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Junk Food Report

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Junk food is a term that is used to describe foods that contain a minimum
amount of nutrients that are necessary for the body. These foods have a high
content of fats, sugars and salt, these elements that the body obtains very easily. .
This food is very popular due to its simple way of preparation, its price is relatively
cheap, its wide commercial distribution makes it accessible, they also have
different flavors which vary according to the tastes of consumers.

The consumption of Junk Food in the children's population has become a

social problem, which is why this research is carried out in order to describe the
factors that lead to these foods being easily consumed by children, they do not
know the effects of these foods and the damage they can cause to your health, so
the popularity of this food is increasing.

It is necessary to emphasize the consequences of excessive consumption of

these foods, junk food is dangerous for health and can generate weaknesses in
our body, preventing it from functioning properly. It is of utmost importance to
identify and establish which foods are of benefit to the population.

A basic basket is established which provides nutrients for the population, the
Basic Food Basket (CBA) is defined as the set of various foods, expressed in
sufficient quantities to satisfy the calorie needs of an average home. However, it
must be clear that it represents a nutritional minimum based on a consumption
pattern of a reference group of households and not a diet sufficient in all nutrients.
CBA is made up of the following foods:

1. Dairy
2. Meats ( chicken , pork , beef , etc.)
3. Eggs
4. Beans , beans, lentils.
5. Cereals ( corn , rice , bread , pasta , etc.)
6. Sugars
7. Fats (vegetable oil or butter , etc.)
8. Vegetables
9. Fruits ( apple , orange , strawberries , grapes , watermelon , melon , etc.)
10. Others ( coffee , table salt ).

Accessing the basic basket becomes more difficult every day due to its high costs,
due to the poverty that exists in the sector.

Poverty is the situation of not being able to satisfy the basic physical and
psychological needs of a dignified life, -
cite_note-1 due to lack of resources, such as food , housing , education , health
care , drinking water or electricity . Poverty can affect a person, a group of people,
or an entire geographic region.

Situations in which the lack of economic means prevents access to such resources
is also usually considered poverty. Situations such as unemployment , lack of
income or a low level of income. Likewise, poverty can be the result of processes
of social exclusion , social segregation or marginalization (conversely, a person
becoming poor can also lead to marginalization). In many third world countries,
poverty occurs when it is not possible to cover the needs included in the basic food
basket or there are problems of underdevelopment .

Food is those foods that are eaten to survive. The process that an individual
consciously develops to eat and drink these foods is known as feeding , which
gives rise to the mechanism of biology called nutrition (through which the body
assimilates food).

The notion of scrap , on the other hand, refers to a waste material. Scrap is
something that is useless or has no value. These two definitions allow us to
approach the idea of junk food . Food, as a phenomenon influenced by culture ,
economy and social environment , implies a certain selection and preparation of
food. In this framework, it is possible to talk about junk food (also known as junk
food ), which are those foods that contain large amounts of sugar, fat and/or salt.

Due to its components, junk food generates a particular effect on those who eat it:
their appetite increases and thirst increases. This without the food providing
nutritious or healthy substances: on the contrary, fats and the rest of the
ingredients in junk food can cause health disorders.

What foods and drinks are junk food?

 Soft drinks and drinks with a lot of sugar.

 Fritters.
 Cookies.
 Sweets and chocolates.
 Packaged pastries.
 Fast food such as hamburgers, pizzas, hot dogs.

Harms of junk food:

They call it junk food and it is not in vain, this food really affects the body
negatively, in recent times a trend towards obesity has been noticed in many
populations, clearly there are many factors that influence this disease but one of
the most notable is It is the consumption of food that is useless for the body. In any
case, it is important to highlight that consuming foods of this type not only
influences obesity, to this is added cognitive damage, poisoning of the arteries and
skin, depression, among other diseases related to the terrible gastronomic offer, it
turns out that you are Recipes are prepared with a lot of fat, sauces made with
artificial flavorings, French fries in reused oil, carbohydrates in exorbitant
quantities, which turn into clogged arteries and faces full of annoying pimples.

