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Jaipur 2018 CMP Executive Summary Final

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Jaipur Metro Rail Corporation Ltd.

Consultancy Services for Planning and preparation of Detailed Project

Report for Jaipur Metro Line- 2
Jaipur Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. (JMRCL)

Volume 1
Comprehensive Mobility Plan - Urban Transport Sector Assessment
Report for Jaipur City

Executive Summary - Draft Report Final

May 2018

in Joint Venture with

Report on
Consultancy Services for Planning and
Jaipur Comprehensive Mobility Plan - Urban Preparation of Detailed Project Report

Transport Sector Assessment (TASK-3)

(DPR) for Jaipur Metro Line 2

0. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................................................ 7
0.1. Background................................................................................................................. 7
0.2. Vision for Jaipur City ................................................................................................. 7
0.3. Strategic Objectives .................................................................................................... 9
0.4. Key Challenges ........................................................................................................... 9
0.5. Physical Challenges ................................................................................................... 9
0.5.1. Landform – Geography - Land use and urban sprawl .......................................... 9
0.6. Social Challenges ..................................................................................................... 10
0.6.1. Heterogeneity ...................................................................................................... 10
0.6.2. Slums ................................................................................................................... 10
0.7. Economic Challenges and Opportunities ................................................................. 10
0.7.1. Growth................................................................................................................. 10
0.7.2. Institutional Challenges ...................................................................................... 11
0.8. Transportation Challenges ....................................................................................... 11
0.8.1. Travel Behavior in Jaipur ................................................................................... 12
0.9. Other Surveys carried in Jaipur to capture the level of service on major roads. .... 13
0.9.1. Turning movement surveys .................................................................................. 13
0.9.2. Operating Speeds ................................................................................................ 13
0.9.3. Summary of Screen Line Surveys ........................................................................ 14
0.9.4. Summary of Outer Cordon Line surveys ............................................................. 14
0.9.5. Summary of All Trips Captured at Transit Areas................................................ 14
0.10. Existing and Expected Traffic Flow Patterns in Jaipur City ............................... 15
0.11. Mobility strategies for Jaipur City ....................................................................... 15

Report on
Consultancy Services for Planning and
Jaipur Comprehensive Mobility Plan - Urban Preparation of Detailed Project Report

Transport Sector Assessment (TASK-3)

(DPR) for Jaipur Metro Line 2

Table 0-1: Mode Distribution in Jaipur (Including Walk) ......................................................................................... 12
Table 0-2: Total Mechanized Trips Base Year 2017 ................................................................................................. 12
Table 0-3: Average Trip Length by various modes ................................................................................................... 13
Table 0-4: High Traffic Density Corridors ................................................................................................................ 17
Table 0-5: Identified Corridor Alignment options for the MRTS.............................................................................. 17
Table 0-6: Summary and Recommendations of the Study ........................................................................................ 18
Table 0-7: Summary of Transport Demand Projections ............................................................................................ 18


Figure 0-1: Corridors for the MRTS implementation in Jaipur City ......................................................................... 16
Figure 0-2: Recommended Mass Transit Corridor for Jaipur City With Phasing...................................................... 20

Report on
Consultancy Services for Planning and
Jaipur Comprehensive Mobility Plan - Urban Preparation of Detailed Project Report

Transport Sector Assessment (TASK-3)

(DPR) for Jaipur Metro Line 2


ADB Asian Development Bank

ADF Asian Development Fund
AFS Audited financial statements
ASI Accident Severity Index
AEGR Annual Exponential Growth Rate
BRTS Bus Rapid Transit System
BPR Bureau of Public Roads
BMTS The Bus Mystery Traveller Survey
CQS consultant qualification selection
CMP Comprehensive Mobility Plan
CAGR Compound Annual Growth Rate
CTVC Classified Traffic Volume Count
DMF Design and Monitoring Framework
DPR Detailed Project Report
DMRC Delhi Metro Rail Corporation
EARF Environmental Assessment and review framework
EIA Environmental impact assessment
EMP Environmental management plan
ESMS Environmental and social management system
FMC First Mile Connectivity
FOB Foot over Bridge
GACAP Governance and anticorruption action plan
GDP Gross domestic product
GHG Green House Gases
GSDP Rajasthan’s Gross State Domestic Product
HIS Home Interview Survey
ICB international competitive bidding
IEE Initial Environmental Examination
IPP Indigenous people plan
IPPF Indigenous people planning framework
IPT Intermediate Public Transport
IPTS Institute for Prospective Technological Studies
JMRC Jaipur Metro Rail Corporation
JCTSL Jaipur City Transport Services Limited
JNN Jaipur Nagar Nigam
JMC Jaipur Municipal Corporation
JNNURM Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission
LAR Land acquisition and resettlement
LIBOR London Interbank Offered Rate
LRT Light Rail Transit
LMC Last Mile Connectivity
MOUD Ministry of Urban development
MRTS Mass Rapid Transit System
NCB National Competitive Bidding
NMT Non-motorisation Transport
NGOs Non-government organizations
NDDP Net District Domestic Product
NSDP Net State Domestic Product (NSDP)
OCR Ordinary Capital Resources
OD Origin and Destination
OC Outer Cordon

