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Personality Traits and Predispositions For Criminal Behavior:theoritical Legal and Psychological Approach

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International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences

Vol-9, Issue-3; May-Jun, 2024

Peer-Reviewed Journal
Journal Home Page Available:
Journal DOI: 10.22161/ijels

Personality Traits and Predispositions for Criminal

Behavior: A Theoretical Legal and Psychological
Haris Muminovic1, Fatime Ziberi2
1Faculty of Law, University of Donja Gorica, Podgorica, Montenegro
2Department of Psychological Counseling and Guidance, Faculty of Education, International Balkan University (IBU), Skopje, North

Email :

Received: 03 May 2024; Received in revised form: 07 Jun 2024; Accepted: 16 Jun 2024; Available online: 24 Jun, 2024
©2024 The Author(s). Published by Infogain Publication. This is an open-access article under the CC BY license

Abstract— The aim of this paper is through theoretical review to examine and explore the relationship
between personality traits and criminal behavior through a multidisciplinary approach by answering the
questions which personality traits can give us more indications and is more predisposed to criminal
behavior? Another important point of view is the non-acceptance, misuse of these personality traits in front
of justice. What is right and what is not in such cases? What crimes and cases are exempt from justice and
what tendencies do we have to be misused? These kind of questions requires the skills and knowledge of
many experts from both psychological and legal field. Where is the red line that should not be crossed by
both sides? We should not forget that personality traits are not mental states or disorders for which we
believe and assume that have a different treatment and nature, both before the law and mental health
Keywords— crime, criminal behavior, legal approach, personality traits, psychological approach, mental

I. INTRODUCTION Taylor (2016), offers a balanced perspective on crime,

It is known fact that criminal behavior in most cases has criminal behavior and criminality, emphasizing that
the sources from personal experience and personality traits answering the question of why and how certain individuals
of individual. Psychological literature offers us a series of are drawn towards behaving in a way that contravenes the
arguments and researches that find positive correlation “Law of the Land” it’s not an easy task. (reported by
between certain personality types and traits and tendencies American Psychological Association, 2016).
for criminal behaviors. This correlation in most cases is The relationship between personality traits and criminal
expected and reasonable when we take in account the behaviors has been from high interest from researches of
complex nature of the individual and sometimes the many disciplines and mostly psychologists, sociologists
difficulty to understand why some criminal acts, as simply and lawyers. Personality and its traits which determines
as they seem predictable, continue to be committed. In the individuality and unique of each of us has been studied
other side, the legal literature and practice, it mostly from early years starting from Jung (1875-1961), and his
focuses on the nature of the crime and the punitive legal well-known theory of personality.
measures for the same. But before exploring this relation lets first take a look at
the main aspects, we can’t understand personality traits

IJELS-2024, 9(3), (ISSN: 2456-7620) (Int. J of Eng. Lit. and Soc. Sci.) 449
Muminovic and Ziberi Personality Traits and Predispositions for Criminal Behavior: A Theoretical Legal and Psychological

