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Astm G200 20

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This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles

for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.

Designation: G200 − 20

Standard Test Method for

Measurement of Oxidation-Reduction Potential (ORP) of
This standard is issued under the fixed designation G200; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope G3 Practice for Conventions Applicable to Electrochemical

1.1 This test method covers a procedure and related test Measurements in Corrosion Testing
equipment for measuring oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) G51 Test Method for Measuring pH of Soil for Use in
of soil samples in-situ or removed from the ground. Corrosion Testing
G57 Test Method for Field Measurement of Soil Resistivity
1.2 The procedure in Section 9 is appropriate for field and Using the Wenner Four-Electrode Method
laboratory measurements. G187 Test Method for Measurement of Soil Resistivity
1.3 Accurate measurement of oxidation-reduction potential Using the Two-Electrode Soil Box Method
aids in the analysis of soil corrosivity and its impact on buried G193 Terminology and Acronyms Relating to Corrosion
metallic structure corrosion rates. G215 Guide for Electrode Potential Measurement
1.4 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded
as standard. The values given in parentheses are mathematical 3. Terminology

and are not considered standard.

iTeh Standards
conversions to SI units that are provided for information only 3.1 The terminology used in this test method, if not specifi-
cally defined otherwise, shall be in accordance with Terminol-

1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
ogy G193.
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:

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responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
priate safety, health, and environmental practices and deter-
mine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
3.2.1 calibration solution, n—commercially available solu-
tion with a stable ORP used for calibrating an ORP measuring
system (meter and probe).
1.6 This international standard was developed in accor-
3.2.2 ORP—abbreviation for oxidation-reduction potential.
dance with internationally recognized principles onASTM G200-20
ization established in the Decision on Principles for the 3.2.3 ORP electrode (probe), n—commercially available
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recom- combination two-element electrode (probe) specifically de-
mendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical signed for the measurement of ORP when used in conjunction
Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee. with a compatible ORP meter. Discussion—The combination probe consists of a
2. Referenced Documents platinum electrode and a reference electrode, which are gen-
2.1 ASTM Standards:2 erally silver/silver chloride. For soil measurements, the probe
D1498 Test Method for Oxidation-Reduction Potential of must be sufficiently robust to withstand the rigors of the
Water measurement. Regardless, the often fragile probe should be
E691 Practice for Conducting an Interlaboratory Study to used with caution to avoid damage and maintain measurement
Determine the Precision of a Test Method reliability.
3.2.4 ORP meter, n—commercially available electrical me-
ter specifically designed for the measurement of ORP with
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee G01 on internal impedance greater than 10 megohms. Often, the meter
Corrosion of Metals and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee G01.10 on is capable of measuring ORP and pH when used in conjunction
Corrosion in Soils.
Current edition approved Nov. 1, 2020. Published December 2020. Originally
with the appropriate electrode.
approved in 2009. Last previous edition approved in 2014 as G200 - 09(2014). DOI: Discussion—Standard voltmeters or multimeters
with internal impedances typically less than 10 megohms are
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
not suitable for soil ORP measurements. Pocket style meters
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on where the electrode is an integral part of the meter housing are
the ASTM website. also not suitable.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States

G200 − 20
3.2.5 oxidation-reduction potential (soil), n—electrical po- 5.5 ORP measurements can be used to determine if a
tential measurement to determine the tendency of a soil to particular soil has the propensity to support microbiologically
transfer electrons between its chemical species. It is the influenced corrosion (MIC) attack. These measurements can
measured potential of an inert metal electrode (generally also be used to provide an indication of whether soil conditions
platinum) with respect to a reference electrode such as silver/ will be aerobic or anaerobic. Appendix X1 provides reference
silver chloride. guidelines for general interpretation of ORP data. Discussion—A soil with a higher, more positive
potential has an increased tendency to acquire electrons and be 6. Apparatus
reduced (aerobic soil conditions). A soil with a lower positive 6.1 The equipment required for the measurement of soil
or negative potential has an increased tendency to lose elec- ORP, either in the field or in the laboratory, consists of:
trons and be oxidized (anaerobic soil conditions). Soil 6.1.1 ORP Meter.
oxidation-reduction potential is typically reported in units of 6.1.2 Compatible Two-Electrode Combination ORP Elec-
millivolts (mV) or volts (1 volt = 1000 mV). Sign convention trode (Probe)—A main probe and a backup probe are recom-
and reference electrodes conform to Practice G3. mended.
3.2.6 redox potential, n—synonym for oxidation-reduction NOTE 1—This test method calls for soil ORP measurements to utilize a
potential. commercially available combination electrode (inert metal and reference
combined in one probe). Commercially available ORP combination
3.2.7 soil sample, n—sample of soil to be tested. The electrodes are generally platinum (inert metal) with silver/silver chloride
minimum (typical) sample size is 1 qt. (reference) in a 3.5 M to 4 M KCl electrolyte. (Refer to Guide G215.)
6.1.3 Operating Instructions—For ORP meter and ORP
4. Summary of Test Method
4.1 The measurement procedure, as described in Section 9 6.1.4 Calibration Solution(s)—For verification of measur-
of this test method for determining the ORP of a soil sample, ing system accuracy within the range of expected ORP values.
aids in determining the corrosivity of that sample. Calibration solutions should remain uncontaminated. They
typically have a published shelf life of no more than 1 year and
setting. iTeh Standards
4.2 Soil ORP can be measured in a field or laboratory
should not be used once the shelf life is exceeded. Calibration
solutions can be obtained commercially or may be mixed in the

