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Factors Influencing The Successful Implementation of Prospective Ginou Jisshuu and Tokutei Ginou Careworkers' Training

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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 509

4th International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education (ICOLLITE 2020)

Factors Influencing the Successful Implementation of

Prospective Ginou Jisshuu and Tokutei Ginou
Careworkers' Training
Aep Saeful Bachri*, Dewi Kusrini, Fania Zahra Augustine
Japanese Language Education Department, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia
Corresponding author. Email:

This research is a case study on a training program for prospective careworkers who will be dispatched to Japan with
the Ginou Jisshuu (skilled apprenticeship) and Tokutei Ginou (special work practice) programs at UPI. This research
was conducted to determine the factors in successfully implementing the training of prospective workers' Japanese
language skills and basic knowledge of nursing until they are able to be dispatched to Japan, focusing on information
gained from the training participants. Data were collected through open interviews with 14 trainees who were
associate graduates and bachelors (fresh graduates) of nursing degrees from 2 state universities in Bandung. The
findings show that internal and external factors influence the success rate of the training. Internal factors include
competence of trainees who were diplomas and Bachelor of Nursing degree, motivation, learning efforts. External
factors include UPI as a trustworthy organizing institution, assistance with training costs from users, a centralized
training time, targeted teaching materials, five experienced UPI lecturers as training instructors, a more relaxed
approach to learning, and cooperation between former participants and current participants. Ten trainees had passed
the test and were declared to be able to depart with the Ginou Jisshuu and Tokutei Ginou programs this year.
Meanwhile, four other trainees were re-submitted to training in order to pass the required Japanese language
proficiency test and skills. For the next training, it is expected that there will be more a more efficient training time.

Keywords: Ginou Jisshuu, Tokutei Ginou, Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT), basic nursing
knowledge test, careworker

1. INTRODUCTION Tokutei Ginou is divided into two, namely Tokutei

Ginou 1 with a visa for a working period of only 1 year,
The currently alarmingly high population of the during which workers cannot bring their family to Japan
elderly has brought Japan to the condition known as the to live together, and Tokutei Ginou 2, a visa with a
super aging nation (Iskandar, 2020). This is due to working period of up to 5 years while also enabling
several factors including the declining birth rates, workers to bring their families to Japan (JITCO, n.d.).
declining age of productive rates and an explosion of Tokutei Ginou 1 includes construction industry, ship,
baby boomers. In the year 2020 alone, the elderly group and marine industry, car care service industry, aviation
in Japan will be around 36.12 million and reach its peak industry, accommodation industry, long-term care,
in the year 2042 with 38.78 million (Iskandar, 2020). building cleaning, agriculture, food and beverage
Ministry of Justice of Japan is trying to cover its labor manufacturing, and foodservice industries. Meanwhile,
shortage by recruiting more foreign workers/foreigners Tokutei Ginou 2 covers construction industry, marine
through the Ginou Jisshuu (Interns) ‘Skilled Internship’ industry, car care service industry, aviation industry and
visa, which has been in effect since 1 November 2017, accommodation industry (JITCO, n.d.).
then the Tokutei Ginou (Workers) ‘Special Skilled
Workers’ visa which took effect since 29 April 2019, Japan has also signed an MOU with the Indonesian
which gives foreigners the opportunity to work and stay government on 25 June 2019 that would enable
or live permanently in Japan (Kamimura, 2019). Indonesia to send workers to Japan both through the
states and/or private institutions. The Ministry of

Copyright © 2020 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press SARL.

