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GSM Based Home Security Alarm System Using

Arduino (Using Mobile Call)

Aditi Golder∗ Debashis Gupta∗ Saumendu Roy

Institute of Information Technology Department of Computer Science Department of Computer Science
Jahangirnagar University Wake Forest University University of Saskatchewan
Dhaka, Bangladesh North Carolina, USA Saskatoon, Canada

Md. Abdullah Al Ahasan Mohd Ariful haque∗ ∗

Department of Computer Science Cyber Physical Systems
University of Regina Clark Atlanta University
Regina, Canada Atlanta, GA, USA

Abstract—In this 21st era, criminality is increasing, and services include safety and security measures, automation,
everybody wishes safety for their home and assets. So that in this entertainment, and energy management [2]. Among the various
situation, everyone should have a secure system with developing services, intelligent home safety and security systems hold
and modern technology. So a person should not be worried
when moving away from his home. As a result, therefore, the particular importance due to the growing need for people
objective of this project is to afford the home security device to feel secure in their homes and mitigate crime risk [3].
which gives the quickest message to the client GSM (Global The advent of cutting-edge technologies like the Internet
System for Mobile) cell phone device applying a phone call. Our of Things (IoT), compact microcontrollers, and affordable
Home security system has been followed by the latest technology sensors and actuators has opened up new possibilities for
at a low cost. The hardware of this system has been created
using PIR (Passive Infra-Red) movement sensor, Arduino sensor implementing safety and security features in intelligent homes.
as the fundamental for movement recognition, and GSM module These systems are crucial in monitoring indoor environments,
for calling to the system user. For programming, this framework providing homeowners with real-time updates and alerts when
applies Arduino IDE for Arduino and Putty for analyzing joining potentially harmful situations arise, even when they are away
programming in the GSM unit. The PIR sensor has played an from home. The primary goal is to analyze data collected from
important feature that can be used here for the security purpose
of any unknown persons and automatically creates calls when sensors in the surrounding environment and trigger appropri-
encroaching neighboring circles sensed by the PIR sensor. The ate actions through actuators to address or prevent potential
Integrated Home Safety framework has been examined and also threats. Many researchers are working to create custom-based
accomplishes to sense the movement of a human. security solutions that are cheap for everyone in order to solve
Index Terms—Home Safety or Security, GSM, PIR Sensor, this issue.
In this situation, we have intended to develop such a security
system that can make the human life easier and feel secure
when they are not present in the home. Owing to increase
The usefulness and advantages of home security systems the quick movement of pupils, creating them needs a security
have been amply shown by their ability to monitor a home technique. This has the properties of cell phone technology in
immediately. This is a result of the rising number of burglaries words of receiving Information simply.
and home thefts, which has caused most homeowners to
become more attentive. Security systems based on CCTV are II. L ITERATURE R EVIEW
not real-time since the owner receives the alarm after the Security concerns have become increasingly prominent in
occurrence, unless they were home at the time [1]. An innova- our daily lives, particularly when we are away from home
tive home system is a sophisticated network of interconnected [4]. To address these issues, modern technology has been har-
devices, including sensors, actuators, communication devices, nessed to develop solutions for safeguarding us from various
and computing devices, designed to offer homeowners a range hazards. The field of security research has seen significant
of services and applications with minimal intervention.These progress, as evidenced by recent studies in this area.
Baballe et al. [5] designed an IoT security alarm system
* = Equal Contributor employing an Arduino microcontroller and PIR sensor. The
** = Corresponding Author system detects intruders, relaying notifications through an
LCD display and GSM modem. Albak et al. [6] created a infrared or radiant heat points emitted by nearby objects. The
remote security system using Arduino and mobile phones, outcome of the PIR sensor moves extremely when it senses
utilizing an infrared sensor for motion detection and sending any motion. The variety of a distinctive PIR sensor is about 6
alerts to property owners. Sarhan et al. [7] established an meters or near 30 feet. For the 100 percent accuracy of PIR
Arduino-based smart home warning system that detects events sensor, it should be required a preparation time from 20 to
like fire, gas leaks, and break-ins, notifying users via SMS and 60 seconds. It is needed for the reason that PIR sensor has
email. Beside this, Rakib et al. [8] explored GSM technology a perching time through which it regulates its sensor along
for remote control of home appliances and security systems, with the surroundings besides soothes the infrared detector.
