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Cse IV Graph Theory and Combinatorics 10cs42 Notes

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Graph Theory and Combinatorics 10CS42


Sub code:10CS42 IA Marks:25
Hours/Week:04 Exam hours:03
Total hours:52 Exam marks:100


Introduction to Graph Theory: Definition and Examples Subgraphs Complements, and Graph
Isomorphism Vertex Degree, Euler Trails and Circuits.

Introduction the Graph Theory Contd.: Planner Graphs, Hamiloton Paths and Cycles, Graph Colouring
and Chromatic Polynomials.

Trees : definition, properties and examples, rooted trees, trees and sorting, weighted trees and prefix

Optimization and Matching: Dijkstra’s Shortest Path Algorithm, Minimal Spanning Trees – The
algorithms of Kruskal and Prim, Transport Networks – Max-flow, Min-cut Theorem, Matching Theory

Fundamental Principles of Counting: The Rules of Sum and Product, Permutations, Combinations – The
Binomial Theorem, Combinations with Repetition, The Catalon Numbers

The Principle of Inclusion and Exclusion: The Principle of Inclusion and Exclusion, Generalizations of
the Principle, Derangements – Nothing is in its Right Place, Rook Polynomials


Generating Functions: Introductory Examples, Definition and Examples – Calculational Techniques,

Partitions of Integers, The Exponential Generating Function, The Summation Operator

Recurrence Relations: First Order Linear Recurrence Relation, The Second Order Linear Homogeneous
Recurrence Relation with Constant Coefficients, The Non-homogeneous Recurrence Relation, The
Method of Generating Functions

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Graph Theory and Combinatorics 10CS42

Table Contents

SI NO Contents Page No

1 Introduction to Graph Theory 3-36

2 Introduction to Graph Theory Continued 37-70

3 Trees 71-83

4 Optimization and Matching

c 84-99
5 Fundamental Principles of Counting 100-137

6 The Principle of Inclusion and Exclusion 138-153


7 Generating Functions 154-190

8 Recurrence Relations 191-216


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This topic is about a branch of discrete mathematics called graph theory. Discrete mathematics –
the study of discrete structure (usually finite collections) and their properties include combinatorics (the
study of combination and enumeration of objects) algorithms for computing properties of collections of

objects, and graph theory (the study of objects and their relations).
Many problem in discrete mathematics can be stated and solved using graph theory therefore
graph theory is considered by many to be one of the most important and vibrant fields within discrete

Many problem in discrete mathematics can be stated and solved using graph theory therefore graph
theory is considered by many to be one of the most important and vibrant fields within discrete

It is no coincidence that graph theory has been independently discovered many times, since it
may quite properly be regarded as an area of applied mathematics .Indeed the earliest recorded mention
of the subject occurs in the works of Euler, and although the original problem he was considering might
be regarded as a some what frivolous puzzle, it did arise from the physical world.
Kirchhoff’s investigations of electric network led to his development of the basic concepts and
theorems concerning trees in graphs. While Cayley considered trees arising from the enumeration of
organic chemical isomer’s. Another puzzle approach to graphs was proposed by Hamilton. After this,
the celebrated four color conjecture came into prominence and has been notorious ever since. In the
present century, there have already been a great many rediscoveries of graph theory which we can only
mention most briefly in this chronological account.

The best way to illustrate the utility of graphs is via a “cook’s tour” of several simple problem
that can be stated and solved via graph theory. Graph theory has many practical applications in various
disciplines including, to name a few, biology, computer science, economics, engineering, informatics,
linguistics, mathematics, medicine, and social science, (As will become evident after reading this
chapter) graphs are excellent modeling tools, we now look at several classic problems.

We begin with the bridges of Konigsberg. This problem has a historical significance, as it was
the first problem to be stated and then solved using what is now known as graph theory. Leonard euler
fathered graph theory in 1973 when his general solution to such problems was published euler not only
solved this particular problem but more importantly introduced the terminology for graph theory.


Euler (1707-- 1782) became the father of graph theory as well as topology when in 1736 he
settled a famous unsolved problem of his day called the Konigsberg bridge problem. The city of

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Konigsberg was located on the Pregel river in Prussia, the city occupied two island plus areas on both
banks. These region were linked by seven bridges as shown in fig(1.1).
The problem was to begin at any of the four land areas, walk across each bridge exactly once and
return to the starting point one can easily try to solve this problem empirically but all attempts must be
unsuccessful, for the tremendous contribution of Euler in this case was negative.
In proving that the problem is unsolvable, Euler replaced each land area by a point and each
bridge by a line joining the corresponding points these by producing a “graph” this graph is shown in

fig(1.2) where the points are labeled to correspond to the four land areas of fig(1.1) showing that the
problem is unsolvable is equivalent to showing that the graph of fig(1.2) cannot be traversed in a certain

In proving that the problem is unsolvable, Euler replaced each land area by a point and each bridge by a
line joining the corresponding points these by producing a “graph” this graph is shown in fig(1.2) where
the points are labeled to correspond to the four land areas of fig(1.1) showing that the problem is

unsolvable is equivalent to showing that the graph of fig(1.2) cannot be traversed in a certain way.

Figure1.1: A park in Konigsberg 1736

Figure1.2: The Graph of the Konigsberg bridge problem

Rather than treating this specific situation, Euler generalized the problem and developed a

criterion for a given graph to be so traversable; namely that it is connected and every point is incident
with an even number of lines. While the graph in fig(1.2) is connected, not every point incident with an
even number of lines.

Kirchhoffs developed the theory of trees in 1847 in order to solve the system of simultaneous
linear equations linear equations which gives the current in each branch and around each circuit of an
electric network..
Although a physicist he thought like a mathematician when he abstracted an electric network
with its resistances, condensers, inductances, etc, and replaced it by its corresponding combinatorial
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structure consisting only of points and lines without any indication of the type of electrical element
represented by individual lines. Thus, in effect, Kirchhoff replaced each electrical network by its
underlying graph and showed that it is not necessary to consider every cycle in the graph of an electric
network separating in order to solve the system of equation.
Instead, he pointed out by a simple but powerful construction, which has since became
std procedure, that the independent cycles of a graph determined by any of its “spanning trees” will
suffice. A contrived electrical network N, its underlying graph G, and a spanning tree T are shown in



Fig (1.3)- A network N, its underlying graph G, and a spanning tree T


These are three houses fig(1.4) H1, H2, and H3, each to be connected to each of the three utilities

water(w), gas(G), and electricity(E)- by means of conduits, is it possible to make such connection
without any crossovers of the conduits?

H1 H2 H3


Fig(1.4)- three – utilities problem

Fig(1.4) shows how this problem can be represented by a graph – the conduits are shown as edges while
the houses and utility supply centers are vertices


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Nine members of a new club meet each day for lunch at a round table they decide to sit such that
every members has different neighbors at each lunch

Fig(1.5) – Arrangements at a dinner table
How many days can this arrangement lost?

This situation can be represented by a graph with nine vertices such that each vertex represent a
member, and an edge joining two vertices represents the relationship of sitting next to each other.
Fig(1.5) shows two possible seating arrangement – these are 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 (solid lines), and 1 3 5 2

7 4 9 6 8 1 (dashed lines) it can be shown by graph – theoretic considerations that there are only two
more arrangement possible. They are 1 5 7 3 9 2 8 4 6 1 and 1 7 9 5 8 3 6 2 4 1. In general it can be
shown that for n people the number of such possible arrangements is (n-1)/2, if n is odd. (n-2)/2, if n is
A linear graph (or simply a graph) G = (V,E) consists of a set of objects V = {v1, v2,…..} called
vertices, and another set E = {e1, e2,…..} whose elements are called edges, such that each edge ek is
identified with an unordered pair (vi , vj) of vertices. The vertices vi , vj associated with edge ek are
called the end vertices of ek . The most common representation of a graph is by means of a diagram, in
which the vertices are represented as points and each edge as a line segment joining its end vertices
The object shown in fig (a)
The Object Shown in Fig.(a)

V1 e3 V2

e5 e4 e2 V5

V3 e6 V4
Fig (a) – Graph with five vertices and seven edges
Observe that this definition permits an edge to be associated with a vertex pair (vi , vj) such an
edge having the same vertex as both its end vertices is called a self-loop. Edge e1 in fig (a) is a self-loop.
Also note that the definition allows more one edge associated with a given pair of vertices, for example,
edges e4 and e5 in fig (a), such edges are referred to as ‘parallel edges’. A graph that has neither self-
loops nor parallel edges is called a ‘simple graph’.

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Although in our definition of a graph neither the vertex set V nor the edge set E need be finite, in
most of the theory and almost all application these sets are finite. A graph with a finite number of
vertices as well as a finite number of edge is called a ‘finite graph’: otherwise it is an infinite graph.
The graphs in fig (a), (1.2), are all examples of finite graphs. Portions of two infinite graphs are shown


Fig(1.6) – Portion of two infinite graphs

When a vertex vi is an end vertex of same edge ej , vi and ej are said to be incident with (on or
to) each other. In fig (a), for examples, edges e2, e6 and e7 are incident with vertex v4. Two nonparallel
edges are said to be adjacent if there are incident on a common vertex. For example, e2 and e7 in fig (a)
are adjacent. Similarly, two vertices are said to be adjacent if they are the end vertices of the same edge
in fig (a), v4 and v5 are adjacent, but v1 and v4 are not.
The number of edges incident on a vertex vi , with self-loops counted twice, is called the degree,
d (vi), of vertex vi , in fig (a) for example d(v1) = d(v2) = d(v3) = 3, d(v2) = 4 and d(v5) = 1. The degree
of a vertex is same times also referred to as its valency.

Let us now considered a graph G with e edges and n vertices v1, v2 ,… since each edge
contributes two degrees
The sum of the degrees of all vertices in G is twice the number of edges in G that is

¦ d (v )
i 2e    (1.1)

i 1

Taking fig (a) as an example, once more d(v1) + d(v2) + d(v3) + d(v4) + d(v5) = 3 + 4 + 3 + 3 + 1
= 14 = twice the number of edges.
From equation (1.1) we shall derive the following interesting result.

“The number of vertices of odd degree in a graph is always even”.
Proof : If we consider the vertices with odd and even degree separately, the quantity in the left
side of equation (1.1) can be expressed as the sum of two sum, each taken over vertices of even and odd
degree respectively, as follows.
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¦ d (v ) ¦ d (vj )  ¦ d (v )    (1.2)
i 1
even odd

Since the left hand side in equation (1.2) is even, and the first expression on the right hand side is
even (being a sum of even numbers), the second expression must also be even

¦ d (v ) k an  even  number    (1.3)


Because in equation (1.3) each d(vk) is odd, the total number of terms in the sum must be even to
make the sum an even number. Hence the theorem.
A graph in which all vertices are of equal degree is called a ‘regular graph’ (or simply a


● V ● V3

V1 ●


● V4

Fig(1.7) – Graph containing isolated vertices, series edges, and a pendent vertex.
A vertex having no incident edge is called an ‘isolated vertex’. In other words, isolated vertices
are vertices with zero degree. Vertices v4 and v7 in fig(1.7), for example, are isolated vertices a vertex of
degree one is called a pendent vertex or an end vertex v3 in fig(1.7) is a pendent vertex. Two adjacent
edges are said to be in series if their common vertex is of degree two in fig(1.7), the two edges incident

on v1 are in series.
In the definition of a graph G = (V,E), it is possible for the edge set E to be empty. Such a graph ,
without any edges is called a ‘null graph’. In other words, every vertex in a null graph is an isolated
vertex. A null graph of six vertices is shown in fig (1.8). Although the edge set E may empty the vertex
set V must not be empty; otherwise there is no graph. In other words, by definition, a graph must have

atleast one vertex


V2 V3 V4 V5


Fig 1.8: Null graph of Six Vertices


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As mentioned before, graph theory was born in 1736 with Euler’s paper in which he solved
Konigsberg bridge problem. For the next 100 years nothing more was done in the field.
In 1847,G.R.Kirchhoff (1824-1887) developed the theory of trees for their applications in
Electrical network. Ten years later, A. Cayley (1821-1895) discovered trees while he was trying to
enumerate the isomers of saturated hydrocarbons CnH2n+2.
About the time of Kirchhoff and Cayley,two other milestones in graph theory were laid. One was
the four-color conjecture, which states that four colors are sufficient for coloring any atlas(a map on a

plane)such that the countries with common boundaries have different colors.
It is believed that A.F. Mobius (1790-1868) first presented four-color problem in one of his
lectures in 1840.

About 10 years later A.De Morgan( 1806-1871) discussed this problem with his fellow
mathematicians in London.De Morgan’s letter is the first authenticated reference to the four-color
problem.The problem became well known after Cayley published it in 1879 in the first volume of the

Proceedings of the Royal Geographic Society .To this day ,the four-color conjecture is by far the
most famous unsolved problem in Graph theory. It has stimulated an enormous of research in the field.
The other milestone is due to Sir W.R. Hamilton (1805-1865). In the year 1859,he invented a
puzzle and sold it for 25 guineas to a game manufacturer in Dublin. The puzzle consisted of a wooden
,regular Dodecahedron (A polyhedron with 12 faces and 20 corners, each face being a regular pentagon
and three edges meeting at each corner). The corners were marked with the names of 20 important cities;
London, Newyork, Delhi, Paris and so on .The object in the puzzle was to find a route along the edges of
the Dodecahedron, passing through each of the 20 cities exactly once.
Although the solution of this specific problem is easy to obtain, to date no one has found a
necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of such a route (called Hamiltonian circuit) in an
arbitrary graph.
This fertile period was followed by half a century of relative inactivity. Then a resurgence of
interest in graphs started during the 1920’s.One of the pioneers in this period was D. Konig. He

organized the work of other mathematicians and his own and wrote the first book on the subject which
was published in 1936.
The past 30 years has been a period of intense activity in graph theory both pure and applied. A
great deal of research has been done and is being done in this area. Thousands of papers have been
published and more than hundred of books written during the past decade. Among the current leaders

in the field are Claude Berg, Oystein Ore, Paul Erdos, William Tutte and Frank Harary.
Look at the diagram shown below. This diagram consists of four vertices A,B,C,D and three
edges AB,CD,CA with directions attached to them .The directions being indicated by arrows.


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Because of attaching directions to the edges, the edge AB has to be interpreted as an edge from
the vertex A to the vertex B and it cannot be written as BA. Similarly the edge CD is from C to D and
cannot be written as DC and the edge CA is from C to A and cannot be written as AC .Thus here the
edges AB, CD, CA are directed edges.
The directed edge AB is determined by the vertices A and B in that order and may therefore be
represented by the ordered pair (A,B). similarly, the directed edge CD and CA may be represented by

the ordered pair(C,D) and (C,A) respectively. Thus the diagram in fig(1.1) consists of a nonempty set of
vertices, namely {A,B,C,D} and a set of directed edges represented by ordered pairs
{(A,B),(C,D),(C,A) }.Such a diagram is called a diagram of a directed graph.

A directed graph (or digraph) is a pair (V,E), where V is a non empty set and E is a set of ordered

pairs of elements taken from the set V.
For a directed graph (V, E), the elements of V are called Vertices (points or nodes) and the
elements of E are called “Directed Edges”. The set V is called the vertex set and the set E is called the
directed edge set
The directed graph (V,E) is also denoted
by D=(V,E) or D =D(V,E).
The geometrical figure that depicts a directed graph for which the vertex set is
V={A,B,C,D} and the edge set is


Fig(1.2) depicts the directed graph for which the

vertex set is V={A,B,C,D} and the edge set is

It has to be mentioned that in a diagram of a directed graph the directed edges need not be
straight line segments, they can be curve lines (arcs )Also.
For example, a directed edge AB of a directed graph can be represented by an arbitrary arc
drawn from the vertex A to the vertex B as shown in fig(1.3).

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In fig (1.1) every directed edge of a digraph (directed graph) is determined by two vertices of the
diagraph- a vertex from which it begins and a vertex at which it ends. Thus ,if AB is a directed edge of a
digraph D. Then it is understood that this directed edge begins at the vertex A of D and terminates at the

vertex B of D. Here we say that A is the initial vertex and B is the terminal vertex of AB.

It should be mentioned that for a directed edge (in a digraph) the initial vertex and the terminal
vertex need not be different. A directed edge beginning and ending at the same vertex A is denoted by
AA or (A,A) and is called directed loop. The directed edge shown in Fig.(1.4) is a directed loop which
begins and ends at the vertex A.

A digraph can have more than one directed edge having the same initial vertex and the same
terminal vertex. Two directed edges having the same initial vertex and the same terminal vertex are
called parallel directed edges.
Two parallel directed edges are shown in fig(1.5)(a).



Two or more directed edges having the same initial vertex and the same terminal vertex are
called “multiple directed edges”. Three multiple edges are shown in fig(1.5)(b).
If V is the vertex of a digraph D, the number of edges for which V is the initial vertex is called
the outgoing degree or the out degree of V and the number of edges for which V is the terminal vertex

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is called the incoming degree or the in degree of V. The out degree of V is denoted by d+ (v) or o d (v)
and the in degree of V is denoted by d- (v) or i d (v).
It follows that
i. d+ (v) =0, if V is a sink
ii. d- (v) =0, if V is a source
iii. d+ (v) = d- (v) = 0, if V is an isolated vertex.
For the digraph shown in fig(1.6) the out degrees and the in degrees of the vertices are as given

V1 V2


V6 V5
d (v1) = 2 d- (V1) = 1
d+ (v2) = 1 d- (v2) = 3
d+ (v3) = 1 d- (v3) = 2
d+ (v4) = 0 c d- (v4) = 0
d+ (v5) = 2 d- (v5) = 1
d+ (v6) = 2 d- (v6) = 1
We note that ,in the above digraph, there is a directed loop at the vertex v3 and this loop
contributes a count 1 to each of d+ (v3) and d- (v3) .
We further observe that the above digraph has 6 vertices and 8 edges and the sums of the out-
degrees and in-degrees of its vertices are
6 6

¦ d  (v j ) 8, ¦d 
(vi ) 8

i 1 i 1

Example 1: Find the in- degrees and the out-degrees of the vertices of the digraph shown in fig (1.8)

V1 V2

V6 V7



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The given digraph has 7 vertices and 12 directed edges. The out-degree of a vertex is got by
counting the number of edges that go out of the vertex and the in-degree of a vertex is got by counting
the number of edges that end at the vertex. Thus we obtain the following data

Vertex V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7

Out-degree 4 2 2 1 3 0 0

In-degree 0 1 2 2 1 2 4

This table gives the out-degrees and in-degrees of all the vertices. We note that v1 is a source and v6
and v7 are sinks.
We also check that sum of out-degrees = sum of in – degrees = 12 = No of edges.

Example 2:Write down the vertex set and the directed edge set of each of the following digraphs.

c (i)

V1 V2



Fig. (ii)
Solution of graph (i) & (ii):
i) This is a digraph whose vertex set is
V={A,B,C} and the directed edge set
ii) This is a digraph whose vertex set is
V={V1,V2,V3, V4} and the directed edge set
E={( V1,V2),( V1,V3),( V1,V3),
( V2,V3),( V3,V2) ),( V3,V4) ,(V4,V4)}.
Example 3: For the digraph shown in fig, determine the out-degrees and in-degrees of all the vertices

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V1 V2
Graph Theory and Combinatorics 10CS42


V6 V5 V4

Solution: d (V1) =0, d (v2) = 3,d (v3) =0, d (v4) = 0,d (v5) = 1,d- (v6) = 1
- - - - -

d+ (v1) = 2 ,d+ (v2) = 0, d+ (v3) = 1,d+ (v4) = 0 ,d+ (v5) = 1, d+ (v6) = 1
Example 4: Let D be the digraph whose vertex set
V={V1,V2,V3, V4 ,V5 } and the directed edge set is

E ={( V1,V4),( V2,V3), (V3,V5),(V4,V2),(V4,V4),(V4,V5),(V5,V1)}.
Write down a diagram of D and indicate the out-degrees and in-degrees of all the vertices



vertices V1 V2 V3 V4 V5

D+ 1 1 1 3 1

d- 1 1 1 2 2

A graph which does not contain loops and multiple edges is called simple graph.

Fig. Simple Graph

A graph which does not contain loop is called loop free graph.

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A graph which contain multiple edges but no loops is called multigraph.

Fig. Multigraph


A graph which contains multiple edges or loops (or both) is called general graph.

V1 e1 V2
e2 e3
e6 e4

c V3
A simple graph of order ≥ 2 in which there is an edge between every pair of vertices is called a
complete graph (or a full graph).
In other words a complete graph is a simple graph in which every pair of distinct vertices are

A complete graph with n ≥ 2 vertices is denoted by Kn .

A complete graph with 2,3,4,5 vertices are shown in fig (1.9)(a) to (1.9)(d) respectively. Of
these complete graphs ,the complete graph with 5 vertices namely K5(shown in fig.1.9 (d),is of great
importance. This graph is called the Kuratowski’s first graph


(a) : K2 (b) : K3 (c) : K4 (d) : K5

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Suppose a simple graph G is such that its vertex set V is the union of two of its mutually disjoint
non-empty subsets V1 and V2 which are such that each edge in G joins a vertex inV1 and a vertex
inV2.Then G is called a bipartite graph. If E is the edge set of this graph, the graph is denoted by G =
(V1, V2: E), or G = G(V1, V2: E). The sets V1and V2 are called bipartites (or partitions) of the vertex set

o m
Fig. (1.10)
For example, consider the graph G in fig(1.10) for which the vertex set is
V={A,B,C,P,Q,R,S} and the edge set is
E= {AP,AQ,AR,BR,CQ,CS}. Note that the set V is the union of two of its subsets V1={ A,B,C} and
V2={P,Q,R,S} which are such that
i) V1 and V2 are disjoint.
ii) Every edge in G joins a vertex in V1 and a vertex in V2.
iii) G contains no edge that joins two vertices both of which are in V1 or V2. This graph is a bipartite
graph with V1={ A,B,C} and V2={P,Q,R,S} as bipartites.


A bipartite graph G= {V1, V2 ; E} is called a complete bipartite graph, if there is an edge

between every vertex in V1 and every vertex in V2 .

The bipartite graph shown in fig (1.10) is not a complete bipartite graph. Observe for example
that the graph does not contain an edge joining A and S.
A complete bipartite graph G={ V1, V2 ; E} in which the bipartites V1and V2 contain r and s

vertices respectively, with r d s is denoted by Kr,s .In this graph each of r vertices in V= is joined to each
of s vertices in V2 .Thus Kr,s has r+ s vertices and rs edges. That is Kr,s is of order r+s and size rs. It is
therefore a (r+ s,rs) graph

(a) K1,3 (b) K1,5 (c) K2,3 (d) K3,3

Fig. 1.11

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Fig 1.11 (a) to (d) depict some bipartite graphs. Observe that in fig 1.11(a),the bipartites are
V1={ A } and V2={P,Q,R}; the vertex A is joined to each of the vertices P,Q,R by an edge. In fig
1.11(b) ,the bipartites are V1={A} and

V2={M,N,P,Q,R}; the vertex A is joined to each of the vertices M,N,P,Q,R by an edge. In fig
1.11(c) ,the bipartites are V1={ A,B } and V2={ P,Q,R}; each of the vertices A and B is joined to each of

the vertices P,Q,R by an edge. In fig 1.11(d),the bipartites are V1={ A,B,C } and V2={P,Q,R}; each of
the vertices A,B,C is joined to each of the vertices P,Q,R. Of these complete bipartite graph the graph
K3,3 shown in fig 1.11(d),is of great importance. This is known as Kuratowski’s second graph.

Example 1. Draw a diagram of the graph G = (V,E) in each of the following cases.
a) V= { A,B,C,D} ,E={AB,AC,AD,CD}

b) V={V1,V2,V3, V4 ,V5 },
E={V1V2 ,V1V3,V2V3,V4V5}.
c) V= {P,Q,R,S,T} ,E={PS,QR,QS}
d) V={ V1,V2,V3, V4 ,V5,V6},
Solution :The required diagram are shown below

Fig: (a) Fig: (b)


Fig: (c ) Fig: (d)

Example 2: Which of the following is a complete graph?

(a ) (b)

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Solution: The first of the graph is not complete. It is not simple on the one hand and there is no
edge between A and C on the other hand. The second of the graphs is complete. It is a simple graph and
there is an edge between every pair of vertices.

Example 3: Which of the following graphs is a simple graph? a multigraph ? a general graph ?

o m
(i) (ii) (iii)
Solution: (i) General Graph,
(ii) Simple Graph,
(iii) Multigraph c
Example 4: Identify the adjacent vertices and adjacent edges in the graph shown in Figure.
e2 e3

e6 e5


V44 V33

Solution :
Adjacent Vertices : V1 & V2, V1 & V3, V1 & V4,V2 & V4.
Adjacent edges : e1 & e2, e1 & e3, e1 & e5, e1 & e6, e2 & e4, e2 & e5, e2 & e6, e3 & e5, e3 and e6.


Let G = (V,E) be a graph and V be a vertex of G. Then the number of edges of G that are
incident on V (that is, the number of edges that join V to other vertices of G) with the loops counted
twice is called the degree of the vertex V and is denoted by deg(v) or d(V).
The degree of the vertices of a graph arranged in non-decreasing order is called the degree
sequence of the graph. Also, the minimum of the degree of a graph is called the degree of the graph
V1 V4

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Figure (1.12)
Graph Theory and Combinatorics 10CS42

For example, the degrees of vertices of the graph shown in fig are as given below
d(V1) = 3, d(V2) = 4, d(V3) = 4, d(V4) = 3
Therefore,the degree sequence of the graph is 3,3,4,4 and the degree of the graph is 3.
Regular Graph : A graph in which all the vertices are of the same degree K is called a regular graph
of degree K, or a K- regular graph.In particular, a 3-regular graph is called a cubic graph.

The graph shown in figures 1.13 (a) and (b) are 2- regular and 4 - regular graph respectively.

Figure: 1.13

(a) (b)
The graph shown in fig1.13 (c) is a 3-regular graph (cubic graph). This particular cubic graph, which
contains 10 vertices and 15 edges, is called the Peterson Graph.

Figure ( d )
Figure ( c )

The graph shown in fig (d) is a cubic graph with 8 = 23 vertices. This particular graph is called the
three dimentional hyper cube and is denoted by Q3.

Handshaking property :

Let us refer back to degree of the graph shown in fig 1.14. we have, in this graph,

V1 V4

fig (1.14)

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d(V1) = 3, d(V2) = 4, d(V3) = 4, d(V4) = 3

Also,the graph has 7 edges, we observe that deg (V1) + deg (V2) + deg (V3) + deg (V4) = 14 = 2 x 7
Property: The sum of the degrees of all the vertices in a graph is an even number, and this number is
equal to twice the number of edges in the graph.
In an alternative form, this property reads as follows:
For a graph G = (V,E) ¦ deg(v)=2|E|

This property is obvious from the fact that while counting the degree of vertices, each edge is counted
twice (once at each end).

The aforesaid property is popularly called the ‘handshaking property’
Because, it essentially states that if several people shake hands, then the total number of hands shaken
must be even, because just two hands are involved in each hand shake.

Theorem : In every graph the number of vertices of odd degrees is even
Proof : Consider a graph with n vertices. Suppose K of these vertices are of odd degree so that
the remaining n-k vertices are of even degree. Denote the vertices with odd degree by V1,V2,V3,…….,Vk
and the vertices with even degree by Vk+1,Vk+2,…..,vn then the sum of the degrees of vertices is

¦ deg vi
i 1

¦ deg vi 
i 1

¦ deg
i k 1
vi    (1)
In view of the hand shaking property, the sum on the left hand side of the above expression is
equal to twice the number of edges in the graph. As such, this sum is even. Further, the second sum in
the right hand side is the sum of the degrees of the vertices with even degrees. As such this sum is also
even. Therefore, the first sum in the right hand side must be even; that is,
deg(V1) + deg(V2) + -- + deg (Vk) = Even—(ii)
But, each of deg(V1), deg(V2),…….,deg (Vk) is odd. Therefore, the number of terms in the left hand side

of (ii) must be even; that is, K is even

Example : For the graph shown in fig 1.15 indicating the degree of each vertex and verify the
handshaking property

c e

Solution : By examiningFigth(e1.1g5ra) ph, we find that the degrees of its vertices are as given below:
deg (a) = 3, deg (b) = 2, deg (c) = 4, deg (d) = 2, deg(e) = 0, deg (f) = 2, deg (g) = 2, deg (h) = 1.
We note that e is an isolated vertex and h is a pendant vertex.
Further, we observe that the sum of the degrees of vertices is equal to 16. Also, the graph has 8
edges. Thus, the sum of the degrees of vertices is equal to twice the number of edges.
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This verifies the handshaking property for the given graph.

Example : For a graph with n-vertices and m edges, if δ is the minimum and Δ is the maximum of
the degrees of vertices, show that 2m
Gd d'
Solution : Let d1, d2,….,dn, be the degrees of the vertices. Thnen, by handshaking property, we have
d1 + d2 + d3 + ----- + dn = 2m ---------(i)
Since δ = min(d1, d2,….,dn), we have d1 ≥ δ ,
d2 ≥ δ ,……., dn≥ δ .

Adding these n inequalities, we get
d1 + d2 + ---- + dn ≥ n δ ------(ii)
Similarly, since ' = max (d1, d2,….,dn), we get

d1 + d2 + ---- + dn d n' ----(iii)
From (i), (ii) and (iii), we get 2m≥ n δ and 2m d n' , so that n δ d 2m dn',

G d d'

(a) : G1 (Fbig) .: (G

Given two graphs G and G1, we say that G1 is a subgraph of G if the following conditions hold:
(1). All the vertices and all the edges of G1 are in G.

(2). Each edges of G1 has the same end vertices in G as in G1.

Essentially, a subgraph is a graph which is a part of another graph. Any graph isomorphic to a
subgraph of a graph G is also referred to as a subgraph of G.
Consider the two graphs G1 and G shown in figures 1.16(a) and 1.16(b) respectively, we observe
that all vertices and all edges of the graph G1 are in the graphs G and that every edge in G1 has same end

vertices in G as in G1.Therefore G1 is a subgraph of G .In the diagram of G ,the part G1 is shown in thick
The following observation can be made immediately.
i) Every graph is a sub-graph of itself.
ii) Every simple graph of n vertices is a subgraph of the complete graph Kn.
iii) If G1 is a subgraph of a graph G2 and G2 is a subgraph of a graph G,then G1 is a subgraph of a
graph G.
iv) A single vertex in a graph G is a subgraph of a graph G.
v) A single edge in a graph G together with its end vertices,is a subgraph of G

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Given a graph G=(V, E), if there is a subgraph G1=(V1,E1) of G such that V1=V then G1 is called a
spanning subgraph of G.
In other words , a subgraph G1 of a graph G is a spanning subgraph of G whenever the vertex set
of G1 contains all vertices of G. Thus a graph and all its spanning subgraphs have the same vertex

set. Obviously every graph is its own spanning subgraph.

Figure (1.17 )

(a) (b) (c)
For example, for the graph shown in fig1.17(a), the graph shown in fig 1.17(b) is a spanning
subgraph where as the graph shown in fig1.17(c) is a subgraph but not a spanning subgraph
Given a graph G=(V,E), suppose there is a subgraph G1=(V1,E1) of G such that every edge {A,B} of
G, where AB є V1 is an edge of G1 also .then G1 is called an induced subgraph of G (induced by V1)
and is denoted by < V1 >.
It follows that a subgraph G1=(V1,E1) of a graph G=(V,E) is not an induced subgraph of G, if for
some A,B є V1,there is an edge{A,B} which is in G but not in G1.

For example, for the graph shown in the figure 1.18 (a), the graph shown in the figure 1.18 (b), is an
induced subgraph, induced by the set of vertices V1= {v1,v2,v3,v5} where as the graph shown in the
figure 1.18 (c) is not an induced subgraph
V2 V3


V5 V4
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 1.18 (a, b & c)


Let G be a graph and G1 and G2 be two subgraphs of G. then
G1 and G2 are said to be edge disjoint if they do not have any common edge.
G1 and G2 are said to be vertex disjoint if they do not have any common edge and any common vertex.

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It is to be noted that edge disjoint subgraphs may have common vertices. Subgraphs that have no
vertices in common cannot possibly have edges in common.
For example ,for the graph shown in the figure 1.19 (a), the graph shown in the figure1.19 (b) and 1.19
(c) are edge disjoint but not vertex disjoint subgraphs.

Figure 1.19:

(a) (b) (c)
Example : For the graph shown in fig 1.20
c ,find two edge-disjoint subgraphs and two vertex-
disjoint subgraphs .
Figure 1.20

Solution:for the given graph, two edge-disjoint subgraphs are shown in fig 1.21(a) and two vertex-
disjoint subgraphs are shown in fig 1.21(b).
fig 1.21

(a ) (b)

Consider two graphs G1=(V1,E1) and G2=(V2,E2) then the graph whose vertex set is V1UV2 and edge set
is E1UE2 is called the union of G1 and G2 and is denoted by G1UG2.
Thus G1UG2=(V1UV2, E1UE2).
Similarly, if V1∩V2 ≠ I,the graph whose vertex set is V1∩V2 and the edge set E1∩E2 is called
intersection of G1 and G2.It is denoted by G1∩G2.Thus G1∩G2=(V1∩V2, E1∩E2), if V1∩V2 ≠ I.

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Next suppose we consider the graph whose vertex set is V1UV2 and edge set is E1'E2 where E1'E2 is
the symmetric difference of E1 and E2.This graph is called the ring sum of G1 and G2.It is denoted by
G1'G2. Thus G1'G2 = (V1UV2, E1'E2).

For the two graphs G1 and G2 shown in figures 1.22 (a) and (b), their union ,intersection and ring sum
are shown in figures 1.23 (a), (b) and (c) respectively.

Fig 1.22

(a) : G1 (b) : G2

c v2
Fig 1.23
v6 v1 v2
v5 v4 v3
(av) 1G1U G2 v2 (b ) v
G61n G2

v5 v4 v3

Fig 1.23: ( c )1'GG2


We say that a graph G is decomposed (or partitioned) in to two subgraphs G1 & G2 if G1 Ù G2 =
G & G1∩G2 = null graph
If V is a vertex in a graph G, then G – V denotes the subgraph of G obtained by deleting V and
all edges incident in V, from G this subgraph G-u, is refered to as vertex deleted subgraph of G.
It should be noted that, the deletion of a vertex always results in the deletion of all edges incident
on that vertex.
If e is an edge in a graph G, then G-e denotes the subgraph of G obtained by deleting e (but not
its end vertices) from G. This subgraph, G-e, is referred to as edge – deleted subgraph of G. For the
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graph G shown in figure 1.24 (a), the subgraphs G-V and G-e are shown in figure 1.24 (b) and 1.24 (c)

Figure 1.24 (a, b, c)

o m
(a) : G
(b) : G-v


Given a graph G and a subgraph G1 of G ,the subgraph of G obtained by deleting from all the
edges that belongs to G1 is called the complement of G1 in G;it is denoted by G-G1 or G1
In other words ,if E1 is the set of all edges of G1 then the complement of G1 in G is given by G1 =
G-E1.We can check that G1=G'G1.
For example :
Consider the graph G shown in fig 1.25(a) .Let G1 be the subgraph of G shown by thick lines in
this figure. The complement of G1 in G, namely G1, is as shown in fig 1.25(b)

. . . .

. .
. . . .

Fig. 1.25(a) Fig.1.25 (b)


Earlier we have noted that every simple graph of order n is a subgraph of the complete graph Kn
.If G is a simple graph of order n ,then the complement of G in Kn is called the complement of G, it is
denoted by G.
Thus, the complement G of a simple graph G with n vertices is that graph which is obtained by
deleting those edges of Kn which belongs to G. Thus G =Kn-G =Kn'G.
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Evidently Kn, G and G have the same vertex set and two vertices are adjacent in G if and only if
they are not adjacent in G. Obviously, G is also a simple graph and the complement of G is G that is G
In fig 1.26(a), the complete graph K4 is shown. A simple graph G of order 4 is shown in fig
1.26(b). The complement G, of G is shown in fig 1.26(c).
Observe that G, G & K4 have the same vertices and that the edges of G are got by deleting those
edges from K4 which belong to G.

. Figure 1.26 a, b & c .

. .

Fig. (a): K4 . Fig. (b): G

. c .
In fig1.27(a) ,a graph of order 6 is shown as a subgraph of K6 ,the edges of G being shown in
thick lines .Its complement G, Fisigs. h(co):wGn in fig1.27(b).The graph shown in fig1.27(b) is known as David
Fig. 1.27
. .
. . . .

. .

. .

Example 1.Show that the complement of a bipartite graph need not be a bipartite graph.

Solution: Fig 1.28(a) shows a bipartite graph which is of order 5.The complement of this graph is
shown in fig1.28(b),this is not a bipartite graph.

