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Bioresource Technology 369 (2023) 128423

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Review of biochar production via crop residue pyrolysis: Development

and perspectives
Yize Li a, Rohit Gupta a, b, c, Qiaozhi Zhang d, Siming You a, *
James Watt School of Engineering, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK
Nanoengineered Systems Laboratory, UCL Mechanical Engineering, University College London, London WC1E 7JE, UK
Wellcome/EPSRC Centre for Interventional and Surgical Sciences, University College London, London W1W 7TY, UK
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China


• Crop residue-derived biochar production reduces global warming potential.

• The feedstock composition and pyrolysis temperature strongly regulate biochar yields.
• Slow pyrolysis and microwave-assisted pyrolysis suitable for biochar production.
• Physical and chemical properties of biochar are critically discussed.
• The concept of biochar, bio-oil, and gas nexus is important for sustainability.


Keywords: Worldwide surge in crop residue generation has necessitated developing strategies for their sustainable disposal.
Agricultural waste Pyrolysis has been widely adopted to convert crop residue into biochar with bio-oil and gas being two co-
Resource recovery products. The review adopts a whole system philosophy and systematically summarises up-to-date knowledge
Sustainable development
of crop residue pyrolysis processes, influential factors, and biochar applications. Essential process design tools for
Machine learning
biochar production e.g., cost-benefit analysis, life cycle assessment, and machine learning methods are also
reviewed, which has often been overlooked in prior reviews. Important aspects include (a) correlating techno-
economics of biochar production with crop residue compositions, (b) process operating conditions and man­
agement strategies, (c) biochar applications including soil amendment, fuel displacement, catalytic usage, etc.,
(d) data-driven modelling techniques, (e) properties of biochar, and (f) climate change mitigation. Overall, the
review will support the development of application-oriented process pipelines for crop residue-based biochar.

1. Introduction thermochemical or thermophysical treatments. Among them, pyrolysis

is a thermochemical process that involves heating of carbon-rich mate­
A plethora of crop residues are produced globally per year (5280 rials (e.g., crop residues, municipal solid waste) in an inert atmosphere
mega tonnes in 2020–21) (Shinde et al. 2022), which require significant to generate biochar, bio-oil, and gas as value-added products (Li et al.
disposal efforts. Typical treatment techniques for crop residues include 2022a). There are six major types of pyrolysis technologies: fast pyrol­
composting and open combustion, which are featured by emissions of air ysis, flash pyrolysis, slow pyrolysis, vacuum pyrolysis, hydro-pyrolysis,
pollutants (e.g., H2S, SO2, and NH3) and limited resource utilisation and microwave pyrolysis (MWP). These technologies are differed by
efficiency (Alhazmi and Loy, 2021; Chungcharoen and Srisang, 2020). their heating rate, pyrolysis temperature, residence time, reaction en­
Recent research has focused on developing new technologies for vironments, and heating methods. In general, the proportions of value-
environment-friendly bioresource recovery from crop residues towards added products generated by pyrolysis technologies are different
achieving global net-zero goals. (Ippolito et al. 2020). For example, the fast, flash, and vacuum pyrolysis
Crop residues can be converted to various value-added products via processes favour the production of bio-oil, while hydro-pyrolysis mainly

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (S. You).
Received 25 September 2022; Received in revised form 27 November 2022; Accepted 28 November 2022
Available online 30 November 2022
0960-8524/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
Y. Li et al. Bioresource Technology 369 (2023) 128423

produces gas under high pressure and hydrogen atmosphere (Liu et al. 2. Crop residues
2020; Yousaf et al. 2021). Among these technologies, slow pyrolysis and
MWP are regarded as promising technologies that favour biochar pro­ The composition of feedstocks plays a vital role in biochar produc­
duction (Liu et al. 2021; Nzediegwu et al. 2021). tion and determines the final product characteristics and quality
Biochar, being a carbon-rich material has been utilized in a wide (Tomczyk et al. 2020). Compared to woody biomass and organic waste
variety of applications due to important characteristics such as specific (e.g., manure, sewage sludge, and compost), crop residues have low ash
surface area (SSA), pore volume (PV), gross calorific value (GCV), sur­ contents, high calorific values, and fewer voids (Ji et al. 2022). A wide
face functional groups, cation exchange capacity (CEC), and structural variety of crop residues can be utilized as feedstock for pyrolysis-based
stability (Wang and Wang, 2019). It has the potential for carbon biochar production (See Table 2). Proximate, ultimate, and lignocellu­
sequestration by effectively removing carbon from the atmospheric losic are the three main compositional metrics for crop residues. The
carbon cycle and transferring it to long-term storage in the soil (Li and proximate composition of biomass includes fixed carbon (FC), volatile
You, 2022). Biochar can be used as an adsorbent to remove water and air matter (VM), ash, and moisture content (MC). For most crop residue
pollutants. Catalytic usage of biochar includes a wide range of industrial feedstocks, FC, VM, ash, and MC content are in the ranges of 3–26%,
applications such as biodiesel production, gas production, and microbial 65–90%, 1–15%, and 0–10%, respectively (see Table 2). The VM content
fuel cell (MFC) electrodes (Lee et al. 2017). The performance of biochar and the yield of biochar are more sensitive to pyrolysis temperature,
in these applications and associated environmental impacts is contin­ whilst the feedstock type predominantly influences the FC and ash
gent upon the physicochemical properties of biochar that are closely contents of biochar. Among these compositions, ash and VM contents
related to pyrolysis process conditions and the composition of feedstocks are critical factors for biochar when utilized for soil amendment appli­
(Li et al. 2019; Sun et al. 2017). The socio-economic and environmental cations (Usman et al. 2015), whilst biochar with a high ash content
benefits (or drawbacks) of a biochar production technology are strongly shows great potential as a catalyst for thermal conversion technologies.
interlinked with the selection of feedstock, operating conditions, reactor Nevertheless, a high ash content of biochar may be undesirable for
specifications, and targeted applications, which necessitates adopting a adsorption-related applications, since it can limit the accessibility of
whole-system approach for rapid process design and optimization. adsorption sites on biochar surface and a high ash content often reduces
There have been numerous reviews on biochar production from the micropore surface area. Generally, crop residues have lower ash
agricultural residues in recent years, as summarized in Table 1. contents than organic waste, which leads to higher SSA and porosity in
Compared to the existing reviews, this work adopts a whole-system crop residues-based biochar (Leng et al. 2021). The FC content of bio­
approach and gathers up-to-date knowledge on the pyrolysis pro­ char is a key parameter in assessing its stability and potential for
cesses, influential factors, and biochar application as well as associated sequestering atmospheric carbon. Moreover, MC can significantly affect
process design methods (e.g., cost-benefit analysis (CBA), life cycle harvest, transport, storage, and biochar production (Alhazmi and Loy,
assessment (LCA), and machine learning (ML)-based modelling) that are 2021). Intuitively, a lower value of MC is favourable for transportation
related to the design of biochar production systems. Specifically, this and storage purposes due to significant volume reduction and is gener­
review summarises recent knowledge on the composition of crop resi­ ally good for achieving higher energy efficiency for pyrolysis.
dues, six major types of pyrolysis technologies, influences of process Another important compositional aspect is the ultimate composition,
factors, and new biochar applications. which includes carbon (C), hydrogen (H), oxygen (O), nitrogen (N), and
The article is structured as follows. Section 2 presents the effects of sulphur (S). Among all these elements, C has the highest proportion in
various crop residues composition on biochar production. Also, various most biomass followed by O and H, accounting for 40–65%, 25–50%,
pyrolysis reactions are discussed in Section 3 according to the technical and 5–10%, respectively (See Table 2). Besides, the negligible amount of
characteristics along with the reaction environment. Subsequently, S and N in raw agricultural biomass indicates that limited toxic gases
Section 4 comprehensively analyses the pyrolysis process parameters (H2S and N2O) are emitted during the pyrolysis process. The C content of
coupled with the corresponding influences on biochar yield and prop­ biochar depends on the types of feedstocks, and crop residues-based
erties. Then, the advanced biochar applications and implications are biochar generally has a higher C content than organic wastes such as
critically reviewed in Section 5, including bio-product trade-off issues, manure and sewage sludge (Ji et al. 2022). It was reported that higher C
biochar stability vs yield, LCA, CBA, ML models, and the latest biochar and O contents in feedstocks could result in higher yields and the net
applications. Finally, the areas for future improvements are recom­ calorific value of biochar (Leng and Huang, 2018). The H/C and O/C
mended based on the conclusive findings. ratios in produced biochar determine its stability, aromaticity, and po­
larity. The decrease in H/C and O/C ratios corresponds to the high
aromaticity and low polarity of biochar, suggesting that the biochar has

