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(Submitted for the Degree of B. Com (Honours) in Accounting

and Finance under the University of Calcutta)
Title of the project
Name of the Candidate : SHRUTI SINGH
CU Registration No. : 047-1211-0723-19
CU Roll No. : 191047-11-0388
College Roll No. : 191226
Name of the College : SIVANATH SASTRI

Name of the Supervisor : DEBANJAN LAHA
Name of the College : SIVANATH SASTRI
Month & Year of Submission : JUNE, 2022

Student’s Declaration

I hereby declare that the Project Work with the title A STUDY ON CUSTOMER
me for the partial fulfilment of the degree of B. Com. Honours in Accounting &
Finance under the University of Calcutta is my original work and has not been
submitted earlier to any other University/Institution for the fulfilment of the
requirement for any course of study.
I also declare that no chapter of this manuscript in whole or in part has been
incorporated in this report from any earlier work done by others or by me.
However, extracts of any literature which has been used for this report has been
duly acknowledged providing details of such literature in the references.

Signature: Shruti Singh

Place: Kolkata Name: Shruti Singh
Date: June, 2022 Address: 20/18,M.D.Lanne,(Chetla), Kolkata-27

CU Registration No: 047-1211-0723-19

CU Roll No: 191047-11-0388


I have taken effort in this project. However, it would not have been possible
without the kind support and help of my Prof. Debanjan Laha and our head of the
department Prof. Soummya Banerjee and respected Principal Runa Biswas, I
would like to extend my sincere thanks to them.
I would also like to thank the entire Ola , Uber and Yellow Taxi customers , whom
I met during the survey for their co -operation .
My thanks and appreciate also goes to my parents and colleagues in developing the
project and people who have willingly helped me out with abilities

Supervisor’s Certificate

This is to certify that SHRUTI SINGH a student of B. Com Honours in

Accounting & Finance of SIVANATH SASTRI COLLEGE under the University
of Calcutta has worked under my supervision and guidance for her Project Work
and prepare a Project Report with the title A STUDY ON CUSTOMER
Report, which she is submitting is her genuine work to the best of my knowledge.

Place: Kolkata Name: DEBANJAN LAHA
Date: June, 2022 Designation: Lecturer
Name of the College: SIVANATH SASTRI


-Chapter Topic PageNo.

1.1 Background of the study 1-2
1.2 literature Review 2-3

1.3 Objectives of the study 4
1.4 Research Methodology 4
1.5 Limitations of the study 4-5
1.6 Chapter planning 5
2.1 About the study 6-8

2.2 Brief History 9-11
Conceptual (a) Ola 9
Framework (b) Uber 9-10
(c) Yellow Taxi 10-11
3.1 Presentation of data and Analysis
3.2 Findings 12-28
Users according to age 12
Users according to gender 13
Users according to income 14
Number of customers 15
Users according to their satisfaction level 16
Ratings 17
3 Booking
Perceiving factors
Cost 20
And Analysis of
Data Availability 21
Negativity 22
Recommendation 23
Behaviour of the driver 24-25
Time gap between two rides 26
Users according to recommendation 27
Criticism of the business policies 28

4.1 Conclusion 29-30

4 Conclusion
4.2 Recommendation 30
Bibliography 31
Annexure Questionnaire

Customer satisfaction is a marketing term that measures how product or services
supplied by a company meet or surpass a customer’s expectation. Customer
satisfaction is important because it provides marketers and business owners with a
metric that they can use to manage and improve their business. Customer
satisfaction is a part of customer’s experience that exposes a suppliers behaviour
on customers expectation. It also depends on how efficiently it is managed.
Everything in life holds some kind of objectives to be fulfilled. The study is
not exception to it. The objectives of the study are as follows:
i. To study whether the customers are satisfied.
ii. To review the feedback from the customers.
iii. To find out which is better according to the customer
iv. To consider the comparison between three companies with respect to
the customer’s satisfaction level and their demand.
v. To study the services, efficiency and performance of the companies
according to the customer’s review.

The methodology used in this project is based on Primary Data, which is

collected from questionnaire asked 46 respondents. The data so collected is
analysis by simple graphics analysis, they from the basis of virtually every
quantitative analysis of data.
I have selected two online cab giant in India, Ola and Uber and Yellow Taxi,
representing the online shopping picture in India to study the Customer
Satisfaction survey between Ola, Uber and Yellow Taxi.

Chapter 1

1.1 Background of the study

Customer satisfaction is the leading components in the system of external

relations of each organization, as largely determine its competitiveness. The desire
to manage relationships with customers leads to the fact that organization are
starting to pay attention to the development and implementation of services
standards. Reviewing standards of customer services as part of the corporate
culture of the organization allows findings more effective approach to its
development and implementation.

