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Ordinance 196

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That establishes the curriculum evaluation system for Initial,

Basic, Middle, Special and Adult Education.

CONSIDERING. That the reform initiated in the educational system has a

comprehensive nature and that, in this sense, all the components of the processes and
products of educational action must interact to ensure quality education for Dominican

CONSIDERING. That during the 1995-96 school year, a new curriculum was put into
effect, established by Ordinance 1'95, with the purpose of offering quality education at
the initial, basic and intermediate levels, as well as for the adult education subsystem. and
for the special education modality.

CONSIDERING. That in the great declarations of the National Congress of the Ten-Year
Education Plan, it was approved that evaluation is an essential component of educational
practice, which contributes to encouraging the responsibility of all the actors in the
educational processes, also promoting the creation, development and use of a broad
evaluation system of all components of education: academic performance of students,
curriculum processes, management, practices, teachers, for all levels and modalities of
the educational system, in the public sectors.

CONSIDERING. That in Art. 54 of Ordinance 1'95 s provides that for the evaluation of
curricular development, the Curriculum Evaluation System will be put into effect,
through an additional provision, which must establish criteria for the evaluation of all its

HEARDS. The opinions of the Undersecretaries of State for Education and Culture, the
Legal Consultant, the Coordinators of the Divisions of Technical Services, Educational
Structure, Decentralization and Educational Planning, the General Directors of:
Curriculum, Educ. Secondary Education, Vocational Technical Education, Adult
Education, Physical Education and National Tests, Regional and District Directors,
Directors of Departments of Initial Education, Primary Education, Special Education and

HEARDS. The opinion of the daily work committee of the curricular transformation

HEARD. The opinion of the Dominican Association of Teachers.

SEEN. The purposes of Dominican Education, contemplated in the Draft of the new
Education Law.

VIEWS. Ordinance 1'95 that establishes the curriculum for Educ. Initial, Basic, Special
Secondary and Adult, Ordinance 2'92 that establishes a new Regulation for the
Evaluation and Promotion of students of Basic General Education, the
Ordinance 3'92 that Institutionalizes and Regulates the National Test System, Ordinance
2'93 that Regulates the National Completion Tests of Secondary Education, Ordinance

4'88 that establishes the Student Social Service, the Regulation of Secondary and Normal
Education .

The National Education Council uses the powers conferred on it by the Organic Law of
Education No. 2909, of June 5, 1951, modified by laws No. 5893 of May 10, 1962 and
119 of April 7, 1967, dictates the following:




Art.1. The Curriculum Evaluation System for Initial, Basic, Middle, Special and Adult
Education, Public and Private, is established, starting with the 1996-97 school year.
Conceptualization on which the Evaluation System is based.
Art.2. The evaluation system responds to the concepts specified below:
a) Education is granted in the theoretical foundations of the curriculum as a
means that contributes to the development of multiple human capacities,
promotes a better relationship with the environment, work, the
strengthening of democracy, the development and rational use of science
and technology. , the transmission and reinforcement of identity, the moral
and ethical formation of the individual.
As cultural mediation, education is a process by which society elaborates and
transmits knowledge, recovers accumulated experiences for its creation and
enrichment, thus contributing to the sustainable development of society.
Likewise, as a socialization process, education attends to local, regional,
national and universal cultural manifestations, which is specified in the new
curriculum when it refers to the need for adaptation that it requires to respond
to different contexts. to the needs, characteristics and expectations of the
subjects of the educational process and to those of the society of which it is a
b) The curriculum: is assumed as a general educational strategy for the
development of human capabilities and the transformation of subjects. As
a foundation and orientation of the educational process, based on the
principles, conceptions and values that define education, and as a
fundamental strategy of educational policy for the achievement of its
The adopted conception of education and the curriculum prints three basic
. Flexibility, because it leaves open the ways of adaptation to the
particularities and identities at the local and regional level and allows the
satisfaction of the needs, interests and demands of the students.
. Open: because it permanently collects the advances of science, technology
and art and is inserted in a process of permanent construction and
reconstruction to adjust to the dynamics of economic, social and cultural
changes in society.

. Participatory, because it gives the actors in the educational process teachers,
students, directors, community members, parents, the opportunity to
contribute, reflect and act. It assumes the actors as historical subjects, full of
potential and capabilities and permanently reflects the demands of society and
c) Curricular transformation is conceived as a socio-educational movement
aimed at raising the quality of education, through the implementation of a
curricular design relevant to a new reality and a specific historical
moment. This conception implies a new vision of the subjects of
education, knowledge and learning.
. The subjects. The people involved in educational processes are conceived
as subjects, that is, with the possibility of building themselves day by day, of
participating from their individuality, subjectivity and their experiences, with
responsibility and autonomy in the social reality of which they are part.
. Knowledge. It is assumed as the ways in which human beings elaborate
explanations about personal, social, natural and symbolic reality according to
the characteristics of the contexts, opportunities, social and educational
practices and their level of evolutionary development.
. Significant learning. Type of learning privileged by curricular
transformation that alludes to the cultural, to action, to processes mediated by
social interactions, making it possible for subjects to give meaning to the
natural, social and symbolic universe in which they operate.
d) The concept of quality of education refers to the effectiveness and
efficiency of curricular developments to realize the purposes of the
curriculum. It determines to what extent curricular developments promote
the formation of human beings that respond to the characteristics specified
in the profile of the graduate of the Dominican educational system and in
correspondence with the principles and purposes of Dominican education.
Within the framework of curricular transformation, the conception of quality
of education must take into consideration cultural diversity, the characteristics
and needs of the subjects and the contexts in which educational practices are
developed, in order to respond to the characteristics of the curriculum. , and
e) The following are considered indicators of the quality of education:
- Attention to the sociocultural and socioeconomic conditions of the actors in
the educational processes, in correspondence with the approaches of the
- The relevance of the educational processes that are promoted to
operationalize the curriculum in the school and the curricular developments
that are carried out.
- The availability, use and education of the resources and infrastructural
facilities available to promote the quality of educational processes.
- The effectiveness and efficiency of the administrative system and the overall
management of the educational system.

