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API 653 Day 5 Book

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API 653 – DAY 5

Page 1

1. What old code used to build rivettanks?

a. API Spec12A
b. API653
c. API650
d. API575

2. What code covers the safety precautions of entering atank?

a. API650
b. API575
c. API2015
d. API2000
e. API Spec12A

3. What code covers cathodic protections oftanks?

a. API653
b. API651
c. API652
d. API575

4. What code covers tanklining?

a. API653
b. API651
c. API652
d. API575

5. What code covers tankventing?

a. API RP12R1
b. API Std2015
c. API 653
d. API Std2000
e. API Std2006

6. What code covers design of low-pressuretanks?

a. API650
b. API620
c. API653
d. API575

Page 2
When taking UT thickness readings, it is recommended to use digital meter that
also hasa
e. Dual-element
f. Tracedisplay
g. Digitaloutput
h. Transducer

7. Dual-element transducer may give a false reading when the material

thickness islessthan inch.
a. 0.05
b. 0.5
c. 0.1
d. 0.001

8. A Dual element transducers on a digital UT meter can effectively measure

thicknessbetween: inch.
a. 0.05 – 0.10
b. 0.50 –5.0
c. 0.05 –1.0
d. 0.005 – 5.0

9. Which type of UT transducer is best for small diameter deeppits?

a. Single elementtransducers
b. Dual element transducers
c. Large diametertransducer
d. Transducers made with pure quartz

10. Which of the statement is correct, when UT thickness checking over a paint
a. For such case Dual-element transducer will give correct thickness ofsteel.
b. For such case single crystal transducer will give falsereading.
c. Epoxy coatings have a velocity approximately half that of the steel, so that
UT tool will read the epoxy coating thickness as twice its actual thickness
by Dual elementtransducer.
d. All of theabove.

11. For coated tanks that have coatings that vary in thickness, which type
of UT transducer is best?
a. Single elementtransducers
b. Dual element transducers
c. Large diametertransducers
d. Transducers made with pure quartz

Page 3
12. When performing a UT scan, the scans shouldoverlapby of
the transducerdiameter.
a. 100%
b. 10%
c. 20%
d. 5%

13. When performing a UT scan, a large diameter transducer maymiss

diameter deeppits.
a. Small
b. Uneven
c. Even
d. Large

14. UT shear-wave is primarily used in tanks to finddefectsin

a. Butt welded
b. Groove welded
c. Lap welded
d. Corner

15. Ability to detect following are primary advantage of using the magnet-flux
floor scanner, but not thisone.
a. Even small size of under sidepitting.
b. Topsidepitting.
c. Underside corrosion.
d. Holes on the tankfloor.

16. When using a magnet-flux scanner to inspect a tank floor,

indications found are generally“proved-up”using .
a. Close monitoring byinspector.
b. Ultrasonicexamination.
c. Further investigation by othertools.
d. All of theabove.

17. When the product temperature in a tank increases, the vapor pressure of
theproduct .
a. Decrease
b. No change
c. Increases
d. Smalldecreases

Page 4
18. While in operation, which tank type roof is supported by internalmembers?
a. Cone roof
b. Dome roof
c. Floatingroof
d. Umbrella

19. What is the primary reason(s) for using floatingroof?

a. To minimize vaporspace.
b. To minimize time of fill andempty.
c. To maximize outlet pressure.
d. To prevent from contamination by externalimpurities.

20. Which type of external floating roof is the most susceptible tosinking?
a. Coneroof
b. Pantype
c. Annular-pontoon
d. Doubledeck.

21. Which type of external floating roof is the least susceptible tosinking?
a. Coneroof
b. Pantype
c. Annular-pontoon
d. Doubledeck

22. The most common type of floating roof sealarethe .

a. Rubberseal
b. Tube typeseal
c. Gasket seal
d. Mechanicalseal

23. When are internal floating roof tanks used?Whereliquid .

a. Vaporization ismore.
b. Level ismore.
c. Vaporization is less.
d. Level isless.

24. Low-pressure storage tanks are those with adesignfrom

a. 5 to 50

Page 5
b. 2.5 to 15

Page 6
c. . –5 to 15
d. 5 to 25

25. Low-pressure storage tanks are normally used for products that have
a high pressure.
a. Vapor
b. Product
c. Liquid
d. Internal

26. Forpressureabove psig, the hemispheroidal, spheroidal, and

nodded spheroidal tanks are commonlyused.
a. 2.5
b. 5
c. 10
d. 15

27. These type of tanks are usually built in areas where large snowfalls or
rainfalls might sink an open top-floatingroof.
a. Cone roof.
b. Both fixed roof and an internal floatingroof.
c. Highly corrosive resistant roofstructure.
d. External floatingroof.

28. Tank pads with cindersthatcontain compounds become

corrosive whenwet.
a. Water.
b. Product
c. Sulfur
d. Alkaline

29. These items in a sand pad that may cause bottom-side corrosion, but
not this one?
a. Clay
b. Wood
c. Gravel or crushedstone
d. Fine dust

30. Causes of severe external corrosion at the bottom of the lower shell course
are .
a. When soil movement has raised the grade level to cover lower portion
of the shell

Page 7
b. When external insulation wicks up groundwater
c. When damaged or improperly sealed openings around nozzles and
attachments allow wateringress.
d. All of theabove

31. Small depressions in the roof aresusceptibleto corrosion.

a. Atmospheric
b. Localized
c. External
d. All of theabove

32. Concentration cell corrosion may occur in the many nichesof

a. Lowpressure
b. Riveted
c. Externalfloating
d. Internalfloating

33. What metallurgy is primary used when constructing crude oiltanks?

a. Carbon steel
b. Stainlesssteel
c. Alloysteel
d. All of theabove

34. These are common vapors that corrosion in a tank’s vapor space, but not
this one?
a. Oxygen
b. Watervapor
c. Hydrogen sulfidevapor
d. Any combination ofabove
e. None of the above.

35. Generally in the liquid portion of a tank, internal corrosion is worse atthe
a. Bottom oftank
b. Top oftank
c. Welds
d. Shells

Page 8
36. What type of tank failure results in a sudden loss of theproduct?
a. Crack
b. Brittlefracture
c. Full weld crack
d. When product spill out from thetank

37. The most likely points for cracks tooccurare .

a. At the bottom to shell connections
b. Around nozzleconnection
c. At manholes
d. Around rivetholes
e. All of theabove

38. What welds are most susceptible to cracking in a hottank?

a. Cornerweld
b. Lower shell to sketch plateweld
c. Fillet weld
d. Bottomweld

39. What is the most susceptible to cracking in a large diametertank?

a. Cornerweld
b. Lower shell to sketch plateweld
c. Fillet weld
d. Bottomweld

40. What is the most likely problem when there is excessive

uniform settlement?
a. Over stress in nozzle attachments.
b. Crack in shell plates.
c. Severe serviceproblem.
d. When uniform settlement nothing willhappened.