Table 1
Past reviews on biochar production for agricultural residues.
No. Highlights and Scope Reference

1 Reviewed the different biochar production techniques. Also, the effects of various process parameters on the biochar production were discussed. Tripathi et al. (2016)
2 Focused on biochar production technologies and application for soil management. It mainly reported the different reaction processes and the Gabhane et al. (2020)
potential of biochar for soil applications.
3 Reviewed the management of crop residues and biochar application benefits for climate change mitigation in India. Impact of slow pyrolysis Anand et al. (2022)
parameters on biochar production were discussed.
4 A comprehensive study on LCA of pyrolysis processes for the sustainable production of biochar from crop residues. Various cases of LCA Zhu et al. (2022)
methodologies and impact categories were reviewed.
5 Reviewed MWP of biomass and produced biochar characteristics, which mainly focused on biochar yield and properties. A comparison of MWP and Li et al. (2016)
other pyrolysis was carried out.
6 Slow pyrolysis and fast pyrolysis on quality biochar were reviewed. The effects of feedstock composition and various process parameters on biochar Tan et al. (2021)
production were also discussed.
7 The relationship between physicochemical properties and applications of biochar was analysed. The future research requirements for biochar Li et al. (2020)
preparation and applications were proposed.
8 Reviewed biochar production from different blended feedstocks for the adsorption of organic and inorganic pollutants Ahmed and Hameed,

Y. Li et al. Bioresource Technology 369 (2023) 128423

Table 2
The proximate and ultimate analysis of various crop-based biomass (db: dry basis).
Feedstock FC VM Ash MC C H O N S Reference(s)
(% db.) (% db.) (% db.) (% db.) (% db.) (% db.) (% db.) (% db.) (% db.)

Corncob 12.45 82.38 5.04 0 47.4 5.8 50.1 0.6 0.1 Wang et al. (2022)
Corn stalk 14.68 82.42 2.91 0 43.6 5.8 49.4 1.1 0.1 Wang et al. (2022)
Corn stover 8.93 82.21 8.86 0 43.28 5.92 39.32 1.96 0.66 He et al. (2018)
Sugarcane bagasse 8.87 81.23 2.51 7.39 49.26 5.26 44.95 0.43 0.1 Ahmed et al. (2018)
Coconut shell 11.10 75.50 3.20 10.10 64.23 6.89 27.61 0.77 0.50 Rout et al. (2016)
Coconut fiber 11.10 80.85 8.05 0 47.75 5.61 45.51 0.90 0.23 Rout et al. (2016)
Wheat straw 9.93 80.7 9.37 0 42.95 5.64 40.51 0.76 0.78 He et al. (2018)
Rice husk 11.44 73.41 15.14 0.01 41.92 6.34 – 1.85 0.47 Biswas et al. (2017)
Rice straw 10.06 76.87 13.07 0 40.06 5.47 40.23 0.69 0.48 Hong et al. (2020)
Rape stalk 7.49 86.09 6.42 0 43.92 5.92 42.54 0.49 0.71 He et al. (2018)
Cassava stem 16.07 81.51 2.42 0 44.47 5.82 48.88 0.01 0.83 Shariff and Noor, (2016)
Cassava rhizome 9.08 83.64 7.28 0 41.78 5.97 51.07 0.26 0.92 Shariff and Noor, (2016)
Cotton stalk 10.17 82.38 7.45 0 43.95 5.81 41.12 1.12 0.56 Hong et al. (2020)
Banana leaves 16.92 84.82 6.72 0 43.50 6.20 42.30 0.80 0.90 Sellin et al. (2016)
Sugarcane straw 3.22 87.61 9.17 3.12 41.88 5.87 41.72 0.47 – Dos Reis Ferreira et al. (2018)
Barley straw 11.83 78.8 6.43 2.94 45.41 6.1 46.21 1.18 – Ahmed and Hameed, (2018)
Flax straw 11.4 81.3 2.9 4.4 44.4 6.7 46.5 1.4 1.2 Mukhambet et al. (2022)
Maize cobs 25.51 72.95 1.54 0 46.92 6.08 44.86 0.61 – Intani et al. (2016)
Maize husk 22.79 74.24 2.97 0 44.96 6.02 45.57 0.48 – Intani et al. (2016)
Maize leaves 22.73 67.78 9.49 0 43.68 5.82 39.88 1.06 0.06 Intani et al. (2016)

excellent resistance to microbial decomposition, making it a strong impacts, etc). This review focuses on six major types of pyrolysis tech­
contender in the MFC industry (Liew et al. 2022). The N content of nologies: fast, slow, flash, vacuum, MWP, and hydro pyrolysis depend­
biochar is a critical factor for its fertilizer application. A high content of ing on operation conditions (see Table 3).
macromolecular amino acids and proteins in the feedstock will result in
a high N content in biochar. Among crop residues, woody biomass and
organic wastes, the N content of crop residues is normally higher than 3.1. Slow pyrolysis
woody biomass and lower than organic wastes (Pariyar et al. 2020).
The structural composition of crop residues is quantified by lignin, Slow pyrolysis is operated at a relatively low heating rate (0.1 to
cellulose, and hemicellulose (L–C–H) contents, which strongly regu­ 1 ◦ C/s) and long residence time (300 to 7200 s), while having pyrolysis
late biochar yields and properties. The L–C–H of agricultural biomass temperature in the range of 300 to 700 ◦ C (Li and You, 2022). The low
is in the range of 9–27%, 28–47%, and 11–39%, respectively (Liu et al. heating rate reduces secondary pyrolysis and thermal cracking of
2018; Shariff and Noor, 2016). They decompose in the temperature biomass, favouring biochar formation as the main product (Tan et al.
range of 200 to 500 ◦ C, 300 to 380 ◦ C, and 200 to 300 ◦ C, respectively 2021). Biswas et al. (2017) carried out slow pyrolysis experiments for
(Liu et al. 2018). The degradation of L–C–H with increasing pyrolysis four types of crop residues that were converted to bio-products. In the
temperature leads to an increase in gas yields (e.g., CO, CO2, CH4, and experiments, the pyrolysis temperature was within the range of
H2), indicating a decrease in biochar yields. Meanwhile, the pyrolysis 300–450 ◦ C, while the residence time and heating rate were kept con­
rate increases when cellulose and hemicellulose contents are higher than stant (residence time = 3600 s and heating rate = 0.33 ◦ C/s). Among the
lignin, which results in high bio-oil and low biochar yields (Bhatta­ four feedstocks (corn cob, rice straw, rice husk, and wheat straw), rice
charjee and Biswas, 2019). However, The SSA and porosity of biochar husk achieved the highest biochar yield (43.3%) at 300 ◦ C. Furthermore,
are higher if there is a higher lignin content in feedstock (Leng et al. the biochar yield decreased from 43.3% to 35.0% when the pyrolysis
2021). temperature increased from 300 to 450 ◦ C. Zhang et al. (2020) utilized
slow pyrolysis of crop residues such as wheat, corn, rape, and rice straws
3. Pyrolysis technologies to produce biochar. The associated pyrolysis temperature was varied
within the range of 300–600 ◦ C, while the heating rate and residence
Based on the choice of crop residue feedstock for pyrolysis, appro­ time were fixed at 0.17 ◦ C/s and 3600 s. For the different types of
priate pyrolysis technology must be selected for optimal biochar pro­ feedstocks, the effects of pyrolysis temperature on biochar yield were
duction in terms of (e.g., process efficiency, economics, environmental similar, and the biochar yield decreased for higher values of pyrolysis
temperature. For instance, the highest biochar yield was 51.4% from

