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Astrology of Tito Macias

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Astrology is not Astronomy, astrologers use planetary positions to build

astrological clocks that work similarly to the normal clock.

The movements of the oldest known clock, whose hands are the planets and the
sensitive points of the birth chart, move at a speed of one degree per year. -What
would later be known as the symbolic directions of a degree a year.

The best and most intelligent thing that can be done with any technique is to try it,
test it, put it to the test to see if it works or not, that is what we are going to do at
this moment with the solar chart technique and the 360 atacires. or uniform
harmonic directions of 360, for this I will use the letter of a well-known character;
Michelangelo born March 6, 1475.

Wikipedia: «He was born on March 6, 1475, in Caprese, a town in Tuscany near
Arezzo . He was the second of five sons of Ludovico di Leonardo Buonarroti di
Simone and Francesca di Neri del Miniato di Siena. . His mother died in 1481, when
Michelangelo was six years old.

.-The first interesting fact is the death of his mother, I say interesting because it
allows us to start the attacks of the "death clock" to verify if that death clock works,
if the death of Michelangelo's mother was written in the script and at the same time
realize how the Atatires clocks work.

The death of the mother. -Which planet stages life experiences related to the
mother? -Which planet is the angel of death known by the name of Azrael? What is
the measuring cycle of all deaths?

The Moon, Mars and 156. These are the elements that should script the death of
Miguel Ángel's mother, which occurred when he was a 6-year-old child. .

-Let's calculate the atacires of the 156-year clock for the age of 6 years. Let's see if
there is any reasonable relationship between the Moon, Mars and the death of the

When Michelangelo turns six years old, the attack of the Moon in the cycle of 156 -
where the script of all deaths is written - arrived at the place of Mars in the XII
House, with Mars being ruler of the VIII House occupied by the sign of Scorpio.

-Coincidences do not exist, especially at this stage of experimentation. The attack of

the death of the Moon on Mars is significant enough to understand the system.
-Miguel Angel is known for his art, it is art and his works that have given him his
relative eternity. Art is closely linked to the influence of the planet Venus, the same
planet that stages its influence through love. -.

We will take advantage of Michelangelo's example to explore these two ways of

influencing the planet Venus, and at the same time become aware of the domal
influence, that is, the astrological influence caused by the position of a planet in a
House. - I say this to remember , that although Venus is the planet of love, it is the
V House where the script and score of sentimental life is written.-

We are going to calculate the atacir of the Ascendant and the Sun for the time it
arrived at the planet Venus, to check if the rule is fulfilled that: "the planets stage
their meaning when the atacir of the Ascendant reaches the place of the planet or
vice versa."

When Michelangelo reached the age of 30, the attack of the Ascendant along with
the Sun reached the place of Venus. Furthermore, the attack of Jupiter - which
comes from House XI and carries its domestic meaning of "patron" - reaches the
place of the Moon in House XII, the Mother Church of Rome.
Wikipedia «In the year 1505 Michelangelo was called to Rome by Pope Julius II to
propose the construction of the papal tomb, which was to be placed under the
dome of St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican ...»

It can be said, simplifying, that from the arrival of the attack of the Ascendant and
the Sun on Venus, he began to act as an artist for the Church of Rome. -What is
important about all this is that the attack on Venus was not staged with love, but as

Love must be analyzed in combination with House V, the classic astrological system
says so and experience confirms it. Let's look at Michelangelo's letter in a biased,
partial way, as when a dissection is done and a particular tissue is analyzed.

In the celestial script written in the chart of the sky of birth, the planet Saturn
occupies the cusp of House V, therefore it is the "signifier" of Michelangelo's
sentimental life and everything that is related to Saturn occurs late. , at advanced
ages, in maturity. -That was the script...

Mercury in House XII is "arranged" by Saturn, which is the ruler of the sign of
Aquarius, they are forming an exotic aspect of the 13th harmonic, a love until
Mercury is the planet that combines with Saturn to stage its influence in the field of
love. The fact that Mercury is located in House XII suggests a secret or at least not
public love. Whoever is Mercury is always portrayed as a young person, under 20
years old. And that Saturn is the protagonist means a scene that occurs in middle
Let's see what Wikipedia says about all this. » On a trip to Rome in 1532 , she met
the one who would become the great love of her life, the young Tommaso Cavalieri ,
a patrician of unusual intelligence and lover of the arts. Shortly after meeting him,
she sent him a letter in which she confessed: "Heaven did well by preventing the
full understanding of your beauty... If at my age I am still not completely
consumed, it is because the meeting with you, sir, was very brief".

