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Chemical Reactions & Equations - DPPs - ONLY PDF

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[Physical and Chemical Changes]
1. Chemical changes are __________. 5. When crystals of lead nitrate are heated strongly
(A) Temporary, reversible and a new substance in a dry test tube
is produced (A) Crystals immediately melt
(B) Always accompanied by exchange of light (B) A brown residue is left
(C) Permanent, irreversible and a new (C) White fumes appear in the tube
substance is produced (D) A yellow residue is left
(D) Never accompanied by exchange of light
and heat energy 6. When carbon dioxide is passed through lime
2. In one molecule of ammonium sulphide there (A) Calcium hydroxide is formed
are ___________. (B) White precipitate of CaO is formed
(A) 2 atoms of N, 8 atoms of H, and 1 atom of S (C) Lime water turns milky
(B) 1 atom of N, 4 atoms of H, and 1 atom of S (D) Colour of lime water
(C) 1 atom of N, 4 atoms of H, and 2 atoms of S
(D) 2 atoms of N, 8 atoms of H, and 2 atoms of S 7. In which of the following, heat energy will be
3. What is the observation of evolved gases: (A) Electrolysis of water
(B) Dissolution of NH4CI in water
(C) Burning of L.P.G.
(D) Decomposition of AgBr in the presence of

8. An element X on exposure to moist air turns

reddish-brown and a new compound Y is
formed. The substance X and Y are
(A) X = Fe, Y = Fe2O3
(A) White fumes
(B) X = Ag, Y = Ag2S
(B) Brown fumes
(C) X = Cu, Y = CuO
(C) Dark grey fumes
(D) X = AI, Y = AI2Os
(D) Colourless gas

4. Silver article turns black when kept in the open

for a few days due to formation of
(A) H2S
(B) AgS(c)
(C) AgSO4
(D) Ag2S

[Chemical Equation And Balancing]
1. For the reaction 6. 4AI + 3O2  xAI2O3. Find x
2P + Q  R, 8 moles of P and 5 moles of Q (A) 3 (B) 2
will produce: (C) 4 (D) 5
(A) 13 moles of R
(B) 5 moles of R 7. The balanced chemical equation for the reaction
(C) 4 moles of R of zinc metal with hydrochloric acid:
(D) 8 moles of R (A) Zn + HCI  ZnCI + H2
(B) Zn + HCI  ZnCI2 + H2
2. Mg3 N2 + 6H2O  x Mg(OH)2 + y NH3 (C) Zn + 2HCI  2ZnCI2 + H2
In above equation, the values of x and y are: (D) Zn + 2HCI  ZnCI2 + H2
(A) 0, 1
(B) 2, 8 8. The electrolytic decomposition of water gives
(C) 3, 2 H2 and O2 in the ratio of
(D) 2, 2 (A) 1 : 2 by volume
(B) 2 : 1 by volume
3. When one mole of potassium chlorate is heated: (C) 8 : 1 by volume
(A) 2 moles of potassium chloride are formed (D) 1 : 2 by mass
(B) moles of oxygen gas are formed
3 9. Which of the following represents a correct
1 balanced chemical equation?
(C) mole of potassium chloride is formed
2 (A) Fe(s) + 4H2O(g)  Fe3O4(s) + 4H2(g)
3 (B) 3Fe(s) + 4H2O(g)  Fe3O4(s) + 4H2(g)
(D) moles of O2 are formed
2 (C) 3Fe(s) + H2O(g)  Fe3O4(s) + H2(g)
(D) 3Fe(s) + H2O(g)  Fe3O4(s) + H2(g)
4. The coefficients of Aluminium Nitrate, Stannous
sulphate, Stannous Nitrate and Aluminium 10. Which of the following information is not
Sulphate after balancing the given chemical conveyed by a balanced chemical equation?
equation are respectively: (A) Physical states of reactants and products
Al  NO3 3 + SnSO4  Sn  NO3 2 + Al2 SO4 3 (B) Symbols and formula of the substance
(A) 2, 1, 1, 2
(C) No of atoms/molecules of reaction and
(B) 2, 1, 1, 1
(C) 1, 2, 2, 1
(D) Whether a reaction is feasible or not
(D) None of these

5. The equation:
Cu + xHNO3  Cu(NO3)2 + yNO2 + 2H2O
The values of x and y are
(A) 3 and 5 (B) 8 and 16
(C) 4 and 2 (D) 7 and 1