offering feedback through calls and a mobile app. Nwe et Through this time, there must be marginally to no movement
al. [9] developed an IoT-based smart security and home au- in front of the sensor. The outcome of the PIR sensor cannot be
tomation system, combining Bluetooth and home automation trustworthy if the sensor is not given much time to calibrate. At
to create a safe environment. In addition, Oyekola et al. [10] the time of sensing any motion by PIR sensor, the outcome of
created a home security system using IoT and smartphones, the sensor is great. This article mainly concentrates on giving
integrating GSM technology, ultrasonic sensors, PIR sensors, security when the user is left home.
and gas detectors for wireless remote security. Abdullah et al. Our project main facility that can send messages fastly,
[11] emphasized the IoT’s role in intelligent home systems and appropriately and at a minimum price at any place within
city security, enhancing privacy and security through various the GSM network. As the Mobile phone is the latest and the
platforms and communication protocols. Elimarteena et al. most usable technology in this day with SMS service will
[12] highlights the growing significance of security systems in be extremely valuable when used to incorporate the security
homes, businesses, and industries. A financially robust home frameworks or systems, where the news directs by a security
security framework is crucial for increased security levels. frameworks also the news got by the client’s cell phone
A system detects unauthorized entry using PIR sensors and in the format of SMS. Upon this, an incorporated security
a siren, providing accurate data to a cloud server. Shankar framework is made to have the capacity to direct information
et al. [13] explored using advanced technologies, particularly except applying a PC (Personal Computer), that helps control
Arduino, to create a security system for protecting belongings the condition of the house fastly as well as inexpensively
from theft. The current system uses a manual lock and key [15]. The dialect of C programming is connected to make
mechanism, lacking notification. The proposed method uses this framework, the program was utilized to manufacture a
an Arduino, mobile phone, and motion-detecting camera to security framework that runs naturally, which can make two-
detect and notify the owner of theft. A PIR motion sensor path interaction by client cell phone at the time of security
detects motion and triggers the camera to capture images. break in the home [16]. The two-way connection employed to
Signals are sent to the Arduino, which initiates a call when kill the ringer in the wake of working when a security break
belongings are stolen. Gupta et al. [14] focused on creating happens. Incorporated into configuration used to create simply
an automated security system for home monitoring, detecting expandable for adding more sensors to the primary framework
intruders, gas leakage, and fire. It uses sensors and a GSM Arduino Uno open-source microcontroller podium.
module to transmit information to the owner’s mobile phone. Our system is instigated by the Arduino. Arduino is inter-
The Arduino Uno processor is the central processing unit, facing with the GSM module at that point associates through
interfacing with sensors and appliances. GSM technology the GSM module by means of serial transmission to create a
sends warning messages via SMS to the owner’s mobile phone, call to the pre-modified versatile (cell phone) number. It is a
with an LCD displaying the information. The system’s global significant idea to be noticed around PIR that the result will be
coverage allows remote alerting and action. incredible when it detects movement. The result of PIR sensor
more often than not endeavors low now and again, if there is a
III. P ROPOSED S YSTEMS movement which could betray the microcontroller into seeing
We have conscious about our security, Like as health and that there is no movement. Our programming unit of Arduino
asset of our daily life. Security has an important role in our is controlled by avoiding the low output signals. Which have a
daily life. We have lived in such a modern society where smaller interval than a predefined time. This project has been
technology has discovered many tools in our daily life. In such completed by adopting that the movement before PIR sensor
a situation we have developed a system of the security module, is existing constantly.
it can diminish the misconduct ratio in the world particularly
the crime of stealing at home. In the meaning of the up-to-
date life every day we need to go away from the home for the A. Controller Unit
various reason of our life. We have designed such a device Our control unit is made by utilizing Arduino Uno open-
that basically concentrates on giving security when the user is source Microcontroller. It is depicted in diagram 2 which is
out of the home. a Microcontroller board centered on the ATmega32. It has a
The system includes PIR sensors to sense an impediment, ceramic resonator, power connector, reset button, 14 Digital
GSM, Module for communicating with GSM Phone. PIR input/output, ICSP, 6 analogs and USB Connector. Our all
sensor discovers motion by recognizing the distinction in systems required everything for the microcontroller; basically
Fig. 3. A-6 GSM-750x75

