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Vehicle - Service System # Greg

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ADM NO: KP/DICT/3381/21F
PAPER CODE: 2920/305


Project submitted to the Kenya National Examinations Council for partial fulfillment of the
award of Diploma in Information Communication Technology.

I declare that this project is my original work by my own efforts and has not been submitted to
KNEC or any Institution for examination purposes.

Student name:




Supervisor name:




I dedicate this project to my family and friends for their financial and social support towards
achieving the completion of this project in.


I would like to appreciate my lecturer who is also my supervisor Mr. Wanyonyi.

I appreciate my parents who continuously supported me with my basic needs and prayers
throughout this entire schooling period.
I also wish to show gratitude to my classmates for their great influence and support in various
activities in the institution during the writing of this project proposal.

Table of Contents
BONDO TECHNICAL TRAINING INSTIITUTE........................................................................1
MAGARI ONLINE-VEHICLE MARKETING SYSTEM.............................................................1
CHAPTER ONE..............................................................................................................................7
1.1 Problem statement..............................................................................................................7
1.1.1 Problem definition:..........................................................................................................7
1.1.3 Justification of monitoring system..................................................................................8
1.1.4 Scope...............................................................................................................................8
1.1.5 The solution.....................................................................................................................9
1.1.6 Conceptual framework....................................................................................................9
1.2 Feasibility Study...............................................................................................................10
1.2.1 Objective of Feasibility Study.......................................................................................10
1.2.2 Types of Feasibility Study.............................................................................................10
CHAPTER TWO...........................................................................................................................12
LITERATURE REVIEW..........................................................................................................12
2.0 Introduction/Review.........................................................................................................12
CHAPTER THREE.......................................................................................................................13
3.0 Introduction......................................................................................................................13
3.1 Requirements Analysis.....................................................................................................13
Functional requirements.........................................................................................................13
Operational requirements.......................................................................................................13
Specify the performance standards to be attained by the new system, the storage of the
database and other features........................................................................................................13

Performance requirements......................................................................................................13
3.2 System Investigations Report...........................................................................................14
3.3 Terms of Reference..........................................................................................................14
3.4 Fact finding techniques....................................................................................................14
Disadvantages of Observation................................................................................................15
2. Interviews..........................................................................................................................15
3.5 Preliminary study.............................................................................................................15
3.5.1 Preliminary study report................................................................................................15
Poor management database....................................................................................................16
Insecurity of company’s data and information......................................................................16
Slow in generating reports......................................................................................................16
3.6 System design: Waterfall..................................................................................................17
CHAPTER FOUR: SYSTEM DESIGN.....................................................................................18
4.0 Introduction..........................................................................................................................18
4.1 User classes and characteristics...........................................................................................18
4.2 Implementation Tools..........................................................................................................18
4.2.1 CONTEXT DIAGRAMS..................................................................................................18
4.2.2 Data Flow Diagrams.........................................................................................................19 Merits of DFDs..............................................................................................................21
4.3 Symbols Used in DFDs........................................................................................................21
4.4 User Interface Design...........................................................................................................22
4.5 Logical Design.....................................................................................................................22
4.6 System Flow Charts.............................................................................................................22
4.7 Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)....................................................................................23
4.8 Entity Relationships Diagrams Decomposition...................................................................23
4.9 Database Design...................................................................................................................23
Information systems determines how the data is stored, processed and accessed in an
organization and is a major factor in the design of information systems as it determines the
speed of access, efficiency, and amount of storage space taken by the files. In this system
Databases provide a comprehensive implementation of the system by providing central data
and file management tools for different users............................................................................23

4.10 Input Design.......................................................................................................................25
4.11 Output Design....................................................................................................................25
4.12 Coding................................................................................................................................25
CHAPTER FIVE: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION..............................................26
5.1 Conclusion...........................................................................................................................26
5.2. Recommendation................................................................................................................26
APPEDIX 1...................................................................................................................................28
APPENDIX 2.................................................................................................................................29
GANTT CHART........................................................................................................................29
SYSTEM CODING.......................................................................................................................30
Customer registration page........................................................................................................31
Sell vehicle page........................................................................................................................34
SYSTEM SCREENSHOTS...........................................................................................................39
LOGIN PAGE............................................................................................................................40

Online vehicle repair and marketing is a system for booking and display of services for a
company to boost the growth of the company and increase its customer reach.