Table 3
Different types of pyrolysis processes and associated reaction parameters.
Technology Fast Slow MWP Flash Vacuum Hydro

Pressure (Mpa) 0.1 0.1 5–20 0.1 0.01–0.20 10–17

Residence time (s) 0.5–10 300–7200 <30 <1 <1 60–120
Heating rate (◦ C/s) 10–200 0.1–1 0.5–2 >1000 0.1–1 10–300
Pyrolysis 500–1200 300–600 300–700 900–1300 300–700 350–600
temperature (◦ C)
Gaseous Inert Inert Inert Inert Inert atmosphere under Hydrogen
environment vacuum
Reference(s) Ghysels et al. (2019); Biswas et al. (2017); Li and Foong et al. (2021); Li Li et al. (2013); Dos Santos et al. (2019); Kong et al. (2020); Oh
Liu et al. (2020); You, (2022); Tan et al. et al. (2022a); Sekar et al. (2021); Garca-Pèrez et al. (2002); et al. (2021); Wang and
Tripathi et al. (2016) (2021); Tripathi et al. (2016); Nzediegwu et al. Tripathi et al. Lam et al. (2019); Yousaf Song, (2018); Zhang
Zhang et al. (2020) (2021) (2016) et al. (2021) et al. (2018)

Y. Li et al. Bioresource Technology 369 (2023) 128423

rice straw at 300 ◦ C, while the lowest biochar was 27.32% at 600 ◦ C inhibition of secondary degradation, which is essential for biochar
from rape straw. production, the vacuum pyrolysis reaction prodcues high yields of bio-
oil (Yousaf et al. 2021). This is attributed to the disproportionate
3.2. Microwave pyrolysis removal of VM at a higher temperature, generating higher levels of
heating and thus higher levels of biomass decomposition. For vacuum
MWP is an emerging technology for efficient biomass conversion into pyrolysis, raising the pyrolysis temperature lowers the biochar yield
value-added bio-products. Unlike conventional pyrolysis (CP), the which is synergistic with other types of pyrolysis (Lam et al. 2019).
heating energy is supplied via microwaves that penetrate the feedstocks,
and cause their internal molecules to vibrate i.e., phononic oscillations 3.3.3. Hydro-pyrolysis
non-intrusively (Ethaib et al. 2020). The MWP parameters that signifi­ Hydro-pyrolysis is with a high-pressure hydrogen atmospheric con­
cantly influence product yields and characteristics include microwave dition within the reactor for the process. The process parameters for
power, amount and concentration of microwave absorber, initial MC, hydro-pyrolysis are generally in the following ranges: pressure = 10–17
purge gas flow rate, and residence time (Morgan et al. 2017). MPa, pyrolysis temperature = 350–600 ◦ C, heating rate = 10–300 ◦ C/s,
There have been several studies to assess the influences of parametric and residence time > 60 s (Oh et al. 2021). It was reported that the
changes toward the efficacy of MWP-based processes. For instance, technology under a high pressure hydrogen-based gaseous condition
canola and wheat straws were pyrolysed under variable pyrolysis tem­ could increase the yields of gas and aromatic hydrocarbons by 19% and
peratures (300, 400, and 500 ◦ C) with a microwave frequency of 2.45 57%, respectively, when compared with CP operating at an inert at­
GHz (Nzediegwu et al. 2021). As the pyrolysis temperature increased, mosphere condition (Zhang et al. 2018). High hydrogen pressure syn­
the biochar yield decreased while the thermal stability of the derived ergistically increases the biochar yield and reduces the yield of tar and
biochar increased. Besides, the biochar produced at 500 ◦ C was more light aromatics through secondary reactions. According to Wang and
favourable for use as a soil conditioner with the highest carbon stability, Song (2018), the co-loading of Zinc (Zn) and Gallium (Ga) in hydro-
while the biochar prepared at 300 ◦ C showed the greatest affinity for pyrolysis significantly increased the aromatic hydrocarbon yield by
inorganic and polar organic pollutants due to its highest polarity, which 37.4%. However, due to the presence of oxygenated compounds (e.g.,
could be used as an adsorbent. This suggests that by tuning the MWP acids and aldehydes), the produced bio-oil cannot be directly used as a
parameters, the resultant biochar can be tuned for a bespoke applica­ transportation fuel. Therefore, it needs to be further upgraded by e.g.,
tion. Li et al. (2022a) proposed a new approach by combining conven­ hydrotreating, incurring additional process complexity and costs and
tional pre-pyrolysis with MWP to produce biochar from the cotton stalk. making hydro-pyrolysis a less-popular standalone technology (Kong
Experiments were conducted within a pyrolysis temperature range of et al. 2020).
250–450 ◦ C while lowering the ramp-up time from 124 to 20 s
(compared to MWP). This is synergetic to increase the heating rate in the 4. Effects of pyrolysis process attributes
case of CP processes. By adopting this strategy, the biochar yield was
increased from 21% to 33% (compared to MWP) with a high carbon The prior discussion on various pyrolysis technologies indicated that
content (>70%). The biochar produced by MWP is also featured by a the selection of optimal process parameters is required for application-
higher SSA and adsorption ability than those derived via CP. According specific biochar production. Essential parameters that dictate the yield
to a latest study, where the corn stalk was irradiated for 600 s within a and quality of biochar are pyrolysis temperature, particle size of feed­
power range of 100–600 W, the maximum SSA of the produced biochar stock, residence time, heating rate, gas flow rate, reactor pressure,
was 325.2 m2g− 1, which could adsorb aromatic hydrocarbons (e.g., reactor design, and catalyst usage. The quality of biochar is usually
54.75 mg/g benzene and 48.73 mg/g o-xylene) (Xiang et al. 2022). assessed in terms of the chemical (elemental composition) and physical
properties (SSA and PV) of the biochar (see Tables 4 and 5).
3.3. Other types of pyrolysis
4.1. Effects of pyrolysis temperature
3.3.1. Fast and flash pyrolysis
Fast pyrolysis is featured a high heating rate (10–200 ◦ C/s), during 4.1.1. Biochar properties
which biomass is prone to be converted to liquid products over biochar The H/C and O/C ratios in produced biochar affect its stability and
formation (Liu et al. 2020). The pyrolysis temperature is within the aromaticity. It was found that the C content in biochar increased when
range of 500–1200 ◦ C, at which thermal cracking occurs, and the resi­ the pyrolysis temperature increased. A further increase in pyrolysis
dence time is controlled within the range of 0.5–10 s to reduce char temperature resulted in fewer H- and O-containing functional groups
formation (Ghysels et al. 2019; Tripathi et al. 2016). Flash pyrolysis due to dehydration and deoxygenation (Zhou et al. 2021). The increase
being a variation of fast pyrolysis has a higher heating rate (>1000 ◦ C/s) in the C content and decrease in the H content resulted to a decrease of
and pyrolysis temperature (>900 ◦ C) (Li et al. 2013). The high heating H/C, implying a more stable structure of biochar. In addition, the con­
rate combined with the high pyrolysis temperature and short residence tent of molten aromatic ring structures in biochar increased with py­
time (<1 s) result in high bio-oil and low biochar yields. Both fast and rolysis temperature, while that of unstable non-aromatic ring structures
flash pyrolysis are unfavourable for biochar production. Although fast decreased (Zheng et al. 2020).
and flash pyrolysis do not favour biochar formation, the biochar formed The PV and SSA increased with increasing temperature, especially
by these methods has higher SSA than that derived through slow py­ when the temperature was raised to above 550 ◦ C. This is due to the
rolysis. Due to the shrinking of the solid matrix at higher temperatures, release of VM from the feedstock. The biochar produced from Symphy­
the larger pores of the biochar become smaller, thereby increasing the tum officinale L achieved the highest SSA and PV, being 273.8 m2g− 1 and
SSA of biochar and the availability of diffusion/reaction sites (De 0.243 cm3g− 1, respectively, when the pyrolysis temperature was 750 ◦ C.
Mendonça et al., 2017). Higher pyrolysis temperatures created more cracks on the surface of
biochar, resulting in greater porosity (Du et al. 2019).
3.3.2. Vacuum pyrolysis
Vacuum pyrolysis utilises a reactor operating in a sub-atmospheric 4.1.2. Biochar yield
pressure regime to thermally degrade the feedstock in the absence of Pyrolysis temperature largely dictates biochar yields which generally
oxygen. The pressure, pyrolysis temperature, and heating rate were re­ decrease at elevated temperatures due to an increase in the primary
ported to be in the ranges of 0.01–0.20 MPa, 300–700 ◦ C, and 0.1–1 ◦ C/ decomposition of organic matter present in crop residues. Secondary
s, respectively (Dos Santos et al., 2019; Gabhane et al., 2020). Due to the decomposition of biochar residues (charring and shedding) can also

