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History of Jews and Gentiles

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From this curse of Noah to his grandson Canaan, son of Ham, who saw him naked, and his

blessing to Shem and Japheth, Europeans found the biblical foundation of black trafficking,
slavery and colonization. The descendants of Shem, the Semites, are
those who inhabit the Middle East and Asia. Abraham, the people
of Israel and the Messiah descend from them. The descendants of
Japheth are those who inhabit Europe, where the Messiah would
be proclaimed. The descendants of Ham, who was black, the Hamites, and his son
Canaan, are those who inhabit Africa, a cursed and marginalized people.
This, today, may seem like a joke or legend to us; but it was used
to justify African slavery, the genocide of Native American
peoples, and to affirm the idea of white supremacy.

Gentiles in Greek means TAETNE which means gentile

nations or peoples. It is a term that designates the Gentile
peoples, and it is seen that they are not Israelites, they are not
Jews. They do not belong to the Jewish people. Because
gentile means idolater, pagan and for this reason they called
us dogs. Let's look at the following:
While Jesus was in Gennesaret. This name is related to the
Hebrew language, because in Hebrew it is said: gan, which
means garden; It is a plain located on the northwest shore of
the Sea of Galilee. Place where Jesus performed many
miracles. Matthew 14:34-36. In the Old Testament it is
called CINERET. 1 Kings 15:20. The plain is 2 km wide and
runs parallel to the sea for about 5 km. It was very fertile and
had abundant water. Josephus praises her for her beauty.
And Jesus arose from that place, from Gennesaret, and went
to the region of Tire and Sidon. Sidon is a major city in
Phenicia, approximately halfway between Berythos and
Tyre. And when Jesus arrived at that place he wanted to hide
in a house, let's see what he says:
Mark says: “And he rose up from there and went to the
region of Tire and Sidon; and entering a house, he did
not want anyone to know; But he couldn't hide." Mark

Because a Canaanite woman was looking for him to perform

a miracle because her daughter was tormented by a demon
and she wanted him to heal her. And he says: “And behold,
a Canaanite woman who had come out of that region
cried, saying: Lord, son of David, have mercy on me,
my daughter is seriously tormented by a demon!” .
Matthew 15:22
And the woman was a Greek and Syrophoenician from
NATION and she begged him to cast the demon out of her
daughter . Mark 7:26 . In both cases it refers to a Greek
woman (Greek and Syrophoenician), SYROPHENICIA
applies to a non-Israelite woman from the regions of Tire
and Sidon. The term, which combines Syria and Phenicia,
probably originated from Phenicia having been part of the
Roman province of Syria. The Syrophoenician woman is
also called Canaanite because the first inhabitants of
Phenicia descended from Canaan. Mark 7:26
He uses the term “Greek” in a literal, non-ethnographic
sense, and simply designates a woman who spoke the
language, and thus was called a Canaanite woman. These
data can be found in the Illustrated Dictionary of the Bible,
by General Editor Wilton Nelson, page 458. In the history of
Greece. The woman was gentle.
But Christ tells him: "Let the children be satisfied first,
because it is not right to take the children's bread and throw it
to the DOGS." Mark 7:27 . Think about it, a little dog, how
much can it be worth? Nothing. We, like dogs, had to be
outside that kingdom of Israel. Revelation 22:15 .
The word dog in the Hebrew word is said: KELEB and in
Greek it is KUON, the dog is a domestic animal, and of a
better size, but the dog is a small animal and has no
presentation among quadruped animals. This is how we
Gentiles were considered, we were despised before the
society of Israel. They looked at us with contempt.
But Jesus said to that woman: “Let the children be
satisfied first, because it is not good to take the
children's bread and throw it to the dogs.” Mark 7:27 .
“And she answered and said to him: Yes, sir, it is true,
but even the little dogs eat the crumbs that the children
throw away under the table.” Mark 7:28.
You can find this information in the Illustrated Dictionary of
the Bible, on page 884, with the word “dog.” For in this way
we Gentile peoples were treated, and that is why we have
been a rebellious people before God; because in the life of
obscurantism we were deceived with the doctrine that comes
from Rome.
While the Israelites do, because they have been well
esteemed with the word of God, with the literal and spiritual
blessings, they have enjoyed it at all costs, and that is why
they have been better than us Gentiles.
The apostle Paul says: What then? are we better than
them? In no way . Romans 3:9 . And the reading
continues. What advantage does the Jew have then? Or
what is the benefit of circumcision? Much, in any case,
first certainly that the word of God has been entrusted to them
. Romans 3:1-3.
That is why we say that they have had the best in their life,
they have had good prophets, good teachers in their own
land, and this made them better than the Gentile nations in
their time there in Israel. And while we were abandoned
without God in the world.
The Jews being a chosen people of God, they were separated
from the peoples of the earth, and were sheltered with the
mercy of God. And the Gentile people living away from
God, and without the knowledge of the truth, cornered by
Roman obscurantism, the Gentile did not have an intercessor
at the time to make their complaints through prayers.
We could say a Gentile people without hope far from God
without being able to achieve eternal life; without God in the
world. Well, it is nice to live on this earth, but with the hope
of achieving what we have never had. What is eternal life.
We as Gentile people, and our fathers who were also
Gentiles, gave us a wrong doctrine, just as they believed. A
doctrine loaded with idolatry and so we were walking
through the spiritual desert and dying on the path of life in
After the flood, we Gentiles had no luck on the path of life,
nor managers who gave us light to know the things we know
today. On the other hand, the people of Israel do; They had
great prophets and doctors of the law who were in charge of
leading the people of Israel, and while we die in the den of
perdition every day.
We can say a Gentile people without hope and without God
in the world. As the apostle Paul says: “ At that time you
were without Christ, alienated from the citizenship of Israel,
and alien from the covenants of promise, without hope and
without God in the world.” Ephesians 2:12 .
But God, having overlooked the times of this ignorance, now
commands all men everywhere to repent. Acts 17:30 . God
is so loving that our past mistakes were overlooked, and with
the presence of Christ in this world, he took us into account.
But we find in the holy scriptures that, through the promises
made to Abraham and his descendants, God tells his people.
“For you are a holy people to Jehovah your God and Jehovah
has chosen you to be a “Unique” people from among the
peoples that are on the earth.” Deuteronomy 14:2.

We say that Israel has been a special people, more than all
the peoples on Earth. God imposed rigorous laws on them,
so that their religion would not be corrupted by the religious
practices of other Gentile peoples.
It seems that the latter were left out of the promises and
therefore played a secondary role in God's redemptive
program in history. The Jews, interpreting God's purposes
more, came to despise the Gentile peoples instead of being a
source of blessing to them.
The Jews forgot the words that God said to Abraham, when
he said: “I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse
those who curse you; AND ALL THE FAMILIES OF THE

The apostle Paul sent a letter to the church that is in the

territory of GALATIA, on the continent of Asia Minor, in
which he says: And the scripture, foreseeing that God would
justify the Gentile nations by faith, gave beforehand the good
news to Abraham, saying: In you all the Gentile nations will be
blessed . Galatians 3:8.

