Nd-YAG SSY-1 Laser Rangefinder
Nd-YAG SSY-1 Laser Rangefinder
Nd-YAG SSY-1 Laser Rangefinder
SSY-1 laser is a compact flash lamp-pumped Nd:YAG laser with passive q-switch. This type of
laser generates pulses of 1064nm light with duration measured in nanosecond scale. The laser
assembly is a part of a rangefinder from the U.S. military. Some useful and interesting information
about the SSY-1 laser assembly can be found at the Sam's Laser FAQ: link.
The Nd:YAG rod is side-pumped by a regular flashlight tube, as it is shown in Fig. 2. A passive q-
switch installed in the laser, at the HR end of the resonator, is made of Cr3+:YAG. The resonator is
actually a plano/plano type which means that the mirror surfaces are completely flat (not like it is
drawn in the Fig. 2). The laser rod and flash lamp can be easily taken out of the resonant cavity to
access the internal components of the laser (e.g. remove the q-switch). The resonator is therefore
permanently aligned and it's not necessary to re-align it after accessing the interior of the
laser. Figures 3 to 6 show the laser taken apart.
Since this laser is flash lamp-pumped it uses the same electric circuitry as every flash lamp: it is
basically a capacitor charged to a few hundred volts and some kind of triggering circuit. Originally,
the flash of SSY-1 laser is powered by 36uF capacitor charged to 900V which gives about 15 joules
of stored energy. To power my laser unit I built a very simple power supply running directly off
230V mains (dangerous!). Fig. 7 shows a schematic of my power supply.
This setup allowed me to measure what is the laser behavior at different capacitor energy and also
with and without q-switch. Figures 14 to 17 show some charts with experiment results. Top line
(yellow) is the flash tube current, the middle (blue) is flash light and the bottom (purple) is laser
output. The vertical axis of the charts is not scaled in any units.
Using a 1.5 inch arc length results in a Ko of 16.6 which is what I measured it to be.
For the more conservative arc length of 1.4 inches with a 3 mm bore, the explosion energy for the
flashlamp = time.5 * 90 * arc length in inches * bore in mm = 378 * time.5. (Time is in
I designed this to run from 300 volts (50 joules) to 800 volts (360 joules). My damping factor
(alpha) ranged from 1.03 at 300 volts to 0.8 at 500 volts to 0.63 at 800 volts. I think at about 560
volts the current density in the flashlamp was about 4,000 A/cm2. The explosion energy with a 2.5
ms pulse is about 590 joules and at 800 volts I was running at about 60% of the explosion energy. I
normally run at about 560 volts where alpha = 0.76, at 30% of the explosion energy (about 177
joules), and the current density is about 4,000 A/cm2 in the flashtube (the approximate maximum
current density for which the 800 nm line is strongly excited). When I was hitting the razor blade
and the aluminum foil the capacitor was charged to 700 volts (274 joules - about 46% of the
explosion energy). The maximum pulse rate is about once every 45 seconds. Right now my charger
is running from 120 Vac but I plan to make this portable and run from 12 volts with a pulse rate
capability of about once every 30 to 40 seconds.
I have not removed the Q-switch to see the effect yet.
(From: Sam.)
Well, that's certainly impressive!
I assume that with the Q-switch, you are actually getting a series of short pulses of a few dozen mJ
each. My quick off the top of my head calculation for output energy using the Q-switch would be 25
to 50 times 20 or 30 mJ which is in the .5 to 1.5 J range so your calculations of output energy may
not be far off. This laser would probably also do nicely with an arc lamp if you could cool it
somehow. :)
(From: Shawn.)
My scope is getting calibrated now, but when I get it back I'll check the reflected light to see I am
getting a bunch of pulses or a long continuous pulse with a steep front end (maybe even a spike on
the front end of the pulse). Does this Q-switch have a self terminating bleaching effect independent
of incident power or does it remain bleached as long as the power is above a certain threshold?
(From: Sam.)
I don't know for sure but assume that it returns to its non-bleached state immediately after the laser
pulse and until the spontaneous emission (not the incident flashlamp power) exceeds the threshold
again. Not knowing the exact composition of the dye used here, I can't say what the exact time is.
For the rangefinder, the likely objective would be one intense pulse for each firing of the flashlamp
so there would be no need to select one that recovered quickly but they do exist.