neither criminal behavior if we do not first understand multidisciplinary researches with common point of
what these concepts mean separately. interest; to try to answer to the already posted question.
From many theoretical reviews and definitions, we may Psychological literature offers us a series of arguments and
refer to Schultz & Schultz (2016), who defines personality researches that find positive correlation between certain
as “unique, relatively enduring internal and external personality types and traits and tendencies for criminal
aspects of a person’s character that influence behavior in behaviors. Among researches as the theory that better
different situations” (2016: 6). While personality traits explains this link is considered The big five personality
according to Novikova (2013), are defined as “habitual traits theory by Lewis Goldberg (1981). As Santrock
patterns of behavior, thought, and emotion that are (2011), reports many personality researchers argue that
manifest in a wide range of situations” (2013: 1). they have identified the Big Five factors of personality, the
On her book Crime and Criminality: A multidisciplinary “super traits” thought to describe personality’s main
approach, Taylor (2016), explores and explain crime from dimensions: openness, conscientiousness, extraversion,
multidisciplinary aspect. Thus, on the intentions to define agreeableness, and neuroticism (emotional stability).
the concept of crime, she takes into consideration as first Each of the Big Five represents a broad set of related
legal approach, social constructivism and psychological behavioral characteristics, as in follow description by Soto
approach. As she states the definition of crime can be (2018):
convinced using crime in legal terms such as being guilty • Extraversion represents individual differences in
acts actus reus; guilty mind mens rea; determined by laws social engagement, assertiveness, and energy
a mala in se; and the human moral code mala prohibita. level. Highly extraverted individuals enjoy
While for criminal behavior Taylor, states that is socializing with others, are comfortable
considered and defined in terms of its seriousness and the expressing themselves in group situations, and
ways and means of punishing those who commit crime frequently experience positive emotions such as
(Taylor, 2016). enthusiasm and excitement; in contrast,
As Tiwari (2020), reports “Crime is an act of deviance introverted individuals tend to be socially and
from what a society has construed as against the social emotionally reserved.
norms translated into a criminal code, an act involving
• Agreeableness captures differences in
intentions at its core, the intentions to deviate from
compassion, respectfulness, and acceptance of
socially accepted actions without any legal justification”
others. Agreeable individuals experience
(2020: 439).
emotional concern for others’ well-being, treat
Bartol & Bartol (2017), gives a detailed review for crime others with regard for their personal rights and
and criminal behavior from psychological approach. As preferences, and hold generally positive beliefs
they states, psychological perspective and literature when Avshalom about others; disagreeable individuals
it comes to crime and criminal behaviors many times tend to have less regard for others, and for social
refers to the definitions from legal perspectives norms of politeness.
emphasizing more the relationship of the behavior and the
• Conscientiousness represents differences in
mental processes of the person who commits crime with
organization, productiveness, and responsibility.
intentions to understand and to answer to some
Highly conscientious individuals prefer order and
fundamental questions such as how individual criminal
structure, work persistently to pursue their goals,
behavior is acquired, evoked, maintained and modified but
and are committed to fulfilling their duties and
most important is to understand why it occurs and what to
obligations, whereas unconscientious individuals
do about it.
are comfortable with disorder and less motivated
Other important aspect among Forensic psychologists and to complete tasks.
in Psychological Criminology are both social and
• Neuroticism (sometimes referred to by its socially
personality factors influences on criminal behavior along
desirable pole, Emotional Stability) captures
with mental processes that mediate that behavior (Bartol &
differences in the frequency and intensity of
Bartol, 2017).
negative emotions. Highly neurotic individuals
Which personality traits can give us more indications are prone to experiencing anxiety, sadness, and
and are more predisposed to criminal behavior? mood swings, whereas emotionally stable
The relationship between personality traits and criminal individuals tend to remain calm and resilient,
behavior have been studied from many psychologist and even in difficult circumstances. Finally,

IJELS-2024, 9(3), (ISSN: 2456-7620) (Int. J of Eng. Lit. and Soc. Sci.) 450
Muminovic and Ziberi Personality Traits and Predispositions for Criminal Behavior: A Theoretical Legal and Psychological

• Openness to Experience (sometimes referred to as and criminal behaviors. On his study for big five
Intellect) represents differences in intellectual personality traits and criminal recidivism among ex -
curiosity, aesthetic sensitivity, and imagination. prisoners he concluded the mediator effect of the traits on
Highly open individuals enjoy thinking and the relationship between prison experience and criminal
learning, are sensitive to art and beauty, and recidivism. Since there are many studies for the
generate original ideas, whereas close-minded relationship between personality traits and criminal
individuals tend to have a narrow range of behavior we will refer to Tharshini et al (2021) review to
intellectual and creative interests (Soto, 2018: understand and see which personality traits are more
240) predisposed to criminal behavior.
According to Ahmed (2019), many studies have shown
significant relationship among big five personality traits
Tab.1: Systematic review for the relationship between personality traits and criminal behavior
Author(s) Year Sample Measures Findings

