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NLC Math 3 Intervention LP v.1

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Intervention Camp
Lesson Plans
Intervention Learning Camp

Lesson Plans

Mathematics Grade 3
Table of Contents

Day 1: Lesson 1..................................................................................................................1

Identifies odd and even numbers.
Day 2: Lesson
2..................................................................................................................5 Visualizes,
represents, and arranges dissimilar fractions in increasing order or decreasing order. Day 3: Lesson
Visualizing and representing fractions that are equal to one and greater than one using regions, sets and
number line.
Day 4: Lesson
4................................................................................................................20 Reads and
writes fractions that are equal to one and greater than one in symbols and in words. Day 5: Lesson
5................................................................................................................25 Determines the
missing term/s in a given combination of continuous and repeating pattern. Day 6: Lesson
6................................................................................................................31 Adding 3- to 4-
digit numbers up to three addends with sums up to 10 000 without and with regrouping Day 7: Lesson
7................................................................................................................40 Visualizes,
Represents, and Subtracts 3-digit to 4-digit numbers without and with regrouping. Day 8: Lesson
Solves Routine and Non-routine Problems Involving Subtraction of Whole Numbers Including Money using
Appropriate Problem-Solving Strategies and Tools.
Day 9: Lesson 9................................................................................................................46
Multiplies Numbers; a. 2- to 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers without or with regrouping b.2-digit number
by 2-digit numbers without or with regrouping c.2- to 3-digit numbers by multiples of 10 and 100
Day 10: Lesson 10............................................................................................................48
Solves Routine and Non-routine Problems Involving Multiplication without or with Addition and Subtraction
of Whole numbers including money using appropriate problem-solving strategies and tools.
Day 11: Lesson
11............................................................................................................51 Visualizes
division of numbers up to 100 by 6, 7, 8, and 9 (multiplication table of 6, 7, 8, and 9). Day 12: Lesson
12............................................................................................................53 Visualizes and
States Basic Division Facts of Numbers up to 10.

Day 13: Lesson 13............................................................................................................56

Divides numbers without or with remainder: a.2- to 3-digit numbers by 1- to 2- digit numbers b.2- to 3-digit
numbers by 10 and 100
Day 14: Lesson
14............................................................................................................58 Recognizes and
draws a point, line, line segment and ray.

Day 15: Lesson

15............................................................................................................63 Perpendicular,
Parallel and Intersecting Lines

Day 16: Lesson

16............................................................................................................69 Congruent Line

MATHEMATICS Grade 3 Lesson Plan 1
Key Idea
• Understand that odd numbers cannot be divided evenly into two groups. • Recognize
that even numbers can be divided into two equal groups with no remainder. • Practice
identifying odd and even numbers through various activities.

Most Essential Learning Competency

▪ Identifies odd and even numbers. M3NS-IIIa-63

Component 1: Lesson Short Review
Time: 7 mins.
Under the Sea: Whales and Seahorses Game
This activity will engage students and activate their prior knowledge on numbers.

-The learners will be divided into three groups.

-They will be given different number cards.
-They will be asked to sort the numbers and put them in the appropriate basket.

-Let the learners present their work.

- What have you noticed about the numbers you placed in the basket for odd
numbers? - Where do these odd numbers end?
- What have you noticed about the numbers you placed in the basket for even
numbers? - Where do these even numbers end?

Sample Answers
Q1: The numbers cannot be divided equally into 2.
Q2: These numbers end in 1,3,5,7, and 9.
Q3: The numbers can be divided equally by 2’s.
Q4: These numbers end in 0,2,4,6, and 8.

Component 2: Lesson Purpose/Intention

Time: 3 mins.
Identifying odd and even numbers is a stepping stone for understanding core mathematical
concepts like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. It lays the groundwork for future
learning and problem-solving. Grouping and pairing objects based on odd/evenness
encourages logical thinking, which transfers to solving various problems and analyzing

Component 3: Lesson Language Practice

Time: 5 mins.

▪ Read out difficult or unfamiliar words or phrases and ask the students to read them
to themselves and then out loud as a class.

• An even number is any whole number that can be divided by 2 with no

remainder. • The last digit of an even number will always be 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8.

• An odd number is any whole number that cannot be divided by 2 with no

remainder. • The last digit of an odd number will always be 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9.

• The remainder is the number that is left after you divide.

• Divisibility means that a number goes evenly (with no remainder) into a number.

▪ Read out the terms and ask learners to read them to themselves and then out loud as
a class.

Component 4: Lesson Activity

Time: 25 mins.
Activity 4A
▪ Present a real-life situation wherein learners can relate.

Carl and his friend baked 11 cookies for their snacks. How can they
share the cookies equally?

▪ Ask the following questions:

-How many cookies did Carl and his friend bake?
-Do you think they will get an equal number of cookies? Why or why not?

-Do you think the skills of identifying odd and even numbers will help you decide in
baking cookies? What should they do so that they will get the same number of cookies?

Sample Answers:
Q1: 11
Q2: No, because 11 is an odd number. If you divide by 2 you will get a remainder of 1.
Q3: Yes, if the number of people who will share the cookies is even, they should choose to bake
an even number of cookies so that each of them gets the same.

Try this out!

Learners will participate in a quick game where they must stand up if the number called out is
even and stay seated if it's odd.


ivity 4B
Number Shuffle Game!
Directions: Learners stand in a circle. The teacher will say a starting number (e.g., 10). Each
player counts up or down by 2, saying the next number aloud. Learners who will say an odd
number will be out. The last player standing will win.

Starting Numbers
1. 28 2. 56 3. 72 4. 80 5. 94

Sample Answers:
1. 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, / 26, 24, 22, 20, 18

2. 58, 60, 62, 64, 68, / 54, 52, 50, 48, 46

3. 74, 76, 78, 80, 82, / 70, 68, 66, 64, 62

4. 82, 84, 86, 88, 90, / 78, 76, 74, 72, 70

5. 96, 98, 100, 102, 104 / 92, 90, 88, 86, 84

Activity 4C
Count me in!

- Count the number of items in each set. Write if it is odd or even. Then get the total of all
the items. Identify if it is an odd or even.

Component 5: Lesson Conclusion

Time: 5 mins.

▪ Identifying odd and even numbers is fundamental in math, helping with more complex
operations. Odd numbers cannot be divided evenly by 2, while even numbers do.
Mastering this skill builds a foundation for advanced math concepts, aiding in real-life
scenarios like data organization, probability, and problem-solving.

▪ Ask learners to answer the following questions either by class discussion or writing the
answers in their worksheet.

Q1. What is an even number? Odd number?

Q2. Can you explain when a number is an odd or even?
Q3. What new concepts or skills did you learn about during this lesson?
Q4. Did collaborating with your classmates help you understand the lesson?
How? Reflection:
Q5. If numbers are grouped according to qualities, should people be grouped based
on qualities, too? Why or why not?

▪ Let learners know that good learners reflect on their learning.

▪ Segue to next lesson: In the next lesson, we will discuss and enjoy lessons about fractions.

REMINDER: Collect learners’ worksheets to review and analyze their learning.

Mathematics Grade 3 Lesson Plan 2
Visualizes, represents, and arranges dissimilar fractions in increasing order or
decreasing order.

Key Ideas:

▪ How do we compare fractions?

▪ Look how the figures or shapes are arranged and identify which shape/s repeat

over and over.

▪ Identify the order of the repeated figures.

▪ Discuss the steps in arranging dissimilar fractions.

▪ Find the least common denominator.

▪ Determine the equivalent fractions sharing the LCD.

▪ Arrange the numerators in increasing or decreasing order.

▪ Rewrite the fractions.

Most Essential Learning Competencies

• Visualizes, represents, and arranges dissimilar fractions in increasing order or decreasing


Component 1: Lesson Short Review

Time: (3 mins.)

▪ Ask the class to do the review exercise in the worksheet.

▪ Compare: 512and 17
12using <, > or =.
5 17
Step 1: First, observe the denominators of the given fractions, i.e., 12and


Here, the denominators are the same for both fractions.

Step 2: Now, compare the numerators of the given fractions. We can observe that 17 >
5. Step 3: We know that the fraction with the larger numerator is larger. Hence, 12 and



Call volunteers to give their answers.

1. <

Component 2: Lesson Purpose/Intention

Time: (7 mins.)
Show examples of fractions and let the learners identify the fractions (The numerator or the
numbers of part being taken and the denominator or the number of equal parts into which
the whole is divided).

a. What have you noticed about the fractions? (about numerators and
denominators) b. What have you noticed about their arrangements?
Component 3: Lesson Language Practice
Time: (5 mins.)
A. Directions: Order the following similar fractions below in increasing and decreasing

orders. 1. 1215, 715, 315, 915, 5153. 1018, 518, 718,14

18, 18

Increasing Order: Increasing Order:

Decreasing Order: Decreasing Order:

2. 220, 10
5 15
20, 20,
1 7 6 3 5
20 4. 8, 8, 8, 8, 8

Increasing Order: Increasing Order:

Decreasing Order: Decreasing Order:


1. Increasing Order: 315, 515, 715, 915, 12153. Increasing Order: 518, 618, 718,1018,14 18
Decreasing Order: 1215, 915, 715, 515, 315Decreasing Order: 14 18, 1018, 718,618,518

2. Increasing Order: 220, 520, 10


204. Increasing Order: 18, 38, 58,68,78

Decreasing Order: 17
5 2
20, 20, 20Decreasing Order: 78, 68, 58,38,18

Arrange 34. 58. 1112in ascending order (from least to greatest).

Least common multiple of (4, 8, 12) = 24.
4= (3 ⋅ 6)/(4 ⋅ 6) = 18

8= (5 ⋅ 3)/(8 ⋅ 3) = 15
12= (11 ⋅ 2)/(12 ⋅ 2) = 22

Compare the numerators of similar fractions above and order them from least to
greatest. 24,


Substitute the corresponding original fractions.

3 11
8, 4, 12

3 11
8, 4, 12

Remember: When the denominators of the given set of fractions are the same, arrange the
numerators accordingly in ascending and descending order. But if the denominators are not
the same, take the LCM of all denominators and make all denominators equal. After that,
check the numerator and arrange them in ascending or descending order.

Component 4: Lesson Activity

Time: (25 mins.)
Component 4A

▪ Present the story problem to the class. Let them read and understand the problem.

Maria and her mother went to the market. She helped her in buying the
following ingredients: 34kilogram of chicken, 12kilogram of papaya, 14kilogram
of ginger and 18kilogram of onions.

Component 4B

▪ After reading, ask the following questions and call volunteers to give their

answers. 1. What recipe do you think Maria’s mother plans to cook?

2. Do you also help your mother at home? How?
3. What household chores do you do to help your mother?
4. If we are going to arrange the ingredients from heaviest to lightest, which should
come first? second? third? fourth? Why?