This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license - 7
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 509

Manpower and IM Japan will then handle the domestic level of JLPT and elderly nursing basic tests as the
route for organizing training for prospective workers. (pre)requisites for working in Japan, there are four
(Indonesia-IM, 2019). Competition is very high in order problems that were raised as cited below.
to participate in this program as prospective trainees
1. How do the trainees try to pass the JLPT on the
were/are free of charge. For this reason alone, the
N4 level and the nursing knowledge test which are
private sector exists to distribute workers to Japan, with
required to work in Japan?
funds completely charged towards trainees. Various
private job-training institutions in Indonesia and private 2. How do the training conductors work so that the
job-training institutions in Japan have started to appear. graduation target is achieved maximally?
There are many cases of fraud by asking for high fees
3. How are the teaching efforts to transfer
from trainees/prospective workers, but no departures to
knowledge effectively towards the training participants?
Japan. With that in mind, prospective trainees/workers
need to take caution (Susilo, 2019). 4. What is the form of support provided by the user
for the implementation of this training?
Regarding the field of careworkers, the Mayor of
Toyota city through the Japan Education training This article is primarily aimed at answering these
institute has signed an MOU, and one of its activities is research questions from the perspective of the trainees.
organizing training for prospective careworkers at a
state university in Bandung since September 2019. The 2. LITERATURE REVIEW
state university has become the first institution to
facilitate training in both Japanese language skills and Indonesian and Japanese EPA (Economic
nursing, which will later on be tested on tests that must Partnership Agreements) program has opened a wide
be passed by prospective workers from Indonesia to be opportunity for Indonesians who went to Japan as
able to work in Japan through the Ginou Jisshuu and nurses. Followed by the recruitment of careworkers to
Tokutei Ginou program in nursing and caregiving. The work in nursing homes, other Indonesians besides those
program is a request from the Japanese city of Toyota to working as nurses can join the program as well (Bachri,
be able to meet the need of the lacking elderly nursing 2010). Regarding strategies and problems in learning
workforce in the city of Toyota by picking up competent Japanese for Indonesian nurses have also been discussed
people to work in Japan. previously (Bachri, 2011), this is also including the
discovery of shock-culture cases occurring in many
In the first batch, there are 14 nursing graduates Indonesian nurses working in Japanese hospitals and
from university A (diploma and associate degree) and nursing homes (Bachri, 2014).
university B (bachelor) who participated in the training
from September 2019 to February 2020. With the Izumi (2019) explains that there is a need for
condition that each trainee passes the N4 level of the guarantees from the user in terms of the welfare of
Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) and the foreign workers, such as to be able to live and socialize
basic knowledge test for nursing. There are 10 graduates alongside Japanese people in a society so that it
who are able to go to work in various nursing home guarantees the continuance of education, an appropriate
facilities in the city of Toyota, Japan in 2020. The increase in salaries and guarantees for family members
factors that help the ten trainees succeed, also including brought to Japan are absolute. Thus, workers from
those who had not succeeded, needed to be studied outside of Japan will continue to be able to help with the
scientifically so that the results of the analysis could be issue of labor shortages in Japan.
used as recommendations for better future training or as As mentioned in the introduction, there are private
a reference for other institutions to be able to carry out sectors/institutions available for channeling Indonesian
maximum training. workers interested in working in Japan through various
As an assumption, the skill factor is in accordance job-training institutions (LPK), where Indonesians who
with the needs in the field, the motivation and effort of are interested in working in Japan with the Ginou
the participants to take part in the training, teachers, and Jisshuu or Tokutei Ginou programs then become
lecturers to provide lessons necessary according to the participants of the programs offered by job-training
needs on the field, the motivation, and effort on part of institutions.
the user, namely the local government of Toyota Japan However, up to this moment, there has been no data
to facilitate the implementation of the training by paying on whether or not the training program was successful,
the training fee; after, the participant's work is an how difficult and easy it was to implement the program
important factor influencing the success of the training and the responses of trainees at training institutions in
for the careworker work field in Japan. Indonesia. The data is needed to evaluate the
From the main research that raises the issue of the implementation of existing training to be able to send
factors that affect the success rate of training high-quality workers to Japan in the shortest possible
prospective careworkers in their efforts to pass the N4