90,000 adolesc. Psychopathic personality

Beaver, K.M.,
traits increase the probability
Boutwell, National Psychopathy, personality of being arrested,
B.B.,Barnes, Longitudinal traits incarcerated, and sentenced
J.C.,Vaughn, M.G., 2017 Study of Adolesc. for both male and female
DeLisi, M. Adult Health adolescents.
Individual with low self-
control tend to be less
meticulous, prefer simple
Low self -esteem, crime,
Brown, W. 2016 500 respondents tasks that would require little
commitment, short sighted,
and lack of self-
225 male forensic
Psychopathic traits increase
Psychopathy the risk of violence,
Bo, S., Pedersen, L., patients and
especially traits such as
Christensen, K.B., 2019 prisoners from Anti - social
impulsivity, irresponsibility,
Rasmussen, K. three treatment Behavior and antisocial behavior (PCL
institutions in
scales factors 3 and 4)
eastern Denmark
310 incarcerated
male U.S. army PTSD symptoms had a direct
soldiers and 310 effect on incarceration status,
Traynham, S., Psychopathy, suicidal
non incarcerated and significant indirect effects
Kelley, A.M., Long, 2019 ideation, PTSD, criminal
male army through suicidal ideation
C.P., Britt, T.W. behavior
soldiers from Fort among incarcerated male
Rucker, Alabama army soldiers.
Individuals who score high
for the psychopathy measure
Jones, D.N., Hare, Psychopathy, lifestyle, (usually > 30 on the PCL-R)
2016 150 respondent
R.D antisocial behavior are more likely of being
short-tempered and unable to

Cunha, O., Braga, T., 52 batterers from Psychopathy leads to intimate

2018 Psychopathy, criminal
Goncalves, R.A. Portugal aged partner violence.
behavior, intimate partner
between 22 and

IJELS-2024, 9(3), (ISSN: 2456-7620) (Int. J of Eng. Lit. and Soc. Sci.) 451
Muminovic and Ziberi Personality Traits and Predispositions for Criminal Behavior: A Theoretical Legal and Psychological

70 years old violence

1742 African
Psychopathic personality
Gatner, D.T., American,
traits show reasonable
Blanchard, A.J.E., Caucasian, and Psychopathy, criminal
2016 validity across African
Douglas, K.S., Hispanic behavior
American, Caucasian, and
Lilienfeld, S.O. psychopathic
Hispanic cultural groups.
Substance-abusing violent
Nigel, S.M., Dudeck,
164 male and Psychopathy, empathy, offenders display a distinct
M., Otte, S., Knauer,
female forensic general personality traits, pattern of personality
K., Klein, V.,
2018 inpatients with violent crimes of characteristics (associated
Böttcher, T., Maaß,
substance-related substance-abusing with high neuroticism, low
C., Vasic, N., Streb,
disorders offenders agreeableness, and low
Psychopathy construct is
associated with emotional and
Tharshini, N.K., Psychopathy, low self- behavioral disturbance,
2020 73 meta-analyses
Ibrahim, F. control, crime behavior criminal recidivism, sexual
recidivism, and instrumental
1979 youths
High level of risk-seeking and
between 10 and
Forrest, W., Hay, C., impulsivity contributes
30 years old Low self-control, risk
Widdowson, A.O., 2019 towards involvement in
(National seeking, impulsivity
Rocque, M criminal activities among
Survey of Youth)
Low self-control and high
level of impulsivity is
Wendel, B.E.,
1744 private Self-control, impulsivity, strongly related to socially
Rocque, M., Posick, 2020
college student risky behavior undesirable behavior such as
smoking and risky drinking
among college students.
Kamaluddin, M.R., The result evidenced
Mohammad Shariff, statistically significant
N.S., Mohd Nasir, Self-control aggression, correlation between self-
2019 140 Male adults
N.C., Abdul Hamid, low socioeconomic status control and aggression levels
A.S, Mat Saat, G.A., (r = 0.444, 95% CI: 0.30,
Rathakrishnan, B 0.57; p < 0.001).
104,267 juvenile
Wolff, K.T.,
offenders (mean Adverse childhood ACEs effect towards gang
Baglivio, M.T.,
age of 16, 76% experiences, gang involvement, substance abuse,
Klein, H.J., Piquero, 2020
male, 46% Black involvement, and difficult temperament
A.R., DeLisi, M.,
non-Hispanic, temperament among juvenile offenders.
Howell, J.C.
15.7% Hispanic)
71 male Aggression and self-serving
Kamaluddin, M.R., murderers Psychological traits, cognitive distortion are
Othman, A., Ismail, 2017 incarcerated in 11 types of weapons used common psychological traits
K., Mat Saat, G.A. prisons within among the murderers among murderers who use
peninsular single and multiple weapons