Report on
Consultancy Services for Planning and
Jaipur Comprehensive Mobility Plan - Urban Preparation of Detailed Project Report

Transport Sector Assessment (TASK-3)

(DPR) for Jaipur Metro Line 2

ORR Outer Ring Road

PAI Project Administration Instructions
PAM Project Administration Manual
PIU Project Implementation Unit
PMU Project management unit
PCU Passenger Car Unit
PPHPD Passengers per Hour per Direction
PCTR Per Capita Trip Rate
QBS Quality based selection
QCBS Quality and cost based selection
RIICO Rajasthan State Industrial Development and Investment Corporation Limited
RRP Report and recommendation of the President to the Board
RNI Road Network Inventory
RSRTC Rajasthan State Road Transportation Corporation
RTA/RTO Regional Transport Authority/ Regional Transport Organisation
SBD Standard Bidding Documents
SOE Statement of Expenditure
SPS Safeguard Policy Statement
SPRSS Summary Poverty Reduction and Social Strategy
SC Screen Lines
TOR Terms of Reference
TDM Transport Demand Management
TOD Transit Orient Development
TAZ Traffic Analysis Zones
TMC Turning Movement Count
PUDH Urban Development and Housing Department
ULB Urban Local Body
VKI Vishwkarma Industrial Area
WPR Work Participation Rate
WFPR Work Force Participation Ratio
ITPI Institute of Town Planners, India
UTM Universal Transverse Mercator
UMTA Unified Metropolitan Transport Authority

Report on
Jaipur Comprehensive Mobility Plan - Consultancy Services for Planning and
Preparation of Detailed Project Report
Urban Transport Sector Assessment (DPR) for Jaipur Metro Line 2


0.1. Background
Jaipur Metro Rail Corporation (JMRC) Limited was established with the initiative of Government of
Rajasthan as a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV), for the purpose of planning, designing, execution and
operation & maintenance of Metro Lines in Jaipur. Present study is a part of “Consultancy Services
for Planning and preparation of Detailed Project Report for Jaipur Metro Line-2” initiated under the
aegis of JMRCL. The study report is part of deliverable “Comprehensive Mobility Plan -Urban
Transport Sector Assessment Report for Jaipur City” submission under Task-3.
Over the last decade the city’s population has experienced a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of
2.83% per annum. In addition to being a commercial capital of Rajasthan, Jaipur is also one of the
most sought after tourist destination in the world with about 70,000-80,000 tourists visiting the city
every day during the tourist season.
It is envisaged that by the year 2047, the population within Jaipur Region will be about 68.3 lakhs.
This would translate into about 6.22 lakh peak hour motorised trips in the year 2047, which will be
about 1.9 times the present day peak hour trips
The mandate of the present assignment includes identification of Mass Transit Corridor for Jaipur
City, evaluation of alternate alignment options and there by the system selection for the
implementation of MRTS facility. Formulation of mobility strategies for Jaipur city would be
addressing long term (2047) and then developing medium and short term investment programs to
address immediate travel requirements of its citizens within the context of the long term strategy and
ongoing investments being planned in JNN (BOX 1-1).
BOX 1-1: Genesis
 Jaipur Smart City Mission (MoUD)
 DPR for the Jaipur Metro Line-1 and Jaipur Metro Line-2
 National Urban Transport Policy, 2014 (Ministry of Urban Development)
 Comprehensive Mobility Plan Tool Kit -2014
 New Metro Rail Policy 2017
 Comprehensive Mobility Plan Jaipur Final Report –Wilbur Smith (2010)
 Appraisal Guidelines for Metro Rail Project Proposals
 City Development Plan(CDP)-Jaipur (2006) LEA Associates