1. tinola
2. yes, by preparing ingredients
3. answers may vary
4. 34, 12, 14, 18

Component 4C
A. Arrange each group of fractions in decreasing order:

1. 16, 18, 14, 15

2. 15, 110, 12, 17
3. 28, 18, 88, 58
4. 311, 1511, 911, 511
1 1 1 1 8 5 2 1
1. 4, 5, 6, 8 3. 8, 8, 8, 8

2. 12, 15, 17, 1104. 1511,911, 511, 311

Remember: To order fractions with the same numerators (unit fractions), compare
their denominators, the greater the denominator of the fraction, the lesser the
fraction. B. Arrange the fractions in ascending order:

1. 34, 49, 58,15

2. 25, 37, 59, 13

1. 15, 49, 58, 34

2. 13, 25, 37, 59

Component 5: Lesson Conclusion

Time: (5 mins.)
How do we arrange a set of fractions in increasing or decreasing order?
a. Unit Fractions

• To order/arrange fractions with the same numerators but different

denominators, compare their denominators. The greater the denominator of the fraction,
the lesser the fraction.
b. Similar and Dissimilar Fraction

• When the denominators of the given set of fractions are the same, arrange the

numerators accordingly in ascending and descending order. But if the denominators

are not the same, take the LCM of all denominators and make all denominators
equal. After that, check the numerator and arrange them in ascending or descending

• Say, “You all did great today. I hope to see everybody again in our next meeting and

we will discuss fractions that are equal to one and greater than one using regions,
sets and number.

REMINDER: Collect learners’ worksheets/answer sheets to review and analyze their learning.

Mathematics Grade 3 Lesson Plan 3
Visualizing and representing fractions that are equal to one and
greater than one using regions, sets and number line.
Key Ideas:

Fraction is a part of a whole. It can be represented using regions, sets, and number lines.

Fractions are called “fractions equal to one” when their numerators and denominators are the

Fractions are called “fractions greater than one” when the numerators are greater than the

Most Essential Learning Competencies

• Visualizes and represents fractions that are equal to one and greater than one using
regions, sets and number line.
• Identifies fractions that are equal to one and greater than one in each region, sets and
number line.
Component 1: Lesson Short Review
Time: 5 mins.

▪ Answer the activity on the worksheet.

▪ Say: Name the fractional part of the shaded portion in each figure. Write the letter of
the correct answer in your answer sheet.

1 2 3 4 1 1 1 1
_____ 1. A. 3B. 3C. 3D. 3 _____ 2. A. 5B. 4C. 3D. 2

1 2 3 5 4 3 2 1
_____ 3. A. 6B. 6C. 6D. 6 _____ 4. A. 4B. 4C. 4D. 4 _____ 5.

3 3 5 5
A. 8B. 5C. 8D. 3 Call volunteers to give their answers.

Answers: 1. B 2. D 3. D 4. C 5. A

Component 2: Lesson Purpose/Intention
Time: 5 mins.
Activity: Divide the class into 5 groups. Each group will be given puzzle pieces
and have them work together to form the puzzle.
Note: Each figure must be cut into puzzle pieces before giving it to the pupils.

Group 2

Group 1

Group 3
Group 4
Group 5

10 12
11 12
12 12
13 12
14 12
15 12
16 12
17 12
18 12
19 12
20 12
21 12
22 12
23 12
24 12


After doing the activity, let them answer the following question:
- What is the fraction of the shaded portion of each figure, set, or number

line? Answers: 44 , 118 , 66 , 96 , 1212

- From your answer, what can you say about the numerator and denominator of
the fraction?

Possible Answers:

• The numerator is equal to the denominator.

• The numerator is greater than the denominator.

Component 3: Lesson Language Practice
Time: 5 mins.
Activity: Arrange the jumbled letters to form the word that suits the given
description and example.
Note: Each letter must be written on a strip of paper.

1. C R A N I F T O – is a part of a whole, a set or a number line.


2. R N U E M R T O A - is a part being considered. It is the number above the line

in a fraction.

3. M E N O I D N T O R A - is the total number of parts which the whole is divided.

It is the number below the line in a fraction.

4. ALQEU – being the same in quality, size, degree, or value.


Figure A has the same value as Figure B.

5. T R A E R G E – the number is more than the given limit. Example:


The number of shaded parts in Figure A is more than in Figure B.

1. fraction 2. numerator 3. denominator 4. equal 5. greater 12

Component 4: Lesson Activity

Time: 25 mins.
Component 4A

▪ Look at the figures/ illustrations below.

▪ Ask the pupils to give the fraction in each figure.














4 20














▪ What have you noticed about the fraction illustrated in the given region, set, and number
Answer: They have the same numerator and denominator.

Fractions are called “fractions equal to one” when their numerators and denominators are the

�� �� ����
Therefore, ��, ��,

����are fractions equal to one.

▪ Present another figure. Ask the pupils to give the fraction in each figure.

11 8

▪ What have you noticed about the fractions118 and 96?

Answer: The numerator is greater than the denominator.

Fractions are called “fractions greater than one” when the numerators are greater than the denominators.
���� ��
Therefore, �� and ��are fractions greater than one.
Remember: Fractions can be represented using regions, sets, and number line. 13

Component 4B
Activity: “Find my match”

Provide two sets of cards (one for figures and one for fraction names).
Pupils will look for their match using the given cards. After finding their match, they will group
themselves into fractions equal to one or fraction greater than one. The first team to complete
their group will be the winner.

22 53 21 12 6 12 12
4 55
66 72 9 4

Note: Teacher may add a set of cards if necessary, so that all pupils may be given
cards. 14




21 9
12 2


Note: The pair having fraction with the same numerator and denominator belongs to the
GROUP of Fraction Equal to One. While the pair with fraction with greater numerator than
denominator belongs to the GROUP of Fraction Greater than One.

Component 4C
Activity 1: “Where do I belong?”
Classify the fractions as fraction equal to one or fraction greater than
one. Put them in their proper column.

Fraction equal to one Fraction greater than one


Fraction equal to one Fraction greater than one

Activity 2: “Who am I?”
Determine the fraction indicated on the number line and write the answer in the
blank. ______ 1.

______ 2. 012

______ 3. Answers:

1. 44 2. 64 3. 74

Activity 3: “Color Me”

Color the shape/region/object and number of objects in the group/set indicated by each given





Teacher Note: Provide a separate sheet for the learners

1. 7 flowers were shaded.
2. all parts of the regions were shaded.
3. 4 apples were shaded.
4. all parts of the regions were shaded.
5. 17 balloons were shaded.
Component 5: Lesson Conclusion
Time: 5 mins.
Activity: “Draw Me”
Draw the fraction being described. Use any representations (regions, set, or number
lines). 1. I am a fraction equal to one. My denominator is 4.
2. I am a fraction greater than one whose denominator is 5 and the numerator is
9. 3. I am a fraction greater than one that shows 8 of 3 equal parts.
4. I am a fraction equal to one and my numerator is 10.
5. I am a fraction greater than one that shows 7 of 4 equal parts.
After doing the activity, ask them the following questions:
- What is fraction equal to one? What is fraction greater than one?
- In what ways can you represent/ show fractions?

▪ Illustrations for each fraction may vary.

1. 44

2. 95

3. 83

4. 1010

5. 74


▪ A fraction equal to one when the numerator and the denominator are the same.
▪ A fraction greater than one when the numerator is greater than the

▪ We can represent/ show fractions using regions, sets or number line.

Say: “You all did great today. I hope to see everybody again in our next meeting and
discuss, learn and explore about reading and writing fractions in symbol and in words”.

REMINDER: Collect learners’ worksheets to review and analyze their learning.

Mathematics Grade 3 Lesson Plan 4
Reads and writes fractions that are equal to one and greater than one in symbols and in
Key Ideas:

Fraction is a part of a whole. It can be represented using regions, sets and number lines.

Fractions are called “fractions equal to one” when their numerators and denominators are the

Fractions are called “fractions more than one” when the numerators are greater than the

Most Essential Learning Competency

• Reads and writes fractions that are equal to one and greater than one in symbols and in
Component 1: Lesson Short Review
Time: 3 mins.
Write A if the fraction is equal to one and B if greater than one.

1. 882.723.444.12125.53

Call volunteers to give their answers.

1. A
2. B
3. A
4. A
5. B

Component 2: Lesson Purpose/Intention

Time: 7 mins.
Can we use symbols and words to talk about fractions that are greater than
one? How do we read and write them?
What is the connection between the numerator and denominator in a fraction that is bigger
than 1?
This lesson focuses on the development of skills on reading and writing fractions that are
equal to one and greater than one in symbols and in words.

Component 3: Lesson Language Practice

Time: 5 mins.

▪ Show the following word strips and post them on the chalkboard:
numerator, denominator, fraction equal to one, fraction greater than one.

▪ Tell them that they will encounter the key words in the concepts to be taught.

▪ Assist the learners in doing the activity in the worksheet:

Match column A with the corresponding meaning in column B. Write the

letter of the correct answer on the blank before each number.

A. B.
___1. The part being considered. A. denominator
___2. The part being unshaded. B. numerator

___3. The numerator is equal to the denominator. C. fraction

___4. It is a part of the whole. D. fraction is greater than one ___5. The
numerator is bigger than the denominator. E. fraction equal to one Answers:
1. B
2. A
3. E
4. C
5. D

Component 4: Lesson Activity

Time: 25 mins.
Component 4A

▪ Ask the class to read the problem. Let the pupils act it out. Have them answer the
questions below.

Lucky cut the cassava cake into 4 equal parts. He gave 1 piece to each of his
3 sisters and ate the rest. What part did each one get?
To whom did Lucky give the 3 parts of the cassava cake?
How did he divide?
What kind of a boy is Lucky?
What value does he possess?
Do you want to be like Lucky? Why?
Component 4B

▪ After reading, ask the following questions and call volunteers to give their
answers. 1. Who cut the cassava cake?
2. How did he share the cassava cake?
3. How did he cut the cassava cake?
4. What do you call each part?
5. What parts were eaten by Lucky and his sisters?
6. Write the fraction in symbols and in words.

Component 4C

A. Ask the class to read about this problem.
Some pupils of Mrs. Mandapat’s class colored game-
squares. How many game-squares did the pupils color?

can see:

I can read: 2

I can write: seven-halves

A. Write the corresponding fraction word in the following figure:

five-thirds eight-fifths eight-sixths three-halves








1. eight-fifths
2. five-thirds
3. three-halves
4. twenty-six-fourths
5. eight-sixths


Some fractions are equal to one. Other fractions are greater than one. Let the pupils

answer the following activities in their worksheet. Discuss the answers.

Activity 1:
On your paper, write the following fractions in symbols:
1) seven-halves _________ 6) twelve-tenths _________ 2) ten-
thirds _________ 7) three-halves _________ 3) eleven-fifths
_________ 8) six-fourths _________ 4) nine-fourths _________ 9)
five-halves _________ 5) thirteen-thirds _________ 10) eleven-
sixths _________


1) 72 6) 1210

2)103 7) 32

3) 115 8) 64

4) .94 9) 52

5) .133 10) 116

Activity 2
On your paper, write the following fractions in words: 1)
�� ___________ 6) 119_______________ 2) ����

___________ 7) 1512_______________ 3) 95

___________ 8) 83_______________ 4) 1310

___________ 9) 52_______________ 5) 74 ___________

10) 148_______________



1. fifteen-eighths 6) eleven-ninths

2. four-thirds 7) fifteen-twelves

3. nine-fifths 8) eight-thirds

4. thirteen-tenths 9) five-halves

5. seven-fourths 10) fourteen-eighths

Component 5: Lesson Conclusion
Time: 5 mins.

