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4 A Conceptual Model of The Social-Ecological System of Nature-Based Solutions in Urban Environments

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Ambio 2021, 50:335–345


A conceptual model of the social–ecological system of nature-

based solutions in urban environments
Konstantinos Tzoulas , Juanjo Galan, Stephen Venn,
Matthew Dennis, Bas Pedroli, Himansu Mishra, Dagmar Haase,
Stephan Pauleit, Jari Niemelä, Philip James

Received: 22 June 2019 / Revised: 22 November 2019 / Accepted: 8 August 2020 / Published online: 11 September 2020

Abstract This article provides a perspective on nature- involving ecological and social systems within the context
based solutions. First, the argument is developed that of urban planning and management. To achieve this, firstly,
nature-based solutions integrate social and ecological the argument is developed that nature-based solutions, as
systems. Then, theoretical considerations relating to other cognate approaches, emphasise the interdependence
relational values, multifunctionality, transdisciplinarity, of social and ecological systems in urban areas. However,
and polycentric governance are briefly outlined. Finally, a the theoretical considerations of this understating are
conceptual model of the social–ecological system of obscure, inconsistently defined, or absent. Secondly, theo-
nature-based solutions is synthesised and presented. This retical considerations regarding relational values, multi-
conceptual model comprehensively defines the social and functionality, transdisciplinarity, and polycentric
ecological external and internal systems that make up governance are briefly outlined in the context of nature-
nature-based solutions, and identifies theoretical based solutions. Thirdly, the arguments developed
considerations that need to be addressed at different throughout this perspective article are synthesised into a
stages of their planning and implementation The model conceptual model of the social–ecological system of nat-
bridges the normative gaps of existing nature-based ure-based solutions.
solution frameworks and could be used for consistent,
comprehensive, and transferable comparisons
internationally. The theoretical considerations addressed NATURE-BASED SOLUTIONS AND LINKING
in this article inform practitioners, policymakers, and SOCIAL AND ECOLOGICAL SYSTEMS IN URBAN
researchers about the essential components of nature- AREAS
based solutions. The conceptual model can facilitate the
identification of social and ecological interconnections Since the 1960s, numerous integrative approaches have
within nature-based solutions and the range of stakeholders emerged that link humans and nature in urban areas
and disciplines involved. (Heymans et al. 2019). For example, green infrastructure,
urban forestry, and ecosystem services are integrative
Keywords Multifunctionality  Polycentric governance  approaches because they emphasise the coupling of social
Relational values  Sustainable urban planning  and ecological factors within the context of urban planning
Transdisciplinarity and management (Tzoulas et al. 2007; Escobedo et al.
2018; Heymans et al. 2019). Nature-based solutions were
first proposed by the World Bank in 2008 and subsequently
INTRODUCTION introduced into the academic discourse and promoted by,
amongst others, the International Union for Conservation
This perspective article is a reflection by an interdisci- of Nature (IUCN 2012) and the European Commission (EC
plinary team of authors, which develops a series of argu- 2015) (Table 1). Normatively nature-based solutions refer
ments on nature-based solutions. The authors’ aim is to to ecosystem interventions that aim at simultaneously
elucidate nature-based solutions in addressing challenges addressing ecological, social, and economic challenges

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336 Ambio 2021, 50:335–345

Table 1 The development and characteristics of nature-based solutions

Period Formative and normative characteristics Original source

Pre-2009 The term nature-based solutions is used without definition in a World WB (2008)
Bank report of its ecosystem-based adaptation portfolio
2009–2011 The concept of ecosystem-based adaptation is defined and forms the root CBD (2009), IUCN (2009a), MacKinnon and Hickey
of the nature-based solutions concept. (2009), Dudley et al. (2010), and MacKinnon et al.
CBD (2009) and IUCN (2009a) definition: using, restoring, managing, (2011)
conserving biodiversity and ecosystem services for cost-effective
adaptation to climate change and social, economic, cultural co-benefits
The concept of nature-based solutions is mentioned by IUCN (2009b) in
the context of, and explicitly by MacKinnon and Hickey (2009) to
describe, ecosystem-based adaptation
2012–2016 The concept of nature-based solutions is defined, differentiated from IUCN (2012), Balian et al. 2014, Cohen-Shacham et al.
other concepts, and its core principles formulated. (2016)
IUCN (2012) definition: nature’s contribution to tackling global EC 2015, and Maes and Jacobs 2017
challenges of sustainable development (p.1); Explanation: using,
restoring, managing, and conserving biodiversity and ecosystem
services; Addressing: poverty, disaster risks, climate change, food
security, and social and economic development (p1, p24); Theory:
systemic trade-offs and synergies acknowledged
EC (2015) definition: actions inspired by, supported by, or copied from
nature to address societal challenges (p2); Explanation: using,
maintaining, and enhancing natural capital; Addressing: green
economic growth, competiveness, disaster risks, human well-being,
social inclusion, sustainable urbanisation, restoration of degraded
ecosystems, climate change adaptation and mitigation, and risk
management and resilience (p2, p4, p24); Theory: systemic trade-offs
and synergies emphasised
Common principles: cost-effective, measurable, replicable, equitable,
participatory, innovatively financed, complementary, locally adapted,
appropriate scale, increasing resilience, addressing trade-offs,
providing multiple co-benefits, integral to policies, site specific,
challenge specific, and with good governance; Additional principlesa:
energy efficient, resource efficient, increasing synergies, increasing
jobs, increasing labour input, and providing incremental transitions of
economic models
Post-2016 The concept of nature-based solutions is entering academic discourse
and is consolidated, implemented, and evaluated; EC
conceptualisationb: Brink et al. (2016), Zölch et al. (2017), Escobedo
et al. (2018), Potschin et al. (2016), and Eggermont et al. (2015); EC
and IUCN conceptualisationb: Kabisch et al. (2016), Nesshöver et al.
(2017), Lafortezza et al. (2018), Faivre et al. (2017), Cohen-Shacham
et al. (2019) IUCN conceptualisationb: no studies
These additional principles are explicitly emphasised only by the EC conceptualisation
All subsequent studies refer to the original sources, shown in the right-hand column