4.3 While the primary purpose of this test method is
measuring soil ORP, it may also be used as a general indicator
of ORP in groundwater. Test Method D1498 was specifically
laboratory using standard pH buffers (4 and 7) and quinhy-

developed for accurate ORP measurements
of aqueous Preview NOTE 2—Commercially available ORP calibration solution values
should be appropriate for the combination electrode (platinum and
silver/silver chloride) used. Calibration kits utilizing pH buffers and
quinhydrone solutions are generally used for the platinum and silver/silver
5. Significance and Use ASTM G200-20
chloride combination electrode.
6.1.5 Clear Plastic or Polyethylene Bags—1 gal (3.785 L)
5.1 Soil ORP, in conjunction with other soil characteristics
such as pH (see Test Method G51), and electrical resistivity size is typical, or other convenient means to collect the soil
(see Test Methods G57 and G187), is used to predict corrosion sample and to compress the sample while under test. One clean
tendencies of buried metallic structures (for example, pipelines and dry bag should be used for each sample. Do not reuse.
and culverts). The ORP of the soil is one of many factors that 6.1.6 Squirt Bottle and Soft Toothbrush—Bottle with goose-
influence structure service life. Its measurement is used in the neck (or similar) filled with distilled or deionized water and
design of new buried structures and in the evaluation of soft toothbrush (or similar) for cleaning ORP electrode after
existing buried structures. each measurement. Cleaning procedures should be in accor-
dance with the probe manufacturer’s written instructions and
5.2 Soil ORP is a time-sensitive measurement. For an should in no way damage the probe or otherwise compromise
accurate indication of soil corrosivity, the measurement should the ORP measurement.
be made in-situ in the field or as soon as practicable after
removal of the soil sample from the ground. 7. Sampling
5.3 The user of this test method is responsible for determin- 7.1 Generally, collected soil samples to be tested in the
ing the significance of reported ORP measurements. ORP alone laboratory shall be placed in an appropriate sealable container
should typically not be used in characterizing the corrosivity of or polyethylene type bag. This allows containers to be identi-
a particular soil. ORP measurements are appropriate when fied by location, date/time sample was collected, etc.
evaluating oxygen related reactions. 7.2 Soil samples shall be representative of the area of
5.4 ORP measurements can sometimes be quite variable and interest. Where the stratum of interest contains a variety of soil
non-reproducible. This is related, in part, to the general types, it is desirable to sample each type separately. Soil
heterogeneity of a given soil. It is also related to the introduc- samples to be tested in the laboratory shall be allowed to reach
tion of increased oxygen into the sample after extraction. The room temperature, approximately 68 °F (20 °C), prior to the
interpretation of soil ORP should be considered in terms of its ORP measurement. Field measurements shall reflect the soil’s
general range rather than as an absolute measurement. temperature during testing.