Fig. 1.28(a) Fig. 1.28(b)

. V1 .
V2 . V3 .
V1 .
. V3

V4 .V5
V4 . V5

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Example 2.Let G be a simple graph of order n.If the size of graph G is 56 and size of is G 80.What is
Solution:We know that G =Kn-G therefore
Size of G = (Size of Kn)- (Size of G)
Since size of Kn (ie the number of edges in Kn) is ½(n)(n-1),this yields
80 = ½ n(n-1) – 56
or n(n-1) = 160 + 112 = 272 = 17 x 16

thus, n = 17, (that is, G is of order 17)

Example 3: Find the union, intersection and the ring sum of the graph G1 and G2 shown below.

Fig. 1.29(G) Fig. 1.29(G)

. . . . .
. . . .
Solution : G1 U G 2
Union : - . . .
. .
Intersection : - G1 n G2
. .

Ring Sum :- G1 Δ G2

. . . . .

. .

Example 4: For the graph G shown below, find G-v and G-e .

. .
. .

Solution : Fig 1.30

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Fig. 1.31
. . . .
Graph Theory and Combinatorics 10CS42

Example 5: Find the complement of each of the following simple graphs

Fig. 1.32
. . . . .

. . . . .
(a ) (b) (c )

Example 6: Find the complement of the complete bipartite graph K3,3

Solution :
Fig. 1.34
. .

. .

. .


Let G be a graph having atleast one edge. In G, consider a finite, alternating sequence of vertices
and edges of the form vi ej vi+1 ej+1 vi+2,…..,ek vm which begin and ends with vertices and which is

such that each edge in the sequence is incident on the vertices preceding and following it in the
sequence. Such a sequence is called a walk in G. In a walk, a vertex or an edge (or both) can appear
more than once.
The number of edges present in a walk is called its ‘length’.

For example : Consider the graph shown below;

V2 e2



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In this graph,
i) The sequence v1e1 v2c2 v3,e8v6 is a walk of length 3 (because this walk contains 3 edges; e1,e2,e8). In
this walk, no vertex and no edge is repeated.

ii) The sequence v1,e4 v5e3 v2c2v3e5 v5e6v4 is a walk of length 5. In this walk, the vertex v5 is
repeated; but no edge is repeated.
iii) The sequence v1e1v2e3v5e3v2e2v3 is a walk of length 4. In this walk, the edge e3 is repeated and

the vertex v2 is repeated
A walk that begins and ends at the same vertex is called a closed walk. In other words, a closed

walk is a walk in which the terminal vertices are coincident.
A walk which is not closed is called an open walk. In other words, an open walk is a walk that
begins and ends at two different vertices.
For Example, in the graph shown in figure (1.35) v1e1v2c3v5e4v1 is a closed walk and
v1e1v2e2v3e5v5 is our open walk. c
In a walk, vertices and /or edges may appear more than once, if in an open walk no edge appears
more than once, than the walk is called a trail. A closed walk in which no edge appears more than once
is called a circuit.
For example: In fig (1.35), the open walk v1e1v2e3v5e3v2e2v3 (shown separately in figure 1.36(a)
is not a trail (because, in this walk, the edge e3 is repeated) where as

Fig. 1.36 (a) :Not a trail


V2 e2
.V 3
V .


Fig. 1.36 (b): trail

. e2
.V 3

V1 . e3

. .
V5 e6

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The open walk v1e4v5e3v2v2v3e5v5e6v4 (shown separately in fig 1.36(b) is trail.

Also, in the same fig (ie., in fig1.35), the closed walk v1 e1v2 e3 v5 e3 v2 e2 v3 e5 v5 e4
v1 (shown separately in fig 1.37(a) is not a circuit (because e3 is repeated) where as the closed walk
v1e1v2e3v5e5v3e7v4e6v5e4v1 (shown separately in fig1.37(b)) is a circuit.
Fig. 1.37(a) Fig. 1.37(b)

.V 3

. e2
e3 e
e1 5 e7
e1 e5

. .V .V

V1 e4 5
. e4
V5 e6 4


(a): Not a circuit (b): Circuit
A trail in which no vertex appears more than once is called a path.
A Circuit in which the terminal vertex does not appear as an internal vertex (also) and no internal vertex
is repeated is called a ‘cycle’.

c .
Fig. 1.38
V2 . e2
.V 3

e1 e3 e5 e7 e3

V1 . e5

. . . e4
. .V
V1 V5 V4 e6 4

Fig. 1.39
(a): Path (a): Not a path

V2 e2 V3
e1 e3
e3 e5
. e7

v5 e4 . .

V5 e6 V4

(a): Cycle (b): Not a Cycle

For example, in figure (1.35), the trail v1e1e3v5e5v3e7v4 (shown separately in fig 1.38(a)) is a path
whole as the trail v1e4v5e3v2e2e5v5e6v4 (shown separately in fig 1.38(b) is not a path (because in
this trail, v5 appears twice).
Also, in the same fig, the circuit v2e2v3e5v5e3v2 (shown separately in fig 1.39(a)) is a cycle
where as the circuit v2e1v1e4v5e5v3e7v4e6v5e3v2 (shown separately in fig 1.39(b) is not a cycle
(because, in this circuit, v5 appears twice)

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The following facts are to be emphasized.

1. A walk can be open or closed. In a walk (closed or open), a vertex and / or an edge can appear
more than once.
2. A trail is an open walk in which a vertex can appear more than once but an edge cannot appear
more than once.
3. A circuit is a closed walk in which a vertex can appear more than once but an edge cannot appear
more than once.

4. A path is an open walk in which neither a vertex nor an edge can appear more than once. Every
path is a trail; but a trail need not be a path.
5. A cycle is a closed walk in which neither a vertex nor an edge can appear ore than once.

Every cycle is a circuit; but, a circuit need not be a cycle.

For the graph shown in figure1.40 indicate the nature of the following walks.
v1e1v2e2v3e3v4e4v5 c
Fig. 1.40
. .
V1 e1
.V 2

e7 e2

. . .
V5 e4 V4 e3 V3
1. Open walk which is not a trail the edge e2 is repeated.

2. Trail which is not a path (the vertex v4 is repeated)

3. Trail which is a path
4. Closed walk which is a cycle.
5. Closed walk which is a circuit but not a cycle (the vertex v4 is repeated)


Consider a connected graph G. If there is a circuit in G that contains all the edges of G. Than that
circuit is called an Euler circuit (or Eulerian line, or Euler tour) in G. If there is a trail in G that
contains all the edges of G, than that trail is called an Euler trail.

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Recall that in a trail and a circuit no edge can appear more than once but a vertex can appear
more than once. This property is carried to Euler trails and Euler Circuits also.
Since Euler circuits and Euler trails include all edge, then automatically should include all vertices as
A connected graph that contains an Euler circuit is called a Semi Euler graph (or a Semi Eulerian
For Example, in the graph shown in figure 1.41 closed walk.

Pe1Qe2Re3Pe4Se5Re6Te7P is an Euler circuit. Therefore, this graph is a an Euler graph.

Fig 1.41

. e4
P . S


Q . . .T
e2 R e6
Consider the graph shown in fig.1.41. We observe that, in this graph, every sequence of edges
which starts and ends with the same vertex and which includes all edges will contain at least one
repeated edge. Thus, the graph has no Euler circuits. Hence this graph is not an Euler graph.
Fig. 1.42

e1 e4

B e2 D e3 C

It may be seen that the trail Ae1Be2De3Ce4Ae5D in the graph in fig 1.42 is an Euler trail. This
graph therefore a Semi – Euler Graph.
Example 1: Show that the following graph contains an Euler Circuits


P Fig.Q
1.43 R

Solution: The graph containas an Euler Circuit PAQBRQP

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Example 2: find an Euler circuit in the graph shown below.

v1 v2 v3

v9 v10 v11 v4

Solution:v8 v7 c v6 5 v
V1V2V9V10V2V11V7V10V11V6V4V2V3V4V5V6V7V8 V9V1
Example 3: show that the following graph contains an Euler trail.

Fig. (1.45)
P e4 Q
e1 . .

T . e3 e7
e2 . e6 .

Solution: the graph contains Pe1Te2Se3Pe4Qe5Se6Re7Qas an Euler trail.

Consider two graphs G = ( V, E ) and G’ = (V’, E’) suppose their exists a function f : V  V’
such that (i) f is a none to one correspondence and(ii) for all vertices A, B of G {A, B} is an edge of G
if and only if { f(A), f(B)} is an edge of G’, then f is called as isomorphism between G and G’, and we
say that G and G’ are isomorphic graphs.
In other words, two graphs G and G’ are said to be isomorphic (to each other) if there is a one to
one correspondence between their vertices and between their edges such that the adjacency of vertices is
preserved such graphs will have the same structures, differing only in the way their vertices and edges
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are labelled or only in the way they are represented geometrically for any purpose, we regard them as
essentially the same graphs.
When G and G’ are isomorphic we write G ≈ G’
Where a vertex A of G corresponds to the vertex A’ = f(A) of G’ under a one to one correspondence f :
G  G’, we write A  A’ Similarly , we write {A, B}  {A’, B’} to mean that the edge AB of
G and the edge A’B’ of G’ correspond to each other, under f.
For example, look at the graphs shown in fig1.46

Fig. 1.46
A P. Q
. .
B .

. .

. . R

Consider the following one to one correspondence between between the vertices of these two graphs.
A P, B Q, C  R, D  S
Under this correspondence, the edges in two graphs correspond with each other as indicated below:
{A, B}  {P, Q}, {A, C}  {P, R}, {A, D}  {P, S}
{B, C}  {Q, R}, {B, D}  {Q, S}, {C, D}  {R, S},
We check that the above indicated one to cone correspondence between the
Vertices / edges of the two graphs. Preserves the adjacency of the vertices. The existence of this
correspondence proves that the two graphs are isomorphic (note that both the graphs represent the
complete graph K4).
Next, consider the graphs shown in figures 1.47 (a) and 1.47(b)

Fig. 1.47

. .

. .

. .
Fig. (a) Fig. (b)

We observe that the two graphs have the same mumber of vertices but different number of edges.
Therefore, although there can exist one-to-one correspondence between the vertices, there cannot be a
one-to-one correspondence between the edges. The two graphs are therefore not isomorphic.
From the definition of isomorphism of graphs, it follows that if two graphs are isomorphic, then
they must have
1. The same number of vertices.
2. The same number of edges.
3. An equal number of vertices with a given degree.
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These conditions are necessary but not sufficient. This means that two graphs for which these
conditions hold need not be isomorphic.
In particular, two graphs of the same order and the same size need not be isomorphic. To see this,
consider the graphs shown in figures 1.48(a) and (b).


. . .

. .

. .
Fig. (a) Fig. (b)
We note that both graphs are of order 4 and size 3. But the two graphs are not isomorphic.

Observe that there are two pendant vertices in the first graph where as there are three pendant vertices in
the second graph. As such, under any one-to-one correspondence between the vertices and the edges of
the two graphs, the adjacency of vertices is not preserved
Example 1:
Prove that the two graphs shown below are isomorphic.
U1 U2 v1 v2
. . . .

. . . .
U3 U4 v3 v4
Fig. (a) Fig. (b)

Solution: We first observe that both graphs have four vertices and four edges. Consider the following
one – to- one correspondence between the vertices of the graphs.
u1  v1, u2  v4, u3  v3, u4  v2.
This correspondence give the following correspondence between the edges.

{u1,u2}  {v1,v4} , {u1,u3}  {v1,v3}

{u2,u4}  {v4,v2}, {u3, u4}  {v3, v2}.
These represent one-to-one correspondence between the edges of the two graphs under which the
adjacent vartices in the first graph correspond to adjacent vertices in the second graph and vice-versa.
Example 2: Show that the following graphs are not isomorphic.
Fig. 1.50
. .
. . . .
. .
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Fig. (a) Fig. (b)

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Solution: We note that each of the two graphs has 6 vertices and nine edges. But, the first graph has 2
vertices of degree 4 where as the second graph has 3 vertices of degree 4. Therefore, there cannot be

anyone-to-one correspondence between the vertices and between the edges of the two graphs which
preserves the adjacency of vertices. As such, the two graphs are not isomorphic.

c s.c

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It has been indicated that a graph can be represented by more than one geometrical drawing. In
some drawing representing graphs the edges intersect (cross over) at points which are not vertices of the

graph and in some others the edges meet only at the vertices. A graph which can be represented by at
least one plane drawing in which the edges meet only at vertices is called a ‘planar graph’
On the other hand, a graph which cannot be represented by a plane drawing in which the edges

meet only at the vertices is called a non planar graph.

In other words, a non planar graph is a graph whose every possible plane drawing contains at
least two edges which intersect each other at points other than vertices.
Example 1
Show that (i) a graph of order 5 and size 8, and (ii) a graph of order 6 and size 12, are planar
graphs. c
Solution: A graph of order 5 and size 8 can be represented by a plane drawing
Fig. 2.1

. .

. .

Fig. (a) Fig. (b)

In which the edges of the graph meet only at the vertices, as shown in fig. 2.1 (a) therefore, this
graph is a planar graph. Similarly, fig. 2.1(b) shows that a graph of order 6 and size 12 is a planar graph.

Example 2:
Show that the complete graphs K2,K3 and K4 are planar graphs.
Fig. 2.2

. .

. . . . . .
K2 K3 K4

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Solution: the diagrams in fig 2.2 represent the graphs K2,K3,K4. In none of these diagrams, the edge
meet at points other than the vertices. Therefore K2, K3, K4 are all planar graphs.
Example 3:
Show that the bipartite graphs K2.2 and K2,3 are planar graphs.

Fig. 2.3

V1 V1

V3 V4 V5

V4 V3



V2 V2

(a): K2.2 (a): K2.3

Solution: In K2,2, the vertex set is made up of two bipartites V1,V2, with V1 containing two vertices say
V1,V2 and V2 containing two vertices, say V3,V4, and there is an edge joining every vertex in V1 with
every vertex in V2 and vice-versa. Fig 2.3(a) represents this graph. In this fig. the edges meet only at
the vertices therefore, K2,2 is a planar graph.
In K2,3 the vertex set is made up of two bipartites V1 and V2, with V1 containing two vertices, say
V1,V2, and V2 containing three vertices, say V3,V4,V5 and there is an edge joining every vertex in V1
with every vertex in V2and Vice Versa. Fig. 2.3(b) represents this graph. In this figure the edges meet
only at the vertices, therefore K2,3 is a planar graph.

Show that the complete graph K5 (viz., the Kuratowskis first graph) is a non planar graph.
We first recall that in the complete graph K5 there are 5 vertices and there is an edge between

every pair of vertices, totaling to 10 edges. (see fig. Ref. complete graph). This fig is repeated below
with the vertices named as V1,V2,V3,V4,V5 and the edges named e1,e2,e3,……e10
e4 e1
V5 e7 V2
e3 e6
e9 .
e10 e5

V4 e8 V3

Fig. 2.4

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In the above drawing of K5, the five edges e1,e5,e8 e10,e4 form a pentagonal cycle and the
remaining five edges e2,e3,e6,e7,e9 are all
Inside this cycle and intersect at points other than the vertices.
Let us try to draw a diagram of K5 in which the edges meet ony at the vertices. In the pentagonal
cycle present in fig (2.4) the edges meet only at the vertices. Let us start our new drawing of K5 with

this cycle: the cycle is shown in fig. 2.5 (a)

Fig. 2.5
V1 V1

e4 e1 e3 e4 e1 e2
V5 e7 V2
V2 V5

e10 e5 e10 e6 e5

V4 e8 V3 V4 e8 V3

Fig. (a) Fig. (b)

Consider the edge e7 = {V2V5}. This edge can be drawn either inside or outside the pentagonal
cycle. Suppose we draw it inside, as shown in fig. 2.5 (b) the other case is similar now, consider the
edges e2 = {V1V3} & e3 = {V1V4}. If we draw these edges also inside the pentagon, they will intersect
e7, that is, they cross e7 at points, which are not vertices, therefore, let us draw of them outside: see fig.
2.5 (b).
Next consider the edge e6 = {V2,V4} if we draw this edge outside the pentagon intersects the

edge e2; see fig 2.5(b) therefore let us draw e6 inside the pentagon.
Lastly, consider the edge e9 = {V3,V5}If we draw this edge outside the pentagon, it intersects the
edge e3, and if we draw it inside, it intersects the edge e6.
This demonstrates that in every possible plane drawing of K5 at least two edges of K5 intersect at a point

which is not a vertex of K5.

This proves that K5 is a non planar graph.
Example 5:
Show that the complete bipartite graph K3,3 (namely the Kuratowski’s second graph) is a non-
planar graph.

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by definition, K3,3 is a graph with 6 vertices and 9 edges, in which the vertex set is made up of
two bipartites V1 and V2 each containing three vertices such that every vertex in V1 is joined to every
vertex in V2 by an edge and vice-versa.

Fig. 2.6

V1 V4
e2 e4
V2 V5

e7 e8
V1 V3 V6 V2

Let us name the vertices in V1 as v1,v2,v3 and the vertices inV2 as v4,v5,v6. Also let the edges be
named as e1,e2,e3,…….e9.
A diagram of the graph is shown in fig (2.6). In this diagram of K3,3. the six edges e1 = {v1,v4},
e4={v4v2}, e5 ={v2v5}, e8={v5,v3} e9={v3,v6} and e3={v6,v1} form a hexagonal cycle and the remaining
three edges e2,e6,e7 either intersect these edges or intersect among themselves at points other than the
Let us try to draw a diagram of K3,3 in which no two of its edges intersect. The hexagonal cycle
present in fig.2.6 does not contain any mutually intersecting edges. Let us start our new drawing of K3,3
with this cycle. This cycle is exhibited separately in fig. 2.7 (a)

Fig. 2.7

v1 v v1 v4
e1 4 e1 e2
e3 e4 e3 e6 e4
v6 v v6
e9 e9 v2
e5 2 e5
e e8
v3 8 v5 v3 v5

Fig. (a) Fig. (b)

Consider three edge e6={v2,v6} this edge can be drawn either inside the hexagonal cycle or
outside it. Let us draw it inside (as shown in fig.2.7 (b) the other case is similar. Now consider the edge
e2 = {v1,v5}. If we draw this edge the hexagon, it intersects the edges e6. Therefore, let us draw it
outside the hexagon see fig. 2.7 (b)

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Next consider the edge e7 ={v3,v4}. If this edge is drawn inside the hexagon, it intersects the
edgte e6, and if it is drawn outside the hexagon, it intersects the edge e2
This demonstrates that in every possible plane drawing of K3,3, at least two edges of K3,3 intersect at a
point which is not a vertex of K3,3. this proves that K3,3 is a non planar graph.
Example 6

Suppose there are three houses and three utility points (electricity, water sewerage, say) which are
such that each utility point is joined to each house. Can the lines of joining be such that no two lines
cross each other ?

Fig. 2.8

h1 h2 h3

u1 u2 u3

Consider the graph in which the vertices are the three houses (h1,h2,h3) and the three utility points
(u1,u2,u3). Since each house is joined to each utility point. The graph has to be K3,3 (see fig. 2.8). This
graph is non-planar and therefore, in its plane drawing, at lest two of its edges cross each other. As
such, it is not possible to have the lines joining the houses and the utility points such that no two lines

cross each other.

Let G be a connected graph. If there is a cycle in G that contains all the vertices of G, then that
cycle is called a ‘Hamilton Cycle’ in G.

A Hamilton cycle in a graph of n vertices consists of exactly n edges, because, a cycle with n vertices
has n edges.
By definition, a Hamilton cycle in Graph G must include all vertices in G, This does not mean
that it should include all edges of G.
A graph that contains a Hamilton cycle is called a Hamilton graph (or Hamiltonian graph).
For example, in the graph shown in fig. (2.7), the cycle shown in thick lines is a Hamilton cycle.
(observe that this cycle does not include the edge BD). the graph is therefore a Hamilton graph.

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A path (if any) in a connected graph which includes every vertex (but not necessarily every edge) of the
graph is called a Hamilton / Hamiltonian path in the graph.
For example: In the graph shown in fig (2.8), The path shown in thick lines is a Hamilton path.


D Fig. 2.8 C
In the graph shown in fig. (2.9), the path ABCFEDGHI is a Hamilton path. We check that this
graph does not contain a Hamilton cycle.

c B


D● ● ●F

● ● ●
fig. (2.9)

Since a Hamilton path in a graph G meets every vertex of G, the length of a Hamilton path (if
any) in a connected graph of n vertices is n-1 (a path with n vertices has n-1 edges)

Theorem 1:
If in a simple connected graph with n vertices (where n ≥ 3) The sum of the degrees of every pair
of non-adjacent vertices is greater than or equal to n, than the graph is Hamiltonian.

Theorem 2:
If in a simple connected graph with n vertices (where n ≥ 3) the degree of every vertex is greater
than or equal to n/2. then the graph is Hamiltonian .
Proof:If in a simple connected graph with n vertices, the degree of each vertex is greater than or equal to
n/2. then the sum of the degrees of every pair of adjacent or non-adjacent vertices is greater than or
equal to n, therefore, th e graph is Hamiltonian (by Them 1).
Example 1:

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Prove that the complete graph Kn where n ≥ 3, is a hamilton graph.

Solution: In Kn, the degree of every vertex is n-1, if n ≥ 3, we have n-2 > 0, or 2n-2 > n, or (n-1) > n /2.
Thus, in Kn, where n ≥ 3, the degree of every vertex is greater than n/2. Hence Kn is Hamiltonian by
Them. 2.
Example 2:

Show that every simple K - Regular graph with 2K-1 vertices is Hamiltonian.
Solution: In a K - Regular graph , the degree of every vertex is K, and K > K – 1/2 = 1/2 (2K - 1) = 1/2
n. Where n = 2K-1 is the number of vertices, therefore, by Them. 2, the graph considered is

Hamiltonian if it is simple.

Example 3:
Disprove the converses of theorems 1 and 2.
Solution: Consider a 2 – Regular graph with n=5, vertices, shown in fig. (2.10)
Fig. 2.10

● ●

● ●

Evidently, this graph is Hamiltonian. But the degree of every vertex is 2 which is less than n/2
and the sum of the degrees of every pair of vertices is 4 which is less than n.
Thus, t he converses of theorems 1 & 2 are not necessarily true.

Example 4:
Let G be a simple graph with n vertices and m edges where m is at least 3. if m≥ 1/2 (n-1)(n-
2)+2. Prove that G is Hamiltonian. Is the converse true?

Solution :
Let u & v be any two non-adjacent vertices in G. Let x & y be their respective degrees. If we
delete u,v from G, we get a subgraph with n-2 vertices. If this subgraph has q edges, then q ≤ 1/2 (n-
2)(n-3). [in a simple graph of order n, the number of edges is ≤ 1/2n(n-1)] since u and v are non
m =q + x +y, Thus
x + y=m – q

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≥{1/2 (n-1)(n-2)+2} - {1/2(n-2)(n-3)}

Therefore, by Theorem 1, the graph is Hamiltonian.
The converse of the result just proved is not always true. Because, a 2- Regular graph with five vertices
shown in fig (2.10) is Hamiltonian but the inequality does not hold.

Example 5: Show that the graph shown in fig (2.11) is a Hamilton graph.

Fig. 2.11

● ●

E● C D
● ● ●F



L● ● ●P

● ●

By examining the given graph, we notice that in the graph there is a cycle
AELSMNPQRCDFBA which contains all the vertices of the graph. this cycle is a hamiltonian cycle.
since the graph has Hamiltonian cycle in it. The graph is a Hamiltonian graph.
Example 6:
Exhibit the following.
(a): A graph which has both an Euler Circuit and a Hamilton cycle.

The graph shown is the required graph.
● ●

Fig. (a)

● ●

(b) : A graph which has an Euler circuit but no Hamilton cycle.

Solution: The graph shown is the required graph.
● ●

Fig. (b)
● ●

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(C) A graph which has a Hamilton cycle but no Euler Circuit.

● ●

● ●

Fig. (c)
(d): A graph which has neither a Hamilton cycle nor an Euler circuit.

● ●

● ●

Fig. (d)
The following theorem contains useful information on the existence of Hamilton cycle in the complete
graph Kn.
Theorem 3: In the complete graph with n vertices, where n is an odd number ≥ 3, there are (n-1) / 2
edge - disjoint Hamiltonian cycles.
Let G be a complete graph with n vertices, where n is odd and ≥ 3. Denote the vertices of G by

1,2,3…..n and Represent them as points as shown in fig. (2.12)

5 n-2
● ●


2● ● ●n


4 ●

We note that the polygonal pattern of edges from vertex 1 to vertex n as depicted in the fig is a
cycle that includes all the verticF
.1. 2This cycle is therefore a Hamilton cycle. This representation
demonstrates that G has at least one Hamilton cycle. (In the fig (2.12)), the vertex 1 is at the centre of a
circle and the other vertices are on its circumference. The circle is dotted.

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Now, rotate the polygonal pattern clockwise by D1, D2, D3, …. Dk degrees where D1 = 3600/n-1,
D2 = 2. 3600/n- 1, D3 = 3.3600/n-1, …Dk=(n-3)/2. 3600 /n-1
Each of these K = (n-3)/2 rotations gives a Hamilton cycle that has no edge in common with any
of the preceding ones. Thus, there exists k = (n-3)/2, new Hamilton cycles, all edge - disjoint from the
one shown in fig (2.12) and also edge - disjoint among themselves thus, in G, there are exactly.

1+K = 1 + (n-3)/2 = 1/2 (n-1)
Mutually edge –disjoint Hamilton cycle.
This completes the proof of the theorem.

Example 7:
How many edge - disjoint Hamilton cycles exist in the complete graph with seven vertices?

Also, draw the graph to show these Hamilton cycles.
According to theorem 3, the complete graph Kn has (n-1)/2 edge - disjoint Hamilton cycles when
n ≥ 3 and n is add. When n = 7, their number is (7-1)/2 = 3. As indicated in the proof of Theorem 3 .
One of these Hamilton cycles appears as shown in fig (2.13)

Fig. 2.13
● ● ●


The other two cycles are got by rotating the above shown cycle clock wise through angles.
D1 = 3600/7-1, = 60 , and D2 = 2(3600)/7-1, = 1200



A problem closely related to the question of Hamiltonian circuits is the traveling sales man problem,
stated as follows: A sales man is required to visit a number of cities during a trip, given the distances
between the cities, in what order should be travel so as to visit every city precisely once and return
home, with the minimum mileage traveled ?
Representing the cities by vertices and the roads between them by edges, we get a graph. In this graph,
with every edge ei there is associated a real number (the distance in miles, say), w(ei) such a graph is
called a weighted graph; w(ei) being the weight of edge ei.

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In our problem, if each of the cities has a road to every other city, we have a ‘complete weighted
graph’. This graph has numerous Hamiltonian circuits, and we are to pick the one that has the smallest
sum of distances (or weights)
The total number of different (not edge - disjoint, of course) Hamiltonian circuits in a complete
graph of n vertices can be shown to be (n-1)!/2.

This follows from the fact that starting from any vertex we have n-1 edges to choose from the
first vertex, n-2 from the second, n-3 from the third, and so on. These being independent choices.
We get (n-1)! possible number of choices. This number is, however, divided by 2, because each

Hamiltonian circuit has been counted twice.
Theoretically, the problem of the traveling salesman can always be solved by enumerating all (n-

1)! /2 Hamiltonian circuits, calculating the distance traveled in each, and then picking the shortest one.
However for a large value of n, the labor involved is too great even for a digital computer (try solving it
for the 50 state capitals in the united states: n = 50).
The problem is to prescribe a manageable algorithm for finding the shortest route. No efficient
algorithm for problems of arbitrary size has yet been found, although many attempts have been made.
Since this problem has applications in operations research, some specific large - scale examples have
been worked out. There are also available several heuristic methods of solution that give a route very
close to the shortest one.

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Various types of walks

Discussed in this chapter are summarized in fig (2.14). The arrows point in the direction of increasing
Open Walk Closed

Path Unicursal Line Circuit Euler Line

Hamiltonian Path Hamiltonian Circuit Arbitrarily Traceable

Fig. 2.14 Different Types of Walks

Given a planar or non-planar graph G, if we assign colors (colours) to its vertices in such a way
that no two adjacent vertices have (receive) the some color , then we say that the graph G is Properly
In otherwords, proper coloring of a graph means assigning colors to its vertices such that
adjacent vertices have different colors.
Green B●
lue Blue
● ●

Blue ● ●Red Green ● ●Red Red ● ● Red

● ● Green ●
Green Yellow

● ● ● Red
Red Blue

Fig. 2.15

In fig. (2.15), the first two graphs are properly colored where as the third graph is not properly

By Examining the first two graphs in fig (2.15) which are properly colored , we note the
i) A graph can have more than one proper coloring.
ii) Two non–adjacent vertices in a properly colored graph can have the same color.

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A graph G is said to be K–colorable if we can properly color it with K (number of) colors.
A graph G which is K–colorable but not (K-1) – colorable is called a
‘K – Chromatic graph’.
In otherwords, a K–Chromatic graph is a graph that can be properly colored with K colors but

not with less than K colors.
If a graph G is K–Chromatic, then K is called the chromatic number of G. Thus, the chromatic
number of a graph is the minimum number of colors with which the graph can be properly colored. The

chromatic number of a graph G is usually denoted by χ (G).

i) A graph consisting of only isolated vertices (ie., Null graph) is 1–Chromatic (Because no two
vertices of such a graph are adjacent and therefore we can assign the same color to all vertices).
ii) A graph with one or more edges is at least 2 -chromatic (Because such a graph has at least one
pair of adjacent vertices which should have different colors).
If a graph G contains a graph G1 as a
subgraph, then
χ (G) ≥ χ (G1).
iv. If G is a graph of n vertices, then χ (G) ≤ n.
v. χ (Kn) = n, for all n ≥ 1. (Because, in Kn, every two vertices are adjacent and as such all the n
vertices should have different colors)

vi. If a graph G contains Kn as a subgraph, then χ (G) ≥ n.

Example 1: Find the chromatic number of each of the following graphs.

Fig. 2.16
V5 V4 V6 V1

V1 V3
V6 V5 V5 V2 V8
V1 V2

(a) (b) (c)

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Solution :
i) For the graph (a), let us assign a color D to the vertex V1, then for a proper coloring, we have to assign
a different color to its neighbors V2,V4,V6, since V2, V4, V6 are mutually non-adjacent vertices, they can
have the same color as V1, namely D.
Thus, the graph can be properly colored with at lest two colors, with the vertices V1,V3,V5

having one color D and V2,V4,V6 having a different color β . Hence, the chromatic number of the graph
is 2.
ii) For the graph (b) , let us assign the color D to the vertex V1. Then for a proper coloring its

neighbours V2,V3 & V4 cannot have the color D.
Further more, V2, V3,V4 must have different colors, say β, γ, δ .Thus, at least four colors are

required for a proper coloring of the graph.
Hence the chromatic number of the graph is 4.
iii) For the graph (c) , we can assign the same color, say D, to the non-adjacent vertices V1, V3, V5.
Then the vertices V2,V4,V6 consequently V7 and V8 can be assigned the same color which is
different from both D and β . Thus, a minimum of three colors are needed for a proper coloring of the
graph. Hence its chromatic number is 3.
Example 2: Find the chromatic numbers of the following graphs.

Fig. 2.17

V1 0
V2 V9 V5

V8 . v7

V7 v2 v6
v10 v9

V3 V4
Fig. 2.17 (a) Fig. 2.17 (b)
Solution (i):
We note that the graph (a) is the Peterson graph. By observing the graph, we note that the
vertices V1,V3,V6 and V7 can be assigned the same color, say D . Then the vertices V2,V4, V8 and V10
can be assigned the same color, β (other than D) . Now, the vertices V5 and V9 have to be assigned
colors other than D and β ; they can have the same color γ. Thus, a minimum of three colors are
required for a proper coloring of this graph. Hence, the chromatic number of this graph is 3.

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Solution (ii) :
By observing the graph (b),(this graph is called the Herscher graph),we note that the vertices
V1, V3, V5, V6 and V11 can be assigned the same color D and all the remaining vertices: V2,V4, V7,V8, V9
and V10 can be assigned the same color β (other than D). Thus two colors are sufficient
(one color is not sufficient ) for proper coloring of the graph. Hence its chromatic number is 2.

Example (3):
Prove that a graph of order n (≥ 2) consisting of a single cycle is 2–chromatic if n is even and 3 –
chromatic if n is odd.

The graph being considered is shown as below.

Vn-1 ? ?

vn ?
? v3

Fig. 2.18
Obviously, the graph cannot be properly colored with a single color. Assign two colors
alternatively to the vertices, starting with V1. Then, the odd vertices, V1, V3, V5 etc., will have a color D
and the even vertices V2, V4, V6 will have a different color β. Suppose n is even, then the vertex Vn is
an even vertex and therefore will have the color β, and the graph gets properly colored therefore, the

graph is 2–chromatic
Suppose n is odd, then the vertex Vn is an odd vertex and therefore will have the color D and the
graph is not properly colored (because, then the adjacent vertices Vn and V1 will have the same color
D). To make it properly colored, it is enough if Vn is a assigned a third color, γ. Thus, in this case, the

graph is 3-chromatic.

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Example 4:
Prove that a graph G is 2–chromatic if and only if it is non – null bipartite graph.
Suppose a graph G is 2 - chromatic. Then it is non-null and some vertices of G have one color,
say D and the rest of the vertices have another color, say β .Let V1 be the set of vertices having color D

and V2 be the set of vertices having color β .Then V1U V2 = V. The vertex set of G , and V1∩ V2 = Ф .
Also, no two vertices of V1 can be adjacent and no two vertices of V2 can be adjacent. As such, every
edge in G has one end in V1 and the other end in V2. Hence G is bipartite graph.

Conversely, suppose G is a non- null bipartite graph. Then the vertex set of G has two bipartites
V1 and V2 such that every edge in G has one end in V1 and another end in V2. Consequently, G cannot

be properly colored with one color ; because then vertices in V1 and V2 will have the same color and
every edge has both of its ends of the same color. Suppose we assign a color D to all vertices in V1 and a
different color β to all vertices in V2. This will make a proper coloring of V. Hence G is 2- Chromatic.
Example 5 : c
If ' (G) is the maximum of the degrees of the vertices of a graph G, then prove that χ (G) ≤ 1+
' (G). ………….. (i)
Suppose G contains n = 2 vertices, then the degrees of both the vertices is 1, so that ' (G) =1
,also χ (G) =2 .Hence χ (G) = 1+ ' (G).
Thus, the required inequality (i) is verified for n=2.

Assume that the inequality is true for all graphs with K- vertices. Consider a graph G΄ with K + 1
vertices. If we remove any vertex v from G΄ then the resulting graph H will have K vertices and ' (H)
≤ '(G΄) . since H has K vertices, the inequality (i) holds for H (by the assumption made). Therefore, χ

(H) ≤ 1+ ' (H). since ' (H) ≤ '(G΄), this yields χ (H) ≤ 1+'(G΄)
Now, a proper coloring of G΄ can be achieved by retaining the colors assigned to the vertices in
H and by assigning a color to V that is different from the colors assigned to the vertices adjacent to it.

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V2 V2

V V3 V3

V1 V1


V4 V4

Fig. (a): G’ Fig. (b): H
The color to be assigned to V can be one of the colors already assigned to a vertex in H that is
not adjacent to V. Thus, a proper

Coloring of G΄can be done without the use of a new color.
Hence χ (G’) = χ (H) ≤ 1+ '(G’).

Thus, if the inequality (1) holds for all graphs with K vertices, it holds for a graph with K + 1
vertices.Hence, by induction, it follows that the inequality (1) holds for all graphs .

If G is a planar graph, then G can be represented by a diagram in a plane. In which the edges
meet only at the vertices. Such a diagram divides the plane in to a number of parts called regions (or
faces), of which exactly one part is unbounded. The number of edges that form the boundary of a region
is called the degree of that region.
For example, in the diagram of a planar graph shown in fig. (2.20) the diagram divides the plane
into 6 regions R1,R2,R3,R4,R5,R6. We observe that each of the regions R1 to R5 is bounded and the region

R6 is unbounded. That is, R1 to R5 are in the interior of the graph while R6 is in the Exterior.

? ?
R1 R3

? ?

Fig. 2.20

We further observe that, the fig (2.20) the boundary of the region R1 is made up of two edges.
Therefore, the degree of R1 is 2. We write this as d(R1) = 2. The boundary of each of the regions R2 and

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R4 is made up of 3 edges; therefore, d(R2) = d(R4) = 3. The boundary of the region R3 consists of 4
edges of which one is pendant edge.
Therefore, d(R3) =5. The region R5 is bounded by a single edge (loop) therefore, d(R5)=1.The
boundary of the exterior region R6 consists of six edges;therefore,d(R6) = 6.
We note that

d(R1) +d(R2) +d(R3)+d(R4)+d(R5)+d(R6)=20.
Which is twice the number of edges in the graph. This property is analogous to the handshaking
property and is true for all planar graphs.