This system will work online and all users are required to log in to the system before performing
any action or service. It will include a registration procedure for clients, administration and

Employees will need to log in daily and will provide their details during registration which will
then be added to a database. This means that the system will run with a database to store
employees’ and clients information.

Clients will access this platform on a website and they can be able to communicate with the
administration and the company as whole. This will help them to make their orders or raise any
issues they have.

The administration will also be able to communicate with the clients and be able to know what
type of service the customers want and make arrangements for deliveries.

The system will be designed using HTML, PHP and My SQL.


Online vehicle repair and marketing is a system for booking and display of services for a
company to boost the growth of the company and increase its customer reach. This system will
work online and all users are required to log in to the system before performing any action or
service. It will include a registration procedure for clients, administration and employees.
Employees will need to log in daily and will provide their details during registration which will
then be added to a database. This means that the system will run with a database to store
employees’ and client’s information. Clients will access this platform on a website and they can
be able to communicate with the administration and the company as whole. This will help them
to make their orders or raise any issues they have. The administration will also be able to
communicate with the clients and be able to know what type of service the customers want and
make arrangements for deliveries.

1.1 Problem statement.

Currently the organization uses a manual system where the customer visits the physical location
of the company and performs the booking or has a look at the spare part that he/she wants to
purchase and asks the price physically. The customer care team lends a hear to the client and
shows him a range of services that the company offers. This tends to be time and resource
intensive as wastage and is inevitable because the client travels a longer distance to check for a
service that could have otherwise have been confirmed online.
The company intends to extend its reach to the entire region and a lot of options that will help the
company to grow have been exploited.
An online system for booking and display of the services of the company is one of the option that
is expected to boost the growth and online competitive advantage.

1.1.1 Problem definition:

The existing system requires the customer to visit the physical location of the garage in order to
have a look at the vehicle and choose the one he/she wants. The current system also requires the
client to go to the physical address of the company and book for the appointment with a
mechanic in order for hi/her vehicle to be checked.

This has a lot of disadvantages.

i. Time wastage while travelling to the physical location to book the service.
ii. Customer unfriendly environment caused by queuing to book for the service.

iii. Reduced reach.
iv. Too many customers at the physical premise causing fatigue to the employees.
v. High cost due to large number of staff and manual booking process.

 Online vehicle repair and marketing is a system for booking and display of services for a
company to boost the growth of the company and increase its customer reach.

 This system will work online and all users are required to log in to the system before
performing any action or service. It will include a registration procedure for clients,
administration and employees.

 Employees will need to log in daily and will provide their details during registration
which will then be added to a database. This means that the system will run with a
database to store employees’ and clients information.

 Clients will access this platform on a website and they can be able to communicate with
the administration and the company as whole. This will help them to make their orders or
raise any issues they have.

 The administration will also be able to communicate with the clients and be able to know
what type of service the customers want and make arrangements for deliveries.

1.1.3 Justification of monitoring system

For the system to work efficiently, there’s need for setting up proper strategies to enable the new
system achieves its goals. The new system will involve capturing clients’ details which will
initiate the creation of a system database to hold the clients data. They will then be required to
register and log in to the system in order to access the services like booking for service,
requesting for service, purchasing spare parts and vehicles online. These services will be
provided in an effective manner to ensure that there’s no customer dissatisfactions.

1.1.4 Scope
The current system will be an online system accessible all over the world by everyone
irrespective of the physical location. This will ensure the increase in the number of customers
and also minimize paperwork and amount of time taken while travelling to the physical location
to book for the appointment or look for a good car to purchase.

Customers and clients will be able to access and book the services from anywhere with internet
connection from various devices including their phones, computers, PDA’s etc.

1.1.5 The solution
The proposed system will be an online system which is accessible over the internet and is
expected to improve and make the clients experience delighting and enjoyable.
Advantages of the proposed system
i. Is accessible from anywhere.
ii. It is cheaper compared to manual system
iii. It improves the customer -booking experience.
iv. Booking is faster with the proposed system
v. It reduces the amount of paperwork.
vi. There is improved security.

