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Hansi Method

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"Hansi" Method: Philosophy and medicine, united to heal the interior of human
beings. * Alternative medicine was established in the scientific research rooms of
the University of the Republic, thanks to the initiative of Dr. Jesús Costa. The
loss of credibility in the traditional cure of diseases promoted the formal and
academic study of new natural methods.

The fundamental step in alternative treatment is the patient's awareness, says

Dr. Costa. The "Hansi" method was developed by the Argentine doctor Juan J.
Hirschmann. It basically consists of a mixture of cactus plants, aloe and
minerals in infinitesimal concentrations. The Uruguayan doctor Jesús Costa
became interested in the studies and implementation of the alternative system.
Since 1990 in Argentina thousands of patients have been successfully treated by
the method, while in Uruguay 10 years ago work began in this way and there are
now six doctors who trust in the application of the method.
Slowing cellular aging was one of "Hansi's" most significant achievements.
According to Dr. Costa, the initial motivation for the research was the search for
solutions for cancer patients. "From the beginning, we believed that we only had a
therapy for oncological diseases, since it was there that 'Hansi' demonstrated his
actions. As time went by, we saw that it was a medicine that had a much broader
scope, since it had good evolution in other diseases, especially those that are on
the rise now due to the lifestyle we lead. "The so-called diseases of civilization,
those that one generates when alterations occur in the immune system." Examples
of these diseases are those that have no solution, such as lupus and multiple
sclerosis. Treatments for these illnesses have important side effects; "Hansi" has
also proven effective there by minimizing them.
The medical prescription
The fundamental step in alternative treatment, as Jesús Costa stated, is the
patient's awareness of "the importance that we ourselves have in curing ourselves.
We create diseases and we ourselves cure them. Patients have to know what is
happening inside them and that is where the healing power is found. After
achieving that connection, all medical treatments are secondary." This does not
imply the emergence of the "Hansi" method as something contradictory to
classical medical activity, but rather it emerges as a "complementary" activity. "It
is not a fight of who is right, but the fundamental thing is to contribute something
to society that allows individuals to live in the best possible way," says Costa.

Academic studies
It is precisely the need that researchers have to link traditional medical
disciplines with alternatives, that the Faculty of Medicine of the University of the
Republic (Udelar) decided to create a study space that will continue to improve
people's quality of life. The doctor highlighted the importance of having this area

of work: "It is a great opportunity to be able to access the faculty, because it is

where all doctors go to learn, and if we are there there is no longer any doubt
about its usefulness. "It is a transcendent fact because we are working with
something non-traditional in an academic place: the University." The research
projects are divided into two important areas of health. On the one hand, they
have concentrated on the study of the melanoma skin tumor and, on the other, on
diabetes, a chronic disease with important consequences. The development of the
first is based on the investigation of a tumor caused by the incidence of the sun
that is increasingly common in Uruguayans. It has become a common cause of
death, especially among young people. The other project consists of creating
chemical diabetes in certain animals, and then demonstrating that "Hansi" can
delay or prevent the side effects of the disease, such as blindness, neurological
problems, artery disorders, and so on.
The possibility of doing research at the main tertiary educational institution is a
way to recognize and continue the path started last year in the presentation made
by both doctors at the World Menopause Congress in Buenos Aires. There it was
demonstrated, through a study carried out on animals, more precisely on senile
sows, that those treated by "Hansi" slowed down cellular aging. The sows that did
not receive the treatment did suffer a deterioration due to the natural passage of
time. The improvement occurred at the level of all tissues and the body, although
the doctors' presentation focused on the genital organs, since it was a
gynecological medicine congress. The progress of the senile sows that received
"Hansi", compared to those that did not, was such that they ovulated again and
some of them even had offspring. Doctor Jesús made his position clear regarding
the magnitude of his discoveries: "We are not saying that we are going to make
individuals immortal, the only thing we intend is that we live each stage of our life
cycle in good conditions. To do this, we can reduce the frequency of diseases that
are increasingly common and even prevent them." *

Dr. Jesús Costa presented this therapeutic treatment

At a press conference held last Wednesday at the home of Esthetician Adriana

Amir, Dr. Jesús Costa offered details of the therapeutic system through a new
drug based on medicinal plants called “Hansi Method”, which has been in use for
thirteen years. experimentation and application in Uruguay.

The novel production method, based on different medicinal plants such as cactus
and aloe, which the professional defined as a therapeutic system, is the first
major difference with respect to the conventional, and which is based on the
proposal of Dr. Hippocrates, who said that the cause of all diseases is
devitalization, the loss of the internal forces of our body.
“This medicine is made based on that,” said Dr. Jesús Costa, “it aims to rebalance
that energy, that vital force. From the point of view of aquatic texture, a
medicine made in this way would be like the memory of the molecule. We extract
the substance from the plants and dilute it until the memory of the molecule is
present. This balances the entire interior and improves all conditions, each cell
functions in a better environment, it would be like when we are born that we have
a current account of that energy that is spent over time, when that force
becomes unbalanced, the body becomes unbalanced. inside our body and we get
sick according to our genetic provision. That is to say that as individuals we are
not only the body, the disease manifests itself in the body, but to be healthy we
have to be well physically, mentally, with organized thoughts and vital energy.
When we get sick, the disease begins long before we realize it, when we are
listless, diminished, when we have insomnia, sadness, all that is affecting
Uruguayan society, are indicators.”
"If we start to analyze these indicators - said Dr. Costa - we see that it is a
society that is in crisis, 7 out of every 10 inhabitants of Uruguay have depression
according to MSP statistics, we are first in suicides, drug addiction, 65 "% of
Uruguayans drink alcohol once a month, doctors are the ones who die the youngest
and children are young, all of these are indicators that our society has a poor
quality of life."
“This is not creating anything, but rather updating the vision we had of the past
that to be healthy the individual had to be healthy in strength, in mental health,
Hippocrates said that to be healthy the individual had to be in mental, physical
health. , vital, and also health is the balance between the environment and
society,” added the professional.
“We know that the environment is deteriorated therefore society is sick, we are
emerging from this situation,” he added.