About 700 years before Christ Isaiah said: “It is a small thing
for me to say that you are my servant to raise up the tribes of
Jacob, to restore the remnant of Israel; I also gave you a light
to the Gentile nations, so that you may be my salvation to the
ends of the earth.” Isaiah 49:6.

Caiaphas was a priest in that year; And he said to the Jews

these words: “You know nothing, nor do you think that it is
expedient for us that one man should die for the people, and
not that the whole nation should perish.” Saint John 11:50 .
“He did not say this on his own, but as he was the high priest
in that year, he prophesied that Jesus would die for the
nation.” Saint John 11:51 . “ And not only for the nation, but
also to GATHER INTO ONE the children of GOD who were
also scattered . ” Saint John 11:52.

And John says, “and he is the propitiation for our sins; and not
only for our own just because we are Jews, but also for those
of the whole world.” 1st John 2:2. This is well stated in this
letter of John.
When Jesus was 8 days old, he was presented in the temple
by his parents Joseph and Mary. And Luke said, “And
behold, there was a man in Jerusalem named Simeon, and
this man was righteous and devout, and he looked forward to
the consolation of the people Israel; and the holy spirit was
with him . ” Luke 2:25

And it had been REVEALED to him by the holy spirit that he

would not see death before he saw the ANOINTED ONE of
the Lord. Luke 2:26. And moved by the spirit, he came to the
temple, and when the parents of the child Jesus came to the
temple in Jerusalem to do for him according to the rite of the
law that was written in the book of Moses . Luke 2:27.
Simeon took the child in his arms, and blessed God, saying:
“Now, Lord, you send away your servant in peace, according
to your word. For my eyes have seen your salvation .” Luke
Which you have prepared in the presence of all THE
PEOPLE: Light for REVELATION to the Gentiles, and glory to
your people ISRAEL. And Joseph and his mother were totally
amazed at everything that was said about the baby JESUS.
Luke 2:31-33.
This is what Israel could never understand. They thought that
the doctrine, the blessing was only for them, or that the
spiritual heritage was only for them and they were wrong.
Likewise, it was difficult for the early Jewish church to
understand that the good news of Christ had to be the
heritage of the Gentiles as well.
That is why the apostle Peter tells Cornelius and all those
who were in his house: “You know how abominable it is for a
Jewish man to associate with or approach a Gentile or
foreigner; But God has shown me that I should not call any
man common or unclean.” Acts 10:28.
“Therefore I came when called without replying. So I ask: For
what reason have you made me come? Then Cornelius said:
It has been 4 days since I was fasting at this time; And at the
ninth hour, while I was praying in my house, I saw a man in a
shining garment standing before me.” Acts 10:29-30.
And the angel said: “ Cornelius, your prayer has been heard,
and your alms have been remembered before God.” Acts
10:31. “So send to Joppa, and come to Simon who is
surnamed Peter, who lives in the house of Simon, a tanner,
by the sea; and when he arrives he will speak to you.” Acts
So then I sent for you; and you have done well to come. Now
then, all of us are here in the presence of God, to hear
everything that God has commanded you . Acts 10:33.
Then Peter, opening his mouth, said: I truly understand that
God does not accept persons. Acts 10:34 . But every nation
is pleased with him who fears and does justice. Acts 10:35 .
Now how many kilometers could Peter have walked from
Joppa to Caesaria, to come and visit Cornelius. This
Cornelius was a Centurion of the company called the Italian,
he was a leader of 100 Roman soldiers, because he was
Roman. And from Joppa to Caesarea it was 45 kilometers
long and 50 kilometers northwest of Jerusalem.
This information was collected from the Illustrated
Dictionary by Wilton Nelson. On page 609, in the word
JOPE. Which in Hebrew means, YAFO, means Spanish
JOPE: a beautiful port located in the territory that belonged
to the tribe of DAN. On the Mediterranean coast. This is 45
kilometers south of Caesarea. And 50 kilometers north of
Jerusalem Joshua 19:40-46
But mainly through the apostle Paul, who for his grace and
fruitful ministry was called in Asia and Europe the “Apostle
of the Gentiles” it was already said through the mouth of
The church came to understand that far from being excluded
from the promises of God, the Gentiles of the entire world.
We see that they are also beneficiaries of these promises.
Because the promises were to save and bless the chosen
people that is “ISRAEL” and so that from there the reflection
of God would come out to all the Gentile peoples. Luke
The apostle Paul wrote to the Ephesian church the following
and tells them: that he was prepared to be an apostle to the
Gentiles and that God gave him that grace to announce the
gospel to all Gentile peoples, Ephesians 3: 1-9
This letter was sent by Paul to Ephesians back in the year 65
of our Christian era before he died. Because he died in the
year 68 always of our Christian era. And he was beheaded,
by order of the emperor NERO. They took him out of the
city to a lonely part, and there he was beheaded by the
Romans and they left him on a bend in the street called
OSTIA, this is what an illustrated biblical dictionary says.
Ephesians is a city in western Asia Minor, it was a very
important center in the history of the early church of God;
This city is located between Miletus and Smyrna. In the
valley of the Caistro river, 5 kilometers from the Aegean Sea
and between the KORESOS mountains:

Its excellent access to the sea made it the main port of Asia
Minor during the Roman Empire. And share with Alexandria
and Antioch the supremacy in the eastern Mediterranean and
became the most important thanks to its geographical
It was there in that city where the apostle Paul sent the letter
and was preaching that the grace of God and the promises
made to Abraham were not only for the people of Israel, but
included even the Gentile nations. And they call us Gentiles;
because we are not Jews.
Throughout history, God has used the Gentile nations to
punish and correct the rebellion of the people of Israel,
although Israel does not like it, the Gentile has been its
scourge in times past. And at the same time that through
Israel the gospel has been revealed to the Gentile nations.
In the New Testament it also gives universal character to the
gospel. Paul announces that Jesus Christ has broken down
the middle wall of separation with his death; This wall was
the one that separated between Jews and Gentiles.
And therefore there is no longer circumcision or
uncircumcised because Paul says that we are all under sin,
and that therefore Jews and Gentiles have to enter the gospel
equally. Let's see what the letter to the Ephesians tells us.
But first let's see what he says to the Romans: “What then?
Are we better than them? In no way; for we have already
accused Jews and Gentiles, that they are all under sin.”
Romans 3:9
Now Paul says to us. "Therefore. Remember that once upon
a time you, Gentiles in the flesh, as you were Gentiles, had no
right to circumcision, because you were not a Jew, this
circumcision was done by hand in the flesh.” Ephesians 2:11.
At that time you were without Christ, distant from the
citizenship of Israel and alien to the covenants of promise
without hope and without God in the world . Ephesians 2:12
But now with Christ Jesus, you who once said Paul; you were
far away, you have been made near by the blood of Christ.
Ephesians 2:13
Because he is our peace, who made both peoples ONE,
breaking down the intermediate wall of our separation,
abolishing enmity in his flesh. The law of ritual
commandments. to create in itself from the two peoples one
people. Ephesians 2:14-15.