1.1.6 Conceptual framework





1.2 Feasibility Study
The feasibility study is carried out to determine whether there is need for a new system
development of a better system or upgrade of the current system.
It is a research into possibility of developing a solution to a problem

1.2.1 Objective of Feasibility Study

Some of the objectives of feasibility study are:-
i. To allow the organization management to decide whether to or not to commit further
resources to the project.
ii. Outline the present system with its performance.
iii. Provide standards against which future performance can monitored
iv. Highlights any other problem in the system

1.2.2 Types of Feasibility Study

Technical Feasibility Study

This type of feasibility study analyses to find out if there’s enough facilities, skills and personnel
to develop the proposed system
If the current facilities are not adequate then necessary hardware’s and software’s will have to be
Some of the required materials for developing the system are:-
i. Computer/laptop.
i. Windows 10.
ii. Visual studio code.
iii. Xampp (64-bit, -x64).

Economic Feasibility
I will determine if the new system is worth developing in terms of its advantages and
disadvantages an organization can face.

Selling vehicles is more economical than putting adverts on the local dailies, TV stations, radio
stations or waiting for the customer to come to the physical location.

Speed up the rate of data processing .The process of retrieving record will end up being an easy
job and very fast process .A simple query will be used to retrieve any required record.

Operational Feasibility
This feasibility determines whether the system will be able to perform the designated functions
within the existing organization environment with its current personnel and existing procedure,
this is:

It determines if the personnel will have the necessary skills of using the proposed system and if
the personnel does not have the necessary skills how are they going to be acquired.
Accommodation of the new system for example office space comfort and so on.


2.0 Introduction/Review.
ONLINE CAR REPAIR AND MARKETING SYSTEMS’ main aim is to provide services to our
client securely, conveniently and with little or no errors possible and in return get profit.
i. Giving back to the society in the company operates in.
ii. Focusing on our clients and employees.
iii. Giving our clients a user friendly booking system.
iv. Making profit and offering quality services.
v. Expanding to reach out the entire East Africa region.
According to the internet provides unprecedented opportunities for
the collection and sharing of information from and about customers.
The same website goes further to clarify that the consumers/ customers have very strong
concerns about the security of their personal information and finances on the internet market
place. ONLINE CAR REPAIR AND MARKETING SYSTEMS’ wishes to introduce secure
payment systems such as PayPal and M-Pesa to curb the fraud. This will ensure the clients
confidence in the payment system of the company
To borrow a quote from Geoff Ramsey of E-marketer “Listening means that marketers set aside
their ingrained command and control ” style of delivering messages on one way path and instead
open their senses to what customers are saying , doing , feeling and thinking .
As ONLINE CAR REPAIR AND MARKETING SYSTEMS’, the proposed system will allocate
our esteemed customers a space to write to us on a forum their good experiences, dissatisfaction
and their opinions.
This will help improve our services and range of goods and services to suite the customers feel
and needs .The new system will also explore the social media by adding Myspace®, Facebook®
and Twitter® handles on it to help reach out and listen to our customers’ needs.
“Institutional trust refers to individuals trust towards institutions like laws in a society or in case
of e-commerce the technology itself” (McKnight et al 2009).
The company is ready to foster the trust by providing a trusted booking system to its clients.


3.0 Introduction
System analysis is the process of gathering and interpreting facts, diagnosing problems about the
existing operations of the situation prevailing so that the new system will advocate / address the
The model that is being followed is the waterfall model. This model states that the phases are
organized in a linear order.

3.1 Requirements Analysis

The system requirements are classified into three categories:
a) Functional requirements.
b) Operational requirements.
c) Performance requirements.

Functional requirements.
Specifies the kind of data that the database will have, database records related details of the
Removals of wrong entries are possible whenever necessary. It provides facility of updating
whenever any changes are to be made

Operational requirements.

Specify the performance standards to be attained by the new system, the

storage of the database and other features.
The system needs of the database tables for the efficient maintenance of the record. The system
must be very descriptive and easy to use and must provide the end user with the help files.