With this methodology that is done as a whole -said Costa- we are also achieving
results that are very encouraging and have allowed us to begin carrying out work in
the Faculty of Medicine, with experimental work, which opens doors abroad such
as Spain, University of Barcelona. We are showing that we must deeply analyze
that our health system is not responding to all these types of diseases, the
doctors who must ensure the health of society are the ones who die younger,
which means that we are not trained or qualified for this, another indicator that

does not have to lead to reflection, the training of the doctor to serve a society
that needs more punctual care.”
Regarding the application of this therapy in patients, Dr. Costa indicated that the
person to be treated needs a diagnosis to begin treatment, the best way is to talk
calmly with that patient.
"Now, with the passage of time and as it has been developing, we see that it has
several immunological applications on diseases that are growing, becoming more
frequent, such as uterine cancer in women, pancreatic cancer, it helps reduce the
toxic effects that They occur less frequently, giving the body the mechanisms to
defend itself when they appear. On the one hand it enhances the natural defense
and on the other it protects the side effects of chemotherapy. The work carried
out at the Faculty showed that patients who received chemotherapy progress
better, it is just a complement,” said Dr. Jesús Costa, while reporting that a
treatment with this method has a cost that ranges between $800 to $ 1,800 per
month, depending on the patient's situation and the amount of medication, that is,
the consultation plus the medication.
Unified Medicine
Dr. Jesús Costa Germán
Postgraduate Internal Medicine
Postgraduate Cardiology
Homeopathic Doctor
Director Hansi

Through analyzes of the health indicators of our society, we feel that it is time to
update the deep and broad Hippocratic vision of health, disease and therapeutic
To do this, it is necessary to start thinking from a conception of UNIFIED
MEDICINE, which has a broad, comprehensive and deep vision of all dimensions of
human existence.
Our feeling regarding medical work is that we must diagnose, assist and promote
health, through an interdisciplinary methodology that brings together conventional
and unusual therapeutic techniques.
All these social health indicators tell us about a society in crisis, sick,
unsustainable for future generations.
We believe that it is time to have a comprehensive vision of all the phenomena
that occur in the Universe, where everything is interrelated and interdependent.
Reviewing the medical literature we see that this was already the vision of
Hippocrates, a Greek doctor who is credited with being the father of Medicine.
He maintained as early as 460 BC that we should see the individual as an indivisible
unit, a psychosomatic unit.
With this we can appreciate that the successors of Hippocrates throughout
history have not been able to overcome the deep and broad philosophical vision of
the teacher and today more than ever it is valid.

Given all this, we ask ourselves how in our daily work we can contribute to this
vision of the health system.
We believe that, first of all, we must get in touch with our emotions, in order to
understand that being in relationship that is every individual.
Different societies and cultures throughout history have mobilized within unitary
or fragmented health systems, we believe that we have mobilized within the
second system, which is why the time has come to integrate “The Art of Healing,
the knowledge of the body and mind” to have comprehensive care.
The individual is inserted in a network of intercommunications, a product of life
events, in continuous relationship, therefore he must be open to new knowledge.
For Hippocrates, the state of health was the balance between environmental
influences, ways of life and the different properties of human nature, which he
called “humors and passions.” The disease was the loss of harmony at the individual
or social level. We can make a correlation of this terminology by assigning the
humors the hormonal and chemical balance and the passions the interrelation
between body and soul.

We see the validity of the Hippocratic vision with current modern physics where
we can name as representatives Einstein, Heidegger, Bohn, Capra, all of them
Nobel Prize winners. We use this as an example because physics has been the
support of Natural Sciences throughout History.
Under this vision of contemporary physicists, every individual would be a
microsystem, just as societies and ecosystems are also systems, and when we have
this conception we must necessarily talk about polylevels and interrelation and

We are then in a position to define health as balance in the different dimensions

of that microsystem, so we can speak of a physical, mental, vital, existential and
spiritual dimension. Imbalance in any of these dimensions necessarily places us in a
state of illness; to recover it we must work on each of them.

In order to fulfill the highest and highest vocation as a doctor, we must restore
health to our patients, which is what is called healing (Hahnemann). For this we
need a therapeutic system that is logical, safe, gentle and that eliminates the
disease without cause damage, something that we do not always achieve with the
usual therapeutic systems.
With this vision we can make a division into allopathic or biological and vitalistic.
or biophysicists.

