SAP FI AP and AR Configuration
SAP FI AP and AR Configuration
SAP FI AP and AR Configuration
The AR and AP acts as a sub ledger to FI- GL for managing the balances of
Customers and Vendors. The AR and AP components store all the
information and balance details for each customer and vendor.
Data is updated from AR and AP in real time to the FI-GL module. Most of the
Data in AP module is obtained from the Materials Management (MM) module.
Similarly most of the Data in AR module is obtained from the Sales and
Distribution module.
Here we will see the configuration for AR and AP and also cover the
configuration for Automatic payment program.
1) Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable
Ø which fields are ready for input or must be filled when creating and
changing master records (field status)
Click on
Change Reconciliation account and sort key from Opt entry to Req. entry
Click on
Here in this step you specify, depending on the company code, which company
code-dependent master record fields
Ø are ready for input
Ø require an entry Ø
are hidden.
This specification is linked to the field status of the account group and a
specification for the transaction. By means of the link, you can see which status
the fields have on the entry screen for master data. In this case, the fields take
on the status which has the highest priority. Hiding a field has the highest priority,
followed by a display field, a required field and then an optional field:
The entry under the company code * applies to the company codes which are
not explicitly entered in the table. You should not delete this entry.
We will not configure anything here since we do not want field status differently
based on company codes.
This specification is linked with the field status of the account group and the
company code-dependent specification. By means of the link, you can see
which status the fields have on the entry screen for master data. In this case,
the fields take on the status which has the highest priority. Hiding a field has the
highest priority, followed by a display field, a required field and then an optional
This, particular configuration is required if the fields are to be filled when creating
and are not to be changed via the change transaction. This is required for
reconciliation account. The reconciliation account updated during the create
mode should not be changed later on in the change mode. This will create a lot
of problem. In the change mode the field should not be available for change. It
should be only in the display mode.
Double click
Double click
Double click
Double click
Double click
In this step, you define the names of the accounting clerks under a name
identification code. You enter the identification code in the customer master
records which the accounting clerk supervises. You can use this information for
evaluations and for correspondence.
Click on
Click on Save Define Industries
In this activity you define the industries you require. You can group together your
customers by industry. The industry field is located in the general area of the
customer’s master record. You specify what industry a business partner belongs
to by entering an industry key in its master record. You can use this information
for evaluations, for example, to create a customer list according to industry.
We will not configure anything here. In case you want to configure click on new
entries, enter a 3 digit code and description. Create Number Ranges for Customer Accounts
In this activity you create the number ranges for the customer accounts. To do
this, specify the following under a two-character key:
Ø A number interval from which the account number for the customer
accounts is to be selected
Ø The type of number assignment (internal or external number
In this screen you will notice that there is no company code selection. The
customer number is created at a client level. This means that the same customer
number can be extended by more than one company code.
Click on
Click on
Click on Save
To Transport
When we transport in the above manner all intervals for the selected number
range object are deleted in the target system first. After the import, only the
intervals you export are present. The number statuses are imported with their
values at the time of export.
Dependent tables are not transported or converted
In this step you assign the number ranges you created in the preceding step to
the account groups for customers. You can use one number range for several
account groups.
We will assign number range Z9 created to account Z910.
Update the following:-
Click on Save
You can delete the master records for customers by using this program. This
program is to be used only during test phase.
The company code for which master records are to be deleted, should not be
flagged as productive. Only master records for accounts which do not have any
transaction data may be deleted.
The general customer master data is only deleted for customers who are not
also created as customers in Sales and Distribution.
You can use transaction code OBR2 in the main SAP Easy Access menu.
1.2 Vendor Accounts
• Which fields are ready for input or must be filled when creating and
changing master Data (field status)
Click on
Double Click
Make Reconciliation account and sort key as Req. entry as follows
Click on
Here you determine, depending on the company code, which company code-
dependent master record fields
This specification is linked to the field status of the account group and a
specification for the transaction. By means of the link, you can see which status
the fields have on the entry screen for master data. In this case, the fields take
on the status which has the highest priority. Hiding a field has the highest priority,
followed by a display field, a required field and then an optional field:
The entry under the company code * applies to the company codes which are
not explicitly entered in the table. You should not delete this entry.
