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Om Chanting Om 1

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Prof and HOD
Shri Vijaya Mahantesh Ayurveda Medical College and research center,
ILKAL -587125, Dist: Bagalkot, Tq: Hunagund.
Mail Id:
Mob: 9880638260
ABSTRACT: Among the schools of yoga, Mantra yoga is one - which
neutralizes Raja (agitation) and Tama (inertia) and calms the mind, brings
focus and is great for controlling the breath. Nowadays, common problem in
day today life is Stress. So, Mind should be controlled only by relaxation
techniques. Under this “OM chanting” is a simple practice, it needs less time
as well as does not require expert or trainer while performing. Mantra yoga
creates positive vibrations that benefit both the one who chants and the one
who listens. Definitely we can prevent psychosomatic diseases and proper
practice it makes the person healthy and wellbeing. In daily practice it is
practiced as “Pranava Dhyana”. “Tasya Vachakaha Pranavaha!!” (P.Y.Su
1:27). 4
“OM” is basically a monosyllabic word, as compared to “AUM”, which is
tri-syllabic. It is a sound that has been realized by the ancient rishi’s in the
highest states of meditation. It is the cosmic mantra “AUM” that unites the
limited existence with the unlimited. It is “AUM” that merges the microcosm
with the macrocosm, the individual with the universal.
Microcosm Macrocosm State of experience
Syllable ‘A’ Material universe Wakeful state; perception
Individual physical only of the external world
body through the sense
Syllable ‘U’ Cosmic mind Dream state; perception
Individual mind of mental impressions
Syllable ‘M’ Consciousness Deep sleep; experience of
Intuitive awareness at substratum of bliss and revolutionary
individual level universe knowledge
Syllable ‘AUM’ as a Brahman Fourth state; beyond all
whole atman (self) conceptualization
In yoga tradition, ‘AUM’ is the most sacred of holy words, the supreme
mantra. Letter A symbolises the conscious or walking state
(jagrataavasthaa), the letter U the dream state (swapna-avastha), and the
letter M the dreamless – avastha) of the mind and spirit.
A, U, and M symbolize respectively vak (speech), the mind (manas),
and the breath of life (prana), while the entire symbol stands for living
divine spirit. Entire symbol represents Divinity, which is beyond the
limitations of shape and form. The three letters, A, U, AND M, symbolize the
absence of desire, fear, and anger.
‘AUM’ is also called as the ‘PRANAVA’, a Sanskrit word which means
both controller of life-force (Prana) and life-giver (infuser of Prana).
“OM” represents everything – the beginning, the middle and the end,
the past, the present and the future. It is a sound of creation and it is initial
sound of vibration. All Sanskrit mantras in India begin with “AUM” or
“OM”. It is the first sound of the universe. It is the king of mantras. Sound of
“OM” is a sacred practice that helps our mind and body to energize. Sound
of “OM” is considered sacred in Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism and Jainism.
“OM” connects all living beings to Nature and the Universe. So, one
can chant “OM” silent or aloud. Chanting “OM”, it relaxes the body, slow
down the nervous system and calm down the mind.
“AUM” chanting practice is so simple to explain yet the benefits, and
experiences that it can bring are profound.
Syllables A, U, M are also said to represent Brahma (the creator),
Vishnu (the sustainer) and Maheshwara (the dissolver) as well as many other
things. One cannot even speak about its meaning but it can experience only
by personal realization. (2)


“AUM” can be chanted slowly or quickly. It is chanted slowly then it
can be made to last for many seconds, depending on the capacity of the
individual. There should be a definite pronunciation of each of the syllables
‘A’, ‘U’, ‘M’, with a gradual transition from one to the other.
Chant the tri - syllables as – “AAAAAAAAAAA – UUUUUUUUUU –
MMMMMMMMMM”. Verbal chanting is to be preferred. Mind must be
concentrate on verbal “AUM” sound and remove the fluctuations of the
mind, and bring it on one point. Chanting aaaaaaaaaa – one can feel the
sensation and resonance of nervous system in the stomach and the chest
reason, schanting uuuuuuuuuu – creats sensations in throat and chest
reason, chanting mmmmmm – resonates with nasal cavity as well as skull /
brain reason. (2)
First of all chant “AUM” verbally for some time and then change over
to mental “AUM” chanting. This is a systematic method of withdrawing once
awareness from the outside world and directing it inwards to explore the
mind. “AUM” must be chanted as continuous flow of an oil stream and like
the vibration of a bell. (1)
Varahopanishad (5.69) says “OM” chanted very smoothly and
continuously (without interruption) like a resonance of a bell (“Deergha
ghanta ninaadavat”). (3)