- The educational management support services available. Among them:
educational and psychological guidance, research, sociocultural animation and
other support from the communities.
- The performance of the students, the quality of their participation in the teaching
and learning processes and the results obtained, taking as basic references the
purposes of the level, modality, cycle, grade and areas in question.
- The level of linkage between educational centers and communities and the
participation of families to promote quality education in response to the demands
of the sociocultural context.
- The innovations that are introduced into educational practices and the promotion
of action research to overcome difficulties and raise quality.
- From the perspective of the concept of education and quality of education that are
assumed, educational evaluation is considered as a process of investigation of
educational reality. Educational research into this reality is conceived from a
holistic perspective that takes into account the unity and integrity that characterize
educational processes, based on the social and cultural diversity of the actors in
the process.
About the concept of educational evaluation and its characteristics .
Art.3. The evaluation is social, participatory, procedural and holistic in nature. It
involves a permanent process of assessment and investigation of the educational
reality, taking into account all its actors, in their particular and general dimensions,
with the purpose of making decisions that allow for the continuous improvement of
the quality of education. As part of the teaching and learning processes, evaluation
must serve to timely detect difficulties and problems, inform, propose consensual
measures and/or establish corrective measures that allow its actors to perform in an
increasingly satisfactory manner.
Art.4. In accordance with the foundations and purposes of the curriculum, the
evaluation guides the actors and favors the development of the educational process.
In such virtue:
. It helps the student to know his/her abilities and limitations, helping him/her to
build a realistic image of himself/herself, set viable goals to develop his/her cognitive,
affective and social abilities, linking satisfactorily to his/her natural and social
environment, in order to do so. to be able to improve their living conditions, relying
on their potential and facing the problematic situations that life poses.
. Informs the educator about the relevance and effectiveness of the plans and
critically evaluates the curricular proposals in order to improve their practice,
interacting more and more appropriately and critically with their students, their
environments and knowledge, both prior knowledge like those built in the educational
center. This will allow it to progressively overcome traditional forms of evaluation,
focused only on the weighting of the amount of learning of facts and data carried out
by students, values, attitudes and norms, as well as the development of capacities and
abilities based on the diversity of strategies put into play.
. After perspective of the processes, the evaluation must offer information about the
signature in which each of the sources of the curricular transformation is assumed and
the way in which all the components of the curricular design are developed. It is as
important to evaluate the achievements of the students' learning processes as it is to

evaluate the strategies developed and activities carried out during the teaching and
learning process.
- From the perspective of the factors that affect the processes and their results, the
evaluation must make it possible to identify them and design alternative action
strategies, taking into account that some of these causes are usually internal to the
educational centers and the teaching and learning processes themselves. and other
external ones, associated with the living conditions of the actors in the educational
Art.5. As such, the evaluation must be continuous in nature, taking place at all times of
the educational process and taking different forms: diagnostic, formative and summative.
These single forms of evaluation and the implementation of the three indicated forms are
not necessarily applied at clearly differentiated moments. In the sense:
- The evaluation is participatory and cooperative, that is, involving all the actors in
the educational processes, alternating moments in which each one evaluates from
their perspective, and others where the perspectives of several of them are
- Moments of hetero-evaluation are foreseen, carried out exclusively by teachers
and directors, in which they use their criteria with wide margins of freedom to
evaluate the other actors in the process.
- The actors in the educational process must promote self-evaluation, as a process
through which each actor evaluates their own achievements and results, and co-
evaluation, where, together, in a dialogic and critical attitude, mediated by
respect, the actors contribute elements , information and criteria for evaluating the
group and the achievements achieved.
- The evaluation is considered as a research proposal for educators, students and the
different instances of school management, as it becomes a constant challenge to
their capacity for observation, analysis, formulation and verification of
hypotheses and to integrate results. In this sense, meta-evaluation will be
- The evaluation must be planned, but within the framework of this planning it must
be flexible, since meaningful learning, as a personal process, is different for each
student and the evaluation must take into account the particularities of each
subject and each group. human, value programmed learning, but also incidental
learning and the difficulties that are observed in the educational process, due to
the different starting points of the various actors.
Art.6. The evaluation system has the following purposes:
. Contribute to the analysis of the social, economic, political, and cultural characteristics
of the environment in which the educational process takes place, in order to incorporate
such information into said process and contribute to the success of all the subjects who
participate in it.
. Contribute to ensuring that educational transformations, both in curricular design and in
curricular developments, are increasingly better founded and appropriate to the needs and
characteristics of the subjects and contexts.

. Assess the students' learning, related to information, facts, concepts, procedures, values,
attitudes and fundamental norms for their comprehensive training, emphasizing the
processes in which they participate until obtaining said results.
. Assess the relevance of curricular developments in relation to the purposes of the new
curriculum, monitoring the progress of the curricular transformation process, in order to
make decisions that guarantee the progressive introduction of the proposed innovations,
and produce the necessary adjustments.
. Have valid and systematic information on the state of the quality of education in each
region and in the country, in order to take the relevant measures to improve the quality of
the educational process.
- Contribute to raising awareness about the need for participation of the family, the
community and the students themselves in all activities of the educational
evaluation process.
- Use the results of the educational evaluation in the assessment of institutional
policies aimed at improving the working conditions and training of educators.
- - Determine if the curricular design adequately guides the educational practices
that are intended to be promoted and if it facilitates addressing the characteristics
of the curriculum, which is defined as flexible, open and participatory.
- Assess the quality of the work carried out by the different actors in the
educational processes, with the purpose of educators, systematizing and
socializing the innovations generated and introduced by teachers in classroom
practices to raise the quality of education. .
- Assess the degree or level of efficiency of the different curriculum management
bodies, based on their capacity to meet its requirements.
- Open spaces for carrying out research on the evaluation and quality of education,
as a means to contribute to the sustainable development of society, nature and
human thought.
- Carry out communication work regarding progress and experiences in evaluation
among all instances and members of the educational community.
Art.7. Diagnostic function. It allows obtaining prior information on the initial
characteristics of the actors in the educational process and the socioeconomic and
sociocultural contexts from which they come, to incorporate them into the programming
of the teaching and learning process. The diagnostic function is also fulfilled with the
identification of the social needs that education aims to address, and with the clear
definition of the societal project to which one aspires.
Art.8. Training function. It facilitates progressively determining the students' learning
about facts, concepts, procedures, values, attitudes and norms necessary to successfully
participate in the educational process and the subsequent cognitive, emotional and social
development. It allows the educator to constantly review their work, through
professional self-criticism and participation in continuing training activities. It also
favors the continuous monitoring of curricular developments to establish the relevance
and adequacy of the curriculum design and the means and resources used in response to
the characteristics of the actors and the sociocultural context.
Art.9. Control Function: allows the promotion of students, as well as assessing the extent
to which conditions are created to make equal opportunities and the democratization of