0.2. Vision for Jaipur City

As per the National Urban Transport Policy (NUTP), 2014, it is important to focus on personal
mobility to achieve cost-effective and equitable urban transport measures within an appropriate and
consistent methodology. Ministry of Urban Development (MoUD), Government of India, encourages
cities to prepare a Comprehensive Mobility Plan (CMP), which is integrated with land use plan, as
part of a long-term urban transport strategy for sustainable improvements. Thus, CMP needs to be
prepared focusing on mobility of people rather than vehicles by way of promoting non-motorised
transport (NMT), public transport (PT) and intermediate public transport (IPT). Also the CMP is
focussing the contributions of NMT and para-transit/IPT while achieving the last and first mile
connectivity from the main mode the MRTS. Accordingly this report has been prepared scientifically

Report on
Jaipur Comprehensive Mobility Plan - Consultancy Services for Planning and
Preparation of Detailed Project Report
Urban Transport Sector Assessment (DPR) for Jaipur Metro Line 2
formulating a transportation roadmap (i.e.) Comprehensive Mobility Plan - a vision document for
future, including suitable investment programme for Jaipur city’s mass transit transportation system
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) analyses of Jaipur Metro Region is
undertaken and the conclusions are summarized in Box 1-2.

Box 1-2 SWOT Analysis for Jaipur City

Strengths: Opportunities:
 Well Connected with rest of the country  Presence of rich Heritage and Tourism
by road, rail and airways. places offer opportunities
 Major tourism hub, forms part of Delhi-  GoI policy of SEZs to boost export
Jaipur-Agra Tourism Circuit  Possibilities of setting up of off-shore
 Proximity to National Capital Delhi is an banking units and international financial
added advantage services center in SEZs
 Long history of international trade and  An emerging ITO and BPO Center
financial services  Growth demand for IT and ITES
 Presence of reputed educational  Growth of high end manufacturing-gems
institutions and universities and jewelry, heritage fashion goods
 Large talent pool, good work culture leather, apparels etc.
 Good regional linkages with rest of the  Potential for growth of media and
region entertainment.
 Presence of JDA – A metropolitan  Jaipur is selected as Smart city under the
planning and development authority scheme its civic infrastructure is
 Presence of JMRCL – A metropolitan envisaged for improvement.
Metro Rail Planning, Executing and  Jaipur will emerge as an important
Operating SPV. logistic and export hub through synergy
 Politically stable government between airports and the special economic
 Easy of doing business and speedy zones (SEZs); as it is falling in Dedicated
approvals Freight Corridor zone connecting Jaipur
and Delhi
Weakness: Threats:
 Topographic constraints, limited land  Competition from other Indian and
supply in the North Eastern part of Jaipur. developing tier –II cities in terms of better
 High real estate and housing prices quality of life at lower real estate and
 Large proportion of slum dwellers(22% of housing prices
population)  Inability to convert economic momentum
 Inadequate power supply into investment in infrastructure
 Overcrowded bus and slow moving buses  Inability to improve business
on congested roads environment.
 Inadequate civic and infrastructure in Pink
Having considered spatial and geographical expansion of the Jaipur City, Master Development Plan-
2025 is prepared to create residential and employment opportunities outside Pink City, at the
peripheral areas. For this, the areas for potential development are identified under U1, U2, and U3
category in the Master Development Plan-2025. Jaipur is one of the cities recorded with high per
capita vehicle ownership (470 vehicles per 1000 inhabitants) and mechanized per capita trip rate of

Report on
Jaipur Comprehensive Mobility Plan - Consultancy Services for Planning and
Preparation of Detailed Project Report
Urban Transport Sector Assessment (DPR) for Jaipur Metro Line 2
0.89 trips/capita/day. Currently Jaipur city is facing the major traffic and transport related issues, they
are: city’s trunk routes are characterized by poor LoS (F), traffic delay and low operating speeds of
less than 18 kmph in non-commercial areas and less than12 kmph in commercial areas. Except Sindhi
Camp Bus Regional Bus Terminal, which is congested, there is urgent need to develop regional bus
terminals to ease city traffic and smooth operation of regional bus traffic. Considering the growth and
expansion of Jaipur beyond the municipal boundaries and the economic interdependence of the local
jurisdictions, it is envisioned to have high capacity mass transit corridor connecting the urban
periphery to the city core.

0.3. Strategic Objectives

The basic strategy to make Jaipur City a most happening place to sustain the population and economic
growth, is by creating mass transit facility and encourage commuters to use public transportation
facility. For this potential mass transit, corridors are being identified by the consultants for the
implementation of Mass Rapid Transit System (MRTS).
Gradual shift of employment and business activity centers to the city periphery through development
mass transit corridor connecting the city core to the periphery has been suggested. Development of
Outer Ring Road and its connectivity to the city core through radial connectors is also indicated as a
long term strategy.

