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Cat Operator Manual 336 GC

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M0110641-02 (en-us)

November 2021

Operation and
336 GC Excavator
HBY 1-UP (336 GC)
JFW 1-UP (336 GC)

Language: Original Instructions

Scan to access the latest service information, purchase

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Important Safety Information

Most accidents that involve product operation, maintenance and repair are caused by failure to observe
basic safety rules or precautions. An accident can often be avoided by recognizing potentially hazardous
situations before an accident occurs. A person must be alert to potential hazards, including human factors
that can affect safety. This person should also have the necessary training, skills and tools to perform these
functions properly.
Improper operation, lubrication, maintenance or repair of this product can be dangerous and could
result in injury or death.
Do not operate or perform any lubrication, maintenance or repair on this product, until you verify
that you are authorized to perform this work, and have read and understood the operation,
lubrication, maintenance and repair information.
Safety precautions and warnings are provided in this manual and on the product. If these hazard warnings
are not heeded, bodily injury or death could occur to you or to other persons.
The hazards are identified by the “Safety Alert Symbol” and followed by a “Signal Word” such as
“DANGER”, “WARNING” or “CAUTION”. The Safety Alert “WARNING” label is shown below.

The meaning of this safety alert symbol is as follows:

Attention! Become Alert! Your Safety is Involved.
The message that appears under the warning explains the hazard and can be either written or pictorially
A non-exhaustive list of operations that may cause product damage are identified by “NOTICE” labels on
the product and in this publication.
Caterpillar cannot anticipate every possible circumstance that might involve a potential hazard.
The warnings in this publication and on the product are, therefore, not all inclusive. You must not
use this product in any manner different from that considered by this manual without first
satisfying yourself that you have considered all safety rules and precautions applicable to the
operation of the product in the location of use, including site-specific rules and precautions
applicable to the worksite. If a tool, procedure, work method or operating technique that is not
specifically recommended by Caterpillar is used, you must satisfy yourself that it is safe for you
and for others. You should also ensure that you are authorized to perform this work, and that the
product will not be damaged or become unsafe by the operation, lubrication, maintenance or repair
procedures that you intend to use.
The information, specifications, and illustrations in this publication are on the basis of information that was
available at the time that the publication was written. The specifications, torques, pressures,
measurements, adjustments, illustrations, and other items can change at any time. These changes can
affect the service that is given to the product. Obtain the complete and most current information before you
start any job. Cat dealers have the most current information available.

When replacement parts are required for this product Caterpillar recommends using original Cater-
pillar® replacement parts.
Other parts may not meet certain original equipment specifications.
When replacement parts are installed, the machine owner/user should ensure that the machine re-
mains in compliance with all applicable requirements.

In the United States, the maintenance, replacement, or repair of the emission control devices and
systems may be performed by any repair establishment or individual of the owner's choosing.
M0110641-02 3
Table of Contents

Table of Contents Equipment Lowering with Engine Stopped ..... 45

Sound Information and Vibration Information . 45

Foreword ........................................................... 5
Operator Station .............................................. 48
Safety Section
Guards (Operator Protection) ......................... 48
Safety Messages............................................... 7

Additional Messages ....................................... 19

Product Information Section

General Information ........................................ 50

General Hazard Information............................ 26
Identification Information ................................110
Crushing Prevention and Cutting Prevention.. 29

Burn Prevention............................................... 29 Operation Section

Fire Prevention and Explosion Prevention...... 30 Before Operation ............................................116

Fire Safety ....................................................... 34 Machine Operation .........................................119

Fire Extinguisher Location............................... 34 Engine Starting.............................................. 182

Track Information ............................................ 34 Operation....................................................... 186

High Pressure Fuel Lines ................................ 35 Operating Techniques ................................... 191

Electrical Storm Injury Prevention ................... 35 Parking .......................................................... 229

Before Starting Engine .................................... 35 Transportation Information ............................ 232

Visibility Information ........................................ 36 Towing Information ........................................ 241

Restricted Visibility .......................................... 36 Engine Starting (Alternate Methods)............. 244

Engine Starting................................................ 39 Maintenance Section

Before Operation ............................................. 39 Maintenance Access ..................................... 247

Work Tools....................................................... 39 Lubricant Viscosities and Refill Capacities ... 250

Operation......................................................... 40 Maintenance Support .................................... 258

Engine Stopping .............................................. 43 Maintenance Interval Schedule..................... 266

Lifting Objects.................................................. 43 Warranty Section

Demolition ....................................................... 43 Warranty Information..................................... 335

Parking ............................................................ 44 Reference Information Section

Slope Operation .............................................. 44 Reference Materials ...................................... 336

4 M0110641-02
Table of Contents

Index Section

Index.............................................................. 337
M0110641-02 5

Foreword Whenever a question arises regarding your machine,

or this publication, please consult your Cat dealer for
the latest available information.
California Proposition 65 Warning
Diesel engine exhaust and some of its
constituents are known to the State of The safety section lists basic safety precautions. In
California to cause cancer, birth defects, addition, this section identifies the text and locations
of warning signs and labels used on the machine.
and other reproductive harm.
Read and understand the basic precautions listed in
WARNING – This product can the safety section before operating or performing
expose you to chemicals lubrication, maintenance, and repair on this machine.
including ethylene glycol, which
is known to the State of California to Operation
cause birth defects or other reproductive
harm. For more information go to: The operation section is a reference for the new
operator and a refresher for the experienced operator. This section includes a discussion of
gauges, switches, machine controls, attachment
Do not ingest this chemical. Wash hands controls, transportation, and towing information.
after handling to avoid incidental Photographs and illustrations guide the operator
ingestion. through correct procedures of checking, starting,
operating, and stopping the machine.
WARNING – This product can
expose you to chemicals Operating techniques outlined in this publication are
basic. Skill and techniques develop as the operator
including lead and lead gains knowledge of the machine and its capabilities.
compounds, which are known to the
State of California to cause cancer, birth Maintenance
defects, or other reproductive harm. For
more information go to: The maintenance section is a guide to equipment
care. The Maintenance Interval Schedule (MIS) lists the items to be maintained at a specific service
interval. Items without specific intervals are listed
Wash hands after handling components under the "When Required" service interval. The
that may contain lead. Maintenance Interval Schedule lists the page number
for the step-by-step instructions required to
accomplish the scheduled maintenance. Use the
Literature Information Maintenance Interval Schedule as an index or "one
safe source" for all maintenance procedures.
This manual should be stored in the operator's
compartment in the literature holder or seat back Maintenance Intervals
literature storage area.
Use the service hour meter to determine servicing
This manual contains safety information, operation
intervals. Calendar intervals shown (daily, weekly,
instructions, transportation information, lubrication
information, and maintenance information. monthly, etc.) can be used instead of service hour
meter intervals if the calendar intervals provide more
Some photographs or illustrations in this publication convenient servicing schedules and approximate the
show details or attachments that can be different indicated service hour meter reading. Perform the
from your machine. Guards and covers might have recommended service at the interval that occurs first.
been removed for illustrative purposes.
Under severe, dusty, or wet operating conditions,
Continuing improvement and advancement of more frequent lubrication than is specified in the
product design might have caused changes to your maintenance intervals chart might be necessary.
machine which are not included in this publication.
Read, study, and keep this manual with the machine.
6 M0110641-02

Perform service on items at multiples of the original 2. Machine Descriptor (characters 4-8)
requirement. For example, at every 500 service
hours or 3 months, also service those items listed 3. Check Character (character 9)
under every 250 service hours or monthly and every
10 service hours or daily. 4. Machine Indicator Section (MIS) or Product
Sequence Number (characters 10-17). These were
previously referred to as the Serial Number.
Certified Engine Maintenance
Machines and generator sets produced before First
Proper maintenance and repair are essential to keep Quarter 2001 will maintain their 8 character PIN
the engine and machine systems operating correctly. format.
As the heavy-duty off-road diesel engine owner, you
are responsible for the performance of the required Components such as engines, transmissions, axles,
maintenance listed in the Owner Manual, Operation and work tools will continue to use an 8 character
and Maintenance Manual, and Service Manual. Serial Number (S/N).

It is prohibited for any person engaged in the

business of repairing, servicing, selling, leasing, or
trading engines or machines to remove, alter, or to
render inoperative, any emission-related device or
element of design installed on or in an engine or
machine that is in compliance with all applicable
regulations of the intended country to which it has
been shipped. Certain elements of the machine and
engine such as the exhaust system, fuel system,
electrical system, intake air system, and cooling
system may be emission-related and should not be
altered unless approved by Caterpillar.

Machine Capacity
Additional attachments or modifications may exceed
machine design capacity which can adversely affect
performance characteristics. Included would be
stability and system certifications such as brakes,
steering, and rollover protective structures (ROPS).
Contact your Cat dealer for further information.

Product Identification Number

Effective First Quarter 2001 the Product Identification
Number (PIN) has changed from 8 to 17 characters.
To provide uniform equipment identification,
construction equipment manufacturers are moving to
comply with the latest version of the product
identification numbering standard. Non-road machine
PINs are defined by ISO 10261. The new PIN format
will apply to all machines and generator sets. The
PIN plates and frame marking will display the 17
character PIN. The new format will look like the

Illustration 1 g03891925

1. World Manufacturing Code (characters 1-3)
M0110641-02 7
Safety Section
Safety Messages

Safety Section

Safety Messages
SMCS Code: 7000; 7405
There are several specific safety messages on this
machine. The exact location of the hazards and the
description of the hazards are reviewed in this
section. Become familiarized with all safety
Make sure that all the safety messages are legible.
Clean the safety messages or replace the safety
messages if you cannot read the words. Replace the
illustrations if the illustrations are not visible. When
you clean the safety messages, use a cloth, water,
and soap. Do not use solvent, gasoline, or other
harsh chemicals to clean the safety messages.
Solvents, gasoline, or harsh chemicals could loosen
the adhesive that secures the safety message. Loose
adhesive will allow the safety message to fall.
Replace any safety message that is damaged, or
missing. If a safety message is attached to a part that
is replaced, install a safety message on the
replacement part. Any Cat ® dealer can provide new
safety messages.
8 M0110641-02
Safety Section
Safety Messages

Illustration 2 g06532979
M0110641-02 9
Safety Section
Safety Messages

Illustration 3 g06719789
10 M0110641-02
Safety Section
Safety Messages

Illustration 4 g06353351
M0110641-02 11
Safety Section
Safety Messages

Illustration 5 g06353353

Lifting Level Warning (1)

Illustration 7 g06224998

Illustration 6 g06289488

Overload Warning Device (2) Overloading the machine could impact the ma-
chine's stability which could result in a tipover
If equipped, this safety message is located inside the hazard. A tipover hazard could result in serious
cab on the right side window. injury or death. Always activate the overload
warning device before you handle or lift objects.

Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,

“Operator Controls” for further information.

Crushing Injury (3)

If equipped, this safety message is located inside the
cab on the right side window.
12 M0110641-02
Safety Section
Safety Messages

Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,

“Window (Front)” for further information.

Lifting Notice (5)

If equipped, this safety message is located inside the
cab on the right side window.

Illustration 8 g06188540

Crush injury. Could cause serious injury or death.

Always confirm that the quick coupler is engaged
onto the pins. Read the Operator's Manual.
Illustration 10 g06289554

Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Quick

Coupler Operation” for further information.
When operating the machine's lift tool, read Oper-
Crushing Hazard (4) ation and Maintenance Manual first for lifting
These safety messages are on the left and right side
cab windows.
Product Link (6)
If equipped, this safety message is located inside the
cab on the right side window.

Illustration 9 g02061339

Personal injury can result if the window is not

latched in the overhead position; ensure the auto
lock is engaged.
M0110641-02 13
Safety Section
Safety Messages

Illustration 11 g06188657 Illustration 12 g06188661

This machine is equipped with a Caterpillar Prod- Do not operate or work on this machine unless
uct Link communication device. When electric you have read and understand the instructions
detonators are used, this communication device and warnings in the Operation and Maintenance
should be deactivated within 12 m (40 ft) of a Manual. Failure to follow the instructions or heed
blast site for satellite-based systems and within the warnings could result in injury or death. Con-
3 m (10 ft) of a blast site for cellular based sys- tact any Caterpillar dealer for replacement man-
tems, or within the distance mandated under ap- uals. Proper care is your responsibility.
plicable legal requirements. Failure to do so
could cause interference with blasting operations
and result in serious injury or death.
Seat Belt (7B)
In cases where the type of Product Link module
cannot be identified, Caterpillar recommends that This safety message is located inside the cab on the
the device be disabled no less than 12 m (40 ft) right side window.
from the blast perimeter.

Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,

“Product Link” for further information.

Do Not Operate (7A)

This safety message is located inside the cab on the
right side window.
14 M0110641-02
Safety Section
Safety Messages

Illustration 13 g06188642 Illustration 14 g06188644

A seat belt should be worn at all times during ma- Crushing Hazard! Certain machine front linkage
chine operation to prevent serious injury or death combinations (boom, stick, quick coupler, work
in the event of an accident or machine overturn. tool) may require keeping the work tool away
Failure to wear a seat belt during machine opera- from the cab during operation. Personal injury or
tion may result in serious injury or death. death may result if the work tool contacts the cab
during operation.

Crushing Hazard (7C)

Crushing Hazard (7D)
This safety message is located inside the cab on the
right side window. This safety message is located inside the cab on the
right side window.

Illustration 15 g06188652

The impact from objects that strike the front of

the cab or the top of the cab could result in a
crushing hazard with the potential for personal
injury or death.
The front guard and the top guard should be in-
stalled on the cab for applications where the haz-
ard of falling objects exist. Read the Operation
and Maintenance Manual.
M0110641-02 15
Safety Section
Safety Messages

Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,

“Guards” for further information.

Joystick Controls Alternate

Patterns (7E)
If equipped, this safety message is located inside the
cab on the right side window.

Illustration 17 g06188667

Electrocution Hazard! Keep the machine and

attachments a safe distance from electrical
power. Stay clear 3 m (10 ft) plus twice the line
insulator length. Read and understand the
instructions and warnings in the Operation and
Illustration 16 g06188665 Maintenance Manual. Failure to follow the
instructions and warnings will cause serious
injury or death

Crush Hazard. Improper joystick setting could Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,
cause possible unexpected movement of the “Specifications” for further information.
boom, stick, or worktool which could result in
serious injury or death. Confirm that the joystick
settings are properly configured before you oper- Do Not Lift Over Personnel (8)
ate the machine. Read the Operation and Mainte-
nance Manual. This safety message is located inside the cab on the
right side window.

Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,

“Joystick Controls Alternate Patterns” for further

Electrical Power Lines (7F)

This safety message is located inside the cab.
16 M0110641-02
Safety Section
Safety Messages

Rollover Protective Structure (ROPS)

If equipped, this machine has been certified to the
standards that are listed on the certification plate.
The maximum mass of the machine, which includes
the operator and the attachments without a payload,
should not exceed the mass on the certification plate.
Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,
“Guards (Operator Protection)” for more information.

Hot Surface (10)

This message is located on the outside of the engine
Illustration 18 g06188697 hood and inside the engine hood.

Do not lift

Do Not Weld or Drill on Operator

Protective Structure (OPS) (9)

Illustration 20 g01372256

Engine hood and engine hood parts can be hot

while engine is running or immediately after en-
gine shutdown. Hot parts or hot components can
cause burns or personal injury. Do not allow
these parts to contact your skin, when engine is
running or immediately after engine shutdown.
Use protective clothing or protective equipment
to protect your skin.

Illustration 19 g06719788
Aerosol Starting Aid (11)
If equipped, this safety message is on the left side
pillar in the cab. This safety message is located near the precleaner.
The following information is not applicable to
machines that are equipped with an ether starting
Structural damage, an overturn, modification, al-
teration, or improper repair, can impair this struc-
ture's protective capability thereby voiding this
certification. Do not weld on or drill holes in the
structure. Consult a Caterpillar dealer to deter-
mine this structure's limitations without voiding
its certification.
M0110641-02 17
Safety Section
Safety Messages

Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,

“Engine Starting with Jump-Start Cables” for further

High-Pressure Gas (13)

This safety message is positioned on the

Illustration 21 g01372254

Illustration 23 g06188756

Explosion hazard! Do not use ether! This ma-

chine is equipped with an air inlet heater. Using
ether can create explosions or fires that can Pressurized System!
cause personal injury or death. Read and follow
the starting procedure in the Operation and Main- Hydraulic accumulators contain gas and oil
tenance Manual. under high pressure. DO NOT disconnect lines or
disassemble any component of a pressurized ac-
cumulator. All gas pre-charge must be removed
Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual, from the accumulator as instructed by the service
“Engine Starting” for the proper starting procedure. manual before servicing or disposing of the accu-
mulator or any accumulator component.
Jump-Start Cables (12) Failure to follow the instructions and warnings
could result in personal injury or death.
This safety message is positioned on the circuit
breaker panel. Only use dry nitrogen gas to recharge accumula-
tors. See your Cat dealer for special equipment
and detailed information for accumulator service
and charging.

Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,

“Equipment Lowering with Engine Stopped” for
further information.

Crushing Hazard (14)

This safety message is on both sides of the stick.

Illustration 22 g01370909

Explosion Hazard! Improper jumper cable con-

nections can cause an explosion resulting in seri-
ous injury or death. Batteries may be located in
separate compartments. Refer to the Operation
and Maintenance Manual for the correct jump
starting procedure.
18 M0110641-02
Safety Section
Safety Messages

Illustration 25 g01407639

Explosion hazard! Fuel vapors can accumulate in

the refueling pump compartment and can be ig-
Illustration 24 g01385579 nited by improper operation of the refueling
pump. Failure to follow the operating instructions
for the refueling pump could result in personal in-
jury or death. Read and follow the operating in-
structions for the refueling pump in the Operation
A crushing hazard exists when the stick and and Maintenance Manual.
boom are in motion and when the machine is
being used in object handling applications. Fail-
ure to stay clear of the stick and boom when the Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Fuel
machine is in operation can result in personal in- Transfer Pump (Refueling)” for further information.
jury or death. Stay clear of the stick and boom
when the machine is in operation. Crushing Hazard (16)
This safety message is on the rear of each side of the
Vapor Explosion (15) machine.

If equipped, this safety message is on the storage

compartment for the fuel transfer pump.
M0110641-02 19
Safety Section
Additional Messages

Illustration 26 g06219420 Illustration 28 g06289969

Machine swings. Stay back. Crushing hazard Structural damage, an overturn, modification, al-
could cause serious injury or death. teration, or improper repair can impair this struc-
ture's protection capability thereby voiding this
certification. Do not weld on or drill holes in the
structure. Consult a Caterpillar dealer to deter-
Relieve Hydraulic Tank Pressure mine this structure's limitations without voiding
(17) its certification.

This safety message is on top of the hydraulic tank.


Additional Messages
SMCS Code: 7000; 7405
There are several specific messages on this
machine. The exact location of the messages and the
description of the information are reviewed in this
section. Become familiar with all messages.
Make sure that all the messages are legible. Clean
the messages or replace the messages if you cannot
read the words. Replace the illustrations if the
illustrations are not legible. When you clean the
messages, use a cloth, water, and soap. Do not use
Illustration 27 g01371640
solvent, gasoline, or other harsh chemicals to clean
the messages. Solvents, gasoline, or harsh
chemicals could loosen the adhesive that secures the
messages. Loose adhesive will allow the messages
to fall.
Hot Fluid Under Pressure! Replace any message that is damaged, or missing. If
Do NOT remove pressure cap when hot. Hot oil a message is attached to a part that is replaced,
could cause serious injury or death. install a message on the replacement part. Any Cat
dealer can provide new messages.

Falling Object Guard Structure (18)

If equipped, this safety message is on top of the front
falling object guard structure. This safety message is
also on the left side of the falling object guard
structure on the top of the cab.
20 M0110641-02
Safety Section
Additional Messages

Illustration 29 g06353396
M0110641-02 21
Safety Section
Additional Messages

Illustration 30 g06353410

Illustration 31 g06543976

Front Window Usage (1)

For machines equipped with the Cat Grade monitor,
the monitor must be moved downward before lifting
or lowering the front window. The monitor is in the
path of the window track when the monitor is in the
normal position.
22 M0110641-02
Safety Section
Additional Messages

Illustration 32 g06214810 Illustration 34 g06353361

See Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Quick

Hammer Operation (2) Coupler Operation” for instructions on quick coupler
This message is on the window on the right side of
the cab.
Data Privacy (4)

Illustration 33 g06189240

See Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Hammer Illustration 35 g01418953

Operation” within Operation and Maintenance
Manual, “Work Tool Control (One-Way Flow)” for The Product Link System is a satellite communication
instructions on hammer operation. device that transmits information regarding the
machine back to Caterpillar and Cat dealers and
Also, see Operation and Maintenance Manual, customers. All logged events and diagnostic codes
“Hydraulic Hammer Control (Foot Switch)” within that are available to the Cat Electronic Technician
Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Work Tool (ET) on the Cat data link can be sent to the satellite.
Control (One-Way Flow)” for instructions on hammer Information can also be sent to the Product Link
operation. System. The information is used to improve Cat
products and Cat services.
Quick Coupler Operations (3) Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,
“Product Link” for more information.
This message is on the window on the right side of
the cab. Joystick Controls Alternate
Patterns (5)
If equipped, this message is on the right side window
of the cab.
M0110641-02 23
Safety Section
Additional Messages

Illustration 36 g06214805 Illustration 38 g06189239

Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,

“Joystick Controls Alternate Patterns” for further Alternate Exit (8)
If equipped, this message is on the rear window of
the cab in the lower left-hand corner.
Hose Burst Protection (Equipped)
This message is on the window on the right side of
the cab if the machine is equipped with Hose Burst
Protection Valves.

Illustration 39 g06189112

Pull the ring to pull out the seal. Push the window out
of the cab and exit through the opening.
Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,
Illustration 37 g06189238
“Alternate Exit” for further information.

Hose Burst (Not Equipped) (7) No Step (9)

This message is on various places on the upper
This message is on the window on the right side of structure and covers. The message is also on the
the cab if the machine is not equipped with Hose engine valve cover.
Burst Protection Valves.
24 M0110641-02
Safety Section
Additional Messages

Illustration 40 g00911158 Illustration 42 g06214936

(10A) Air conditioning symbol
Do not step in this area. (10B) R134a (Refrigerant type common name)
(10C) Refrigerant quantity
(10D) PAG (polyalkylene glycol) lubricating oil part number
DEF Purge Indicator Lamp (10)
This message is located behind the cab near the
disconnect switch and pertains to the Diesel Exhaust
Fluid (DEF) system.

Illustration 43 g06214938
If equipped, this plate provides the below more
greenhouse gas information.
(10E) (1430) - The Global Warming Potential of R134a
(10F) CO2 equivalent
(10G) The system contains 1.430 metric tonne of CO2 equivalent

Illustration 41 g03796564

After the engine is shutdown apply the battery dis-
connect switch. Applying the battery disconnect too
soon will prevent the DEF system from being purged
and could cause DEF to freeze in the lines.

Note: This film is applicable only to machines

equipped with Tier 4 engines.

Air Conditioner (11)

These messages are positioned on the left door
behind the cab.

Illustration 44 g06214940
(10H) If equipped, this film provides the required language
translations of the text "Contains fluorinated greenhouse
gases" for the greenhouse gas regulation.
M0110641-02 25
Safety Section
Additional Messages

These messages for the air conditioner system have

the appropriate information for the following services:
the air conditioner lubricant, the refrigerant charge,
and the refrigerant capacity.

Engine Oil Requirements (12)

This message is on top of the engine.

Illustration 46 g03676438

Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,

“Lubricant Viscosities”.

Hydraulic Oil Level Check (14)

This message is located in the right access
compartment next to the sight gauge for the hydraulic
oil .

Illustration 45 g06217215

Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,

“Lubricant Viscosities”.

Diesel Fuel Requirements (13)

This message is located by the fuel tank.
26 M0110641-02
Safety Section
General Hazard Information

Know the width of your equipment to maintain proper

clearance when you operate the equipment near
fences or near boundary obstacles.
Be aware of high-voltage power lines and power
cables that are buried. If the machine comes in
contact with these hazards, serious injury or death
may occur from electrocution.

Illustration 47 g01069075

Check hydraulic oil level daily. See Operation and

Maintenance Manual, “Hydraulic System Oil Level -
Check” for details.


General Hazard Information Illustration 49 g00702020

SMCS Code: 7000 Wear a hard hat, protective glasses, and other
protective equipment, as required.
Do not wear loose clothing or jewelry that can snag
on controls or on other parts of the equipment.
Make sure that all protective guards and all covers
are secured in place on the equipment.
Keep the equipment free from foreign material.
Remove debris, oil, tools, and other items from the
deck, from walkways, and from steps.
Secure all loose items such as lunch boxes, tools,
and other items that are not a part of the equipment.
Know the appropriate work site hand signals and the
personnel that are authorized to give the hand
signals. Accept hand signals from one person only.
Illustration 48 g00104545
Do not smoke when you service an air conditioner.
Typical example
Also, do not smoke if refrigerant gas may be present.
Inhaling the fumes that are released from a flame that
Attach a “Do Not Operate” warning tag or a similar contacts air conditioner refrigerant can cause bodily
warning tag to the start switch or to the controls. harm or death. Inhaling gas from air conditioner
Attach the warning tag before you service the refrigerant through a lighted cigarette can cause
equipment or before you repair the equipment. bodily harm or death.
Warning tag SEHS7332 is available from your Cat
dealer. Never put maintenance fluids into glass containers.
Drain all liquids into a suitable container.
Obey all local regulations for the disposal of liquids.
Operating the machine while distracted can result
in the loss of machine control. Use extreme cau- Use all cleaning solutions with care. Report all
tion when using any device while operating the necessary repairs.
machine. Operating the machine while distracted
can result in personal injury or death. Do not allow unauthorized personnel on the
M0110641-02 27
Safety Section
General Hazard Information

Unless you are instructed otherwise, perform

maintenance with the equipment in the servicing
position. Refer to Operation and Maintenance
Manual for the procedure for placing the equipment
in the servicing position.
When you perform maintenance above ground level,
use appropriate devices such as ladders or man lift
machines. If equipped, use the machine anchorage
points and use approved fall arrest harnesses and

Pressurized Air and Water

Pressurized air and/or water can cause debris and/or
hot water to be blown out. The debris and/or hot
water could result in personal injury. Illustration 50 g00687600

When pressurized air and/or pressurized water is Always use a board or cardboard when you check for
used for cleaning, wear protective clothing, protective a leak. Leaking fluid that is under pressure can
shoes, and eye protection. Eye protection includes penetrate body tissue. Fluid penetration can cause
goggles or a protective face shield. serious injury and possible death. A pin hole leak can
cause severe injury. If fluid is injected into your skin,
The maximum air pressure for cleaning purposes you must get treatment immediately. Seek treatment
must be reduced to 205 kPa (30 psi) when the from a doctor that is familiar with this type of injury.
nozzle is deadheaded and the nozzle is used with an
effective chip deflector and personal protective
equipment. The maximum water pressure for Containing Fluid Spillage
cleaning purposes must be below 275 kPa (40 psi).
Care must be taken in order to ensure that fluids are
Avoid direct spraying of water on electrical contained during performance of inspection,
connectors, connections, and components. When maintenance, testing, adjusting, and repair of the
using air for cleaning, allow the machine to cool to equipment. Prepare to collect the fluid with suitable
reduce the possibility of fine debris igniting when re- containers before opening any compartment or
deposited on hot surfaces. disassembling any component that contains fluids.
Refer to Special Publication, NENG2500, “Cat dealer
Trapped Pressure Service Tool Catalog” for the following items:
Pressure can be trapped in a hydraulic system. • Tools that are suitable for collecting fluids and
Releasing trapped pressure can cause sudden equipment that is suitable for collecting fluids
machine movement or attachment movement. Use
caution if you disconnect hydraulic lines or fittings. • Tools that are suitable for containing fluids and
High-pressure oil that is released can cause a hose equipment that is suitable for containing fluids
to whip. High-pressure oil that is released can cause
oil to spray. Fluid penetration can cause serious
injury and possible death.

Fluid Penetration
Pressure can be trapped in the hydraulic circuit long
after the machine has been stopped. The pressure
can cause hydraulic fluid or items such as pipe plugs
to escape rapidly if the pressure is not relieved
Do not remove any hydraulic components or parts
until pressure has been relieved or personal injury
may occur. Do not disassemble any hydraulic
components or parts until pressure has been relieved
or personal injury may occur. Refer to the Service
Manual for any procedures that are required to
relieve the hydraulic pressure.
28 M0110641-02
Safety Section
General Hazard Information

Obey all local regulations for the disposal of liquids. • Use exhaust ventilation on permanent machining
Inhalation • Wear an approved respirator if there is no other
way to control the dust.
• Comply with applicable rules and regulations for
the work place. In the United States, use
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA) requirements. These OSHA requirements
can be found in “29 CFR 1910.1001”. In Japan,
use the requirements found in the “Ordinance on
Prevention of Health Impairment due to Asbestos”
in addition to the requirements of the Industrial
Safety and Health Act.
• Obey environmental regulations for the disposal of
• Stay away from areas that might have asbestos
Illustration 51 g02159053 particles in the air.

Exhaust Hexavalent Chromium Information

Use caution. Exhaust fumes can be hazardous to Cat equipment and replacement parts comply with
your health. If you operate the machine in an applicable regulations and requirements where
enclosed area, adequate ventilation is necessary. originally sold. Caterpillar recommends the use of
only genuine Cat replacement parts.
Asbestos Information
Hexavalent chromium has occasionally been
Cat equipment and replacement parts that are detected on exhaust and heat shield systems on Cat
shipped from Caterpillar are asbestos free. engines. Although lab testing is the only accurate
Caterpillar recommends the use of only genuine Cat way to know if hexavalent chromium is, in fact,
replacement parts. Use the following guidelines when present, the presence of a yellow deposit in areas of
you handle any replacement parts that contain high heat (for example, exhaust system components
asbestos or when you handle asbestos debris. or exhaust insulation) may be an indication of the
presence of hexavalent chromium.
Use caution. Avoid inhaling dust that might be
generated when you handle components that contain Use caution if you suspect the presence of
asbestos fibers. Inhaling this dust can be hazardous hexavalent chromium. Avoid skin contact when
to your health. The components that may contain handling items that you suspect may contain
asbestos fibers are brake pads, brake bands, lining hexavalent chromium, and avoid inhalation of any
material, clutch plates, and some gaskets. The dust in the suspect area. Inhalation of, or skin contact
asbestos that is used in these components is bound with, hexavalent chromium dust may be hazardous to
in a resin or sealed in some way. Normal handling is your health.
not hazardous unless airborne dust that contains
asbestos is generated. If such yellow deposits are found on the engine,
engine component parts, or associated equipment or
If dust that may contain asbestos is present, there packages, Caterpillar recommends following local
are several guidelines that should be followed: health and safety regulations and guidelines, utilizing
good hygiene, and adhering to safe work practices
• Never use compressed air for cleaning. when handling the equipment or parts. Caterpillar
also recommends the following:
• Avoid brushing materials that contain asbestos.
• Wear appropriate personal protective equipment
• Avoid grinding materials that contain asbestos. (PPE).

• Use a wet method in order to clean up asbestos • Wash your hands and face with soap and water
materials. prior to eating, drinking, or smoking, and also
during rest room breaks, to prevent ingestion of
• A vacuum cleaner that is equipped with a high any yellow powder.
efficiency particulate air filter (HEPA) can also be
used. • Never use compressed air for cleaning areas
suspected of containing hexavalent chromium.
M0110641-02 29
Safety Section
Crushing Prevention and Cutting Prevention

• Avoid brushing, grinding, or cutting materials Whenever there are equipment control linkages the
suspected of containing hexavalent chromium. clearance in the linkage area will change with the
movement of the equipment or the machine. Stay
• Obey environmental regulations for the disposal of clear of areas that may have a sudden change in
all materials that may contain or have come into clearance with machine movement or equipment
contact with hexavalent chromium. movement.

• Stay away from areas that might have hexavalent Stay clear of all rotating and moving parts.
chromium particles in the air. If it is necessary to remove guards in order to perform
maintenance, always install the guards after the
Dispose of Waste Properly maintenance is performed.
Keep objects away from moving fan blades. The fan
blade will throw objects or cut objects.
Do not use a kinked wire cable or a frayed wire cable.
Wear gloves when you handle wire cable.
When you strike a retainer pin with force, the retainer
pin can fly out. The loose retainer pin can injure
personnel. Make sure that the area is clear of people
when you strike a retainer pin. To avoid injury to your
eyes, wear protective glasses when you strike a
retainer pin.
Chips or other debris can fly off an object when you
strike the object. Make sure that no one can be
injured by flying debris before striking any object.
Illustration 52 g00706404
Improperly disposing of waste can threaten the
environment. Potentially harmful fluids should be Burn Prevention
disposed of according to local regulations.
SMCS Code: 7000
Always use leakproof containers when you drain
fluids. Do not pour waste onto the ground, down a Do not touch any part of an operating engine. Allow
drain, or into any source of water. the engine to cool before any maintenance is
performed on the engine. Relieve all pressure in the
air system, in the oil system, in the lubrication
i01359664 system, in the fuel system, or in the cooling system
before any lines, fittings, or related items are
Crushing Prevention and disconnected.
Cutting Prevention Coolant
SMCS Code: 7000
When the engine is at operating temperature, the
Support the equipment properly before you perform engine coolant is hot. The coolant is also under
any work or maintenance beneath that equipment. pressure. The radiator and all lines to the heaters or
Do not depend on the hydraulic cylinders to hold up to the engine contain hot coolant.
the equipment. Equipment can fall if a control is
moved, or if a hydraulic line breaks. Any contact with hot coolant or with steam can cause
severe burns. Allow cooling system components to
Do not work beneath the cab of the machine unless cool before the cooling system is drained.
the cab is properly supported.
Check the coolant level only after the engine has
Unless you are instructed otherwise, never attempt been stopped.
adjustments while the machine is moving or while the
engine is running. Ensure that the filler cap is cool before removing the
filler cap. The filler cap must be cool enough to touch
Never jump across the starter solenoid terminals in with a bare hand. Remove the filler cap slowly to
order to start the engine. Unexpected machine relieve pressure.
movement could result.
30 M0110641-02
Safety Section
Fire Prevention and Explosion Prevention

Cooling system conditioner contains alkali. Alkali can Always wear protective glasses when you work with
cause personal injury. Do not allow alkali to contact batteries. Wash hands after touching batteries. The
the skin, the eyes, or the mouth. use of gloves is recommended.

Oils i06179517

Hot oil and hot components can cause personal

injury. Do not allow hot oil to contact the skin. Also,
Fire Prevention and Explosion
do not allow hot components to contact the skin. Prevention
Remove the hydraulic tank filler cap only after the SMCS Code: 7000
engine has been stopped. The filler cap must be cool
enough to touch with a bare hand. Follow the
standard procedure in this manual to remove the
hydraulic tank filler cap.

The liquid in a battery is an electrolyte. Electrolyte is
an acid that can cause personal injury. Do not allow
electrolyte to contact the skin or the eyes.
Do not smoke while checking the battery electrolyte
levels. Batteries give off flammable fumes which can

Illustration 53 g00704000

The exhaust gas temperatures during regeneration
will be elevated. Follow proper fire prevention
instructions and use the disable regeneration
function (if equipped) when appropriate.

All fuels, most lubricants, and some coolant mixtures
are flammable.
To minimize the risk of fire or explosion, Caterpillar
recommends the following actions.
Always perform a Walk-Around Inspection, which
may help you identify a fire hazard. Do not operate a
machine when a fire hazard exists. Contact your Cat
dealer for service.
Understand the use of the primary exit and
alternative exit on the machine. Refer to Operation
and Maintenance Manual, “Alternative Exit”.
Do not operate a machine with a fluid leak. Repair
leaks and clean up fluids before resuming machine
operation. Fluids that are leaking or spilled onto hot
surfaces or onto electrical components can cause a
fire. A fire may cause personal injury or death.
Remove flammable material such as leaves, twigs,
papers, trash, and so on. These items may
accumulate in the engine compartment or around
other hot areas and hot parts on the machine.
M0110641-02 31
Safety Section
Fire Prevention and Explosion Prevention

Keep the access doors to major machine

compartments closed and access doors in working
condition in order to permit the use of fire
suppression equipment, in case a fire should occur.
Clean all accumulations of flammable materials such
as fuel, oil, and debris from the machine.
Do not operate the machine near any flame.
Keep shields in place. Exhaust shields (if equipped)
protect hot exhaust components from oil spray or fuel
spray in a break in a line, in a hose, or in a seal.
Exhaust shields must be installed correctly.
Do not weld or flame cut on tanks or lines that contain
flammable fluids or flammable material. Empty and
purge the lines and tanks. Then clean the lines and
tanks with a nonflammable solvent prior to welding or
flame cutting. Ensure that the components are
properly grounded in order to avoid unwanted arcs.
Dust that is generated from repairing nonmetallic
hoods or fenders may be flammable and/or
explosive. Repair such components in a ventilated Illustration 54 g03839130
area away from open flames or sparks. Use suitable
Personal Protection Equipment (PPE). Use caution when you are fueling a machine. Do not
smoke while you are fueling a machine. Do not fuel a
Inspect all lines and hoses for wear or deterioration. machine near open flames or sparks. Do not use cell
Replace damaged lines and hoses. The lines and the phones or other electronic devices while you are
hoses should have adequate support and secure refueling. Always stop the engine before fueling. Fill
clamps. Tighten all connections to the recommended the fuel tank outdoors. Properly clean areas of
torque. Damage to the protective cover or insulation spillage.
may provide fuel for fires.
Avoid static electricity risk when fueling. Ultra low
Store fuels and lubricants in properly marked sulfur diesel (ULSD) poses a greater static ignition
containers away from unauthorized personnel. Store hazard than earlier diesel formulations with a higher
oily rags and flammable materials in protective sulfur content. Avoid death or serious injury from fire
containers. Do not smoke in areas that are used for or explosion. Consult with your fuel or fuel system
storing flammable materials. supplier to ensure that the delivery system is in
compliance with fueling standards for proper
grounding and bonding practices.
32 M0110641-02
Safety Section
Fire Prevention and Explosion Prevention

Never store flammable fluids in the operator • Abrasion

compartment of the machine.
• Cracking
Battery and Battery Cables • Discoloration
• Cuts on the insulation of the cable

• Fouling
• Corroded terminals, damaged terminals, and
loose terminals
Replace damaged battery cable(s) and replace any
related parts. Eliminate any fouling, which may have
caused insulation failure or related component
damage or wear. Ensure that all components are
reinstalled correctly.
An exposed wire on the battery cable may cause a
short to ground if the exposed area comes into
contact with a grounded surface. A battery cable
short produces heat from the battery current, which
may be a fire hazard.
An exposed wire on the ground cable between the
battery and the disconnect switch may cause the
disconnect switch to be bypassed if the exposed area
comes into contact with a grounded surface. This
Illustration 55 g03839133 may result in an unsafe condition for servicing the
machine. Repair components or replace components
Caterpillar recommends the following in order to before servicing the machine.
minimize the risk of fire or an explosion related to the
Do not operate a machine if battery cables or related
parts show signs of wear or damage. Contact your Fire on a machine can result in personal injury or
Cat dealer for service. death. Exposed battery cables that come into
contact with a grounded connection can result in
Follow safe procedures for engine starting with jump- fires. Replace cables and related parts that show
start cables. Improper jumper cable connections can signs of wear or damage. Contact your Cat
cause an explosion that may result in injury. Refer to dealer.
Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Engine Starting
with Jump Start Cables” for specific instructions.
Do not charge a frozen battery. This may cause an
Check electrical wires daily. If any of the following
Gases from a battery can explode. Keep any open conditions exist, replace parts before you operate the
flames or sparks away from the top of a battery. Do machine.
not smoke in battery charging areas. Do not use cell
phones or other electronic devices in battery • Fraying
charging areas.
• Signs of abrasion or wear
Never check the battery charge by placing a metal
object across the terminal posts. Use a voltmeter in • Cracking
order to check the battery charge.
• Discoloration
Daily inspect battery cables that are in areas that are
visible. Inspect cables, clips, straps, and other • Cuts on insulation
restraints for damage. Replace any damaged parts.
Check for signs of the following, which can occur • Other damage
over time due to use and environmental factors: Make sure that all clamps, guards, clips, and straps
• Fraying are reinstalled correctly. This will help to prevent
vibration, rubbing against other parts, and excessive
heat during machine operation.
M0110641-02 33
Safety Section
Fire Prevention and Explosion Prevention

Attaching electrical wiring to hoses and tubes that Make sure that all clamps, guards, and heat shields
contain flammable fluids or combustible fluids should are installed correctly. During machine operation, this
be avoided. will help to prevent vibration, rubbing against other
parts, excessive heat, and failure of lines, tubes, and
Consult your Cat dealer for repair or for replacement hoses.
Do not operate a machine when a fire hazard exists.
Keep wiring and electrical connections free of debris. Repair any lines that are corroded, loose, or
damaged. Leaks may provide fuel for fires. Consult
Lines, Tubes, and Hoses your Cat dealer for repair or for replacement parts.
Use genuine Cat parts or the equivalent, for
Do not bend high-pressure lines. Do not strike high- capabilities of both the pressure limit and
pressure lines. Do not install any lines that are bent temperature limit.
or damaged. Use the appropriate backup wrenches
in order to tighten all connections to the Ether
recommended torque.
Ether (if equipped) is commonly used in cold-weather
applications. Ether is flammable and poisonous.
Only use approved Ether canisters for the Ether
dispensing system fitted to your machine, do not
spray Ether manually into an engine, follow the
correct cold engine starting procedures. Refer to the
section in the Operation and Maintenance Manual
with the label “Engine Starting” .

Manually spraying Ether into an engine with a

Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) may result in the
accumulation of Ether in the DPF and an explo-
Illustration 56 g00687600
sion. This in conjunction with other factors may
result in an injury or death.
Check lines, tubes, and hoses carefully. Wear
Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) in order to
Use ether in ventilated areas. Do not smoke while
check for leaks. Always use a board or cardboard you are replacing an ether cylinder.
when you check for a leak. Leaking fluid that is under
pressure can penetrate body tissue. Fluid penetration Do not store ether cylinders in living areas or in the
can cause serious injury and possible death. A pin operator compartment of a machine. Do not store
hole leak can cause severe injury. If fluid is injected ether cylinders in direct sunlight or in temperatures
into your skin, you must get treatment immediately. above 49° C (120.2° F). Keep ether cylinders away
Seek treatment from a doctor that is familiar with this from open flames or sparks.
type of injury.
Dispose of used ether cylinders properly. Do not
Replace the affected parts if any of the following puncture an ether cylinder. Keep ether cylinders
conditions are present: away from unauthorized personnel.
• End fittings are damaged or leaking.
Fire Extinguisher
• Outer coverings are chafed or cut.
As an additional safety measure, keep a fire
• Wires are exposed. extinguisher on the machine.
• Outer coverings are swelling or ballooning. Be familiar with the operation of the fire extinguisher.
Inspect the fire extinguisher and service the fire
• Flexible parts of the hoses are kinked. extinguisher regularly. Follow the recommendations
on the instruction plate.
• Outer covers have exposed embedded armoring.
• End fittings are displaced.
34 M0110641-02
Safety Section
Fire Safety

Consider installation of an aftermarket Fire • Remember that nearly all the fluids on the
Suppression System, if the application and working machine are flammable, including coolant and oils.
conditions warrant the installation. Additionally, plastics, rubbers, fabrics, and resins
in fiberglass panels are also flammable.

Fire Safety
SMCS Code: 7000 Fire Extinguisher Location
SMCS Code: 7000; 7419
Note: Locate secondary exits and how to use the
secondary exits before you operate the machine.
Note: Locate fire extinguishers and how to use a fire
extinguisher before you operate the machine.
If you find that you are involved in a machine fire,
your safety and that of others on site are the top
priority. The following actions should only be
performed if the actions do not present a danger or
risk to you and any nearby people. Assess the risk of
personal injury and move away to a safe distance as
soon as you feel unsafe.
Move the machine away from nearby combustible
material such as fuel/oil stations, structures, trash,
mulch, and timber.
Lower any implements and turn off the engine as Illustration 57 g06207808
soon as possible. If you leave the engine running, the
engine will continue to feed a fire. The fire will be fed Make sure that a fire extinguisher is available. Be
from any damaged hoses that are attached to the familiar with the operation of the fire extinguisher.
engine or pumps. Inspect the fire extinguisher and service the fire
extinguisher regularly. Obey the recommendations
If possible, turn the battery disconnect switch to the on the instruction plate.
OFF position. Disconnecting the battery will remove
the ignition source in the event of an electrical short. The recommended location for mounting the fire
Disconnecting the battery will eliminate a second extinguisher is in the storage box. The fire
ignition source if electrical wiring is damaged by the extinguisher may also be mounted on the upper
fire, resulting in a short circuit. handrail on the right side of the machine.

Notify emergency personnel of the fire and your i01329108

If your machine is equipped with a fire suppression Track Information
system, follow the manufacturers procedure for SMCS Code: 4170; 7000
activating the system.
Track adjusting systems use either grease or oil
Note: Fire suppression systems need to be regularly under high pressure to keep the track under tension.
inspected by qualified personnel. You must be
trained to operate the fire suppression system. Grease or oil under high pressure coming out of the
relief valve can penetrate the body causing injury or
If you are unable to do anything else, shut off the death. Do not watch the relief valve to see if grease
machine before exiting. By shutting off the machine, or oil is escaping. Watch the track or track adjustment
fuels will not continue to be pumped into the fire. cylinder to see if the track is being loosened.
If the fire grows out of control, be aware of the The pins and bushings in a dry track pin joint can
following risks: become very hot. It is possible to burn the fingers if
there is more than brief contact with these
• Tires on wheeled machines pose a risk of components.
explosion as tires burn. Hot shrapnel and debris
can be thrown great distances in an explosion.

• Tanks, accumulators, hoses, and fittings can

rupture in a fire, spraying fuels and shrapnel over
a large area.
M0110641-02 35
Safety Section
High Pressure Fuel Lines

i02546320 • If the high pressure fuel lines are torqued correctly

and the high pressure fuel lines are leaking the
High Pressure Fuel Lines high pressure fuel lines must be replaced.
SMCS Code: 1000; 1274; 7000 • Ensure that all clips on the high pressure fuel lines
are in place. Do not operate the engine with clips
that are damaged, missing or loose.

Contact with high pressure fuel may cause fluid • Do not attach any other item to the high pressure
penetration and burn hazards. High pressure fuel fuel lines.
spray may cause a fire hazard. Failure to follow
these inspection, maintenance and service in- • Loosened high pressure fuel lines must be
structions may cause personal injury or death. replaced. Also removed high pressure fuel lines
must be replaced. Refer to Disassembly and
The high pressure fuel lines are the fuel lines that are Assembly for your engine.
between the high pressure fuel pump and the high
pressure fuel manifold and the fuel lines that are i01122596
between the fuel manifold and cylinder head. These
fuel lines are different from fuel lines on other fuel Electrical Storm Injury
This is because of the following differences:
SMCS Code: 7000
• The high pressure fuel lines are constantly
charged with high pressure. When lightning is striking in the vicinity of the
machine, the operator should never attempt the
• The internal pressures of the high pressure fuel following procedures:
lines are higher than other types of fuel system.
• Mount the machine.
• The high pressure fuel lines are formed to shape
and then strengthened by a special process. • Dismount the machine.

Do not step on the high pressure fuel lines. Do not If you are in the operator's station during an electrical
deflect the high pressure fuel lines. Do not bend or storm, stay in the operator's station. If you are on the
strike the high pressure fuel lines. Deformation or ground during an electrical storm, stay away from the
damage of the high pressure fuel lines may cause a vicinity of the machine.
point of weakness and potential failure.
Do not check the high pressure fuel lines with the
engine or the starting motor in operation. After the
engine has stopped allow 10 minutes to pass in order
Before Starting Engine
to allow the pressure to be purged before any service SMCS Code: 1000; 7000
or repair is performed on the engine fuel lines.
Start the engine only from the operator compartment.
Do not loosen the high pressure fuel lines in order to Never short across the starter terminals or across the
remove air from the fuel system. This procedure is batteries. Shorting could damage the electrical
not required. system by bypassing the engine neutral start system.

Visually inspect the high pressure fuel lines before Inspect the condition of the seat belt and of the
the engine is started. This inspection should be each mounting hardware. Replace any parts that are worn
day. or damaged. Regardless of appearance, replace the
seat belt after three years of use. Do not use a seat
If you inspect the engine in operation, always use the belt extension on a retractable seat belt.
proper inspection procedure in order to avoid a fluid
penetration hazard. Refer to Operation and Adjust the seat so that full pedal travel can be
Maintenance Manual, “General hazard Information”. achieved with the operator's back against the back of
the seat.
• Inspect the high pressure fuel lines for damage, Make sure that the machine is equipped with a
deformation, a nick, a cut, a crease, or a dent. lighting system that is adequate for the job
conditions. Make sure that all machine lights are
• Do not operate the engine with a fuel leak. If there working properly.
is a leak do not tighten the connection in order to
stop the leak. The connection must only be
tightened to the recommended torque. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly for your engine.
36 M0110641-02
Safety Section
Visibility Information

Before you start the engine and before you move the • Communication between workers and operators
machine, make sure that no one is underneath the prior to approaching the machine
machine, around the machine, or on the machine.
Make sure that the area is free of personnel. Modifications of the machine configuration by the
user that result in a restriction of visibility shall be
i08473852 evaluated.

Visibility Information i08033778

SMCS Code: 7000 Restricted Visibility

Before you start the machine, perform a walk-around SMCS Code: 7000
inspection to ensure that there are no hazards
around the machine. The size and the configuration of this machine may
result in areas that cannot be seen when the operator
While the machine is in operation, constantly survey is seated. For restricted visibility areas, an
the area around the machine to identify potential appropriate job site organization must be utilized to
hazards as hazards become visible around the minimize hazards of this restricted visibility. For more
information regarding job site organization refer to
Your machine may be equipped with visual aids. Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Visibility
Some examples of visual aids are Closed Circuit Information”.
Television (CCTV) and mirrors. Before operating the
Illustrations 58 - 61 provide an approximate visual
machine, ensure that the visual aids are in proper
working condition and that the visual aids are clean. indication of the areas at ground level inside a radius
Shut down the machine until damaged or of 12 m (39 ft) from the operator of significant
nonfunctional visual aid(s) are repaired (if applicable) restricted visibility for various machine configurations.
or until appropriate job site organization is used to Refer to the correct illustration for your machine
minimize hazards that are caused by any resulting configuration. All restricted visibility areas less than
restricted visibility. Adjust the visual aids using the 300 mm wide may not be shown. These illustrations
procedures that are located in this Operation and do not indicate areas of restricted visibility for
Maintenance Manual. If equipped, the Work Area distances outside of the shown radius. The areas of
restricted visibility shown in the illustrations are with
Vision System shall be adjusted according to the track and work tool of the machine in the Travel
Operation and Maintenance Manual, SEBU8157, position. Illustration 62 shows the position of the work
“Work Area Vision System”. If equipped, the Cat tool in the travel position. The Caterpillar authorized
Detect Object Detection shall be adjusted according work tool that resulted in the largest visibility
to the Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Cat restriction was used.
Detect Object Detection” for your machine.
Illustration 58 indicates restricted visibility areas at
It may not be possible to provide direct visibility on ground level inside the shown radius from the
large machines to all areas around the machine. operator without the use of visual aids that may be
Appropriate job site organization is required to optional for this product in some markets.
minimize hazards that are caused by restricted
visibility. Job site organization is a collection of rules
and procedures that coordinates machines and
people that work together in the same area.
Examples of job site organization include the
• Safety instructions

• Controlled patterns of machine movement and

vehicle movement
• Workers that direct safe movement of traffic

• Restricted areas
• Operator training

• Warning symbols or warning signs on machines or

on vehicles

• A system of communication
M0110641-02 37
Safety Section
Restricted Visibility

Illustration 58 g06356058 Illustration 59 g06356070

Top view of the machine, ground level visibility Top view of the machine, ground level visibility with
without use of optional visual aids rear camera, right side mirror, left side mirror, and left
(A) 12 m (39 ft) side second mirror (if equipped)
(A) 12 m (39 ft)
Note: The shaded areas indicate the approximate
location of areas with significant restricted visibility. Note: The shaded areas indicate the approximate
location of areas with significant restricted visibility.
Illustration 59 indicates restricted visibility areas at
ground level inside the shown radius from the Illustration 60 indicates restricted visibility areas at
operator with the use of rear camera, right side ground level inside the shown radius from the
mirror, left side mirror, and left side second mirror (if operator with the use of rear camera, right side
equipped). camera, left side mirrors, and left side second mirror
(if equipped).
38 M0110641-02
Safety Section
Restricted Visibility

Illustration 60 g06356105 Illustration 61 g06356117

Top view of the machine, ground level visibility with Top view of the machine with 360 visibility through
rear camera, right side camera, left side mirror, and the monitor
left side second mirror (if equipped).
(A) 12 m (39 ft) Note: The shaded areas indicate the approximate
location of areas with significant restricted visibility.
Note: The shaded areas indicate the approximate
location of areas with significant restricted visibility. Restricted visibility is measured when the front
linkage of the machine is in the travel position.
Illustration 61 indicates restricted visibility areas at Illustration 62 shows the machine in the travel
ground level inside the shown radius from the position.
monitor in the operator station with the use of 360
M0110641-02 39
Safety Section
Engine Starting

Be sure that all windows are clean. Secure the doors

and the windows in the open position or in the shut
Adjust the rearview mirrors (if equipped) for the best
visibility close to the machine. Make sure that the
horn, the travel alarm (if equipped), and all other
warning devices are working properly.
Fasten the seat belt securely.
Warm up the engine and the hydraulic oil before
operating the machine.
Before moving the machine, check the position of the
undercarriage. The normal travel position is with the
idler wheels to the front under the cab and the drive
sprockets to the rear. When the undercarriage is in
the reversed position, the directional controls must be
operated in opposite directions.


Illustration 62 g06181081 Work Tools

(A) 1 m (3.0 ft) from the front of the machine to the bucket SMCS Code: 6700
(B) 0.5 m (1.6 ft) from ground level
Only use work tools that are recommended by
i03562260 Caterpillar for use on Cat machines.

Engine Starting Use of work tools, including buckets, which are

outside of Caterpillar's recommendations or
SMCS Code: 1000; 7000 specifications for weight, dimensions, flows,
pressures, and so on. may result in less-than-optimal
If a warning tag is attached to the engine start switch vehicle performance, including but not limited to
or to the controls, do not start the engine. Also, do not reductions in production, stability, reliability, and
move any controls. component durability. Caterpillar recommends
appropriate work tools for our machines to maximize
Make sure that you are seated before you start the the value our customers receive from our products.
engine. Caterpillar understands that special circumstances
may lead a customer to use tools outside of our
Move all hydraulic controls to the HOLD position specifications. In these cases, customers must be
before you start the engine. Move the hydraulic aware that such choices can reduce vehicle
lockout control to the LOCKED position. For further performance and will affect their ability to claim
details on this procedure, refer to Operation and warranty in the event of what a customer may
Maintenance Manual, “Operator Controls”. perceive as a premature failure.
Diesel engine exhaust contains products of Work tools and work tool control systems, that are
combustion which can be harmful to your health. compatible with your Cat machine, are required for
Always run the engine in a well ventilated area. If you safe machine operation and/or reliable machine
are in an enclosed area, vent the exhaust to the operation. If you are in doubt about the compatibility
outside. of a particular work tool with your machine, consult
Briefly sound the horn before you start the engine. your Cat dealer.
Make sure that all necessary guarding is in place on
i01340061 the host machine and on the work tool.