The wall of separation between Jews and Gentiles was torn

down with the death of Jesus. Today that wall does not exist,
therefore, there are no longer Greeks or Jews, circumcised or
uncircumcised, nor barbarians, nor servants. nor free, but
Christ is everything, and in everything. Colossians 3:11.
Through him we have access to the Father through the same
spirit. So I am not foreigners or aliens, but fellow citizens
with the saints, and members of the household of God.
Ephesians 2:18-19.
Jeremiah said, “Thus says the Lord: Do not learn the way of
the Gentiles, nor be afraid of the signs of heaven, although
the Gentiles fear them.” Jeremiah 10:2.

It turns out that we Gentile people were very fond of

idolatry, but it was because of the Roman doctrine that was
presented to us, we sought God through an image of wood
and metal and that is why we failed.
We were isolated from the people of Israel, the word of God
was only for them, and for us it was a base teaching coming
from Rome. A doctrine that did not promise to earn eternal
life. That is why we were lost in the desert of worldly
All the Gentile nations living a wrong life, because we did
not have the clarity of the gospel, only Israel had the
privilege of knowing and having the protection of God, thus
being in this condition the Gentile nations abandoned and
despised by the Jews, it was when Satan and the policy of
pagan Rome I take them on their own.
and this doctrine full of politics and lies plunged the Gentile
people into religious customs, but clearly pagan ones, which
is why the illustrated dictionary says that Gentile means
idolater, pagan. This is how we have made this information
block known to all people today.

First we will understand that Eternity was first.

And then everything universal was created. But
all creation from the beginning had its universal
laws. But God in his divine plans was to establish
a people in the patriarchal era. The patriarchal
era extends from Adam to Moses.
The question remains, and it is this: Where did
the Gentile peoples of the patriarchal era come
from? We will ask this question to holy scripture,
and it will tell us with its scriptural truth. We will
therefore begin to analyze the first point. We
know from his word that God in his divine plan
wanted to have a people here on earth to serve
God, who is a perfect, infallible being or who
never makes mistakes, from the beginning of the
creation of man, his plan has been to have his
own people, and to keep his commandments.
From the first days of the creation of the
patriarchal era, that beautiful plan was
manifested, and it was the institution of two types
of creatures: the children of God; and the sons of

As you know, according to the scriptural record

that the line of the children of God, were the
descendants of “SETH” second son of ADAM as
the scripture says, “and ADAM knew his wife again,
and she bore a son, and I called his name SETH: for
God said she has substituted another son for me in
place of ABEL, whom CAIN killed.” Genesis 4:25
SET means substitution second son of ADAM who
was born as a substitute for his late brother
ABEL, and at the same time progenitor of a holy
line in contrast to that of CAIN. All this happened
in the patriarchal era. ADAM was happy when
EVE his wife gave him his first male child, and
his name was CAIN according to Genesis 4:1
But ADAN did not know that a criminal had been
born in his house. Just like ADAN, how many
parents have been filled with joy when the wife we
have has given us a male child as the first gift in
the world. But we never know what kind of thorn
we are caring for in our home.
Only our God knows this because he is the one
who knows our decision or our future our
feelings: just as the prophet Jeremiah says. When
it says “The heart is deceitful above all things, and
wicked, who can know it?”
“I am the Lord, searching the mind, testing the heart, to
give to each one according to his way, according to the
fruit of his works.” Jeremiah 17:10
CAIN was the first male murderer in the world.
Beginning the patriarchal era and CAIN bathing
the earth in blood . CAIN was not a man of God.
CAIN was the Father of criminal men on earth
and of all the bloodthirsty on earth.
CAIN was a tiller of the land, and one day he
brought to Jehovah an offering of what he had
harvested. But Jehovah did not look favorably on
her; possibly he did not bring her the best of his
harvest. Maybe it didn't bring her anything
special and that's why Jehovah didn't see it
After all this: EVE gave birth to another male
child, brother of CAIN, and his name was “Abel”
and he was a shepherd of sheep, and CAIN was a
tiller of the land. This is written in the book of
Genesis 4:4.
And Abel also brought some of the firstborn of his
sheep, the fattest ones, of them. And the LORD looked
with favor upon Abel and his offering. Genesis 4:4.
But he did not look with favor on CAIN or on the
offering that he presented, and CAIN became very
angry, and his countenance fell . Genesis: 4:5
And CAIN said to his brother ABEL: let us go out into
the field. And it came to pass that while they were in
the field, CAIN rose up against his brother Abel, and
killed him Genesis 4:8 . Abel was of the line of
God's people; and CAIN was the father of the
Gentiles in the PATRIARCHAL era.
Then Adam met his wife Eve and bore her other
children and his name was SET Genesis 4:25 .
This came in representation or replacement of
ABEL. When SET grew up he had a son and
named him Enos, during his life men began to
call themselves PEOPLE OF GOD, version of the
Bible up to date. Genesis 4:26.
And the offspring of CAIN who killed his brother
Abel. They were recognized as the line of the sons
of men, we have begun the subject from the
beginning of God's creation; Because this is how
we must understand that God in the patriarchal
era or before the flood, established two lines of
characters here on earth.
Note well, dear reader, that a line from which the
men of faith came: and who walked with God was
from SETH: Seth was the father of this line of
holy men. The descendants of Seth were the first
men of God, before the flood.
And the descendants of evil men, that is, the
Gentiles, these came from the loins of CAIN.
Perverse bloodshed people, Cain is the father of
this line or this generation, this was before the
flood, in the patriarchal era. And that is why the
flood came to this world to put an end to this evil

But in time some sons of God who belonged to

the descendants of “SET” disobeyed God, and
took wives for themselves from the descendants of
CAIN and married them. This did not please our
God and let's see what happened:
And for this reason God brought the flood on
everyone and destroyed the descendants of
“CAIN” who were the evil men, and destroyed the
descendants of “SET” because they had also
become corrupted, and saved only NOE and his
Let us take into account the fact that in the time
before the flood there were only two groups, the
descendants of CAIN ended with the flood and the
descendants of “SET” only “NOE” remained as
patriarchal or rather the patriarch Noah, and his
sons and daughters-in-law. And the rest ended
with the flood.
Some who followed God from the offspring of
“SET” and others who were sinners and followed
men from the offspring of “CAIN” these were the
ones who were eating and drinking; and they gave
each other in marriage. And they did all kinds of
misdeeds. And they did not know or hear the
voice of God through the mouth of Noah.
Matthew 24:37-39.