We will not configure anything here since we do not want field status differently
based on company codes. Define Screen Layout per Activity (Vendors)
• require an entry •
are hidden.
This specification is linked with the field status of the account group and the
company code-dependent specification. By means of the link, you can see
which status the fields have on the entry screen for master data. In this case,
the fields take on the status which has the highest priority. Hiding a field has the
highest priority, followed by a display field, a required field and then an optional
This configuration is required if the fields are to be filled when creating and are
not to be changed via the change transaction. This is required for reconciliation
account. The reconciliation account updated during the create mode should not
be changed later on in the change mode. This will create a lot of problem. In the
change mode the field should not be available for change. It should be only in
the display mode.
Double click
Double click
Change the Reconciliation account from Opt. Entry to Display
Click on
Double click
Double click
Double click
In this step, you define the names of the accounting clerks under a name
identification code. You enter the identification code in the vendor master Data
which the accounting clerk supervises. You can use this information for
evaluations and for correspondence.
Click on
Update the following:-
Click on Save
Here you create the number ranges for vendor accounts. You specify whether
the number range is internal or external. Internal number range means the
system allots the number automatically from the number range. External number
range means the system expects the user to allot the number from the specified
In this screen you will notice that there is no company code selection. The
Vendor number is created at a client level. This means that the same vendor
number can be extended by more than one company code.
Click on
Click on
Click on
Click on Save
Here you can delete the master Data for vendors. You can use this program in
the test phase. The company code, for which master Data are to be deleted,
should not be flagged as productive. Only master Data for accounts which do not
have any transaction data may be deleted.
The general vendor master data is only deleted for vendors who are not also
created as vendors in Purchasing.
1.3 Business Transactions
Here you can define rules which are stored under a four-character key called as
payment term. You assign this terms of payment to the vendors master record.
The payment term is proposed when entering a document to the vendor
You can use the same key for the terms of payment for both customers and
vendors who have the same payment terms. SAP recommends, however, that
you use different terms of payment keys for customers and vendors and limit the
permitted account type correspondingly within the terms of payment.
You configure both the payment terms for customers and vendor using the same
configuration path.
Click on
Click on Save
Click on Save
Here you can configure whether an invoice amount is to be divided into partial
amounts with different due dates. For this, you must specify the amount of the
holdback/retainage in percent and the terms of payment for each holdback/
retainage payment. If you then post an invoice with terms of holdback/
retainage payment, the system generates the corresponding number of line
items due to your specifications for the holdback/retainage.
Click on Save
Click on
Click on Save
Click on
Click on Save
Now link all the 3 keys together using the above configuration path. Click on
Here we define whether the tax amount is taken into consideration in the base
amount for calculating the cash discount amount. This specification is per
company code.
We do not want the cash discount base to be net; hence we will not configure
1.3.2 Outgoing Payments
Here you define the account numbers of your cash discount received
accounts. The system posts the cash discount amount to these accounts when
clearing open items in vendors.
You can specify tax code also.
The configuration procedure is same for both customer and vendor. Which
means you can use the same path to maintain the customer and vendor for
exchange rate differences.
Click on
Here you will enter the GL code for Accounts receivable or Accounts Payable
(the reconciliation account). You can enter different GL codes for each currency
code and currency type. Alternatively if you do not want different GL codes for
each currency you can keep them blank
119020 is the GL code for Account Receivables trade 3rd parties Loss:
Here you enter the GL code for exchange loss, which is realized Gain:
Here you enter the GL code for exchange gain, which is realized.
Val. loss 1: Here you enter the GL code for unrealized exchange Loss on
revaluation of open items i.e. accounts receivable and accounts payable
Val. gain 1: Here you enter the GL code for unrealized exchange gain on
revaluation of open items i.e. accounts receivable and accounts payable
Bal.sheet adj.1 : Here you enter the GL code to which the receivable and
payables adjustment is posted during foreign currency valuation of open items.
The SAP System supports two valuation areas in parallel. This account is used
during valuation of the first valuation area.