Before Operation Keep all windows and doors closed on the host
machine. A polycarbonate shield must be used when
SMCS Code: 7000 the host machine is not equipped with windows and
when a work tool could throw debris.
Clear all personnel from the machine and from the
area. Do not exceed the maximum operating weight that is
listed on the ROPS certification.
Clear all obstacles from the machine's path. Beware
of hazards (wires, ditches, etc).
40 M0110641-02
Safety Section

If your machine is equipped with an extendable stick, The Operation and Maintenance Manual,
install the transport pin when you are using the Maintenance Interval Schedule describes limiting
following work tools: hydraulic hammers, augers and condition criteria that require repair or replacement
compactors for items (if equipped) such as alarms, horns, braking
system, steering system, and rollover protective
Always wear protective glasses. Always wear the structures.
protective equipment that is recommended in the
operation manual for the work tool. Wear any other The Operation and Maintenance Manual, Monitoring
protective equipment that is required for the System (if equipped) provides information on limiting
operating environment. condition criteria, including a Warning Category 3
that requires immediate shutdown of the engine.
To prevent personnel from being struck by flying
objects, ensure that all personnel are out of the work Critical Failures
While you are performing any maintenance, any The following table provides summary information on
testing, or any adjustments to the work tool stay clear several limiting conditions found in this Operation and
of the following areas: cutting edges, pinching Maintenance Manual. The table provides criteria and
surfaces and crushing surfaces. required action for the limiting conditions listed. Each
System or Component in this table, together with the
Never use the work tool for a work platform. respective limiting condition, describes a potential
critical failure that must be addressed. Not
addressing limiting conditions with required actions
may, in conjunction with other factors or
circumstances, result in a risk of personal injury or
Operation death. If an accident occurs, notify emergency
SMCS Code: 7000 personnel and provide location and description of
Sound the horn and allow adequate time for
bystanders to clear the area before moving the
machine into a restricted visibility area. Follow local
practices for your machine application. For more
information refer to Operation and Maintenance
Manual, Restricted Visibility.

Machine Operating Temperature

The machine must function satisfactorily in the
anticipated ambient temperature limits that are
encountered during operation. The standard machine
configuration is intended for use within an ambient
temperature range of −18 °C (0 °F) to 43 °C
(109 °F). Special configurations for different ambient
temperatures may be available. Consult your Cat
dealer for additional information on special
configurations of your machine.

Limiting Conditions and Criteria

Limiting conditions are immediate issues with this
machine that must be addressed prior to continuing
The Operation and Maintenance Manual, Safety
Section describes limiting condition criteria for
replacing items such as safety messages, seat belt
and mounting hardware, lines, tubes, hoses, battery
cables and related parts, electrical wires, and
repairing any fluid leak.
M0110641-02 41
Safety Section

Table 1
System or
Limiting Criteria for Required
Condition Action Action
End fittings are damaged or leak- Visible corrosion, loose, or Immediately repair any lines, tubes, or hoses that
ing. Outer coverings are chafed or damaged lines, tubes, or ho- are corroded, loose, or damaged. Immediately re-
cut. Wires are exposed. Outer ses. Visible fluid leaks. pair any leaks as these may provide fuel for fires.
Line, tubes, and coverings are swelling or balloon-
hoses ing. Flexible parts of the hoses
are kinked. Outer covers have ex-
posed embedded armoring. End
fittings are displaced.
Signs of fraying, abrasion, crack- Visible damage to electrical Immediately replace damaged wiring
Electrical Wiring ing, discoloration, cuts on the wiring
Signs of fraying, abrasion, crack- Visible damage to battery ca- Immediately replace damaged battery cables
ing, discoloration, cuts on the in- ble(s)
Battery cable(s) sulation of the cable, fouling,
corroded terminals, damaged ter-
minals, and loose terminals
Structures that are bent, cracked, Visible damage to structure. Do not operate machine with damaged structure or
Operator Protective or loose. Loose, missing, or dam- Loose, missing, or damaged loose, missing, or damaged bolts. Contact your Cat
Structure aged bolts. bolts. dealer for inspection and repair or replacement
Worn or damaged seat belt or Visible wear or damage Immediately replace parts that are worn or
Seat Belt
mounting hardware damaged.
Age of seat belt Three years after date of Replace seat belt three years after date of
Seat Belt
installation installation
Appearance of safety message Damage to safety messages Replace the illustrations if illegible.
Safety Messages
making them illegible
Audible Warning De- Sound level of audible warning Reduced or no audible warn- Immediately repair or replace audible warning devi-
vice(s) (if equipped) ing present ces not working properly.
Camera(s) (if Dirt or debris on camera lens Dirt or debris obstructing cam- Clean camera before operating machine.
equipped) era view
Dirt, debris, or damaged windows Dirt or debris obstructing oper- Clean windows before operating machine. Repair
Cab Windows (if
ator visibility. Any damaged or replace damaged windows before operating
windows. machine.
Dirt, debris, or damaged mirror Dirt or debris obstructing oper- Clean mirrors before operating machine. Repair or
Mirrors (if equipped) ator visibility. Any damaged replace damaged mirrors before operating
mirrors. machine.
Inadequate braking performance System does not pass Braking Contact your Cat dealer to inspect and, if neces-
System - Test(s) included in sary, repair the brake system.
Braking System
Maintenance Section or in the
Testing and Adjusting Manual
The coolant temperature is too Monitoring System displays Stop the engine immediately. Check the coolant lev-
high. Warning Category 3 el and check the radiator for debris. Refer to Opera-
tion and Maintenance Manual, Cooling System
Cooling System Coolant Level - Check. Check the fan drive belts for
the water pump. Refer to Operation and Mainte-
nance Manual, Belts - Inspect/Adjust/ Replace.
Make any necessary repairs.
A problem has been detected with Monitoring System displays If the warning stays on during low idle, stop the en-
Engine Oil System the engine oil pressure. Warning Category 3 gine and check the engine oil level. Perform any
necessary repairs as soon as possible.
An engine fault has been detected Monitoring System displays Stop the engine immediately. Contact your Cat
Engine system
by the engine ECM. Warning Category 3 dealer for service.
A problem has been detected with Monitoring System displays Stop the engine. Determine the cause of the fault
Fuel System
the fuel system. Warning Category 3 and perform any necessary repairs.
The hydraulic oil temperature is Monitoring System displays Stop the engine immediately. Check the hydraulic
Hydraulic Oil System too high. Warning Category 3 oil level and check the hydraulic oil cooler for debris.
Perform any necessary repairs as soon as possible.

42 M0110641-02
Safety Section

(Table 1, contd)
System or
Limiting Criteria for Required
Condition Action Action
A problem has been detected with Monitoring System displays Move machine to a safe location and stop the en-
Steering System the steering system. (If equipped Warning Category 3 gine immediately. Contact your Cat dealer to in-
with steering system monitoring.) spect and, if necessary, repair the steering system.
Machine service is required. Monitoring System displays Stop the engine immediately. Contact your Cat
Overall Machine
Warning Category 3 dealer for service.

Machine Operation Bring the load close to the machine before swinging
the load.
Only operate the machine while you are in a seat.
The seat belt must be fastened while you operate the Lifting capacity decreases as the load is moved
machine. Only operate the controls while the engine further from the machine.
is running. Make sure that the towing eyes and the towing
devices are adequate for your needs.
Check for proper operation of all controls and of all
protective devices while you operate the machine Only connect trailing equipment to a drawbar or to a
slowly in an open area. hitch.
When the machine is moving watch the clearance of Never straddle a wire cable. Never allow other
the boom. Uneven ground can cause the boom to personnel to straddle a wire cable.
move in all directions.
When you maneuver in order to connect the
Make sure that no personnel will be endangered equipment, make sure that no personnel are between
before you move the machine. Do not allow riders on the machine and trailing equipment. Block up the
the machine unless the machine has an additional hitch of the trailing equipment in order to align the
seat with a seat belt. equipment with the drawbar.
Report any machine damage that was noted during Check the local regulations, state codes, and/or
machine operation. Make any necessary repairs. directives of the job site for a specific minimum
Never use the work tool for a work platform. distance from obstacles.
Before you operate the machine, check with local
Hold attachments approximately 40 cm (15 inches) utilities for the locations of underground pipes and for
above ground level while you drive the machine. Do the locations of buried cables.
not drive the machine close to an overhang, to the
edge of a cliff, or to the edge of an excavation. Know the maximum dimensions of your machine.
If the machine begins to sideslip on a grade, Watch the load at all times.
immediately dump the load and turn the machine
downhill. Do not operate the machine without the
counterweight. The machine can tip when the boom
Be careful to avoid any ground condition which could is over the side.
cause the machine to tip. Tipping can occur when
you work on hills, on banks, or on slopes. Tipping can The clamshell, the grapple, or the magnet can swing
also occur when you cross ditches, ridges, or other in all directions. Move the joysticks in a continuous
unexpected obstructions. motion. Failure to move the joysticks in a continuous
motion can cause the clamshell, the grapple, or the
When possible, operate the machine up slopes and magnet to swing into the cab or into a person in the
down slopes with the final drive sprockets facing work area. This will result in personal injury.
down the slope. Avoid operating the machine across
the slope. Place the heaviest end of the machine Certain machine front linkage combinations (boom,
uphill when you are working on an incline. stick, quick coupler, work tool) can allow the work tool
to contact the machine undercarriage, swing frame,
Keep the machine under control. Do not overload the boom, boom hydraulic cylinder and or the cab. Be
machine beyond capacity. aware of the position of the work tool while you
operate the machine.
Avoid changing the direction of travel on a slope.
Changing the direction of travel on a slope could
result in tipping or side slipping of the machine.
Bring the load close to the machine before traveling
any distances.
M0110641-02 43
Safety Section
Engine Stopping

Shut down the machine until damaged or non- After the machine is parked and the parking brake is
functioning visibility aid(s) is repaired (if applicable) or engaged, allow the engine to run at low idle for 5
until appropriate job site organization is used to minutes before shutdown. Running the engine allows
minimize hazards that are caused by any resulting hot areas of the engine to cool gradually.
restricted visibility.
Machine Operation when the
Machine is not Completely Lifting Objects
Assembled SMCS Code: 7000
There may be local regulations and/or government
regulations that govern the use of machines which lift
heavy objects. Obey all local and government
Regional regulations may require the use of an
overload warning device and boom and stick
lowering control valves when used to lift objects.
If this machine is used to lift objects within Japan ,
Japanese regulations require the machine to be
equipped with a shovel crane configuration.
Contact your Cat dealer for additional information.


SMCS Code: 6700
There maybe local regulations and/or government
regulations that govern the use of machines which
are designed and used as demolition machinery.
Illustration 63 g02202544
Note: Obey all local and government regulations.
Attach the tag to the controls of the machine. When
the tag is attached to the controls, operate the Demolition machinery is designed for demolishing by
machine as described below. pushing or pulling, or fragmenting. Demolition is done
by crushing or shearing, buildings and/or other civil
If the machine needs to be operated without the engineering structures and component parts and/or
boom, stick, and/or counterweight being installed, the separating the resultant debris.
machine should be operated slowly on flat, stable
ground or pavement by qualified operators. Avoid If this machine is used for demolition, regional
any machine operations which could affect machine regulations may require the machine to be equipped
stability, including the swing function. The ROPS with:
structural certification depends on the support of the
boom, stick, and counterweight in the event of a • Rollover Protective Structure (ROPS, not required
machine tip over or a machine rollover incident. for demolition excavators)

i06299648 • Boom Lowering Control Valve (BLCV) / Stick

Lowering Control Valve (SLCV)
Engine Stopping • Top Guard / Front Guard
SMCS Code: 1000; 7000
• Bottom / Motor / Swivel Guard
Do not stop the engine immediately after the machine
has been operated under load. Stopping the engine • EN 356 class P5A front window glass
immediately can cause overheating and accelerated
wear of engine components. • If a roof window is used to provide visibility to the
working area, then roof window shall be equipped
with motorized windscreen wipers and washers.
44 M0110641-02
Safety Section

Demolition applications may generate flying debris. Move the hydraulic lockout control to the LOCKED
Ensure that there are no personnel in the area position.
around the machine where flying debris may travel.
Stop the engine.
Demolition applications may generate airborne dust
that can be hazardous to your health. If you operate Turn the engine start ring to the OFF position or
the machine in a dust generating applications, use press button to stop engine.
appropriate safeguarding or adequate ventilation to
minimize risk. Turn the battery disconnect switch to the OFF
Remove the disconnect switch key if you do not
operate the machine for an extended period. This will
Parking prevent drainage of the battery. A battery short
SMCS Code: 7000 circuit, any current draw from certain components,
and vandalism can cause drainage of the battery.
The hydraulic system controls remain pressurized if
the accumulator is charged. This condition is true Install barriers or lighting as required to prevent
even when the engine is not running. The hydraulic interference in road traffic.
control system pressure should decrease in a short Select places free of danger by flooding and other
time (approximately 1 minute). While the hydraulic water damage.
controls maintain a charge, the hydraulic work tools
and machine controls remain functional.
There can be residual pressure within the hydraulic
system even when the accumulator is empty. Refer Slope Operation
to this Operation and Maintenance Manual, “System
Pressure Relief” before any service is performed to SMCS Code: 7000
the hydraulic system.
Machines that are operating safely in various
Machine movement that is sudden and unexpected applications depend on these criteria: the machine
will occur if any of the controls are moved. Machine model, configuration, machine maintenance,
movement that is sudden and unexpected, can cause operating speed of the machine, conditions of the
personal injury or death. terrain, fluid levels, and tire inflation pressures. The
most important criteria are the skill and judgment of
Always move the hydraulic lockout control to the the operator.
LOCKED position before you shut off the engine or
immediately after the engine stops running. A well trained operator that follows the instructions in
the Operation and Maintenance Manual has the
Park the machine on a hard, level surface. If you greatest impact on stability. Operator training
must park the machine on a grade, chock the tracks provides a person with the following abilities:
of the machine. observation of working and environmental conditions,
feel for the machine, identification of potential
hazards and operating the machine safely by making
appropriate decisions.
When you work on side hills and when you work on
slopes, consider the following important points:
Speed of travel – At higher speeds, forces of inertia
tend to make the machine less stable.
Roughness of terrain or surface – The machine
may be less stable with uneven terrain.
Direction of travel – Avoid operating the machine
across the slope. When possible, operate the
machine up the slopes and operate the machine
down the slopes. Place the heaviest end of the
Illustration 64 g06289631 machine uphill when you are working on an incline.
Place the machine in the servicing position. Mounted equipment – Balance of the machine may
be impeded by the following components: equipment
Note: Make sure that all work tools are in the that is mounted on the machine, machine
recommended servicing position before servicing the configuration, weights, and counterweights.
M0110641-02 45
Safety Section
Equipment Lowering with Engine Stopped

Nature of surface – Ground that has been newly i08229294

filled with earth may collapse from the weight of the
machine. Equipment Lowering with
Surface material – Rocks and moisture of the
surface material may drastically affect the machine's
Engine Stopped
traction and machine's stability. Rocky surfaces may SMCS Code: 7000-II
promote side slipping of the machine.
Before lowering any equipment with the engine
Slippage due to excessive loads – This may cause stopped, clear the area around the equipment of all
downhill tracks or downhill tires to dig into the ground, personnel. The procedure to use will vary with the
which will increase the angle of the machine. type of equipment to be lowered. Keep in mind most
systems use a high pressure fluid or air to raise or
Width of tracks or tires – Narrower tracks or lower equipment. The procedure will cause high
narrower tires further increase the digging into the pressure air, hydraulic, or some other media to be
ground which causes the machine to be less stable. released in order to lower the equipment. Wear
Implements attached to the drawbar – This may appropriate personal protective equipment and follow
decrease the weight on the uphill tracks. This may the established procedure in the Operation and
also decrease the weight on the uphill tires. The Maintenance Manual, “Equipment Lowering with
decreased weight will cause the machine to be less Engine Stopped” in the Operation Section of the
stable. manual.

Height of the working load of the machine – When i08687666

the working loads are in higher positions, the stability
of the machine is reduced. Sound Information and
Operated equipment – Be aware of performance
features of the equipment in operation and the effects
Vibration Information
on machine stability. SMCS Code: 7000
Operating techniques – Keep all attachments or
pulled loads low to the ground for optimum stability. Sound Level Information
Machine systems have limitations on slopes – Hearing protection may be needed when the
Slopes can affect the proper function and operation machine is operated with an open operator station, in
of the various machine systems. These machine a noisy environment, with a cab that is not properly
systems are needed for machine control. maintained, or when the doors and windows are
open for extended periods of time.
Table 2
Note: Operators with lots of experience and proper
equipment for specific applications are also required. Sound Level Test Method
Safe operation on steep slopes may also require Operator Sound Pres-
72 dB(A) “ISO 6396:2008” (1)
special machine maintenance. Refer to Lubricant sure Level
Viscosities and Refill Capacities in this manual for the
Exterior Sound Power
proper fluid level requirements and intended machine 105 dB(A) “ISO 6395:2008” (2)
use. Fluids must be at the correct levels to ensure
(1) The measurement was conducted at 70% of the maximum en-
that systems will operate properly on a slope.
gine cooling fan speed. The sound level may vary at different
engine cooling fan speeds. The measurement was conducted
with the cab doors and the cab windows closed. The cab was
properly installed and maintained.
(2) The measurement was conducted at 70% of the maximum en-
gine cooling fan speed. The sound level may vary at different
engine cooling fan speeds.

The sound levels listed above include both

measurement uncertainty and uncertainty due to
production variation.

Sound Level Information for

Machines Required by the
Applicable Regional Regulations
• European Union Countries
• United Kingdom
46 M0110641-02
Safety Section
Sound Information and Vibration Information

• Eurasian Economic Union Countries The criteria are specified on the certificate of the
conformance and the accompanying labels.
• Ukraine

• Countries that Adopt the “ EU Directives”” Vibration Information Applicable to

Regional Regulations
The information below applies to only the machine
configurations that contain regional product marking • “European Union Directive: 2002/44/EC -
on or near the Product Identification Plate noted in Physical Agents (Vibration) ”
the “Regional Product Marking” section of this
• “United Kingdom: 2005 No. 1093 - The Control
Table 3
of Vibration at Work Regulation 2005 ”
Declared Dynamic Operator Sound Pressure Level
Vibration Data for Track Type Excavator
Region Sound Level Test Method
European Union 72 dB(A) “ISO 6396:2008” (1) Information Concerning Hand/Arm Vibration
United Kingdom 72 dB(A) “ISO 6396:2008” (1)
When the machine is operated according to the
Eurasian Econom-
72 dB(A) “ISO 6396:2008” (1) intended use, the hand/arm vibration of this machine
ic Union is below 2.5 meter per second squared.
(1) The measurement was conducted at 70% of the maximum en-
gine cooling fan speed. The sound level may vary at different Information Concerning Whole Body Vibration
engine cooling fan speeds. The measurement was conducted Level
with the cab doors and the cab windows closed. The cab was
properly installed and maintained.
This section provides vibration data and a method for
estimating the vibration level for track type
Table 4
Declared Exterior Sound Power Level
Note: Vibration levels are influenced by many
Region Sound Level Test Method different parameters. Many items are listed below.
European Union 105 dB(A) “ISO 6395:1988” (1)
• Operator training, behavior, mode, and stress
United Kingdom 105 dB(A) “ISO 6395:1988” (1)
• Job site organization, preparation, environment,
Eurasian Econom- weather, and material
105 dB(A) “ISO 6395:2008” (1)
ic Union

Ukraine 105 dB(A) “ISO 6395:1988” (1)

• Machine type, quality of the seat, quality of the
suspension system, attachments, and condition of
(1) The measurement was conducted at 70% of the maximum en- the equipment
gine cooling fan speed. The sound level may vary at different
engine cooling fan speeds. It is not possible to get precise vibration levels for this
machine. The expected vibration levels can be
The declared sound levels listed above include both estimated with the information in Table 5 to calculate
measurement uncertainty and uncertainty due to the daily vibration exposure. A simple evaluation of
production variation. the machine application can be used.
The machine sound power level meets the criteria Estimate the vibration levels for the three vibration
that are specified in the applicable regional directions. For typical operating conditions, use the
regulation. For example: average vibration levels as the estimated level. With
an experienced operator and smooth terrain, subtract
• “European Directive 2000/14 EC” amended by the Scenario Factors from the average vibration level
“2005/88/EC” to obtain the estimated vibration level. For aggressive
operations and severe terrain, add the Scenario
• “United Kingdom 2001 No. 1701” amended by Factors to the average vibration level to obtain the
“2005 No. 3525” estimated vibration level.
• “Ukraine Technical Regulation of the Noise Note: All vibration levels are in meter per second
Emission in the Environment by Equipment for squared.
Use Outdoors”
M0110641-02 47
Safety Section
Sound Information and Vibration Information

Table 5
“ISO Reference Table A - Equivalent vibration levels of whole body vibration emission for earthmoving equipment.”

Typical Operating Vibration Levels Scenario Factors

Machine Type
Activity X axis Y axis Z axis X axis Y axis Z axis
excavating 0.44 0.27 0.30 0.24 0.16 0.17

Track Type hydraulic breaker application 0.53 0.31 0.55 0.30 0.18 0.28
Excavators mining application 0.65 0.42 0.61 0.21 0.15 0.32

transfer 0.48 0.32 0.79 0.19 0.20 0.23

Note: Refer to “ISO/TR 25398 Mechanical Vibration - b. Inspect and maintain the seat suspension and
Guideline for the assessment of exposure to whole adjustment mechanisms.
body vibration of ride on operated earthmoving
machines” for more information about vibration. This 5. Perform the following operations smoothly.
publication uses data that is measured by a. Steer
international institutes, organizations, and
manufacturers. This document provides information b. Brake
about the whole body exposure of operators of
earthmoving equipment. Refer to Operation and c. Accelerate.
Maintenance Manual, SEBU8257 for more d. Shift the gears.
information about machine vibration levels.
6. Move the attachments smoothly.
The Caterpillar suspension seat meets the criteria of
“ISO 7096”. This represents vertical vibration level 7. Adjust the machine speed and the route to
under severe operating conditions. minimize the vibration level.
Guidelines for Reducing Vibration Levels on a. Drive around obstacles and rough terrain.
Earthmoving Equipment
b. Slow down when driving over rough terrain.
Properly adjust machines. Properly maintain 8. Minimize vibrations for a long work cycle or a long
machines. Operate machines smoothly. Maintain the travel distance.
conditions of the terrain. The following guidelines can
help reduce the whole body vibration level: a. Use machines that are equipped with
1. Use the right type and size of machine, equipment, suspension systems.
and attachments. b. Use the ride control system on track type
2. Maintain machines according to the manufacturer excavators.
recommendations. c. If no ride control system is available, reduce
a. Tire pressures speed to prevent bounce.

b. Brake and steering systems d. Haul the machines between workplaces.

c. Controls, hydraulic system, and linkages 9. Less operator comfort may be caused by other risk
factors. The following guidelines can be effective
3. Keep the terrain in good condition. to provide better operator comfort:
a. Remove any large rocks or obstacles. a. Adjust the seat and adjust the controls to
b. Fill any ditches and holes. achieve good posture.

c. Provide machines and schedule time to b. Adjust the mirrors to minimize twisted posture.
maintain the conditions of the terrain. c. Provide breaks to reduce long periods of sitting.
4. Use a seat that meets “ISO 7096”. Keep the seat d. Avoid jumping from the cab.
maintained and adjusted.
e. Minimize repeated handling of loads and lifting
a. Adjust the seat and suspension for the weight of loads.
and the size of the operator.
48 M0110641-02
Safety Section
Operator Station

f. Minimize any shocks and impacts during sports i07746359

and leisure activities.
Sources (Operator Protection)
The vibration information and the calculation SMCS Code: 7000; 7150
procedure are based on “ISO/TR 25398 Mechanical
Vibration - Guideline for the assessment of exposure There are different types of guards that are used to
to whole body vibration of ride on operated protect the operator. The machine and the machine
earthmoving machines”. Harmonized data is application determine the type of guard that should
measured by international institutes, organizations, be used.
and manufacturers.
A daily inspection of the guards is required in order to
This literature provides information about assessing check for structures that are bent, cracked, or loose.
the whole body vibration exposure of operators of Never operate a machine with a damaged structure.
earthmoving equipment. The method is based on
measured vibration emission under real working The operator becomes exposed to a hazardous
conditions for all machines. situation if the machine is used improperly or if poor
operating techniques are used. This situation can
Check the original directive. This document occur even though a machine is equipped with an
summarizes part of the content of the applicable law. appropriate protective guard. Follow the established
This document is not meant to substitute the original operating procedures that are recommended for your
sources. Other parts of these documents are based machine.
on information from the United Kingdom Health and
Safety Executive. Rollover Protective Structure
Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual, (ROPS), Falling Object Protective
SEBU8257, “The European Union Physical Agents
(Vibration) Directive 2002/44/EC” for more Structure (FOPS) or Tip Over
information about vibration. Protection Structure (TOPS)
Consult your local Cat ® dealer for more information
about machine features that minimize vibration The ROPS/FOPS Structure (if equipped) on your
levels. Consult your local Cat dealer about safe machine is specifically designed, tested and certified
machine operation. for that machine. Any alteration or any modification to
the ROPS/FOPS Structure could weaken the
Use the following web site to find your local dealer: structure. This places the operator into an
unprotected environment. Modifications or
Caterpillar, Inc. attachments that cause the machine to exceed the weight that is stamped on the certification plate also
place the operator into an unprotected environment.
Excessive weight may inhibit the brake performance,
the steering performance and the ROPS. The
protection that is offered by the ROPS/FOPS
Operator Station Structure will be impaired if the ROPS/FOPS
SMCS Code: 7300; 7301; 7325 Structure has structural damage. Damage to the
structure can be caused by an overturn, a falling
Any modifications to the inside of the operator station object, a collision, etc.
should not project into the operator space or into the
space for the companion seat (if equipped). The Do not mount items (fire extinguishers, first aid kits,
addition of a radio, fire extinguisher, and other work lights, etc) by welding brackets to the ROPS/
equipment must be installed so that the defined FOPS Structure or by drilling holes in the ROPS/
operator space and the space for the companion seat FOPS Structure. Welding brackets or drilling holes in
(if equipped) is maintained. Any item that is brought the ROPS/FOPS Structures can weaken the
structures. Consult your Cat dealer for mounting
into the cab should not project into the defined guidelines.
operator space or the space for the companion seat
(if equipped). A lunch box or other loose items must
be secured. Objects must not pose an impact hazard
in rough terrain or in the event of a rollover.
M0110641-02 49
Safety Section
Operator Protection

The Tip Over Protection Structure (TOPS) is another

type of guard that is used on mini hydraulic
excavators. This structure protects the operator in the
event of a tipover. The same guidelines for the
inspection, the maintenance and the modification of
the ROPS/FOPS Structure are required for the Tip
Over Protection Structure.

Other Guards (If Equipped)

Protection from flying objects and/or falling objects is
required for special applications. Logging
applications and demolition applications are two
examples that require special protection.
A front guard needs to be installed when a work tool
that creates flying objects is used. Mesh front guards
that are approved by Caterpillar or polycarbonate
front guards that are approved by Caterpillar are
available for machines with a cab or an open canopy.
On machines that are equipped with cabs, the
windows should also be closed. Safety glasses are
recommended when flying hazards exist for
machines with cabs and machines with open
If the work material extends above the cab, top
guards and front guards should be used. Typical
examples of this type of application are listed below:
• Demolition applications

• Rock quarries
• Forestry products
Additional guards may be required for specific
applications or work tools. The Operation and
Maintenance Manual for your machine or your work
tool will provide specific requirements for the guards.
Refer to Operation Maintenance manual,
"Demolition" for additional information. Consult your
Cat dealer for additional information.
50 M0110641-02
Product Information Section
General Information

Product Information • Ensure that machine application conditions

comply with Caterpillar’s recommendations.
Section • Ensure that the operating weight does not exceed
limits set by manufacturer.
General Information • Ensure that all frame cracks are identified,
inspected, and repaired to prevent further
i07905974 development.

Specifications Application/Configuration
SMCS Code: 7000 Restrictions
The maximum travel operating slope for machine
Intended Use lubrication is 35 degrees.
The intended use of this machine is for excavating
with a bucket or working with approved work tools.
The machine should be operated with the
undercarriage in a stationary position since the upper
structure is normally capable of 360 degree swing
with mounted equipment. This machine can be used
in object handling applications that are within the lift
capacity of the machine. When this machine is used
in object handling applications, ensure that the
machine is properly configured and operated
properly. Obey any local governmental regulations
and regional governmental regulations. Only lift
objects from approved lifting points and with
approved lifting devices.

Expected Life
The expected life, defined as total machine hours, of
this machine is dependent upon many factors
including the machine owner’s desire to rebuild the
machine back to factory specifications. The expected
life interval of this machine is 10,000 service hours.
The expected life interval corresponds to the service
hours to engine overhaul or replacement. Service
hours to engine overhaul or replacement may vary
based on overall machine duty cycle. At the expected
life interval, remove the machine from operation and
consult your Cat dealer for inspect, repair, rebuild,
install remanufactured, install new components, or
disposal options and to establish a new expected life
interval. If a decision is made to remove this machine
from service, refer to Operation and Maintenance
Manual, “Decommissioning and Disposal”.
The following items are required to obtain an
economical expected life of this machine:
• Perform regular preventive maintenance
procedures as described in the Operation and
Maintenance Manual.
• Perform machine inspections as described in the
Operation and Maintenance Manual and correct
any problems discovered.
• Perform system testing as described in the
Operation and Maintenance Manual and correct
any problems discovered.
M0110641-02 51
Product Information Section

The operator station is ROPS certified up to a mass

of 42800 kg (94360 lb) per ISO 12117-2:2008.

Specification Data

Illustration 65 g06283423

Table 6
336 GC Excavators
Boom 6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) Reach Boom

2.8 m 3.2 m 3.9 m

Stick (9 ft 2 inch) (10 ft 6 inch) (12 ft 10 inch)

1.88 m3 1.88 m3 1.88 m3

Bucket (2.46 yd)3 (2.46 yd)3 (2.46 yd)3
35100 kg 35100 kg 35100 kg
Approximate Weight(1)
(77500 lb) (77500 lb) (77500 lb)

11220 mm 11170 mm 11200 mm

Overall Length (A)
(36 ft 8 inch) (36 ft 8 inch) (36 ft 7 inch)

Overall Height (B) 3680 mm (12 ft 1 inch) 3520 mm (11 ft 7 inch) 3720 mm (12 ft 2 inch)

Swing Radius (C) 3530 mm (11 ft 6inch) 3530 mm (11 ft 6inch) 3530 mm (11 ft 6inch)

Long: 4040 mm (13 ft 3 inch) Long: 4040 mm (13 ft 3 inch) Long: 4040 mm (13 ft 3 inch)
Length to Center of Rollers (D)
Standard: 3610 mm (11 ft 8 inch) Standard: 3610 mm (11 ft 8 inch) Standard: 3610 mm (11 ft 8 inch)

Long: 5020 mm (16 ft 6 inch) Long: 5020 mm (16 ft 6 inch) Long: 5020 mm (16 ft 6 inch)
Length of Track (E)
Standard: 4590 mm (15 ft 1 inch) Standard: 4590 mm (15 ft 1 inch) Standard: 4590 mm (15 ft 1 inch)

Handrail Height (F) 3160 mm (10 ft 4 inch) 3160 mm (10 ft 4 inch) 3160 mm (10 ft 4 inch)

Counterweight Clearance (G) 1250 mm (4 ft 1 inch) 1250 mm (4 ft 1 inch) 1250 mm (4 ft 1 inch)

Track Gauge (H) 2590 mm (8 ft 5 inch) 2590 mm (8 ft 5 inch) 2590 mm (8 ft 5 inch)

Overall Width (I) with 600 mm

3190 mm (10 ft 5 inch) 3190 mm (10 ft 5 inch) 3190 mm (10 ft 5 inch)
(24 inch) Shoe

52 M0110641-02
Product Information Section

(Table 6, contd)
336 GC Excavators
Boom 6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) Reach Boom

2.8 m 3.2 m 3.9 m

Stick (9 ft 2 inch) (10 ft 6 inch) (12 ft 10 inch)

1.88 m3 1.88 m3 1.88 m3

Bucket (2.46 yd)3 (2.46 yd)3 (2.46 yd)3
Overall Width (I) with 700 mm
3290 mm (10 ft 8 inch) 3290 mm (10 ft 8 inch) 3290 mm (10 ft 8 inch)
(28 inch) Shoe

Overall Width (I) with 800 mm

3390 mm (11 ft 1 inch) 3390 mm (11 ft 1 inch) 3390 mm (11 ft 1 inch)
(31 inch) Shoe

Ground Clearance (J) 510 mm (1 ft 7 inch) 510 mm (1 ft 7 inch) 510 mm (1 ft 7 inch)

(1) 10 percent full fuel tank.
M0110641-02 53
Product Information Section

Working Ranges
54 M0110641-02
Product Information Section

Illustration 66 g02151731
M0110641-02 55
Product Information Section
Boom/Stick/Bucket Combinations

Table 7
336 GC Excavators
6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) Reach Boom

2.8 m (9 ft 2 inch) Stick 3.2 m (10 ft 6 inch) stick 3.9 m (12 ft 10 inch) Stick
Bucket 1.88 m3 1.88 m3 1.88 m3
(2.46 yd)3 (2.46 yd)3 (2.46 yd)3

Maximum Digging Depth (A) 7120 mm (23 ft 4 inch) 7520 mm (24 ft 8 inch) 8230 mm (27 ft 0 inch)

Maximum Reach at Ground Level

10740 mm (35 ft 3 inch) 11050 mm (36 ft 3 inch) 11760 mm (38 ft 6 inch)

Maximum Cutting Height (C) 10360 mm (34 ft) 10300 mm (33 ft 8 inch) 10730 mm (35 ft 2 inch)

Maximum Loading Height (D) 7080 mm (23 ft 3 inch) 7080 mm (23 ft 3 inch) 7460 mm (24 ft 5 inch)

Minimum Loading Height (E) 2980 mm (9 ft 9 inch) 2580 mm (8 ft 6 inch) 1870 mm (6 ft 1 inch)

Maximum Cut Depth (F)(1) 6950 mm (22 ft 10 inch) 7360 mm (24 ft 2 inch) 8100 mm (26 ft 6 inch)

Maximum Digging Depth (Verti-

5620 mm (18 ft 5 inch) 5660 mm (18 ft 7 inch) 6520 mm (21 ft 4 inch)
cal wall) (G)
(1) 2440 mm (8 ft) level bottom

i08298076 Note: The loads are in compliance with hydraulic

excavator standard “EN474”, they do not exceed
Boom/Stick/Bucket 87% of hydraulic lifting capacity or 75% of tipping
capacity with front linkage fully extended at ground
Combinations line with bucket curled. Capacity is based on “ISO
SMCS Code: 6000; 6700 7451”.

This machine can be equipped with a large variety of

boom-stick-bucket combinations in order to meet the
needs of various applications.
Buckets are grouped into families according to the
capacity of the bucket. Generally, use a bucket with a
smaller capacity when you are using a longer stick
and/or a longer boom. Conversely, use a bucket with
a larger capacity when you are using a shorter stick
and/or a shorter boom. This rule ensures better
machine stability and protection against structural
machine damage.
A stick is designed to match only one specific family
of buckets.
Note: The selection of a compatible boom-stick-
bucket combination is a guide. Work tools, uneven
ground conditions, soft ground conditions, or poor
ground conditions have effects on machine
performance. The operator is responsible for being
aware of these effects.
Consult your Cat ® dealer for information on selecting
the correct boom-stick-bucket combination.
The following tables show various compatible boom-
stick-bucket combinations. Select an optimum
combination according to the working conditions and
according to the type of work that is being done.
56 M0110641-02
Product Information Section
Boom/Stick/Bucket Combinations

Pin-On (Without Quick Coupler)

Table 8
336 GC Excavator without Quick Coupler

Undercarriage Standard Long

Counterweight 6800 kg (14991 lb)

Mass Mass
Reach Boom GC Boom Reach Boom GC Boom
Capacity GC GC
Bucket Link- Width of Weight of
of Fill (%) 2.8 m 3.2 m 3.9 m 2.55 m 2.8 m 3.2 m 3.9 m 2.55 m
Type age Bucket Bucket
Bucket (9 ft 2 (10 ft 5 (12 ft 9 (8 ft 4 (9 ft 2 (10 ft 5 (12 ft 9 (8 ft 4
inch) inch) inch) inch) inch) inch) inch) inch)
Stick Stick Stick Stick Stick Stick Stick Stick
1350 1.64 m3
1181 kg
DB mm (2.14 100 (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (2)
(2604 lb)
(53 inch) yd3)

1500 1.88 m3
1286 kg
DB mm (2.44 100 (1) (2) (3) (1) (2) (3)
General (2834 lb)
(60 inch) yd3)
(GD) 1650 2.12 m3
1361 kg
DB mm (2.77 100 (2) (3) (4) (2) (3) (4)
(3000 lb)
(65 inch) yd3)

1800 2.36 m3
1465 kg
DB mm (3.09 100 (3) (4) (4) (3) (3) (4)
(3231 lb)
(71 inch) yd3)

General 1650 2.12 m3

1348 kg
Duty DB mm (2.77 100 (2) (3) (4) (2) (2) (4)
(2971 lb)
(GD) (65 inch) yd3)

General 1500 1.87 m3

1321 kg
Duty DB mm (2.44 100 (1) (2) (3) (1) (2) (3)
(2911 lb)
(GD) (60 inch) yd3)

0.94 m3
750 mm 960 kg
DB (1.23 100 (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1)
(30 inch) (2115 lb)

1.19 m3
900 mm 1050 kg
DB (1.56 100 (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1)
(36 inch) (2315 lb)

1050 1.46 m3
1160 kg
General DB mm (1.91 100 (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1)
(2556 lb)
Duty Ca- (42 inch) yd3)
pacity 1200 1.73 m3
(GDC) 1246 kg
DB mm (2.26 100 (1) (1) (3) (1) (1) (2)
(2746 lb)
(48 inch) yd3)

1350 2.00 m3
1358 kg
DB mm (2.62 100 (2) (2) (4) (2) (2) (3)
(2995 lb)
(54 inch) yd3)

1500 2.27 m3
1470 kg
DB mm (2.97 100 (3) (3) (4) (3) (3) (4)
(3240 lb)
(60 inch) yd3)

M0110641-02 57
Product Information Section
Boom/Stick/Bucket Combinations

(Table 8, contd)
1650 2.55 m3
1556 kg
DB mm (3.33 100 (4) (4) (5) (3) (4) (5)
(3430 lb)
(66 inch) yd3)

1.18 m3
800 mm 1040 kg
DB (1.54 100 (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1)
(32 inch) (2292 lb)

1.49 m3
950 mm 1135 kg
DB (1.95 100 (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1)
(38 inch) (2503 lb)
General 1.46 m3
Duty Ca- 1100 mm 1158 kg
DB (1.91 100 (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1)
pacity - (44 inch) (2552 lb)
Tip 1250 1.73 m3
1243 kg
(GDC- DB mm (2.26 100 (1) (1) (3) (1) (1) (2)
(2739 lb)
WT) (50 inch) yd3)

1400 2.00 m3
1355 kg
DB mm (2.62 100 (2) (2) (4) (2) (2) (3)
(2988 lb)
(56 inch) yd3)

1550 2.27 m3
1468 kg
DB mm (2.97 100 (3) (3) (4) (3) (3) (4)
(3236 lb)
(62 inch) yd3)
(1) 2100 kg/m3 (3500 lb/yd3) is the maximum density of material
(2) 1800 kg/m3 (3000 lb/yd3) is the maximum density of material
(3) 1500 kg/m3 (2500 lb/yd3) is the maximum density of material
(4) 1200 kg/m3 (2000 lb/yd3) is the maximum density of material
(5) 900 kg/m3 (1500 lb/yd3) is the maximum density of material

Table 9
336 GC Excavator without Quick Coupler

Undercarriage Standard Long

Counterweight 6800 kg (14991 lb)

Mass Mass
Reach Boom GC Boom Reach Boom GC Boom
Capacity GC GC
Bucket Link- Width of Weight of
of Fill (%) 2.8 m 3.2 m 3.9 m 2.55 m 2.8 m 3.2 m 3.9 m 2.55 m
Type age Bucket Bucket
Bucket (9 ft 2 (10 ft 5 (12 ft 9 (8 ft 4 (9 ft 2 (10 ft 5 (12 ft 9 (8 ft 4
inch) inch) inch) inch) inch) inch) inch) inch)
Stick Stick Stick Stick Stick Stick Stick Stick
0.73 m3
750 mm 1033 kg
DB (0.95 100 (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1)
(30 inch) (2278 lb)

0.95 m3
900 mm 1181 kg
DB (1.24 100 (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1)
(36 inch) (2603 lb)
Heavy yd3)
Duty 1050 1.17 m3
1271 kg
DB mm (1.54 100 (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1)
(2802 lb)
(42 inch) yd3)

1200 1.40 m3
1403 kg
DB mm (1.84 100 (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1)
(3093 lb)
(48 inch) yd3)

58 M0110641-02
Product Information Section
Boom/Stick/Bucket Combinations

(Table 9, contd)
1350 1.64 m3
1450 kg
DB mm (2.14 100 (1) (1) (3) (1) (1) (2)
(3196 lb)
(54 inch) yd3)

1350 1.64 m3
1499 kg
DB mm (2.14 100 (1) (1) (3) (1) (1) (2)
(3304 lb)
(54 inch) yd3)

1500 1.88 m3
1545 kg
DB mm (2.46 100 (2) (2) (4) (2) (2) (3)
(3408 lb)
(60 inch) yd3)

1500 1.88 m3
1630 kg
DB mm (2.46 100 (2) (3) (4) (2) (2) (3)
(3593 lb)
(60 inch) yd3)

1650 2.12 m3
1677 kg
DB mm (2.77 100 (3) (3) (4) (3) (3) (4)
(3697 lb)
(66 inch) yd3)

1650 2.12 m3
1762 kg
DB mm (2.77 100 (3) (3) (4) (3) (3) (4)
(3884 lb)
(66 inch) yd3)

1800 2.36 m3
1859 kg
DB mm (3.08 100 (4) (4) (5) (3) (4) (5)
(4098 lb)
(72 inch) yd3)

1800 2.36 m3
1774 kg
DB mm (3.08 100 (4) (4) (5) (3) (4) (5)
(3911 lb)
(72 inch) yd3)

1400 1.64 m3
1510 kg
DB mm (2.14 100 (1) (1) (3) (1) (1) (2)
(3329 lb)
(55 inch) yd3)

1466 1.76 m3
1557 kg
DB mm (2.30 100 (1) (2) (3) (1) (2) (2)
Heavy (3324 lb)
(58 inch) yd3)
(HD) 1500 1.88 m3
1608 kg
DB mm (2.46 100 (2) (3) (4) (2) (2) (3)
(3545 lb)
(61 inch) yd3)

1650 2.12 m3
1706 kg
DB mm (2.77 100 (3) (3) (4) (3) (3) (4)
(3761 lb)
(67 inch) yd3)

1500 1.88 m3
1620 kg
DB mm (2.46 100 (2) (3) (4) (2) (2) (3)
Heavy (3571 lb)
(61 inch) yd3)
(HD) 1650 2.12 m3
1718 kg
DB mm (2.77 100 (3) (3) (4) (3) (3) (4)
(3787 lb)
(67 inch) yd3)

0.73 m3
750 mm 1007 kg
DB (0.95 100 (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1)
(30 inch) (2220 lb)

Heavy 1050 1.17 m3

1245 kg
Duty DB mm (1.54 100 (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1)
(2744 lb)
(HD) (42 inch) yd3)

1200 1.40 m3
1377 kg
DB mm (1.83 100 (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1)
(3035 lb)
(48 inch) yd3)

M0110641-02 59
Product Information Section
Boom/Stick/Bucket Combinations

(Table 9, contd)
1350 1.64 m3
1473 kg
DB mm (2.14 100 (1) (1) (3) (1) (1) (2)
(3247 lb)
(54 inch) yd3)

1500 1.88 m3
1605 kg
DB mm (2.46 100 (2) (3) (4) (2) (2) (3)
(3538 lb)
(60 inch) yd3)

1650 2.12 m3
1737 kg
DB mm (2.77 100 (3) (3) (4) (3) (3) (4)
(3829 lb)
(66 inch) yd3)

1850 2.36 m3
1834 kg
DB mm (3.09 100 (4) (4) (5) (3) (4) (5)
(4043 lb)
(72 inch) yd3)

0.95 m3
900 mm 1175 kg
DB (1.24 100 (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1)
(36 inch) (2590 lb)

1200 1.40 m3
1408 kg
DB mm (1.83 100 (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1)
Heavy (3104 lb)
(48 inch) yd3)
(HD) 1350 1.63 m3
1505 kg
DB mm (2.13 100 (1) (1) (3) (1) (1) (2)
(3318 lb)
(54 inch) yd3)

1500 1.86 m3
1642 kg
DB mm (2.43 100 (2) (3) (4) (2) (2) (4)
(3620 lb)
(60 inch) yd3)
(1) 2100 kg/m3 (3500 lb/yd3) is the maximum density of material
(2) 1800 kg/m3 (3000 lb/yd3) is the maximum density of material
(3) 1500 kg/m3 (2500 lb/yd3) is the maximum density of material
(4) 1200 kg/m3 (2000 lb/yd3) is the maximum density of material
(5) 900 kg/m3 (1500 lb/yd3) is the maximum density of material

Table 10
336 GC Excavator without Quick Coupler

Undercarriage Standard Long

Counterweight 6800 kg (14991 lb)

Mass Mass
Reach Boom GC Boom Reach Boom GC Boom
Capacity GC GC
Bucket Link- Width of Weight of
of Fill (%) 2.8 m 3.2 m 3.9 m 2.55 m 2.8 m 3.2 m 3.9 m 2.55 m
Type age Bucket Bucket
Bucket (9 ft 2 (10 ft 5 (12 ft 9 (8 ft 4 (9 ft 2 (10 ft 5 (12 ft 9 (8 ft 4
inch) inch) inch) inch) inch) inch) inch) inch)
Stick Stick Stick Stick Stick Stick Stick Stick
0.73 m3
750 mm 1088 kg
DB (0.95 90 (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1)
(30 inch) (2399 lb)

Severe 0.95 m3
900 mm 1241 kg
Duty DB (1.24 90 (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1)
(36 inch) (2735 lb)
(SD) yd3)

1050 1.17 m3
1338 kg
DB mm (1.54 90 (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1)
(2949 lb)
(42 inch) yd3)

60 M0110641-02
Product Information Section
Boom/Stick/Bucket Combinations

(Table 10, contd)

1200 1.40 m3
1478 kg
DB mm (1.83 90 (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1)
(3258 lb)
(48 inch) yd3)

1350 1.64 m3
1581 kg
DB mm (2.14 90 (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (2)
(3485 lb)
(54 inch) yd3)

1500 1.91 m3
1666 kg
DB mm (2.50 90 (1) (2) (3) (1) (2) (3)
(3672 lb)
(59 inch) yd3)

1650 2.15 m3
1802 kg
DB mm (2.81 90 (2) (3) (4) (2) (3) (4)
(3972 lb)
(66 inch) yd3)

1550 1.90 m3
Duty 1864 kg
DB mm (2.48 90 (2) (2) (4) (1) (2) (3)
Spade (4109 lb)
(61 inch) yd3)

1400 1.64 m3
1720 kg
DB mm (2.14 90 (1) (1) (3) (1) (1) (2)
(3791 lb)
(56 inch) yd3)

Severe 1700 2.12 m3

2004 kg
Duty DB mm (2.77 90 (3) (3) (4) (2) (3) (4)
(4417 lb)
(SD) (67 inch) yd3)

1850 2.31 m3
2097 kg
DB mm (3.02 90 (3) (4) (5) (3) (4) (5)
(4622 lb)
(73 inch) yd3)

1700 2.05 m3
Duty Ex- 2058 kg
DB mm (2.68 90 (3) (3) (4) (2) (3) (4)
treme (4537 lb)
(67 inch) yd3)

Severe 1200 1.40 m3

1452 kg
Duty DB mm (1.83 90 (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1)
(3201 lb)
(SD) (48 inch) yd3)

Extreme 1200 1.40 m3

1621 kg
Duty DB mm (1.83 90 (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1)
(3573 lb)
(XD) (48 inch) yd3)

Extreme 1400 1.64 m3

1899 kg
Duty DB mm (2.14 90 (1) (2) (3) (1) (1) (3)
(4186 lb)
(XD) (56 inch) yd3)

Ditch 1800 1.96 m3

1034 kg
Clean- DB mm (2.56 100 (1) (2) (3) (1) (1) (3)
(2280 lb)
ing (DC) (72 inch) yd3)

1800 2.48 m3
1331 kg
DB mm (3.24 100 (3) (4) (4) (3) (3) (4)
(2934 lb)
Clean (72 inch) yd3)
Up (CU) 2000 2.74 m3
1417 kg
DB mm (3.58 100 (4) (4) (5) (4) (4) (5)
(3124 lb)
(78 inch) yd3)

1400 1.40 m3
Duty Ex- 1163 kg
DB mm (1.83 100 (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1)
cavation (2563 lb)
(55 inch) yd3)

M0110641-02 61
Product Information Section
Boom/Stick/Bucket Combinations

(Table 10, contd)

1450 1.50 m3
1200 kg
DB mm (1.96 100 (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1)
(2645 lb)
(57 inch) yd3)

1550 1.60 m3
1262 kg
DB mm (2.09 100 (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (2)
(2783 lb)
(61 inch) yd3)

1450 1.40 m3
1467 kg
Heavy DB mm (1.83 100 (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1)
(3234 lb)
Duty Ex- (57 inch) yd3)
cavation 1500 1.50 m3
(HDX) 1518 kg
DB mm (1.96 100 (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (2)
(3346 lb)
(59 inch) yd3)

Heavy 1500 1.88 m3

1583 kg
Duty DB mm (2.46 100 (2) (2) (4) (2) (2) (3)
(3490 lb)
(HD) (61 inch) yd3)

1450 1.40 m3
Duty 1466 kg
DB mm (1.83 100 (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1)
Skele- (3232 lb)
(57 inch) yd3)
ton (HD)
(1) 2100 kg/m3 (3500 lb/yd3) is the maximum density of material
(2) 1800 kg/m3 (3000 lb/yd3) is the maximum density of material
(3) 1500 kg/m3 (2500 lb/yd3) is the maximum density of material
(4) 1200 kg/m3 (2000 lb/yd3) is the maximum density of material
(5) 900 kg/m3 (1500 lb/yd3) is the maximum density of material

Table 11
336 GC Excavator without Quick Coupler

Undercarriage Standard Long

Counterweight 6800 kg (14991 lb)

Mass Mass
Reach Boom GC Boom Reach Boom GC Boom
Capacity GC GC
Bucket Link- Width of Weight of
of Fill (%) 2.8 m 3.2 m 3.9 m 2.55 m 2.8 m 3.2 m 3.9 m 2.55 m
Type age Bucket Bucket
Bucket (9 ft 2 (10 ft 5 (12 ft 9 (8 ft 4 (9 ft 2 (10 ft 5 (12 ft 9 (8 ft 4
inch) inch) inch) inch) inch) inch) inch) inch)
Stick Stick Stick Stick Stick Stick Stick Stick
1800 2.60 m3
2119 kg
TB mm (3.40 100 (1) (1)
General (4671 lb)
(71 inch) yd3)
(GD) 1800 2.60 m3
2214 kg
TB mm (3.40 100 (1) (1)
(4880 lb)
(71 inch) yd3)

1650 2.41 m3
2220 kg
TB mm (3.15 100 (1) (1)
(4894 lb)
(66 inch) yd3)

Heavy 1750 2.50 m3

2258 kg
Duty TB mm (3.27 100 (1) (1)
(4978 lb)
(HD) (69 inch) yd3)

1850 2.69 m3
2387 kg
TB mm (3.52 100 (2) (1)
(5262 lb)
(72 inch) yd3)

62 M0110641-02
Product Information Section
Boom/Stick/Bucket Combinations

(Table 11, contd)

1850 2.69 m3
2349 kg
TB mm (3.52 100 (2) (1)
(5178 lb)
(72 inch) yd3)

1650 2.41 m3
2377 kg
TB mm (3.15 100 (1) (1)
(5240 lb)
(65 inch) yd3)

1650 2.41 m3
2392 kg
TB mm (3.15 100 (1) (1)
(5273 lb)
(65 inch) yd3)

1750 2.50 m3
2352 kg
TB mm (3.27 100 (1) (1)
(5185 lb)
(69 inch) yd3)

1950 3.08 m3
2710 kg
TB mm (4.03 100 (3) (2)
(5974 lb)
(77 inch) yd3)

1750 2.40 m3
Duty 2544 kg
TB mm (3.14 90 (1) (1)
Power (5608 lb)
(69 inch) yd3)

1550 2.00 m3
Duty 2562 kg
TB mm (2.59 90 (4) (4)
Power (5648 lb)
(61 inch) yd3)

1600 2.20 m3
2332 kg
TB mm (2.88 90 (4) (4)
Severe (5141 lb)
(63 inch) yd3)
(SD) 1600 2.20 m3
2390 kg
TB mm (2.88 90 (4) (4)
(5268 lb)
(63 inch) yd3)

1350 1.87 m3
2053 kg
TB mm (2.44 90 (5) (6)
(4526 lb)
(54 inch) yd3)
1650 2.41 m3
Duty 2367 kg
TB mm (3.16 90 (1) (4)
Spade (5218 lb)
(66 inch) yd3)
1500 2.14 m3
2254 kg
TB mm (2.80 90 (4) (4)
(4969 lb)
(61 inch) yd3)

Severe 1650 2.41 m3

2497 kg
Duty TB mm (3.15 90 (1) (1)
(5504 lb)
(SD) (65 inch) yd3)
(1) 1200 kg/m3 (2000 lb/yd3) is the maximum density of material
(2) 900 kg/m3 (1500 lb/yd3) is the maximum density of material
(3) Not Recommended
(4) 1500 kg/m3 (2500 lb/yd3) is the maximum density of material
(5) 1800 kg/m3 (3000 lb/yd3) is the maximum density of material
(6) 2100 kg/m3 (3500 lb/yd3) is the maximum density of material
M0110641-02 63
Product Information Section
Boom/Stick/Bucket Combinations

Cat Pin Grabber Coupler

Table 12
336 GC Excavator with Cat Pin Grabber Coupler

Undercarriage Standard Long

Counterweight 6800 kg (14991 lb)

Mass Mass
Reach Boom GC
Boom GC Boom GC
Bucket Width of Capacity Weight of 3.2 m 3.9 m
Linkage Fill (%) 2.55 m 2.8 m 2.55 m
Type Bucket of Bucket Bucket (10 ft 5 (12 ft 9
(8 ft 4 (9 ft 2 inch) (8 ft 4
inch) inch)
inch) Stick Stick inch) Stick
Stick Stick
1350 mm 1.64 m3 1181 kg (1) (2) (3)
DB (53 inch) (2.14 yd3) (2604 lb) 100

1500 mm 1.88 m3 1286 kg (2) (3) (4)

DB (60 inch) (2.44 yd3) (2834 lb) 100
Duty (GD) 1650 mm 2.12 m3 1361 kg
DB 100 (3) (4) (5)
(65 inch) (2.77 yd3) (3000 lb)

1800 mm 2.36 m3 1465 kg (4) (4) (5)

DB (71 inch) (3.09 yd3) (3231 lb) 100

General 1650 mm 2.12 m3 1348 kg (3) (4) (5)

DB (65 inch) (2.77 yd3) (2971 lb) 100
Duty (GD)

General 1500 mm 1.87 m3 1321 kg (2) (3) (4)

DB (60 inch) (2.44 yd3) (2911 lb) 100
Duty (GD)

750 mm 0.94 m3 960 kg (1) (1) (1)

DB (30 inch) (1.23 yd3) (2115 lb) 100

900 mm 1.19 m3 1050 kg (1) (1) (1)

DB (36 inch) (1.56 yd3) (2315 lb) 100

1050 mm 1.46 m3 1160 kg (1) (1) (3)

DB (42 inch) (1.91 yd3) (2556 lb) 100
Duty Ca- 1200 mm 1.73 m3 1246 kg (2) (2) (4)
DB (48 inch) (2.26 yd3) (2746 lb) 100
1350 mm 2.00 m3 1358 kg (3) (3) (5)
DB (54 inch) (2.62 yd3) (2995 lb) 100

1500 mm 2.27 m3 1470 kg (4) (4) (5)

DB (60 inch) (2.97 yd3) (3240 lb) 100

1650 mm 2.55 m3 1556 kg (4) (5) (6)

DB (66 inch) (3.33 yd3) (3430 lb) 100

800 mm 1.18 m3 1040 kg (1) (1) (1)

DB (32 inch) (1.54 yd3) (2292 lb) 100

General 950 mm 1.49 m3 1135 kg

DB 100 (1) (1) (3)
Duty Ca- (38 inch) (1.95 yd3) (2503 lb)
pacity -
Wide Tip 1100 mm 1.46 m3 1158 kg (1) (1) (3)
DB (44 inch) (1.91 yd3) (2552 lb) 100
1250 mm 1.73 m3 1243 kg (2) (2) (4)
DB (50 inch) (2.26 yd3) (2739 lb) 100

64 M0110641-02
Product Information Section
Boom/Stick/Bucket Combinations

(Table 12, contd)