(e.g. due to flooding damages and loses; see Scheuer et al. Nature-based solutions could enhance both the planning
2012). This aim inevitably involves the direct and indirect and management of urban areas by providing opportunities
coupling of biophysical and social factors at various spatial for collaboration between cognate approaches. There is a
and temporal scales. For this reason, addressing the com- general assumption that approaches integrating social–
plexity of biophysical and social factor components is an ecological systems are mutually compatible. Indeed, six
intrinsic system characteristic of nature-based solutions. papers have been published with the purpose of clarifying
Therefore, conceptualising nature-based solutions as conceptual links and interconnections between nature-
social–ecological systems ought to facilitate the integration based solutions and other integrative approaches (Egger-
of biophysical and social factors and their mont et al. 2015; Faivre et al. 2017; Nesshöver et al. 2017;
interrelationships. Pauleit et al. 2017; Escobedo et al. 2018; Cohen-Shacham

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Ambio 2021, 50:335–345 337

et al. 2019). For this reason, these six publications were environmental management, landscape architecture, urban
selected for an exploratory content analysis designed to ecology, geographical modelling, and landscape planning)
answer the question: what are the conceptual links between tested the reliability of the categorisation and developed the
nature-based solutions and other approaches? The content interpretation and representation of the analysis. This
analysis focussed on the cognate approaches that were exploratory content analysis showed that (a) cognate but
most frequently compared and linked to nature-based variously framed goals are used to differentiate nature-
solutions (i.e. in three or more of the selected publications; based solutions from other approaches; (b) the explicit
Table 2). This focus was narrow enough for the purpose of conceptual links are inconsistent and mostly broad; and
informing the iterative discussions for this perspective (c) there are still unclear or missing conceptual links
article, but also wide enough for the emergence of mean- between nature-based solutions and other approaches
ingful patterns. Explicit words and phrases that were nor- (Table 2). Consequently, there is a lack of consensus
mative for nature-based solutions, and/or compared and regarding the conceptual links between the different inte-
made conceptual links with other cognate approaches, were grative approaches.
recorded and categorised for analysis of normative contri- The interdependence of humans and nature in urban
butions to and goals of nature-based solutions, and on their areas is a consistent conceptual link between the integrative
conceptual links to cognate approaches. An iterative dis- approaches shown in Table 2, but the understanding
cussion between the team of authors (covering the fields of remains axiomatic. Explicitly (Nesshöver et al. 2017;

Table 2 Integrative approaches linking social and ecological systems in cities and the conceptual links between them
Integrative approach(a) (mainly Publication
refers to)(b)
Eggermont et al. Faivre et al. Nesshöver et al. Pauleit et al. Escobedo Cohen-Shacham
(2015)(1) (2017)(2) (2017)(3) (2017)(3) et al. (2018)(4) et al. (2019)(5)