Every vitalistic therapeutic system has as its purpose the re-balancing of that
internal natural healing force that Hippocrates spoke of, the doctor's task for
him was to help the patient to launch that inner force.
Therefore, this imbalance would be the cause of the diseases, organic dysfunction
or hypofunction would be a consequence of it.
This is why every vitalistic system must be prepared in infinitesimal
concentrations, which is why we speak of a biophysical therapeutic system.
As an example of this we have the Hansi treatment created by Prof. Juan
This treatment is composed of substances from the three kingdoms, mineral,
vegetable and animal (lachesis, lycopodium, aloe, calcarea carbonica), as it is
prepared in a way that makes it non-toxic and devoid of side effects.
Among its properties, it is recognized as rebalancing the internal environment,
cytoprotective, immunomodulatory and retarder of biologically programmed cell
death (apoptosis).
This treatment is used in different diseases such as cancer, AIDS, HPV,
polyarthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis and other autoimmune diseases, also in
chronic fatigue syndrome.
We have carried out research work that was presented at the Eleventh World
Menopause Congress held in Buenos Aires in October 2005 where it was found
that Hansi has an action that slows aging and reduces biologically programmed cell
The immunohistochemical and histological studies were carried out with the
endorsement of the Chair of Pathological Anatomy of our University Hospital.
For all this, we believe that we are faced with a treatment that can be highly
beneficial in the field of prevention.
Homeopathy is a system of medical treatment discovered by Samuel Hahneimann
(1755-1843), but it was already known by Galen (200-130 BC) and Hippocrates
(460-370 BC), homeopathy is based on the premise that Symptoms of a disease
are evidence that a healing process is being carried out in the body in response to
said disease. Therapy consists of administering substances that are capable of
causing, in a healthy individual, the same symptoms as the disease.
The substances are used in immeasurable or even undetectable quantities, since
greater dilutions would correspond to a greater effect, the properties of these
substances being ultimately transmitted by the molecular memory of water.
Given this statement, it is worth asking whether the effects of such substances
would not be produced by the real molecules present in quantities that are
impossible to measure by known methods; a possibility much closer to scientific
logic, especially taking into account the high sensitivity of some cellular nervous
receptors of living organisms, for example: It is known that human olfactory cells
perceive substances such as methyl-mercaptan at concentrations of 1/25,000.
000,000 mg/ml of air. Why then not accept as a working hypothesis the possibility
of the existence of some type of. similar level receptor of the immune system,
capable of capturing substances at highly low doses causing a reaction, it is known

that numerous plant substances produce mitosis of leukocytes cultured "in vitro",
an example is phytohemagglutinin, extracted from the plant Faseolus Vulgarís
(bean or red bean) capable of stimulating cellular reproduction of T lymphocytes
"in vitro" optimally at doses of 100 ug/ml, its effect being null at 10 ug/ml and also
ineffective at more than 1200 ug/ml.
Like this one, there are many more examples such as Concavalin A extracted from
Concavalia Eusiformis (bean) which stimulates the formation of a group of T
lymphocytes different from those stimulated by PHA (phytohemagglutinin A);
Phytolacca Americaria mitogen (PWM) stimulates B lymphocytes, a subset of T
The other most recent theory is that of J. Benveniste, based on the fact that
"Molecules communicate via electromagnetic radiation instead of exchanging
chemicals" this is supported by a study that was presented in April 1993 at a
scientific meeting organized by the publication De Remun Natura, by Dr. Yves
Lasnes, a physicist from Lyon, France, director of the radioisotope laboratory at
the Edouard-Herríot hospital and leader of the research team at the Claude
Bernard University. These discoveries were published in the journal Resonancia of
September-October 1993 in an article written by Thierry Montfort, where it is
explained: The basic experiment shows that homeopathic microdoses exposed to
Magnetic Nuclear Resonance (NMR) have physical properties that are different
from those of the water used in the preparation of the dilutions and also
different from that of the original substance.
These trials and others with improved records that are expected to be published
soon in the German journal Experimentia 7, would explain how a homeopathic
preparation such as HANSI, being an excellent therapy for many pathologies in a
manner already demonstrated, is present when analyzing its composition only
“water.” and alcohol”, in different proportions, depending on their different
It is known that some homeopathic products stimulate the defense system,
HANSI is one of them. What is missing in homeopathy, and also in HANSI, is
scientific evidence of the parts of the immune system being stimulated.
According to Dr. Linda Jonson of Van Nuys, California, she believes that
homeopathic medicines would act on the immune system in different ways.
There are many doctors who use homeopathy, for example in Great Britain there
are homeopathic medical schools and hospitals, to which 40% of British doctors
refer patients; In France 30% of doctors prescribe homeopathic medicines. In
India there are many homeopathy schools and more than 300,000 registered
doctors. In Germany and Switzerland it is the treatment of choice in many cases.