▪ Say: A fraction equal to one when the numerator and the denominator are the same.
A fraction greater than one when the numerator is greater than the denominator.

▪ Instruct the learners to pair with their classmates and ask them to give examples of fractions
equal to one and fractions greater than one and have them read and write in symbols and
in words.

▪ After the paired activity, ask for volunteers to show their outputs. Provide feedback on
their work.

▪ Say: I hope to see everybody again in our next meeting to discuss missing term/s in a given
combination of continuous and repeating pattern.

REMINDER: Collect learners’ worksheets/answer sheets to review and analyze their learning.

Mathematics Grade 3 Lesson Plan 5
Determines the missing term/s in a given combination of continuous and repeating pattern.

Key Idea

⚫ Demonstrates understanding of continuous and repeating patterns and mathematical sentences

involving multiplication and division of whole numbers.

Most Essential Learning Competency

⚫ Determines the missing term/s in a given combination of continuous and repeating pattern.
Component 1: Lesson Short Review
Time: 5 mins.

DIRECTION: What comes next? Write the letter of your answer on the answer sheet.
Number 1 is done for you.

B 1.





_____2. A. D.

B. _____ 3. A.


C. 26


_____4 A. B. C.






◼ Say: Volunteers may read aloud and explain their answers in front of the class.

◼ Positive reinforcements should follow in every correct answer.

Component 2: Lesson Purpose/Intention
Time: 5 mins.

- Examine the figures.

If you are asked to continue the pattern of the figures and colors, what comes next?
Why? The learner will arrange the figures on the board.
Let another learner arrange the figures right beside the first set with the same arrangement.

⚫ Ask:

◼ What can you say about the set of designs?

◼ Are the arrangements of designs repeated?

◼ How are they arranged?


⚫ Provide toy egg and placed it anywhere inside the classroom.

⚫ Each toy egg must contain question.

⚫ Ask the learner to look for the toy eggs and ask volunteers to share their answer to the

class. DIRECTION: Find the missing terms in the given pattern below.

1. 2, 5, 8, 11, _____, 17, _____

2. 3, 5, _____, 9, ______

3. 16, 13, ______, 7, _____, 1

4. 5, 10, 15, _____, 25, ______

5. 100, ______, 300, 400, ______

Component 3: Lesson Practice
Time: 5 mins.

⚫ Display a pattern card showing a combination of continuous and repeating patterns.

Emphasize that patterns can have a sequence that repeats, or they can continue in a logical

◼ Provide a power point presentation and explain how the shapes represent different
elements or objects in the pattern.

◼ Discuss that it is very important to find the rule in the pattern and to use the rule in
determining the missing terms.

◼ Emphasize that these are the examples of repeating patterns. Repeating patterns are
sequences of shapes or numbers that repeat constantly and regularly. One can predict the
next term or missing term by looking at the regularity of the shapes or figures or numbers

Car Racing Game
⚫ Let five pupils from different groups choose the color of car they want to
play. ⚫ Once the pupils reach the finish line, questions will be revealed.

⚫ The first pupil to give the correct answer will be the winner.

Note: Below are the examples to be used.

Complete the pattern.
1. 10, 20, _____, 40, 50
2. 100, _____, 300, 400, 500

3 50, 100, 150, _____, 250

4. 1 000, 2 000, 3 000, 4 000, _____

5. 10, 15, ______, 25

Component 4: Lesson Activity

Time: 25 mins.
Component 4A

◼ Distribute different pattern cards to each group. The pattern card should include an example
of continuous and repeat patterns.

◼ Let the learners work by pair to identify the missing term/s in the pattern cards they received.

◼ Encourage the learners to explain their work and justify their answer by providing the rule of
the pattern.

Write the missing term to complete the pattern.
1. J10 I9 _____ G7 F6
2. KK LL _____ NN OO
3. RAT COW RAT ______ ______
4. 22 44 _____ 88 1010
5. 10 7 4 _____ 7 _____

Create a pattern using the condition below.
1. The number is 30 then decrease by 6. Then, increase by 3 the next two
numbers. 2. The number is 7. Then, decrease the next number by 4.
3. The number is 130. Then, increase the next number by 100.

Component 5: Lesson Conclusion

Time: 5 mins.

◼ Let the learners sit properly and let them share their experiences while doing the activity on
finding the missing terms on the pattern.

◼ Ask the learners to share which part of the lesson did they find it difficult or challenging.

◼ Let the pupils remember the following key concepts:

◼ How can you identify the missing term/s in each pattern of shapes, figures or numbers?
◼ Look how the figures or shapes are arranged and identify which shape/s repeat over
and over.
◼ Identify the order of the repeated figures.

◼ How can you find the missing number/s in each pattern or sequence?

◼ Determine if the numbers are arranged in increasing or decreasing order. ◼ Explore the

relationship between the numbers by finding the difference between numbers that are
next to each other.

◼ Use the difference between numbers to find the missing number.

DIRECTION: Read each item carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. What is the missing term in the pattern 6, 12, 18, _____, 30.

A. 21 B. 24 C. 27 D. 28
2. Fill in the blanks 4, 8, 12, _____, 20.

A. 15 B. 16 C. 18 D. 22


3. What comes next in the pattern: HAPPY, SAD, HAPPY, SAD, _____.




A. B. C. D.


A. B. C. D.

REMINDER: Collect learners’ worksheets/answer sheets to review and analyze their learning.

Mathematics Grade 3 Lesson Plan 6
Adding 3- to 4-digit numbers up to three addends with sums up to 10 000
without and with regrouping
Key Ideas

In adding numbers without regrouping, write the digits in column according to their place values.
Add from the right going to the left. Start from ones, then the tens, next, hundreds and the
In adding numbers with regrouping, write the digits in column according to their place values. Add
from the right going to the left. Start from ones, then the tens, next, hundreds and the thousands. If
the sum of the ones is more than 9, regroup to the tens place. Do the same if the sum of the tens
is more than 9.

Most Essential Learning Competency

▪ Adds 3- to 4-digit numbers up to three addends with sums up to 10 000 without and with
regrouping. M3NS-Id-27.6
Component 1: Lesson Short Review
Time: 10 mins.
Directions: Do the following exercises. Match your answer with the letters to find the answer
in the riddle. Write the letters in the spaces below.

A 56 = 50 + 6
C 33 = 30 + 3
R 61 = 60 + 1
+ 32 = 30 + 2
+ 41 = 40 + 1
+ 16 = 10 + 6

= ___ + ___
= ___ + ___
= ___ + ___
= _______
= ________
= _______

I 45 = 40 + 5
H 23 = 20 + 3
A = 88

+23 = 20 + 3
C = 74
+ 32 = 30 + 2
R = 77
= ___ + ___
= ___ + ___
I = 68
= _________
= _________
H = 55
What has legs but cannot walk?
____ ____ ____ ____ ____
74 55 88 68 77

Call volunteers to give their answers.


A 56 = 50 + 6
C 33 = 30 + 3
R 61 = 60 + 1
+ 32 = 30 + 2
+ 41 = 40 + 1
+ 16 = 10 + 6
= 80 + 8
= 70 + 4
= 70 + 7
= 88
= 77
= 74

I 45 = 40 + 5
H 23 = 20 + 3

+23 = 20 + 3
+32 = 30 + 2
= 60 + 8
= 50 + 5
= 68
= 55

What has legs but cannot walk?

74 55 88 68 77
Component 2: Lesson Purpose/Intention
Time: 3 mins.
Throughout this lesson, we will be exploring adding 3- to 4-digits numbers with three
addends with and without regrouping. Now you might be wondering what exactly is
regrouping and why it is important in addition. Regrouping occurs when the sum of digits in
any place value exceeds 9. Why is it significant? Well, in our base-10 number system, once
we reach 10 in any place value we regroup or carry over to the next higher place value

Directions: On your drill board, write Regroup if the addition problem needs
regrouping, then write Not Regroup if not.

_____________ 1. 456 + 278 + 341

_____________ 2. 789 + 123 + 366
_____________ 3. 523 + 287 + 491
_____________ 4. 831 + 242 + 124
_____________ 5. 644 + 323 +132


1. Regroup 2. Regroup 3. Regroup 4. Not Regroup 5. Not Regroup

Component 3: Lesson Language Practice
Terms Matching Game

Directions: Distribute the meta card randomly among the learners. Ensure that each learner
receives one term card and one definition card. Let the learner find the matching pair for each
term and match it with its corresponding definition. Once done, learners should stand together
and read it.

Numbers to be added.
The results when two or more numbers are
added together.

It is the process of
combining two or more numbers.

It is a process in addition when the sum of the digits in particular place

value exceeds 9 and moved to a different place value.

Addition is the process of combining two or more numbers.
Addends - Numbers to be added.
Sum - the results when two or more numbers are added together.
Regrouping - It is a process in addition when the sum of the digits in particular place value exceeds
9 and moved to a different place value.

Component 4: Lesson in Activity

Time: 25 mins.
Activity 4A

The Grade 3 learners have different collections.

Hobby Number of Collections
Photocard Collection 123
Board Game Collection 132
Comic Book Collection 213
Trading Card Collection 255
Video Game Collection 124
Toy Car Collection 219
1. How many photocards, board games and comic book collections do the
grade 3 learners have?
123 photocards
132 board games
213 comic books
2. What is the sum or total of photocards, board games and comic book
collections? Do we need to regroup the numbers? Why?

Expanded Form Short Cut Method

= 468
123 = 100 + 20 + 3 132 = 100 + Add the ones.
Next add the tens. Then add the
30 + 2 + 213 = 200 +10 + 3 468 = hundreds.
400 + 60 + 8 Hundreds Tens Ones 1 2 3 1 3 2 +2
13 468

The sum of photocards, board games and game books is 468

The numbers do not need to be regrouped because the sum of the digits
does exceed by 9.

3. How many trading cards, video games and toy car collections do the grade 3
learners have?
There are 255 trading cards, 124 video games, and 219 toy car collections.

4. What is the sum of trading card, video game and toy car collections? Do we
need to regroup the numbers? Why?

Expanded Form Shortcut Add the ones,

255 = 200 + 50 + 5 rename as 10 + 8, 255
124 = 100 + 20 + 4 regroup, next add + 219
219 = 200 + 10 + 9 tens, then hundreds 500 + 80 + 18 598
= 598

5. Lucas collects stamps as a hobby. He has 2 354 stamps from his grandfather ‘s
+ 124
collection, 1 821 stamps from his mother’s collection and 3 472 stamps from
his own collection. How many stamps does Lucas have in all?