41. What is the common problem with pressure-vacuumvents?

a. Foulingmaterials
b. Corrosion between moving parts and guides orseats.
c. The deposits of foreign substance by birds orinserts.
d. All of theabove

42. A plugged floating roof drain can cause theroofto .

a. Inoperative
b. Damageeasily
c. Guide to movesmoothly

Page 9
d. Additionalsupports

43. The inspection checklists in Appendix Care:

a. Mandatory for alltanks
b. Mandatory only on low-pressuretanks
c. Considered a “memory jogger” for theinspector
d. None of the above

44. The tanks made by wooden material are alsoattackedby .

a. Insects
b. Moisture
c. Atmospheric corrosion onwood
d. Stresscorrosion

45. After a significantrainfallthe on floating roofs should be

a. Dents, because it leads corrosioneasily
b. Waterdrains
c. Surfacearea
d. All of theabove

46. Before entry or reentry any tank, appropriate safety precautions are
necessary, generally suchprecautionsare .
a. Removal of hazardousgases
b. Blinding all toxicinlets
c. Checking of oxygenlevel
d. All of theabove

47. Prior to conducting an external or internal inspection the inspector should

review to become familiar with problems and
recommendations noted in previous inspection and maintenancereports.
a. Previous inspection record
b. Inspectionprocedure
c. Present inspectionprocedure
d. Drawings, data sheetetc.

48. What type of corrosion can happen between a bolt head and a steelplate?
a. Stress corrosion due to overtight
b. Crevice

Page 10
c. Crack
d. Pitting
e. All of theabove

49. When inspecting handrails pay particular attention to tubular members,

becausetheycorroded .
a. Frominside
b. Outside
c. Easily, because of removal of coating will happenfrequently
d. By regular touch by operationpeople

50. Low spot platforms that collect water are routine places for corrosion
to occur. This can besolvedby .
a. Cathodicproduction
b. Small hole should be drilled fordrainage
c. Proper coating aftercleaning
d. Raise the height of platform.

51. Tank foundations madeof

a. Sandpads
b. Concretepiers
c. Ring walls
d. All of theabove
52. For tanks on a concrete pad, the floor to pad joint shouldbe
a. Visually checked for washingout
b. Uneven settlement
c. Checked by using surveyor’slevel
d. Checked for spilling, cracks and generaldeterioration

53. Corrosion below as anchor-bolt nut sometimes can be detected

a. UT
b. RT
c. Hammer
d. MT

54. Pipe connected to tanks should be inspected. Where pipe enters soil, the
soil should bedugaway inches to inspect for soil-to-air
a. 12 to24
b. 6 to 12
c. 24 to36

Page 11
d. 36 to48

55. If distortion is found at the nozzles, the welds and shell area should
be examinedfor
a. Cracks
b. Distortion
c. Corrosion
d. Bending

56. Ground connectionsshouldbe checked.

a. Resistance
b. Visually
c. Thickness
d. Periodically

57. The resistance of the grounding connections shouldnotexceed ohms.

a. 15
b. 10
c. 20
d. 25

58. Which potential problem with coatings is most difficult tosee?

a. Blisters
b. Rust spot
c. Filmlifting
d. Even discolor

59. Paint blisters occur most often on the roof and on the shell area that
a. Railfall
b. Sun light
c. Product gasesexposure
d. All of theabove

60. The side of an insulated tank is most susceptible toCUI.

a. Shell
b. Shaded
c. Exposed to sunlight
d. Bottom

61. CUI may be significant at the bottom of the tank, because the
insulation may be incontactwith .

Page 12
a. Productalways
b. Surfacewater
c. More stressedbottom
d. Open atmosphere because removal of insulation easily in bottomside

62. Inspectors should notwalkon tankroofs

a. In-service
b. Insulated
c. Painted
d. Cleaned

63. The depth of a locally corroded area can best be measured with along

a. Straight edge
b. Tape
c. Steelwire
d. Flexible scale

64. The depth of isolated pits are normally measured witha

a. Depth gauge
b. UT
c. Pit gauge
d. Visually

65. What part of the shell of a floating roof tank usually corrodes at twice
the rate of the rest of theshell?
a. Upper 24inch of uncoatedshell
b. All exposed uncoatedarea
c. Twice rate of corrosion will not occur in any part oftank
d. Surface of floatingroof

66. Stiffeners and wind girders are normally inspected visually andby
a. PT orMT
b. Leak
c. Hammer
d. UTthickness
e. Outside calipers and steelrules

67. Caustic tanks may be subject to a corrosion mechanismcalled

Page 13
a. Stress corrosioncracking
b. Causticembrittlement
c. Temperembrittlement
d. All of theabove

68. Where is caustic cracking mostcommon?

a. Bottom ofshell
b. Vapor space of the shell &roof
c. Heatingcoils
d. Nozzle inlet & outlet fromtank

69. Caustic material seeping through cracks will usually form readilyvisible

a. Salts
b. Layer ofcorrosion
c. Bulging
d. Powdery from outside throughcracks

70. Prior to welding on a tank in caustic service the area should be thoroughly
cleaned and checkedwiththe solution.
a. Solvent
b. Indicating
c. H2SO4 with 10% Nitricacid
d. HCL with 25% Nitricacid

71. Hydrogen blisters can be foundusing:

a. Visual examination with flashlight
b. Touch withfingers
c. PT orMT
d. All of theabove
e. ‘a’ and‘b’

72. Tank shell distortions can be measured usinga

a. Plumb check
b. Straight edge
c. Steelwire
d. Tape

73. Hydrogen blistering mat be found on the shellnear:

a. Bottom
b. Nozzles

Page 14
c. Top of thetank
d. Weld seams

74. These are causes of tank shell distortion and not thisone?
a. Severe corrosion of theshell
b. Movement of connectingpiping
c. Improper weldingmethod
d. A vacuum in thetank
e. None of the above

Page 15
75. Tank shell distortions may cause welds to be highly stressed and results
in a
a. Crack
b. Bending
c. Collapse
d. Corrosion

76. Rivet can be best checked for looseness by usinga

a. Light passing through rivets
b. Hammer
c. Scriber
d. UT for loosens anddamage

77. The thickness of a tank roof can becheckedby or

a. Hammer test orUT
b. UT orRT
c. UT orET
d. Scale or outsidecaliper

78. When walking on a cone-roof tank, planks can be used. Planks that are
used should be long enough to spanatleast should be laid
and used aswalkways.
a. Two roofrafters
b. All the area of roof
c. Cover one roof plate
d. Leg length of inspector to walk overit.