Y. Li et al. Bioresource Technology 369 (2023) 128423

Table 4
The properties and yields of biochar are influenced by pyrolysis temperature.
Feedstocks Temperature (◦ C) Yield (wt.%) C H (wt.%) O (wt.%) N (wt.%) SSA (m2g− 1) PV (cm3g− 1) Reference(s)

Rice straw 350–650 8.8–41.9 39.75–50.44 1.73–3.55 14.07–14.70 0.71–0.91 2.90–14.33 0.024–0.100 Yang et al. (2021)
Rice straw 300–600 32.8–51.4 56.42–61.30 0.12–2.95 5.71–17.73 1.90–2.15 – – Zhang et al. (2020)
Canola stalk 350–650 8.7–34 41.66–61.87 1.86–3.42 35.41–37.36 0.93–1.96 1.15–7.94 0.005–0.017 Yang et al. (2021)
Wheat straw 300–600 31.6–47 61.48–67.39 0.52–2.73 7.35–19.61 1.10–1.40 – – Zhang et al. (2020)
Corn stalk 300–600 30–43.3 58.04–63.93 1.65–4.28 9.33–18.79 2.11–2.75 – – Zhang et al. (2020)
Corn straw 300–600 30.9–45.9 61.20–67.48 0.18–3.68 8.98–17.39 2.12–2.93 – – Zhang et al. (2020)
Rape straw 300–600 29.3–44.3 61.80–67.85 0.18–3.54 7.89–17.95 0.90–10.02 – – Zhang et al. (2020)
Symphytum officinale 350–750 37–48.4 33.56–41.08 0.93–2.73 7.48–10.72 1.52–1.87 11.54–273.8 0.021–0.243 Du et al. (2019)

Table 5
Effects of pyrolysis process parameters on biochar yield for different crop-residues.
Particle size Pyrolysis Residence time (s) Heating rate Reaction environment Biochar Reference(s)
(mm) temperature (◦ C) (◦ C/s) yield

Rice husk 2.5–10 300–500 1800,3600, 0.1,0.16, 0.33 Media: Nitrogen with 33.7–51.3 Fazeli Sangani
5400,7200 synthetic air et al. (2020)
Flow rate: 0.1 L/min
Reactor: Stainless steel bed
Rice straw 0.42–0.62 550 600 0.1 Media: Nitrogen 37.9 Cen et al. (2019)
Flow rate: 0.3 L/min
Reactor: Stainless steel bed
Palm kernel shell 0.5–2 500 3600 0.1 Media: Nitrogen 37.7 Lee et al. (2017),
Flow rate: 0.05 L/min
Reactor: Stainless steel bed
Empty fruit 0.5–2 500 3600 0.1 Media: Nitrogen, 35.1 Lee et al. (2017)
bunch Flow rate: 0.05 L/min
Reactor: Stainless steel bed
Symphytum <0.15 350–750 3600 0.1 Media: Nitrogen 37–48.4 Du et al. (2019)
officinale Reactor: Stainless steel bed
Rice straw <0.84 300–600 3600 0.17 Media: Nitrogen 32.6–52 Zhang et al. (2020)
Flow rate: 0.1 L/min
Reactor: Stainless steel bed
Wheat straw <0.84 300–600 3600 0.1 Media: Nitrogen 31.6–47 Zhang et al. (2020)
Flow rate: 0.1 L/min
Reactor: Steel bed reactor
with tube furnace
Corn straw <0.84 300–600 3600 0.1 Media: Nitrogen 30.9–45.8 Zhang et al. (2020)
Flow rate: 0.1 L/min
Reactor: Steel bed reactor
with tube furnace
Rape straw <0.84 300–600 3600 0.1 Media: Nitrogen 29.3–44.3 Zhang et al. (2020)
Flow rate: 0.1 L/min
Reactor: Steel bed reactor
with tube furnace
Corn stalk 5 300–800 3600 0.1 Media: Nitrogen 30–43.3 Xie et al. (2021)
Flow rate: 0.1 L/min
Reactor: Steel bed reactor
with tube furnace
Rapeseed stem 10–20 200–700 600,1200, 2400,3600, 0.1,0.16,0.25, Media: Nitrogen 18.3–80 Zhao et al. (2018)
4800 0.33 Flow rate: 0.3 L/min
Reactor: Steel bed reactor
with muffle furnace
Maize cobs 2 300–600 1800,3600,5400 0.1,0.16,0.25 Media: Nitrogen 22–33.8 Intani et al. (2016)
Reactor: Steel batch reactor
Maize husk 2 300–600 1800,3600,5400 0.1,0.16,0.25 Media: Nitrogen 21.7–30.7 Intani et al. (2016)
Reactor: Steel batch reactor
Maize leaves 2 300–600 1800,3600, 5400 0.1,0.16,0.25 Media: Nitrogen 25.7–38.3 Intani et al. (2016)
Reactor: Steel batch reactor
Cotton stalk 0.62–0.82 250–450 7200 0.33 Media: Nitrogen, 20–26.5 Li et al. (2022a)
Flow rate: 0.1 L/min
Reactor: Horizontal tubular

contribute to lower biochar yields by producing bio-oil. It was observed Zhang et al. (2020), the yield of straw-based (i.e., wheat, corn, rape, and
that the biochar yield from straw and corn stalk pellets decreased rice straw) biochar decreased significantly with increasing the pyrolysis
significantly as temperature increased (Yang et al. 2021). According to temperature. A more stable downward trend in the biochar yield was