1400 mm 2.00 m3 1355 kg (3) (3) (4)
DB (56 inch) (2.62 yd3) (2988 lb) 100

1550 mm 2.27 m3 1468 kg (4) (4) (5)

DB (62 inch) (2.97 yd3) (3236 lb) 100

(1) 2100 kg/m3 (3500 lb/yd3) is the maximum density of material

(2) 1800 kg/m3 (3000 lb/yd3) is the maximum density of material
(3) 1500 kg/m3 (2500 lb/yd3) is the maximum density of material
(4) 1200 kg/m3 (2000 lb/yd3) is the maximum density of material
(5) 900 kg/m3 (1500 lb/yd3) is the maximum density of material
(6) Not Recommended

Table 13
336 GC Excavator with Cat Pin Grabber Coupler

Undercarriage Standard Long

Counterweight 6800 kg (14991 lb)

Mass Mass
Reach Boom GC
Boom GC Boom GC
Bucket Width of Capacity Weight of 3.2 m 3.9 m
Linkage Fill (%) 2.55 m 2.8 m 2.55 m
Type Bucket of Bucket Bucket (10 ft 5 (12 ft 9
(8 ft 4 (9 ft 2 inch) (8 ft 4
inch) inch)
inch) Stick Stick inch) Stick
Stick Stick
750 mm 0.73 m3 1033 kg (1) (1) (1)
DB (30 inch) (0.95 yd3) (2278 lb) 100

900 mm 0.95 m3 1181 kg (1) (1) (1)

DB (36 inch) (1.24 yd3) (2603 lb) 100

1050 mm 1.17 m3 1271 kg (1) (1) (1)

DB (42 inch) (1.54 yd3) (2802 lb) 100

1200 mm 1.40 m3 1403 kg (1) (1) (2)

DB (48 inch) (1.84 yd3) (3093 lb) 100

1350 mm 1.64 m3 1450 kg (3) (3) (4)

DB (54 inch) (2.14 yd3) (3196 lb) 100

1350 mm 1.64 m3 1499 kg (3) (2) (4)

DB (54 inch) (2.14 yd3) (3304 lb) 100
Duty 1500 mm 1.88 m3 1545 kg
DB 100 (2) (2) (5)
(60 inch) (2.46 yd3) (3408 lb)

1500 mm 1.88 m3 1630 kg (2) (4) (5)

DB (60 inch) (2.46 yd3) (3593 lb) 100

1650 mm 2.12 m3 1677 kg (4) (4) (5)

DB (66 inch) (2.77 yd3) (3697 lb) 100

1650 mm 2.12 m3 1762 kg (4) (4) (5)

DB (66 inch) (2.77 yd3) (3884 lb) 100

1800 mm 2.36 m3 1859 kg (4) (5) (6)

DB (72 inch) (3.08 yd3) (4098 lb) 100

1800 mm 2.36 m3 1774 kg (4) (5) (6)

DB (72 inch) (3.08 yd3) (3911 lb) 100

Heavy Du- 1400 mm 1.64 m3 1510 kg (3) (2) (4)

DB (55 inch) (2.14 yd3) (3329 lb) 100
ty (HD)

M0110641-02 65
Product Information Section
Boom/Stick/Bucket Combinations

(Table 13, contd)

1466 mm 1.76 m3 1557 kg (3) (2) (4)
DB (58 inch) (2.30 yd3) (3324 lb) 100

1500 mm 1.88 m3 1608 kg (2) (4) (5)

DB (61 inch) (2.46 yd3) (3545 lb) 100

1650 mm 2.12 m3 1706 kg (4) (4) (5)

DB (67 inch) (2.77 yd3) (3761 lb) 100

1500 mm 1.88 m3 1620 kg (2) (4) (5)

DB (61 inch) (2.46 yd3) (3571 lb) 100
Heavy Du-
ty (HD) 1650 mm 2.12 m3 1718 kg
DB 100 (4) (4) (5)
(67 inch) (2.77 yd3) (3787 lb)

750 mm 0.73 m3 1007 kg (1) (1) (1)

DB (30 inch) (0.95 yd3) (2220 lb) 100

1050 mm 1.17 m3 1245 kg (1) (1) (1)

DB (42 inch) (1.54 yd3) (2744 lb) 100

1200 mm 1.40 m3 1377 kg (1) (1) (2)

DB (48 inch) (1.83 yd3) (3035 lb) 100

Heavy Du- 1350 mm 1.64 m3 1473 kg (3) (2) (4)

DB (54 inch) (2.14 yd3) (3247 lb) 100
ty (HD)

1500 mm 1.88 m3 1605 kg (2) (4) (5)

DB (60 inch) (2.46 yd3) (3538 lb) 100

1650 mm 2.12 m3 1737 kg (4) (4) (5)

DB (66 inch) (2.77 yd3) (3829 lb) 100

1850 mm 2.36 m3 1834 kg (4) (5) (6)

DB (72 inch) (3.09 yd3) (4043 lb) 100

900 mm 0.95 m3 1175 kg (1) (1) (1)

DB (36 inch) (1.24 yd3) (2590 lb) 100

1200 mm 1.40 m3 1408 kg (1) (1) (2)

Heavy Du- DB (48 inch) (1.83 yd3) (3104 lb) 100
ty Power
(HDP) 1350 mm 1.63 m3 1505 kg (3) (2) (4)
DB (54 inch) (2.13 yd3) (3318 lb) 100

1500 mm 1.86 m3 1642 kg (2) (4) (5)

DB (60 inch) (2.43 yd3) (3620 lb) 100

900 mm 0.87 m3 1209 kg (1) (1) (1)

DB (36 inch) (1.14 yd3) (2665 lb) 100

1050 mm 1.08 m3 1312 kg (1) (1) (1)

DB (42 inch) (1.41 yd3) (2892 lb) 100
Heavy Du-
ty Pin 1200 mm 1.29 m3 1442 kg (1) (1) (2)
DB (48 inch) (1.69 yd3) (3179 lb) 100
Perform- 1350 mm 1.50 m3 1544 kg
DB 100 (1) (3) (4)
ance (HD- (54 inch) (1.96 yd3) (3404 lb)
1500 mm 1.72 m3 1681 kg (2) (2) (5)
DB (60 inch) (2.25 yd3) (3706 lb) 100

1650 mm 1.93 m3 1819 kg (2) (4) (5)

DB (66 inch) (2.52 yd3) (4010 lb) 100

(1) 2100 kg/m3 (3500 lb/yd3) is the maximum density of material

(2) 1500 kg/m3 (2500 lb/yd3) is the maximum density of material
(3) 1800 kg/m3 (3000 lb/yd3) is the maximum density of material
(4) 1200 kg/m3 (2000 lb/yd3) is the maximum density of material
(5) 900 kg/m3 (1500 lb/yd3) is the maximum density of material
(6) Not Recommended
66 M0110641-02
Product Information Section
Boom/Stick/Bucket Combinations

Table 14
336 GC Excavator with Cat Pin Grabber Coupler

Undercarriage Standard Long

Counterweight 6800 kg (14991 lb)

Mass Mass
Reach Boom GC
Boom GC Boom GC
Bucket Width of Capacity Weight of 3.2 m 3.9 m
Linkage Fill (%) 2.55 m 2.8 m 2.55 m
Type Bucket of Bucket Bucket (10 ft 5 (12 ft 9
(8 ft 4 (9 ft 2 inch) (8 ft 4
inch) inch)
inch) Stick Stick inch) Stick
Stick Stick
750 mm 0.73 m3 1088 kg (1) (1) (1)
DB (30 inch) (0.95 yd3) (2399 lb) 90

900 mm 0.95 m3 1241 kg (1) (1) (1)

DB (36 inch) (1.24 yd3) (2735 lb) 90

1050 mm 1.17 m3 1338 kg (1) (1) (1)

DB (42 inch) (1.54 yd3) (2949 lb) 90

Severe Du- 1200 mm 1.40 m3 1478 kg (1) (1) (2)

DB (48 inch) (1.83 yd3) (3258 lb) 90
ty (SD)

1350 mm 1.64 m3 1581 kg (1) (3) (4)

DB (54 inch) (2.14 yd3) (3485 lb) 90

1500 mm 1.91 m3 1666 kg (2) (2) (4)

DB (59 inch) (2.50 yd3) (3672 lb) 90

1650 mm 2.15 m3 1802 kg (2) (4) (5)

DB (66 inch) (2.81 yd3) (3972 lb) 90

Severe Du-
1550 mm 1.90 m3 1864 kg (2) (4) (5)
ty Spade DB 90
(61 inch) (2.48 yd3) (4109 lb)

1400 mm 1.64 m3 1720 kg (3) (3) (4)

DB (56 inch) (2.14 yd3) (3791 lb) 90

Severe Du- 1700 mm 2.12 m3 2004 kg (4) (4) (5)

DB (67 inch) (2.77 yd3) (4417 lb) 90
ty (SD)

1850 mm 2.31 m3 2097 kg (4) (5) (6)

DB (73 inch) (3.02 yd3) (4622 lb) 90

Severe Du-
1700 mm 2.05 m3 2058 kg (4) (4) (5)
ty Extreme DB 90
(67 inch) (2.68 yd3) (4537 lb)

Severe Du- 1200 mm 1.40 m3 1452 kg (1) (1) (3)

DB (48 inch) (1.83 yd3) (3201 lb) 90
ty (SD)

750 mm 0.68 m3 1095 kg (1) (1) (1)

DB (30 inch) (0.88 yd3) (2414 lb) 90

Severe Du- 900 mm 0.87 m3 1272 kg

DB 90 (1) (1) (1)
ty Pin (36 inch) (1.14 yd3) (2804 lb)
Perform- 1200 mm 1.29 m3 1520 kg (1) (1) (3)
DB (48 inch) (1.69 yd3) (3351 lb) 90
ance (SDS)
1350 mm 1.50 m3 1628 kg (1) (3) (2)
DB (54 inch) (1.96 yd3) (3589 lb) 90

Extreme 1200 mm 1.40 m3 1621 kg (1) (1) (2)

DB (48 inch) (1.83 yd3) (3573 lb) 90
Duty (XD)

M0110641-02 67
Product Information Section
Boom/Stick/Bucket Combinations

(Table 14, contd)

Extreme 1400 mm 1.64 m3 1899 kg (3) (2) (4)
DB (56 inch) (2.14 yd3) (4186 lb) 90
Duty (XD)

1800 mm 1.96 m3 1034 kg (3) (2) (4)
Cleaning DB 100
(72 inch) (2.56 yd3) (2280 lb)

1800 mm 2.48 m3 1331 kg (4) (4) (5)

DB (72 inch) (3.24 yd3) (2934 lb) 100
Clean Up
(CU) 2000 mm 2.74 m3 1417 kg
DB 100 (4) (5) (6)
(78 inch) (3.58 yd3) (3124 lb)

1400 mm 1.40 m3 1163 kg (1) (1) (3)

DB (55 inch) (1.83 yd3) (2563 lb) 100
Duty Exca- 1450 mm 1.50 m3 1200 kg (1) (1) (2)
DB (57 inch) (1.96 yd3) (2645 lb) 100
1550 mm 1.60 m3 1262 kg (1) (3) (2)
DB (61 inch) (2.09 yd3) (2783 lb) 100

1450 mm 1.40 m3 1467 kg (1) (1) (2)

Heavy Du- DB (57 inch) (1.83 yd3) (3234 lb) 100
ty Excava-
tion (HDX) 1500 mm 1.50 m3 1518 kg (1) (3) (4)
DB (59 inch) (1.96 yd3) (3346 lb) 100

Heavy Du- 1500 mm 1.88 m3 1583 kg (2) (2) (5)

DB (60 inch) (2.46 yd3) (3490 lb) 100
ty (HD)

Heavy Du-
1450 mm 1.40 m3 1466 kg (1) (1) (2)
ty Skeleton DB 100
(57 inch) (1.83 yd3) (3232 lb)
(1) 2100 kg/m3 (3500 lb/yd3) is the maximum density of material
(2) 1500 kg/m3 (2500 lb/yd3) is the maximum density of material
(3) 1800 kg/m3 (3000 lb/yd3) is the maximum density of material
(4) 1200 kg/m3 (2000 lb/yd3) is the maximum density of material
(5) 900 kg/m3 (1500 lb/yd3) is the maximum density of material
(6) Not Recommended

Table 15
336 GC Excavator with Cat Pin Grabber Coupler

Undercarriage Standard Long

Counterweight 6800 kg (14991 lb)

Mass Mass
Reach Boom GC
Boom GC Boom GC
Bucket Width of Capacity Weight of 3.2 m 3.9 m
Linkage Fill (%) 2.55 m 2.8 m 2.55 m
Type Bucket of Bucket Bucket (10 ft 5 (12 ft 9
(8 ft 4 (9 ft 2 inch) (8 ft 4
inch) inch)
inch) Stick Stick inch) Stick
Stick Stick
1800 mm 2.60 m3 2119 kg (1) (2)
TB (71 inch) (3.40 yd3) (4671 lb) 100
Duty (GD) 1800 mm 2.60 m3 2214 kg
TB 100 (1) (1)
(71 inch) (3.40 yd3) (4880 lb)

1650 mm 2.41 m3 2220 kg (1) (2)

TB (66 inch) (3.15 yd3) (4894 lb) 100
Heavy Du-
ty (HD) 1750 mm 2.50 m3 2258 kg
TB 100 (1) (2)
(69 inch) (3.27 yd3) (4978 lb)

68 M0110641-02
Product Information Section
Boom/Stick/Bucket Combinations

(Table 15, contd)

1850 mm 2.69 m3 2387 kg (1) (2)
TB (72 inch) (3.52 yd3) (5262 lb) 100

1850 mm 2.69 m3 2349 kg (1) (2)

TB (72 inch) (3.52 yd3) (5178 lb) 100

1650 mm 2.41 m3 2377 kg (1) (2)

TB (65 inch) (3.15 yd3) (5240 lb) 100

1650 mm 2.41 m3 2392 kg (1) (2)

TB (65 inch) (3.15 yd3) (5273 lb) 100

1750 mm 2.50 m3 2352 kg (1) (2)

TB (69 inch) (3.27 yd3) (5185 lb) 100

1950 mm 3.08 m3 2710 kg (1) (2)

TB (77 inch) (4.03 yd3) (5974 lb) 100

Severe Du-
1750 mm 2.40 m3 2544 kg (1) (2)
ty Power TB 90
(69 inch) (3.14 yd3) (5608 lb)

Duty 1550 mm 2.00 m3 2562 kg (2) (2)
TB (61 inch) (2.59 yd3) (5648 lb) 90

1600 mm 2.20 m3 2332 kg (2) (2)

TB (63 inch) (2.88 yd3) (5141 lb) 90
Severe Du-
ty (SD) 1600 mm 2.20 m3 2390 kg
TB 90 (2) (2)
(63 inch) (2.88 yd3) (5268 lb)

1350 mm 1.87 m3 2053 kg (3) (3)

TB (54 inch) (2.44 yd3) (4526 lb) 90

Severe Du-
1650 mm 2.41 m3 2367 kg (2) (2)
ty Spade TB 90
(66 inch) (3.16 yd3) (5218 lb)
1500 mm 2.14 m3 2254 kg (2) (2)
TB (61 inch) (2.80 yd3) (4969 lb) 90

Severe Du- 1650 mm 2.41 m3 2497 kg (1) (2)

TB (65 inch) (3.15 yd3) (5504 lb) 90
ty (SD)
(1) Not Recommended
(2) 900 kg/m3 (1500 lb/yd3) is the maximum density of material
(3) 1200 kg/m3 (2000 lb/yd3) is the maximum density of material

CW Quick Coupler
Table 16
336GC Excavator with CW Quick Coupler

Undercarriage Standard Long

Counterweight 6800 kg (14991 lb)

Mass Mass
Reach Boom GC Boom Reach Boom GC Boom
Capacity GC GC
Bucket Link- Width of Weight of
of Fill (%) 2.8 m 3.2 m 3.9 m 2.55 m 2.8 m 3.2 m 3.9 m 2.55 m
Type age Bucket Bucket
Bucket (9 ft 2 (10 ft 5 (12 ft 9 (8 ft 4 (9 ft 2 (10 ft 5 (12 ft 9 (8 ft 4
inch) inch) inch) inch) inch) inch) inch) inch)
Stick Stick Stick Stick Stick Stick Stick Stick

M0110641-02 69
Product Information Section
Boom/Stick/Bucket Combinations

(Table 16, contd)

1500 1.88 m3
1256 kg
DB mm (2.46 100 (1) (2) (3) (1) (1) (3)
General (2768 lb)
(59 inch) yd3)
(GD) 1650 2.12 m3
1334 kg
DB mm (2.77 100 (2) (3) (4) (2) (2) (3)
(2940 lb)
(65 inch) yd3)

1350 1.64 m3
1419 kg
DB mm (2.14 100 (1) (1) (3) (5) (1) (2)
(3128 lb)
(54 inch) yd3)

Heavy 1500 1.88 m3

1516 kg
Duty DB mm (2.46 100 (2) (2) (3) (1) (2) (3)
(3342 lb)
(HD) (60 inch) yd3)

1650 2.12 m3
1650 kg
DB mm (2.77 100 (3) (3) (4) (2) (3) (4)
(3637 lb)
(65 inch) yd3)

Severe 1650 2.15 m3

1775 kg
Duty DB mm (2.81 90 (2) (3) (4) (2) (3) (4)
(3913 lb)
(SD) (66 inch) yd3)

2200 2.40 m3
1346 kg
DB mm (3.14 100 (3) (3) (4) (2) (3) (4)
(2967 lb)
(87 inch) yd3)

Ditch 1800 1.96 m3

1163 kg
Clean- DB mm (2.56 100 (1) (2) (3) (1) (2) (3)
(2564 lb)
ing (DC) (72 inch) yd3)

2000 2.18 m3
1250 kg
DB mm (2.85 100 (2) (3) (4) (2) (2) (3)
(2756 lb)
(79 inch) yd3)

Heavy 1650 2.41 m3

2120 kg
Duty TB mm (3.15 100 (4) (3)
(4673 lb)
(HD) (66 inch) yd3)

Severe 1650 2.41 m3

2267 kg
Duty TB mm (3.15 90 (3) (3)
(4998 lb)
(SD) (66 inch) yd3)
(1) 1800 kg/m3 (3000 lb/yd3) is the maximum density of material
(2) 1500 kg/m3 (2500 lb/yd3) is the maximum density of material
(3) 1200 kg/m3 (2000 lb/yd3) is the maximum density of material
(4) 900 kg/m3 (1500 lb/yd3) is the maximum density of material
(5) 2100 kg/m3 (3500 lb/yd3) is the maximum density of material

CWS Quick Coupler

Table 17
336GC Excavator with CWS Quick Coupler

Undercarriage Standard Long

Counterweight 6800 kg (14991 lb)

Capacity Mass Mass

Bucket Link- Width of Weight of
of Fill (%) Reach Boom GC Boom Reach Boom GC Boom
Type age Bucket Bucket
Bucket GC GC

70 M0110641-02
Product Information Section
Boom/Stick/Bucket Combinations

(Table 17, contd)

2.8 m 3.2 m 3.9 m 2.55 m 2.8 m 3.2 m 3.9 m 2.55 m
(9 ft 2 (10 ft 5 (12 ft 9 (8 ft 4 (9 ft 2 (10 ft 5 (12 ft 9 (8 ft 4
inch) inch) inch) inch) inch) inch) inch) inch)
Stick Stick Stick Stick Stick Stick Stick Stick
1200 1.40 m3
1026 kg
DB mm (1.84 100 (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1)
(2262 lb)
(47 inch) yd3)

General 1650 2.12 m3

1227 kg
Duty DB mm (2.77 100 (3) (3) (4) (3) (3) (4)
(2815 lb)
(GD) (65 inch) yd3)

1800 2.36 m3
1372 kg
DB mm (3.09 100 (4) (4) (5) (3) (4) (5)
(3025 lb)
(71 inch) yd3)

1500 1.88 m3
1461 kg
DB mm (2.46 100 (3) (3) (4) (2) (3) (4)
Heavy (3221 lb)
(60 inch) yd3)
(HD) 1650 2.12 m3
1581 kg
DB mm (2.77 100 (3) (4) (5) (3) (4) (5)
(3486 lb)
(65 inch) yd3)

Severe 1650 2.15 m3

1706 kg
Duty DB mm (2.81 90 (3) (4) (5) (3) (3) (5)
(3761 lb)
(SD) (66 inch) yd3)

2400 2.04 m3
1266 kg
DB mm (2.67 100 (3) (3) (4) (2) (3) (4)
Ditch (2791 lb)
(94 inch) yd3)
ing (DC) 2200 2.40 m3
1347 kg
DB mm (3.14 100 (4) (4) (5) (3) (4) (5)
(2970 lb)
(87 inch) yd3)

Heavy 1650 2.41 m3

2052 kg
Duty TB mm (3.15 100 (4) (4)
(4524 lb)
(HD) (66 inch) yd3)

1350 1.87 m3
1898 kg
TB mm (2.44 90 (2) (2)
Severe (4185 lb)
(54 inch) yd3)
(SD) 1650 2.41 m3
2199 kg
TB mm (3.15 90 (4) (4)
(4848 lb)
(66 inch) yd3)
(1) 2100 kg/m3 (3500 lb/yd3) is the maximum density of material
(2) 1800 kg/m3 (3000 lb/yd3) is the maximum density of material
(3) 1500 kg/m3 (2500 lb/yd3) is the maximum density of material
(4) 1200 kg/m3 (2000 lb/yd3) is the maximum density of material
(5) 900 kg/m3 (1500 lb/yd3) is the maximum density of material
M0110641-02 71
Product Information Section
Lifting Capacities

i08507921 Note: Japan regulations require a shovel crane

configuration to lift certain objects. A shovel crane
Lifting Capacities has a rated load capacity, therefore, the lift capacities
discussed below do not apply to a shovel crane
SMCS Code: 7000 configuration. Contact your Cat dealer for additional

Note: Regional regulations may require the use of an

Failure to comply to the rated load can cause overload warning device and boom and stick
possible personal injury or property damage. lowering control valves during object handling
This includes the risk of unintended boom lower- applications.
ing. Review the rated load of a particular work
tool before performing any operation. Make ad- Contact your Cat dealer for additional information.
justments to the rated load as necessary for non-
standard configurations. Configuration Identification
There may be local regulations and/or government
regulations that govern the use of excavators which Note: Each component has a stamp to identify the
lift heavy objects. Obey all local and government configuration affecting lifting capacity.
The owner will need to check the machine
Lifting capacities should be used as a guide. Work configuration to identify the correct lifting capacity.
tools, uneven ground conditions, soft ground The configuration identifier will be located with the
conditions, or poor ground conditions have effects on part number stamped on the component. Refer to the
lifting capacities. The operator is responsible for following table for the abbreviation of the
being aware of these effects. configuration.
The lifting capacities are defined by “ISO 10567 Table 18
2007”. The lifting capacities are defined as the lower Configuration Identification
value of 75% of the static tipping capacity or 87% of
the hydraulic lift capacity. Ab-
Compo- Configuration brevi-
Note: Lifting capacities are based on a standard nent
machine with the following conditions:
Reach Boom R
• Lift point: Stick nose without bucket Mass Boom M

• Lubricants full Variable Angle Boom VA

Super Long Reach Boom SLR

• Fuel tank full
Standard STD
• Steel track
Heavy Duty HD
• Complete cab with a 75 kg (165 lb) operator
Extreme Special ES
Lifting capacities will vary with different work tools Thumb Ready Stick TR
and attachments. The weight of a work tool
attachment must be subtracted from the lift capacity. Short Undercarriage (Crawler) STD
Consult your Cat ® dealer regarding the lifting Undercar-
capacities for specific work tools and attachments. Long Undercarriage (Crawler) LC

This machine may be equipped with various sticks. Long Narrow Undercarriage (Crawler) LN
Lifting capacities may vary between the different Standard -
sticks. Measure the distance on the stick between the Cylinder
boom hinge pin and the work tool hinge pin. This Heavy Lift HL
distance will inform you of the size of the stick that is
equipped on the machine. Counter- t(1)
Metric Ton (tonne)
Use the lifting eye that is provided on the stick nose
to lift objects. When the lifting eye is used, the
connection must be made with a sling or shackle. (continued)
72 M0110641-02
Product Information Section
Lifting Capacities

(Table 18, contd)

(1) Counterweight stamp indicates metric ton. (example 1.0t =
1000 kg)

Symbols Found in the Lifting

Capacity Charts
Below are symbols that are commonly found on lifting
capacity charts for track excavators.
Note: Depending on the machine configuration,
some symbols may not be used.
Measurements are provided in
millimeters and inches

Lift Capacities are provided in kilograms

and pounds

Load is limited by hydraulic lifting

capacity rather than by a tipping load

Lift point radius

Lift point height

Lifting capacity over the front of the


Lifting capacity over the side of the


Heavy Lift ON

6800 kg (14991 lb) Counterweight

M0110641-02 73
Product Information Section
Lifting Capacities

6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) Reach Boom

74 M0110641-02
Product Information Section
Lifting Capacities

3.9 m (12 ft 10 inch) Stick

Illustration 67 g06297664
336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight, 6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 3.9 m (12 ft 10 inch) stick, 800 mm
(31.5 inch) track shoes.

Illustration 68 g06297667
336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight, 6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 3.9 m (12 ft 10 inch) stick, 700 mm
(27.6 inch) track shoes.
M0110641-02 75
Product Information Section
Lifting Capacities

Illustration 69 g06297670
336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight, 6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 3.9 m (12 ft 10 inch) stick, 600 mm
(23.6 inch) track shoes.

Illustration 70 g06346792
336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight, 6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 3.9 m (12 ft 10 inch) stick, 850 mm
(33.5 inch) track shoes (LC).
76 M0110641-02
Product Information Section
Lifting Capacities

Illustration 71 g06346805
336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight, 6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 3.9 m (12 ft 10 inch) stick, 600 mm
(23.6 inch) track shoes (LC).

Illustration 72 g06346809
336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight, 6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 3.9 m (12 ft 10 inch) stick, 700 mm
(27.6 inch) track shoes (LC).
M0110641-02 77
Product Information Section
Lifting Capacities

Illustration 73 g06346813
336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight, 6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 3.9 m (12 ft 10 inch) stick, 800 mm
(31.5 inch) track shoes (LC).

Illustration 74 g06346823
336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight, 6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 3.9 m (12 ft 10 inch) stick, 600 mm
(23.6 inch) track shoes (LC).
78 M0110641-02
Product Information Section
Lifting Capacities

Illustration 75 g06346829
336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight, 6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 3.9 m (12 ft 10 inch) stick, 600 mm
(23.6 inch) heavy-duty track shoes.

Illustration 76 g06346835
336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight, 6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 3.9 m (12 ft 10 inch) stick, 800 mm
(31.5 inch) heavy-duty track shoes.
M0110641-02 79
Product Information Section
Lifting Capacities

3.9 m (12 ft 10 inch) Stick with Auxiliary Tool Control System

Illustration 77 g06297784
336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight, 6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 3.9 m (12 ft 10 inch) stick with
Auxiliary, 800 mm (31.5 inch) track shoes.

Illustration 78 g06297791
336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight, 6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 3.9 m (12 ft 10 inch) stick with
Auxiliary, 700 mm (27.6 inch) track shoes.
80 M0110641-02
Product Information Section
Lifting Capacities

Illustration 79 g06297793
336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight, 6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 3.9 m (12 ft 10 inch) stick with
Auxiliary, 600 mm (23.6 inch) track shoes.

Illustration 80 g06345398
336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight, 6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 3.9 m (12 ft 10 inch) stick with
Auxiliary, 850 mm (33.5 inch) track shoes (LC).
M0110641-02 81
Product Information Section
Lifting Capacities

Illustration 81 g06345409
336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight, 6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 3.9 m (12 ft 10 inch) stick with
Auxiliary, 600 mm (23.6 inch) track shoes (LC).

Illustration 82 g06345422
336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight, 6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 3.9 m (12 ft 10 inch) stick with
Auxiliary, 700 mm (27.6 inch) track shoes (LC).
82 M0110641-02
Product Information Section
Lifting Capacities

Illustration 83 g06345612
336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight, 6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 3.9 m (12 ft 10 inch) stick with
Auxiliary, 800 mm (31.5 inch) track shoes (LC).

Illustration 84 g06345644
336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight, 6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 3.9 m (12 ft 10 inch) stick with Aux,
600 mm (23.6 inch) track shoes (LC).
M0110641-02 83
Product Information Section
Lifting Capacities

Illustration 85 g06345649
336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight, 6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 3.9 m (12 ft 10 inch) stick with
Auxiliary, 600 mm (23.6 inch) heavy-duty track shoes.

Illustration 86 g06345655
336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight, 6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 3.9 m (12 ft 10 inch) stick with
Auxiliary, 800 mm (31.5 inch) heavy-duty track shoes.
84 M0110641-02
Product Information Section
Lifting Capacities

Illustration 87 g06347017
336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight, 6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 3.9 m (12 ft 10 inch) stick, 600 mm
(23.6 inch) track shoes (LN).

Illustration 88 g06347020
336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight, 6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 3.9 m (12 ft 10 inch) stick, 700 mm
(27.5 inch) track shoes (LN).
M0110641-02 85
Product Information Section
Lifting Capacities

Illustration 89 g06347218
336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight, 6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 3.9 m (12 ft 10 inch) stick, 600 mm
(23.6 inch) track shoes (LN).

Illustration 90 g06347228
336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight, 6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 3.9 m (12 ft 10 inch) stick, 600 mm
(23.6 inch) heavy-duty track shoes (LN).
86 M0110641-02
Product Information Section
Lifting Capacities

3.2 m (10 ft 6 inch) Stick

Illustration 91 g06297674
336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight, 6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 3.2 m (10 ft 6 inch) stick, 800 mm
(31.5 inch) track shoes.

Illustration 92 g06297683
336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight, 6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 3.2 m (10 ft 6 inch) stick, 700 mm
(27.6 inch) track shoes.
M0110641-02 87
Product Information Section
Lifting Capacities

Illustration 93 g06297686
336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight, 6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 3.2 m (10 ft 6 inch) stick, 600 mm
(23.6 inch) track shoes.

Illustration 94 g06346895
336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight, 6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 3.2 m (10 ft 6 inch) stick, 850 mm
(33.5 inch) track shoes (LC).
88 M0110641-02
Product Information Section
Lifting Capacities

Illustration 95 g06346906
336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight, 6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 3.2 m (10 ft 6 inch) stick, 600 mm
(23.6 inch) track shoes (LC).

Illustration 96 g06346928
336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight, 6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 3.2 m (10 ft 6 inch) stick, 700 mm
(27.6 inch) track shoes (LC).
M0110641-02 89
Product Information Section
Lifting Capacities

Illustration 97 g06346940
336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight, 6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 3.2 m (10 ft 6 inch) stick, 800 mm
(31.5 inch) track shoes (LC).

Illustration 98 g06346942
336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight, 6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 3.2 m (10 ft 6 inch) stick, 600 mm
(23.6 inch) track shoes (LC).
90 M0110641-02
Product Information Section
Lifting Capacities

Illustration 99 g06346947
336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight, 6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 3.2 m (10 ft 6 inch) stick, 600 mm
(23.6 inch) heavy-duty track shoes.

Illustration 100 g06346954

336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight, 6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 3.2 m (10 ft 6 inch) stick, 800 mm
(31.5 inch) heavy-duty track shoes.
M0110641-02 91
Product Information Section
Lifting Capacities

3.2 m (10 ft 6 inch) Stick with Auxiliary Tool Control System

Illustration 101 g06297810

336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight, 6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 3.2 m (10 ft 6 inch) stick with
Auxiliary, 800 mm (31.5 inch) track shoes.

Illustration 102 g06297818

336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight, 6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 3.2 m (10 ft 6 inch) stick with
Auxiliary, 700 mm (27.6 inch) track shoes.
92 M0110641-02
Product Information Section
Lifting Capacities

Illustration 103 g06297823

336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight,6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 3.2 m (10 ft 6 inch) stick with
Auxiliary, 600 mm (23.6 inch) track shoes.

Illustration 104 g06345689

336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight,6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 3.2 m (10 ft 6 inch) stick with
Auxiliary, 850 mm (33.5 inch) track shoes (LC).
M0110641-02 93
Product Information Section
Lifting Capacities

Illustration 105 g06345724

336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight,6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 3.2 m (10 ft 6 inch) stick with
Auxiliary, 600 mm (23.6 inch) track shoes (LC).

Illustration 106 g06345786

336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight,6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 3.2 m (10 ft 6 inch) stick with
Auxiliary, 700 mm (27.6 inch) track shoes (LC).
94 M0110641-02
Product Information Section
Lifting Capacities

Illustration 107 g06345805

336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight,6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 3.2 m (10 ft 6 inch) stick with
Auxiliary, 800 mm (23.6 inch) track shoes (LC).

Illustration 108 g06345816

336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight,6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 3.2 m (10 ft 6 inch) stick with
Auxiliary, 600 mm (27.6 inch) track shoes (LC).
M0110641-02 95
Product Information Section
Lifting Capacities

Illustration 109 g06345827

336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight,6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 3.2 m (10 ft 6 inch) stick with
Auxiliary, 600 mm (27.6 inch) heavy-duty track shoes.

Illustration 110 g06345836

336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight,6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 3.2 m (10 ft 6 inch) stick with
Auxiliary, 800 mm (31.5 inch) heavy-duty track shoes.
96 M0110641-02
Product Information Section
Lifting Capacities

Illustration 111 g06347243

336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight,6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 3.2 m (10 ft 6 inch) stick with
Auxiliary, 600 mm (23.6 inch) track shoes (LN).

Illustration 112 g06347250

336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight,6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 3.2 m (10 ft 6 inch) stick with
Auxiliary, 700 mm (27.5 inch) track shoes (LN).
M0110641-02 97
Product Information Section
Lifting Capacities

Illustration 113 g06347277

336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight,6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 3.2 m (10 ft 6 inch) stick with
Auxiliary, 600 mm (23.6 inch) track shoes (LN).

Illustration 114 g06347291

336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight,6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 3.2 m (10 ft 6 inch) stick with
Auxiliary, 600 mm (23.6 inch) heavy-duty track shoes (LN).
98 M0110641-02
Product Information Section
Lifting Capacities

2.8 m (9 ft 2 inch) Stick

Illustration 115 g06297689

336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight, 6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 2.8 m (9 ft 2 inch) stick, 800 mm
(31.5 inch) track shoes.

Illustration 116 g06297694

336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight, 6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 2.8 m (9 ft 2 inch) stick, 700 mm
(27.6 inch) track shoes.
M0110641-02 99
Product Information Section
Lifting Capacities

Illustration 117 g06297701

336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight,6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 2.8 m (9 ft 2 inch) stick, 600 mm
(23.6 inch) track shoes.

Illustration 118 g06346965

336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight,6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 2.8 m (9 ft 2 inch) stick, 850 mm
(33.5 inch) track shoes (LC).
100 M0110641-02
Product Information Section
Lifting Capacities

Illustration 119 g06346971

336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight,6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 2.8 m (9 ft 2 inch) stick, 600 mm
(23.5 inch) track shoes (LC).

Illustration 120 g06346976

336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight,6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 2.8 m (9 ft 2 inch) stick, 700 mm
(27.6 inch) track shoes (LC).
M0110641-02 101
Product Information Section
Lifting Capacities

Illustration 121 g06346983

336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight,6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 2.8 m (9 ft 2 inch) stick, 800 mm
(31.5 inch) track shoes (LC).

Illustration 122 g06346996

336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight,6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 2.8 m (9 ft 2 inch) stick, 600 mm
(23.5 inch) track shoes (LC).
102 M0110641-02
Product Information Section
Lifting Capacities

Illustration 123 g06347003

336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight,6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 2.8 m (9 ft 2 inch) stick, 600 mm
(23.5 inch) heavy-duty track shoes.

Illustration 124 g06347008

336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight,6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 2.8 m (9 ft 2 inch) stick, 800 mm
(31.5 inch) heavy-duty track shoes.
M0110641-02 103
Product Information Section
Lifting Capacities

2.8 m (9 ft 2 inch) Stick with Auxiliary Tool Control System

Illustration 125 g06297830

336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight, 6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 2.8 m (9 ft 2 inch) stick, 800 mm
(31.5 inch) track shoes.

Illustration 126 g06297831

336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight, 6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 2.8 m (9 ft 2 inch) stick, 700 mm
(27.6 inch) track shoes.
104 M0110641-02
Product Information Section
Lifting Capacities

Illustration 127 g06297834

336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight,6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 2.8 m (9 ft 2 inch) stick, 600 mm
(23.6 inch) track shoes.

Illustration 128 g06346514

336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight,6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 2.8 m (9 ft 2 inch) stick, 850 mm
(31.5 inch) track shoes (LC).
M0110641-02 105
Product Information Section
Lifting Capacities

Illustration 129 g06346551

336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight,6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 2.8 m (9 ft 2 inch) stick, 600 mm
(23.6 inch) track shoes (LC).

Illustration 130 g06346576

336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight,6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 2.8 m (9 ft 2 inch) stick, 700 mm
(27.5 inch) track shoes (LC).
106 M0110641-02
Product Information Section
Lifting Capacities

Illustration 131 g06346746

336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight,6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 2.8 m (9 ft 2 inch) stick, 800 mm
(31.5 inch) track shoes (LC).

Illustration 132 g06346749

336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight,6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 2.8 m (9 ft 2 inch) stick, 600 mm
(23.6 inch) track shoes (LC).
M0110641-02 107
Product Information Section
Lifting Capacities

Illustration 133 g06346757

336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight,6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 2.8 m (9 ft 2 inch) stick, 600 mm
(23.6 inch) heavy-duty track shoes.

Illustration 134 g06346764

336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight,6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 2.8 m (9 ft 2 inch) stick, 800 mm
(31.5 inch) heavy-duty track shoes.
108 M0110641-02
Product Information Section
Lifting Capacities

Illustration 135 g06347300

336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight,6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 2.8 m (9 ft 2 inch) stick, 600 mm
(23.6 inch) track shoes (LN).

Illustration 136 g06347323

336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight,6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 2.8 m (9 ft 2 inch) stick, 700 mm
(27.5 inch) track shoes (LN).
M0110641-02 109
Product Information Section
Lifting Capacities

Illustration 137 g06347330

336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight,6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 2.8 m (9 ft 2 inch) stick, 600 mm
(23.6 inch) track shoes (LN).

Illustration 138 g06347341

336 GC: 6800 kg (14991 lb) counterweight,6.5 m (21 ft 4 inch) reach boom, 2.8 m (9 ft 2 inch) stick, 600 mm
(23.6 inch) heavy-duty track shoes (LN).
110 M0110641-02
Product Information Section
Identification Information

Identification Information

Plate Locations and Film

SMCS Code: 1000; 7000
The Product Identification Number (PIN) will be used
to identify a powered machine that is designed for an
operator to ride.
Cat ® products such as engines, transmissions, and
major attachments that are not designed for an
operator to ride are identified by Serial Numbers. Illustration 140 g06201159

For quick reference, record the identification Manufacturer Name and Address
numbers in the spaces that are provided below the
illustration. Model (A)
Build (B)
Product Identification Number
Product Identification Number (C)
(PIN) Plate
Bar Code (D)
Month and Year of Manufacture Plate (If Required)
Regional Certification Plate (If Required) (F)
Address of Manufacturer (G)
Issue (H)
Country of Origin Info Plate (If Required) (I)
Local regulation may require documentation of the
month and/or year of manufacture in the Operation
and Maintenance Manual. Comply with these

Regional Product Marking (If Equipped)

Illustration 139 g06276619

The PIN plate is positioned on the front of the

machine, close to the operator compartment.

Illustration 141 g06650998

Regional marking plate
M0110641-02 111
Product Information Section
Plate Locations and Film Locations

This plate is positioned on the bottom left side of the Machine Specification Film
PIN plate or near the PIN plate.
The machine specification film is on machines that
Note: The regional marking plate or plates are are going into Japan.
installed on machines that meet the applicable
requirements that were effective at that time and may The Japanese Industrial Safety and Health Act
differ from the one shown above. requires machine specifications to be displayed on a
film that can easily be seen by the operator.
Regional product marking may include one or more
of the following: If equipped, this film will be on the cab door.

CE mark

UKCA mark

EAC mark

Gulf Standardization Organization

(GSO) mark

Ukraine mark

The following information may be stamped onto the

regional product marking plate. For quick reference,
record this information in the spaces that are
provided below: Illustration 142 g06178867
Typical example
• Engine Power Primary Engine (kW)
• Engine Power for Additional Engine (If Electromagnetic Emissions
Note: This label is on machines that are going into
• Typical Machine Operating Weight (kg) Canada.
• Month and/or Year of Manufacture
• Machine Type

Eurasian Economic Union

Manufacturer Information

Caterpillar Inc.,
100 N.E. Adams Street
Peoria, Illinois 61629, USA
Entity authorized by the manufacturer at the territory
of Eurasian Economic Union:

Caterpillar Eurasia LLC

75, Sadovnicheskaya Emb.
Moscow 115035, Russia
112 M0110641-02
Product Information Section
Plate Locations and Film Locations

Engine Serial Number

Sound Certification

Illustration 143 g06063443

If equipped, this label is located next to the PIN plate.

This label verifies that the product meets the
requirements of ICES-002 Issue 6. Compliance to
ICES-002 Issue 6 is accomplished by meeting Illustration 145 g06675270
electromagnetic emissions industry standard CISPR- Sound certification film
A typical example of this film is shown.
China Pin Plate A certification film is used to verify the environmental
sound certification on machines that are certified to
Will be located next to the pin plate or on the pin the regional requirements. A film installed on your
plate. machine will have a value. The value that is listed on
the film indicates the guaranteed exterior sound
power level (Lwa) at the time of manufacture for the
conditions that are specified in the following sound
test procedures:

• “ISO 6395:1988”
• European Union “2000/14/EC” amended by “2005/

• United Kingdom “2001 No. 1701” amended by

“2005 No. 3525”

Illustration 144 g03153576

Engine Serial Number

This label is on the engine.

Illustration 146 g03105800

(A) Low Noise Film
(B) Super Low Noise Film
M0110641-02 113
Product Information Section
Emissions Certification Film

If equipped, these certification labels are used to

verify the Japan Ministry of Land, Infrastructure,
Transportation, and Tourism (MLIT) noise
designation according to the Japan “Designation
Rule of Low Noise Type Construction Machine” .
Low Noise (A) – Verifies that the Japan “MLIT”
designates the machine as a “Low Noise” type
construction machine.
Super Low Noise (B) – Verifies that the Japan
“MLIT” designates the machine as a “Super Low
Noise” type construction machine.


Emissions Certification Film

SMCS Code: 1000; 7000; 7405
Consult your Cat dealer for an Emission Control
Warranty Statement.
The emission certification film is on the engine.
114 M0110641-02
Product Information Section
Declaration of Conformity

Declaration of Conformity
(European Union)
SMCS Code: 1000; 7000

Table 19
An EU Declaration of Conformity document was provided with the machine if it was manufactured to comply with specific requirements for the
European Union. In order to determine the details of the applicable Directives, review the complete EU Declaration of Conformity provided with
the machine. The extract shown below from an EU Declaration of Conformity for machines that are declared compliant to “2006/42/EC” applies
only to those machines originally “CE” marked by the manufacturer listed and which have not since been modified.


Manufacturer: Caterpillar Inc., 100 N.E. Adams Street, Peoria, Illinois 61629, USA

Person authorized to compile the Technical File and to communicate relevant part (s) of the Technical File to the Authorities of Euro-
pean Union Member States on request:

Standards & Regulations Manager, Caterpillar France S.A.S

40 Avenue Leon-Blum 38000 Grenoble, France

I, the undersigned, _________, hereby certify that the construction equipment specified hereunder

Description: Generic Denomination: Earth-moving Equipment

Function: Hydraulic Excavator

Model/Type: 336

Serial Number:
Commercial Name: Caterpillar

Fulfills all the relevant provisions of the following Directives

Directives Notified Body Document No.

2000/14/EC amended by 2005/88/EC, Note (1)

2006/42/EC N/A
2014/30/EU N/A

Note (1) Guaranteed Sound Power Level -_____dB (A) Annex VI

Representative Equipment Type Sound Power Level - _____dB (A)
[Engine Power per ISO 14396 -____ kW, Rated engine speed - _____ rpm
Technical Documentation accessible through person listed above authorized to compile the Technical File
Harmonised standards taken into consideration: EN 474-1: 2006+A4 :2013+AC:2014;
EN 474-5: 2006+A3: 2013
EN 13309: 2010

Done at: Signature

Date: Name/Position

Note: The above information was correct as of September 2018, but may be subject to change, please refer to the individual declaration of con-
formity issued with the machine for exact details.
M0110641-02 115
Product Information Section
Declaration of Conformity

Declaration of Conformity
(Great Britain)
SMCS Code: 1000; 7000

Table 20
A Declaration of Conformity document was provided with the machine if it was manufactured to comply with specific requirements for the Great
Britain. In order to determine the details of the applicable legislation, review the complete Declaration of Conformity provided with the machine.
The extract shown below from a Great Britain Declaration of Conformity for machines that are declared compliant to 2008 No. 1597 applies only
to those machines originally “UKCA” marked by the manufacturer listed and which have not since been modified.


Manufacturer: Caterpillar Inc., 100 N.E. Adams Street, Peoria, Illinois 61629, USA

Person authorized to compile the Technical File and to communicate relevant part (s) of the Technical File to the Authorities on

Standards & Regulations Manager Caterpillar France SAS

40 Avenue Leon-Blum 38000 Grenoble, France

I, the undersigned, _________, hereby certify that the construction equipment specified hereunder

Description: Generic Denomination: Earth - moving Equipment

Function: Hydraulic Excavator

Model/Type: 336 GC

Serial Number:
Commercial Name: Caterpillar

Fulfills all the relevant provisions of these regulations and/or other enactments as listed below:

Legislation Approved Body Document No.

2008 No. 1597 N/A

2016 No. 1091 N/A
2001 No. 1701 amended by 2005 No. 3525, Note (1) Note (2)

Note (1) Schedule -_____ Guaranteed Sound Power Level -_____dB (A)
Representative Equipment Type Sound Power Level - _____dB (A)
Engine Power per ____-____ kW Rated engine speed - _____ rpm
Technical Documentation accessible through person listed above authorized to compile the Technical File

Note (2) If applicable, information related to Approved Body.

Designated standards taken into consideration: (for 2008 No. 1597 and 2016 No. 1091 Regulation or enactments only)

Done at: Signature

Date: Name/Position

Note: The above information was correct as of June 2021, but may be subject to change, please refer to the individual declaration of conformity
issued with the machine for exact details.
116 M0110641-02
Operation Section
Before Operation

Operation Section Machine Access System

Before Operation The machine access system has been designed to
meet the intent of the technical requirements in “ISO
2867 Earth-moving Machinery – Access Systems”.
i07103304 The access system provides for operator access to
the operator station and to conduct the maintenance
Mounting and Dismounting procedures described in Maintenance section.
SMCS Code: 6700; 7000
Alternate Exit
Machines that are equipped with cabs have alternate
exits. For additional information, see Operation and
Maintenance Manual, “Alternate Exit”.


Daily Inspection
SMCS Code: 1000; 6319; 6700; 7000

Hot oil and hot components can cause personal

injury. Do not allow hot oil or hot components to
contact skin.
At operating temperature, the engine coolant is
hot and under pressure.
Steam can cause personal injury.
Check the coolant level only after the engine has
Illustration 147 g06224270 been stopped and the cooling system pressure
cap is cool enough to touch with your bare hand.
Typical example
Remove the cooling system pressure cap slowly
Mount the machine and dismount the machine only to relieve pressure.
at locations that have steps and/or handholds. Before
you mount the machine, clean the steps and the Cooling system conditioner contains alkali. Avoid
handholds. Inspect the steps and handholds. Make contact with the skin and eyes to prevent person-
all necessary repairs. al injury.
Face the machine whenever you get on the machine
and whenever you get off the machine.
Maintain a three-point contact with the steps and with Accumulated grease and oil on a machine is a fire
the handholds. hazard. Remove this debris with steam cleaning or
high pressure water, at least every 1000 hours or
Note: Three-point contact can be two feet and one each time any significant quantity of oil is spilled on a
hand. Three-point contact can also be one foot and machine.
two hands. For maximum service life of the machine, perform a
Do not mount a moving machine. Do not dismount a thorough walk-around inspection before you mount
moving machine. Never jump off the machine. Do not the machine and before you start the engine.
carry tools or supplies when you try to mount the
machine or when you try to dismount the machine. First 50 Hours
Use a hand line to pull equipment onto the platform.
Do not use any controls as handholds when you Daily, perform the procedures that are applicable to
enter the operator compartment or when you exit the your machine:
operator compartment.
• Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Boom and
Stick Linkage - Lubricate”
M0110641-02 117
Operation Section
Daily Inspection

• Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Bucket

Linkage - Lubricate”

Daily Basis
Daily, perform the procedures that are applicable to
your machine:

• Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Cooling

System Coolant Level - Check”

• Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Engine Oil

Level - Check”
• Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Fuel System
Water Separator - Drain” Illustration 148 g06267412

• Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Fuel Tank Inspect the attachment control linkage, attachment
Water and Sediment - Drain” cylinders, and attachment for damage or excessive
wear. Make any necessary repairs.
• Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Hydraulic
System Oil Level - Check” Inspect the lights for broken bulbs and for broken
lenses. Replace any broken bulbs and any broken
• Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Indicators lenses.
and Gauges - Test”
Inspect the engine compartment for any trash
• Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Seat Belt - buildup. Remove any trash buildup from the engine
Inspect” compartment.

• Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Track Inspect the cooling system for any leaks, for faulty
Adjustment - Inspect” hoses and for any trash buildup. Correct any leaks.
Remove any trash from the radiator.
• Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Travel
Inspect all the belts for the engine attachments.
Alarm - Test” Replace any belts that are worn, frayed, or broken.
• Operation and Maintenance Manual,
“Undercarriage - Check”
Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,
“Maintenance Interval Schedule” for all maintenance

Note: Watch closely for leaks. If you observe a leak,

find the source of the leak and correct the leak. If you
suspect a leak or you observe a leak, check the fluid
levels more frequently.

Illustration 149 g06267426

Inspect the hydraulic system for leaks. Inspect the

tank, cylinder rod seals, hoses, tubes, plugs,
connections, and fittings. Correct any leaks in the
hydraulic system.
Inspect the tubes and hoses along the boom and
stick for wear and leaks. Replace any hoses or tubes
that are worn or leak.
Inspect the differential and the final drives for leaks.
Make any necessary repairs.
118 M0110641-02
Operation Section
Daily Inspection

Inspect the swing drive for leaks.

Make sure that all covers and guards are securely
attached. Inspect the covers and the guards for

Illustration 150 g06267482

Inspect the steps, the walkways, and the handholds.

Clean the steps, the walkways, and the handholds.
Make any necessary repairs.
Inspect the operator compartment for trash buildup.
Check for trash buildup under the floorplate and on
the crankcase guard. Keep these areas clean.
Adjust the mirrors to achieve the best visibility.
M0110641-02 119
Operation Section
Machine Operation

Machine Operation To remove the rear window, pull ring (3) and
completely remove the window seal, then push out
the glass. Climb through the rear window opening to
i06952448 exit the cab.

Alternate Exit Rear Window with Lever (If

SMCS Code: 7310 Equipped)
Rear Window with Ring Seal (If

Illustration 151 g06187008

Alternate Exit – The rear window serves

as an alternate exit. Illustration 152 g06213470
Inside lever in latched position

Alternate Exit – The rear window serves

as an alternate exit.

To remove the rear window, rotate handle from its

latched position, then push out the glass. Climb
through the rear window opening to exit the cab.
120 M0110641-02
Operation Section


SMCS Code: 5258-025; 7312-025; 7324; 7327

Comfort Seat

Illustration 153 g06213471

The window is also equipped with an outside handle.

If the operator is unable, outside personnel can rotate
the outside handle and pull the window out.

Illustration 154 g06225151

(1) Headrest
(2) Backrest adjuster
(3) Seat and console fore and aft adjuster
(4) Indicator
(5) Seat height adjustment lever
(6) Seat fore and aft lever

The operator can adjust the height of headrest (1). To

adjust the headrest, hold the headrest with both
hands. Move the headrest up and down. Release the
headrest when the desired position is attained. The
headrest will remain in the desired position.
M0110641-02 121
Operation Section
Seat Belt

Pull up on backrest adjuster (2) to release the lock. Seat Belt Adjustment for
Move the backrest to the desired position and then
release the adjuster. Retractable Seat Belts
Lift up on fore and aft adjuster (3) to release the seat Fastening The Seat Belt
from the locked position. Adjust the seat and console
forward or rearward to the desired position and then
release the lever to lock the seat.
Use seat height adjustment lever (5) to adjust the
seat for the operator's height and weight. Move the
adjuster switch to the “+” symbol to raise the height.
Ratchet the seat upward without sitting in the seat.
Then sit in the seat to check the color of indicator (4).
When the indicator is showing green, the seat is in
the right range for the operator. Further adjustment
can be made as long as the indicator stays green.
To lower the seat, move the adjust switch to the “-”
symbol. Ratchet the adjuster downward without
sitting in the seat. Then sit in the seat to check the
color of indicator (4). When the indicator is showing
green, the seat is in the right range for the operator.
Further adjustment can be made as long as the
indicator stays green.
Pull upward on seat fore and aft lever (6) to release
the cushion lock. Adjust the seat cushion forward or
backward to the desired position and then release
the lock to lock the cushion in place.
Illustration 155 g06223891

Pull seat belt (2) out of retractor (1) in a continuous
Seat Belt
Fasten seat belt catch (3) into buckle (4). Make sure
SMCS Code: 7327 that the seat belt is placed low across the lap of the
Note: This machine was equipped with a seat belt
when the machine was shipped from Caterpillar. At The retractor will adjust the belt length and the
the time of installation, the seat belt and the retractor will lock in place. The comfort ride sleeve
instructions for installation of the seat belt meet the will allow the operator to have limited movement.
SAE J386 and ISO 6683 standards. Consult your Cat
dealer for all replacement parts.
Always check the condition of the seat belt and the
condition of the mounting hardware before you
operate the machine.
122 M0110641-02
Operation Section
Operator Controls

Releasing The Seat Belt

Illustration 156 g06223894

Push the release button on the buckle to release the

seat belt. The seat belt will automatically retract into
the retractor.
Illustration 157 g06471008

Extension of the Seat Belt (1) Hydraulic lockout control

(2) Left side switch panel
(3) Joystick controls
(4) Travel controls
(5) Monitor
(6) Right side switch panel
When using retractable seat belts, do not use (7) Engine start switch
seat belt extensions, or personal injury or death (8) Operator seat
can result.
The retractor system may or may not lock up de- Hydraulic Lockout Control (1)
pending on the length of the extension and the
size of the person. If the retractor does not lock The lever for the hydraulic lockout control is at the left
up, the seat belt will not retain the person. side of the left console.
Longer, non-retractable seat belts and extensions for Locked – Move the travel levers/pedals
the non-retractable seat belts are available. and move the joysticks to the HOLD
Caterpillar requires only non-retractable seat belts to (center) position. Move the lever for the
be used with a seat belt extension. hydraulic lockout control backward to the
LOCKED position. All the factory installed
Consult your Cat dealer for longer seat belts and for hydraulic controls will become inoperable.
information on extending the seat belts.
Note: Make sure that the lever for the hydraulic
i08669256 lockout control is in the LOCKED position before
attempting to start the engine. If the lever is in the
Operator Controls UNLOCKED position, the engine start switch will not
SMCS Code: 7300; 7301; 7451
Unlocked – Move the lever for the
Note: Your machine may not be equipped with all the hydraulic lockout control forward to the
controls that are described in this topic. UNLOCKED position. All the factory
installed hydraulic controls will become
M0110641-02 123
Operation Section
Operator Controls

Tilt – For machines equipped with the For further details, refer to Operation and
tilt-up console, pull the lever to the Maintenance Manual, “Quick Coupler Operation”.
rearmost position to release the console
lock and tilt the console upward for easier exit Joystick Controls (3)
and entry.
The joystick control is used to control the functions of
Left Side Switch Panel (2) the machine implements. For more information on
the individual functions of the joysticks, refer to
Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Joystick

Travel Control (4)

Illustration 159 g06178249

Illustration 158 g06219690

Position for normal travel
(A) Rear of machine
(B) Final drive
Beacon Light Switch (2A) (If equipped) (C) Idler

Beacon Light Switch – Push the top of When you travel, make sure that final drive sprockets
the switch to turn on the beacon light. (B) are under the rear of the machine.
Push the bottom of the switch to turn off
the beacon light. Stop – Release the travel levers/pedals to stop the
machine. When you release the travel levers/pedals
from any position, the travel levers/pedals will return
Quick Coupler Control (2B) (If equipped) to the CENTER position. The travel brakes will be

Move both of the travel levers or both of the travel

pedals equally in the same direction to travel straight.
If equipped, the switch for the quick coupler control is
on the left console. The switch is equipped with a
spring loaded lock button. To operate the switch, the
lock button must be pushed forward to release the
switch. With the lock held forward, press the rear of
the switch downward to uncouple the bucket or work
tool. Press the button again to attach the bucket or
work tool.
Note: An alarm will sound whenever the switch has
been activated to lock or unlock a work tool.
124 M0110641-02
Operation Section
Operator Controls

Illustration 160 g06178269 Illustration 162 g06178288

FORWARD travel Pivot left turn (FORWARD)

Illustration 161 g06178283 Illustration 163 g06178294

REVERSE travel Pivot Left Turn (REVERSE)
M0110641-02 125
Operation Section
Operator Controls

Illustration 164 g06178300 Illustration 166 g06178308

Counterrotate turn (LEFT) Pivot right turn (REVERSE)

Illustration 165 g06178305

Pivot right turn (FORWARD)
126 M0110641-02
Operation Section
Operator Controls

Illustration 168 g06180554

(A) Off
(B) On
(1) Engine start ring
(2) Start button

OFF – Turn the engine start ring (1) to

Illustration 167 g06178313 the OFF position (A) to stop the engine.
Counterrotate turn (RIGHT)
ON – To activate the electrical circuits in
Monitor (5) the cab and enable engine starting, turn
the engine start ring (1) clockwise to the
The monitor is used to display various operating ON position (B).
information of the machine. For more information on
the operation of the monitor, refer to “Monitoring START – To start the engine, enter the
System“. code on the monitor. Press start button
(2). After the engine starts, release the
Engine Start Switch (7) button.