79. Individuals on a tank roof should walkonthe .

a. Rafters
b. Weld joints
c. Blanks
d. Center of roof plates

80. When walking on a floating roof, the tank should always be inthe
a. Low position to reach top safely
b. High gaugeposition
c. Any where, but safeposition
d. Correct level position

Page 16
81. External corrosion on a tank roof will usually be most severeat
a. Coating removedarea
b. Insulation removedarea
c. Depression where water can remain until it evaporates
d. All of theabove

82. What is the primary reason for periodically inspecting flamearrestors?

a. PerformanceCheck
b. Cleanliness andcorrosion
c. Plug onarrestors
d. None of the above.

83. When tunneling under a tank to inspect the bottom (it is rarely done!) it
is difficult toproperly_ thetunnel.
a. Remove
b. Refill
c. Inspect
d. Access

84. Probably the most expensive way to inspect the bottom-side of the tank
flooris to thetank
a. Lift
b. Clean
c. Inspectionhole
d. None of the above

85. Types of floating roofdrainare .

a. Simple opendrain
b. Swingjoint
c. Flexible-hose drain
d. All of theabove

86. When the tank is out-of-service, the floating roof drain piping can be
checked by pressure testing. Drains with swing joints require testingat

a. Workingpressure
b. Design pressure
c. Hydrostaticpressure
d. Two pressure

Page 17
87. During the external inspection, float-type gauges should be checked to
make sure they are not cracked or filledwith
a. Water
b. Liquid
c. Any corrosivemedium
d. All of theabove

88. In a tank you noticed distortion, what will be the immediateaction?

a. Check for tolerance ofdistortion
b. Immediately inform to owner/operator
c. Determine its cause
d. Ask to analysis for fitness forpurpose

89. Before allowing individuals on a floating roof tank that is not in the high-
gaugeposition,a test shall be performed before personnel
are allow on theroof.
a. Hammertest
b. Thicknesstest
c. Gastest
d. Oxygen test

90. Normally internal tank corrosion is most prevalentin:

a. Vaporspace
b. Liquid level line
c. Bottom
d. All of theabove

91. Dry pyrophoric material cancause:

a. Cracking
b. General metalloss
c. Ignition
d. Pitting

92. Pyrophoric material may accumulate on the tank bottom or on the top of
the .
a. Bottomplate
b. Nozzles
c. Sump
d. Rafters

Page 18
93. In source service, corrosion is often occursinthe .
a. Unlined steel
b. Insulation
c. Liquid area
d. Bottomarea

94. In source service, corrosive vapors are formedwhenthe mixes

with moisture andair.
a. Vapor
b. Hydrogen sulfide
c. Water
d. Sulfur

95. Carbon steel that has slaginclusionsand is more susceptible to

a. Crack
b. Un-coated
c. High temperature
d. Laminations

96. Caustic stress corrosion cracking is prevalent in carbon steel when the
temperatureisabove °F
a. 100
b. 400
c. 150
d. 350

97. Tank bottoms are normally inspected visually andwith

a. MFL
b. Ultrasonic thickness or corrosionscan
c. Multi transducer ultrasonic inspection with digital or analogdisplay
d. All of theabove

For Question number 99 to 101 :

During the internal inspection, a tank floor can be 100% inspected or partially
inspected when using a statistical method. Based on the statistical method
answer the following.

98. What percentage of the floor should bescanned?

Page 19
a. 100%
b. 50 to75%
c. 25 to40%
d. 5 to 10%

99. What pattern across the tank is generallyused?

a. Grid
b. ‘X’
c. Line
d. Circular

100. What part should be completelyscanned?

a. Any corrodedarea
b. Centerarea
c. Outer circumference next to theshell
d. Suspectedarea

101. Corrosion on the tank bottom maybevery .

a. Rare
b. Aggressive
c. Slow
d. Uniform

102. What simple technique can be used to pop deposits out of

pits, making the pits much easier tosee?
a. Hammering
b. Scratching
c. Blow with air
d. All of theabove

103. What tool can assist in measuring the depth of a localized

corroded area?
a. Single point ultrasonic-thicknessmeasurements
b. RT
c. UT, MFL & couponremoval
d. All of theabove

104. 105. Rivet seams can be checked witha

a. Hammer

Page 20
b. Scraper
c. Visual
d. All of theabove

105. Depressions in the tank floor and in area around roof

supports should be checkedforaccelerated .
a. Corrosion
b. Dent
c. Damage
d. Holes

106. One method to check for penetrations in the bottom is to clean

the tank floor andcheckfor .
a. Crack
b. Corrosion
c. Wicking
d. Visual

107. One method to check for bottom-side corrosion that is usually

not effective isthe
a. Coupon removal
b. MFL
c. Ultrasonic computermapping
d. UT

108. Tanks with bottom angle joining the bottom-to-shell should be

a. Corrosion
b. Distortion
c. Crack
d. Leak

109. Tank that contain dilute acids often arelinedwith .

a. Rubberlining
b. Asbestoslining
c. Refractorylining
d. Lead lining

110. An effective way to locate pinholes and cracks in lead is

a. MT

Page 21
b. PT
c. Visual
d. MFL

111. Bulges in a leadlinerindicate behind the liner and are

likely places of deterioration of theliner.
a. Corrosion
b. CUI
c. Crack
d. Underneath damage inliner

112. What is good practice when examining suspect areas in lead lined
a. Grid blast andvisual
b. Visual & MT
c. Scraping withknife
d. Hammertest

113. Rubber tanks linings can be checked witha

a. Holidaydetector
b. Visual
c. PT & visual
d. Surface cleaning andvisual

114. Holiday testing is used totest

a. Erosion and thickness oflining
b. Holes and cracks
c. Mechanicaldamage
d. All of theabove

115. When using a holiday detector it is important that the voltage does
not get highenoughto thelining.
a. Puncture
b. Check defectin
c. Operatorsafety
d. Magnetize

116. Glass-lined tanks shouldneverbe .

a. Holidaytested
b. Opened
c. Hammered

Page 22
d. Leave without NDT after hammer test

117. What type of lined tanks should be painted a unique color to indicate
they have a speciallining?
a. Rubberlined
b. Lead lined
c. Refractorylined
d. Glasslined

118. If corrosion is noted on the roof and upper shell, the structural
members willalso usually thinning of the roof orshell.
a. Twice
b. Same
c. Less
d. More