Someone may say that they are not interested in

studying these things from the Old Testament,
but this is opposing the blessed knowledge of
God. Paul said: “That the things that were written
before for our teaching were written.” Romans 15:4.
But let me tell you my brother and friend. What
we are analyzing is that God is perfect and that
from the beginning of humanity. There has
always been a line or people of God here on earth;
so that it glorifies the supreme God, let us
engrave this in our minds so that we do not lose
sight of the fundamental bases that we have
brought from the beginning.
Well, with the flood that occurred here on earth in
the patriarchal era, the Gentile people who
descended from the family of Cain ended, and
only the family of Noah remained of the
descendants of Seth, who were those who did the
will of God and From this family he brought out
the Gentile people again. We will see this later.
Now we are going to take a look at the time after
the flood, and we are going to realize that God
took a people to serve him, but for this God called
the patriarch ABRAHAN because he was a
descendant of “SEM” son of “ NOE” and from
Abraham he brought out his people who today
are Israel. And this is how a people known as the
people of Israel developed. Exodus 19:5.
And this is how the Jewish people developed, and
God says to this people “Now therefore, if you will
listen to my voice and keep my covenant, you will be
“my” special treasure above all peoples because the
whole earth is mine.” . Exodus 19:5.
It was noticed that the verse that we already read
says: MY, referring to a single town, only a “
CHURCH ” does not say my towns. But it says
MI; because if he said more then he would be
addressing all the Gentile peoples in general in
the world.
As we see here: God in the time after the flood,
that is, the era of Moses was already beginning
or, as others say, the Mosaic or Levitical era or
the era of Moses. God took only one people, and
that people was from the descendants of the
That is to say, of Abraham: ISAAC and JACOB:
but these three men were of the descendants of
SEM” and SEM was of the descendants of SETH
son of ADAM, from these families of NOE that
great family was born and was known by GOD as
his people.
And so it was that in the time of the era of Moses
GOD gave those people laws so that they would
be obedient; and different from other nations.
And that is why the JEWS were hated by some
nations. Thus it is written in the book of Esther
3:8 .
And that is why God's purpose has always been
to have, and recognize a single people, this is -
SINGULAR- ONE people. And that is why the
perfect God says: “Because you are a holy people to
the LORD YOUR GOD and the LORD has chosen you
to be a UNIQUE people among all the peoples that are
on the face of the earth.” Deuteronomy 14:2
The objective of studying these verses is with the
purpose of discovering that God throughout the
ages, speaking from the beginning, has only
taken into account a single people and not two,
nor three; We do this so that you begin to
understand God's plans.
For God; There is only one true people and
nothing more. Now we will analyze the next point:
and it is to see according to some prophecies that
are related to the establishment of ONE church
composed of Jews and Gentiles.
Thank God that we have the opportunity to
review some PROPHETIC points that for us today
are both a wonder to study. Since, when
contemplating some sermons, which were given
long in advance. Today we have the privilege and
joy of knowing the exact fulfillment of what was
written by the messengers of GOD.

We ask you please, friend and brother: that we

concentrate, and with the help of the high GOD
who is the owner of wisdom, we know the
interpretation of such a beautiful teaching, since
the prophecy is so immense that it requires great
care and we must study it carefully.
Prayerfully asking GOD to reveal such great
events to us, let us join in this study by reading
each verse, so that in the end we have no doubt,
and understand the light of prophecy.
Let us now investigate some texts in which they
teach that the church of God was hidden in the
old covenant, that is, there were already
prophecies that spoke of a church existing in the
last times.

We read like this: May God magnify “JAPHET” And

dwell in the tents of “SEM” and make him CANAAN, a
servant. Genesis 9:27
We must understand that these words that appear here
are words of the patriarch “NOE” and he is saying them
after the flood in the patriarchal era, because the
patriarchal era is from Adam to Moses, and the Levitical
era is until Christ. And the era after Christ (AD) is until
his coming.
We must also understand that these words are being
said by “NOE” first of all to CANAAN. And with them he
is cursing CANAAN. Canaan was the son of “CAN” and
grandson of NOE; according to biblical testimony Noah
cursed Canaan; perhaps because together with his
father CAN he saw the nakedness of his grandfather
Noah. Genesis 9:18-25

CAN (means HOT) second son of Noah Genesis 10 . And

one of the four men who were saved from the flood. He
had four children with his wife. And they are the ones
who follow. CUS, MIZRAIM, FUT and CANAAN. Genesis
These were fathers of different races, such as the
Ethiopians, and the Phoenicians, and the Akkadians.
The notable linguistic differences between these races
seem to be a consequence of invasions and conquests,
such as the case of the modern JEWS.
But some time after the flood, NOE became drunk and
fell asleep naked in his house or tent, but Canaan, his
grandson, and son of Can, together with his father
CAM, saw their grandfather Noah naked and abused
Noah lasciviously. This case in the time of Moses' era
was the death penalty according to the book of
Leviticus 20: 17.
And therefore CANAAN was the object of the curse of his
grandfather NOE. Noah prophetically foresaw the
degradation of the nation that would descend from his
grandson Canaan, and that would be a stumbling block
for the people of Israel Joshua 23:13.
Later Canaan, grandson of Noah, is identified in the list
of nations and his Canaanite descendants and is related
to ELEVEN peoples who historically lived in Phoenicia,
Syria and Palestine.
In short, the sons of Ham: they are Cush, Mizraim, Put,
and Canaan. Genesis 10:6 . And the sons of Cush were
Sheba, Havilah, Sabtha, and Raama, and Sabteca, and
the sons of Raama; Sheba and Dedan were gone.
Genesis 10:7.

And Cush begat Nimrod, who became the first powerful

man on earth Genesis 10:8. This man was a mighty
hunter before Jehovah; therefore it is said: just as
Nimrod a mighty hunter before the LORD Genesis 10:9
And it was the beginning of his KINGDOM BABEL Eree,
Akkad, and Calne in the land of Shinar what is today
the region of Babylinia. Genesis 10:10 . And from this
land he went out to Assyria and built the city of
Nineveh, and the city of Calah, and the city Resen
between Nineveh and Calah, which is a great city.
Genesis 10: 11-12.
Mizraim begat Ludim, and Anamim, and Lehabim, and
Naphtuhim, and Patrusim Casluhim, out of this whole
family of Canaan came the Philistines, and he also
begat Caphtorim. Genesis 10:13-14.
And Canaan gave birth to Sidon and Heth, to the
Jebusite, to the Araite, to the Sinite, to the Arvadite, to
the Zemarite, and to the Hamateite, and then the
families of the Canaanites were dispersed and the
territory of the Canaanites was from Sidon, towards
Sodom, and Gomorrah, and Adma and Zeboim until
Lasa Genesis 10:15-19.
These were the children of Ham by their families, by
their languages, in their lands, in their nations,
Genesis 10: 20 This is a little of what corresponds to
the families of CAM son of NOE.