Nature-based solutions (site or Biodiversity and Multiple social Soc, environ, Multiple social Human well- Soc, well-being,
issue-specific interventions) well-being challenges and econ challenges being and
problems biodiversity
Ecosystem-based adaptation (site Connected to NBS * A part of NBS Roots and subset * An issue-
and issue-specific of NBS specific NBS
Ecosystem-based mitigation (site Connected to NBS * A part of NBS Roots of NBS * An issue-
and issue-specific specific NBS
Ecosystem approach (integrated Connected to NBS Closely related Principles in # # Foundation to
management)(?) to NBS designing NBS
Ecosystem services (valuing * Operationalised Considerations Implementing An essential Range provided
ecological functions) by NBS designing and designing function of by NBS
Natural capital (accounting Types 2 and 3 NBS enhance, Support human NBS enhance, * *
monetary values) NBS as green use, conserve needs by NBS use, conserve
Green infrastructure (spatial Linked to Type 3 * Synonymous or Strategic * Infrastructure
planning configurations) NBS similar to planning NBS type NBS
Ecological engineering (habitats Connected to NBS # A version of # # Restoration type
and species interventions) NBS NBS
(a) only integrative approaches that could be compared across three or more publications are shown, (b) ‘mainly refers to’ here is meant broadly,
not specifically to the publications; (?) integrated management of air, water, land, ecology, and people; normative contribution of each
publication: (1) a typology of nature-based solutions comprising Type 1 interventions in protected areas, Type 2 interventions in agricultural
areas, and Type 3 interventions in urban areas; (2) a research and innovation agenda for nature-based solutions within the European Union
funding context; (3) a comparison between nature-based solutions and cognate integrative approaches; (4) a bibliometric evaluation of links
between nature-based solutions and cognate integrative approaches; (5) a comparison of the implementation principles for nature-based solutions
and cognate integrative approaches; First row: goals that are nature-based solutions aimed at addressing according to each publication;
Remaining rows: explicit conceptual links between nature-based solutions and other cognate integrative approaches made in each publication;
(*) the integrative approach is mentioned in the publication but it is not clearly linked conceptually to nature-based solutions; (#) the integrative
approach is not mentioned in the publication

Ó The Author(s) 2020 123
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Pauleit et al. 2017; Escobedo et al. 2018) or implicitly Furthermore, due to benefit trade-offs and win-wins, nat-
(Eggermont et al. 2015; Faivre et al. 2017), three axiomatic ure-based solutions may provide the advantage of pro-
conceptions underpin the integrative approaches shown in moting policy coherence (Cohen-Shacham et al. 2019).
Table 2. Firstly, nature provides benefits to people. Sec- However, this potential advantage needs to be evaluated
ondly, people must manage nature to obtain these benefits. using empirical evidence and supported by a robust theo-
Thirdly, it is necessary to strengthen the role of nature in retical context. For instance, the theoretical considerations
policy-making processes and planning. Furthermore, outlined above, or the links between multifunctional ben-
empirical evidence supports these axioms (e.g. Lafortezza efits and policy coherence, are rarely explicitly or effec-
et al. 2018). Hence, the understanding of the interdepen- tively addressed in empirical research (Faivre et al. 2017;
dence between social and ecological systems in urban areas Lafortezza et al. 2018). Therefore, the theoretical aspects
provides a consistent conceptual link between different of nature-based solutions require further development in
integrative approaches. However, the key theoretical con- order to bridge practical gaps and to link benefit trade-offs
siderations of this understanding of nature-based solutions and win-wins with policy coherence.
remain obscure, inconsistently defined, or absent. This may The third set of theoretical considerations relates to
undermine the effective planning and implementation of transdisciplinarity. Projects implementing nature-based
nature-based solutions. The sections that follow briefly solutions provide opportunities for transdisciplinary
discuss some of these key theoretical considerations. research. Transdisciplinary research brings together inter-
disciplinary and multidisciplinary researchers with users
and other stakeholders to co-define the problem and then
THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS RELATING co-design, co-create, and co-manage the solution (Brandt
TO THE PLANNING AND IMPLEMENTATION et al. 2013; Nicolescu 2014). Complexity, uncertainty, and
OF NATURE-BASED SOLUTIONS transdisciplinarity are explicitly acknowledged as being
central to the concept of nature-based solutions (Egger-
The first set of theoretical considerations relates to rela- mont et al. 2015; Nesshöver et al. 2017; Pauleit et al.
tional values. Complementary utilitarian and intrinsic val- 2017). This acknowledgement means that nature-based
ues are necessary for framing discussions on nature-based solutions require the effective integration of the reduc-
solutions (Eggermont et al. 2015). However, the concept of tionism, holism, and systems-thinking research paradigms.
nature-based solutions has been criticised as a potential For example, such diverse disciplines as economics, ecol-
form of neoliberal conservation (Fletcher 2012) and for ogy and sociology, use different research paradigms in
being closely linked with neo-classical economic thinking identifying, delineating, measuring, and managing a
(Fletcher 2012; Maes and Jacobs 2017). This is because social–ecological system. When different research para-
neo-classical economic thinking presents challenges for digms are perceived as incompatible or conflicting, trans-
protecting nature (Kronenberg 2015). Indeed, Escobedo disciplinary work may be hindered or undermined (Bodin
et al. (2018) felt the need to clarify that nature-based 2017). So, the implementation of nature-based solutions
solutions, amongst other integrative approaches, are not requires frameworks that connect the necessary research
necessarily about commodification capitalism, or the neo- paradigms and link conventional disciplines under com-
liberalisation of nature. Diverse, context-specific and mon umbrellas (e.g. sustainability science, social ecology
individual-specific values and perceived benefits have been sciences, and integrated planning).
defined as relational values (Chan et al. 2016). Relational The fourth set of theoretical considerations relates to
values are emphasised in the integrative approach of nat- polycentric governance; that is to say arrangements that
ure’s contributions to people (Dı́az et al. 2015; Pascual allow multiple, overlapping, semi-autonomous decision-
et al. 2017). Thus, incorporating relational values would makers to cooperate, compete, and resolve conflicts
help nature-based solutions to be context specific and to between each other (Carlisle and Gruby 2019). For exam-
avoid the risks of commodification and monetisation ple, polycentric governance may be suitable for manage-
(Colding et al. 2020). ment of natural resources and commons (Carlisle and
The second set of theoretical considerations relates to Gruby 2019), urban green infrastructure (Buijs et al. 2016),
multifunctionality. All the integrative approaches presented and social–ecological systems (Andersson et al. 2017).
in Table 2 emphasise the multifunctional aspects of nature This is because managing land use creates the need to
(Eggermont et al. 2015; Faivre et al. 2017; Nesshöver et al. integrate cooperative, competing, and conflicting interests
2017; Pauleit et al. 2017; Escobedo et al. 2018). Also, there of different public, private, and charitable sector decision-
is empirical evidence to suggest that nature-based solutions makers. When successful, polycentric governance could
are effective in providing diverse social and ecological enhance the adaptive capacity of, develop an appropriate
benefits (Faivre et al. 2017; Lafortezza et al. 2018). institutional fit for, and reduce redundancy in the resources