119. What is an effective inspection technique for checking whether

there is corrosion behind a concretelining?
a. Light hammertapping
b. Rust on surface also evident of corrosionbehind
c. If doubt exists cut a section of lining andinspect
d. All of theabove

120. When significant corrosion is seen on the roof during the internal
inspection, it is important to erect scaffolding sothat
a. Close visual cando.
b. NDT for further investigation cando.
c. Measurement cantaken
d. None of the above

121. If corrosion is found internally on the shell at a specific elevation in a

cone roof tank, it is important tocheckthe at the same
a. Out side ofshell
b. Roof support column
c. Roofstructure
d. Shellrings

122. What metallurgy should never behammer-tested?

a. Carbon steel
b. Alloysteel
c. Cast iron

Page 23
d. Stainlesssteel

123. What internal tank component should be hydrostatically

tested during an internalinspection?
a. Coils
b. Nozzles & connections
c. Roofdrain
d. Tank must hydrostatically tested ifrequired

124. Steam heating coils should beinspectedfor grooving in

the bottom of the coil with either UT orRT.
a. Crack
b. Blockage
c. Condensation
d. Erosion

125. Pontoons on swing line should be visually examinedand

a. Cleaned
b. Hammertapped
c. Conduct leaktest
d. Air leaktest

126. When hydro-testing a tank consideration should be given tothe

of the shellmaterial.
a. Stresslimit
b. Notch toughness
c. Thickness
d. Type

127. If an atmospheric tank is air tested, the pressure should notexceed

inch ofwater.
a. 0.5
b. 5.0
c. 50
d. 2.0
e. 10

Page 24
128. A pneumatic test of a tank is goodforfinding but is not a
good pressuretest.
a. Leak
b. Defect
c. Strength
d. Bulging

129. What part(s) of the atmospheric tank a very low stressload?

a. Roof
b. Bottom of tank resting onpad
c. Bottom area away from the shell or annularplate
d. All of theabove

130. The pressure exerted on the sides of a tank is greatest atthe

of thetank.
a. Bottom
b. Shellside
c. Topside
d. Outside, because atmosphericpressure

131. Which of following situations does not appreciably weaken the

a. Crack
b. Locally thinnedarea
c. Notch
d. Pit

132. Dry pyrophoric accumulations that can’t be cleaned out prior

to inspection shouldbekept during inspection.
a. Dilute
b. Covered
c. Moist
d. Warned to inspectionpersonnel

133. Hydrogen blistering, caustic stress corrosion cracking and

mechanical cracking are less frequentlyoccursin .
a. Roof & bottom
b. Outside ofshells
c. Inside ofshells
d. Nozzles and internals

Page 25
134. How can leaking rivets and rivet seams be repaired?
a. Caulked
b. Re-riveted
c. Welded or abrasive blast and epoxycoated
d. All of theabove

135. When riveted seams are seal-welded, all rivets and seams within
inches from the weld should becaulked.
a. 4
b. 10
c. 3
d. 6

136. Defective rivets can also bereplacedwith .

a. Anotherrivet
b. Welding
c. Tap bolts
d. Plugging

137. List specific requirements when performing weld repairs to rivet

heads andseams.
a. Use large size electrode to fill the rivet holeeasily
b. Position machine at high amperage to melt large sizeelectrode
c. Keep weld bead bigger to fill thehole
d. Use back-step beadapplication
e. All of theabove

138. When installing a new floor over an existing flooratleast

inches of clean sand, or metal grating or concrete should separate the two
a. 6
b. 3
c. 1
d. 2

139. When installing a new floor over existing floor that is cathodically
protected, the oldfloorshould .

Page 26
a. Be removed
b. Not beremoved
c. Also beprotected
d. Be considered asbottom

140. When installing a new floor over an existing floor that is cathodically
protected, and the old floor isnotremoved, should be
placed between the old and new floors.
a. New cathodic protection
b. Ribbon anodes
c. Corrosion cells
d. Any of the above

141. Prior to gouging out a crack, what should be done?

a. NDT for locating exact propagation of crack
b. Drill hole in each end of crack
c. Grind surface deburr
d. Mark the area of crack for rechecking

142. Deep pits may be filledwith

a. Welding
b. Putty
c. Paint
d. Lining

143. Prior to repairing a pit with a coating, the pit should be thoroughly
cleaned by
a. Abrasive blasting
b. Chemical
c. Any method to make pit free formcontamination
d. Cleaner

144. Leaks in tank roofs are often repaired usinga

a. Patchplate
b. Welding
c. Coating
d. Softpatch

Page 27
145. Good inspection records are thebasisof inspection
a. Good
b. Effective
c. Complete
d. Proper

146. Tank records should be keptforthe of the eachtank.

a. Service life
b. Up tocommissioning
c. Up to clearance fromAI
d. 5 years fromcommissioning

147. Item should be documented when internal or external

tank inspections areperformed.
a. Date of nextinspection
b. Name of person who performed theinspection
c. Location of therepair
d. All of theabove

Page 28
1. A Sec 2.1, Page 1 API 575
2. C Sec 2.1, Page 1 API 575
3. B Sec 2.1, Page 1 API 575
4. C Sec 2.1, Page 1 API 575
5. D Sec 2.1, Page 1 API 575
6. B Sec 2.1, Page 1 API 575
7. B Page No, 61, A.1 API 575
8. A Page No, 61, A 2 nd para 11 to 14 th line API 575
9. C Page No, 61, A.1 API 575
10. B Page No, 61, A.1 API 575
11. C Page No, 61, A.1 API 575
12. A Page No, 61, A.1 API 575
13. B Page No, 61, A.2 API 575
14. A Page No, 61, A.2 API 575
15. A Page No, 61, A.5 API 575
16. A Page No, 61, A.4 API 575
17. B Page No, 61, A.4 API 575
18. C Page No.4, 4.2.2, 1st Para, 5th& 6th line API 575
19. A Page No.5, 4.2.3, 1st Para API 575
20. A Page No.5, 4.2.3, 3rd Para API 575
21. B Page No.5, 4.2.3, 3rd Para, Last 3 lines API 575
22. D 4.2.3 page no 5, 4th para , 1st two lines, implied API 575
23. D Page No.5, 4.2.3, 5th Para API 575
24. A Page No.5, 4.2.3, 3rd Para API 575
25. B Page No.12, 4.3.1, 1st Para, First Three lines API 575
26. A Page No.12, 4.3.2, 1st Para, First four lines API 575
27. B Page No.13, 4.3.3, 1st Para, 4th to 7th lines API 575
28. B Page No.6, 4.2.3, 1st Para, 5th , 6th& 7th lines API 575
29. C Page No.15, 5.2.1, 1st Para API 575
30. D Page No.15, 5.2.1, 1st Para API 575
31. D Page No.16, 5.2.1, 1st Para, First 6 lines API 575
32. B Page No.16, 5.2.1, 1st Para, Last 3 lines API 575
33. B Page No.16, 5.2.1, 2nd Para, 4th& 5th lines API 575
34. A Page No.17, 5.2.2, 1st Para, First 3 lines API 575
35. E Page No.15, 5.2.2, 1st Para, 4th& 5th lines API 575