Samuel Hahneimann

The theory of J. Benveniste

Homeopathic Natural Activator of the Immune System


The first scientific data on the intervention of the immune system in the control
or facilitation of the development of cancer comes from 1906 when an interesting
phenomenon was proposed with Ehrlich's carcinoma: when a tumor was
transplanted into an animal, to which it had previously been transplanted. Already,
the same tumor, this second transplant evolved to destruction. The concept of
simultaneous antitumor immunity then emerged, which develops upon exposure, and
was sufficient to destroy the graft but not the primary tumor. In the same way it
is seen that an animal with a certain cancer will reject any graft of the same
cancer as long as the original continued to grow in the host.
In the 1920s and 1930s, it was discovered that the antigens involved in the
rejection phenomenon and their genes (histocompatibility) are genetically
determined and therefore heritable, and that this phenomenon is linked to cellular
immunity. In the 1950s, the existence of specific carcinogenic antigens in
sarcomas induced in mice was demonstrated and a fundamental fact was also
observed: the mouse could be immunized against a neoplasia. Already in the 1960s,
several antigens more related to cancer were differentiated, and due to their
similarity to embryonic or fetal antigens, it was hypothetically thought, at that
time, that these constitute the phenotypic expression of genes active during fetal
life that are repressed later. of birth; so that in the cancer there would be a de-
differentiation and a biochemical reversion to the primitive embryonic state. For
example, CEA (carcinoembryonic antigen) appears normally in the first 6 months
of gestation in the fetal intestine, liver and pancreas. It is true that CEA also
increases in processes such as: alcoholic cirrhosis, chronic hepatitis, pancreatitis,
cholecystitis, diverticular colonopathy, kidney failure and ulcerative colitis. In
colon cancer, the anti-CEA antibody is detected in serum in 70% of patients.
Recently, scientists have developed monoclonal antibodies, which are specifically
directed to attack tumor antigens. Bound to radioactive substances these
antibodies can be used to track and reveal hidden metastasis.
Monoclonal anti-tumor antibodies are also being used experimentally to treat
cancer, either in their natural form or as immunotoxins in conjunction with natural
toxins, anti-cancer drugs or radioactive substances. Other efforts to attack
cancer through the immune system focus on stimulating or supplying the patient's
immune responses using substances that modify the biological response such as:
interferons, whether natural or genetically engineered, detailed below, and
In some cases they are administered directly to the patient, in others they are
previously used in the laboratory to transform some of the patient's own
lymphocytes into tumor-hungry cells, known as K (killer) cells activated by
lymphokines, and more recently, the even more powerful lymphocytes. that
infiltrate the tumor (TIL), and that are injected into the patient, producing a
coupling of TNF alpha to receptors on the surface of the tumor and the activation
of various cells (NK cd56+ with or without cd3; cd4 and cd8) which They would
perform cytolytic activity without restriction of the major histocompatibility

We know that the development of malignant tumors is the result of multiple

stages and encompasses a series of genetic alterations that include both
oncogenes and suppressor genes. Specific changes are being studied that were
observed in certain neoplasms, such as the hyperexpression of the P53 protein in
colonorectal tumors, mutation of the K-ras gene in pancreatic hyperplasias and Ki-
ras already in pancreatic cancer or the better known Ph chromosome (Philadelphia)
related to leukemia. These findings, as well as many other genotype alterations,
are currently being used for diagnosis, scans or prognoses and even for treatment
through gene transfer interventions, which consist of the introduction of
sequences that can correct the damage of the transformation. neoplastic. These
direct transfer procedures attempt to disrupt an oncogene or insert an inactive
suppressor gene into tumor cells. Indirect genetic therapy, on the other hand,
seeks to inhibit tumor growth by inserting DNA sequences that, when expressed,
somehow modify the antitumor immune response (Interlukin genes) or interrupt
tumor vascularization, blocking angiogenesis. For this last method, tumor cells are
not essential since the genes can be transferred to normal host cells such as
lymphocytes, endothelial cells or others. Alternatively, the expression of proteins
in the tumor that are the target of an anticancer prodrug can be induced, this is
the technique known as gene-directed enzyme prodrug therapy. The strategies
being tested also include the protection of Hematopoietic cells by insertion of the
MDR1 gene, for multidrug resistance. In this way, blood cells tolerate
chemotherapy better.
Periodic studies are carried out in different universities and institutes around the
world with HANSI, such as those carried out at the University of California,
Irvine, by professionals such as Dr. Darryl M. See and Dr. Jeremiah G. Tiles,
among others; or the Goodwin Institute for Cancer Research led by Dr. Mike
They are precisely doctors See and Tiles, who, in their work both “in vitro” and “in
vivo”, the latter through double-blind studies using HANSI versus a placebo in
mice and other animals, using state-of-the-art techniques and under the strictest
control standards required for this type of study, they demonstrated some of the
mechanisms of action that HANSI would have, these would be: through greater
activity of Natural Killer cells in mononuclear peripheral blood cells, without
evidence of macro or microscopic toxicity, significantly increased splenic function
of NK, proven in mice previously exposed to a diabetogenic line of coxsackie virus
B4(E2), with a marked decrease in infection in the pancreatic gland found in mice
treated with HANSI. .
These processes are immersed in a delicate “immune network” where the
different vascular elements interact, such as T lymphocytes, among which we find
the collaborators or helper (cd4), the cytotoxic (cd28), the suppressors, the anti -
suppressors (both cd8), those of memory (cdw29) and those responsible for late
hypersensitivity (cd4); B lymphocytes, secreting immunoglobulins (Ig M, Ig G, Ig
A, Ig E and Ig D) and memory; non-T non-B lymphocytes or large granular
lymphocytes (GLG), subgrouped into: natural killer cells (Natural Killer, which they
destroy their target without prior sensitization and are not restricted by the