It should be pointed out that the regions are determined by a diagram of a planar graph and not
by the graph itself. This means that if we change the diagram of the graph, the regions determined by the

new diagram will be generally different from those determined by the old one in the sense that the
unbounded region in the old diagram need not be unbounded in the new diagram. However, the
interesting fact is that the total number of regions in the two diagrams remains the same.
The proof of this fact is contained in the following Euler’s fundamental theorem on planar
A connected planar graph G with n vertices and m edges has exactly m – n +2 regions in all of its
Let r denote the number of regions in a diagram of G. The theorem states that,

r = m – n+ 2 , or n – m + r = 2 …………(1)
We give the proof by induction on m.
If m = 0, then n , must be equal to 1. Because , if n >1, then G will have
at least two vertices and there must be an edge connecting them (because G is connected), so that m ≠ 0

, which is a contradiction.
If n = 1, a diagram of G determines only one region – the entire plane region (as shown in fig 2.21 (a)).
Thus , if m = 0, then n = 1 and r = 1 , so that n-m +r = 2. This verifies the theorem for m = 0.

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Fig. 2.21

R∞ R∞ ●

● ● ●

(a ) (b )

Now, assume that the theorem holds for all graphs with m=k number of edges, where k is a non-
negative integer.

Consider a graph Gk+1 with k +1 edges and n vertices. First, suppose that Gk+1 has no cycles in it.
Then a diagram of Gk+1 will be of the form shown in fig. 2.21 (b) in which the number of vertices will be

exactly one more than the number of edges, and the diagram will determine only one region–the entire
plane region (as in fig. 2.21 (b)). Thus for G k+1, we have, in this case, n = (k+1)+1 and r = 1, so that
n – (k+1)+r = 2.
This means that the result (i) is true when m=k+ 1 as well, if G k+1 contains no cycles in it.
Next, suppose GK+1 contains at least one cycle. Let r be the number of regions which a diagram
of Gk+1 determine. Consider an edge ‘e ‘ in a cycle and remove it from Gk+1. The resulting graph, Gk+1 –
e, will have n vertices and (k+1)–1=k edges, and its diagram will determine r-1 regions. Since Gk+1 – e
has k edges, the theorem holds for this graph (by the induction assumption made).
That is we have
r - 1 = k – n +2, or n – (k + 1)+r = 2

This means that in this case also the result (1) is true when m = k + 1 as well.
Hence, by induction, it follows that the result (1) is true for all non– negative integers m. This
completes the proof of the theorem.
Corollary I :

If G is connected simple planar graph with n( ≥3) vertices, m (>2) edges and r regions, then (i)
m ≥ (3/2)r and (ii) m ≤ 3n-6.
Since the graph G is simple, it has no multiple edges and no loops. As such, every region must be
bounded by three or more edges. Therefore, the total number of edges that bound all the regions is
greater then or equal to 3r.On the other hand, an edge is in the boundary of at most two regions.

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Therefore, the total number of edges that bound all regions is less than or equal to 2m.Thus,3r ≤ 2m. or
m ≥ (3/2)r
This is required result (i) .
Now, substituting for r from Euler’s formula in the result just proved, we get m ≥ 3 / 2 (m-n+2)
Which simplifies to m ≤ 3n-6. This is required result (ii)

Corollary 2:
Kuratowski’s first graph, K5, is non-planar.

The graph K5 is simple, connected and has n = 5 vertices and m = 10 edges; refer to figure
Kuratowski’s first graph. If this graph is planar, then by result (ii) of Corollary 1, we should have m ≤

3n – 6; that is 10 ≤ 15 - 6, which is not true. Therefore, K5 is non – planar
Corollary 3:
Kuratowski’s second graph, K3,3, is non-planar.
Proof: We first note that K3,3 is simple, connected and has n = 6 vertices and m = 9 edges; see fig
Kuratowski’s second graph.
Suppose K3,3 is planar. By examining the figure Kuratowski’s graph, we note that K3,3 has no cycles of
length 3. Therefore by result (iii) of Corollary 1, we should have m ≤ 2n – 4; that is, 9 ≤ 12 – 4, which
is not true. Hence, K3,3 is non – planar.
Corollary 4:
Every connected simple planar graph G contains a vertex of degree less than 6.

Suppose every vertex of G is of degree greater than or eual to 6.Then,if d1,d2,……dn are the
degrees of the n vertices of G,we have d1 ≥ 6, d2 ≥ 6,……. dn ≥ 6.
Adding these, we get

d1+d2+……+dn ≥ 6 n.
By handshaking property, the left hand side of this inequality is equal to 2m,where m is the
number of edges inG,thus,2m ≥6n, or 3n ≤ m.
On the other hand ,by the result(ii)of corollary 1,(Result (ii) ie m≤ 3n-6).
We should have m ≤ 3n-6.Thus, 3n ≤ m ≤ 3n-6.This cannot be true.
Therefore, G must have a vertex of degree less than 6.
Example 1:

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Verify Euler’s formula for the planar graph shown in figure 2.20.
The given graph has n=6 vertices, m=10 edges and r=6 regions. Thus,
n –m + r = 6 – 10 + 6 = 2.
The Euler’s formula is thus verified for the given graph.

Example 2:
Verify Euler’s formula for the planar graphs shown below:
● ● ●

● ● ● ● ● ●
● ●
● ● ● ●
● ●

● ● ● ●

● ● ●

Fig. 2.22
Fig. (a) Fig. (b)

We observe that the first of the given graphs has n = 17 vertices, m = 34 edges and r = 19
regions. Thus, n – m + r = 17 - 34 + 19 = 2.
In the second of the given graphs, there are n = 10 vertices, m = 24 edges and r = 16 regions, so that n –
m + r = 10 – 24 + 16 = 12.
Thus, for both of the given graphs, Euler’s formula is verified.

Example 3:
For the diagram of a planar graph shown below, find the degrees of regions and verify that the
sum of these degrees is equal to twice the number of edges

● ●
● R4
R3 ● ●
● ●

Fig. 2.23
The diagram has 9 edges and 4 regions. The region R1 is bound by three edges. Therefore,
d(R1)=3. Similarly, d(R2)=5, d(R3)=3.

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The infinite region R4 is bound by 5 edges plus a pendant edge. Therefore,d(R4)=7. (Recall that
while determining the degree of a region, a pendant edge is counted twice).
d (R1) + d (R2) + d (R3) + d (R4) = 18
= twice the no. of edges.

Example 4:
A connected planar graph has 9 vertices with degrees 2,2,3,3,3,4,5,6,6.Find the number of
regions of G.

The given graph has n = 9 vertices. Let m be the number of edges and r be the number of

Therefore by the Handshaking property, we have
2m = sum of degrees of vertices
= 2+2+3+3+3+4+5+6+6
= 34.
Therefore, m = 17.
By using Euler’s formula, we find that
r = m - n + 2.
= 17-9+2 = 10
Thus, the given graph has 10 regions.

Example 5:
Show that every connected simple planar graph G with less than 12 vertices must have a vertex
of degree ≤ 4.

Suppose every vertex of G has degree greater than 4. Then, if d1, d2, d3 d4, ……….. dn are the
degrees of n vertices of G, we have
d1 ≥ 5, d2 ≥5,…… dn ≥ 5 so that,
d1+ d2+ d3 +d4 ………….. dn ≥ 5n, or 2m ≥ 5n,by hand shaking property,
or 5n / 2 ≤ m…………(i)
On the other hand, Corollary 1 requires m ≤ 3n-6. Thus, we should have, in view of (i), 5n/2 ≤
3n–6 or n ≥ 12……..(ii)

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Thus, if every vertex of G has degree greater than 4, then G must have at least 12 vertices.
Hence, if G has less than 12 vertices, it must have a vertex of degree ≤ 4.
Example 6:
Show that if a planar graph G of order n and size m has r regions and k components, then n – m +
r = k + 1.

let H1, H2, ………Hk be the k components of G. Let the number of vertices, the number of edges

and the number of non – exterior regions in Hi be ni, mi, ri respectively, i = 1, 2………..,k. the

exterior region is the same for all components. Therefore. ∑ ni = n, ∑ mi = m, ∑ ri = r – 1.
If the exterior region is not considered, then the Euler’s formula applied to Hi yields

ni – mi + ri = 1.
On summation (from i = 1 to i = k), this yields
n – m + (r – 1 ) = k, or n – m + r = k + 1.

2.5.1 Chromatic Polynominals:

Given a connected graph G & λ number of different colors, let us take up the problem of finding
the number of different ways of properly coloring G with these λ colors.
First, consider the null graph Nn with n vertices. In this graph, no two vertices are adjacent.
Therefore, a proper coloring of this graph can be done by assigning a single color to all the vertices.
Thus, if there are λ number of colors, each vertex of the graph has λ possible choices of colors assigned

to it, and as such the graph can be properly colored in λn different ways
Next consider the complete graph Kn. In this graph, every two vertices are adjacent, and as such
there must be at least n colors for a proper coloring of the graph. If the number of different colors

available is λ, then the number of ways of properly coloring Kn is

(i) Zero if λ < n,
(ii) One if λ = n,
(iii) Greater than 1 if λ >n.

Let v1, v2, v3….vn be the vertices of Kn and suppose λ > n.

For a proper coloring of Kn, the vertex v1 can be assigned any of the λ colors, the vertex v2 can
be assigned any of the remaining λ - 1 colors, the vertex v3 can be assigned any of the remaining λ-2

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colors and finally the vertex vn can be assigned any of the λ - n+1 colors. Thus, Kn can be profperly
colored in λ (λ -1)( λ -2) ... (λ –n+1) different ways if λ >n.
Lastly, consider the graph Ln which is a path consisting of n vertices v1, v2, v3….vn shown


v2 vn
v3 v4

Figure 2.44

This graph cannot be properly colored with one color, but can be properly colored with 2 colors
– by assigning one color to v1, v3, v5…….. and another color to v2, v4, v6…. Suppose there are λ ≥ 2
number of colors available. Then, for a proper coloring of the graph, the vertex v1 can be assigned any
one of the λ colors and each of the remaining vertices can be assigned any one of λ-1 colors.
(Bear in mind that alternative vertices can have the same color). Thus, the graph Ln can be
properly colored in λ(λ-1)n-1 different ways.
The number of different ways of properly coloring a graph G with λ number of colors is denoted
by P(G, λ). Thus, from what is seen in the above three illustrate examples, we note that
(i) P(Nn, λ) = λn,
(ii) P(Kn, λ) = 0 if λ < n,

P(Kn, n) = 1 if λ = n, and
P(Kn, λ) = λ (λ -1)( λ -2) ... (λ –n+1) if λ > n ,
(iii) P(Ln, λ) = λ (λ -1)n-1 if λ ≥ 2 ,
We observe that in each of the above cases, P(G, λ) is a polynominal. Motivated by these cases, we

take that P(G, λ) is polynomial for all connected graph G. This polynomial is called the Chromatic
It follows that if a graph G is made up of n parts, G1,G2….Gn, then P(G, λ) is given by the following
P (G, λ) = P (G1, λ). P (G2, λ)………. P (Gn, λ)
In particular, If G is made up of two parts G1 and G2, then we have P(G, λ) =P (G1, λ).
P (G2, λ) so that

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P (G2, λ) = P (G, λ) / P (G1, λ)

Let G be a graph and e = {a,b} be an edge of G. Let Ge = G – e be that subgraph of G which is
obtained by deleting e from G without deleting vertices a and b*. Suppose we construct a new graph

Ge’ by coalescing (identifying / merging) the vertices a and b in Ge. Then Ge’ is subgraph of Ge as well
as G.
The process of obtaining Ge and Ge’ from G is illustrated in Figure 2.45.

d b
d b d


G c a
Ge c
( a=b) Ge`

Figure 2.45
The following theorem called the Decomposition theorem for chromatic polynomials given an
expression for P (G, λ) in terms of P (Ge, λ) and P (Ge’, λ) for a connected graph G.
Theorem 1:
If G is a connected graph and e = {a,b} is an edge of G, then
P (Ge, λ) = P (G, λ) + P (Ge’, λ)
Proof: In a proper coloring of Ge, the vertices a and b can have the same color or different colors. In
every proper coloring of G, the vertices a and b have different colors and in every proper coloring of Ge’

these vertices have the same color. Therefore, the number of proper colorings of Ge is the sum of the
number of proper colorings of G and the number of proper colorings of Ge’. That is, P (Ge, λ) = P (G,
λ) + P (Ge’, λ)
This completes the proof of the theorm.

The following theorem gives an expression for P(G, λ) for a special class of graphs.
Theorem 2: If a graph G has sub graphs G1 and G2 such that G1UG2 = G and G1∩G2 = Kn for some
posistive intger n, then
P (G, λ) = P (G1, λ) . P (G2, λ) / λ(n)
Where λ(n) = λ (λ -1)( λ -2) ... (λ –n+1)

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Given λ > n number of different colors, there are λ(n) = λ (λ -1) (λ -1) ( λ -2) …..... (λ –n+1) number of
proper colorings of Kn. For each of these λ(n) proper colorings of Kn, the product rule yields P
(G1,λ)/λ(n) ways of properly coloring the remaining vertices of G1. Similarly, there are P (G2, λ)/λ(n) ways
of properly coloring the remaining vertices of G. As such
P(G, λ) = P(Kn, λ) . P(G1, λ) / λ(n).P(G2, λ) / λ(n)

= λ(n) . P (G1, λ) / λ(n) . P (G2, λ) / λ(n)
= P (G1, λ) . P (G2, λ) / λ(n)
This completes the proof of the theorem.

Example 1: Find the chromatic polynomial for the graph shown in Figure 2.46. What is its chromatic
number ?

We observe that the given graph G is a path of length n = 5, namely L5. Therefore, its chromatic
polynomial is Figure 2.46

P (G, λ) = λ(λ-1)n-1 = λ(λ-1)4

Next, we note that the chromatic number of the graph is χ(G)=2. (Because, thse graph cannot be
properly colored with one color but can be properly colored with 2 colors by assigning two colors to the
alternative vertices).
Example 2:
Find the chromatic number and the chromatic polynomial for the graph K1,n .
We note that K1,n is the complete bipartite graph wherein one bipartite of the vertex set has only one

vertex, say v, and the other bipartite has n vertices, say v1,v2,……….vn. A proper coloring of this graph
cannot be done with just one color and but can be done with two colors – by assigning one color to v and
another color to all of v1,v2,………vn. Thus, the chromatic number of this graph is 2.
If λ colors are available, then the vertex v can be colored in λ ways and each of the vertices

v1,v2……vn can be colored in λ-1 ways. Therefore, the number of ways of properly coloring the graph
is λ(λ-1)n. This is the chromatic polynomial for the graph.
Example 3:
(a) consider the graph K2,3 shown in Figure 2.47. Let λ denote the number of colors available to
properly color the vertices of this graph. Find:
(i) how many proper colorings of the graph have vertices a, b colored the same.
(ii) how many proper colorings of the graph have vertices a,b colored with different colors.

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(iii) The chromatic polynomial of the graph.

(b) For the graph K2,n what is the chromatic polynomial?


Figure 2.47
(a): (i) If the vertices a and b are to have the same color, then there are λ choices for coloring the vertex

a and only one choice for the vertex b (or vice versa). Consequently, there are λ–1 choices for
each of the vertices x,y,z. Hence, the number of proper colorings (in this case) is λ (λ-1)3

(ii) If the vertices a and b are to have different colors, then there are λ choices for coloring the
vertex a and λ-1 choices for the vertex b (or vice versa). Consequently, there are λ–2 choices for
each of the vertices x,y,z. Hence the number of proper colorings (in this case) is λ (λ-1) (λ-2)3.
(iii) Since the two cases of the vertices a and b have the same color or different colors are
exhaustive and mutually exclusive, the chromatic polynomial of the graph is
P(K2,3, λ) = λ (λ-1)3 + λ(λ-1) (λ-2)3.
(b): Let V1 = {a,b} and V2 = {x1,x2,x3,………xn} be the two bipartites of K2,n. Then, if a and b are to
have the same color, the number of proper colorings of K2,n is λ (λ-1)n as in case (i) above, If a
and b are to have different colors, the number of proper colorings is λ(λ-1)(λ-2)n,
as in case (ii) above. Consequently, the chromatic polynomial for K2,n is

P(K2,n, λ) = λ (λ-1)n + λ(λ-1) (λ-2)n .

Example 4: Find the chromatic polynomial for the cycle C4 of length 4.


v1 v2

v4 v3

Figure 2.48

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A cycle of length 4, namely C4, is shown in Figure 2.48. Let us redesignate it as G and denote
the edge {v2,v3} as e. Then the graph Ge and Ge’ would be as shown below..

v1 v2 v1 v2 (=v3)

v4 Ge v3 v4 Ge’

Fig. 2.49

We note that the graph Ge is a path with 4 vertices. Therefore, P(Ge, λ) = λ (λ-1)3 Also, the

graph Ge’ is the graph K3. Therefore P(Ge’, λ) =λ(λ-1)(λ-2)Accordingly, using the decomposition
theorem, we find that

P(C4, λ) = P(G,λ) = P(Ge, λ) - P(Ge’, λ)
= λ (λ-1)3 - λ (λ-1) (λ-2)
= λ4 – 4 λ3 + 6 λ2 -3 λ .
This is the chromatic polynomial for the given cycle.
Example 5: Find the chromatic polynomial for the graph shown below. If 5 colors are available, in
how many ways can the vertices of this graph be properly colored?.
v5 v2

v4 v3
Figure 2.50
Let us denote the given graph by G and the edge {v1,v2} by e. Then the graph Ge and Ge’ would be as
shown in Figure 2.51.


v5 v2 v5 v2=v1

v4 v3 v4 v3
Ge Ge’
Figure 2.51

Let us redesignate the graph Ge as H and denote the edge {v1,v5} as f. Then the graph Hf and Hf‘
would appear as shown below:

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v5(=v1) v2
v5 v2

v4 v3
v4 v3 Hcf

Figure 2.52
Applying the decomposition theorem to the graphs G and H we note that

P(G, λ) = P(Ge,λ) - P(Ge’, λ)
= P(H,λ) - P(Ge’, λ)

= { P(Hf,λ) - P(Hf’, λ)} - P(Ge’, λ) ------------- (1)
We observe that both of the graphs Ge’ and Hf’ are the graph K4 and the graph Hf is a
deconnected graph having N1 ) - null graph of order 1 consisting of the single vertex v1) and K4 as
components. Accordingly,

P(Ge’, λ) = P(Hf‘ λ) = P(K4, λ) = λ(λ-1) (λ-2) (λ-3)
P(Hf , λ) = P(N1, λ) . P(K4, λ)
= λ. λ (λ-1) (λ-2) (λ-3).
Consequently, expression (i) gives
P(G, λ) = λ. λ (λ-1) (λ-2) (λ-3) - 2 λ(λ-1) (λ-2) (λ-3)
= λ (λ-1) (λ-2) (λ-3) (λ-2)

= λ (λ-1) (λ-2)2 (λ-3).

This is the chromatic polynomial for the given graph.
For λ = 5, this polynomial gives
P(G, λ) = 5 x 4 x 32 x 2=360.

This means that if 5 colors are available, the vertices of the graph can be properly colored in 360
different ways.
Example 6: Use the multiplication theorem to find P(G, λ) for the graph shown in Figure (2.50).
The graph G in figure 2.50 can be regarded as the union of the graphs G1 and G2 shown in
figures 2.53 (a) and 2.53(b) .

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v5 v2

v2 v4 v3 v5
v5 v2
(a):G1 (b):G2 Fig.2(c.5):3G1 n G2

Then G1∩ G2 = {v5,v2}Shown in Figure 2.53 (c).
WE note that G1 is the same as K3,G2 is the same as K4 and G1∩G2 is the same as K2. Hence,
using the multiplication theorem (Theorem 2), we get

P (G, λ) = P (G1, λ) . P (G2, λ) / λ(2).
= P (K3, λ) . P (K4, λ) / λ(2)

= λ (λ-1) (λ-2) . λ(λ-1) (λ-2) (λ-3) / λ (λ-1)
= λ (λ-1) (λ-2)2 (λ-3)
As the chromatic polynomial for the give G. (This result agrees with the result proved in example 5)
Example 7: Find the chromatic polynomial for the graph shown below:


v4 v3
Figure 2.54

Let us denote the given graph by G and the edge {v1,v5} as e. Then the graph Ge and Ge’ would
be as shown below.

v2 v5(=v 1)


v4 v3
v4 v3 G e’
Figure 2.55

Let us redesignate Ge as H and denote the edge {v5,v2} by f. Then the graphs Hf and Hf’are as
shown below.

v1 v2 v1 v2(=v5)

v4 v3 v4 v3
Hf Hf’

Figure 2.56

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Now, we note that Hf’ is the union of the cycles v1v4v2v1 and v2v3v4v2 each of which is the same
as K3, and that the intersection of these cycles is the edge {v4,v2} which is the same as K2. Therefore, by
the multiplication theorem, we have
P(Hf’,λ)=P(K3, λ).P(K3,λ)/λ(2) __________ (i)

P(Ge’,λ)=P(K3,λ).P(K3,λ)/λ(2) __________ (ii)
Next, we note that Hf is the union of the cycles v1v2v3v4v1and v5v3v4v5 and that the intersection of these
cycles is the edge {v4,v3}. The first of these cycles is C4, the second cycle is K3 and the edge {v4,v3} is

K2. Therefore, by the multiplication theorem, we have
P(Hf,λ)=P(C4,λ).P(K3,λ)/λ(2) _________ (iii)

Now, by using the decomposition theorem and the fact that H ≡Ge, we get.
P (G, λ) = P (Ge, λ) - P(Ge’, λ)
= P (H, λ) - P(Ge’, λ)
= P (Hf, λ) - P(Hf’, λ) - P(Ge’, λ)
using (i) – (iii)
= P(K3,λ)/ λ(2) { P(C4,λ) - 2P(K3,λ)}
Using the result of Example 4 and the expressions for P(K3,λ) & λ(2) this becomes
P(G,λ) = λ(λ-1)(λ-2)/λ(λ-1){λ{λ(λ-1)3-(λ-1)(λ-2)}-2λ(λ-1)(λ-2)}
= λ (λ-1) (λ-2) { (λ-1)2 - 3(λ-2)}

= λ (λ-1) (λ-2) (λ2 - 5λ+7).

Example 8: Let G = G(V,E) be a graph with a,b € V but {a,b} = e  E. Let Ge+ denote the graph
obtained by including e into G and Ge++ denote the graph obtained by coalescing (merging) the vertices
a and b. Prove that

P(G, λ)= P (Ge+, λ) + P (Ge++, λ)

Hence find the chromatic polynomial for the graph shown in figure 2.57.

v1 v2

v4 v3

Figure 2.57
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Let us redesignate Ge+ as H. Then, from the definitions of Ge+ and Ge++, we find that He = G and
He’ = Ge++. Now, applying the decomposition theorem to H, we get
P(He, λ)= P(H, λ) + P (He’, λ)
This is the same as

P(G, λ)= P (Ge+, λ) + P (Ge++, λ)
Which is the required result.
For the graph G shown in figure 2.57 , if e = {V2 V4}, the graphs Ge+ and Ge++ are as shown below:

v1 v2 v1

v4 v3 v3
v 4 = ‘ v2 +
Ge +

Figure 2.58
We note that Ge+ is K4 and Ge++ is K3, Therefore,
P(Ge+, λ)= P (K4, λ) = λ (λ-1) (λ-2) (λ-3)
and P(Ge++, λ)= P (K3, λ) = λ (λ-1) (λ-2)
Accordingly, the chromatic polynomial for the given graph is
P(G, λ)= P (Ge+, λ) + P (Ge++, λ)
= λ (λ-1) (λ-2) (λ-3) + λ (λ-1) (λ-2)

= λ (λ-1) (λ-2)2 .
Example 9: Prove the following:
(a) for any graph G, the constant term in P(G, λ) is zero.
(b) For any graph G = G(V,E) with \E\ ≥ 1, the sum of the coefficients in P(G, λ) is zero.

Let P(G, λ)= a0+a1 λ+ a2 λ2+…+ ar λr. Then
P(G,0)= a0 & P(G,1)= a0+a1+ a2+……+ ar.
(a)For any graph G, P(G,0) represents the number of ways of properly coloring G with zero number of
colors. Since a graph cannot be colored with no color on hand, it follows that P(G,0) = 0: that is a0 =

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(b) For any graph G, P(G,1) represents the number of ways of properly coloring G with 1 color. If G has
at least one edge, G cannot be properly colored with 1 color. This means that, for G = G((V,E) with
\E\ ≥ 1, we have
P(G,1)= 0, that is, a0+a1+ a2+…………+ ar= 0.

01. Determine the chromatic polynomials for the graphs shown below:.

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi)

Figure 2.59
Ans 1. λ (λ-1)2(λ-2) .
Ans 2. λ (λ-1)2 (λ-2)2 .
Ans 3. λ (λ-1) (λ-2) (λ2 - 2 λ+2) .
Ans 4. λ (λ-1) (λ-2)3
Ans 5. λ (λ-1) (λ-2) (2 λ-5).
Ans 6. λ (λ-1)2 (λ-2)2 .

02. If 4 colors are available, in how many different ways can the vertices of each graph in Figure
2.59 be properly colored?

Ans: (i) 72 (ii) 144 (iii) 240 (iv) 96 (v) 72 (vi) 144

03. For n≥ 3,Let Gn be the graph obtained by deleting one edge from Kn. Determine P(Gn, λ) and χ(Gn).
04. If Cn denotes a cycle of length n≥ 3, prove that P(Cn, λ) = (λ-1)n+(-1)n(λ-1)

05. If Cn denotes a cycle of length n ≥ 4 , prove that P(Cn, λ) + P(Cn-1, λ) = λ(λ-1)n-1

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• Graph consists of two sets: set V of vertices and set E of edges.

• Terminology: endpoints of the edge, loop edges, parallel edges, adjacent vertices, isolated vertex,
subgraph, bridge edge
• Directed graph (digraph) has each edge as an ordered pair of vertices
Special Graphs

• Simple graph is a graph without loop or parallel edges. A complete graph of n vertices Kn is a
simple graph which has an edge between each pair of vertices. A complete bipartite graph of (n,

m) vertices Kn,m is a simple graph consisting of vertices, v1, v2, …, vm and w1, w2, …, wn with
the following properties:
– There is an edge from each vertex vi to each vertex wj
– There is no edge from any vertex vi to any vertex vj
– There is no edge from any vertex wi to any vertex wj

The Concept of Degree

• The degree of a vertex deg(v) is a number of edges that have vertex v as an endpoint. Loop edge
gives vertex a degree of 2. In any graph the sum of degrees of all vertices equals twice the
number of edges. The total degree of a graph is even. In any graph there are even number of
vertices of odd degree
Paths and Circuits
• A walk in a graph is an alternating sequence of adjacent vertices and edges. A path is a walk that
does not contain a repeated edge. Simple path is a path that does not contain a repeated vertex. A

closed walk is a walk that starts and ends at the same vertex. A circuit is a closed walk that does
not contain a repeated edge. A simple circuit is a circuit which does not have a repeated vertex
except for the first and last

• Two vertices of a graph are connected when there is a walk between two of them. The graph is
called connected when any pair of its vertices is connected. If graph is connected, then any two
vertices can be connected by a simple path. If two vertices are part of a circuit and one edge is
removed from the circuit then there still exists a path between these two vertices. Graph H is
called a connected component of graph G when H is a subgraph of G, H is connected and H is
not a subgraph of any bigger connected graph. Any graph is a union of connected components

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Euler Circuit
• Euler circuit is a circuit that contains every vertex and every edge of a graph. Every edge is
traversed exactly once. If a graph has Euler circuit then every vertex has even degree. If some
vertex of a graph has odd degree then the graph does not have an Euler circuit. If every vertex of
a graph has even degree and the graph is connected then the graph has an Euler circuit. A Euler
path is a path between two vertices that contains all vertices and traverces all edge exactly ones.
There is an Euler path between two vertices v and w iff vertices v and w have odd degrees and

all other vertices have even degrees
Hamiltonian Circuit
Hamiltonian circuit is a simple circuit that contains all vertices of the graph (and each exactly

once). Example: Traveling salesperson problem
• Connected graph without circuits is called a tree. Graph is called a forest when it does not have

circuits. A vertex of degree 1 is called a terminal vertex or a leaf, the other vertices are called
internal nodes. Examples: Decision tree, Syntactic derivation tree.
• Any tree with more than one vertex has at least one vertex of degree 1. Any tree with n vertices
has n – 1 edges. If a connected graph with n vertices has n – 1 edges, then it is a tree

Rooted Trees
• Rooted tree is a tree in which one vertex is distinguished and called a root. Level of a vertex is
the number of edges between the vertex and the root. The height of a rooted tree is the maximum
level of any vertex. Children, siblings and parent vertices in a rooted tree. Ancestor, descendant
relationship between vertices
Binary Trees
• Binary tree is a rooted tree where each internal vertex has at most two children: left and right.
Left and right subtrees.

• Full binary tree: Representation of algebraic expressions

• If T is a full binary tree with k internal vertices then T has a total of 2k + 1 vertices and k + 1 of
them are leaves. Any binary tree with t leaves and height h satisfies the following inequality: t d
Spanning Trees

• A subgraph T of a graph G is called a spanning tree when T is a tree and contains all vertices of
G. Every connected graph has a spanning tree. Any two spanning trees have the same number of
edges. A weighted graph is a graph in which each edge has an associated real number weight. A
minimal spanning tree (MST) is a spanning tree with the least total weight of its edges.
Trees: Definition & Applications
A tree is a connected graph with no cycles. A forest is a graph whose components are trees. An
example appears below. Trees come up in many contexts: tournament brackets, family trees,
organizational charts, and decision trees, being a few examples.

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Directed Trees
A directed tree is a digraph whose underlying graph is a tree and which has no loops and no pairs of
vertices joined in both directions. These last two conditions mean that if we interpret a directed tree

as a relation, it is irreflexive and asymmetric. Here is an example.

Theorem: A tree T(V,E) with finite vertex set and at least one edge has at least two leaves (a leaf is a

vertex with degree one). Proof: Fix a vertex a that is the endpoint of some edge. Move from a to the
adjacent vertex along the edge. If that vertex has no adjacent vertices then it has degree one, so stop.
If not, move along another edge to another vertex. Continue building a path in this fashion until you
reach a vertex with no adjacent vertices besides the one you just came from. This is sure to happen
because V is finite and you never use the same vertex twice in the path (since T is a tree). This
produces one leaf. Now return to a. If it is a leaf, then you are done. If not, move along a different
edge than the one at the first step above. Continue extending the path in that direction until you reach
a leaf (which is sure to happen by the argument above).

Trees: Leaves & Internal Vertices

In the following tree the red vertices are leaves. We now know every finite tree with an edge has a
least two leaves. The other vertices are internal vertices.

• Theorem: Given vertices a and b in a tree T(V,E), there is a unique simple path from a to b.
Proof: Trees are connected, so there is a simple path from a to b. The book gives a nice example
of using the contrapositive to prove the rest of the theorem.
• Theorem: Given a graph G(V,E) such that every pair of vertices is joined by a unique simple
path, then G is a tree. This is the converse of Theorem 6.37. Proof: Since a simple path joins
every pair of points, the graph is connected. Now suppose G has a cycle abc…a. Then ba and
bc…a are distinct simple paths from b to a. This contradicts uniqueness of simple paths, so G
cannot possess such a cycle. This makes G a tree.

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Rooted Trees
Sometimes it is useful to distinguish one vertex of a tree and call it the root of the tree. For instance
we might, for whatever reasons, take the tree above and declare the red vertex to be its root. In that
case we often redraw the tree to let it all “hang down” from the root (or invert this picture so that it
all “grows up” from the root, which suits the metaphor better)

o m
Rooted Directed Trees
It is sometimes useful to turn a rooted tree into a rooted directed tree T′ by directing every edge

away from the root.

Rooted trees and their derived rooted directed trees have some useful terminology, much of which is
suggested by family trees. The level of a vertex is the length of the path from it to the root. The
height of the tree is the length of the longest path from a leaf to the root. If there is a directed edge in
T′ from a to b, then a is the parent of b and b is a child of a. If there are directed edges in T′ from a to
b and c, then b and c are siblings. If there is a directed path from a to b, then a is an ancestor of b and

b is a descendant of a.

Binary & m-ary Trees

We describe a directed tree as binary if no vertex has outdegree over 2. It is more common to call a
tree binary if no vertex has degree over 3. (In general a tree is m-ary if no vertex has degree over

m+1. Our book calls a directed tree m-ary if no vertex has outdegree over m.) The directed rooted
tree above is 4-ary (I think the word is quaternary) since it has a vertex with outdegree 4. In a rooted
binary tree (hanging down or growing up) one can describe each child vertex as the left child or right
child of its parent.

Trees: Edges in a Tree

Theorem: A tree on n vertices has n–1 edges. Proof: Let T be a tree with n vertices. Make it rooted.
Then every edge establishes a parent-child relationship between two vertices. Every child has
exactly one parent, and every vertex except the root is a child. Therefore there is exactly one edge
for each vertex but one. This means there are n–1 edges.

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Theorem: If G(V,E) is a connected graph with n vertices and n–1 edges is a tree.
Proof: Suppose G is as in the statement of the theorem, and suppose G has a cycle. Then we can
remove an edge from the cycle without disconnecting G (see the next slide for why). If this makes G
a tree, then stop. If not, there is still a cycle, so we can remove another edge without disconnecting
G. Continue the process until the remaining graph is a tree. It still has n vertices, so it has n–1 edges
by a prior theorem. This is a contradiction since G had n–1 vertices to start with. Therefore G has no

cycle and is thus a tree.

(Why can we remove an edge from a cycle without disconnecting the graph? Let a and b be vertices.

There is a simple path from a to b. If the path involves no edges in the cycle, then the path from a to
be is unchanged. If it involves edges in the cycle, let x and y be the first and last vertices in the cycle
that are part of the path from a to b. So there is a path from a to x and a path from y to b. Since x and

y are part of a cycle, there are at least simple two paths from x to y. If we remove an edge from the
cycle, at least one of the paths still remains. Thus there is still a simple path from a to b.)

Imp ortant Concepts, Formulas, and t heorems

1. Graph. A graph consists of a set of vertices and a set of edges with the prop erty that each edge
has two (not necessarily different) vertices asso ciated with it and called its endpoints.
2. Edge; Adjacent. We say an edge in a graph joins its endp oints, and we say two endpoints are
adjacent if they are joined by an edge.

3. Incident. When a vertex is an endp oint of an edge, we say the edge and the vertex are

4. Drawing of a Graph. To draw a graph, we draw a p oint in the plane for each vertex, and then
for each edge we draw a (p ossibly curved) line between the p oints that correspond to the endpoints
of the edge. Lines that correspond to edges may only touch the vertices that are their endp oints.

5. Simple Graph. A simple graph is one that has at most one edge joining each pair of distinct

vertices, and no edges joining a vertex to itself.

6. Length, Distance. The length of a path is the number of edges. The distance between two
vertices in a graph is the length of a shortest path between them.

7. Loop; Multiple Edges. An edge that joins a vertex to itself is called a lo op and we say we have
multiple edges between vertices x and y if there is more than one edge joining x and y.

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8. Notation for a Graph. We use the phrase “Let G = (V, E )” as a shorthand for “Let G
stand for a graph with vertex set V and edge set E .”

9. Notation for Edges. In a simple graph we use the notation {x, y} for an edge from x to y.
In any graph, when we want to use a letter to denote an edge we use a Greek letter like 6
so that we can save e to stand for the number of edges of the graph.

10. Complete Graph on fl vertices. A complete graph on fl vertices is a graph with fl vertices
that has an edge between each two of the vertices. We use Km to stand for a complete graph
on fl vertices.

11. Path. We call an alternating sequence of vertices and edges in a graph a path if it starts and ends
with a vertex, and each edge joins the vertex b efore it in the sequence to the vertex after it in

the sequence.

12. Simple Path. A path is called a simple path if it has no rep eated vertices or edges.

13. Degree of a Vertex. The degree of a vertex in a graph is the numb er of times it is incident with
edges of the graph; that is, the degree of a vertex x is the number of edges from x to other vertices
plus twice the number of lo ops at vertex x.

14. Sum of Degrees of Vertices. The sum of the degrees of the vertices in a graph with a finite
numb er of edges is twice the number of edges.

15. Connected. A graph is called connected if there is a path between each two vertices of the

graph. We say two vertices are connected if there is a path between them, so a graph is
connected if each two of its vertices are connected. The relationship of b eing connected is an
equivalence relation on the vertices of a graph.

16. Connected Component. If C is a subset of the vertex set of a graph, we use E(C) to stand

for the set of all edges both of whose endp oints are in C. The graph consisting of an equivalence
class C of the connectivity relation together with the edges E(C) is called a connected
component of our original graph.

