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Class-12 Chemistry Summer Holidy Home Work - 2024

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(Topic:1 - Concentration Of Solutions)

1. Define the term ‘Molarity and Molality?

2. Define the term ‘ mole fraction’ also give its formula.

3. Which concentration term remains unaffected by temperature and why?

a) Molarity
b) Molality
c) Mole fraction
d) Mass percentage(m/m)%
e) Concentration in ppm

4. A solution is prepared by dissolving 11g glucose in 200 cm3 water at 300 0C. What is the mass
Percentage of glucose in solution? The density of water 3000C is 0.996 g/cm3?

5. Find the molality and molarity of a 15% solution of H2SO4 when its density is 1.10 g/cm3 &
molar mass = 98 amu.

6. Concentrated Nitric acid used in the laboratory is 68% nitric acid by mass in aqueous solution
.what should be the molarity of such sample of the acid if the density of the solution is

7. Calculate mass of urea (NH2CO NH2) required in making 2.5kg of 0.25 m aqueous solution.

8. One litre of sea water weight 1030g and contains about 6×10-3 g of dissolved 02. Calculate the
concentration of dissolved oxygen in ppm?

9. Define the term solution .how many types of solution are formed? Write briefly about each type
with an example.

10. Calculate (a) Molality (b) Molarity and (c) Mole fraction of KI if the density of 20%
(mass/mass) aqueous KI is 1.202 g/mL .(given K=39 ,I=127)

Topic: 2 - Solubility of solids and gas in liquids, vapour pressure

and Raoult’s Law

1. What is the effect of? (a) Pressure on solubility of a gas.

(b) Temperature on solubility of a gas.

2. Carbon tetrachloride and water are immiscible whereas alcohol and water are miscible. Explain on
the basis of molecular structures of their compounds.

3. Define the term – solubility, also give factor which affect solubility?

4. State Henry’s Law also give its limitations.

5. How Raoult’s law becomes a special case of Henry’s law.

6. Why do mountaineers carry oxygen cylinder while climbing mountains?

7. State Raoult’s Law for volatile solute in the solution.

9. The vapour pressure of solvent gets lowered, when a non- volatile solute is added to it. Why?

10. Why are soda water and soft drink bottles sealed under pressure?

11. Plot a graph between vapour pressure and mole fraction of a solution obeying Raoult’s Law at
constant temperature?

12. H2S , a toxic gas rotten egg like smell ,used for the quantitative analysis .if the solubility of H2S in
water at STP is 0.195m,calculate Henry’s law constant.(given 1atm= 0.987bar)

Topic: -3 Ideal & non-ideal solutions, colligative properties, relative Lowering of
vapour pressure, Elevation in boiling point, Depression in freezing point, And
osmotic pressure

1. Define the term colligative property. Also give the name of different colligative properties?

2. Write a relationship between relative lowering of vapour pressure and mole fraction of

3. Two liquids X and Y boil at 110°C and 130°C respectively. Which one of the following has
higher vapour pressure at 50°C

4. Why is the boiling point elevated when a non – volatile solute is dissolved in a liquid?

5. What happens when blood cells are placed in,(a) pure water (b) Saturated solution of NaCl

6. Define the following with examples,(Any Two)
(a) Reverse osmosis (b) Azeotropes (c) Osmotic pressure

7. Explain in detail with graphically (a) Depression in freezing point

(b) Elevation in boiling point

8. Define the following terms with examples.

(a) Hypertonic solution (b) Hypotonic solution (c) Isotonic solution
(d) Endosmosis (e) Exosmosis (f) Osmosis

9. Differentiate between the ideal and non-ideal solutions?

10. 200mL of a sample of protein contains 1.26 g of the protein. The osmotic pressure of such a
Solution at 300K is found to be 2.25 x 10-3 bar. Calculate the molar mass of the protein.
(R=0.083Lbar/mol k)

11. 45 g of Ethylene glycol (C2H6O2) is mixed with 600g of water .Calculate(given Kf =1.86 K kg/
mol) (a) The freezing point Depression (b) The freezing point of the solution

12. Calculate the mass of ascorbic acid (Vitamin C,C6H8O6) to be dissolved in 75 g of acetic acid to
Lower its melting point by 1.50C. Kf =3.9 K kg /mol.

Topics: 4 – Abnormal molecular mass and Van't Hoff Factor

1. When does the measurement of colligative property leads to abnormal molecular mass?

2. When is the value of Van’t Hoff factor more than one and less than one?

3. The molecular mass of a solute is 120 g/mol and van’t Hoff factor is 4. What is its abnormal
molecular mass?

4. Determine the amount of CaCl2 ( i= 2.47) dissolved in 2.5litre of water such that its osmotic
pressure is0 .75atm at 270C.

5. Define Van’t Hoff factor, also Give expression of van’t Hoff factor?

6. Based on the solute –solvent interaction ,arrange the following in order of

increasing solubility in n-octane and explain. ( Cyclohexane , KCl, CH3OH, CH3CN)

7. Determine the osmotic pressure of a solution prepared by dissolving 25mg of K2SO4 in 2litre of
water at 250C, assuming that it is completely dissociated.

8. Amongst the following compounds, identify which are insoluble ,partially soluble and highly
soluble in water?

a) Phenol
b) Toluene
c) Formic acid
d) Ethylene glycol
e) Chloroform
f) Pentanol
9. The boiling point elevation of 0.6 g acetic acid in 100g benzene is 0.1265K. What conclusion can
you draw about the state of solute in solution? Molar elevation constant for benzene is 2.53 deg
per molar?

10. The osmotic pressure of a 0.0103 molar solution of an electrolyte is found to be 0.70 atm at 2730C.
Calculate van’t Hoff factor. R=0.082 L atm/1 mol/k?


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