Performance requirements.
The following performance standards should be taken care of while developing the system:-

(i)User friendliness.
The system should be easy to learn and understand so that the new user can also use the system
without any difficulty.

(ii)User satisfaction.
The system should meet the user expectations.

(iii)Response time.
The response time of all the operations should be low.

a) Error handling.
Response to the user errors should be taken care of to ensure that the system operates without a
b) Safety and security.
The new system should be able to tackle or avoid catastrophic behavior.
c) Robustness.
The system should recover from undesired events without human intervention

3.2 System Investigations Report

This is outcome results of the feasibility study of technical solution to the problem experienced
earlier. This will show all details on how the study was carried out and its fact finding.

3.3 Terms of Reference

It is a formal document used to guide the analyst and the users of the proposed system
concerning the objectives that are to be achieved. It specifies what the client system expects
about the system to be developed.

The system should allow a user to upload a vehicle that he/she wants to sell, book the vehicle
service or order the vehicle after entering his/her details and the details of the vehicle after

The terms of reference set are:

i. To improve the performance of the existing system.
ii. To developed system that will reduce paper work and keep the information for future use.
iii. To finished the system within a given schedule of time

3.4 Fact finding techniques.

These are the techniques which are used to gather information or fact findings during system
analysis. The following methods of data collection will be used during investigation on online
car Repair and Sales System.

This involves deeper inspection of the current system by seeing what is actually going on daily
The analyst made the observation on objects, activities actions of interest.
The analysts spend five days at main gate office to observe the flow of information.

Advantages of Observation
i. It enables the analyst to get firsthand information.
ii. Data collected is highly reliable. The analyst was able to see clearly what actions and
activities are undertaken and also identify tasks which have been omitted or inaccurately
imputed in the recording and signing book.

Disadvantages of Observation
i. Tasks being observed were subject to interruptions
ii. Sometimes costly because it requires the analyst to be present throughout the day.
iii. Time consuming because the analyst needed to observe persons all the time.
iv. Sometimes activities tended to take place at off times and this inconveniences the analyst

2. Interviews.
It is the direct communication between the users, management, clients, and the analyst to obtain
answers, comments and suggestion about the current system.
The analyst interviewed staff, non-staff and clients to view the problems the encountered.

Advantages of Interviews.

i. The analyst obtained full information.

ii. It was easy to conduct because there was a laid down schedule.
iii. It enabled the analysis team to probe the respondent to obtain information.’
iv. The analyst was able to observe the interviewees non-verbal communication and obtain
some information.

Disadvantages of Interview.
i. Requires high skills in communication and interpersonal relationship.
ii. It is time consuming and costly to prepare.

3.5 Preliminary study.

The study was carried out to ascertain the existence of the problem in the manual car sales and
service system.
In the study, the analyst identified the opportunities and objectives.
These are:-
i. To identify real nature of the problem in the current system.
ii. To determine the scope of the proposed system.
iii. To determine the problems encountered in the current system
iv. To determine the overall flow of the problem in the current system.

3.5.1 Preliminary study report.

This is the report that the analysis team comes up with. It contains the contents and findings of
the investigation.

Some of the problems encountered are as follows:-

Poor management database

The information in the record book is not kept well hence there are possibilities of losing some
important information and therefore no suitable information can be obtained.

The result of poor storage, cancellations and rewriting of each and every record during editing,
updating and completeness of reports since this purely manual before the record of interest if

Insecurity of company’s data and information

The information written in manual files can be easily exposed to unauthorized people since no
much restriction. The proposed system will allow the use of passwords and will only allow
organization’s information to be accessed by authorized personnel only.

The information stored in manual files can also be lost.

Slow in generating reports

This process was slow, tiresome, time consuming and cumbersome as it take many hours
recording personal details.
The new system will be using computers to record and analyze the information which are
characterized with fastness. This will make the data entry process faster and reliable

The manual system requires many users to record and analyze the organization data for reports
unlike the computerized which may require a single user for the entire work.
This makes sure that the company saves money which could have been used to hire overtime

3.6 System design: Waterfall.
The figure below illustrates a waterfall development model. In this model, stages are set as series
with the flow of time and information from left to right. The model define the order of stages that
will be delivered completely to the management at the end of each stage.