educational processes a reality. Fulfilling this function allows us to establish clear
criteria on the quality of education as a whole.
Art.10. Criteria Development Function: contribute to the establishment of an evaluation
culture that enhances a critical attitude and the capacity for permanent proposals among
educational actors.
Art.11. Function of Institutional Development: allows assessing the effectiveness and
efficiency of the educational system as a whole for the achievement of its aims and
purposes in coherence with the theoretical-methodological foundation assumed in the
Art.12. The evaluation system has the purpose of providing a general vision of the entire
educational process, basically taking into account educational policy, curricular design,
curricular developments, educators, students, educational management and the
educational center.
Art.13. Educational policy: the extent to which political will is expressed in achieving
the goals and purposes of Dominican education will be assessed.
Art.14. The Curricular Design: understood as the normative document and the general
strategy that guides educational practices in the different instances of the system and that
explains the Fundamentals of the Curriculum in its various areas, will be evaluated with
the purpose of determining to what extent it guides the work of educators, if it functions
as an instrument from which educational work is programmed in correspondence with the
assumed conceptions (epistemological, theological, axiological and socio-educational).
In that sense, it will be determined whether said document responds to the needs and
characteristics of Dominican society as a whole, and if it meets the principle of openness
and flexibility that allows it to be adapted to regional and the different contexts in which
educational practices are developed, all of this both in the current situation and in
Art.15. Curriculum Development: through the evaluation of curricular developments it is
intended to:
a) Advance the processes of systematization of the experiences derived from the
implementation of the curricular design.
b) Verify whether educational practices allow the educational needs of Dominican
society, regions and communities to be met.
c) Verify the progress of teachers to promote significant learning, in the process of
promoting research in action, in the socialization of experiences for progressive
improvement in action, in the socialization of experiences for the progressive
improvement of quality of educational work. The evaluation of curricular
developments will also allow the promotion of forms of educational oyster that
guarantee real integration between educational centers and communities. Likewise,
it will allow the review and permanent improvement of the curricular design, with
the participation of all actors in the educational processes.
Art.16. Educators: will be evaluated based on the pedagogical practices they develop
during the educational process, promoting significant, cognitive, values, attitudes and
practical learning, which influence the formation of democratic and free subjects, in the
capacity to permanently dialogue with near and far reality to propose alternatives, make
decisions and solve problems. The evaluation of the educator will allow us to evaluate

the effectiveness and efficiency of their plans, and the way in which they contribute to
the adequate development of new learning strategies, in achieving the training purposes
and raising the quality of education.
Paragraph 1. The evaluation of the educator will be carried out based essentially on the
criteria assumed in the profile of educators established for each level and modality and
basically, their personal or anthropological, pedagogical and sociocultural dimensions.
Art.17. Students: The evaluation allows students to know their abilities and limitations,
build a realistic image of themselves, set viable goals to develop their abilities,
accumulated knowledge, developed capabilities and the ways in which they are
articulated to the construction of new knowledge, allowing the achievement of the
purposes of the educational process for each level, modality, cycle, grade, areas and/or
Art.18. For the evaluation of student performance, the resizing of the contents assumed
in the new curriculum will be taken into account. Therefore, for the assessment of
performance in each subject or area, the learning of information, facts, concepts and
procedures will be addressed, as well as the development of values, attitudes and norms
in correspondence with the purposes of each level, cycle, grade, areas. , and the
transverse axes. For this reason, the variables, indicators, criteria, sources and
techniques for the evaluation of the student do not establish the evaluation of personal
and social adjustment separately, but rather it will be done jointly with the assessment of
learning in These contents of each area and/or subject and the transversal axes include
the values, attitudes and norms that will be worked on to concretize the profile of the
graduate that is aspired to at each level and modality, thus maintaining the character of
integrality and globality of educational processes.
Art.19. Educational management: The evaluation will assess the extent to which
educational management, at the central, regional, district and center levels, is carried out
in accordance with its definition, that is, if it allows the establishment of a democratic,
participatory, of free reflection, of permanent concern for the truth and equal
opportunities, for the benefit of all actors, without discrimination of social class, race,
sex, political or religious ideology. It will determine whether at each level the profiles
defined in the foundations of the curriculum for each instance of management are
Art.20 The Educational Center: The evaluation of the educational center will be carried
out taking into account the functions it fulfills as an important space for the socialization
of citizens, by promoting participatory and democratic construction processes, in which
students, educators, managers, parents , mothers, tutors, support staff and the
community find spaces for free expression and responsible participation in all aspects
related to the satisfactory progress of the teaching and learning process. This involves
determining its best interaction with the community, the conditions it offers to promote
significant learning, the use of available resources and the internal organization and
control system.
Paragraph 1. For each of the curricular components to be evaluated, operational
matrices will be used. It is a structured model that graphically offers the breakdown of
the component expressed in variables, dimensions, indicators, concepts, classes, sources
of information, strategies and techniques, to access data about the component. The
component matrices are referred to in the curriculum as instruments for analysis.

Art.21. Educational Policy. It is evaluated from the headquarters up to and including
the educational center. At the central level, the Secretary of State for Education, the
Under-Secretaries of State for Education, the directors of the Planning Office and the
high-level bodies designated for this purpose. At the Regional, District and Institutional
level, Regional Directors, District Supervisors and Directors of Educational Centers
participate in the evaluation of educational policy.
Art.22. Curriculum Design: at the central level, the General Directorate of Curriculum,
the departments of the Secretary of State for Education linked to curriculum design, and
the body(s) designated for such purposes intervene in the evaluation. At the Regional,
District and Institutional Level, the Regional and District Curricular Transformation
Councils, the curricular construction commissions, district and centers participate.

