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Sikalastic - 560

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Sikalastic®-560 is a cold-applied, one-component wa- ▪ Conformity with LEED v2009 IEQc 4.2: Low-Emitting
terborne liquid applied waterproofing membrane, Materials - Paints and Coatings
highly elastic and UV resistant. ▪ Conformity with LEED v2009 SSc 7.2 (Option 1): Heat
Island Effect - Roof
▪ For roof waterproofing solutions in both new con-
struction and refurbishment projects ▪ Liquid applied roof waterproofing kit according to
▪ For roofs with many details and complex geometry ETAG 005, ETA-12/0308 issued by technical assess-
when accessibility is limited ment body Instituto de ciencias de la construction
▪ For cost efficient life cycle extension of failing roofs Eduardo Torroja, Declaration of performance
▪ For reflective coating to enhance energy efficiency by 99240033, provided with the CE marking
reducing cooling costs ▪ Fulfils initial solar reflectance requirements acc. En-
ergy Star (0.820)
CHARACTERISTICS / ADVANTAGES ▪ Meets requirements of external fire performance
ENV 1187 BRoof (T1) on non-combustible substrates
▪ One-component - ready to use
▪ Cold applied - requires no heat or flame
▪ Seamless waterproofing membrane
▪ UV resistant and UV stable
▪ Highly elastic and crack-bridging
▪ Easily recoated when needed - no stripping required
▪ Economic – provides a cost efficient life cycle exten-
sion for failing roofs
▪ Low VOC emitting water-based coating
▪ Excellent adhesion on porous and non-porous sub-
▪ Water vapour permeable - allows the substrate to
▪ 12 months shelf life

Composition Polyurethane modified acrylic dispersion
Packaging 20 kg plastic pails
20 kg metal pails
Colour Grey, terracotta, red and white (Energy Star)


May 2019, Version 03.01

Shelf life Plastic pails: 18 months from date of production
Metal pails: 12 months from date of production
Storage conditions The product must be stored properly in original, unopened and undam-
aged sealed packaging in dry conditions at temperatures between +5 °C
and +30 °C.
Higher storage temperatures may reduce shelf life of product.
Reference shall also be made to the storage recommendations within the
safety data sheet.
Density ~1.35 kg/l (+23 °C) (EN ISO 2811-1)

Solid content by weight ~65 % (+23 °C / 50 % r.h.)

Solid content by volume ~48 % (+23 °C / 50 % r.h.)

Tensile Strength Not reinforced ~1.5 N/mm2 (DIN 53504)
Reinforced with Sikalastic ~12 N/mm2
Reinforced with Sikalastic® ~4–5 N/mm2
Reemat Premium

Elongation at Break Not reinforced ~350 % (DIN 53504)

Reinforced with Sikalastic® ~40–60 %
Reinforced with Sikalastic® ~70–80 %
Reemat Premium

Solar Reflectance 0.821) (ASTM C 1549)

1)All values refer to the inital (properly cured, non-weathered) status of Sikalastic®-560 white.

Thermal Emittance 0.931) ASTM E 408

1)All values refer to the inital (properly cured, non-weathered) status of Sikalastic®-560 white.

Solar Reflectance Index 1021) (ASTM E 1980)

1)All values refer to the initial (properly cured, non-weathered) status of Sikalastic®-560 white.

Service Temperature With Fleece Without Fleece

-10 °C min. / +80 °C max. -5° C min. / +80 °C max.


May 2019, Version 03.01

System Structure Roof Coating*
Sikalastic®-560 is applied in 2 or 3 coats
Total consumption ≥ 0.9 - 1.4 kg/m2 (≥ 0.6 - 1.0 l/m2)
Dry film thickness ≥ 0.3 - 0.5 mm
*For partial reinforcement Sikalastic® Fleece-120 or Sikalastic® Flexitape Heavy is applied at areas with high
movement, irregular substrate or to bridge cracks, joints and seams on the substrate as well as for details.
On bitumen felt a fully reinforced roof waterproofing system has to be applied.
For primer, please refer to the Substrate Pre-Treatment table below.