Problem definition

Feasibility study

System design

Coding and testing




4.0 Introduction
System design is the process of planning a new system or one to replace or complement an
existing system. This step produces the main structure of the system. The design of this
project entails selection of development tools and production of detailed procedures that
describe how the design process will be carried out and implemented in a new system. The
objective of systems design is to produce the design specifications for the system that will
satisfy the requirements defined during the systems analysis.

4.1 User classes and characteristics

The various classes of the participants who will be involved in the day to day operations of
the system will include.
1. Users. The users involved will be classified on two basic categories namely.
a) Clients/Registered users. These are already existing users who are registered
who have the capabilities of making purchasing and receiving notifications.
They have a username and password for navigating the system.
b) General users. They are users who are not registered and do not have an
activated account. They are able to access the web page but do not have the
privileges of making purchases.
2. System Administrator. This is a system user who has privileges to access the server,
control and manipulate it. They will be able to update the web database, add new
applications and grant access to other users to allow them to access the system.

4.2 Implementation Tools.

These are tools used to analyze data. They include:-
a) Context Diagram
b) Data Flow Diagram (DFDs)
c) Flow charts


This is the top level diagram that only indicates the external entities and the flow of the data in
and out of the system. It represents the scope and boundaries of the system. It does not show
processes and data stores.
It models the whole system by one process model .It shows input and output of a system and
does not explain the system in details .It represents the scope and boundaries of the system.

Here is a context diagram of the system:-


Vehicle service and sales


Add vehicle

Here is a block diagram of the proposed system. Inventory

Online Car sales and
Client repair

User request

4.2.2 Data Flow Diagrams

Data flow diagrams (DFD) are a structured analysis technique whereby analyst can put all the
graphical representations of data process throughout the organization.
By using a combination of diagrams, the analyst create a clear picture of the process

That will eventually provide clear vision documentation.

The DFD takes an input-process-output view of a system i.e. data objects flow into the software,
are transformed by processing elements, and resultant data objects flow out of the software. Data
objects represented by labeled arrows and transformation are represented by circles also called as
bubbles. DFD is presented in a hierarchical fashion i.e. the first data flow model represents the
system as a whole. Subsequent DFD refine the context diagram (level 0 DFD), providing
increasing details with each subsequent level.

The DFD enables the software engineer to develop models of the information domain &
functional domain at the same time. As the DFD is refined into greater levels of details, the
analyst performs an implicit functional decomposition of the system.

At the same time, the DFD refinement results in a corresponding refinement of the data as it
moves through the process that embodies the applications. A context-level DFD for the system
the primary external entities produce information for use by the system and consume information
generated by the system. The labeled arrow represents data objects or object hierarchy. Merits of DFDs

i. It provides freedom from committing to the technical implementation of the system too
ii. Further understanding of the interrelatedness of system and subsystems.
iii. Its logical model assists designer to gain a clear perception of what the system is to
achieve without getting confused by its current implementation details.
iv. Analysis of a proposed system to determine if the necessary data and processes have been
DFDs shows the data flows, data stores, processes and all external entities as described below.
a) Process-This shows what the system does, that is any activity that alters data in any way.
b) Data store-It is data storage and contains data that is retained in the system.
c) Data flow-Shows the flow/movement of data between the components.
d) Entity-They represent the source of data that enter the system or recipient of data that
leaves the system.

4.3 Symbols Used in DFDs

Symbol Description


Data source or sink

Data store

Data flow

User registration User


Register user Update user Search user Unregister user View user

4.4 User Interface Design
The user interface is the appearance of a systems and the interactivity to the user. The goal of
every system is to make as easy to use by the user as possible.
The user interface should be simple to be used by the user as possible

The diagram below shows the main home page interface.

Main Home Page

Customer login Admin main page

Available vehicles and service Admin insert Admin Edit vehicle

Vehicle Page
Purchase vehicle

4.5 Logical Design

The aim of logical interface is to show logically the processes that will take place in the proposed
system beginning from the time the user logs into the system to when the user logs out and exits
the system.