Junk Food Can Harm Your Physical and Mental Health

Studies have been carried out that show that in some people the consumption of
hamburgers, sodas, pizzas and other junk foods is related to mental illnesses such
as depression, some somatize by excessively eating these types of products to
calm anxiety, later they find themselves with problems that worsen their situation,
the worst thing is that they confuse the pleasure of eating with a silent and serious

It can cause digestive problems: People with an addiction to junk food will surely
suffer from digestive problems such as reflux or irritable bowel syndrome, since
these types of foods are fried.

Increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases: Fast food is mainly made up of

saturated fats and trans fats, which directly increase the levels of triglycerides and
"bad" cholesterol (LDL) in the blood, leading to the formation of plaques and
diseases cardiovascular.

It can cause kidney disease: The reason you can never say no to a plate of
French fries is because they contain a high level of fine processed salts that
increase salivation and the secretion of enzymes that increase your craving for
these foods. High levels of "bad" fats and sodium from salt affect the body's
sodium-potassium balance , generating hypertension . Since the kidneys are
responsible for filtering toxins from the blood, eating a lot of junk food has a direct
effect on their functioning.
It can damage your liver: Consuming junk food for a certain period of time
generates a harmful effect similar to the effect of alcohol on the liver. A recent
study claims that those who eat junk food and do not exercise show changes in
liver enzymes in just 4 weeks. These changes are similar to those seen in those
who have an alcohol abuse problem. According to various studies, the culprit for
this is the high level of trans fats in fast food.

Increases the risk of cancer: Lack of fiber is the main reason why the
consumption of junk food is associated with a higher risk of cancer in the digestive
system. A study published in the European Journal of Cancer Prevention revealed
that excessive consumption of junk foods high in fat and sugar can increase the
chances of suffering from colorectal cancer . Additionally, research from the Fred
Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle showed that men who ate fried
foods more than twice a month had a higher risk of prostate cancer.

It can cause Type 2 Diabetes: One of the factors that most contribute to the
increase in cases of diabetes is unhealthy diets, with junk food. Healthy diets
provide the body with a constant flow of glucose, which helps maintain insulin
sensitivity. When we eat junk food, the stress it places on our metabolism affects
the body's ability to use insulin correctly . Since this type of food does not have
fiber, its consumption directly leads to an increase in blood sugar levels.



Increase in the consumption of junk food by children.
95% of the population acquires these foods on a daily basis.
Affordable prices for this type of food.
Easy preparation of these foods.

In the investigated sector, high consumption of junk food predominates in the
population, greatly affecting children by adopting the habit of eating this type of
food with low levels of nutrients.

The consumption of junk food in excess has the consequences of a series of
diseases for human beings.



In the San Jorge neighborhood of the Municipality of Cobán Alta Verapaz,

the consumption of junk food by the children's population is evident. For this
reason, it is necessary to create a plan to eradicate or at least minimize this

It is necessary to raise awareness among women about the consequences

and diseases caused by the consumption of junk food. It is essential to have the
support of the COCODE of this sector. In this way, sessions can be held where
they know the importance of leading a healthy life, providing them the necessary
tools for them to start from home. The creation of family gardens and farms
would be an excellent means for them to grow their own food and dedicate
themselves to raising poultry, which will be of great benefit for the feeding of their
family members, since they are systems of production of food for self-consumption,
this contributes to improving food security, they can provide a wide variety of foods
of animal and plant origin that allow the family to consume their own production to
improve the nutrition of the members of this sector.

In this way, with the creation of family gardens and farms, it will be possible
to provide a wide variety of inputs to improve the nutrition and quality of life of each
of the members of said families from the smallest to the largest, managing to
promote Food Security in the San Jorge Neighborhood of the Municipality of
Cobán Alta Verapaz.

Junk Food is a food alternative for families in the San Jorge neighborhood of
Cobán Alta Verapaz.

The child population is the most vulnerable since they are the ones who
consume this food because they are not aware of the harmful effects.
Junk Food causes serious damage to health due to its deficient nutrient

Promote the Food Guide presented by the Ministry of Health, which aims to
promote healthy, balanced eating, with the aim of avoiding problems of
malnutrition, overweight or obesity in the child population.

Avoid the consumption of Junk Food and increase the waste of fruits and

Improve the nutrition of families in Barrio San Jorge, Cobán Alta Verapaz,
through the creation of orchards and family farms.






San Juan Chamelco AV June 3, 2017 San Pedro Claver SJ Campus from Verapaz

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