Add the ones,

rename as 10+8,
regroup, next add 35
Expanded Form
2 354 = 2 000 + 300 + 50 + 4
1 821 = 1 000 + 800 + 20 +1
+ 3 472 = 3 000 + 400 + 70 + 2
6 000+1 500+140+ 7
=7 647

2 354 Add the ones (4+1+2=7)
1 821 Add the tens (50+20+70=140)
+ 3 472 Rename (140 as 100+ 40)
7 647 Regroup
Add the hundreds. Rename 1 600 as 1000 + 60
Then add the thousands

Activity 4B
Materials Needed:
1. Addition problem cards involving 3 digits to 4 digits with 3 addends.
2. Markers to designate the start and finish lines.
3. Stopwatch or timer

1. Group the players into teams of equal size. Each team should have an equal number of
2. Line up the teams behind the start line.
3. When the teacher says “GO”, the first player from each team races to the designated
problem-solving where addition problem cards are placed.
4. Once the problem-solving station, the first player draws an addition problem card, solves
the addition problem and announces the correct sum to the designated judge. 5. If the
answer is correct, the first player returns to their team and tags the next player to continue
the race.
6. If the answer is incorrect, the player must return to the addition problem station, correct
the mistake and then the race.
7. The race ends when all players on one team have completed the relay race and crossed
the finish line.
8. The team that completes the relay race and crosses the finish line first is the winning
9. Use timer to record the time taken by each team to complete the relay race.
10.Gather the player to discuss the experience, highlighting any challenges faced and
strategies used to solve the addition problems quickly and accurately.

Addition problem card
1. 321 = 2. 413 = 3. 243 =
300 + 20 + 1 400 + 10 + 3 200 + 40 + 3
226 = 312 = 614 =
200 + 20 + 6 300 + 10 + 2 600 + 10 + 4
+ 411 = + 224 = + 212 =
400 + 10 + 1 900 + 50 +8 200 + 20 + 4
200 + 10 + 2

4. 1 245 = 1. 958 10 + 1 2 215 =

1 312 = 2. 949 + 3 311 =
+ 2 211= 3. 1 069

4. 4
5. 6
678 = 598 200 + 10 + 7

6. 970 300 + 10 + 1
6. 217 = 400 + 50 + 0
1 000 + 100 + 50 + 2 2 000 +
Activity 4C 311 =
1 000 + 200 + 40 + 5 1 000 + 200 + 10 + 5 3 000 + 300 +
+ 450 =
Answer 300 + 10 + 2 2 000 + 200 + 5. 1 152 = 10 + 1

Math Bingo - Adding 3- to 4- digits with 3 addends with and without regrouping

• Bingo cards pre-printed with answers to addition problems

• Marker or Bingo Chips for each player

• Addition problem cards or a list of problems to call out

• Bingo caller


1. The bingo caller randomly selects an addition problem from the provided cards and
reads it aloud to the players.
2. Player solves the sum of the addends in the called -out problem.
3. Each player looks for the correct sum on their bingo card and marks it. 4. Players
continue to solve the addition problems and mark their bingo card accordingly. 5. The
player completes a horizontal, vertical or diagonal line of marked squares shouts
“BINGO” and is declared the winner of that round.

903 1366 1872 7970 9228

905 1168 1492 8286 9757

971 1362 1870 8030 9317

Addition Problem
6. 1 232 2 11. 816 721 8.
354 + 333
2. 350 299
+ 4 444
+ 254
12. 425 334
6 522
1. 1 564 801
+ 212 365
+ 5 921 3.
+ 2 341

1 825 4 553
7. 724 316
816 442
+ 116
+ 3 116 + 111
38 153 + 321 5. 2 172 3 + 714

+ 2 655 521

+ 3 624
14. 632 421 15. 241 654
9. 365 + 313 + 467
4. 2 162 3
219 10. 452 326

6. 8 030
1. 8 286
11.1 870
7. 1 156
2. 903
12. 971
8. 9 228
3. 9 757
13.1 106
9. 905
4. 7 970
14.1 366
10.1 492
5. 9 317
15. 1 362

Component 5: Lesson Conclusion

Time: 5 mins.

▪ In adding numbers with 3 addends, when to regroup or when not to regroup numbers?

▪ Were you able to apply the strategies and techniques taught in class to solve

problems accurately? Give strategies and techniques.

▪ Do you have any difficulties experienced during the lesson?

▪ Say: “I am proud of the progress you have made and I look forward to seeing your

continued growth in mathematics.

REMINDER: Collect learners’ worksheets to review and analyze their learning.

Mathematics Grade 3 Lesson Plan 7
Visualizes, Represents, and Subtracts 3-digit to 4-digit numbers without and with
Key Idea
Subtraction with and without regrouping
Lesson Component 1 (Lesson Short Review)
Time: 7 minutes
Directions: Perform the indicated operation using concrete objects or
pictures. 1) 89 − 85 = ______
2) 98 − 63 = ______
3) 11 − 4 = ______
4) 13 − 8 = ______
5) 15 − 9 = ______

1) 4 2) 35 3) 7 4) 5 5) 6

Lesson Component 2 (Lesson Purpose/Intention)

Time: 3 minutes
Teacher states:
We can use what we have learned about subtracting numbers using
concrete objects. Today we will subtract 3-digit to 4-digit numbers with or
without regrouping.

Lesson Component 3 (Lesson Language Practice)

Time: 5 minutes
Key words/terms are:
Subtract, With regrouping, Without regrouping

Lesson Component 4 (Lesson Activity)

Time: 25 minutes
Part 4A
Stem for Items 1 and 2
Item 1: Angelo is tasked to find the difference between the numbers
below. 1. a) 9 – 3 b) 8 – 5 c) 7 – 6 d) 987 – 356
2. a) 3 – 0 b) 6 – 5 c) 4 – 1 d) 364 − 51
He is also asking you to do the same so that he can compare his answers
with your answers.
Item 2: Veronica is tasked to find the difference between the numbers
below. 1. a) 7 – 6 b) 15 – 7 c) 85 − 67
2. a) 10 – 9 b) 11 – 7 c) 10 – 8 d) 1120 – 978

3. a) 1,000 – 1 b) 785 – 1 c) 9 – 7 d) 9 – 8 e) 9 – 4 f) 1,000 − 785
She is also asking you to do the same so that she can compare her answer
with your answer.

Part 4B
Item 1
Let us compare your answer with his.
1. What is your answer in 1a, b, c, and d?
2. What have you observed in your answers in a, b, and c as compared
to d?
3. What is your answer in 2a, b, c, and d?
4. What have you observed in your answers in a, b, and c as compared
to d?
Answers to Item 1
1. You can write it vertically to align the place values and subtract
the numbers on the same place value.
a. 9 b. 8 c. 7 d. 9 8 7
−3 −5 −6 −3 5 6
6 3 1 631

2. The answer may vary.

-(Possible answer) The difference of two numbers with many digits
is obtained by subtracting the digits with the same place values.
3. You can write it vertically to align the place values and subtract
the numbers on the same place value.
a. 3 b. 6 c. 4 d. 3 6 4
−0 −5 −1 −5 1
3 1 3 313

4. Same with number 2.

Part 4C
Item 2
Let us compare your answer with hers.
1. What is your answer in 1a, b, and c?
2. What is your answer in 2a, b, c, and d?
3. What is your answer in 3a, b, c, d, e, and f?

Answers to Item 2
Method 2 is a strategy to avoid much of regrouping. The first few items will
lead to understanding the regrouping and method 2.
1. You can write it vertically to align the place values.
a) 8 5 method 1: regroup 85 becomes 7 15
− 6 7 67 is still − 6 7
method 2: Note that 9 − 5 = 10 − 6 = 8 − 4 = 4. This means that
if you add or
subtract the same quantity from the minuend and the
subtrahend, the
difference is still the same. Thus, we can have (we need a
strategy for doing
−6 7 + 3 = 7 0
In this method, we can avoid regrouping (borrowing).

2. You can write it vertically to align the place values.

b) 1 1 2 0 method 1: 11 2 0 becomes 10 11 10
− 9 7 8 9 7 8 is still 9 7 8
method 2: 1120 + 22 = 1 1 4 2
978 + 22 = 1 0 0 0

3. You can write it vertically to align the place values.

c) 1 0 0 0 method 1: 10 0 0 becomes 9 9 10
− 7 8 5 7 8 5 is still 7 8 5
method 2: In this case, it is better to subtract 1 from each
1000 – 1 = 9 9 9
785 – 1 = 7 8 4

Lesson Component 5 (Lesson Conclusion – Reflection/Metacognition on

Student Goals)
Time: 5 minutes
The teacher facilitates student reflection and discussion, that addresses
such questions as:
o What were the key mathematical concepts addressed in this
lesson? o Would you rate your understanding of the material covered
in this lesson as high, moderate, or low?
o Has the lesson helped you gain further insight into aspects of
the material covered that represent strengths or weaknesses?


o What would you describe as the main barriers, if any, to your

ongoing progress and achievement in relation to the topic
addressed in this lesson?
o What do you think would best assist your ongoing progress
and achievement in relation to the topic area?

Mathematics Grade 3 Lesson Plan 8
Solves Routine and Non-routine Problems Involving Subtraction of Whole Numbers Including
Money using Appropriate Problem-Solving Strategies and Tools.
Key Idea
Problem-Solving Involving Subtraction
Lesson Component 1 (Lesson Short Review)
Time: 7 minutes
Directions: Perform the indicated operation using concrete
objects/pictures. 1) 85 − 72 = ______
2) 200 + 250 = ______
3) 198 − 76 = ______
4) 385 − 182 = ______
5) 500 − 385 = ______

1) 13 2) 450 3) 122 4) 203 5) 115

Lesson Component 2 (Lesson Purpose/Intention)

Time: 3 minutes
Teacher states:
We can use what we have learned about subtracting numbers without and with regrouping.
Today we will solve problems involving subtraction.

Lesson Component 3 (Lesson Language Practice)

Time: 5 minutes
Key words/terms are:
Problem-solving, subtraction

Lesson Component 4 (Lesson Activity)

Time: 25 minutes
Part 4A
Stem for Items 1 and 2
Item 1: Mariel has 385 cm of ribbon and she used 182 cm of it for her first project. She will
use the remaining ribbon for her second project.

Item 2: Belle bought a pair of socks worth ₱ 200 and a set of handkerchiefs worth ₱ 250.
She hands in ₱ 500 to the cashier.

Part 4B
Item 1
1. How long was Mariel’s ribbon before she used it?
2. What is the length of the ribbon she used for her first project?
3. How long is left for her second project?


Answers to Item 1
1. She has 385 cm of ribbon.
2. She used 182 cm for her first project.
3. 3 8 5 cm
− 1 8 2 cm
2 0 3 cm is left for her second project.
Part 4C
Item 2
1. What is the total amount of items she bought?
2. How much change will she receive from the cashier?
Answers to Item 2
1. The total amount of items she bought is ₱ 2 0 0

2. The change that she will receive is ₱ 5 0 0

−₱4 5 0

Lesson Component 5 (Lesson Conclusion – Reflection/Metacognition on Student

Goals) Time: 5 minutes
The teacher facilitates student reflection and discussion, that addresses such questions as:
o What were the key mathematical concepts addressed in this lesson?
o Would you rate your understanding of the material covered in this lesson as
high, moderate, or low?
o Has the lesson helped you to gain further insight into aspects of the
material covered that represent strengths or weaknesses?
o What would you describe as the main barriers, if any, to your ongoing progress
and achievement in relation to the topic area addressed in this lesson?
o What do you think would best assist your ongoing progress and achievement
in relation to the topic area?