4.6 System Flow Charts

The activity diagram below shows the flow of activities that occur when the user logs in the

Home page

View services Upload a vehicle

View vehicles

Log out Stop

4.7 Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)
This is a diagrammatic representation of how the entities within the system relate to one another,
the constraints and the cardinality mappings between the entities. Entities include customers,
employees, vehicle system, and vehicle manager.


Vehicle sales and service system

Admin Employees

4.8 Entity Relationships Diagrams Decomposition

This shows various system entities and their relationship to the other entity in the system.

Vehicle sales system Customers

Vehicle sales system Employees

Vehicle sales system Administrator

4.9 Database Design

Information systems determines how the data is stored, processed and accessed in an
organization and is a major factor in the design of information systems as it determines the speed
of access, efficiency, and amount of storage space taken by the files. In this system Databases
provide a comprehensive implementation of the system by providing central data and file
management tools for different users.

Table Design

Administrator table

Username Varchar 50 Name of the user

Password Varchar 10 Password to log in

Email Varchar 20 Address to contact

Vehicle table


vehicle_name Varchar 15 Name of the vehicle

Status Varchar 40 Availability of the vehicle

Price Float Price of the vehicle

Customers’ table

Email Varchar 50 Customer email for verification

Password Varchar 50 Needed during login

Dob Date Needed during registration

City Varchar 20 Needed during registration

Province Varchar 20 Needed during registration

Country Varchar 20 Needed during registration

Phone_number Varchar 20 Needed during registration

4.10 Input Design
Inputs are the only feedback information that the user feeds into the system. This may
include the user supplying his/her details after being requested by the system. The details
can be passwords, email or the username.
The input should be designed to address the following issues.
i. User friendliness.
ii. Security.
User friendliness
The input should be easy to be understood and used by the user.
The technology that is used to enter the details to the system should also be familiar and easy to
the users.

The system should allow only users with special permission to add or remove items .The users
who are registered to the system should also access some pages which cannot be accessed by the
unregistered users.
The system should also be able to tackle the online security issues such as hacking and cracking.

4.11 Output Design

Design of output screens have to be kept as simple as possible because the information that is
being output is the one that is viewed by the user of the system. The transaction information
should be kept as clear as possible to avoid any unexpected mix up.

4.12 Coding
The code of every system is critical because the code can used in future to upgrade or solve the
problems which may arise in the system. The code should be followed by a clear documentation
which states what the code does. The code should be also made tidy.


5.1 Conclusion.
The use of the system will provide a new, improved service to any firm that implements it,
saving time and effort, allowing staff to carry out their work whilst reducing their workload
much more accurately and enjoy using the system. The system will also provide means of
storage that is efficient and will limit the risks involving the stored data.

5.2. Recommendation.
According to the research study of the project, it is certain that the new system will be a success
and efficient. For one to use the new system, they must register and login to the system thus
providing essential information to the database that will be used for the company’s future
reference and analysis. The company will also use the information provided to make future

1. Jung, Jayakrishnan, and Park, “Modeling of Real-time Shared-Taxi Dispatch Algorithms” Institute of
Transportation Studies, University of California, pp 3-8, 10-18, August, 2012.

2. Anurag Mandle, Akshay Jaiswal, Bhushan Dod, Roshan Lokhande, “Taxi Automation Using Real
Time Adaptive Scheduling”, International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and
Communication, pp 1-3, March 2014.

3. A. Michael Berman, Sue M. Lewis and Anthony Conto, “Location-Aware Computing”, EDUCAUSE
Evolving Technologies Committee, USA, pp 2-7, November 2008.

4., ‘GPS Tracking System’, and 2015 [Online] Available: [Accessed:


The following will be the requirements and the budget estimates for carrying out the system

Item Quantity Cost in ksh

External hard-disk 100 GB 3500.00
Printing papers 3 reams 1200.00
Biro pen 15 300.00
Laptop 1 35000.00
Drawing pencils 10 500.00
Rubber 10 200.00
Rewritable disks 20 500.00
Foolscaps 2 reams 1000.00
Domain name 1 3000.00
Host 1 2000.00
TOTAL 47200.00


The proposed system will have a time schedule to be strictly followed to start and end in time
without delays.
The following table shows activities and duration that each activity will take at a given time