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being managed (Carlisle and Gruby 2019). Hence, the need scales larger than the physical boundaries of the site and
to integrate cooperative, competing, and conflicting inter- are affected by slow-acting processes operating over long
ests in the implementation of nature-based solutions timeframes (Fig. 1, upper half, upper part). Internal sys-
necessitates polycentric governance. In reality, this con- tems function at spatial scales equal to and smaller than the
ception is difficult to achieve and the necessary level of physical boundaries of the site and are affected by fast-
integration difficult to implement. acting processes over medium-to-short timeframes (Fig. 1,
upper half, lower part). At each site there are six social and
six ecological external systems, each corresponding to
A CONCEPTUAL MODEL FOR NATURE-BASED respective internal social and ecological systems. For
SOLUTIONS IN CITIES example, the social external system ‘demographic’ (A,
Fig. 1 and Table 3) functions at the catchment area of the
Faivre et al. (2017) developed a research agenda that links site, and the social internal system ‘people’ (a, Fig. 1 and
nature-based solutions to the European Union Research and Table 3) functions within the site. The ethnicity of the
Innovation targets, the international policy context, and to catchment population and the ethnicity of site users may be
relevant knowledge-based initiatives and repositories. This indicators for these social external and social internal
provides a useful conceptualisation of nature-based solu- systems, respectively (Table 3). Furthermore, the ecologi-
tions within the context of European Union funding (Faivre cal external system ‘biodiversity’ (G, Fig. 1; Table 3)
et al. 2017), though this focus may restrict the conceptu- functions at the catchment scale of the site, and the eco-
alisation’s transferability to other regional contexts. An logical internal system ‘fauna & flora’ (g, Fig. 1; Table 3)
existing typology of nature-based solutions (Eggermont functions within the site. Habitat connectivity at the
et al. 2015) and a framework for designing and imple- catchment area and habitat connectivity within the site may
menting nature-based solutions (Nesshöver et al. 2017) are be indicators for these ecological external and ecological
transferable but the social and ecological components that internal systems, respectively. Therefore, the upper half of
they include are broad. Thus, existing frameworks could be the conceptual model can be used to identify and define the
improved through the enhancement of transferability, social and ecological, internal and external systems of a
consistency, and comprehensiveness. site.
To summarise and synthesise the arguments developed Social and ecological external and internal systems are
above into a conceptual model, the author team undertook based on the models of planetary boundaries (Hoornweg
a four-stage iterative, consensus forming discussion of et al. 2016), ecological model of health promotion
(a) the social and ecological components of nature-based (Dustin et al. 2010), the settings approach (Poland et al.
solutions; (b) suitable temporal and spatial scales; (c) the 2009), and on the determinants of health (Whitehead and
applicability of the four sets of theoretical considerations; Dahlgren 1991). Collectively, this combination of models
and (d) the representation, organisation, and arrangement covers biophysical, biological, and social-economic limits
of the compartments of the model. The outcome of this to sustainable development and human well-being,
iterative discussion was the conceptual model depicted in including factors such as physical, psychological, famil-
Fig. 1 and Table 3 (Table 3 accompanies Fig. 1). Figure 1 ial, communal, national, international, and global eco-
and Table 3 bring together social (A to C), technological logical health; and biological, physical, social, economic,
(D), political and legal (E), economic (F), ecological (G, and environmental factors (Whitehead and Dahlgren
H), and environmental (I–L) factors. Thus, the combination 1991; Poland et al. 2009; Dustin et al. 2010; Hoornweg
of factors creates a comprehensive summary of intercon- et al. 2016).
nected social and ecological systems that characterise Boundaries between different external and internal
nature-based solutions. systems are fuzzy and there are inevitable overlaps
Figure 1 is applicable to single sites, networks of sites, between systems. Figure 1 and Table 3 facilitate navigation
cities, or larger conurbations. However, in this article, the through such overlaps. For example, nitrogen and phos-
conceptualisation shown in Fig. 1 is applied to a single site, phorus are seen as nutrients in the context of soil, but as
which is the smallest social–ecological system for a nature- chemical pollutants in the context of land contamination
based solution. There are three broad steps in applying (Table 3). In another example, how people spend their time
Fig. 1 during the planning and implementation of nature- is a cultural expression which, in the context of uncodified
based solutions. choices are seen as lifestyle, but in the context of codified
The first step is the conceptualisation of the social– choices are seen as operational (Table 3). In this way,
ecological system of a site, which is exemplified as a set of overlaps between systems can be used to identify multi-
twenty-four external and internal systems (Fig. 1, upper functionality of nature-based solutions. Thus, identifying
half, and Table 3). External systems function at spatial and dealing with overlaps between systems is one way in