Major Histocompatibility Complex) and killer cells (Killer, responsible for

antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity); macrophages-monocytes; mast cells,
etc. by means of substances called cytokines that are secreted by themselves
(those secreted by lymphocytes are called lymphokines) and that would act as
chemical or hormonal mediators whether on lymphoid cells or not, which are
capable of recognizing and capturing them. through specific receptors. When their
structure has been established they are called interluquinas. Some of these
interlukins such as Il1, Il6, GM-CSF, TNF, among others, would be the links
between HANSI and the different elements through which a very satisfactory
antineoplastic immune response is obtained.
It was also very positive in studies carried out in other pathologies in which the
alteration of the immune system is fully demonstrated, such as in Acquired
Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS), which is the last stage of a disease caused
by chronic infection with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus. (HIV), in which the
majority of affected patients develop over the years a progressive deficiency of
the immune system, the outcome of which is death caused by one or more cancers
or opportunistic infections. No test had ever been clinically shown to increase NK
activity in patients with AIDS; the blood test with HANSI from the University of
California demonstrated a 150% increase.
The pathology, in which the immunological alteration is also reliably demonstrated,
is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. This has been ratified by the CDC (Center for
Disease Control and Prevention) within its diagnostic criteria since 1988; not the
viral etiology, as in the previous pathology, which is still under discussion (these
patients usually present high titers of antigen 1 and 3 of the Epstein-Barr virus,
which is why it is related to Infectious Mononucleosis) and It prefers to be called
of unknown origin.
This disease is characterized by permanent symptoms, acute fatigue and cognitive
defects. Among the other suspected etiologies are: psychiatric dysfunction,
disturbances at the level of the hypothalamus, pituitary and adrenal glands, and
immunological irregularities, are the most cited.
The studies at the University of California showed excellent results, placing
HANSI at the forefront of the treatments to be used against this pathology,
which is happening with excellent results. Results that led to Theodore C.
Friedman, a doctor and researcher at the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, to its use
in different trials, either alone or in association with last-line antidepressant
medications such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors(SSRIs), such as
Fluoxetine, and other medications such as Idazoxan. The experiences were
successful, with clear improvements achieved through the increase in the activity
of NK cells by HANSI and by the stimulation of the production of cytokines,
especially Interlukin-6, also produced by HANSI.

Microscopic Alterations

The numerous cases treated showed a positive clinical response to a greater or

lesser degree, in a qualitative-quantitative manner, with respect to the expected
prognosis due to their pathology.
The tumors that show the greatest response to this therapy are, according to
what is thought, those with the highest degree of undifferentiation; These are
the ones that, due to their antigenic characteristics and their greater degree of
distance from the genotypes and antigenic characters of normal cells, are more
likely to awaken an efficient immune response after the HANSI stimulus.
The histological studies carried out correlate with the clinical responses observed
as well as with laboratory tests both in vitro and in vivo.
Microscopic studies showed the almost delimitation of the tumor areas by
connective-vascular structures like a fibrous capsule in which the large number of
newly formed vessels stands out. These neovessels seem to have diverse
morphologies according to their proximity to the tumor and their stage of
chronological evolution, initially having a thick endothelial wall with lymphocytic
infiltrates of convoluted nuclei that are sometimes observed passing through the
vascular walls, reminding this functional group to the of the post-capillary venules
of "T" origin found in the lymph nodes.
These vessels apparently evolve towards hyalinization and thinning, becoming
surrounded in later stages by dense connective tissue, resulting in a kind of
interconnected vascular network, which is strikingly repeated in the different
pieces studied. In all cases, in the adjacencies of the vessels and peri- and
intratumoral areas, the presence of numerous mast cells was observed using the
Giemsa technique (elements that were considered to have a good prognosis in
studies carried out with breast carcinoma). Another notable characteristic is the
leukocyte barrier that appears in the area of contact with the tumor, which is
where active immune phenomena develop in greater quantities, confirmed by the
high concentration of macrophages and T lymphocytes present.
Before continuing with the histological descriptions we must make a parenthesis to
cite an interesting background on the morphological changes observed in these
cases. In the work of Rey et al. in 1982, the response to extracorporeal
immunoabsorption therapy of plasma containing protein A of non-viable
Staphylococcus Aureus was studied in a patient with metastasis from a colon
adenoma. This researcher demonstrated, through monthly serial biopsies of a
metastatic umbilical mass, the presence in the peritumoral area of
neovascularization with polymorphonuclear, eosinophilic and plasmacellular
infiltrate in the first month; Then, progressive hyalinization of the stroma
appeared with the formation of flattened epithelial vessels, like those observed
with HANSI, and a change in the infiltrate with a greater amount of mononuclear
cellular elements and focal plasmacytic areas. The difference between this work
and that carried out with HANSI lies in the quantity and extent of the
appreciable necrosis, which is clearly greater than that observed by Rey et al.
Another difference is the absence of eosinophilia in all cases and the presence of
mast cells or mast cells, which, as we already mentioned, are associated with a
better prognosis in breast tumors.

The immunohistochemical tests carried out allowed us to demonstrate the

overwhelming presence of macrophages in the tumor margins and associated with
neovascular structures and intratumoral sectors. Peritumoral and perivascular T
lymphocytes were also numerous, but the number of B lymphocytes was smaller,
which were found predominantly in the perivascular areas.
It is important at this level to act on some interleukins such as TNF (tumor
necrotic factor), which in addition to promoting the reproduction of macrophages
and their subsequent secretion of more TNF, intercalates with endothelial cells
producing the expression of membrane adhesion structures called ELAM. 1 and
ICAM 1 (Endotellial cell leukocyte adhesion molecule 1 and intercellular adhesion
molecule 1 respectively) which selectively favor the marginalization of T
lymphocytes in the vascular walls and their subsequent passage from the wall to
the tissues.