Mathematics Grade 3 Lesson Plan 9
Multiplies Numbers:
a. 2- to 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers without or with regrouping
b. 2-digit number by 2-digit numbers without or with regrouping
c. 2- to 3-digit numbers by multiples of 10 and 100
Key Idea
Lesson Component 1 (Lesson Short Review)
Time: 7 minutes
Directions: Perform the indicated operation.
1) 8 × 4
2) 3 × 3
3) 7 × 7
4) 6 × 9
5) 8 × 7

1) 32 2) 9 3) 49 4) 54 5) 56

Lesson Component 2 (Lesson Purpose/Intention)

Time: 3 minutes
Teacher states:
We can use what we have learned about multiplication in the previous grade level. Today we
will learn to multiply numbers with at least one digit. This strategy will always work no matter
how many digits we are multiplying.

Lesson Component 3 (Lesson Language Practice)

Time: 5 minutes
Key words/terms are:
Multiplication, more than one digit.

Lesson Component 4 (Lesson Activity)

Time: 25 minutes
Part 4A
Stem for Items 1 and 2
Item 1: Teacher Vina told her pupils to give the product using any method they had learned
in the previous grade level.
1. a) 4 × 2 b) 3 × 2 c) 2 × 2 d) 234 × 2
2. a) 4 × 6 b) 3 × 6 c) 2 × 6 d) 234 × 6
3. a) 3 × 2 b) 4 × 2 c) 3 × 1 d) 4 × 1 e) 43 × 12
4. a) 5 × 7 b) 8 × 7 c) 5 × 6 d) 8 × 6 e) 85 × 67
Item 2: Teacher Rhea told her pupils to multiply these numbers.
I. a) 584 × 1 b) 584 × 10 c) 584 × 100 d) 584 × 1000 II. a) 42 × 2 b) 42 × 20
c) 42 × 200 d) 42 × 2000 III. a) 458 × 3 b) 458 × 30 c) 458 × 300 d) 458 ×

Part 4B
Item 1
1) Give the product for each item using the method that you have learned in the
previous year.
2) Which method among the methods that you used can give you the answer faster/est?
Answers to Item 1
1) a. 8 b. 6 c. 4
d) method 1: We know that 234 × 2 = 2 × 234. So, we have

100 100

100 100
+ = 468 30

method 2: We know that 234 × 2 = 2 × 234. So, we have

234 × 2 = 234 + 234 = 468

Method 3: 2 3 4
4 68
2. a) 24 b) 18 c) 12 d) 2 3 4
14 0 4
3. a) 6 b) 8 c) 3 d) 4 e) 516
4. a) 35 b) 56 c) 30 d) 48 e) 5695
2) The answers may vary.

Part 4C
Item 2
1. Can you find the product of each item?
2. What pattern have you observed in multiplying a number by 1, 10, 100, and
1000? 3. What pattern have you observed in multiplying a number by 2, 20, 200,
and 2000?
4. What if the number of zeroes will increase? What do you think will happen to
the product?


Answers to Item 2
1. I. a. 584 b. 5,840 c. 58,400 d. 584,000
II. a. 84 b. 840 c. 8,400 d. 84,000
III. a. 1,374 b. 13,740 c. 137,400 d. 1,374,000

2. The answers may vary. – Just multiply the number by 1 then affix the zeros. 3.
The answers may vary. – Just multiply the number by 2 then affix the zeros. 4. The
answers may vary. – No matter how many consecutive (trailing) zeroes we have,
simply affix it to the product after multiplying the numbers before it.
Lesson Component 5 (Lesson Conclusion – Reflection/Metacognition on Student
Goals) Time: 5 minutes
The teacher facilitates student reflection and discussion, that addresses such questions as:
o What do you think were the key mathematical concepts addressed in this lesson?
o Would you rate your level of understanding of the material covered in this lesson
as high, moderate, or low?
o Has the lesson helped you to gain further insight into aspects of the
material covered that represent strengths or weaknesses?
o What would you describe as the main barriers, if any, to your ongoing progress
and achievement to the topic area addressed in this lesson?
o What do you think would best assist your ongoing progress and achievement
in relation to the topic area?

Mathematics Grade 3 Lesson Plan 10
Solves Routine and Non-routine Problems Involving Multiplication without or with Addition and
Subtraction of Whole numbers including money using appropriate problem-solving strategies
and tools.

Key Idea
Multiply, Add, Subtract
Lesson Component 1 (Lesson Short Review)
Time: 7 minutes
Directions: Perform the indicated operation.
1) 37 × 100
2) 24 × 5
3) 27 × 23
4) 8 × (9 − 5)
5) 6 × 3 + 5 × 4

1) 3,700
2) 370
3) 7,221
4) 32
5) 38

Lesson Component 2 (Lesson Purpose/Intention)

Time: 3 minutes
Teacher states:
We can use what we have learned about addition, subtraction, and multiplication in our next
lesson. Today we will learn to solve problems involving multiplication with or without addition
and subtraction.

Lesson Component 3 (Lesson Language Practice)

Time: 5 minutes
Key words/terms are:
Problem-Solving, Multiplication, Addition, Subtraction, Revenue

Lesson Component 4 (Lesson Activity)

Time: 25 minutes
Part 4A
Stem for Items 1 and 2
Item 1: MJ bought 5 apples which cost ₱ 26 each and 4 oranges which cost ₱ 24.
Item 2: On a farm, there are cows and hens. Each cow has 4 feet, and each hen has 2



Part 4B
Item 1
1. How much should MJ pay for 5 apples?
2. How much should MJ pay for 4 oranges?
3. How much should MJ pay for all the fruits he bought?
4. If you buy 10 apples, how much would you pay?
5. If you buy 20 oranges, how much would you pay?

Answers to Item 1
1. ₱ 130
2. ₱ 96
3. ₱ 130 + ₱ 96 = ₱ 226
4. ₱ 260
5. ₱ 480

Part 4C
Item 2
1. What is the total number of cow’s feet if there are 8 cows?
2. What is the total number of hen’s feet if there are 12 hens?
3. Count the total number of feet in the farm if there are 8 cows and 12 hens.

Answers to Item 2
1. A cow has 4 feet and there are 8 cows. So, there are 8 × 4 = 32 feet.
2. A hen has 2 feet and there are 12 hens. So, there are 12 × 2 = 24
feet. 3. Therefore, there are 8 × 4 + 12 × 2 = 32 + 24 = 56 feet in total.
Lesson Component 5 (Lesson Conclusion – Reflection/Metacognition on Student
Goals) Time: 5 minutes
The teacher facilitates student reflection and discussion, that addresses such questions as:
o What do you think were the key mathematical concepts addressed in this lesson?
o Would you rate your level of understanding of the material covered in this lesson
as high, moderate, or low?
o Has the lesson helped you to gain further insight into aspects of the
material covered that represent strengths or weaknesses?
o What would you describe as the main barriers, if any, to your ongoing progress
and achievement to the topic area addressed in this lesson?
o What do you think would best assist your ongoing progress and achievement
in relation to the topic area?

Mathematics Grade 3 Lesson Plan 11
Visualizes division of numbers up to 100 by 6, 7, 8, and 9 (multiplication table of 6, 7, 8, and 9).

Key Idea
Lesson Component 1 (Lesson Short Review)
Time: 7 minutes
Instructions: Complete the portion of the multiplication table shown below. Table 6
Table 7 Table 8 Table 9 6 × 2 = ______ 7 × 3 = ______ 8 × 2 = ______ 9 × 2 =
______ 6 × 3 = ______ 7 × 4 = ______ 8 × 5 = ______ 9 × 4 = ______ 6 × 7 = ______
7 × 7 = ______ 8 × 6 = ______ 9 × 6 = ______ 6 × 9 = ______ 7 × 8 = ______ 8 × 9 =
______ 9 × 7 = ______

Table 6 Table 7 Table 8 Table 9 6 × 2 = 12 7 × 3 = 21 8 × 2 = 16 9 × 2
= 18 6 × 3 = 18 7 × 4 = 28 8 × 5 = 40 9 × 4 = 36 6 × 7 = 42 7 × 7 = 49 8 ×
6 = 48 9 × 6 = 54 6 × 9 = 54 7 × 8 = 56 8 × 9 = 72 9 × 7 = 63

Lesson Component 2 (Lesson Purpose/Intention)

Time: 3 minutes
Teacher states:
We can use what we have learned about multiplication in our next lesson. Today we will learn
to divide whole numbers up to 100 with divisors 6, 7, 8, or 9.
Lesson Component 3 (Lesson Language Practice)
Time: 5 minutes
Key words/terms are:
Division, Multiplication Table

Lesson Component 4 (Lesson Activity)

Time: 25 minutes
Part 4A
Stem for Items 1 and 2
Item 1: Jboy will share 18 marbles and 6 of his friends want to have it.
Item 2: Alyssa was given a multiplication table and asked to answer the following.
a) 16 ÷ 8
b) 21 ÷ 7


c) 48 ÷ 8
d) 90 ÷ 9
e) 24 ÷ 6
Part 4B
Item 1
1. Using 18 real marbles, show the number of marbles that each of his friends will get
if all of them will get an equal number of marbles.
2. Using the multiplication table, how many marbles will each of his friends get if all
of them will equal number of marbles?

Answers to Item 1
1. The learners/teachers can demonstrate it.
2. Since 6 × 3 = 18, then 18 ÷ 3 = 6 and 18 ÷ 6 = 3. Because Jboy needs to divide the
18 marbles to 6 of his friends, then each of them will get 18 ÷ 6 = 3 marbles.

Part 4C
Item 2
Using the multiplication table, answer each item.

Answers to Item 2
a) Note that 8 × 2 = 16. Hence, 16 ÷ 8 = 2.
b) Note that 7 × 3 = 21. Hence, 21 ÷ 7 = 3.
c) Note that 8 × 6 = 48. Hence, 48 ÷ 8 = 6.
d) Note that 10 × 9 = 90. Hence, 90 ÷ 9 = 10.
e) Note that 6 × 4 = 24. Hence, 24 ÷ 6 = 4.
Lesson Component 5 (Lesson Conclusion – Reflection/Metacognition on Student
Goals) Time: 5 minutes
The teacher facilitates student reflection and discussion, that addresses such questions as:
o What do you think were the key mathematical concepts addressed in this lesson?
o Would you rate your level of understanding of the material covered in this lesson
as high, moderate, or low?
o Has the lesson helped you to gain further insight into aspects of the
material covered that represent strengths or weaknesses?
o What would you describe as the main barriers, if any, to your ongoing progress
and achievement to the topic area addressed in this lesson?
o What do you think would best assist your ongoing progress and achievement
in relation to the topic area?

Mathematics Grade 3 Lesson Plan 12
Visualizes and States Basic Division Facts of Numbers up to 10.