The engine start switch must be in the ON position
and the engine must be running in order to maintain
electrical functions and hydraulic functions. This pro-
cedure must be followed in order to prevent serious
machine damage.
M0110641-02 127
Operation Section
Operator Controls

Note: Pressing the start button with the engine on will

also turn off the engine.

Operator's Seat (8)

There are different options for operators seats. Each
operator seat and console have various adjustments
to meet a wide range of operators. For more
information, refer to Operation and Maintenance
Manual, “Seat”.

Right Side Switch Panel (6)

Illustration 169 g06178333

Right side switch panel
(10) Engine speed / power mode control (15) Heating and air conditioning (20) Radio mute switch
(11) Light switch (16) Next menu (21) Window wiper
(12) Window washer (17) Travel alarm mute (If Equipped) (22) Travel speed control
(13) Operator Information (18) Home
(14) Jog dial (19) Radio control

Note: In addition to the intended functions, the Power Mode Control – Push in the dial to
buttons on the switch panel are numbered from 0-9. change the power mode settings. The
The numbered buttons can be used to enter numbers Power Mode Control allows the operator
into the monitor for screens such as the passcode to choose what power mode to operate the
screen. engine. The modes that can be selected are:
“ SMART”” and “ POWER”” .
Engine Speed / Power Mode Control (10)
Note: The default power mode setting can be set
Engine Speed Control – Turn the dial to control within the monitor. For more information, refer to
the engine speed (engine rpm). Select the desired “Monitoring System“.
position from the seven available positions. Turn
the dial counterclockwise to decrease the engine
speed (engine rpm). Turn the dial clockwise to
increase the engine speed (engine rpm).
128 M0110641-02
Operation Section
Operator Controls

Light Switch (11) Note: Your machine may be equipped with a lighting
system that has a time delay. When this system is
installed, the exterior lights will not turn off for a
predetermined amount of time after the engine start
switch has been turned to the OFF position. Refer to
“Monitoring System“Lighting Shutdown Timer for
more information.

Window Washer (12)

Window Washer (12) – Push the switch
to activate the window washer. While the
switch is depressed, the indicator light
will come on and washer fluid will spray from the
nozzle. The window wiper will also operate while
the switch is depressed. After the switch is
released for approximately 3 seconds, the
window wiper will stop.

If the wiper does not operate with the switch in the
ON position, turn the switch off immediately. Check
the cause. If the switch remains on, motor failure can
Illustration 170 g06178337

Light Switch – Push the switch to turn

on the work lights. If the washer is used continuously for more than 20
seconds or used when no washer solution comes
Whenever you push the switch, you change the out, motor failure can result.
pattern of the work lights that are turned on. The
indicator lights in the cab indicate the pattern of the
work lights. Operator Information (13)
Pattern 1 – When you press the light switch once, Help Button (13) – Press and hold this
the first indicator light turns on. When the first button to view the operator information
indicator light is on, the following work lights are
screen. The indicator light will illuminate
turned on: work light (D), which is mounted on the
chassis, and work lights (F), which are mounted on when the button is pressed.
the cab.
Jog Dial (14)
Pattern 2 – When you press the light switch twice, The jog dial can be used to select items displayed on
the first indicator light and the second indicator light the monitor screen. The dial can be rotated 360
turn on. When the first indicator light and the second degrees. The dial can also be moved left, right, up,
indicator lights are on, the following work lights are and down. The dial can be pushed in to make a
turned on: work light (D), which is mounted on the selection.
chassis, work lights (F), which are mounted on the
cab, and work lights (E), which are mounted on the Air Conditioning and Heating (15)
Air Conditioning and Heating (15) –
OFF – When both of the indicator lights are off, all the Press this button to bring up the air
work lights are off. conditioning and heating menu. The
indicator light will illuminate when the heating
and cooling system is active. The jog dial (13) can
Note: Your machine may be equipped with a be used to make selections. If equipped with a
premium surrounding lighting package with left side, touch screen, the selections can be made by
right side and rear lights. Refer to “Monitoring touching the monitor.
System“Work Light Control for more information.
Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual, Air
Conditioning and Heating Control for more
M0110641-02 129
Operation Section
Operator Controls

Next Menu (16) 3 Second Delay – When the window wiper switch is
depressed two times, the second indicator light will
Next Menu (16) – Press the next menu turn on. The window wiper will operate intermittently
button to access the next higher menu. at three second intervals.
If there is not a menu above the current Continuous Operation – When the window wiper
screen being viewed, the button will not do switch is depressed three times, the first indicator
anything. light and the second indicator light will turn on. The
window wiper will operate continuously.
Refer to “Monitoring System“ for more information.
OFF – When the window wiper switch is depressed
Travel Alarm Mute Switch (17) (If four times, the indicator lights will turn off. The
Equipped) window wiper stops.

Travel Alarm Mute Switch (17) – Press

travel alarm mute switch (17) to mute the
Travel Speed Control (22)
travel alarm.
Note: The travel alarm will sound when the travel
levers or the travel pedals are activated. Do not change the setting of the travel speed con-
trol switch while you travel. Machine stability may
Home (18) be adversely affected.

Home Key (18) – Press the home key to Personal injury can result from sudden changes
return to the default display at any time. in machine stability.

Refer to “Monitoring System“ for more information. Travel Speed Control Switch (22) –
Press the travel speed control switch to
Radio Control (19) select automatic travel speed or low
travel speed. When the engine start switch is on,
Radio Control (19) – Press this button to the travel speed control switch is always set at
display the radio controls on the the LOW SPEED position. Whenever the travel
monitor. The indicator light on the speed control switch is pressed, the travel speed
button will illuminate when the radio is turned on. changes. The indicator lights illuminate to show
Use jog dial (14) to make selections. If equipped which speed selection is active.
with a touch screen display, touch the icons on
the screens to make a selection. LOW SPEED – Select the LOW SPEED
position if you travel on rough surfaces
Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual, Radio or on soft surfaces or if you require a
for more information. great drawbar pull. Also, select the LOW SPEED
position if you are loading a machine onto a
Radio Mute (20) trailer or you are unloading a machine from a
Radio Mute (20) – Press radio mute
switch (20) to mute the radio. The AUTOMATIC – If you travel on a hard,
indicator light will illuminate when mute level surface at a fast speed, select the
is activated. Press the button again to unmute the AUTO position.

Window Wiper (21)

Window Wiper (21) – Push the switch to
activate the window wiper. Whenever
the switch is depressed, the mode of the
window wiper will change according to the
indicator light that is illuminated.
6 Second Delay – When the window wiper switch is
depressed one time, the first indicator light will turn
on. The window wiper will operate intermittently at six
second intervals.
130 M0110641-02
Operation Section
Operator Controls

Continuous driving at high speed should be limited to AUX – The AUX port is used to play music from a
2 hours. If you need to continue driving at high speed portable device. AUX must be selected on the
for more than 2 hours, stop the machine for 10 radio screen on the monitor.
minutes. This process will cool down the travel drives
before you resume driving.
12V Power Receptacle (24) & (25)
USB/Aux Ports (23) (If Equipped)

Illustration 172 g06178354

Electronic Technician service port
Illustration 171 g06204950
(23) USB/AUX/MIC port 12V Power Receptacle – The power
(24) 12V power receptacle
receptacles can be used to power
automotive electrical equipment or
USB – The USB port is used to play accessories. The power receptacle only operates
music from a portable device. The USB when the engine start switch is in the ON
symbol on the radio screen on the position.
monitor must be selected.
Service Port (26)
An Electronic Technician (ET) service port is located
inside the cab behind the seat. This service port
allows service personnel to connect a laptop
computer that is equipped with Electronic Technician.
Service personnel can use electronic technician to
diagnose machine and engine systems.
M0110641-02 131
Operation Section
Battery Disconnect Switch

Consult your Cat ® dealer for additional information. When the right side of the light is pressed, the lamp
will be illuminated until the lamp is switched to
Dome Light (27) another position.


Battery Disconnect Switch

SMCS Code: 1411-B11

Illustration 174 g06264946

Illustration 173 g06208645
The battery disconnect switch is on the left side of the
The dome light has three different positions. When machine behind the rear access door.
the dome light is in the center position (horizontal),
the light will come on when the door is open and shut
off when the door is closed.
When the left side of the light is pressed, the lamp will
be inoperable.

Illustration 175 g06264951

(1) Battery disconnect switch

Battery Disconnect Switch – The battery

disconnect switch can be used to
disconnect the battery from the
machines electrical system. The key must be
inserted into the battery disconnect switch
before the battery disconnect switch can be

ON – To activate the electrical system,

insert the disconnect switch key and
turn the battery disconnect switch
clockwise. The battery disconnect switch must
be turned to the ON to enable battery power to
start the engine.
132 M0110641-02
Operation Section
Product Link

OFF – To deactivate the electrical Caterpillar and/or Cat dealers may use this
system, turn the battery disconnect information for various purposes. Refer to the
switch counterclockwise to the OFF following list for possible uses:
• Providing services to the customer and/or the
The battery disconnect switch and the engine start machine
switch perform different functions. The entire
electrical system is disabled when you turn the • Checking or maintaining Cat Product Link
battery disconnect switch to the OFF position. The equipment
battery remains connected to the electrical system
when you turn the engine start switch to the OFF • Monitoring the health of the machine or
position. performance
Turn the battery disconnect switch to the OFF • Helping maintain the machine and/or improve the
position and remove the key when you service the efficiency of the machine
electrical system or any other machine components.
If installed with a cover lock, close the cover and • Evaluating or improving Cat products and
install a padlock. services
It is also good practice to use the disconnect switch • Complying with legal requirements and valid court
after you operate the machine. This will prevent the orders
battery from being discharged. The following
problems can cause battery discharge: • Performing market research
• short circuits • Offering the customer new products and services
• current draw via some components Caterpillar may share some or all the collected
information with Caterpillar affiliated companies,
• vandalism dealers, and authorized representatives. Caterpillar
will not sell or rent collected information to any other
i08001446 third party and will exercise reasonable efforts to
keep the information secure. Caterpillar recognizes
Product Link and respects customer privacy. For more information,
please contact your local Cat dealer.
SMCS Code: 7490; 7606

Note: Your machine may be equipped with the Cat ® Operation in a Blast Site for
Product Link™ system. Product Link Radios
The Cat Product Link communication device utilizes
cellular and/or satellite technology to communicate
equipment information. This information is
communicated to Caterpillar, Cat dealers, and This equipment is equipped with a Cat® Product
Caterpillar customers. The Cat Product Link Link communication device. When electric deto-
communication device uses Global Positioning nators are being used for blasting operations, ra-
System (GPS) satellite receivers. dio frequency devices can cause interference
with electric detonators for blasting operations
The capability of two-way communication between which can result in serious injury or death. The
the equipment and a remote user is available with the Product Link communication device should be
Cat Product Link communication device. The remote deactivated within the distance mandated under
user can be a dealer or a customer. all applicable national or local regulatory require-
ments. In the absence of any regulatory require-
ments Caterpillar recommends the end user
Data Broadcasts perform their own risk assessment to determine
safe operating distance.
Data concerning this machine, the condition of the
machine, and the operation of the machine is being Refer to your products Operation and Maintenance
transmitted by Cat Product Link to Caterpillar and/or Manual Supplement, “Regulatory Compliance
Cat dealers. The data is used to serve the customer Information” for more information.
better and to improve upon Cat products and
services. The information transmitted may include: For information regarding the methods to disable the
machine serial number, machine location, and Cat Product Link communication device, please refer
operational data, including but not limited to: fault to your specific Cat Product Link manual listed below:
codes, emissions data, fuel usage, service meter
hours, software, and hardware version numbers and • Operation and Maintenance Manual, SEBU8142, “
installed attachments.
Product Link - PL121, PL321, PL522, and PL523”
M0110641-02 133
Operation Section
Machine Security System

• Operation and Maintenance Manual, SEBU8832, “

Product Link PLE702, PLE602, PLE601, PL641,
PL631, PL542, PL240, PL241, PL243, PL141,
PL131, PL161, PL083 and PL042 Systems”
Note: If no radio disable switch is installed and the
equipment will be operating near a blast zone, a
Product Link radio disable switch may be installed on
the equipment. The switch will allow the Cat Product
Illustration 176 g06223917
Link communication device to be shut off by the
operator from the equipment control panel. For more Machines that are equipped with Cat MSS can be
details and installation procedures, refer to the identified by a decal in the operator station Read the
following: following information and know your machines
settings. Your Cat dealer can identify your machine
• Special Instruction, REHS7339, “Installation settings.
Procedure for Product Link PLE640 Systems”
The Cat Machine Security System (MSS)
• Special Instruction, REHS8850, “Installation discourages unwanted operation of a machine. When
Procedure for the Elite Product Link PLE601, armed, the MSS requires operator login to start the
PLE641, and PLE631 Systems” engine. The following methods of operator login to
disarm the security system are available:
• Special Instruction, SEHS0377, “Installation
Procedure for the Product Link PL131, PL141, • Cat Bluetooth® key fob
and PL161 Systems”
• Cat App: Fleet Management
• Special Instruction, REHS9111, “Installation
Procedure for the Pro Product Link PL641 and • Passcode
PL631 Systems”

• Special Instruction, M0098124, “Installation

Procedure for Pro Product Link PL243 Systems”
• Special Instruction, M0109130, “Installation
Procedure for Product Link PL683 and PL783


Machine Security System

SMCS Code: 7631

General Information
This machine may be equipped with a Cat ® Machine
Security System (MSS) and may not start under cer-
tain conditions.

Illustration 177 g06212167

Bluetooth Connections
(1) Cat Bluetooth key fob (CATBTFOB)
(2) Cat App: Fleet Management mobile application
(3) Cat Bluetooth transceiver (CATBTNT)
134 M0110641-02
Operation Section
Machine Security System

The Cat Bluetooth key fob (1) contains an electronic When the engine start switch is turned to the ON
chip. The electronic chip has a unique identification position, the display boots up. If Bluetooth detection
number (ID). A Bluetooth transceiver is mounted in is enabled, the transceiver will receive a signal from
the cab to read the ID of the key. The Bluetooth any Bluetooth key that is present or from the mobile
transceiver module translates the information application. The ECM will then compare this ID to the
received from the key fob into a J1939 message. This list of authorized keys.
message is sent to the Electronic Control Module
(ECM) that is connected to the MSS. The ECM is Note: If multiple devices are present, the first valid
typically the Machine ECM. The ECM is set up with device detected by the transceiver will be read.
the ID of the keys of the intended users.
If the ID of the key matches an authorized key, the
When the MSS is armed, the ECM validates the ID of status indicator on the engine start switch will turn a
the key fob. If the key ID is on the list of authorized green color and the MSS will disarm. This disarming
keys in the ECM and the key is valid, the machine will will allow the operator access to critical functions of
operate normally. If the key ID is not on the list of the machine.
authorized keys in the ECM or is not valid, the MSS
will keep the critical machine functions disabled. If the ID of the key that is read does not match the list
in the ECM, the status indicator will remain a red
Note: A Bluetooth enabled phone can disarm MSS if color. The MSS remains in the “armed” state and the
the phone is on the list. Operator Management machine will remain disabled.
System (OMS) is necessary to be able to add phones If the MSS is disabled and the ID of the key matches
to the vehicle ID list. After the phone is added, OMS an authorized key, the operator will be identified and
is no longer needed for the Cat App: Fleet allowed access to the critical machine functions. The
management mobile application to function as a valid operator will be able to save configurations and start
key. the machine.
If the MSS is not installed, the operator can skip the If the MSS is disabled and the ID of the key that is
login and the machine will operate normally. read does not match an authorized key, the operator
must log in as a guest. The operator will not be able
to save custom configurations but will have access to
Components starting the engine.
The Machine Security System (MSS) consists of the
following components: Activating Bluetooth Functionality
• Electronic Control Module (ECM) For shipping purposes, Bluetooth functionality is
deactivated. Ensure that Bluetooth functionality is
• Cat Bluetooth key fob (CATBTFOB) active on your machine using the following
• Machine display
1. Ensure that the function is active from the radio
• Bluetooth transceiver module (CATBTNT) screen:
• Engine start switch

System Overview
The Machine Security System (MSS) is designed to
restrict operation of a machine. A list of the
authorized electronic keys and passcodes for a
machine is contained in the ECM for the MSS. A valid
Bluetooth key fob, mobile application, or passcode
can disarm the MSS. If the MSS is disabled or not
installed, any operator may access critical machine
The Cat ® Electronic Technician (Cat ET) Service Tool
can be used to program the ECM with the authorized
keys and passcodes. Bluetooth devices and Illustration 178 g06319669
passcodes can be registered using the in-cab display
if the operator is logged in to the system using a
master access account. a. From the home screen, press the navigation
button in the lower left corner, then select
“Audio” .
M0110641-02 135
Operation Section
Machine Security System

Illustration 181 g06319672

2. Press the radio function list menu button in the

lower right corner, then select “Bluetooth” .

Illustration 179 g06319667

b. Press the radio function list menu button in the

lower right corner, then select “Bluetooth” .
Ensure that “Bluetooth” is set to “ON” .

Pairing Your Device to the Machine

Use to following procedure to pair your device to the

Illustration 182 g06319676

3. Select “Pairing” , then “Device Name” .

Illustration 180 g06319669

1. From the home screen, press the navigation

button in the lower left corner, then select “Audio” .
136 M0110641-02
Operation Section
Machine Security System

There are two states of operation within the “armed”

Engine Start Switch Ring Position OFF – When no
power is applied to the MSS, the MSS will default to
“armed” state. When power is applied to the MSS
and the grace period has expired, the MSS will return
to the “MSS Armed” .

Engine Start Ring Switch Position ON – When the

engine start switch ring is first moved to the ON
position, the display boots up and the system
attempts to detect a Bluetooth key ID or mobile
application ID. The ECM will continue reading until a
valid key ID is read or a passcode is entered. If a
valid key ID or passcode is not read, the MSS status
indicator will remain red and the MSS remains

When the MSS is disarmed, normal machine
Illustration 183 g06319681 operation is allowed. A message is sent to the other
Machine name on monitoring system and operator machine ECMs over the Cat data link. or J1939 data
device link. The machine will be able to start. The green LED
on the status indicator will illuminate.
4. Find your device on the list and pair the devices. There are multiple ways to disarm the machine:
Ensure that the devices are paired on your phone
as well. • Use a valid passcode

Note: The device name on your phone should be “## • Use a valid Bluetooth key fob
CAT RADIO” , with the number being from “00” to
“99” . • Use the Cat App: Fleet management mobile
Reading the ID of a Key • Use the Cat ® Electronic Technician (Cat ET)
Service Tool to configure the MSS bypass
The Machine Security System (MSS) must identify a schedule to allow machine operations during
valid passcode, Bluetooth key fob ID, or Cat App: scheduled periods of time during the week.
Fleet management mobile application ID.
When the engine start switch ring is turned to the ON Grace Period
position, the MSS will check the ID of any key fob or
mobile application. If the ID matches a key ID stored After a machine has been started successfully, the
in the machine ECM, the critical ECM functions are operator will have a grace period after the machine is
enabled. An enable message is also sent via the Cat turned off before the MSS is automatically armed.
data link or J1939 data link to the other ECMs on The operator is not required to arm the system
the machine. The machine will operate normally. manually.
Note: If the machine ECM has failed or has been During the grace period an operator can start the
removed, the critical machine operations controlled machine without a key ID or passcode. When the
by the other electronic control modules will not grace period expires, the MSS will rearm
operate. automatically.
If the MSS is unable to read a key ID, the system will
Armed remain armed. When the MSS identifies a key with
an invalid key ID, the system will remain armed.
When the MSS is armed, critical machine functions
are disabled. The MSS disables the power that is
supplied to each component that is powered by the
output drivers. The machine will not be able to
operate normally.
M0110641-02 137
Operation Section
Machine Security System

The grace period for a machine can be configured configurations and operator management. If the
with Cat ET if a factory password or master level Machine Security System (MSS) is enabled, guest
account is available. operators cannot start the machine.
Standard – A standard operator is a registered user
Navigating the User Interface of the machine. Operators with this access level can
Touchscreen Display start the engine whether or not the MSS is installed.
This user may save a control configuration for future
Master – Master accounts can perform operator
management in addition to all standard level

Any “Standard” or “Master” account may be created

or removed by a “Master” level operator.
Table 21
Selections and Access for the Touchscreen Display

Access Level Operator Setting

“Operator Input Configuration”
Guest “Response”
“Change Operator”
Illustration 184 g06210561
Startup sequence screens “Operator Input Configuration”
The display will start up automatically after turning “Controls Setup”
“Change Operator”
the battery disconnect switch to the ON position. The
screen will prompt the operator to turn the engine “Operator Input Configuration”
start ring to the ON position. When the engine start “Response”
ring is turned to the ON position, the display will Master “Controls Setup”
navigate to the passcode entry screen. “Change Operator”
“Manage Operator”
If the operator has not turned the engine start ring to
the ON position, the display will time out after 1
Operation of Status Indicator
If the battery disconnect switch is already on and the
display is off, the display will startup automatically
after the engine start ring is powered on. The Cat
screen will appear for a short time and then login
keypad will appear.

Note: Avoid touching the screen with sharp objects.

The access level assigned to the operator can limit or
expand the amount of freedom the user has to
manage the system. The following paragraphs
explain access levels.
There are three levels of operator access recognized
by the touchscreen display. The following levels are
• Guest

• Standard
• Master
Guest – If an operator does not have an
authenticated key or passcode, the user is able to
Illustration 185 g06215426
bypass log in as a guest. Some menu features will
not be available such as the options for saving Engine start switch with integrated MSS indicator
138 M0110641-02
Operation Section
Machine Security System

The Machine Security System (MSS) uses a status For machines with a standard key switch, a separate
indicator that is integrated into the engine start switch status indicator will be available.
in the cab. This indicator provides a visible alert for
the security system. Operator Login
The operator can use the status indicator to
determine the status of the system or for Any user may start the engine if the Machine Security
troubleshooting. System (MSS) is disabled.
If the MSS is active, only a “Standard” or “Master”
account can start the machine engine. Before starting
the machine engine, the security system must
identify a registered operator. An operator can
access the machine display using one of the
following methods:

• Passcode
• Cat Bluetooth key

• Cat App: Fleet management mobile application

Passcode Entry

Illustration 186 g06226442 To log in using a passcode, refer to the following

Status indicator when the MSS is armed

When the MSS is armed, the status indicator will be

red. The red light warns the operator that the
machine is armed with the security system and that
an operator login is required. The red LED will remain
ON until a valid key is read while the key switch or
engine start switch ring is in the ON position.

Illustration 188 g06180554

(A) Off
(B) On
(1) Engine start switch ring
(2) Engine start button

Illustration 187 g06226444 1. Turn engine start switch (1) to the ON position (B).
Status indicator when the MSS is disarmed or

When the MSS is disarmed, the status indicator will

be green. The green light notifies the operator that an
operator is logged on the machine and the security
system has been disarmed. The status indicator will
be green if the MSS is not installed on the machine.
Also, the green LED will remain ON after power down
for the duration of the grace period. After the grace
period, the MSS automatically returns to the “armed”
M0110641-02 139
Operation Section
Machine Security System

Illustration 189 g06209470 Illustration 190 g06211194

2. Enter a registered passcode using the monitor 3. Select “Enter” to confirm the passcode. If a
keypad and then press “Enter” . registered passcode is recognized, the operator
information screen will appear on the display. If the
Note: The jog dial or the numbered buttons on the MSS is not installed, the passcode screen will be
right-side switch panel can also be used to enter the
bypassed automatically after 10 seconds. The
operator will be logged in to the system as a guest.
Refer to Illustration 190 .
4. Select “OK” to continue to the display homescreen.
140 M0110641-02
Operation Section
Machine Security System

The operator has five tries to enter a valid passcode

successfully. After a fifth unsuccessful attempt, a
lockout screen will appear and remain on the display
for a duration of 5 minutes.
Note: If the Machine Security System (MSS) is not
active, the user can select the “Skip Login” button to
avoid the lockout period. Refer to the “Bypass login”
section for further information.

Bypass login

Operator login can be bypassed if the user selects

the “Skip Login” button on the display. The operator
will be logged in to the machine with “Guest” level
If the MSS is inactive, the operator will be able to
start the engine as normal and view all display
If the MSS is active on the machine, the operator is
able to view all display screens but will not have
access to starting the engine.
Illustration 191 g06209482

Bluetooth Entry
5. After an operator logs in to the system
successfully, an “Engine Start Allowed” message Alternatively, a Bluetooth Operator ID can be used to
will appear across the top of the monitor. Refer to log in to the machine. For a Bluetooth key to be
Operation and Maintenance Manual, Engine detected by the system, ensure that the following
Starting for instructions on starting the engine. qualifications are met:

Invalid Passcode • The key must be registered with the machine

• The key must be within the cab

• Bluetooth setting must be enabled on the display

Refer to the following steps when logging in to a
machine using the Bluetooth key:

Illustration 193 g06180554

Illustration 192 g06209472
(A) Off
Invalid passcode screen (B) On
(1) Engine start switch ring
If a passcode is not recognized, the display will notify (2) Engine start button
the user with an “Invalid code” message. Refer to
Illustration 192 . 1. Turn engine start switch (1) to the ON position (B).
M0110641-02 141
Operation Section
Machine Security System

2. Wait several seconds for the system to detect the

key when the passcode dialog appears. Once the
key is detected, the “Operator Information” screen
will display.

Illustration 195 g06209482

4. After an operator logs in to the system

successfully, an “Engine Start Allowed” message
will appear across the top of the monitor. Refer to
Illustration 194 g06209615
Operation and Maintenance Manual, Engine
Bluetooth operator information screen Starting for instructions on starting the engine.
3. Select the “OK” button if the proper operator has NOTICE
been displayed. The access level will change to a “Guest” account au-
tomatically if the key is removed from the cab at any
time. If the MSS is enabled and the engine is on
when the key is removed from the cab, the operator
will not be able to start the engine if turned off. To turn
on the engine again without the Bluetooth key, the
operator will need to log in a registered account using
either the smart phone application or passcode.

Note: If multiple Bluetooth devices are within the cab,

the system will select the first device detected by the
Bluetooth transceiver as the active operator.

Cat ®Fleet Management Mobile

Operators can also log in to a machine using the Cat
App: Fleet management mobile application. For the
application to be detected by the system, ensure that
the following qualifications are met:
• The Mobile Device ID (MDID) of the mobile
application must be assigned to the machine in the
Operator Management System (OMS)
Note: It is not possible to assign mobile devices
through the MSS interface.

• The mobile device must be within the cab

142 M0110641-02
Operation Section
Machine Security System

• “Operator Management Bluetooth Device

Enabled Status” is enabled (Cat ET

Note: For adding an operator, adding MDID to the

machine key list, and pushing the machine key list
from the OMS to the machine refer to the OMS
documentation at:

Mobile Device / Operating Software Compatibility

Table 22
Mobile Device / Operating Software Compatibility

Make Model
Android 8.x Oreo
Android Varies and up (Preferably
Android 9.x Pie )

iPhone 6/ iPhone 6 iOS 11.0 and up

Apple Illustration 197 g06400799
Plus and up (Preferably 12)

2. Open the Cat App: Fleet management mobile

Note: Android mobile hardware support for Bluetooth application on the mobile device.
can vary, so it is possible that a mobile device
running Android 8.x software or higher could have
hardware that does not support Bluetooth 4.1.
Mobile Application Entry (Android Devices)

To log in using the Cat App: Fleet management

mobile application, refer to the following steps:

Illustration 198 g06433500

Illustration 196 g06180554
(A) Off 3. Click “I Agree” to agree with the End-User License
(B) On
(1) Engine start switch ring
Agreement and sign in with Cat eCustomer
(2) Engine start button account credentials.

1. Turn engine start switch (1) to the ON position (B). Note: If you do not have a Cat eCustomer account,
click “Get Started” to create one.

4. Select “Login” .
M0110641-02 143
Operation Section
Machine Security System

Illustration 199 g06214518 Illustration 201 g06433507

CWS login screen (1) Menu Icon
(2) Map Icon
(3) Add Equipment Icon
5. Enter Cat eCustomer account credentials.
7. Upon login, the Cat App: Fleet management
mobile application will open onto the equipment

Note: The “Equipment” tab will be empty on the first


The Menu Icon (1) includes “Preferences” ,

“Notifications and Alerts” , along with various
documents covering the end-user license
agreement, and privacy notice.
By tapping the Map Icon (2), the operator will be
able to see the location of each vehicle on their
“Equipment” tab on a map.
Illustration 200 g06400826
If a vehicle is not equipped with a telematics
device, or the vehicle is a non-caterpillar machine
6. Click “Allow” to enable the Cat App: Fleet
it may be necessary to add it manually using the
management mobile application to work as
Add Equipment Icon (3).
Note: Cat App: Fleet management requires access
to the mobile device location to use Bluetooth radio
to connect to Cat machines.
144 M0110641-02
Operation Section
Machine Security System

Illustration 202 g06433513 Illustration 203 g06433520

8. Go to the keys tab. 10. Ensure that the machine is ON to connect to a

Keys are necessary to connect to vehicles. If no
keys are given, the screen in Illustration 202 will The machine display should prompt the operator
be displayed. The MDID is necessary to assign for a password. In the “Keys” tab in the Cat App:
keys to the user account. The MDID of Android Fleet management mobile application and tap the
devices is linked to the app. key that matches the machine. If a vehicle is OFF,
currently occupied, or too far away the key will be
Note: Uninstalling the Cat App: Fleet management grayed out and say “Out of range” .
mobile application will result in the MDID and keys
being deleted. The Sim card of the phone contains Note: If the machine has a user signed in that is not
the MDID information, damage to the Sim card may in the cab and it has become necessary for a
result in keys being lost, if the phone is replaced different user to operate the machine, change the
transfer the Sim card to avoid key loss. operator in operator setting.
9. Pull the “Equipment Keys” down to refresh the list
once the Fleet/Key configuration process has
finished. Wait up to 30 seconds until the keys
populate. If the keys do not populate, check that
the MDID is correct and that the list was pushed
properly through OMS.
M0110641-02 145
Operation Section
Machine Security System

Illustration 204 g06433521 Illustration 206 g06209482

11. Access the “Equipment” tab by tapping it. The 13. After an operator logs in to the system
machines associated with the keys should have successfully, an “Engine Start Allowed” message
populated. To learn more about a machine, tap it. will appear across the top of the monitor. Refer to
Operation and Maintenance Manual, Engine
Starting for instructions on starting the engine.

Mobile Application Entry (iOS Devices)

To log in using the Cat App: Fleet management

mobile application, refer to the following steps:

Illustration 205 g06433525

Illustration 207 g06180554
(A) Off
12. Press the “Disconnect” button if the user wishes (B) On
to disconnect. If the user wants to switch (1) Engine start switch ring
machines, tap the arrow in the upper left then tap (2) Engine start button
the machine the operator wants to be switched to.
1. Turn engine start switch (1) to the ON position (B).
Note: Disconnect from vehicles if the user is not
2. Ensure that Bluetooth detection is enabled on the
going to be using a vehicle again within a short time.
in-cab display.
146 M0110641-02
Operation Section
Machine Security System

Illustration 208 g06400799 Illustration 210 g06214875

Cat App: Fleet management mobile application icon
6. Enter eCustomer account credentials to log in.
3. Open the Cat App: Fleet management mobile
application on the mobile device.

Illustration 211 g06433533

(1) Menu Icon
Illustration 209 g06433528 (2) Map Icon
(3) Add Equipment Icon

4. Click “I Agree” to agree with the End-User License

7. Upon login the Cat App: Fleet management mobile
Agreement and sign in with Cat eCustomer
application will open onto the equipment tab.
account credentials.
Note: The equipment tab will be empty on the first
Note: If you do not have a Cat eCustomer account,
click “Get Started” to create one.

5. Select “Login” .
M0110641-02 147
Operation Section
Machine Security System

The Menu Icon (1) includes “Preferences” ,

“Notifications and Alerts” , along with various
documents covering the end-user license
agreement, and privacy notice.
By tapping the Map (2), the operator will be able to
see the location of each vehicle on the equipment
tab on a map.
When using this for the first time, the Cat App:
Fleet management mobile application will ask if it
can use the location feature. Allow the location
feature to use the map.
If a vehicle is not equipped with a telematics
device, or the vehicle is a non-caterpillar machine
it may be necessary to add it manually using the
add equipment button (3).

Illustration 213 g06433538

10. To connect to a machine, ensure that the

machine is ON. The machine display should
prompt the operator for a password. At this point
on the Cat App: Fleet management mobile
application go to the “Keys” tab and tap the key
that matches the machine. If a vehicle is OFF,
currently occupied, or too far away the key will be
grayed out and say “Out of range” .

Illustration 212 g06433536

8. Access the “Keys” tab. Keys are necessary to

connect to vehicles. If no keys are given, the
screen in Illustration 212 will be displayed. The
MDID is necessary to assign keys to the user
account. The MDID of IOS devices is linked to the
user account.
9. Once the Fleet/Key configuration process has
finished, tap the refresh button in the Cat App:
Fleet management mobile application top right.
Wait up to 30 seconds until the keys populate. If
the keys do not populate, check that the MDID is
correct and that the list was pushed properly in Illustration 214 g06433540
11. Press the disconnect button if the user wishes to
disconnect. If the user wants to switch machines
tap the arrow in the upper left, then tap the key of
the machine to switch to.
148 M0110641-02
Operation Section
Machine Security System

Note: Disconnect from vehicle if the user will not be

using the vehicle again within a short time.

Illustration 215 g06209482

12. After an operator logs in to the system

successfully, an “Engine Start Allowed” message
will appear across the top of the monitor. Refer to
Operation and Maintenance Manual, Engine
Starting for instructions on starting the engine.

Engine Start Switch Troubleshooting

Table 23
Switch Status Possible Cause Resolution
Engine start accessory power not on Turn engine start switch ring to ON position
Engine startswitch is not illuminated
Cycle engine start switch ring and try to
Power management triggered
Engine start switch is green Starting component failure Contact your Cat dealer

Machine interlock conditions not met Hydraulic lock in LOCKED position

Engine shut down without cycling start switch

Cycle engine start switch ring and try restart

Add operator to machine authorized user list

Operator not authenticated (Passcode login) Switch operator from guest mode using
Engine start switch is red

Add operator to machine authorized user list

Replace key fob battery

Operator not authenticated (Bluetooth key)
Ensure more than 4.5 m (15 ft) from other
Bluetooth equipped machine

M0110641-02 149
Operation Section
Monitoring System

(Table 23, contd)

Switch Status Possible Cause Resolution
Alternately login with display passcode or
contact local Cat dealer
Add operator to machine authorized user list

Ensure more than 4.5 m (15 ft) from other

Bluetooth equipped machine

Enable phone Bluetooth and connect Cat

Operator not authenticated (Cat Fleet man-
Fleet management app
agement app)
Change Bluetooth system
enable status to enabled (Cat dealer)

Contact local Cat dealer if unable to see ma-

chine Bluetooth device

i08606243 The monitoring system is an input and an output of

the Machine Control System. The monitor has a
Monitoring System multi-touch 8 inch or 10 inch display. The Machine
Control System communicates back and forth on the
SMCS Code: 7451; 7490 data link. The monitoring system consists of the
following components:

• Display (with numerous screens and menus)

Do not operate the machine if the monitor is not • Indicators
functioning (for example, monitor has a black
screen or is not responding) when the key switch • Gauges
is in the ON position.
• Soft Switch Panel
The monitor provides images from the camera
system and other information for safe machine • Jog Dial
operation. Operating the machine without a prop-
erly functioning monitor may result in injury or
death. If the monitor is not functioning, place the
machine in a safe state by following the proce-
dures for stopping and parking the machine. De-
termine the cause of the monitor malfunction and
correct before returning the machine to service.

When the monitor provides a warning, immediately
check the monitor and perform the required action or
maintenance as indicated by the monitor.
The monitor indicator does not guarantee that the
machine is in a good condition. Do not use the moni-
tor panel as the only method of inspection. Mainte-
nance and inspection of the machine must be
performed on a regular basis. See the Maintenance
Section of this Operation and Maintenance Manual.

General Information
Reference: For complete monitoring system
information, refer to Operation and Maintenance
Manual, M0109053, “ Next Generation Hydraulic
Excavator Monitoring System Supplement”.
150 M0110641-02
Operation Section
Monitoring System

Action Lamps (1)

The action lamps illuminate to show that a problem
has occurred with the machine.

Status Information Area (2)

Illustration 217 g06720245

(2A) Multi Status Information
(2B) Seatbelt Switch Status (if equipped)
(2C) Hydraulic Lockout Control
(2D) Eco Mode
(2E) Work Tool
(2F) XX
Illustration 216 g06720205 (2G) XX
(1) Action Lamps (2H) XX
(2) Status Information Area (2J) XX
(3) Notification Center Icon (2K) Heavy Lift / Cat ® Dig Boost (if equipped)
(4) Camera View Area (2L) XX
(5) Gauge Area (2M) XX
(6) Navigation Area (2N) XX
(7) Function List (2P) XX
(8) Shortcuts
Reference: For complete status information, refer to
The monitoring system displays various warnings Operation and Maintenance Manual, M0109053, “
and information about the condition of the machine, Next Generation Hydraulic Excavator Monitoring
and the machines surrounding with various camera System Supplement”.
views. There are gauges and several alert indicators
included on monitoring system display. Each gauge
is dedicated to a parameter within a machine system.
The monitoring system will allow the user to do the

• View Surroundings
• Interpret status information

• Interpret parameters
• View Operation and Maintenance Manual (OMM)
• View service intervals

• Perform calibrations
• Troubleshoot machine systems
M0110641-02 151
Operation Section
Monitoring System

Notification Center Icon (3) • Split horizontally

The camera view can be toggled when the cursor is
on the camera view area and the area is touched or
the jog dial is turned.

Gauge Area (5)

Fuel Level – This gauge indicates the
amount of fuel that is remaining in the
fuel tank. When the fuel gauge is in the
red range, add fuel immediately.

Hydraulic Oil Temperature – This gauge

indicates the temperature of the
hydraulic oil. The normal operating
range is the green range. If the gauge is in the
white range, the engine and machine warm-up is
required. Refer to Operation and Maintenance
Manual, “Engine and Machine Warm-up”. If the
gauge reaches the red range, reduce the load on
the system. If the gauge stays in the red range,
stop the machine and investigate the cause of the
Illustration 218 g06720210
Engine Coolant Temperature – This
(3A) Event Description
(3B) Event Symbol gauge indicates the temperature of the
(3C) Event ID engine coolant. The normal operating
range is the green range. If the gauge is in the
Event Description (3A) – This area will display the white range, the engine and machine warm-up is
description of pop-up message of the impending required. Refer to Operation and Maintenance
problem. Manual, “Engine and Machine Warm-up”. If the
gauge reaches the red range, stop the machine
• Line 1 : System and investigate the cause of the problem.

• Line 2 : Condition Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) Gauge (If

Equipped) – This gauge indicates the
• Line 3 : Action to be taken level of DEF fluid in the DEF tank. When
the DEF gauge is in the red range, add DEF
Event Symbol (3B) – This area will display the immediately.
symbol of the problem
Navigation Bar (6)
Event ID (3C) – The identification number for the
event will be shown here. Apps Key – Allows you to display
different information in the gauge area
related to operation. Also contains air
Camera View (4) conditioner and audio controls. This key includes
the settings screen allowing change of a
This area on the monitor displays the view of the multitude of parameters, some password
cameras. A rear view camera mounted on top of the protected.
counterweight and an optional side view camera
mounted in the side panel next to the hydraulic tank. Function List Key – Allows you to turn
on and off various functions related to
If both rear view camera and side view camera are the active screen. This icon only
equipped, the monitor screen can be toggled to appears in certain screens where additional
settings are necessary.
• Rear only Shortcuts – Allows you to set certain shortcuts on
the navigation bar.
• Side only
• Split vertically
152 M0110641-02
Operation Section
Monitoring System

Reference: For complete machine warning

information, refer to Operation and Maintenance
Machine Warnings Manual, M0109053, “Next Generation Hydraulic
Excavator Monitoring System Supplement”.

Logging In

Illustration 219 g06720213

Notification Center
(1) Notification Center Icon
(2) Notification Center Dashboard Illustration 220 g06242074

The Monitor will display warnings, and log events for There are different ways to access the monitor which
machine conditions that are not within normal include:
operating parameters.
• Guest access
The event warnings are classified into three warning
levels. Warning Level 1 represents the least severe • Passcode access
problem and Warning Level 3 represents the most
severe problem. The warning levels, monitor • Bluetooth access
response, and the required operator actions are
given below. • Cat ® Fleet Management app

Warning Level 1 (Gray) – Requires operator

awareness. The icon and pop-up message will both
appear gray.
Warning Level 2 (Amber) – Requires a change in
the operation of the machine or a change in the
maintenance of the machine to correct the condition.
The icon and pop-up message will both appear
amber and the action lamp will blink.
Warning Level 3 (Red) – Requires immediate
shutdown of the machine to prevent damage to the
machine or personnel. The icon and pop-up message
will both appear red, the action lamp will blink, and
the buzzer will sound.

When multiple warnings are present in the system,

the highest warning is shown first. Swipe the
message up or down to view all the logged warnings.
M0110641-02 153
Operation Section
Fuel Transfer Pump (Refueling)

For more information on logging in, refer to Operation

and Maintenance Manual, Machine Security System Air conditioner button (3) – Press the button to
- Operator Login. access the air conditioner controls.
Next menu button (4) – This button is equivalent to
Navigation the function list key on the monitor. This button can
only be used on screens where the function list key is
Home button (5) – Press this button to return to the
main screen.
Audio button (6) – Press this button to access the
audio controls.
Mute button (7) – Press this button to mute the
audio. Press the button again to unmute the audio.

Each of the buttons is also assigned a number which

is imprinted in the top corner of the button. These
buttons can be used to enter the numerical
passcodes used to log in to the monitor.


Fuel Transfer Pump

(If Equipped)
SMCS Code: 1256
Use the following procedure to pump fuel and store
the hose.

Illustration 221 g06464384

Right side switch panel
(1) Operator information button
(2) Jog dial
(3) Air conditioner button
(4) Next menu button
(5) Home button
(6) Audio button
(7) Mute button

The monitor can be navigated by touch screen or the

switch panel. Switch panel components can be used
to interface with the monitor in the following ways:
Operator information button (1) – Press and hold Illustration 222 g06208102
this button to access the operator information screen. (1) Suction valve
This screen shows information such as operator (2) Suction hose
settings. (3) Electric refueling pump
(4) ON/OFF switch
Jog dial (2) – Rotate the jog dial to highlight menu
items in the monitor. Push the jog dial down to select
the highlighted item.
154 M0110641-02
Operation Section

ON/OFF Switch – Push the ON/OFF 5. Uncoil the hose and turn the end of the suction
switch to activate or deactivate the fuel valve clockwise to open the suction valve.
transfer pump. A red indicator on the
switch will illuminate when the fuel transfer pump 6. Properly insert the end of the suction valve into a
is activated. container of fuel.
If one of the following conditions occur, the fuel 7. Push switch (4) to activate the fuel transfer pump
transfer pump will not activate and/or stop operating: and supply the fuel to the tank. A red indicator on
the switch will illuminate when the fuel transfer
• Battery disconnect switch is in the OFF position pump is activated.
• Engine is operating When the fuel tank is full, the fuel transfer pump
will automatically stop.
• Engine start switch is moved to the START
position. When the fuel container is empty, push the switch
again to stop refueling. If additional fuel is needed,
• Engine start switch is in the OFF position wait 30 seconds and return to step 6.
• Hydraulic lockout control is not in the LOCKED Note: The red indicator on the switch will no longer
position illuminate when the fuel transfer pump has stopped
• Fuel tank level is full refueling.

• Fuel is not detected at the suction valve. Note: The fuel transfer pump will not activate for 30
seconds following a detection of no fuel at the suction
• 30 seconds following a detection of no fuel at the valve.
suction valve.
8. Push the switch at any time to deactivate the fuel
Use the following procedure to pump fuel and store transfer pump.
the hose.
Note: The red indicator on the switch will no longer
1. Park the machine on a level surface. Move the illuminate when the fuel transfer pump has stopped
hydraulic lockout control to the LOCKED position. refueling.
Stop the engine
9. Drain excess fuel from the hose and turn the end
2. Turn the engine start switch to the ON position
of the suction valve counter-clockwise to close the
without starting the engine.
suction valve.
3. Remove the fuel tank cap from the fuel tank.
10. Wind the hose and store in the hose container.
4. Open the access that is on the right side of the
machine. NOTICE
To prevent hose damage, do not coil the hose in a
tight radius.

11. Close the access door.

12. Install the fuel tank cap onto the fuel tank.
13. Turn the engine start switch to the OFF position.


SMCS Code: 7338
The radio is integrated into the monitoring system. All
the radio controls are adjusted using the monitor. The
Illustration 223 g06180748 actual radio is mounted in the right rear console
Suction valve (1) is at the end of hose (2). behind the operator seat.
Turn the end of the suction valve clockwise to open
the valve
M0110641-02 155
Operation Section

Illustration 224 g06213193 Illustration 226 g06213198

(1) Jog dial
(2) Home button Use jog dial (1) to highlight “Audio” and then press
(3) Radio button the jog dial downward to select the entry. You may
also access the screen by simply touching the
The audio menu can be directly accessed by “Audio” box on the touch screen.
pressing radio button (3) on the right side switch
panel. Input selections can be made using jog dial (1)
or using the monitor touch screen. Home button (2)
can be used to return to the main screen.

Illustration 227 g06213200

Radio screen
(4) Application menu button
(5) Volume control
Illustration 225 g06213076 (6) Tuner
(7) Preset stations
Press radio button (3) to go directly to the radio (8) Auxiliary button
screen. To navigate to the radio screen from the main (9) USB button
screen, press application menu button (4). (10) Power button
(11) Radio Function List menu
(12) AM button
(13) FM button
156 M0110641-02
Operation Section

Application menu button (4) – Use this button to

return to the application menu.
Volume control (5) – The volume control is used to
raise or lower the audio volume.
Tuner (6) – The tuner is used to tune the radio to the
desired station.
Preset stations (7) – The preset stations store
favorite radio stations for the operator. To set a
station, tune to the desired station. Press and hold
the preset number you want to assign to that station.
Once a beep is heard, release the button. The
indicator light for the active preset station will
Auxiliary button (8) – When a device is plugged into
the auxiliary port, press the auxiliary button to
connect the device to the radio. The indicator light will
illuminate when this mode is active.
USB button (9) – When a device is plugged into the
USB port, press the USB button to connect the
device to the radio. The indicator light will illuminate Illustration 228 g06223378
when this mode is active.
The function list menu consists of the following items:
Power button (10) – Pressing this button turns the
radio on and off. The indicator light on the monitor Treble – Allows the user to adjust the treble.
and on button (3) will illuminate when the power is
on. Bass – Allows the user to adjust the bass.
Radio function list menu button (11) – Pressing Balance – Allows the user to adjust the balance
this button leads to the radio function list menu. between speakers.
AM button (12) – Press this button to access AM Auto Loudness – When on, this feature
radio. The indicator light will illuminate when this automatically adjust treble and bass levels when
mode is active. reducing the volume setting. This effect allows the
user to hear more clearly at a lower volume.
FM button (13) – Press this button to access FM
radio. The indicator light will illuminate when this Bluetooth – Allows the user to pair a phone, view
mode is active. paired devices, and edit device names.

Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,

Radio Function List Monitoring System - Bluetooth for information on the
Bluetooth screen.
To access the radio function list, press the function
list button (11) in the lower right corner of the radio
screen. Selection Method
All settings can be made using the touch screen or by
using the jog dial. The method depends on the
preference of the operator. When using the touch
screen, simply touch the icon you want to select.
When using the jog dial, rotate the dial to switch to
different selections within the screen. Press the jog
dial downward to choose a selection.
M0110641-02 157
Operation Section

5. When the machine is in operation turn down the

volume of the radio.

USB/AUX Operation

Illustration 229 g06213233

When using the jog dial to set the volume or tuner,

rotate the dial clockwise to increase and counter-
clockwise to decrease. Press downward on the dial
to enter the desired setting.
Illustration 230 g06213245
Radio Operation
1. To play music from a device such as an MP3
1. To operate the system, press power button (10). player or a phone, connect the device using an
2. Select between the AM button for AM stations or auxiliary cable or a USB cable. Depending on the
select the FM button for FM stations. cable being used, plug the cable into the
appropriate port on the console.
3. Use tuner (6) to adjust to the desired station. If
presets stations (7) are set, press the desired 2. Select either USB or AUX depending on which
preset station. type of cable was used. Play the music from the
device. The music should be playing over the
4. Use volume control (5) to adjust the volume. radio speakers if properly connected. Adjust the
volume as necessary.
158 M0110641-02
Operation Section
Air Conditioning and Heating Control

Illustration 231 g06213254 Illustration 232 g06178710

(1) Jog dial
Note: If USB is selected, extra controls appear on the (2) Heating and air conditioning button
screen for playing music. They include the following: (3) Home button

14 – Skip to the beginning of the track Air conditioning and heating functions are controlled
through the monitor. The heating and cooling menu
15 – Rewind the track can be directly accessed by pressing button (2) on
the right side switch panel. Input selections can be
16 – Pause/Play the track made using jog dial (1) or using the monitor touch
17 – Fast forward the track screen. Home button (3) can be used to return to the
main screen.
18 – Skip to the end of the track


Air Conditioning and Heating

SMCS Code: 7304; 7320; 7337
Consult with your Cat dealer for periodic
maintenance of the heating and air conditioning

Illustration 233 g06213076

Press the Air Conditioning and Heating button (2) to

go directly to the air conditioner screen. To navigate
to the air conditioner screen from the main screen,
press application menu button (4).
M0110641-02 159
Operation Section
Air Conditioning and Heating Control

Illustration 236 g06213104

(14) Front vents
(15) Front and rear vents
(16) Front, foot, and rear vents
(17) Foot vents
(18) Defrost and foot mode

Application menu button (4) – Use this button to

return to the application menu.
Temperature control (5) – The temperature control
is used to raise or lower the desired temperature.
Fan blower speed control (6) – The blower control
is used to increase or decrease the desired blower
Illustration 234 g06213088 speed.
Use jog dial (1) to highlight “Air Conditioner” and then Air outlet settings (7) – The desired air outlet setting
press the jog dial downward to select the entry. You can be chosen from this panel. The indicator light will
may also access the screen by simply touching the illuminate to show the active setting.
“Air Conditioner” box on the touch screen.
Defroster (8) – Pressing this button activates and
deactivates the defroster. Use the defroster to
remove steam and frost from the windows. The
indicator light will illuminate when this mode is active.
Compressor ON/OFF (9) – Pressing this button
activates and deactivates the air conditioner. The
indicator light will illuminate when this mode is active.
Power (10) – Pressing this button turns the heating
and cooling system on and off. Push and hold the
power button for 3 seconds to turn OFF the HVAC
system. The indicator light on the monitor and on
button (2) will turn green when power is on.
Home button (11) – Use this button to return to the
main screen.
Auto (12) – Select this option to hold the system at
the desired temperature. The system will modulate to
keep the cab at the temperature that the system is
set to. The indicator light will illuminate when this
mode is active.
Recirculation (13) – This option recirculates air from
Illustration 235 g06213092 the cab instead of pulling air from the outside. This
Air conditioner screen mode is more efficient because the system is
recycling conditioned air from the cab. However, no
(4) Application menu button fresh air is coming into the cab when in this mode.
(5) Temperature control
(6) Fan blower speed control The indicator light will illuminate when this mode is
(7) Air outlet settings active.
(8) Defroster
(9) Compressor ON/OFF Front vents (14) – In this mode, air will only circulate
(10) Power from the front vents.
(11) Home button
(12) Auto Front and rear vents (15) – In this mode, air will
(13) Recirculation circulate from the front vents and rear vents.
160 M0110641-02
Operation Section
Air Conditioning and Heating Control

Front, foot, and rear vents (16) – In this mode, air Note: In cold ambient temperature condition, fan
will circulate from the front vents, rear vents, and foot speed is stopped or restricted depend on coolant
vents. temperature.
Foot vents (17) – In this mode, air will only circulate
from the foot vents.
Defrost and foot mode (18) – In defrost mode, air
will circulate from the defrost vents and foot vents.

Selection Method
All settings can be made using the touch screen or by
using the jog dial. The method depends on the
preference of the operator. When using the touch
screen, simply touch the icon you want to select.
When using the jog dial, rotate the dial to switch to
different selections within the screen. Press the jog
dial downward to choose a selection.

Illustration 238 g06178705

(A) Defrost vent (front window)
(B) Foot air vents
(C) Rear air vents

Illustration 237 g06213141

When using the jog dial to set the temperature or

blower speed, rotate the dial clockwise to increase
and counter-clockwise to decrease. Press downward
on the dial to enter the desired setting.

1. To operate the system, press power button (10).
2. Use temperature control (5) to adjust to the desired
Illustration 239 g06287632
3. Select the desired mode and outlet vents. (A) Front vent
(B) Defrost vent (RH window)
4. Use fan blower speed control (6) to adjust the
blower. If the system is in “Auto” mode, the blower
fan speed and air outlet setting will automatically
be adjusted. But recirculation air intake is not
changed automatically.
M0110641-02 161
Operation Section

5. Redirect the louvers for air outlets (A) and (C) by

hand to the desired direction. The louvers for air
outlet (B) cannot be redirected.


SMCS Code: 7319

Adjust all mirrors as specified in the Operation

and Maintenance Manual. Failure to heed this
warning can lead to personal injury or death.
Illustration 241 g06279207
(3) Rear tank mirror
Note: Your machine may not be equipped with all the (4) Front tank mirror
mirrors that are described in this topic.
Mirrors provide more visibility around your machine.
Make sure that the mirrors are in proper working
condition and that the mirrors are clean. Adjust all
mirrors at the beginning of each work period and
adjust the mirrors when you change operators.
Modified machines or machines that have more
equipment or attachments may influence your

Mirror Adjustment
• Park the machine on a level surface.

• Lower the work tool to the ground.

• Move the hydraulic lockout control to the LOCKED
position. For further details on this procedure,
refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,
“Operator Controls”.

• Stop the engine.