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 509

time and also, to increase the number of workers with an IC recorder; the results of the recording were
successfully dispatched”. then transcribed for further analysis.
As a reference for data analysis in this study, it shall The interview material that was prepared in advance
explain the implementation of Japanese language was related to participants' motivation to work in Japan,
training for prospective workers from Indonesia as reasons for choosing Japan over other countries, reasons
nurses and (elderly) careworkers through the EPA for choosing to train at UPI, training costs, knowledge
program. (Kamimura, 2019). and skills related to Japanese language and elderly
nursing that the participants had prior to attending the
The EPA program for nursing and careworkers field,
training, the basic Japanese learning process and basic
between Indonesia and Japan, began in 2008 (MOFA,
nursing knowledge during the training, the learning
2008), which is a program where Indonesia are able to
process for the JLPT, NAT, and J-Test practice
send its’ citizens as workers, especially for nurses who
questions, and the interview practice learning process,
are nurses with 5 years of experience of working for the
as well as suggestions from participants for a more
elderly, nurses or bachelor's fresh graduates in any field
effective training implementation in the future.
of science can follow this program as well even without
any prior experience as an elderly careworker. The Through the interviews, detailed factors will be
program’s process begins with candidates selected by obtained to be used as a reference point or reference for
BNP2TKI to be given Japanese language training for 6 other training programs in other places in order to
months in Indonesia, followed by an additional 6 increase the number of Indonesian workers sent to Japan
months of Japanese language training in Japan. Each with the Ginou Jisshuu or Tokutei Ginou program/visa
candidate is given 3 years to prepare for the Japanese in a short time due to the effectiveness of the training
state exam for hospital nurses and as for careworking being carried out.
candidates are given 4 years to prepare for the state
nursing skills test. If the candidates pass the state exam, 4. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION
both carewokers and general hospital nurses can and
could work, reside permanently in Japan. However, if From the results of interviews with 14 training
they do not pass, they will be returned to Indonesia. participants via the WhatsApp application, during the
Along with the improvement of the state exam questions months of June and July 2020, the recorded results were
which are adapted to the abilities of foreigners who do as long as 10 hours and 15 minutes, then written
not have kanji background, the passing percentage of transcripts were made. From reading and analyzing the
the EPA participant state exams is increasing transcripts and listening back to the recorded interviews,
(Kamimura, 2019). it was found that internal and external factors influenced
the successful implementation of careworker training
Regarding the motivation of wanting to work in for the Ginou Jisshuu and Tokutei Ginou programs held
Japan, it is known that there is a motivational factor to at UPI from the perspective of the training
earn a higher income than compared to in Indonesia participants/trainees.
which is not only to help better one’s financial
conditions but also to help each candidates’ parents'
4.1. Internal Factors
economy as well. Other motivation is to learn to live
independently and seek experience of living abroad. As
well as adding insight into Japanese language and
4.1.1. Competence of Trainees
culture (Priyadi, 2019). The competence of the trainees is above the required
competency standard, where all participants have
3. METHODS already graduated with a nursing degree (associate-
degree/diploma and bachelors) from two quality state
This research uses a descriptive analysis research
universities. This is a great base for the training program
method in the form of a case study on the
to be able to educate and teach in a short time (for 6
implementation of training for prospective careworkers
months) so that the training target to dispatch workers to
at the University of Education of Indonesia (UPI) in the
Japan with a JLPT level of N4 and a level of nursing
year 2019. The data analysis is focused on the results of
knowledge can be achieved.
in-depth interviews (Matsuura & Nishiguchi, 2008) with
all 14 trainees: 2 male and 12 female. Eight of them are The training is held from Monday to Friday from 8
from University A, and are bachelors of the nursing to 3 o'clock or from 7 to 2 o'clock with 1 hour of break
program and six of them were from university B; are time/rest. With such a packed and dense training time,
associate-graduates/diploma of the nursing program. training participants could take part in the training
program because they are only required to focus on
The instrument used was an open, by-phone
attending the training as they are no longer students or
interview using WhatsApp. The interview was recorded