Customers do not buy goods or services, they buy the benefits goods and services
provided by them with. They buy offerings consisting good, services, information,
personal attention and other components. Customers are lifeblood of any
organization, and without them, a firm has no revenues, no profits, and therefore
no market value.

Consumer satisfaction is a measure of how product and services supplied by a

company meet or surpass customer expectation. Customer satisfaction is defined as
“the number of customers, or percentage of total
customers, whose reported experience with a
firm, its products, or its services(ratings)
exceeds specified satisfied goals.”Customer
satisfaction plays an important role within your
business. Not only is it leading indicator to
measure customers loyalty, identity unhappy
customers, reduce churn and increase revenue; it
is also key point of differentiation that helps a
business to attract new customers in competitive
business environment.
1.2 Literature Review
The Literature Review will give an overview of literature and models that are
related to the research problem presented in the previous part. Moreover, this
portion of study will present some information related to the research as, the
conceptual of real time satisfaction they get.


“A customer is a person that assesses the quality of the offered products
and services” and on process oriented approach, “the customer is the person or
group the receives the work output.”
2.VAVRA.T .G (1997)
“A satisfactory pos-purchase experience with a product or services given
an existing purchase expectation.”
“An evaluation that the chosen alternatives is consistent with prior beliefs
with respect to that alternative.”

4. TSE AND WILTON (1988)

“The consumer’s response to the evaluation of the perceived discrepancy
between prior expectation(or some other norm of performance) and the actual
performance of the product/services as perceived after its consumption.”

“Customer satisfaction is typically defined as a post consumption
evaluative judgement concerning a specific product or services.”
6. OLIVER (1981)
“Customer satisfaction as a customer’s emotional response to the use of a
product or services.”
7.ANTON (1996)
“Customer satisfaction is a state of mind in which the customer needs,
wants and expectation throughout the product or services life have been met or
exceeds, resulting in subsequent repurchase and loyalty.”
“Customer satisfaction is an ambiguous concept and the actual
manifestation of the state of satisfaction will vary from person and product/services
to product/services.”
“The individual’s perception of the perception of the product or service in relation
to his or her experience.”

1.3 Objectives of the study

Each and every study is being done for some objectives. Surveys are helpful
tools to obtain information from people and finding out what it is that satisfies the
customer can help a company succeed. This study has no exception. This study has
no exception. The following are some of the major objectives:
vi. To study whether the customers are satisfied.

vii. To review the feedback from the customers.
viii. To find out which is better according to the customer
ix. To consider the comparison between three companies with respect to
the customer’s satisfaction level and their demand.
x. To study the services, efficiency and performance of the companies
according to the customer’s review.

1.4 Research Methodology

Research methodology is the way to systematically solve the research problem.
I t may be understood as a science of studying. It is important for research to know
not only about the research method but also know methodology. The procedures by
which researchers go about their work of describing, explaining and predicting
phenomenon are called methodology. Method comprises the procedures used for
generating, collecting and evaluating data.
 The Area of study:
In this research I have selected ANI technologies Pvt. Ltd. (Ola cabs), Uber
technologies INC (Uber cabs) and yellow taxi. A proper survey has been made and
many questionnaire has been made from BB Ganguly street, Sealdah, Kolkata,
West Bengal, India.
 Tools and techniques of analysis:
Since the topic is theoretical one, statistical method has been used for the purpose
of conducting the project work wherein various charts, tables and graphs have been
used to get a clear picture about the researches.
 Sample size:
Many questionnaire and personal interview has been made and proper survey has
been made on 46 people the questionnaire has been attached in annexure.
 Types of data:
Primary data: The data which is collected fresh or first hand and for first time
which is original in nature is known as primary data. It can be collected through
personal interview, questionnaire etc.

1.5 Limitations of the study
Each and every study is being done for some limitations. This study has no
exception. The following are some of the major limitations:
1. Limited Area: It is limited within Kolkata. So, an depth study can not be made.
2. Primary Data Based: The study is based on primary data that are collected
from customers of different age. Secondary data are not considered here. There are
lack of data. Therefore, the limitations of these type of data also remain in this
3. Questionnaire given wrong information: Questionnaire can sometimes give
false or untrue information because people may do randomly to finish it fast.