Page 29
36. A Page No.15, 5.2.2, 1st Para, 6th , 7th& 8th lines API 575
37. B Page No.17, 5.4, 2nd Para, First 3 lines API 575
38. E Page No.18, 5.4, 1st Para, First 2 lines API 575
39. B Page No.18, 5.4, 1st Para, API 575
40. B Page No.18, 5.4, 1st Para, API575
41. A Page No.18, 5.4, 2nd Para, 3rd& 4th Line API575
42. D Page No.20, 5.5, 2nd Para, Numbering a, b, c & API575
43. A Page No.20, 5.5, 4th Para, First three lines. API575
44. C Page No.20, 5.5, 6th Para, Last 2 lines. API575
45. A BOK API575
46. B BOK API575
47. D 7.4.1-API 2015 & 2016 API575
48. A Page No.26, 7.1, 6th Para API575
49. B Page No.26, 7.2.1, 2nd Para, Last 3 lines API575
50. A Page No.26, 7.2.1, 3rd Para, 8th& 9th lines API575
51. B Page No.26, 7.2.2, 1st Para, 8th& 9th lines API575
52. D Page No.27, 7.2.3, 1st full Para API575
53. D Page No.27, 7.2.3, 2nd Para, Last 3 lines API575
54. C Page No.27, 7.2.4, 1st Para API575
55. B Page No.35, 7.2.10,1st Para, Last Five lines API575
56. A Page No.35, 7.2.10, 2nd Para, 10th, 11th& 12th API575
57. B Page No 28, 7.2.5, 1st Para API575
58. D Page No 28, 7.2.5, 1st Para, API575
59. C Page No 28, 7.2.6, 1st Para, 4th& 5th Line API575
60. B Page No 28, 7.2.6, 2nd Para API575
61. B Page No 28, 7.2.7, 1st Para, 8th& 9th Line API575
62. B Page No.28, 7.2.7, 1st Para, API575
63. B Page No.28, 7.2.7, 2nd Para, first 3 lines API575
64. A Page No.29,, 2nd Para, first 3 lines API575
65. C Page No.29,, 2nd Para, Last 2 lines API575
66. A Page No.29,, 4th Para, Last 6 lines API575
67. C Page No.30,, 1st Para, First 2 lines API575
68. B Page No.30,, 1st Para, API575
69. C Page No.30,, 1st Para, API575
70. A Page No.31,, 1st Para, 8th, 9th& 10th API575
71. B Page No.31,, 1st Para, 11th, 12th& 13th API575
72. E Page No.31,, 1st Para, First 3 lines 7th to API575

Page 30
10th lines
73. B Page No.33,, 4th Para, 4th line API575
74. A Page No.31,, 1st Para, First 3 lines API575
75. E Page No.33,, 4th Para, 8th& 9th line API575
76. A Page No.33,, 5th Para, First 2 line API575
77. B Page No.34,, 3rd, 4th& 5th lines API575
78. A Page No.34, 7.2.9, 1st Para, First 4 lines API575
79. A Page No.34, 7.2.9,1st Para, 8th to 11th line API575
80. B Page No.34, 7.2.9,1st Para, 11th to 13th line API575
81. B Page No.34, 7.2.9,1st Para, Last four lines API575
82. C Page No.35, 7.2.9,10th Para, First three lines API575
83. B Page No.35, 7.2.10, 4th Para, First Three lines API575
84. B API575
85. A Page No.36, 7.3.1,1st Para, 12th, 13th& 14th lines API575

86. D Page No.37, 7.3.3,7th Para, 12th, 13th& 14th API575

87. D Page No. 37, 7.3.3 , 7th , 7.3.4 API575
88. B Page No, 38, 7.4 API575
89. C API575
90. C Page No.34, 7.2.9, 2nd Para, First four lines API575
91. D Page No. 39 7.4.1 & 7.4.2 API575
92. C Page No, 40, 7.4.2 API575
93. D Page No, 40, 7.4.2 API575
94. A Page No, 40, 7.4.2 API575
95. B Page No, 41, 7.4.3 API575
96. D Page no -41 , 2 nd column, 3 rd para 6th-8th line API575
97. C Page no -41 , 2 nd column, 3 rd para last 4 lines API575
98. D Page No, 41, 7.4.4, Page 42 API575
99. D Page No, 42, 7.4.4 API575
100. B Page No, 43, 7.4.4 API575
101. C Page No, 43, 7.4.4 API575
102. B API575
103. A Page No, 43, 7.4.4 API575
104. C Page No, 43, 7.4.4 API575
105. B Page No, 43, 7.4.4 API575
106. A Page No, 43, 7.4.4 API575
107. C Page No, 50, 8.2.2 API575
108. A Page No, 43, 7.4.4 API575
109. C Page No, 44, 7.4.5 API575
110. D Relates to lead Lining which is not covered here API575

Page 31
111. B Page No, 45 7.4.7 API575
112. C Relates to lead Lining which is not covered here API575
113. C Relates to lead Lining which is not covered here API575
114. A Page No, 43, 7.4.4 API575
115. B Page No, 43, 7.4.4 API575
116. A Page No, 43, 7.4.4 API575
117. C Page No, 43, 7.4.4 API575
118. D Page No, 43, 7.4.4 API575
119. A Page No, 47, 7.4.8 API575
120. D Page no 46 2 nd para API575
121. C Page No, 47, 7.4.8 API575
122. B Page No, 47, 7.4.8 API575
123. C Page No, 47, 7.4.8 API575
124. A Page No, 47, 7.4.8 API575
125. C Page No, 47, 7.4.8 API575
126. B Page No, 47, 7.4.8 API575
127. B Page No, 48, 7.5 API575
128. D Page No, 48, 7.5 API575
129. A Page No, 48, 7.5 API575
130. D BOK API575
131. A Page No, 48, 7.5 3rd para 4th to 8 th line API575
132. D Page No, 40, 7.4.2 API575
133. C Page no 40 2nd column last para API575
134. A BOK API575
135. D Page No, 55. 9.2.2 API575
136. D Page No, 55. 9.2.2 API575
137. C Page no 56 1 st column first 2 lines API575
138. D Page No, 56, 9.2.2 API575
139. B Page No, 56, 9.2.2 API575
140. A Page No, 56, 9.2.2 API575
141. B Page No, 56, 9.2.2 API575
142. B bok API575
143. B Page No,57, 9.3 API575
144. A Page No,57, 9.3 API575
145. D Page No,57, 9.3, In Pontoons it is Patch Plates API575
API 653 9.12.3
146. B 10.1, 1st 2 lines API575
147. A 10.2, 4 th – 8th line API575
148. D 10.2, 8th to 12th line API575