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| scale: global, naonal, regional, sub-regional | time: long-term | factors: slow-acng



a b c d e f g h i j k l

| scale: site, neighbourhood, city | me short-term, medium-term | factors: fast-acng


generalised resoluon of theorecal consideraons relang to RV, MF, TD, and PG - generalised design
planning stages with indicave examples - inform the development of design elements elements

Challenge RV Specific MF Interconnecons PG Stakeholders Context

Planning team MF Interdisciplinary PG Horizontal-vercal TD Holism Disciplines

Scoping RV Complementary MF Comprehensive TD Co-define Priories

Baseline RV Non-monetary MF Praccal TD Reduconism Measures
Goals, objecves RV Externalies PG Engagement TD Co-design Interdependencies
Acon plan MF Coherence PG Strategic TD Co-create Indicators, targets

Implementaon MF Responsive PG Adapve TD Co-manage Operaonal

Monitoring MF Integraon PG Effecveness TD Systemic Evaluaon

Fig. 1 A conceptual model of the social–ecological system of nature-based solutions. This model can be used for conceptualising and for
informing planning and implementing nature-based solutions at site level, at the neighbourhood scale, or at the municipal scale. The social–
ecological system of a site (upper half of model, outer rectangle) comprises twelve external (A–L, squares) and twelve internal systems (a–l,
squares). With regard to the site, external systems function slowly at large scales, and internal systems function fast at small, spatial, and
temporal scales (upper and lower parts). Social external systems (A–F) are directly coupled (solid lines, tips on top left of squares) with social
internal systems (a–f) of the site. Ecological external systems (G–L) are directly coupled (tips on top right of squares) with ecological internal
systems (g–l) of the site. Dynamic and complex interactions, across spatial and temporal scales, indirectly couple (thin dashed lines) all social
and ecological, external and internal, systems of the site. The social–ecological system of the site determines (light grey chevron, left) the
planning and implementation of a nature-based solution (lower half of the model). The planning and implementation of a nature-based solution
includes eight generalised stages (light grey boxes, left) each resulting in different design elements (dark grey boxes, right). Across stages,
theoretical considerations emerge: relational values (RV), multifunctionality (MF), transdisciplinarity (TD), and polycentric governance (PG;
black boxes, middle). Identifying, framing, and resolving these interrelated theoretical considerations inform (thin arrows, left to right) the design
elements of a nature-based solution. Stages and associated design elements are successive (black solid arrow, left), but typically can also be
repeated and reviewed for incorporating improvements (black dotted arrow, right). Through continuous iterative reviews, design elements ought
to be (dark grey chevron, right) tailored to, and progressively covering the whole of, the social–ecological system of the site