But let's continue looking at what NOE said to SEM

after he cursed Canaan. Then he blesses SEM and says:
blessed by the LORD my God be SEM and Canaan be
his servant Genesis 9: 26 These were the words of NOE
to SEM.
SEM means FAME and is the eldest of the sons of NOE
Genesis 10: 1 And father of a family of nations to solve
the problems presented in this chapter, the student
must consult the comments.
Children were also born to SEM and they are the
following: ELAM, ASUR and ARFAXAD and LUD and
ARAM. All of these were the children of SEM. And the
sons of Aram were UZ HUL GOTER And more.
ARFAXAD begat SALA and SALA begat HEBER.
Genesis 10:21-24
Let's pay great attention to this with Heber and he says:
and to Heber, two sons were born, the name of the one
was PELEC because in his days the land was divided
and his brother's name was JOCTAN. Genesis 10:25
And JOCTAN begat ALMODAD, and SELEPH, and
HAZAR, MAVET, and Jera, and Adoram, and Uzal, and
Dicla, and Obal, and Abimael, Sheba, and Opir, and
AVILA, and JOBAB Genesis 10:26-29
And the land in which they dwelt was from MESA in the
direction of ZEFAR to the mountainous region of the
east Genesis 10:30 . Mesa is a bordering place, north of
ARABIA, of the territory inhabited by the descendants of
JOCTAM. After the flood.
Since MESA was located north of ARABIA; and SEFAR
was located to the SOUTH of the peninsula or the
distant Arabian desert. When it says southern it is the
same as SOUTH ARABIA, meaning that MESA was
north of Arabia and Sephar was south of Arabia. It is
the land that determined the population of JOCTAN's
13 children and SEM's great-grandchildren. The word
Table in Hebrew is called MASH. These were the
children of SEM by their families by their languages, in
their lands in their nations. Genesis 10:31
These were the families of the sons of Noah by their
descendants, in their nations: and from these the
nations were scattered on the earth after the flood
Genesis 10:32
Then we are very clear that the HEBREWS are
descended from HEBER grandson of ARFAXAD son of
SEM Genesis 11:1-26 And he traces the genealogical
line to ABRAHAM and Luke 3:23-36 takes it to Christ.
And after all NOAH addresses his son JAPETH with the
following words saying: Let DOIS magnify JAPETH and
live in the tents or in the houses of SEM and let Canaan
be his servant Genesis 9:27.
JAPHETH means (enlargement) Japheth was FATHER of
the European nations because Genesis says the
following: the sons of Japheth were: GOMER, MAGOG,
The sons of Gomer who appear in this list are the
following: ASKENAS, RIFAT, TOGARMA and the sons of

This is all that the book of Genesis 10:3-4 tells us and

all these are those who settled on the coasts, and each
according to his language or his language. According to
their families in their nations Genesis 10:5 That is why
we say that JAPHETH was the father of the European
nations Genesis 10:2-5.
For example, we have the famous CYMERANEANS
descendants of GOMER, we have the SCYTHIANS
descendants of ASKENAS, we have the MEDES
descendants of MADAI, we have the MSCOVITES OR
SLAVES descendants of MESEC, we have the IONIANS
descendants of JAVAN, we have those of CYPRUS
descendants of QUITIN, we have the RODAS
descendants of DODANIM these are among the best
When NOE addresses Japheth with words of blessing.
These words are a blessing and at the same time a
prophecy. So let's analyze the words that say: “GOD
According to Noah's blessing to JAPHETH, he would be
greatly exalted, how was this prophecy fulfilled? Let's
analyze this situation with what the book of GENESIS of
the patriarch NOE says.
The sons of JAPHETH that appear in the list are the
TUBAL MESEC AND TIRAS this is what Genesis 10:2
tells us.
Now we will investigate and analyze this verse, so that
we can extract the teaching that interests us. To be well
satisfied in our spiritual feeling.
We will study the origin of the races, JAFET had seven
grandchildren of NOE; and the first one that appears on
the list is GOMER and the nation that descended from
Gomer is historically related to the ancient Cimmerians;
with an Aryan race, which settled in the region north of
the Black Sea, between the mountainous area of the
Black Sea and the Caspian Sea.
This region is located in the south of Russia, that entire
vast area was populated by these descendants of
JAPHETH, including part of ASIA minor. This is very
JAPETH'S second son was named MAGOG, and since
the days of the JEWISH historian JOSEPHUS the
possibility has been raised that the descendants of
MAGOG are known as the SCITAS tribes that inhabit
northern Europe and central Asia.
JAPHETH's third son was named MADAI. The children
of MADAI, who were also grandchildren of NOE, settled
in the regions of the Empire of Media since Media comes
from MADAI.
The fourth son of JAPHETH was JAVAN, this was the
progenitor of the peoples who populated the area of
Greece, Syria, Italy and Spain and the islands of the
Mediterranean Sea and others.
The fifth son of JAFET was called TUBAL, always
grandson of Noah, Tubal with his descendants settled
part of RUSSIA, but north of Turkey, where the Tobolsk
River is located. The historian Herodotus, from the 5th
century BC, mentioned these people with the names of
Tibarenes and Moscos.
Japheth's sixth son was MESEC, grandson of Noah,
and his descendants populated what is now known as
Moscow, the capital of Russia.
The seventh son of Japheth was called TIRAS, this
family populated some islands in the Aegean Sea. As we
see that the descendants of JAPHETH son of Noah
populated Europe, Asia and all the islands of the
Mediterranean Sea.
Arab tradition also affirms that one of the sons of
JAFET was also the progenitor of the Chinese, and part
of the descendants of MAGOS populated what is known
today as the country of Mongolia.
From these seven sons of Japheth descended the
GOYIN, this word is Hebrew, which means Gentile. Well,
from that family the Gentile nations descended, here we
have the fulfillment of the PHRASE that we are
studying, which says: MAGNIFY, GOD, JAPHETH
Genesis 9:27.

Here we see how most of the Gentile nations descended

from Japheth; after the flood that occurred in the first
patriarchal era. And in addition to this, if we continue
investigating we realize that the American continent
began to be populated by people of European race,
which means that we are descendants of JAFET.
Now I want to say that the Gentiles who were in the
patriarchal era before the flood were descendants of
Cain, son of ADAM and those who followed the things of
GOD were descendants of SETH son of ADAM.
But these two groups disappeared, the Gentiles who
appeared from the descendants of Cain, this completely
ended, they were called the children of the names
because they followed carnality Genesis 6:1-2. God
destroyed them because there was no grace in them
Genesis 6-5-8. Matthew 24:37-39.
And the descendants of Seth son of Adam called these
the children of GOD; because they did their will, but at
the end of the patriarchal era they also interfered with
the daughters of the names, and for that they were
destroyed, Genesis 6:2
In short, the ancient world ended, leaving only the
family of Noah and a son of Noah, the Gentile nations
appeared again, that is, JAPHETH, son of Noah.

We are clear that the words that Noah said to his son
JAPETH…. In his blessing and that at the same time it
was a prophecy and it was fulfilled as it is written.
Thank you to the eternal GOD for revealing these things
to his church in which we are.

