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Literary Analysis of Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone

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Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (1997) -

J.K. Rowling
Analysis by Joan Cruz

JK Rowling, born in Yate England, Joanne Rowling obtained

the love of reading and books thanks to her parents, who like
her were two lovers of reading and from a young age showed
her the wonders of reading, she tells us in her interviews that
since she was a child she had always wanted to be a writer and
her first book was “The Story of a Rabbit Called Rabbit.”

In the course of his life before publishing his first book

professionally, he studied Classical Languages and French
Literature at the University of Exeter. He spent a year in
doing a specialization course. Graduated, she returned to England where she worked
as a researcher for Amnesty International in London.

During a train journey between Manchester and King's Cross he began writing Harry Potter.
Upon landing at the station, many characters had already been defined. "Harry Potter just
entered my head fully formed," he said. It is famous for lasting at least 5 years for each book
-Plot of the book

The book "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone", it all begins one night on October 31
when the Potter family was enjoying a quiet Halloween night until they were attacked by
surprise by You-Know-Who, who without mercy vilely murdered the Mr. and Mrs. Potter, but
being defeated before they could reach the youngest Potter, that night the magical world that
had always remained non-magical celebrated, screamed and cried with joy the death of the
most vile dark lord of the last 100 years at the hands of a child no less than one year old.

After that night the now orphaned Potter was left at the door of his non-magical relatives with
only a note explaining the difficult situation the boy now found himself in.

Years pass and chapter 2 begins when Harry turns 11 and receives a letter from Hogwarts
informing him that he can attend that school, but his uncles refuse and decide to hide on a
small island, to stop receiving letters, which constantly arrived by means of a very original
email: owls. Hagrid finds them and introduces himself, saying he is the Keeper of the Keys to
Hogwarts, a wizarding school. He tells Harry that he really is a wizard.

After discovering that he is a wizard, Harry is taken by Hagrid to Diagon Alley, where they
meet the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts, Quirrell, a very nervous
person, with a turban on his head. Already in the alley, they buy his uniform and the necessary
materials and Hagrid gives him an owl, Hedwig, the pet that Harry considers his first friend.
Then, Hagrid takes him to Gringotts where Harry discovers that his parents had left him a lot
of money, Harry also learns at that time that wizards live in a version of the Middle Ages
mixed with the First World War, because of the clothes and ways , in the stone structures that
adorned the alley, with the robes, the large stores with windows that showed the greatness of
magic through unique devices, artifacts and even animals.

They then head to London, where Harry must take the train that will take him to Hogwarts,
but he is not able to find the train platform no matter how hard he searches and that is where
he meets a family of wizards, the Weasleys, who tell him how to access the Hogwarts train
platform. Harry befriends one of the Weasleys, Ron, and also meets Hermione Granger, who,
despite only going to first year, like Harry, already knows quite a bit about magic. They arrive
at school and must be assigned to one of the school's four houses (Gryffindor, Ravenclaw,
Slytherin or Hufflepuff). This selection is made by the Sorting Hat. Harry knows that
Voldemort went to Slytherin and sees that Draco Malfoy who had bothered him on the train is
also sorted into the snake house so he begs the hat not to put him in Slytherin so Harry, Ron
and Hermione are elected into Gryffindor the house of lions.
After several months at school where Harry more or less managed to adapt to this new world
and even leave his mark after becoming a quidditch player in a century, Christmas arrives, and
Harry anonymously receives an invisibility cloak, the gift comes accompanied by a note
saying that the cloak was his father's, which makes Harry immediately look at the cloak like
the last drop of water in a desert, for a boy who had never known anything about his parents
who suddenly gave him something that belonged to one of his parents was like seeing light at
the end of a dark path.

After several months and with strange events happening in the castle all related to the 3rd
floor of the castle where Dumbledore had said it was forbidden to go, Harry comments that
Snape must be the culprit of all this since he was the most suspicious person in mind. of the
boy and decides to go to the third floor along with Ron and Hermione. They realize that
someone has already passed by and they believe it was Snape. They manage to avoid Fluffy's
surveillance and also other traps such as the Devil's Snare, flying keys and a riddle.

Harry enters the room and finds a man, but realizes that it was not Snape or Voldemort. Harry
is surprised to see Quirrell and he reveals that he works for Voldemort. Quirrell confesses that
he was the one who bewitched his broom at the Quidditch match. Snape actually wanted to do
the counter hex to help Harry.

Quirrell tries to kill him, but when Quirrell touches him he starts to burn, Harry realizes that
he must touch Quirrell to kill him, but suddenly he faints. He wakes up in the infirmary.
Dumbledore appears and tells him that Quirrell has died and Voldemort's ghost has escaped.

The end of the year banquet arrives and, thanks to the bravery of Harry and his friends,
Gryffindor obtains the necessary points to tie with Slytherin. Neville, for trying to stop them,
gets ten points. Gryffindor then wins the house cup. The novel ends with a happy protagonist
who feels that school is his true "home" and leaves school until next year, returning to the
house of his uncles and his cousin Dudley.

The story revolves around Harry Potter, a boy of just 11 years old who throughout his life has
been mistreated by his relatives, has never had friends, just wants to have a family and know
where he comes from, who suddenly discovers not only that his parents They were wizards,
he is also one and now he must march towards a new world that not only brings new joys for
Harry, it also brings him challenges that will test his will and each of his abilities.