Art.23. Curriculum development: the evaluation of this component will be done at the
central level. The General Directorate of Curriculum, the Department of Educational
Evaluation, the General Directorate or Department in charge of the level or modality in
which the curriculum was developed, the bodies and/or commissions that are formed for
such purposes, the Directorate of Qualitative Planning of the Office of Educational
Planning, the General Directorate of Educational Supervision and the Department of
Private Schools. At the Regional, district and institutional level, the Regional Directors,
the District Supervisors, the Center Directors, as well as the Regional Councils, the
District Councils, the district and center curricular construction commissions and the
teachers will participate.
Art.24. The students: The teacher of each level, modality, cycle, grade, area and/or
subject is responsible for evaluating the students in accordance with the provisions
established in this Ordinance. The partial grades, at the end of the period, semester and
end of the year, obtained by the students, will be recorded in the grade records.
Paragraph 1. In the educational district, the evaluations of the students enrolled in the
schools in their jurisdiction are recorded and certified.
Paragraph 2. In the Regional Directorates, the results of the evaluations of the students
registered in the educational districts under their jurisdiction are recorded and certified.
Paragraph 3. At the headquarters they intervene in the student evaluation process. The
Department of Educational Assessment and the Department of Certification, Title and
Art.25. Educator/educator. Its evaluation is the responsibility of the director of the
center and is complemented by the co-evaluation of fellow teachers, the evaluation of the
students and that of their parents.
Paragraph 1. Educators who perform technical functions will be evaluated by their
immediate superior at the level of the Educational District, Regional Directorate or the
agency in which they work.
Paragraph 2. The Regional Directors will be evaluated by the Undersecretary of
Teaching Affairs. The District Directors will be evaluated by the Regional Directors on
whom they report.
Paragraph 3. At the central level, personnel who perform technical functions will be
evaluated by their immediate superiors.

Art.26. The General Directorate of Personnel and the Evaluation Department are the
bodies responsible for ensuring the application of the evaluation policies of all teaching,
technical and administrative staff.
Paragraph. 1. All aspects of the evaluation process for educators are carried out within
the framework of established provisions.
Art.27. Education Management. It is evaluated at the level of the school, the
Educational District Directorate, the Regional Directorate of Education and the
departments of the Secretary of State for Education responsible for coordinating the level
or modality to which the educational centers correspond.

Art.28. School. It will be evaluated by the Director of the center, the educators, the
Supervisor of the Educational district and the co-management bodies established to
support the decentralization processes.
Art.29. To assess the development processes and learning of children at the initial level,
the following aspects must be taken into account:
 The different knowledge of the development processes and learning of boys and
girls at the initial level, the following aspects must be taken into account.
 Everything the boy and girl experiences and does. To evaluate the activities they
carry out in the different spaces, in the classroom and outside it, it will be taken
into account what they do, how they do it, why they do it, with what, with whom,
how they felt, the effort made, the creativity and initiative demonstrated.
 The strategies they use to carry out the activities, what changes are proposed and
which have been experienced or produced during the learning processes, what
types of relationships they establish with people, materials and the environment.
 The results of the work carried out by the boy and the girl, respecting individual
 How the child gets involved in the activities, their participation, their
responsibility, how they put their previous knowledge into play to obtain new
learning, what types of relationships they establish with people, materials and the
 The attendance of children at the educational center during the school year.
Art.30. The evaluation of the learning of boys and girls at the Initial Level requires an
adequate environment, availability of materials and instruments relevant to the level, a
favorable attitude toward the process on the part of the educator, the achievement of a
good disposition of the boys and girls. The emotional climate in which the evaluation is
carried out is fundamental and influences the results. The environment and/or conditions
created in this sense must be as natural as possible, and where relationships of trust,
openness, security and shared enthusiasm are established. From its process perspective,
the evaluation is carried out at any time, since it is continuous and is part of daily
educational practice.
Paragraph 1. At the initial level, the importance of carrying out the diagnostic evaluation
is reaffirmed to guide the child's development and to continue with the evaluation of

processes and results in order to progressively systematize the experiences that they
Art.31. The techniques and instruments to use to evaluate the development and learning
processes at the initial level are varied, among which we could mention:
a) Systematic observations, using the following instruments:
Physical development scales
Observation records
Observation scales
Anecdotal records
Daily logs
Checklists or control
b) Analysis of the children's work, as well as the development of activities, such as:
- free play
- Simulation games
- dramatizations
- practical and visual productions
- oral productions
- dialogues
- sharing
a) Interviews with children and family members
b) Reports on socioeconomic and sociocultural conditions, as well as health history,
educational background, family composition and dynamics, among others.
c) Sociometric techniques to evaluate the interpersonal relationships of boys and
girls in the group.
Art.32. The results of the educational work of the boy and girl will be translated into
grades that express the degree to which the intended purposes have been achieved, in
coherence with their characteristics, as well as other learning that has been developed by
them. A scale of purposes will be used that specifies those achieved, moderately
achieved and those to be achieved.
Achieved Purposes: are those foreseen in the curriculum proposal of the level, or
formulated by the educator in his/her programming, to which the child responds
appropriately, during and at the end of the process.
Purposes moderately achieved. They are those contemplated in the level's curriculum, or
formulated by the educator in his/her programming and that the child has not partially
achieved during and at the end of the process.
Purposes to achieve. They are those contemplated in the curricular design of the level, or
formulated by the educator that the child has not achieved during and at the end of the
process, despite having created different permanent learning situations. It is necessary to
continue providing varied stimuli in appropriate conditions.
Art.33. At this level the children will be failed. In the case of those who have not
achieved all the capacities, in response to the different dimensions of development and
educational experiences provided for in the purposes of the level and cycles, or who have
not attended class regularly during the school year, the The educator, in his or her final
performance report, will note the local observations, which must be taken into account in
the next school year for monitoring based on more individualized work.


Art.34. According to the profile of the basic level graduate, students participate in the
teaching and learning processes and are evaluated based on the purposes of the level,
expressed in five dimensions.
Train subjects capable of:
Permanently build your personal and social identity
Build your knowledge and knowledge
Develop attitudes and skills for work
Express yourself in different ways
Participate in a democratic society
Art.35. The assessment of student learning before the basic level must be carried out
using various techniques and instruments that evaluate learning by process, in accordance
with the purposes of the level, cycles, grades, areas and transversal axes. The evaluation
of the purposes of each area is carried out by evaluating the learning of the contents
defined as: facts, data, concepts, procedures, values, attitudes and norms.
Art.36. The learning of students in non-formal basic education programs will be
evaluated in accordance with the specific regulations established for these purposes.
Evaluation techniques or instruments.
Art.37. For the evaluation of the performance of basic level students, the following will
be taken into account:
The individual jobs
Participation in teamwork
Participation in cooperative learning activities
Attitudes and skills for work
Test results
The preparation of folders or portfolios
Art.38. Individual works. They are considered as those activities that students carry out
individually, both in the classroom and outside of it. Individual work is of great
importance, because within the general purposes of the basic level, the aim is for students
to permanently construct their personal and social identity and develop capacities for
autonomous learning. For the assessment of individual works, the achievement of the
purposes of the grade and area in question, the quality of participation, creativity, effort
and responsibility demonstrated by the students will be taken into account.
Art.39. Teamwork is the activities that the educator and the students carry out together in
the educational center or in their natural and social environment, in correspondence with
the formulated programming. Teamwork allows us to value the exchange of experiences,
promoting socialization, mutual respect, solidarity, and camaraderie, among other values.
In the assessment of team or cooperative work, the level of achievement of the proposed
purposes for the grade or area, participation, effort, creativity, camaraderie, mutual
respect, initiative and responsibility demonstrated by the team will be taken into account.
the students.
Art.40. Attitudes and skills for work must be evaluated at the basic level in an
interrelated way, so that their affective and intellectual dimensions allow the development
of a work culture, articulating with experiences generated in the world of work,