Key Idea
Lesson Component 1 (Lesson Short Review)
Time: 7 minutes
Directions: Divide each of the following.
1) If 5 × 3 = 15, what is 15 ÷ 5?
2) 6 ÷ 1
3) 0 ÷ 7
4) 8 ÷ 8
5) How many times can you subtract 4 from 20 until it reaches zero?

1) 3
2) 6
3) 0
4) 1
5) 5 times

Lesson Component 2 (Lesson Purpose/Intention)

Time: 3 minutes
Teacher states:
We can use what we have learned about multiplication and subtraction in our next lesson.
Today we will learn the basic division facts.

Lesson Component 3 (Lesson Language Practice)

Time: 5 minutes
Key words/terms are:
Division Facts, Nonzero
Lesson Component 4 (Lesson Activity)
Time: 25 minutes
Part 4A
Stem for Items 1 and 2
Item 1: Study and understand the table below.
Dividing any number by one Zero Divided by Any Dividing a Nonzero
Nonzero Number Number by Itself

8 ÷1 =8 0 ÷7 =0 7 ÷7 =1

15 ÷ 1 = 15 0 ÷8 =0 12 ÷ 12 = ��

37 ÷ 1 = 37 0 ÷9 =0 35 ÷ 35 = 1

175 ÷ 1 = 175 0 ÷ 10 = 0 123 ÷ 123 = ��

1,765 ÷ 1 = 1,765 0 ÷ 25 = 0 3,124 ÷ 3,124 = 1

Item 2: Nick and Vince were tasked to answer 35 ÷ 7 and to show their solutions on the
Nick’s solution: Since, 7 × 5 = 35, then 35 ÷ 7 = 5.
Vince’s solution: Using repeated subtraction,
35 – 7 = 28
28 – 7 = 21
21 – 7 = 14
14 – 7 = 7
Because I subtracted 7 five times before the number gets 0 (or less than 7),
then 35 ÷ 7 = 5.

Part 4B
Item 1: For the intervention camp, the answers are already provided so that the learners can focus
on observing.
1. What have you observed in column 1?
2. What have you observed in column 2?
3. What have you observed in column 3?
4. Using your observations, answer the following.
a. 0 ÷ 859 = ________
b. 10,235 ÷ 10,235 = ________
c. 98 ÷ 1 = ________
Answers to Item 1
1. If a number is divided by 1, the quotient is equal to the number itself. In symbol,
say �� is a number, �� ÷ 1 = ��.
2. If zero is divided by any number that is not zero, the quotient is equal to zero.
In symbol, say �� is a number, 0 ÷ �� = 0.
3. If a number that is not zero is divided by itself, the quotient is equal to one. In
symbol, say �� is a nonzero number, �� ÷ �� = 1.
4. a. 0 b. 1 c. 98
Part 4C
Item 2
1. What can you say about Nick’s solution?
2. What can you say about Vince’s solution?
3. Can you compare their solutions? Which one is easier? Which one is
faster? Answers to Item 2
Answers for numbers 1 to 3 may vary.

Some basic division facts include

- It can be done using multiplication facts
- It can be done by repeated subtraction


Lesson Component 5 (Lesson Conclusion – Reflection/Metacognition on Student

Goals) Time: 5 minutes
The teacher facilitates student reflection and discussion, that addresses such questions as:
o What do you think were the key mathematical concepts addressed in this lesson?
o Would you rate your level of understanding of the material covered in this lesson
as high, moderate, or low?
o Has the lesson helped you to gain further insight into aspects of the
material covered that represent strengths or weaknesses?
o What would you describe as the main barriers, if any, to your ongoing progress
and achievement to the topic area addressed in this lesson?
o What do you think would best assist your ongoing progress and achievement
in relation to the topic area?

Mathematics Grade 3 Lesson Plan 13
Divides numbers without or with remainder:
a. 2- to 3-digit numbers by 1- to 2- digit numbers
b. 2- to 3-digit numbers by 10 and 100
Key Idea
Lesson Component 1 (Lesson Short Review)
Time: 7 minutes
Directions: Perform the indicated operation. You can use concrete objects if you need
to. 1) 24 ÷ 8 =
2) 12 ÷ 4 =
3) 36 ÷ 9 =
4) 45 ÷ 5 =
5) 18 ÷ 6 =

1) 3 2) 3 3) 4 4) 9 5) 3
Lesson Component 2 (Lesson Purpose/Intention)
Time: 3 minutes
Teacher states:
We can use what we have learned about multiplication and basic division facts in the
previous grade level. Today we will learn to divide 2- to 3-digit numbers by 1- to 2-digit
numbers with or without remainder.

Lesson Component 3 (Lesson Language Practice)

Time: 5 minutes
Key words/terms are:
Division, Dividend, Divisor, Remainder

Lesson Component 4 (Lesson Activity)

Time: 25 minutes
Part 4A
Stem for Items 1 and 2
Item 1: Teacher Tin told her pupils to divide each of the following using any method they
had learned in the previous lessons.
a) 24 ÷ 2 c) 24 ÷ 6 e) 17 ÷ 8 g) 248 ÷ 8
b) 336 ÷ 3 d) 24 ÷ 12 f) 26 ÷ 12 h) 545 ÷ 15
Item 2: Flor was absent the day a division technique was taught. He borrowed Isidro’s notes
and saw these examples:
If the divisor is 10 If the divisor is 100
580 ÷ 10 = 58 900 ÷ 100 = 9
7300 ÷ 10 = 73 5600 ÷ 100 = 56
673 ÷ 10 = 67 remainder 3 759 ÷ 100 = 7 remainder 59 85 ÷ 10 = 8
remainder 5 9850 ÷ 100 = 98 remainder 50

Part 4B
Item 1
1) If you are a pupil of teacher Tin, what will be your answer to each of the given
item? 2) Are there any items having remainders? What are they?
3) Is it possible to have a remainder that is greater than the divisor?

Answers to Item 1
Use long division to answer some items.
1) a. 12 c. 4 e. 2 r.1 g. 31
b. 112 d. 2 f. 2 r.2 h. 36 r.5
2) Yes, e, f, and h.
3) No

Part 4C
Item 2
1) What have you observed when a number is divided by 10?
2) What have you observed when a number is divided by 100?
3) Using your observations, answer the following questions quickly.
a) 760 ÷ 10 d) 760 ÷ 100
b) 87 ÷ 10 e) 8700 ÷ 100
c) 654 ÷ 10 f) 6,543 ÷ 100
Answers to Item 2
1. Answers may vary. Here is a possible answer.
- The quotient is obtained by removing the units or one’s digit and the units or once digit is
its remainder.
2. Answers may vary. Here is a possible answer.
- The quotient is obtained by removing the last two digits and the last two digits is its remainder.

In 759 ÷ 100, the divisor has 2 zeroes. So, we need to separate/remove the last two digits of
759 making it 7 and 59. The remaining digits is the quotient, and the last two digits is the
remainder. Thus, 759 ÷ 100 = 7 r.59.
3. a. 76 b. 8 r.7 c. 65 r.4 d. 7 r.60 e. 87 f. 65 r.43

Lesson Component 5 (Lesson Conclusion – Reflection/Metacognition on Student

Goals) Time: 5 minutes
The teacher facilitates student reflection and discussion, that addresses such questions as:
o What do you think were the key mathematical concepts addressed in this lesson?
o Would you rate your level of understanding of the material covered in this lesson
as high, moderate, or low?
o Has the lesson helped you to gain further insight into aspects of the
material covered that represent strengths or weaknesses?
o What would you describe as the main barriers, if any, to your ongoing progress
and achievement to the topic area addressed in this lesson?
o What do you think would best assist your ongoing progress and achievement
in relation to the topic area?

Mathematics Grade 3 Lesson Plan 14
Mga Point, Linya (Line), Line Segment at Ray
Key Idea
Recognizes and draws a point, line, line segment and ray.
(Pagkilala at Pagguhit ng mga Points, Linya, Line Segments at Ray)
Lesson Component 1: (Lesson Short Review)
Bahagi ng Aralin 1: (Maikling Pagsusuri sa Aralin)

Time: 7 mins.
Oras: 7 minuto.

Directions: Encircle the letter that corresponds to the correct answer.
(Panuto: Bilugan ang letra ng tamang sagot)

1. Ang tuldok o dot ay kumakatawan sa __________.

a. Line b. Ray c. Point d. Line Segment
2. Ang __________ ay maaring lumawig nang walang katapusan sa magkabilang
direksyon. a. Point b. Line c. Segment d. Dot
3. Ang Ray ay bahagi ng linya na binubuo ng isang endpoint at __________. . a.
arrowhead b. endpoint c. Line d. Dot
4. Ang Line Segment ay bahagi rin ng linya na may __________ endpoint.
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
5. Ang simbolong ito ay kumakatawan sa __________ .
a. Segment b. Ray c. Line d. Point
Sagot: Q1. C Q2. B Q3. A Q4. B Q5. C

Component 2: (Lesson Purpose/Intention)

Bahagi 2: (Layunin ng Aralin)

Time: 3 mins.
Oras: 3 minuto.

Teacher states: For us to embark on the understanding of points, lines, line segments, and rays, we
will delve into the realm of geometric concepts. Our journey includes exploring the definitions and
properties of these fundamental elements, offering a hands-on approach to visualizing their
characteristics through drawing and identification exercises. Through this process, we aim to deepen
our understanding of
geometric concepts, develop spatial reasoning skills, and apply appropriate strategies to analyze
and solve geometric problems in various contexts.

o Upang tayo'y mag-umpisa sa pag-unawa ng mga point, line, line segment, at ray, tayo ay titingin sa
larangan ng mga konsepto sa Geometry. Ang ating paglalakbay ay maglalaman ng pagtuklas sa
mga kahulugan at katangian ng mga pangunahing elementong ito, na nag-aalok ng praktikal na
paraan sa pag-visualize ng kanilang mga katangian sa pamamagitan ng mga gawaing pagguhit at
pagkilala sa mga ito. Sa pamamagitan ng prosesong ito, layunin nating palalimin ang ating pag-
unawa sa mga konsepto ng Geometry, lumago sa ating kakayahan sa spatial reasoning, at mag-
aplay ng angkop na mga paraan sa pagsusuri at paglutas ng mga problemang Geometry sa iba't
ibang konteksto.

Component 3: (Lesson Language Practice)
Bahagi 3: (Pagsasanay sa Wika ng Aralin)
Time: 5 mins.
Oras: 5 minuto.

Keywords/terms are:
Pangunahing Salita:

Point, line, line segment, and ray.

Activity 3: GEOMBLE WORDS!

Directions: Unscramble these four Jumbles, one letter to each square, to form four ordinary words.
Panuto: Ayusin ang apat na Jumbles na ito, isang titik sa bawat kuwadrado, upang makabuo ng apat na
karaniwang salita.

Processing Questions:

1. What strategies did you use to decode the geometric concepts in the Geomble Words?
Anong mga pamamaraan ang ginamit mo upang matukoy ang mga konseptong geometric
sa Geomble Words.
2. Which geometric concepts were the most challenging to understand? Why?
Aling mga konseptong geometric ang pinakamahirap unawain? Bakit?
3. How do these geometric concepts relate to managing shapes and making decisions related to
Paano nauugnay ang mga konseptong geometric na ito sa pag-manage ng mga hugis at paggawa
ng mga desisyong may kaugnayan sa geometry?
4. Can you provide real-life examples or situations where you might encounter these geometric
Paano nauugnay ang mga konseptong geometric na ito sa pag-manage ng mga hugis at paggawa
ng mga desisyong may kaugnayan sa geometriya?