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 509

Most of the participants also have the characteristic psychological tests held by the Government of
of being able to learn independently outside of class. Indonesia (BNP2TKI).
This characteristic is believed to have a big influence on
The explanation sparked Dhi's interest in
learning outcomes (Hayakawa, Ishikawa, & Kunitou,
careworking, as there was also support from the head of
Dhi's study program as well. Afterward, Dhi contacted
the researcher to register as a participant in the month of
4.1.2. Motivation of Trainees April 2020. While waiting for the training to start, as
Most of the training participants are trying to help there was a minimum number of participants in order
better the financial state and conditions of their for the training could be held, Dhi used his free time by
respective families. Thus, it could be concluded that, the working temporarily in Karawang. Then during the
income from working abroad, such as in Japan; is the month of August, there was information that the training
main consideration for participants to choose Japan and would take place in September, in the same month, he
want to take part in the training process so that they resigned from work, then started taking part in training
could work in Japan and earn a living/income that could in early September.
help improve their economy. In general, the motivation A participant named Zul from University B also
to earn a bigger income compared to (the much smaller) received information from the presentation held by the
Indonesian per capita’s income is an ever-present factor, Japanese Academy of Education. He was interested
as is the motivation of prospective kenshuusei (trainers) because the teaching lecturer was from a teaching
in engineering to work in Japan (Priyadi, 2019). institution, and so he decided to take part in the training
In addition, the participants were motivated to gain and had an intense interaction with the trainer regarding
knowledge and experience from working in Japan, the implementation of the training. Zul actively delivers
which has already handled elderly care by applying information to the student group on the WhatsApp
various modern technologies. Although the experience application, resulting in seven other people interested in
of working in the nursing field in Japan with technology the training program trying to participate without
seems very practical, it is unlikely that the experience comparing with other job-training institutions available
gained could be applied in Indonesia due to the large as they already have confidence in the teachers and
technological gap between the two countries. However, organizers that also involves UPI's institution.
participants argued that basic human needs are similar Training costs are also an important factor that
so that communication used with the elderly, and the makes it easier for participants to attend the training.
work ethics gained from working in Japan are still Based on an overview, it requires a fee of 13 million
applicable in Indonesia. This motivation seems to be rupiahs to attend the training, but participants are only
more closely related to work professionalism than asked to pay 3 million rupiahs in installments during the
kenshuusei's motivation to broaden the knowledge of training and the rest is paid when the participants are
Japanese language and culture (Priyadi, 2019). already working in Japan. So that participants who are
still financially dependent on their parents can easily
4.1.3. Selection of Training Institutions attend the training.

Many prospective workers were unable to achieve 4.1.4. Serious Learning Efforts in Class and
their goals to work in Japan due to fraud committed by
Efforts to Learn Independently Outside the
some job-training institutions, so the selection of a
trustworthy training institution was deemed an
important factor for participants (Majid, 2019). Dhi, a Serious learning efforts are a factor that allows
participant from University A, said that he knew about participants to absorb knowledge related to the Japanese
the training at University A from the Head of The language as the focus is on implementing a study that is
Nursing Study Program, due to the cooperation between on the implementation of learning activities that are
University A’s nursing program and Japan. carried out every day with an unimpeded time to study.
As a student Dhi intended to take part in the EPA Coupled with efforts outside of the classroom to study
program in early 2019 as he had previously heard about together with other participants to review subjects
the experience of 3 seniors in his department who had already learned, creating lectures' subjects that almost
already departed with EPA in 2012. However, in March all participants could follow in every day of the training,
2019 there happened to be an event on campus; and especially the efforts of participants who have
presenting information related to this training, from the already passed the Japanese language test first in
Japanese Education Academy, then Dhi diverted his December, although during the month of February 2020
direction to take part in the Ginou Jisshuu and Tokutei there was no more session as the training had ended, to
Ginou programs due to the EPA program having too help participants who had yet passed the Japanese
many stages; starting from filing, nursing tests, language test in the form of tutoring; became an