Now we are going to continue always studying the text

of Genesis 9:27. Which literally says: May God magnify
Japheth and dwell in the tents of SEM and let Canaan
be his servant.
As we already understood and already studied that the
Gentile people or the Gentile nations came from
Japheth son of Noah; Today we will take the phrase that
says: and LIVE in the tents of SEM always son of Noah.
The promise that is given here to Japheth son of Noah
is that he will dwell, that is, he will live within the
dwellings of SEM, but these words were not fulfilled in
the literal sense, or to be clearer, JAFET never lived in
the same tents or houses. where SEM lived.
But if we delve a little deeper into the prophecy we find
the true meaning of the prophecy. The fulfillment itself
is not referring to the PERSON of JAPHETH, but this
blessing would be to the descendants of JAPETH in
whom they would inhabit most of the world, in most of
the earth.
To understand, let's first discover what Genesis 9:26
says: Noah said more, blessed is Jehovah the God of
SEM and may Canaan be his servant.
We can summarize this special blessing for SEM in two
fulfillments, the first is that the Lord Jesus Christ
would come from the line of SEM, we can verify this by
reading the two genealogies of the divine master,
according to how it is written in Matthew 1:1-16 and in
Luke 3:23-28.
Secondly, SEM would be the basis for the people of
ISRAEL to emerge from SEM, since Abraham is a
descendant of the line of SEM son of NOAH.
With confidence we say that the words of NOAH's
blessing for SEM go beyond the person of SEM and are
referring to his descendants who would later be the only
people of God called ISRAEL.
Now that we have studied that NOAH's words were
given to his two sons; but rather, they were words for
their descendants, we will see this. What was the SEM
tent where JAFET would have his opportunity to dwell
alongside him? And where is that store located and in
what country on earth?
To better understand I will change the phraseology of
this question: What would be the tent or house of the
Jewish CHURCH? Since they were the descendants of
SEM and where would the church of God dwell that
came out of the Gentile peoples descended from
Japheth the brother of SEM, sons of Noah?
Tent in the literal sense is a lightweight and easily
dismantled construction; built by a frame covered with
flexible materials such as skins and fabrics sewn
And it was the first type of dwelling or dwelling in those
times that served for protection, also serving as a place
of rest, to tend to the people who visited.
Now that we know that it is a store, it was a temporary
house that served as a rest area and also to attend to
visitors during the day and part of the night.
Now we will see in a figurative sense of the word
STORE. The tent where the Jewish church would live is
referring to God's care, protection, security and
protection for them.
Just as man lived protected by a tent, from inclement
weather, such as rain, sun and wind. This is how the
Jewish people lived, protected by the power of God, it
was like a tent for them.
And in addition to this God gave them many promises.
God, like a loving father, gave all his love to the
descendants of SEM, such as the Jewish people.
Let's check that the tent that the chapter of Genesis
9:27 is talking about. It is a figure, in Psalms 61:3-4.
David said: with all confidence; because you have been
my refuge, and a strong tower before the enemy. Psalms
61:3. I will dwell in your tabernacle forever; I will be safe
under the cover of your wings. Psalms 61:4
The ancient version, doing a study of the word tent,
which is what we are currently trying to understand the
true meaning of, tells us that it is translated as
tabernacle, and also as a house.
And if we examine these texts that we have just read,
they refer to God's care and protection for them, that is;
for the Jewish people descendants of SEM.
So. Recalling this, we will have to remember what Israel
or rather the Jewish church enjoyed: They enjoyed the
care of God, we can say that also the church of God
that came out of the Gentile people would enjoy the
same, but this joy The Gentile church began to feel it
after the death of Jesus until today.
In this way the church of God would be in the same tent
and forming a single people of God on this planet, that
is; the descendants of JAFET, which are the GENTILE
people, and the descendants of SEM, which are the
people of Israel or the Jewish people.
That is, of the two groups, that is; The church of God
has come from Jew and Gentiles, in the book of Judges
there is a good statement and it is when Gideon in one
of many prayers asks Jehovah for proof of Israel's
salvation, by his own hands. And as the scripture
continues to tell us:
And Gideon said to God: If you will save Israel by my
hand as you have said. Behold, I will put a FLEECE of
wool in the THREADING; and if the dew were only on
the FLEECE, leaving all the other land dry. Then I will
understand that you saved Israel by my hand, as you
have said. Judges 6:36-37.
And it happened like this, because when he got up in
the morning, he squeezed the fleece of wool and took
out of that fleece the dew, a glass full of water. Judges
But Gideon said to God, Let not your anger burn
against me, if I speak again this time; I will only do a
test again with the wool FLEECE, I beg you that tonight
only the FLEECE remains DRY and that the DEW be on
the dry ground. Judges 6:39.
And that night God did it like this; Only the FLEECE
remained DRY and there was dew throughout the land.
Judges 6:40. From that moment on, it was proven that
the Gentile people would pass or end the time of the
dark ages and that is how the dark ages happened
tonight to the Jewish people or people of Israel, back in
the year 68 of our era.
And so it was on that date in the year 68 of the era of
Christ, the church of God entered the SEM TENT,
forming ONE PEOPLE of God on earth. That is, the
descendants of JAPHETH are the GENTILE people and
the descendants of SEM are the people of Israel.
In other words, the Church of God has come from the
two peoples of Israel and the Gentiles, that is why the
prophet Jeremiah, taking into account the glass that
came out full of water from the fleece, says like this:
Earth, earth, earth! ! Hear the word of JEHOVAH.
Jeremiah 22:29.
But the question is: Who do these three kinds of land
represent? The apostle Paul has the answer and they
are these: Be without offense to the JEWS because they
are descendants of SEM son of NOAH and they
represent the first earth.
Then the apostle Paul says: Be without offense to the
Gentile nations, because they are descendants of
JAPETH who is also the son of NOAH and they
represent the second earth. The dry land.
And finally the apostle says: Be without offense to the
beloved Church of God. Because she has come out of
these two powerful peoples, Jews and Gentiles, to form
a single people here on earth. And because it is the
third symbolic earth, and the third spiritual force, from
which those who will be saved will emerge, and lead
them to eternal life.
So when the prophet Jeremiah said this: Earth, earth,
earth, hear the word of the Lord, he was referring to
these three peoples, Jews and Gentiles and the church
of God. Jeremiah's invitation is to the three towns to
listen to the word of God.
The apostle Paul tells the church of Ephesus the
following: that Christ is our peace, because he made
both peoples ONE by breaking down the intermediate
wall of separation. Ephesians 2:14.
Abolishing enmities in his flesh, and the law of
commandments expressed in ordinances, to create in
himself from the two peoples, a single new man making
peace. Ephesians 2:15.
And through the cross reconcile both peoples with God:
Jews and Gentiles; and put them in a single body,
killing enmities in it. Ephesians 2:16
And Christ came down from heaven, and announced
the good news of God's plan, and with it announcing
PEACE to you who were far away, and to the Jews who
were near. Ephesians 2:17.
These plans of God had already been announced in the
prophet Isaiah, when there were 700 years left before
the birth of Christ. According to the chronology and the
prophet said this way: Guided by the direction of God.
I will produce fruit from my lips: Peace to the people
who are far away, that is, to the Gentile people,
descendants of JAPETH, and peace to the people who
are near, that is, to the people of Israel, who are
descendants of SEM son of NOAH. This is what the Lord
said and I will heal them. Isaiah 57:19.
Paul says: because through Christ, we Israelites and
Gentiles have access, by one spirit, to the father. If we
fulfill the ten commandments. Ephesians 2:18.
So we are no longer foreigners or aliens, but fellow
citizens, with the saints and members of the family of
God. Ephesians 2:19.
Having made such a thorough study of the words that
NOAH spoke to his two sons in the patriarchal era, and
how we are seeing that they are being fulfilled in the
ERA of grace, of everything that NOAH said.
Some time later the spirit of God revealed to the prophet
Isaiah the same words of the prophecy, and let's see
how the prophecies agree with each other, so that we
are aware of what is written here.
The prophet says: Rejoice, O barren woman, who did
not give birth; she lifts up song and shouts for joy, she
who was never in labor; For the children of the
abandoned woman are more than those of the married
woman, says the Lord. Isaiah 54:1.
Widen the site of your cabin; and the curtains of your
tents be spread, do not be SCARE, lengthen your ropes,
and strengthen your stakes. Isaiah 54:2.
The translation of the Bible today says this: Sing,
barren woman, break out into a great and joyous song,
Jerusalem, because she who had been abandoned has
more blessing than she who kept her husband, expand
your house, build additional rooms, enlarge your
dwelling. .
As you can see, the prophet Jeremiah is repeating what
has been said in greater detail than what the patriarch
Noah said in Genesis 9:27.
Let's analyze a little the texts that we have just read, the
prophecy begins by saying: To the descendants of SEM,
that is, the people of Israel, let them rejoice because
they would be more children of the abandoned woman
than those of the married woman.
He is talking about Israel, who is compared to a woman
who was once married, but who at that time had few
Here it is referring to the era of Moses when God made a
covenant with the people of Israel. Since the era of
Moses reached Christ, and there were few children of
the descendants of SEM who did the will of God. There
in Israel.
And when he says that there are more children of the
abandoned one, he is referring to the descendants of
JAPHETH in the time of grace. Because of the
descendants of JAPETH there were going to be more
converts to the gospel of Christ and numerous people
descended from JAPETH such as the Gentiles.
Isaiah 54:2, follows the sequence of the prophecy, and
explains that the words Isaiah said go directly to the
people of Israel, so that they can make more space and
make the TENT bigger. All this language is symbolic.
Since God, through the prophet, is saying that Israel
would have more children, the prophet makes reference
to the one hundred and forty-four thousand Israelites
converted to the gospel of Christ, and the prophet was
also referring to the Gentiles converted to the gospel,
who are very many, and that they would be adopted by
Also the same prophet announced another prophecy
that is related both to the people of Israel and also to
the church of God that came out of the Gentile people.
The prophet says: God created fruit from the lips; and
peace to him who is far away, and peace to him who is
near, said the Lord; and said: I will heal them. Isaiah
57:19. Here the prophet is speaking on behalf of God, a
prophecy that had to be fulfilled in the times of Christ's
What the prophet is pointing out here is that both those
who are close, that is, the people of Israel, and also
those who are far away, that is, the Gentiles, will have
the opportunity to have peace with God through the
sacrifice of Christ, of course that is how it is. .
We will meditate on the promise that God made to the
prophet ABRAHAM where we find in said promise and
at the same time a prophecy given by the mouth of
Jehovah, that the Gentiles would have part of the
blessings of the ERA OF GRACE that was given to the
descendants of SEM that is to say to Israel.
The scripture tells us this: But the Lord had said to
Abraham: Go from your country and from your kindred,
and from your father's house, to the land that I will
show you. Genesis 12:1.
And I will make you A GREAT NATION and I will bless
you and magnify your name, and you will be a
BLESSING. Genesis 12:2.
And he continues saying: I will bless those who bless
you, and I will curse those who curse you; and all the
FAMILIES of the earth WILL BE BLESSED in you.
Genesis 12:3
God in this promise he makes to the patriarch
Abraham; It is that from him a large family would
emerge, or a large nation, just as the book of Genesis
says, and that all the Gentile nations would receive that
blessing from Abraham.
As it is our knowledge that Abraham, being from the
line of SET son of ADAM, originated from him a great
family that was a pilgrim, and that multiplied greatly,
and that descendant God chose to be his people, as he
It is Israel.
But the promise encompasses greatly, also many people
who through faith would be part of the blessings made
to Abraham. All converts to the gospel who are entering
the Church of God, it is by the grace of our Lord Jesus
Christ that we have obtained those precious promises
that God made to Abraham.
From all the Gentile nations they have come to the
Church of God, and they have been converted by the
Lord and are forming one people with the Israelites
because they have accepted the grace of God.