For their part, these T lymphocytes, in addition to their cytotoxic actions, favor
the appearance and differentiation of mast cells, through I13, these activated
mast cells, in turn, disinhibit fibroblasts by contact, favoring the phenomena of
collagenosis and fibrosis (all this due to been demonstrated in tissue culture).
The presence of macrophages at the margins of the tumor is another point of
contrast to the studies carried out previously, since they have not been described
by other authors dedicated to the subject. On the contrary, Norazmi and
collaborators in 1989 with computerized video-imaging studies found that Normal
tissues had a significantly higher number of mononuclear cells (lymphocytes,
macrophages) than tumor tissues from patients with colon carcinoma.
The data are consistent with those of Csiba et al. in 1983, and Row and col. in 1984
for breast carcinoma tissues. With respect to macrophages, Montovani and Evans
maintained, in 1985, that being active against tumors in themselves, their habitual
decrease in peritumoral areas could be responsible for the reduced antitumor
response of the host.
In summary, from the study of the cellular elements present, an active, well-
structured and developed immune phenomenon is evident, with the participation of
T lymphocytes adequately associated with other cells through cytokines being
mainly more prominent, demonstrating a high necrotizing power. All this is in
contrast to what is observed in the peritumoral reaction in cases not treated with
HANSI, in which the cellular hyperactivity described was not found either, but
rather numerous lymphoid elements, ineffective in destroying a tumor.
The pathology, in which the immunological alteration is also reliably demonstrated,
is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. This has been ratified by the CDC (Center for
Disease Control and Prevention) within its diagnostic criteria since 1988; not the
viral etiology, as in the previous pathology, which is still under discussion (these
patients usually present high titers of antigen 1 and 3 of the Epstein-Barr virus,
which is why it is related to Infectious Mononucleosis) and prefers to call it of
unknown origin.

????that if the tumor is stimulated to a large extent, its lability will be greater.
By associating these speculations with the idea that the HANSI method is an
adequate general stimulant, we can thus explain the subjective response of all
treated patients to chemotherapy, in which, as they report, they notice
differences in the level of vomiting, nausea, headaches. and other side effects of
this, between the sessions received under HANSI treatment and those prior to it.
Also notable is the high and rapid recovery of blood count values both after
radiotherapy and after chemotherapy; Within the blood count values, the
stimulation of monocytes is striking. In treated patients, monocyte counts vary
from the usual 2 to 3% to values of 5 or 6% and up to 8% of the total leukocyte
formula, the latter values coinciding with the cases of best response.

Scientific work

1 Work: Immuno-modulatory effects of Hansi

2 Work: Hansi "X" and otorhinolaryngological diseases of allergic origin
3 Proposal for joint work between HANSI and the GOODWIN Institute
4 Work: Effects of Hansi on the activation and protection of the immune system
5 Work: Immunomodulatory effects of Hansi "in vivo" and "in vitro"
6 Published work: Immunomodulatory effects of a homeopathic agent (Hansi)
7 Work: Effect of Hansi in renal adenocarcinoma
8 Work: Effects of Hansi on quality of life in advanced pancreatic cancer
9 Work: Hansi effects on experimental tumors
10 Work: "In Vivo" Studies on Experimental Carcinomas
11 Work: Relationship of HANSI with conventional therapy. Penn University
12 Work: Study of apoptosis and cellular aging in the ovaries

Treated pathologies
Our team of professionals is trained to treat ailments such as:

Cancer (in its different stages).

Acute and chronic pain. (Oncological and non-oncological).
Infectious diseases.
Immunodeficiencies. (HIV/AIDS).
Chronic pathologies that require treatment and supportive care. (Rheumatoid
arthritis, Lupus, Osteoarthritis, Psoriasis).
And others...


In a newly diagnosed neoplasm, palliative care provides good support so that the
patient has minimal symptoms of his illness and at the same time suffers less from
the side effects of other therapies such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy, surgery,

hormone therapy, etc Palliative care is widely complemented by these other

therapeutic resources, even optimizing their actions.
In an advanced neoplastic disease, Palliative Care provides comprehensive and
interdisciplinary help so that the patient has as few symptoms of their disease as
possible; giving quality to your life.
Many times Palliative Care is the only treatment that a patient follows in an
advanced disease, where curative therapies have not provided a concrete response
against the illness.
ACUTE AND CHRONIC PAIN. (Oncological and non-oncological).
This symptom is treated at all stages of its evolution. In a very high percentage of
cases due to neoplastic or chronic disease such as rheumatoid arthritis,
osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, etc.; The patient suffers a lot of pain.
A pain unlike any similar experience known up to that moment. It is a different
pain, which escapes its physiological function as an alarm signal in the body. It
perpetuates over time, becomes chronic and does not respond to conventional
Palliative Care aims to treat this pain and does so from an interdisciplinary
approach, using: pharmacological therapy to achieve relief and sustain it over time;
psychotherapeutic approach to treat the suffering that accompanies not only the
pain but also the illness that afflicts both the patient and his or her family circle;
physiotherapeutic approach to also treat pain with physical-kinesthetic resources
and rehabilitate the patient's health for their social and even, sometimes, work


Diseases of this nature are also treated by the Palliative Care team in conjunction
with the etiological treatments that the patient has indicated. Improving the
quality of life is also the primary objective.


Deficiency immunopathies such as AIDS are treated together with antiretrovirals,

with Palliative Care to reduce the symptoms of the disease and the side effects
of the medication. The approach is also interdisciplinary to achieve comprehensive
care for the patient and their family unit.


