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Prosedur Pemberian Sponsorship & Donation

Procedure of Giving Sponsorship & Donation


1 Tujuan ........................................................................................................................ 2
2 Ruang Lingkup ......................................................................................................... 2
3 Acuan ........................................................................................................................ 2
4 Definisi....................................................................................................................... 2
5 Penanggung Jawab .................................................................................................. 2
5.1 Human Capital & General Services (HCGS) Director, Division (Div) Head of People
Operation Excellence dan Division (Div) Head of Business Line ..................................... 2
5.2 Department (Dept) Head of People Operation Excellence atau Pihak yang Ditunjuk
Mewakili Dept. Head of People Operation Excellence (HO) atau Department (Dept) Head
of Human Capital (HC) (Site) ............................................................................................... 3
5.3 Resepsionis, Sekretaris atau Project Secretary / Site Admin .......................................... 3
6 Uraian Rangkaian Proses ........................................................................................ 3
6.1 Proses Registrasi Sponsorship & Donation (S&D) ........................................................... 3
6.2 Review dan Verifikasi .......................................................................................................... 4
6.3 Persetujuan atau Penolakan ............................................................................................... 4
6.4 Analisis dan Evaluasi .......................................................................................................... 4
7 Sanksi ........................................................................................................................ 5
8 Dokumentasi ............................................................................................................. 5

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Prosedur Pemberian Sponsorship & Donation (S&D)
Procedure of Giving Sponsorship & Donation (S&D)

1 Tujuan 1 Purpose
Memberikan panduan dan informasi kepada To provide guidelines and information for the
karyawan terkait pemberian Sponsorship & employee regarding the provision of Sponsorship
Donation (S&D). & Donation (S&D).

Pemberian Sponsorship & Donation (S&D) Sponsorship & Donation (S&D) focuses on
menitikberatkan kepada membangun hubungan building good relations between Company and the
baik antara Perusahaan dengan lingkungan external stakeholders and/or community as a part
sekitar dan/atau masyarakat sebagai bentuk of corporate social responsibility. It also indicates
tanggung jawab sosial Perusahaan. Serta Company’s support for community social activities
merupakan bentuk dukungan Perusahaan in type of both financial and non-financial support.
terhadap aktivitas sosial masyarakat bagi yang
diberikan baik berupa dukungan finansial maupun
non-finansial. 2 Scope
This procedure acted as a guideline to conduct an
2 Ruang Lingkup
activity related to S&D according to the applied
Prosedur ini digunakan sebagai pedoman untuk policies and standards
melaksanakan kegiatan terkait pemberian S&D
agar dapat sesuai dengan kebijakan dan standar
yang berlaku.
3 Reference
3 Acuan • PTP-GOV-POL-G-0001 Code of Conduct
• PTP-GOV-POL-G-0001 Panduan • PTP-CSR-POL-G-0001 Corporate Social
Berperilaku Responsibility (CSR) Policy
• PTP-CSR-POL-G-0001 Kebijakan • PTP-BEI-POL-G-0001 Anti-Bribery Policy
Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan
• PTP-BEI-POL-G-0001 Kebijakan Anti
Penyuapan 4 Definitions
Sponsorship is attempting (pioneering, initiating,
4 Definisi proposing, organizing, supporting) an activity
Sponsorship adalah mengusahakan (memelopori, (broadcast, performances, etc.) which is held by
memprakarsai, mengusulkan, menyelenggarakan, the other parties.
mendukung) suatu kegiatan (siaran, pertunjukan, Donation is permanent grants or gift (in the form of
dan sebagainya) yang dilakukan oleh pihak lain. money and/or goods) to other parties.
Donasi adalah sumbangan atau pemberian The grant is preferably in the form of goods/similar
(berupa uang dan/atau barang) kepada pihak lain. with the requested goods. Every Sponsorship
Pemberian diutamakan dalam bentuk and/or Donation, whether in type of financial or
barang/serupa berupa barang yang diperlukan. non-financial, shall get approval up to the Director
Setiap pemberian baik berupa finansial maupun / Deputy Director regardless of the minimum value
non-finansial harus mendapatkan persetujuan of the donation.
sampai level Director / Deputy Director tanpa
melihat nilai minimal donasi.
5 Responsibilities
5 Penanggung Jawab
The parties below are those who are directly
Pihak-pihak di bawah ini adalah pihak yang responsible for S&D, in their respective capacities.
bertanggung jawab secara langsung terhadap
S&D, pada kapasitasnya masing-masing. If there is a condition where the S&D giver and
approver are the same party, then the approval or
Apabila terdapat suatu kondisi dimana pemberi rejection of the S&D giving must be submitted to
dan persetujuan S&D merupakan pihak yang one level above the S&D giver.
sama, maka persetujuan maupun penolakan
pemberian S&D harus diajukan ke satu level
diatas pemberi S&D. 5.1 Human Capital & General Services (HCGS)
5.1 Human Capital & General Services (HCGS) Director, Division (Div) Head of People
Director, Division (Div) Head of People Operation Excellence, and Division (Div) Head
Operation Excellence dan Division (Div) Head of Business Line
of Business Line