• Adjust rear view mirrors to provide visibility behind
Illustration 240 g06220616
the machine at a maximum distance of 30 m
(1) Right Side View Mirror on the Cab (98 ft) from the rear corners of the machine.
(2) Left Side View Mirror on the Cab
162 M0110641-02
Operation Section

Right Side View Mirror on the Cab (1)

Illustration 242 g06220634

Tightening sequence
Illustration 243 g06223277
After adjustment of the mirror angle, make sure that
the CAT logo is at the top. If equipped, adjust the right side view mirror on the
cab (1) so the front of the right track can be seen
It may be necessary to tighten the mirror mounting from the operator seat. A view of at least 1 m (3.3 ft)
bolts periodically. If the bolts are loose, tighten the from the right front of the machine should be seen
bolts in the sequence shown in Illustration 242 . from the operator seat.
Tighten bolts (1) and (2) to 11 ± 2 N·m
(8.1 ± 1.5 lb ft).
Tighten the bolts (3) through (6) to 2 ± 0.4 N·m
(1.5 ± 0.3 lb ft).
M0110641-02 163
Operation Section

Left Side View Mirror on the Cab (2) Front Tank Mirror (4)

Illustration 246 g06279217

If equipped adjust the front mirror on the tank (2) so

the right access door and the counterweight can be
seen from the operator seat. A view of at least 1 m
(3.3 ft) from the side of the machine should be seen
from the operator seat. Additionally, provide as much
Illustration 244 g06223279 visibility to the rear as possible.

If equipped, adjust the left side view mirror on the cab i07899155
(4) so the left side of the cab, access door, and rear
of left track can be seen from the operator seat. A
view of at least 1 m (3.3 ft) from the side of the Camera
machine should be seen from the operator seat. SMCS Code: 7347; 7348
Additionally, provide as much visibility to the rear as
Rear View Camera
Rear Tank Mirror (3)

Illustration 245 g06279214

If equipped adjust the rear mirror on the tank so the

right side of fuel tank and the hydraulic tank can be
seen from the operator seat. A view of at least 1 m
(3.3 ft) from the side of the machine should be seen
Illustration 247 g06279174
from the operator seat.
The rear view camera system consists of a camera
that is located in the middle of the top of the
164 M0110641-02
Operation Section
Window (Front)

Note: The rear view camera system has been set up Do not change the position of the window until the
by the factory or by a Cat dealer to provide views following items have been done:
which comply with specified guidelines. Consult your
Cat dealer before any adjustments are made to the • Park the machine on a level surface.
• Lower the work tool to the ground.
For more information refer to Operation and
Maintenance Manual, “Monitoring System”. • Move the hydraulic lockout control to the LOCKED
Right Side View Camera (If • Stop the engine.
Equipped) Perform Step 1 through Step 3 to open the upper

Note: If equipped, the Cat Grade Control monitor

may interfere with the window when opening. Ensure
that the monitor is adjusted out of the way before
opening the window.

Illustration 248 g06279183

The side view camera system consists of a camera

mounted on the panel next to the pump
Note: The side view camera system has been set up
by the factory or by a Cat dealer to provide views
which comply with specified machine side views.
Consult your Cat dealer before any adjustments are
made to the system.
For more information refer to Operation and
Maintenance Manual, “Monitoring System”.


Window (Front)
SMCS Code: 7310-FR
To provide full ventilation inside the cab, the upper Illustration 249 g06185052
window and the lower window can be fully opened. (1) Release lever

1. Release the auto-lock latches by pressing release

levers (1) on the window handles.
When opening or closing the windows, be extra
careful to prevent any personal injury. The hy- 2. Holding both handles on the window frame, pull
draulic lockout control must be in the LOCKED the window upward.
position in order to prevent any possibility of
sudden movement of the machine due to inadver- 3. Hold both grips that are provided on the window
tent contact with the hydraulic control(s). frame and move the window into the storage
position until the auto-lock latches near the ceiling
are engaged.
M0110641-02 165
Operation Section
Sun Screen

Perform Steps 4 through 5 to close the upper i07538754

Sun Screen
Note: If equipped, the Cat Grade Control monitor
may interfere with the window when closing. Ensure SMCS Code: 7165-ZZ
that the monitor is adjusted out of the way before
closing the window.

4. Release the auto-lock latches by pressing release When opening or closing the windows, be extra
levers (1) on the window handles. careful to prevent any personal injury. The hy-
draulic lockout control must be in the LOCKED
5. Reverse Steps 1 through 3 to close the upper position in order to prevent any possibility of
window. sudden movement of the machine due to inadver-
tent contact with the hydraulic control(s).
Perform Steps 6 through 8 to open the lower
window and close the lower window.
6. Raise the lower window out of the window frame. Do not change the position of the sun screen without
performing the following actions:
• Park the machine on a level surface.

• Lower the work tool to the ground.

• Move the hydraulic lockout control to the LOCKED
• Stop the engine.

Illustration 250 g06185076

(2) Catch
(3) Brackets

7. Store the lower window in the holder that is located

in the rear of the left side cab frame. To store the
lower window, locate one end of the lower window
into brackets (3). Secure the opposite end of the
lower window with catch (2).
8. To close the lower window, reverse the procedure
that is used for opening the lower window.
Note: The lower window is curved. The lower window
can only be positioned one way in the holders.
166 M0110641-02
Operation Section
Roof Hatch

Do not change the position of the roof hatch without
performing the following actions:
• Park the machine on a level surface.

• Lower the work tool to the ground.

• Move the hydraulic lockout control to the LOCKED
• Stop the engine.

Illustration 252 g06179871

(1) Grip
(2) Lock

To open the roof hatch, release lock (2). Hold grip (1)
and push the roof hatch upward.
Illustration 251 g06179846
To close the roof hatch, hold grip (1) and pull the roof
Pull sun screen (1) down from the ceiling. Hook the hatch downward. Engage lock (2) securely.
sun screen to the brackets (2) at both sides of the
front window. The sun screen may be positioned at NOTICE
two different heights. Do not stand or walk on the hatch or the roof of the
cab. Serious damage may occur.

Roof Hatch
SMCS Code: 7303

When opening or closing the windows, be extra

careful to prevent any personal injury. The hy-
draulic lockout control must be in the LOCKED
position in order to prevent any possibility of
sudden movement of the machine due to inadver-
tent contact with the hydraulic control(s).
M0110641-02 167
Operation Section
Cab Door


Cab Door
SMCS Code: 7308

Illustration 255 g06180267

To release the cab door from the catch, pull

downward on the cab door release lever.

Illustration 253 g06180275

To open the cab door from the outside of the cab, pull
outward on the door handle.

Illustration 256 g06179957

To open a window, release the window latch, and

then slide the window to the desired position.

Illustration 254 g06179959

To open the cab door while inside the cab, push

forward on the lever for the cab door latch.
For additional ventilation, open the cab door all the
way to engage the catch on the exterior wall of the
168 M0110641-02
Operation Section
Travel Control


Travel Control
(Straight Travel Pedal (If
SMCS Code: 5462

With certain attachment combinations, the third

pedal can have different functions. Always check
for third pedal function before using the third
pedal. Improper operation of the third pedal could
result in serious injury or death.

Illustration 258 g06178758

(1) Forward Travel
(2) Reverse Travel

The third pedal is to the right of the right travel pedal.

The third pedal controls the forward and backward
movement of the machine.
Note: If the third pedal is depressed and a travel
pedal or a travel lever is operated, the machine will
turn accordingly.
Illustration 257 g06178249
Position for normal travel
(A) Rear of machine
(B) Final drive
(C) Idler

When you travel, make sure that final drive sprockets

(B) are under the rear of the machine.
M0110641-02 169
Operation Section
Joystick Controls


Joystick Controls
SMCS Code: 5705

Illustration 260 g06180324

Illustration 259 g06178798 (9) HOLD
(3) Lock pin
(4) Pin
(5) Notch
(A) LOCKED position
(B) UNLOCKED position The joystick and controls on the joystick can be
configured with different functions. Always make
When the machine is not operated with the third sure to check the joystick configuration on the
pedal, install lock pin (3) at the LOCKED position to monitor before using the machine to avoid unex-
prevent accidental operation. pected machine movement. These unexpected
machine movements could cause a hazard result-
Note: To prevent lock pin (3) from being pulled out, ing in serious injury or death.
insert pin (4) through notch (5) and turn lock pin (3)
counterclockwise by 1/4 turn.

The Fine Swing Control delays the engagement

of the swing parking brake.
If the machine is operating on a slope with the
Fine Swing Control in the ON position, the swing
motion may become uncontrollable which could
result in property damage, personal injury or
Turn the Fine Swing Control to the OFF position
when the machine is operating on a slope.

When you release the joysticks from any position, the

joysticks will return to HOLD position (9). Movement
of the upper structure will stop unless the fine swing
control (if equipped) is ON. When the fine swing
control is ON, the swing parking brake will not
activate until 6.5 seconds after the joystick control for
the swing function returns to the HOLD position.
170 M0110641-02
Operation Section
Joystick Controls

Two functions may be performed at the same time by Table 24

moving a joystick diagonally.
Joystick Configurations
The machine control pattern is initially set at the 3 Button Joystick
Switch Location
factory to the SAE system, as shown. The pattern on
the left pertains to the left joystick and the pattern on 1 Horn
the right pertains to the right joystick.
2 Configurable
The machine control pattern can be varied. Refer to
3 Configurable
Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Joystick
Controls Alternate Patterns” for more information. 4 Configurable

Manual Low Idle – Activate the manual low idle to 5 Configurable

reduce the engine speed to approximately 1000 rpm.
Pressing the switch again will allow the engine speed 6 Configurable
to return to the original setting of the engine speed
Vertical Slider Joystick Controls (If
The manual low idle allows the operator to reduce the Equipped)
rpm without touching the engine speed dial. Manual
low idle is useful when the operator wants to reduce Note: The following functions can be assigned to the
the engine speed to talk to someone or while the configurable buttons: radio mute, one-touch low idle,
operator is waiting for a truck. work tool select, and HVAC.

3 Button Joystick Controls

Illustration 261 g06223512

3 Button Joystick Controls
(1) Left joystick switch 1
(2) Left joystick switch 2
(3) Left joystick switch 3
(4) Right joystick switch 2
(5) Right joystick switch 3
(6) Right joystick switch 1
M0110641-02 171
Operation Section
Joystick Controls

Illustration 262 g06225116

Vertical Slider Joystick Controls
(7) Left joystick switch 3 (11) Left joystick thumbwheel (15) Right joystick switch 4
(8) Left joystick switch 4 (12) Right joystick thumbwheel (16) Right joystick switch 3
(9) Left joystick switch 1 (13) Right joystick switch 2
(10) Left joystick switch 2 (14) Right joystick switch 1

Table 25 (Table 25, contd)

(1) Button is configurable on machines without tool control.
Joystick Configurations

Joystick With Tool Con- Medium Pressure (If Equipped)

Switch Location trol Sliders
7(1) Hammer Rotating Tool Control
8 Configurable

9 Horn

10 Configurable

11(1) Work Tool Rotation

12(1) Work Tool Open / Close

13 Configurable

14 Configurable

15 Configurable

16 Configurable

(continued) Illustration 263 g06260903

(A) Left joystick
(B) Right joystick
(1) Thumb wheel (Clockwise)
(2) Thumb wheel (Counterclockwise)
(3) Horn switch
(4) AEC switch
172 M0110641-02
Operation Section
Joystick Controls

(1) ROTATE CLOCKWISE – Move the Left Joystick Control Patterns

thumb wheel upward to rotate the work
tool clockwise.


Move the thumb wheel downward to
rotate the work tool counterclockwise.

(3) HORN – Press the horn switch on the

left joystick to activate the horn.

(4) AEC SWITCH – Press the AEC switch

on the right joystick to activate low
engine speed. Press the switch again to
activate high engine speed.

Illustration 264 g06720799
Joystick Controls Left Joystick
(Joystick Steering) Table 26
SMCS Code: 5705 Left Joystick Patterns
Control Standard Joystick Cruise Con-
Mode (ISO) Steer Mode trol Mode
Verify the joystick control pattern before operat- E Hold
ing the machine.
A Stick Out Travel Forward Cancel Cruise
Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual. B Right Swing Turn Right Turn Right

Failure to understand control functions could re- Travel

sult in injury or death. C Stick In Cancel Cruise

Ensure that the joystick control film on the cab D Left Swing Turn Left Turn Left
window matches the control functions of your
1(1) Right Swing
machine. Consult your Cat ® dealer for additional
information regarding the joystick control film. 2
Left Swing
Become familiar with the joystick controls before
(1) Thumb wheel is configured with swing or stick operation only
operating the machine.
when the joystick steer mode is on.
Note: Joystick steering cannot be used with shovel
crane mode. Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,
M0109053, “ Next Generation Hydraulic Excavator
Monitoring System Supplement” for more
Joystick Steering information.

Enable the joystick steering function using the

monitor screen. Once the function is enabled, joystick
will be activated by pressing the configured joystick
button. Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,
M0109053, “ Next Generation Hydraulic Excavator
Monitoring System Supplement” for more
The following three modes are available in joystick
steering function:
• Joystick steering mode

• Cruise control mode

• Blade control mode (normal and float)
M0110641-02 173
Operation Section
SmartBoom Control

Right Joystick Control Patterns Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,

M0109053, “ Next Generation Hydraulic Excavator
Monitoring System Supplement” for more


SmartBoom Control
(If Equipped)
SMCS Code: 5461-ZS; 7332

Personal injury or death can result from not fol-

lowing the proper procedures.
Illustration 265 g06720802 To avoid the possibility of injury or death, follow
Right Joystick the established procedure.

Table 27
Right Joystick Patterns
Joystick Standard Joystick Cruise
Control Blade Activating the SmartBoom function and using the
Mode Steer Control work tool joystick control while the front of the
(ISO) Mode
Mode Mode machine is elevated could result in unexpected
E Hold Hold
machine motion. Unexpected machine motion
could result in serious injury or death. Do not ac-
F Boom Down Blade Down tivate the SmartBoom function if the front of the
machine is elevated by the front linkage.
G Bucket Dump

H Boom Up Blade Up

J Bucket Close
Do not elevate or lower the track when in the
SmartBoom mode. Follow the operation proce-
3(1) Stick Out dures for the SmartBoom in the Operation and
Maintenance Manual. Failure to follow these in-
Stick In
structions can result in serious injury or death.

(1) Thumb wheel is configured with swing or stick operation only

when the joystick steer mode is on.

Always make sure that the boom control joystick

is in the NEUTRAL position before activating the
SmartBoom control. Activating the SmartBoom
control with the joystick out of the neutral posi-
tion could resulted in unexpected machine mo-
tion which could result in serious injury or death.

Do not select any SmartBoom mode, using the

SmartBoom selector switch located on the con-
sole, while the tracks are elevated. Selecting the
SmartBoom mode with the tracks elevated could
result in a sudden drop of the machine which
could result in serious injury or death.
174 M0110641-02
Operation Section
If Equipped

If any SmartBoom mode is active and the boom

control joystick is in the BOOM DOWN position
(forward) with a bucket or a work tool on the
ground, pressing the disable button that is lo-
cated on the front of the right hand joystick could
cause a sudden boom down motion. This control
function could lift the machine upward, with un-
expected machine movement that could result in
serious injury or death. Do not press the disable
button while the SmartBoom mode is active and
the boom control joystick is in the BOOM DOWN
position (forward) with a bucket or a work tool on
the ground.

Do not attempt to lift the tracks of the machine by

using the disable button and applying downward
force with the boom lowering control while the
machine is in any SmartBoom mode. Releasing Illustration 267 g06210090
the disable button will immediately return the ma-
chine to the active SmartBoom mode. This action Tap the smart boom option, or if using the jog dial,
could cause the machine to drop down abruptly select the smart boom option and press down on the
which could result in serious injury or death. dial.

Illustration 268 g06210095

Illustration 266 g06210059
Select either “Up & Down” or “Down Only” from the
From the home screen, press the function list button. list. The two options work as follows:
“ Up & Down”” mode: When the joystick is moved to
the BOOM DOWN position, the boom will lower by
the weight of the boom. The boom can move upward
M0110641-02 175
Operation Section
Work Tool Control (One-Way Flow)

“ Down Only”” mode: The boom will lower by the Joystick

weight of the boom when the control lever is moved
to the BOOM LOWER position. This mode prevents
the boom from moving upward. To move the boom
upward, the operator must use the boom control
joystick to activate the BOOM UP mode.
Press the home button when finished.
During operation of the SmartBoom function, the
operator may wish to apply downward force to the
boom. The operator can disable the SmartBoom
function temporarily with the SmartBoom disable
switch. While the trigger switch is pressed, BOOM
RAISE and BOOM LOWER will operate in the normal
modes. The SmartBoom disable switch is a
configurable switch.

i08222281 Illustration 269 g06588792

Work Tool Control (One-Way

(If Equipped)
SMCS Code: 6700
The following information pertains to work tools that
require hydraulic oil flow in one direction. Hydraulic
hammers are an example of work tools that require
hydraulic oil flow in one direction.
Note: For information that pertains to work tools that
require hydraulic oil flow in two directions, refer to
Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Work Tool
Control (Two-Way Flow)”.
Illustration 270 g06588793
(A) Left joystick
(B) Right joystick

(1) Variable Speed – Move the thumb

wheel downward to activate the work
tool. Move the thumb wheel further to
increase the speed of the work tool.

(2-1) On/Off (Momentary) – While

pressing this switch, the work tool will
remain activate at a constant rate.
Release the switch to turn off the work tool.
176 M0110641-02
Operation Section
If Equipped

(2-2) On/Off (Toggled) – Press the switch

once to activate the work tool. Press the
switch again to turn off the work tool.

Work Tool Pedal

With certain attachment combinations, the work

tool pedal can have different functions. Always
check for work tool pedal function before using
the work tool pedal. Improper operation of the
work tool pedal could result in serious injury or
The work tool pedal can be installed on either side of
the travel pedals. The work tool pedal allows the
operator to modulate the speed of the work tool.

Illustration 272 g06591307

(1) Lock pin
(2) Pin
(3) Notch
(A) UNLOCKED position
(B) LOCKED position

When you are not using the work tool, put the lock pin
(1) in LOCKED position (B). This will lock the work
tool pedal to prevent any unexpected operation of the
work tool.

Illustration 271 g06180447

Variable Speed – Push down on the front

of the pedal to activate the work tool.
Move the pedal further to increase the
speed of the work tool. Release the pedal to turn
off the work tool.
M0110641-02 177
Operation Section
Work Tool Control (Two-Way Flow)

Note: To prevent lock pin (1) from being accidentally (3) CLOSE – Move the thumb wheel
pulled out, insert pin (2) through notch (3) and turn upward to close the work tool.
lock pin (1) counterclockwise by 1/4 turn.
(4) OPEN – Move the thumb wheel
i07243676 downward to open the work tool.

Work Tool Control (Two-Way

Flow) Work Tool Pedal
(If Equipped)
SMCS Code: 6700
With certain attachment combinations, the work
tool pedal can have different functions. Always
check for work tool pedal function before using
the work tool pedal. Improper operation of the
The joystick and controls on the joystick can be work tool pedal could result in serious injury or
configured with different functions. Always make death.
sure to check the joystick configuration on the
monitor before using the machine to avoid unex- The work tool pedal can be installed on either side of
pected machine movement. These unexpected the travel pedals. The work tool pedal allows the
machine movements could cause a hazard result- operator to vary the speed of the work tool.
ing in serious injury or death.
The following information pertains to work tools that
require hydraulic oil flow in two directions. These
work tools can also be equipped with a rotate circuit.
Hydraulic shears, pulverizers, crushers, and grapples
are examples of work tools that require hydraulic oil
flow in two directions.

Note: For information that pertains to hydraulic

hammers, refer to Operation and Maintenance
Manual, “Work Tool Control (One-Way)”.


Illustration 274 g06180510

(1) CLOSE – Push down on the front of

the pedal to close the work tool.

(2) OPEN – Push down on the rear of the

pedal to open the work tool.
Illustration 273 g06180488
(A) Left joystick
(B) Right joystick


thumb wheel upward to rotate the work
tool clockwise.
Move the thumb wheel downward to
rotate the work tool counterclockwise.
178 M0110641-02
Operation Section
Joystick Controls Alternate Patterns

Note: To prevent lock pin (3) from being accidentally

pulled out, insert pin (4) through notch (5) and turn
lock pin (3) by 1/4 turn.


Joystick Controls Alternate

SMCS Code: 5059; 5137

Changing Machine Control Pattern

(If Equipped)

Whenever a change is made to the machine con-

trol pattern, also exchange the pattern card in the
cab to match the new pattern.
Check the machine control pattern for conform-
ance to the pattern on the card in the cab. If the
pattern does not match, change the card to match
the machine control pattern before you operate
the machine. Failure to do so could result in per-
sonal injury.

Illustration 275 g06180514 The machine control pattern can be changed to the
(3) Lock pin
ISO/JIS pattern, BHL pattern, MHI pattern, KOBE
(4) Pin pattern, or the former SCM pattern. To change the
(5) Notch joystick controls between the patterns, refer to
(A) LOCKED position Operation and Maintenance Manual, Monitoring
(B) UNLOCKED position System for more information.
When you are not using the work tool, put the lock pin
(3) in LOCKED position (A). This will lock the work
tool pedal to prevent any unexpected operation of the
work tool.
M0110641-02 179
Operation Section
Joystick Controls Alternate Patterns

STICK IN (3) – Move the control lever to

this position to move the stick inward.

SWING LEFT (4) – Move the control lever

to this position to swing the upper
structure to the left.
BOOM LOWER (5) – Move the control
lever to this position to lower the boom.

BUCKET DUMP (6) – Move the control

lever to this position to dump the

BOOM RAISE (7) – Move the control

lever to this position to raise the boom.

BUCKET CLOSE (8) – Move the control

lever to this position to close the bucket.

HOLD (9) – When the control lever is released from

any position, the control lever will return to the HOLD
position. Movement of the upper structure will stop.

Two functions may be performed at the same time by

moving a control lever diagonally.
If the machine is equipped with a hydraulic hammer,
the function of position (6) and of position (8) is
control lever to this position to raise the hydraulic
control lever to this position to lower the hydraulic

If the machine is equipped with a grapple, the

function of position (6) and of position (8) is different.
Illustration 276 g06136699
GRAPPLE OPEN (6) – Move the control lever to this
(A) ISO/JIS machine control pattern position to open the grapple arms.
(B) BHL machine control pattern
(C) MHI machine control pattern GRAPPLE CLOSE (8) – Move the control lever to
(D) KOBE machine control pattern
(E) Former SCM machine control pattern
this position to close the grapple arms.

The patterns on the left side of the Illustration show If the machine is equipped with a clamshell, the
the possible configurations for the left control lever. function of position (6) and of position (8) is different
The patterns on the right side of the Illustration show when in “Clamshell” mode.
the possible configurations for the right control lever.
Note: When in “Clamshell” mode, the work tool can
STICK OUT (1) – Move the control lever only be operated if Work Tool Select also has
to this position to move the stick clamshell selected.
CLAMSHELL OPEN (6) – Move the control lever to
SWING RIGHT (2) – Move the control this position to open the clamshell.
lever to this position to swing the upper
structure to the right. CLAMSHELL CLOSE (8) – Move the control lever to
this position to close the clamshell.
180 M0110641-02
Operation Section
Work Tool Flow Control


Work Tool Flow Control

SMCS Code: 7007-WTL
Many hydraulic attachment circuits are adaptable on
this machine. Various types of work tools can be
installed. Select a suitable arrangement of the
hydraulic circuit in order to provide the requirements
for flow and the requirements for action for the work
tool that is used.
One-way flow is available for work tools such as
hydraulic hammers.
Two-way flow is available for work tools such as
hydraulic shears.
A manually controlled ball valve is provided in the
return line.
Before attachment hydraulic circuits are serviced, Illustration 277 g06296401
place the machine in the servicing position. Stop the Ball valve location
engine. (1) Ball valve

Place the ball valve in the correct position. To

determine the correct position, refer to the
requirements for the work tool on Illustrations 277 ,
278 , and 279 .
Use the manual lever to turn the ball valve. Make
sure that you fully turn the ball valve until the ball
valve stops.
Never use the manual lever as a step when the
manual lever is attached to the ball valve. Remove
the manual lever from the valve after the valve is

Illustration 278 g06296404

Ball valve (one-way flow position)
(A) Ball valve open
M0110641-02 181
Operation Section
Fuel Tank Shutoff and Drain Control

Illustration 279 g06296406 Illustration 281 g06208640

Ball valve (two-way flow position) Fuel shutoff valve
(B) Ball valve closed
Fuel Shutoff Valve (2) – The fuel shutoff valve is on
the fuel system water separator. To shut off the fuel
supply, turn the fuel shutoff valve clockwise. To turn
on the fuel supply, turn the fuel shutoff valve
Fuel Tank Shutoff and Drain counterclockwise.
SMCS Code: 1273 Note: For more detailed information that pertains to
draining the water and sediment from the fuel tank,
refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Fuel
Tank Water and Sediment - Drain”.

Illustration 280 g06208630

Fuel tank drain valve

Fuel Tank Drain Valve (1) – The drain valve for the
fuel tank is located behind the right side access door.
To drain the water and sediment from the fuel tank,
turn the fuel drain valve counterclockwise. To close
the fuel tank drain valve, turn the drain valve
182 M0110641-02
Operation Section
Engine Starting

Engine Starting

Engine Starting
SMCS Code: 1000; 1090; 1456; 7000

This machine is equipped with a Cat ® Machine Se-
curity System (MSS) and may not start under certain

The engine start switch must be in the ON position
and the engine must be running in order to maintain
electrical functions and hydraulic functions. This pro-
cedure must be followed in order to prevent serious
machine damage.

Illustration 282 g06209482

Note: The engine can start in areas that have
temperatures as low as −18°C (0°F). For areas that
are colder, a starting kit for cold weather is available. 3. The operator passcode, Bluetooth key or Cat App:
Fleet management app must be authenticated
1. Move the hydraulic lockout control to the LOCKED before starting the engine. Once authenticated, an
position. “Engine Start Allowed” message will appear
across the top of the monitor and the start switch
This machine is equipped with an engine neutral
LED will turn green.
start system. The system only allows the engine to
start when the lever for the hydraulic lockout
control is in the LOCKED position.
2. Ensure that the joysticks and travel controls are in
the HOLD position.
M0110641-02 183
Operation Section
Engine and Machine Warm-Up

Illustration 283 g06579150 Illustration 285 g06226447

(A) Off
(B) On
(1) Engine start ring
(2) Engine start button

6. Turn the engine start ring(1) to the ON position,

then press and hold start button (2) to start the
engine. Release the button after the engine has
If the engine is having trouble starting, do not
crank the engine for more than 30 seconds.
Cranking the engine for more than 30 seconds can
damage starting system components.

Illustration 284 g06579155
Engine and Machine Warm-Up
4. Bluetooth devices and passcodes can be SMCS Code: 1000; 7000
registered using the in-cab display if the operator
is logged in to the system using a master access
account. Contact your Cat dealer for additional NOTICE
Keep engine speed low and do not operate until the
information. message 'Warm-Up Mode Power Derate" on the
monitor goes out. If it does not go out within thirty
Reference: Refer to Operation and Maintenance seconds, stop the engine and investigate the cause
Manual, Machine Security System, Operator Login before starting again. Failure to do so, can cause en-
for instructions. gine damage.
5. Before you start the engine, check for the
presence of bystanders or maintenance
personnel. Ensure that all personnel are clear of Always run the engine at low idle for at least ten mi-
the machine. Briefly sound the horn before you nutes before performing any other operations in cold
start the engine. conditions or each time the engine oil and oil filter are
changed in order to protect your engine and hydraulic
184 M0110641-02
Operation Section
Engine and Machine Warm-Up

Depending on the ambient temperature, in order to The hydraulic oil temperature should be higher than
prevent the machine operation with high speed with- 25 ° C (77 ° F) before performing work with the ma-
out sufficient lubrication at the turbo bearing, the en- chine. Make sure that the warm-up procedure is
gine speed may be set to low speed and the performed.
hydraulic power minimized for a pre-determined time
after the engine starts. Refer to turbo protection If the hydraulic oil temperature is less than 25 ° C
feature. (77 °F) and the machine is operated abruptly, serious
damage to the hydraulic components may occur.
The engine may automatically change speeds when
the machine is stationary and idling in cold ambient
temperature for an extended time. This is to: Note: The recommended operating temperature of
the hydraulic fluid for this machine is 55 °C (131 °F).
• Maintain desired coolant temperature.
3. To warm up the hydraulic oil, turn the engine speed
• Maintain desired operation of engine systems. dial to the medium engine speed. Run the engine
During extended idling in cold ambient conditions, for approximately 5 minutes and move the joystick
engine speed may operate between 900 rpm and intermittently from the BUCKET DUMP position to
1000 rpm. Operation at 1000 rpm is minimal and will the HOLD position. Do not hold the joystick in the
only last for up to 20 minutes. BUCKET DUMP position with the bucket cylinder
fully extended for more than 10 seconds.
Hydraulic System This allows the oil to attain relief pressure, which
causes the oil to warm up more rapidly.
4. Turn the engine speed dial to the maximum engine
When you cycle the machine controls, the ma- speed and repeat Step 3.
chine can move suddenly. Contact between the
5. Cycle all controls to circulate warm oil through all
machine and external objects or ground person-
nel can result in serious injury or death. Before hydraulic cylinders and all hydraulic lines, and
you cycle the machine controls, the machine through the swing motor and travel motors.
should be located in an unobstructed, hazard-
free work area that is away from external objects 6. Observe the gauges and the indicators frequently
and ground personnel. during the operation.
Turbo Protection Power Derate – After
1. Make sure that the area is clear of personnel and an engine start, the engine speed will be
equipment. set to low speed and the hydraulic
power limited for a time period . During this
Note: The hydraulic lockout control must be in the period, the monitor displays the message "Warm
UNLOCKED position before the hydraulic controls -Up Mode Power Derate". (Maximum is around 30
will function. seconds). After the turbo bearing lubrication is
sufficient, the engine speed goes to the setting
2. Allow the engine to warm up at low idle for at least dial speed and the monitor stops to display the
5 minutes. Engage the work tool controls and message.
disengage the work tool controls. This will speed
up the warm-up of the hydraulic components. Improve Cold-Weather
When you idle the machine for warm-up, observe Performance
the following recommendations:
Covers installed over the vents in the radiator
• If the temperature is greater than 0°C (32°F), compartment door will help to control overcooling in
warm up the engine for approximately 15 ambient temperatures below −15° C (5° F).
minutes. The materials used for the covers and the method
used to install the covers is at the installers
• If the temperature is less than 0°C (32°F), discretion.
warm up the engine for approximately 30
Install the covers if overcooling is observed while the
minutes. machine is idling in ambient temperatures below
−15° C (5° F).
• If the temperature is less than − 18°C (0°F) or
if hydraulic functions are sluggish, additional Stop the machine, and remove the covers under the
time may be required. following conditions:
M0110641-02 185
Operation Section
Engine and Machine Warm-Up

• The ambient temperature is above −15° C (5° F).

• The engine temperature gauge indicates
• The hydraulic oil temperature gauge indicates

Recommendation for Crankcase

Breather Protection (Machines with C4.4
and C7.1)
Crankcase ventilation gases contain a large quantity
of water vapor. This water vapor can freeze in cold
ambient conditions and can plug or damage the
crankcase ventilation system. If the engine is
operated in temperatures below −25° C (−13° F),
measures must be taken to prevent freezing and
plugging of the breather system. Insulated hoses and
a heated canister assembly should be installed.
Consult with your Cat dealer for the recommended
breather components for operation from
−25° to −40° C (−13° to −40°F).


Illustration 286 g06181368

Vent locations on the radiator compartment door

1. Clean the surface of the radiator compartment

2. Install the covers in the locations shown in
Illustration 286 . The covers should fully cover the
door vents.
186 M0110641-02
Operation Section


Operation Information
SMCS Code: 7000

Note: Operating Temperature Range for the

Machine The machine must function satisfactorily in
the anticipated ambient temperature limits that are
encountered during operation. The standard machine
configuration is intended for use within an ambient
temperature range of −18 °C (0 °F) to 43 °C
(109 °F). Special configurations for different ambient
temperatures may be available. Consult your Cat ® Illustration 287 g06685022
dealer for additional information on special (1) Engine speed dial
configurations of your machine.
3. Turn the engine speed dial (1) to the desired
Make sure that no personnel are on the machine or operating range. Refer to Operation and
near the machine to prevent any personal injury.
Keep the machine under control always to prevent Maintenance Manual, “Operator Controls” for
injury. more information.

Sound the horn and allow adequate time for 4. Move the hydraulic lockout control to the
bystanders to clear the area before moving the UNLOCKED position. Refer to Operation and
machine into a restricted visibility area. Follow local Maintenance Manual, “Operator Controls” for
practices for your machine application. For more more information.
information refer to Operation and Maintenance
Manual, “Restricted Visibility”.
Reduce the engine speed when you maneuver the
machine in tight quarters and when you drive over an
Select the necessary travel speed range before you
drive downgrade. Do not change the travel speed
range while you drive downhill.
Use the same travel speed on a downgrade and on
an upgrade.
When you travel for any distance, keep the stick
inward and carry the boom in a low position.
When you drive up a steep grade, keep the boom as
close to the ground as possible. Illustration 288 g06181525
Typical example
When you travel uphill or you travel downhill, keep
the boom on the uphill side of the machine. 5. Raise the boom enough to provide sufficient
1. Adjust the operator seat. Refer to Operation and ground clearance.
Maintenance Manual, “Seat” for more information.
2. Fasten the seat belt. Refer to Operation and
Maintenance Manual, “Seat Belt” for more
M0110641-02 187
Operation Section
Frozen Ground Conditions

10. Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,

“Operator Controls” for information about spot
turning and about pivot turns.
11. When you make turns in soft material, travel in a
forward direction occasionally to clear the tracks.
12. Slowly move both of the travel levers or both of
the travel pedals to the CENTER position to stop
the machine. Refer to Operation and Maintenance
Manual, “Operator Controls” for more information

Lifting Objects
Regional regulations may require the use of an
overload warning device and boom and stick
lowering control valves when used to lift objects.
The overload warning device (if equipped) must be
adjusted for the bucket linkage and bucket size that is
installed on the machine. Adjust the overload warning
device for proper operation.
The setting for the overload warning device (if
equipped) should be checked by an authorized
Contact your Cat ® dealer for additional information.

Illustration 289 g06685024 i07311368

(2) Travel speed control switch

Frozen Ground Conditions
6. Select the desired travel speed by operating the SMCS Code: 7000
travel speed control switch (2). The indicator will
light to display the active mode. Refer to Operation
and Maintenance Manual, “Operator Controls” for
more information.
7. Make sure that the position of the upper structure
and of the undercarriage is known before you
move the machine. The drive sprockets should be
at the rear of the machine.

Note: The directional steering controls will operate

normally if the drive sprockets are at the rear of the
machine and the idlers are at the front of the machine
and under the cab. When the sprockets are under the
cab, the travel controls will operate backward.

8. Turn the engine speed dial to increase the engine Illustration 290 g06279284
speed (rpm) to the desired speed.
To free the tracks from frozen ground, swing the
9. Push both travel levers forward at the same time to boom to the front of the machine. Use boom down
travel forward. If both travel levers are pushed pressure to free the idler end of the machine.
farther, the travel speed at the selected engine Swing the boom to the rear of the machine. Use
speed (rpm) will be faster. boom down pressure to free the sprocket end of the
Note: If the machine does not operate or if the
machine does not travel in a straight line, consult
your Cat ® dealer.
188 M0110641-02
Operation Section
Equipment Lowering with Engine Stopped

i07311402 1. Release the pressure in the hydraulic system.

Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,
Equipment Lowering with System Pressure Release for instructions.
Engine Stopped 2. Loosen locknut (2) on the boom lowering control
SMCS Code: 7000 valve (1).

To lower the boom, place the hydraulic lockout 3. Slowly turn check valve (3) counterclockwise until
control in the UNLOCKED position. Move the joystick the check valve stops. The boom will lower to the
to the BOOM LOWER position. If the accumulator is ground.
still charged, the boom will lower.
4. Make sure that the work tool is resting on the
If the boom does not lower, the accumulator is empty. ground. Tighten check valve to 2.25 ± 0.25 N·m
Use one of the following procedures to lower the (20 ± 3 lb in).
5. Tighten the locknut (2) to 4 ± 0.5 N·m
Machines Equipped with Boom (35 ± 4 lb in).
Lowering Control Valves 6. Before operating the machine, make any
necessary repairs.
For additional information, consult your Caterpillar
Boom load may cause cylinder oil pressure to
reach relief pressure of the boom lowering con- Machines without a Boom
trol device when the boom is supported by one
cylinder. Boom can lower suddenly, causing pos- Lowering Control Valve
sible injury or death.
To avoid possible injury or death, be sure no one
is under or near the work tool before manually
lowering the boom. Be sure no one is under or near the work tools be-
fore manually lowering the boom. Keep all per-
Keep all personnel away from the boom drop area sonnel away from the boom drop area when
when lowering the boom with the engine lowering the boom with the engine stopped in or-
stopped. der to avoid possible personal injury.

The boom lowering control valve is at the back of the Use the following procedure to manually lower the
base of the boom. The boom lowering control valve boom due to an engine malfunction.
allows the operator to manually lower the boom if the
engine is stopped.

Illustration 291 g06209514

(1) Boom lowering control valve
(2) Locknut
(3) Check valve

Illustration 292 g06184080

Hydraulic tank filler cap location
M0110641-02 189
Operation Section
Equipment Lowering with Engine Stopped

Pressurized system!
The hydraulic tank contains hot oil under pres-
sure. To prevent burns from the sudden release
of hot oil, relieve the tank pressure with the en-
gine off. Relieve pressure by slowly turning the
cap until the cap reaches the secondary stop.

Illustration 294 g06279315

2. Open the access cover.

Illustration 293 g06184990

Filler cap
(A) LOCK position Illustration 295 g06279321
(3) Hose
(4) Clamp
(D) OPEN position

1. Release the pressure that may be present in the 3. Loosen clamp (4) and disconnect hose (3) from the
return hydraulic circuit with the following reservoir. Remove the clamps and the cable
procedure. Refer to Illustration 293 for filler cap straps that secure the hose to the machine.
a. Turn the filler cap counterclockwise and move
the arrow from position (A) to position (B).
b. Release the pressure for a minimum of 45
seconds by moving the arrow from position (B)
to position (C).
c. Move the arrow from position (C) to position
d. After the tank pressure is relieved, remove the
filler cap.
190 M0110641-02
Operation Section
Equipment Lowering with Engine Stopped

After completion of the manual boom lowering, make

necessary repairs before you operate the machine

Pressure Release of Auxiliary


Personal injury can result from hot oil spray and

raised work tools.
Make sure all the work tools have been lowered,
the oil is cool and the pressure has been released
from the hydraulic system before removing any
components or lines.
Do not allow hot oil or components to contact

Note: Refer to Operation and Maintenance, “General

Illustration 296 g06205184 Hazard Information” for information on containing
Main control valve fluid spillage.
(5) Screw Refer to the procedure below before any of the
following conditions.
4. Connect one end of the radiator hose to screw (5).
Put the other end of the hose into the hydraulic • The work tool is changed.
tank opening. The screw is at the front, right side
of the main control valve. • The position of the ball valve is changed.

5. Slowly loosen screw (5) by a maximum of 1/2 turn. 1. Turn the engine start switch to the OFF position.
This allows the hydraulic oil in the boom circuit to 2. Place the hydraulic lockout lever in the
drain into the hydraulic tank. The boom will now UNLOCKED position.
start to lower.
3. Release the pressure in the auxiliary lines by
6. Make sure that the work tool has lowered all the pressing the auxiliary control buttons or the
way to the ground. Tighten screw (5) to 13 ± 2 N·m auxiliary control pedal three times.
(9 ± 1 lb ft).
4. Place the hydraulic lockout lever in the LOCKED
7. Disconnect the hose from the screw. Do not allow position.
the oil that is contained in the hose to spill. Drain
the oil into a suitable container. 5. Change the work tool.
8. Connect the hose to the original position on the Note: There should be movement in the auxiliary
radiator and install the hydraulic tank filler cap. hydraulic lines as the pressure is released. If there is
no movement in the auxiliary hydraulic lines, start the
9. Close the access cover. engine and run the engine for 20 seconds. Repeat
steps 1 to 5.
For additional information, consult your Cat dealer.
M0110641-02 191
Operation Section
Operating Techniques

Operating Techniques Move the machine whenever the position for

operating the machine is not efficient. The machine
can be moved forward or backward during the
i07887891 operating cycle.

Operating Technique When you operate the machine in close places,

utilize the bucket or the other work tool to perform the
Information following functions:
SMCS Code: 7000 • Pushing the machine
• Pulling the machine

Know the maximum height and the maximum • Lifting the tracks
reach of your machine. Serious injury or death by
Use a comfortable travel speed while you operate the
electrocution can occur if the machine or the
work tools are not kept a safe distance from elec- machine.
trical power lines. Keep a distance of at least Operating efficiency can be increased by using more
3000 mm (118 inch) plus an additional 10 mm than one machine control to perform a task.
(0.4 inch) for each 1000 volts over 50000 volts.
Never swing a load over a truck cab or workers.
For safety, one of the following may require a greater
distance: Position the truck so that material can be loaded from
the rear of the truck or from the side of the truck.
• Local codes Load the truck evenly so that the rear axles are not
• State codes
An oversize bucket or a bucket that is equipped with
• Requirements of the job site side cutters should not be used in rocky material.
These types of buckets slow down the cycle.
Damage to the bucket and to other machine
NOTICE components could result.
When swinging into a ditch, do not use the ditch to
stop the swinging motion. Inspect the machine for
damage if the boom is swung into a bank or an Coaching Tips
Repeated stopping by an object can cause structural
damage if the boom is swung into a bank or an
With certain boom-stick-bucket combinations, the
bucket or worktool can hit the cab and/or the front
structure of the machine. Always check for interfer-
ence when first operating a new bucket or a new work
tool. Keep the bucket or work tool away from the cab
and away from the front structure during operation.
Whenever the tracks of the machine raise off the
ground while digging, lower the machine back to the
ground smoothly. DO NOT DROP OR CATCH IT
WITH THE HYDRAULICS. Damage to the machine
can result.

With certain combinations of work tools, the third

pedal can have different functions. Always check the
function of the third pedal before you use the third
Know the location of any buried cables. Mark the Illustration 297 g06223763
locations clearly before you dig.
Digging with a stable machine increases productivity.
Consult your Cat dealer for special work tool tips that Create a stable work platform.
are available for use in severe applications.
192 M0110641-02
Operation Section
Operating Technique Information

Illustration 298 g06210141

(A) Most stable dig
(B) Dump

For improved stability: Do not dig over the drives or

perpendicular to the tracks.

Illustration 300 g06210334

Minimize unneeded movement. During backfilling,

start with the material closest to the trench.

Illustration 299 g06212328

(C) Weak crowd force
(D) Ideal crowd force

Dig from the top down in layers. Try to have a full

bucket by the time the stick is vertical, but do not Illustration 301 g06210343
reach too far with the stick. The most crowd force is
generated with the stick +/- 30 degrees from vertical. Watch your surroundings. Swing left to dump
material for better visibility.
Minimize unneeded movement. Only curl/dump the
bucket as much as required to hold/dump material. Watch the bucket. The bucket can contact the tracks
or the cab.
Concentrate on being smooth, speed will come with
M0110641-02 193
Operation Section
Operating Technique Information

These operations will damage the boom, the stick,

and the work tool and the operations will reduce the
life of the equipment.

Illustration 302 g06212604

Truck placement will affect efficiency: 45 degree truck

loading is more efficient than 90 degree. Spotting the Illustration 304 g06212594
truck too far from the excavator causes excessive
motion. Do not use the dropping force of the bucket or work
tool as a hammer. Using the bucket or work tool as a
Load from a bench when possible. Bench loading is
more efficient. hammer will bring excessive force on the rear of the
machine. Possible damage to the machine could
Restricted Operation

Illustration 305 g06222492

Illustration 303 g06222487 If the cylinder is operated at the end of the stroke
during operations, excessive force will occur on the
Do not use the swing force to perform the following stopper on the inside of the cylinder. This will reduce
operations: the life of the cylinder and structures. To avoid this
problem, always leave a small margin of play when
• Soil compaction the cylinder is operated.
• Ground breaking

• Demolition
Do not swing the machine while the bucket tips are in
the soil.
194 M0110641-02
Operation Section
Operating Technique Information

Illustration 306 g06222498 Illustration 308 g06222505

If the stick IN function is operated at full speed with a Do not use the dropping force of the rear of the
fully loaded bucket or heavy work tool attachment to machine for excavation. This operation will damage
the end of the cylinder stroke, excessive force will the machine.
occur inside the stick cylinder. This action will reduce
the life of the stick cylinder. To avoid this problem, Operating Precaution
always operate a stick IN function with moderate
speed towards the end of cylinder stroke.

Illustration 309 g06222507

Illustration 307 g06222500

While the bucket is in the ground, do not use the NOTICE

travel force for any excavation. This operation will Do not allow the machine to swing from the force of
cause excessive force on the rear of the machine. traveling when you use the bucket , the stick, or the
boom to assist in travel. If the force from traveling
causes the machine to swing, damage may occur to
the swing motor and to the swing drive.

Do not use the force of the bucket, the stick, or the

boom to assist in turning the machine while the
machine is traveling. This technique is referred to as
“jump steering”. This technique will damage the
swing motor and the swing brake.
M0110641-02 195
Operation Section
Travel in Water and Mud

The machine can travel across a river only under the

following conditions:

• The bed of the river is flat.

• The flow of the river is slow.

• The machine dips into the water only to the center

of the track carrier roller (dimension A).

Do not allow the fan on the engine to contact the
water while the machine travels through the water.
Do not allow the fan on the engine to contact the
water during a swing while the machine is in the
water. Damage to the fan may occur if the fan con-
Illustration 310 g06222509
tacts the water.
When deep holes are dug, do not lower the boom so
that the bottom side of the boom touches the ground. While you cross the river, carefully confirm the depth
of the water with the bucket. Do not move the
When deep holes are dug, do not allow the boom to machine into an area that has a water depth that is
interfere with the tracks. greater than Dimension A.

i07058371 The machine may sink gradually on soft ground.

Therefore, you should frequently check the height of
Travel in Water and Mud the undercarriage from ground level and the depth of
water on the ground.
SMCS Code: 7000-V6
Check the swing gear by looking through the port for
inspection that is on the upper frame. If there is water
NOTICE in the swing gear, contact your Cat dealer for the
When working in or around any body of water, around required maintenance on the swing gear.
a stream or river, or in conditions of heavy mud, be
careful that the swing bearing, the swing drive gear, After you travel through water, carefully clean the
and the swivel joint do not dip into water, mud, sand, machine to remove any salt, sand, or other foreign
or gravel. If the swing bearing dips into water, mud, matter.
sand, or gravel, immediately grease the swing bear-
ing until the used grease leaks from the outer circle of
the swing bearing. Failure to carry out this procedure Procedure for Removing the
may cause premature wear in the swing bearing. Machine from Water or Mud
Do not allow the machine to swing from the force of
traveling when you use the bucket , the stick, or the
boom to assist in travel. If the force from traveling
causes the machine to swing, damage may occur to
the swing motor and to the swing drive.

Illustration 311 g06223764

Depth of water to the center of the track carrier roller.

The following guidelines pertain to travel across

water and travel through mud, sand, or gravel.
196 M0110641-02
Operation Section
Boom, Stick and Bucket Operation

Illustration 312 g06222519 Illustration 314 g06212337

1. You may not be able to move the machine by using 3. It may be impossible to travel because the bottom
the travel controls only. In this case use both the of the frame comes into contact with the ground or
travel control levers/pedals and the stick to pull the the undercarriage is clogged with mud or gravel. In
machine out of the water or ground. this case, operate the boom and the stick together.
Raise the track and rotate the track forward and
backward to remove the mud and the gravel.


Boom, Stick and Bucket

SMCS Code: 7000


Illustration 313 g06222525

2. The machine may slip because of a steep slope.

The procedure in Step 1 may not work. In this
case, first rotate the upper structure by 180°. Then
use both the travel control levers/pedals and the
stick to move the machine up the slope.

Illustration 315 g06212506

1. Position the stick at a 70 degree angle to the

M0110641-02 197
Operation Section
Boom, Stick and Bucket Operation

5. To apply the greatest force at the cutting edge,

decrease the down pressure as you move the
stick toward the cab.
6. Maintain a bucket attitude that ensures a
continuous flow of material into the bucket.
7. Continue the pass in a horizontal direction so that
material peels into the bucket.

Illustration 316 g06212513

2. Position the bucket cutting edge at a 120 degree

angle to the ground. Maximum breakout force can
now be exerted with the bucket.

Illustration 319 g06222538

8. Close the bucket and raise the boom when the

pass has been completed.

Illustration 317 g06222533

3. Move the stick toward the cab and keep the bucket
parallel to the ground.

Illustration 320 g06223077

9. Engage the swing control when the bucket is clear

of the excavation.

Illustration 318 g06222535

4. If the stick stops due to the load, raise the boom

and/or perform a curl to adjust the depth of the cut.
198 M0110641-02
Operation Section
Boom, Stick and Bucket Operation

Illustration 321 g06223078

10. To dump a load, move the stick outward and open

the bucket in a smooth motion.

Lifting Objects
Illustration 322 g06212526

Use the lifting eye that is provided on the linkage to

lift objects.
To prevent injury, do not exceed the rated load ca-
pacity of the machine. If the machine is not on If the lifting eye is used, the connection must be
level ground, load capacities will vary. made with a sling or with a shackle.

Damage to bucket cylinder, bucket or linkage could
result if slings are placed incorrectly.

There may be local regulations and/or government

regulations that govern the use of machines which lift
heavy objects. Obey all local and government
Regional regulations may require the use of an
overload warning device and boom and stick
lowering control valves when used to lift objects.
If this machine is used to lift objects within Japan ,
Japanese regulations require the machine to be
equipped with a shovel crane configuration.
Contact your Cat ® dealer for additional information.
Short slings will prevent excessive load swing.

Illustration 323 g06212532

An unstable condition can exist if a load exceeds the

machine load rating or if a heavy load is swung over
an end or over a side.
M0110641-02 199
Operation Section
SmartBoom Operation

Illustration 324 g06212530 Illustration 326 g06212539

The most stable lifting position is over a corner of the Lift capacity decreases as the distance from the
machine. swing centerline is increased.

Machines that are Equipped with a

Long Reach Configuration
Machines with a long reach configuration require
larger swing drift than standard machines when
stopping, because inertial force in time of swing is
large. So adjustments are made in timing for applying
the swing brakes and speed of swinging.
Machines with a long reach configuration could be
damaged and stability of the machine would be
adversely affected if a control was suddenly
operated, because inertial force of work tool is large.


SmartBoom Operation
(If Equipped)
SMCS Code: 5461-ZS; 7332
Illustration 325 g06212535

For the best stability, carry a load close to the

machine and to the ground.
Personal injury or death can result from not fol-
lowing the proper procedures.
To avoid the possibility of injury or death, follow
the established procedure.
200 M0110641-02
Operation Section
If Equipped

Activating the SmartBoom function and using the Do not attempt to lift the tracks of the machine by
work tool joystick control while the front of the using the disable button and applying downward
machine is elevated could result in unexpected force with the boom lowering control while the
machine motion. Unexpected machine motion machine is in any SmartBoom mode. Releasing
could result in serious injury or death. Do not ac- the disable button will immediately return the ma-
tivate the SmartBoom function if the front of the chine to the active SmartBoom mode. This action
machine is elevated by the front linkage. could cause the machine to drop down abruptly
which could result in serious injury or death.
The Caterpillar SmartBoom provides significant
advantages in the following operations:
Do not elevate or lower the track when in the
SmartBoom mode. Follow the operation proce- Excavation and Loading
dures for the SmartBoom in the Operation and
Maintenance Manual. Failure to follow these in- The operator should select the SmartBoom UP AND
structions can result in serious injury or death. DOWN mode for excavating operations and for
loading operations. This mode is effective during the
return cycle. The BOOM DOWN movement is
assisted by gravity, and the pump flow that is
normally required for the boom circuit is available for
Always make sure that the boom control joystick faster STICK OUT and SWING functions. More work
is in the NEUTRAL position before activating the is performed for the amount of hydraulic oil flow that
SmartBoom control. Activating the SmartBoom is provided by the pumps. This results in faster cycle
control with the joystick out of the neutral posi- times and improved fuel efficiency.
tion could resulted in unexpected machine mo-
tion which could result in serious injury or death. When the SmartBoom UP AND DOWN mode is
active, no downward hydraulic force is applied to the
boom. The operator can intermittently apply
downward hydraulic force when the force is required
for bucket penetration. A button on the right joystick
enables the operator to override the SmartBoom
Do not select any SmartBoom mode, using the mode.
SmartBoom selector switch located on the con-
sole, while the tracks are elevated. Selecting the
SmartBoom mode with the tracks elevated could Hammering
result in a sudden drop of the machine which
could result in serious injury or death. The operator should select the SmartBoom DOWN
mode for hammering operations. In the SmartBoom
DOWN mode, the weight of the hammer plus the
boom and the stick provides sufficient downward
force for effective hammering. This mode prevents
the hammer from rebounding. The boom follows the
If any SmartBoom mode is active and the boom hammer downward freely as the tool penetrates the
control joystick is in the BOOM DOWN position rock. This mode also reduces strain on the machine
(forward) with a bucket or a work tool on the structures.
ground, pressing the disable button that is lo-
cated on the front of the right hand joystick could
cause a sudden boom down motion. This control Advantages
function could lift the machine upward, with un-
expected machine movement that could result in In hammering, the SmartBoom provides the following
serious injury or death. Do not press the disable advantages:
button while the SmartBoom mode is active and
the boom control joystick is in the BOOM DOWN • The mode reduces shock in the cab.
position (forward) with a bucket or a work tool on
the ground. • The mode reduces strain on machine structures.

• The mode prevents blank shots.

• The mode maintains optimum frequency.
In rock cleaning, the SmartBoom provides the
following advantages:

• The mode reduces strain on machine structures.

M0110641-02 201
Operation Section
Bucket - Remove and Install

• The mode reduces wear on the bucket and the


• The mode maintains optimum frequency.

In a leveling operation, the SmartBoom eases the
operation. Only STICK IN actuation and bucket
actuation are required to level the surface.
In material handling, the SmartBoom reduces the
chance of damage below the material.


Bucket - Remove and Install

SMCS Code: 6001; 6001-011; 6001-012; 6101; Illustration 327 g06181120
6102; 6523
1. Start the engine. Park the machine on a hard, level
Removal Procedure surface. Position the bucket, the stick, and the
bucket control linkage, as shown. Shut off the

Failure to follow the instruction below for the in-

stallation of a work tool may result in personal in-
jury or death. Special care must be taken if more
than one person is installing the work tool.

• Confirm the verbal communication and the

hand signals that will be used during the

• Be alert for sudden movement of the front link-

age and the work tool.
• Do not insert fingers into the bores of the sup-
port pins when the support pins and the bores
are being aligned.
Illustration 328 g06192508

NOTICE 2. Slide O-ring seals (1) off the pin joints and onto the
To facilitate removal of the bucket pins without caus- flanges of the bucket.
ing damage to the pins, the bearings, and/or the O-
ring seals put the bucket on the floor and the stick in
a vertical position, as shown.
When the pin assembly is removed, the linkage
assembly may swing out of the bucket. To pre-
vent possible personal injury, do not stand in
front of the linkage assembly when the pin as-
sembly is being removed.

Note: Removing the support pin may be difficult due

to excessive pressure on the support pin. Remove
the pressure on the support pin by adjusting the front
202 M0110641-02
Operation Section
Bucket - Remove and Install

Illustration 330 g06192508

2. Position the O-ring seals (1) onto the flanges of the

3. Start the engine and lower the stick into the bucket
until the pin bores are in alignment with each
Illustration 329 g06186090
other. Stop the engine.
3. Remove nuts and retaining bolt (7) from support
pin (2). Remove the support pin .
4. Remove bolts (3) and adapter plate (4). Remove
the shims.
5. Remove nuts and retaining bolt (6) from support
pin (5). Remove the support pin.
6. Start the engine and raise the stick out of the
7. Remove the O-ring seals (1) from the flanges on
the bucket.

Note: After the support pins have been removed,

make sure that the support pins do not become
contaminated with sand or dirt. Make sure that the
seals on the end of the stick and the seals on the end
of the link do not become damaged.

