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Mainak Resume

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MAINAK GHOSH (DevOps Engineer)

Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee +91-6290427505 Kolkata, India Mnk mainak

DevOps Engineer ● E-com multi-cluster app deployment in EKS with Gitops
FREELANCING ) (Github Action, Nodejs, Argocd, Vpc, Nat, Docker, ASG, Nginx)
[INTELIPAAT] ➢ Deployed and integrated using autoscaling self -
hosted runners As build, unit test, static code analysis,
April 2023- Present sast, Dast, creation of docker images deploy in eks
using argo CD
● Migration from Vmware to AWS cloud of webapps.
● Multi-Microservice app deploy using (Azure ci-cd, Argo
● Responsibilities include CI&CD Cloud infrastructure set up, SOC2 cd, Azure Kubernetes service, Redis, PostgreSQL, Dotnet,
compliance Python )
● Executed a variety of tasks on the large number of machines of ➢ Webapp deplopyed using k8s controller in azure
AWS services like EC2, S3, Workspaces, Lambda, RDS, kubernetes service using azure ci & cd
CloudWatch using Python scripting via Boto3.
● Resolved daily ad-hoc tasks from various departments regarding ● Reducing Image size by 800%
malfunction of services like Jenkins and fulfilling their (Go, Scratch, copy, Docker)
requirements regarding AWS resources like EC2 instances, RDS, Multi stage Docker build using distroless container image
workspaces, S3 buckets etc, taking cost optimization standards ---------------------------------------------------------------------
under consideration. ● Restaurant Management System (MySQL)
● Used Grafana to create a variety of Synthetic tests, -Designed the real-life database of restaurants and
Dashboards, Monitors for clients applications health check up- maintainedthe data such as information regarding
time status. customers, delivery, workforce.
● Solely executed Proof of Concept of shifting whole jenkins SKILLS
authentication and authorization system from Auth0 to Amazon
Cognito, involving Username password authentication, SAML DevOps tools and related technologies :
integration, Active directory integration. ● Jenkins, Grafana, prometheus,ELK stack,
● Created Jenkins jobs to automate daily repeating ad-hoc tasks and Terraform, Ansible, Python & bash scripting,
automated AMI backup for Jenkins master and its slave Kubernetes, Docker, Gitlab CI-CD, Tomcat,
Nexus3, Nginx, Microsoft Azure, AWS- VPC
● Under AWS cost optimization: peering, Route-Tables, security group, Load-
➢ Created tag policy for EC2 instances to automatically start Balencer, Auto-scaling-Group, Cloudfront,
and stop at given time & deleting unused snapshots or send Route53, WAF
sns to users using lambda function, Cloudwatch, IAM
➢ Used AWS Cost Explorer, shortlisted high cost
Expert skills:
consuming accounts, integrated daily and monthly
● Googling, Ai prompting, Using Stackoverflow
cost threshold alarms.
➢ Shortlisted services responsible for major AWS bills, their
reasons and industry standard solutions. Implemented
● DBMS(MySQL), Sricpting, Python, Git, Linux, APIs
solution, resulting in decrease of AWS monthly bill from
90,000 $ to 67,000 $ [ 25.5% decrease ]
● Streamlined infra-provisioning by deploying robust terraform
modules, which reduced deployment time by 50% ● Experience in medical field for 2 years in Labs
● Written Terraform code for creating clusters with namespace
statefiles, for cloud managed k8s using modules. ● Qualified Publicis Sapient Jumpstart, 2023 event.
● Used nginx servers to deploy webapps ● Among top 150 out of 350+ teams in
● Automated Jenkins parallel staged pipelines with build triggered VICHAAR HAAT, IIT Roorkee, a national level
by github webhooks. startup idea pitching event.
● Integrated code quality check with sonarqube, jacoco & stored ●
Good listener and expert in securing the cluster
artifacts in Jfrog repository
● Created & maintained extensive Helm charts for kubernetes EDUCATION
application facilitating easy deployments and updates resulting in Integrated Post Graduate | Indian Institute
a 30% faster application updates Technology, Roorkee
● Reduced human effort by 60% by installing tools using ansible
apt module 8.0 / 10 CGPA 2023-2024

POSITION HELD B.SC in Laboratory Technology 2018-2021

Event Organiser Oct 2023 AURORA FEST, IIT Roorkee Nandanpur High School
● Lead team of 10 members to handle 250+ participants.
● Direct communication with participants, event setup crew to solve issues in ● XII (WBCHSE): 90% 2015-2017
the shortest possible time. ● X (WBBSE): 95%

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