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Wicker Park Press Catalogue For Winter 2011

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FICTION/HORROR from Wicker Park Press

Poes Lighthouse
All-New Collaborations with EDGAR ALLAN POE Edited by Christopher Conlon
Welcome to Poes Lighthouse. All new stories by legendary author Edgar Allan Poe, the rst in 162 years! Impossible, you say? Think again! Admittedly, Mr. Poe is in no position to be writing much these days which is why in this anthology he is getting a little help from his friends. Friends like Chelsea Quinn Yarbro, Carole Nelson Douglas, John Shirley, and Mike Resnick; some two dozen in all. These writers were given a task: take a little-known, unnished story fragment that Poe wrote near the end of his life and turn it into a complete storyin any way they wished. The only rule was to use Poes language, his images, his ideasthe stories had to truly work together with the master. Todays best authors, joining forces with Edgar Allan Poe himself! A posthumous collection for the ages collected here in this extraordinary anthology, the rst time in paperback.

ISBN 978-1-936679-03-4 Paperback $18.95 330 pages 6x9 Fiction (Horror) October 2011

Must reading for Poe enthusiasts, in particular. Booklist {A} superb collection this is a well-written homage as the light shines on Poe evermore. Harriet Klausner, Books n Bytes This anthology is a commendable example of literary entertainment, a quality product that Poe himself would approve of. Mario Guslandi, The New Review And here is the complete Poe text, published for the rst time sixty odd years ago, as compiled by Thomas O. Mabbott, editor of The Collected Works of Edgar Allan Poe (3 volumes, Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press, 1969, 1978):
Jan. 11796. This daymy first on the light-houseI make this entry in my Diary, as agreed on with De Grt. As regularly as I can keep the journal, I will but there is no telling what may happen to a man all alone as I amI may get sick, or worse . . . . . So far well! The cutter had a narrow escapebut why dwell on that, since I am here, all safe? My spirits are beginning to revive already, at the mere thought of beingfor once in my life at leastthoroughly alone; for, of course, Neptune, large as he is, is not to be taken into consideration as society Would to . Heaven I had ever found in society one half as much faith as in this poor dog: in such case I and society might never have partedeven for the year. . .What most surprises me, is the difficulty De Grt had in getting me the appointment and I a noble of the realm! It could not be that the Consistory had any doubt of my ability to manage the light. One man had attended it before nowand got on quite as well as the three that are usually put in. The duty is a mere nothing; and the printed instructions are as plain as possible. It never would have done to let Orndoff accompany me. I never should have made any way with my book as long as he was within reach of me, with his intolerable gossipnot to mention that everlasting merschaum. Besides, I wish to be alone. . . . . .It is strange that I never observed, until this moment, how dreary a sound that word hasalone! I could

half fancy there was some peculiarity in the echo of these cylindrical wallsbut oh, no!this is all nonsense. I do believe I am going to get nervous about my insulation. That will never do. I have not forgotten De Grts prophecy. Now for a scramble to the lantern and a good look around to see what I can see . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . To see what I can see indeed!not very much. The swell is subsiding a little, I thinkbut the cutter will have a rough passage home, nevertheless. She will hardly get within sight of the Norland before noon to-morrowand yet it can hardly be more than 190 or 200 miles. Jan. 2. I have passed this day in a species of ecstasy that I find impossible to describe. My passion for solitude could scarcely have been more thoroughly gratified. I do not say satisfied; for I believe I should never be satiated with such delight as I have experienced to-day. . . . . . . . . The wind lulled about day-break, and by the afternoon the sea had gone down materially. . . . Nothing to be seen, with the telescope even, but ocean and sky, with an occasional gull. Jan. 3. A dead calm all day. Towards evening, the sea looked very much like glass. A few sea-weeds came in sight; but besides them absolutely nothing all daynot even the slightest speck of cloud. . . . . . . .Occupied myself in exploring the light-house. . . .It is a very lofty oneas I find to my cost when I have to ascend its interminable stairsnot quite 160 feet, I should say, from the low-water mark to the top of the lantern. From the bottom inside the shaft, however, the distance to the summit is 180 feet at least: thus the floor is 20 feet below the surface of the sea, even at low-tide. . . . . .It seems to me that the hollow interior at the bottom should have been filled in with solid masonry. Undoubtedly the whole would have been thus rendered more safe: but what am I thinking about? A structure such as this is safe enough under any circumstances. I should feel myself secure in it during the fiercest hurricane that ever ragedand yet I have heard seamen say occasionally, with a wind at South-West, the sea has been known to run higher here than any where with the single exception of the Western opening of the Straits of Magellan. No mere sea, though, could accomplish anything with this solid iron-riveted wall which, at 50 feet from high-water mark, is four feet thick, if one inch . . . . . . . . The basis on which the structure rests seems to me to be chalk . . . . . . Jan. 4.