1.6 Chapter Planning
My project has been carried out through the following chapters:
1. Introduction
2 .Conceptual Framework
 Brief History
 History of Ola
 History of Uber
 History of Yellow Taxi

3. Presentation of data, Analysis and Findings

 Presentation of data, Analysis
 Findings

4. Conclusion and Recommendation

 Conclusion
 Recommendation

Chapter 2
Conceptual Framework
2.1 About the study

Concept: Customer satisfaction is a term frequently used in marketing. It is a
measure of how product and services supplied by a company meet or surpass
customer expectation. Customer satisfaction is defined as “The number of
customer, or reported experience with a firm, its products or its services exceeds
specified satisfaction goals.”
The Marketing Accountability Standards Board(MASB) endorses the
definition, purpose and constructs of classes of measures that appear in Marketing
Metrics as part of its ongoing common language in Marketing Projects. In a survey
of nearly 200 senior marketing managers,71% respondents that they found a
customer satisfaction metric very useful in marketing and monitoring their
It is seen a key performance indicator within business and is often part of a
Balanced Scorecard. In a competitive marketplace, where business compete for
customers, customer satisfaction is seen as a key differentiator and increasingly has
become a key element of business strategy.

Fix it, improve it make


Ask customer if they like

the new product Sell the improved

Assess progress(is it

On a five-point scale, individuals who rate their satisfaction level as ‘5’ are
likely to become return customers and might even evangelize for the firm (A
second important metric related to satisfaction is willingness to recommend. This
metric is defined as “The percentage of surveyed customers, who indicate that they
would recommend a brand to friends.” When a customer is satisfied with a
product, he or she might recommend it to friends, relatives and colleagues. This
can be a powerful marketing advantage.) “Individuals who rate their satisfaction
level as ‘1’ by contrast, are unlikely to return. Further, they can hurt the firm by

marketing negative comments about its prospective customers. Willingness to
recommend is a key metric relating to customer satisfaction.”
Factors affecting Customer Satisfaction :
There are many things, that affecting Customer Satisfaction. The factors are as
1. Quality is never an accident: If you have a lousy product or services, good
luck selling it. There’s a reason the AMC Pacer and Chevy Vega aren’t
around anymore. No amount of aggressive PR or marketing can save a
product or service that just plain stinks.
2. Separation Anxiety : In any market, there’s usually more than one of the
same product, perhaps dozens. Tide, Biz, Cheer, Gain. The grocery store
laundry aisle is stocked with laundry detergents, all seemingly the same
product in a different package. Customer service may not work when
choosing detergent, but word of mouth certainly plays into customer
satisfaction. If a product is the best one among several identical products,
then it’s necessary to separate it from the rest, through marketing, customer
service, and good-old fashioned product quality.
3. Tech isn’t just for geeks : Technology means more than a fancy website. In
order to satisfy customers, companies have to keep up with latest
technological advances or suffer the consequences. Change is never easy,
but business as usual isn’t a viable alternative. Technology can help small
and mid-size companies look like big companies by improving the quality of
the purchasing experience without adding staff to the payroll.
4. At face value : When a product or service costs more, but is worth it, its
value become acceptable to the customer.
5. The one R: Responsibility : A company has a commitment to tell the truth.
Hiding facts, figures, and excessive small print doesn’t go far when it
comes to customer satisfaction. If a company doesn’t stand by its product,
or hassles the customer when a refund or exchange is in order, that will
stick. When something goes wrong with a product or services, if the
supplier goes above and beyond the call of duty in taking responsibility, the
end result is often that the customer is so impressed with the supplier’s
response, it negates the original problem.

6. Hold on to what you’ve got : Repetition when it comes to customer is a good
thing. When a company keeps a customer, it’s more profitable than finding a
new one. As early as the 1980s, the American Consumer Association found
that it was five times more expensive to win a new customer than to keep an
existing one. That’s a major windfall for companies.
7. You’re in god hands, hopefully : There’s a reason Allstate’s “You are in
good hands” slogan has worked for so long. Customers like to know that a
company cares. Corporation face a constant image problem, being portrayed
as soulless fat cats interested in squeezing out as much profit as possible.
Campaigns to show that the company cares are critical to keep customers
are informed, and feel that their opinion matters, they are more satisfied.