When the Lord Jesus Christ came to this world sent by

his heavenly father; It was for the purpose of removing
the system of ritual laws from the people of Israel, all
because things were no longer being done the way he
wanted them to be done.
Jesus arrived here on earth and the animals of a corral
welcomed him, when he was born in the grass of the
ground. His coming was to begin a new era and that era
would be called the era of GRACE.
And he came with the purpose of proclaiming the year
of good news or the good news of God's will. And
considering the Levitical era as old with those rites that
no longer gave salvation to man at that time. Hebrews
10:1-9. And in this way to give entry to the people who
descended from Japheth, father of the Gentiles, into the
new era of grace.

Christ brought us here the good news of the kingdom of

God to save the Gentile nations who were lost in sin.
These Gentile nations descended from Japheth son of
His mission was to take the Gentile people out of
obscurantism, from that prison of ignorance, and he
came to take out those wounded by sin. Because among
the Gentile people we have been very sick from the sole
of our feet to our heads, we have been a rotten sore.
This is what the prophet Isaiah says in Isaiah 1:6.
And this wonderful plan of salvation began to be
preached by the precursor called John the Baptist. He
was the one recommended to prepare the hearts of the
Israelites, and that is how John fulfilled his mission,
and began his propaganda, there in the Judean desert.
John 3:1-3.
But the message was limited, that is, it took place only
within the territory of Israel. Luke 24:47 says this
because that was God's plan. That is why the Lord
Jesus began his ministry in Israel, with a new plan of
salvation in the era of grace and not by works of the law
of Moses.
Jesus the Lord; Following God's order, he had to
establish a group that would accompany him, and that
would be the beginning of a people, and that would
exist throughout the ages.
Let's analyze this well, that Jesus did not found two,
nor three, nor more groups; Christ as a good son of
God, and subject to the father, did what was entrusted
to him, we must understand that God has recognized
all humanity in two groups as we have studied in
previous prophecies.
He has recognized one group as CLOSE and it is the
people of ISRAEL, descendants of SEM son of NOE. And
he calls the other group distant, which is the GENTILE
people, descendants of JAPHETH son of NOAH, and
SALVATION by grace is for both the Jew and the
Gentile, no one is more or less. The two peoples are
equal in the age of grace.
But God, in his divine plan, first sent his son to die on
the cross for the nearby people, which is Israel, and
Christ Jesus himself said this. When he says: “I am not
sent except to the lost sheep of the house of Israel”
Matthew 15:24.
Some say that the house of Israel mentioned here refers
only to the ten northern tribes, and that the other two
southern tribes are not mentioned.