Reinforced Roof Waterproofing

Sikalastic®-560 is applied in 1 coat, reinforced with Sikalastic® Fleece-120 or
Sika® Reemat Premium and sealed with 1 - 2 coats of Sikalastic®-560
Layer Product Consumption
1. Primer please refer to sub- please refer to sub-
strate pre-treatment strate pre-treatment
2. Base coat Sikalastic®-560 ≥ 1.0 - 1.5 kg/m2 (≥
0.75 - 1.1 l/m2)
3. Reinforcement Sikalastic® Fleece-120 -
or Sika® Reemat Premi-
4. Top coats Sikalastic®-560 applied ≥1.1 - 1.3 kg/m2 (≥ 0.8 -
in 1-2 coats 0.95 l/m2)
Note: Do not apply more than 0.75 kg/m2 of Sikalastic®-560 per coat for
layers without reinforcement.
Note: These figures are theoretical and do not include for any additional
material required due to surface porosity, surface profile, variations in level
and wastage.

Ambient Air Temperature +8 °C min. / +35 °C max.
Relative Air Humidity 80 % r.h. max.
Substrate Temperature +8 °C min. / +35 °C max.
≥3 °C above dew point
Substrate Moisture Content ≤ 6 % pbw
No rising moisture according to ASTM (Polyethylene-sheet).


May 2019, Version 03.01

Substrate Pre-Treatment Substrate Primer Consumption (kg/m2)
Cementitious substrate Sikalastic®-560 diluted ~0.3
with 10 % water.
Brick and stone Sikalastic®-560 diluted ~0.3
with 10 % water.
Ceramic tiles (un- Sikalastic®-560 diluted ~0.3
glazed) with 10 % water.
Bituminous felt Only required for high ~0.2
reflectivity applica-
tions (Sikalastic® Metal
Primer)* Fully rein-
forced system only
Bituminous coatings Only required for high ~0.2
reflectivity applica-
tions (Sikalastic® Metal
Primer)* Fully rein-
forced system only
Metals Sikalastic® Metal Primer ~0.2
Wooden substrates Timber based roof ~0.3
decks require a com-
plete layer of Sikalast-
ic® Carrier. For ex-
posed timber upstands
use Sikalastic®-560 di-
luted with 10 % water.
Paints Subject to adhesion
and compatibility test
* Sikalastic® Metal Primer prevents migration of bituminous volatiles and improves long-term reflectivity.

Note: These figures are theoretical and do not include for any additional
material required due to surface porosity, surface profile, variations in level
and wastage.
For the Waiting Time / Overcoating, please refer to the PDS of the appro-
priate cleaner and primer. Other substrates must be tested for their com-
patibility. If in doubt, apply a test area first.
Waiting Time / Overcoating Waiting time with Waiting time without Ambient condition
Sikalastic® Fleece Sikalastic® Fleece
24 hours 6 hours +20 °C / 50 % r.h.
12 hours 4 hours +30 °C / 50 % r.h.
Note: Times are approximate and will be affected by changing ambient
conditions, particularly temperature and relative humidity.

Applied Product Ready for Use Touch dry Rain resistant Full cure Ambient condi-
2 hour approx. 8 hours approx. 4 days approx. +20 °C / 50 % r.h.
1 hour approx. 4 hours approx. 2 days approx. +30 °C / 50 % r.h.
Note: Times are approximate and will be affected by changing ambient
conditions, particularly temperature and relative humidity.