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Prosedur Pemberian Sponsorship & Donation (S&D)
Procedure of Giving Sponsorship & Donation (S&D)

a) Menyetujui atau menolak segala a) Approves or decline any form of giving

pemberian S&D dalam bentuk apapun. S&D.
b) Div. Head of Business Line bertanggung b) Div. Head of Business Line is responsible
jawab terhadap pengawasan pemakaian for supervising the spend of the S&D
anggaran S&D yang telah ditentukan budget that has been determined for each
untuk masing-masing site / project. site / project.
5.2 Department (Dept) Head of People Operation 5.2 Department (Dept) Head of People Operation
Excellence atau Pihak yang Ditunjuk Mewakili Excellence or Person in Charge on behalf of
Dept. Head of People Operation Excellence Dept. Head of People Operation Excellence
(HO) atau Department (Dept) Head of Human (HO) atau Department (Dept) Head of Human
Capital (HC) (Site) Capital (HC) (Site)
a) Melakukan verifikasi proposal pengajuan a) Verify and review the S&D proposal that
S&D yang masuk. has been submitted by external party.
b) Melakukan pencatatan dan b) Register and compiling all S&D
mengkompilasi seluruh proposal submission proposals for approval by
pengajuan S&D untuk persetujuan Human Human Capital and each business line.
Capital dan masing-masing business line. c) Dept. Head of HC (Site) is responsible for
c) Dept. Head of HC (Site) bertanggung supervising the use of the S&D budget that
jawab terhadap pengawasan pemakaian has been determined for each site /
anggaran S&D yang telah ditentukan project.
untuk masing-masing site / project.
5.3 Resepsionis, Sekretaris atau Project Secretary 5.3 Receptionist, Secretary or Project Secretary /
/ Site Admin Site Admin
Menerima segala proposal S&D yang ditujukan Receives all the proposals that are sent by external
kepada Direksi dan karyawan Departemen untuk party and addressed to Board of Director or
kemudian diserahkan kepada Dept. Head of employee/department, then submits it to Dept.
People Operation Excellence (HO) atau Dept. Head of People Operation Excellence (HO) or
Head of HC (Site). Dept. Head of HC (Site).
Apabila pada lokasi kerja tertentu tidak memiliki If the Dept. Head of People Operation Excellence
posisi Dept. Head of People Operation Excellence IHO) or Dept. Head of HC (Site) position is not
(HO) atau Dept. Head of HC (Site), maka Pihak available within certain work location, Person in
yang mewakili Dept. Head of People Operation Charge on behalf of Dept. Head of People
Excellence atau Head of Project menjadi Operation Excellence or Head of Project will act as
perwakilan pada lokasi tersebut untuk menerima the representative to receive the proposals that are
proposal yang diajukan dari pihak eksternal. sent by external party.

6 Uraian Rangkaian Proses 6 Description of Process

6.1 Proses Registrasi Sponsorship & Donation 6.1 Sponsorship & Donation (S&D Registration)
(S&D) Process
• Resepsionis atau Sekretaris atau Project • Receptionist or Secretary or Project
Secretary / Site Admin menerima proposal Secretary / Site Admin receives S&D
S&D yang dikirim oleh pihak luar untuk proposal that has been sent by external
kemudian diserahkan kepada Dept. Head parties and addressed to Board of
of People Operation Excellence atau Director, employee/department, for later
Pihak yang ditunjuk mewakili Dept. Head submit to Dept. Head of People Operation
of People Operation Excellence (HO) atau Excellence or Person in Charge on behalf
Dept. Head of HC (Site). of Dept. Head of People Operation
• Apabila Direksi, karyawan / departemen Excellence (HO) or Dept. Head of HC
menerima proposal S&D secara (Site).
langsung, proposal tersebut diteruskan • In case of Board of Director,
kepada Dept. Head of People Operation employee/department directly receives
Excellence atau Pihak yang ditunjuk S&D proposal, it is shall be forwarded to
mewakili Dept. Head of People Operation Dept. Head of People Operation
Excellence (HO) atau Dept. Head of HC Excellence or Person in Charge on behalf
(Site) untuk ditinjau dan didaftarkan. of Dept. Head of People Operation
• Dept. Head of People Operation Excellence (HO) or Dept. Head of HC
Excellence atau Pihak yang ditunjuk (Site) to be registered and reviewed.
mewakili Dept. Head of People Operation

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Prosedur Pemberian Sponsorship & Donation (S&D)
Procedure of Giving Sponsorship & Donation (S&D)

Excellence (HO) atau Dept. Head of HC • Dept. Head of People Operation

(Site) mendaftarkan setiap penerimaan Excellence or Person in Charge on Dept.
proposal S&D dalam PTP-HR-FO-G-0123 Head of People Operation Excellence or
Sponsorship & Donation (S&D) Dept. Head of HC (Site) registers every
Registration Form. S&D proposal received from external
parties on PTP-HR-FO-G-0123
Sponsorship & Donation (S&D)
Registration Form.