The fragment ends here. Editor Christopher Conlon is best known as the editor of the Bram Stoker Award-winning Richard Matheson tribute anthology, He Is Legend. He has written two novels, including the Stoker Award nalist Midnight on Mourn Street, and several collections of stories and poems. He lives in Silver Spring, Maryland. Visit him at his ofcial website,

From the Cover: Poe Rendering by J.M. Demetrius, copyright 2011

POETRY BOOKS from Wicker Park Press

Inside the Whale

A Novel in Verse by Joseph G. Peterson
Joseph G. Petersons Inside the Whale is a part tall tale, part tragedy, part symbolist epic captured in Petersons beautiful coda to this boisterous yarn. From first word to last, this is a book infused with spirit, heart and awe." Gregory Lawless, author of I Thought I Was New Here Chicagos own Joe Peterson is back with a strikingly original novel that is at once both mythic and fanciful. It is a narrative poem that recounts the life of Irishman Jim OConnor, a tragic gure who was born with a preternatural gift for poetry, that brought him early fame, but he is also an alcoholic who had his rst blackout drunk at 12 years of age. The stanzas of the novel recount Jims tragic exploits as he leaves a wake of dark destruction in his midst. The ghost of his ex-girlfriend Anne, killed in a car crash on a slick, snowy road with Jim driving after an acute drinking binge, haunts Jim to the end of his days. And in a seedy tavern on Chicagos south-side he writes an ode to her: would it surprise you axen anne if i said you sing to me a siren call i hear you singing like the muse today were starting out but who knows where this will take us will it take us across the decades or will it merely take us across town to a motel perhaps or perhaps to another bar Inside the Whale is a novel that, in the spirit of Beowulf, imagines a bardic drone chanting the mnemonics of rhythm and rhyme to entertain, lyre in hand, a group of rufans gathered around a keg of beer and the red-hot coals of a dying re. JOSEPH G. PETERSON is the author of Beautiful Piece, a critically acclaimed novel. His new novel, Wanted: Elevator Man, will be published by Switchgrass Books in Fall 2011. He lives in Chicago with his wife and two children, where he works for a large academic publisher.

ISBN 978-1-936679-010 Paperback $16 225 pages 5x8 Fiction/Poetry September 2011

The Book of Raymond

A Journey from Prison to Praise and Poetry by Raymond Richard
Raymond Richard tells it like it is in a powerful collection of poems that are electrifying, terrifying, and awe-inspiring. Richard has been to the big house, lived in poverty on the streets of Chicago, and took to crime and drugs to survive. Here is poetry that literally crackles off the page. Richard is the real deal. He has put his life back together against almost insurmountable odds. Hes back to tell his story in poems that are honest, heart-breaking, violent, and tender. This book is a thoroughly unique look at how religious experience can transform lives for the better. ISBN 978-0-9789676-7-3 Paperback / $15.95 68 pages / 5 x 8 Poetry/Religion Now Available RAYMOND RICHARD lives in Chicago and he has devoted his life to helping men and women put their lives back together after incarceration. He founded Returning Citizens, a nonprot organization that empowers former prisoners through job training, literature, and the power of the spoken word.