All this change entails personal challenges for Harry, who during his stay at Hogwarts not
only has to learn to make friends, he also has to deal with the fame that the magical world has
given him and the fear and curiosity that the whole issue of magic, spells and magical

In the story we see that topics such as bullying are addressed, when Harry or one of his
classmates are insulted for being Muggle-born or half-bloods like Harry, being called
"mudbloods" and the injustice mainly carried out by the professor of positions Severus Snape
who has a special hatred towards Harry, lowering his house points for anything they do, but he
learns to deal with all this thanks to the help of his friends who accompany him and not only
teach him what it means to have friends, they also show him loyalty and They are the first
people his age that young, insecure Harry can count on.
There are many dangers in the magical world, but there is one that accompanies Harry
throughout the school year and that is the spirit of the dark wizard who murdered his parents,
who after possessing one of Harry's teachers, makes an attempt on his life.
-Formal aspects
The story is completely narrated in the third person, with an omniscient narrator that allows us
to appreciate not only the details in the characters' interactions with each other, but also allows
us to see the general panorama of each of the situations that Harry faces and shows us details
that do not help to better understand the fantastic world of Harry Potter, -Each Ollivanders
wand has a central core of a powerful magical substance, Harry. We use unicorn hair, phoenix
tail feathers and dragon heart nerves. No two Ollivanders wands are alike, just as no two
unicorns, dragons or phoenixes are alike (Rowling, 1997).

As the main characters we have Harry James Potter (protagonist), a thin young man possibly
due to malnutrition, black hair, Avada Kedavra green eyes and short, Harry, despite the fact
that at first glance he looks weak and defenseless, he has a strong character and unfailing
bravery. By comparison, he has a strong sense of heroism and duty, he is especially good at
playing Quidditch like his father, his favorite subjects are transformations and enchantments,
he enjoys reading like his friend Hermione Granger, a brunette, with bushy hair and quite a
few intellect as shown throughout the story with her great memory and love for reading and
studying, she proves to be an exemplary student and friend who helps Harry on more than one
occasion with her wide repertoire of spells despite her age, very different from Harry's other
great friend, Ron Weasly, a young redhead like his entire family, is the 6th child, a young man
of average height, loyal, fearful and a bottomless pit when it comes to eating, a friend without
mincing words who ends or close our golden Gryffindor trio.

Other characters that directly influence the story are Neville Longbottom, a tritagonist
who, despite not being part of the golden trio, was always there to help. He is a somewhat
chubby young man, with brown hair and eyes, shy and nervous, they always bother him.
Malfoy and his minions, Draco Malfoy, Harry's antagonist, belongs to the house of snakes and
where Harry is the prince of the lions, Draco is the prince of the snakes, blonde with blue eyes,
average size, cunning like any good snake but with a strong papa's boy complex, noble
therefore with strong manners.

Among the most relevant adult characters are Professor Mcgonall, a woman who
appears to be between 60 and 70 years old, with a severe but warm face, she is almost a
mother to all the students and even more so to her lions, as head of Gryffindor house, a wizard
expert in transformations was very close to Harry's parents as was Severus Snape, a tall man,
with greasy black hair, a large snub nose and an unpleasant personality for anyone who is not
a Slytherin, then we have his antagonist the good and tender giant
Hagrid, who despite being very bad at cooking, is one of the kindest people Harry has ever
met, as well as a faithful lover and caretaker of magical creatures.

Other characters that influence this story are the muggle or non-magical relatives of Harry
Potter, Vernon, Petunia and Dudley Dursley, who have an obsession with being “normal” that
makes them even more abnormal, and they do not have the slightest trace of sense. common,
not only do they not take good care of Harry, they also do everything possible to prevent him
from finding out who he is and where he is from.

Finally, the most controversial character Albus Percival Dumbledore, the greatest wizard of
the century, overthrower of Grindelwald, director of Hogwarts.

-Evaluative judgment
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone being the first book in the Harry Potter saga, not only
is it fantastic personally, but also looking at it from a more critical point of view, not only is it
a fantastic children's book that promotes excellent values for children or adolescents, such as
family, loyalty, and friendship.
Harry Potter shows us a fantastic world open to the imagination where practically with the
help of magic anything is possible. I have no doubt that it is a world where the vast majority of
us would like to be or be part of that world.
Personally, I loved the story due to the fact that I am a big fan of fantasy, although I don't have
much to say about the first book since the story itself seeks to draw us into this new magical
world, but it doesn't show as many details about how it works. the magical society, magic and
spells as in the later books, but for an introduction to a fantasy world this first book is simply
I must also say that this first book may seem quite childish for those who are used to books or
stories with more drama or more serious dialogues or with less flowery languages, but from
the second book onwards the dynamics of narration and dialogue change and become more
serious. according to how the main characters of the golden trio are maturing.
It should also be noted that within the things that are shown, the details of how or why the vast
majority of things are well worked, the narration gives us clear details of objects such as the
wands, the sorting hat, the different rooms of the castle or creatures such as dragons or
Dumbledore Fawkes' famous phoenix.

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