IJELS-2024, 9(3), (ISSN: 2456-7620) (Int. J of Eng. Lit. and Soc. Sci.) 452
Muminovic and Ziberi Personality Traits and Predispositions for Criminal Behavior: A Theoretical Legal and Psychological

Malaysia to commit crime.

Psychopathic females have

significant level of
Psychopathy, borderline
274 meta- impulsivity—a trait often
Verona, E., Vitale, J. 2018 personality disorder,
analyses being associated with
borderline personality
Systematic review for the relationship between personality traits and criminal behavior by Tharshini et al (2021: 4,7)

As seen from the table we may understand the positive and mental disorder and how those cases are treated from
correlation and link between personality traits which in the legal point of view. According to the new DSM-5
many case psychopathy and low self - esteem with (Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th
criminal behavior Edition, American Psychiatric Association, 2013), the
Based on the systematic review above reported by followings are Five Main Psychopathology Domains
Tharshini et al (2021), the finding of the study stipulates (corresponding to the Big Five Personality Traits):
that there are three major personality traits which 1. Borderline which are characterized with emotional
contribute towards criminal behavior, namely lability, separation insecurity, depressively, hostility
psychopathy; low self-control; and difficult temperament and impulsivity.
(2021: 4,7). 2. Obsessive compulsive – persistent and rigid
Misuse personality traits in front of justice- the red line perfectionism
between law and mental competence 3. Avoidant- Anxiousness, withdrawal, intimacy
As stated above, from a psychological point of view crime avoidance and anhedonia (lack of enjoyment from
and criminal behavior goes beyond the act, and the main life's experiences)
question is why and how personality factors influence 4. Schizotypal- restricted affectively, suspiciousness,
criminal behavior and is there a chance to prevent the same cognitive/perceptual dysregulation, Unusual beliefs
considering the amount of studies proving that some and experiences
specific personality traits can lead to criminal behavior. On
5. Antisocial- manipulatives, deceitfulness, callousness
the other hand, legal literature and practice mostly focuses
(lack of concern for feelings or problems of others),
on the nature of the crime and the legal measures to punish
hostility, irresponsibility, impulsivity, risk taking
6. Narcissistic – grandiosity, attention seeking
On the question What is the law for and the consequences
of contravening it Taylor (2016), answers using the ‘Big 5’ 7. Personality Disorder Trait Specified- Any trait or
legal concepts such as retribution, punishment, deterrence combination of traits at a pathological level that does
(individual and general), public protection and not fall into one of the above categories. Note:
rehabilitation. Accordingly, the balance between factors of Paranoid, Schizoid, Histrionic, and Dependent
Big 5 underlines implications for society’s perceptions of personality disorders, all of which were categorized
crime and criminality. As she says as the law defines what separately in the DSM-IV, now fall under
is to be deviant and a law- breaker, we may say that the 'Personality Disorder Trait Specified' in the DSM-5.
law drives criminality supporting a nurture account.
Explaining about how the law developed Taylor enlists disorders.html)
three main reasons for criminality as following:
The relationship between mental health and criminal
1. Criminality occurs because of the way we define offending is complex. A mental disorder may directly
crime cause someone to offend, or play no significant part in
2. Law arises out of morality their offending behavior. In cases of serious illness,
patients experiencing delusions or hallucinations may
3. Socialization drives law abiding behavior but can
perceive people as posing a serious threat to them, when in
also cause criminality (Taylor, 2016).
fact none exists. This can account for why a vulnerable or
Maybe it is clearer in the law, but it is also clear from the distressed person might attack others, believing it to be a
DSM5, which clearly defines what counts as a personality form of self-defense (College of Policing, 2016,