10TH 1ST

2021 2021

System & User 15TH

Requirements 2021

Physical Design

Logical Design




This is the part of the system where the actual codes of the system are created and tested. It is the
crucial part of the system because the codes are the ones that make up the system.


header("Location: account.php");


<div id="main">
<h3>E-workshop - Complete Auto solutions</h3>
<table width="537" border="0">
<td colspan="2"><p>First In Kenya, dedicated web portal on car servicing and repair, 2n
d hand Vehicle showroom, etc. A network of execlusive car workshops members. The team is he
lping car owners to find the right car workshops based on Customers Reviews and Industry Stan
<td width="236"><a href="login.php"><img src="images/login.jpg" width="276" heigh
t="129" /></a></td>
<td width="285"><a href="registration.php"><img src="images/registration.png" widt
h="277" height="138" /></a></td>
<td><p><strong> Online car servicing booking</strong><strong><a hre
f="login.php"><img src="images/onlinevehicleservice.gif" width="276" height="131" /></a></
<td valign="top"><a href="login.php"><img src="images/sellcar.png" width="280" heig
ht="156" /></a></td>

<td><a href="vehiclestore.php"><img src="images/buy vehicles.jpg" width="276" heigh
t="182" /></a></td>
<td><a href="sparepartsstore.php"><img src="images/spareparts.jpg" width="283" heigh
t="182" /></a></td>

<!-- wrap ends here -->



Customer registration page

require_once "configuration.php";
$_SESSION = 'localhost';
$username = $password = $confirm_password = "";
$username_err =$password_err = $confirm_password_err = "";
//procesing form data when form is submitted
//validate username
$username_err = "please enter a username.";
} elseif(!preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9 _]+$/', trim($_POST["username"]))){
$username_err = "username can only contain letters,numbers, and underscores.";
} else{
//prepare a select statement
$sql = "SELECT id FROM users WHERE username = ?";

if($stmt = mysqli_prepare($link, $sql)){

//bind variables to the prepared statement as parameters
mysqli_stmt_bind_param( $stmt,"s", $param_username);
//set parameters
$param_username = trim($_POST["username"]);
//attempt to execute the prepared statement
/* store result */
if(mysqli_stmt_num_rows($stmt) == 1){
$username_err = "this username is already taken.";
} else{
$username = trim($_POST["username"]);

} else{
$username = trim($_POST["username"]);
} else{
echo "Oops! Something went wrong. Please try again later.";
//close statement
//validate password
$password_err = "Please enter a password";
} elseif(strlen(trim($_POST["password"])) < 6){
$password_err = "password must have atlest 6 characters.";
} else{
$password = trim($_POST["password"]);
//validate confirm password
$confirm_password_err = "please confirm password";
} else{
$confirm_password = trim($_POST["confirm_password"]);
if(empty($password_err) && ($password != $confirm_password)){
$confirm_password_err = "password did not match.";
//check input errors before inserting to database
if(empty($username_err) && empty($password_err) && empty($confirm_password_err)){
//prepare an insert statement
$sql ="INSERT INTO users(username, password) VALUES (?, ?)";
if($stmt = mysqli_prepare($link, $sql)){
//bind variables to the prepared statement as parameters
mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt, "ss", $param_username, $param_password);
//set parameters
$param_username = $username;
$param_password = password_hash($password, PASSWORD_DEFAULT);
//redirectto login page
header("location: login.php");
} else{
echo "Oops! Something went wrong.Please try again later.";

//close statement
//close connection
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<link rel="stylesheet"
body{ font: 14px sans-serif; }
.wrapper{ width: 360px; padding: 20px; }
<div class="wrapper">
<p>Please fill this form to create an account.</p>
<form action="<?php echo
htmlspecialchars($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]); ?>" method="post">
<div class="form-group">
<input type="text" name="username"
class="form-control <?php echo (!empty($username_err)) ? 'is-invalid' : '';
?>" value="<?php echo $username; ?>">
<span class="invalid-feedback"><?php echo
$username_err; ?></span>
<div class="form-group">
<input type="password" name="password"
class="form-control <?php echo (!empty($password_err)) ? 'is-invalid' : ''; ?>"
value="<?php echo $password; ?>">
<span class="invalid-feedback"><?php echo
$password_err; ?></span>
<div class="form-group">
<label> confirm password</label>