[Types of Chemical Reaction]
1. Copper (II) carbonate on thermal decomposition 6. When carbon dioxide gas is passed through
produces________ and __________ and the potassium hydroxide solution:
colour changes from _______ to _______: (A) Potassium bicarbonate is produced
(A) CuO, CO2, black, blue (B) Potassium carbonate and water are
(B) CO2, Cu2O, green, black produced
(C) Cu2O, CO2, black, blue (C) Potassium bicarbonate, water and carbon
(D) CO2, CuO, green, black monoxide are produced
(D) No chemical reaction takes place
2. In the following reaction:
7. When ferrous sulphide is treated with dil.
xKMnO4  yH2SO4 + z |  aCO2 sulphuric acid, the products are:
COOH (A) FeSO4 and H2S (B) FeS and H2SO4
(C) Fe2SO4 and H2S (D) Fe2(SO4)3 and H2S
bMnSO4  cH2O  dK 2SO4
z, a and c are respectively: 8. When zinc nitrate reacts with sodium sulphide
(A) 5, 3, 8 then:
(B) 3, 5, 8 (A) Soluble salts zinc sulphide and sodium
(C) 5, 10, 8 nitrate are formed.
(D) 2, 3, 3 (B) Soluble salt zinc sulphide and insoluble salt
sodium nitrate is formed.
3. Which of the following reaction is not a (C) Insoluble salt zinc sulphide and soluble salt
precipitation reaction: sodium nitrate is formed.
(A) AgNO3 + NaCl  AgCl + NaNO3 (D) Insoluble salts zinc sulphide and sodium
(B) Pb(NO3)2 + 2KI  PbI2 + 2KNO3 nitrate are formed.
(C) FeCl3 + 3NH4OH  Fe(OH)3 + 3NH4Cl
(D) 2KI + Cl2  2KCl + I2 9. Pb3O4  
x + O2
In the above reaction compound x and its colour
4. Fe2O3 + 2Al  Al2O3 + 2Fe This reaction is is:
an example of- (A) PbO2, Red
(A) Combination reaction (B) PbO, Yellow
(B) Double displacement reaction (C) PbO2, Yellow
(C) Decomposition reaction (D) PbO, Red
(D) Displacement reaction
10. When ammonium hydroxide is added to a
5. Addition of iron or zinc to copper sulphate solution of ferric chloride-
causes precipitation of copper owing to the - (A) A brown precipitate of ferric hydroxide is
(A) reduction of Cu2+ formed along with ammonium chloride.
(B) oxidation of Cu2+ (B) A green precipitate of ferric hydroxide is
(C) hydrolysis of CuSO4 formed along with ammonium chloride.
(D) hydrolysis of CuSO4 (C) A brown precipitate of ferrous hydroxide is
formed along with ammonium chloride.
(D) None of these

[Oxidation and Reduction Reaction]
1. Which of the following is not a redox reaction: 7. Which of the following reaction represents the
(A) SO2 + 2H2S  3S + 2H2O oxidising behaviour of H2SO4:
(B) SO2 + Cl2 + 2H2O  2HCl + H2SO4 (A) 2PCl5 + H2SO4  2POCl3 + 2HCl + SO2Cl2
(C) 2Mg + SO2  2MgO + S (B) 2NaOH + H2SO4  Na2SO4 + 2H2O
(D) None of these (C) NaCl + H2SO4  NaHSO4 + HCl
(D) 2HI + H2SO4  I2 + SO2 + 2H2O
2. Which of the following is a redox reaction?
(A) CaCO3  CaO + CO2 8. In the reaction:
(B) H2 + Cl2 2HCl C + 4HNO3  CO2 + 2H2O + 4NO2HNO3
(C) CaO + 2HCl  CaCl2 + H2O acts as:
(D) NaOH + HCl  NaCl + H2O (A) An oxidising agent
(B) An acid
3. In the redox reaction: 2A– + B2  2B– + A2, (C) A reducing agent
which of the following statements is not correct? (D) None of them
(A) B2 is the oxidising agent
(B) A– is the reducing agent 9. A dilute ferrous sulphate solution was gradually
(C) B2 has gained one electron added to the beaker containing acidified
(D) Both (A) and (B) permanganate solution. The light purple colour of
the solution fades and finally disappears. Which
4. The highest oxidation state of Mn is shown in: of the following is the correct explanation for the
(A) K2MnO4 observation?
(B) KMnO4 (A) KMnO4 is an oxidising agent, it oxidises
(C) MnO2 FeSO4
(D) Mn2O3 (B) FeSO4 acts as an oxidising agent and
oxidises KMnO4
5. Two oxidation states for chlorine are found in (C) The colour disappears due to dilution; no
the compound: reaction is involved
(A) CaOCl2 (D) KMnO4 is an unstable compound and
(B) KCl decomposes in presence of FeSO4 to a
(C) KClO3 colourless compound
(D) Cl2O7
10. In the equation, NaOH + HNO3  NaNO3 +
6. Which of the following is not a redox change? H2O nitric acid is acting as
(A) 2H2S + SO2  2H2O + 3S (A) An oxidizing agent
(B) 2BaO + O2  2BaO2 (B) An acid
(C) BaO2 + H2SO4  BaSO4 + H2O2 (C) A nitrating agent
(D) A dehydrating agent
(D) 2KClO3  2KCl + 3O2