Installation Procedure
Illustration 331 g06186090
1. Clean each pin and each pin bore. Lubricate each
pin bore with molybdenum grease.
4. Install support pin (5). Align the retaining bolt hole
in the support pin with the retaining bolt hole in the
5. Install the retaining bolt and nuts (6). Install
adapter plate (4) without the shims, and without
bolts (3) that hold the adapter plate.
6. Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,
“Bucket Linkage - Inspect/Adjust” to adjust the
bucket clearance.
7. Slide O-ring seals (1) in position over the pin joints
between the bucket and the stick.
M0110641-02 203
Operation Section
Quick Coupler Operation

8. Start the engine and position the bucket linkage Note: Machine can be configured with different quick
into the bucket until the pin bores are in alignment coupler settings in Electronic Technician (ET). With
with each other. Stop the engine. Accelerator or without Accelerator function. And
“Hold to Run” or “Alarm” or “Hydraulic Pin Grabber”
9. Install support pin (2). Align the retaining bolt hole For activation and deactivation consult your CAT
in the bucket pin with the retaining bolt hole in the dealer.
Note: If machine is equipped with Tilt Rotator, refer to
10. Install retaining bolt and nuts (7). Operation and Maintenance Manual, Tilt Rotator and
consult your CAT Dealer.
11. Slide the O-ring seals (1) over the pin joints
between the bucket and the link assembly. This procedure describes the use of the hydraulic
circuit with a Cat dedicated quick coupler. If a
different quick coupler is used, contact your Cat
dealer for pressure adjustment and consult the
documentation for the quick coupler for proper

• The engine start switch is on.

• The engine is running.

• The hydraulic lockout control must be in the

UNLOCKED position to operate the quick coupler
When the above conditions are achieved, the system
will perform the desired operation.

Illustration 332 g06192530 The quick coupler is used to change work tools while
the operator remains in the cab. The quick coupler
12. Tighten retaining nuts (6) and (7). Position the can be used with a broad range of buckets and work
tools. Each work tool must have a set of pins in order
outside nut even with the end of the retaining bolt
for the quick coupler to work properly.
or 0.5 mm (0.02 inch) beyond the end of the
retaining bolt. Tighten the inside nut against the The work tools are held onto the quick coupler by
outside nut. hydraulic pressure. If pressure is lost, a locking bar
keeps the work tool locked with the force of built-in
13. Lubricate the bucket pins. Refer to Operation and springs. Ensure that the hydraulic system and the
Maintenance Manual, “Bucket Linkage - blocking bar are working properly before using the
Lubricate”. quick coupler.
A lifting eye is included on the quick coupler. Release
the work tool from the quick coupler to use the lifting
eye to pick up loads. To lift a load with the lifting eye,
Quick Coupler Operation extend the bucket cylinder until the quick coupler is in
a VERTICAL position. Do not exceed the rated load
(Circuit for CW Coupler Hold to for the machine.
Run (If Equipped))
SMCS Code: 6129; 6522; 7000

General Operation
Note: If the machine is configured to sound a buzzer
while operating the CW coupler, refer to Operation
and Maintenance Manual, Quick Coupler Operation
(Circuit for CW Coupler with Alarm).
204 M0110641-02
Operation Section
Circuit for CW Coupler Hold to Run (If Equipped)

Once the work tool has been properly attached to the
coupler, no loosening of the work tool should occur. Place the work tool or bucket in a safe position
Refer to the “Quick Coupler Installation and Removal” before engaging the quick coupler. Ensure that
section of the quick coupler Operation and Mainte- the work tool or bucket is not carrying a load.
nance Manual for additional information. If at any
point after the proper attachment and back drag test- Serious injury or death may result from engaging
ing of the work tool, should the work tool then be- the work tool or bucket when it is in an unstable
come loose or if the rear pin of the work tool detaches position or carrying a load.
from the movable hook, stop work immediately and
safely ground and detach the work tool. Consult your
Cat dealer to inspect the coupler prior to putting the
coupler back into service. This situation could indi-
cate potential coupler damage that may not be read- The buzzer will not sound when the switch is in
ily visible to the customer or operator of the machine the lock position. The position of the switch does
and coupler. not confirm the coupler pins are engaged. A
physical test is required by dragging the attach-
ment on the ground to confirm the coupler pins
Electric Switch Operation are engaged.

Note: With certain work tool combinations, including

quick couplers, the work tool can hit the cab or the
front of the machine. Always check for interference
when first operating a new work tool.

Illustration 333 g06382398

Quick coupler switch (1) is located inside the cab on

the switch panel to the left of the operator's seat. The
electric switch has only one position for coupling the
work tool and uncoupling the work tool. The switch is
equipped with a safety lock (2). The locking tab must
be pushed backward before the switch can be

Coupling the Work Tool

Illustration 334 g06220881

Inspect the coupler wedge engagement before 1. Position the work tool on a level surface.
you operate the excavator.
2. Retract the bucket cylinder. Position the quick
Serious injury or death may result from an im- coupler in alignment between the hinges of the
properly engaged coupler. work tool.
Inspect coupler wedge engagement from the cab
by rotating the bucket or the work tool inward.
Extend the bucket cylinder to bring the coupler
actuator into view and bring the stick in until the
wedges are visible.
M0110641-02 205
Operation Section
Circuit for CW Coupler Hold to Run (If Equipped)

If machine is set without accelerator. Operate a

hydraulic function (for example, hold the control
lever of the bucket cylinder in the retract direction),
while the coupler switch remains pushed and held,
until the wedge is fully extended. The monitor will
display “quick coupler unlocked” .

Illustration 335 g06220883

(1) Hinges
(2) Lower bosses

3. Move the stick forward and raise the stick until the
lower bosses (2) engage the hinges (1) of the work
Illustration 338 g06220887
(3) Center bosses
(4) Locking area

6. Extend the bucket cylinder to rotate the quick

coupler toward the work tool.
Center bosses (3) must engage with the cutout of
the hinge.
Illustration 336 g06642184

4. Push the locking tab on the switch backward and

then push the switch and hold. The monitor will
display “quick coupler unlocking requested” .

Illustration 339 g06642184

7. Release coupler switch (1). The monitor will

display “Quick Coupler Locking” .

Illustration 337 g06642183

5. If machine is set with accelerator, the system will

automatically pressurize, while the coupler switch
remains pushed and held, until the wedge is fully
extended. The monitor will display “quick coupler
unlocked” .
206 M0110641-02
Operation Section
Circuit for CW Coupler Hold to Run (If Equipped)

Back drag the work tool on the ground to ensure the
quick coupler is properly locked.
Do Not strike the work tool on the ground to ensure
the quick coupler is properly locked. Striking the work
tool on the ground will result in damage to the coupler
Illustration 340 g06642185

8. If machine is set with accelerator, the system will

automatically pressurize until the wedge is fully
retracted. The monitor will display “Quick Coupler
Locked - Verify Tool Locked” when the coupler is
If machine is set without accelerator. Operate a
hydraulic system function (for example, hold the
control lever of the bucket cylinder in the retract
direction) until the wedge is fully retracted and the
monitor will display “Quick Coupler Locked - Verify
Tool Locked” , when the coupler is locked.

Crush injury. Could cause serious injury or death.

Always confirm that the quick coupler is engaged
onto the pins. Read the Operator's Manual.

Illustration 341 g06220888

Inspect the quick coupler engagement before op- 10. Raise the boom or raise the stick. Retract the
erating the machine. bucket cylinder to confirm that the wedge is fully
engaged. If the wedge is fully engaged, the work
Verify that the quick coupler is engaged per the tool is locked in place. The work tool is ready to
procedure in the Operation and Maintenance
Manual. Verify prior to operating the machine, use.
after every engine start, and after an extended
time of inactivity. Uncoupling the Work Tool
Serious injury or death may result from improp-
erly engaged coupler.

9. Verify that the quick coupler and the work tool are Place the work tool or bucket in a safe position
locked together. before disengaging the coupler. Disengaging the
coupler will release the work tool or bucket from
a. Retract the bucket cylinder and place the work control of the operator.
tool on the ground.
Serious injury or death may result from disengag-
b. Apply pressure to the work tool against the ing the work tool or bucket when it is in an unsta-
ground. ble position or carrying a load.

c. Drag the work tool backward.

M0110641-02 207
Operation Section
Circuit for CW Coupler Hold to Run (If Equipped)

If machine is set without accelerator. Ooperate a

hydraulic function (for example, hold the control
lever of the bucket cylinder in the retract direction),
while the coupler switch remains pushed and held,
until the wedge is fully extended. The monitor will
display “quick coupler unlocked” .

Illustration 342 g06220889

1. Level the bucket or level the work tool on the


Illustration 345 g06220891

4. Retract the bucket cylinder to move the quick

coupler toward the machine while the coupler
switch is being pushed and held.
Illustration 343 g06642184

2. Push the locking tab on the switch backward and

then push the switch and hold. The monitor will
display “quick coupler unlocking requested” .

Illustration 346 g06642184

5. Release coupler switch (1). The monitor will

display “Quick Coupler Locking” .

Illustration 344 g06642183

3. If machine is set with accelerator, the system will

automatically pressurize, while the coupler switch
remains pushed and held, until the wedge is fully
extended and the monitor will display “quick
coupler unlocked” .
208 M0110641-02
Operation Section
Quick Coupler Operation

Illustration 347 g06642185

6. If machine is set with accelerator, the system will

automatically pressurize until the wedge is fully
retracted. The monitor will display “Quick Coupler
Locked - Verify Tool Locked” when the coupler is
If machine is set without accelerator. Operate a
hydraulic system function (for example, hold the
control lever of the bucket cylinder in the retract
direction) until the wedge is fully retracted and the
monitor will display “Quick Coupler Locked - Verify
Illustration 348 g06220892
Tool Locked” , when the coupler is locked.
7. Lower the stick and move the stick toward the
machine to disengage the quick coupler.


Quick Coupler Operation

(Circuit for CW Coupler with
Alarm (If Equipped))
SMCS Code: 6129; 6522; 7000

General Operation
Note: If the machine is configured to sound a buzzer
while operating the CW coupler, refer to Operation
and Maintenance Manual, Quick Coupler Operation
(Circuit for CW Coupler with Alarm).
Note: Machine can be configured with different quick
coupler settings in Electronic Technician (ET). With
Accelerator or without Accelerator function. And
“Hold to Run” or “Alarm” or “Hydraulic Pin Grabber”
For activation and deactivation consult your CAT
Note: If machine is equipped with Tilt Rotator, refer to
Operation and Maintenance Manual, Tilt Rotator and
consult your CAT Dealer.
This procedure describes the use of the hydraulic
circuit with a Cat dedicated quick coupler. If a
different quick coupler is used, contact your Cat
dealer for pressure adjustment and consult the
documentation for the quick coupler for proper
M0110641-02 209
Operation Section
Circuit for CW Coupler with Alarm (If Equipped)

• The engine start switch is on.

Once the work tool has been properly attached to the
• The engine is running.
coupler, no loosening of the work tool should occur.
• The hydraulic lockout control must be in the Refer to the “Quick Coupler Installation and Removal”
UNLOCKED position to operate the quick coupler section of the quick coupler Operation and Mainte-
nance Manual for additional information. If at any
controls. point after the proper attachment and back drag test-
When the above conditions are achieved, the system ing of the work tool, should the work tool then be-
will perform the desired operation. come loose or if the rear pin of the work tool detaches
from the movable hook, stop work immediately and
The quick coupler is used to change work tools while safely ground and detach the work tool. Consult your
the operator remains in the cab. The quick coupler Cat dealer to inspect the coupler prior to putting the
can be used with a broad range of buckets and work coupler back into service. This situation could indi-
tools. Each work tool must have a set of pins in order cate potential coupler damage that may not be read-
for the quick coupler to work properly. ily visible to the customer or operator of the machine
and coupler.
The work tools are held onto the quick coupler by
hydraulic pressure. If pressure is lost, a locking bar
keeps the work tool locked with the force of built-in Electric Switch Operation
springs. Ensure that the hydraulic system and the
blocking bar are working properly before using the
quick coupler.
A lifting eye is included on the quick coupler. Release
the work tool from the quick coupler to use the lifting
eye to pick up loads. To lift a load with the lifting eye,
extend the bucket cylinder until the quick coupler is in
a VERTICAL position. Do not exceed the rated load
for the machine.

Illustration 349 g06382398

Quick coupler switch (1) is located inside the cab on

the switch panel to the left of the operator's seat. The
electric switch has only one position for coupling the
work tool and uncoupling the work tool. The switch is
equipped with a safety lock (2). The locking tab must
be pushed backward before the switch can be

Coupling the Work Tool

Inspect the coupler wedge engagement before

you operate the excavator.
Serious injury or death may result from an im-
properly engaged coupler.
Inspect coupler wedge engagement from the cab
by rotating the bucket or the work tool inward.
Extend the bucket cylinder to bring the coupler
actuator into view and bring the stick in until the
wedges are visible.
210 M0110641-02
Operation Section
Circuit for CW Coupler with Alarm (If Equipped)

Place the work tool or bucket in a safe position

before engaging the quick coupler. Ensure that
the work tool or bucket is not carrying a load.
Serious injury or death may result from engaging
the work tool or bucket when it is in an unstable
position or carrying a load.

The buzzer will not sound when the switch is in

the lock position. The position of the switch does
not confirm the coupler pins are engaged. A
physical test is required by dragging the attach-
ment on the ground to confirm the coupler pins
are engaged.

Note: With certain work tool combinations, including

quick couplers, the work tool can hit the cab or the
Illustration 351 g06220883
front of the machine. Always check for interference
when first operating a new work tool. (1) Hinges
(2) Lower bosses

3. Move the stick forward and raise the stick until the
lower bosses (2) engage the hinges (1) of the work

Illustration 352 g06642184

4. Push the locking tab on the switch backward and

then push the switch and hold. The monitor will
display “quick coupler unlocking requested” .

Illustration 350 g06220881

1. Position the work tool on a level surface.

2. Retract the bucket cylinder. Position the quick
coupler in alignment between the hinges of the
work tool. Illustration 353 g06642183

5. If machine is set with accelerator, the system will

automatically pressurize until the wedge is fully
extended. The buzzer will continue to sound and
the monitor will display “quick coupler unlocked” .
M0110641-02 211
Operation Section
Circuit for CW Coupler with Alarm (If Equipped)

If machine is set without accelerator. Operate a

hydraulic system function (for example, hold the
control lever of the bucket cylinder in the retract
direction) until the wedge is fully extended. The
buzzer will continue to sound and the monitor will
display “quick coupler unlocked” .

Illustration 356 g06642185

8. If machine is set with accelerator, the system will

automatically pressurize until the wedge is fully
retracted. The buzzer will stop and the monitor will
display “Quick Coupler Locked - Verify Tool
Locked” when the coupler is locked.
If machine is set without accelerator. Operate a
hydraulic system function (for example, hold the
control lever of the bucket cylinder in the retract
direction) until the wedge is fully retracted. The
buzzer will stop and the monitor will display “Quick
Coupler Locked - Verify Tool Locked” when the
coupler is locked.

Crush injury. Could cause serious injury or death.

Illustration 354 g06220887
Always confirm that the quick coupler is engaged
onto the pins. Read the Operator's Manual.
(3) Center bosses
(4) Locking area

6. Extend the bucket cylinder to rotate the quick

coupler toward the work tool.
Inspect the quick coupler engagement before op-
Center bosses (3) must engage with the cutout of erating the machine.
the hinge.
Verify that the quick coupler is engaged per the
procedure in the Operation and Maintenance
Manual. Verify prior to operating the machine,
after every engine start, and after an extended
time of inactivity.
Serious injury or death may result from improp-
erly engaged coupler.

9. Verify that the quick coupler and the work tool are
Illustration 355 g06642184 locked together.
a. Retract the bucket cylinder and place the work
7. Release coupler switch (1). The monitor will
tool on the ground.
display “Quick Coupler Locking” .
b. Apply pressure to the work tool against the
c. Drag the work tool backward.
212 M0110641-02
Operation Section
Circuit for CW Coupler with Alarm (If Equipped)

Back drag the work tool on the ground to ensure the
quick coupler is properly locked.
Do Not strike the work tool on the ground to ensure
the quick coupler is properly locked. Striking the work
tool on the ground will result in damage to the coupler

Illustration 358 g06220889

1. Level the bucket or level the work tool on the


Illustration 357 g06220888

10. Raise the boom or raise the stick. Retract the

bucket cylinder to confirm that the wedge is fully Illustration 359 g06642184
engaged. If the wedge is fully engaged, the work
tool is locked in place. The work tool is ready to 2. Push the locking tab on the switch backward and
use. then push the switch and hold. The monitor will
display “quick coupler unlocking requested” .
Uncoupling the Work Tool

Place the work tool or bucket in a safe position

before disengaging the coupler. Disengaging the
coupler will release the work tool or bucket from
control of the operator.
Serious injury or death may result from disengag- Illustration 360 g06642183
ing the work tool or bucket when it is in an unsta-
ble position or carrying a load.
3. If machine is set with accelerator, the system will
automatically pressurize until the wedge is fully
extended. The buzzer will continue to sound and
the monitor will display “quick coupler unlocked” .
M0110641-02 213
Operation Section
Circuit for CW Coupler with Alarm (If Equipped)

If machine is set without accelerator. Operate a

hydraulic system function (for example, hold the
control lever of the bucket cylinder in the retract
direction) until the wedge is fully extended. The
buzzer will continue to sound and the monitor will
display “quick coupler unlocked” .

Illustration 363 g06642185

6. If machine is set with accelerator, the system will

automatically pressurize until the wedge is fully
retracted. The buzzer will stop and the monitor will
display “Quick Coupler Locked - Verify Tool
Locked” when the coupler is locked.
If machine is set without accelerator. Operate a
hydraulic system function (for example, hold the
control lever of the bucket cylinder in the retract
direction) until the wedge is fully retracted. The
buzzer will stop and the monitor will display “Quick
Coupler Locked - Verify Tool Locked” when the
coupler is locked.

Illustration 361 g06220891

4. Retract the bucket cylinder to move the quick

coupler toward the machine while the coupler
switch is being pushed and held.

Illustration 362 g06642184

5. Release coupler switch (1). The monitor will

display “Quick Coupler Locking” .
214 M0110641-02
Operation Section
Quick Coupler Operation

Note: If machine is equipped with Tilt Rotator, refer to

Operation and Maintenance Manual, Tilt Rotator and
consult your CAT Dealer.
The quick coupler is used to change work tools while
the operator remains in the cab. The quick coupler
can be used with a broad range of buckets and work
tools. Each work tool must have a set of pins in order
for the quick coupler to work properly.
The work tools are held onto the quick coupler by
hydraulic pressure. If pressure is lost, a check valve
in the hydraulic cylinder traps oil in the cylinder.
Ensure that the hydraulic system is working properly
before using the quick coupler.
A lifting eye is included on the quick coupler. Release
the work tool from the quick coupler to use the lifting
eye to pick up loads. To lift a load with the lifting eye,
extend the bucket cylinder until the quick coupler is in
a VERTICAL position. Do not exceed the rated load
for the machine.

Illustration 364 g06220892

7. Lower the stick and move the stick toward the

machine to disengage the quick coupler.


Quick Coupler Operation

(Hydraulic Pin Grabber Quick
Coupler (If Equipped))
SMCS Code: 6129; 6522; 7000

General Operation
The Cat Quick Coupler (Hydraulic Pin Grabber) is not
designed to be used in applications where there is
long exposure to excessive vibration. The vibration
caused by extensive use of a hydraulic hammer as
well as the added weight of certain demolition tools
such as shears, crushers, and pulverizers may cause
premature wear and decreased service life of the
Be sure to carefully inspect the coupler daily for
cracks, bent components, wear, distressed welds,
etc. when operating with any of the above work tools.

Note: Machine can be configured with different quick

coupler settings in Electronic Technician (ET). With
Accelerator or without Accelerator function. And
“Hold to Run” or “Alarm” or “Hydraulic Pin Grabber”
For activation and deactivation consult your CAT
M0110641-02 215
Operation Section
Hydraulic Pin Grabber Quick Coupler (If Equipped)

Once the work tool has been properly attached to the Once the work tool has been properly attached to the
coupler, no loosening of the work tool should occur. coupler, no loosening of the work tool should occur.
Refer to the “Quick Coupler Installation and Removal” Refer to the quick coupler Operation and Mainte-
section of the quick coupler Operation and Mainte- nance Manual, “Quick Coupler Installation and Re-
nance Manual for additional information. If at any moval” for additional information. If at any point after
point after the proper attachment and back drag test- the proper attachment and back drag testing of the
ing of the work tool, should the work tool then be- work tool, should the work tool then become loose or
come loose or if the rear pin of the work tool detaches if the rear pin of the work tool detaches from the mov-
from the movable hook, stop work immediately and able hook, stop work immediately and safely ground
safely ground and detach the work tool. Consult your and detach the work tool. Consult your Cat dealer to
Cat dealer to inspect the coupler prior to putting the inspect the coupler prior to putting the coupler back
coupler back into service. This situation could indi- into service. This situation could indicate potential
cate potential coupler damage that may not be read- coupler damage that may not be readily visible to the
ily visible to the customer or operator of the machine customer or operator of the machine and coupler.
and coupler.

Quick Coupler Operation Inspection of the Center-Lock coupler is required
after a failure of the primary engaging system or a
miscoupling of the tool, causing the work tool to
Electric Switch Operation swing by the secondary lock. Contact your Cat
Refer to Special Instruction, REHS5676, “The In-
spection Procedure for the Center-Lock Coupler” for
the proper procedure.

Note: For machines operating hydromechanical work

tools equipped with a Center-Lock Pin Grabber
Coupler, the addition of a Hydromechanical
Conversion Kit may also be required. Refer to the
Operation and Maintenance Manual for the quick
coupler for more information or consult your Cat

Coupling the Work Tool

Illustration 365 g06382398

Quick coupler switch (1) is located inside the cab on

the switch panel to the left of the operator's seat. The Place the work tool or bucket in a safe position
electric switch has only one position for coupling the before engaging the quick coupler. Ensure that
work tool and uncoupling the work tool. The switch is the work tool or bucket is not carrying a load.
equipped with a safety lock (2). The locking tab must
be pushed backward before the switch can be Serious injury or death may result from engaging
pressed. the work tool or bucket when it is in an unstable
position or carrying a load.

Inspect the quick coupler engagement before op-

erating the machine.
Serious injury or death may result from improp-
erly engaged coupler.
216 M0110641-02
Operation Section
Hydraulic Pin Grabber Quick Coupler (If Equipped)

Crush injury. Could cause serious injury or death.

Always confirm that the quick coupler is engaged
onto the pins. Read the Operator's Manual.

Illustration 367 g06642184

The alarm will go off when the coupler is locked
and the monitor will display a message. These as-
surances do not confirm that the coupler pins are
engaged. A physical test is required by dragging
the attachment on the ground to confirm the cou-
pler pins are engaged.

With certain work tool combinations, including quick
couplers, the work tool can hit the cab or the front of Illustration 368 g01231447
the machine. Always check for interference when first
operating a new work tool.
4. Push the locking tab on the switch backward and
then push the switch and release. The buzzer will
1. Position the bucket or the work tool on a level sound and the monitor will display “quick coupler
surface. unlocking requested” .
2. Make sure that the pins are in the bucket or the
work tool. Make sure that the pin keepers are
installed correctly.

Illustration 369 g06642183

5. Hold the control lever for the bucket cylinder in the

EXTEND position until the hook is fully unlocked.
The buzzer will continue to sound and the monitor
will display “quick coupler unlocked” .

Illustration 366 g06187057

3. Extend the stick cylinder and fully extend the

bucket cylinder until the quick coupler is curled
past a vertical position. This action must be
performed before pressing the switch.

Illustration 370 g06187063

6. Align the quick coupler with the work tool.

M0110641-02 217
Operation Section
Hydraulic Pin Grabber Quick Coupler (If Equipped)

This action must be performed before you push

the coupler switch to lock the coupler.

Illustration 374 g06642184

Illustration 371 g06187068

7. Rotate the quick coupler to grab the top pin.

Illustration 375 g01231447

10. Push the locking tab on the switch backward and

then push the switch and release. The buzzer will
continue to sound and the monitor will display
“quick coupler locking” .

Illustration 372 g06187086

8. Rotate the quick coupler downward to grab the

bottom pin. Illustration 376 g06642185

Hold the bucket cylinder control lever in the EXTEND
position while the quick coupler is locking. Failure to
do so may result in unwanted movement of the work

11. Hold the control lever for the bucket cylinder in

theEXTEND position until the hook is fully locked.
The buzzer will stop to sound and the monitor will
display “Quick Coupler Locked - Verify Tool
Locked” when the coupler is locked.

Illustration 373 g06187108

9. Extend the stick cylinder and extend the bucket

cylinder until the work tool is curled past a vertical
218 M0110641-02
Operation Section
Hydraulic Pin Grabber Quick Coupler (If Equipped)

Uncoupling the Work Tool

Place the work tool or bucket in a safe position

before disengaging the coupler. Disengaging the
coupler will release the work tool or bucket from
control of the operator.
Serious injury or death may result from disengag-
ing the work tool or bucket when it is in an unsta-
ble position or carrying a load.

Illustration 377 g06187115 Auxiliary hoses for work tools must be disconnected
before the Hydraulic Quick Coupler is disengaged.
Pulling the work tool with the auxiliary hoses could re-
sult in damage to the host machine or the work tool.
Crush injury. Could cause serious injury or death.
Always confirm that the quick coupler is engaged
onto the pins. Read the Operator's Manual.

Inspect the quick coupler engagement before op-

erating the machine.
Verify that the quick coupler is engaged per the
procedure in the Operation and Maintenance
Manual. Verify prior to operating the machine,
after every engine start, and after an extended
time of inactivity.
Serious injury or death may result from improp-
erly engaged coupler.
Illustration 378 g06187108

12. Verify that the quick coupler and the work tool are
1. Extend the stick cylinder and fully extend the
locked together.
bucket cylinder until the work tool is curled past a
a. Retract the bucket cylinder and place the work vertical position. This action must be performed
tool on the ground. before pressing the switch.
b. Apply pressure to the work tool against the
c. Drag the work tool backward.

Back drag the work tool on the ground to ensure the
quick coupler is properly locked.
Do Not strike the work tool on the ground to ensure Illustration 379 g06642184
the quick coupler is properly locked. Striking the work
tool on the ground will result in damage to the coupler 2. Push the locking tab on the switch backward and
then push the switch and release. The buzzer will
sound and the monitor will display “quick coupler
unlocking requested” .
M0110641-02 219
Operation Section
Hydraulic Pin Grabber Quick Coupler (If Equipped)

Illustration 380 g01231447

Illustration 383 g06187151

5. Rotate the quick coupler upward to release the

bottom pin.
Illustration 381 g06642183

3. Hold the control lever for the bucket cylinder in the

EXTEND position until the hook is fully unlocked.
The buzzer will continue to sound and the monitor
will display “quick coupler unlocked” .

Illustration 384 g06187156

6. Continue to rotate the quick coupler upward to

release the top pin and completely release the
work tool from the quick coupler.

Illustration 382 g06187142

7. Move the stick to a position that is clear of the work
4. Move the boom and the stick until the tool or the
bucket is in the storage position. Keep the tool
close to the ground.
220 M0110641-02
Operation Section
Hydraulic Pin Grabber Quick Coupler (If Equipped)

Illustration 387 g01231447

Illustration 385 g06187108

8. Extend the stick cylinder and extend the bucket

cylinder until the work tool is curled past a vertical
position. This action must be performed before Illustration 388 g06642185
you push the coupler switch to lock the coupler.
10. Hold the control lever for the bucket cylinder in
the EXTEND position until the hook is fully locked.
The buzzer will stop to sound and the monitor will
display “Quick Coupler Locked - Verify Tool
Locked” when the coupler is locked.
11. To lift objects with the lifting eye of the quick
coupler, refer to “Coupler Lifting Eye Operation
without Bucket” later in this chapter.
Illustration 386 g06642184
Coupling a Bucket that is Reversed
9. Push the locking tab on the switch backward and
then push the switch and release. The buzzer will
continue to sound and the monitor will display
“quick coupler locking” .

Illustration 389 g06187159

1. When you use a hydraulic pin grabber quick

coupler, you can connect to a bucket that is in a
reversed position. Refer to Illustration 389 for an
example of connecting to a bucket that is in a
reversed position.
2. Follow the same steps for coupling the work tool to
couple the host machine to a bucket that is
reversed. Refer to “Coupling the Work Tool” for the
proper procedure.
M0110641-02 221
Operation Section
Hydraulic Pin Grabber Quick Coupler (If Equipped)

When some Caterpillar buckets are used in the re-
verse position, it can be more difficult to couple the
bucket and uncouple the bucket than in the normal
Care must be taken to ensure that the position of the
boom, stick, and bucket are aligned to ensure smooth
coupling. The coupler must be in position between
the bucket bosses.
If the bucket is not fully engaged in the jaw of the cou-
pler, the quick coupler can become snagged on the
bucket bosses. The full weight of the bucket is then
carried by the quick coupler sideplates, which can
cause damage to the quick coupler.

Illustration 391 g06384615

2. Use the lifting eye of the quick coupler, as needed.

Illustration 390 g06187418

(1) Quick coupler
(2) Bucket
(3) Boss
(4) Hook

Coupler Lifting Eye Operation without

A lifting eye is included on the quick coupler. Release
the work tool from the quick coupler to use the lifting
eye to pick up loads. To lift a load with the lifting eye,
extend the bucket cylinder until the quick coupler is in
a VERTICAL position. Do not exceed the rated load
for the machine. Refer to Operation and Maintenance
Manual, Lifting capacities for more information.
1. Remove the work tool. Refer to “Uncoupling the
Work Tool” for the proper procedure.
222 M0110641-02
Operation Section
Work Tool Operation

3. To reinstall the bucket or the work tool, refer to Do not allow the hydraulic hammer to operate at one
“Coupling the Work Tool” for the proper procedure. location and for more than 15 seconds. Change the
location of the hydraulic hammer and repeat the
procedure. Failure to change the location of the
hydraulic hammer could cause the hydraulic oil to
overheat. Overheated hydraulic oil could damage the
Work Tool Operation accumulator.
(If Equipped) Stop the hydraulic hammer immediately if the jumper
SMCS Code: 6700; 7000 lines are pulsating violently. This indicates that the
accumulator nitrogen charge is lost. Consult your Cat
dealer for the necessary repair.
Hammer Operation (If Equipped)
Do not use the dropping force of the hydraulic ham-
mer to break rocks or other hard objects. This could
cause structural damage to the machine.
Do not use the sides or back of the hydraulic hammer
to move rocks or other hard objects. Doing this could
cause damage not only to the hammer but to stick or
boom cylinder.
Do not operate the hydraulic hammer with any of the
cylinders fully retracted or extended. Doing this could
cause structural damage to the machine, resulting in
reduced machine life.

Do not use the hydraulic hammer to lift an object.

Illustration 392 g06222793
Do not operate the hydraulic hammer while the stick
is vertical to the ground. This could allow the stick
NOTICE cylinder to vibrate excessively.
Use only a hydraulic hammer that is recommended
by Caterpillar. Operate the attachment control levers carefully to
keep the hydraulic hammer tool from hitting the
The use of a hydraulic hammer that is not recom- boom.
mended by Caterpillar could result in structural dam-
age to the host machine. Do not operate the hydraulic hammer under water
unless the hydraulic hammer is properly equipped.
Consult your Cat dealer for information on recom- Operating the hydraulic hammer under water could
mended hydraulic hammers. damage the machine hydraulic system. Consult your
Cat dealer for information on underwater operation.
Only use the hydraulic hammer to break rocks,
concrete, and other hard objects. Before you start Do not operate the hydraulic hammer with the upper
hydraulic hammer operation, place the machine on a structure sideways to the undercarriage. Before you
level, stable surface. start hydraulic hammer operation, place the upper
structure in the recommended positions that are
Before you start hydraulic hammer operation, close shown in illustration 393 . Any other operating
the front window. Caterpillar recommends the positions could make the machine unstable. Any
installation of a window guard on the front window for other operating positions could place excessive loads
protection from flying debris. on the undercarriage.

NOTICE Refer to the following for any additional questions

In order to avoid structural damage to the host ma- about the operation and care of your Cat hydraulic
chine or the hydraulic hammer, comply with the hammer:
• Operation and Maintenance Manual, SEBU7346,
Do not attempt to break rocks or concrete by burying “Hydraulic Hammers”
the hammer tool completely into the rocks or
concrete. • The Operation and Maintenance Manual specific
to your machine
Do not apply a prying force to the hammer tool in or-
der to remove the hammer tool from the material.
M0110641-02 223
Operation Section
If Equipped

An operation and maintenance decal, SMEU7397, is

available for all hydraulic hammers. The decal
provides procedures for operation and maintenance
of the hydraulic hammers. The decal can be placed
on the machine or the hammer. The decal can be
obtained through the normal literature ordering

Illustration 393 g06192837

(1) Incorrect working position
(2) Correct working position
(3) Incorrect working position
(4) Correct working position
224 M0110641-02
Operation Section
If Equipped

Shear Operation (If Equipped)

Serious injury or death could occur from the dem-
olition of pipes, vessels, tanks or other contain-
ers that may contain gas, flammable materials or
hazardous chemicals.
Do not perform any demolition work on these
items until all of their contents have been
Follow all regulations for the removal and dis-
posal of these materials.

Using the demolition tool to level the work site or
push over standing structures may damage the ma-
chine or the demolition tool. Use appropriate equip-
ment to do site preparation or maintenance

To avoid structural damage to the machine, do not
break road surfaces by placing the cutting edge of
the hydraulic shear on the ground and moving the

Be sure that no one is near the work tool to prevent

injury. Keep the work tool under control at all times to
prevent injury. When a demolition tool is used, all
Illustration 394 g06222798 personnel must maintain a minimum distance of 10 m
(33 ft).

Do not operate or work on this work tool unless

you have read and understand the instructions
and warnings in the Operation And Maintenance
Manual for both the work tool and the host
Failure to follow the instructions or heed the
warnings could result in injury or death.
Contact your Caterpillar dealer for replacement
manuals. Proper care is your responsibility.

Selection of a hydraulic shear must be done with ex-
tra care.
Use of a hydraulic shear not recommended by Cater-
pillar could result in structural damage to the host
Consult your Cat dealer for hydraulic shear
M0110641-02 225
Operation Section
If Equipped

Close all windows. Make sure that all required guards

are in place. Wear all required protective equipment.
Follow the instructions in the Operation and
Maintenance Manual for the work tool.

Crusher Operation (If Equipped)

Improper operation and maintenance of the

crusher could cause personal injury or death. Ob-
serve the following procedures for safe operation
of the crusher.
Consult your Cat dealer for more information on
the operation and maintenance of the crusher.
Do not operate the host machine with the work
tool unless you have read and understood the in-
structions and warnings in the Operation and
Maintenance Manual. Failure to follow the in-
structions or heed the warnings could result in
machine or work tool damage, and/or serious in- Illustration 395 g06222800
jury or death. Contact your Cat dealer for a re-
placement manual, if needed. Demolition work on the roof of a building could lead
to serious personal injury if the building were to
When the crusher is installed on the host ma- collapse and the excavator turned over or fell off the
chine, always make sure that the protective roof. The demolition work must be started ONLY
guarding is in place. AFTER surveying the building for its structural
Using the crusher in an incorrect manner can
damage the machine and/or cause personal in-
jury or death.
Always ensure that the work area is clear of
ground personnel, due to the potential crush haz-
ards with falling debris and machine movement.
Resting or placing your foot on the work tool ped-
al could result in unexpected movement of the
machine / work tool which could result in person-
al injury or death. Always lock the crusher when
not in use.

Selection of a hydraulic crusher must be done with
extra care.
Use of a hydraulic crusher not recommended by Cat-
erpillar could result in structural damage to the host
Consult your Cat dealer for hydraulic crusher
information. Illustration 396 g06222803

Close all windows. Make sure that all required guards Crushing work above your head must be avoided
are in place. Wear all required protective equipment. because objects can fall and damage the machine.
Follow the instructions in the Operation and
Maintenance Manual for the work tool.
226 M0110641-02
Operation Section
If Equipped

Illustration 399 g06222813

Crushing work using impact, swing, or dropping

forces of the excavator could cause damages to the
machine and also could lead to personal injury. As
such, NEVER perform such an operation.

Illustration 397 g06222806

Do not perform demolition work at the base of the

machine, because the ground could be unstable and
cause the machine to fall.

Illustration 398 g06222809

Illustration 400 g06222817
Do not suddenly lower or stop the work tool,
otherwise the excavator could turn over. Crushing work with hydraulic cylinder at stroke end
position could damage the excavator, resulting in
shortening of lifespan. Also, as it could lead to
unexpected personal injury due to breakage of the
machine, do not perform any work at stroke end.
M0110641-02 227
Operation Section
If Equipped

Illustration 401 g06222821 Illustration 403 g06222831

When performing work at elevated positions, always Crushers could interfere with the boom and the cab
use care for the surroundings as well as for falling depending on the type and method of usage. Know
objects to avoid personal injury. Use guide personnel the working range of the crusher being used.
and signs as required.

Illustration 404 g06222833

Illustration 402 g06222829
If the tooth of the crusher engages an object at a
When working sideways, the track can lift. Avoid slant, excessive forces could be applied to the front
abrupt operation and operate slowly. regions. As such move the crusher to the front.
228 M0110641-02
Operation Section
If Equipped

Illustration 405 g06222836

Never extend the boom cylinder suddenly. Sudden

extension of the boom could cause tip backwards.

Illustration 406 g06222831

Sudden extension of the bucket cylinder, or sudden

extension of the stick cylinder could cause damages
at the stroke end position, resulting in personal injury.
Operations that cause sudden extension of the
cylinders is PROHIBITED!
M0110641-02 229
Operation Section

Parking 3. Lower the work tool to the ground. Apply a slight

downward pressure.
i07868085 4. Move the hydraulic lockout control to the LOCKED
Stopping the Machine
SMCS Code: 7000
Freezing Conditions
SMCS Code: 7000
Leaving the machine unattended when the engine
is running may result in personal injury or death. If freezing temperatures are expected, remove the
Before leaving the machine operator station, neu- mud and the dirt from each track roller frame. Park
tralize the travel controls, lower the work tools to the machine on wood planks. Use the following
the ground and deactivate all work tools, and procedure to clean each track roller frame.
place the lever for the hydraulic lockout control
in the LOCKED position.

Note: There may be regulations that define the

requirements for the operator and/or support
personnel to be present when the engine is running.
Park on a level surface. If the machine must be
parked on a grade, chock the tracks securely.

Note: The swing parking brake is automatically

applied when the machine is stopped. The swing
parking brake is released when the engine is running
and the joystick is activated.

1. Turn the engine speed dial counterclockwise to Illustration 408 g06188791

reduce engine speed.

1. Position the boom over one side of the machine.
2. Use boom down pressure to lift the track on one
side off the ground. Operate the track in the
forward direction. Then operate the track in
reverse. Continue this procedure until the
maximum amount of material is thrown off the
3. Lower the track onto the wood planks.
4. Repeat the procedure for the other track.
5. Clean the area around the carrier rollers and
around the track rollers.
6. Lower the work tool onto a wood plank to prevent
the work tool from touching the ground.

Illustration 407 g06181402

2. Release the travel levers/pedals to stop the

230 M0110641-02
Operation Section
Stopping the Engine


Stopping the Engine

SMCS Code: 1000; 7000

Stopping the engine immediately after it has been
working under load can result in overheating and ac-
celerated wear of engine components.
Refer to the following procedure to allow the engine
to cool and to prevent excessive temperatures in the
turbocharger housing, which could cause oil coking

Never turn the battery disconnect switch to the OFF
position while the engine is running. Serious damage
to the electrical system may result.

1. Park the machine on level ground. Refer to Illustration 409 g06181487

Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Stopping the
Machine” for the recommended procedure. 1. The switch is located below the left side of the
operator seat.
2. While the machine is stopped, run the engine for 5
minutes at low idle. Idling the engine allows hot 2. Lift cover (1).
areas of the engine to cool gradually. 3. Push switch (2) upward. This should stop the
3. Turn the engine start ring to the OFF position or engine and prevent the engine from being started
press button to stop the engine. again.

Note: If the “Regen Active” indicator is illuminated, 4. Return the switch to the original position. The
do not shut off the engine. Refer to Operation and engine will be enabled to start.
Maintenance Manual, “Monitoring System” for more
information on indicators. Note: Do not operate the machine again until the
malfunction has been corrected.
Engine Shutdown Switch 5. Use the method that follows if the previous steps
do not stop the engine.
Perform a walk around inspection after actuation of a Stop the Engine if an Electrical
shutdown device.
Malfunction Occurs
Take necessary corrective action to resolve the cause
of the shutdown. Turn the engine start switch to the OFF position. If
the engine does not stop, perform the following
Ensure that no additional damage has been done or procedure.
could occur before returning to operation.
Turn the engine start ring to the OFF position or
press button to stop the engine. If the engine does
not stop, perform the following procedure.

Note: Always use the engine start switch to stop the

engine. Use the secondary engine stop control as an
alternate method to stop the engine if the start switch
M0110641-02 231
Operation Section
Leaving the Machine

2. Inspect the engine compartment for debris. Clean

out any debris to avoid a fire hazard.
3. Remove all flammable debris from the front bottom
guard through the access doors to reduce a fire
hazard. Discard the debris properly.
4. Always turn the battery disconnect switch to the
OFF position before leaving the machine.
5. If the machine will not be operated for a month or
more, remove the battery disconnect switch key.
6. Lock all compartments and all vandalism covers (if
Illustration 410 g06209639
The fuel shutoff valve is on the fuel system water
separator. Machine Storage and
Shut off the fuel supply by turning the fuel shutoff Specified Storage Period
valve (3) clockwise. The engine will stop after
consuming the fuel in the fuel line. The engine may SMCS Code: 7000
continue to run for a few minutes.
Repair the engine before you restart the engine. The
Machine Storage
fuel system may need to be primed. See Operation
and Maintenance Manual, “Fuel System - Prime” for The Safety Section of this Operation and
instructions. Maintenance Manual contains storage information for
fuels, lubricants, and ether (if equipped).
i07103299 The Operation Section of this Operation and
Maintenance Manual contains information for short-
Leaving the Machine term storage of this machine, including engine
shutdown, parking, and instructions for leaving the
SMCS Code: 7000 machine.
For detailed steps on long-term storage refer to
Special Instruction, SEHS9031, “Storage Procedure
for Caterpillar Products”.

Specified Storage Period

The specified storage period of this machine is 1
After the specified storage period has expired,
consult your Cat dealer for inspect, repair, rebuild,
install remanufactured, or install new components,
and disposal options, and to establish a new
specified storage period.
If a decision is made to remove the machine from
service, refer to Decommissioning and Disposal for
further information.

Illustration 411 g06224270

1. Use the steps and the hand holds when you

dismount. When you dismount, face the machine
and use both hands.
232 M0110641-02
Operation Section
Transportation Information

Transportation Information 6. Lower the work tool to the bed or to the floor of the
transport machine.
i08163556 7. To prevent rolling of the machine or sudden
movement of the machine, perform the following
Shipping the Machine items:
SMCS Code: 7000; 7500 • Chock both tracks.

• Install sufficient tie-downs at several locations.

Automatic Engine Speed Control (AEC) will in- • Fasten wire cables.
crease engine speed automatically when you op-
erate the control levers and/or travel pedals with 8. If equipped, remove door hooks, cab bumpers,
AEC switch on. and fuel tank step as necessary. Refer to local
When loading and unloading the machine from
the truck or working in close quarters always turn
AEC switch off to prevent any possibility of sud-
den movement of machine, which could result in
serious injury or death.
Set the travel speed control switch to LOW before
loading the machine. Never operate this switch
when loading the machine on a trailer.
Investigate the travel route for overpass clearances.
Make sure that there will be adequate clearance for
the machine.
Remove ice, snow, or other slippery material from the
loading dock and from the truck bed before you load
the machine onto the transport machine. Removing
ice, snow, or other slippery material will help to Illustration 412 g06516462
prevent the machine from slipping in transit.
Typical example of door hook
Note: Obey all laws that govern the characteristics of (A) Inside
a load (height, weight, width, and length). Observe all (B) Outside
(1) Cover
regulations that govern wide loads. Certain regions (2) Nuts
may require the removal of door hooks and cab (3) Door Hook
bumpers, if equipped. Consult all local and regional
regulations a. Remove cover (1) and nuts (2) to remove door
Choose the flattest ground when you load the hook (3).
machine or when you unload the machine.
1. Before you load the machine, chock the trailer
wheels or the rail car wheels.
2. When you use loading ramps, make sure that the
loading ramps have adequate length, adequate
width, adequate strength, and an adequate slope.
3. Maintain the slope of the loading ramps within 15
degrees of the ground.
4. Position the machine so that the machine can drive
straight up the loading ramps. The final drives
should be toward the rear of the machine. Do not
operate the control levers while the machine is on
Illustration 413 g06516469
the loading ramps.
Typical example of cab bumper
5. When you drive over the loading ramp joint areas,
maintain the balance point of the machine. b. Remove any bumpers on your cab.
M0110641-02 233
Operation Section
Securing the Machine

3. Turn the battery disconnect switch to OFF and

Do not allow the chrome surface of the bucket cylin- remove the disconnect switch key.
der rod to touch any part of the trailer. Damage to the 4. Remove the ether starting aid cylinder. See
rod can occur from impact with the trailer during
transport. Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Ether
Starting Aid Cylinder - Replace” for the removal
Note: Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,
“Specifications”. 5. Lock the door and the access covers. Attach any
vandalism protection.
Shipping a Machine that is not
Completely Assembled
If the machine must be shipped when the boom,
stick, or counterweight is not assembled on the
machine, follow the instructions in Operation and
Maintenance Manual, “Operation”.

The ROPS structural certification depends on the

support of the boom, stick, and counterweight in
the event of a machine tip over or a machine roll-
over incident.
When the machine needs to be moved without
the boom, stick, or counterweight being installed,
avoid any machine operations which could affect
machine stability as a machine tip over or a ma-
chine rollover incident could result in serious in-
jury or death.
The machine should be operated slowly on flat,
Illustration 414 g06181075
stable ground or pavement by qualified
Note: Caterpillar strongly recommends removing the
Cat Grade Control monitor (if equipped) before
transporting the machine to protect the monitor from
damage or theft.
Securing the Machine 6. Disconnect the wiring harness from the Cat Grade
SMCS Code: 7000 Control monitor. Remove the three screws that
secure the monitor to the mounting bracket and
remove the monitor. Remove the monitor from the
cab and store in the monitor carrying case.
Do not transport the machine if there is a mal-
function of the swing parking brake system. 7. Cover the exhaust opening.

The machine may swing during transportation if NOTICE

the swing parking brake system is not function- Do not allow the turbocharger to rotate while the en-
ing properly which could result in injury or death. gine is not operating. Damage to the turbocharger
can result.
Contact your Cat dealer for service.

Comply with any laws that govern the characteristics Note: Before you unload the excavator from the
of a load (length, width, height, and weight). transport machine, remove the protective covering
from the exhaust opening.
1. Move the hydraulic lockout control to the LOCKED
2. Turn the engine start ring to the OFF position or
press button to stop engine.
234 M0110641-02
Operation Section
Counterweight Removal and Installation

Personal injury or death can occur from a coun-

terweight falling during removal or installation.
Do not allow personnel under or around the coun-
terweight during removal or installation.
Make sure that the lifting device is in good condi-
tion and is capable of handling the weight of the

Illustration 415 g06289667

Make certain personnel are clear of cable when
there is a load on it. Cable can break and cause
personal injury.
8. Chock the tracks and secure the machine with tie-
downs. Make sure that you use the proper rated
wire cable. 1. Position the machine on a surface that is hard and
level. Lower the work tool to the ground.
Use the front towing eyes on the lower frame, the
rear towing eyes on the lower frame, and the rear
towing eye that is on the upper frame.
Securely fasten all loose parts and all removed
parts to the trailer or to the rail car.
When the engine is stopped, the swing parking
brake is automatically applied. The swing brake
prevents the upper structure from rotating.

In freezing weather, protect the cooling system with
antifreeze, to the lowest outside expected tempera-
ture on the travel route. Or, drain the cooling system


Counterweight Removal and

SMCS Code: 7056 Illustration 416 g06284701

2. Move the hydraulic lockout control to the LOCKED

Counterweight Removal position.

Unexpected machine movement can cause injury

or death.
In order to avoid possible machine movement,
move the hydraulic lockout control to the
LOCKED position and attach a Special Instruc-
tion, SEHS7332, “Do Not Operate” or similar
warning tag to the hydraulic lockout control.
M0110641-02 235
Operation Section
Counterweight Removal and Installation

Illustration 417 g06341797 Illustration 419 g06341822

3. Before you remove the counterweight, 5. Fasten a proper rated cable with shackles to the
disconnect the wiring for the rear view camera. links. Use an appropriate lifting device to tension
the cable.

Illustration 420 g06341824

6. The counterweight mounting bolts are on the

bottom of the counterweight. Remove the four
counterweight mounting bolts and four washers.
Illustration 418 g06341813

4. Insert and tighten eyebolts (1).

236 M0110641-02
Operation Section
Lifting and Tying Down the Machine

Illustration 421 g06341838 Illustration 422 g06341797

After You install the counterweight, connect the

7. Separate the counterweight from the machine. wiring for the rear view camera.
Lower the counterweight onto suitable supports.
Counterweight Installation
Perform the installation procedure in reverse order.
Lifting and Tying Down the
Note: Temporarily tighten the eight counterweight
mounting bolts. Decrease the tension on the lifting SMCS Code: 7000; 7500
cable. Make sure that the counterweight is correctly
positioned on the retaining plates. Tighten the bolts to
a torque of 2800 ± 350 N·m (2065 ± 260 lb ft).
Improper lifting and tie-down techniques can al-
low the load to shift or fail resulting in personal
injury or property damage. Use only properly
rated cables and slings with lift and tie down
points provided on the machine. Keep the deck of
the transport vehicle clean and use anti-slip mats
on steel decks.
Follow the instructions in Operation and Mainte-
nance Manual, “Lifting and Tying Down the Ma-
chine” for the proper technique for securing the
machine. Refer to Operation and Maintenance
Manual, “Specifications” for specific weight
M0110641-02 237
Operation Section
Lifting and Tying Down the Machine

Illustration 423 g06289667

The lift and tie-down film is located near the base of

the boom.
Lifting the machine

Illustration 424 g06184026

The machine center of gravity is at the center of the swing gear.

Lifting Point – To lift the machine, attach Refer to the Operation and Maintenance,
the lifting devices to the lifting points. “Specifications” for specific weight information.

The weight and the instructions that are given herein Note: Only lift objects from approved lifting points
describe the machine as the machine is and with approved lifting devices
manufactured by Caterpillar.
238 M0110641-02
Operation Section
Lifting and Tying Down the Machine

1. Use proper rated cables and slings for lifting. The

crane should be positioned so that the machine is
lifted parallel to the ground.
2. To prevent contact with the machine, lifting cables
should have sufficient length.
3. Move the hydraulic lockout control to the LOCKED
4. Thread the cable between the first and second
rollers at each end of the track.
5. Do not use the foot step as a lifting point.

Illustration 425 g06279536

6. If the full length roller guard is equipped, there are

holes at the ends of the guard for lifting cables.
Refer to Illustration 425 .
7. Apply the proper protector to prevent machine/wire
damage and slippage. Make sure that the rollers
are not affected by the load.

Tying Down the Machine

Note: Obey all local and regional governmental
M0110641-02 239
Operation Section
Lifting and Tying Down the Machine

Diagonal Lashing

Illustration 426 g06320399

(A) Front of the machine (B) Rear of the machine

Tying Down the Machine 6. For steel deck transport vehicles use skid-
inhibiting or anti-slip mats (for example, rubber
Tie Down Point – To tie down the mats) with a friction coefficient of at least 0.3.
machine, attach the tie-downs to the tie-
down points.
Lifting the Machine Segments
The weight and the instructions that are given herein
describe the machine as the machine is Bucket
manufactured by Caterpillar.
Refer to the Operation and Maintenance,
“Specifications” for specific weight information.
1. Use proper rated cables and shackles for tying
down the machine.
2. Use the rear eyes and the front eyes that are
provided on the lower frame to fasten tie-downs.
Use corner protectors for sharp corners.
3. Move the hydraulic lockout control to the LOCKED
4. Set the lashing angle, which is on the longitudinal
axis of the machine and the cable, at 30 to 50
5. Keep the transport vehicle surface clean (for
example, trailer deck).

Illustration 427 g06184591

(1) Pin.(2) Sleeve.(3) Bolts.(4) Nuts.
240 M0110641-02
Operation Section
Lifting and Tying Down the Machine

Install pin (1) and install sleeve (2) in the brackets of

the bucket. The previous illustration indicates the
method to secure pin (1) with bolts (3) and nuts (4).
Fasten two proper rated wire cables to pin (1).
M0110641-02 241
Operation Section
Towing Information

Towing Information Do not use a chain for pulling a disabled machine. A

chain link can break. This may cause personal injury.
Use a wire rope with ends that have loops or rings.
i07348733 Put an observer in a safe position to watch the pulling
procedure. The observer can stop the procedure if
Towing the Machine the wire rope starts to break. Stop pulling whenever
the towing machine moves without moving the towed
SMCS Code: 7000 machine.
During towing, do not allow anyone to step between
the towing and the towed machines.
Personal injury or death could result when towing Do not allow the wire rope to be straddled while the
a disabled machine incorrectly. machine is being towed.
Block the machine to prevent movement before Keep the tow line angle to a minimum. Do not exceed
final drives are disengaged. The machine can roll a 30 degree angle from the straight ahead position.
free if it is not blocked. With final drives disen-
gaged, the machine cannot be stopped or Avoid towing the machine on a slope.
Quick machine movement could overload the tow line
Follow the recommendations below, to properly or the tow bar. This could cause the tow line or the
perform the towing procedure. tow bar to break. Gradual, steady machine
movement will be more effective.
Relieve the hydraulic tank and line pressure be-
fore any disassembly. Prior to releasing the brake of the final drive, firmly
lock both tracks to prevent the machine from moving
Even after the machine has been turned off, the suddenly. When the machine is ready to be towed,
hydraulic oil can still be hot enough to burn. Al- release the brake of the final drive. Refer to
low the hydraulic oil to cool before draining. Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Final Drive Sun
Gear Removal”.
Normally, the towing machine should be as large as
To tow the machine, both final drives must be the disabled machine. Make sure that the towing
disengaged. machine has enough brake capacity, enough weight,
and enough power. The towing machine must be
Do not operate the travel motors with the final drives able to control both machines for the grade that is
disengaged. Damage could result. involved and for the distance that is involved.

These towing instructions are for moving a disabled You must provide sufficient control and sufficient
machine for a short distance at low speed. Move the braking when you are moving a disabled machine
machine at a speed of 2 km/h (1.2 mph) or less to a downhill. This may require a larger towing machine or
convenient location for repair. Always haul the additional machines that are connected to the rear of
machine if long distance moving is required. the disabled machine. This will prevent the machine
from rolling away out of control.
Shields must be provided on both machines. This will
protect the operator if the tow line or the tow bar All situation requirements cannot be listed. Minimal
breaks. towing machine capacity is required on smooth, level
surfaces. Maximum towing machine capacity is
Do not allow an operator to be on the machine that is required on an incline or on a surface that is in poor
being towed. condition.

Before you tow the machine, make sure that the tow Do not tow a loaded machine.
line or the tow bar is in good condition. Do not use a Consult your Cat dealer for the equipment that is
wire rope that is kinked, twisted, or damaged. Make necessary for towing a disabled machine.
sure that the tow line or the tow bar has enough
strength for the towing procedure that is involved.
The strength of the tow line or of the tow bar should
be at least 150 percent of the gross weight of the
towed machine. This requirement is for a disabled
machine that is stuck in the mud and for being towed
on a grade.
242 M0110641-02
Operation Section
Final Drive Sun Gear Removal

Retrieval and Towing of Machine Shackles must be used for towing the machine. The
wire rope should be horizontal and straight to the
track frame.
Install a properly rated wire rope to the lower frame of
the towing machine and the lower frame of the towed
machine. Operate the machine at a low speed.


Final Drive Sun Gear Removal

SMCS Code: 4050

Illustration 428 g06289671

Note: Shackles must be used for towing the

machine. The wire rope should be horizontal and
straight to the track frame.
Install a properly rated wire rope to the lower frame of
the towing machine and the lower frame of the towed
machine. The permissible force for the lower frame is
100 percent of the gross weight of the towed
Note: To prevent damage to the wire rope or the
lower frame of the machines, use protective sleeves
on the corners of the lower frame.
Retrieve the disabled machine carefully. The applied
load for each wire rope should be equal. The angle
(A) between each wire rope should be 60 degree
maximum. Operate the machine at a low speed. Illustration 430 g06188195
(1) Bolt
Lightweight Towing (2) Ring gear
(3) Ring gear
(4) Sun gear
(5) Final drive cover

Without the sun gear in place, the brakes are inef-

fective. Personal injury or death could result. Pro-
vide other means to hold or stop the machine.