2.2 Brief history


Ola Cabs was founded on 3 December 2010 by Bhavish Aggarwal, currently

CEO, and Ankit Bhati. As of 2017, the company has expanded to a network of
more than 6,00,000 vehicles across 110 cities. In November 2014, Ola diversified
to incorporated autos on a trial basis in Bangalore. After the trial phase, Ola Auto
expanded to other cities like Delhi, Pune, Chennai, Hyderabad and Kolkata starting
in December 2014. In December 2015, Ola expanded its auto services in Mysore,
Chandigarh, Indore, Ahmedabad, Jaipur, Guwahati and Visakhapatnam.
In March 2015, Ola Cabs acquired Bangalore based taxi services
TaxiForSure for approximately $US200 million. From the June 25th 2015, Ola
users have gained across to TFS cabs via the Ola mobile application. In November
2015, Ola acquired Geotagg, a trip-planning applications company, for an
undisclosed sum.
In December 2017, Ola acquires Foodpanda’s business in India.

Uber was founded in 2009 as UberCab by Garrett Camp, the cofounder of
StumbleUpon, and Travis Kalanick, who had sold his Red Swoosh startup for $19
million in 2007.
Kalanick joined Camp and gives him “full credit for the idea” of Uber. On
New Year’s Eve, Camp spent $800 hiring a private driver with friends and had
been mulling over ways to decrease the cost of black car services ever since. He
realized that sharing the cost with people could make it affordable, and his idea
morphed into Uber. “Garret is the guy who invented that shit,” Kalanick said at an
early Uber event in San Francisco, The first prototype was built by Camp Whelan,
with Kalanick being brought on as a “Mega advisor” to the company.
Following a beta launch in May 2010, Uber’s services and mobile app
officially launched in San Francisco in 2011. Originally, the application only
allowed users to hail a back luxury car and the price was 1.5 times that of a taxi.
In February 2010, Ryan Graves became the first Uber employee, getting the
job by responding to a tweet from Kalanick announcing the job opening, and
receiving 5-10% of the company. Graves started out as general manager and
shortly after the launch was named CEO. After ten months Kalanick succeeded
Graves stepped down to become the company’s COO.
In 2011, the company changed its name from Uber Cab to Uber
after complaints from San Francisco taxi operators.
During the initial development of the Uber app, the company created a think
tank consisting of a nuclear physicist, a computational neuroscientist, and a
machinery expert who worked on predicting demand for private hire car drives and
where demand is highest.
Yellow Taxi

In Kolkata, most taxis are painted yellow with a blue strip in the middle.
Private companies operating taxis can have their own liveries but need to get them
approved from the government.
Depending on the city/state, taxis can be either be hailed or are hired from
taxi-stands. In cities such as Bangalore, taxis need to be hired from taxi stands,
whereas in cities like Kolkata and Mumbai, taxis can be hailed on street. There are
additional surcharges for luggage, late-night rides and toll taxes are to be paid by
the passenger. Thanks to the booming economy but due to disparities in income
many types of taxis have come up. Kolkata has also got many No Refusal taxis
that will never say no to the passengers. However, Yellow Taxis in Kolkata rarely
ply by the meter and refusal and overcharging are common.
Taxis face stiff competition from auto rickshaws, but in some cities, for
example Mumbai, auto rickshaws are banned in the main city district, thus giving
taxis a monopoly.

Chapter 3
Presentation of Data, Analysis and Findings
3.1 Presentation of Data and Analysis:
Table 1: Table showing age of the respondents
Age No of respondents Percentages
>25No of respondets 30 64
8% 7 15
15% 64% 25-35 6 13
13% 35-50
>50 >50 3 8
Total 46 100
(Source: data collected from respondent)
Chart 1: Chart showing age of respondents

Interpretation: From the survey it has been found that 64% of the respondents
of below 25 years age are using these online cab booking,15% of the respondents
are in between 25-35 years age,13% of the respondents are in between 35-50 years
age and 8% of the respondents of above 50 years age are using these online cab
From the survey I have found that young people are mostly using online cab
booking it may be because they do not have time to wait for yellow taxis.

Table 2: Table showing gender of the respondents

Gender No of Percentages
Male 18 38
female 29 62
Total 46 100

(Source: data collected from respondent)

Chart 2: Chart showing gender of respondents

No of respondets


Interpretation: From the survey it has been found that 63% of the respondents
are female and 38% of the respondents are male.
From the survey I have found that most of the online cab booking system users are
female it may be because they feel there is a security threat in the yellow taxis.

Table 3: Table showing income of the respondents
Income No of Percentages
<2lkhs 37 80
2-4lkhs 4 9
>4lkhs 5 11
Total 46 100
(Source: data collected from respondent)
Chart 3: Chart showing income of the respondents

No of respondets

No of respondets

0 10 20 30 40

Interpretation: From the survey it has been found that 80% of the respondents
earn less than 2lhaks per annum,9% of the respondents earn 2-4 lakhs and 11% of
the respondents earn more than 4 lakhs per annum, who use online cab booking.
From the survey I have found that most of the respondents, who earn less than 2
lhaks p.a.use this online cab booking it may be because they do not have car.