<input type="password" name="confirm_password" class="form-control" <?php
echo(!empty($confirm_password_err)) ? 'is-invalid' : ''; ?> value="<?php echo
$confirm_password; ?>">
<span class="invalid-feedback"><?php echo $confirm_password_err; ?></span>
<div class="form-group">
<input type= "submit" class="btn btn-primary" value="Submit">
<input type= "reset" class="btn btn-secondary ml-2" value="Reset">
<p>Already have an account? <a href="login.php">log in here</a>.</p>


Sell vehicle page


<script type="text/javascript">
function validate()
alert("Enter Vehicle");
return false;
alert("Enter Model");
return false;
alert("Enter Brand");
return false;

alert("Enter the Estimated Price");
return false;
alert("Enter other info");
return false;


"upload/" . $_FILES["file"]["name"]);
$img = $_FILES["file"]["name"];
$sql ="insert into vehicle(custid,vehname,model,brand,images,estmdprice,otherinfo,status) value

if (!mysqli_query($sql,$con))
die('Error: ' . mysqli_error());


"upload/" . $_FILES["file"]["name"]);
$img = $_FILES["file"]["name"];
$img = $_POST['image'];

if($img != "")

$sql ="update vehicle set custid='$_SESSION[custid]',vehname='$_POST[vehname]',model='$_
='$_POST[other]' where sellno='$_GET[updtid]'";
$sql ="update vehicle set custid='$_SESSION[custid]',vehname='$_POST[vehname]',model='$_
er]' where sellno='$_GET[updtid]'";
if (!mysqli_query($sql,$con))
die('Error: ' . mysqli_error());

if(mysqli_affected_rows() == 1)
$recresult = "<font color='green'><b>Vehicle record updated successfully...</b></font>";

$sql= "SELECT * FROM `vehicle`";


<div id="main">

<a name="TemplateInfo"></a>
<h1>Sell vehicles</h1>
<center><h3>Vehicles record added successfully.. </center></h3>
echo $recresult;


<form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" validat

e()" name="form1" id="form1">
<table width="484" border="0">
<th width="264" height="37" scope="row">Vehicle Name
<label for="lname"></label></th>
<td width="210"><label for="vehname"></label>
<input name="vehname" type="text" value="<?php echo $row['vehname'] ; ?>" i
d="vehname" size="35" /></td>"
<th height="36" scope="row">Model</th>
<td><label for="email"></label>
<label for="model"></label>
<input name="model" type="text" value="<?php echo $row['model']; ?>" id="model"
size="35" /></td>
<th height="47" scope="row">Brand</th>
<td><label for="password"></label>
<input name="brand" type="text" value="<?php echo $row['brand']; ?>" id="brand" si
ze="35" /></td>
<th height="40" scope="row" valign="top"><br />
<td><label for="confpass"></label>
<label for="images"></label>
<label for="file"></label>
<input type="file" name="file" id="file" /><input type="hidden" name="image" />
<?php if(isset($_GET['updtid']))
if($row['images'] == "")
$imgsrc = "images/noimage.png";
$imgsrc = "upload/$row[images]";

<img src="<?php echo $imgsrc; ?>" width="179" height="148" />
<th height="37" scope="row">Estimated Price (In Dhs)</th>
<td><label for="phone"></label>
<label for="estdprice"></label>
<input name="estdprice" type="text" value="<?php echo $row['estmdprice']; ?>" i
d="estdprice" size="35" (event.keyCode < 45 || event.keyCode > 57) event.retur
nValue = false;"/></td>
<th height="45" scope="row">Other Info</th>
<td><label for="mobile"></label>
<label for="other"></label>
<textarea name="other" cols="15" id="other" ><?php echo $row['otherinfo']; ?></
<th scope="row">&nbsp;</th>
<?php if(isset($_GET['updtid']))
<input type="submit" name="update" id="update" value="Update vehicle" /><?php
}else{ ?><input type="submit" name="submit" id="submit" value="Sell vehicle" /><?php } ?
<br />


<!-- wrap ends here -->








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