Let's see if this is true, the exegesis that the sacred

scripture teaches is the following, and we will do it in
order to verify that the phrase HOUSE OF ISRAEL
refers to the two groups, both the 10 northern tribes
and also the other two tribes. from the south.
Let us verify what we said before by reading like this:
Then he will be a sanctuary, BUT to the two houses of
ISRAEL, a stone to stumble, and a stumbling block to
fall, and a snare and a net to the inhabitant of
Jerusalem. Isaiah 8:14.
Do you realize that Judah is also called the house of
Israel? Here we verify that the Lord Jesus was sent to
the house of Israel, which as we have verified was for
the descendants of JACOB or rather it was for the
family of Jacob or Israel, which is the same. Genesis
25:26 and Genesis 35:10.
But who were the first to form part of the true church?
As we have seen, they had to be Jews or, as we say,
Israelites. But not Gentiles, because that was not
written in God's plan. The Gentile nations had to be

Let's look at the scriptural account that tells us about

how many and who were the first to have the joy of
being part of the nascent church of God. In the book of
Matthew we find the list of the first who were part of the
church of God, and let's see who these were:
Then Jesus calling his 12 disciples, gave them authority
over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal every
sickness and disease. Matthew 10:1.
And the names of the twelve apostles are these: the first
was called Simon, called Peter, and his brother Andrew;
James son of Zebedee, and John his brother; Philip
Bartholomew, Thomas and Matthew the publican, and
next is James son of Alpheus, Lebeus by the surname
Thaddeus, Simon the Cananist, and Judas the Iscariot,
the one whom he also handed over to him. Matthew
These are the twelve apostles, as we already saw their
names and that they were all Jews, these first twelve
apostles were the men who were part of the church of
God; at the beginning of the grace of Christ.

Now we are going to take advantage of the time to give a

short detail about them. The first to appear on the list is
the apostle Peter, his name in Greek is Simon, called
Peter, from the Greek it is Petros. It is also known as
Cephas but this is in the Aramaic language, which also
means stone.
Peter was the son of Jonah, as we have found in the
biblical records and it says: Andrew, brother of Simon
Peter, was one of the two who had heard John, and had
followed Jesus. John 1:40.
He first found his brother Simon, and said to him: We
have found the Messiah, (which translated is, the
Christ) John 1:41. And he brought him Jesus. And
Jesus looking at him said: You are Simon son of Jonah;
You will be called Cephas, which means Peter, from the
word stone in Aramaic and Greek respectively. John
Peter was married and had his home, according to the
law of marriage, Mark says: When they left the
synagogue they came to the house of Simon and
Andrew, with James and John. Mark 1:29.
And Simon's mother-in-law was lying down with a fever,
and immediately they spoke to her. Mark 1:30. Then
Jesus took her by the hand and lifted her up, and
immediately the fever left her, and she served them.
Mark 1:31.
The occupation of Peter and Andrew his brother was
fishing in the sea, as is recorded in the book of Matthew
when it says: As Jesus was walking by the Sea of
Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon called Peter, and
also Andrew his brother, who They cast a net into the
sea; because they were fishermen. Matthew 4:18.
Peter lived in the city of Bethsaida, and Philip was also
originally from there, this is what John 1:43-44 says.
But there is one thing, Pedro did not know how to read,
he was considered a man of the common people. Acts
Peter was one of the pillars of the church of God there
in Israel, and he wrote two letters and it is believed that
he died in the year 64 of this era of grace. Andrew was
the first to be called by Jesus, and James was the first
of the twelve to suffer martyrdom. This was the son of
Zebedee. Matthew 10:2.
And James was the first to suffer death. Acts 10:1-2.
History says that James died around the year 43-44 of
the Christian era. And John was the son of Zebedee and
was a fisherman of the high seas, and 5 books are
attributed to him, he was the disciple loved by Jesus.

John was exiled by the emperor Domitian in the year 95

of this Christian era, and it is believed that while on the
island of Patsmus there he had the vision of Christ to
write the Apocalypse, in the year 96 of this Christian
era. This is recorded in Revelation 1:9.
John left the island of Patsmus in the year 97, by order
of Emperor NERVA, and died in the year 102 of the era
of Christ. This was the life of these brothers on the path
of Christ. Which for us is an example.
Philip: this name is written in the Greek language; He
was from the same city as Andrew and Peter (Betsaida),
Philip died in the year 90 of the era of Christ. John
Bartholomew in the books of Matthew 10:3. In the
books of Luke and Mark he is mentioned by this name,
but in the books of John he is mentioned by another
name and it is Nathanael. This is recorded in Holy
Scripture. John 1:45-46.
Thomas: in the Aramaic language it means twin and
Didymus, and Matthew was at that time the publican, a
publican was the one who collected the tax from the
public and in the market. But Mateo was also called
Levi. According to Mark 2:14. He was the son of
James was the son of Alphaeus, called James the
younger, and Leveus also called Thaddeus, according to
the book of Matthew 10:3. And Judas was also James'
brother according to what Dr. Luke 6:16 says.
Judas was the brother of James, as it is written in Acts
1:13. Simon the Cananist was married because he
belonged to the group of Zealots, and they called him a
Canaanite in the Aramaic language, which means the
same as Zealot.
The apostle Judas Iscariot was called Iscariot because
he was originally from the city of KARIOT. As we have
seen a little about these first men who were part of the
church of God, they were the first pillars of the church
of God in the age of grace.
As we can see that some of them were fishermen at sea,
men without letters, they were not doctors or graduates,
nothing of the sort. This is what it is written in Acts
4:13. But all of them followed Jesus, only one was lost.
What we discover here is that the Lord called humble
men and they were not prepared in the matter. Why did
the Lord Jesus do this? He did it to shame the wise men
of this world. The lord chose the weak in this world to
shame the strong. 1 Corinthians 1:26-29.
What do some say? They say that, to teach the gospel, a
person must first study their degree plan, and that
otherwise they cannot teach. will this be true? Of course
not. Others say it is 20 years of seminary study, but
this argument makes no sense.
Then, as we already saw, there were 12 men who were
the first to form part of the people of God, and they were
clearly Israelites, because in this way what was said by
the prophet had to be fulfilled, and Christ himself had
said that he came first for the lost sheep of the house.
From Israel. Matthew 10:5-6. Luke 24:47.
When Jesus had called the twelve, he gave them a
commission. And it was this: He told them not to go and
preach to the city of Samaria, nor to the Gentile
nations, only in all of Israel. What would be the reason?
The reason was this: It was because God in his divine
plan did not contemplate this and Jesus could not do
things without the order of his father. Because first the
people of Israel had to be evangelized. Luke 24:47.

Samaria was the capital of Israel, but the Samaritans

were taken as Gentiles, because when the king of
Assyria attacked them and defeated them, he took them
prisoner, this was back in the year 722 BC, and the
king brought people from Babylon and other people
from there to the cities of Samaria, to live there.
Therefore, these were Gentiles and the gospel could not
be preached to them at the beginning of the preaching,
we can see this in 2nd Chronicles 17:23-24.

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