Table 4: Table showing cab used by the respondents

Cab No of Percentages
Ola 22 47
Uber 13 28
Yellow taxi 12 26
None 0 0
Total 47 100
(Source: data collected from respondent)

Chart 4: No of showing
Chart respondets
cab used by the respondents
No of respondets
22 13 12
Ola Uber 0
Yellow taxi None

Interpretation: From the survey it has been found that 47% of the respondents
are using Ola,28% of the respondents are using Uber and 26% of the respondents
are using Yellow taxi.
From the survey I have found that most of the respondents are using Ola it may
be because consumers are more satisfied with Ola’s service.

Table 5: Table showing level of satisfaction of the consumers

Level Ola Uber Yellow taxi
Very Satisfied 16 8 0
Satisfied 5 4 9
Dissatisfied 1 1 2
Very dissatisfied 0 0 1
(Source: data collected from respondent)

Chart 5: Chart showing level of satisfaction of the consumers

Chart Title
OlaUberYellow taxi
8 9
0 11 2 00 1
Very Satisfied
Satisfied DissatisfiedVery

Interpretation: From the survey it has been found that 16 of the Ola users are
very satisfied with their service,5of them are satisfied and 1 of them is dissatisfied
with their services. It has also been found that 8 of the Uber users are very satisfied
with their services,5 of them are satisfied and 1 of them is dissatisfied with their
services. It has also found that 9 of the Yellow Taxi users are satisfied with their
services,2 of them are dissatisfied and 1of them is very dissatisfied with their
From the survey I have found that most of the Ola users are very satisfied with
their services and most of the Yellow Taxi users are not Satisfied with their

Table 6: Table showing 1-10 ratings by the respondents

1 to 3 4 to 6 7 to 8 9 to 10
Ola 4 2 11 5
Uber 0 1 5 7
Yellow taxi 2 4 6 0
(Source: data collected from respondent)
Chart 6: Chart showing 1-10 ratings by the respondents

No of respomdents
9 to 10
Yellow taxi Uber
7 to 8 Ola
0 5 10 15

Interpretation: From the survey it has been 4 of the respondents rate 1-3 to
Ola,2 of them rate Ola 4-6,11 of them rate Ola 7-8 and 5 of them rate Ola 9-10.It
has also been found that 1 of Uber users rate them 4-6,5 of them rate Uber 7-8 and
7 of them rate Uber 9-10.It has also found that 2 of the Yellow Taxi users rate 1-
3,4 of them rate Yellow Taxi 4-6 and 6 of them rate Yellow Taxi 7-8.
From the survey I have found that most of the customers of Ola rate them 7-8 it
may be because Ola serves better and most of the Yellow Taxi users do not rate
them well.

Table 7: Table showing availability of the cabs
Ola Uber Yellow
Very Easy 13 7 0
Easy 5 6 2
Quite Chart
easy Title 2 0 2
Quite difficult taxi
OlaUberYellow 2 0 7
difficult 7 0 0 1
5 6
(Source: data collected from respondent)
0 0 00 0 1
Chart 7: Chart showing availability of the cabs
Very EasyEasy Quite easyQuiteVery
difficult difficult

Interpretation: From the survey it has been found that 13 of the Ola users think
booking Ola is very easy,5 of them think it is easy,2 of them think it is quite easy
and 2 of them think it is quite difficult. It has also been found that 7 of the Uber
users think it is very easy and 6 of them think it is easy. It has also found that 2 of
the Yellow Taxi users think it is easy,2 of them think it is quite easy,7 of them
think it is quite difficult and 1 of them think it is very difficult.
From the survey I have found that most of the Ola users think booking cab is very
easy and most of the yellow Taxi users think booking cab is difficult.

Table 8: Table showing factors of perceiving the cabs
Ola Uber Yellow taxi
Low budget cab 2 1 10
Easy to use 4 0 1
Safety 2 0 1
Comfortibility 10 6 0
Prompt services 3 3 0
Discount offer 1 3 0
(Source: data collected from respondent)
Chart 8: Chart showing factors of perceiving the cabs

No of respondents
Yellow taxiUberOla

offr Prompt services Comfortibility 0 3

Safety 0 33
Easy to use Low budget cab 0
6 10
0 2
1 4

Interpretation:From the survey it has been found that 1 of the Yellow Taxi
users choose the cab for safety,1of them choose the cab for its easy use and 10 of
them choose the cab for its low budget. It has also been found that 3 of the Uber
users choose the cab for its discount offer,3 of them choose the cab for its prompt
services,6 of them choose the cab for comfortability and 1 of them think Uber is a
low budget cab. From the survey it has also been found that 1 of the Ola users
choose Ola for its discount offer,3 of them choose for its prompt services,10 of
them choose for the comfotability,2 of them choose for the safety,4 of them choose
for its easy use and 2 of them choose for its low budget.
From the survey I have found that most of the Ola and Uber users choose them for
their comfortability and most of the Yellow taxi users choose for its low budget.