The first valuation area reflects the local view of the Company code; the second
valuation area takes the corporate policy for the valuation into consideration.
Click on
Similarly you can configure exchange rate difference for account payable.
Click on
Click on
Click Define Accounts for Rounding Differences
Click on
Click on Save Define Accounts for Bank Charges (Vendors)
Here you define the account numbers of your bank charges accounts. The
system posts the charges amount you specify for a bank item when settling
payment to these accounts. The bank charges accounts must be defined as
relevant to cash flow.
Double Click
Update following:-
Update following:-
470103 is Bank charges account
Click on Save
Using payment blocking reasons, you can differentiate why invoices are to be
blocked for payment.
If the indicator is not set, the reason for blocking cannot be set nor
removed when a payment proposal is processed.
• Documents defined with the block key are also not to be cleared during
manual payment entry.
Payment blocking reasons are valid for all company codes. By using the reasons
for payment blocking, you can also prevent items from being processed
manually with the clearing procedures "Incoming payment" and "Outgoing
payment". You define a blocking reason to do this and mark it accordingly. Such
items can always be transferred or reversed.
Here you can change (based on the payment terms) the blocking key value that
is proposed as a default when entering postings to customer accounts and
vendor accounts. Manual outgoing Payments Define Tolerances (Vendors)
This configuration setting is valid for both customers and vendors. Here you
specify the tolerances for vendors. These tolerances are used for dealing with
differences in payment and residual items which can occur during payment
settlement. Specify the tolerances under one or more tolerance
groups. Allocate a tolerance group to each vendor via the master record. For
each tolerance group, specify the following:
• The handling of the terms of payment for residual items, if they are to be
posted during clearing
When clearing, the lower limit for the customer specifications and employee
group specifications are taken. Employee tolerance is configured in the FI GL
module. The tolerance needs to be assigned to the vendor master.
The permitted payment difference configured for gain and loss is 100 INR or 5 %
whichever is lower.
Click on
Update the following: -
Click on Save
• Residual items
• Partial payments •
Postings on account
Indicator: Do not consider tol. limit for diff to payment advice note item
Update the following: -
Click on
Update the following:-
Click on Save
We will create one more reason code to be charged off to a different account
Click on
Here you set the account determination for the reason codes for which payment
differences are charged off via a separate G/L account. You have defined
reason codes in the earlier step and determined whether an
outstanding receivable is to be set for the customer or whether the difference is
to be charged off for each reason code.
You assign a paying company code to each company code. This means
that you can have one company code process payment transactions
centrally for several company codes.
Click on
Here you make the following specifications for the paying company codes: Ø
Data for controlling the payment program
Here we specify the minimum amount for which an incoming (100 INR) or
outgoing payment (1000 INR) is created.
If you do not want exchange rate difference to be generated when the
payment is in foreign currency you need to select the parameter. If you
want to make separate payment for each reference you need to select
the parameter.
You can show or hide the settings for paying with bills of exchange.
Ø Forms and sender details for advice notes and EDI accompanying sheets
Take a drop down in the field Form for the payment advice
Click on
Update the following:-
Click on
Here you specify which payment methods are to be used in each country.
The following parameters are entered:-
1) whether it is an outgoing payment or incoming payment
2) payment classification - check, bank transfer
3) What master data specification required - address required, bank
details required etc.
4) Document type is attached
5) The payment program name is attached.
6) Which currencies are to be permitted?
Ensure that the payment methods to be used for paying the open items of a
business partner have been entered in the appropriate customer or vendor
master record. To get a list of payment media programs, use transaction code
SA38 and enter RFFO*. Click on Utilities à Find program à Execute.
Click on
In case of Bank transfers (E- Banking) we will create payment method is T (E-
Click on
Click on
Click the Save
button. Set Up Payment Methods per Company
code for Payment Transactions
Here you specify which payment methods can be used per company code and
determine the conditions under which a payment method should be used.
ü Specifications for grouping items for payment (such as single payment for
marked items)
ü Specifications for foreign/foreign currency payments
If you specify that the payment method can also be used for foreign
currencies, all currencies are permitted.