1. Thoroughly clean the area around the final drive.

Make sure that you also clean the track shoes that
are positioned above the final drive.

Note: Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,

“General Hazard Information” for information on
Illustration 429 g06186106 containing fluid spillage.

The maximum load for lightweight towing is 2. Drain the final drive oil into a suitable container.
102900 N (75895 lb). See Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Final
Drive Oil - Change” for the procedure.
M0110641-02 243
Operation Section
Final Drive Sun Gear Removal

3. Remove 14 of 16 cover bolts (1) from final drive

cover (5). Do not leave a bolt in the top hole of the
4. Insert an alignment dowel through the top hole of
the cover and into the threads in the final drive
housing. This is necessary to support ring gear (2)
and ring gear (3) while you are removing the final
drive cover.
5. Remove one track shoe to allow access to the face
between final drive cover (5) and ring gear (2).
6. Loosen remaining two cover bolts (1).
7. Use a hammer and a wedge to separate final drive
cover (5) and ring gear (2). Make sure that ring
gear (2) and ring gear (3) stay in place.
8. Remove remaining two cover bolts (1) and final
drive cover (5).
9. Remove sun gear (4) from final drive.
10. Install final drive cover (5) and 16 cover bolts (1).
11. Fill the final drive with new oil. See Operation and
Maintenance Manual, “Final Drive Oil - Change”
for the procedure.
12. Repeat Steps 1 through 11 for the other final
13. Refer to the Service Manual for information on
the installation of the final drive sun gear.
244 M0110641-02
Operation Section
Engine Starting (Alternate Methods)

Engine Starting (Alternate NOTICE

To prevent damage to engine bearings and to electri-
Methods) cal circuits when you jump-start a machine, do not al-
low the stalled machine to touch the machine that is
used as the electrical source.
Turn on (close) the battery disconnect switch prior to
Engine Starting with Jump the boost connection to prevent damage to electrical
components on the stalled machine.
Start Cables
Use only equal voltage for starting. Check the battery
(If Equipped) and starter voltage rating of your machine. Use only
SMCS Code: 1000; 7000 the same voltage for jump starting. Use of a welder or
higher voltage will damage the electrical system.
Severely discharged maintenance free batteries do
not fully recharge from the alternator after jump start-
Failure to properly service the batteries may ing. The batteries must be charged to proper voltage
cause personal injury. with a battery charger. Many batteries thought to be
unusable are still rechargeable.
Prevent sparks near the batteries. They could
cause vapors to explode. Do not allow the jump Refer to Special Instruction, SEHS7633, “Battery Test
start cable ends to contact each other or the Procedure” for complete testing and charging infor-
machine. mation. This publication is available from your Cat
Do not smoke when checking battery electrolyte
levels. When the auxiliary start receptacles are not
Electrolyte is an acid and can cause personal in- available, use the following procedure.
jury if it contacts skin or eyes. 1. Lower the equipment to the ground. Move all
Always wear eye protection when starting a ma- controls to the HOLD position. Move the hydraulic
chine with jump start cables. lockout control to the LOCKED position.

Improper jump start procedures can cause an ex- 2. Turn the start switch on the stalled machine to the
plosion resulting in personal injury. OFF position. Turn off all accessories.

Always connect the battery positive (+) to battery 3. Turn the battery disconnect switch on the stalled
positive (+) and the battery negative (−) to battery machine to the ON position.
negative (−).
4. Move the machine that is being used as an
Jump start only with an energy source with the electrical source near the stalled machine so that
same voltage as the stalled machine. the jump-start cables reach the stalled machine.
Do not allow the machines to contact each
Turn off all lights and accessories on the stalled
machine. Otherwise, they will operate when the
energy source is connected. 5. Stop the engine of the machine that is being used
as an electrical source. If you are using an
auxiliary power source, turn off the charging
M0110641-02 245
Operation Section
If Equipped

7. The positive ends of the jump-start cable are red.

Connect one positive end of the jump-start cable
to the positive cable terminal of the discharged
battery. Some machines have battery sets.

Note: Batteries that are in series may be in separate

compartments. Use the terminal that is connected to
the starter solenoid. This battery or battery set is
normally on the same side of the machine as the

Do not allow the positive cable clamps to contact

any metal except for the battery terminals.
8. Connect the other positive end of the jump-start
Illustration 431 g06181546
cable to the positive cable terminal of the electrical
9. Connect one negative end of the jump-start cable
to the negative cable terminal of the electrical
10. Finally, connect the other negative end of the
jump-start cable to the frame of the stalled
machine. Do not connect the jump-start cable to
the battery post. Do not allow the jump-start
cables to contact the battery cables, the fuel lines,
the hydraulic lines, or any moving parts.
11. Start the engine of the machine that is being used
as an electrical source or energize the charging
system on the auxiliary power source.
12. Wait at least two minutes before you attempt to
start the stalled machine. This will allow the
batteries in the stalled machine to partially charge.
13. Attempt to start the stalled engine. See Operation
and Maintenance Manual, “Engine Starting” for the
correct starting procedure.
Illustration 432 g06181551
(1) Red positive post to starter 14. Immediately after you start the stalled engine,
(2) The black negative post connects to the battery disconnect disconnect the jump-start cables in reverse order.
(3) Do not use these two connections for jump starting. The red
positive post is connected in series to the black negative post.
(4) Cover

6. Ensure that battery caps on both machines are

tight and correctly placed. Ensure that batteries in
the stalled machine are not frozen. Make sure that
the batteries have enough electrolyte.

Note: The positive terminal of the 24 V system of the

source and the negative terminal of the 24 V system
of the source must be identified correctly before the
jumper cables are connected. The positive terminal
of the 24 V system of the discharged battery must be
identified correctly before the jumper cables are
246 M0110641-02
Operation Section
Engine Starting with Auxiliary Start Receptacle

i07313575 Reference: Refer to Special Instruction, SEHS7633,

“Battery Test Procedure” for more information.
Engine Starting with Auxiliary 2. Ensure that the travel control levers on the stalled
Start Receptacle machine are in the CENTER position. Engage the
hydraulic lockout control. Engage the parking
(If Equipped) brake. Lower all work tools to the ground. Move all
SMCS Code: 1000; 7000 controls to HOLD.
3. Turn the engine start switch key on the stalled
machine to the OFF position. Turn off all
4. Turn the battery disconnect switch on the stalled
machine to ON.
5. Move the machine that is being used as a power
source close to the stalled machine. The jump-
start cables should reach the batteries on both
6. Stop the engine on the machine that is being used
as a power source. If you use an auxiliary power
Illustration 433 g06209963
source, turn off the charging system.
7. Connect the appropriate jump-start cable to the
auxiliary start receptacle on the stalled machine.
8. Connect the other end of the jump-start cable to
the auxiliary start receptacle of the machine that is
being used as a power source.
9. Start the engine on the machine that is being used
as a power source or energize the charging
system on the auxiliary power source.
10. Wait for a minimum of 2 minutes while the
batteries in the stalled machine partially charge.
11. Attempt to start the stalled engine.
12. Immediately after the stalled engine starts,
Illustration 434 g06279564 disconnect the jump-start cable from the power
(1) Cover source.
(2) Receptacle
13. Disconnect the other end of the jump-start cable
Some Caterpillar products may be equipped with an from the stalled machine.
auxiliary start receptacle as a standard part. If your
machine is not equipped with an auxiliary start 14. Conclude the failure analysis on the starting
receptacle, the machine can be equipped with an charging system of the stalled machine, as
auxiliary start receptacle from parts service. This will required. Check the machine while the engine is
ensure that a permanent receptacle is always running and the charging system is in operation.
available to jump-start the machine.
There are two cable assemblies that can be used to
jump-start the stalled machine. You can jump-start
the stalled machine from another machine that is
equipped with an auxiliary start receptacle or with an
auxiliary power pack. Your Caterpillar dealer can
provide the correct cable lengths for your application.
1. Determine the reason that the engine will not start.
M0110641-02 247
Maintenance Section
Maintenance Access

Maintenance Section
Operation of the Push Button Release for the En-
Maintenance Access gine Hood
When closing the engine hood, only operate the
i07377167 push-button release by hand.

Access Door and Cover Failure to remove hands from the push-button re-
lease before closing the engine hood could result
Locations in personal injury.
SMCS Code: 726A-CH Be sure to remove hands from the push-button
release before completely closing the engine
Engine Hood hood.

Do not add pressure to the engine hood when open.

When closing the engine hood, Do Not operate

the push-button release by foot.
Operation of the push-button release by foot
could result in damage to the gas spring of the
closing mechanism and/or personal injury.
Only operate the push-button release for closing
the engine hood by hand.
Illustration 435 g06279602
Allows access to engine.

Illustration 436 g06279608

1. Open the engine hood.

2. Gas spring (1) will lock in place to hold the engine
hood open.
248 M0110641-02
Maintenance Section
Access Door and Cover Locations

3. To close the engine hood, support the engine hood Left Front Access Door
with the door handle. Press the push-button
release (2) to unlock the gas spring. Release the
push button and slowly close the engine hood.

Engine Service Door

Illustration 439 g06279630

Allows access to engine air filter, batteries, power
fuses, and window washer reservoir.

Right Side Access Door

Illustration 437 g06279315
Allows access to the engine coolant reservoir.

Left Rear Access Door

Illustration 440 g06279640

Allows access to the engine oil filter and engine oil
sampling port. Additionally, the compartment houses
the hydraulic pump, fuel filters, refueling pump, fuel
tank drain valve, hydraulic tank sight gauge and tool
Illustration 438 g06279626
storage box.
Allows access to the coolant sample port, coolant
drain, cooling cores, and battery disconnect switch.
M0110641-02 249
Maintenance Section
Access Door and Cover Locations

Storage Box

Illustration 441 g06279648

Allows access to the Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) tank
for machines equipped with Tier 4 engines. The
compartment is empty and free for storage on
machines that are equipped with Tier 3 engines.
250 M0110641-02
Maintenance Section
Lubricant Viscosities and Refill Capacities

Lubricant Viscosities and NOTICE

Not following the recommendations found in this
Refill Capacities manual can lead to reduced performance and com-
partment failure.

Lubricant Viscosities Engine Oil

(Fluids Recommendations) Cat oils have been developed and tested in order to
SMCS Code: 7581 provide the full performance and life that has been
designed and built into Cat engines.
General Information for Lubricants Cat DEO-ULS multigrade and Cat DEO multigrade
oils are formulated with the correct amounts of
When you are operating the machine in temperatures detergents, dispersants, and alkalinity in order to
below −20°C (−4°F), refer to Special Publication, provide superior performance in Cat diesel engines
SEBU5898, “Cold Weather Recommendations”. This where recommended for use.
publication is available from your Cat dealer.
Note: SAE 10W-30 is the preferred viscosity grade
Refer to the “Lubricant Information” section in the for the 3116, 3126, C7, C-9,and C9 diesel engines
latest revision of the Special Publication, SEBU6250, when the ambient temperature is between -18° C (0°
“Caterpillar Machine Fluids Recommendations” for a F) and 40° C (104° F).
list of Cat ® engine oils and for detailed information.
This manual may be found on the following website:
The footnotes are a key part of the tables. Read ALL
footnotes that pertain to the machine compartment in

Selecting the Viscosity

To select the proper oil for each machine
compartment, refer to the “Lubricant Viscosity for
Ambient Temperature” table. Use the oil type AND oil
viscosity for the specific compartment at the proper
ambient temperature.
The proper oil viscosity grade is determined by the
minimum ambient temperature (the air in the
immediate vicinity of the machine). Measure the
temperature when the machine is started and while
the machine is operated. To determine the proper oil
viscosity grade, refer to the “Min” column in the table.
This information reflects the coldest ambient
temperature condition for starting a cold machine and
for operating a cold machine. Refer to the “Max”
column in the table for operating the machine at the
highest temperature that is anticipated. Unless
specified otherwise in the “Lubricant Viscosities for
Ambient Temperatures” tables, use the highest oil
viscosity that is allowed for the ambient temperature.
Machines that are operated continuously should use
oils that have the higher oil viscosity. The oils that
have the higher oil viscosity will maintain the highest
possible oil film thickness. Refer to “General
Information for Lubricants” article, “Lubricant
Viscosities” tables, and any associated footnotes.
Consult your Cat dealer if additional information is
M0110641-02 251
Maintenance Section
Fluids Recommendations

Table 28
Lubricant Viscosities for Ambient Temperatures

Oil Type and Performance °C °F

Compartment or System Oil Viscosities
Requirements Min Max Min Max
Cat DEO-ULS Cold Weather SAE 0W-40 −40 40 −40 104
SAE 5W-40 −30 50 −22 122
Engine Crankcase Cat DEO-ULS
SAE 10W-30 −18 40 0 104
SAE 15W-40 −9.5 50 15 122
Pump Coupling (If Equipped) SAE 10W-30 −18 40 0 104

Note: API engine oil categories are backwards • Cat DEO-ULS

compatible. Cat DEO-ULS (API CK-4) oil can be
used in all engines with some restrictions related to • Cat TDTO
fuel sulfur level. Cat DEO (API CI-4/API CI-4 PLUS)
can be used in engines that are Tier 3 emissions • Cat TDTO Cold Weather
certified and prior, and in engines that do not use
aftertreatment devices.
Hydraulic Systems
Refer to the “Lubricant Information” section in the
latest revision of the Special Publication, SEBU6250, • Cat DEO-ULS Cold Weather
“Caterpillar Machine Fluids Recommendations” for
detailed information. This manual may be found on Note: Oil drain intervals of the oils listed above are
the web on the following website: less than those of Cat HYDO Advanced oils. The oil
drain interval of these oils is typically 2000 hours and up to a maximum of 4000 hours. An exception is Cat
TDTO Cold Weather oil which allows 6000 hours or
The following are the preferred oils for use in most higher oil drain interval. S·O·S Services oil analysis is
Cat machine hydraulic systems: required when the oils listed above are used in Cat
hydraulic system components and hydrostatic
• Cat HYDO Advanced 10 SAE 10W
• Cat HYDO Advanced 30 SAE 30W

• Cat BIO HYDO Advanced

Cat HYDO Advanced oils allow 6000 hours or
higher oil drain intervals for most applications.
S·O·S Services oil analysis is recommended when
the oil drain interval is increased to 6000 hours or
higher. In comparison, non-Cat commercial hydraulic
oils (second choice oils) allow 2000 hours oil drain
interval. Itis recommended to follow the maintenance
interval schedule for oil filter changes and for oil
sampling that is stated in the Operation and
Maintenance Manual for your particular machine.
Consult your Cat dealer for details. When switching
to Cat HYDO Advanced fluids, cross contamination
with the previous oil should be kept to less than 10%.
Second choice oils are listed below.
• Cat MTO

• Cat DEO
252 M0110641-02
Maintenance Section
Fluids Recommendations

Table 29
Lubricant Viscosities for Ambient Temperatures

Oil Type and Performance °C °F

Compartment or System Oil Viscosities
Requirements Min Max Min Max
Cat HYDO Advanced 10
SAE 10W −20 40 −4 104
Cat HYDO Advanced 30
SAE 30 10 50 50 122
Cat BIO HYDO Advanced “ISO 46” Multi-Grade −30 50 −22 122
Cat DEO-ULS SAE10W-30 −20 40 −4 104
Hydraulic System
SAE15W-40 −15 50 5 122
Cat TDTO-TMS Multi-Grade −15 50 5 122
SAE 5W-40 −30 40 −22 104
Cat DEO-ULS Cold Weather SAE0W-40 −40 40 −40 104
Cat TDTO Cold Weather SAE 0W-20 −40 40 −40 104

Other Fluid Applications

Table 30
Excavators, Front Shovels, Mass Excavators, Demolition Excavators, and Track Material Handlers
Lubricant Viscosities for Ambient Temperatures

Compartment or Oil Type and Perform- °C °F

Oil Viscosity Grade
System ance Requirements Min Max Min Max
SAE 0W-20 -40 0 -40 32
SAE 0W-30 -40 10 -40 50
SAE 5W-30 -30 10 -22 50
Final Drives and Swing
Cat TDTO SYN Cold SAE 10W −30 0 -22 32
SAE 30 −25 25 −13 77
commercial TO-4
SAE 50 -15 50 5 122
Cat TDTO-TMS −30 25 -22 77
SAE 0W-20 −40 0 −40 32
SAE 0W-30 −40 10 −40 50

Cat TDTO SAE 5W-30 −35 0 −31 32

Track Roller Frame Recoil Cat TDTO-TMS SAE 10W −30 0 −22 32
Spring and Pivot Shaft Cat TDTO SYN Cold
Bearings Weather SAE 30 −20 25 −4 77
commercial TO-4 SAE 40 −10 40 14 104
SAE 50 0 50 32 122
Cat TDTO-TMS −25 25 −13 77

M0110641-02 253
Maintenance Section
Fluids Recommendations

(Table 30, contd)

Excavators, Front Shovels, Mass Excavators, Demolition Excavators, and Track Material Handlers
Lubricant Viscosities for Ambient Temperatures

Compartment or Oil Type and Perform- °C °F

Oil Viscosity Grade
System ance Requirements Min Max Min Max
Cat DEO (single grade) SAE 30 −20 25 −4 77
Track Idlers and Track
Cat ECF-1-a
Rollers SAE 5W-40 −35 40 −31 104
Cat ECF-2
Cat ECF-3

Table 31
Excavators, Front Shovels, Mass Excavators, Demolition Excavators, and Track Material Handlers
Lubricant Viscosities for Ambient Temperatures

Compartment or Oil Type and Perform- °C °F

Oil Viscosity Grade
System ance Requirements Min Max Min Max
Cat Full Synthetic Multi- SAE 0W40(1) -40 50 -40 122
grade DEO
commercial Full Synthetic
Multigrade Diesel Engine SAE 5W40(1) -40 50 -40 122
Variable Pitch Flexxaire Oil meeting either Cat ECF-
Fan (If Equipped) 1 or API CG-4
Caterpillar Non-Synthetic SAE 30(2) -15 25 -5 77
SAE 50(2) −10 50 14 122
(1) This is the first choice. Full synthetic oils are recommended. Synthetic oils may provide longer service life for the fan. Synthetic oils allow for
increased service intervals over non-synthetic oils.
(2) This is the second choice. Caterpillar TDTO is acceptable. Commercial oils that meet the TO-4 specification are also acceptable.TDTO is
non-synthetic. Commercial TO-4 oils are typically non-synthetic.

Special Lubricants
To use a non-Cat grease, the supplier must certify
that the lubricant is compatible with Cat grease.
Each pin joint should be flushed with the new grease.
Ensure that all old grease is removed. Failure to meet
this requirement may lead to failure of a pin joint.
Table 32
Recommended Grease
°C °F
Compartment or System Grease Type NLGI Grade
Min Max Min Max
Cat Prime Application
NLGI Grade 2 −20 140 −4 284
External Lubrication Points
Cat Extreme Application NLGI Grade 1 −20 140 −4 284
Grease NLGI Grade 2 −15 140 +5 284

254 M0110641-02
Maintenance Section
Fluids Recommendations

(Table 32, contd)

Recommended Grease
°C °F
Compartment or System Grease Type NLGI Grade
Min Max Min Max
Cat Extreme Application
NLGI Grade 0.5 -50 130 -58 266
Cat Extreme Application
NLGI Grade 2 −10 140 +14 284
Cat Utility Grease NLGI Grade 2 −20 140 −4 284

Cat Ball Bearing Grease NLGI Grade 2 −20 160 −4 320

Grease for the Autolube System (if Equipped)

The grease used with the automatic lubrication

system must not contain any graphite or PTFE.

Note: Pumpability is based on “US Steel Mobility and

Lincoln Ventmeter Tests”. Performance may vary
depending on lubrication equipment and the length of
the lines.
Refer to Special Publication, SEBU6250, “Caterpillar
Machine Fluids Recommendations” for additional
information about grease. This manual may be found
on the following website:
Table 33
Recommended Grease for the Autolube System

°C °F
Compartment or System Grease Type NLGI Grade
Min Max Min Max
Cat Autolube System Cat Extreme Application NLGI Grade 1 −35 40 -31 104
Grease NLGI Grade 2 −30 50 -22 122

Diesel Fuel Recommendations • Reduce engine efficiency and durability

Diesel fuel must meet “Caterpillar Specification for • Increase the wear
Distillate Fuel” and the latest versions of “ASTM
D975” or “EN 590” to ensure optimum engine • Increase the corrosion
performance. Refer to Special Publication,
SEBU6250, “Caterpillar Machine Fluids • Increase the deposits
Recommendations” for the latest fuel information and
for Cat fuel specification. This manual may be found • Lower fuel economy
on the following website:
• Shorten the time period between oil drain intervals (more frequent oil drain intervals)
The preferred fuels are distillate fuels. These fuels • Increase overall operating costs
are commonly called diesel fuel, furnace oil, gas oil,
or kerosene. These fuels must meet the “Caterpillar • Negatively impact engine emissions
Specification for Distillate Diesel Fuel for Off-
Highway Diesel Engines”. Diesel Fuels that meet the Failures that result from the use of improper fuels are
Caterpillar specification will help provide maximum not Caterpillar factory defects. Therefore the cost of
engine service life and performance. repairs would not be covered by a Caterpillar
Misfueling with fuels of high sulfur level can have
the following negative effects:
M0110641-02 255
Maintenance Section
Fluids Recommendations

Caterpillar does not require the use of ULSD in off Note: For engines equipped with emission
road and machine applications that are not Tier 4/ aftertreatment devices, biodiesel blends must be
Stage IIIB certified engines. ULSD is not required in blended with U.S. Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel, or
engines that are not equipped with after treatment European Sulfur Free Diesel.
Follow operating instructions and fuel tank inlet Coolant Information
labels, if available, to ensure that the correct fuels are
used. The information provided in this “Coolant
Recommendation” section should be used with the
Refer to Special Publication, SEBU6250, “Caterpillar “Lubricants Information” provided in the latest
Machine Fluids Recommendations” for more details revision of Special Publication, SEBU6250,
about fuels and lubricants. This manual may be “Caterpillar Machine Fluids Recommendations”. This
found on the following website: manual may be found on the web on the following
Fuel Additives The following two types of coolants may be used in
Cat Diesel Fuel Conditioner and Cat Fuel System Cat diesel engines:
Cleaner are available for use when needed. These
products are applicable to diesel and biodiesel fuels. Preferred – Cat ELC (Extended Life Coolant)
Consult your Cat dealer for availability. Acceptable – Cat DEAC (Diesel Engine Antifreeze/
Biodiesel Recommendations
Never use raw vegetable or plant-based oils in place
of esterified biodiesel.
The use of oils that are not esterified can lead to en-
gine damage, up to and including engine failure.
Biodiesel is a fuel that can be made from various
renewable resources that include vegetable oils,
animal fat, and waste cooking oil. These oils and fats
are chemically processed (esterified), and filtered to
remove water and contaminants.
For biodiesel storage requirements, consult your fuel

Note: In some regions, biodiesel blends are known

as Fatty Acid Methyl Ester (FAME).
Use biodiesel blends that meet national, regional,
and local standards.
For more information on biodiesel standards, and to
reduce the risks associated with biodiesel usage,
refer to Special Publication, SEBU6250, “Caterpillar
Machine Fluids Recommendations”.

Biodiesel Blend Limits

The use of biofuel blends above the acceptable limit
can lead to higher engine downtime.
Biodiesel blend levels up to B20 are acceptable to
use in this product.
256 M0110641-02
Maintenance Section
Capacities (Refill)

Never use water alone as a coolant. Water alone is
corrosive at engine operating temperatures. In addi-
tion, water alone does not provide adequate protec-
tion against boiling or freezing.


Capacities (Refill)
SMCS Code: 1000; 7000

S/N: JFW10044–Up
S/N: HBY1–Up
Table 34
336 GC Excavator Approximate Refill Capacities

Component or System Liters US gal Recommended Type

Cooling System 40 10.6

Fuel Tank 600 158.5

Engine Crankcase with Filter 25 6.6 Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Lubricant
Hydraulic System(1) 161 42.5 Viscosities”.

Swing Drive 13.5 3.6

Each Final Drive 6.5 1.7

Pump Coupling 0.6 0.16 SAE 10W-30 Engine Oil

kg lbs

Refrigerant(2) 1 2.2 R-134a

Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Lubricant

Swing Gear 26.1 57.5
mL oz

Refrigerant Oil compressor(2) 240 8.2 Polyalkylene Glycol (PAG) Oil

(1) The amount of hydraulic fluid that is needed to refill the hydraulic system after performing Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Hydraulic
System Oil - Change”
(2) Refer to Service Manual, “Air Conditioning and Heating R-134a for All Caterpillar Machines” for additional information


Capacities (Refill)
SMCS Code: 1000; 7000

S/N: JFW1–10043
Table 35
336 GC Excavator Approximate Refill Capacities

Component or System Liters US gal Recommended Type

Cooling System 40 10.6 Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Lubricant
Fuel Tank 600 158.5 Viscosities”.

M0110641-02 257
Maintenance Section
S·O·S Information

(Table 35, contd)

336 GC Excavator Approximate Refill Capacities

Component or System Liters US gal Recommended Type

Engine Crankcase with Filter 25 6.6

Hydraulic System(1) 161 42.5

Swing Drive 18 4.8

Each Final Drive 8 2.1

Pump Coupling 0.6 0.16 SAE 10W-30 Engine Oil

kg lbs

Refrigerant(2) 1 2.2 R-134a

Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Lubricant

Swing Gear 26.1 57.5
mL oz

Refrigerant Oil compressor(2) 240 8.2 Polyalkylene Glycol (PAG) Oil

(1) The amount of hydraulic fluid that is needed to refill the hydraulic system after performing Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Hydraulic
System Oil - Change”
(2) Refer to Service Manual, “Air Conditioning and Heating R-134a for All Caterpillar Machines” for additional information


S·O·S Information
SMCS Code: 1000; 1348; 3080; 4050; 5050; 7000;
S·O·S Services is a highly recommended process for
Cat customers to use in order to minimize owning
and operating cost. Customers provide oil samples,
coolant samples, and other machine information. The
dealer uses the data in order to provide the customer
with recommendations for management of the
equipment. In addition, S·O·S Services can help
determine the cause of an existing product problem.
Refer to Special Publication, SEBU6250, “Caterpillar
Machine Fluid Recommendations” for detailed
information concerning S·O·S Services.
The effectiveness of S·O·S Services is dependent on
timely submission of the sample to the laboratory at
recommended intervals.
Refer to the Operation and Maintenance Manual,
“Maintenance Interval Schedule” for a specific
sampling location and a service hour maintenance
Consult your Cat dealer for complete information and
assistance in establishing an S·O·S program for your
258 M0110641-02
Maintenance Section
Maintenance Support

Maintenance Support 5. Release the pressure in the hydraulic system.

Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,
“System Pressure Release” for more information.
Perform a visual inspection first. If the visual checks
Prepare the Machine for are completed but the problem has not been
identified, perform operational checks. If the problem
Maintenance has not been identified, perform instrument tests.
SMCS Code: 1000; 7000 This procedure will help to identify system problems.

Refer to the following procedure before you perform i08292362

any maintenance to the machine.
Service Interval Chart
SMCS Code: 7000
Personal injury can result from hydraulic oil pres- The service interval chart is inside the battery
sure and hot oil. compartment door on the left side of the machine.
Hydraulic oil pressure can remain in the hydraulic Refer to the Operation and Maintenance Manual,
system after the engine has been stopped. Seri- “Maintenance Interval Schedule” for the correct
ous injury can be caused if this pressure is not maintenance intervals and procedures that are
released before any service is done on the hy- specific to your machine.
draulic system.
Make sure all of the attachments have been low-
ered, oil is cool before removing any components
or lines. Remove the oil filler cap only when the
engine is stopped, and the filler cap is cool
enough to touch with your bare hand.

Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are con-
tained during performance of inspection, mainte-
nance, testing, adjusting, and repair of the product.
Be prepared to collect the fluid with suitable contain-
ers before opening any compartment or disassem-
bling any component containing fluids.
Refer to Special Publication, PERJ1017, “Dealer
Service Tool Catalog” for tools and supplies suitable
to collect and contain fluids on Cat ® products.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations
and mandates.

Note: Permit only one operator on the machine.

Keep all other personnel away from the machine or in
view of the operator.

1. Park the machine on a dry, level, solid surface that

is free of any debris.

Note: The surface must be solid enough to support

the weight of the machine and any tooling that is
used to support the machine.

2. Engage the parking brake. Place wheel blocks in

front and behind the wheels or tracks.
3. Lower all work tools to the ground.
4. Stop the engine.
M0110641-02 259
Maintenance Section
Service Interval Chart

Illustration 442 g06616111

Operation and Maintenance Manual – Engine oil filter – Change the engine oil
Refer to the OMM for maintenance filter.
instructions and guidelines.

Service hour interval – Hourly interval in Final drive oil level – Check the final
which a maintenance procedure should drive oil level.
be performed.
Final drive oil – Change the final drive
Cooling system coolant – Change the oil.
ELC (Extended Life Coolant) .
Fuel cap filter – Replace the fuel cap
Engine air filter primary element – Clean filter.
or replace the primary air filter element.

Fuel level – Check the fuel level.

Engine air filter secondary element –
Replace the secondary air filter element.

Fuel system filter – Replace the fuel

Engine oil level – Check the engine oil
system filters.

Fuel system water separator – Drain the

Engine oil – Change the engine oil. water separator.
260 M0110641-02
Maintenance Section
System Pressure Release

Fuel system water separator element – To relieve the pressure from the coolant system, turn
Replace the fuel system water separator off the machine. Allow the cooling system pressure
element. cap to cool. Remove the cooling system pressure
cap slowly to relieve pressure.
Fumes Disposal Filter Element –
Replace the fumes disposal filter Hydraulic System
The release of hydraulic pressure in a hydraulic
Grease zerk – Lubricate the designated circuit is required before service is performed to that
locations. hydraulic circuit. Release the pressure in the
following hydraulic circuits before any hydraulic lines
Hydraulic oil level – Check the hydraulic are disconnected or removed from that hydraulic
oil level. circuit.
• Boom hydraulic circuit
Hydraulic oil – Change the hydraulic oil.
• Stick hydraulic circuit

Hydraulic oil filter – Change the • Bucket hydraulic circuit

hydraulic oil filter.
• Swing hydraulic circuit

Swing drive oil level – Check the swing • Travel hydraulic circuit
drive oil level.
• Attachment hydraulic circuits (if equipped)

Swing drive oil – Change the swing drive • Pilot hydraulic circuit
• Return hydraulic circuit

Note: Refer to the Disassembly and Assembly
Manual for additional information concerning service
of the components of specific hydraulic circuits.
System Pressure Release
SMCS Code: 1250-553-PX; 1300-553-PX; 1350- Release of Hydraulic Pressure from the
553-PX; 5050-553-PX; 6700-553-PX; 7540-553-PX Main Hydraulic System

Personal injury or death can result from sudden

machine movement. Personal injury can result from hydraulic oil pres-
sure and hot oil.
Sudden movement of the machine can cause in-
jury to persons on or near the machine. Hydraulic oil pressure can remain in the hydraulic
system after the engine has been stopped. Seri-
To prevent injury or death, make sure that the ous injury can be caused if this pressure is not
area around the machine is clear of personnel released before any service is done on the hy-
and obstructions before operating the machine. draulic system.
Make sure all of the work tools have been lowered
to the ground, and the oil is cool before removing
Coolant System any components or lines. Remove the oil filler
cap only when the engine is stopped, and the fill-
er cap is cool enough to touch with your bare
Pressurized system: Hot coolant can cause seri-
ous burn. To open cap, stop engine, wait until ra-
diator is cool. Then loosen cap slowly to relieve
the pressure.
M0110641-02 261
Maintenance Section
System Pressure Release

c. Place the hydraulic activation control lever in

Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are con- the UNLOCKED position.
tained during performance of inspection, mainte-
nance, testing, adjusting, and repair of the product.
Be prepared to collect the fluid with suitable contain-
ers before opening any compartment or disassem-
bling any component containing fluids.
Refer to Special Publication, PERJ1017, “Dealer
Service Tool Catalog” for tools and supplies suitable
to collect and contain fluids on Cat ® products.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations
and mandates.
Perform the following steps to release the hydraulic
system pressure from the main hydraulic system.
Note: For additional safety, wrap hydraulic joint with
material that could absorb/reduce any residual
pressure of oil when released. Loosen the joint
slowly, pause, and carefully check hydraulic joint for
tensions indicating presence of pressure or spring
force in lines or components.

1. Position the machine on level ground. Illustration 444 g06184822

d. Move both joysticks in a circular motion to the

FULL STROKE positions multiple times until the
pilot accumulator has been exhausted.

Note: Pilot pressure is required to relieve hydraulic

system pressure.

e. Place the hydraulic activation control lever in

the LOCKED position.
f. Start the engine to recharge the pilot

Note: Do not activate any controls when

recharging the pilot accumulator.
Illustration 443 g06185115
g. Shut off the engine.
2. Fully retract the stick cylinder rod. Adjust the h. Repeat Step 3b through Step 3g until the high-
position of the bucket so that the bucket is parallel pressure lines have been released.
to the ground. Lower the boom until the work tool
is flat on the ground. Refer to Illustration 443 . Note: Each time the accumulator is recharged,
start the joysticks at different positions or rotate in
3. Release the system pressure from the implement the reverse direction. Doing so will ensure that the
and swing hydraulic circuits. same circuit is not being relieved each time.
Note: Perform Step 3b through Step 3d immediately Note: You can also move only the joysticks or
after the engine is shut off to insure adequate pilot pedals of the hydraulic circuit that requires service
system pressure is available to release the pressure to the full stroke positions after moving joysticks in
in the hydraulic circuits. a circular motion multiple times. This action will
release the high pressure only in that single
a. Shut off the engine. hydraulic circuit. This action will also release any
pressure that might be present in the pilot hydraulic
b. Turn the engine start switch to the ON position
without starting the engine.
262 M0110641-02
Maintenance Section
System Pressure Release

4. Release hydraulic system pressure in the

attachment circuits.
a. Start the engine to charge pilot accumulator.
b. Shut off the engine.

Note: Perform Step 4c through Step 4e

immediately after the engine is shut off to insure
adequate pilot system pressure is available to
release the pressure in the hydraulic circuits.

c. Turn the engine start switch to the ON position

without starting the engine.
d. Place the hydraulic activation control lever in
the UNLOCKED position.
e. Activate the switch or pedal for the attachment
f. Place the hydraulic activation control lever in
the LOCKED position.
g. Start the engine to recharge pilot accumulator. Illustration 445 g06184990
Hydraulic oil tank filler cap
Note: Do not activate any controls when (A) LOCK position
recharging pilot accumulator. (B) PRESSURE RELEASE - START position
h. Shut off the engine. (D) OPEN position

i. Repeat Step 4c through Step 4f for each 7. Release the pressure that may be present in the
attachment circuit. return hydraulic circuit with the following
5. After releasing the hydraulic pressure in each of procedure. Refer to Illustration 445 for filler cap
the desired hydraulic circuits, place the hydraulic positions.
activation control lever in the LOCKED position. a. Turn the filler cap counterclockwise and move
6. Turn the engine start switch to the OFF position. the arrow from position (A) to position (B).
b. Release the pressure for a minimum of 45
seconds by moving the arrow from position (B)
to position (C).
c. Push down the filler cap and move the arrow
from position (C) to position (D).
Note: The travel hydraulic circuit is open to the
hydraulic tank. Pressure from the travel circuit is
released by releasing pressure from the return

8. Release the pressure that may be present in the

boom circuit to remove the risk of residual
pressure in the line. Make sure that the engine
start switch is in the OFF position and the pressure
in the hydraulic tank has been released.
a. Remove the hydraulic oil tank filler cap.
b. Remove any covers to access the main control
M0110641-02 263
Maintenance Section
System Pressure Release

Illustration 446 g06205184

Illustration 447 g06285855
Main control valve
(5) Screw Stick and Bucket circuit locations
(6) Purge Screws (If Equipped)
(A) Circuit A
c. Use a clean hose of adequate length and size (B) Circuit B
and connect to screw (5). Put the other end of (C) Circuit C
the hose in the filler cap opening. (D) Circuit D

d. Slowly loosen screw (5) by a maximum of 1/2 9. If the purge screws are equipped, perform the
turn. Loosening the screw allows the hydraulic following pressure release procedure for each
oil in the boom circuit to drain into the hydraulic Stick and Bucket circuit. Refer to Illustration 447
tank. and Table 36 for the stick and bucket circuit
e. Tighten screw (5) to 13 ± 2 N·m (9 ± 1 lb ft). locations.
Table 36
Note: Refer to the Operation and Maintenance Stick and Bucket Circuit Locations
Manual, Equipment Lowering with Engine Stopped
for information on lowering the work tool with the Circuits
engine off. Sales Model
f. Disconnect the hose from screw (5). Do not Bucket Bucket
336 Stick In Stick Out
allow the oil that is contained in the hose to spill. Close Open
Drain the oil into a suitable container.
a. Connect one end of a drain hose to purge
screw (6). Insert the other end of the drain hose
into an empty container.
b. Loosen purge screw (6) by 1/2 turn. Hydraulic
oil will be drained from the drain hose to the

Note: Dispose of drained fluid according to local


c. Tighten purge screw (6) to a torque of

13 +/- 2 Nm (9 +/- 1 lb ft) after all the hydraulic
oil has been drained from the line.
d. Repeat Steps 9a through 9c for all circuits.
264 M0110641-02
Maintenance Section
Welding on Machines and Engines with Electronic Controls

e. Remove the drain hose and install hydraulic 4. Protect any wiring harnesses and components
tank fill cap. from the debris and the spatter which is created
from welding.
10. The pressure in the multiple hydraulic circuits that
require service is now released and lines and 5. Use standard welding procedures to weld the
components can be disconnected or removed materials together.
from those hydraulic circuits.
Severe Service Application
Welding on Machines and SMCS Code: 1000
Engines with Electronic An engine which operates outside of normal
Controls conditions is operating in a severe service
SMCS Code: 1000; 7000
An engine that operates in a severe service
Do not weld on any protective structure. If it is application may need more frequent maintenance
necessary to repair a protective structure, contact intervals in order to maximize the following
your Cat dealer. conditions:
Proper welding procedures are necessary to avoid • Reliability
damage to the electronic controls and to the
bearings. When possible, remove the component • Service life
that must be welded from the machine or the engine
and then weld the component. If you must weld near The number of individual applications cause the
an electronic control on the machine or the engine, impossibility of identifying all of the factors which may
temporarily remove the electronic control to prevent contribute to severe service operation. Consult your
heat related damage. The following steps should be Caterpillar dealer for the unique maintenance that
followed to weld on a machine or an engine with may be necessary for your engine.
electronic controls.
An application is a severe service application if any of
1. Turn off the engine. Place the engine start switch the following conditions apply:
in the OFF position.
2. If equipped, turn the battery disconnect switch to Severe Environmental Factors
the OFF position. If there is no battery disconnect
switch, remove the negative battery cable at the • Frequent operation in dirty air
battery. • Frequent operation at an altitude which is above
1525 m (5000 ft)
Do NOT use electrical components (ECM or sensors) • Frequent operation in ambient temperatures which
or electronic component grounding points for ground- are above 32° C (90° F)
ing the welder.
• Frequent operation in ambient temperatures which
3. Clamp the ground cable from the welder to the are below 0° C (32° F)
component that will be welded. Place the clamp as
close as possible to the weld. Make sure that the Severe Operating Conditions
electrical path from the ground cable to the
• Frequent operation with inlet air which has a
component does not go through any bearing. Use
corrosive content
this procedure to reduce the possibility of damage
to the following components: • Operation with inlet air which has a combustible
• Bearings of the drive train
• Operation which is outside of the intended
• Hydraulic components application
• Electrical components • Operation with a plugged fuel filter

• Other components of the machine • Extended operation at low idle (more than 20% of
M0110641-02 265
Maintenance Section
Severe Service Application

• Frequent cold starts at temperatures below 0° C

(32° F)

• Frequent dry starts (starting after more than 72

hours of shutdown)
• Frequent hot shutdowns (shutting down the
engine without the minimum of 2 minutes to 5
minutes of cool down time)
• Operation above the engine rated speed

• Operation below the peak torque speed

• Operating with fuel which does not meet the
standards for distillate diesel fuel as stated in
Special Publication, SEBU6250, “Caterpillar
Machine Fluids Recommendations” “Distillate
Diesel Fuel”
• Operating with a blend of distillate fuel which
contains more than 20 percent biodiesel

Improper Maintenance Procedures

(Maintenance Procedures Which
May Contribute to a Severe Service
• Inadequate maintenance of fuel storage tanks
from causes such as excessive water, sediment,
and microorganism growth.

• Extending maintenance intervals beyond the

recommended intervals

• Using fluids which are not recommended in

Special Publication, SEBU6250, “Caterpillar
Machine Fluids Recommendations”

• Extending maintenance intervals for changing the

engine oil and engine coolant without S·O·S

• Extending maintenance intervals for changing air

filters, oil filters, and fuel filters
• Failure to use a water separator

• Using filters which are not recommended by

Special Publication, PEWJ0074, “2008 Cat Filter
and Fluid Application Guide”
• Storing the engine for more than 3 months but less
than 1 yr (For information about engine storage,
refer to Special Publication, SEHS9031, “Storage
Procedure for Caterpillar Products”)
266 M0110641-02
Maintenance Section
Maintenance Interval Schedule

i08686542 “ Condenser (Refrigerant) - Clean“ . . . . . . . . . . . . 280

Maintenance Interval Schedule “ Engine Air Filter Primary and/or Secondary Element
- Replace“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
SMCS Code: 7000
“ Ether Starting Aid Cylinder - Replace“ . . . . . . . . 298
Ensure that all safety information, warnings, and
instructions are read and understood before any “ Film (Product Identification) - Clean“ . . . . . . . . . 299
operation or any maintenance procedures are
performed. “ Fuel System - Prime“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301

The user is responsible for the performance of “ Fuel Tank Strainer - Clean“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
maintenance. All adjustments, the use of proper
lubricants, fluids, filters, and the replacement of “ Fuses - Replace“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306
components due to normal wear and aging are “ Hydraulic System - Purge“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309
included. Failure to adhere to proper maintenance
intervals and procedures may result in diminished “ Light Emitting Diode Lamp (LED) - Replace“ . . . 319
performance of the product and/or accelerated wear
of components. “ Oil Filter - Inspect“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321
Use mileage, fuel consumption, service hours, or “ Radiator, Aftercooler and Oil Cooler Cores -
calendar time, WHICH EVER OCCURS FIRST, to Clean“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323
determine the maintenance intervals. Products that
operate in severe operating conditions may require “ Rollover Protective Structure (ROPS) -
more frequent maintenance. Refer to the Inspect“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324
maintenance procedure for any other exceptions that
may change the maintenance intervals. “ Track Adjustment - Adjust“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330

Note: The aftertreatment system can be expected to “ Window - Check“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333

function properly for the useful life of the engine
“ Window Washer Reservoir - Fill“ . . . . . . . . . . . . 333
(emissions durability period), as defined by
regulation. All prescribed maintenance requirements “ Window Wiper - Inspect/Replace“ . . . . . . . . . . . 334
must be followed.
“ Windows - Clean“. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334
Note: Before each consecutive interval is performed,
all maintenance from the previous interval must be Every 10 Service Hours or Daily for
First 50 Hours
The following guidelines should be followed if the
service hours are not met: “ Boom and Stick Linkage - Lubricate“ . . . . . . . . . 270
Items listed between 10 and 100 service hours “ Bucket Linkage - Lubricate“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272
should be performed at least every 3 months.
“ Bucket Linkage - Lubricate“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
Items listed between 250 and 500 service hours
should be performed at least every 6 months.
Every 10 Service Hours or Daily
Items listed between 1000 service hours and 2500
service hours should be performed at least every “ Travel Alarm - Test“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332
“ Cooling System Coolant Level - Check“. . . . . . . 284
When Required “ Engine Oil Level - Check“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291
“ Air Conditioner/Cab Heater Filter (Recirculation) - “ Fuel System Water Separator - Drain“ . . . . . . . . 304
Inspect/Replace“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
“ Fuel Tank Water and Sediment - Drain“ . . . . . . . 305
“ Battery Electrolyte Level - Check“ . . . . . . . . . . . 268
“ Hydraulic System Oil Level - Check“ . . . . . . . . . 317
“ Battery or Battery Cable - Inspect/Replace“. . . . 269
“ Indicators and Gauges - Test“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319
“ Bucket Linkage - Inspect/Adjust“ . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
“ Seat Belt - Inspect“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325
“ Bucket Tips - Inspect/Replace“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
“ Track Adjustment - Inspect“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331
“ Cab Air Filter (Fresh Air) - Clean/Replace“ . . . . 279
“ Camera - Clean“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280
M0110641-02 267
Maintenance Section
Maintenance Interval Schedule

“ Undercarriage - Check“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333 “ Engine Valve Lash - Check“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297

“ Fuel System Primary Filter (Water Separator)
Every 50 Service Hours Element - Replace“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302
“ Bucket Linkage - Lubricate“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272 “ Fuel System Secondary Filter - Replace“. . . . . . 303

Every 100 Service Hours “ Swing Drive Oil - Change“. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326

“ Bucket Linkage - Lubricate“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273 Every 2000 Service Hours

“ Oil Filter (Hydraulic Hammer) - Replace“ . . . . . . 319 “ Cooling System Coolant Sample - Obtain“ . . . . 286

Every 250 Service Hours “ Final Drive Oil - Change“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299

“ Fuel Tank Cap Filter - Replace“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
“ Cooling System Coolant Sample - Obtain“ . . . . 286
“ Swing Gear - Lubricate“. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328
“ Engine Oil Sample - Obtain“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292

Initial 500 Service Hours Every Year

“ Engine Oil and Filter - Change“. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293 “ Cooling System Coolant Sample - Obtain“ . . . . 286

“ Engine Valve Lash - Check“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297 Every 3000 Service Hours

“ Final Drive Oil - Change“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299 “ Hydraulic System Oil Filter (Return) -
Replace“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315
“ Swing Drive Oil - Change“. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326

Initial 500 Hours (for New Systems, Every 3 Years

Refilled Systems, and Converted “ Seat Belt - Replace“. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325
Every 5000 Service Hours
“ Cooling System Coolant Sample - Obtain“ . . . . 286
“ Pump Coupling Oil - Change“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321
Every 500 Service Hours “ Receiver Dryer (Refrigerant) - Replace“. . . . . . . 324
“ Boom and Stick Linkage - Lubricate“ . . . . . . . . . 270
Every 6000 Service Hours or 3
“ Final Drive Oil Level - Check“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 Years
“ Final Drive Oil Sample - Obtain“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301
“ Cooling System Coolant Extender (ELC) -
“ Hydraulic System Oil Sample - Obtain“ . . . . . . . 318 Add“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283

“ Pump Coupling Oil Level - Check“ . . . . . . . . . . . 322 “ Hydraulic System Oil - Change“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310

“ Swing Bearing - Lubricate“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325 Every 12 000 Service Hours or 6

“ Swing Drive Oil Level - Check“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327 Years
“ Swing Drive Oil Sample - Obtain“ . . . . . . . . . . . . 328 “ Cooling System Coolant (ELC) - Change“ . . . . . 281

Every 1000 Service Hours

“ Battery - Clean“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
“ Battery Hold-Down - Tighten“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
“ Belt - Inspect/Adjust/Replace“. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
“ Engine Oil and Filter - Change“. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293
268 M0110641-02
Maintenance Section
Air Conditioner/Cab Heater Filter (Recirculation) - Inspect/Replace

i06954215 5. After you clean the filter element, inspect the filter
element. If the filter element is damaged or badly
Air Conditioner/Cab Heater contaminated, use a new filter element. Make sure
Filter (Recirculation) - Inspect/ that the filter element is dry.

Replace 6. Install the filter element.

SMCS Code: 1054-510-A/C; 1054-040-A/C 7. Install the cover.

NOTICE Failure to reinstall the filter element for the air condi-
An air recirculation filter element plugged with dust tioning system will contaminate and damage the sys-
will result in decreased performance and service life tem components.
to the air conditioner or cab heater.
To prevent decreased performance, clean the filter el-
ement, as required. i00934864

The air conditioner filter is on the lower left side of the

cab behind the seat.
Battery - Clean
SMCS Code: 1401-070
1. Slide the operator seat forward.
Clean the battery surface with a clean cloth. Keep the
terminals clean and keep the terminals coated with
petroleum jelly. Install the post cover after you coat
the terminal post with petroleum jelly.


Battery Electrolyte Level -

SMCS Code: 1401; 1401-535; 1401-535-FLV

All lead-acid batteries contain sulfuric acid which

can burn the skin and clothing. Always wear a
Illustration 448 g06181599
face shield and protective clothing when working
on or near batteries.
2. Release the cover latch.

Note: If the machine is operated in extreme

temperatures, check the electrolyte level Every 500
Service Hours or 3 months.
When the engine is not run for long periods of time or
when the engine is run for short periods, the batteries
may not fully recharge. Ensure a full charge in order
to help prevent the battery from freezing.
1. Clean the battery surface with a clean cloth. Clean
the terminals and the cable clamps. Coat the
clamps and the terminals with silicone lubricant or
petroleum jelly. Install the post cover.
2. Inspect the electrolyte level in each battery cell.
Maintain the electrolyte level to the bottom of the
Illustration 449 g06181603
filler openings. Use distilled water. If distilled water
is not available, use clean drinking water.
3. Slide the filter element upward.
4. Tap the air filter to remove the dirt. Do not use
compressed air to clean the filter.
M0110641-02 269
Maintenance Section
Battery Hold-Down - Tighten

i00934872 i07246860

Battery Hold-Down - Tighten Belt - Inspect/Adjust/Replace

SMCS Code: 7257 SMCS Code: 1357-040; 1357-025; 1357-510; 1397-
025; 1397-510; 1397-040
Tighten the hold-downs for the battery in order to
prevent the batteries from moving during machine Note: This engine is equipped with a belt tightener
operation. that automatically adjusts the belt to the correct
1. Unlatch the engine hood and raise the engine
Battery or Battery Cable - hood.
SMCS Code: 1401-040; 1401; 1401-561; 1401-510;
1402-510; 1402-040

Personal injury can result from battery fumes or

Batteries give off flammable fumes that can ex-
plode. Electrolyte is an acid and can cause per-
sonal injury if it contacts the skin or eyes.
Prevent sparks near the batteries. Sparks could
cause vapors to explode. Do not allow jumper ca-
ble ends to contact each other or the engine. Im- Illustration 450 g06206193
proper jumper cable connections can cause an (A) New belt
explosion. (B) Worn belt
Always wear protective glasses when working
with batteries. 2. Inspect the condition of the serpentine belt. Over
time the belt ribs will lose material (C). The space
between the ribs will increase (D). The loss of
1. Turn all of the switches to the OFF position. Turn material will cause the pulley sheave to contact
the engine start switch key to the OFF position. the belt valley. This will lead to belt slippage and
2. Turn the battery disconnect switch to the OFF accelerated wear (E). Replace the belt if the belt is
position. Remove the key. worn or frayed.
3. Disconnect the negative battery cable at the 3. If the belt requires replacement, perform Step 3a
battery. through Step 3f.
4. Disconnect the positive battery cable at the a. Remove the upper fan guard.
5. Disconnect the battery cables at the battery
disconnect switch. The battery disconnect switch
is connected to the machine frame.
6. Make necessary repairs or replace the battery.
7. Connect the battery cable at the battery disconnect
8. Connect the positive battery cable of the battery.
9. Connect the negative battery cable of the battery.
10. Install the key and turn the battery disconnect
switch to the ON position.
270 M0110641-02
Maintenance Section
Boom and Stick Linkage - Lubricate

Illustration 451 g06265252

Illustration 452 g06183509
(1) Belt tensioner

1. Apply lubricant through the fitting at the base of

b. Rotate the belt tensioner (1) clockwise to
each boom cylinder.
remove the belt.
c. Remove the belt.
d. Install a new belt.
e. Rotate the belt tensioner clockwise to install the
f. Install the upper fan guard.
g. Lower the engine hood and latch the engine


Boom and Stick Linkage -

Lubricate Illustration 453 g06183534

SMCS Code: 6501-086; 6502-086

Note: Your machine may have the fittings mounted in
Note: Caterpillar recommends the use of 5% a vertical position as shown in the illustration above,
molybdenum grease for lubricating the boom, and or your machine may have the fittings mounted in a
stick linkage. Refer to Special Publication, horizontal position.
SEBU6250, “Caterpillar Machine Fluids
2. The fittings are at the base of the boom. The
Recommendations” for more information on
molybdenum grease. fittings can be serviced from the platform on the
fuel tank. To lubricate the lower boom bearings,
Apply lubricant through all fittings after operation apply lubricant through fittings (1) and (2).
under water.
3. Apply lubricant through fittings (3) and (4) for the
Wipe all fittings before you apply lubricant. boom cylinder rod.
4. Apply lubricant through fitting (5) for the stick
cylinder head.
Note: To ensure proper lubrication of the lower boom
bearings and of the boom cylinder rod end bearings,
lubricant should be applied through fittings (1), (2),
(3), and (4). Apply lubricant first when the boom is
raised and any attachment is suspended. Then apply
lubricant when the boom is lowered and the
attachment is rested on the ground with a slight
downward pressure.
M0110641-02 271
Maintenance Section
Bucket Linkage - Inspect/Adjust


Bucket Linkage - Inspect/

SMCS Code: 6513-025; 6513-040

Unexpected machine movement can cause injury

or death.
To avoid possible machine movement, move the
hydraulic lockout control to the LOCKED position
and attach a Special Instruction, SEHS7332, “Do
Illustration 454 g06183854 Not Operate” or similar warning tag to the hy-
draulic lockout control.
5. Apply lubricant through fitting (6). Fitting (6) is at
the connection point of the boom and of the stick.
Improperly adjusted bucket clearance could cause
galling on the contact surfaces of the bucket and
stick, resulting in excessive noise and/or damaged O-
ring seals.

Illustration 455 g06183864

6. Apply lubricant through fitting (7) on the stick

cylinder rod. Apply lubricant through fitting (8) at
the connection point of the boom and of the stick.
Illustration 456 g06279682
Apply lubricant through fitting (9) at the bucket
cylinder head end. Area for linkage adjustment
272 M0110641-02
Maintenance Section
Bucket Linkage - Lubricate

Subtract 0.5 mm (0.02 inch) or 1.0 mm

(0.04 inch) from bucket clearance (7).
6. Remove the appropriate number of shims at
location (8) to meet the above thickness. Make
sure that you use a minimum of three 0.5 mm
(0.02 inch) shims. To remove the shims, remove
bolts (9), washers (10), and plate (11).
7. After the correct number of shims has been
removed and pin (1) is aligned with the pin hole,
install plate (11), bolts (9), and washers (10).
Tighten the bolts to 240 ± 40 N·m (175 ± 30 lb ft).
8. After installation, make sure that bucket clearance
(7) is still correct.


Bucket Linkage - Lubricate

(TB Bucket Family)
Illustration 457 g06185866
(1) Pin
SMCS Code: 6513-086
(2) Shims
(3) Flange Note: Use this procedure for the TB bucket family.
(4) Stick boss Lubricate the bucket linkage at the maintenance
(5) No gap interval of every 50 service hours.
(6) Bucket boss
(7) Bucket clearance
(8) Location
Note: Caterpillar recommends the use of 5%
(9) Bolts molybdenum grease for lubricating the bucket
(10) Washers linkage. Refer to Special Publication, SEBU6250,
(11) Plate “Caterpillar Machine Fluids Recommendations” for
more information on grease.
The clearance of the bucket control linkage on this
machine can be adjusted by shimming. If the gap Wipe all fittings before you apply lubricant.
between the bucket and the stick becomes
excessive, adjust bucket clearance (7) to 0.5 to 1 mm
(0.02 to 0.04 inch).
Two shims of different thickness are used at location
(8). The thicknesses of the shims are 0.5 mm
(0.02 inch) and 1.0 mm (0.04 inch).
1. Position the machine on a level surface and lower
the bucket to the ground.
2. Slowly operate the swing control lever until stick
boss (4) and the bucket boss (6) are in full face
contact at no gap (5). This will help to determine
the total clearance of the connection point of the
stick and of the bucket.
3. Move the hydraulic lockout control to the LOCKED
position. Stop the engine.
4. Measure bucket clearance (7), which is the
existing total clearance.
5. Determine the number of shims that need to be
Illustration 458 g06183336
removed from shims (2) by using the following
calculation: Note: Completely fill all cavities of the bucket control
linkage with grease when you initially install a bucket.
M0110641-02 273
Maintenance Section
Bucket Linkage - Lubricate

1. Apply lubricant through fittings for the linkages (1), i08059817

(2), (3), and (4).
2. Apply lubricant through fittings for the bucket (5),
Bucket Tips - Inspect/Replace
(6), and (7). SMCS Code: 6805-510; 6805-040

Note: Service the above fittings after you operate the

bucket under water.
Personal injury or death can result from bucket
i07378295 falling.