0.4. Key Challenges

Address major challenges arising from existing shortfalls in the transport networks that are the results
of decades of underfunding, and the significant population and employment growth observed in last
decade and expected over the next 30 years. Extensive modelling, analysis and consultations with
stakeholders are undertaken to arrive at the best strategies and investment programs to support Jaipur
City as a world class city meeting its economic as well as social objectives.
Future transport corridors need to be carefully defined and protected. Measures to ensure fully
integrated land use planning and transport infrastructure planning need to be implemented
immediately, including establishing financial mechanisms that fairly allocate and accumulate capital
funding for both deficit correction and expansions due to urban growth.
The ensuing sub-sections highlight some of the major challenges that have influenced the scope and
issues considered in preparing an urban mobility plan for the Jaipur city to achieve the prime
objective “Transforming Jaipur Region into a world class Metro Region which will cater to
tourism, IT and ITES and manufacturing with a vibrant economy and a globally comparable
quality of life for all its citizens”. Amongst challenges, which are described in the ensuing sections,
the real challenge is to meet the requirements of expanding transportation infrastructure, strengthening
the public transportation systems, and planning new mass transit corridors to sustain the growing
economy. While planning and designing the public transportation systems, it should also address the
transport needs of inclusive groups to empower them of their economic wellbeing.

0.5. Physical Challenges

0.5.1. Landform – Geography - Land use and urban sprawl

Jaipur City is geographically very diverse with relatively narrow valleys and shoulder plains
surrounded by the Aravali hill ranges. On the Eastern side it is occupied by the hill ranges and

Report on
Jaipur Comprehensive Mobility Plan - Consultancy Services for Planning and
Preparation of Detailed Project Report
Urban Transport Sector Assessment (DPR) for Jaipur Metro Line 2
partially on the Western side compelled, the city grows on Southern and Western side along the
Gateway corridors. As various generations built bridges, particularly the railways, the urban
structure took the initial form of ring radial communities, along the highway and railways, acting
almost as umbilical cords, but the conical urban form prevailed. The core of the city is a walled
city connected to different zones through number of linkages. Over the last three decades, built
up area in Jaipur City consistently increased from 46.39 in 1975, 83.92 in 1986,
113.3 in 1991, 172 in 2003, 197 in 2009 and 467 in 2013 respectively.
Growth in high density built-up areas is very significant as most of the low density and medium
density areas converted to high density areas. During the urban sprawl process many waste land
areas, agricultural areas have been converted to built-up form.

0.6. Social Challenges

0.6.1. Heterogeneity
About 6.88 Lakh1 population is living in slums and large groups of population working in the
informal sector; the region presents formidable social challenges as well. In many respects,
Jaipur consists of many different social and economic strata each having distinct transportation
needs and aspirations. It is now recognized that in large urban areas, governments have to
attempt to provide transport choices with a “public transport first” agenda. However the
maintenance and management of an efficient road network is also critical for the social and
economic functioning of the city. Achieving the right modal balance is a key investment issue
that has been addressed in the mobility plan.

0.6.2. Slums
This is a manifestation of the historical magnetism of Jaipur City that has attracted rural populace
from across Rajasthan and other adjacent states of India. Sixty percent of population growth rate
in Jaipur City is due to in-migrations. This, coupled with unaffordable and restricted supply of
housing, has resulted in large increase in slum population over last 10 to 20 years. The household
study for the CMP Project (2018) indicates that, about 6.88 lakh population constituting 22.5% of
the total population of Jaipur city lives in slums, however, Slum dwellers are an integral part of
the economic and social fabric of Jaipur Metro Region (JMR). Rising education standards and
income levels of slum dwellers over the next 25 years will inevitably materialize into a
generational shift in housing from slums to regular, more permanent accommodation. This shift
will be accompanied by increased demands for motorized travel with more people working in
formal sectors. Predicting these generational socioeconomic changes is a key factor in travel
demand forecasting for the Jaipur Region.