Table 9: Table showing cheapest cab

Cab No of Percentages
Ola 20 42.6
Uber 5 10.6
No ofTaxi
respondets 22 46.8
Total 47 100
47% 42% Ola Uber
(Source: data collected from respondent)
Yellow Taxi

Chart 9: Chart showing cheapest cab

Interpretation: From the survey it has been found that 42% of the respondents
think Ola as the cheapest,11% of the respondents think Uber as the cheapest and
47% of the respondents think Yellow taxi is the cheapest.
From the survey I have found that most of the respondents think Yellow Taxi as
the cheapest it may be because Ola and Uber have high price level.

Table 10: Table showing availability of the cabs
Cab No of Percentages
Ola 33 70
Uber 8 17
No of respondets
Yellow Taxi 6 13
Total Ola Uber
47 100
(Source: data collected
Yellow Taxi from respondent)
Chart 70%
10: Chart showing availability of the cabs

Interpretation: From the survey it has been found that 70% of the respondents
think Ola is more available,17% of the respondents think Uber is more available
and 13% of the respondents think Yellow Taxi is more available.
From the survey I have found that most of the respondents think Ola is more

Table 11: Table showing factors restricting customers
Ola Uber Yellow
High rate 8 7 5
Threatening of 12 4 7
safetyChart Title
High rate
Use ofThreating of safetyUse of smartphone2 2 0
8 phone
7 7
4 collected
2 data2
from respondent)
Ola 11: Chart
Uber showing
Yellow taxi factors restricting customers

Interpretation:From the survey it has been found that 8 of the Ola users think
high rate is restricting them,12 of them think Threatening of safety is the issue and
2 of the them think use of smart phone is restricting them.It has also been found
that high rate is restricting them,4 of them think that threatening of safety is
restricting them and 2 of them think use of smart phone is the issue.From the
survey it has also been found that 5 of the Yellow Taxi users think high rate is the
issue and 7 of them think that threatening of safety is restricting them.
From the survey it has also been found that most of the Ola users think threatening
of safety is restricting them,most of the Uber users think high rate is restricting
them and most of the Yellow Taxi think threatening of safety is restricting them.

Table 12: Table showing recommended cab
No of Percentage(%)
Ola 26 55
No of respondents 13 28
17% Taxi Ola 8 17
28% 55% Uber
Total Yellow Taxi
47 100
(Source: data collected from respondent)
Chart 12: Chart showing recommended cab

Interpretation:From the survey it has been found that 55% of the respondents
recommend Ola,28% of the respondents recommend Uber and 17% of the
respondents recommend Yellow Taxi.
From the survey I have found most of the respondents recommend Ola.

Table 13: Table showing satisfaction of the driver’s behaviour
Ola Uber Yellow Taxi

Yes No Yes No Yes No

Did you feel 19 3 9 4 8 4
On time? 19 3 12 1 0 12
Smart? 20 2 13 0 4 8
Pleasant & 16 5 11 2 8 4
(Source: data collected from respondent)
Chart 13: Chart showing satisfaction of the driver’s behaviour

Chart Title
Did you feel safe?
On time? Smart? Pleasant & helpful?

19 19
12 12
8 8 8
4 4 4 4
3 3
2 2
0 0
Ola Yes Ola No Uber Yes Uber NoYellow Taxi Yes Yellow Taxi No

Interpretation: From the survey it has been found that 19 of the Ola riders feel
safe ,19 of them think Ola is on time,20 of them think Ola drivers are smart,16 of
them think they are pleasant and helpful it has also been found that 3 of them think
that they do not feel safe,3 of them think Ola is not on time,2 of them think Ola
drivers are not smart and 5 of them think drivers are not pleasant and helpful. It has