strengthening them as a liberating element of human beings and as a means for personal
and social fulfillment.
For the assessment of attitudes and skills for work, the level of achievement of the
purposes formulated for the level, cycle and area and its formative nature must be taken
into account, based on the following aspects. Responsibility, respect, self-esteem,
camaraderie, and others.
Art.41. Test results. Tests are measuring instruments to progressively determine to what
extent students have achieved the purposes of the level, cycle, grade and area in question.
For the assessment of learning in the first and second grades of basic education,
individual and team work must be taken into account. Tests will not be applied to sign
grades for promotion purposes, since they depend on the continuous evaluation carried
out by the teacher.
Granting of Qualifications.
Art.42. Assignment of grades. The results of the application of the different evaluation
techniques and instruments will be translated into grades that must express the level of
comprehensive development achieved by the students in the learning process.
 For grading purposes, the numerical scale from 0 to 100 points will be used.
 Grades must be assigned taking into account the following:
a) The progress evidenced by students through the learning process.
b) The results of the self-evaluation and co-evaluation, for which guidance will be
given in a timely manner on the specific instruments that allow the collection and
organization of information for these purposes.
Art.43. The grades assigned by educators to students will be of three types: partial, end
of period and end of year.
Art.44. Partial grades are those that result from the assessment of the work done by the
student during a period of time, determined by the teacher. They must be awarded based
on the average of the grades assigned based on individual activities, participation in
group work, completion of daily tasks, tests, reports on work done individually or in
groups, and others. At least four partial grades must be recorded for each period
established in the school calendar.
Art.45. The end-of-period grades will be the average of the partial grades and the end-of-
period test.
Paragraph 1. In 1st grades. 2nd. At the basic level, the end-of-term grades must be the
average of the partial grades. The end-of-year grade will be the result of the average of
the two end-of-period grades.
Art.46. Promotions, for the promotion of basic level students, will be taken into account:
performance in each of the areas, the achievement of the purposes referred to the
transversal axes and class attendance.

Art.47. The promotion of 1st year students. and 2nd. Grades will not be conditioned by
the results of the tests and the grades obtained. Repetition is not contemplated in these
Paragraph 1. The teachers will monitor the learning process of these boys and girls, for a
period of two years, so the 1st grade teacher. grade would continue working with their
group of children in the 2nd. Degree, preferably.

Paragraph 2. The teacher and the 3rd grade teacher. grade upon receiving the group of
children, will make a diagnostic evaluation, guided by the teacher of the first two grades
to, taking into account their levels of development, adapt the process to their
Art.48. At the end of the second period of the school calendar. The student whose end-
of-year grade is equal to or greater than 65% in all areas contemplated in the degree
curriculum and who has accumulated 80% or more class attendance will be promoted to
the next higher grade.
Art.49. The promotion of a student whose end-of-year grade is less than 65 points in up
to three areas will be deferred.
Art.50. The student whose end-of-year grade is less than 65 points in four or more areas
will be failed and the grade will be remitted.
Art.51. The student who at the end of the school year has accumulated more than 20% of
absence from classes without justified causes will repeat the grade.
Paragraph 1. The following are considered justified reasons for not attending classes:
Duly certified illnesses.
Accidents that cause temporary disability
Death of the father, mother or guardian or siblings, other causes of force majeure,
considered valid by the management of the educational center.
Art.52. The student who obtains a score equal to or greater than 65 points in each of the
areas examined will be promoted to the higher grade after attending the comprehensive
Art.53. The student who obtains grades lower than 65 points in any of the areas
examined in the comprehensive tests will be failed and will repeat the grade.
Art.54 Upon completion of the basic level, students participate in national tests as a
requirement for promotion to the intermediate level.
Art.55. In the 8th. Degree subject to national tests, the end-of-year grades will represent
70% and those obtained in national tests will represent 30%. Attendance in national tests
of all 8th grade students. Degree is mandatory.
Paragraph 1. National tests will be planned and developed in accordance with the
purposes of the areas in which they are applied, the common basic contents and the
pedagogical processes defined in the curriculum.

Art.56. The evaluation of the learning of middle-level students will be carried out in a
comprehensive and continuous manner in the areas and/or subjects of each of the grades
and semesters of the level, taking into account the following criteria:
A) Learning achieved in correspondence with the purposes of the level and its
functions: social, training and guidance.
B) Relationship between the socioeconomic and cultural situation, the
educational processes and the learning achieved.

C) Level of mastery of the contents and competencies developed in the
teaching and learning processes, in correspondence with the purposes of
the level and its functions.
D) Level of reflection, criticality, and ability to formulate proposals that
students develop and assume in the different situations that arise.
E) Compliance with the requirements established for promotion in the
subjects and/or areas, semesters, degree, cycle and level, taking into
account the mastery of the contents of each area or subject, defined as
data, facts, concepts, procedures, values, attitudes and standards.
F) Internalization and progressive manifestation of values, attitudes and
norms in correspondence with the profile of the graduate of the level.
G) Level of relationship with oneself, with the group, the center and the
community, taking into account your:
Integration of small groups into the course and the center
Personal and social fulfillment
Arrangement and performance of school and community work
Participation in activities carried out in or with the community in connection
with the center.
a) Continued attendance at classes.
Art.57. Information about the processes and results of learning will be obtained through
the use of appreciation techniques and instruments in the affective, social, cognitive, and
practical dimensions. Techniques and instruments will be understood as the set of
pedagogical tools that the teacher, students, mothers and fathers will use during the
educational process and at the end of it, to assess the learning anticipated in the
purposes. , whose assessment will be reflected in a cumulative grade through the
application of continuous and summative evaluations.
Among the evaluation techniques and instruments to use are proposed:
A) Direct individual and group observation, of processes and products,
carried out by the educator, heteroevaluation.
B) Critical appraisal of one's own work: self-evaluation.
C) The collective assessment of the work done in the classroom by the
students and the teachers, co-evaluation.
D) Oral, written and practical tests.
E) Individual and group work assessment scales.
F) The productions and creations of the students.
G) The assessment of individual and group work carried out by the Course

Paragraph 1. Starting from matrices, criteria and parameters will be defined that allow
judging the degree to which the purposes of the areas, subjects and transversal axes have
been achieved. In fact, when evaluating each activity, efforts should be made to identify
the greatest number of evidence regarding the level of learning acquired.
Art.58. The assessment of student performance will be translated into grades that express
the levels expected in the purposes of each area and/or subject.