(From: Greatest Prime (FishyBill@mediaone.net).)
The nickel complex BDN in toluene has a recovery time of about 1 ns. (Actually, you can make it in
a number of ways. One is to dissolve BDN in methyl methacrylate and polymerize it. You have to
watch out the active catalysts do not destroy the dye.) This allows for multiple pulsing. Other dyes
and solvents tend to shorten the recovery time. That is what makes mode locking possible at a pulse
repetition rates of more than 100 MHz. However, repetitive operation of dye Q-switched lasers is
more complicated than merely considering recovery time of the dye. There usually are long term
thermal effects of considerable importance.
(From: Sam.)
It might be possible to test the SSY1 laser for multiple pulsed operation by firing the flashlamp with
a longer than normal pulse. Once the first Q-switched output pulse depletes the upper energy state,
the Q-switch should revert to its non-bleached condition. If the flashlamp is still on, the cycle
should repeat. Doubling the flashlamp pulse duration from 100 to 200 ns while maintaining
approximately the same flashlamp light intensity should be enough and this can probably be done
safely (for the flashlamp and dye cell at least for a few shots to perform the test) by doubling the
values of the PFN capacitor and inductor. I've heard of rangefinder lasers similar to the SSY1
failing in a way that results in multiple output pulses - this may be a way to experiment with this
mode! Diode pumped solid state lasers take advantage of this effect to generate a series of very
short pulses with very consistent energy between pulses and a rate determine by the pump input.
One way to determine the pulse shape or pattern would be to fire the focused laser beam at a
rotating disk with a piece of black paper or carbon paper glued to its front surface. The shape of the
burn mark or pattern of spots should reveal whether it is lasing CW for the duration of the input
pulse or pulsing at a regular rate as would be expected if the Q-switch were active the entire time. A
75 mm diameter disk rotating at 3,600 rpm would result in a linear velocity of about 1.4 mm/100 us
for this laser oscilloscope. :)
(From: Shawn.)
I noticed that my divergence is significantly greater with the long pulse (2.5 ms) versus the short
pulse (approximately 400 us). Do you have any thoughts on why this could be happening? How
much more energy do you think I could get out if I removed the Q-switch?
When I was using the short pulse PFN I could discolor a black piece of cardboard about 2.5 feet
away with the spot size only growing slightly (perhaps a few mm in diameter). However, with the
long pulse PFN, I placed a piece of black cardboard about 3 inches from the output coupler (and hit
it) and then moved it back 4 inches (about 7 inches from the output coupler) and the diameter grew
by about 2 mm. At about 1 foot from the output coupler I can't discolor the black cardboard with the
long pulse PFN.
(From: Sam.)
That's interesting and could indicate that the dye does remain bleached after the initial pulse. Or, the
dye bleaches from the center out which would restrict the area of lasing when Q-switched.
(From: Shawn.)
Are you thinking that if the dye bleaches from the center out in combination with the applied pulse
duration, then the Q-switch will effectively clip the higher order modes letting only TEM00 to
oscillate. However, with a long pulse, the dye possibly remains bleached over the whole rod
diameter which permits the higher order modes to oscillate creating the high divergence. Maybe I
should pull the Q-switch and insert an aperture into the cavity to clip the higher order modes?
(From: Sam.)
As far as total energy, if the Q-switch is not participating after the initial pulse, than it won't make
much difference. However, if the dye bleaches and recovers quickly, then perhaps it could be
(From: Shawn.)
I use a cheap 660nm laser pointer to bore sight the laser. When I get the laser pointer lined up I can
see the "orbit" reflections that seem to surround the fundamental spot. However I thought with a
plano-plano cavity the reflected spots tend to follow a line from the fundamental or follow a slight
curve (i.e., not surround the fundamental spot). Could this cavity be a near hemispherical or a
plano-plano cavity? If this is a near hemispherical cavity could that explain why the center of the q-
switch would bleach first?
(From: Sam.)
I thought it was a plano-plano cavity but didn't check carefully. Just look at the reflections from the
optics of something distant and see if they look flat. :)
Shining a laser pointer into it you also have reflections from the rod ends and the Q-switch to
confuse things. I'll have to check...