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 509

important factor so that the number of participants who interesting illustrations along with a workbook for
passed the exam would increase from only three trainees independent/self-practice. Coupled with a collection of
into ten, up to the month of June 2020. previous JLPT N5 and N4 questions discussed in class
as well as the smartphone application introduced by the
4.2. External Factors instructor specialized for learning outside of the
External factors include(s); UPI as a trustworthy
organizing institution, assistance with training costs The participants felt that the textbook material was
including textbooks and exam fees from users, a focused quite complete, including introduction to grammar,
and centralized training time for five full months, conversation and listening and reading. However, it
targeted teaching materials necessary to pass the seems that in the future training; it is also necessary to
Japanese language proficiency test, five training think about the enrichment of teaching materials that are
instructors who have also experienced UPI lecturers more directed towards communicative Japanese,
with decades of teaching experiences alongside each approaching the actual situation when working as a
lecturers' unique teaching methods, a more relaxed careworker in Japan to strengthen the motivation of
approach to learning in comparison to the rather strict trainees to learn Japanese (Nimonjiya, 2019).
and semi-military LPK (Job Training Institutes) Regarding kanji, Indonesians whose mother
considered suitable for effective learning. language is a language that does not implement kanji-
based writing system, it is necessary to teach students to
4.2.1. Trust in UPI Educational Institutions as not only memorize the kanji one by one, but also to use
Training Providers them in simple kanji sentences which can be better
understood and remembered by the trainees (Nishigoori
Trust in the training institution is an important factor & Kamimura, 2019).
for participants in determining which institutions could
help achieve their goal of working in Japan. Overall, it is necessary to develop a more
synchronous learning syllabus so that the four language
4.2.2. Assistance with Training Costs Including skills are acquired, and the Japanese language
proficiency test are successfully passed (Kamimura &
Textbooks and Exam Fees From the User
Mitsuhashi, 2019).
The training participants are charged 3 million
rupiahs in installments during the training, where the 4.2.5. Experienced UPI Lecturer as Training
remaining 10 million rupiahs and books, exam fees, and Instructors
transportation to the exam site are borne by the user(s),
in this case, the users are the Toyota city mayor and the The instructors are five University A lecturers with
nursing homes in Toyota. With this, participants can their respective complementary fields. Instructor A
take full advantage of the training. gives an opportunity in terms of language production to
create expressions that are used in the context of
4.2.3. A Full 6 Months of Centralized Training nursing. Instructor D1 delivers Japanese cultural content
to be able to understand more deeply about Japanese
Time and a Serious and Relaxed Training
culture so that trainees can understand the
Approach characteristics of the Japanese language better.
The training time set every day from Monday to Instructor S provides a detailed explanation of the
Friday at 8-15 or 7-14 from September 2019 to February vocabulary and grammar materials listed in the textbook
2020 allows participants to focus on absorbing the with a cross-cultural approach.
necessary Japanese knowledge and training alongside Instructor D2 provides kanji material along with the
other trainees so that Japanese can be mastered more application of its use as well as holding entertaining
effectively. The relaxed training approach also makes activities such as watching Japanese films together as
participants feel comfortable without being pressured to well as taking trainees for a trip to change the
accept training materials. atmosphere of the trainees, especially when they are
bored with the usual learning and practicing methods
4.2.4. Teaching Materials That are Right on used to study for tests in November 2019. Instructor A
Target to Pass the Japanese Language Skills also as the training conductor, who is experienced in
Test nursing, not only provides training in Japanese language
skills; but also provides an understanding of basic
The teaching materials used are, books that are nursing knowledge. So that the opinion of most of the
commonly used in learning Japanese both in lectures participants was that all instructors had a positive
and independently, namely the latest edition of Minna impact on their overall Japanese acquisition including
no Nihongo I and II including a kanji book with Japanese culture.