which Fig. 1 and Table 3 could be used in the planning and changes in ethnicity of catchment population directly affect
implementation of nature-based solutions. ethnicity of site users (Fig. 1, A–a). The external system
Figure 1 demonstrates the complexity of interactions ‘biodiversity’ is directly coupled with the internal system
between social and ecological external and internal sys- ‘fauna & flora’ e.g. changes in connectivity at the catch-
tems. Social external systems are directly coupled with ment area directly affect connectivity within the site
social internal systems (Fig. 1, A–F and a–f, solid lines (Fig. 1, G–g). Furthermore, social and ecological internal
with tips on top left of squares). Ecological external sys- and external systems are indirectly coupled through com-
tems are directly coupled with social internal systems plex and dynamic interconnections (Fig. 1, thin dashed
(Fig. 1, G–L and g–l, solid lines with tips on top right of lines). For example, ethnicity of the catchment population
squares). For example, the external system ‘demographic’ (social external system) influences habitat connectivity
is directly coupled with the internal system ‘people’ e.g. within the site (ecological internal system) via design

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Table 3 Explanations of symbols shown on the conceptual model of the social–ecological system of nature-based solutions in urban envi-
ronments (Fig. 1)
External Internal Potential indicators for consideration

Social (A) Demographic (a) People Age, sex, ethnicity, education, health, income
(B) Cultural (b) Lifestyles Diet, recreation, exercise, hobbies, socialising, entertainment, equality
(C) Social (c) Settings Live, work, learn, play, shop, travel, leisure
(D) Technological (d) Artificial Buildings, transport, utilities, telecoms, digital
(E) Regulatory (e) Operational Ownership, governance, management, maintenance, engagement, policy
(F) Financial (f) Economic Capital, revenue, entrepreneurship, returns, accounting, funds, grants,
Ecological (G) Biodiversity (g) Fauna & flora Patch size, connectivity, disturbance, population management,
(H) Land change and N and P flows (h) Soil introductions
(I) Freshwater and Oceans (i) Water Compaction, organic matter, contamination, sealing, nutrients, erosion
(J) Stratospheric O3 and aerosols (j) Air Ground water flows, recharge, inundation, flooding, pollution
(K) Climate (k) Weather Smog, heavy metals, particulate matter
(L) Chemicals (l) Contamination Urban heat island effect, droughts
Heavy metals, endocrine disruptors, bio-accumulation, bio-remediation
This Table accompanies Fig. 1. This Table can be used to identify specific considerations in the planning and implementation of nature-based
solutions. Note: External ecological systems are based on planetary boundaries (Hoornweg et al. 2016) and on the ecological model of health
promotion (Dustin et al. 2010); internal social systems are based on the settings approach (Poland et al. 2009) and on the determinants of health
(Whitehead and Dahlgren 1991); Letters: A to L and a to l reflect the external and internal systems shown in Fig. 1

features and recreational activities targeted at the catch- These considerations ought to take into account relational
ment population. Moreover, the capital and revenue values, multifunctionality, and transdisciplinarity, respec-
implications of creating design features and providing tively (Fig. 1, black boxes, middle). After implementation,
recreational activities within the site (internal system ongoing evaluations are undertaken of social–ecological
‘economic’) are directly coupled with the external system outcomes, effectiveness of interventions, and systemic
‘financial’, for example, the availability of central or local feedback mechanisms. These evaluations raise theoretical
government funding (Fig. 1, F–f). Thus, the upper half of considerations relating to multifunctionality, polycentric
the conceptual model can be used to identify complex and governance, and transdisciplinarity, respectively (Fig. 1,
inseparable, direct and indirect, couplings between social black boxes, middle). Thus, the lower half of the concep-
and ecological, external and internal, systems of a site. tual model can be used to identify theoretical considera-
The second step in applying the conceptualisation is tions that are pertinent at different stages of the planning
using it to identify pertinent theoretical considerations that and implementation of nature-based solutions.
emerge at different stages of the planning and implemen- The final step in applying Fig. 1 is using it as a guide
tation of nature-based solutions (Fig. 1, lower half of the during review processes to develop design elements for the
conceptual model). The planning and implementation nature-based solution that comprehensively address the
process of nature-based solutions can be summarised in social–ecological system of the site. The social–ecological
eight generalised planning stages (Fig. 1, light grey boxes, system of the site (Fig. 1, upper half) determines (light grey
left). Each planning stage culminates in the development of chevron, left) the planning and implementation of the
a different design element of nature-based solutions (Fig. 1, nature-based solution (Fig. 1, upper half). Planning stages
dark grey boxes, right), after identifying, framing, and and associated design elements are successive (black solid
resolving relevant theoretical considerations (Fig. 1, thin arrow, left). However, ongoing review processes and
arrows, left to right). For brevity here, the stages of scoping monitoring of implementation may reveal the need for
and monitoring are used to illustrate the application of the amending specific design elements of the nature-based
conceptual model. At the scoping stage, a survey is solution. The necessary planning stages are repeated, and
undertaken to tailor the nature-based solution to the par- design elements are reviewed and amended for incorpo-
ticular social–ecological system of the site in question. At rating improvements (black dotted arrow, right). Continu-
this stage, priorities have to be set, after considering ous, iterative reviews of the implementation process could
complementary functions, comprehensive range of systems improve the design elements, as well as progressively
and stakeholders, and inclusive co-definition processes. covering the whole of the social–ecological system of the