I just went and used a HeNe laser reflected off the mirrors with a piece of paper to block the
reflections from the rod ends and Q-switch (so they wouldn't confuse things). The mirrors appear to
be planar as far as I can tell but this still isn't conclusive since I was just kind of holding the thing
steady and trying to view the reflected spots.
It does look as if the rod ends and/or Q-switch is ground on a slight angle because without the
paper, there is a distinct far off-axis spot.
(From: Shawn.)
I noticed that far off axis spot too when I'ms bore sighting it with the laser pointer. Do you think it
would be worth it to put an aperture in the cavity and how big of an aperture do you think would be
good to use? What is confusing me is that the output of the side of the rod closest to the flashlamp
seems to put out more energy and I am trying to envision the optimal location for the aperture (i.e.,
should the aperture be placed off centerline toward the flashlamp side).
(From: Sam.)
The fact that you get more energy off-center suggests (at least to me) that the cavity is indeed
planar. A cavity with curved mirrors would tend to homogenize the distribution I would think.
What are you hoping to accomplish with an aperture? Obtain a TEM00 beam? That may not be
possible from such a short cavity. There's a magic number for a given cavity configuration to
determine if a TEM00 beam will be produced (sorry, I don't have the equation or the value for this
laser) but I bet it would require a rather narrow beam.
(From: Shawn.)
I was just hoping/dreaming to be able to project the unmanipulated beam further. I think you are
right again about the planar cavity. A near hemispherical cavity should have more energy in the
(From: Sam.)
Well, you can still expand/collimate it and that will help but if you were after HeNe-like beam
quality, not likely. :)
(From: Shawn.)
I fixed my divergence problem. I remember when I got the laser, I illuminated the bore and noticed
a slight star-burst pattern that seem to be coming from the Q-switch. Yesterday, I noticed the star-
burst getting more pronounced. I guess my higher energy pulse must have aggravated the existing
imperfection. So, I removed the Q-switch. My divergence problem has gone away. I'ms assuming
that the imperfection in the Q-switch was dampening the oscillations in the center of the laser rod.
The beam now grows about 0.1 to 0.15 inches in diameter over a 3 foot distance.
Before, when I charged my capacitor up to 700 volts (about 275 joules) I could only put about a
0.020 inch diameter hole in a 0.004 inch thick razor blade. Now, without the Q-switch I can put a
0.033 inch diameter hole through the same razor blade. If you just ratio the changes in volume the
output energy has increased by over 2.5 times.
(From: Sam.)
Yes, I've heard that the dye based passive Q-switch is one of the items that fails most often (the
other being the flashlamp). So, it may have been slightly bad to begin with but your super power
pulses might have really done it in!
For those who haven't yet begun to abuse SSY1, it is probably best to remove the Q-switch dye cell
before attempting to run at much higher energy input than the 15 J max of PFN1. To do this, detach
the rod/flashlamp assembly from the resonator frame (make a note of the direction in which it is
installed). At one end you can see an AR coated end of the YAG rod (I think there is a screw at that
end which holds the rod in place). At the other end is the Q-switch dye cell (slightly larger diameter
than the rod) which is held in secured with some tan or brown adhesive which has to be removed to
free it. There is a tiny fill hole where some adhesive was forced in on the side - using a drill bit in
your hand to remove what's in there may also be needed. Take care to avoid scratching or breaking
the dye cell - you may want to replace it at some point in the future (and that dye cell originally cost
something like $200!).
Without the Q-switch, the output will not be as short a pulse but may actually result in more total
energy (though less peak power).
(Several months pass.)
I have now built everything into a portable self contained unit (including the laser pointer target
designator) that could operate from a 12 VDC source. A pushbutton must be held in to charge the
caps but there is an overvoltage cutoff to prevent accidental overcharging. There is an LCD readout
for capacitor voltage. Of course, the most important part of this rig is my pair of 1,064 nm laser
safety goggles!
I've fired well over 2,000 shots with my SSY1 setup and there appears to be no decrease in output
power (based on the diameter of hole through a razor blade). The Q-switch has long since died and
was removed about 2,000 shots ago. :) My max pulse rate is about 1 shot every 45 seconds. EG&G
says that I am driving the flashlamp properly. I bought a couple extra flashlamps just in case.