17. Closed Path. A path that starts and ends at the same vertex is called a closed path.

18. Cycle. A closed path with at least one edge is called a cycle if, except for the last vertex, all of
its vertices are different.

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19. Tree. A connected graph with no cycles is called a tree.

20. Important Properties of Trees.

(a) There is a unique path between each two vertices in a tree. (b) A
tree on V vertices has V — 1 edges.
(c) Every finite tree with at least two vertices has a vertex of degree one.

Ro oted t rees

A rooted tree consists of a tree with a selected vertex, called a root, in the tree.
d rb

c a

c f r
ae f
c d e i
i g h g
1. Ancestor, Descendant. In a ro oted tree with ro ot r, a vertex x is an ancestor of a vertex y,
and vertex y is a descendant of vertex x if x and y are different and x is on the unique path from
the ro ot to y.

2. Parent, Child. In a ro oted tree with ro ot r, vertex x is a parent of vertex y and y is a child
of vertex x in if x is the unique vertex adjacent to y on the unique path from r to y.

3. Leaf (External) Vertex. A vertex with no children in a ro oted tree is called a leaf vertex or an
external vertex.

4. Internal Vertex. A vertex of a ro oted tree that is not a leaf vertex is called an internal

5. Binary Tree. We recursively describe a binary tree as

• an empty tree (a tree with no vertices), or

• a structure T consisting of a ro ot vertex, a binary tree called the left subtree of the ro ot and
a binary tree called the right subtree of the ro ot. If the left or right subtree is nonempty, its

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ro ot no de is joined by an edge to the ro ot of T .

6. Full Binary Tree. A binary tree is a ful l binary tree if each vertex has either two nonempty
children or two empty children.

7. Recursive Definition of a Rooted Tree. The recursive definition of a ro oted tree states that it is
either a single vertex, called a ro ot, or a graph consisting of a vertex called a ro ot and a set of

disjoint ro oted trees, each of which has its ro ot attached by an edge to the original root.

Traversal Algorithms

A traversal algorithm is a procedure for systematically visiting every vertex of an ordered binary tree
• Tree traversals are defined recursively
• Three commonly used traversals are:

– preorder
– inorder
– postorder

PREORDER Traversal Algorithm c

Let T be an ordered binary tree with root R
If T has only R then
R is the preorder traversal
Let T1, T2 be the left and right subtrees at R
Visit R
Traverse T1 in preorder
Traverse T2 in preorder

INORDER Traversal Algorithm

Let T be an ordered binary tree with root R
If T has only R then
R is the inorder traversal

Let T1, T2 be the left and right subtrees at R
Traverse T1 in inorder
Visit R
Traverse T2 in inorder

POSTORDER Traversal Algorithm

Let T be an ordered binary tree with root R
If T has only R then
R is the postorder traversal
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Let T1, T2 be the left and right subtrees at R
Traverse T1 in postorder
Traverse T2 in postorder
Visit R

o m
c s.c
Constructing an Optimal Huffman Co de
An optimal Huffman co de is a Huffman co de in which the average length of the symb ols is
minimum. In general an optimal Huffman co de can be made as follows. First we list the
frequencies of all the co des and represent the symb ols as vertices (which at the end will be
leaves of a tree). Then we replace the two smallest frequencies f1 and f2 with their sum f1 +
f2 , and join the corresp onding two symb ols to a common vertex ab ove them by two edges, one

lab eled 0 and the other one lab eled 1. Than common vertex plays the role of a new symb ol with a
frequency equal to f1 + f2 . Then we rep eat the same op eration with the resulting shorter list of
frequencies until the list is reduced to one element and the graph obtained b ecomes a tree.

Spanning Trees of a Graph

If G(V,E) is a graph and T(V,F) is a subgraph of G and is a tree, then T is a spanning tree of G. That
is, T is a tree that includes every vertex of G and has only edges to be found in G. Using the
procedure in the previous paragraph (remove edges from cycles until only a tree remains), we can
easily prove that every connected graph has a spanning tree.

b h
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g ea f

FIGURE : Spanning tree.

Every connected graph has a spanning tree which can be obtained by removing
edges until the resulting graph b ecomes acyclic. In prac- tice, however, removing

edges is not efficient b ecause finding cycles is time consuming.

Next, we give two algorithms to find the spanning tree T of a lo op- free
connected undirected graph G — (V, E ). We assume that the vertices of
G are given in a certain order v1 , v2 , . . . , vm . The resulting spanning tree will be
T — (V ! , E ! ).
Breadth-First Search Algorithm
The idea is to start with vertex v1 as ro ot, add the vertices that are adjacent to
v1 , then the ones that are adjacent to the latter and have not b een visited yet, and
so on. This algorithm uses a queue (initially empty) to store vertices of the graph.
In consists of the following:

1. Add v1 to T , insert it in the queue and mark it as “visited”.

2. If the queue is empty, then we are done. Otherwise let v be the
vertex in the front of the queue.
3. For each vertex v ! of G that has not b een visited yet and is adjacent to v

(there might be none) taken in order of increasing subscripts, add vertex v !

and edge (v, v ! ) to T , insert v ! in the queue and mark it as “visited”.
4. Delete v from the queue. 5. Go to tep2 2
A pseudoco de version of the algorithm is as follows:

1: pro cedure bfs(V,E)

2: S := (v1) {ordered list of vertices of a fix level}
3: V’ := {v1} {v1 is the root of the spanning tree}
4: E’ := {} {no edges in the spanning tree yet}

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5: while true
6: begin
7: for each x in S, in order,
8: for each y in V - V’
9: if (x,y) is an edge then
10: add edge (x,y) to E’ and vertex y to V’
11: if no edges were added then

12: return T
13: S := children of S
14: end

15: end bfs

Figure below shows the spanning tree obtained using the breadth-first search

algorithm on the graph with its vertices ordered lexicographi- cally: a, b, c, d, e, f,
g, h, i.

c b h

g i e

a f

FIGURE Breadth-First Search.


Depth-First Search Algorithm

The idea of this algo- rithm is to make a path as long as p ossible, and then
go back (back- track) to add branches also as long as possible.

This algorithm uses a stack (initially empty) to store vertices of the graph. In
consists of the following:

1. Add v1 to T , insert it in the stack and mark it as “visited”.

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2. If the stack is empty, then we are done. Otherwise let v be the vertex on
the top of the stack.
3. If there is no vertex v ! that is adjacent to v and has not b een visited yet,
then delete v and go to step 2 (backtrack ). Oth- erwise, let v ! be the first
non-visited vertex that is adjacent to v.
4. Add vertex v ! and edge (v, v ! ) to T , insert v ! in the stack and mark it as

5. Go to step 2.

An alternative recursive definition is as follows. We define recur- sively a
pro cess P applied to a given vertex v in the following way:

1. Add vertex v to T and mark it as “visited”.
2. If there is no vertex v ! that is adjacent to v and has not b een visited yet,
then return. Otherwise, let v ! b e the first non-visited vertex that is adjacent
to v.
3. Add the edge (v, v ! ) to T .
4. Apply P to v ! .
5. Go to step 2 (backtrack ).

The Depth-First Search Algorithm consists of applying the pro cess just defined to
v1 .

A pseudoco de version of the algorithm is as follows:

1: pro cedure dfs(V,E)

2: V’ := {v1} {v1 is the root of the spanning tree}

3: E’ := {} {no edges in the spanning tree yet}

4: w := v1
5: while true
6: begin
7: while there is an edge (w,v) that when added
8: to T does not create a cycle in T
9: begin
10: Choose first v such that (w,v)
11: does not create a cycle in T

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12: add (w,v) to E’

13: add v to V’
14: w := v
15: end
16: if w = v1 then

17: return T

18: w := parent of w in T {backtrack}
19: end
20: end

Figure shows the spanning tree obtained using the breadth-first search algorithm
on the graph with its vertices ordered lexicographi- cally: a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i.

c s.c
FIGURE Depth-First Search.

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Minimum spanning trees

Let G = (V,E) be a connected graph and let l : E −→ R be a function, called the length
function. For any subset F of E, the length l(F) of F is, by definition:
l(F) := ∑e�Fl(e).

In this section we consider the problem of finding a spanning tree in G of minimum length.
There is an easy algorithm for finding a minimum-length spanning tree, essentially due toBoruvka .
There are a few variants. The first one we discuss is sometimes called the

Dijkstra-Prim method.
Choose a vertex v1 � V arbitrarily. Determine edges e1,e2 ... successively as follows.
Let U1 := {v1}. Suppose that, for some k ≥ 0, edges e1,...,ek have been chosen, spanning

a tree on the set Uk. Choose an edge ek+1 � δ(Uk) that has minimum length among all
edges in δ(Uk).1 Let Uk+1 := Uk � ek+1.
By the connectedness of G we know that we can continue choosing such an edge until Uk = V .
In that case the selected edges form a spanning tree T in G. This tree has
minimum length, which can be seen as follows.
Call a forest F greedy if there exists a minimum-length spanning tree T of G that
contains F.
Theorem: Let F be a greedy forest, let U be one of its components, and let e � δ(U).
If e has minimum length among all edges in δ(U), then F � {e} is again a greedy forest.
Proof. Let T be a minimum-length spanning tree containing F. Let P be the unique path
in T between the end vertices of e. Then P contains at least one edge f that belongs to
δ(U). So T := (T \ {f}) � {e} is a tree again. By assumption, l(e) ≤ l(f) and hence

l(T ) ≤ l(T). Therefore, T is a minimum-length spanning tree. As F � {e} � T , it follows

that F � {e} is greedy.

Corollary : The Dijkstra-Prim method yields a spanning tree of minimum length.

Proof. It follows inductively with Theorem above that at each stage of the algorithm we have a greedy

forest. Hence the final tree is greedy — equivalently, it has minimum length.
The Dijkstra-Prim method is an example of a so-called greedy algorithm. We construct
a spanning tree by throughout choosing an edge that seems the best at the moment. Finally
we get a minimum-length spanning tree. Once an edge has been chosen, we never have to
replace it by another edge (no ‘back-tracking’).There is a slightly different method of finding a
minimum-length spanning tree, Kruskal’smethod . It is again a greedy algorithm, and again iteratively
edges e1,e2,... are chosen, but by some different rule

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Dijkstra's algorithm

Dijkstra's algorithm, conceived by Dutch computer scientist Edsger Dijkstra in 1956 and
published in 1959, is a graph search algorithm that solves the single-source shortest path problem for a
graph with nonnegative edge path costs, producing a shortest path tree. This algorithm is often used in
routing. An equivalent algorithm was developed by Edward F. Moore in 1957.

For a given source vertex (node) in the graph, the algorithm finds the path with lowest cost (i.e.
the shortest path) between that vertex and every other vertex. It can also be used for finding costs of
shortest paths from a single vertex to a single destination vertex by stopping the algorithm once the
shortest path to the destination vertex has been determined. For example, if the vertices of the graph

represent cities and edge path costs represent driving distances between pairs of cities connected by a
direct road, Dijkstra's algorithm can be used to find the shortest route between one city and all other

cities. As a result, the shortest path first is widely used in network routing protocols, most notably IS-IS
and OSPF (Open Shortest Path First).

Let the node at which we are starting be called the initial node. Let the distance of node Y be the
distance from the initial node to Y. Dijkstra's algorithm will assign some initial distance values and will
try to improve them step by step.
1. Assign to every node a distance value: set it to zero for our initial node and to infinity for all
other nodes.
2. Mark all nodes as unvisited. Set initial node as current.
3. For current node, consider all its unvisited neighbors and calculate their tentative distance (from
the initial node). For example, if current node (A) has distance of 6, and an edge connecting it
with another node (B) is 2, the distance to B through A will be 6+2=8. If this distance is less than

the previously recorded distance (infinity in the beginning, zero for the initial node), overwrite
the distance.
4. When we are done considering all neighbors of the current node, mark it as visited. A visited
node will not be checked ever again; its distance recorded now is final and minimal.
5. If all nodes have been visited, finish. Otherwise, set the unvisited node with the smallest distance

(from the initial node, considering all nodes in graph) as the next "current node" and continue
from step 3.

Note: For ease of understanding, this discussion uses the terms intersection, road and map —
however, formally these terms are vertex, edge and graph, respectively.

Suppose you want to find the shortest path between two intersections on a city map, a starting
point and a destination. The order is conceptually simple: to start, mark the distance to every intersection

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on the map with infinity. This is done not to imply there is an infinite distance, but to note that that
intersection has not yet been visited. (Some variants of this method simply leave the intersection
unlabeled.) Now, at each iteration, select a current intersection. For the first iteration the current
intersection will be the starting point and the distance to it (the intersection's label) will be zero. For
subsequent iterations (after the first) the current intersection will be the closest unvisited intersection to
the starting point—this will be easy to find.

From the current intersection, update the distance to every unvisited intersection that is directly
connected to it. This is done by determining the sum of the distance between an unvisited intersection
and the value of the current intersection, and relabeling the unvisited intersection with this value if it is
less than its current value. In effect, the intersection is relabeled if the path to it through the current

intersection is shorter than the previously known paths. To facilitate shortest path identification, in
pencil, mark the road with an arrow pointing to the relabeled intersection if you label/relabel it, and

erase all others pointing to it. After you have updated the distances to each neighboring intersection,
mark the current intersection as visited and select the unvisited intersection with lowest distance (from
the starting point) -- or lowest label—as the current intersection. Nodes marked as visited are labeled
with the shortest path from the starting point to it and will not be revisited or returned to.

Continue this process of updating the neighboring intersections with the shortest distances, then
marking the current intersection as visited and moving onto the closest unvisited intersection until you
have marked the destination as visited. Once you have marked the destination as visited (as is the case
with any visited intersection) you have determined the shortest path to it, from the starting point, and can
trace your way back, following the arrows in reverse.

In the accompanying animated graphic, the starting and destination intersections are colored in
light pink and blue and labelled a and b respectively. The visited intersections are colored in red, and the
current intersection in a pale blue.

Of note is the fact that this algorithm makes no attempt to direct "exploration" towards the
destination as one might expect. Rather, the sole consideration in determining the next "current"
intersection is its distance from the starting point. In some sense, this algorithm "expands outward" from
the starting point, iteratively considering every node that is closer in terms of shortest path distance until

it reaches the destination. When understood in this way, it is clear how the algorithm necessarily finds
the shortest path, however it may also reveal one of the algorithm's weaknesses: its relative slowness in
some topologies.

In the following algorithm, the code u := vertex in Q with smallest dist[], searches for the vertex u in the
vertex set Q that has the least dist[u] value. That vertex is removed from the set Q and returned to the
user. dist_between(u, v) calculates the length between the two neighbor-nodes u and v. The variable alt
on line 15 is the length of the path from the root node to the neighbor node v if it were to go through u. If
this path is shorter than the current shortest path recorded for v, that current path is replaced with this alt

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path. The previous array is populated with a pointer to the "next-hop" node on the source graph to get
the shortest route to the source.

1 function Dijkstra(Graph, source):

2 for each vertex v in Graph: // Initializations

3 dist[v] := infinity ; // Unknown distance function from source to v

4 previous[v] := undefined ; // Previous node in optimal path from source

5 end for ;

6 dist[source] := 0 ; // Distance from source to source

7 Q := the set of all nodes in Graph ;

// All nodes in the graph are unoptimized - thus are in Q

8 while Q is not empty: // The main loop

9 u := vertex in Q with smallest dist[] ;

10 if dist[u] = infinity:
11 break ; // all remaining vertices are inaccessible from source

12 fi ;

13 remove u from Q ;

14 for each neighbor v of u: // where v has not yet been removed from Q.

15 alt := dist[u] + dist_between(u, v) ;

16 if alt < dist[v]: // Relax (u,v,a)

17 dist[v] := alt ;

18 previous[v] := u ;

19 fi ;

20 end for ;

21 end while ;

22 return dist[] ;

23 end Dijkstra.
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If we are only interested in a shortest path between vertices source and target, we can terminate the
search at line 13 if u = target. Now we can read the shortest path from source to target by iteration:

1 S := empty sequence

2 u := target

3 while previous[u] is defined:

4 insert u at the beginning of S

5 u := previous[u]

Now sequence S is the list of vertices constituting one of the shortest paths from target to source,
or the empty sequence if no path exists.

A more general problem would be to find all the shortest paths between source and target (there
might be several different ones of the same length). Then instead of storing only a single node in each
entry of previous[] we would store all nodes satisfying the relaxation condition. For example, if both r
and source connect to target and both of them lie on different shortest paths through target (because the
edge cost is the same in both cases), then we would add both r and source to previous[target]. When the
algorithm completes, previous[] data structure will actually describe a graph that is a subset of the
original graph with some edges removed. Its key property will be that if the algorithm was run with
some starting node, then every path from that node to any other node in the new graph will be the
shortest path between those nodes in the original graph, and all paths of that length from the original
graph will be present in the new graph. Then to actually find all these short paths between two given
nodes we would use a path finding algorithm on the new graph, such as depth-first search.

Kruskal's algorithm
Kruskal's algorithm is an algorithm in graph theory that finds a minimum spanning tree for a
connected weighted graph. This means it finds a subset of the edges that forms a tree that includes every
vertex, where the total weight of all the edges in the tree is minimized. If the graph is not connected,
then it finds a minimum spanning forest (a minimum spanning tree for each connected component).
Kruskal's algorithm is an example of a greedy algorithm.

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x create a forest F (a set of trees), where each vertex in the graph is a separate tree
x create a set S containing all the edges in the graph
x while S is nonempty and F is not yet spanning
o remove an edge with minimum weight from S
o if that edge connects two different trees, then add it to the forest, combining two trees

into a single tree
o otherwise discard that edge.
At the termination of the algorithm, the forest has only one component and forms a minimum spanning
tree of the graph.

Where E is the number of edges in the graph and V is the number of vertices, Kruskal's algorithm can be

shown to run in O(E log E) time, or equivalently, O(E log V) time, all with simple data structures. These
running times are equivalent because:

x E is at most V2 and logV2 = 2logV is O(log V).

x If we ignore isolated vertices, which will each be their own component of the minimum spanning
forest, V ≤ E+1, so log V is O(log E).
We can achieve this bound as follows: first sort the edges by weight using a comparison sort in O(E log
E) time; this allows the step "remove an edge with minimum weight from S" to operate in constant time.
Next, we use a disjoint-set data structure (Union&Find) to keep track of which vertices are in which
components. We need to perform O(E) operations, two 'find' operations and possibly one union for each
edge. Even a simple disjoint-set data structure such as disjoint-set forests with union by rank can
perform O(E) operations in O(E log V) time. Thus the total time is O(E log E) = O(E log V).

Provided that the edges are either already sorted or can be sorted in linear time (for example with

counting sort or radix sort), the algorithm can use more sophisticated disjoint-set data structure to run in
O(E α(V)) time, where α is the extremely slowly-growing inverse of the single-valued Ackermann


1 function Kruskal(G = <N, A>: graph; length: A → R+): set of edges

2 Define an elementary cluster C(v) ← {v}.

3 Initialize a priority queue Q to contain all edges in G, using the weights as keys.

4 Define a forest T ← Ø //T will ultimately contain the edges of the MST

5 // n is total number of vertices

6 while T has fewer than n-1 edges do

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7 // edge u,v is the minimum weighted route from u to v

8 (u,v) ← Q.removeMin()

9 // prevent cycles in T. add u,v only if T does not already contain a path between u and v.

10 // the vertices has been added to the tree.

11 Let C(v) be the cluster containing v, and let C(u) be the cluster containing u.

13 if C(v) ≠ C(u) then

14 Add edge (v,u) to T.

15 Merge C(v) and C(u) into one cluster, that is, union C(v) and C(u).

16 return tree T


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o m
c s.c

Proof of correctness
The proof consists of two parts. First, it is proved that the algorithm produces a spanning tree. Second, it
is proved that the constructed spanning tree is of minimal weight.

Spanning tree
Let P be a connected, weighted graph and let Y be the subgraph of P produced by the algorithm. Y
cannot have a cycle, since the last edge added to that cycle would have been within one subtree and not
between two different trees. Y cannot be disconnected, since the first encountered edge that joins two
components of Y would have been added by the algorithm. Thus, Y is a spanning tree of P.

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We show that the following proposition P is true by induction: If F is the set of edges chosen at any
stage of the algorithm, there is some minimum spanning tree that contains F.

x Clearly P is true at the beginning, when F is empty: any minimum spanning tree will do.
x Now assume P is true for some non-final edge set F and let T be a minimum spanning tree that
contains F. If the next chosen edge e is also in T, then P is true for F+e. Otherwise, T+e has a

cycle C and there is another edge f that is in C but not F. Then T-f+e is a tree, and its weight is
not more than the weight of T since otherwise the algorithm would choose f in preference to e.
So T-f+e is a minimum spanning tree containing F+e and again P holds.
x Therefore, by the principle of induction, P holds when F has become a spanning tree, which is

only possible if F is a minimum spanning tree itself.

Prim's algorithm
In computer science, Prim's algorithm is an algorithm that finds a minimum spanning tree for a
connected weighted undirected graph. This means it finds a subset of the edges that forms a
tree that includes every vertex, where the total weight of all the edges in the tree is minimized.
Prim's algorithm is an example of a greedy algorithm.
Prim's algorithm has many applications, such as in maze generation.
The only spanning tree of the empty graph (with an empty vertex set) is again the empty graph. The
following description assumes that this special case is handled separately.

The algorithm continuously increases the size of a tree, one edge at a time, starting with a tree consisting
of a single vertex, until it spans all vertices.

x Input: A non-empty connected weighted graph with vertices V and edges E (the weights can be
x Initialize: Vnew = {x}, where x is an arbitrary node (starting point) from V, Enew = {}
x Repeat until Vnew = V:
o Choose an edge (u, v) with minimal weight such that u is in Vnew and v is not (if there are

multiple edges with the same weight, any of them may be picked)
o Add v to Vnew, and (u, v) to Enew
x Output: Vnew and Enew describe a minimal spanning tree

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m o
c s.c

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m o
c s.c

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o m
Max-flow min-cut theorem
c s.c
In optimization theory, the max-flow min-cut theorem states that in a flow network, the maximum
amount of flow passing from the source to the sink is equal to the minimum capacity which when
removed in a specific way from the network causes the situation that no flow can pass from the source to
the sink.

Let N = (V,E) be a network (directed graph) with s and t being the source and the sink of N respectively.

The capacity of an edge is a mapping c: E→R+, denoted by cuv or c(u,v). It represents the
maximum amount of flow that can pass through an edge.
A flow is a mapping f: E→R+, denoted by fuv or f(u,v), subject to the following two constraints:
1. for each (capacity constraint)

2. for each (conservation of

The value of flow is defined by | f | = Σv�Vfsv, where s is the source of N. It represents the amount
of flow passing from the source to the sink.
The maximum flow problem is to maximize | f |, that is, to route as much flow as possible from s to the

An s-t cut C = (S,T) is a partition of V such that s�S and t�T. The cut-set of C is the set
{(u,v)�E | u�S, v�T}. Note that if the edges in the cut-set of C are removed, | f | = 0.
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The capacity of an s-t cut is defined by .

The minimum cut problem is to minimize c(S,T), that is, to determine S and T such that the capacity of
the S-T cut is minimal.

The max-flow min-cut theorem states

The maximum value of an s-t flow is equal to the minimum capacity of an s-t cut.


c s.c
A network with the value of flow equal to the capacity of an s-t cut
The figure above is a network having a value of flow of 7. The vertex in white and the vertices in grey
form the subsets S and T of an s-t cut, whose cut-set contains the dashed edges. Since the capacity of the
s-t cut is 7, which is equal to the value of flow, the max-flow min-cut theorem tells us that the value of
flow and the capacity of the s-t cut are both optimal in this network.


Generalized max-flow min-cut theorem

In addition to edge capacity, consider there is capacity at each vertex, that is, a mapping c: V→R+,

denoted by c(v), such that the flow f has to satisfy not only the capacity constraint and the conservation
of flows, but also the vertex capacity constraint

for each

In other words, the amount of flow passing through a vertex cannot exceed its capacity. Define an s-t cut
to be the set of vertices and edges such that for any path from s to t, the path contains a member of the
cut. In this case, the capacity of the cut is the sum the capacity of each edge and vertex in it.

In this new definition, the generalized max-flow min-cut theorem states that the maximum value of an
s-t flow is equal to the minimum capacity of an s-t cut in the new sense.

Matching theory

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In the mathematical discipline of graph theory, a matching or independent edge set in a graph is a
set of edges without common vertices. It may also be an entire graph consisting of edges
without common vertices.

Given a graph G = (V,E), a matching M in G is a set of pairwise non-adjacent edges; that is, no two
edges share a common vertex.

A vertex is matched (or saturated) if it is incident to an edge in the matching. Otherwise the vertex is

A maximal matching is a matching M of a graph G with the property that if any edge not in M is added

to M, it is no longer a matching, that is, M is maximal if it is not a proper subset of any other matching
in graph G. In other words, a matching M of a graph G is maximal if every edge in G has a non-empty

intersection with at least one edge in M. The following figure shows examples of maximal matchings
(red) in three graphs.

A maximum matching is a matching that contains the largest possible number of edges. There may be
many maximum matchings. The matching number ν(G) of a graph G is the size of a maximum
matching. Note that every maximum matching is maximal, but not every maximal matching is a
maximum matching. The following figure shows examples of maximum matchings in three graphs.

A perfect matching (a.k.a. 1-factor) is a matching which matches all vertices of the graph. That is,
every vertex of the graph is incident to exactly one edge of the matching. Figure (b) above is an example
of a perfect matching. Every perfect matching is maximum and hence maximal. In some literature, the
term complete matching is used. In the above figure, only part (b) shows a perfect matching. A perfect
matching is also a minimum-size edge cover. Thus, , that is, the size of a maximum

matching is no larger than the size of a minimum edge cover.

A near-perfect matching is one in which exactly one vertex is unmatched. This can only occur when
the graph has an odd number of vertices, and such a matching must be maximum. In the above figure,
part (c) shows a near-perfect matching. If, for every vertex in a graph, there is a near-perfect matching
that omits only that vertex, the graph is also called factor-critical.

Given a matching M,

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x an alternating path is a path in which the edges belong alternatively to the matching and not to
the matching.
x an augmenting path is an alternating path that starts from and ends on free (unmatched)
One can prove that a matching is maximum if and only if it does not have any augmenting path.


In any graph without isolated vertices, the sum of the matching number and the edge covering number
equals the number of vertices.[1] If there is a perfect matching, then both the matching number and the
edge cover number are |V|/2.

If A and B are two maximal matchings, then |A| ≤ 2|B| and |B| ≤ 2|A|. To see this, observe that each edge
in A \ B can be adjacent to at most two edges in B \ A because B is a matching. Since each edge in B \ A

is adjacent to an edge in A \ B by maximality, we see that

Further we get that

In particular, this shows that any maximal matching is a 2-approximation of a maximum matching and
also a 2-approximation of a minimum maximal matching. This inequality is tight: for example, if G is a
path with 3 edges and 4 nodes, the size of a minimum maximal matching is 1 and the size of a maximum
matching is 2.

Matching polynomials
Main article: Matching polynomial
A generating function of the number of k-edge matchings in a graph is called a matching polynomial.
Let G be a graph and mk be the number of k-edge matchings. One matching polynomial of G is

Another definition gives the matching polynomial as


where n is the number of vertices in the graph. Each type has its uses; for more information see the
article on matching polynomials.

Maximum matchings in bipartite graphs

Matching problems are often concerned with bipartite graphs. Finding a maximum bipartite matching
(often called a maximum cardinality bipartite matching) in a bipartite graph G = (V = (X,Y),E) is
perhaps the simplest problem. The augmenting path algorithm finds it by finding an augmenting path
from each to Y and adding it to the matching if it exists. As each path can be found in O(E)

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time, the running time is O(VE). This solution is equivalent to adding a super source s with edges to all
vertices in X, and a super sink t with edges from all vertices in Y, and finding a maximal flow from s to
t. All edges with flow from X to Y then constitute a maximum matching. An improvement over this is
the Hopcroft-Karp algorithm, which runs in time. Another approach is based on the fast
matrix multiplication algorithm and gives O(V ) complexity, which is better in theory for sufficiently
dense graphs, but in practice the algorithm is slower.

In a weighted bipartite graph, each edge has an associated value. A maximum weighted bipartite
matching[2] is defined as a perfect matching where the sum of the values of the edges in the matching
have a maximal value. If the graph is not complete bipartite, missing edges are inserted with value zero.

Finding such a matching is known as the assignment problem. It can be solved by using a modified
shortest path search in the augmenting path algorithm. If the Bellman-Ford algorithm is used, the
running time becomes O(V2E), or the edge cost can be shifted with a potential to achieve O(V2log(V) +

VE) running time with the Dijkstra algorithm and Fibonacci heap. The remarkable Hungarian algorithm
solves the assignment problem and it was one of the beginnings of combinatorial optimization
algorithms. The original approach of this algorithm need O(V2E) running time, but it could be improved
to O(V2log(V) + VE) time with extensive use of priority queues.

Maximum matchings c
There is a polynomial time algorithm to find a maximum matching or a maximum weight matching in a
graph that is not bipartite; it is due to Jack Edmonds, is called the paths, trees, and flowers method or
simply Edmonds's algorithm, and uses bidirected edges. A generalization of the same technique can also
be used to find maximum independent sets in claw-free graphs. Edmonds' algorithm has subsequently
been improved to run in time time, matching the time for bipartite maximum matching.
Another algorithm by Mucha and Sankowski[3], based on the fast matrix multiplication algorithm, gives
O(V2.376) complexity.

Maximal matchings
A maximal matching can be found with a simple greedy algorithm. A maximum matching is also a
maximal matching, and hence it is possible to find a largest maximal matching in polynomial time.
However, no polynomial-time algorithm is known for finding a minimum maximal matching, that is, a

maximal matching that contains the smallest possible number of edges. Note that a maximal matching
with k edges is an edge dominating set with k edges. Conversely, if we are given a minimum edge
dominating set with k edges, we can construct a maximal matching with k edges in polynomial time.
Therefore the problem of finding a minimum maximal matching is essentially equal to the problem of
finding a minimum edge dominating set. Both of these two optimisation problems are known to be NP-
hard; the decision versions of these problems are classical examples of NP-complete problems.[6] Both
problems can be approximated within factor 2 in polynomial time: simply find an arbitrary maximal
matching M.

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Fundamental Principles of Counting

The Rules of Sum and Product

Our study of discrete and combinatorial mathematics beings with two basic principles of counting: the
rules of sum and product. The statements and initial applications of these rules appear quite simple. In
analyzing more complicated problems, one is often able to break down such problems into parts that can

be solved using these basic Principles. We want to develop the ability to “decompose” such problems
and piece together our partial solutions in order to arrive at the final answer. A good way to do this is to

analyze and solve many diverse enumeration problems, Taking note of the principles being used. This is
the approach we shall follow here.
Our first principle of counting can be stated as follows:

The Rule of Sum:

If a first task can be performed in m ways, while a second task can be performed in n ways, and the two
tasks cannot be performed simultaneously, then performing either task can be accomplished in any of m
+ n ways.

Note that when we say that a particular occurrence, such as a first task, can come about in m ways, these
m ways are assumed to be distinct, unless a statement is made to the contrary. This will be true
throughout the entire text.

Example 1.1
A College library has 40 textbooks on sociology and 50 textbooks dealing with anthropology. By the
rule of sum, a student at this college can select among 40 + 50 = 90 textbooks in order to learn more
about one or the other of these two subjects.

Example 1.2
The rule can be extended beyond two tasks as long as no pair of tasks can occur simultaneously. For
instance, a computer science instructor who has, say, seven different introductory books each on C++,
Java and Perl can recommend any one of these 21 books to a student who is interested in learning a first
programming language.

Example 1.3
The computer science instructor of Example 1.2 has two colleagues. One of three colleagues has three
textbooks on the analysis of algorithms, and the other has five such textbooks. If n denotes the

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maximum number of different books on this topic that this instructor can borrow from them, then 5 ≤ n
≤ 8, for here both colleagues may own copies of the same textbook(s).

Example 1.4
Suppose a university representative is to be chosen either from 200 teaching or 300 non-teaching
employees, and then there are 200 + 300 = 500 possible ways to choose this representative.

Extension of Sum Rule:
If tasks T1, T2,……., Tm can be done in n1,n2,……, nm ways respectively and no two of these tasks can
be performed at the same time, then the number of ways to do one of these tasks is n1 + n2 + …. + nm.

Example 1.5
If a student can chose a project either 20 from mathematics or 35 from computer science or 15 from

engineering, then the student can choose a project 20 + 35 + 15 = 70 ways.

The following example introduces our second principle of counting.

Example 1.6 c
In trying to reach a decision on plant expansion, an administrator assigns 12 of her employees to two
committees. Committee A consists of five members and is to investigate possible favorable results from
such an expansion. The other seven employees, committee B, will scrutinize possible unfavorable
repercussions. Should the administrator decide to speak to just one committee member before making
her decision, then by the rule of sum there are 12 employees she can call upon for input. However, to be
a bit more unbiased, she decides to speak with a member of committee B on Tuesday, before reaching a
decision. Using the following principle, we find that she can select two such employees to speak with in
5 X 7 = 35 ways.

The rule of Product:

If a procedure can be broken down into first and second stages, and if there are m possible outcomes for
the first stage and if, for each of these outcomes, there are n possible outcomes for the second stage, then

the total procedure can be carried out, in the designated order, in mn ways.

Example 1.7

The drama club of Central University is holding tryouts for a spring play. With six men and eight
women auditioning for the leading male and female roles, by the rule of product the director can cast his
leading couple in 6 X 8 = 48 ways.

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Example 1.8

Here various extensions of the rule are illustrated by considering the manufacture of license plates
consisting of two letters followed by four digits.

a) If no letter or digit can be repeated, there are 26 X 25 X 10 X 9 X 8 X 7 = 3,276,000 different

possible plates.

b) With repetitions of letters and digits allowed, 26 X 26 X 10 X 10 X 10 X 10 =
6,760,000 different license plates are possible.

c) If repetitions are allowed, as in part (b), how many of the plates have only vowels
(A, E, I, O, U) and even digits? (0 is an even integer)

Example 1.9

In order to store data, a computer’s main memory contains a large collection of circuits, each of which is
capable of storing a bit –– that is, one of the binary digits 0 or 1. These storage circuits are arranged in
units called (memory) cells. To identify the cells in a computer’s main memory, each is assigned a
unique name called its address. For some computer’s, such as embedded microcontrollers (as found in
the ignition system for an automobile), an address is represented by an ordered list of eight bits,
collectively referred to as a byte. Using the rule of product, there are 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 28 =
256 such bytes. So we have 256 addresses that may be used for cells where certain information may be
A kitchen appliance, such as a microwave oven, incorporates an embedded microcontroller. These
“small computers” (such as the PICmicro microcontroller) contain thousands of memory cells and use

two-byte addresses to identify these cells in their main memory. Such addresses are made up of two
consecutive bytes, or 16 consecutive bits. Thus there are 256 X 256 = 28 X 28 = 216 = 65,536 available
address that could be used to identifying cells in main memory. Other computers use addressing systems
of four bytes. This 32-bit architecture is presently used in the Pentium processor, where there are as
many as 28 X 28 X 28 X 28 = 232 = 4,294,967,296 addresses for use in identifying the cells in main

memory. When a programmer deals with the UltraSPARC or Itanium processors, he or she considers
memory cells with eight-byte addresses. Each of these addresses comprises 8 X 8 = 64 bits, and there are
264 = 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 possible addresses for this architecture. (Of course, not all of these
possibilities are actually used.)

Example 1.10

At times it is necessary to combine several different counting principles in the Solution of one problem.
Here we find that the rules of both sum and product are needed to attain the answer.

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At the AWL Corporation Mrs. Foster operates the Quick Snack Coffee Shop. The menu at her shop is
limited: six kinds of muffins, eight kinds of sandwiches, and five beverages (hot coffee, hot tea, cola,
and orange juice). Ms. Dodd, an editor at AWL, sends her assistant Carl to the shop to get her lunch ––
either a muffin and a hot beverage or a sandwich and a cold beverage.
By the rule of product, there are 6 X 2 = 12 ways in which Carl can purchase a muffin and hot beverage.
A second application of this rule shows that there are 8 X 3 = 24 possibilities for a sandwich and cold
beverage. So by the rule of sum, there are 12 + 24 = 36 ways in which Carl can purchase Ms. Dodd’s


Example 1.11

A tourist can travel from Hyderabad to Tirupati in four ways (by plane, train, bus or taxi). He can then
travel from Tirupati to Tirumala hills in five ways (by RTC bus, taxi, rope way, motorcycle or walk).

Then the tourist can travel from Hyderabad to Tirumala hills in 4 X 5 = 20 ways.