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 509

The instructors in the Japanese language training parts that have been and have yet been mastered for
have a big role in making all trainees pass the JLPT or further study. In addition, instructors are expected to go
NAT test (Ikeda, 2019). straight to the point so that time is effective only for
studying/learning. Also, trainees stated there is a need to
Team teaching allows the optimization of the
practice test questions and subjects earlier in order to be
instructor's strengths on the learning content to be
better prepared to take Japanese language proficiency
delivered and the varying teaching styles of the
tests. The implementation time of learning with
instructors so that participants experience a dynamic
sufficient rest intervals so participants could endure
approach of learning. In actuality, it is necessary to
learning for a longer period of time. As well as a change
involve one person who has been a careworker to be
in the learning atmosphere, such as using films or
involved as an instructor. So that the subject material
anime/doramas as a medium for learning or training
from the instructor could cover the shortage of
outside of the classroom.
instructors at the time; in which there are four experts in
the Japanese language and only one instructor with an
expertise of nursing theory. And the instructors from 5. CONCLUSION
these practitioners can strengthen the motivation of From the analysis of data from the open interview
participants to learn Japanese which is more applicable with the training participants', it is known that there are
to the world of elderly nursing which they will then face 2 factors that influence the success of the training.
in Japan later on (Kamimura & Kodaira, 2019). Internal factors referred to are including; competence of
trainees who are either associate-graduates/diploma and
4.2.6. Cooperation Between Participants With bachelors of the nursing degree in order for the training
Different Competencies to focus solely on learning Japanese so that the
minimum requirements for the JLPT N4 or NAT test 4Q
Cooperation between participants who passed first can be achieved quickly, a strong motivation; in
and participants who had not passed in preparation for addition to broadening trainees' knowledge and
the next exam was a factor outside the assumptions of experience of working in Japan, is also mainly to
this study. The JLPT N4 exam in December 2019 was improve the financial or economic states of each
attended by trainees for the first time, with the respective trainees' family, serious learning efforts from
announcement of graduation in January 2020 which the trainees inside or outside of the classroom, and
resulted in 4 participants passing. Then the next week's efforts to study independently or in groups carried
exam was the N4 NAT Test, the results of which were outside of the classroom.
immediately known, namely 8 people passed including
those who had also passed the N4 JLPT. And until June External factors include(s); UPI as a trustworthy
2020, there was an increase in the JLPT N4 level organizing institution, assistance with training costs
graduates; as much as two trainees, totaling in 10 people including textbooks and exam fees from users, a focused
having already passed the test and were declared to be and centralized training time for five full months,
able to depart with the 2020 Ginou Jisshuu and Tokutei targeted teaching materials necessary to pass the JLPT,
Ginou programs. Meanwhile, 4 other people were re- five training instructors who have also experienced UPI
submitted into the training in order to pass the Japanese lecturers with decades of teaching experiences alongside
language skills required to work in Japan. each lecturers' unique teaching methods, a more relaxed
approach to learning in comparison to the rather strict
Regarding independent learning, this is indeed a and semi-military LPK (Job Training Institutes)
very influential aspect in influencing the success of considered suitable for effective learning, and
achieving training targets. However, it is necessary to cooperation between participants already graduated and
think about the forms of independent learning that participants who have yet passed the preparation for the
participants need to do outside the classroom next exam until June 2020, 10 trainees had passed the
(Hayakawa, Ishikawa, & Kunitou, 2019). test and were declared to be able to depart with the
And in this study, the specific peculiarities of the Ginou Jisshuu and Tokutei Ginou programs this year.
characteristics of Indonesians who have a sense of Meanwhile, 4 other trainees were re-submitted to
friendliness are found so that they can work together to training in order to pass the required Japanese language
help and assist other participants to immediately pass proficiency test and skills.
the JLPT or NAT exam. From the results of the interviews, also obtained
Suggestions from the trainees in order for better were recommendations so that future training would be
training in the future such as; the current relaxed better, including a relaxed training approach while also
learning approach already applied is great, however, accompanied by strict rules, training implementation
there needs to be stricter control for participants who are time, how instructors teach, more evaluations, and a
late. Also, there needs to be an evaluation every other change in the learning atmosphere every now and then.
day in order to give the participants an overview of the

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 509

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