I've made a sort of hodgepodge laser power meter. I sliced a piece of carbon from a carbon zinc
battery anode. The slice is 0.239" diameter (6.071 mm) by 0.065" thick (1.651 mm). I epoxied a
thin piece of plastic to the back of the carbon disk to act as an electrical insulator for a Fluke k-
thermocouple junction. The thermocouple junction was epoxied perpendicular to the flat surface of
the disk. I used an 805 nm laser diode to "calibrate" the disk. The laser diode is calibrated. I set the
laser diode to put out 1 watt. I put the carbon disk in front of the laser diode aperture and turned on
the laser for different durations as measured by an oscilloscope. I took several measurements while
measuring the delta T and time duration for each exposure to the laser diode. Approximately 2
minutes elapsed between each measurement. My data is shown below:
Test Tinitial Tfinal Delta T Pulse Duration MC calculated
# (Deg C) (Deg C) (Deg C) (seconds) (Joules / C)
1 23.8 30.0 6.2 1.56 0.252
2 24.1 31.2 7.1 1.67 0.235
3 24.2 27.8 3.6 0.92 0.256
4 23.8 28.2 4.4 1.11 0.252
5 23.7 26.1 2.4 0.58 0.242
6 23.5 34.1 10.6 2.50 0.236
Energy into the sensor in joules = time duration in seconds since the power input is 1 W. The
average MC comes out to be 0.246 J per Deg C.
It took about 10 seconds for the temperature to stabilize. I guess that the thermocouple wires were
not bleeding away the heat too fast.
I charged up the capacitor for the SSY1 to different voltages and fired it into the sensor which was
about 1 foot away. I have a laser pointer with a cross hair diffractive lens that bore sights the laser
and is aligned to perhaps 1 to 2 mm. The following are the test results:
Vcap Tinitial Tfinal Delta T Calc Eout Flashlamp Energy Efficiency
(Volts) (Deg C) (Deg C) (Deg C) (Joules) (Joules, from Pspice) (%)
350 24.4 27.0 2.6 0.64 57.1 1.1
400 23.7 28.3 4.6 1.13 73.6 1.5
450 23.9 29.9 6.0 1.48* 91.9 1.6
500 23.9 31.7 7.8 1.92* 112.0 1.7
500 24.0 31.3 7.3 1.80* 112.0 1.6
550 24.0 32.2 8.2 2.02* 133.8 1.5
600 23.8 33.6 9.8 2.41* 157.3 1.5
•d is the mean diameter in inches.
•t is the number of turns.
•b is the length in inches.
So, here are some options for 820 uH:
•68 turns, 6 inches in diameter (110 feet of wire).
•48 turns, 12 inches in diameter (150 feet of wire).
•34 turns, 24 inches in diameter? (210 feet of wire).
You can see why the inductor from parts express was so attractive.
(From: Sam.)
Nah, that's cheating. :) I found a 3 inch diameter form during a walk in the park - from a
Hallmark(tm) party ribbon or something - perfect. Extrapolating from the tables above, a 200 uH
inductor would require about 50 turns. I actually wound 55 turns in 5 layers using #14 insulated
solid building wire. This isn't exactly magnet wire but the insulation is still rather thin so it packs
nicely. The 55 turns should yield a bit more inductance - perhaps 250 uH - resulting in a slightly
longer pulse. So much the better - it will be easier on the flashlamp.
I located the pair of 1,800 uF, 450 V caps and confirmed that their ESR is still unmeasurable (0.0
ohms) but I will probably need to reform them since they are quite old. I even have a preliminary
power supply design. See the section: Sam's High Energy AC Line Power Supply for SSY1 (SG-
SP3) and stay tuned for exciting developments.
Other High Energy Experiments with the SSY1 Laser Head
(From: Jay Byler (rjaby@aol.com).)
I successfully fired the SSY1 with a cap bank at 64 uF at 985 V. It made a very clean hole through a
razor blade in one pulse with the aid of a focusing lens. I understand that this is running the tube
pretty hard at input of around 31 J. I could not find out how long the tube would last under such
(From: Sam.)
That's very impressive since the energy input is significantly lower than that discussed above! I do
assume you removed the Q-switch dye cell as it probably wouldn't last long under this abuse. As far
as lamp life, it is running 3X or 4X of the energy normally used in the rangefinder application. So,
life will be reduced but it would be necessary to calculate the expected life based on the lamp's