Extension of Product Rule: Suppose a procedure consists of performing tasks T1 , T2 , . . . , Tm in order.

Suppose task Ti can be performed in ni ways after the tasks T1 , T2 , . . . , Ti-1 are performed, then the
number of ways the procedure can be executed in the designated order is n1 , n2 , n3 , . . . , nm
Example 1.12
“Charmas” brand shirt available in 12 colors has a male and female version. It comes in four sizes for
each sex, comes in three makes of economy, standard and luxury. Then the numbers of different types of
shirts produced are 12 X 2 X 4 X 3 = 288.

Example 1.13

If there are 18 boys and 12 girls in a class, there are 18 + 12 = 30 ways of selecting 1 student (either a
boy or a girl) as class representative.

Example 1.14

Suppose E is the event of selecting a prime number less than 10 and F is the event of selecting an even
number less than 10. then E can happen in 4 ways. But, because 2 is an even prime, E and F can happen
in only 4 + 4 – 1 = 7 ways.

Example 1.15

A bookshelf holds 6 different English books, 8 different French books, and 10 different German books.
There are (i) (8) (9) (10) = 480 ways of selecting 3 books, 1 in each language; (ii) 6 + 8 + 10 = 24 ways
of selecting 1 book in any one of languages.
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Example 1.16

The scenario is as in Example 1.15. An English book and a French book can be selected in (6) (8) = 48
ways; an English book and a German book, in (6) (10) = 60 ways; a French book and a German book, in
(8) (10) = 80 ways. Thus there are 48 + 60 + 80 = 188 ways of selecting 2 books in 2 languages.
Example 1.17

If each of the 8 questions in a multiple-choice examination has 3 answers (1 correct and 2 wrong), the
number of ways of answering all questions is 38 = 6561.

Example 1.18

There are P(6, 6) = 720 6-letter “words” that can be made from the letters of word NUMBER, and there
are P(6, 4) = 6!/2! = 360 4-letter “words”. An unordered selection of r out of the n elements of X is
called an r-combination of X. In other words, any subset of X with r elements is an r-combination of X.
The number of r-combinations or r-subsets of a set of n distinct objects is denoted by C (n, r) (“n
choose r”). For each r-subset of X there is unique complementary (n – r)-subset, whence the important
relation C (n, r) = C (n, n – r). To evaluate C (n, r), note that an r-permutation of an n-set X is
necessarily a permutation of some r-subset of X. Moreover distinct r-subsets generate distinct r-
permutations. Hence, by the sum rule,

P(n, r) = P(r, r) + P(r, r)+…+ P(r, r)

The number of terms on the right is the number of r-subset of X; i.e. C (n, r). Thus
P (n, r)-subset, whence the important relation C (n, r) = C (n, n – r).

Example 1.19

From a class consisting of 12 computer science majors, 10 mathematics majors, and 9 statistics majors, a
committee of 4 computer science majors, 4 mathematics majors, and 3 statistics majors is to be formed.

There are

C (12,4) 11.5.9 495
Ways of choosing 4 computer science majors, C(10, 4) = 210 ways of choosing 4 mathematics majors,
and C(9, 3)+ 84 ways of choosing 3 statistics majors. By the product rule, the number of ways of
forming a committee is thus (495)(210)(84) = 8,731,800.

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Example 1.20

Refer to Example 1.18 in how many ways can a committee consisting of 6 or 9 members be formed such
that all 3 majors are equally represented?

A committee of 6(with 2 from each group) can be formed in C(12,2).C(10,2).C(9,2) = 106,920 ways.
The number of ways of forming a committee of 9 (with 3 from each group) is C(12,3).C(10,3).C(9,3) =

2,217,600. Then, by the sum rule the number of ways of forming a committee is 106,920 + 2,217,600 =

Example 1.21

There are 15 married couples in a party. Find the number of ways of choosing a woman and a man from

the party such that the two are (a) married to each other, (b) not married to each other.

(a) A woman can be chosen in 15 ways. Once a woman is chosen, her husband automatically chosen. So
the number of ways of choosing a married couple is 15.
(b) A woman can be chosen in 15 ways. Among the 15 men in the party, one is her husband. Out of the
14 other men, one can be chosen in 14 ways. The product rule the gives (15)(14) = 210 ways.
Example 1.22

Find the number of (a) 2-digit even numbers, (b) 2-digit odd numbers, (c) 2-digit odd numbers with
distinct digits, and (d) 2-digit even numbers with distinct digits.

Let E be the event of choosing a digit for the units’ position, and F be the event choosing a digit for the

tens’ position.

(a) E can be done in 5 ways; F can be done in 9 ways. The number of ways of doing F does not depend
upon how E is done; hence, the sequence {E, F} can be done in (5)(9) = 45 ways.

(b) The argument is as in (a): there are 45 2-digit odd numbers.

(c) If F is done first, the number of ways of doing E depends upon how F was done; so we cannot apply
the product rule to the sequence {F, E}. But we can apply the product rule to the sequence {E, F}.
There are 5 choices for the units’ digit, and for each of these there are 8 choices for the tens’ digit. So
the sequence {E, F} can be done in 40 ways; i.e., there are 40 2-digit odd numbers with distinct digits.

(d) We distinguish two cases. If the units’ digit is 0-which can be accomplished in 1 way-the tens’ digit
can be chosen in 9 ways. If 2,4,6, or 8 is chosen as units’ digit, the tens’ digit can be chosen in 8 ways.
Thus the sum and product rules give a total of (1)(9)+(4)(8) = 41 ways.
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Example 1.23

A computer password consists of a letter of the alphabet followed by 3 or 4 digits. Find

(a) the total number of passwords that can be created, and (b) the number of Passwords in which no digit

(a) The number of 4-charcter passwords is (26)(10)(10)(10), and the number of 5-charcter passwords is
(26)(10)(10)(10)(10), by the product rule. So the total number of passwords is 26,000 + 260,000 =
286,000, by the sum rule.

(b) The number of 4-charcter passwords is (26)(10)(9)(8) = 18,720, the number of 5-charcter passwords
is (26)(10)(9)(8)(7) = 131,040, for a total of 149,760.

Example 1.24

How many among the first 100,000 positive integers contain exactly one 3, one 4, and one 5 in their
decimal representation?
It is clear that we may consider instead the 5-place numbers 00000 through 99999. The digit 3 can be in
any one of the 5 places. Subsequently the digit 4 can be in any one of the remaining places. Then the
digit 5 can be in one of 3 places. There are 2 places left, either of which may be filled by 7 digits. Thus
there are (5)(4)(3)(7)(7) = 2940 integers in the desired category.

Example 1.25

Find the number of 3-digit even numbers with no repeated digits.

By problem 1.21(d), the hundreds’ and units’ positions can be simultaneously filled in 41 ways. For
each of these ways, the tens’ position can be filled in 8 ways. Hence the desired number is (41)(8) =


Example 1.26

A palindrome is a finite sequence of characters that reads the same forwards and backwards
[GNUDUNG]. Find the numbers of 7-digit and 8-digit palindromes, under the restriction that no digit
may appear more than twice.

By the mirror-symmetry of a palindrome (of length n), only the first└(n+1)/2┘Positions need be
considered. In our case this number is 4 for both lengths. Since the first digit may not be 0, there are 9
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ways to fill the first position. There are then 10-1 = 9 ways to fill the second position; 10-2 = 8 ways for
the third; 10-3 = 7 ways for the fourth. Thus there are (9)(9)(8)(7) = 4536 palindromic numbers of either

Example 1.27

In a binary palindrome the first digits is 1 and each succeeding digit may be 0 or 1. Count the binary

palindromes of length n.

See problem 1.25. Here we have └(n+1)/2┘-1 = └(n-1)/2┘ free positions, so the desired number is

Example 1.28

Find the number of proper divisors of 441,000. (A proper divisor of positive integer n is any divisor
other than 1 and n)

Any integer can be uniquely expressed as product of powers of prime numbers; thus, 441,000 =
(23)(32)(53)(72). Any divisor, proper or improper, of given number must be of the form (2a)(3b)(5c)(7d),
where 0≤a≤3, 0≤b≤2, 0≤c≤3, and 0≤d≤2. in this paradigm the exponent a can be chosen in 4 ways; b in 3
ways; c in 4 ways; d in 3 ways. So, by the product rule, the total number of proper divisors will be
(4)(3)(4)(3) – 2 = 142.

Example 1.29

In a binary sequence every element is 0 or 1. Let X be the set of all binary sequences of length n. A
switching function (Boolean function) of n variables is A function from X to the set Y = {0, 1}. Find the

number of distinct switching functions of n variables.

The cardinality of X is r = 2n. So the number of switching functions is 2r.

1.2 Permutations

Continuing to examine applications of rule of product, we turn now to counting linear arrangements of
objects. These arrangements are often called permutations when the objects are distinct. We shall
develop some systematic methods for dealing with linear arrangements, starting with a typical example.

Example 1.14

In class of 10 students, five are to be chosen and seated in a row for a picture. How many such linear
arrangements are possible?

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The key word here is arrangement, which designates the importance of order. If A, B, C, . . ., I, J denote
the 10 students, then BCEFI, CEFIB, and ABCFG are there such different arrangements, even though
the first two involve the same five students.

To answer this question, we consider the positions and possible numbers of students we can choose in
order to fill each position. The filling of position is a stage of our procedure.

10 X 9 X 8 X 7 X 6
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
position position position position position

Each of the 10 students can occupy the 1st position in the row. Because repetitions are not possible here,

we can select only one of the nine remaining students to fill the 2nd position. Continuing in this way, we
find only six students to select from in order to fill the 5th and final position. This yields a total of 30,240
possible arrangements of five students selected from the class of 10.

Exactly the same answer is obtained if the positions are filled from right to left namely, 6 X 7 X 8 X 9 X
10. if the 3rd position is filled first, the 1st position second, the 4th osition third, the 5th position fourth,
and the 2nd position fifth then answer is 9 X 6 X 10 X 8 X 7, still the same value, 30,240.
Definition 1.1

As in Example 1.14, the product of certain consecutive positive integers often comes into play in
enumeration problems. Consequently, the following notation proves to be quite useful when we are
dealing with such counting problems. It will frequently allow us to express our answers in a more

convenient form.

For an integer nnft to,rial (denoted n!) is defined by


0! = 1

n! = (n)(n-1)(n-2)….(3)(2)(1), for n t 1,
One finds that 1! = 1, 2! = 2, 3! = 6, 4! = 24, and 5! = 120, in addition, for each
n t 0, (n + 1)! = (n + 1) (n!).
Before we proceed any further, let us try to get a somewhat better appreciation for how fast n! grows.
We can calculate that 10! = 3,628,800, and it just so happens that this is exactly the number of seconds
in six weeks, Consequently, 11! Exceeds the number of seconds in one year, 12! Exceeds the number in
12 years, and 13! Surpasses the number of seconds in century.

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If we make use of the factorial notation, the answer in Example 1.14 can be Expressed in the following
more compact form:

5 u 4 u 3 u 2 u1 10!
10 u 9 u 8 u 7 u 6 10 u 9 u 8 u 7 u 6 u
Definition 1.2 5 u 4 u 3 u 2 u1 5!

Given a collection of n distinct objects. Any (linear) arrangement of these objects is called a permutation

of the collection.

Starting with the letters a, b, c, there are six ways to arrange, or permute, all of the letters: abc, acb, bac,

bca, cab, cba. If we are interested in arranging only two of the letters at a time, there are six such size – 2
permutations: ab, ba, ac, ca, bc, cb.

If there are n distinct objects and r is an integer, with 1 < r < n, then by the rule of product, the number
of permutations of size r for the n objects are

P(n, r) = n X (n - 1) X (n - 2) X . . . X (n - r + 1)
1st 2nd c 3rd rth
position position position position
(n  r )(n  r  1)...(1)(2)(3)
(n)(n  1)(n  2)...(n  r  1) u
(n  r )(n  r  1)...(1)(2)(3)

(n  r )!

For r 0, P (n, 0) = 1 = n!/ (n- 0)!, so P (n, r) = n!/(n-r)! holds for all 0 < r < n. A special case of this result
is Example 1.14, where n = 10, r = 5, and P (10, 5) = 30, 240. When permuting all of the n objects in the
collection, we have r = n and find that P (n, n) = n!/0!=n!.

Note, for example, that if n > 2, then P (n, 2) = n!/(n-2)! = n(n-1). When n>3 one finds that P(n,n-3) =

The number of permutations of size r, where 0 < r < n, from a collection of n objects, is P (n, r) =n!/(n-
r)! (Remember that P (n, r) counts (linear) arrangements in which the objects cannot be repeated.)
However, if repetitions are allowed, then by the rule of product there are nr possible arrangements, with
r > 0.

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Example 1.15

The number of words of three distinct letters formed from the letters of word “JNTU” is P (4, 3) = 4!/(4
- 3)!=24. If repetitions are allowed, the number of possible six – letter sequence is 46 = 4096.

Example 1.16

In how many ways can eight men and eight women be seated in a row if (a) any person may sit next to
any other (b) men and women must occupy alternate seats (c) generalize this result for n men and n

Here eight men and eight women are 16 indistinguishable objects.
a) The number of permutations 16 chosen form 16 objects is P (16, 16) = 16!

= 20922789890000.
b) Here men and women are distinct (different)

i) M W M W M W M W M W M W M W M W
8 8 7 7 6 6
c 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1
Man sitting first: the number of ways is 8! 8!

8 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1

Woman sitting first: 8! 8!

Thus the number of ways men and women occupy
Alternatively is 8! 8! + 8! 8! = 2(8!)2

c) Any person may sit: (2n)!


Men and women sit alternatively: 2(n!)2

Example 1.17

A committee of eight is to be formed from 16 men and 10 women. In how many ways can the
committee be formed if (a) there are no restrictions (b) there must be 4 men and 4 women (c) there
should be an even number of women (d) more women than men (e) at least 6 men.

a) No distinction between men and women. Problem is to choose 8 out of a set of 26 persons. So
the number of ways 8 are chosen out of 26 is C(26, 8) = 26!/ 89! (18!) = 2.480721325 x 1017
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b) First stage choose 4 men out of 16 given by C(16, 4). Second stage choose 4 women out
of 10 in C(10, 4)ways. Using product rule, the number of ways in which the committee consisting of
4 men and women is C(16,4) C(10,4) = 1,820 x 210 = 382,200.

c) If 2i even number of women are chosen, then the remaining 8 -2i members of the
committee should be men. By product rule, C(10, 2i)C(16, 8-2i). Then the total number of ways is

§10 ·§ 16 ·
¦ ¨
¨ 2i ¸
¨ 8  2i ¸
i 1 © ¹© ¹

d) Since the strength of the committee is 8, there should be 5 or more women so that women outnumber
men. Using product rule, the number of ways is.

§10 ·§ 16 ·

¦ ¨¨ ¸¸¨¨ ¸¸
i 5 © i ¹© 8  i ¹

e) When the number of men is 6 or more we get by a similar argument, the number of ways as
§16 ·§ 10 ·
¦ ¨¨ ¸
¨ ¸
© i ¹© 8  i ¹
i 5

Example 1.18

The number of permutations of the letters in the word COMPUTER is 8!. If only five of the letters are
used, the number of permutations (of size 5) is P(8, 5) = 8!/(8-5)! = 8!/3! = 6720. If repetitions of letters

are allowed, the number of possible 12-letter sequences is 812 = 6.872 x 1010.

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A B L L A B L1 L2 A B L2 L1
A L B L A L1 B L2 A L2 B L1
A L L B A L1 L2 B A L2 L1 B
B A L L B A L1 L2 B A L2 L1
B L A L B L1 A L2 B L2 A L1

B L L A B L1 L2 A B L2 L1 A
L A L L L1 A B L2 L2 A B L1
L A A B L1 A L2 B L2 A L1 B
L B L L L1 B A L2 L2 B A L1

L B A A L1 B L2 A L2 B L1 A
L L A B L1 L2 A B L2 L1 A B

L L B A L1 L2 B A L2 L1 B A

(a) (b)

Example 1.19
Unlike example 1.18, the number of (linear) arrangements of the four letters in BALL is 12, not 4! (=
24), the reason is that we do not have four distinct letters to arrange. To get the 12 arrangements, we can
list them as in table 1.1(a).
If the two L’s are distinguished as L1, L2, then we can use our previous ideas on permutations of distinct
objects; with the four distinct symbols B, A, L1, L2, we have 4!=24 permutations. These are listed in
Table 1.1(b). Table 1.1 reveals that for each arrangement in which the L’s are indistinguishable there
corresponds a pair of permutations with distinct L’s. Consequently,

2 X (Number of arrangements of the letters B, A, L, L)

= (Number of permutations of the symbols B, A, L1, L2),

And the answer to the original problem of finding all the arrangements of the four letters in BALL is

4!/2 = 12.

Example 1.20

Using the idea developed in Example 1.19, we now consider the arrangements of all nine letters in
There are 3! = 6 arrangements with the A’s distinguished for each arrangements in which the A’s are not
distinguished. For example, DA1 TA2 BA3 SES, DA1TA3BA2SES, DA2TA1BA3SES, DA2TA3BA1SES,
DA3TA1BA2SES, and DA3TA2BA1SES all correspond to DATABASES, when we remove the

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subscripts on A’s. In addition, to the arrangement DA1TA2BA3SES there corresponds the pair of
permutations A1TA2BA3S1ES2 and DA1TA2BA3S2ES1, when the S’s are distinguished. Consequently,

(2!)(3!) (Number of arrangements of the letters in DATABASES) =

(Number of permutations of the symbols D, A1, T, A2, B, A3, S1, E, S2)
So the number of arrangements of the nine letters in DATABASES is 9!/(2!3!)
= 30,240.

Before stating a general principle for arrangements with repeated symbols, note that in our prior two
examples we solved a new type of problem by relating it to previous enumeration principles. This

practice is common in mathematics in general, and often occurs in the derivations of discrete and
combinational formulas.

If there are n objects with n1 indistinguishable objects of an r th type, where n1 + . . . + nr = n, then there
are (linear)na!rrangements of the given n objects
n1! n2 ! !

Example 1.21
The MASSASAUGA is a brown and white venomous snake indigenous to North America. Arranging all
of the letters in MASSASAUGA. We find that there are


Possible arrangements. Among these are


In which all four A’s are together. To get this last result, we considered all arrangements of the seven
symbols AAAA (one symbol), S, S, S, M, U, G.

Example 1.22

Determine the number of (staircase) paths in the xy-plane from (2, 1) to (7, 4), Where each such path is
made up of individual steps going one unit to the right (R) or one unit upward (U). The blue lines in Fig.
1.1 show two of these Paths.

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o m
Figure 1.1


Beneath each path in Fig. 1.1 we have listed the individual steps. For example, in part (a)
the list R, U, R, R, U, R, R, U indicates that starting at the point (2, 1), we first move one
unit to the right [to (3, 1)], then one unit upward [to (3, 2)], followed by two units to the

right [to (5, 2)], and so on, until we reach the point (7, 4). The path consists of five R’s
for moves to the right and three U’s for moves upward.

The path in part (b) of the figure is also made up of five R’s and three U’s. in general, the
overall trip from (2, 1) to (7, 4) requires 7 – 2 = 5 horizontal moves to the right and 4 – 1
= 3 vertical moves upward. Consequently, each path corresponds to a list of five R’s and
U’s, and the solution for the number of paths emerges as the number of arrangements of
the five R’s and three U’s, which is 8!/(5! 3!) = 56.

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Example 1.23

We now do something a bit more abstract and prove that if n and k are positive
integers with n = 2k, then n!/2k is an integer. Because our argument relies on
Counting, it is an example of a combinatorial proof.

Consider the n symbols x1, x1, x2 , x2……………………., xk , xk. The number of

ways in which we can arrange all of these n =2k symbols is an integer that equals

n! n!

k factors of 2!

c s.c

Figure 1.2

We shall try to relate this problem to previous ones we have already encountered.
Consider Figs. 1.2 (a) and (b). Starting at the top of the circle and moving clockwise, we
list the distinct linear arrangements ABEFCD and CDABEF, which correspond to the
same circular arrangements. In addition to these two, four other linear arrangements –

BEFCDA, DABEFC, EFCDAB, and FCDABE — are found to correspond to the same
circular arrangements as in (a) or (b). So inasmuch as each circular arrangement
corresponds to six linear arrangements,
We have 6 X (Number of circular arrangements of A, B, . . ., F) =
(Number of linear arrangements of A, B……F) = 6!.

Consequently, There are 6!/6 = 5! = 120 arrangements of A, B,….F around the circular

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Example 1.25

Suppose now that the six people of Example 1.24 are three married couples and that A,
B, and C are the females. We want to arrange the six people around the table so that the
sexes alternate. (Once again, arrangements are considered identical if one can be obtained
from the other by rotation.)

Before we solve this problem, let us solve Example 1.24 by an alternative method, which
will assist us in solving our present problem. If we place A at the table as shown in Fig.
1.3(a), five locations (clockwise from A) remain to be filled. Using B, C,…,F to fill.

Figure 1.3

c s.c

These five positions is the problem of permuting B, C, . . ., F in a linear manner, and this
be done in 5! = 120 ways.

To solve the new problem of alternating the sexes, consider the method shown in Fig.

1.3(b). A (a female) is placed as before. The next position, clockwise from A, is marked
M1 (Male 1) and can be filled in three ways. Continuing clockwise from A, position F2
(Female 2) can be filled in two ways. Proceeding in this Manner, by the rule of product,
there are 3 x 2 x 2 x 1 x 1 = 12 ways in which these six people can be arranged with no
two men or women seated next to each other.

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1.3 Combinations: The Binomial Theorem

The standard Deck of playing Cards Consists of 52 cards comprising four suits: Clubs,
diamond, hearts, and spades. Each suit has 13 cards: ace, 2, 3,…, 9, 10, jack, queen, king.
If we are asked to draw three cards from a standard deck, in succession and without
replacement, then by the rule of product there are

52 u 51u 50 P (52,3)

possibilities, one of which is AH (ace of hearts), 9C (nine clubs), KD (King of
diamonds). If instead we simply select three cards at one time from the deck so that the
order of selection of the cards is no longer AH-9C-KD, AH-KD-9C, 9C-AH-KD,9C-

KD-AH, KD-9C-AH, and KD-AH-9C all correspond to just one (unordered) selection.
Consequently, each selection, or combination, of three cards, with no reference to order,
corresponds to 3! Permutations of three cards. In equation form this translates into

(3!) x (Number of selection of size 3 from a deck of 52)

= Number of permutations of size 3 for the 52 cards
Consequently, three cards can be drawn, without replacement, from a standard deck in
52!/(3! 49!) = 22,100 ways.

If we start with n distinct objects, each selection, or combination, of r of these objects,

with no reference to order, corresponds to r! Permutations of size r from the n objects.
Thus the number of combinations of size r from a collection of size n is

P (n, r ) n!
C (n, r ) ,0 d r d n.
r! r!(n  r )!

§n· §n·
In addition to C (n, r) the symbol is ¨¨fre¸¸quently used. Both C (n, r) and are ¨¨ ¸¸

© r¹ ©r¹
sometimes read “n choose r.” Note that for all n ≥ 0, C (n, r) = C (n, n) = 1. Further, for
all n ≥ 1, C (n, 1) = C (n, n-1) = n. when 0 ≤ n < r, then C (n, r)
A word to the wise! When dealing with any counting problem, we should ¨¨ask¸¸ ou0rselves
about the importance of order in the problem, when order is relevant, we thin©kr ¹in terms of
permutations and arrangements and the rule of product. When order is not relevant,
combinations could play a key role in solving the problem.

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Example 1.26

A hostess is having a dinner party for some members of her charity committee. Because
of the size of her home, she can invite only 11 of the 20 committee members. Order is not
important, so she can invite “the lucky 11” in C (20, 11) = = 20!/(11! 9!) = 167, 960
§ 20 ·
ways. However, once the 11 arrive, how she arranges them arou¨¨nd ¸¸her rectangular
dinning table is an arrangement problem. Unfortunately, no ©p1a1rt¹ of theory of

combinations and permutations can help our hostess deal with “the offended nine” who
were not invited.

Example 1.27

Lynn an Patti decide to buy a PowerBall ticket. To win the grand prize for PowerBall one

must match five numbers selected from 1 to 49 inclusive and then must also match the
powerball, an integer from 1 to 42 inclusive. Lynn selects the five numbers (between 1
and 49 inclusive). This she can do in ways (since matching does not involve order).
Meanwhile Patti selects the powerball – here§t4h9e·re are possibilities. Consequently, by
¨¨ ¸¸
the rule of product, Lynn and Patti can selec© t 5th¹e six numbers for their PowerBall ticket
in =80,089,128 ways. § 42 ·
¨¨ ¸¸
§ 49 ·§ 42 ·
¨¨ ¸¸¨¨ ¸¸
© 5 ¹© 1 ¹
Example 1.28

a) A student taking a history examination is directed to answer any seven of 10 essay


questions. There is no concern about order here, so the student can answer the
examination in

§10 · 10! 10 u 9 u 8
¨¨ ¸¸ 12 ways
© 7 ¹ 7!3! 3 u 2 u1

b) If the student must answer three questions from the first five and four questions
from the las§t f5iv·e, three questions can be selected from the first five in = 10
¨ ¸
ways, and th©e 3 ot¹her four questions can be selected in = 5 ways. Hence, by the
rule of product, the¨ ¨ s4tu¸
¸dent can complete the examination in = 10 X 5 =
50 ways. © ¹
c) Finally, should¨¨ t4he¸¸directions on this examination indicate that the student must
© ¹
answer seven of the 10 questions where a§ t5
¨ le·
ast three are selected from the first
¨ 3¸¸
five, then there are three cases to consider:© ¹

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i) The student answers three of the first five questions and four of five: by the
rule of product this can happen in = 10 X 5§¨=55·
w ys, as in part
¨ ¸ ¨ ¸
(b). © 3 ¹© 4 ¹

ii) Four of the first five questions and three of the last five questions are
selected by the student: this can come about in = 5 §X51·0§=5 5·0 ways
¨¨ ¸¸ ¨
¨ ¸ ¸
– again by the rule of product.
© 4 ¹© 3 ¹

iii) The student decides to answer all five of the first five questions and two
of the last five: The rule of product tells us that last case can occur in

= 1 X 10 = 10 ways.

§ 5· §5· § 5 ·§ 5 · § 5 ·§ 5 · § 5 ·§ 5 ·

¨ 5¸
¸ ¨¨ ¸¸ ¨¨ ¸¸¨¨ ¸¸  ¨¨ ¸¸¨¨ ¸¸  ¨¨ ¸¸¨¨ ¸¸
© ¹ © 2¹
© 3 ¹© 4 ¹ © 4 ¹© 3 ¹ © 5 ¹© 2 ¹
Combining the results for cases (i), (ii), and (iii), by the rule of sum we find that the
student can make = 50 + 50 + 10 = 110 selections of seven
(out of 10) questions where each selection includes at least three of the first five
§ 5 ·§ 5 · § 5 ·§ 5 · § 5 ·§ 5 ·
¨ 3¸¸¨
¨ ¸ ¸¨ ¨ ¸ ¸¨
¨ ¸ ¸¨ ¨ ¸ ¸¨¨ ¸
© ¹© 4 ¹ © 4 ¹© 3 ¹ © 5 ¹© 2 ¹

Example 1.29
a) At Rydell High School, the gym teacher must select nine girls from the junior and
senior classes for a volleyball team. If there are 28 juniors and 25 seniors, she can
make the selection in = 4,431,613,550 ways.
§ 53 ·

¨¨ ¸¸
b) If two juniors and one senior are the best spikers and must be on the© t9ea¹m, then
the rest of the team can be chosen in = 15,890,700 ways. 50 25
§ ·§ ·
¨¨ ¸¸ ¨¨ ¸¸
6 5
c) For a certain tournament that team must comprise four juniors a©nd f¹iv©e sen¹iors.

The teacher can select the four juniors in ways. For each of these selections she has
ways to choose the five seniors. Consequently, by the rule of product, she can select her
team in = 1,087,836,750 ways for this particular tournament.
§ 28 ·§ 25 ·
¨¨ ¸¸¨¨ ¸¸
© 4 ¹© 5 ¹
Some problems can be treated from the viewpoint of either arrangements or
combinations, depending on how one analyzes the situation. The following Example
demonstrates this.

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Example 1.30
The gym teacher of Example 1.29 must make up four volleyball teams of nine girls each
from the 36 freshman girls in her P.E. class. In how many ways can she select these four
terms? Call the teams A, B, C, and D.

a) To form team A, she can select any nine girls from the 36 enrolled in ways.
For team B the selection process yields possibilities. This leaves and

possible ways to select teams C and D, respectively. So by the rule of product, the
four teams can be chosen in

§ 36 ·§ 27 ·§18 ·§ 9 · § 36! ·§ 27! ·§ 18! ·§ 9! · 36!

¨¨ ¸¸¨¨ ¸¸¨¨ ¸¸¨¨ ¸¸ ¨ ¸¨ ¸¨ ¸¨ ¸ 2.145 u1019 ways
© 9 ¹© 9 ¹© 9 ¹© 9 ¹ © 9!27! ¹© 9!18! ¹© 9!9! ¹© 9!0! ¹ 9!9!9!9!
b) For an alternative solution, consider the 36 students lined up as follows:

1st 2nd 3rd 35th 36th
student student student student student

To select the four teams, we must distribute nine A’s, nine B’s, nine C’s and nine D’s in
the 36 spaces. The number of ways in which this can be done is the number of
arrangements of 36 letters comprising nine each of A, B, C, and D. This is now the
familiar problem of arrangements of nondistinct objects, and the answer is

, as in part ( a )
Our next example points out how some problems require the concepts of both
arrangements and combinations for their solutions.

Example 1.31

The number of arrangements of the letters in TALLAHASSEE is

3!2!2!2 !
1 !
1 !
How many of these arrangements have no adjacent A’s?
When we disregard the A’s, there are

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Ways to arrange the remaining letters. One of these 5040 ways is shown in the following
figure, where the arrows indicate nine possible locations for the three A’s.

n E n E n S nT n L n L n S n H n
Three of these locations can be selected in = §894w ·ays, and because this is also
¨ ¸
S, ¸
possible for all the other 5039 arrangements of E, E©, 3 ¹T, L, L, S, H, by the rule of

product there are 5040 X 84 = 423,360 arrangements of the letters in TALLAHASSEE
with no consecutive A’s.

Before proceeding we need to introduce a concise way of writing the sum of list of n + 1
terms like am, am+1, am+2, . . ., am+n, where m and n are integers and n ≥ 0. This notation is
called the Sigma Notation because it involves the capital Greek letter Σ; we use it to

represent a summation by writing
am  am 1  am  2  ...  am  n ¦a .
i m

Here, the letter i is called the index of the summation, and this index accounts for all
integers starting with the lower limit m and Continuing on up to (and including) the upper
limit m + n.
We may use this following notation
7 7
1)¦ ai a3  a4  a5  a5  a6  a7 ¦a j
for there is
i 3 j 3
nothing special about the letter i.
4 4
2) ¦ i ¦k

2 2 2 2 2 2
1 2 3 4 30 , because 0 2 0.
i 1 k 0

100 101 99
3)¦ i ¦ ¦ k 1
3 3 3 3 3 3 3
11  12  13  ...  100 j 1

i 11 j 12 k 10

4)¦ 2i 2(7)  2(8)  2(9)  2(10) 68 2(34)
i 7
3 4 2
5)¦ ai a3 ¦a i 1 ¦a i 1
i 3 i 4 i 2
6) ¦ a aaaaa 5a
i 1

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Furthermore, using this summation notation, we see that one can express the answer to
part (c) of Example 1.28 as

§ 5 ·§ 5 · § 5 ·§ 5 · § 5 ·§ 5 · 5
§ 5 ·§ 5 · 4
§ 5 ·§ 5 ·
¨¨ ¸¸¨¨ ¸¸  ¨¨ ¸¸¨¨ ¸¸  ¨¨ ¸¸¨¨ ¸¸ ¦ ¨¨ ¸¸¨¨ ¸¸
i 3 © i ¹© 7  i ¹
¦ ¨¨ ¸¸¨¨ ¸¸
j ¹© j ¹
© 3 ¹© 4 ¹ © 4 ¹© 3 ¹ © 5 ¹© 2 ¹ j 2 ©7 

We shall find use for this new notation in the following example and in many other
places throughout the remainder of this book

Example 1.32

In the studies of algebraic coding theory and the theory of computer languages, we
consider certain arrangements, called strings, made up from a prescribed alphabet of
symbols. If the prescribed alphabet consists of the symbols 0, 1, and 2, for example, then
01, 11, 21, 12, and 20 are five of the nine strings of length 2. Among the 27 strings of
length 3 are 000,012, 202, and 110.
In general, if n is any positive integer, then by the rule of product there are 3" strings of
length n for the alphabet 0,1, and 2. If x = x1x2x3 . . . xn is one of these strings, we define
the weight of x, denoted wt(x), by wt(x) = x1 +x2 + x3 + . . .+ xn. For example, wt(12) = 3
and wt(22) = 4 for the case where n = 2; wt(10l) = 2, wt(210) = 3, and wt(222) = 6 for
n = 3.

Among the 310 strings of length 10, we wish to determine how many have even weight.

Such a string has even weight precisely when the number of 1's in the string is even.

There are six different cases to consider. If the string x contains no 1's, then each of the
10 locations in x can be filled with either 0 or 2, and by the rule of product there are 210
such strings. When the string contains two 1's, the locations for these two 1's can be

selected in ways. Once these two locations have been specified, there are 28 ways to
place either 0§1o0r· 2 in the other eight positions. Hence there are 28 strings of even
¨¨ ¸¸
weight that c©on2ta¹in two 1's. The numbers of strings for the other four cases are given in
Table1.2. § 10 ·
¨¨ ¸¸
Consequently, by the rule of sum, the number of strings of length
10 that have even weight is

§10 · §10 · § 10 · § 10 · § 10 · § 10 · 10 2 n

210  ¨¨ ¸¸2 8  ¨¨ ¸¸2 6  ¨¨ ¸¸2 4  ¨¨ ¸¸2 2  ¨¨ ¸¸ ¨ ¸¸2

©2¹ ©4¹ ©6¹ ©8¹ © 10 ¹ © 2n ¹

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Number of 1's Number of Strings Number of 1's Number of Strings

§10 · 6 §10 · 2

4 ¨¨ ¸¸2 8 ¨¨ ¸¸2
©4¹ ©8¹

6 §10 · 4 10 § 10 ·
¨¨ ¸¸2 ¨¨ ¸¸
©6¹ © 10 ¹

Table 1.2

Often we must be careful of overcounting—a situation that seems to arise in what may
appear to be rather easy enumeration problems. The next example demonstrates how
overcounting may come about.
Example 1.33

a) Suppose that Ellen draws five cards from a standard deck of 52 cards. In how
many ways can her selection result in a hand with no clubs? Here we are
interested in counting all five-card selections such as

i) Ace of hearts, three of spades, four of spades, six of diamonds, and the jack of
ii) Five of spades, seven of spades, ten of spades, seven of diamonds, and me king of

iii) Two of diamonds, three of diamonds, six of diamonds, ten of diamonds, and the
jack of diamonds.

If we examine this more closely we see that Ellen is restricted to selecting her five
cards from the 39 cards in me deck that are not clubs. Consequently, she can make
her selection in ways. § 39 ·
¨¨ ¸¸

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b) Now suppose we want to count the number of Ellen's five-card selections that
contain at least one club. These are precisely the selections that were not counted in
part (a). And since there are possible five-card hands in tota§¨l5, 2w·¸e find that
§ 52 · § 39 · © ¹
¨¨ ¸¸  ¨¨ ¸¸= 2, 598, 960 – 575,757 = 2,023,203
©5¹ ©5¹
of all five-card hands contain at least one club.

c) Can we obtain the result in part (b) in another way? For example, since Ellen wants
to have at least one club in the five-card hand, let her first select a club. This she can

do in ways. And now she doesn't care what comes up for the other four cards. So
§13 ·
after she eliminates the one club chos¨¨en ¸¸from her standard deck, she can then select
the other four cards in ways. T©he1re¹fore, by the rule of product, we count the

number of selections here as

§13 ·
§ 51·
¨¨ ¸¸ = 13 X 249,900 = 3,248,700
¨¨ ¸¸
©1¹ ©4¹
Something here is def§i5n1it·ely wrong! This answer is larger than that in part (b) by
¨ ¸
more than one million¨© h4a¸¹nds. Did we make a mistake in part (b)? Or is something
wrong with our present reasoning?
For example, suppose that Ellen first selects
the three of clubs
and then selects
the five of clubs,
king of clubs,

seven of hearts, and

jack of spades.