0.7. Economic Challenges and Opportunities

0.7.1. Growth
Jaipur is 10th largest city of India and 98th largest city2 in the world. It is also one of the densest
cities of the world due to many people living in slums or slum like conditions. In spite of this,

1 As per survey findings of Rajiv Awaas Yojana, 2011 and JMC & JDA
2 World Mayor -2018

Report on
Jaipur Comprehensive Mobility Plan - Consultancy Services for Planning and
Preparation of Detailed Project Report
Urban Transport Sector Assessment (DPR) for Jaipur Metro Line 2
JMR has a unique role to play in the economy of the nation as country’s most important heritage
center tourism hub and one of its most important service sectors: wooden toys, diamond cutting,
cloth printing, dyeing, education hub health centers and benefiting the whole country. Recorded
per capita income of Jaipur District is 1.2 times to 1.5 times higher than the state per capita
income in the period 2004-05 to 2011-12. Between the period 2004-05 to 2011-12 State per
capita income grown at CAGR 14.4% whereas the Jaipur City Regions income has grown at
CAGR of 12% for the same period. During the same period recorded per capita income was INR
65000 per year. Revealed in come from HIS is 7321 per capita/month and INR 32362 per month
per Household.

0.7.2. Institutional Challenges

At the moment, multiplicity of organizations are working in Jaipur City and the region. Jaipur
Development Authority (JDA) region comprises various habitations of varying sizes. It is
governed by a multitude of Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) responsible for these different areas,
posing enormous coordination issues. About eight satellite towns, 37 industrial parks and 750
villages govern major urbanized parts of Jaipur Metro Region. Rural areas are governed by
village level bodies that are coordinated by district level coordinating authorities. While most of
the urban habitations are contiguous, there are few small ones that are interspersed in the region.
Contiguous parts are recognized by the Census of India as Jaipur Urban Agglomeration for
reporting demographic statistics. Providing coordinated transport facility to these entities is a
challenging task.

0.8. Transportation Challenges

To support the anticipated scale of growth in population and economic development there are many
inter-related transport challenges.
The first challenge is to improve Jaipur public transport system to accommodate the growth of
population and employment and consequent travel demand3. This can be achieved by proposing high
capacity mass transit (MRTS) corridors along the city trunk routes in North-South, South-West and
Western directions. Capacity enhancements to the existing regional railway system by creating new
suburban railway stations along the regional rail would augment the public transit. Transit First is
therefore considered as the guiding principle in preparation of transportation plan for Jaipur City.
The second challenge is to create a hierarchical system of roads and freeways to meet a wide
spectrum of travel desires, including goods vehicles and the projected large increases in traffic
entering and leaving the Jaipur City. At the moment in Jaipur there is one Regional Bus Terminal and
one truck terminal located at Sindhi Camp and Transport Nagar on Agra Road respectively, which are
congested, hence, there is urgent need to develop Regional Bus Terminals and Truck Terminals to
ease these terminals and the city traffic. It is proposed to develop Regional Bus Terminal facility at
the Outer Cordons located at the City Gateway corridors. All proposed Regional Bus Terminals would
be integrated or connected to the MRTS stations through Multi Modal Integration/ feeder service.
Consultants identified the locations for Regional Bus Terminals and Truck Terminals along the ORR.

3By 2047 anticipated mechanized trips would be 6.3M out of which public transit share would be 3.2M

Report on
Jaipur Comprehensive Mobility Plan - Consultancy Services for Planning and
Preparation of Detailed Project Report
Urban Transport Sector Assessment (DPR) for Jaipur Metro Line 2
The third challenge is to structure the most effective institutional arrangements to efficiently
implement the proposed regional mass transit plan in a timely and prioritized manner. An integral part
of process is the mobilization of resources from traditional as well as new funding opportunities
(PPP4). International experiences in resource mobilization did provide useful insights into successful
financing mechanisms.

0.8.1. Travel Behaviour in Jaipur

To Capture travel behaviour in Jaipur Home Interview Surveys (HIS) have been carried in Jaipur
City in 91 wards covering a 10,971 families across different housing and economic groups. From
the survey it is revealed that a total 3.65 M people in Jaipur make 3.25M internal to internal trips
a day. Most of the trips are Home Based Work (44%) and Home Based Education (41%). Modal
share revealed during the survey is presented below:
Table 0-1: Mode Distribution in Jaipur (Including Walk)
Sl.No Mode Total Trips
1 Walk 16.06%
2 Cycle 6.01%
3 Bus & Minibus 18.49%
4 Car & Taxi 18.71%
5 Two Wheeler 31.70%
6 Auto Rickshaw 8.61%
7 Metro 0.42%
Total 100.00%
Source: Egis Survey
Table 0-2: Total Mechanized Trips Base Year 2017

Trips in
Sl.No Mode Share
1 Two Wheeler 13.21 40.67%
2 Three Wheeler 3.59 11.05%
3 Car and Taxi 7.80 24.01%
4 Bus and Mini Bus 7.71 23.73%
5 Metro 0.18 0.54%
Total 32.49 100.00%
Source: Estimate by Egis Survey