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342 Ambio 2021, 50:335–345

site (dark grey chevron, right). Thus, Fig. 1 can be used to explicit social and ecological, internal and external system
inform monitoring and evaluation processes that can lead details to the framework for the design and implementation
to additional design elements that comprehensively address of nature-based solutions presented by Nesshöver et al.
the social–ecological system of the site. (2017), as well as to the typology of nature-based solutions
Overall, the upper half of the conceptualisation presented by Eggermont et al. (2015). Furthermore, Fig. 1
emphasises the fact that a social–ecological system of a site and Table 3 facilitate the identification of multidisci-
is complex, dynamic, and operates at multiple temporal and plinary, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary research
spatial scales. The lower half emphasises that different projects that could be developed in response to the research
theoretical considerations emerge at different stages of the and innovation agenda on nature-based solutions presented
planning and implementation of nature-based solutions. by Faivre et al. (2017). Thus, the model presented here
The chevron on the left emphasises that the conceptuali- contributes to the advancement of existing frameworks and
sation of the social–ecological system of the site determi- to the bridging of the normative gaps between them.
nes the planning and implementation of the nature-based Nature-based solutions were compared and linked to
solution. The chevron on the right emphasises that the nine other cognate approaches, within the publications
planning and implementation of the nature-based solution selected for the exploratory content analysis (Eggermont
in turn defines the conceptualisation of the social–ecolog- et al. 2015; Faivre et al. 2017; Nesshöver et al. 2017;
ical system of the site. The solid and dashed arrows, left Pauleit et al. 2017 Escobedo et al. 2018; Cohen-Shacham
and right, respectively, emphasise the circular feedback et al. 2019). These cognate approaches were catchment
processes by which the nature-based solution progressively system engineering, ecological restoration, ecosystem-
addresses the whole social–ecological system of the site. based approaches, ecosystem-based disaster risk reduc-
Thus, this conceptualisation captures the dynamic interac- tion, forest landscape restoration, natural infrastructure
tions between the conceptual, theoretical, planning, and approaches, natural solutions, natural systems agriculture,
implementation challenges of nature-based solutions. and urban forestry. The scope of the exploratory content
This conceptual model makes three novel contributions analysis excluded consideration of these nine cognate
to the literature on nature-based solutions. Firstly, the approaches, because they were linked to nature-based
conceptual model brings together the Whitehead–Dahlgren solutions in just one or two of the selected publications
model of health (Whitehead and Dahlgren 1991), the set- (Table 2). A wider range of theoretical considerations
tings approach to health promotion (Poland et al. 2009), the than the four considered here would have been revealed
ecological model of health promotion (Dustin et al. 2010), had additional cognate approaches been included in the
the concept of planetary boundaries (Hoornweg et al. scope of the exploratory content analysis. The explora-
2016), and urban planning and management concepts. The tory content analysis undertaken to inform this perspec-
interdisciplinary synthesis that this conceptual model rep- tive article was inevitably focussed in scope to only
resents may facilitate its transferability across disciplines. frequently compared cognate approaches. Nonetheless,
Secondly, the conceptual model comprehensively defines even with such a narrow scope, four theoretical consid-
the social and ecological external and internal systems that erations emerged. These indicate the need for further
make up nature-based solutions. The comprehensive defi- research on conceptual development and diffusion
nition of social–ecological systems could facilitate the between, and on, ontological, epistemological, and
consistent application of nature-based solutions across methodological synergies of cognate approaches. There-
regions. Finally, this conceptual model emphasises four fore, by focussing on frequently compared cognate
key theoretical sets of considerations that inform the approaches, this perspective article has highlighted the
implementation of nature-based solutions. Thus, the con- need for further research on the normative and theoret-
ceptualisation proposed here makes a number of novel ical understanding of nature-based solutions.
contributions to the theoretical understanding of nature- The breadth of experience and knowledge of the inter-
based solutions. disciplinary team of authors allowed iterative discussions
The characteristics of nature-based solutions differ in on categorisation, analysis, and representation to be
emphasis and wording between the IUCN (2012) and the informed by a broad range of perspectives (Fig. 1;
EC (2015) (Table 1). The model presented in Fig. 1 and Table 3). This range of disciplinary perspectives illustrates
Table 3 helps to bridge the gaps between the normative the need for insights from sustainability science, social
approaches of the IUCN (2012) and the EC (2015). Fig- ecology sciences, and integrated planning to inform the
ure 1 and Table 3 allow for a comprehensive, consistent, normative and theoretical understanding of nature-based
and transferable conceptualisation of nature-based solu- solutions. Hence, the experience of the team of authors has
tions that emphasise social and ecological integration been central in identifying, articulating, and synthesizing
rather than just one or the other. Figure 1 and Table 3 add the need for integrating many disciplinary perspectives in