ü Specifications for optimizing bank selection
•Ιf there is no space available, a payment advice note containing all the
information about the purpose of payment is always printed (for bills of
exchange, for example).
•Ιf only limited space is available and there is therefore a risk that the space
will not be sufficient, you can choose from the following options:
v You can have the system distribute the items between several
forms. To do so, select No payment advice and Distribute items,
XX lines per payment.
v You can have the payment program determine another
payment method if insufficient space is available. To do so, choose
No payment advice and Payment method valid to xx lines.
We are configuring payment method check for company code 9100, the
minimum amount for which a check should be raised is 1000 INR and the
maximum amount is 9999,999,999 INR. We have selected SAP standard check
layout form F110_PRENUM_CHECK. This need to be modified as per the
customer requirement and Z form needs to be attached here.
Since the check will contain all the information of payment details we have
selected the parameter under Note to payee lines on the form -as many as
required and Parameter - no Payment advice.
In case you get error while entering the maximum amount enter a lower figure
such as 9999999 and press enter. System will automatically set the format
Click on
Update the following:-
Click on
Click on
Click on
Click on Set Up Bank Determination for Payment Transactions
Before you can configure this step you need a house bank to be configured. You
can refer the SAP Bank configuration manual.
You specify which house banks are permitted and rank them in a list.
ü Bank accounts
For each house bank and payment method and currency, you specify
which bank account is to be used for payments.
üAvailable amounts
For each account at a house bank, you enter the amounts that are
available for the payment run. You enter separate amounts for
incoming and outgoing payments. Specifying available amounts
enables you to control which bank account is to be used for payments.
You can specify the amounts depending on the value date at the bank.
ü Value date
You specify how many days elapse between the posting date of the
payment run and the value date at the bank, dependent on the payment
method, bank account, payment amount and currency. You can have the
system determine the value date, taking into account the bank calendar
and any individual arrangements made with the bank. To do so, choose
the activity Define value date rules
payment based on payment method and currency. If there are more than one
house bank, the second bank will be ranked based on payment method and
Whenever you want to make payment from the desired bank you need to check
the ranking of the house bank here and change the ranking to 1, which is
possible through transaction code S_ALR_87001487 - Bank selection for
payment program (which is available on the SAP Easy access menu)
Click on
Double click
Double click on
And click on
Update the available amount for outgoing payment and the currency for the
house bank. The available amount for outgoing payment in this case we have
updated the maximum amount. The amount planned here is available for
outgoing payments. The amount is only used for payments with which the bank
debit entry is expected during the number of days displayed.
Click on
1.3.3 Outgoing Invoices/Credit Memos Maintain Terms of Payment
Click on
Click on
Here you determine whether the tax amount is to be taken into consideration in
the base amount for calculating the cash discount amount. You make your
specifications per company code.
Here you define an account in which the customer down payments or down
payment requests are managed in the general ledger. In the case of down
payments or down payment requests, the posting is automatically made to this
account instead of to the normal receivables account (reconciliation account).
Click on
Click on Save
Here you configure the special GL account for vendor down payments. The
down payment posting is then automatically made to this account instead of to
the normal payables account (reconciliation account).
Double Click
Click on
Click on Save
Let us configure a vendor down payment request F. This is required when you
want to make payment through automatic payment program. This will create a
noted item (statistical entry).
Double click
Click on
Click on
Click on Save
. A is the target special GL indicator 1.3.7 Define Sort
Here you define the periods for the remaining terms of receivables and
payables. For each period, you can specify whether transfer postings are to be
made for customer, vendor, or G/L accounts. This configuration also regroups
credit balance in Accounts Receivable and Debit balance in Accounts
Click on
Click on Save
Double Click
Click on
Update the following: -
Click on Save
Click on
Click on
Click on
Click on Save
Click on Save
Click on
Click thrice
Double Click
Click on
Click on Save
Click on
Update the following: -
Click on Save
Click on
Click on Save
Click on
Update the following: -
Click on Save
In this step, you define the address to which the customers or vendors are to
send their reply for the balance confirmation. Since this address is often different
from the company code address, this specification is very important. You can
define several addresses under one ID for every company code.
Click on
Click on