also been found that 9 of the Uber users think they feel safe,12 of them think Uber
is on time,13 of them think Uber drivers are smart,11 of them think Uber drivers
are pleasant and helpful,4 of them do not feel safe,1 of them think Uber is not on
time and 2 of them think Uber drivers are not pleasant and helpful. It has also been
found that 8 of the Yellow Taxi users feel safe,1 of them think Yellow Taxies are
on time,2 of them think the Yellow Taxi drivers are pleasant and helpful,4 of them
do not feel safe with Yellow Taxi,12 of them think this cabs are not available on
time,8 of them think Yellow Taxi drivers are not smart and 4 of them think Yellow
Taxi drivers are not pleasant and helpful.
From the survey I have found that most of the Ola users think they feel safe, Ola is
on time, the drivers are smart, pleasant and helpful. I have also found that most of
the Uber users think they feel safe, Uber is on time, the drivers are smart, pleasant
and helpful. I have also found that most of the Yellow taxi users think they feel
safe, Yellow Taxies are not available on time. The drivers are not smart and the
drivers are pleasant and helpful.

Table 14: Table showing how often customer use these cabs
Daily Weekly Monthly Annually
Ola 11 6 3 2
Uber 1 5 7 0
Yellow taxi 0 0 8 4
(Source: data collected from respondent)
Chart 14: Chart showing how often customer use these cabs


Yellow taxi Uber
Weekly Ola


0 5

Interpretation: From the survey it has been found that 11 of the Ola users daily
use Ola,6 of them use Ola weekly,3 of them use Ola monthly and 2 of them use
Ola annually. It has also been found that 1of the Uber users use Uber daily,5 of
them use Uber weekly and 7 of them use Uber monthly. It has also been found that
8 of the Yellow Taxi users use Yellow Taxi monthly and 4 of them use Yellow
Taxi yearly.
From the survey I have found that most of the ola users use ola daily, most of the
Uber users use Uber monthly and most of the Yellow Taxi users use Yellow Taxi

Table 15: Table showing willingness of the respondents
Cab No of Percentages
Ola 22 47
Uber 11 23
Yellow of respondets 4 9
30% Ola
47 100
Uber Yellow
(Source: data collected from Taxi
Chart 15: Chart showing willingness of the respondents

Interpretation: From the survey it has been found that 59% of the respondents
want to ride Ola in future,30% of the respondents want to ride Uber in future and
11% of the respondents want to ride Yellow Taxi in future.
From the survey I have found that most of the respondents want to ride Ola in
future it may be because Ola serves their customers.

Table 16: Table showing business policy of these cab
Ola Uber Yellow taxi
Creating monopoly 10 6 1
Just making profit 10 5 11
Building relationship 2 2 0
(Source: data collected from respondent)
Chart 16: chart showing business policy of these cab

Chart Title
Creating monopolyJust making profitBuilding relationship

10 10 11

6 5
2 2 1 0

ola Uber Yellow taxi

Interpretation: From the survey it has been found that 10 of the Ola users think
they want to create monopoly,10 of them think they just want to earn profit and 2
of them think they want to built relationship. It has also been found that 6 of the
Uber users think they want to create monopoly,5 of them think they just want to
make profit and 2 of them think they want to built relationships .It has also been
found that 1 of the Yellow Taxi users think they want to create monopoly and 11
of them think they just want to make profit.
From the survey I have found that most of the Ola users think they want to create
monopoly and they just want to make profit, most of the Uber users think that they
just want to create monopoly and most of the Yellow Taxi users think that they just
want to make profit.

3.2 Findings:
1. As per my survey I have found that young people are mstly using
these online cab booking.
2. From the survey I have found that female customers are mostly using
these sites.
3. It has also been found that people with less than 2 lakhs income are
mostly using these cabs.
4. As per my survey I have found that most of the customers prefer
Ola over Uber and Yellow Taxis.
5. From the survey I have also found that most of Ola users are very
satisfied with their services and most of the Yellow Taxi users are not
satisfied with their services.
6. I have also found that most of Ola customers rate their services 7-3
and most of the Yellow Taxi users did not rate them well.
7. It has also been found that most of the Ola users thought booking cab
is very easy and most of the Yellow Taxi users think booking cab is
very difficult.
8. From the survey it has been found that most of the Ola and Uber
users choose them for their comfortability and most of the Yellow
Taxi users choose for low budget.
9. As per my survey I have found that most of the consumers think
Yellow Taxi is the cheapest.
10.It has also been found that most of the respondents think Ola is more
available in respect to Uber and Yellow Taxi.
11.From the survey it has also been found that most of the Ola and
Yellow Taxi users think threatening of safety is restricting them
and most of the Uber users think high rate is restricting them from
using these cabs.
12.From the survey I have found that most of the respondents
recommended Ola.
13.As per my survey it has also been found that most of the Ola users
are satisfied with the driver’s behavior.
14.I have found that most of the respondents use Oa and they use Ola as
per daily basis.