6.2 Review dan Verifikasi

6.2 Review and Verification
• Dept. Head of People Operation
Excellence atau Pihak yang ditunjuk • Dept. Head of People Operation
mewakili Dept. Head of People Operation Excellence or Person in Charge on behalf
Excellence (HO) atau Dept. Head of HC of Dept. Head of People Operation
(Site) melakukan review dan verifikasi Excellence (HO) or Dept. Head of HC
terkait pengajuan proposal S&D. (Site) conducts review and verification
related to S&D proposal submission.
• Dept. Head of People Operation
Excellence atau Pihak yang ditunjuk • Dept. Head of People Operation
mewakili Dept. Head of People Operation Excellence or Person in Charge on behalf
Excellence (HO) atau Dept. Head of HC of Dept. Head of People Operation
(Site) berhak menentukan besaran S&D Excellence (HO) or Dept. Head of HC
yang diberikan, termasuk bentuk (Site) has the right to determine the
pemberian S&D baik secara finansial amount of S&D awarded, including the
maupun non-finansial. form of S&D provision, both financial and
6.3 Persetujuan atau Penolakan
HCGS Director, Div. Head of People Operation 6.3 Approval / Rejection
Excellence, dan/atau Div. Head of Business Line HCGS Director, Div. Head of People Operation
mengetahui dan menandatangani pencatatan / Excellence, and/or Div. Head of Business Line
pelaporan yang dibuat oleh Dept. Head of People acknowledge and sign the records / reports made
Operation Excellence atau Pihak yang ditunjuk by I Dept. Head of People Operation Excellence or
mewakili Dept. Head of People Operation Person in Charge on behalf of Dept. Head of
Excellence (HO) atau Dept. Head of HC (Site) People Operation Excellence (HO) or Dept. Head
terkait penerimaan proposal S&D, dengan of HC (Site) regarding the acceptance of S&D
ketentuan sebagai berikut: proposals, with the following conditions:
a) Proposal yang dipertimbangkan untuk a) Proposals that will be considered to be
disetujui adalah proposal yang terkait approved are proposals related to the
dengan kegiatan: activities of:
• Pendidikan. • Education.
• Kesehatan. • Health.
• Lingkungan. • Environment.
• Keagamaan. • Religious.
• Sosial budaya. • Social-cultural.
• Perayaan hari besar nasional. • National celebrations day.
• Santunan korban bencana alam. • Natural disaster victims.
b) Proposal yang ditolak atau tidak b) Proposals that are not allowed or shall be
diperbolehkan adalah proposal yang rejected are proposals that lead to political
mengarah kepada tujuan-tujuan politik, purposes, bribery efforts, that violates the
upaya-upaya penyuapan, yang Code of Conduct guidelines, or contrary to
bertentangan dengan Panduan the point 1 above.
Berperilaku, atau bertentangan dengan c)
point nomor 1 (satu) di atas. d) For the S&D approved proposals to be
Bagi proposal S&D yang disetujui, untuk dapat processed for the payments, it is required
diproses pembayarannya harus melampirkan to attach the approved S&D from the
persetujuan dari pihak berwenang sesuai authorized person as stated in this
dengan prosedur ini. procedure.
6.4 Analisis dan Evaluasi 6.4 Analysis and Evaluation
Dept. Head of People Operation Excellence atau Dept. Head of People Operation Excellence or
Pihak yang ditunjuk mewakili Dept. Head of People Person in Charge on behalf of Dept. Head of
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Prosedur Pemberian Sponsorship & Donation (S&D)
Procedure of Giving Sponsorship & Donation (S&D)

Operation Excellence membuat laporan berkala People Operation Excellence shall create a montly
tiap bulan, yang berisikan: report, which consists of:
• Daftar pemberian S&D beserta persentasi • List of given S&D, including percentage of
S&D yang disetujui maupun yang ditolak; which approved and declined;
• Rekomendasi dan tindak lanjut pemberian • Follow-up action regards with giving
S&D yang diduga mengandung unsur and/or receiving S&D which allegedly
pelanggaran terhadap Peraturan violate the Company Regulations and/or
Perusahaan dan Panduan Berperilaku. Code of Conduct.

7 Sanksi 7 Sanction
Apabila terdapat suatu kondisi dimana ditemukan If there is a condition where it is found that S&D
S&D yang diberikan namun dengan sengaja tidak given but intentionally not reported, the provider of
dilaporkan maka pemberi S&D dapat dikenakan S&D may be subject to sanctions in accordance
sanksi sesuai dengan Peraturan Perusahaan yang with applicable Company Regulations

8 Dokumentasi 8 Documentation
PTP-HR-FO-G-0123 Sponsorship & Donation PTP-HR-FO-G-0123 Sponsorship & Donation
Registration (S&D) Form. (S&D) Registration Form

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