4PPP public private participation

Report on
Jaipur Comprehensive Mobility Plan - Consultancy Services for Planning and
Preparation of Detailed Project Report
Urban Transport Sector Assessment (DPR) for Jaipur Metro Line 2
Summary of Travel Characteristics derived from HIS
 Total Population of Jaipur 2011 (census) – 30,73,350; 2017 (projected) – 36,53,927
 Average household size = 4.42
 Total Households Surveyed = 10970
 Per capita Vehicle ownership 0.5 vehicles per person
 Average Monthly Income INR 32,362/Household
 Average per capita Income INR 7321/Month
 Average Trip Lengths for Various Modes
Table 0-3: Average Trip Length by various modes

Mode Average Trip Length (km)

Bus & Mini bus 11.40
Car 12.60
Two Wheeler 5.80
Auto Rickshaw 5.40
Bicycle 2.40
Walk 1.80
Metro 6.09
Total Homebased Trips 8.74
Total Non-Homebased Trips 7.87
Total Trips 9.12
Source: Egis Survey

0.9. Other Surveys carried in Jaipur to capture the level of service on major roads.

0.9.1. Turning movement surveys

As per JDA records in Jaipur altogether there is about 8581 km of road length exist. Among them
the important roads are the Arterial Roads and Sub Arterial Roads where the majority of traffic
operates. To assess traffic on these roads junction movement surveys have been carried on 14
important traffic junctions. These traffic junction movements are used, to establish mid-block
volume counts. From the junction moment survey it is revealed that out of 14 junctions, 13
junctions are operating beyond warrant condition.
Also the level of service on all the major roads in Jaipur City are functioning under LOS-E and

0.9.2. Operating Speeds

Average speeds observed in the city are in the range of 15-18 kmph, whereas, the average speed
in Pink City is less than 10 kmph during peak hours. The low speed profile is due to the following
 Peak hour traffic on most of the arterial and sub-arterial roads has exceeded the capacity
 Heterogeneous traffic, mixing of slow moving vehicles with fast moving vehicles
 Pedestrian movement on the carriageway due to non-availability of footpath
 Encroachment on the carriageway by the street-hawkers
 Reduction in actual carriageway width due to un authorized on street parking

Report on
Jaipur Comprehensive Mobility Plan - Consultancy Services for Planning and
Preparation of Detailed Project Report
Urban Transport Sector Assessment (DPR) for Jaipur Metro Line 2
0.9.3. Summary of Screen Line Surveys
 All together there are 21.12 Lakhs vehicles are crossing both the screen lines in a day.
 In North –South direction about 20.73 Lakh passenger flows are happening
 Similarly in East –West direction 19.82 Lakhs passenger flows are happening..
 All together internal-internal passenger flows captured while crossing the screen lines was
40.55 Lakhs passenger trips/day.
 Total Internal-Internal trips by three wheeler as captured and reported at the screen point
locations is 3,75,708 passenger trips.
 Modal share captured indicates 38% of the commuter is using Two Wheeler and 34 % are
using car.
 Around 11% of the commuter use Bus and Mini Bus. This is less than the city model share
observed (18.71% including walk and 23.73% excluding walk trips) from the household
survey due to the reason that the screen lines do not intersect most of the bus routes as the
majority of bus routes are running parallel to the screen lines.

0.9.4. Summary of Outer Cordon Line surveys

 27% of the passenger trips are through two-wheeler, and 35% of the trips are by car and taxi.
 All Buses share is 35%
 72% of the passenger flow is from Delhi, Ajmer and Sikhar Roads (North- South)
 Daily on, an average 6 Lakhs people cross the Outer Cordon, out of which 85% are External-
Internal and Internal-External interactions.
 Daily, 2.55 Lakhs persons either enter or leave (both directions comprise 5.1 Lakh passenger)
Jaipur, out of which about 90,000 would be the domestic tourists.
 About 25% of trips are daily trips and 57% of trips include alternate trips and weekly trice
 It can be concluded that Regions interaction with the City is taking place in North South,
South West Direction and Western directions, indicates the need for MRTS corridor in North
South direction connecting Outer Ring Road at South to the 200 feet Bypass at Harmada
beyond Vishwa Karma Industrial area.