15.From the survey it has also been found that most of the respondents
want to ride Ola in future.
16.As per my survey I have found that most of Ola and Uber users think
they just want to create monopoly and most of the Yellow Taxi users
think they just want to make profit.

Chapter 4
Conclusion and Recommendation
4.1 Conclusion:
 Ola, Uber and Yellow Taxi both should make proper surveys to the
customers to know the exact reason for which people are riding cabs
other than these three.
 Yellow Taxi should detect the deficit in their customer satisfaction
facilities and policies for which the popularity is not up to the mark
as before and rectify that as soon as possible.
 Uber should definitely give attention to the price of their rides to
make proper market of their cab services in the long run and increase
the satisfaction level of its customers.
 Yellow Taxi should make better policies and developments to satisfy
the customers because their cabs are ridden by the least number of
 Uber should make proper study of the factors for which people think
more often about cabs of other companies or rather the Yellow Taxi
and should add more features and strategies much better than those
of other cabs to draw those people in the list.
 Uber should change some of its past disadvantages and should take
more steps to make it safer more of transport. Marking it more
available and popular would definitely increase the customer count in
a great extent.
 To make proper competition with Uber in term of cab services,
Ola and Yellow Taxi should add more attractive features and
technologies and should give more discount offers which will be
accepted by the customers from all over India and even.
 While Uber’s global presence might make it bigger, Ola is making
headway internationally- partnerships are forming between Uber’s
rivals, to challenge it globally.
 Uber Should improve their technologies and should increase more
safety features and increase the customers services department
so that people can give their feedback and can get help from them
so that almost everybody or the majority of the people find it the
 Yellow Taxis should make its drivers more decent and polite
to increase its customers .

4.2 Recommendation:
 Ola, Uber and Yellow Taxi should make proper surveys to the
customers to know the exact reason for which people are using other
 Uber should make better technologies and policies because their cab
is ridden by the least of the persons according to the survey.
 Uber should make proper study of factors for which people think
more often of other taxis and should increase facilities and policies
for raising the satisfaction level of the customers than those of
other companies to draw those people in their list.
 The management team of Ola should detect the deficit in their
customer satisfaction policies and features for which the popularity is
not upto the mark as before and rectify that as soon as possible.
 Ola should definitely give attention to the rate of their rides to
make proper market of their service in the long run would give the
people full satisfaction.
 Uber should upgrade the safety policies as soon as possible and
also the customer service department. Making it more available and
increase the number of cabs and by keeping drivers by proper
interviews and information would definitely help to increase the
customer count in great extent and would bring the best satisfaction
to the customers.
 To make proper competition with Uber as it is a giant cab industry,
Ola should make it a bigger company and make it available to
customers all over the globe and by delivering proper services Ola
would be able to make themselves more stable.
 Yellow Taxi should improve their customer satisfaction level and
make it safer and available so that everybody or majority of the
people would be satisfied.

1. Name:
2. Age:

<25 years, 25-35 years 35-50 years >50 years

3. Sex:

Male Female

4. Annual income:
<2lkahs 2-4lkahs >4lkahs

5. Which cab have you ridden the most?

Ola Uber Yellow Taxi

6. How would you rate your satisfaction of their service?

Levels Ola Uber Yellow Taxi
Very satisfied
Very dissatisfied
7. On a scale of 1-10 rate the cabs:
Name 1-3 4-6 7-8 9-10
Yellow Taxi

8. How easy was it to book your cab?

Choice Ola Uber Yellow Taxi

Very easy
Quite easy
Quite difficult
Very difficult
9. How do you perceive the cab?

Qualities Ola Uber Yellow Taxi

Low budget cab
Easy to use
Prompt services
Discount offer
10.In item of cost which is better?

Ola Uber Yellow Taxi

11.Which is more available?

Ola Uber Yellow Taxi

12.Which factors do you think is restricting customers from using these cabs?
Factors Ola Uber Yellow Taxi
High rate
Threatening of safety
Use of smart phone
13.Which would you recommend?
Ola Uber Yellow Taxi

14.Are you satisfied with the behavior of the driver?

Choices Ola Uber Yellow Taxi

Yes No Yes No Yes No
Did you feel safe?
On time?
Pleasant & helpful?
15.How often do you use the cab?
Name Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
Yellow Taxi
16.I am willing to ride in the future

Ola Uber Yellow Taxi

17.Which one do you think is the business policy of these cabs?

Factors Ola Uber Yellow Taxi

Creating monopoly in long run
Just making profit
Building relationship


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