Page 32
API 571 FOR 653 EXAM-2003

1. Low alloy steelcontain

a. More than 9 % chromium
b. Less than 10 %Chromium
c. Less than 9 %Chromium
d. Less than 12 %Chromium

2. Low alloy steelare

a. Ferriticsteel
b. Martensiticsteel
c. Austenitic stainlesssteel
d. All
e. None

3. Which is not the SS

a. Austenitic
b. Ferritic
c. Martensitic
d. Duplex
e. None

4. For which kind of Damage mechanism inspection is of nouse

a. Temperembrittlement
b. Brittlefracture
c. Erosion-corrosion
d. Causticcorrosion

5. Which of the following properties will not have effect on brittlefracture

a. Thickness
b. Stress
c. Temperature
d. All
e. None

6. What is the morphology of brittlefracture

Page 33
a. Multiple clamshell type
b. Full ofBranches
c. Straight &un-branched
d. Spider webtype

Performing a warm pre stress hydro test followed by lower temp hydro test may
reduce the likelihood of

e. TemperEmbrittlement
f. CUI
g. Briitle fracture
h. Causticembrittlement

7. Which can improve the mechanical fatigueresistance

a. Quenching
b. Tempering
c. Finer grainedmaterial
d. All
e. None

8. C.S & Titanium will have endurance limit. So below which Fatiguecrack
a. Increase with numbercycle
b. Decrease with the number ofcycles
c. Not occur Independent of the no ofcycle
d. C.S & titanium do not have endurance limit at all

9. Choose correctoption
a. Ausss exhibit an endurancelimit
b. Titanium do not exhibit an endurancelimit
c. C.S exhibit an endurancelimit
d. All
e. None

10. What is morphology of Mechanicalfatigue

a. Straight Un-branchedcracks
b. Branched cracks
c. Blisters
d. Clam shell type beachmarks

11. How the Fatigue cracking can be preventedbest

a. By DoingPWHT

Page 34
b. By Using correctmetallurgy
c. By using properdesign
d. While using marking stamps & tools prefer the high stressones

12. Usually atmospheric corrosion probability is veryless

a. at 0 Deg C
b. at 100 Deg C
c. above 121 Deg C
d. Above 121 Deg C but under insulation which gives doubleprotection

13. Out of the following which may not cause atmosphericcorrosion

a. Wet Ruralenvironment
b. Marine environment above 70 DegC
c. Bird Turds
d. All
e. None

14. If you want to check for corrosion under CUI (With out removing the insulation)
what NDT method ispreferable
a. RT
b. UT
c. ET
d. IR

15. If you want to check the missing or damaged insulation what NDT isPreferred
a. RT
b. ET
c. IR
d. UT

16. CUI occurs more severelymainly

a. Below 0 degF
b. Above 100 degF
c. Above 100 degC
d. Between 100 to 121 degC

17. If chloride is present which is more susceptible to SCC along withCUI

a. SS400
b. SS 300

Page 35
c. Duplex
d. All
e. None

18. To Detect CUI the best wayis

a. Stripping of insulation for careful visualexamination
b. Use profileRT
c. IR thermography for wetinsulation
d. Use multiple inspectiontechniques
e. All

19. What is the mechanism ofMIC

a. Microbes eat away the metal & make itweaker
b. Excreta & Byproducts ofMicrobes
c. Microbes produce oxygen which promotescorrosion
d. All

20. Which is immune toMIC

a. C.S
b. SS
c. Copper
d. All
e. None

21. The damage mechanism occurs in moisture environment in the presence of light
& in the absence of light; In the presence of Oxygen & in the absence of oxygen;
below the freezing point of water & above the Boiling point of water; Occurs in
Acidic & alkaline environments Identify the damagingmechanism
a. CUI
b. Atmosphericcorrosion
c. Soilcorrosion
d. MIC

22. To EliminateMCI
a. Use Ozoneexposure
b. Suitable Biocide
c. Use UVlight
API 653 – BOOK 5 Page 35
d. All
e. None

23. MIC can be detectedby

a. UsingRT
b. UsingUT
c. Special probes to monitorfouling
d. all

24. MIC can be prevented byusing

a. Biocides
b. UVLight
c. By using CP of under groundstructure
d. All
e. none

25. Which damage mechanism will appear as the cup shaped pits within pits in C.S
or sub surface cavities inSS?
a. LMB
b. MIC
c. Chloride SCC
d. HIC

26. When you inspect a Vessel Made up of MOC Having thk 60 mm having MDMT --5
DEG C. When it was operated at - 10 Deg C, Straight Un- branched Cracks where
found what May bethey?
a. Cold Thermal Fatigue
b. HOTtears
c. Brittle Fracture
d. Stress Corrosion Crack

27. The Most important factor affecting the soil corrosionis

a. Soilresistivity
b. Soiltemperature
c. Soiltype
d. Soilcolor

28. Which area is more succeptable to soilcorrosion

a. Part under thesoil
b. Soil to airinterface
c. Part of the shell 2 feet above the soil
d. All

Page 36
29. The best way to minimize soil corrosionis
a. Using a specialbackfill
b. Using CP on the inside oftank
c. Using special coating out side thetank
d. All
e. None

30. How the MIC will appear in StainlessSteel

a. As a Crack
b. As subsurfacecavities
c. As cup shaped pits within pits
d. As an uniform corrosion

31. Usually atmospheric corrosion probability is veryless

a. at 0 Deg C
b. at 100 Deg C
c. above 121 Deg C
d. Above 121 Deg C but under insulation which gives doubleprotection

32. Out of the following which may not cause atmosphericcorrosion

a. Fishing Equipment plants near theHarbhour
b. Pharmaceutical plant situated inland
c. Power plant in Dry ruralarea
d. All
e. None