CARE. (Rheumatoid arthritis, Lupus, Osteoarthritis, Psoriasis).
These types of ailments have a long and slow evolution in the patient and
frequently pain and the impossibility of movement are the main regret. Palliative
Care applies therapeutic measures to stop the progression of the disease,
suppress pain and immobility, rehabilitating the patient towards lost or new skills

that make it possible to obtain a good quality of life, social reintegration and even
Therapeutic measures are also treated in a comprehensive and interdisciplinary
manner to achieve the stated objectives and their permanence over time.

"O" Jar Remember to shake before use

1 On an empty stomach, place 1 cm³ of the "O" solution under the tongue, keep it
in the mouth for 2 minutes, then ingest it.

2 Next, take 1 cm³ of the "O" solution and place it in a caramel-colored bottle
containing 150 cm³ of mineral water (still), shake, and let it rest for a few
minutes. The dose thus prepared will be drunk in sips during the course of the day.

Presentation: 30 cm³ container

"Z" Ampoules
Remember to shake before use

It will be applied intramuscularly every 24 or 48 hours. continuously. The dose is 4

cm³. (unless prescribed).

Presentation: Box of 15 and 30 with 4 cm³ blisters

"V" Flask
Remember to shake before use

One hour before lunch, 1/2 cm³ of solution "V" will be placed under the tongue for
2 minutes, then swallowed.

Presentation: 15 cm³ container

Flask "X"
Remember to shake before use

With 2 cm³ of solution "X" perform nebulization two or three times a day.

Presentation: 60 cm³ container

"R" Flask
Remember to shake before use

Every 6 hours, place the solution 1 cm³ under the tongue, keeping it under it for
two minutes.

Presentation: 60 cm³ container

Palliative Medicine

Advances in Medicine have made humanity live longer. This has led to an increase
in patients who have chronic diseases, even if they are incurable, and to an
increase in population aging, aspects where the intervention of a specialty called
Palliative Medicine, which since 1987 has been recognized as a specialty in the
United Kingdom, acquires particular relevance.
Currently, cancer patients have greater chances of being cured and many others,
in whom a cure for their illness is not possible; The survival period can be
lengthened, providing Palliative Medicine with the relevant care to achieve a
better quality of life.
Eight out of ten patients with advanced cancer present severe pain intensity,
without specific treatment. Other associated symptoms, such as anxiety and
depression, as well as weakness and cachexia, further aggravate the deterioration
of well-being. The data referred to reach a similar magnitude when we analyze
them for other pathologies such as AIDS and other progressive diseases
(arthropathies, enf. neurological, enf. muscles, etc.).
The OMS (World Health Organization), defines Palliative Care as “the active and
comprehensive assistance of the patient and his family by an interdisciplinary
team, when the patient's illness does not respond to curative treatment, or
simultaneous to it.”
Palliative Care consists of the active, global and comprehensive care of people and
their families who suffer from an advanced, progressive and incurable disease,
with multiple, intense and changing symptoms, which cause great emotional impact
on the patient, the family or the patient. emotional environment and in the team
itself, and with a limited life prognosis.
Its basic objectives consist of the control of pain and other symptoms of the
disease, emotional support for the patient and their family, their well-being and
quality of life.

Frequent questions

What is HANSI treatment?

The HANSI treatment, discovered by Juan José Hirschmann, consists of the
association of multiple plant and mineral substances properly combined in
different liquid dynamizations.

For what do you use it ?

To combat diseases that alter the immune system (cancer, HIV (AIDS), allergies,
chronic fatigue syndrome, osteoarthritis, psoriasis, etc.)

When is it administered?

It is recommended to start treatment as soon as possible after diagnosing the

disease, since there are no incompatibilities with other therapies.

How does HANSI work?

It has been shown that HANSI is a powerful stimulant of the immune system,
activating NK (Natural Killer) cells, whose function is to attack foreign cells in the

How long is the treatment applied?

The optimal results were observed in patients who performed the treatment
continuously for prolonged periods of time.

Does it have side effects?

It has no side effects, no contraindications, and there are no possibilities of
adverse reactions to the method.

How many formulations does the HANSI method have?

The HANSI method has different preparations, labeled and identified with
different letters, and any of them can be used alternatively according to the
clinical characteristics of the disease.

How are they preserved and how long do the solutions last?
All solutions have a useful therapeutic duration of thirty days from their
preparation, and the following instructions must be followed:

1- Keep the solutions away from sunlight as they could suffer alterations with

2- Keep them in a cool place. It is suggested to do this by keeping the jars in the
bottom drawer of the refrigerator.

3- Keep solutions away from products, solutions or materials with high odorous
power such as ammonia, bleach or perfumes.

4- All solutions must be shaken vigorously before administration, hitting the base
of the bottle against the palm of the hand no less than ten (10) times. The
solutions will effervescent for a few moments.

5- The solutions must be away from any source of electromagnetic waves: TV sets,
microwave ovens, etc.

6- Measuring syringes should not be rinsed. The protective cap will be placed back
on them and they will be stored in the refrigerator along with the bottles that
make up the HANSI treatment.

7- Contact of the solutions with each other or with elements or solutions foreign
to them, such as nicotine, toothpaste, etc., will be avoided.

8- At the end of the monthly treatment cycle, discard the bottles and syringes
used in your daily preparation and replace them with new material

9- Every morning the caramel-colored bottle where solution "O" is diluted should
be washed and rinsed with water and alcohol in equal parts.