[Complete Chapter]
1. Which of the following halogen is not in the 4. Match the items of Column-I with the items of

increasing order of their reactivity: F2, Cl2, Br2, I2 the Column-II.

Column-I Column-II
(A) Cl2 + 2KBr 
 2KCl + Br2
(a) NH4OH + CH3COOH (i) Thermal
(B) Cl2 + 2KI 
2KCl + I2
CH3COONH4+H2O decomposition
(C) I2 + 2KBr 
2KI + Br2 (b) 2AgBr2Ag+Br2 (ii) Thermite
(D) None of the above reaction

(c) ZnCO3  ZnO+CO2 (iii) Photochemical

2. Observe the following test tube set - up:

(d) 2Al+Fe2O3 (iv) Neutralization

2Fe+ Al2O3 reactions

Which set - up will produce carbon - dioxide gas:

(A) (d)-(ii), (c)-(iv), (b)-(i), (a)-(iii)
(A) (I) & (II) only
(B) (c)-(i), (a)-(ii), (d)-(iii), (b)-(iv)
(B) (III) & (IV) only
(C) (b)-(ii), (c)-(i), (a)-(iii), (d)-(iv)
(C) (II) & (III) only (D) (a)-(iv), (b)-(iii), (c)-(i), (d)-(ii)
(D) (I) & (IV) only
5. The reaction H2S + H2O2  S + 2H2O manifests:

3. Statement 1: Reaction between alkalies and (A) Oxidising action of H2O2

(B) Reducing nature of H2O2
CO2 is a neutralisation reaction.
(C) Acidic nature of H2O2
Statement 2: CO2 is acidic in nature.
(D) Alkaline nature of H2O2
Choose the correct option:

(A) Statement I is correct only 6. Barium chloride on reacting with ammonium

(B) Statement II is correct only sulphate forms barium sulphate and ammonium

(C) Both statements are correct and statement II chloride. Which of the following correctly
represents the type of the reaction involved?
is correct explanation of statement I
(i) Displacement reaction
(D) Statement I & II are correct but statement II
(ii) Precipitation reaction
is not correct explanation of statement I (iii) Combination reaction
(iv) Double displacement reaction
(A) (i) only (B) (ii) only
(C) (iv) only (D) (ii) and (iv)

7. Metallic copper is heated strongly with 9. Dilute hydrochloric acid is added to granulated
concentrated sulfuric acid. The products of this zinc taken in a test tube. The following
reaction are observations are recorded. Point the correct
(A) CuSO4 and H2 observation.
(B) Cu, SO2 and H2O (A) The surface of metal become shining
(C) Cu, H2, 2+H2O (B) The reaction mixture turns milky
(D) CuSO4 H2, and SO2 (C) Odour of a pungent smelling gas is
(E) Cu, SO3 and H2O recorded
(D) A colourless and odourless gas is evolved
8. The net ionic equation for the reaction between
silver nitrate and hydrochloric acid is: 10. When the gases Sulphur dioxide and hydrogen
+ –
(A) Ag2CO3 + 2H + 2CI sulphide mix in the presence of water, the
  →2AgCI + H2O + CO2 reaction is
(B) 2Ag+ + CO32– + 2CI– SO2 + 2H2S  2H2O + 3S. here hydrogen
  →2AgCI + H2O + CO2 sulphide is acting as
(C) CO32– + 2H+ →H2O + CO2 (A) An oxidizing agent
(D) AgNO3 + HCl → AgCl + NaNO3 (B) An reducing agent
(C) A dehydrating agent
(D) A catalyst

11. A redox reaction is one in which

(A) Both the substance are reduced
(B) Both the substance are oxidized
(C) An acid is neutralized by the base
(D) One substance is oxidized while the other is

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