in their eyes, part of the abstinence
that is worth dying for..

If you long for that recognition that will not part by distance, in time your dream
will be replied. Distance is just a test to see how far love can travel. Distance,
it is a test of love, many will fail, but for those who can withstand it have the
answer: true love. All quality items must be tested to ensure promised high
standards for the customers


Since you came into my life, I have been very happy, I think about you all the
time, i want to be with you soon and forever.

Honey, I missed you so much, I feel like holding you now

your words really touch me and I feel so worried that you are lonely there. I
cannot wait for us to be together forever, so that i can take good care of you. all
i want is your love, I promise that I will not break your heart if you give your
love to me. do you also promise not to break my heart if I give my love to you?

Am short of words and I feel like a teenager now falling in love again. I promise
to protect you, cherish you, take good care of you, honor you, love you forever and
to always give you the attention that you deserve for the rest of our lives.

I strongly beleive that I have found the best and most wonderful darling in the
whole wide world. You have really touched my life in so many ways because you
brought back joy into my heart. I will never treat you wrong and give all the
things that you deserve in life.

Before now, my son Harry was the gratest part of my life, but now it's so amazing
that you are also a greater part of my life. Am overwhelmed with joy and these days
my colleagues have also noticed the recent happiness all over me. A million words
is too small to express the how greatful I am to God for putting you in my life. I
pray to him to also unite us as husband and wife, am willing to share my joy,
happiness and future with you

You are the star that brightens my life, your care and good thoughts for me warms
my heart

I have become fond of thinking about you all the time, you have captured every bit
of my love towards you and I want to be with you forever

Even though we are apart but our heart and soul is very close to each other.

I can no longer live without thinking of you, I believe our love will last forever
because you are my heart and my soul, you are my rain and sunshine

I want to know the scent of your hair and I can't wait for us to go shopping

Your love is my strenght. I want to know the taste of your kiss, I want to hug and
kiss you gently and passionately.

I think of so many good and happy moments that we will spend together in the future
and it makes me happy. I have so much comfort in you

I want to drink coffee with you, I want to hold your hand and walk by the beach
with you.

I want to sleep next to you as I want to always cover you with my arms and then
wake up beside you every morning to give you a morning kiss and look into your
charming eyes

Nothing can be compared to you because my heart treasures you more than anything.

I miss you every second, every minute and every hour and every day, you are
precious to my heart, I love you.
The bond we share is very strong, I cannot wait to be with you for the rest of my

You posses all the true qualities I seek in a woman, am proud to have you in my

Nothing can come in between us because the bond that we share is strong and am
giving you my word that I will always love, cherish, respect and protect you.

Thank you so much and nothing will ever stop me from being with you, I accept you
children into my heart and promise to give them equal treatment that i give to my

how often would you like to have sex?

Even if we loose everything we own but there's something we won't lose... We won't
loose each other because we were made for each other, I will always be there for
you because your joy and happiness matters most to me.

our relationship was sweet when it was new, it was sweeter when it was true and now
it's the sweetest as we love each other

Even if I decide to search all over again, I know I will never find anyone as
precious as you are

As we grow older together, as we continue to change with age, there is one thing
that will never change. I will always keep falling in love with you my sweetheart!

I will be the man that will love you and cherish you forever, I will be the man
that will bring joy into your life, I will be the man that will wipe away your
tears and sorrow from your life

And show you the beauty about life, I will be the man to love you till end of time
and I'll be the man to honor and protect you. Above all, I'll be the only man that
will love for whom you're forever.

when it come to my thoughts about our future, I see a very bright and woderful
couple in us. Our respect for each other matters a lot but I know that everything
will be fine between us.

so how many european countries have you been too?

I have in mind to visit Italy, Scotland, and switzerland some day in the future and
I would definitely wish you to be with me all along. You're currently the reason
that I will be in spain and I really feel good about it.

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