Art.59. For grading purposes, the numerical scale of 0 out of 100 points will be used.
This numerical scale is expressed in its literal equivalent detailed below:
a- 90-100 excellent
b- 80-89 very good
c- 70-79 good
d- 0-69 poor
Art.60. The grades obtained by the student in each subject and/or area and recorded by
the professor will be of two types: partial and end of semester. In addition, there will be
complete grades for subjects and/or areas that are not approved at the end of the semester.
Art.61. Partial grades: they will be the result of the assessment of the learning achieved
during the teaching and learning processes. It will be awarded based on the average of
the grades assigned to each evaluation activity carried out during the teaching and
learning processes. These activities could be: active participation in class, research,
reading reports, projects, reports, various practices, field work, discussions, participation
in the activities of the educational center and the community, participation in the
activities of the student social service program. , interpersonal relationships, values and
a) In each semester, at least four partial grades and one correspondence to an end-of-
semester test will be recorded.
b) The average of the partial grades for each semester will have a value of 70 percent
of them.
c) The grades obtained in the end-of-semester tests will have a value of 30 percent.
The participation of students in this experience is essential for the complete
registration of the evaluation process.
Art.62. The end of semester grade. It will be the result of the sum of the partial grades
70% and the end of semester test grade 30%.
Art.63. Subjects and/or areas whose end-of-semester grade is equal to or greater than 70
points will be approved.
Art.64. The student who at the end of the semester has accumulated more than 20%
absence from classes without justified causes will repeat the area or subject.
Paragraph 1. Those listed in paragraph 1 of the article of this Ordinance are considered
justified causes for non-attendance to class.
Art.65. Subjects and/or areas whose end-of-semester grade is equal to or less than 69%
will be presented in comprehensive tests. The complete tests will have a value of 50%
and will be applied in the period specified in the school calendar. The average of the
partial grades obtained during the semester will represent the other 50%.
Paragraph 1. Subjects and/or areas whose average grade is equal to or greater than 70
points will be approved in comprehensive tests.
Art.66. Subjects or areas not approved in the comprehensive tests in the first or second
semester of a grade will be examined in extraordinary tests, which will be applied on the
dates established in the school calendar. These tests will have a value of 70% and the
remaining 30% of the average of the partial grades obtained during the semester in the
subject in question. The minimum passing grade is 70 points.

Art.67 The student who has passed all the subjects and/or areas established for the degree
will be promoted from one grade to the next higher.
Art.68. The student who has failed four or more subjects and/or areas of the same grade
will repeat the grade.
Art.69. The student who has failed up to three subjects and/or areas of the degree will be
conditionally promoted, which will be forwarded to the next grade, and must be approved
before the conclusion of the first semester of the grade to which he/she was conditionally
promoted. These areas or subjects will be presented in special tests, which will have a
value of 100%, and the minimum passing grade will be 70 points.
Paragraph 1. The conditionally promoted student must participate in a special recovery
program established in the school calendar before taking the corresponding test, on the
date established in the school calendar.
Art.70. The student who, after the recovery actions and the special tests, does not pass
the subjects, will repeat the grade from which he/she was conditionally promoted.
Art.71. They are established as requirements to obtain a bachelor's degree in any of the
intermediate level modalities.
a) The approval of all the subjects or areas contemplated in the study plan of the first
cycle of the intermediate level and those of the second cycle of the chosen
b) Passing the national tests in the second grade of the second cycle, with a value of
30%. The national tests will be planned and developed taking into account the
content of Ordinance 1'95 that establishes the curriculum starting with the 1995-
96 school year.
c) The performance of student social service valued in the second degree of the
second cycle, through the participation of students in community work. These
works will be coordinated by the educational center and duly oriented and
certified by it.
Art.72. The evaluation of learning in the technical-professional modality will be
continuous or process. It emphasizes the comprehensive training of the student and takes
into account the evaluation of intellectual, social and practical competences developed by
them based on the occupational profiles of the mentions. It also emphasizes the
achievement of the purposes of the level, training cycle, subject and learning unit in
question. The evaluation is considered in the modality as an integrated system that goes
through different moments, diagnosis, process, product and impact.
Paragraph 1. At different times, the evaluation is formative because it allows changes to
be introduced that ensure the achievement of the intended purposes, as well as the quality
expected at the level. Self-evaluation and co-evaluation will be introduced in order to
provide greater participation and dynamism.
In effect, due to the nature of the modality, the evaluation takes into account the
development of the skills and abilities that optimal occupational performance requires,
based on an internship program that is previously defined, at the same time that it takes