IJELS-2024, 9(3), (ISSN: 2456-7620) (Int. J of Eng. Lit. and Soc. Sci.) 453
Muminovic and Ziberi Personality Traits and Predispositions for Criminal Behavior: A Theoretical Legal and Psychological
Approach 2. second, a belief that mentally ill persons are

health-and-criminal-justice-system). dangerous and likely to commit crimes, especially
As Larsen (2023), states mental health and crime are violent crimes.
complex issues that are often interconnected. One issue As they say, most studies of arrest of persons with mental
that arises is the potential for over diagnosis and illness have not controlled for comorbidities, despite
misdiagnosis of mental health conditions in the criminal existing research that shows that mentally ill persons with
justice system. Referring to Morrison (2016), she clarifies character disorders and substance abuse are much more
both situations. Namely, over diagnosis occurs when a likely to offend and have higher arrest rates than other
mental health condition is diagnosed when it may not be mentally ill persons.
present or when the diagnosis is too broad and not specific The public's concern about coddling criminals and the
enough and misdiagnosis occurs when a mental health subsequent release of not guilty by reason of insanity
condition is diagnosed incorrectly, leading to improper (NGRI) offenders into the community seems to be
treatment or inappropriate consequences. unwarranted. Mental health and social welfare systems
This confusion rises even more if we take in consideration with severely inadequate resources try to ameliorate the
how much personality traits are determinant on personality effects of such deleterious social conditions (2012: 478-98
types which can easily lead to criminal behavior. To
clarify the link between personality traits and personality the-study-of-mental-health/mental-illness-and-the-
disorders Zimmerman (2023), explaining first personality criminal-justice ).
traits as represents of patterns of thinking, perceiving, Accordingly, what we said above very important and
reacting, and relating that are relatively stable over time, serious issue is when for criminal behavior we see
states that personality disorders exist when these traits tendencies for misuse and misdiagnosis of personality
become so pronounced, rigid, and maladaptive that they traits as mental disorders. Then the question naturally
impair work and/or interpersonal functioning. This social arises where is the red line where no side or field should
maladaptation’s can cause significant distress in people tolerate abuses. So, the questions that arises are what is
with personality disorders and in those around them. The right and what is not in such cases? What crimes and cases
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th are exempt from justice and what tendencies do we have to
edition (DSM-5-TR) lists 10 types of personality disorders, be misused? And why is the law than?
although most patients who meet criteria for one type also
As clarified above we should not forget that we talk for
meet criteria for one or more others. Some types (eg,
personality traits and not mental disorders which we
antisocial, borderline) tend to lessen or resolve as people
explore and saw how they are treated in front of the law
age; others (eg, obsessive-compulsive, schizotypal) are
and mental health professionals.
less likely to do so (Zimmerman, 2023).
According to the Criminal Code of the North Republic of
There are cases where even people with mental health
Macedonia for crime and criminal liability article 7
disorders diagnoses have been sued due to the crime they
have committed. According to Ghiazi et al, (2023), “Crime shall be considered an unlawful act
referring to Steinert et al (2010), people with mental illness which is determined by law to be a crime, and
are arrested and sent to prison in disproportionate whose characteristics are determined by law”.
numbers, often due to a lack of awareness and resources in When it comes to the measures and sanctions according to
handling these individuals. the article 4
On the book A Handbook of Mental Health the IIIrd part “Criminal sanctions shall be: punishments,
Social Context, Theories and Systems, chapter 23 Mental alternative measures, safety measures and
Illness and the Criminal Justice System Hiday and Burns educational measures”.
(2009), explore and explains the beliefs and the
Regarding to crime and mental competence article 12 on
relationship of the mental illness and criminal justice
the first and second paragraph
system and the treatment that mental ill persons have in
front of the justice system. According to them there are (1) A offender, shall not be considered mentally
two prevailing beliefs held by the public (and many competent, if when committing the crime, he
professionals) connect mental illness to the criminal justice could not understand the significance of his act or
system: could not control his actions due to permanent or
temporary mental illness, temporary mental
1. first, a belief that deinstitutionalization has led to
disorder or retarded mental development, or
criminalization of mental illness, and

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