May 2019, Version 03.01

SUBSTRATE PREPARATION ▪ Do not apply Sikalastic®-560 on substrates with rising
The surface must be sound, of sufficient strength, ▪ Sikalastic®-560 is not suitable for permanent water
clean, dry and free of dirt, oil, grease and other con- immersion.
tamination. Depending on the material the substrate ▪ On substrates likely to exhibit outgassing, apply dur-
must be primed or mechanically cleaned. Grinding ing falling ambient and substrate temperature. If ap-
may be necessary to level the surface. plied during rising temperatures “pin holing” may oc-
Suitable substrates are such as: concrete, bituminous cur from rising air.
felts and coatings, metal, brickwork, asbestos cement, ▪ Ensure that temperature does not drop below 8 °C
ceramic tiles, wooden substrates. and that relative humidity does not exceed 80 % un-
For detailed information regarding substrate prepara- til the membrane has fully cured.
tion and primer chart please refer to Method State- ▪ Sikalastic®-560 should not be applied on roofs sub-
ment No. 850 94 03. ject to long-term ponding water.
▪ Sikalastic®-560 should not be applied on roofs sub-
ject to ponding water with subsequent periods of
MIXING frost. In cold climatic zones for roofing structures
Prior to application, stir Sikalastic®-560 thoroughly for with a pitch of less than 3 % appropriate measures
1 minute in order to achieve a homogeneous mixture. must be considered.
Over mixing must be avoided to minimise air entrain- ▪ Sikalastic®-560 applied on roofs subject to long-term
ment. freezing at temperature around the minimum ser-
vice temperature of -10 °C should always be rein-
APPLICATION forced with Sikalastic® Fleece-120 in order to guaran-
tee sufficient crack-bridging ability.
Prior the application of Sikalastic®-560 the priming ▪ Do not apply Sikalastic®-560 directly on insulation
coat if used must have cured tack-free. For the Wait- boards. Instead use a separation layer like Sikalastic®
ing Time / Overcoating please refer to the PDS of the Carrier between insulation board and Sikalastic®-560.
appropriate primer. Damageable areas (door frame) ▪ Areas with high movement, irregular substrates, or
have to be protected with an adhesive tape timber based roof decks require a complete layer of
Roof Coating: Sikalastic®-560 is applied in two or three Sikalastic® Carrier.
coats. Prior to the application of a 2nd coat the indic- ▪ Sikalastic®-560 is not recommended for pedestrian
ated waiting time in the table above shall be allowed. traffic. In case pedestrian traffic is unavoidable,
Roof Waterproofing: Sikalastic®-560 is applied in com- Sikalastic®-560 shall be covered with appropriate ele-
bination with Sikalastic® Fleece 120 or Sika® Reemat ments such as tiles, stone plates or wooden panels.
Premium. ▪ Do not apply cementitious products (e.g. tile mortar)
directly onto Sikalastic®-560. Use an alkaline barrier,
1. Apply first coat of appr. 0.75 kg/m2 (for non-absorb- for example kiln dried quartz sand.
ing substrates) – 1.00 kg/m2 (for absorbing sub- ▪ The fire resistance performance has been tested in-
strates) of Sikalastic®-560 on a length of approx. 1m. ternally according to ENV 1187 BRoof (T1).
2. Roll in the Sikalastic® Fleece-120 or Sika® Reemat
Premium and ensure that there are no bubbles or BASIS OF PRODUCT DATA
creases. Overlapping of the fleece minimum 5 cm.
3. Apply second coat of approx. 0.25 kg/m2 - 0.5kg/m2 All technical data stated in this Data Sheet are based
coat right into the wet fleece to achieve the re- on laboratory tests. Actual measured data may vary
quired film thickness. The entire application shall due to circumstances beyond our control.
happen while Sikalastic®-560 is still liquid, wet in
4. Repeat step 1–3 until the roof area is waterproofed.
5. After the two coats are dry, seal the roof area with Note that as a result of specific local regulations the
one or more additional coats of Sikalastic®-560 (≥ declared data and recommended uses for this product
0.5 kg/m² per coat). may vary from country to country. Consult the local
Product Data Sheet for the exact product data and
Please note, always begin with details prior starting uses.
with waterproofing the horizontal surface.
For detailed information regarding application meth-
od please refer to Method Statement No. 850 94 03.
Clean all tools and application equipment with water
immediately after use. Hardened / cured material can
only be removed mechanically.


May 2019, Version 03.01

For information and advice on the safe handling, stor-
age and disposal of chemical products, users shall refer
to the most recent Safety Data Sheet (SDS) containing
physical, ecological, toxicological and other safety-re-
lated data.
According to the EU Directive 2004/42/CE, the maxim-
um allowed content of VOC (product category IIA / i
type wb) is 140 g/l (Limits 2010) for the ready to use
The maximum content of Sikalastic®-560 is < 140 g/l
VOC for the ready to use product.

The information, and, in particular, the recommenda-
tions relating to the application and end-use of Sika
products, are given in good faith based on Sika's cur-
rent knowledge and experience of the products when
properly stored, handled and applied under normal
conditions in accordance with Sika's recommenda-
tions. In practice, the differences in materials, sub-
strates and actual site conditions are such that no war-
ranty in respect of merchantability or of fitness for a
particular purpose, nor any liability arising out of any
legal relationship whatsoever, can be inferred either
from this information, or from any written recom-
mendations, or from any other advice offered. The
user of the product must test the product’s suitability
for the intended application and purpose. Sika re-
serves the right to change the properties of its
products. The proprietary rights of third parties must
be observed. All orders are accepted subject to our
current terms of sale and delivery. Users must always
refer to the most recent issue of the local Product Data
Sheet for the product concerned, copies of which will
be supplied on request.

Sika Lanka (Private) Limited

No. 58/12-B
Raja Mawatha
Ekala, Ja-Ela
Sri Lanka



May 2019, Version 03.01


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