Fig. 1. Home security system

Fig. 4. PIR-Sensor

C. PIR Sensor
Our Passive Infra-Red (PIR) sensor 4 that belongs a poten-
tiometer which can regulate the distance and delay time and
the Sensor unit is simple to apply and also reasonable cost as
depicted in Figure 4. This sensor needs 100uA - 150uA also
voltage states 3Volt -5Volt to function has an correctness from
Fig. 2. Arduino Uno Microcontroller 0.1 to 6 meters through the capability to operate from -200C
to 700C temperature. On the opposite side, this sensor module
additionally needs to utilize the wave length 7um - 14um and
it is linked to a computer via an USB cable with an AC-to-DC point of range in 1200.
adapter to become commenced. D. GSM SIM 800A
The GSM SIM800A is a popular and cost-effective GSM
B. GSM Modem module widely used for communication in various applica-
tions, including IoT projects, smart home systems, and security
The GSM modem module which we have been used model systems. It supports GSM and GPRS communication, enabling
is SIMCOMSIM900. This modem is specialized and easy voice and data transmission over the cellular network. Operat-
interfacing with Arduino Uno controller for any programming ing on four frequency bands, it is compatible with global GSM
as shown in Figure 3. The User call can be initiated from this networks. The module communicates with external devices
unit. using UART serial communication and requires a standard-
Fig. 5. SIM 800A Module

sized SIM card for network connectivity. Its low power con-
sumption makes it suitable for battery-powered devices, and
can handle voice calls and data transmission. With GPIO pins Fig. 6. Flow Chart how does the system start
for interfacing with external devices and easy integration using
AT commands, the SIM800A is widely available. It is reliable
for enabling communication in remote and limited internet whole system that it will active all over the time. Our system
connectivity scenarios. design part One will observe this system is On or OFFF. If the
system is in OFF state mode, then it main works to activate
V. S OFTWARE the switch and the system will turn ON.
We have used Arduino, which is an open source, a software Home Security Alarm Systems are very significant in current
company, project, computer hardware and user community that society, where misdeed is rising. With the help of technological
maps and productions microcontroller tools for making digital improvements, we have gained in the present years, an owner
machines and collaborating objects that can detect and monitor of the home doesn’t have to anxious about the security of
substances in the physical world as the user programmable home while leaving off his/her home. Current home security
and simply monitored by the user gratification. Here we have systems give much security from thieves, smoke, and fire, etc.
constructed our wanted algorithm to monitor the mobile phone They also give the instant alarm to the home owner. The goal
and the PIR sensor with the Arduino in the Arduino editor of this work is to apply a simple and easy, but effective home
programming. In this system, Arduino software is utilized to security alarming system. The work is mapped for sensing
improve the program for Arduino controller from Arduino burglars and notifying the owner by creating a phone call.
designer. The Arduino Uno can be customized by the Arduino B. Part Two
software. The working of the project is illustrated below.
VI. F LOWCHART PIR sensor is activated and can detect motion by detecting
the different infrared or radiant heat points which is discharged
A. Part One by neighboring objects. In general, the outcome goes to the
In this flowchart, we can see how does the system start high level of the PIR sensor when it senses any motion. The
and how does the system will start and check all the part. coverage of a usual PIR sensor is about 6 meters or around 30
We represent a flow chart to better understand. Here we have feet. It is mandatory for creation the proper procedure of PIR
divided our whole system into two parts. One part describes sensor; it will need a processing time from 20 to 60 seconds.
how will our system start for the environment. And another This is needed as the PIR sensor has a perching time through
part will send the message to the owner of the house. So it is which it calibrates its sensor allowing to the surroundings and
very important for the owner of the system to monitor that the alleviates the infrared detector. During this time, there must
Fig. 8. Flow Chart how does the system start