G200 − 20
8. Calibration and Standardization samples taken for laboratory analysis, remove all stones,
8.1 Turn on the ORP meter in accordance with the meter pebbles, gravel, roots, twigs and other deleterious material
manufacturer’s written instructions. Allow sufficient warm-up/ from the soil sample that could break or abrade the ORP probe
stabilization time as specified by the manufacturer. sense element. Place the suitable sample in a clear plastic bag.
8.2 Calibrate ORP meter in accordance with the meter 9.2 Adjust the ORP meter, and calibrate and clean the ORP
manufacturer’s written instructions. probe, in accordance with Section 8. The probe should be
rinsed in distilled or deionized water after removing from the
8.3 Clean the ORP probe with three changes of distilled or calibration solution(s).
deionized water or by means of a flowing stream of distilled or
deionized water from a wash bottle or other source. 9.3 Carefully insert the ORP probe vertically into the center
of the soil sample so a minimum of 2 in. (5.08 cm) of the probe
8.4 Calibration Procedure using Commercially Available
barrel (lower portion) is covered. There should be a minimum
Calibration Solution—With the cleaned ORP probe connected
of 2 in. (5.08 cm) of soil around the probe in all directions.
to the properly operating ORP meter, place the ORP probe
Avoid exerting pressure, since the sense element is fragile and
element in one or more calibration solutions and measure the
may break.
responses. For non-adjustment type meters, the ORP reading
should be within 30 mV of the stated calibration solution 9.4 Squeeze the bagged soil around the probe barrel and
potential for platinum and silver/silver chloride probe. For sense element to assure a tight, complete contact between the
meters that can be adjusted, adjust the reading in accordance sense element and the soil. For “soft” (loose) soils, the probe
with the manufacturer’s instructions to the stated potential for should be gently pushed in to the soil sample, lightly compact-
the calibration solution. Once an initial, stable reading is ing the soil around the probe tip as necessary.
obtained, remove the probe and place in a fresh sample of the 9.5 With the probe stationary, observe the meter reading
same calibration solution. The second reading should differ waiting until it stabilizes or 2 min, whichever occurs first.
from the first by no more than 10 mV. Rinse the ORP probe Certain ORP meters have a stabilization/lock-hold function
with distilled or deionized water between readings if more than that can be used as appropriate to capture a stable reading

iTeh Standards
one calibration solution is used, that is, solutions with different based on meter-specific processing and algorithms. For this test
ORP values. method, readings that vary less than 30 mV over a 2 min period
8.5 Calibration Procedure using pH Buffers and Quinhy-
should be considered stable with the least positive or most
drone Calibration Solution—In a 4 oz (118.4 mL) beaker, pour negative potential recorded.
0.5 oz (14.8 mL) of pH 7 buffer. Using a wood applicator stick,
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NOTE 3—In certain soils (for example, heavy mucks) there can be a
add quinhydrone until the pH 7 buffer is just oversaturated, considerable range in ORP within a given sample from one measurement
stirring frequently. A small amount of the quinhydrone must location to the next. In such instances, it is best to “probe” with the
remain undissolved. In another beaker, repeat this procedure electrode in a few locations within the sample until the least positive or
using a pH buffer of 4. With the cleaned ORP probe connected most negative potential is determined.
to the properly operating ORP meter, put the probe ASTM G200-20
in the 9.6 Clean the probe with distilled or deionized water includ-
beaker filled with the 7 buffer/quinhydrone mixture, stir the ing removing any lodged material from the sensor area.
electrode gently, and let it rest against the side of the beaker.
Allow to stabilize (60 s), and note the reading. A properly 9.7 Repeat Steps 9.3 – 9.6 two times inserting the probe at
performing platinum and silver/silver chloride ORP combina- different locations within the sample. For each location, once
tion electrode should be within about plus or minus 15 mV the reading has stabilized, read and record the least positive or
from the following values: most negative potential measured.
Temperature and Reading
68 °F (20 °C) = +96 mV 10. Report
77 °F (25 °C) = +90 mV
86 °F (30 °C) = +83 mV 10.1 Report the following information for each soil sample
Rinse the ORP electrode and pat dry with a soft tissue. Now tested:
put it in the beaker with the 4 buffer/quinhydrone mixture, stir 10.1.1 Three ORP measurements.
the electrode gently, and let it rest against the side of the 10.1.2 Date and time of measurements.
beaker. Allow to stabilize (60 s), and note the reading. This 10.1.3 Ambient air temperature at time of measurements.
reading should be between +170 mV and +185 mV above the 10.1.4 Soil sample description including location, depth,
reading in the 7 buffer mixture. and other pertinent information.
8.6 The buffer/quinhydrone mixtures should be freshly 10.1.5 Date and time soil sample was extracted from the
made each time the ORP electrodes are calibrated. Do not store ground.
the mixtures or use after 2 h as their values can change with 10.1.6 Manufacturer, model number and serial number for
time. ORP meter.
10.1.7 Manufacturer, model number and purchase date for
9. Procedure ORP probe.
9.1 For in-situ measurements in the field, choose location(s) 10.1.8 Stated ORP value(s) and purchase dates (and or
free of stones, pebbles, etc., which may damage probe. For soil expiration dates) for calibration solutions.

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