33. Out of following which is the environmental assistedcracking

a. Brittlefracture
b. Thermalfatigue
c. Sulphidation
d. Chloride SCC

34. Which of the following is not susceptible to chlorideSCC

a. SS 300series
b. Nickel alloys containing 20 %nickel
c. SS 400series
d. All
e. None

Page 37
35. Chloride SCC appear
a. As Straight cracks withoutbranches
b. As the deepgrooves
c. As Branchedcracks
d. As a small & largevoids

36. You have Chloride SCC on Aus SS . Which is the better NDT method to detectit
a. PT
b. MT
c. RT
d. ET

37. To Prevent ChlorideSCC

a. Use materials with Nickel content more than 50%
b. Use low Chloride content water during Hydrotesting
c. Use C.S
d. All
e. None

38. Spiderweblike crack does not appear in appearin

a. Chloride SCC
b. Causticembrittlement
c. Corrosionfatigue
d. none

39. Caustic corrosion will appearas

a. Fine Un-branchedcracks
b. Uniform thinareas
c. Localized metal loss which may appear asgroves
d. All
e. None

40. In steam generating equipment Caustic Corrosion is best preventedby

a. DoingPWHT
b. By increasing the chromium content
c. Properdesign
d. By working belowMDMT

41. Spiderweblike crack appear in appearin

Page 38
a. Chloride SCC
b. Causticcorrosion
c. MIC understress
d. none

42. Choose uncorrectoption

a. Increasing caustic concentration & temperature &doingPWHT increase the
severity of causticembrittlement
b. Caustic embrittlement can occur in BFW in Boiler tubes that alternate between wet
& dry condition due tooverfiring
c. Usually caustic embrittlement propagates parallel to theweldment
d. Nickel made alloys are more resistant to the causticembrittlement

43. For NaOH concentration of 20 % weight at 250 Deg F , which material is suitable
( OpenBook)
a. Carbon steek
b. Carbon steel withPWHT
c. Nickelalloys
d. Chromiumalloys
e. All

44. Caustic Embrittlement Mayoccur

a. As a crack propgating parallel the weld in theHAZ
b. As a branched crack ( Spider web) nucleating from the weld relatedflaws
c. In the as welded carbon steel fabrication , it appear as a net work of very fine oxide
d. All
e. None

45. Caustic Embrittlement can be managedby

a. DoingPWHT
b. Using nickel based alloys at High temperature
c. By avoiding Steam out of the non PWHTed Carbon Steelpiping
d. All
e. None

46. To detect the Causticembrittlemet

Page 39
a. Good VT is sufficient
b. PT iseffective
c. Crack growth can be monitored byUT
d. All
e. None

47. Which is more resistant to Sulphuric acidCorrosion

a. Alloy20
b. High nickel alloy
c. Alloy C276
d. None

48. What is Corrosionratefor 100 % Concentration and at 200 Deg F if the corrosion
rate for sulphuric acid at 60 % concentration 100 Deg F is 200mpy
a. More than 2000 mpy
b. Between 100 to 300mpy
c. Less than 5mpy
d. none

49. What is Corrosion rate for 100 % Sulphuric acids at roomtem

a. more than 100mpy
b. 20 to 50mpy
c. 0 to 5mpy
d. None

50. Which is more potentiallydamaging

a. Hydrogen Blistering
b. HIC
d. All

51. PWHT is effective to resist the damage dueto

a. HIC
b. Blistering
d. SSC

Page 40
Figure 4-85: Recommended operating limits for carbon steel in caustic service. (Ref.1)

Page 41
Figure 5-8: Sulfuric acid corrosion data

Page 42
API 571 FOR 653 EXAM


1 C 3.1.10
2 A 3.1.10
3 E 3.1.17
4 B a
5 E
6 C a
7 C d
8 D b
9 C c
10 C
11 D
12 C
13 C f
14 A d
15 A GK
16 C g VI
17 D
18 B c
19 E g
20 B GK
21 D GK
22 D
23 E b
24 C c
25 C f

Page 43
26 B b
27 C e
28 A c
29 B e
30 A
31 B b
32 C f
33 C
34 D 4.5.1
35 C k
36 C c
37 D c
38 D J & L / B
39 A Refer Figure 4.79
40 C a
41 C a
42 A Refer Figure 4.79
43 B a / b / a
44 C Refer Figure
45 D a, b & c
46 D a, c & d
47 E a, b, c & d
48 C
49 C Refer Figure 2
50 B Refer Figure
51 C GK
52 C GK

Page 44
(API RP-577) -2004

1. What welding process ispictured?

d. SAW

2. What welding process ispictured?


3. What welding process ispictured?

Page 45
c. SAW

4. What welding process ispictured?

c. SAW

Page 46
5. In the SMAW electrode identification system, a “1” in the third
position wouldmean:
a. AC & DCEN
b. digging arc with deeppenetration
c. all positionelectrode
d. both a andb
e. none of theabove

6. The electrode coating does which of thefollowing:

a. acts as ashielding
b. acts as a deoxidationagent
c. acts as an alloying and ionizingagent
d. all of theabove

7. GMAW is characterizedbya .
a. cut lengthelectrode
b. flux coreelectrode
c. coated electrode
d. solid wire electrode which is fed continuously through a weldinggun

8. Gasses for GMAW canbe:

a. inert andreactive
b. argon or helium for someapplications
c. inert, mixed with some type of reactivegas
d. all of theabove

9. In the electrode identification for GMAW, what does the “S” stand for, in the
electrode ER70S-1?
a. Silicon
b. Sprayarc
c. Solidwire
d. none of theabove

10. When using GMAW, the type of metal transfer dependson:

a. shieldinggas
b. current andvoltage
c. power supplycharacteristics
d. all of theabove
e. none of theabove

Page 47
11. Spray transfer is consideredtobe .
a. the hottest GMAW welding typetransfer
b. the least amount of heating to the basemetal
c. the process with the highest deposition rate for theprocess
d. the process that is a program of exact combination of high and low

12. Globular transfer is consideredtobe .

a. the hottest GMAW welding typetransfer
b. the least amount of heating to the basemetal
c. the process with the highest deposition rate for theprocess
d. the process that is a program of exact combination of high and low

13. Pulsed arc transfer is consideredtobe .

a. the hottest GMAW welding typetransfer
b. the least amount of heating to the basemetal
c. the process with the highest deposition rate for theprocess
d. the process that is a program of exact combination of high and low

14. Short circuiting transfer is consideredtobe .

a. the hottest GMAW welding typetransfer
b. the least amount of heating to the basemetal
c. the process with the highest deposition rate for theprocess
d. the process that is a program of exact combination of high and low

15. GMAW is verysensitiveto which tends to leave the metal

unprotected duringwelding.
a. wind or drafts which tend to blow the shielding gasaway
b. ultraviolet lightwaves
c. arclengths
d. all of theabove
e. none of theabove

16. The process has an electrode that is not intended to be

consumed during the weldingoperation.