If, however, she first selects

the five of clubs

and then selects

the three of clubs,
king of clubs,
seven of hearts, and
jack of spades,
is her selection here really different from the prior selection we mentioned?
Unfortunately, no! And the case where she first

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the king of clubs

and then follows this by selecting
the three of clubs,
five of clubs,
seven of hearts, and
jack of spades

is not different from the other two selections mentioned earlier.
Consequently, this approach is wrong because we are overcounting — by considering
like selections as if they were distinct.

d) But is there any other way to arrive at the answer in part (b)? Yes! Since the five-
card hands must each contain at least one club, there are five cases to consider. These

are given in Table 1.3. From the results in Table 1.3 we see, for example, that there
are five-card hands that contain exactly two clubs. If we are interested in
having exactly three clubs in the hand, then the results in the table indicate that there
are such hands.
§13 ·§ 39 ·
c ¨¨ ¸¸¨¨ ¸¸
© 2 ¹© 5 ¹
Since no two of the cases in Table 1.3 have any five-card hand in common, the
number of hand§¨1s 3th·¸§¨a3t 9E·¸llen can select with at least one club is
¨ 3 ¸¨ 2 ¸
© ¹© ¹

§13 ·§ 39 · §13 ·§ 39 · §13 ·§ 39 · §13 ·§ 39 · §13 ·§ 39 ·

¨1¸ ¸¨
¨ ¸
¨ ¸ ¸¨
¨ ¸
¨ ¸ ¸¨
¨ ¸
¨ ¸ ¸¨
¨ ¸
¨ ¸ ¸¨
¨ ¸

© ¹© 4 ¹ © 2 ¹© 3 ¹ © 3 ¹© 2 ¹ © 4 ¹© 1 ¹ © 5 ¹© 0 ¹

§13 ·§ 39 ·
¦ ¨¨ ¸¸¨¨
i 1 © i 5  i
¹© ¹

(13)(82,251)  (78)(9139)  (286)(741)  (715)(39)  (1287)(1)


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Table 1.3

Number of Ways to Number of Ways to

Number of Cards
Number of clubs Select This Number Select This Number
That Are Not Clubs
of Clubs of Non clubs

1 4 § 39 ·

§13 ·
¨¨ ¸¸ ¨¨ ¸¸
©1¹ © 4¹
2 §13 · 3 § 39 ·
¨¨ ¸¸ ¨¨ ¸¸

©2¹ © 3¹
3 §13 · 2 § 39 ·
¨¨ ¸¸ ¨¨ ¸¸

©3¹ © 2¹
§13 · § 39 ·
4 ¨¨ ¸¸ 1 ¨¨ ¸¸
©4¹ ©1¹
c §13 · § 39 ·
5 ¨¨ ¸¸ 0 ¨¨ ¸¸
©5¹ ©0¹
We shall close this section with three results related to the concept of combinations.

First we note that for integers n, r, with n > r >0, . This can be established

§n· § n ·
¨¨ ¸¸ ¨¨ ¸¸
©r¹ ©n  r¹
¨¨ ¸¸

§n· § n ·
¨¨ ¸¸ ¨¨ ¸¸
©r¹ ©n  r¹
algebraically from the formula for , but we prefer to observe that when dealing
with a selection of size r from a collection of n distinct objects, the selection process
leaves behind n – r objects. Consequently, affirms the existence of a
correspondence between the selections of size r (objects chosen) and the selections of
size n - r (objects left behind). An example of this correspondence is shown in Table
1.4, where n = 5, r = 2, and the distinct objects are 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.

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This type of correspondence will be more formally defined in Chapter 5 and used in
other counting situations.
Our second result is a theorem from our past experience in algebra.

Theorem 1.1
The Binomial Theorem. If x and y are variables and n is a positive integer, then

n § n · 0 n § n · 1 n 1 § n · 2 n  2
x y ¨¨ ¸¸ x y  ¨¨ ¸¸ x y  ¨¨ ¸¸ x y  ...
©0¹ ©1¹ © 2¹

§ n · n 1 1 § n · n 0 n
§ n · k nk
¨¨ ¸
¸ ¨
x y  ¨ ¸x y ¸ ¦ ¨¨ ¸¸ x y
© n  1¹ ©n¹ k 0©k ¹

Before considering the general proof, we examine a special case. If n = 4, the
coefficient of x2y2 in the expansion of the product

(x+y) c (x+y) (x+y) (x+y)

1st 2nd 3rd 4t h
factor factor factor factor
is the number of ways in which we can select two x's from the four x's, one of which
is available in each factor. (Although the x's are the same in appearance, we
distinguish them as the x in the first factor, the x in the second factor, ... , and the x in
the fourth factor.

Also, we note that when we select two x's, we use two factors, leaving us with two
other factors from which we can select the two y's that are needed.) For example,
among the possibilities, we can select (1) x from the first two factors and y from the
last two or (2) X from the first and third factors and y from the second and fourth.

Table 1.5 summarizes the six possible selections.

§ 4·
Consequently, the coefficient of x2y2 in the expansion of (x + y) 4 is =¨6, t¸he
¨ ¸
number of ways to select two distinct objects from a collection of four d©is2tin¹ct

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Table 1.4

Selections of Size r = 2 (Objects Selections of Size n - r = 3

Chosen) (Objects Left Behind)

1. 1,2 6. 2,4 1. 3,4,5 6. 1,3,5

2. 1,3 7. 2,5 2. 2,4,5 7. 1,3,4

3. 1,4 8. 3,4 3. 2,3,5 8. 1,2,5
4. 1,5 9. 3,5 4. 2,3,4 9. 1,2,4
5. 2,3 10. 4,5 5. 1,4,5 10. 1,2,3

Table 1.5

Factors Selected for x Factors Selected for y

1. 1,2 1. 3,4
2. 1,3 2. 2,4
3. 1,4 c 3. 2,3
4. 2,3 4. 1,4
5. 2,4 5. 1,3
6. 2,5 6. 1,2

Now we turn to the proof of the general case.

Proof: In the expansion of the product
(x+y) (x+y) (x+y) . . . . . . . (x+y)
1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Factor Factor Factor Factor

The coefficient of xkyn-k, where 0 < k < n, is the number of different ways in which
we can select k x’s [and consequently (n - k) y’s] from the n available factors. (One

way, for example, is to choose x from the first k factors and y from the last n – k
factors) The total number of such selections of size k form a collection of size n is C
(n, k) = §¨ n,·¸and from this the binomial theorem follows.
¨k ¸
© ¹

Example 1.34

In view of this theorem, is often referred to as a binomial coefficient. Notice that it is

also possible to express the result of Theorem 1.1 as
§ n · k nk
x y ¨¨ ¸¸x y .
k 0©n  k ¹
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a) From the binomial theorem it follows that the coefficient of x5y2 in the expansion
of (x + y)7 is §¨ 7 ·¸ = §¨ 7=·¸ 21
¨5¸ ¨ 2¸
© ¹ © ¹
b) To obtain the coefficient of a5b2 in the expansion of (2a - 3b)7, replace 2a by x and
3b by y. From the binomial theorem the coefficient of x5y2 in (x + y)7 is and

§7· 5 2 §7· §7· 5
¨¨ ¸¸ x y ¨¨ ¸¸(2a)5 (-3b) 2 ¨¨ ¸¸(2) (-3) 2 a 5 b 2 6048a 5 b 2 .
©5¹ ©5¹ ©5¹

Corollary 1.1

For each integer n > 0,

§n· §n· §n· §n· n

a)¨ ¸  ¨ ¸  ¨ ¸  ...  ¨¨ ¸¸ 2 , and
¨ ¸ ¨ ¸ ¨ ¸
© 0¹ ©1¹ © 2¹ ©n¹
§n· §n· §n·
c n§n·
b)¨¨ ¸¸  ¨¨ ¸¸  ¨¨ ¸¸  ...   1 ¨¨ ¸¸ 0.
© 0¹ ©1¹ © 2¹ ©n¹
Proof: Part (a) follows from the binomial theorem when we set x = y = 1. When x = -
1 and y = 1, part (b) results.

Our third and final result generalizes the binomial theorem and is called the
multinomial theorem.

Theorem 1.2

For positive integers n, t, the coefficient of x1n1 x2n2 x3n3 .in..txhetnet xpansion of
(x1 + x2 + x3 + . . . + xt)n is
n1! n2 ! n3!...nt !
Where each ni is an integer with 0 ≤ ni ≤ n, for all 1 ≤ i ≤ t, and
n1 + n2 + n3 + . . . + nt = n.

x1n1 x2n2 x3n3 ...xtnt

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Proof: As in the proof of the binomial theorem, the coefficient of

is the number of ways we can select x1 from n1 of the n factors, x2 from n2 of the
n – n1 remaining factors, x3 from n3 of the n – n1 – n2 now remaining factors, …., and
xt from nt of the last n – n1 – n2 – n3 – . . . – nt-1 = nt remaining factors. This can be
carried out, as in part (a) of Example 1.30, in

§ n ·§ n  n1 ·§ n  n1  n2 · § n  n1  n2  n3  ...  nt 1 ·

¨¨ ¸¸¨¨ ¸¸¨¨ ¸¸...¨¨ ¸¸
n n
© 1 ¹© 2 ¹© n 3 ¹ © n t ¹

ways. We leave to the reader the details of showing that this product is equal
to n!
n1!n2 !n3!...nt !

§ n ·
which is also written as ¨¨ ¸¸
n , n
© 1 2 3 , n , . . . , nt ¹
and is called a multinomial coefficient. (When t = 2 this reduces to a binomial
Example 1.35

a) In the expansion of (x + y + z)7 it follows from the multinomial theorem that the
coefficient of x2y2z3 is = = 210, while the coefficient of xyz5 is = 42
§ 7 ! ·

3 4
and that x z is = =35. § 7 · ¨ § 7 ·
¨¨ ¸¸ ¨ ¸¸ ¨¨ ¸¸
b) Suppose we need to know the coefficient of©a22,2b,33c¹2d5©in2!2
th!3e!¹expansion of (a + 2b ©1,1,5 ¹
– 3c + 2d + 5)16. If we replace a by v, 2b by w, - 3c by§x, 72d ·by y,§¨an7d!5 ·¸by z, then we
§ 16 · ¨ ¸ ¨ ¸
can apply the multinomial The¨¨orem to ¸¸(v + w + x ¨©+3,0y,4+¸¹ z)16© a3n!0d!4d!¹etermine the
coefficient of v2w3x2y5z4 as © 2,3,2,=
5,4 ¹
302,702,400. But

§ 16 · 2 3 2 5 4
¨¨ ¸¸ a 2b  3c 2d 5
© 2,3, 2,5, 4 ¹
2 3 2 5
3 5,8
169 1, 4 5
6, 0 0 0, 0 0 0 a bc d
2 3 2 5 4
¨¨ ¸¸ 1 2 3 2 5 a 2b 3c 2 d 5
© 2,3, 2,5, 4 ¹

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1.4 Combinations with Repetition

When repetitions are allowed, we have seen that for n distinct objects an arrangement
of size r of these objects can be obtained in nr ways, for an integer r ≥ 0. We now turn
to the comparable problem for combinations and once again obtain a related problem
whose solution follows from our previous enumeration principles.

Example 1.36

On their way home from track practice, seven high school freshmen stop at a

restaurant, where each of them has one of the following: a cheeseburger, a hot dog, a
taco, or a fish sandwich. How many different purchases are possible (from the
viewpoint of the restaurant)?

Let c, h, t, and f represent cheeseburger, hot dog, taco, and fish sandwich,
respectively. Here we are concerned with how many of each item are purchased, not
with the order in which they are purchased, so the problem is one of selections, or
combinations, with repetition.
In Table 1.6 we list some possible purchases in column (a) and another means of
representing each purchase in column (b).

Table 1.6

1. c, c, h, h, t, t, f 8. x x | x x | x x | x

2. c, c, c, c, h, t, f 9. x x x x | x | x | x
3. c, c, c, c, c, c, f 10. x x x x x x | | | x
4. h, t, t, f, f, f, f 11. | x | x x | x x x x
5. t, t, t, t, t, f, f 12. | | x x x x x | x x
6. t, t, t, t, t, t, t 13. | | x x x x x x x |

7. f, f,( f, f, f, f, f 14. | | | x x x x x x x

For a purchase in column (b) of Table 1.6 we realize that each x to the left of the first
bar ( | ) represents a c, each x between the first and second bars represents an h, the
x's between the second and third bars stand for t’s, and each x to the right of the third
bar stands for an f. The third purchase, for example, has three consecutive bars

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because no one bought a hot dog or taco; the bar at the start of the fourth purchase
indicates that there were no cheeseburgers in that purchase.

Once again a correspondence has been established between two collections of objects,
where we know how to count the number in one collection. For the representations in
column (b) of Table 1.6, we are enumerating all arrangements of 10 symbols
consisting of seven x's and three |'s, so by our correspondence the number of different

purchases for column (a) is.
10! §10 ·
¨ 7 ¸ ¸
7!3! © ¹

In this example we note that the seven x's (one for each freshman) correspond to the
size of the selection and that the three bars are needed to separate the 3+1= 4 possible
food items that can be chosen.

When we wish to select, with repetition, r of n distinct objects, we find (as in Table
1.6) that we are considering all arrangements of r x's and n - 1 |'s and that their
number is
c n  r 1 ! § n  r  1·
¨¨ ¸¸
r! n  1 ! © r ¹
Consequently, the number of combinations of n objects taken r at a time, with
repetition, is C (n + r – 1, r).
(In Example 1.36, n = 4, r = 7, so it is possible for r to exceed n when repetitions are

Example 1.37

A donut shop offers 20 kinds of donuts. Assuming that there are at least a dozen of
each kind when we enter the shop, we can select a dozen donuts in C (20 + 12 - 1, 12)
= C(31, 12) = 141,120,525 ways. (Here n = 20, r = 12.)

Example 1.38

President Helen has four vice presidents: (1) Betty, (2) Goldie, (3) Mary Lou, and (4)
Mona. She wishes to distribute among them $1000 in Christmas bonus checks, where
each check will be written for a multiple of $100.

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a) Allowing the situation in which one or more of the vice presidents get nothing,
President Helen is making a selection of size 10 (one for each unit of $100) from
a collection of size 4 (four vice presidents), with repetition. This can be done in
C(4 + 10 - l, 10) = C(13, 10) = 286 ways.
b) If there are to be no hard feelings, each vice president should receive at least $
100. With this restriction, President Helen is now faced with making a selection
of size 6 (the remaining six units of $100) from the same collection of size 4, and

the choices now number C(4+6- 1,6) = C(9, 6) = 84. [For example, here the
selection 2, 3, 3,4, 4, 4 is interpreted as follows: Betty does not get anything
extra—for there is no 1 in the selection. The one 2 in the selection indicates that

Goldie gets an additional $100. Mary Lou receives an additional $200 ($100 for
each of the two 3's in the selection). Due to the three 4's, Mona's bonus check will
total $100 + 3($100) = $400.]

c) If, each vice president must get at least $100 and Mona, as executive vice
president, gets at least $500, then the number of ways President Helen can
distribute the bonus checks is
C (3  2  1,2)  C (3  1  1,1)  C (3  0  1,0) 10
c C (4  2  1,2)
Mona gets Mona gets Mona gets U sin g the
exactly $500 exactly $600 exactly $700 technique in part ( b )

Having worked examples utilizing combinations with repetition, we now consider

two examples involving other counting principles as well.

Example 1.39

In how many ways can we distribute seven bananas and six oranges among four
children so that each child receives at least one banana?

After giving each child one banana, consider the number of ways the remaining three

bananas can be distributed among these four children. Table 1.7 shows four of the
distributions we are considering here. For example, the second distribution in part (a)
of Table 1.7—namely, 1, 3, 3—indicates that we have given the first child
(designated by 1) one additional banana and the third child (designated by 3) two
additional bananas. The corresponding arrangement in part (b) of Table 1.7 represents
this distribution in terms of three b's and three bars.

These six symbols—three of one type (the b's) and three others of a second type (the
bars)—can be arranged in 6!/(3! 3!) = C(6, 3) = C(4+3 - 1, 3) =20 ways. [Here n = 4,

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r = 3.] Consequently, there are 20 ways in which we can distribute the three
bananas among these four children. Table 1.8 provides the comparable situation for
distributing the six oranges. In this case we are arranging nine symbols—six of one
type (the o's) and three of a second type (the bars). So now we learn that the number
of ways we can distribute the six oranges among these four children is 9!/(6! 3!) =
C(9, 6) = C(4+6 - 1, 6) = 84 ways. [Here n = 4, r = 6.] Therefore, by the rule of

product, there are 20 X 84 = 1680 ways to distribute the fruit under the stated

Table 1.7 Table 1.8

1. 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4 5. 0|00|00|0
2. 1, 2, 2, 4, 4, 4 6. 0|00||000
3. 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3 7. |000|000|
4. 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 8. |||000000

1. 1, 2, 3 5.
c b|b|b|
2. 1, 3, 3 6. b||bb|
3. 3, 4, 4 7. ||b|bb
4. 4, 4, 4 8. |||bbb

(a) (b) (a)

(b) Example 1.40

A message is made up of 12 different symbols and is to be transmitted through a

communication channel. In addition to the 12 symbols, the transmitter will also send a

total of 45 (blank) spaces between the symbols, with at least three spaces between each
pair of consecutive symbols. In how many ways can the transmitter send such a message?

There are 12! ways to arrange the 12 different symbols, and for each of these
arrangements there are 11 positions between the 12 symbols. Because there must be at
least three spaces between successive symbols, we use up 33 of the 45 spaces and must
now locate the remaining 12 spaces. This is now a selection, with repetition, of size 12
(the spaces) from a collection of size 11 (the locations), and this can be accomplished in
C (11 +12—1, 12) ==646,646 ways.

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Consequently, by the rule of product the transmitter can send such messages with the
required spacing in (12!) = 3.097 X§ 21201· 4 ways.
¨¨ ¸¸
© 12 ¹
In the next example an idea is introduced that appears to have more to do with number
theory than with combinations or arrangements. Nonetheless, the solution of this example
will turn out to be equivalent to counting combinations with repetitions.

Example 1.41

Determine all integer solutions to the equation

x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 = 7, where xi ≥ 0 for all 1 ≤ i ≤ 4.

One solution of the equation is x1 = 3, x2 = 3, x3 = 0, x4 = 1. (This is different from a
solution such as x1 = 1, x2 = 0, x3 = 3, x4 = 3, even though the same four integers are
being used.) A possible interpretation for the solution x1 = 3, x2 = 3, x3 = 0, x4 = 1 is that
we are distributing seven pennies (identical objects) among four children (distinct
containers), and here we have given three pennies to each of the first two children,
nothing to the third child, and the last penny to the fourth child. Continuing with this
interpretation, we see that each nonnegative integer solution of the equation corresponds
to a selection, with repetition, of size 7 (the identical pennies) from a collection of size 4
(the distinct children), so there are C(4 +7 - 1,7) = 120 solutions.

At this point it is crucial that we recognize the equivalence of me following:

a) The number of integer solutions of the equation


x1  x2  ...  xn r, xi t 0, 1 d i d n.
b) The number of selections, with repetition, of size r from a collection of size n.

c) The number of ways r identical objects can be distributed among n distinct


In terms of distributions, part (c) is valid only when the r objects being distributed are
identical and the n containers are distinct. When both the r objects and the n containers
are distinct, we can select any of the n containers for each one of the objects and get nr
distributions by the rule of product.

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When the objects are distinct but the containers are identical, we shall solve the problem
using the Stirling numbers of the second kind (Chapter 5). For the final case, in which
both objects and containers are identical, the theory of partitions of integers (Chapter 9)
will provide some necessary results.

Example 1.42

In how many ways can one distribute 10 (identical) white marbles among six distinct

Solving this problem is equivalent to finding the number of nonnegative integer solutions
to the equation x1 + x2 + … + x6 = 10. That number is the number of selections of size 10,
with repetition, from a collection of size 6. Hence the answer is C(6 + 10 — 1, 10)

= 3003.

We now examine two other examples related to the theme of this Section.

Our next two examples provide applications from the area of computer science.
Furthermore, the second example will lead to an important summation formula that we
shall use in many later chapters.

Example 1.43

Consider the following program segment, where i, j, and k are integer variables.

for i := 1 to 20 do
for j : = 1 to i do
for k : = 1 to j do
print (i * j + k)

How many times is the print statement executed in this program segment?

Among the possible choices for i, j, and k (in the order i-first, j-second, k-third) that will
lead to execution of the print statement, we list (1) 1, 1, 1; (2) 2, 1, 1; (3) 15, 10, 1; and
(4) 15, 10, 7. We note that i = 10, j == 12, k = 5 is not one of the selections to be
considered, because j = 12 > 10 = i; this violates the condition set forth in the second for
loop. Each of the above four selections where the print statement is executed satisfies the
condition 1 ≤ k ≤ j ≤ i ≤ 20. In fact, any selection a, b, c (a ≤ b ≤ c) of size 3, with

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repetitions allowed, from the list 1, 2, 3,.... 20 results in one of the correct selections:
here, k = a, j = b, i = c. Consequently the print statement is executed
§ 20  3  1· § 22 ·
¨¨ ¸¸ ¨¨ ¸¸ 1540 times
© 3 ¹ © 3¹
If there had been r (≥ 1) for loops instead of three, the print statement would have been
executed times. § 20  r  1·

¨¨ ¸¸
Example 1.44 © r ¹

Here we use a program segment to derive a summation formula. In this program segment,

the variables i, j, n, and counter are integer variables. Furthermore, we assume that the
value of n has been set prior to this segment.

counter : = 0
for i : = 1 to n do
for j : = 1 to i do
counter : = counter +1

variable) counter will be

From the results in Example 1.43, after this segment is executed the value of (the
§ n  2  1· § n  1·
¨¨ ¸¸ ¨¨ ¸¸.
© 2 ¹ © 2 ¹

(This is also the number of times that the statement

(*) counter : = counter +1
is executed.)

This result can also be obtained as follows: when i := 1, then j varies from 1 to 1 and (*)
is executed once; when i is assigned the value 2, then j varies from 1 to 2 and (*) is
executed twice; j varies from 1 to 3 when i is assigned the value 3, and (*) is executed
three times; in general, for 1 ≤ k ≤ n, when i := k, then j varies from 1 to k and (*) is
executed k times. In total, the variable counter is incremented [and the statement (*) is

executed] 1+2+3+…+n times.

§ n  1· n(n  1)
¦ i 1  2  3  ...  n ¨¨
i 1 © ¹
The derivation of this summation formula, obtained by counting the same result in two
different ways, constitutes a combinatorial proof.

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o m
c s.c

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Corollary 8.1 The number of elements in S that satisfy at least

one of the conditions is N - N .
S0 N , S1 ¦ N (c ), S i 2 ¦ N (c c i j ),
, Sk ¦ N (c i1 ci2 cik ),1 d k d t.

Ex. 8.1 Determine the number of positive integer n where 1 d n d
100 and n is not divisible by 2,3, or 5.
Here S = {1,2, ,100}, N = 100, c1 : divisible by 2, c2 : divisible

by 3, c3 : divisible by 5.
§ «100 » «100 » «100 » ·
? N c1 c2 c3 S 0  S1  S 2  S 3 100  ¨
¨« 2 »  « 3 »  « 5 »¸¸

©¬ ¼ ¬ ¼ ¬ ¼¹
§ « 100 » « 100 » « 100 » · « 100 »

¨ « 2 u 3»  « 2 u 5»  «3 u 5» ¸
¸ « 26
©¬ ¼ ¬ ¼ ¬ ¼¹ ¬ 2 u 3u 5»

¦ N (c )  ¦ N (c c ) ¦ N (c c c )
i i j i j k
1di dt 1di  j dt 1di  j  k dt
   1 N (c1c2 ct )

If x satisfies none of the conditions, then x is counted once in N

and once in N , but not in any of the other terms. Consequently, x

contributed a count of 1 to each side. The other possibility is that x

satisfies exactly r of the conditions, 1 d r d t. In this case x
contributes nothing to N . But on the right - hand side, x is counted
§r · §r· r§r·
1- r + ¨
¨ 2¸
¨ ¸
¸  1 ¨
¸ [1  ( 1)]r 0r 0 times.

© ¹ © 3¹ © ¹

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m o
c s.c

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§ 1·
In general, ) ( n ) = n – p|n ¨
¨1 - p ¸
¸, where the product is taken
© ¹
over all primes p dividing n. When n = p, a prime,
§ 1·
) (n ) = ) ( p ) = p¨
¨1 - p ¸
¸ p  1.
© ¹

o m
c s.c
Ex. 8.6 Construct roads for 5 villages such that no village is isolated.
§ 5·
¨ ¸
¨ ¸
N =2 210. ci : village i is isolated for 1 d i d 5.
N c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 S0  S1  S 2  S3  S 4  S5
§4· § 3· §2·
10 § 5 · ¨¨© 2 ¸¸¹ § 5 · ¨¨© 2 ¸¸¹ § 5 · ¨¨© 2 ¸¸¹ § 5 · 0 § 5· 0
2 ¨ ¸ 2  ¨ ¸ 2  ¨ ¸ 2  ¨
¨ 4¸¸2  ¨ ¸2
¨ 5¸ 768.

¨ 1¸ ¨ 2¸ ¨ 3¸
© ¹ © ¹ © ¹ © ¹ © ¹

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m o
c s.c

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Generalizations of the Principle

If m  Z + and 1 d m d t , we now want to determine Em ,

which denotes the number of elements in S that satisfy
exactly m of the t conditions. (At present, we can obtain E0 )

o m
Theorem 8.2 For each 1 d m d t , the number of elements in S
that satisfy exactly m of the conditions c1 , c2 , , ct is given by
§ m  1·
c § m  2· § t ·
Em Sm  ¨
¨ ¸
¸ S m 1  ¨
¨ ¸
¸ Sm  2   ( 1) t  m ¨
¨ ¸ St
© 1 ¹ © 2 ¹ ©t  m¹
Proof : Let x  S , consider the following three cases :
(a) x satisfies fewer than m conditions : it contributes 0 to both
(b) x satisfies exactly m of the conditions : it contributes 1 to
both side ( Em and S m )
( c) x satisfies r of the conditions, where m < r d t. Then x
contributes nothing to Em . For the right side, x is counted

§ r · § m  1· § r · § m  2 ·§ r ·
¨m¸ ¸¨ ¨ ¸
¸ ¨
¨ ¸
¸ ¨¨ ¸
¸ ¨
¨ ¸
© ¹ © 1 ¹ © m  1¹ © 2 ¹© m  2 ¹
§ r ·§ r ·
( 1) r  m ¨
¨r  m¸ ¸¨
¨ ¸ ¸ times. For 0 d k d r - m,
© ¹© r ¹

§ m + k ·§ r · ( m  k )! r!
¨ ¸
¸ ¨
¨ ¸
¸ ˜
© k ¹© m  k ¹ k ! m! ( m  k )! ( r  m  k )!
r! 1 r! § r ·§ r  m ·
( r  m )!
˜ ˜ ¨
¨m¸ ¸¨
¨ ¸
m! k! ( r  m  k )! © ¹© k
m! ( r  m )! k! ( r  m  k )!
Consequently, on the right hand side, x is counted
§ r · ª§ r  m · §r  m· §r  m· § r  m ·º
¨m¸ ¸ «¨
¨ ¸
¸ ¨
¨ ¸
¸ ¨
¨ ¸
¸  ( 1) r  m ¨
¨r  m¸ ¸»
© ¹ ¬© 0 ¹ © 1 ¹ © 2 ¹ © ¹¼
§ r · r m
¨m¸ ¸(1  1) 0 times.
© ¹

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Let Lm denote the number of elements in S that satisfy at least

m of the t conditions. Then we have :
§ m · § m  1·
Corollary 8.2 Lm Sm  ¨ ¸ S m 1  ¨
¨ m  1¸ ¸ Sm  2 
¨ m  1¸ 
© ¹ © ¹
§ t 1 ·

( 1) t  m ¨ ¸ St .
¨ m  1¸
© ¹
§1· § 2· § t  1·
When m = 1, L1 S1  ¨ ¸ S2  ¨
¨ 0¸ ¸ S3 
¨ 0¸  ( 1) t 1 ¨
¨ 0 ¸ ¸ St
© ¹ © ¹ © ¹

S1  S 2  S3   ( 1) t 1 St N N

c s.c

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c s.c

Derangements: Nothing Is in Its Right Place



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o m
c s.c

ci : i is in the ith place for 1 d i d 10

§ 10 · § 10 · § 10 ·
d 10 N c1 c2 c10 10! ¨
¨ 1 ¸ ¸9! ¨
¨ 2 ¸¸8!  ¨ ¸0!
¨ 10 ¸
© ¹ © ¹ © ¹
1 1 1
10! (1  1     ) | 10! e 1 since
2! 3! 10!
x2 x3 f
ept of ISE,1 IT x 

 ¦n 0 n!
Graph theory and Combinatorics 10CS42

§n· §n· §n· §n· n
n! ¨ ¸d 0  ¨
¨ 0¸ ¸ d1  ¨
¨1¸ ¸d 2 
¨2¸ ¨ ¸d n
¨n¸ ¦ ¨¨ k ¸¸d k
© ¹ © ¹ © ¹ © ¹ k © ¹

dk the number of derangements of 1,2, , k; d0 1

Rook Polynomials

In combinatorial mathematics, a rook polynomial is a generating polynomial of the
number of ways to place non-attacking rooks on a board that looks like a checkerboard;
that is, no two rooks may be in the same row or column. The board is any subset of the
squares of a rectangular board with m rows and n columns; we think of it as the squares
in which one is allowed to put a rook. The board is the ordinary chessboard if all squares
are allowed and m = n = 8 and a chessboard of any size if all squares are allowed and m =
n. The coefficient of x k in the rook polynomial RB(x) is the number of ways k rooks, none
of which attacks another, can be arranged in the squares of B. The rooks are arranged in
such a way that there is no pair of rooks in the same row or column. In this sense, an
arrangement is the positioning of rooks on a static, immovable board; the arrangement
will (usually) be different if the board is rotated or reflected.

The term "rook polynomial" was coined by John Riordan. Despite the name's derivation
from chess, the impetus for studying rook polynomials is their connection with counting

permutations with restricted position. A board B that is a subset of the n × n chessboard

corresponds to permutations of n objects, which we may take to be the numbers 1, 2, ...,
n, such that the number aj in the j-th position in the permutation must be the column
number of an allowed square in row j of B. Famous examples include the number of ways

to place n non-attacking rooks on:

x an entire n × n chessboard, which is an elementary combinatorial problem;

x the same board with its diagonal squares forbidden; this is the derangement or
"hat-check" problem;
x the same board without the squares on its diagonal and immediately above its
diagonal (and without the bottom left square), which is essential in the solution of
the problème des ménages.

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Interest in rook placements, i.e., in permutations with restricted position, arises from pure
and applied combinatorics, group theory, number theory, and statistical physics. The
particular value of rook polynomials comes from the utility of the generating function
approach, and also from the fact that the zeroes of the rook polynomial of a board provide
valuable information about its coefficients, i.e., the number of non-attacking placements
of k rooks.


The rook polynomial of a board B, RB(x), is the generating function for the numbers of
arrangements of non-attacking rooks:

where rk is the number of ways to place k non-attacking rooks on the board. Despite the
notation, this is a finite sum, since the board is finite so there is a maximum number of
non-attacking rooks it can hold; indeed, there cannot be more rooks than the smaller of
the number of rows and columns in the board.
i. Complete boards
The first few rook polynomials on square n × n boards are (with Rn = RB):

In words, this means that on a 1 × 1 board, 1 rook can be arranged in 1 way, and zero rooks can
also be arranged in 1 way (empty board); on a complete 2 × 2 board, 2 rooks can be arranged in
2 ways (on the diagonals), 1 rook can be arranged in 4 ways, and zero rooks can be arranged in 1

way; and so forth for larger boards.

For complete m × n rectangular boards Bm,n we write Rm,n := RBm,n . The smaller of m and n can be
taken as an upper limit for k, since obviously rk = 0 if k > min(m,n). This is also shown in the
formula for Rm,n(x ).

The rook polynomial of a square chessboard is closely related to the generalized Laguerre
polynomial Lnα(x) by the identity:

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ii. Matching polynomials

A rook polynomial is a special case of one kind of matching polynomial, which is the generating
function of the number of k-edge matchings in a graph.

The rook polynomial Rm,n(x) corresponds to the complete bipartite graph Km,n . The rook
polynomial of a general board B � Bm,n corresponds to the bipartite graph with left vertices v1,
v2, ..., vm and right vertices w1, w2, ..., wn and an edge viwj whenever the square (i, j) is allowed,

i.e., belongs to B. Thus, the theory of rook polynomials is, in a sense, contained in that of
matching polynomials.

We deduce an important fact about the coefficients rk, which we recall give the number of non-

attacking placements of k rooks in B: these numbers are unimodular, i.e., they increase to a
maximum and then decrease. This follows (by a standard argument) from the theorem of
Heilmann and Lieb about the zeroes of a matching polynomial (a different one from that which

corresponds to a rook polynomial, but equivalent to it under a change of variables), which
implies that all the zeroes of a rook polynomial are negative real numbers.


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r (C1 , x ) 1  4 x  2 x 2 , r ( C2 , x ) 1  7 x  10 x 2  2 x 3

r (C , x ) 1  11x  40 x 2  56 x 3  28 x 4  4 x 5 r (C1 , x ) ˜ r (C2 , x )

c s.c

In general, if C is a chessboard made up of pairwise disjoint

subboards C1 , C2 , , Cn , then r (C , x ) = r (C1 , x ) r (C2 , x ) r (Cn , x ).

r (C1 , x ) 1  4 x  2 x 2 , r ( C2 , x ) 1  7 x  10 x 2  2 x 3
r (C , x ) 1  11x  40 x 2  56 x 3  28 x 4  4 x 5 r (C1 , x ) ˜ r (C2 , x )

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o m
rk (C ) rk 1 (C s )  rk (Ce )
rk (C ) x k rk 1 (C s ) x k  rk (Ce ) x k

n n n

k 1
k (C ) x k
k 1
k 1 (C s ) x k
k 1
k ( Ce ) x k
n n n
1 ¦ rk (C ) x k
k 1
x ¦ rk 1 (C s ) x k 1 
k 1
k 1
k ( Ce ) x k  1

r (C , x ) c
x ˜ r ( C s , x )  r ( Ce , x )

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x 2 (1  2 x )  2 x (1  4 x  2 x 2 )  x (1  3 x  x 2 ) 
[ x (1  2 x )  (1  4 x  2 x 2 )] 1  8 x  16 x 2  7 x 3

Arrangements with Forbidden Positions

o m
c s.c
The answer is N c1 c2 c3 c4 S0  S1  S 2  S3  S 4 .

The answer is N c1 c2 c3 c4 S0  S1  S 2  S3  S 4 .
S0 P (5,4) 5! , Si ri (5  i )! , where ri is the number of ways

in which it is possible to place i nontaking rooks on the shaded

r (C , x ) = (1 + 3 x + x 2 )(1  4 x  3 x 2 ) 1  7 x  16 x 2  13 x 3  3 x 4
So N c1 c2 c3 c4 ¦ ( 1)
i 0
ri (5  i )! 25

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o m
For chessboard C of seven shaded squares,
r (C , x )
c s.c
(1  4 x  2 x 2 )(1  x ) 3 1  7 x  17 x 2  19 x 3  10 x 4  2 x 5


6! N c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 6! ¦ ( 1) i Si
i 0
6! ¦ ( 1) i ri ( 6  i )! 138,240
i 0

The probability is 138240/(29) 6 | 0.00023

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Consider the Problem.

Mildred buys 12 oranges for her children Grace, Mary, and Frank. In how many
ways she can distribute oranges so that Grace gets at least four, Mary and Frank gets at

least two, but Frank gets no more than five?
The following table lists all possible distributions.

4 3 5 5 3 4 6 4 2
5 4 4 5 4 3 7 2 3

6 5 3 5 5 2 7 3 2
7 6 2 6 2 4 8 2 3
5 2 5 6 3 3
We see that we have all the integer solutions to the equation
Considering the first two cases in this table, we find the solutions
4 +3 + 5 = 12 and 4 + 4 + 4 = 12.
When we multiply three polynomials
x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x 2
x3 x4 x5 x6
 x 3  x 4  x 5 ....... (1)
x 2

Two of the ways to obtain x12 are as follows;

1.From the product x4x3x5, where x4 is taken from (x4 + x5 + x6 + x7 + x8)
and x3 is taken from (x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6) and x3 from (x2 + x3 + x4 + x5).