into consideration the evaluation itself, self-assessment and also systematic evaluation
carried out by educators or hetero-evaluation.
Art.73. The evaluation of the student's performance in the specialty subjects will be done
comprehensively and taking into consideration the following aspects:
Values and attitudes
Abilities, skills, and abilities to use, create, innovate according to technological and
scientific advances.
Integration and cooperation with the environment that surrounds you.
Participation to establish relationships between the educational center and the
Individual and group work.
Art.74. The evaluation in the technical-professional modality is carried out in accordance
with the general guidelines of the curricular transformation, both with regard to social
and intellectual and practical competencies, as well as those that define the profile of the
graduate in each mention. Consequently, the assessment of performance in this modality
differs from the general modality in the assessment of occupational competencies. For
this reason, the subjects of the specialties are considered in two blocks:
Subjects of a theoretical nature
Subjects of a practical nature
Paragraph 1. Subjects of a theoretical nature, both academic and specialized, will be
evaluated in accordance with the criteria established for the first cycle and the general
modality. Specialized technical subjects of a practical nature will be evaluated based on
task banks, according to the occupational profile of each mention.
Paragraph 2. The task bank is defined as a set of exercises, in quantity and quality,
required in each practical subject, and that represents the part of the graduate's
occupational profile, for the purposes of the corresponding study plan.
Art.75. Practical subjects will be evaluated by task execution. Each task will be
evaluated independently of the other. The grades will be recorded on the corresponding
record sheet if the student achieves the minimum of 65 points. Otherwise, you must
undergo tests and/or complementary recovery tasks.
Paragraph 1. The evaluation of practical subjects is fundamentally based on direct
observation, using assessment scales that will guide the feedback processes required for
the mastery of each task. The assessment scales will allow the progressive development
of the competencies established for learning each task and/or subject to be evaluated.
Art.76. As part of the evaluation of the technical-professional modality, comprehensive
tests will be applied, task by task, after the recovery actions. Tasks that are not approved
in this process may be evaluated in special tests at the beginning of the following
semester, as long as the student is conditionally promoted.
Art.77. At the end of each semester, the grades obtained by the student in the approved
tasks will be added. If the total is 65 points or more, the subject is considered approved,
if it ranges between 40 and 64 points, it is considered conditionally promoted and if it is
less than 40 points, it is failed.

Art.78. The eminently practical specialized subjects will be evaluated in workshop
practices, field practices and laboratory. These subjects will be graded on a scale of 0 to
100 points, distributed in as many evaluations as the tasks established for their
Art.79. The national completion tests of Vocational Technical Education will be a
mandatory evaluation requirement and consist of:
Theoretical tests
Practical tests
Art.80. The national practical tests will be evaluated by task in each subject. Students
who fail in a subject will only be evaluated in the next call, in the tasks that they have not
Paragraph 1. The theoretical tests will be carried out with the same criteria as the general
Art.81. The student who has passed all the subjects and/or areas established for the
semester will be promoted from one semester to the next higher level.
Art.82. The student who has failed up to three subjects and/or areas of the current
semester will be conditionally promoted, being transferred to the following semester.
The transferred subjects must be approved before its conclusion, through a test that will
have a value of 70% which is added to 30% of the grade achieved in the semester. The
minimum passing grade is 70 points.
Art.83. The conditionally promoted student must participate in a special recovery
program established in the school calendar.
Art.84. The student who, after having participated in the recovery actions and the
comprehensive test, does not achieve the grade of 70 points, will repeat the semester to
which he/she was conditionally promoted.
Art.85. The student who has failed more than three subjects and/or areas corresponding
to a semester will repeat the semester.


Art.86. The student's general development control sheet. The educational centers will
keep track of the student's general development. The observations and data will be
recorded in the forms to systematize the results obtained through the continuous
evaluation process.
Art.87. In technical education teaching centers, a general cumulative record will be kept
for each student. Thus, if the student has to transfer to another educational center of a
different nature, he/she may validate his/her studies in the corresponding unit of the
Secretary of State for Education, Fine Arts and Cults.
Art.88. To carry out the evaluation of the adult student according to the characteristics of
the new curriculum, the educator must take into account the student as an integral being,
that is, know their capabilities, limitations and individual needs. as well as the

environment in which they operate as individuals, as well as the environment in which
they operate as an individual and as a social being. In the educational process it is
necessary to attend to the population to which adult education is directed, in accordance
with the specificities of the groups of both sexes that comprise it; young people from 14
to 18 years old and adults between 19 and 65 years old.
Paragraph 1. Adult education participants have, among others, the following
They are carriers of a wealth of experiences and have a certain vision of the world.
They are organically mature.
They play roles that involve social, family, political and/or religious commitments.
They have knowledge, abilities, skills, values and attitudes that facilitate the integration
of new learning, although they also express accumulated deficiencies due to lack of
economic, social and cultural opportunities that limit their competencies.
They have, in many cases, responsibilities in the world of work and/or family.
They have favorable attitudes and higher levels of awareness to voluntarily integrate into
training and training processes.
Art.89. The assessment of the comprehensive learning of adult students will be carried
out taking into account the following aspects:
Previous knowledge
Learning of facts, concepts, procedures, values, attitudes and norms that develop in
correspondence with the purposes of each cycle, area and transversal axes.
Skills and abilities for work, systematized or developed in the course of the educational
Test results.

Art. 90. The techniques and instruments through which self-assessment, co-evaluation
and hetero-evaluation will be carried out will be the following:
Direct observation
anecdotal record
Case analysis
Art.91. The prior knowledge that adult students possess, both in the cognitive aspect and
in relation to technical skills, will be evaluated following the criteria established in the
purposes of the modality, of each cycle and area, with the purpose of:
 Determine the students' prior knowledge, in correspondence with the purposes of
the modality and the different cycles, areas and transversal axes.
 Accredit or certify the knowledge that the participants have in the areas or
subjects that make up the curriculum.
 Make decisions regarding the programming to be developed.

Paragraph 1. The form of accreditation of prior knowledge and skills will be specified in
the evaluation regulations.
Art.92. The activities that students will carry out individually, both in the classroom and
outside of it, will also be taken into consideration for evaluation purposes. Individual
activities acquire great relevance, since a time of non-face-to-face self-study is
contemplated, which will be evaluated through the answers formulated, following study
guides prepared for these purposes. The training area for work will also be evaluated
individually, through practical work related to the training area and a written test, through
which students demonstrate that they have the theoretical knowledge required to develop
a certain technical and competency. the practical knowledge necessary to perform the
Art.93. Teamwork, that is, the group activities that the educator and the students agree to
carry out in the classroom or outside of it and that respond to the activity schedule, will
also be taken into account for evaluation purposes.
Art.94. The development of the skills that the students possess in a certain technical area
will be evaluated individually, through the observation and recording of their
development and during the process and the application of practical tests. The majority
of adults have work experience related to the most varied fields of knowledge. The
possibility of accrediting such learning is contemplated, even when it is necessary, in
some cases, to systematize and reinforce it based on short courses.
Art.95. Adult education, both formal and non-formal, will take advantage of the different
training activities offered regularly or occasionally by educational institutions for work,
health, environmental education and family life, among others. .