Page 48
e. none of theabove

17. GTAW can be performed using which of the followingpolarities?

c. AC
d. all of theabove
e. none of theabove

18. and are the two most commonly used inert gasses for
the GTAWprocess.
a. CO2 andoxygen
b. Argon andhelium
c. Acetylene andoxygen
d. none of theabove

19. One of the problems associated with GTAWis:

a. inability to toleratecontamination
b. it is a slowprocess
c. tungsteninclusions
d. all of theabove
e. none of theabove

20. The Process is characterized by the use of a continuously –

fed solid wire electrode which provides an arc that is totally covered by a
layer of granularflux.
e. none of theabove

21. The biggest advantage of SAWisits .

a. portability
b. ability to weld out ofposition

Page 49
c. high depositionrate
d. ability to produce almost no welddefects

22.A A major problem when using the SAWprocessis .

a. high depositionrate
b. weld contour
c. solidification cracking
d. none ofthese

23. The “dictionary” for welding terms is the AWSdocument

a. A 2.4
b. D1.1
c. B 1.11
d. A 3.0

24.A A weld “joint” isdefinedas .

a. any filletweld
b. any place a weld can beperformed
c. the junction of members or edges of members which are to be joined or
have beenjoined
d. the area which is to bewelded

25.A A weld “groove face” isdefinedas .

a. that surface of a member included in thegroove
b. the bevels and landing of a weldjoint
c. the bevels and adjacent basemetal
d. Both b and c

26. Which of the following is not a type of weldjoint?

a. butt joint
b. cornerjoint
c. lap joint
d. fillet weld

27. The surface of the weld on the side opposite from where the welding was
done iscalledthe .
a. weld face
b. face reinforcement
c. root surface

Page 50
d. root opening

28. The exposed surface of a weld on the side from which welding was done is
calledthe .
a. weld face
b. face reinforcement
c. root surface
d. root opening

29. refers to the actual melting together of the filler metal and base metal,
or the base metalonly.
a. Fusion
b. Dilution zone
c. Penetration
d. Weld

30. is a term which relates to the distance that the weld metal has progressed
into thejoint.
a. Fusion
b. Dilution zone
c. Penetration
d. Weld

31.A Aweld is a single progression of welding along ajoint.

a. layer
b. section
c. area
d. pass

32.A A common practice to reduce distortion caused by weldingis

a. backstep sequence
b. weld only on oneside
c. preheat one side and weld from theother
d. all of theabove

33. One of the most important parts of the welding inspector’s job is the actual
evaluation of weldstodetermine .
a. their suitability for an intendedservice
b. appearance
c. rating
d. all of theabove

Page 51
e. none of theabove

34.A A is some feature which introduces an irregularity in an

otherwise uniformstructure.
a. defect
b. fault
c. discontinuity
d. none of theabove

35.A A is a feature which impairs the suitability of that structure for

its intendedpurpose.
a. defect
b. fault
c. discontinuity
d. none of theabove

36. Generally, are considered to be the most criticaldiscontinuity.

a. undercut
b. cracks
c. overlap
d. porosity

37. is described as the condition where the weld is not completely fused
either to the base metal or to adjacent weldpasses.
a. Incomplete penetration
b. Incompletefusion
c. Porosity
d. none of theabove

38. describes the situation where the weld metal has not completely
progressed into the weld root to fuse with the existing rootface.
a. Incomplete penetration
b. Incompletefusion
c. Porosity
d. none of theabove

39. are regions within the weld cross section or at the weld surface where the
molten flux is mechanically trapped within the solidifiedmetal.
a. Incomplete penetration
b. Incompletefusion
c. Overlap
d. none of theabove

Page 52
40. is defined as a cavity type discontinuity formed by
gas entrapment duringsolidification.
a. Crack
b. Lamination
c. Porosity
d. Undercut

41.A A discontinuity that appears as though the weld metal overflowed the
joint and laying on the adjacent base metal surfaceiscalled .
a. incompletepenetration
b. incompletefusion
c. overlap
d. none of theabove

42. Which of the following is true aboutlaminations?

a. a base metalflaw
b. result from the presence of nonmetallic inclusions which occur insteel
c. were formed when the steel wasproduced
d. all of theabove
e. none of theabove

43. Recording on a data sheet of an indication that exceeds the reject flaw size
criteria and needs to be correctedis-
a. Recordable indication
b. Reportable indication
c. Notableindication
d. None ofabove

44.A A sub –surface terrace and step-like crack with basic orientation parallel
to the base metal surface caused by tensile stresses in thickness direction
a. Lamination
b. Plane-breakingcrack
c. Lamellartearing
d. Stress corrosioncrack

45. Slag inclusion” is not found in welding performedby

Page 53
b. SAW

46. Most applicable method for sub-surface porosityis

a. UT
b. PT
c. ET
d. RT

47. VT is most conveniently performed placing aneye

a. within 6” – 24” with angle less than 30° with thesurface
b. within 6’’-24’’ with angle not less than 30° with surface
c. beyond 24’’ with angle less than 30°
d. beyond 24’’with angle not less than30°

48.A A clear radiography film has densityof

a. 4
b. 0
c. 2

49. In UTexamination,
a. A- scan shows cross-sectional elevationview
b. B- scan shows cross-sectional elevationview
c. C-scan shows cross-sectional elevationview
d. None ofabove

50. Steels with CE greater than 0.55% typicallyrequire:

a. Preheatingonly
b. Pre-heating &PWHT
c. No pre- heating orPWHT
d. PWHTonly

51.Q.A A method to assure that PWHT was performed satisfactorilyis

a. Hardness testing of weld &HAZ
b. Radiography of weld&HAZ
c. PT or MT of weld&HAZ

Page 54
d. UT of weld &haz

52. Welding process that has very high metal deposition rateis
d. SAW

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API 570- EXAM 9-
Answer Key


1 C 22 C 43 B
2 D 23 D 44 C
3 A 24 C 45 D
4 C 25 A 46 D
5 C 26 D 47 B
6 D 27 C 48 B
7 D 28 A 49 B
8 D 29 A 50 B
9 C 30 C 51 A
10 D 31 D 52 D
11 A 32 A
12 C 33 A
13 D 34 C
14 B 35 A
15 A 36 B
16 D 37 B
17 D 38 A
18 B 39 D
19 D 40 C
20 E 41 C
21 C 42 D

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