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Wac01 w15 Er 01

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Examiners’ Report/

Principal Examiner Feedback

January 2015

Pearson Edexcel International
Advanced Level in Accounting
(WAC01) Paper 01
The Accounting System and Costing
Edexcel and BTEC Qualifications

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January 2015
Publications Code IA040347
All the material in this publication is copyright
© Pearson Education Ltd 2015
International Advanced Level Accounting (WAC01)
January 2015

General Comments

Centres are again to be congratulated on their preparation of students for

the January 2015 examination. The vast majority of students prepared
examination responses which were of good quality and in good IAS format.
Students demonstrated the application of a wide range of accounting
knowledge and skills throughout the paper. However, for a small minority of
students, entry to the examination was premature.

Major strengths were demonstrated by students in the preparation of

financial statements for the business entities set within the examination.
The evaluation of business scenarios was again good with students
generally offering a range of informed comments both for and against
proposals, before reaching a measured conclusion.

Again, a general weakness was observed in the preparation of double entry

book-keeping. This remains a continuing weakness observed from previous
examinations. In Q3(c) few students were able to prepare ledger accounts
over a three year period. The balancing of the accounts and the narratives
used was often incomplete or inappropriate. In Q4 students could prepare
journal entries in good format and with reasonable accuracy, but the
posting of those journals to the ledger in part (b) of the question were often
not accurate and without appropriate narratives. The preparation of ledger
accounts remains an essential part of the IAL Accounting syllabus and
centres should consider strategies to remedy this deficiency.

Specific Comments

Question 1

The question was generally answered well by students, who scored high
marks on the question.

In part (a) many students omitted the opening bank balance in the
calculation of the capital, but included all other elements. Part (b) was well
presented and substantially accurate. Students generally showed all
workings and should continue to do so. A breakdown of the calculation of
revenue and purchases in student’s answers enabled component marks to
be awarded. This remains good practice by students.

In part (c) the quality of responses was mixed with some students able to
suggest appropriate advantages of maintaining double entry accounts but
other students were unable to make any valid points.
Common errors:

• Failure to include the opening bank balance in the calculation of

• Incorrect valuation of closing inventory
• Identifying advantages of using double entry accounts.

Question 2

Students generally prepared good answers to the question. In part (a)

students allocated and apportioned the expenses to departments deriving a
departmental profit for each department. The question did request a profit
for the business as a whole which some students omitted.

The ratio calculations in parts (b), (d) and (e) were answered very well with
many correct answers. Part (c) was less well answered with most students
repeating the percentages calculated in part (b) without suggesting
underlying reasons for the difference.

Common errors:

• Failure to calculate the profit for the business as a whole

• Failure to suggest valid possible reasons for the differences in the
gross profit percentages.

Question 3

There were parts of the question which were answered very well and other
parts where the responses were poor and demonstrated a general weakness
in students underpinning knowledge of double entry.

In part (a) of the question answers were very accurate with the only
common error was to fail to record the profit on disposal, some students
recorded this as an expenditure. In part (b) students were generally aware
of the difference between capital expenditure and revenue expenditure and
could apply those principles to given scenarios.

Part (c) was generally very poorly answered. The accounts were often not
balanced from year to year and narratives were often inappropriate. A
significant number of students failed to attempt this part of the question.

Part (d) was answered well with many correct answers.

Common errors:

• Failure to record correctly the profit on disposal

• The application of double entry to the Equipment and Provision for
Depreciation accounts.
Question 4

The question was generally answered well by students. Students prepared

good answers to part (a) although error 1, did result in a range of values
being tendered by students with 150 and 450 being common figures used.
Students were less able to carry through their journal entries into the
revised account in part (b). The failure to post the errors detailed in the
journal into the account was common amongst students.

Part (c) of the question was very well answered with many students
achieving full marks. A minority of students appeared not to have read the
question and failed to name and explain. They only named but failed to
explain, losing valuable marks.

Common errors:

• Posting errors from the journal to the ledger account

• Briefly explaining the errors not revealed by the trial balance.

Question 5

Students prepared answers to part (a) which were accurate and in good
format. In part (b) there was a great diversity of answers with some
students addressing the question but other students failing to explain the
principle involved and the actions which would be taken.

Parts (c) and (d) were very well answered.

Common error:

• Ability to explain the purpose of a provision for unrealised profit.

Question 6

All parts of the question were very well answered. Responses were
substantially accurate and were generally rewarded with high marks.

Common errors:

• None.
Question 7

Students were generally able to identify the concepts breached in part (a) of
the question. The identification of concepts was much improved from recent

In part (b) the adjusted accounts were generally recorded with a high
degree of accuracy. Some students omitted to prepare the adjusted income
statement recording only the financial position statement.

Common errors:

• Failure to prepare an adjusted statement of comprehensive income.

Grade Boundaries

Grade boundaries for this, and all other papers, can be found on the website on
this link:
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