Broadsides: Poets & Painters

Over 70 Limited Edition Letterpress Prints The Poetry Center of Chicago

3iBooks Presents ART/POETRY BROADSIDES from The Poetry Center of Chicago

The Broadside, an art form dating back to the 17th century, was printed as a political statement or opinion to be distributed to citizenry. The original meaning, a barrage of cannon re launched by one ship to another, eventually led to the connotation to let looseor write a strongly worded opinion, the most famous of which were the Dunlap Broadsides, the rst published copies of The Declaration of Independence. This tradition led to writing poems from the oral tradition of the ballad. Todays broadsides are printed on letterpress, illustrated by the artist, and signed and numbered by both the poet and the artist. Some of the poets in The Poetry Center collection: Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Mark Strand, Billy Collins, Louise Gluck, Lisel Mueller, Ted Kooser, Kay Ryan, Natalie Merchant, and Billy Corgan Some of the artists in The Poetry Center collection: Ed Paschke, Tony Fitzpatrick, Laura Letinsky, Marcos Raya, and Stanley Tigerman For pricing and subscription information on individual broadsides, contact 3iBooks at, or contact a sales representation group in your area.

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Dynamic Young Adult Fiction

The Girl Who Applied Everywhere

by John Binder
An interesting glance at the contemporary high school experience Brendan Lee, English teacher, Oak Park-River Forest High School Applying to college is a rite of passage experienced by thousands of high school students every year. For Sarah Jennings, a senior at ctional Oak Stream High School in suburban Chicago who wants to attend a top university, the task is a daunting one. She comes up with the highly unorthodox idea of applying to 101 colleges around the country, including her safety school, University of Illinois. Readers will nd themselves rooting for Sarah and her two friends, Carrie Wilson and Rob Taylor, as she struggles to submit all her applications by the end of December deadline. The pressure of getting into a prestigious school can be incredibly intense in a suburban environment. Worried about his own chances, Rob decides on a new, bizarre strategy. Embracing his Native American heritage, he changes his name from Rob Taylor to Running Elk Taylor; he then reapplies to the schools he has already applied to by submitting identical materials while listing his ethnicity as Native American. Rob ends up getting into many colleges that might have otherwise rejected him. Meanwhile, Carrie, Sarahs other friend, contends with undue pressure from her mother who went to MIT and sees her going there as a fulllment of a multigenerational legacy. There is no question in her mothers mind where she will go, but Carrie has other ideas. In the strange world of college admissions it becomes clear that acceptance decisions are based on all kinds of things beyond the applicants academic ability. Because she is famous due to media coverage of her application odyssey, Sarah gets admitted by most of the schools she applied to. Then comes the really hard partwhere to go? And herein lies the moral to this spirited and entertaining novel. John Binder is a faculty member and former administrator at University of Illinois at Chicago. His previous book, The Chicago Outt, deals with rackets other than higher education. He wrote this book partly to help put his children through college.

ISBN 978-0-9789676 Hardcover $24.95 234 pages 5x8 Fiction September 2011

Nonnas Book of Mysteries

I loved Nonnas Book of Mysteries! Its a wonder of a bookexciting, mysterious, and wise I cant wait for another from Mary Osborne. Karen Cushman, Newbery Award winner, author of The Midwifes Apprentice ISBN 978-1-936181-16-2 Paperback / $16.95 352 pages 5x8 Young Adult Fiction Ages 14 and up Mary Osborne is a registered nurse, educator, and teen advocate. A graduate of Knox College and Rush University, she is the author of the forthcoming prequel, Alchemys Daughter. She lives in Chicago. Visit Marys online alchemy lab at