Component 4: (Lesson Activity)
Bahagi 4: (Gawain sa Aralin)

Time: 25 mins.
Oras: 25 minuto.

Component 4A
Initial Concepts (Panimulang Konsepto)
In the world of mathematics, the study of Points, Lines, Line Segments, and Rays is important. Let's
delve into these key terms that will serve as your guide in studying this lesson.
Sa mundo ng matematika ang pag aaral ng mga Point, Linya (Line), Line Segment at Ray ay mahalaga.
Pag-aralan natin ang mahahalagang salitang ito na magiging
gabay ninyo sa pag-aaral ng araling ito.

What is a Point?
It is the exact position or location on a plane surface. The dot (•)
a point. It can be named with a letter. For example: Point A, which
can be
written in a figure as (• A).
Ano nga ba ang Point? Ito ay ang eksaktong posisyon o lokasyon
sa isang
plane surface. Ang tuldok o dot (•) ay kumakatawan sa point. Ito’y maaaring
pangalanan ng letra. Halimbawa: Point A, ito’y maaring isulat sa
figure na
ito (• A)

What is a Line?
The figure with two arrowheads at both ends is called a line. A Line
extend endlessly in both directions.
Ano nga ba ang Linya (Line)? Ang figure na ito na may dalawang
arrowhead sa magkabilang dulo ay tinatawag na linya (line). Ang Linya
(Line) ay maaaring lumawig ng walang katapusan sa magkabilang

What is a Line Segment?

A line segment is a part of a line with two endpoints. It cannot
endlessly in any direction.
Ano nga ba ang Line Segment? Ang line segment ay bahagi ng
linya na
may dalawang endpoint. Hindi ito maaaring lumawig ng walang katapusan
sa anumang direksyon.
What is a Ray?
A ray is a part of a line consisting of one endpoint and an
arrowhead that
can extend endlessly in any direction.
Ano nga ba ang Ray? Ang ray ay bahagi ng linya na binubuo ng
endpoint at arrowhead na maaring lumawig ng walang katapusan
anumang direksyon.
In this lesson, students are expected to recognize and draw Points, Lines,
Line Segments, and Rays.
Sa araling ito inaasahang makikilala at maiguguhit ng mga mag-aaral ang
mga Point, Linya (Line), Line Segment, Ray.

Component 4B
Activity 4: Figure Recognition Challenge: Points, Lines, Line Segments, and Rays"
Instructions: Identify the figures inside the box. Name whether it is a Point, Line, Line Segment, or Ray.
Write the correct answer in the blank space.
Panuto: Kilalanin ang mga figures na nasa loob ng kahon. Pangalanan kung ito ay Point, Linya (Line),
Line Segment o Ray. Isulat sa patlang ang tamang sagot.

Line, Line Segment, Ray, Point
Component 4C
Instruction: A. Fill in the blank with the correct word to complete the sentence.
Panuto: Punan ng tamang salita ang patlang upang mabuo ang pangungusap.

1. Ang __________ ay may dalawang arrowhead sa magkabilang dulo.

2. Ang __________ ay figure na may isang endpoint at arrowhead.

3. Ang __________ ay may dalawang endpoint.

4. Ang __________ ay maaring pangalanan ng letra.

5. Ang simbolo ng point ay __________.

Instruction: B. Draw inside the box what each number requests
Panuto: Iguhit sa loob ng kahon ang hinihingi ng bawat bilang.

A. Line, Ray, Line Segment, Point,

dot or tuldok B.

Component 5: Lesson Conclusion (Lesson Conclusion – Reflection/Metacognition on Student Goals)

Bahagi 5: Pagtatapos ng Aralin (Pagtatapos ng Aralin – Pagmumuni-muni/Tunay na Pag-iisip Tungkol sa
Mga Layunin ng Mag-aaral)
Time: 5 mins.
Oras: 5 minuto.

The teacher facilitates student reflection and discussion, that addresses such questions as: Ang guro
ay magpapamalas ng pagmumuni-muni at pag-uusap ng mga mag-aaral, na tumutukoy sa mga
sumusunod na tanong:

o What were the key mathematical concepts addressed in this lesson?

Ano ang mga pangunahing konsepto sa matematika na tinalakay sa araling ito? o Would you
rate your understanding of the material covered in this lesson as high, moderate, or low?
Paano mo ie-rate ang iyong pag-unawa sa materyal na tinatalakay sa araling ito bilang
mataas, katamtaman, o mababa?
o Has the lesson helped you gain further insight into aspects of the material covered that
represent strengths or weaknesses?
Nakatulong ba ang aralin sa iyo upang mas maunawaan ang mga aspeto ng materyal na
tinatalakay na nagpapakita ng lakas o kahinaan?
o What would you describe as the main barriers, if any, to your ongoing progress and
achievement in relation to the topic area addressed in this lesson?
Ano ang iyong maipapaliwanag bilang pangunahing hadlang, kung meron man, sa iyong
patuloy na pag-unlad at pagtatamo ng tagumpay kaugnay sa paksa na tinatalakay sa araling
o What do you think would best assist your ongoing progress and achievement in relation to the
topic area?
Ano ang iyong iniisip na pinakamagiging tulong sa iyong patuloy na pag-unlad at pagtatamo
ng tagumpay kaugnay sa paksa na ito?

Mathematics Grade 3 Lesson Plan 15
Perpendicular, Parallel and Intersecting Lines

Key Idea
Recognizes and draws parallel, intersecting, and perpendicular lines.
(Nakakakilala at nagguhit ng parehong, nagtutunggali, at nangtuwirang mga linya.)
Lesson Component 1: (Lesson Short Review)
Bahagi ng Aralin 1: (Maikling Pagsusuri sa Aralin)

Time: 7 mins.
Oras: 7 minuto.

Directions: Label each sign below. Write point, line, line segment, and ray.
Panuto: Lagyan ng tanda ang bawat larawan sa ibaba. Isulat kung ito ay point, line, line segment at

Sagot: Line segments, rays, line, point and line segments.

Component 2: (Lesson Purpose/Intention)

Bahagi 2: (Layunin ng Aralin)

Time: 3 mins.
Oras: 3 minuto.

Teacher states: For us to embark on recognizing and drawing parallel, intersecting, and perpendicular
lines. Our journey includes exploring the definitions and properties of these fundamental elements,
offering a hands on approach to visualizing their characteristics through drawing and identification
exercises. Through this process, we aim to deepen our understanding of geometric concepts, develop
spatial reasoning skills, and apply appropriate strategies to analyze and solve geometric problems in
various contexts.
o Upang tayo'y magtungo sa pagkilala at pagguhit ng mga parallel, nagtatagpong linya at perpendikular
na mga linya. Ang ating paglalakbay ay kasama ang pagsusuri sa mga kahulugan at katangian ng
mga pangunahing elementong ito, nag-aalok ng praktikal na paraan sa pagpapakita ng kanilang mga
katangian sa pamamagitan ng mga gawaing pagguhit at pagkilala. Sa pamamagitan ng prosesong ito,
layunin nating palalimin ang ating pang-unawa sa mga konsepto ng heometriya, mag-develop ng
kakayahang pang espasyo, at mag-aplay ng angkop na mga estratehiya sa pagsusuri at paglutas ng
mga pangheometriko at problema sa iba't ibang konteksto.

Component 3: (Lesson Language Practice)

Bahagi 3: (Pagsasanay sa Wika ng Aralin)

Time: 5 mins.
Oras: 5 minuto.

Keywords/terms are:
Pangunahing Salita:

Right Angle, Parallel line, Intersecting line, and Perpendicular line.

Activity 3: GEOMBLE WORDS!
Directions: Unscramble these five Jumbles, one letter to each square, to form five ordinary words.
Panuto: Ayusin ang apat na Jumbles na ito, isang titik sa bawat kuwadrado, upang makabuo ng apat na
karaniwang salita.






Processing Questions:
1. What strategies did you use to decode the geometric concepts in the Geomble words? Anong mga
pamamaraan ang ginamit mo upang matukoy ang mga konseptong geometric sa Geomble Words?
2. Which geometric concepts were the most challenging to understand? Why?
Aling mga konseptong geometric ang pinakamahirap unawain? Bakit?
3. How do these geometric concepts relate to managing shapes and making decisions related to geometry?
Paano nauugnay ang mga konseptong geometric na ito sa pag-manage ng mga hugis at paggawa ng
mga desisyong may kaugnayan sa geometry?
4. Can you provide real-life examples or situations where you might encounter these geometric concepts?
Paano nauugnay ang mga konseptong geometric na ito sa pag-manage ng mga hugis at paggawa ng
mga desisyong may kaugnayan sa geometriya?

Component 4: (Lesson Activity)
Bahagi 4: (Gawain sa Aralin)

Time: 25 mins.
Oras: 25 minuto.

Component 4A
Initial Concepts (Panimulang Konsepto)
In the world of mathematics, the study of parallel, intersecting and perpendicular lines are important. Let's
delve into these key terms that will serve as your guide in studying this lesson.
Sa mundo ng matematika ang pag aaral ng mga parallel, intersecting, at perpendicular lines ay mahalaga.
Pag-aralan natin ang mahahalagang salitang ito na magiging gabay ninyo sa pag-aaral ng araling ito.
What is a Parallel line?
Parallel lines – These are lines that will never intersect no matter how far we extend them. Lines that will
never meet. They can be drawn horizontally, vertically, or diagonally without ever meeting. Ito ay mga linya
na hindi kailanman magtatagpo gaano man kalayo ang pagpapalawak natin sa mga ito. Iginuguhit ito ng
Pahiga, Patayo at Pahilis.

What is an Intersecting Line?

These are lines that intersect at a common point but do not form a right angle or
90 degrees.
Mga linya na nagsasalubong sa isang common point ngunit hindi ito nakabubuo
ng isang right angle of 90 degrees.

What is a Perpendicular Line?

These are lines that intersect at a common point and form a right angle.
Ito’y mga linya na nagtatagpo sa isang common point at nakabubuo ng isang right

In this lesson, students are expected to recognize and draw parallel, intersecting, and perpendicular lines.
Sa araling ito inaasahang makikilala at maiguguhit ng mga mag-aaral ang mga parallel, intersecting and
perpendicular line.

Component 4B
Activity 4: Figure Recognition Challenge:
Instructions: Identify whether the given pair of lines are parallel lines, intersecting lines or perpendicular
Mga Tagubilin: Kilalanin kung ang binigay na magkaparehong mga linya ay mga paralllel na linya,
nagtatagpong mga linya, o perpendikular na mga linya.
Answer 4B:
Parallel lines, Intersecting lines, Intersecting lines, Intersecting lines, Parallel lines & Perpendicular lines

Component 4C

Directions: A. Match the picture in Column A to the kind of line it represents in Column B.
Draw a line to match Column A to Column B.