How is it related to other treatments?

HANSI and Chemotherapy

Since HANSI treatment is a modifier of the immune response, there are no
contraindications or incompatibilities with chemotherapeutic agents. The results
of clinical trials demonstrate that patients undergoing chemotherapy plus HANSI
tolerate chemotherapy better, minimizing toxicity. and the side effects of drugs.

HANSI and Radiotherapy

According to the experiences carried out in animals subjected to exposure to an
external irradiation source (Cobalt 60) with simultaneous HANSI treatment, no
significant hematological alterations have been demonstrated. These same effects
can be seen in patients who simultaneously receive HANSI where a greater
response of tumor regression to radiotherapy is also observed.

HANSI and Surgery

Considering that the HANSI treatment has no contraindications, nor does it have
incompatibilities with anesthesia or medication related to the surgical act, it can
be administered without problems in the pre- and post-operative period.

HANSI and Hormonotherapy

There are no incompatibilities with the drugs used in this therapeutic modality,
which is why it can be administered with absolute safety.

Antimatter, the best cancer killer

Apr 19, 2011

....MEXICO, D. F. , April 19 (EL UNIVERSAL).- The Antiproton Cell Experiment
(ACE) seeks to create antimatter to annihilate cancer cells in a burst of pure
energy that would reduce damage to healthy tissue. If achieved, millions of
patients would benefit and stop the therapies. traditional chemo and radiotherapy,
UNAM reported in a statement.
Ten research centers from around the world work on the ACE, including biologists,
physicists and doctors coordinated by the European Center for Nuclear Research
(CERN) using the Antimatter Decelerator, which has already given results of the
ability to antimatter to destroy living tissue in 2006, they show.
"The results show that antiprotons are four times more effective than protons in
destroying living cells. "While this needs to be compared with other existing
methods, it is a big step forward in this area of research," said Dr. Michael Doser
of CERN.
The potential advantage of antiprotons as a resource against cancer lies in the
fact that their destructive capacity does not come so much from the speed with
which they travel, but rather from the fact that when the antiproton of the beam
meets a proton from a cancer cell, both are annihilated. in a burst of pure energy.
The energy produced during annihilation is so great that it not only destroys the
cell under attack, but also neighboring cells.
Since the annihilation capacity of antiprotons is greater than that of matter
particles, to achieve the same level of damage to the cells of the target area, one
needs four times fewer antiprotons than protons.
"This significantly reduces damage to cells along the entrance channel of the
antiproton beam, compared to that of the proton beam," explained Michael
Holzscheiter, spokesperson for ACE.
The use of antimatter as atomic artillery against cancer is only in its first steps,
to the point that ACE scientists themselves conceive it more as a search than as
an alternative.
"There is no doubt [...] that the first clinical application [of antimatter] is at least
a decade away," Holzscheiter said.

Current alternatives

One of the main aspects to consider when choosing an anti-cancer therapy is the
precision with which the diseased tissue is destroyed. Chemotherapies and
radiation therapy with X-ray photons attack both diseased and healthy tissue;
Sometimes, the collateral damage in the battle against a tumor is so great that it
constitutes a very significant risk for the patient undergoing treatment.

The proton beam to destroy cancerous tissues is already a highly effective

resource to avoid damage to healthy tissues because, on the one hand, it can be
better condensed at a specific point, compared to the X-ray photon beam. As the
proton beam is more "compact", its particles are dispersed less, thus avoiding
attack on healthy tissue.
On the other hand, the proton beam is very effective because, unlike X-ray
photons, protons release almost all of their energy at the end of their path when
they "slam" into the atom of a cell. The doctor can choose the tumor cells as the
targets where the protons will release all their energy.
Proton therapy already exists in several hospitals around the world. There are
hospitals that offer this therapy in Russia, Switzerland, Sweden, England, the
United States, France, South Africa, Canada, Germany, Japan, Italy, China and
South Korea.
In Mexico, unfortunately the service does not exist, because as particle physicist
Saverio Braccini, from the Albert Einstein Center for Fundamental Physics, points
out, the cost of planning, construction and maintenance of such a hospital facility
can reach one hundred million euros.
"In order to offer this treatment modality to a larger number of patients, the
cost, size and complexity of the equipment must be reduced," he said.
Although protons are a good weapon against cancer, the search for an atomic
resource that attacks only tumor cells continues, hence the importance of ACE.
Although the damage to healthy tissue decreases significantly with the use of
protons, this still occurs because a significant amount of protons is required to kill
a tumor, and the greater the amount of protons, the greater the risk of attacking
a healthy cell. .
For this reason, research has focused on finding other atomic resources that allow
obtaining, with the use of little weapons, a great destructive capacity.
A therapy that has proven to be very effective is the carbon ion beam, as it has
the same advantages as the proton beam, but carries with it a much greater
energy load.
"With respect to protons, [the effect of carbon ions on the atoms of a cancer
cell] is so dense that it can induce direct breaks in its multiple strands of DNA,
which produces irreparable damage [in the diseased cell. ]," Braccini said.
The destructive capacity of protons and carbon ions comes from the enormous
speed at which these atomic projectiles "slam" into the DNA atoms of cells.
The potential energy that the projectile carries during its rapid journey is
released almost entirely when it encounters the atoms of the diseased tissue. The
energy produced by the collision is so great that it is often possible to

permanently destroy the genetic information that every cell needs to function and

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