Y. Li et al. Bioresource Technology 369 (2023) 128423

observed when temperatures exceeded 400 ◦ C. Another study showed secondary reactions and subsequent formation of additional biochar
the effect of pyrolysis temperature on the yield of biochar produced from through re-polymerization (Tripathi et al. 2016). This hypothesis is
Symphytum officinale L. For the pyrolysis temperature range of supported by findings in the literature where the biochar yield increased
350–750 ◦ C, the biochar yield gradually decreased with increasing py­ from 31.2% to 38.6% when the particle size of rice husk increased from
rolysis temperature (Du et al. 2019). 0.07 mm to 2.00 mm with 500 ◦ C pyrolysis temperature (Abbas et al.
2018). Another study by Hong et al. (2020) also showed a similar bio­
4.2. Effects of heating rate char yield trend regarding particle size: the biochar yield increased from
69.8% to 73.9% when the particle size of cotton stalk increased from
4.2.1. Biochar properties 0.07 mm to 1.7 mm.
The heating rate also critically affects the PV and SSA of biochar. It
was shown that the SSA of biochar prepared from rapeseed stem 4.4. Effect of residence time
increased from 295.9 m2g− 1 to 384.1 m2g− 1 when the heating rate of the
process increased from 1 ◦ C/min to 20 ◦ C/min (Zhao et al. 2018). It was 4.4.1. Biochar properties
due to that a higher heating rate condition caused a larger extent of The residence time could affect biochar’s ultimate composition.
thermal decomposition. Furthermore, low heating rate conditions can Abbas et al. (2018) analysed the effects of residence time on the biochar
facilitate the retention of structural complexity and avoid thermal produced from rice husk. The C content was increased from 63.28% to
cracking of biomass (Li et al. 2020). 70.89% and H content slightly decreased from 4.87% to 2.09% when the
The ultimate composition of biochar can be affected by the heating residence time increased from 30 min to 90 min at 500 ◦ C. Accordingly,
rate. Li et al. (2021) analysed the ultimate composition of biochar pre­ the H/C ratio decreased from 0.924 to 0.354, indicating a more stable
pared from a lignin-dominated feedstock. Under different pyrolytic structure of biochar. The effects of residence time on biochar properties
heating rates (5, 10, 15, 20 ◦ C/min), the elemental contents of biochar have been determined alongside other influential parameters such as
varied, even though the temperature was kept same. The heating rate pyrolysis temperature, feedstock type, and heating rate (Tomczyk et al.
was varied from 5 ◦ C/min to 20 ◦ C/min and the pyrolysis temperature 2020). More research is needed to unveil the contribution of residence
was fixed to 700 ◦ C. The C content of biochar decreased from 94% to time towards biochar characteristics independently.
85.4%, while the H content varied from 1.2% to 1.5%. It indicated that
the H/C ratio increased as the heating rate increased, which indicated a 4.4.2. Biochar yield
lower biochar stability. The residence time is recommended to be within the range of 5–90
min for biochar production via slow pyrolysis (Zhang et al. 2020). It was
4.2.2. Biochar yield shown that increasing the residence time from 10 to 100 min decreased
Under low heating rate conditions, the secondary decomposition of the biochar yield from 29.6% to 28.6% (Zhao et al. 2018). For a what-if
biomass is minimised, ultimately increasing the biochar yield. In scenario analysis on residence time, Sun et al. (2017) increased the
contrast, large amounts of liquid and VM are produced at high heating residence time from 0.5 h to 24 h with a constant pyrolysis temperature
rate conditions, resulting in lower biochar yields (Yaashikaa et al. 2019). of 300 ◦ C and wheat straw as the feedstock. The study showed that the
Tripathi et al. (2016) investigated the effects of heating rate on biochar biochar yield drastically decreased from 58.2% (residence time = 0.5 h)
production from safflower seeds, Ferula orientalis L and Charthamus to 18.8% (residence time = 24 h), while the FC and ash contents of
tinctorius L. The biochar yield decreased when the heating rate was biochar increased from 28.3% to 44.4%, and from 8.6% to 9.8%,
increased from 30 ◦ C/min to 50 ◦ C/min at different temperatures be­ respectively. This was because longer residence time enabled further
tween 400 and 600 ◦ C. Zhao et al. (2018) analysed the effects of heating decomposition of feedstock that converted biochar into the two co-
rate on biochar production from rapeseed. As the heating rate was products (i.e. bio-oil and gas).
increased from 1 ◦ C/min to 5 ◦ C/min, the yield first showed a positive
correlation with the rate, and the highest yield (27%) was achieved at 4.5. Effect of other parameters
5 ◦ C/min. Increasing the heating rate to above 5 ◦ C/min reduced the
biochar production and resulted in high yields of by-products due to the 4.5.1. Gas type and flow rate
enhanced decomposition of organic matter and the production and The gas flow rate through the pyrolysis reactor affects the contact
release of carbon-rich vapour. time between the primary vapour and biochar, therefore affecting the
degree of secondary char formation. Moderate to high levels of vapours
4.3. Effect of feedstock particle size are formed during the pyrolysis of biomass. If not removed, the vapours
will participate in secondary reactions, changing the composition and
4.3.1. Biochar properties yield of biochar. Low gas flow rates favour higher biochar yields and are
The particle size of feedstock usually affects biochar’s physical favourable on slow pyrolysis, while higher gas flow rates are used for
properties rather than elemental properties and controls the heat and fast pyrolysis to effectively strip out the vapour once it has been formed.
mass transfer rate during the process. For instance, the SSA area of For example, it was shown that biochar yield decreased from 24.4% to
biochar increased from 5.2 to 51.1 m2g− 1, while the porosity of biochar 22.6% when the nitrogen flow rate was increased from 1.2 L/min to 4.5
marginally decreased when the feedstock particle size decreased from 1 L/min (Tripathi et al. 2016).
to 0.053 mm (Fazeli Sangani et al. 2020). Besides, it was also reported Pathomrotsakun et al. (2020) applied a low CO2 flow (flow rate = 50
that the CEC and anion exchange capacity (AEC) of biochar increased mL/min) in their process, where the corresponding optimal values of
when particle size decreased from 0.25 mm to 0.053 mm (Fazeli Sangani residence time and pyrolysis temperature were 30 min and 300 ◦ C. The
et al. 2020; Liao and Thomas, 2019). According to Chen et al. (2017), H/C and O/C ratios, higher heating value (HHV), and energy yields of
finer feedstock-derived biochar is suitable to be applied for soil the resulting biochar were 0.94 and 0.14, 31.12 MJ/kg, and 48.04%,
amendment, due to the higher degree of particle destruction and sub­ respectively. This work suggested that CO2 can be used as a substitute
sequent release of nutrients into the soil. for nitrogen, which has the potential to improve the environmental
footprint of biochar production by integrating it with a CO2 source.
4.3.2. Biochar yield Sessa et al. (2021) investigated the impacts of four different types of
The particle size of feedstock also influences biochar yield. Larger inert gases (helium, nitrogen, argon, and CO2) on biochar production.
biomass particles can result in longer contact time between vapour The scenario with CO2 as the inert gas achieved the highest yield and
phase species and char layer, leading to a higher probability of best quality of biochar. When the flow rate was 0.1 L/min, the biochar