Food with Attitude

Cooking the Cuban-Rican Way By Chef Papi Prez
An Open Letter to Michelle Obama Dear First Lady Obama, I would like to take a moment of your time to announce the upcoming release of my rst book, Food with Attitude: Cooking the Cuban-Rican Way, which goes hand-in-hand with your cause against childhood obesity, and Beyoncs Lets Move program. I believe the essential ingredients for creating healthy eating habits in children are family and sharing meals. Dining with family is a key factor in building lasting relationships of love and trust. I want to bring our people back to the table; it can have an irreplaceably positive inuence on the lives of children everywhere. This cookbook is my rst effort to bring American families around the dining table in a harmonious and healthy way. Food with Attitude takes the notion that healthy food has to be bland and turns it on its head with Cuban-Rican cooking, a fusion of two distinct Caribbean styles that combine for an explosion of exotic spices and avors. In this vibrant and imaginative cookbook I share my secrets as a craftsman in the kitchen, and experiences passed down from my ancestral home. Readers will learn how to turn ordinary dishes into gourmet meals the whole family will love, with zesty appetizers, savory side dishes, aromatic salads, hearty main courses, and delectable desserts. Recipes delve into classics such as sazon papas, Cajun hummus, vegan arroz con gandules, award-winning Angel sweet potato pie, and the inimitable Havana Hot Plate, a creative comida of steak, garlicky yucca, and red beans and rice. This cookbook has a delicacy for every kind of palate and creed, from mac ncheese to wheatgrass spicy rum cake, grilled vegetables to the Prez original peanut-butter-and-jelly smoothie, a favorite of my six children. I have an extensive culinary background and want to do my part to help communities across the country. In writing Food with Attitude, I push toward a movement of healthier eating and stronger families, to combat the dangers of obesity. I cant save the world singlehandedly, but I can at least make a sound difference for the better and improve diets with the support of yourself and readers everywhere. Much Love, Chef Papi Prez


ISBN 978-1-936679-00-3 Cloth $27.95 200 pages 7x9 Cooking August 2011

CHEF PAPI PREZ bears the distinction of being one of the only certified Kosher chefs in Chicago. He has been an award-winning pie maker, menu consultant, and innovator in the kitchen for the past 25 years. Having personally cooked for a large percentage of President Obamas White House staff, Chef Prez is considered a world authority on Caribbean cooking.

From Lake Street Press

Beyond the Pews

Breaking with Tradition and Letting Go of Religious Lockdown by Jillian Maas Backman
Jillian Maas Backman is an extraordinary teacher. For years she has been guiding her clients along a path of self-discovery to peace and understanding. Now her astounding book, Beyond the Pews is destined to transform countless more lives. Susan Murphy Milano, author of Times Up, Defending Our Lives, and Moving Out, Moving On. Beyond the Pews follows the fascinating life story of a woman who heard angelic communications and received soulful insights from a world rarely visible to the naked eye. As a child in the church of her minister father, the author saw angels lingering in every space Tall ones, short ones, chubby ones and colors encircling people. Transparent colors in every hue of the rainbow poured out before her eyes. After years of processing these faith-based sensory perceptions, she discovered the souls natural intuitive language.

ISBN 978-1-936181-34-6 Paperback $15.95 226 pages 5x8 Religion/Spirituality June 2011

Award-winning radio personality and Intuitive Life Coach Jillian Maas Backman offers valuable ways for you to connect with your spiritual intuition. Interactive sections offer soul lessons to help you understand your own faith experiences and natural intuitive talents. Explore ways to Chart your Divine Energy Rhythm, nd the difference in Art of Doing versus the Art of Being, and learn how to analyze colors seen. This extraordinary book guides you to a deeper awareness of Gods constant loving presence in our lives, to a rebirth from a religious dogmatic cocoon into an active awakened etheric buttery.

Pope Mary and the Church of Almighty Good Food

by Gene Logsdon
Pope Mary and the Church of Almighty Good Food is a wicked satire of religion and small town oddballs. Barbara McIntyre, Akron Beacon Journal The original contrary farmer himself ruminates on the nature of religion and belief in this barnstormer of a book. Razor sharp satire, awless characterization, telling dialogue, and formidable comic situations make this third novel by veteran farm and nature writer Logsdon a must-read. Gene Logsdon lives and raises sheep in north central Ohio with his wife Carol. He is the author of 26 books, including The Lords of Folly (published by Wicker Park Press), The Mother of All Arts, You Can Go Home Again, The Contrary Farmer, The Pond Lovers, and All Flesh is Grass.