Step 8:-If targeted number receive call then system stop

Step 9: -if Targeted number don’t receive call it’s create
another call
Step 10: -Step 3 to Step 9 will be continue


After running our project when the PIR sensor start and the
pin value goes high then it sends a signal voltage to the GSM
Module SIM800L and then it takes a few moments to check
balance if everything is clear then SIM800L create a call to
the targeted number that we store in our program. We ensure
Fig. 7. Flow Chart how does the system work
that according to our algorithm all system will work properly.

be very small to no motion before the sensor. The outcome

of the PIR sensor may not be trustworthy if the sensor is
not provided much time to calibrate. At the time of sensing Figure 6 demonstrates the stream graph of the entire frame-
any motion by the PIR sensor, the outcome of the sensor will work, which likewise demonstrates the procedure of how to
be extreme. This is sensed by the Arduino. Then it connects turn on or off by giving SMS from client cell phone. When
with the GSM segment through the serial transmission to home security framework on, the framework will check the
create a call to the preprogrammed cell phone number. An zone catch by PIR sensor. If there are deterrents recognized,
imperative view to be seen about PIR sensors is, the result framework will send a warning by means of SMS to clients
will be incredible when it senses or detects movement. The cell phone, and furthermore can turn on ringer alert.
outcome of the sensor becomes minimum from time to time, The security of home feature has moved toward becoming
notwithstanding when there is a movement which may trick attract much consideration the future for our shortage and
the microcontroller into seeing that there is no movement. This need. People are getting more worried to shield their home
issue ought to be assigned within the programming of Arduino from unapproved individuals. Our framework can screen a
by avoiding the minimum output signals that have a littler house by utilization of sensors that can be coordinated with
period than a predefined time. This is finished by imagining a microcontroller unit like Arduino and a GSM modem unit.
that the movement before PIR sensor is available continually. By utilizing SMS making an alarm message to the clients
through cell phone when a conceivable interruption happens.
VII. A LGORITHM A ND P SEUDOCODE Today nearly everybody utilizing a cell phone so by utilizing
Step 1: - START this framework client won’t need to convey an extra gadget to
Step 2: - Check all module works properly screen their home. This is the principle favorable position and
Step 3: - when PIR output is high highlight of our task. This framework is outlined utilizing mea-
Step 4: - its send a signal to the SIM800A sured quality to wind up an adaptable framework that can be
Step 5: - Then it take few minute to check balance included more sensors without change the entire framework,
(Initialization) just add a few sensors to expand frameworks usefulness. So
Step 6: - After that it create a call this framework is trailed by present day innovation and it has
Step 7: - Call will ringing for 3 times been considered as an up-to-date plan. It resembles a secluded
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The home security system which is based on GSM where
we have mapped by applying PIR motion detection sensor,
Arduino, and a GSM module. When our system is worked,
it will constantly check for motion and when the motion
is sensed, it will create a phone call to the home owner.
Only unknown and invader came near to the system the alert
message will create an alert message. Our system can be
updated to the security alert systems of others such as smoke,
fire etc. Though we can’t complete our system according to
our flowchart in this case, we are all member of our group
strongly believe that we have learnt a lot with this project.
Hopefully, we will implement our full and final system with
advanced technology.
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