Y. Li et al. Bioresource Technology 369 (2023) 128423

yield reached 41.2% in a CO2 environment, higher than the other types traditional type of biochar production design, with difficult-to-control
of inert gas (i.e., helium, nitrogen, and argon). operating parameters, long residence time, and a low production con­
version efficiency (Garcia-Nunez et al. 2017). The indirect-heating py­
4.5.2. Pressure rolysis technology has been applied to a rotary kiln, which could
Except for hydro-pyrolysis, all other types of pyrolysis are carried out perform in a continuous mode without a heat carrier. However, its poor
under an inert environment. High pressure can extend the residence heat transfer efficiency and gas–solid contact limit the catalyst appli­
time of pyrolysis vapours, increasing the decomposition rate (Li et al. cation for higher process performance (Hu et al. 2022). An auger reactor
2020). Also, it was reported that biochar yields increased with has similar advantages to a rotary kiln, but its mechanical drive often
increasing pressure. Melligan et al. (2011) showed a slight increase in leads to high energy consumption (Campuzano et al. 2019). The spouted
the biochar yield obtained from Miscanthus giganteus, when the pressure bed reactor is characterised by high heat transfer rates and gas–solid
increased from 0 to 12 bar with a temperature condition of below contact. It does not have a strict requirement on particle size, thus
800 ◦ C. It should be noted that pyrolysis at high-pressure conditions reducing the requirement for feedstock grinding. The main product of
requires more stringent reactor design and thus higher construction or spouted bed pyrolysis is bio-oil, and only produces a small amount of
capital costs. Also, high pressures conditions require high maintenance biochar (Zhu et al. 2022).
costs for the operation of pyrolysis reactors.
4.5.4. Catalyst
4.5.3. Reactor selection The use of catalyst can affect the relative distribution of the pyrolysis
Large-scale biochar production has stringent requirements on products. The catalysts used for pyrolysis can be divided into two types:
continuous production and quality control, which is contingent upon primary and secondary. Primary catalysts are those that are mixed with
pyrolysis reactor design and operation (Arabiourrutia et al. 2020). Fig. 1 biomass prior to pyrolysis, while secondary catalysts are not mixed with
shows six types of popularly used pyrolysis reactors: (a) fixed bed, (b) biomass but are kept in a secondary reactor downstream of the main
earthen kiln, (c) rotary kiln, (d) fluidised bed, (e) auger reactor, (f) pyrolysis reactor (Tripathi et al. 2016). Typical catalysts that have been
spouted bed (Zhu et al. 2022). The fixed bed pyrolysis reactor typically used in biomass pyrolysis processes include alkaline catalysts (e.g.,
consists of a fixed bed with heating, a gas collector, a liquid condenser, KOH, NaOH, K2CO3, and Na2CO3), metal oxides (e.g., Fe2O3, Al2O3,
and a temperature controller. It has several typical features such as ZnO, CaO and TiO2) and activated carbon (AC) (Chen et al. 2020). It was
operation under batch regime, easy design, and high adaptability for found that increasing the proportion of catalyst raised the temperature
various feedstock particle sizes. However, it also has some drawbacks, and reduced the time required to reach the desired pyrolysis tempera­
such as heat transfer limitations and challenges for continuous operation ture. Moreover, the addition of catalyst increased the biochar yield.
(Vieira et al. 2020). A fluidised bed reactor is typically suitable for the During the process, the catalyst promoted a stable C structure of biochar
condition of high heating rate, short residence time, and continuous and prevented further char pyrolysis which would have otherwise been
operation. Nevertheless, the drawbacks of this type of reactor include converted to bio-oil and gas (Tripathi et al. 2016).
complex design and operation (high costs) and fine-sized feedstocks
requirement (<0.08 mm) (Polin et al. 2019). The earthen kiln is a

Fig. 1. Reactors for biochar production: (a) fixed bed, (b) earthen kiln, (c) rotary kiln, (d) fluidized bed, (e) auger reactor, and (f) spouted bed. Reproduced with
permission from the literature (Zhu et al. 2022).

Y. Li et al. Bioresource Technology 369 (2023) 128423

Table 6
Overview of state-of-art in biochar production studies with respect to Section 5.
Topic Highlights Reference(s)

Biochar, bio-oil, and gas nexus MWP coupled with conventional pre-pyrolysis for stalks treatment. Li et al. (2022a)
Conventional pre-heating enhanced the MWP performance of stalks.
Biochar, bio-oil, and gas nexus The most desirable process for biochar production was slow pyrolysis. Li et al. (2016)
MWP could offer a balance product distribution in biochar, oil and gas.
Biochar, bio-oil, and gas nexus Two-step microwave-assisted processes were used to prepare magnetic porous biochar. Qu et al. (2021)
MWP biochar had a higher surface area and pore volume than CP biochar.
Biochar, bio-oil, and gas nexus Effects of microwave power and sodium carbonate catalyst were investigated. Mahmoud Fodah et al. (2021)
The catalyst increased the bio-oil and gas yield.
Biochar, bio-oil, and gas nexus APBO washing pre-treatment increased bio-oil yield. Cen et al. (2019)
APBO washing has a better improvement effect on pyrolysis products than acid washing.
Balance between yield vs stability Pyrolysis temperature was the dominant processing parameter to biochar stability. Leng et al., (2019); Leng and Huang,
Both biochar yield and stability were decisive to carbon sequestration potential. (2018)
Elemental and proximate analysis, and biochar structure analysis were methods for measuring
biochar stability.
Balance between yield vs stability Aromaticity determined thermal stability while surface area was critical for chemical stability. Xu et al. (2021)
Balance between yield vs stability Pyrolysis process parameters had an impact on the stability and yield of biochar. Zhang et al. (2022)
The unsaturation or aromaticity of biochar can be assessed by the H/C or O/C ratios.
Climate change mitigation and LCA Average energy demands were 6.1 MJ/kg biochar and 97 MJ/kg AC. Alhashimi and Aktas, (2017)
Biochar had lower environmental impacts than AC even after transportation stage.
Climate change mitigation and LCA LCA of biochar application as carbonaceous water treatment adsorbents. Kozyatnyk et al. (2020)
Combining biochar and hydrochar with regeneration was desirable to replace AC.
Climate change mitigation and LCA Most GHG was contributed by covering the energy deficit caused by pyrolysis. Lefebvre et al. (2021)
Economics of pyrolysis and biochar Biochar price was between US$454 and US$871 per tonne for CP. Haeldermans et al. (2020)
Biochar price was between US$588 and US$1020 per tonne for MWP.
Economics of pyrolysis and biochar Compared to inorganic fertilisers, biochar had a long-term capacity for agricultural Ijaz et al. (2019)
The grain yield and net benefit increased from 4.54 to 4.70 ton/ha and 293–438 US$/ha.
Data-driven modelling of pyrolysis- Random forest showed good prediction ability for biochar yield and carbon contents. Zhu et al. (2019)
derived biochar The highest R2 were 0.855 and 0.848 for biochar yield and C content prediction.
Data-driven modelling of pyrolysis- XGB model showed good prediction ability for biochar yield. Pathy et al. (2020)
derived biochar The prediction accuracy achieved 0.844 as R2.
Data-driven modelling of pyrolysis- MLP-NN and ANFIS were employed to predict biochar yield and composition. Li et al. (2022b)
derived biochar Statistical analysis of various feedstock and biochar properties is performed.
The prediction accuracy achieved 0.964 for biochar yield.
Applications of biochar Comprehensive description and analysis of different biochar applications in MFC. Chakraborty et al. (2020)
Biochar has the potential as an electrode material for MFC and as a cathode catalyst and
contributes to PEM applications.
Applications of biochar Biochar is also used as a catalyst for biodiesel and hydrogen production. Kant Bhatia et al. (2021)
Biochar can be utilized for electrode preparation used in MFC.
Applications of biochar The addition of biochar combined with gypsum shortened composting time. Qu et al. (2020)
Applying biochar reduces the composting duration and nitrogen and carbon losses, and
potential ecological hazards.
Applications of biochar Waste sugarcane bagasse-based acidic catalyst was synthesized. Akinfalabi et al. (2020)
Biochar produced from sugarcane bagasse archived optimal conditions when the pyrolysis
temperature is 400 ◦ C.
Applications of biochar The suitability of biochar mixed with solid waste for agricultural soil applications was Vamvuka et al. (2020)
The application of biochar to the soil decreased the concentration of heavy metals in leachate by