ISBN 978-0-9789676-4-2 Hardcover $24.95 200 pages 6x9 Fiction Now Available

Uncanny Valley
Waxworks Photographs of Eleftheria Lialios 1984-2011 by Eleftheria Lialios
Introduction by Dan Georgakis Text and Notes by Hatto Fischer Poetry by Vincent Berquez ISBN 978-0-97896766-6 Paperback / $35 ISBN 978-1-888160-75-8 Cloth Laminate / $49.95 120 pages / 10 x10 Art/Photography September 2011

Thought-Provoking Books from Wicker Park Press

a pioneer in photographic transparencies She believes in the power of creation and its concrete aftermath in our thoughts, and in the power of the object and its presence. Hellenic News of America The very nature of representation is on graphic display in these outrageous color photographs taken in various wax museums from Cyprus to Hollywood. What is especially uncanny about this book is its ability to entertain, inform, and shock readers all at the same time. As a functional work of art, this collection of photographs challenges more than our expectations and goes right to the heart of what it means to be human, and even post-human.

Cavafys Stone and other Village Tales

by Harry Mark Petrakis
The book compares favorably to the work of such short story writers Sholem Aleichem and Anton Chekhov. Mavis Manus, The Hellenic Journal ISBN 978-0-9789676-5-9 Cloth / $24.95 234 pages / 5 x 8 Fiction

Water Tanks of Chicago

A Vanishing Urban Legacy by Larry W. Green
A superb presentation James Cox, Midwest Book Review

ISBN 978-0-97809676-0-4 Paperback / $19.95 50 pages / 5 x 8 Art/Photography/Chicago Interest

Out on a Ledge
Surviving the Lodz Ghetto, Auschwitz, and Beyond by Eva Libitzky and Fred Rosenbaum SHORTLISTED FOR THE BENJAMIN FRANKLIN AWARD 2010 AUTOBIOGRAPHY/MEMOIR
Eva Libitzkys personal story opens a valuable window with frank discussions of the traumas and stresses of suffering and survival. Robert Moses Shapiro, Professor of Judaic Studies, Brooklyn College ISBN 978-0-9789676-3-5 Paperback / $16.95 276 pages / 5 x 8 History/WWII/Judaica Available

ISBN 978-0-9789676-5-9 Cloth / $24.95 234 pages 5x8 Fiction

ISBN 978-0-9789676-3-5 Paperback / $16.95 276 pages / 5 x 8 History/WWII/Judaica Available

ISBN 978-0-9789676-8-0 Paperback / $17.95 276 pages 5 x 8 History/WWII/Judaica April 2011

ISBN 978-0-9789676-9-7 Paperback / $16.95 228 pages 5x8 History/WWII/Judaica

ISBN 978-0-97809676-0-4 Paperback / $19.95 50 pages / 5 x 8 Art/Photography/ Chicago Interest

ISBN 978-0-9824040-1-0 Paperback / $16 / 6 x 9 ISBN 978-0-9824040-2-7 Cloth / $25 / 192 pages Relationships/Self-Help

ISBN 978-0-9801810-2-9 Paperback $12.95 128 pages / 5 x 7 Shamanism/Mind-Body-Spirit

ISBN 978-0-9669427-1-2 Paperback $14.95 144 pages / 6 x 9 Health/Self-Help

ISBN 978-0-9824023-0-6 Paperback $14 150 pages / 5 x 8 Memoir/ Grief & Bereavement

ISBN 978-0-9824023-2-0 Paperback $7.50 36 pages / 5 x 8 Grief & Bereavement

ISBN 978-0-9824023-1-3 Paperback / $9.95 36 pages / 5 x 8 Self-Help/Mid-Body-Spirit

ISBN 978-0-09778324-7-7 Paperback / $15.95 190 pages / 5 x 8 Self-Help/Mid-Body-Spirit

ISBN 978-0-9724450-1-6 Cloth / $25 288 pages / 6 x 9 Religion/Philosophy

ISBN 978-1-935586-00-5 Cloth / $24.95 223 pages / 6 x 9 Divorce/Self-Help

ISBN 978-0-9645168-2-1 Paperback / $17.95 258 pages / 6 x 9 Environmental Studies/Public Policy


Wicker Park Press Ltd Ordering Information:

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See page 5 for more information on over 70 ne letterpress broadsides from the Poetry Center of Chicago, available through 3iBooks.


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