2. From the product x4x4x4,where first x4 is found in first polynomial, the second x4 is
found in second and third x4 in third polynomial.
Examining the eqn(1) in previous slide more closely, we realise that we obtain the
product xixjxk for every triplet (i, j, k) that appears in the table of possible solutions.
Consequently the coefficient of x12 in the f(x) counts the number of distributions which

is 14.
f(x) x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x 2 x3 x4 x5 x6
x 2  x 3  x 4  x 5 ....... (2)
>The function f(x) is called generating function for distribution @

The factor (x4 + x5 + x6 + x7 + x8) indicates that we can give 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 of the

oranges to Grace. The coefficient of each x is one because oranges are identical objects

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and there is only one way to distribute four oranges to Grace and one to give five oranges
and so on. Since Mary and Frank must get at least two oranges each, the other terms (x2
+ x3 + x4 + x5 + x6) and (x2 + x3 + x4 + x5) start with x2 and for frank we stop at x5 so
that he does not receive more than f oranges.
The same can be modeled as under also.
Find the number of integer solutions to

c1 : x 4  x 5  x 6  x 7  x 8 c1 ( x)
2 3 4 5 6
c2 : x  x  x  x  x c2 ( x )
c3 : x 2  x 3  x 4  x 5 c3 ( x)

The coefficient of x12 in f ( x) = c1 ( x)c2 ( x)c3 ( x),
which is 14, is the answer.

f ( x) is called a generating function for the distributions.

If there are at least 24 number of red, green, white and black jelly colors beans, in
how many ways can Douglas select 24 of these candies so that he has even number of
white beans and at least six black ones?
The polynomials associated with colors are as following :
1. red :1  x  x 2  ......  x 24 , where leading 1 is for 1x 0 , because one
possibility for the red is that none is selected.
2. Green :1  x  x 2  ......  x 24 , where leading 1 is for 1x 0 , because one
possibility for the green is that none is selected.
3. white : (1  x 2  x 4  x 6 ......  x 24 ) : ( x 6  x 7  x 8  ......  x 24 )

One such selection is five red, three green, eight white and eight black jelly. This
arises from x5 in the first factor, x3 in the second factor, x8 in the third factor and
X8 in the forth factor.

Example:How many integer solutions are there for the equation?

c1  c 2  c3  c 4 25, 0 d ci ,1 d i d 4 ?
For each ci , the possibility can be described by
1 + x + x 2   x 25 . Then the answer is the coefficient of x 25
in the generating function :
f ( x) = 1 + x + x 2   x 25 or
4 1
g ( x) = 1 + x + x 2   x 25  x 26  (1  x)  4
(1  x) 4

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Determine the generating function for the n-combinations of apples,
bananas,Oranges and pears where in each n-combination the number of apples is Even,
the number of bananas is odd, the number of oranges is between 0 and 4, and there is at
least one pear. The problem is finding the number of nonnegative integral solutions of
e1+e2+e3+e4=n where e1 is even that counts number of apples, e2 is odd that counts
number of bananas, 0 ≤ e3 ≤ 4 that counts number of oranges, and e4 ≥ 1 that counts

number of pears. Create one factor for each type of fruit where the exponents are
allowable number’s in the n-combinations for that type of fruit.
g ( x) (1  x 2  x 4  .....)( x  x 3  x 5  .....)(1  x  x 2  x 3  x 4 ...)

( x  x 2  x 4  ...).
Where the first factor corresponds to apples, second for bananas, third for oranges and

fourth for pears and
1  x 2  x 4  .....
1 x2
x  x 3  x 5  ..... x(1  x 2  x 4  .....)
c 1 x2
2 3 41  x5
1  x  x  x  x ...
1 x
x  x 2  x 4  ...
1 x
1 x 1  x5 x
g ( x) . . .
1 x2 1 x2 1 x 1 x
x 2 (1  x 5 )

(1  x 2 ) 2 (1  x) 2
Hence the coefficients in the Taylor series for this rational function count the number of
combinations of the type considered.

If ek represents the number of ways to make change for k rupees, using Rs.1,
Rs.2, Rs.5, Rs.10, and Rs.100, find the generating function for ek.

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f ( x) (Rs 1 factor)(Rs 2 factor)(Rs 5 factor)(Rs 10 factor)(Rs 100 factor)

(1  x  x 2  x 3  .....)(1  x 2  x 4  ....)
(1  x 5  x10  x15  ....)(1  x10  x 20  ....)
(1  x100  x 200  x 300  ....)
§ 1 ·§ 1 ·§ 1 ·§ 1 ·§ 1 ·
¨ ¸¨ 2 ¸¨ 5 ¸¨ 10 ¸¨ 100 ¸
© 1 - x ¹© 1  x ¹© 1  x ¹© 1  x ¹© 1  x ¹


Let a 0 , a1 , a 2 , be a sequence of real numbers. Thefunction
f ( x) = a 0  a1 x  a 2 x 2  ¦a x i

i 0

is called the generating function for the given sequence.

For any n  Z + ,
§n· §n· §n· 2 §n·
(1  x) n ¨¨ ¸¸  ¨¨ ¸¸ x  ¨¨ ¸¸ x   ¨¨ ¸¸ x n
© 0¹ ©1¹ © 2¹
c ©n¹
so (1 + x) n is the generating function for the sequence
§n· §n· §n· §n·
¨¨ ¸¸, ¨¨ ¸¸, ¨¨ ¸¸, , ¨¨ ¸¸,0,0,0, .
© 0¹ ©1¹ © 2¹ ©n¹
(a) For n  Z + , (1 - x n +1 ) (1  x)(1  x   x n ).
1 - x n +1
So is the generating function for 1,1, 1,0,0, .
1 x n +11' s

(b) If n o f and | x |< 1, 1 = (1 - x)(1 + x + x 2  x 3  ).

So is the generating function for 1,1,1, .
1- x

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(c) with
1 f
1  x  x 2  x 3  .... ¦ x i
1 x i 0

taking the derivative,

d 1 1
(1)(1  x)  2 (1)
dx 1  x (1  x) 2

(1  x  x 2  x 3  ) 1  2 x  3 x 2  4 x 3 
Consequently, is the generating function of 1,2,3, , while
(1 - x) 2

0  1x  2 x 2  3 x 3  4 x 4  ...
(1 - x)

is the generating function for the sequence 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, .....
(d) Continuing from part c,
d x d
0  x  2 x 2  3 x 3  4 x 4  .... ,
dx (1  x) dx
x 1
c 1  2 2 x  3 2 x 2  4 2 x 3  ....
(1 - x)
x 1
generates 12 ,2 2 ,32 ,4 2 ,.....
(1 - x)
x(x  1)

generates 0 2 ,12 ,2 2 ,32 ,4 2 ,.....
(1 - x)

( b) Find the generating function for 0,2,6,12,20,30,42,

a0 0 0 2  0, a1 2 12  1,

a2 6 2 2  2, a3 12 32  3,
a4 20 4 2  4, .
In general, we have a n n 2  n, for each n t 0.
Therefore, the generating function is
x (1  x ) x

(1  x ) (1  x ) 2
x(x  1)  x(1 - x)
(1  x ) 3
(1  x ) 3

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Extension of binomial coefficient :

For each n belongs to Z+, the binomial theorem tells that

§n· §n· §n· 2 §n· n
(1  x) n¨ ¸  ¨ ¸ x  ¨ ¸ x  .....  ¨ ¸ x
©0¹ ©1¹ ©2¹ ©n¹

We want to extend this idea where a) n<0 and b) n is not necessarily integer
With n, r  Z + and n t r > 0, we have
§n· n! n(n  1)(n  2) (n  r  1)
¨¨ ¸¸ .
©r¹ r!(n  r )! r!

n(n  1)(n  2) (n  r  1)
If n  R, we use as the definition

§n· §- n·
of ¨¨ ¸¸. For example, if n Z + , we have ¨¨ ¸¸
©r¹ ©r ¹
(n)(n  1)(n  2) (n  r  1) (1) r (n)(n  1) (n  r  1)
r! r!
§ n  r  1·
(1) r ¨¨
© r ¹
c §n·
¸¸. And for any real n, define ¨¨ ¸¸ 1.
§ n  r  1· r
Ex. For n  Z + , (1  x)  n ¦ (1) ¨¨ r
r 0 © r ¹
§ n· r
¦ ¨¨ ¸¸x
0© r ¹

Ex. Find the coefficient of x 5 in (1 - 2x) -7 .

§ 7· § 7  5  1·
¨¨ ¸¸(2) 5 (1) 5 ¨¨ ¸¸(32) 14,784.
© 5 ¹ © 5 ¹

Ex. 9.10 Find the coefficient of x15 in f(x) = (x 2  x 3  )4 .

f ( x) >x (1  x  x
2 2
 ) @
4 x8
(1  x) 4
. The coefficient of x 7 in

1 §- 4·
is ¨¨ ¸¸(1) 7 120
(1  x) ©7¹

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Ex. In how many ways can we select, with repetitions allowed, r objects from n distinct
For each of the n distinct objects, the geometric series
1 + x + x 2  x 3  represents the possible choices for the
object. Considering all of the n objects, the generating functions
is f ( x) = (1 + x + x 2  x 3  ) n , and the required answer is the

§ n· i
coefficient of x r in f ( x). f ( x) = (1 - x) -n ¦ ¨¨
¸¸ x
0© i ¹

§ n  i  1· i § n + r - 1·
¦ ¨¨ ¸¸x . So the answer is ¨¨ ¸¸.

i 0© i ¹ © r ¹

In how many ways can a police captain distribute 24 riffle shells to four police
officers so each police officer gets at three shells but not more than eight shells?

The choices for the number of shells each officer receives are given by
x 3  x 4  ...  x 8
There are four officers, so the resulting generating function is,
f ( x) ( x 3  x 4  ...  x 8 ) 4 .
We seek the coefficient of x24 in f(x). with
f ( x) ( x 3  x 4  ...  x 8 ) 4 .
x 12 (1  x  x 2  ...  x 5 ) 4

§1 x6 ·
x ¨¨ 12
¸¸ ,
© 1 x ¹
the answer is the coefficient of x 12 in
(1 - x 6 ) 4 .(1  x) 4 is

ª § 4 · 6 § 4 · 12 § 4 · 18 24 º ª§ ·
§ 4 · § 4 · 2 º
«1  ¨ ¸ x  ¨ ¸ x  ¨ ¸ x  x ¨
»« 0 ¸  ¨ ¸  x  ¨ ¸x  ...»
¬ ©1¹ ©2¹ ©3¹ ¼ ¬© ¹ © 1 ¹ ©2¹ ¼

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§ 2n · n § n ·
Verify that for all n  Z , ¨¨ ¸¸ ¦ ¨¨ ¸¸ .

© n ¹ i 0©i¹
2n n 2
Since (1 + x) [(1  x) ] , by comparison of coefficients,
§ 2n ·
the coefficient of x n in (1 + x) 2 n , which is ¨¨ ¸¸, must equal the

ª§ n · § n ·
n §n· º
coefficient of x in «¨¨ ¸¸  ¨¨ ¸¸ x   ¨¨ ¸¸ x n » , and that is
¬© 0 ¹ © 1 ¹ ©n¹ ¼
§ n ·§ n · § n ·§ n · § n ·§ n · §n· § n ·

¨¨ ¸¸¨¨ ¸¸  ¨¨ ¸¸¨¨ ¸¸   ¨¨ ¸¸¨¨ ¸¸. With ¨¨ ¸¸ ¨¨ ¸¸, the result
© 0 ¹© n ¹ © 1 ¹© n  1¹ © n ¹© 0 ¹ ©r¹ ©n  r¹

Ex. Determine the coefficient of x 8 in .
( x - 3)( x - 2) 2
§ ·
¨ ¸
§  1 ·¨ 1 ¸ §  1 · ª x § x · º
since ¨ ¸ c ¨ ¸ «1  ¨ ¸  ....» for any a z 0,
(x - a) © a ¹¨ §1  x · ¸ © a ¹ «¬ a © a ¹ »¼
¨¨ ¸¸
©© a ¹¹
we could solve this problem by finding the co - eff of x 8 in
> x-3 x 2
@ expressed as
§ - 1· ª § x · § x · º § 1 · ª§  2 · §  2 ·§  x · §  2 ·§  x · 2 º

¨ ¸ «1  ¨ ¸  ¨ ¸  ....» ¨ ¸ «¨ ¸  ¨ ¸¨ ¸  ¨ ¸¨ ¸  ....».
© 3 ¹ ¬« © 3 ¹ © 3 ¹ ¼» © 4 ¹ ¬«© 0 ¹ © 1 ¹© 2 ¹ © 2 ¹© 2 ¹ ¼»

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Determine the coefficient of x 8 in .
( x - 3)( x - 2) 2
partial fraction decomposition :
1 A B C
( x - 3)( x - 2) 2 x  3 x  2 ( x  2) 2

1 = A( x - 2) 2  B( x  2)( x  3)  C ( x  3). By comparing
coefficients, A = 1, B = -1, and C = -1. Hence,
1 1 1 1 § 1· 1
  ¨ ¸

( x - 3)( x - 2) 2 x  3 x  2 ( x  2) 2 © 3 ¹ 1  ( x / 3)
§1· 1 § 1· 1
¨ ¸ ¨ ¸
© 2 ¹ 1  ( x / 2) © 4 ¹ (1  ( x / 2))

Use generating functions to determine how many four-element subsets of
S={1,2,3,...,15} contain no consecutive integers.
Consider one such subset {1,3,7,10}, and write 1≤1<3<7<10≤15. We see that this set of
inequalities determines the differences 1-1=0, 3-1=2, 7-3=4, 10-7=3 and 15-10=5 and
these differences sum to 14.

Consider another subset {2,5,11,15}, we write 1≤2<5<11<15 ≤15; these

inequalities also yield the differences 1,3,6,4 and 0, which will sum to 14.
These examples suggest us a one-to-one correspondence between four element subsets to
be counted and integer solutions to c1+c2+c3+c4 +c5 =14 where 0 ≤c1, c5 and 2 ≤c2

,c3 , c5.. The answer is the co-eff of x14 in

f ( x) (1  x  x 2  x 3  ....)( x 2  x 3  x 4 ....) 3 (1  x  x 2  x 3  ....)

x 6 (1  x) 5 .

This then is the co - eff of x 8 in (1  x) 5 which is

§ -5 · 8 § 581 ·
¨ ¸(1) ¨ ¸
©8¹ © 8 ¹
§ 12 ·
¨ ¸
Use generating functions to determine how many four-element subsets of
S={1,2,3,...,15} contain no consecutive integers.

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Let {a 1 , a 2 , a 3 , a 4 } be one such subset with

1 d a1  a 2  a 3  a 4 d 15. Let c1 a1  1, c i a i  a i 1
for 2 d i d 4, and c5 15  a 4 . Then ¦ ci 14 with 0 d c1 , c5
i =1

and 2 d c 2 , c3 , c 4 . Therefore, the answer is the coefficient of

x14 in f(x) = (1 + x + x 2  ) 2 (x 2  x 3  )3 x 6 (1  x) 5 ,

§ - 5·
which is ¨¨ ¸¸(1)8 495.

f ( x) = generates 0,1,2, (a 0 , a1 , a 2 , )

(1 - x) 2
x( x + 1)
and g ( x) = generates 0 2 ,12 ,2 2 , (b0 , b1 , b2 , )
(1 - x) 3
Then h( x) = f ( x) g ( x) = ¦ c k x k , where
k =0


i (k  i ) 2
a 0 bk  a1bk 1  a 2 bk  2 

 a k  2 b2  a k 1b1  a k b0
i (k 2  2ki  i 2 ) k 2 ¦i 0 i
i 0 i 0

k (k  1) k (k  1)(2k  1)
 2k ¦i 0 i 2  ¦i 0 i 3
k k
k2 ˜  2k ˜
2 6
ª k (k  1) º
« . Convolution of a 0 , a1 , a 2 , and b0 , b1 , b2 , .
¬ 2 »¼

Find the co - eff of x 60 in x 8  x 9  x 10  ....

7 7
x 8  x 9  x 10  .... ( x 8 ) 7 1  x  x 2  x 3  ...

§ 1 ·
x ¨ ¸
© 1- x ¹
x 56 1  x
7 7
so, co - eff of x 60 in x 8  x 9  x 10  .... is the co - eff of x 4 in 1 - x
§ -7 · 4 4§
7  4 -1
· 4
which is ¨ ¸ 1 1 ¨ ¸ 1
©4¹ © 4 ¹
§ ·
¨ ¸

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1 f
5) 1  x  x 2  x 3  ..... ¦ x i
1 x i 0

6) 1  (ax)  (ax) 2  (ax) 3  .....
1  ax
f f

¦ (ax)i
i 0
¦a x
i 0
i i

1  ax  a x 2  a 3 x 3  .....

1 §  n · §  n · § n · 2 f
§ n · i
(1  x) n
¨¨ ¸¸  ¨¨ ¸¸ x  ¨ ¸ x  .... ¦ ¨© ¸x
© 0 ¹ ©1 ¹ © 2 ¹ i 0 i ¹

§ n 11 · 2§
n  2 1
· 2 § n i 1 · i
1  (-1)¨
© 1 ¹
¸ x  (1) ¨
© 2 ¹
¸ x  ... ¦ (1) ¨©
i 0

i ¹

1 § n · § n · § n · 2
¨ ¸ ¨ ¸ (  x )  ¨ ¸( x)  ....
(1  x) n ©0¹ ©1¹ ©2¹
§ n ·
¦ ¨ ¸(  x )
i 0© i ¹

1  (-1)¨
© 1 ¹
§ n 11 · 2§
¸( x)  (1) ¨
n  2 1

© 2 ¹
· 2
¸( x)  ...
§ n i 1 ·
¦ ¨©
i 0 i ¹
¸(  x )

In how many ways can a police captain distribute 24 riffle shells to four police
officers so each police officer gets at three shells but not more than eight shells?

The choices for the number of shells each officer receives are given by
x 3  x 4  ...  x 8
There are four officers, so the resulting generating function is,
f ( x) ( x 3  x 4  ...  x 8 ) 4 .

We seek the coefficient of x24 in f(x). with

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f ( x) ( x 3  x 4  ...  x 8 ) 4 .
x 12 (1  x  x 2  ...  x 5 ) 4
§1 x6 ·
x ¨¨ 12
¸¸ ,
© 1 x ¹
the answer is the coefficient of x 12 in (1 - x 6 ) 4 .(1  x)  4 is

ª § 4 · 6 § 4 · 12 § 4 · 18 24 º
«1  ¨ 1 ¸ x  ¨ 2 ¸ x  ¨ 3 ¸ x  x ».
¬ © ¹ © ¹ © ¹ ¼
ª§  4 · §  4 · § 4 · 2 º
« 0 ¸  ¨ ¸  x  ¨ ¸x  ...»
¬© ¹ © 1 ¹ ©2¹ ¼


In how many ways can we select, with repetitions allowed, r objects from n distinct
For each of the n distinct objects, the geometric series 1 + x + x 2  x 3  represents the possible choices
for the object. Considering all of the n objects, the generating function is f ( x) = (1 + x + x 2  x 3 
c )n ,
and the required answer is the coefficient of x r in f ( x).
§ n· i
f ( x) = (1 - x) -n ¦ ¨¨
¸¸ x
0© i ¹

§ n  i  1· i § n + r - 1·
¦ ¨¨ i ¹
¸¸x . So the answer is ¨¨ ¸¸.
i 0© © r ¹

§ 2n · n § n ·

Ex. Verify that for all n  Z , ¨¨ ¸¸ ¦ ¨¨ ¸¸ .


© n ¹ i 0©i¹
Since (1 + x) 2 n [(1  x) n ] 2 , by comparison of coefficients, the coefficient of x n in (1 + x) 2 n ,
§ 2n · ª§ n · § n · §n· º
which is ¨¨ ¸¸, must equal the coefficient of x n in «¨¨ ¸¸  ¨¨ ¸¸ x   ¨¨ ¸¸ x n » , and that is

©n¹ ¬© 0 ¹ © 1 ¹ ©n¹ ¼
§ n ·§ n · § n ·§ n · § n ·§ n · §n· § n ·
¨¨ ¸¸¨¨ ¸¸  ¨¨ ¸¸¨¨ ¸¸   ¨¨ ¸¸¨¨ ¸¸. With ¨¨ ¸¸ ¨¨ ¸¸, the result follows.
© 0 ¹© n ¹ © 1 ¹© n  1¹ © n ¹© 0 ¹ ©r ¹ ©n  r¹

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Ex. Determine the coefficient of x 8 in .
( x - 3)( x - 2) 2
partial fraction decomposition :
1 A B C
( x - 3)( x - 2) x  3 x  2 ( x  2) 2
1 = A( x - 2) 2  B( x  2)( x  3)  C ( x  3). or

2 2
0.x  0.x  1 ( A  B) x  (4 A  5 B  C ) x  (4 A  6 B  3C ).
By comparing coefficients(for x 2 , x, and 1 respectively),
A  B 0,  4 A  5 B  C 0, 4 A  6 B  3C 1

solving these equations we get,
A = 1, B = -1, and C = -1.

1 1 1 1
( x - 3)( x - 2) 2 x  3 x  2 ( x  2) 2

§ 1 · 1 §1· 1 § 1 · 1
¨ ¸ ¨ ¸ ¨ ¸ 2
© 3 ¹ 1  ( x / 3) © 2 ¹ 1  ( x / 2) © 4 ¹ (1  ( x / 2))
i i
§ 1 · f § x · § 1 · f § x ·
¨ ¸¦ ¨ ¸ ¨ ¸¦ ¨ ¸
© 3 ¹i 0 © 3 ¹ © 2 ¹i 0 © 2 ¹
§  1 · ª§ 2 · §  2 ·§  x · §  2 ·§  x · º

¨ ¨ ¸
¸ «¨ ¸ ¨  ¨ ¸
¸¨ ¸  ¨
¨ ¸
¸¨ ¸  ...»
© 4 ¹ «¬© 0 ¹ ©1 ¹© 2 ¹ © 2 ¹© 2 ¹ »¼
The coeff of x 8 is
8 8 8
§  1 ·§ 1 · § 1 ·§ 1 · §  1 ·§  2 ·§  1 ·
¨ ¸¨ ¸  ¨ ¸¨ ¸  ¨ ¸¨¨ ¸¸¨ ¸
© 3 ¹© 3 ¹ © 2 ¹© 2 ¹ © 4 ¹© 8 ¹© 2 ¹

ª§ 1 · 9 §1· º

 «¨ ¸  7¨ ¸ ».
¬«© 3 ¹ © 2 ¹ ¼»

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Another solution is,

§ ·
¨ ¸
 1 ¨ 1 ¸ § -1 ·ª § x · § x · º
Since . ¨ ¸ «1  ¨ ¸  ¨ ¸  ...»
x - a a ¨ § x · ¸ © a ¹ «¬ © a ¹ © a ¹ »¼
¨ ¨1  ¸ ¸
©© a ¹¹
for a z 0, we could slove this by finding

the coeff of x 8 in expressed as
(x - 3)(x - 2) 2
§ -1 ·ª § x · § x · º § 1 · ª§ -2 · § -2 ·§  x · § -2 ·§  x · 2 º

¨ ¸ «1  ¨ ¸  ¨ ¸  ...».¨ ¸ «¨ ¸  ¨ ¸¨ ¸  ¨ ¸¨ ¸  ...»

© 3 ¹ «¬ © 3 ¹ © 3 ¹ »¼ © 4 ¹ «¬© 0 ¹ © 1 ¹© 2 ¹ © 2 ¹© 2 ¹ »¼

. Use generating functions to determine how many four-element subsets of
S={1,2,3,...,15} contain no consecutive integers.
Consider one such subset {1,3,7,10}, and write 1≤1<3<7<10≤15. We see that this
set of inequalities determines the differences 1-1=0, 3-1=2, 7-3=4, 10-7=3 and 15-
10=5 and these differences sum to 14.
Consider another subset {2,5,11,15}, we write 1≤2<5<11<15 ≤15; these
inequalities also yield the differences 1,3,6,4 and 0, which will sum to 14.
These examples suggest us a one-to-one correspondence between four element
subsets to be counted and integer solutions to c1+c2+c3+c4 +c5 =14 where 0
≤c1,c5 and 2 ≤c2 ,c3 ,c5..The answer is the co-eff of x14 in
f ( x) (1  x  x 2  x3  ....).( x 2  x3  x 4....)3.
(1  x  x 2  x3  ....)

x6 (1  x)5.
This then is the co - eff of x8 in (1  x)5 which is
§ -5 · § 581· § 12 ·
¨ ¸(1)8 ¨ ¸ ¨ ¸ 495

¨ ¸ ¨ ¸ ¨ ¸
©8¹ © 8 ¹ ©8¹

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Let h(x) . This is the gen. fn for a 0 , a 1 , a 2 ...
(1 - x) 2
where a k k for all k  N.
x(x  1)
Let g(x) . This is the gen. fn for b 0 , b1 , b 2 ...
(1 - x) 3
where b k k 2 for all k  N.

and the function,
h(x) f(x)g(x) gives us
a0b0  (a0b1  a1b0 ) x  (a0b2  a1b1  a2b2 ) x 2  ...

which is the generating function for c 0 , c1 , c2 ,... where
ck a0bk  a1bk 1  a2bk  2  ...ak  2b2  ak 1b1  ak b0 .

The sequence c 0 , c1 , c2 ,... is called convolution of sequences
a 0 , a 1 , a 2 ... and b 0 , b1 , b 2 ...

Example. Find the convolution of the sequences 1, 1, 1, 1, ….. and 1,-1,1,-1,1,-1,….

let f ( x) c
(1  x)
1  x  x 2  x 3  .....
generates the sequence 1,1,1,1,...
let g(x)
(1  x)
1  x  x 2  x 3  .....
generates the sequence 1,-1,1,-1,...

1 1
f(x)g(x) .
(1  x) (1  x)

(1  x 2 )
1  x 2  x 4  x 6 .....

generates the sequence 1,0,1,0,1....

which is convolution of 1,1,1,1,... and 1,-1,1,-1,...

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Example : Find the co - eff of x 60 in x 8  x 9  x 10  ....

7 7
x 8  x 9  x 10  .... ( x 8 ) 7 1  x  x 2  x 3  ...
§ 1 ·
x ¨ ¸
© 1- x ¹

x 56 1  x
7 7
so, co - eff of x 60 in x 8  x 9  x 10  .... is the co - eff of x 4 in 1 - x
§ -7 · 4 4§
7  4 -1
· 4
which is ¨ ¸ 1 1 ¨ ¸ 1

©4¹ © 4 ¹
§ 10 ·
¨ ¸

Example: Determine the co- eff of x0 in (4x3 - 5/x)16
The term x k in the binomial expansion (x  y)k
§ n ·
is ¨ ¸ x k y n -k ,
© n k ¹
c§ -5·
Replace x by 4x 3 and y by ¨ ¸ and n 16, we get,
16  k
§ 16 · 3 k §  5 ·
¨ ¸ 4x ¨ ¸
© 16 k ¹ © x ¹
§ 16 · k 16  k 3 k 16  k
¨ ¸ 4 .(5) .x .x
© 16 k ¹
For constant term (with x 0 ) we must have,

x 3k .x16 k x 0
Therefore, 3k  16 - k 0,
Thus k 4.
The constant term is,

§ 16 · 4 16  4
¨ ¸4 .(5)
© ¹
1 6 - 4

§ · 4 12
¨ ¸4 .5
© 12 ¹

Example: Determine the sequence generated by (1 - 4x)-1/2

We know that,

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1 / 2 § 1/ 2 · § 1/ 2 · § 1/ 2 · 2

1 4x ¨ ¸  ¨ ¸(4 x)  ¨ ¸(4 x)  ...
© 0 ¹ © 1 ¹ © 2 ¹
§ 1/ 2 ·
The coeff of x n in ¨ ¸(4) n
© n ¹
 1 2  n  1  1 2  n  2 ...  1 2 1 1 2 n
. 4

1  2n - 2 1  2n - 4 .....(1  2)(1) n
2n - 1 2n - 3 ..... n (2n)! § 2n ·
.n! ¨ ¸ where n  N.
n! n!n! ©n¹

Example: Determine the number of ways to color squares of a 1 x n chess board using

the colors, red, white, and blue, if an even number of squares are to be colored red.
Let an be the number of such colorings, with a0 = 1.
Let an equals the number of n-permutations a multilist of three colors (red, white and
blue), each with an infinite repetition number in which red occurs an even number of
times. Thus the exponential generating sequence a0,a1,a2, is the product of red,
white and blue factors:
§ x2 x4 ·§
c x2 x4 ·§ x2 x4 ·
¨¨1    ... ¸¸¨¨1  x    ... ¸¸¨¨1  x    ... ¸¸
© 2! 4! ¹© 2! 4! ¹© 2! 4! ¹
1 x x x x
e  e .e .e
1 3x
e  ex

1 § f n xn f xn ·
¨¦3 ¦ ¸
2 ¨© n 0 n! n 0 n! ¸¹
1§ f n xn ·
¨¨ ¦ (3  1). ¸¸
2 ©n 0 n! ¹

3n  1
Hence a n is the number of ways to
color the chess board.

Partitions of Integers
Partition a positive integer n into positive summands and seeking the number of such
partitions, without regard to order.This number is denoted by p(n).

For example, p(1)=1: 1

p(2)=2: 2=1+1

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p(3)=3: 3=2+1=1+1+1
p(4)=5: 4=3+1=2+2=2+1+1=1+1+1+1
p(5)=7: 5=4+1=3+2=3+1+1=2+2+1=2+1+1+1
We should like to obtain p(n) for a given n without having to list all the partitions. We
need a tool to keep track of the numbers of 1's, 2's, ..., n's that are used as summands for

keep track of 1' s :1 + x + x 2  x 3 
keep track of 2' s :1 + x 2 + x 4  x 6 

keep track of k ' s :1 + x k + x 2k  x 3k 
For example, p(10) is the coefficient of x10 in

f ( x) = (1 + x + x 2  )(1  x 2  x 4  ) (1  x10  )
1 1 1 1 10
(1  x) (1  x ) (1  x 3 )
(1  x10 )
– (1  x ) .
i 1

1 f
In general, P( x) = –c i
generate the sequence p (0), p (1),
i 1 1 x

Exampe:Find the generating function for the number of ways an advertising agent can
purchase n minutes of air time if time slots for commercials come in blocks of 30, 60, or
120 seconds.
Let 30 seconds represent one time unit. Then the answer is the number of integer solutions to the
equation a + 2b + 4c = 2n with 0 d a, b, c. The associated generating function is
f ( x) = (1 + x + x 2  )(1  x 2  x 4  )(1  x 4  x 8  )
1 1 1

and the coefficient of x 2 n is the answer.

1 x 1 x 1 x
2 4

Example: Find the generating function for pd(n), the number of partitions of a positive
integer n into distinct summands.

Let us consider 11 partitions of 6:

1)1+1+1+1+1+1 2)1+1+1+1+2 3)1+1+1+3
4)1+1+4 5)1+1+2+2 6)1+5
7)1+2+3 8)2+2+2 9)2+4
10)3+3 11)6
Partitions 6,7,9 and 11 have distinct summands, so Pd(6)=4

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For any k  Z + , There are two posiibilities either k is not used as a summand or it is.
This can be accounted for by the polynomial1 + x k . Consequently, the generating function is
Pd ( x) (1  x)(1  x 2 )(1  x 3 ) – (1  x )
i 1

for each n  Z , p d (n) is the coeff of x n in (1  x)(1  x 2 ).......(1  x n ). and p d (0) 1.

when n 6, the coeff of x 6 in (1  x)(1  x 2 ).......(1  x 6 ) is 4.

Considering the partitions, we see that there are four partitions of 6 into odd summands, namely 1, 3,
6 and 10 in the previous example. We also have p d (6) 4. Let p 0 (n) denote the number of partitions

of n into odd summands, when n t 1. We define p 0 (0) 1. The generating function for the sequence
p 0 (0), p 0 (1), p 0 (2),.... is given by

P0 (x) (1  x  x 2  x 3  .....)(1  x 3  x 6  ....)(1  x 5  x10  ...)(1  x 7  x 14  ...)
1 1 1 1
. . . .....
1 x 1- x 1- x 1- x7
3 5

Now because,
1- x2 1- x4c 1- x6
1 x , 1 x2 , 1 x3 , .....
1 x 1 x 2
1  x3
we have,
Pd ( x) (1  x)(1  x 2 )(1  x 3 )(1  x 4 )....
1- x 2 1- x 4 1- x 6 1- x8
1  x 1  x 2 1  x3 1  x 4
1 1 1
1- x 1- x 1- x5

P0 (x)
From equality of generating functions,
p d (n) p 0 (n), for all n t 0.

Example: Partition into odd summands but each such odd summands must occur an odd
number of times-or not at all. Here, for example, there is one such partition of integer 1,
namely 1, there are no partitions of 2, there two such partitions for integer 3, namely 3
and 1+1+1. one partition for integer 4 namely 3+1. The generating function for the
partitions described is given by
f ( x) (1  x  x 3  x 5  )(1  x 3  x 9  x15  )(1  x 5  x15 
§ f
) – ¨©1  ¦ x
k 0 i 0
( 2 k 1)( 2 i 1)

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Ferrer's graphHere we see a partition of 14 into summands, where 4 is the largest

summand, and a second partition into exactly four summands
The number of partitions of an integer n into m summands is equal to the number of
partitions where m is the largest summands.


c s.c
Counting the compositions of a positive integer n using Generating Functions
Start with,
x  x 2  x 3  x 4  ....
1- x
Where , for example, the co-eff of x4 is 1, for one summand composition of 4 namely, 4.
To obtain number of compositions of n, we need the co-eff of xn in

2 3 ª x º
2 x2
x  x  x  .... « 1 x » 2
¬ ¼ 1 x
Here for instance we obtain x4 in (x+x2+x3+x4+….)2 from products (x1.x3), (x2.x2),
and (x3.x1). So co-eff of x4 in x2/(1-x)2 is 3, which is number of two summand

compositions of 4), 1+3, 2+2, 3+1.

Continuing with the three summand compositions we now examine

ª x º 3 x3
x  x 2  x 3  x 4  ...
« 1 x » 3
¬ ¼ 1 x
Once again we look at the ways x4 comes about – namely, from products (x1.x1.x2),
(x1.x2.x1), and (x2.x1.x1). So here co-eff of x4 is 3, which accounts for the three
summand compositions 1+1+2, 1+2+1, and 2+1+1 (of 4).

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Finally the co-eff of x4 in below function is 1,

2 3 4 4 ª x º x4
x  x  x  x  ... « 1 x » 4
for one four summand composition
¬ ¼ 1 x
1+1+1+1 (of 4).
These result tell us that the co-eff of x4 in

ª x º
¦ 3
« 1  x » is 1+3+3+1 = 8 (=2 ), the number of compositions of 4. In fact this is
i 1 ¬ ¼
also the co-eff of x4 in the above equn.
Generalizing the situation we find that the number of compositions of a positive integer n

is the co-eff of xn in the generating function
ª x º

f ( x) ¦ « » ......... (1).
i 1 ¬ 1 x ¼

But if we set y=x/(1-x), then it follows that

§ ·
¨ ¸
f f
§ 1 · § x ·¨ 1 ¸
f ( x) ¦y i
y ¦ y y¨¨
c i

1  y
¸¸ ¨¨
1 - x
¨ § x · ¸
i 1 i 0 © ¹ © ¹ 1 ¨ ¸¸
© ©1 x ¹ ¹
§ ·
§ x ·¨ 1 ¸
¨¨ ¸¸¨ ¸
© 1 - x ¹¨¨ 1  x  x ¸¸
© 1 x ¹
1 2x
> 2 3
x 1  2x  2 x  2 x  ... @

20 x  21 x 2  2 2 x 3  23 x 4  ....
So the number of integer compositions of a positive integer n is the co-eff of xn in f(x)
and this is 2n-1 as derived in the equation in previous slide.
Let us examine the identity

§ 1 - x n 1 ·
¨¨ ¸¸ 1  x  x 2  x 3  .....  x n When x is replaced by 2 in this the result tells
© 1- x ¹
that for all n belonging to Z+,
§ 1 - 2 n 1 ·
1  2  2 2  23  .....  2 n ¸¸ 2 n 1  1. Where do we use this?
© 1- 2 ¹
Consider the special compositions of integers 6 and 7, that read same left to right as right
to left.
6 7
1+4+1 1+5+1

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2+2+2 2+3+2
1+1+2+1+1 1+1+3+1+1
3+3 3+1+3
1+2+2+1 1+2+1+2+1
2+1+1+2 2+1+1+1+2
1+1+1+1+1+1 1+1+1+1+1+1+1

These are palindromes for 6 and 7. We find that for 7 there are 1+(1+2+4) =
1+(1+21+22) = 1+(23-1) = 23 palindromes. There is one palindrome with one summand,
7. There is also one palindrome where center summand is 5 and where we place one
composition of 1 on either side of this summand (palindrome 2).