5. Emerging topics on biochar production yields of the products depend on the types of feedstocks and pyrolysis
process conditions and design. Accordingly, a technology that favours
Various emerging aspects of biochar production are critically the accurate control of the yields will be desirable for optimisation.
reviewed, including (a) biochar, bio-oil, and gas nexus, (b) balance be­ MWP serves as a candidate technology that has the potential to support
tween yield and stability, (c) climate change mitigation and LCA, (d) technology innovation towards accurately controlling the relative pro­
economics of pyrolysis and biochar data-driven modelling of biochar duction of biochar, bio-oil, and gas. A large pool of literature has focused
production via pyrolysis, and (f) emerging applications of biochar. A on analysing bio-oil and gas production from MWP. For example, Li et al.
summary of these aspects and associated research works are provided in (2022a) studied the production of combined MWP and CP processing
Table 6. (MCCP) of cotton stalk under 11 different pyrolysis temperatures. Fig. 2a
shows the yield distribution of the three products under the different
temperature scenarios. M− 1 referred to MWP with 1 g microwave
5.1. Biochar, bio-oil, and gas nexus
absorbent (biochar) under 600 W without pre-heating. For A-(250–450)
and A-(250–450)-1, 250–450 referred to preheat temperatures and A-
There exists a trade-off between the three pyrolysis products: bio­
(250–450)-1 referred to MWP under the preheat condition. M− 1 had the
char, bio-oil and gas. Optimal pyrolysis production should match the
lowest biochar yield and achieved the most gas production. A-250–1 had
relative yields of the products with the purpose of production with the
the highest biochar yield among all scenarios. The MCCP technology
consideration of economics and environmental footprints. For a system
was most favourable for biochar production, while the MWP technology
mainly configured for biochar production, appropriate production of
had the highest gas yield. Preheating has played a significant role in
bio-oil and/or gas has the potential to improve the economics of the
biochar production. The highest biochar yield of 34.1% was achieved at
system (You et al. 2022). It is important to adopt a nexus perspective
250 ◦ C and the highest bio-oil yield was 50.2% when it was at the first
upon the design of pyrolysis production. As shown above, the relative

Y. Li et al. Bioresource Technology 369 (2023) 128423

stage of 450 ◦ C. footprints of biochar application as a carbonaceous water treatment

Mahmoud Fodah et al. (2021) studied biochar and bio-oil production adsorbent using the approach of LCA. The end-of-life stages were
from corn stover via MWP cooperated with catalysis. Fig. 2c compared considered in this study including incineration, landfill, and regenera­
product distribution from catalytic MWP and non-catalytic MWP in the tion, and biochar, hydrochar, and AC were the three primary materials
power range of 500–700 W. In the non-catalytic case, a significant assessed. It was shown that combining biochar and hydrochar with
decrease in biochar yield and an increase in gas yield were observed regeneration could be an environmentally feasible option to replace AC.
when the power increased from 500 W to 900 W. The addition of The production of sorbents was the most significant GWP contributor
Na2CO3 catalyst improved the bio-oil and gas yield, reducing the biochar within the framework of the LCA study. Therefore, increasing the
yield. It was due to the increased heating rate and pyrolysis temperature sorption capacity of sorbents would offer economic and environmental
resulting from introducing Na2CO3, which facilitated the increase of gas benefits since higher sorption capacities reduced the use of sorbents.
and bio-oil production. Cen et al. (2019) investigated the influences of Lefebvre et al. (2021) evaluated GHG emissions of two crop residue
wash pre-treatment on biomass pyrolysis polygeneration. The pyrolysis utilisation scenarios which are sugarcane residue combustion for heat
experiment was carried out at pyrolysis temperature = 550 ◦ C and and power generation and pyrolysis for biochar production. It was
heating rate = 10 ◦ C/min. The rice straw showed the highest biochar shown that sugarcane residue biochar could sequester 36 mega tonnes
yield (38%). The aqueous phase bio-oil (APBO) washing rice straw (Bio- CO2-eq/year. Most of the GHG emission was contributed by compen­
RS) showed the highest gas yield (35%) as shown in Fig. 2d. The bio-oil sating for the energy deficit caused by pyrolysis. This biochar scenario
did not show significant changes under different wash pre-treatment led to a 23% reduction in the total amount of GHG. Azzi et al. (2019)
conditions. carried out an LCA study for large-scale biochar production for negative
emission. This work compared the climate impact of biomass pyrolysis
5.2. Balance between biochar yield and stability with biomass combustion. The main applications were energy and
power applications, and the potential as a fertiliser additive was also
Biochar C content recalcitrance and biochar stability have played a explored. In total, five scenarios were explored, including agricultural
critical role in carbon sequestration. Biochar stability can be considered application, carbon sequestration, electricity substitution, heat substi­
by the proportion of initial carbon remaining after oxidation treatment tution, and transport fuel substitution which had a GWP were − 1300 kg
and can be determined by the mass of stable carbon remaining in the CO2-eq/ton, − 1100 kg CO2-eq/ton, − 335 kg CO2-eq/ton, − 60 kg CO2-
biochar residue after oxidation. Numerous challenges exist to recon­ eq/ton and 240 kg CO2-eq/ton in 2040, respectively. This study sug­
ciling the trade-offs between biochar stability and yield (Leng et al. gested that LCA helps to design biochar systems with the comparison of
2019). the GHG emission trade-offs among various possible applications.
The degree of aromaticity and aromatic condensation are two
essential evaluation metrics that dictate the stability of biochar (Xu et al. 5.4. Economics of pyrolysis and biochar
2021). The unsaturation or aromaticity of biochar can be assessed ac­
cording to biochar elemental ratios (H/C and O/C) (Zhang et al. 2022). Despite significant environmental benefits, the current market sce­
Han et al. (2018) conducted pyrolysis of rice straw at 250–600 ◦ C. H/C nario suggests that biochar applications are prohibitively expensive and
and O/C ratios were employed to analyse the biochar stability. The H/C economically inviable. This is associated with the high capital costs of
and O/C ratios of biochar decreased from 0.87 to 0.34 and 0.36 to 0.13 pyrolysis plants and low incentives offered by government bodies for
with the increasing pyrolysis temperature. The increase in pyrolysis achieving carbon-negativity (Rajabi Hamedani et al. 2019). Techno-
temperature led to a trend towards greater carbonisation with more economic analysis (or CBA) has commonly been used to explore
poly-aromatic content, which promoted biochar stability. Vendra Singh various what-if scenarios from improved economics. For example,
et al. (2020) studied the trade-offs between yield and stability of biochar Haeldermans et al. (2020) compared biochar production from CP and
derived from rice straw pyrolysis with pyrolysis temperature between MWP through techno-economic assessment. Minimum prices ranged
300 and 600 ◦ C. The H/C and O/C ratios increased from 0.52 to 0.23 and from US$454/ton to US$871/ton for CP-biochar and US$588/ton to US
from 0.15 to 0.07, indicating an improvement in biochar stability. On $1020/ton for MWP-biochar (based on a EUR/US$ currency exchange
the other hand, the biochar yield decreased from 38.23% to 27.14%, rate of 1.04). CP is a simplified and developed technology that makes it
with pyrolysis temperature increasing from 300 to 600 ◦ C. Leng and more affordable. However, it was mentioned that MWP-biochar had
Huang, (2018) summarised that long residence temperature, slow greater quality and better technical feasibility than CP-based biochar.
heating rate, high pressures, biomass feedstocks with high lignin con­ Moreover, biochar price per ton was a critical evaluation criterion for
tents, and large particle size would be preferred for biochar yield and biochar production plants and strongly depended on the government
stability, and it would also contribute to improved carbon sequestration carbon tax.
ability by biochar. The economics of biochar production systems has been assessed with
respect to raw material or feedstock used, the conversion technology
5.3. Climate change mitigation and life cycle assessment employed, carbon sequestration subsidies and carbon credits reflecting
the social value of GHG emission reductions. Implementing smart
LCA is a tool routinely used to assess the environmental impacts of farming practices could increase crop yields and improve the economic
biochar production via pyrolysis processes. It adopts a whole lifecycle situation of farmers while reducing the adverse effects of climate change
perspective and typically includes processes ranging from raw material (Haeldermans et al. 2020). Compared to inorganic fertilisers, biochar
extraction and pyrolysis production to waste disposal and recycling. has a long-term capacity for agricultural improvement in the economic
Fig. 3 illustrates the typical elements considered during the LCA of py­ aspect. When biochar was used in combination with plant growth-
rolysis and biochar production processes. promoting rhizobacteria and N–P–K fertiliser, the wheat crop’s grain
Alhashimi and Aktas (2017) applied LCA to compare the environ­ yield and economic results were significantly increased. An increase in
mental impacts of biochar and activated carbon (AC). Especially, long- grain yield from 4.54 ton/ha to 4.70 ton/ha resulted to a rise of net
distance transportation (i.e., nation to nation) was included as part of benefit from 293 US$/ha to 438 US$/ha (i.e., 50% relative incrment),
the biochar/AC developments analysed. The global warming potential respectively (Ijaz et al. 2019). This indicated the potential opportunistic
(GWP) for biochar and AC were − 0.9 kg CO2-eq/kg and 6.6 kg CO2-eq/ benefit from the use of biochar could be an important contributor to the
kg, respectively. This work revealed cumulative energy demands for profitability of biochar production.
biochar and AC production processes were 6.1 MJ/kg and 97 MJ/kg,
respectively. Kozyatnyk et al. (2020) evaluated the environmental