Column A Column B





Instruction: B. Directions: Find at least 5 examples of objects in the classroom. Using the table below, draw the
object and identify whether it shows parallel, perpendicular, or intersecting lines. An example is given as your guide.

4C. A 4C. B
Answers may vary depending on the learners’
Interpretation or drawing.

Component 5: Lesson Conclusion (Lesson Conclusion – Reflection/Metacognition on Student Goals)

Bahagi 5: Pagtatapos ng Aralin (Pagtatapos ng Aralin – Pagmumuni-muni/Tunay na Pag-iisip Tungkol
sa Mga Layunin ng Mag-aaral)
Time: 5 mins.
Oras: 5 minuto.

The teacher facilitates student reflection and discussion, that addresses such questions as: Ang guro
ay magpapamalas ng pagmumuni-muni at pag-uusap ng mga mag-aaral, na tumutukoy sa mga
sumusunod na tanong:

o What were the key mathematical concepts addressed in this lesson?

Ano ang mga pangunahing konsepto sa matematika na tinalakay sa araling ito?
o Would you rate your understanding of the material covered in this lesson as high, moderate, or
Paano mo ie-rate ang iyong pag-unawa sa materyal na tinatalakay sa araling ito bilang
mataas, katamtaman, o mababa?
o Has the lesson helped you gain further insight into aspects of the material covered that
represent strengths or weaknesses?
Nakatulong ba ang aralin sa iyo upang mas maunawaan ang mga aspeto ng materyal na
tinatalakay na nagpapakita ng lakas o kahinaan?
o What would you describe as the main barriers, if any, to your ongoing progress and
achievement in relation to the topic area addressed in this lesson?
Ano ang iyong maipapaliwanag bilang pangunahing hadlang, kung meron man, sa iyong
patuloy na pag-unlad at pagtatamo ng tagumpay kaugnay sa paksa na tinatalakay sa araling ito? o
What do you think would best assist your ongoing progress and achievement in relation to the
topic area?
Ano ang iyong iniisip na pinakamagiging tulong sa iyong patuloy na pag-unlad at pagtatamo
ng tagumpay kaugnay sa paksa na ito?

Mathematics Grade 3 Lesson Plan 16
Congruent Line Segments
Key Idea
Visualizes, identifies, and draws congruent line segments
(Nakikita, nakikilala, at gumuhit ng magkaparehong mga segment ng linya)
Lesson Component 1: (Lesson Short Review)
Bahagi ng Aralin 1: (Maikling Balik Tanaw)

Time: 7 mins.
Oras: 7 minuto.

Lines Are Everywhere

Directions: Identify whether the given image shows intersecting, parallel and perpendicular lines
(Panuto: Tukuyin kung ang ibinigay na imahe ay nagpapakita ng mga intersecting, parallel at
perpendicular na mga linya)


1. Parallel 2. Intersecting 3. Parallel 4. Perpendicular 5. Perpendicular

Guide Questions: (Gabay na tanong)

1. How were you able to determine the classification of the given images?
Paano mo natukoy ang klasipikasyon ng mga ibinigay na larawan?

2. Look at your area, give other examples of Parallel, Intersecting and Perpendicular Tingnan ang
iyong lugar, magbigay ng isa pang halimbawa ng Parallel, Intersecting at Perpendicular

Component 2: (Lesson Purpose/Intention)
Bahagi 2: (Layunin ng Aralin)

Time: 3 mins.
Oras: 3 minuto.

Teacher states: To understand the concept of congruence, I want you to observe yourself and look how you are
beautifully created, there are parts of our bodies that are exactly the same as the others. Your feet, your hands, eyes
and others. You are uniquely created and that is Mathematics. Congruence focuses on equally the same objects.
Our journey on this concept helps us to appreciate our lives through Congruence.
o pang maunawaan ang konsepto ng congruence, gusto kong obserbahan mo ang iyong sarili at tingnan kung paano
maganda ang pagkakalikha mo, may mga bahagi ng ating katawan na eksaktong kapareho ng ang iba. Ang iyong
mga paa, iyong kamay, mata at iba pa. Ikaw ay natatanging nilikha at iyon ay Mathematics. Ang congruence ay
nakatuon sa pantay na mga bagay. Ang aming paglalakbay dito tinutulungan tayo ng konsepto na pahalagahan ang
ating buhay sa pamamagitan ng Congruence.

Component 3: (Lesson Language Practice)

Bahagi 3: (Pagsasanay sa Wika ng Aralin)

Time: 5 mins.
Oras: 5 minuto.

Keywords/terms are:
Pangunahing Salita:

Line Segment
Congruence / Congruent / Congruency

Activity 3: Compare and Decide

Directions: Identify whether the picture shows congruence. Write Congruent if it shows congruence, then
Not Congruent if Not.
Panuto: Tukuyin kung ang larawan ay nagpapakita ng pagkakatugma. Isulat ang Congruent kung ito ay nagpapakita
ng congruent, pagkatapos ay Not Congruent kung Hindi.


1. Not Congruent 2.Not Congruent 3. Congruent 4. Congruent 5. Congruent 6. Congruent

Processing Questions:
1. Which pictures help you understand the concept?
Aling mga larawan ang makakatulong sa iyo na maunawaan ang konsepto?
2. In your own words, how will you define Congruence?
Sa iyong sariling mga salita, paano mo tutukuyin ang Congruence?
3. Can you provide real-life examples or situations where you might encounter the mathematical
Paano nauugnay ang mga konseptong geometric na ito sa pag-manage ng mga hugis at paggawa ng
mga desisyong may kaugnayan sa geometriya?

Component 4: (Lesson Activity)

Bahagi 4: (Gawain sa Aralin)

Time: 25 mins.
Oras: 25 minuto.
Component 4A
Initial Concepts (Panimulang Konsepto)
Congruence, while often introduced in the context of geometry and mathematics, has numerous
applications in real-life scenarios. It is everywhere and makes the world beautiful. Let's delve into this
key term that will serve as your guide in studying this lesson.
Ang congruence, bagama't madalas na ipinakilala sa konteksto ng geometry at matematika, ay may
maraming aplikasyon sa totoong buhay na mga senaryo. Ito ay nasa lahat ng dako at ginagawang
maganda ang mundo. Suriin natin ang mahalagang terminong ito na magsisilbing gabay mo sa pag-aaral
ng araling ito.
Let us Experiment:
Materials: Drinking Straw, Scissors, Ruler, Glue and Paper

• Use (2) two pieces of straws

• Measure 50 cm each then cut (or various sizes to different learners)

• Put them in one place

• Repeat the process


✓ Get two cut-straws then paste it on paper

✓ Write the measurement of the straws and

represent it as Line segment Then,

50cm 50cm
✓ Name the segments as D, E, F, G What can you say about
the two segments?

DE ≅ FG It can be read as line segment DE is congruent to line segment FG

Component 4B
Activity 4: Congruence in Action

Instructions: Write Agree if the line segments are congruent and Disagree if not. Use the figure
below. (Refer to the given figure below)
Panuto: Isulat ang Sang-ayon kung magkatugma ang mga segment ng linya at Di-Sang-ayon kung
hindi. Gamitin ang figure sa ibaba.


̅̅̅̅̅ ̅̅̅̅ ̅̅̅̅̅

___________1. ���� ≅ ���� ____________4. ���� ≅ ����̅̅̅̅
̅̅̅̅̅ ̅̅̅̅ ̅̅̅̅̅
___________2. ���� ≅ ���� ____________5. ���� ≅ ����̅̅̅̅̅

___________3. ���� ≅ ����̅̅̅̅

1. Agree 2. Agree 3.Disagree 4. Agree 5.Disagree

Component 4C
Instruction: Symbol Matters. Write " ≅ " if it shows congruence, otherwise, leave it blank. Panuto:
Mahalaga ang Simbolo. Isulat ang "≅" kung nagpapakita ito ng congruence, kung hindi, iwanan itong

“My Simple House” S

The roof is triangle, and
its body is a square. Its
door is a rectangle.

̅̅̅̅ ̅̅̅̅ ̅̅̅̅

1. ���� ______ ���� 2. ���� ______ ����̅

̅̅̅̅ ̅̅̅̅ ̅̅̅

3. ���� ______ ���� 4. ���� ______ ����̅̅̅̅

5. ���� ______ ���� ̅̅̅̅̅

1. ≅ 2. ≅ 3. ≅ 4. ≅ 5

Instruction: B. Encirle the letter of the correct answer
Panuto: Bilugan ang letra ng tamang sagot.

1. Pag-aralan at tignan ang larawan , alin ang kasukat nito?

a. b. c. d.
2. Alin sa mga simbolo ang nagpapakita ng congruence?

a. ≠ b. < c. ≈ d. ≅

3. Tignan ang panukat sa ibaba, alamin kung anong line segment ang congruent sa CD

a. line segment AB b. line segment DE
c. line segment BE d. line segment AC
4. Ikaw ay pupunta sa tindahan malapit sa inyong bahay upang bumili ng gamit sa paaralan, anong
larawan ang nagpapakita ng congruence?

5. Tignan ang figure sa ibaba, kung ang sukat ng ���� is 15cm, ano ang maaring sukat ng

����̅̅̅̅? L O


a. 7.5 cm b. 10 cm c. 15 cm d. 17.5 cm

1. b 2. d 3. �� 4. �� 5. c

Component 5: Lesson Conclusion (Lesson Conclusion – Reflection/Metacognition on Student Goals)
Bahagi 5: Pagtatapos ng Aralin (Pagtatapos ng Aralin – Pagmumuni-muni/Tunay na Pag-iisip Tungkol
sa Mga Layunin ng Mag-aaral)
Time: 5 mins.
Oras: 5 minuto.

The teacher facilitates student reflection and discussion, that addresses such questions as: Ang
guro ay magpapamalas ng pagmumuni-muni at pag-uusap ng mga mag-aaral, na tumutukoy sa
mga sumusunod na tanong:

o What were the key mathematical concepts addressed in this lesson?

Ano ang mga pangunahing konsepto sa matematika na tinalakay sa araling ito?
o Would you rate your understanding of the material covered in this lesson as high, moderate,
or low?
Paano mo ie-rate ang iyong pag-unawa sa materyal na tinatalakay sa araling ito bilang
mataas, katamtaman, o mababa?
o Has the lesson helped you gain further insight into aspects of the material covered that
represent strengths or weaknesses?
Nakatulong ba ang aralin sa iyo upang mas maunawaan ang mga aspeto ng materyal na
tinatalakay na nagpapakita ng lakas o kahinaan?
o What would you describe as the main barriers, if any, to your ongoing progress and
achievement in relation to the topic area addressed in this lesson?
Ano ang iyong maipapaliwanag bilang pangunahing hadlang, kung meron man, sa iyong
patuloy na pag-unlad at pagtatamo ng tagumpay kaugnay sa paksa na tinatalakay sa
araling ito?
o What do you think would best assist your ongoing progress and achievement in relation to the
topic area?
Ano ang iyong iniisip na pinakamagiging tulong sa iyong patuloy na pag-unlad at pagtatamo
ng tagumpay kaugnay sa paksa na ito?

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