1. Sit in a comfortable meditative posture.

2. Close the eyes.
3. Inhale deeply and while exhalation start chanting with the word
AAAAAAAAAA – continue the stretch by bringing the lips together to
say the next syllable with the word UUUUUUUUUU – finally press the
lips and front teeth gently together, bringing the vibration of next with
the syllable word MMMMMMMMMM.
4. Try to be aware completely of the sound of “AUM”.
5. Be totally aware of “AUM”.
6. Continue in this manner for as long as possible.
At least 15 minutes.
7. Slowly stop the practice and synchronize it with the mental sound of
8. Be aware of the internal sound of “AUM” at the eyebrow center,
vibrating in harmony with the pulse.
9. Continue in this manner for as long as once time and their capacity.
10. End the practice by chanting “AUM” loudly 3 times. (2)
AWARENESS: On sound.
POSTURE: Any meditative posture.
TIME AND DURATION: 15 to 30 time (Early in the morning before
starting the daily routines).
Perfect times for practice are 108 times.
(108 considered as a sacred numbers in Hinduism and Yoga. Earth is 108
times their respective diameters).
Always chant “AUM” 3 times / day (reason is – it symbolizes 3 words of
the Soul, Past, Present and Future. (2)
CHAKRAS: 7th – Chakra (Sahasrara or Crown chakra).
‘A’ of AUM connected to Mooladhara Chakra and Swadhisthana Chakra.
‘U’ of AUM related to Manipura Chakra. ‘M’ of AUM affects Anahata
Chakra, Vishuddhi Chakra and Ajnaa Chakra. (3)

1. It is one of the most powerful methods of rapidly relaxing the entire
mind and body.
2. Quickly brings mental peace and can help very much to prevent so
many psychosomatic disorders.
3. It can lead to high states of meditation and realizations of higher truths.
4. Reduces stress and anxiety.
5. Makes emotionally stable.
6. Detoxifies body.
7. Improves concentration.
8. Ensures sound sleep.
So, ‘AUM’ is the only one mantra that is fit for peoples belonging to all age
‘AUM’ vibrates at 432Hz, which is quite low within our hearing range. The
sound wave is longer and its frequency of vibration slower than a high pitch
sound at, let’s say 15 KHz.
Healthy human body during day time is 62 to 72 Hz. When frequency drops,
immune system is compromised. Natural humming energy of ‘OM’ exists all
around us. It vibrates at the frequency of 432Hz. (4)
Vibration of sound felt through vocal cord that clears and opens up the
“A” sound creates vibrations that affect the chest, sternum and neck.
“U” sound creates vibrations that stimulate the thyroid glands.
“M” sound creates a vibration that increases the efficiency and
reaction time of the brain.

Vibration in sternum stimulates the ‘THYMUS GLAND’ in the chest

which controls the production of defense cells called ‘T-

Vibration in throat stimulates the ‘THYROID GLAND’. This gland

produces ‘THYROXINE’ which regulates metabolism and strengthens
the heart functioning.

The ‘THYMUS GLAND’, located behind the ‘THYROID GLAND’ also

gets stimulated which increases the amount of calcium in the blood
when required.

OM chant stimulate ‘HYPOTHALAMUS’, located in the brain which

further activate the master gland – ‘PITUITORY’ to govern the
secretion of chemicals and hormone that balances the body and
generate healing effects on emotional mental and physical well being.

‘PINEAL GLAND’ present between our eyebrows gets resonated which

secretes happy hormone ‘SEROTONIN’ during the day, and
‘MELATONIN’ at night.

Increases flow of oxygen and blood in the body stimulates pituitary and
hormonal glands thus the body to react more dynamically and

Vibrations produced by chanting ‘AUM’ penetrate each atom,

molecule, tissues, and cells of all body organs thereby resulting in a
complete natural message on the body. It also clears impurities in the

Chanting of ‘AUM’ drives away the negative thoughts and instills vigor
and energy in the body. (4)

1. B.K.S Iyengar, “Light on yoga”- Yoga Dipika, forworded by Yehudi
Menuhin, Harper Collins Publishers India a joint venture with the
India today group, NEW DELHI, 32nd impression – 2005, part 1,
Introduction – 50th page no.
2. A systematic course in the Ancient Tantric Techniques of “YOGA
AND KRIYA” –By Swami Satyananda Saraswati, Published by –
G.K.Kejriwal Honorary secretory BIHAR SCHOOL OF YOGA,
Ganga Darshan, Munger, Bihar,811201, INDIA.
written by Dr. Makaranda Madhukar Gore, published by Mrs. B. M
Gore, Kanchana Prakashan, Kaivallyadhama, Lonavala – 414403.
4. Patanjali Yogasutram (Bhavaprakashika – Hindi Vyakhyasametam),
written by Dr. Mahaprabhulal Goswami, Choukambha Sanskrit
Samsthan, Varanasi, 2nd edition – 1999.

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