For the center summand 3 we place one of the two compositions of 2 on the right and

then match it on the left, with same composition, in reverse order. (palindromes 3 and 4)
finally when the center summand is 1, we put a given composition of 3 on the right side f
this 1 and match on left side with same composition, in reverse order. There are 23-1 = 4
compositions of 3 (palindromes 5,6,7,8).

for n=6,
i)Center summand 6
The situation is same for palindromes of 6 except case where + sign appears as center. So

1 palindrome
ii)Center summand 4 1(=21-1) palindrome
iii) Center summand 2 2(=22-1) palindrome
iv) + sign at Center 4(=23-1) palindrome
So there are 1+(1+21+22) = 1+(23-1)=23 palindromes for 6.
Now we look at the general situation. For n=1 there is one palindrome. If n = 2k+1, for k

belonging to Z+, then there is one palindrome with center summand n. for 1 ≤ t ≤ k, there
are 2t-1 palindromes of n with center summand n-2t. Hence the total number of
palindromes of n is
1+(1+22+23+…….+2k-1) = 1+(2k-1) = 2k = 2(n-1)/2

Now consider n even, say n = 2k for k belonging to Z+.

Here there is one palindrome with center summand n-2s (one palindrome for each of 2s-1
compositions of s). In addition there are 2k-1 palindromes where a + sign is at the center
(one palindrome for each of the 2k-1 compositions of k).In total, n has
1+(1+21+22+23+…….+ 2k-2+2k-1) = 1+(2k-1) = 2k = 2n/2
Observe that for n  Z  , n has 2 ¬n / 2 ¼ palindromes.
Partitions of IntegersPartition a positive integer n into positive summands and seeking
the number of such partitions, without regard to order. This number is denoted by p(n).

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For example, p(1)=1: 1

p(2)=2: 2=1+1
p(3)=3: 3=2+1=1+1+1
p(4)=5: 4=3+1=2+2=2+1+1=1+1+1+1
p(5)=7: 5=4+1=3+2=3+1+1=2+2+1=2+1+1+1
We should like to obtain p(n) for a given n without having to list all the partitions. We

need a tool to keep track of the numbers of 1's, 2's, ..., n's that are used as summands for
keep track of 1' s :1 + x + x 2  x 3 
keep track of 2' s :1 + x 2 + x 4  x 6 

keep track of k ' s :1 + x k + x 2k  x 3k 

For example, p(10) is the coefficient of x10 in
f ( x) = (1 + x + x 2  )(1  x 2  x 4  ) (1  x10  )
1 1 1 1 10
(1  x) (1  x ) (1  x 3 )
(1  x10 )
– (1  x ) .
i 1

In general, P( x) = –
i 1 1 x

generate the sequence p (0), p (1),
Example:Find the generating function for the number of ways an advertising agent can
purchase n minutes of air time if time slots for commercials come in blocks of 30, 60, or
120 seconds.
Let 30 seconds represent one time unit. Then the answer is the
number of integer solutions to the equation a + 2b + 4c = 2n
with 0 d a, b, c. The associated generating function is

f ( x) = (1 + x + x 2  )(1  x 2  x 4  )(1  x 4  x 8  )
1 1 1
and the coefficient of x 2 n is the answer.
1 x 1 x 1 x4

Example: Find the generating function for pd(n), the number of partitions of a positive
integer n into distinct summands.
Let us consider 11 partitions of 6:
1)1+1+1+1+1+1 2)1+1+1+1+2 3)1+1+1+3
4)1+1+4 5)1+1+2+2 6)1+5
7)1+2+3 8)2+2+2 9)2+4
10)3+3 11)6
Partitions 6,7,9 and 11 have distinct summands, so Pd(6)=4

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For any k  Z + , There are two posiibilities

either k is not used as a summand or it is.
This can be accounted for by the polynomial1 + x k .
Consequently, the generating function is
Pd ( x) (1  x)(1  x 2 )(1  x 3 ) – (1  x ) i

i 1

for each n  Z , pd (n) is the coeff of x n in

(1  x)(1  x 2 ).......(1  x n ). and p d (0) 1.

when n 6, the coeff of x 6 in (1  x)(1  x 2 ).......(1  x 6 ) is 4.

Considering the partitions, we see that there are four

partitions of 6 into odd summands, namely 1, 3, 6 and 10
in the previous example. We also have p d (6) 4.
let p 0 (n) denote the number of partitions of n into odd
summands, when n t 1. We define p 0 (0) 1. The generating
function for the sequence p 0 (0), p 0 (1), p 0 (2),.... is given by
P0 (x) (1  x  x 2  x 3  .....)(1  x 3  x 6  ....)(1  x 5  x10  ...).
1 1 1 1
(1  x 7  x14  ...) . . . .....
1 x 1- x 1- x 1- x7
3 5

Now because,
1- x 2 1- x 4 1- x6
1 x , 1 x2 2
, 1 x3 , .....
1 x 1 x 1  x3
we have,

Pd ( x) (1  x)(1  x 2 )(1  x 3 )(1  x 4 )....

1- x 2 1- x 4 1- x 6 1- x8
. . . ....
1  x 1  x 2 1  x3 1  x 4
1 1 1
. . ....

1- x 1- x 1- x5

P0 (x)
From equality of generating functions,
p d (n) p 0 (n), for all n t 0.

Example: Partition into odd summands but each such odd summands must occur an odd
umber of times-or not at all. Here, for example, there is one such partition of integer 1,
namely, there are no partitions of 2, there are two such partitions for integer 3, namely 3

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and 1+1+1. one partition for integer 4 namely 3+1. The generating function for the
partitions described is given by
f ( x) (1  x  x 3  x 5  )(1  x 3  x 9  x15  )(1  x 5  x15 
§f f
) – ¨1  ¦ x ( 2 k 1)( 2i 1) ¸.
k 0© i 0 ¹
Using Generating functions, we will also be able to deal with a sample space that is

discrete but not finite.

Example:Suppose that Brianna takes an examination until she passes it. Further, suppose
the probability that she passes the examinations on any given attempt is 0.8 and the result

of each attempt, after the first, is independent of any previous attempt. If we let P denote
“pass” and F denote “fail”, for any given attempt, then our sample space may be

expressed as
= {P, FP, FFP, FFFP,….}Where, for example, Pr(FFP) is the
probability that she fails the exams is twice before she passes it, which is given by
(0.2)2(0.8). In addition, the sum of probabilities for the outcomes in is Now suppose
we want to know the probability she passes the exam on an even numbered attempt. That
is we want Pr(A) where A is the event {FP, FFFP, ….}.
At this point we introduce the discrete random variable Y where Y counts the number of
attempts up to and including the one where she passes the exam. Then the probability
distribution for Y is given by Pr(Y= y) = (0.2)y-1(0.8), y≥1.
So Pr(A) can be determined as follows:
(0.8)¦ (0.2) 2i 1
i 1

(0.8) (0.2)  (0.2) 3  (0.2) 5  .... @

> @
f f
Pr(A) ¦ Pr(y
i 1
i 1
¦ (0.2) (0.8)(0.2) 1  (0.2)  (0.2)  (0.2) 4  ....
2i 1
(0.8) 2 3

1  (0.2) 2
(0.8)(0.2) 1

0.96 6
Continuing with Y, now we’d like to find E(Y), the number of time she expects to take
exam before she passes it. To determine E(Y) we’ll start with the formula,

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1  t  t 2  t 3  .....
1 t
taking the derivative both sides, we find that
1 d ª 1 º
(-1)(1 - t) -2 (2)
(1  t) 2 dt «¬1  t »¼
1  2t  3t 2  4t 3  ....

where this series converges for t  1.
f f
E(Y) ¦ y.Pr(Y y) ¦ y(0.2) y 1

y 1 y 1
(0.8)¦ y(0.2) y 1

y 1

(0.8) 1  2(0.2)  3(0.2) 2  4(0.2) 3  ...... @
1 0.8
(0.8) 2
(1  0.2) (0.8) 2
1 c
so she expects to take exam 1.25 times before she passes it.
Finally, to determine Var(Y), we find first E(Y 2 ).
To do so miltiply by t the differentiated previous result.
t  2t 2 3t 3  4t 4  ....
(1 - t)

Differentiate both sides, now we get,

(1 - t) 2 (1)  t(2)(1  t)(1) 1 t dª t º
« »
(1  t) 4 (1  t) 3 dt ¬ (1  t) 2 ¼
12  2 2 t  3 2 t 2  4 2 t 3  .....

and this aslo converges for t  1.

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So now we have,
f f
E(Y 2 ) ¦y
y 1
Pr(Y y) ¦y
y 1
(0.2) y 1 (0.8)

(0.8)¦ y 2 (0.2) y 1
y 1

> @
(0.8) 12  2 2  (0.2)  3 2 (0.2) 2  4 2 (0.2) 3  ....

ª 1  0.2 º
(0.8) « 3»
¬ (1 - 0.2) ¼
1.2 15

(0.8) 8


Var(Y) E(Y 2 )  [E(Y)]2

15 § 5 ·
¨ ¸
8 ©4¹
30 - 25

Exponential Generating Functions:

The generating functions we have dealt now are called ordinary Generating functions,
which arose in selection problems where order was irrelevant. Now let us turn to the

problems where order is relevant and crucial. We seek a tool. To find such a tool let us
consider the binomial theorem. For each n belongs to Z+,
n §¨ n ·¸ § n · §n· 2 §n· 3
¨ ¸
§n· n
1 x ¨ ¸ ¨ ¸ ¨ ¸ x  ¨
¨ ¸ ¸ x  ¨ ¸ x  . . . . .  ¨ ¸x ,
© ¹ © 1 ¹ © 2 ¹ 3
© ¹ ©n¹

so 1  x is the ordinary generating function for the sequence, When dealing with
§n· §n· §n· §n· §n·
¨¨ ¸¸, ¨¨ ¸¸, ¨¨ ¸¸, ¨¨ ¸¸,....., ¨ ¸,0,0,0...
©0¹ ©1¹ © 2¹ © 3¹ ©n¹
this we wrote that C(n,r) represented the number of combinations of n objects taken r at a
time with 0 ≤ r ≤n. Consequently (1+x)n generated the sequence C(n,0), C(n,1), C(n,2),
C(n,3),….., C(n,n)

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Now for all 0 d r d n,

n! §1·
C(n, r) ¨ ¸P(n , r ),
r!(n - r)! © r! ¹
where P(n, r) denotes the permutations of n objects taken
r at a time.So,
1 x C(n ,0)  C(n ,1) x  C(n ,2) x 2  C(n ,3) x 3  ...  C(n , n ) x n

x2 x3 xn
P(n,0)  P(n,1)x  P(n,2)  P(n,3)  .....  P(n, n) .
2! 3! n!
On the basis of this observation We have the following definition.

For a sequence a 0 , a1 , a 2 , a 3 , a 4 , a 5 ,..... of real numbers,

x2 x3 f xi

f(x) a 0  a1x  a 2  a3  .... ¦ a ,
2! 3! i 0 i i!
is called the exponential generating function for the given sequence.
Eg : The Maclaurian series expansion for e x is,
x 2 x3 x 4 f xi
ex 1 x   c  ..... ¦ a
2! 3! 4! i 0 i i!
so e x is the exponential generating function for the sequence 1,1,1,1,1,.......
The function e x is the ordinary generating function for the sequence,
1 1 1 1
, , , ,.....
2! 3! 4! 5!
Example: In how many ways can four letters of ENGINE be arranged?

The following table shows list of possible selections of size 4 from the letters

E,N,G,I,N,E, along with number of arrangements those 4 letters determine.

EENN 4!/(2!2!) EGNN 4!/2!

EEGN 4!/2! EINN 4!/2!

EEIN 4!/2! GINN 4!/2!

EEGI 4!/2! EIGN 4!

Let us obtain the solution by using exponential gen. fun.

For the letter E we use [1+x+(x2/2!)], because there are 0, 1 or 2 E’s to arrange. The
number of distinct ways to arrange two E’s is 1 (co-eff of the term x2/2).For the letter N
we use [1+x+(x2/2!)], because There are 0, 1 or 2 N’s to arrange. The number of distinct
ways to arrange two N’s is 1 (co-eff of the term x2/2).The arrangements for each of the

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letters G and I are represented by (1+x).Consequently, the exponential generating

function is,

> 2
@ 2
f ( x ) 1  x  x 2 2! 1  x the answer is co - eff of x 4 4 ! Consider two of
the eight ways in which the term x4/4! arises in the expansion of

f (x) >1  x  x 2 2! @ >1  x  x 2 2! @ 1  x 1 x

x 2 2! x 2 2! 1 1
1) From the product where x 2 2! is taken from first two factors
and 1 is taken from last two factors.

x 2 2! x 2 2! 1 1

x 4 2!2! 1 1
4! 2!2! . x 4 4!
And the co-eff of x4/4! is 4!/(2!2!) which is the number of ways one can arrange four
letters E, E, N, N. c
2) From the product
x 2 2! 1 x x
where x 2 2! is taken from first factor, 1 is taken
from second factor and x is taken from last two factors.
(x4/2!)(1)(x)(x) = x4/2! = (4!/2!)(x4/4!)
So the co-eff of x4/4! is 4!/2! Which is the number of ways the four letters E, E,

G, I can be arranged.In the complete expansion of the f(x), the term involving x4
§ x4 x4 x4 x4 x4 x4 x4 ·
¨        x4 ¸
¨ 2!2! 2! 2! 2! 2! 2! 2! ¸
© ¹
and consequently x4/4!, is
º§¨ x 4 ·¸

ª§ 4! · § 4! · § 4! · § 4! · § 4! · § 4! · § 4! ·
«¨ 2!2! ¸  ¨ 2! ¸  ¨ 2! ¸  ¨ 2! ¸  ¨ 2! ¸  ¨ 2! ¸  ¨ 2! ¸  4!»¨ 4! ¸
¬© ¹ © ¹ © ¹ © ¹ © ¹ © ¹ © ¹ ¼© ¹
Where the co-eff of x4/4! Is the answer (102 arrangements) produced by the eight results
in the table

Example: Consider the Maclaurian series expansions of ex and e-x

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x 2 x3 x 4 x 2 x3 x 4
ex 1 x     ... e x 1 x     ...
2! 3! 4! 2! 3! 4!
add these series together we get,
§ x2 x4 ·
e x  e x 2¨1    .... ¸
¨ 2! 4! ¸
© ¹

e x  e x x2 x4
1   ....
2 2! 4!
subtract the series we get
e x  e x x3 x5

1   ....
2 3! 5!
These results help us in following examples

Example: A ship carries 48 flags, 12 each of the colors red, blue, white and black. 12 of
these flags are placed on a vertical pole in order to communicate a signal to other ships.

a) How many of these signals use an even number of blue flags and an odd number
of black flags? c
Exponential generating function,
2 x3 · § x2 x4 x3 x5
§ x ·§ ·
f(x) ¨1  x    ... ¸ ¨1    ... ¸¨ x    ... ¸
¨ 2! 3! ¸ ¨ 2! 4! ¸¨ 3! 5! ¸
© ¹ © ¹© ¹
considers all signal made up of n flags, n ≥ 1. The last two factors restrict to even no.
of blue and odd no. of black flags.
2 § e x  e x ·§ e x  e x ·

f(x) e x ¨¨ ¸¸¨¨ ¸¸
© 2 ¹© 2 ¹
§ 1 · 2x 2x 1 4x
¨ ¸e e  e 2 x e 1
©4¹ 4
i · 1 § f 4x i ·
1 §¨ f 4 x

¦  1¸ ¨¦ ¸
4 i 0 i! ¸ 4 i 1 i! ¸
© ¹ © ¹
The co-eff of x12/12! in f(x) yields (1/4)(412)=411 signals made up of 12 flags
with even no. blue & odd no. black flags
b) How many of the signals have at least 3 white flags, or no white flags at all?

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Exponential generating function,

§ x 2 x3 ·§ x 3 x 4 ·§ x 2 x3 ·
f(x) ¨1  x    ... ¸¨1    ... ¸¨1  x    ... ¸
¨ 2! 3! ¸¨ 3! 4! ¸¨ 2! 3! ¸
© ¹© ¹© ¹
§ x 2 ·¸ x 2 § x 2 ·¸
ex ¨ex  x  e e 3x ¨ e x  x 
¨ 2! ¸¹ ¨ 2! ¸¹
© ©

e 4x  xe 3x  ¨ ¸ x 2 e 3x
f 4x i f 3x i § x 2 · f 3x i
¨ ¸¦

¦  x ¦
i 0 i! i 0 i! ¨ 2 ¸i 0 i!
© ¹
Here the factor,

§ x3 x 4 · x x2
¨1   ¸
 ... e  x 
¨ 3! 4! ¸ 2!
© ¹
restricts the signals to those that contain three or
more of the 12 white flags, or none at all.
The answer for the no. signals here is the co - eff of
x12 12! in f(x). As we consider each summand, we find
f 4x i 4x
12 § x12 ·
i) ¦ , here we have a term 412 ¨ ¸,
i 0 i! 12! ¨ 12! ¸
© ¹
so the co - eff of is 412.

§ f 3x i ·
ii) x ¨ ¦ ¸. In this, in order to consider the term x12 12!,
¨ i 0 i! ¸
© ¹
we need to consider the term
ª 3x 11 º ª x 12 º ª x 12 º
311 « » (12)(3)11 «

x« » »
«¬ 11! »¼ «¬ 11! »¼ «¬ 12! »¼
ª x 12 º
and here the co - eff of « » is (12)(3)11.
«¬ 12! »¼

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§ x 2 ·§ f 3x i · 12
iii) ¨ ¸¨ ¦ ¸, for this last summand, in order to get term x ,
¨ 2 ¸¨ i 0 i! ¸ 12!
© ¹© ¹
we need to consider the term
§ x 2 · ª 3x 10 º §1·
10 § x ·¸ §1·
10 § x ·¸
¨ ¸« » ¨ ¸ 3x ¨ ¨ ¸ 12 11 3 ¨ ,
¨ 2 ¸ « 10! » ©2¹ ¨ 10! ¸ ©2¹ ¨ 12! ¸
© ¹¬ ¼ © ¹ © ¹

x12 § 1 · 10
where the co - eff of is ¨ ¸ 12 11 3 .
12! © 2 ¹
consequently, the number of 12 flag signals with at least

3 white flags, or none at all, is
Result of i  Result of ii  Result of iii

§1· 10
412  12 311  ¨ ¸ 12 11 3 10,754,218.

Example: Company hires 11 new employees, each of whom is to be assigned to one of

the four subdivisions. Each subdivision will get at least one new employee. In how many
ways can these assignments be made?
Calling the subdivisions A, B, C and D, we can equivalently count the 11 letter sequences
in which there is at least one occurrence of each letters A, B, C, and D. The exponential
generating function for these arrangement is:
f (x) e x  1
e 4x  4e 3x  6e 2 x  4e x  1
§ x 2 x3 x 4 · x11
f (x) ¨ x   ... ¸ the answer is the co - eff of

  in f(x) :
¨ 2! 3! 4! ¸ 1 1!
© ¹
11 11 11
411  4 3  6 2  4 1
4 i § 4· 11
¦  1 ¨¨ ¸¸ 4  i
i 0 ©i¹

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Example: Determine the sequences generated by following exponential generating

a )f ( x ) 5e 5x .
f 5x n
so ln : f ( x ) 5e 5x
5 ¦
n 0 n!
this produces the sequence 5, 5 2 ,53 ,5 4 ,.....
functions. b)f ( x ) 7e8x  4e 3x

8 x 3 x f 8x n f 3x n
so ln : f ( x ) 7e  4e 7 ¦ 4 ¦
n 0 n! n 0 n!
n n

the sequence is 7 8 - 4 3 with n 0,1,2,3....
i.e 3, 44, 412, 3476,....
c)f ( x ) 2e x  3x 2

§ f xn ·
so ln : f ( x ) 2e x  3x 2
2¨¨ ¦ ¸¸  3x 2
© n 0 n! ¹
so the sequence is 2, 2, (2  3), 2, 2, 2, ....
d)f(x) e 3x  28x 3  6 x 2  9 x
so ln : f(x) e 3x  28x 3  6 x 2  9 x
§ f 3n x n ·
¨¨ ¦ ¸¸  28x 3  6 x 2  9 x
© n 0 n! ¹
so sequence is 30 , (31  9), 3 2  6 , 33  28 ,3 4 ,....
which is 3,12,3,-1,91,....

Summation Operator
In this section we introduce a technique that helps us to go from ordinary generating
function for sequence a0, a1,a2, a3, …. to generating function for the sequence a0, a0+a1,
a0+a1+a2, a0+a1+a2+a3, ….

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for f(x) a 0  a1x  a 2 x 2  a 3 x 3  ...., consider, the function .
(1 - x)
f(x) 1
(1 - x) (1 - x)
> @> @
a 0  a1x  a 2 x 2  a 3 x 3  .... 1  x  x 2  x 3  ....

a 0  a 0  a1 x  a 0  a1  a 2 x 2  a 0  a1  a 2  a 3 x 3  ....

so, generates the sequence a 0 , a 0  a1 , a 0  a1  a 2 ,....
(1 - x)

Thus we refer to as summation operator.
(1 - x)

We know that is the gen. fun. for the sequence 1,1,1,...
1- x
Apply the summation operator , we get,
1- x
1 1
. is the gen. fun. for the sequence 1,1  1,1  1  1,...
1- x 1- x c
1 1 1
. is the gen. fun. for the sequence 1,2,3,4....
1 - x 1 - x (1 - x) 2
Consider the x  x 2 , for the sequence 0,1,1,0,0,0...
Apply the summation operator, we get,
§ 1 · xx
(x  x 2 )¨ ¸ which is gen. fun for 0,0  1,0  1  1, 0  1  1  1,...

©1 x ¹ 1 x
i.e the sequence 0,1,2,3,4,...
Apply again the summation operator, we get,
§ x  x 2 ·§ 1 · x  x2
¨ ¸¨ ¸ which is for the sequennce

¨ 1  x ¸© 1  x ¹ 2
© ¹ 1 x
0,0  1,0  1  2,0  1  2  2,.... ie, 0,1,3,5,....

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Apply again the summation function, we get,

x  x2 § 1 · x  x2
¨ ¸ which is the gen. fun. for
2 3
1 x ©1 x ¹ 1 x
the sequence 0, 0  1, 0  1  3, 0  1  3  5, ....
i.e 0, 1, 4, 9,.....
This suggests that for n t 1, ¦ (2k - 1) n 2

k 1
Example: Find a formula to express 02 + 12 +22 +32 +…+n2 as a function of n.

We start with
g(x) 1  x  x 2  x 3  .... then,

1- x
1 dg ( x )
(-1)(1 - x) -2 (1) 1  2 x  3x 2  4 x 3  ...
(1  x ) 2 dx
so is the gen. fun. for the sequence 0, 1, 2, 3, 4,...
(1 - x) 2 c
Repeating this technique we find that,
d ª § dg ( x ) ·º x (1  x )
x x¨ ¸ x  2 2 x 2  3 2 x 3  4 2 x 4  ...
dx «¬ © dx ¹»¼ (1  x ) 3
x (1  x )
so generates 0 2 ,12 ,2 2 ,3 2 ,....
(1  x ) 3
Apply summation operator to this, we get,

x (1  x ) 1 x (1  x )
(1  x ) (1  x ) (1  x ) 4

this genearates 0 2 ,0 2  12 ,0 2  12  2 2 ,0 2  12  2 2  3 2 ,...

x (1  x ) n

Hence co - eff of x n in is ¦ i 2
(1  x ) 4 i 0

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But this co - eff can also be calcualted as,

x 1 x 4
x  x2 1 x
1 x
ª§ 4 · § 4 · § 4 · 2 º
x  x 2 «¨¨ ¸¸  ¨¨ ¸¸  x  ¨¨ ¸¸  x  ....»
«¬© 0 ¹ © 1 ¹ ©2¹ »¼
so the co - eff of x n is,

§ 4 · § 4 ·
¨ ¸  1 n 1  ¨ ¸  1 n 2
¨ ¸ ¨ ¸
© n 1¹ © n 2 ¹

4(n 1)1· § 4(n 2)1·
n 1 §¨ ¸  1 n 1   1 n 2 ¨ ¸  1 n 2
¨ n 1 ¸ ¨ n 2 ¸
© ¹ © ¹

§ n 2 · § n 2 ·
¨ ¸¨ ¸
¨ ¸ ¨ ¸
© n 1 ¹ © n 2 ¹
n2! n 1!

3!(n  1)! 3!(n  2)!
> n  2 n 1 n  n 1 n n 1 @
n n 1 > n  2  n 1 @
n n  1 2n  1
Example: Find a formula for the sum of first n natural numbers using the generating
function for the sequence 0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, ….
We know that,

1 f § n i1· i
¦ ¨ ¸x
(1 - x) n i 0 ¨© i ¸¹
1 f § i 2 · i
for n 3, we have, ¦ ¨¨ ¸x

(1 - x) 3 i 0 © i ¸¹
Thus the function genrates 1,3,6,10,15,...
(1 - x) 3
Then generates 0,1,3,6,10,15,....
(1 - x) 3

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n n x
¦ k co - eff of x in
k 0 3
1- x
co - eff of x n in 1 - x
co - eff of x n -1 in 1 - x

§ -3 · 3(n-1)-1·
¨ ¸  1 n 1 n 1 §¨ ¸  1 n 1
¨ ¸ 1
© n -1¹ ¨ n -1 ¸
© ¹
§ n 3 · 1
¨ ¸

¨ ¸ n n 1
© n -1 ¹ 2

Summaries (m objects, n containers)
Objects Containers Some Number
Are Are Containers of
Distinct Distinct May Be Empty Distributions

Yes Yes
Yes nm
Yes Yes No n!S(m,n)

Yes No Yes S(m,1)+S(m,2)+...+S(m,n)

Yes No No S(m,n)

§ n  m  1·
No Yes Yes ¨¨ ¸¸
© m ¹

§ n  (m  n )  1·
No Yes No ¨¨ ¸¸
© mn ¹

No No Yes (1) p(m), for n=m

No No No (2) p(m,1)+p(m,2)+...+p(m,n), n<m

p(m.n):number of partitions of m into exactly n summands

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Sequences and Recurrence Relations

o m
c s.c

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m o
Sequences and Recurrence Relations

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o m
c s.c

• Tower of Hanoi
- In the nineteenth century, a game called the Tower of Hanoi became popular in
Europe. This game represents work that is under way in the temple of Brahma.
- There are three pegs, with one peg containing 64 golden disks. Each golden disk

is slightly smaller than the disk below it.

- The task is to move all 64 disks from the first peg to the third peg.

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• The rules for moving the disks are as follows:

1. Only one disk can be moved at a time.
2. The removed disk must be placed on one of the pegs.
3. A larger disk cannot be placed on top of a smaller disk.

• The objective is to determine the minimum number of moves required to transfer
the disks from the first peg to the third peg.

• First consider the case in which the first peg contains only one disk.
– The disk can be moved directly from peg 1 to peg 3.
• Consider the case in which the first peg contains two disks.
– First move the first disk from peg 1 to peg 2.
– Then move the second disk from peg 1 to peg 3.
– Finally, move the first disk from peg 2 to peg 3.

• Consider the case in which the first peg contains three disks and then generalize

this to the case of 64 disks (in fact, to an arbitrary number of disks).

– Suppose that peg 1 contains three disks. To move disk number 3 to peg 3,
the top two disks must first be moved to peg 2. Disk number 3 can then be
moved from peg 1 to peg 3. To move the top two disks from peg 2 to peg
3, use the same strategy as before. This time use peg 1 as the intermediate

– Figure 8.2 shows a solution to the Tower of Hanoi problem with three

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m o
c s.c

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• Generalize this problem to the case of 64 disks. To begin, the first peg contains all
64 disks. Disk number 64 cannot be moved from peg 1 to peg 3 unless the top 63
disks are on the second peg. So first move the top 63 disks from peg 1 to peg 2,
and then move disk number 64 from peg 1 to peg 3. Now the top 63 disks are all
on peg 2.

• To move disk number 63 from peg 2 to peg 3, first move the top 62 disks from

peg 2 to peg 1, and then move disk number 63 from peg 2 to peg 3. To move the
remaining 62 disks, follow a similar procedure.

• In general, let peg 1 contain n ≥ 1 disks.
1. Move the top n − 1 disks from peg 1 to peg 2 using peg 3 as the
intermediate peg.

2. Move disk number n from peg 1 to peg 3.
3. Move the top n − 1 disks from peg 2 to peg 3 using peg 1


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c s.c

Linear Homogenous Recurrence Relations


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Linear Homogenous Recurrence Relations

Linear Homogenous Recurrence Relations


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m o
c s.c

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m o
c s.c

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m o
c s.c

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m o
c s.c

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m o
c s.c

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m o
c s.c

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Linear Nonhomogenous Recurrence Relations

o m
c s.c
Linear Nonhomogenous Recurrence Relations

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m o
c s.c

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m o
c s.c

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m o
c s.c

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m o
c s.c

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Linear Recurrences

There is a class of recurrence relations which can be solved analytically in general.

These are called linear recurrences and include the Fibonacci recurrence.
Begin by showing how to solve Fibonacci:

Solving Fibonacci

Recipe solution has 3 basic steps:
1) Assume solution of the form an = r n

2) Find all possible r’s that seem to make this work. Call these1 r1 and r2. Modify
assumed solution to general solution an = Ar1n +Br2n where A,B are constants.
3) Use initial conditions to find A,B and obtain specific solution.

Solving Fibonacci

1) Assume exponential solution of the form an = r n :

Plug this into an = an-1 + an-2 :
c r n = r n-1 + r n-2
Notice that all three terms have a common rn-2 factor, so divide this out:
rn /rn-2 = (r n-1+r n-2 )/r n-2  r 2 = r + 1

This equation is called the characteristic equation of the recurrence relation.

2) Find all possible r’s that solve characteristic

r2=r +1

Call these r1 and r 2.1 General solution is

an = Ar1n +Br2n where A,B are constants.
Quadratic formula2 gives:
r = (1 r —5)/2
So r1 = (1+—5)/2, r2 = (1-—5)/2

General solution:
an = A [(1+—5)/2]n +B [(1-—5)/2]n

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Solving Fibonacci

Use initial conditions a0 = 0, a1 = 1 to find A,B and obtain specific solution.
0=a0 = A [(1+—5)/2]0 +B [(1-—5)/2]0 = A +B
1=a1 = A [(1+—5)/2]1 +B [(1-—5)/2]1 = A(1+—5)/2 +B (1-—5)/2
= (A+B )/2 + (A-B )—5/2

First equation give B = -A. Plug into 2nd:
1 = 0 +2A—5/2 so A = 1/—5, B = -1/—5
Final answer:

(CHECK IT!) n n
1 §1 5 · 1 §1 5 ·
an ¨ ¸  ¨ ¸

5 ¨© 2 ¸¹ 5 ¨© 2 ¸¹

Linear Recurrences with Constant Coefficients
Previous method generalizes to solving “linear recurrence relations with constant
DEF: A recurrence relation is said to be linear if an is a linear combination of the
previous terms plus a function of n. I.e. no squares, cubes or other complicated function
of the previous ai can occur. If in addition all the coefficients are constants then the

recurrence relation is said to have constant coefficients.

Linear Recurrences with Constant Coefficients


Q: Which of the following are linear with constant coefficients?

1. an = 2an-1

2. an = 2an-1 + 2n-3 - an-3

3. an = an-12

4. Partition function:
n 1
pn ¦ p ˜ C (n  1, n  1  i)
i 0

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Linear Recurrences with Constant Coefficients

1. an = 2an-1: YES

2. an = 2an-1 + 2n-3 - an-3: YES

3. an = an-1 : NO. Squaring is not a linear operation. Similarly an = an-1an-2 and an =
cos(an-2) are non-linear.

n 1
4. Partition function: pn ¦ p ˜ C (n  1, n  1  i)
i 0
i NO.

This is linear, but coefficients are not constant as C (n -1, n -1-i ) is a non-constant
function of n.

Homogeneous Linear Recurrences

To solve such recurrences we must first know how to solve an easier type of recurrence
DEF: A linear recurrence relation is said to be homogeneous if it is a linear combination
of the previous terms of the recurrence without an additional function of n.

Q: Which of the following are homogeneous?

1. an = 2an-1

2. an = 2an-1 + 2n-3 – an-3 n 1

3. Partition function: pn ¦
pi ˜ C (n  1, n  1  i )
i 0

Linear Recurrences with Constant Coefficients


1. an = 2an-1: YES
2. an = 2an-1 + 2n-3 - an-3: No. There’s an extra term f (n) = 2n-3
3. Partition function:
n 1
pn ¦ p ˜ C (n  1, n  1  i)
i 0
YES. No terms appear not involving the previous pi

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Homogeneous Linear Recurrences with Const. Coeff.’s

The 3-step process used for the Fibonacci recurrence works well for general
homogeneous linear recurrence relations with constant coefficients. There are a few
instances where some modification is necessary.

Homogeneous – Complications

1) Repeating roots in characteristic equation. Repeating roots imply that don’t learn
anything new from second root, so may not have enough information to solve

formula with given initial conditions. We’ll see how to deal with this on next
2) Non-real number roots in characteristic equation. If the sequence has periodic

behavior, may get complex roots (for example an = -an-2)1. We won’t worry about
this case (in principle, same method works as before, except use complex

Complication: Repeating Roots

EG: Solve an = 2an-1-an-2 , a0 = 1, a1 = 2
Find characteristic equation by plugging in an = r n:
r 2 - 2r +1 = 0
Since r 2 - 2r +1 = (r -1)2 the root r = 1 repeats.
If we tried to solve by using general solution
an = Ar1n+Br2n = A1n+B1n = A+B

which forces an to be a constant function ().

SOLUTION: Multiply second solution by n so general solution looks like:
an = Ar1n+Bnr1n
Complication: Repeating Roots

Solve an = 2an-1-an-2, a0 = 1, a1 = 2
General solution: an = A1n+Bn1n = A+Bn

Plug into initial conditions

1 = a0 = A+B·0·10= A
2 = a0 = A·11+B·1·11= A+B
Plugging first equation A = 1 into second: 2 = 1+B implies B = 1.
Final answer: an = 1+n

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The Nonhomogeneous Case

Consider the Tower of Hanoi recurrence (see Rosen p. 311-313)

an = 2an-1+1.
Could solve using telescoping. Instead let’s solve it methodically. Rewrite:
an - 2an-1= 1
1) Solve with the RHS set to 0, i.e. solve the homogeneous case.

2) Add a particular solution to get general solution. I.e. use rule:

General General Particular
= homogeneous
+ Nonhomogeneous

The Nonhomogeneous Case

c an - 2an-1 = 1
1) Solve with the RHS set to 0, i.e. solve
an - 2an-1 = 0
Characteristic equation: r - 2 = 0
so unique root is r = 2. General solution to homogeneous equation is
an = A·2n

The Nonhomogeneous Case

2) Add a particular solution to get general solution for an - 2an-1 = 1.


Use rule:

General General Particular

= homogeneous
+ Nonhomogeneous

There are little tricks for guessing particular nonhomogeneous solutions. For example,
when the RHS is constant, the guess should also be a constant.1
So guess a particular solution of the form bn=C.
Plug into the original recursion:
1 = bn – 2bn-1 = C – 2C = -C. Therefore C = -1.
General solution: an = A·2n -1.

Dept of ISE, SJBIT 213

Graph theory and Combinatorics 10CS42

The Nonhomogeneous Case

Finally, use initial conditions to get closed solution. In the case of the Towers of Hanoi
recursion, initial condition is:
a1 = 1
Using general solution an = A·2n -1 we get:
1 = a1 = A·21 -1 = 2A –1.

Therefore, 2 = 2A, so A = 1.
Final answer: an = 2n -1

More Complicated

EG: Find the general solution to recurrence from the bit strings example:
an = 2an-1 + 2n-3 - an-3

1) Rewrite as an - 2an-1 + an-3 = 2n-3 and solve homogeneous part:

Characteristic equation: r 3 - 2r +1 = 0.
Guess root r = r1 as integer roots divide.
r = 1 works, so divide out by (r -1) to get
r 3 - 2r +1 = (r -1)(r 2 +r -1).
More Complicated

r 3 - 2r +1 = (r -1)(r 2 +r -1).
Quadratic formula on r 2 +r -1:
r = (-1 r —5)/2

So r1 = 1, r2 = (-1+—5)/2, r3 = (-1-—5)/2
General homogeneous solution:
an = A + B [(-1+—5)/2]n +C [(-1-—5)/2]n

Dept of ISE, SJBIT 214

Graph theory and Combinatorics 10CS42

More Complicated
2) Nonhomogeneous particular solution to an - 2an-1 + an-3 = 2n-3
Guess the form bn = k 2n. Plug guess in:
k 2n - 2k 2n-1 + k 2n-3 = 2n-3
Simplifies to: k =1.
So particular solution is bn = 2n

General General Particular
= homogeneous
+ Nonhomogeneous

Final answer:

an=A + B [(-1+—5)/2]n + C [(-1-—5)/2]n + 2n


Dept of ISE, SJBIT 215

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