Y. Li et al. Bioresource Technology 369 (2023) 128423

Fig. 2. (a) The product distributions of different scenarios (Li et al. 2022a). (b) The trend of biochar and bio-oil yields with respect to pyrolysis temperature (Li et al.
2022a). (c) The product distribution from catalytic and non-catalytic MWP: the yield of biochar, bio-oil, and gas (Mahmoud Fodah et al. 2021). (d) The product
distribution from the processes with different pre-treatment methods (Cen et al. 2019). Reproduced with permission from the literature.

5.5. Data-driven modelling of pyrolysis-derived biochar analysis revealed a high dependence of biochar yield and composition
on pyrolysis temperature, ash content, and N content. Overall, the data-
To ensure an accurate whole-system analysis of biochar production driven models for biochar production can be used in parallel with LCA
from crop residues, generalizable modelling of pyrolysis processes is and CBA models to develop a better understanding from a whole-system
essential. ML-assisted prediction of biochar yield and composition has perspective.
gradually become an important tool in recent years. Popular ML ap­
proaches evidenced in the biochar modelling literature include Random
5.6. Applications of biochar
Forest (RF), Support Vector Machine (SVM), eXtreme Gradient Boosting
(XGB), Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS), and Multi-
Process operating conditions and reactor designs are required to be
Layer Perceptron Neural Network (MLP-NN).
manipulated to meet the specific requirements of biochar applications
Zhu et al. (2019) developed an RF-based model to predict biochar
with the consideration of economics and environmental implications.
yield and C content. 245 datasets of biochar yield and 128 datasets of C
An overview of different application areas (e.g., energy, agriculture, and
content were collected in this study. The highest Coefficients of deter­
chemical) of crop residue-derived biochar is given and Fig. 4 presents
mination (R2) were 0.855 and 0.848 for biochar yield and C content
the conversion pathway from crop residue into various biochar
prediction. In an effort by Pathy et al. (2020), an XGB model was
developed based on 91 datasets considering ultimate composition and
Chakraborty et al. (2020) suggested that biochar could be an alter­
elemental composition ratios as input data. However, only one output
native material to substitute electrodes, cathode catalysts, and proton
(biochar yield) was included in this study. The model performance was
exchange membranes (PEM) in MFC applications. MFC can convert the
only evaluated by R2, which was 0.844. the MLP-NN prediction model
energy captured in the chemical bonds of organic compounds into
was employed by Khan et al. (2022) for biochar yield production, where
electrical energy while using wastewater as a substrate. Biochar has the
neural networks were coupled with metaheuristic models. R2 and RMSE
potential to be used as an electrode material for MFC and a cathode
of biochar yield prediction were 0.93 and 1.74. Recently, Li et al.
catalyst. According to Cao et al. (2016), the biochar-based electrode was
(2022b) developed a comprehensive ML-assisted predictive model for
low-priced compared to commercial electrodes. The material cost of N/
biochar yield and composition (FC, VM, ash, C, H, O, N). This study
Fe-C was about $0.03–0.08/g, which is a thousand times lower than a
applied MLP-NN and ANFIS, which predicted biochar production from
commercial platinum electrode. However, several issues remain to be
pyrolysis based on 226 datasets. The R2 values for each of the output
tackled prior to practical deployments, such as process efficiency
variable were biochar yield = 0.96, FC = 0.9, VM = 0.9, ash = 0.94, C =
improvement, biochar quality control, and effective biochar
0.92, H = 0.86, O = 0.88 and N = 0.88. Additionally, feature importance

Y. Li et al. Bioresource Technology 369 (2023) 128423

pore size were 6.61 m2g− 1 and 2.98 nm, at which the highest biodiesel
yield was achieved (94.94%). Akinfalabi et al. (2020) applied biochar as
a catalyst for biodiesel production. The biochar produced from sugar­
cane bagasse achieved optimal properties when the pyrolysis tempera­
ture was 300 ◦ C: the SSA was 310 m2g− 1, and the pore size was 3.92 nm.
The conditions for the highest biodiesel production (98.6%) were 1.5 h
reaction time, 60 ◦ C, and 2 wt.% catalyst loading. Acidified biochar
catalysts can reduce processing costs and the environmental impact of
corrosive chemicals.
Biochar also has great potential for environmental management in
various applications. For example, Qu et al. (2020) analysed the effect of
agricultural composting using biochar combined with gypsum. The re­
sults showed that the application reduced composting duration, nitro­
gen and carbon losses, and potential ecological hazards. Biochar mixed
with gypsum improved compost quality and nutrient retention. In
another study, Vamvuka et al. (2020) investigated the suitability of
mixing biochar with solid waste for agricultural soil applications. The
following physicochemical properties were obtained from the biochar
produced from grape husks at 500 ◦ C: pH = 9.7, electrical conductivity
(EC) = 15.3 mS/cm, CEC = 205.2 mmol/kg, PV = 0.12 cm3g− 1, average
pore size = 4.53 nm and SSA = 0.9 m2g− 1. For all combinations of
composts biochar and soil, alkali and alkaline earth metals showed the
greatest solubility. Consequently, it increased the pH of the extracts and
thus reduced the leachability of heavy metals Cr, Cu, Zr and Sr. In this
study, heavy metals concentrations were reduced by 40–95%.

6. Research needs and future direction

Fig. 3. Main elements considered in LCA of biochar production. Reproduced
with permission from the literature (Kung et al. 2015). The critical review of biochar production from crop residue pyrolysis
revealed extensive developmental efforts during the past decade
focusing on biochar yield and property optimization, modelling, and
Kant Bhatia et al. (2021) reported that biochar can be used as a
applications. Nevertheless, significant future efforts are necessary for
catalyst for the transesterification of oils for biodiesel production. Bio­
application-specific system efficiency improvement. Specifically, exist­
diesel is considered as a favourable fuel because of its high energy
ing research for crop residue-biochar systems is mainly conducted at the
density and presence of C14-C20 long carbon chain fatty acids. The
laboratory or pilot scale. This indicates a lack of process-level under­
porous structure of biochar allows easy access of reactants to the active
standing and parametric interplay of industrial-scale pyrolysis plants for
site to facilitate the transesterification process, and biochar’s hydro­
which gas recovery remains a challenge. Although the influences of
phobic surface helps remove unwanted products generated during cat­
process parameters on biochar yield and stability have been extensively
alytic reactions. Behera et al. (2020) analysed the efficiency of acidified
researched, the environmental impacts of other constituent chemicals
biochar catalysts for transesterification. The peanut shell was pyrolyzed
(e.g., K, P, micronutrients, and toxic/inhibitory compounds) have not
under three pyrolysis temperatures (300, 400, and 600 ◦ C), among
been quantified, indicating an opportunity for holistic LCA framework
which biochar produced at pyrolysis temperature = 400 ◦ C had the
development. Furthermore, the LCA and process optimization frame­
highest catalytic efficiency. The optimal values of biochar’s SSA and
works require rapid prediction models, where ML-assisted predictive

Fig. 4. Conversion pathway from crop residue to various applications of biochar. Reproduced with permission from the literature (Anand et al. 2022).

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