Tommaso Cavalieri was a 17-year-old boy; from a good family, fond of art, since he
painted and sculpted. Varchi said of him that he had "a reserved and modest
temperament and incomparable beauty"; He was, therefore, very attractive as well
as ingenious. In their first meeting, he already made a deep impression on
Michelangelo, and as time went by the relationship transformed into a great
friendship, with a passion and fidelity that remained until death. Michelangelo, on
the other hand, was a 57-year-old man...

-Now I am going to calculate the atatires for that age, let's see if there is any
relationship between the previous speech where Mercury stages its influence
through a young man and the atatires of 360 at that age.

Go you! Among three hundred and thirty years that the hours of this astrological
clock have, the attack of Mercury reached the place of Venus when Michelangelo
was 57 years old.

-It was difficult for Uncle Whiting to come out of the closet, meanwhile he filled our
churches and sculptures with tiny dicks, instead of making sculptures with nice
asses and pretty tits. Go with the divine!

Does Astrology work or what?

May 31, 2021

The astrological influence of the combination between Mercury and Pluto forming
opposition can be perceived, in people who have it, as a type of nervous tension that
conditions their way of speaking, their way of saying things, even their voice. They tend to
be people who have a very penetrating mind, and a very special way of saying things, they
tend to put themselves in the other person's place, in such a way that they can perceive the
reaction of others in advance.

The opposition of Mercury to Pluto leaves its deep mark on the way of expressing oneself,
which can sometimes reach very special extremes, as was the exaggerated case of Stephen
Hawking, the atheist scientist whom the Screenwriter had punished in his wheelchair. for

That Mercury opposite Pluto can also have an exciting or penetrating voice as was another
exaggerated case of the French singer Edith Piaff.
This tense influence makes them argumentative and controversial, they always find an
argument to refute the ideas of others and they always want to have the last word or fight
the last battle, as were the extreme cases of Patton or Rommel, both had this opposition of
Mercury with Pluto.

The influence of the opposition makes them feel the need to have someone on whom to
channel this source of mental energy, which in the long run turns against them, creating
conflicts and discord that place them in the hands of others and make them feel inferior.
hands tied.
George Harrison, one of the group members of the Beatles, must have felt something like
that, who was always a little cornered and had very peculiar falsettos with his voice. In
normal people, in addition to having a peculiar way of speaking, including falsettos, there is
sometimes the fact of not getting along with a brother, or even ignoring each other.

People who are born when the planet Mercury forms conjunction with Uranus tend to think
and express themselves in a quite atypical way, that is what is most noticeable, since it is a
very energetic astrological combination that is staged through a subject or subordinate
intellect. to evolutionary needs, provoking ideas or thoughts that are very advanced for the
time in which they live, as was the case of Simone Beauvoire.

Mercury is thought and Uranus is the sky, perhaps that is why there are astronomers like
Kepler or Camilo Flammarion along with astrologers like Morin de Villefranche who have
these planets in conjunction.

This influence on normal people can be seen in the fact that they can go from calm to
obvious nervousness, and it can even mark their lives due to notable alterations that can
discredit their relationships. Despite the calm appearance, an anomaly in the nervous
system can be expected, as suspected in Eva Brawn. They may have some anomaly in their
way of reasoning or are subject to an extraordinary, anomalous and unique event, an
exaggerated case that can serve as an example is that of Roy Sullivan, a man who had that
partile conjunction and was struck by seven lightning bolts on seven occasions. different.
In some cases we can find people who are nervous when speaking, with some tic or it can
be noticed that their mind may be somewhat altered, in some way we could talk about a
kind of disarticulation that alters their expressions and their thinking, there is always a
difference between what they mean and what they really say.

At the same time, it can be said that they are people who are easy to learn foreign
languages, music or abstract intellectual activities; theatre, psychology, symbology etc.
People who are born with the planet Venus formed in opposition to Neptune,
usually experience, at certain stages of their lives, a special tension caused by their
romantic relationships, which are usually opposed to the religious, political or
moral tendencies of the world in which they live. they unwrap. During times when
their romantic life is more intense, they always get involved in sexual situations or
get into trouble that could be described as scandalous, especially in the case of

This aspect almost always hides a deviation, a disorder or a sexual oddity, and
implies an unusual capacity for seduction, due to the strange or enigmatic nature of
its appearance.

They can suffer such strong sexual tensions that they hide or disguise with a
mystical, esoteric or downright absurd tinge, to such an extent that they can hardly
avoid passing through transitory periods of loss of reason, since they live through
stages of life in which they are seen. like crazy in love. For these reasons, their
emotional relationships may be very deteriorated, or they may be forced to play the
role of love victim or live sentimental experiences that must be hidden or that are
They are also people who can lead to serious disappointments in economic matters,
with self-deception or large economic losses caused by an illusion that collapses.

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