0.9.5. Summary of All Trips Captured at Transit Areas

 Total two way Internal-External Passenger Trips Captured at Outer Cordon Locations: 5.11
 Total two way Internal- Internal Trips Captured at Screen Locations: 40 Lakhs passenger
 Foot fall captured at the Jaipur Railway stations : 1.41 Lakhs passenger/day
 Foot fall captured at the regional Bus Stations 60,000 passenger/day
 Foot Fall Captured at the Jaipur International Airport 12,000 passenger/day
 Daily Tourist Arrivals in to Jaipur City 70,000-100,000 tourists /day
 Total Internal- Internal Trips generated within the city 32.5 Lakhs passenger Trips.

Report on
Jaipur Comprehensive Mobility Plan - Consultancy Services for Planning and
Preparation of Detailed Project Report
Urban Transport Sector Assessment (DPR) for Jaipur Metro Line 2
0.10. Existing and Expected Traffic Flow Patterns in Jaipur City
Existing traffic flow patterns across Jaipur City is examined through home interview surveys, OC
surveys, SC surveys and surveys carried at the transit locations like Bus stands, Railway Stations,
Auto Stands and Airport. The results and analysis facilitated to consolidate and arrive at the most
probable mass transit corridors in Jaipur City.
 Mapping of Population Density, Employment and Business Establishments, suggest alignment of
Mass Transit facility in North- South, West and South –South West directions connecting the City
 Further the land parcels under U1, U2 and U3 category recommend for the Planning of Mass
Transit facility along these Gate Way corridors connecting the Pink City to the periphery.
 Also traffic flow counts and analysis at the Outer Cordon locations and HIS desire patterns
strongly indicate the traffic flows in North –South, South-West and Western Directions.

0.11. Mobility strategies for Jaipur City

Collated data from HIS, primary traffic surveys, secondary sources and discussion with the stake
holders formulated the strategies for the development of MRTS facility in Jaipur City. LoS analysis
and Travel Demand Modelling and public bus route operation analysis, results have clearly shown the
chaotic traffic conditions with most of the roads running with traffic volumes more than their rated
capacity. High share of personalized modes (Two wheelers and cars) indicate the lack of adequate
public transport system. Prevailing modal share (Public: Private::24:76) and traffic situation in Jaipur
indicate the need for identification of corridors for MRTS and their development to improve traffic
situation. The MRTS corridor would be mostly running along the highways and supported by high
population density pockets and connecting business establishments- activity centres. For Jaipur city,
MRTS corridors are identified by plotting and underpinning the following parameters:
 Population density
 Employment locations
 Trip Generation (Productions and Attractions)
 Public bus route network
 Traffic volumes and level of service
After mapping the population density and location of employment centres and business
establishments, trip generation across all the TAZ’s in Jaipur City, all the layers with different themes
are super-imposed to established the potential corridors for identification of MRTS facility. The
possible corridors for implementation of MRTS facility is indicated below.

Report on
Jaipur Comprehensive Mobility Plan - Consultancy Services for Planning and
Preparation of Detailed Project Report
Urban Transport Sector Assessment (DPR) for Jaipur Metro Line 2

Figure 0-1: Corridors for the MRTS implementation in Jaipur City

For running an MRTS system in any urban area, there should be adequate ridership available for its
successful operations. Required commuters would be derived from the residential, institutional and
commercial areas abutting to the major arterial roads and trunk routes. To attract adequate ridership
on MRTS, catchments for 2.5 km radius is considered from each of the transit stop /station. From the
conceptual MRTS corridor, it can be seen that the corridor is falling in North–South, South-West and
Western directions. For planning the MRTS facility, various alignment options have been proposed
and examined within a radius of 2.5 km or within a bandwidth of 5 km. The proposed MRTS
alignment would be along the existing highways and arterials. Based on the collated information and
Geo-spatial data, the possible corridors for MRTS Alignments were identified.

Report on
Jaipur Comprehensive Mobility Plan - Consultancy Services for Planning and
Preparation of Detailed Project Report
Urban Transport Sector Assessment (DPR) for Jaipur Metro Line 2
High density traffic corridors observed in the city are listed which warrant for development of mass
transit corridors are listed in the following table:
Table 0-4: High Traffic Density Corridors

Sl.No. Name of the road

1 Tonk Road
2 MI Road
3 Sikar Road
4 Kalwar Road
5 Gopalpura Bypass
6 Jawahar Lal Nehru Marg
7 Delhi Ajmer Express Highway
8 Hasanpura Road
9 Ashoka Marg
10 Jyoti Nagar Road
11 New Sanganer Road
12 Khatipura Road
13 Goner Road
14 New Sanganer Road
15 Dalda Factory Road
16 22 Godam ROB
After detailed alternate analysis of the Mass Rapid Transit Systems for the ridership on various
corridors consultant recommend rail based transit system in the north-south direction. Prioritised
corridors based on ridership estimates along with other alternative alignments are presented in the
following table.
Table 0-5: Identified Corridor Alignment options for the MRTS