Ó The Author(s) 2020

Ambio 2021, 50:335–345 343

the understanding and implementation of nature-based Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank the Aalto Seed
solutions. Funding, Aalto University, for the financial support in organising a
co-authors’ workshop for the development of this perspective paper.
A research need arising from the conceptual model
presented here (Fig. 1; Table 3) is to test its usability in Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons
conceptualising nature-based solutions with academics, Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing,
policymakers, practitioners, and local community groups. adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as
long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the
This conceptual model can be used to inform the design, source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate
development, management, and/ or monitoring of nature- if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this
based solutions in cities. For instance, the potential indi- article are included in the article’s Creative Commons licence, unless
cators for consideration (Table 3) can be used by practi- indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not
included in the article’s Creative Commons licence and your intended
tioners in the design, implementation, and evaluation of use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted
nature-based solutions. Policymakers can use Fig. 1 and use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright
Table 3 to draw links between a range of interrelated policy holder. To view a copy of this licence, visit http://creativecommons.
areas. Researchers can use Fig. 1 and Table 3 to develop org/licenses/by/4.0/.
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Publisher’s Note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to Himansu Mishra is a Doctoral Candidate and junior researcher at the
jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. Estonian University of Life Sciences. His research interests include
urban and regional planning, nature and health, urban blue space,
AUTHOR BIOGRAPHIES landscape architecture and design, and public open spaces.
Address: Department of Landscape Architecture, Institute of Agri-
Konstantinos Tzoulas (&) is a Senior Lecturer in Environmental cultural and Environmental Sciences, Estonian University of Life
Management at Manchester Metropolitan University. His research Sciences, Kreutzwaldi 56/3, 51006 Tartu, Estonia.
interests include urban ecology, sustainable development, green e-mail:
infrastructure planning, and public health.
Address: Department of Natural Sciences, Faculty of Science and Dagmar Haase is a Professor at the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
Engineering, Manchester Metropolitan University, Chester Street, and Guest Scientist at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental
Manchester M1 5GD, UK. Research. Her research interests include the combination and inte-
e-mail: gration of land-use change modelling and the quantification and
assessment of ecosystem services, disservices, and socio-environ-
Juanjo Galan is an Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture at mental justice in urban areas including urban land teleconnections.
Aalto University. His research interests include landscape design, Address: Humboldt University of Berlin, Alfred-Rühl-Haus, Rudower
landscape and urban planning, landscape and regional planning, and Chaussee 16, 12489 Berlin, Germany.
sustainable development. e-mail:
Address: Department of Architecture, Landscape Architecture,
School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Aalto University, Stephan Pauleit is Professor for Strategic Landscape Planning and
Otaniementie 14, 02150 Espoo, Finland. Management at the Technical University of Munich. His research
e-mail: interests include urban landscape planning, urban ecology, urban
forestry, urban greening, planting design, and urban adaptation to
Stephen Venn is an Adjunct Professor of Ecology at the University of climate change.
Helsinki. His research interests include urban ecology and sustainable Address: Technical University of Munich, Emil-Ramann-Str. 6,
development. 85354 Freising, Germany.
Address: Ecosystems and Environment Research Programme, Faculty e-mail:
of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Helsinki,
P.O. Box 65, Viikinkaari 2a, 00014 Helsinki, Finland. Jari Niemelä is Professor of Urban ecology and Rector of the
e-mail: University of Helsinki. His research interest include sustainable
development, urban ecology, biodiversity, and conservation biology.
Matthew Dennis is a Lecturer in Geographical Information Science. Address: University of Helsinki, Yliopistonkatu 4, Helsinki 00014,
His research interests include urban ecology, spatial ecology, and Finland.
social–ecological systems. e-mail:
Address: Department of Geography, School of Environment, Educa-
tion and Development, The University of Manchester, Arthur Lewis Philip James is Professor of Ecology at the University of Salford. His
G.037, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL, UK. research interest include urban ecology, conservation biology, sus-
e-mail: tainable development, ecology, and health.
Address: School of Science, Engineering and Environment, Univer-
Bas Pedroli is an Associate Professor at Wageningen University & sity of Saflord, Peel Building, M5 4WT Salford, UK.
Research. His research interests include land use, spatial planning, e-mail:
landscape, heritage, and biodiversity.
Address: Landscape Architecture and Spatial Planning Group, Wa-
geningen University & Research, P.O. Box 47, 6700 AA Wagenin-
gen, The Netherlands.

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