Paragraph 1. To accredit non-formal education training activities, their certification will

be required and diagnostic evaluation will also be used.
Art.96. Test application. Tests are measuring instruments developed and applied by the
teacher to progressively determine the level of achievement of the purposes of the
learning process. To maintain coherence with the conception of Adult Education that is
assumed in the curricular design, the application of tests will be done only when it is
considered essential.
Art.97. The results of the application of the different evaluation techniques and
instruments will be translated into grades that express the level of comprehensive
development achieved by the students in the learning processes, in correspondence with
the purposes of the subsystem, of each cycle and area and of the transverse axes.
Paragraph 1. In the first cycle, the evaluation criteria exclude the numerical scale in the
assignment of grades, which will be specified in the Evaluation Regulations.
Paragraph 2. In the 2nd. And 3rd. cycle of basic adult education for the assignment of
grades, the numerical scale from zero 0 to one hundred 100 points will be used. Grades
will be assigned taking into account three types of evaluations:
a) heteroevaluation
b) self appraisal
c) co-evaluation
Paragraph 3. Self-assessment and co-assessment will have a weight of no more than 20%
of the total grade and will be carried out based on previously established criteria.

Art.98. The grades assigned to students will be: partial at the end of the semester period,
and at the end of the cycle. In addition, complete test scores for students who are not
promoted at the end of the cycle.
Paragraph 1. At the end of the 3rd. cycle to the student and the student will be
administered national tests.
Art.99. Partial grades: a minimum of three partial grades will be assigned in each
semester, as a result of the assessment of the work done by the students during said stage
of the learning process. To assign these grades, the work carried out in the classroom,
both individual and group, reports of activities carried out, application of knowledge tests
and the values and attitudes developed according to the achievement of the desired
profiles will be taken into account.
Art.100. End of period grades. They will be applied at the end of each semester and are
the result of the average of the partial grades assigned during the semester.
Art.101. End of cycle qualification: in the 2nd. Cycle will be the result of the average of
the four semester grades achieved during the cycle, and an end-of-cycle test. In the third
cycle, the final grades for the basic adult level will be the result of the average of the two
end-of-semester grades with a value of 70% and the national tests with a value of 30%,
both experiences being essential. .

Art.102. In adult education, for promotion purposes, the level of achievements achieved
by students in terms of their comprehensive development will be taken into account.
Adult students will be promoted at the time when the educator, after an evaluation carried
out in the different areas and cycles, determines that they have integrated the necessary
knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as the development of values, attitudes and norms
according to what is established in the purposes of each area and cycle.
Art.103 The adult student whose end-of-cycle grade is equal to or greater than 65 points
in the three areas contemplated in the curricular proposal for Adult Education will be
promoted to the next higher cycle.
Art.104. The adult student who fails up to 3 subjects in any of the areas contemplated in
the Adult Education curricular proposal will be conditionally promoted in the first and
second cycle. The student in this situation will go to recovery.
Paragraph. Recovery will be done through a three-hour weekly tutorial, for 3 weeks,
with the aim of overcoming the deficiencies they presented at the time of taking the end-
of-cycle test. After recovery, a comprehensive test with a value of 50% will be applied.
The end-of-year grade obtained will represent the remaining 50%, for promotion
Art.105. Students who fail 4 or more subjects will repeat the semester of the cycle they
are taking.
Art.106. The Adult Education students who in the 3rd. cycle reaches 65 points as a result
of the average of 70% or more of the evaluation (hetero-evaluation, co-evaluation and
self-evaluation) in the two semesters, and the 30% conferred on the national tests, will be
considered a graduate of the subsystem.
Art.107. Adult Education students will receive a certification at the end of each semester
and a certificate at the end of each cycle that accredits their promotion.

Art.108 At the end of the basic level of adult education (3rd. cycle) will receive a degree
that accredits the completion of said level.
Art.109. Certifications for short education courses will be granted for formal and non-
formal work (in-person or non-in-person) as long as they are taught in official or
recognized institutions for the Secretary of State for Education.
Art.110. Special Education, within the framework of the new curriculum, will be
developed at all levels of the educational system, taking into account the principles of
normalization, integration and diversification in the attention to students with special
educational needs.
All students who demonstrate the need for special educational attention, whether
temporary or permanent, must be evaluated by a multidisciplinary team to guarantee their
access to the regular curriculum, to the extent their abilities allow.
Art.111. The evaluation involves carrying out the following actions:

 Diagnosis of potentialities and abilities, through psychometric tests, of specific

knowledge and skills.
 The observation and recording of cognitive, social and practical skills.
 Any other evaluation that is required to determine the most appropriate ways to
access the curriculum.
Art.112. If the total and permanent integration of the student into the regular classroom
is not possible, or when a student who reaches maximum development cannot access the
next level or cycle, or when there is a risk of dropping out of school, the teachers, the
professional team and the family should consider diversifying the curriculum by taking
the following alternatives:
 Your admission to an institution for individuals with special educational needs
 Its location in a differential classroom in which its specific needs can be met
 Entry into a home-based educational training program.
 Entry to a work workshop, supervised and protected.
Art.113. The evaluation of the students will serve to establish:
 The impact of the special educational need on the comprehensive development of
the student.
 Particularities of biological, personal, motor and cognitive maturation.
 Shortcomings and types of help required
 Attitudes towards the educational process
 The strategies developed in learning tasks
 The interactions that it is capable of establishing
 The rhythms of learning
 The capabilities and competencies that you manage to develop
Art.114. It is necessary to carry out an initial evaluation that includes:
a) Determination of the real situation of special educational needs or diagnoses of
previous conditions.
b) Analysis of the sociocultural context
c) Determination of the possibility of adapting the curriculum to the learning rates.
Art.115. Throughout the educational process, the evaluation will be oriented towards:

a) Determination of the relevant strategies to facilitate the educational process,
according to the type and degree of the student's special need.
b) Determination of the quality of materials and means to facilitate the educational
process: instruments, alternative codes in communication, as well as development
of metacognitive strategies.
c) Determination of the level of participation of the student in the educational
process, interrelation with the debtor and classmates.
Art.116. The final evaluation is intended to determine the quality of the results obtained
and their relationship with the purposes, needs, expectations and the processes followed.

Art.117. Students with special educational needs who are integrated into the regular
classroom will be evaluated following the same criteria established for students of the
cycle level, grade and area in question.
Art.118. Any other provision contrary to the provisions of this Ordinance is repealed.
Given in Santo Domingo, DN Capital of the Dominican Republic, on the day of
December of the year one thousand nine hundred and ninety-six (1996).



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