Sl. Corridor
MRTS Options
1 Sitapura - Ambabari – VKIA (Via Tonk Road-MI Road)
2 Ambabari - Govindpur (West Extension)
3 Outer Ring Road - Sitapura (South Extension)
4 Sitapura - Ambabari - VKIA (Vai JLN Marg)
5 Sitapura - Ambabari (Via Ashoka Marg)
6 Stapura - Ajmeri Gate - Choti Chaupar (Termination)
7 Sitapura- SMS Hospital - Badi Chaupar – Jal Mahal
8 Sitapura- SMS Hospital - Badi Chaupuar - Jorwar Singh Gate -Jal Mahal
9 Extension Haldi Ghati Road Section
10 Outer Ring Road -Sitapura -Ambabbari- GovindPur West Extension
Metro Line 1 (Mansarovar - Chandpole - Badi Chaupar)
11 Hirapura (200’ Bypass) – Mansarovar Extension
12 Badi Chaupar- Jal Mahal Extension
13 Hirapura 200’ Bypass-Mansarovar-Chandpole-Badi Chaupar-Jal Mahal Extension
14 Development of Outer Ring Road with at grade MRTS Facility

Report on
Jaipur Comprehensive Mobility Plan - Consultancy Services for Planning and
Preparation of Detailed Project Report
Urban Transport Sector Assessment (DPR) for Jaipur Metro Line 2
There is an urgent need for implementation of MRTS corridor in north south direction. The feasible
alignment of this corridor is found to be Sitapura Ambabari-VKIA Road no.12. Accordingly
Consultant Recommendation for implementation of MRTS corridors is given in the following table.
Table 0-6: Summary and Recommendations of the Study

Ridership Section Year

Sl. Name of the Length Daily MRTS System
(Peak Hr. Load
No. corridor (km) passengers Recommended
Passnegers) PHPDT
Recommended Corridor (Ridership Estimations are for the Commissioned Years)
1 30.06 44896 23591 405065 Metro 2026
Table 0-7: Summary of Transport Demand Projections

Daily Daily Average
Corridor Load
Ridership Passenger Lead (km)
Sitapura Industrial Area to Vishwa Karma
17524 318586 3090284 9.7
Industrial Area Road No.12
Daily Daily Average
Corridor Load
Ridership Passenger- Lead (km)
Sitapura Industrial Area to Vishwa Karma
20501 372701 3659924 9.82
Industrial Area Road No.12
Daily Daily Average
Corridor Load
Ridership Passenger- Lead (km)
Sitapura Industrial Area to Vishwa Karma
23591 453448 4502739 9.93
Industrial Area Road No.12
Daily Daily Average
Corridor Load
Ridership Passenger- Lead (km)
Sitapura Industrial Area to Vishwa Karma
30347 551689 5544474 10.05
Industrial Area Road No.12
Daily Daily Average
Corridor Load
Ridership Passenger- Lead (km)
Sitapura Industrial Area to Vishwa Karma
36922 671214 6832959 10.18
Industrial Area Road No.12

Report on
Jaipur Comprehensive Mobility Plan - Consultancy Services for Planning and
Preparation of Detailed Project Report
Urban Transport Sector Assessment (DPR) for Jaipur Metro Line 2
Daily Daily Average
Corridor Load
Ridership Passenger- Lead (km)
Sitapura Industrial Area to Vishwa Karma
44921 816634 8427663 10.32
Industrial Area Road No.12
Daily Daily Average
Corridor Load
Ridership Passenger- Lead (km)
Sitapura Industrial Area to Vishwa Karma
56839 1033303 10818682 10.47
Industrial Area Road No.12

Comprehensive Mobility Plan Study (CMP) of Jaipur city further suggests improving the traffic
circulation, public transportation system and mobility of the people. Issues pertaining to the
improvement of public transportation, multi modal integration, last mile and first mile connectivity
are also addressed. Specific recommendations for the implementation of transportation infrastructure
like, junction improvements, Region Bus Terminals and truck terminals, ORR and its connectivity
through radial road connectors, parking facilities, bus bays etc. across the city are also recommended.

Report on
Jaipur Comprehensive Mobility Plan - Consultancy Services for Planning and
Preparation of Detailed Project Report
Urban Transport Sector Assessment (DPR) for Jaipur Metro Line 2

Figure 0-2: Recommended Mass Transit Corridor for Jaipur City with Phasing


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