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6 Body-fluid-Blood PDF

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Body fluid
• The water and dissolved solutes throughout the body constitute the body fluid .
• Blood is a specialized mature liquid
connective tissue.
• Total blood volume- 6ltr
• pH of blood- 7.4(slightly alkaline)
• Specific gravity- 1.055
• Location- circulatory system
Blood plasma
• Straw colored fluid
• Water content-91.5%
• Solute content -8.5%
• Solutes contain proteins, electrolytes, nutrients, enzymes, hormones, gases, waste
products ( urea, uric acid, creatinine, ammonia, bilirubin)
• Proteins found in plasma- plasma protein
• Plasma proteins are synthesized by hepatocytes
• They are albumin, globulin, fibrinogen
• Albumin- smallest proteins, maintains osmotic pressure of blood
• Globulin- large proteins, produce immunoglobins to attack against bacteria & virus
• Fibrinogen- large proteins, helps in coagulation of blood

• Serum= Blood plasma- fibrinogen

• The process by which the cellular
elements of blood develops-
• Primary site of RBC synthesis- bone
• The process by which erythrocytes are
formed- erythropoiesis
• Before birth- yolk sac,liver,spleen,
thymus, lymph node
• Last trimester- RBM
• After birth & through out the life- RBM
• Red blood cells or erythrocytes
• Volume in healthy male-5.4million/µl
• In healthy female-4.8million/µl
• Biconcave discs of 7-8µm
• No nucleus found
• Red in color because of presence of hemoglobin
• Each rbc contains 280 million hemoglobin
• Hemoglobin=heme(Fe2+)+globin protein
• Hemoglobin binds with 4 oxygen
• Life span-120days
Haemolysis of RBC
• Known as leukocytes
• Contains nuclei but not
• Colorless cells containing nucleus
• Larger size than RBC
• Volume- 5000-10000 WBC/µl
• Life span- few hours to few days
• WBCs have granules in the
• They contain 2 or more lobes
• Again divided into following 3
• Neutrophils
• Eosinophils
• Basophils
• Smaller than others
• Pale lilac color
• Do not attract either acidic or
basic dyes
• Neutrophilic in nature
• 2-5 lobes, connected by thin
strands of nuclear material
• Occupy 65-70% of total blood
• Large, uniform sized granules
which are eosinophilic
• Eosinophilic- eosin loving-
attract to acidic dyes-red or
• 2 lobes connected by thin
strands of nuclear material
• 2-4% of blood
• Round , variable sized
• Basophilicnature- basic
loving- blue purple dyes
•2 lobes, mostly kidney shaped
• 0.5% of total blood
• Granules are not visible properly
• Poor staining quality
• Smaller in size
• Nucleus stains dark, round & slightly indented
• Cytoplasm stains sky blue
• Major type of lymphocytes- T cell, B cell, NK cell
• Function- deactivate the toxins, act against microbes, virus,
bacteria etc.
• According to cell diameter 2 types
• Large(10-14µm)
• Small (6-9µm)
• Kidney shaped nucleus
• Cytoplasm stains blue grey color & foamy appearance
• Migrate from blood to tissue, enlarge, differentiate into
macrophages. May be fixed or wondering.
• Clean up debris & microbes by phagocytosis after infection.
Development of WBC
• 1,50,000-4,00,000/microl of blood
• Irregular disc shaped
• 2-4 micrometer diameter
• Many vescicles but no nucleus
• Life span 5-9 days
• Aged and dead platelets are removed by the fixed macrophages found in
spleen & liver
• Contains a no of chemicals that promotes blood coagulation.
Blood clotting
• A defense mechanism of body in
which blood coagulates is known as
blood coagulation or blood clotting.
• It is a series of chemical reaction.
• Several substances that involved in
clotting is known as clotting factor
• There are 13 no. of clotting factors
present I human body.
• Avg clotting time is 5-15min.
Mechanism of blood clotting
Blood grouping
• The surfaces of erythrocytes contain a genetically determined
classified antigens which is composed of glycoproteins &
• Antigens are called as agglutinogen.
• Basing upon the presence of antigens blood is differentiated into
different groups.
• Major blood groups are: ABO & Rh
• Blood plasma contains antibodies called as agglutinins that react
with the antigens.
ABO Blood group
• Based on 2 glycolipid antigens i. e. A & B
• Anti-A antibody reacts with antigen A and anti-B antibody reacts
with antigen B.
• Antibodies do not react with the antigens of own RBCs.
ABO Blood group
Rh Blood Group

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