Bucket Linkage - Lubricate Block the bucket before changing bucket tips or
side cutters.
(DB Bucket Family)
SMCS Code: 6513-086
K Series GET Drive-through
Note: Use this procedure for the DB bucket family. System Bucket Tips
Lubricate the bucket linkage at the maintenance
interval of every 100 service hours. Note: To maximize the life of the bucket tip and the
Note: Caterpillar recommends the use of 5% penetration of the bucket tip, the bucket tip can be
molybdenum grease for lubricating the bucket rotated.
linkage. Refer to Special Publication, SEBU6250,
“Caterpillar Machine Fluids Recommendations” for
more information on grease.
Wipe all fittings before you apply lubricant.

Illustration 460 g01055179

Acceptable wear

Illustration 459 g06183336

Note: Completely fill all cavities of the bucket control

linkage with grease when you initially install a bucket.

1. Apply lubricant through fittings for the linkages (1),

(2), (3), and (4).
Illustration 461 g01055196
2. Apply lubricant through fittings for the bucket (5),
(6), and (7). Replace this bucket tip.

Note: Service the above fittings after you operate the Check the bucket tips for wear. If the bucket tip has a
bucket under water. hole, replace the bucket tip.
274 M0110641-02
Maintenance Section
Bucket Tips - Inspect/Replace

Removal Procedure 2. Remove the bucket tip from the adapter with a
slight counterclockwise rotation.

Installation Procedure
Retainer pin, when struck with force, can fly out
and cause injury to nearby people. 1. Clean the adapter, if necessary.
Make sure the area is clear of people when driv- 2. Install the new bucket tip or the rotated bucket tip
ing retainer pins. onto the adapter with a slight clockwise rotation.
To avoid injury to your eyes, wear protective
glasses when striking a retainer pin.

Illustration 464 g06528668

Proper location for installing the retainer
Illustration 462 g06528662
3. The retainer can be installed from the top of the
(1) Bucket tip
(2) Retainer
bucket tip or from the bottom of the bucket tip. Use
(3) Adapter a hammer and a 1 inch X 1 inch X 8 inch steel bar
stock to drive retainer (2) into adapter (3).
Note: Retainers are often damaged during the
removal process. Caterpillar recommends the
installation of a new retainer when bucket tips are
rotated or replaced.

Illustration 465 g06528672

Internal View
The latch of the retainer is properly seated in the
recess of the bucket tip.
Illustration 463 g01054386
Internal view

1. Use a hammer and a punch to drive out the

retainer. The retainer can be removed from the top
of the bucket tip or from the bottom of the bucket
M0110641-02 275
Maintenance Section
Bucket Tips - Inspect/Replace

1. Remove the pin from the bucket tip. The pin can be
removed by one of the following methods.

• Use a hammer and a punch from the retainer

side of the bucket to drive out the pin.

• Use a Pin-Master. Follow Step 1a through Step

1c for the procedure.

Illustration 466 g06528674

A properly installed retainer does not extend beyond
the ear of the bucket tip.

4. The retainer is properly seated if the retainer can

be moved slightly by the technicians hand. If the
retainer cannot be moved, adjust the retainer, as
needed. The ends of the retainer should not
extend beyond the ear of the bucket tip. Illustration 468 g06214793
(4) Back of Pin-Master
(5) Extractor
J Series GET Bucket Tips
a. Place the Pin-Master on the bucket tip.
b. Align extractor (5) with the pin.
Block the bucket before changing the bucket c. Strike the Pin-Master at the back of the tool (4)
and remove the pin.
To prevent possible injury to the eyes, wear a pro-
tective face shield when striking the pin. Note: Discard the old pin and the retainer
assembly. When you change tips, use a new pin
The pin, when struck, can fly out and cause injury and a new retainer assembly. Refer to the
to nearby personnel. appropriate parts manual for your machine.

Illustration 467 g06528680

(1) Usable tip
(2) Replaceable bucket tip
(3) Overworn tip

Check the bucket tips for wear. If the bucket tip has a
hole, replace the bucket tip.
276 M0110641-02
Maintenance Section
Bucket Tips - Inspect/Replace

• From the same side of the retainer, drive the

pin through the bucket tip, the retainer
assembly, and the adapter.

• Use a Pin-Master. Follow Step 5a through Step

5e for the procedure.

Illustration 469 g06214921 Illustration 471 g06214803

(6) Retainer assembly (8) Pin
(7) Adapter
a. Insert pin (8) through the bucket tip.
2. Clean the adapter and the pin.
3. Fit retainer assembly (6) into the counterbore that
is in the side of adapter (7). Make sure that the
face of the retainer assembly with the marking
“OUTSIDE” is visible.

Illustration 472 g06214807

b. Place the Pin-Master over the bucket tips so

that the pin will fit into the counterbore of the pin
holder (9).

Illustration 470 g06214795

c. Strike the Pin-Master with a hammer at the
back of the tool (4) to insert the pin.
4. Install the new bucket tip onto the adapter. d. Slide pin holder (9) away from the pin and
rotate the tool slightly to align pin setter (10)
Note: The bucket tips can be rotated by 180 degrees
to allow the tip to wear evenly. You may also move with the pin.
the tips from the outside teeth to the inside teeth.
Check the tips often. If wear is present on the tips,
rotate the tips. The outside teeth generate the most

5. Drive the pin through the bucket tip. The pin can be
installed by using one of the following methods:
M0110641-02 277
Maintenance Section
Bucket Tips - Inspect/Replace


Illustration 473 g06214812

Final assembly of pin into bucket tip
Illustration 475 g06528701
e. Strike the end of the tool until the pin is fully (1) Bucket Tip
inserted. (2) Retainer
(3) Adapter
(4) Compression Sleeve
Bucket Tips (Cat® Advansys ) - If
Equipped 1. Use a 1/2" ratchet and rotate the retainer (2) 180
degrees to the unlocked position.
2. Remove the bucket tip (1) from adapter (3).
3. Clean adapter (3).

1. Clean the adapter and the area around the latch, if
2. Install the new bucket tip (1) onto the adapter (3).

Illustration 474 g06528680

(1) Usable tip
(2) Replaceable bucket tip
(3) Overworn tip

Check the bucket tips for wear. If the bucket tip has a
hole, replace the bucket tip.
278 M0110641-02
Maintenance Section
Bucket Tips - Inspect/Replace

Illustration 476 g06528728

3. Use a 1/2" ratchet to rotate the retainer (2) 180

degrees to the locked position.

Side Cutters
Illustration 478 g06214887
(12) Shear ledge on a side cutter
(13) Side plate on a bucket
(B) 0.0 mm (0.0 inch)

Note: Some side cutters may be rotated for

additional wear.

3. Install the side cutter.

Note: Certain bolts may require thread compound.

4. Hand tighten the bolts.

5. Make sure that there is not a gap between the side
plate on the bucket and the shear ledge on the
side cutter.
Illustration 477 g06214814
Bucket With Side Cutters 6. Torque the mounting bolts to the correct
1. Remove the mounting bolts and the side cutters
(11). Side Protectors (If Equipped)
2. Clean the mounting surface of the side plate on the Inspect the wear of the side protector. When too
bucket and of the side cutter. Remove any burrs or much wear is present, replace the protector.
protrusions on the mating surfaces.
M0110641-02 279
Maintenance Section
Cab Air Filter (Fresh Air) - Clean/Replace

1. Hit pin (17) from the side of the bucket without the
retainer to remove side protector (16) from side
plate (14).
2. Clean side protector (16), pin (17), retainer(15),
and side plate (14) before installation.
Note: Lateral clearance between the side plate and
the side protector should not exceed 1 mm
(0.04 inch). Shims (18) may be required to decrease
the lateral clearance which will decrease movement.
Install the shims between the side plate and the side
protector on the opposite side of the retainer.

3. Put retainer (15) in side plate (14).

4. Align two pin holes of the new protector and the
side plate. Hit the pin from the retainer side of the
Note: If the pin and/or the retainer are worn, replace
the pin and/or the retainer.
Illustration 479 g06219766

Cab Air Filter (Fresh Air) -

SMCS Code: 7342-510; 7342-070
The cab air filter is on the left side of the cab.
1. Use the ignition key to open the access panel.

Illustration 481 g06182115

2. Remove air filter (1).

3. Tap the air filter to remove the dirt. Do not use
Illustration 480 g06219767
compressed air to clean the filter.
(14) Side plate
(15) Retainer 4. After you clean the air filter, inspect the air filter. If
(16) Side protector
(17) Pin
the air filter is damaged or badly contaminated,
(18) Shim use a new air filter.
5. Install the air filter.
6. Close and lock the access panel.
280 M0110641-02
Maintenance Section
Camera - Clean


Camera - Clean
SMCS Code: 7348-070

Failure to use an appropriate external ladder or

an appropriate platform for direct access to the
rear view camera could result in slipping and fall-
ing which could result in personal injury or death.
Be sure to use an appropriate external ladder or
an appropriate platform for direct access to the
rear view camera.
The machine's counterweight and the engine Illustration 483 g06224690
hood are not approved as a maintenance
platforms. If equipped, clean the side view camera as well.


Condenser (Refrigerant) -
Unexpected machine movement can cause injury Clean
or death.
SMCS Code: 1805-070
In order to avoid possible machine movement,
move the hydraulic lockout control to the
LOCKED position and attach a Special Instruc- NOTICE
tion, SEHS7332, “Do Not Operate” or similar If excessively dirty, clean condenser with a brush. To
warning tag to the hydraulic lockout control. prevent damage or bending of the fins, do not use a
stiff brush.

Note: When you access the camera for cleaning, be Repair the fins if found defective.
sure to observe safe procedures for access. Maintain
a three-point contact and/or use a body harness.

Illustration 484 g06179792

Illustration 482 g06224689

1. Open the access door on the left side of the
The rear view camera is on top of the counterweight. machine. The condenser is located in front of the
If necessary, use a damp cloth to clean the glass of
the camera. The camera is sealed. The camera is not
affected by a wash with high-pressure spray.

Note: Alternatively, cameras may be cleaned from

ground level by using a wash with a high-pressure
spray or a damp rag on a wand.
M0110641-02 281
Maintenance Section
Cooling System Coolant (ELC) - Change

Personal injury can result from hot coolant,

steam and alkali.
At operating temperature, engine coolant is hot
and under pressure. The radiator and all lines to
heaters or the engine contain hot coolant or
steam. Any contact can cause severe burns.
Remove cooling system pressure cap slowly to
relieve pressure only when engine is stopped and
cooling system pressure cap is cool enough to
touch with your bare hand.
Do not attempt to tighten hose connections when
Illustration 485 g06183025 the coolant is hot, the hose can come off causing
2. Inspect the condenser for debris. Clean the Cooling System Coolant Additive contains alkali.
condenser, if necessary. Avoid contact with skin and eyes.
3. Use clean water to wash off all dust and dirt from
the condenser.
4. Close the access door. Do not change the coolant until you read and under-
stand the cooling system information in Special Publi-
cation, SEBU6250, “Caterpillar Machine Fluids
Cooling System Coolant (ELC) Failure to do so could result in damage to the cooling
system components.
- Change
SMCS Code: 1350-044
Mixing ELC with other products will reduce the effec-
tiveness of the coolant.
Engine hood and engine hood parts can be hot This could result in damage to cooling system
while engine is running or immediately after en- components.
gine shutdown. Hot parts or hot components can
cause burns or personal injury. Do not allow If Caterpillar products are not available and commer-
these parts to contact your skin, when engine is cial products must be used, make sure they have
running or immediately after engine shutdown. passed the Caterpillar EC-1 specification for pre-
Use protective clothing or protective equipment mixed or concentrate coolants and Caterpillar
to protect your skin. Extender.

Note: This machine was filled at the factory with

Caterpillar Extended Life Coolant.
If the coolant in the machine is changed to Extended
Life Coolant from another type of coolant, see
Special Publication, SEBU6250, “Caterpillar Machine
Fluids Recommendations”.
1. Unlatch and raise the engine service door.
282 M0110641-02
Maintenance Section
Cooling System Coolant (ELC) - Change

c. Install the pressure cap.

Do not run the engine with plain water in the cooling
system for more than 5 min. The water may vaporize
and trapped air may damage the NRS cooler.

d. Start the engine and run the engine until the

engine reaches operating temperature.
e. Stop the engine and allow the engine to cool.
f. Loosen the pressure cap slowly to relieve any
pressure in the cooling system.
g. Open the drain valve that is on the bottom of
Illustration 486 g06279740
the radiator and allow the coolant to drain into a
suitable container.
2. Slowly loosen the pressure cap that is on the
coolant reservoir to release pressure from the h. Flush the radiator with clean water until the
cooling system. draining water is transparent.
3. Remove the pressure cap. 8. Close the drain valve.
4. Inspect the o-ring of the cooling system pressure 9. Add the Extended Life Coolant. Refer to the
cap. If the o-ring is damaged, replace the pressure following topics:
• Special Publication, SEBU6250, “Caterpillar
Note: Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual, Machine Fluids Recommendations”
“General Hazard Information” for information that
pertains to containing fluid spillage. • Operation and Maintenance Manual,
“Capacities (Refill)”
5. Open the rear access door on the left side of the
machine. 10. After the cooling system has been filled, perform
the following procedures during initial start-up:
a. Start the engine without the filler cap.
b. Run the engine at low idle for 10 minutes.
c. Then, increase the engine speed to a high idle
until the water temperature regulator is open
and the coolant level is stabilized.
d. Maintain the coolant at the proper level as the
water temperature regulator opens, and the air
is purged from the cooling system and NRS
cooler. Refer to Operation and Maintenance
Manual, “Cooling System Coolant Level -
Illustration 487 g06279744 11. Install the cooling system pressure cap.

6. Open the drain valve and allow the coolant to drain 12. Stop the engine.
into a suitable container. The drain valve is on the
bottom of the radiator.
7. Flush the cooling system. Follow Step 7a through
Step 7h to flush the cooling system.
a. Close the drain valve.
b. Fill the cooling system with clean water.
M0110641-02 283
Maintenance Section
Cooling System Coolant Extender (ELC) - Add

Personal injury can result from hot coolant,

steam and alkali.
At operating temperature, engine coolant is hot
and under pressure. The radiator and all lines to
heaters or the engine contain hot coolant or
steam. Any contact can cause severe burns.
Remove cooling system pressure cap slowly to
relieve pressure only when engine is stopped and
cooling system pressure cap is cool enough to
touch with your bare hand.
Do not attempt to tighten hose connections when
the coolant is hot, the hose can come off causing
Cooling System Coolant Additive contains alkali.
Avoid contact with skin and eyes.
Use Caterpillar Extended Life Coolant (ELC) when
you add coolant to the cooling system. See Special
Illustration 488 g06266322
Publication, SEBU6250, “Caterpillar Machine Fluids
(1) “FULL” Recommendations” for all cooling system
(2) “LOW” requirements.
13. Check the coolant reservoir. Maintain the coolant Use a Coolant Conditioner Test Kit to check the
level between “FULL” mark (1) and “LOW” mark concentration of the coolant.
14. If more coolant is necessary, remove the Mixing ELC with other products will reduce the effec-
pressure cap and add the appropriate coolant tiveness of the coolant.
solution. This could result in damage to cooling system
15. Install the pressure cap.
16. Close the engine hood and latch the engine If Caterpillar products are not available and commer-
cial products must be used, make sure they have
hood. Close the left access door. passed the Caterpillar EC-1 specification for pre-
17. Close and latch engine service door. mixed or concentrate coolants and Caterpillar
Note: This machine was filled at the factory with
Cooling System Coolant Caterpillar Extended Life Coolant.
Extender (ELC) - Add 1. Park the machine on level ground.
SMCS Code: 1352; 1353; 1395
2. Stop the engine.
3. Unlatch and raise the engine service door.

Engine hood and engine hood parts can be hot

while engine is running or immediately after en-
gine shutdown. Hot parts or hot components can
cause burns or personal injury. Do not allow
these parts to contact your skin, when engine is
running or immediately after engine shutdown.
Use protective clothing or protective equipment
to protect your skin.
284 M0110641-02
Maintenance Section
Cooling System Coolant Level - Check


Cooling System Coolant Level

- Check
SMCS Code: 1350-535-FLV; 1350-040; 1395-535-

Engine hood and engine hood parts can be hot

while engine is running or immediately after en-
gine shutdown. Hot parts or hot components can
cause burns or personal injury. Do not allow
these parts to contact your skin, when engine is
Illustration 489 g06279740 running or immediately after engine shutdown.
Use protective clothing or protective equipment
4. Make sure that the cooling system has cooled to protect your skin.
down. Loosen the cooling system pressure cap
slowly to relieve system pressure. Remove the
pressure cap.

Note: Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual, Personal injury can result from hot coolant,
“General Hazard Information” for information on steam and alkali.
containing fluid spillage. At operating temperature, engine coolant is hot
and under pressure. The radiator and all lines to
5. It may be necessary to drain some coolant from heaters or the engine contain hot coolant or
the radiator so that Caterpillar Extender can be steam. Any contact can cause severe burns.
added to the cooling system.
Remove cooling system pressure cap slowly to
Note: Always discard drained fluids according to relieve pressure only when engine is stopped and
local regulations. cooling system pressure cap is cool enough to
touch with your bare hand.
6. Add Caterpillar Extended Life Coolant (ELC) to the
Do not attempt to tighten hose connections when
cooling system. Refer to the following topics for
the coolant is hot, the hose can come off causing
the proper amount of Caterpillar Extender: burns.
• Special Publication, SEBU6250, “Caterpillar Cooling System Coolant Additive contains alkali.
Machine Fluids Recommendations” Avoid contact with skin and eyes.

• Operation and Maintenance Manual,

“Capacities (Refill)” Note: Your machine may be equipped with an
automated function for checking fluid levels. Refer to
7. Inspect the o-ring of the cooling system pressure Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Monitoring
cap. If the o-ring is damaged, replace the pressure System” regarding the automated system.
8. Install the cooling system pressure cap.
9. Close and latch engine service door.
M0110641-02 285
Maintenance Section
Cooling System Coolant Level - Check

Illustration 492 g06279740

Illustration 490 g06266315

a. Slowly loosen the cooling system pressure cap

1. Open the radiator door on left side of machine.
to relieve system pressure. Remove the
pressure cap.

Note: Refer to Operation and Maintenance

Manual, “General Hazard Information” for
information on containing fluid spillage.

b. Add the appropriate coolant solution to the

cooling system. Refer to the following topics:

• Special Publication, SEBU6250,

“Caterpillar Machine Fluids

• Operation and Maintenance Manual,

“Capacities (Refill)”

c. Start the engine. Operate the engine without

the cooling system pressure cap until the water
temperature regulator opens and the coolant
level stabilizes.
d. Inspect the condition of the o-ring on the
Illustration 491 g06266322 pressure cap. If the o-ring is damaged, replace
(1) “FULL” level the pressure cap.
(2) “ADD” level
e. Install the cooling system pressure cap.
2. Check the coolant level of the coolant reservoir f. Stop the engine.
when the engine is cold. Maintain the coolant level
between the “FULL” mark and the “ADD” mark. If g. Close the engine hood and latch the engine
the coolant reservoir is at or below the “ADD” hood.
mark, follow Steps 2a through 2g.
286 M0110641-02
Maintenance Section
Cooling System Coolant Sample - Obtain

Always use a designated pump for oil sampling, and
Cooling System Coolant use a separate designated pump for coolant sam-
Sample - Obtain pling. Using the same pump for both types of sam-
ples may contaminate the samples that are being
SMCS Code: 1395-554; 1395-008 drawn. This contaminate may cause a false analysis
and an incorrect interpretation that could lead to con-
cerns by both dealers and customers.

Use caution when servicing a warm machine. Flu-

ids (hydraulic oil, engine oil, transmission fluid, NOTICE
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are con-
coolant, etc.) can be extremely hot. Severe burns tained during performance of inspection, mainte-
will result from contact with hot fluids. nance, testing, adjusting, and repair of the product.
Be prepared to collect the fluid with suitable contain-
ers before opening any compartment or disassem-
bling any component containing fluids.

Pressurized System: Hot coolant can cause seri- Refer to Special Publication, PERJ1017, “Dealer
ous burns. To open the cooling system filler cap, Service Tool Catalog” for tools and supplies suitable
stop the engine and wait until the cooling system to collect and contain fluids on Cat ® products.
components are cool. Loosen the cooling system
pressure cap slowly in order to relieve the Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations
pressure. and mandates.

The cooling system coolant should be sampled and

monitored with regular frequency. The samples Prepare the machine for maintenance. Refer to
should be analyzed per the following guidelines: “Prepare the Machine for Maintenance“.

• Level 1 analysis: Every 250 hours

• Level 2 analysis: Every 2000 hours

Note: Obtain a Coolant Sample (Level 1) every
250 hours if the cooling system is filled with
anything other than Cat ® ELC ( Cat ® Extended
Life Coolant) or Commercial EC-1 coolants. This
includes the following type of coolants.
• Cat ® Diesel Engine Antifreeze/Coolant (DEAC)
• Commercial heavy-duty coolant/antifreeze

Note: A level 1 analysis may indicate the need for

Illustration 493 g06384019
a Level 2 analysis.

Note: A Level 2 analysis is required after 500 Open the left rear access door. Refer to “Access
hours of operation for the following reasons: (Cat Door and Cover Locations“.

• The cooling system is new

• The cooling system has been refilled

• The cooling system has been converted to a new

M0110641-02 287
Maintenance Section
Engine Air Filter Primary and/or Secondary Element - Replace


Engine Air Filter Primary and/

or Secondary Element -
SMCS Code: 1054-510-SE; 1054-510-PY

Primary Air Filter Element -

Service the air cleaner only with the engine stopped.
Illustration 494 g06719907 Engine damage could result.
(1) Coolant sample port

Coolant sample port (1) is located on the radiator NOTICE

compartment behind the left rear access door. Service the engine air filter elements only when a
message or a warning is displayed on the monitor
Obtain the sample of the coolant as close as possible display. Do not open the filter compartment unless
to the recommended sampling interval. To receive service is indicated. Opening the filter compartment
the full effect of Scheduled Oil Sampling analysis when not necessary to do so increases the chance of
(S·O·S analysis), establish a consistent trend of data. dirt contamination in engine air intake system
To establish a pertinent history of data, perform components.
consistent samplings that are evenly spaced.
Supplies for collecting samples can be obtained from
your Cat ® dealer. NOTICE
Short air filter life can result if the pre-cleaner system
Use the following guidelines for proper sampling of malfunctions. If air filter life is drastically reduced from
the coolant: typical for the operating conditions, consult your Cat
• Complete the information on the label for the
sampling bottle before you begin to take the
Do not use the air filter elements longer than 1 year.
• Keep the unused sampling bottles stored in plastic
bags. The engine air cleaner assembly is located behind
the front access door on the left side of the machine.
• Obtain coolant samples directly from the coolant
sample port. You should not obtain the samples 1. Prepare the machine for maintenance. Refer to
from any other location. “Prepare the Machine for Maintenance“.
• Obtain the coolant sample while the coolant is at
operating temperature.
• Keep the lids on empty sampling bottles until you
are ready to collect the sample.

• Place the sample in the mailing tube immediately

after obtaining the sample to avoid contamination.

• Never collect samples from expansion bottles.

• Never collect samples from the drain for a system.
Submit the sample for Level 1 analysis.
For additional information about coolant analysis,
refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,
SEBU6250, “Caterpillar Machine Fluids
Recommendations” or consult your Cat dealer.
288 M0110641-02
Maintenance Section
Engine Air Filter Primary and/or Secondary Element - Replace

Illustration 495 g06181546 Illustration 497 g06625380

(3) Pre-cleaner
2. Open the front access door on the left side of the (4) Primary air filter element
machine. (5) Secondary air filter element
(6) Air filter housing

4. Release latches (2) that secure pre-cleaner (3) to

engine air filter housing (6).
5. Remove pre-cleaner (3).
6. Clean inside the air filter housing where the pre-
cleaner was removed.

Caterpillar does not recommend cleaning the primary
air filter element. Caterpillar only recommends to re-
place the primary air filter element. Caterpillar does
not cover costs for damage to engine components
caused by cleaning the primary air filter element.

Illustration 496 g06625406

Observe the following guidelines if you attempt to
clean the primary filter element:
(1) Outlet tube
(2) Latch
Do not tap or strike the filter element in order to re-
move dust.
3. Squeeze outlet tube (1) to purge the dirt from the
outlet tube. Do not wash the filter element.
Use low pressure compressed air in order to remove
the dust from the filter element. Air pressure must not
exceed 207 kPa (30 psi). Direct the air flow up the
pleats and down the pleats from the inside of the filter
element. Take extreme care in order to avoid damage
to the pleats.
Do not clean the air filter element more than three
times. The air filter element must be replaced if the fil-
ter has been in use for one year, regardless of the
number of times the filter has been cleaned.
Do not use air filters with damaged pleats, gaskets,
or seals. Dirt entering the engine will cause damage
to engine components.
M0110641-02 289
Maintenance Section
Engine Air Filter Primary and/or Secondary Element - Replace

Do not clean the air filter elements by bumping or tap- Replace the secondary filter element when you serv-
ping. This could damage the seals. Do not use ele- ice the primary element for the third time. If a clean
ments with damaged pleats, gaskets, or seals. primary element has been installed and the filter ele-
Damaged elements will allow dirt to pass through. ment indicator is still flashing, replace the secondary
Engine damage could result. filter element. Also if the exhaust smoke remains
black and a clean primary filter element has been in-
stalled, replace the secondary filter element.
7. Remove primary air filter element (4). Replace the
filter element as necessary.
1. Open the front access door on the left side of the
Note: Replace the primary filter if the filter has been machine.
in use for 1 year.
2. Refer to the section “Primary Air Filter Element -
8. Clean inside the air filter assembly housing. Replace”. Remove the pre-cleaner from the
engine air filter housing. Remove the primary air
Note: Do not allow any dirt or debris to contact the filter element from the air filter housing.
secondary air filter element (5).

9. Inspect the seal area ensure that no foreign debris

has fallen into the seal area. Clean the air cleaner
interior to remove remaining dust or debris
10. Without removing secondary air filter element (5),
inspect the filter element for damage. Replace if
necessary or dirty. Refer to Secondary Air Filter
Element - Replace.
11. Install the secondary air filter element.
12. Install the primary air filter element.

Note: Filters must be fully installed before the pre-

cleaner can be attached. If the pre-cleaner cannot be
fully latched, verify that the filter elements are Illustration 498 g06625383
properly seated. (5) Secondary air filter element
(6) Air filter housing
13. Install the pre-cleaner and secure the latches that
hold the pre-cleaner to the air filter housing. 3. Secondary air filter element (5) is pressed into the
rear portion of engine air filter housing (6). Pull
14. Close the access door.
forward on the secondary air filter element to
remove the element from the engine air filter
Secondary Air Filter Element - housing.
Replace 4. Cover the air inlet opening. Clean inside the air
cleaner housing.
Always replace the secondary element. Do not at- 5. Clean all surfaces of the pre-cleaner cover and
tempt to reuse it by cleaning. Engine damage could body.
6. Uncover the air inlet opening.
7. Carefully press the secondary air filter element into
NOTICE the rear portion of the engine air filter housing.
Do not use the air filter elements longer than 1 year.
Note: Be certain that the new secondary air filter
element is properly seated in the filter housing. Also,
check to see that no damage to the filter element has
occurred during installation.

8. Install the primary air filter element and the pre-

290 M0110641-02
Maintenance Section
Engine Air Filter Primary and/or Secondary Element - Replace

9. Close the access door.

Engine Air Pre-Cleaner - Clean

Note: Do not attempt to clean the pre-cleaner by
hitting the filter against another object. Damage to
the filter is likely to occur.

Illustration 500 g06069263

1. Place the pre-cleaner assembly on a suitable work

surface. The interior of the pre-cleaner may have
accumulated debris. Protect your work surface to
collect excess debris and to avoid scattering

Illustration 499 g06183310

After removing the pre-cleaner from the air filter

housing, inspect the interior of the pre-cleaner
through the ejection ports around the perimeter.
In general, dust and debris will clear automatically
through normal pre-cleaner operation and no further
service will be required.
Illustration 501 g06069266
If the ejection ports are blocked, or dust is packed
between the pre-cleaner tubes, first try to clear any
accumulation by vigorously shaking the pre-cleaner. 2. Lift the locking tabs on one end of the cover away
from the retainers. Move the locking tabs only far
If the pre-cleaner is still blocked with dirt, the pre- enough to clear the retention posts.
cleaner may be separated by releasing the snap
features holding the front cover to the pre-cleaner Note: Do not bend the locking tabs farther than
body. necessary to release the tabs. Damage to the air
cleaner can result. Do not use tools to force the snap
features off the retainers.

3. Pull one end of the top cover away from the bottom
4. Hold one end of the cover sections apart and
separate one of the locking tabs on the other end
of the pre-cleaner.
M0110641-02 291
Maintenance Section
Engine Oil Level - Check

Illustration 502 g06069264 Illustration 503 g06069247

5. Pull the top cover up and away from the bottom. 10. If all the tabs are aligned, gently push the pre-
cleaner top down into place. Ensure that all the
6. Clear any blockage by shaking the pre-cleaner
snap features have engaged.
components and/or brushing away accumulated
debris. 11. Before installing the pre-cleaner to the air filter
housing, inspect the pre-cleaner gasket for
Note: Do not use picks or other stiff implements to damage. Replace if damaged.
clear debris, you may damage the pre-cleaner
Note: Do not attempt to remove the pre-cleaner
tubes from the top cover or you will damage the air Engine Oil Level - Check
cleaner. SMCS Code: 1000-535
7. If the blockage is still not cleared, you may attempt
to clear the debris by use of an air nozzle limited to
207 kPa (30 psi).
Hot oil and hot components can cause personal
Alternately, each part of the pre-cleaner may be injury. Do not allow hot oil or hot components to
submerged in water to loosen mud or other debris contact skin.
that may have dried on the interior surface of the
air cleaner.
Note: Never attempt to use a pressure washer or Do not overfill the crankcase. Engine damage can
other high-pressure water sources to clean the pre-
cleaner. Use of high-pressure water may damage the
pre-cleaner tubes and reduce the pre-cleaner Note: In addition to an engine oil dipstick, your
effectiveness. machine may be equipped with an automated
function for checking fluid levels. Refer to Operation
8. After cleaning, reassemble the pre-cleaner by and Maintenance Manual, “Monitoring System”
lining up the tubes on the pre-cleaner top with the regarding the automated system.
tubes in the pre-cleaner bottom.
Note: If the machine is on an incline or the engine
9. Allow the pre-cleaner top to rest on the pre-cleaner has been stopped only for a short time, then the
bottom and ensure that the four snap features are engine oil does not return to the crankcase and the
aligned. fluid level cannot be properly checked by either
method. Park the machine on level ground and check
that the oil level after the engine has been stopped
for at least 30 minutes.
Check the oil level while the engine is stopped. Do
not check the oil level while the engine is running.
1. Open the engine hood.
292 M0110641-02
Maintenance Section
Engine Oil Sample - Obtain

Note: If the oil is deteriorated or badly contaminated,

change the oil regardless of the maintenance

5. Clean the oil filler plug. Install the oil filler plug.
6. Close the engine hood.


Engine Oil Sample - Obtain

SMCS Code: 1000-008; 1000; 1348-008; 1348-554-
SM; 7542-554-OC; 7542-554-SM; 7542-008

Illustration 504 g06264436

2. Remove dipstick (1). Wipe the oil off the dipstick

and reinsert the dipstick.

Illustration 506 g06226123

Obtain a sample of the engine oil from the engine oil

sampling valve that is on the engine oil filter housing.
Refer to Special Publication, SEBU6250, “S·O·S Oil
Analysis” for information that pertains to obtaining a
Illustration 505 g00832222 sample of the engine oil. Refer to Special Publication,
PEGJ0047, “How To Take A Good Oil Sample” for
more information about obtaining a sample of the
3. Remove the dipstick and check the dipstick. The engine oil.
oil level should be between the “FULL” mark and
the “ADD” mark.

Do not fill above the “FULL” mark on the dipstick.
If the oil level is above the “FULL” Mark, the crank-
shaft might dip into the oil during engine operation.
This will lead to excessively high oil temperatures.
High oil temperatures can reduce the lubricating
characteristics of oil.

Note: Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,

“General Hazard Information” for information on
Containing Fluid Spillage.

4. Remove oil filler plug (2) to add oil, if necessary.

See Operation and Maintenance Manual,
“Lubricant Viscosities”.
M0110641-02 293
Maintenance Section
Engine Oil and Filter - Change


Engine Oil and Filter - Change

SMCS Code: 1318-510

Selection of the Oil Change Interval

The engine oil and filter change interval for standard
service application is every 1000 hours when the fol-
lowing requirements are met:
• Utilize Cat Recommended Fluids

• Utilize Cat Filters

• Utilize S·O·S Services at recommended interval
When these requirements are not met, the oil and fil-
ter change interval should be every 500 hours, or use
S·O·S Services oil sampling and analysis program to
determine an acceptable oil change interval.
If you select an interval for oil and filter change that is
too long, you may damage the engine.

When operating in any of the conditions or environ-
ments outlined in this Operation and Maintenance
Manual, Severe Service Application, use S·O·S Serv-
ices oil analysis to determine the best oil and filter
change interval.
When S·O·S Services are not used in severe service
applications, the oil and filter change interval should
be every 250 hours..
If you select an interval for oil and filter change that is
too long, you may damage the engine.

Reference: Operation and Maintenance Manual,

“Lubricant Viscosities”

Reference: Operation and Maintenance Manual,

“Maintenance Interval Schedule”

Reference: Operation and Maintenance Manual,

“Severe Service Application”
Reference: Operation and Maintenance Manual,
“S·O·S Information”
Use the table below to determine the appropriate
oil and filter change interval.
294 M0110641-02
Maintenance Section
Engine Oil and Filter - Change

Table 37
Selection of Oil and Filter Change Interval

Cat Recommended Interval
Cat Filters S·O·S Services
YES YES YES 1000 hours
YES YES NO 500 hours
Standard Service
YES NO YES 500 hours
NO YES YES 500 hours
NO NO NO 250 hours
NO NO NO 250 hours
YES YES NO 250 hours
Severe Service


(1) If operating in any of the conditions or environments outlined in the Severe Service Application, use S·O·S Services oil analysis to determine
the best oil change interval.

Note: Initial oil and filter change is required at initial

500 service hours.

Procedure for Changing Engine Oil

and Filter

Hot oil and hot components can cause personal

injury. Do not allow hot oil or hot components to
contact skin.

Note: If the sulfur content in the fuel is greater than

1.5 percent by weight, use an oil that has a TBN of 30 Illustration 507 g06183508
and reduce the oil change interval by one-half.
Note: Drain the crankcase while the oil is warm. This 2. Open the crankcase drain valve (1). Allow the oil to
allows waste particles that are suspended in the oil to drain into a suitable container.
drain. As the oil cools, the waste particles will settle
to the bottom of the crankcase. The particles will not Note: Discard any drained fluids according to local
be removed by draining the oil and the particles will regulations.
recirculate in the engine lubrication system with the
3. Close the drain valve.
new oil.

1. Park the machine on a level surface. Stop the


Note: Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,

“General Hazard Information” for information on
Containing Fluid Spillage.
M0110641-02 295
Maintenance Section
Engine Oil and Filter - Change

Illustration 508 g06279640

4. Open the access door at the right side of the


Illustration 510 g06183515

7. Remove the filter from the housing.

8. Clean the filter housing and the base thread.
9. Install the new filter element into the housing.
10. After installing the new element, hand tighten the
drain valve at the bottom of the housing.

Illustration 509 g06282140

5. Loosen drain valve (2) and allow the oil to drain out
of the housing.

Note: If equipped with a fast fill system, the oil can be

drained and filled using the fast fill coupler. Refer to
“Fast Fill” in this chapter.

6. Remove the oil filter housing (1). Refer to

Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Oil Filter -
Inspect”. Dispose of the used filter according to
local regulations.
296 M0110641-02
Maintenance Section
Engine Oil and Filter - Change

Illustration 512 g06279602

15. Open the access door on top of the machine.

Illustration 511 g06604084

11. Apply a thin coat of engine oil to the gasket of the

filter. Refer to Illustration 511 for lubrication points
on the gasket.
12. Install the filter housing with element to the filter Illustration 513 g06282148

base utilizing a socket wrench.

16. Remove oil filler cap (4). Fill the crankcase with
Note: Apply a tightening torque of 90 N·m (66 lb ft) new oil. See Operation and Maintenance Manual,
and tighten until metal to metal contact is achieved. “Capacities (Refill)”. Clean the oil filler plug and
install the oil filler plug.
13. Retighten the drain valve to a torque of 2.5 N·m
(22.1 lb in). NOTICE
14. Close the access door. Do not under fill or overfill engine crankcase with oil.
Either condition can cause engine damage.

17. Start the engine and allow the oil to warm. Check
the engine for leaks. Stop the engine.
M0110641-02 297
Maintenance Section
Engine Valve Lash - Check

3. Attach a hose that is equipped with a 126-7539

Note: Make sure that the nozzle and the receiver are
free from debris before attaching.

4. Drain the oil or add the oil, as needed.

5. Install the dust cover.
Illustration 514 g06183475

18. Wait for 30 minutes to allow the oil to drain back

into the crankcase. Check the oil level with dipstick
(3). Maintain the oil between the “L” and “H” marks
on the dipstick. If necessary, add oil.
19. Close the access door.

Fast Fill
If your machine is equipped with a deluxe service
center, you may drain and add the engine oil through
the fast fill port.

Illustration 517 g06282148

6. Verify that the correct amount of oil was added

using the engine dipstick (3).


Engine Valve Lash - Check

SMCS Code: 1102-082; 1102-535; 1102; 1105-025;
1105-535; 1121-535; 1209-535; 1209-082; 1209;
Refer to Engine Systems Operation/Testing and
Illustration 515 g06279640
Adjusting in order to perform the complete procedure
for the valve lash adjustment.
1. Open the access door on the right side of the

Illustration 516 g06183504

2. Remove the dust cover.

298 M0110641-02
Maintenance Section
Ether Starting Aid Cylinder - Replace


Ether Starting Aid Cylinder -

(If Equipped)
SMCS Code: 1456-510-CD

Breathing ether vapors or repeated contact of

ether with skin can cause personal injury. Per-
sonal injury may occur from failure to adhere to
the following procedures.
Use ether only in well ventilated areas.
Do not smoke while changing ether cylinders.
Use ether with care to avoid fires.
Do not store replacement ether cylinders in living
areas or in the operator's compartment. Illustration 519 g06211094

Do not store ether cylinders in direct sunlight or 2. Loosen the cylinder retaining clamp.
at temperatures above 49 °C (120 °F).
3. Unscrew the empty ether starting aid cylinder and
Discard cylinders in a safe place. Do not puncture remove the empty ether starting aid cylinder.
or burn cylinders.
Keep ether cylinders out of the reach of unauthor-
ized personnel.

The ether cylinder is located inside the rear access

door on the left side of the machine.
Refer to Operation and Maintenance, “Fire
Prevention and Explosion Prevention” before you
replace the ether cylinder.

Illustration 520 g06211096

4. Remove the used gasket.

Illustration 518 g06179792
5. Install a new gasket.
1. Open the rear access door at the left side of the
Note: A new gasket and O-ring is provided with each
machine. new ether starting aid cylinder.

6. Install the new ether starting aid cylinder.

7. Tighten the ether starting aid cylinder hand tight.
M0110641-02 299
Maintenance Section
Film (Product Identification) - Clean

8. Tighten the cylinder retaining clamp securely. Excessive pressure during power washing can
damage the product identification films by forcing
9. Close the access door. water underneath the product identification films.
Water lessens the adhesion of the product
i07786001 identification film to the product, allowing the product
identification film to lift or curl. These problems are
Film (Product Identification) - magnified by wind. These problems are critical for the
perforated film on windows.
To avoid lifting of the edge or other damage to the
SMCS Code: 7405-070; 7557-070 product identification films, follow these important

• Use a spray nozzle with a wide spray pattern.

• A maximum pressure of 83 bar (1200 psi)

• A maximum water temperature of 50° C (120° F)

• Hold the nozzle perpendicular to the product
identification film at a minimum distance of
305 mm (12 inch).
• Do not direct a stream of water at a sharp angle to
the edge of the product identification film.


Illustration 521 g06435629

Final Drive Oil - Change
Cleaning of the Films SMCS Code: 4050-044-FLV

Make sure that all the product identification films are

legible. Make sure that the recommended
procedures are used to clean the product Hot oil and hot components can cause personal
identification films. Ensure that all the product injury. Do not allow hot oil or hot components to
identification films are not damaged or missing. contact skin.
Clean the product identification films or replace the

Hand Washing
Use a wet solution with no abrasive material that
contains no solvents and no alcohol. Use a wet
solution with a “pH” value between 3 and 11. Use a
soft brush, a rag, or a sponge to clean the product
identification films. Avoid wearing down the surface
of the product identification films with unnecessary
scrubbing. Ensure that the surface of the product
identification films is flushed with clean water and
allow the product identification films to air dry.

Power Washing
Power washing or washing with pressure may be
used to clean product identification films. However,
aggressive washing can damage the product
identification films.

Illustration 522 g06182944

(1) Oil level plug
(2) Oil drain plug
300 M0110641-02
Maintenance Section
Final Drive Oil Level - Check

1. Position one final drive so that oil drain plug (2) is

at the bottom.
Note: Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,
“General Hazard Information” for information on
Containing Fluid Spillage.

2. Remove drain plug (2) and level plug (1). Allow the
oil to drain into a suitable container.
3. Clean the plugs and inspect the O-ring seals. If
wear or damage is evident, replace the drain plug,
the level plug, and/or the O-ring seals.
4. Install drain plug (2).
5. Fill the final drive to the bottom of the opening on
level plug (1). See Operation and Maintenance
Manual, “Lubricant Viscosities” and Operation and
Maintenance Manual, “Capacities (Refill)”.
Note: If the oil fills slowly, the fill hole may be blocked
by the planetary gear. Rotate the final drive to move Illustration 523 g06182944
the planetary gear away from the fill hole.
(1) Oil level plug
(2) Oil drain plug
Note: Overfilling the final drive will cause the seals
on the travel motor to allow hydraulic oil or water to
enter the final drive. The final drive may become 1. Position one final drive so that oil drain plug (2) is
contaminated. at the bottom.

6. Install level plug (1). Note: Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,
“General Hazard Information” for information on
7. Perform Step 1 to Step 6 on the other final drive. Containing Fluid Spillage.
Use a different container for the oil so that the oil
samples from the final drives will be separate. 2. Remove oil level plug (1).

8. Completely remove the oil that has spilled onto 3. Check the oil level. The oil should be near the
surfaces. bottom of the level plug opening.

9. Start the machine and allow the final drives to run 4. Add oil through the level plug opening, if
through several cycles. necessary. See Operation and Maintenance,
“Lubricant Viscosities”.
10. Stop the machine. Check the oil level.
Note: If the oil fills slowly, the fill hole may be blocked
11. Check the drained oil for metal chips or for by the planetary gear. Rotate the final drive to move
particles. If there are any chips or particles, the planetary gear away from the fill hole.
consult your Cat dealer.
Note: Overfilling the final drive will cause the seals
12. Properly dispose of the drained material. Obey on the travel motor to allow hydraulic oil or water to
local regulations for the disposal of the material. enter the final drive. The final drive may become
5. Clean oil level plug (1). Inspect the O-ring seal.
Final Drive Oil Level - Check Replace the O-ring seal if the O-ring seal is worn
or damaged.
SMCS Code: 4050-535-FLV
6. Install oil level plug (1).
7. Repeat the procedure for the other final drive.
Hot oil and hot components can cause personal
injury. Do not allow hot oil or hot components to
contact skin.
M0110641-02 301
Maintenance Section
Final Drive Oil Sample - Obtain

i06969816 i07318401

Final Drive Oil Sample - Obtain Fuel System - Prime

SMCS Code: 4011-008; 4050-008; 4050-SM; 7542- SMCS Code: 1250-548

Fuel leaked or spilled onto hot surfaces or electri-

Hot oil and hot components can cause personal cal components can cause a fire. To help prevent
injury. Do not allow hot oil or hot components to possible injury, turn the start switch off when
contact skin. changing fuel filters or water separator elements.
Clean up fuel spills immediately.

Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are con-
tained during performance of inspection, mainte-
nance, testing, adjusting, and repair of the product.
Be prepared to collect the fluid with suitable contain-
ers before opening any compartment or disassem-
bling any component containing fluids.
Refer to Special Publication, PERJ1017, “Dealer
Service Tool Catalog” for tools and supplies suitable
to collect and contain fluids on Cat ® products.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations
and mandates.

Do not loosen the fuel lines at the fuel manifold. The
fittings may be damaged and/or a loss of priming
pressure may occur when the fuel lines are loosened.

Illustration 524 g06182944

(1) Oil level plug NOTICE
(2) Oil drain plug Do not allow dirt to enter the fuel system. Thoroughly
clean the area around a fuel system component that
1. Position the final drive so that oil drain plug (2) is at will be disconnected. Fit a suitable cover over any
disconnected fuel system components.
the bottom.
Prime the fuel system to fill the fuel filter, and prime
Note: Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual, the fuel system to purge trapped air. The fuel system
“General Hazard Information” for information on should be primed under the following conditions:
Containing Fluid Spillage.
• The fuel tank is running low.
2. Remove oil level plug (1).
• The machine has been stored.
3. Obtain a sample of the final drive oil through the
hole for the oil level plug. • The fuel filter is being replaced.
4. Install oil level plug (1). • The fuel system has been repaired.
Refer to Special Publication, SEBU6250, “Caterpillar 1. Turn the engine start switch to the ON position.
Machine Fluids Recommendations” “S·O·S Oil
Analysis” for more information on obtaining a sample Leave the engine start switch in the ON position
of the final drive oil. For additional information about for 4 minutes.
taking an oil sample, refer to Special Publication,
PEGJ0047, “How To Take A Good Oil Sample”. 2. Verify that the water separator is full of fuel.
302 M0110641-02
Maintenance Section
Fuel System Primary Filter (Water Separator) Element - Replace

3. If the water separator is not full of fuel, turn the

engine start switch OFF and then turn the engine
start switch ON. Turning the engine start switch off
and on will cycle the fuel priming pump again.
4. When the water separator is full of fuel, attempt to
start the engine. If the engine starts and the
engine runs rough or the engine misfires, operate
at low idle until the engine is running smoothly. If
the engine cannot be started, or if the engine
continues to misfire or smoke, repeat Step 1.


Fuel System Primary Filter Illustration 525 g06279640

(Water Separator) Element -
1. Open the access door on the right side of the
Replace machine.
SMCS Code: 1263-510-FQ

Personal injury or death may result from failure

to adhere to the following procedures.
Fuel leaked or spilled onto hot surfaces or electri-
cal components can cause a fire.
Clean up all leaked or spilled fuel. Do not smoke
while working on the fuel system.
Turn the disconnect switch OFF or disconnect
the battery when changing fuel filters.

Do not fill the fuel filters with fuel before installing the
fuel filters. The fuel will not be filtered and could be
contaminated. Contaminated fuel will cause acceler-
ated wear to fuel system parts.
The primary filter/water separator is located behind
the access door on the right side of the machine. Illustration 526 g06281993
(1) Filter base
(2) Fuel shutoff valve
(3) Filter housing
(4) Drain valve
(5) Sensor

2. Turn fuel shutoff valve (2) to the closed position.

Note: Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,
“Fuel Tank Shutoff and Drain Control” for information
on the fuel shutoff valve.

3. Turn drain valve (4) counterclockwise to open. The

drain valve is on the bottom of the water separator.
Note: Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,
“General Hazard Information” for information that
pertains to containing fluid spillage.
M0110641-02 303
Maintenance Section
Fuel System Secondary Filter - Replace

Note: Dispose of used fluids according to local i07318618

Fuel System Secondary Filter -
4. Close the drain valve (4).
5. Disconnect the water sensor (5) from the harness.
SMCS Code: 1261-510
Note: Do not attempt to remove the sediment bowl
from the housing. The sediment bowl is permanently
attached to the housing. Attempting to remove the
sediment bowl may damage the bowl. Personal injury or death can result from a fire.
Note: Do not use a chain type strap wrench to Fuel leaked or spilled onto hot surfaces or electri-
remove the fuel filter. Only use a filter wrench on the cal components can cause a fire.
reinforced area (area with both horizontal and vertical
reinforcing ribs) of the filter housing. Clean up all leaked or spilled fuel. Do not smoke
while working on the fuel system.
6. Unscrew filter housing (3). Rotate and remove a
Turn the disconnect switch OFF or disconnect
primary filter from drain valve (4). A filter wrench the battery when changing fuel filters.
may be used on the filter housing to loosen the
filter housing. Do not apply wrench to clear
sediment bowl. Properly discard the used filter. NOTICE
Do not fill fuel filters with fuel before installing them.
7. Clean the mounting base (1). Contaminated fuel will cause accelerated wear to fuel
system parts.
8. Lubricate the seal of the new filter with clean diesel
9. Install the new filter into the housing. NOTICE
Do not allow dirt to enter the fuel system. Thoroughly
10. Tighten the filter housing (3) on the filter base (1) clean the area around a fuel system component that
and tighten until the housing flange touches the will be disconnected. Fit a suitable cover over any
disconnected fuel system components.
filter base. Tighten the drain valve (4). Do not use
tools to tighten the filter housing to the filter base.
11. Ensure that sensor (5) is in the correct position
and connect to the wiring harness. If the sensor
was removed from the bowl, install the sensor and
tighten to 2.0 ± 0.2 N·m (18 ± 2 lb in).
12. Open the fuel shutoff valve (2).
13. Close the access door.
14. Prime the fuel system. Refer to Operation and
Maintenance Manual, “Fuel System - Prime”.

Illustration 527 g06279640

1. Open the access door on the right side of the

304 M0110641-02
Maintenance Section
Fuel System Water Separator - Drain

10. Install the filter housing (3) on the filter base (1)
and tighten to 50 N·m (37 lb ft). Tighten the drain
11. Open the fuel shutoff valve (2).
12. Prime the fuel system. See Operation and
Maintenance Manual, “Fuel System - Prime” for
13. Close the access door.


Fuel System Water Separator -

SMCS Code: 1263

1. Open the access door on the right side of the


Illustration 528 g06282038

2. Provide a suitable container for used fluid.
(1) Filter base Note: Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,
(2) Fuel shutoff valve
(3) Secondary filter housing
“General Hazard Information” for information on
(4) Drain valve Containing Fluid Spillage.

2. Turn fuel shutoff valve (2) to the closed position.

Note: Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,

“Fuel Tank Shutoff and Drain Control” for information
on the fuel shutoff valve.

3. Turn drain valve (4) counterclockwise to open and


Note: Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,

“General Hazard Information” for information that
pertains to containing fluid spillage.
Note: Dispose of used fluids according to local

4. Loosen filter housing (3) to drain the rest of fuel

inside the filter housing. A wrench may be used to
loosen the filter housing.
5. Close the drain valve (2).
6. Unscrew filter housing (3) and rotate and remove a
Illustration 529 g06282052
secondary filter from the drain valve (4). A wrench
(1) Bowl
may be used to loosen the filter housing. Properly (2) Drain valve
discard the used filter.
7. Clean the mounting base (1). 3. Check bowl (1) in the bottom of the water
separator. Open drain valve (2). Drain the water
8. Lubricate the seal of the new filter with clean diesel and sediment in the bowl.
Note: Dispose of used fluids according to local
9. Install the new filter into the housing. regulations.

4. Close drain valve (2).

M0110641-02 305
Maintenance Section
Fuel Tank Cap Filter - Replace

5. Close the access door. i07321530

i08187518 Fuel Tank Strainer - Clean

SMCS Code: 1273-070-STR
Fuel Tank Cap Filter - Replace
SMCS Code: 1273-510-FI; 1273-510-Z2

1. Prepare the machine for maintenance. Refer to

Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Prepare the
Machine for Maintenance”.

Illustration 531 g06283169

1. Remove fuel tank cap (1).

2. Remove strainer (2) from the filler opening.
3. Wash the strainer in a clean, nonflammable
Illustration 530 g02612539 solvent.
2. Remove the fuel cap. 4. Install the strainer into the filler opening.
3. Remove filter element screws (2) from the 5. Install the fuel tank cap.
underside of the fuel cap and remove old filter
element (1). i07348843

4. Wash the fuel tank cap in a clean, nonflammable Fuel Tank Water and Sediment
- Drain
5. Install a new fuel cap filter element.
SMCS Code: 1273-543
6. Install filter element screws (2) to secure filter
element (1) to the fuel cap. Refer to this Operation and Maintenance Manual,
“Fuel Tank Shutoff and Drain Control” for the exact
7. Install the fuel tank cap location of the fuel tank drain valve
Note: Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,
“General Hazard Information” for information on
containing fluid spillage.
306 M0110641-02
Maintenance Section
Fuses - Replace

Fuses – Fuses protect the electrical

system from damage that is caused by
overloaded circuits. Change a fuse if the
element separates. If the element of a new fuse
separates, check the circuit and/or repair the

Always replace fuses with the same type and ca-
pacity fuse that was removed. Otherwise, electrical
damage could result.

If it is necessary to replace fuses frequently, an elec-
Illustration 532 g06289703 trical problem may exist.
Typical example Contact your Cat dealer.
1. Open the drain valve by turning the valve
counterclockwise. Allow the water and the To replace a fuse, use the puller that is stored in the
sediment to drain into a suitable container. fuse panel.

Note: Dispose of drained fluids according to local The following list identifies the circuits that are
protected by each fuse. The amperage for each fuse
regulations. is included with each circuit.
2. Close the drain valve by turning the valve


Fuses - Replace
SMCS Code: 1417-510

Illustration 533 g06181624

The fuse panel is on the left side of the interior

storage box. Remove the cover to access the fuses.
M0110641-02 307
Maintenance Section
Fuses - Replace

Illustration 534 g06616678

(1) Heater and Air Conditioner Control and

Monitor – 5 Amp (7) 12V Converter – 10 Amp
(2) Electronic Switch Control Panel – 5 Amp (8) Window Wiper and Window Washer – 15 Amp
(3) Grip, Seat Heater, and Air Suspension Seat – (9) Radio – 10 Amp
15 Amp
(10) Cat Inertial Measurement Unit, Grade
(4) Beacon – 10 Amp Control – 20 Amp
(5) Spare – 5 Amp (11) Glow Relay – 5 Amp
(6) Electric Refueling Pump – 25 Amp (12) Ether Solenoid – 5 Amp
308 M0110641-02
Maintenance Section
Fuses - Replace

(13) Spare – 15 Amp
(14) Hydraulic Lock – 5 Amp
(15) Spare – 5 Amp
(16) Spare – 10 Amp
(17) Spare – 10 Amp
(18) Spare – 10 Amp
(19) Auxiliary Circuit – 15 Amp
(20) Auxiliary Circuit – 20 Amp
(21) Spare – 25 Amp
(22) Display and ET Connector – 10 Amp
(23) Body Control Module – 15 Amp
(24) Engine Electronic Control Module – 30 Amp
(25) Chas/Cab/Dome Light – 15 Amp
(26) Primary Electronic Control Module – 15 Amp
(27) Secondary Electronic Control Module – 15
(28) Boom Lamp Relay – 10 Amp
(29) Spare – 25 Amp
(30) Product Link Module – 5 Amp
Illustration 535 g06616686
(31) Air Conditioner and Heater Blower – 20 Amp
(41) Horn – Relay
(32) Horn – 10 Amp
(42) Spare – Relay
(33) Spare – 15 Amp
(43) Refueling Pump – Relay
(34) Spare – 15 Amp
(44) Lifting Pump – Relay
(35) Spare – 15 Amp
(45) Boom Light – Relay
(36) Cat Grade Control – 15 Amp
(46) Chassis Light and Cab Light – Relay
(37) Fuel Lifting Pump – 5 Amp
(47) Lower Washer – Relay
(38) Spare – 25 Amp
(48) Lower Wiper – Relay
(39) Auxiliary Circuit – 10 Amp
(49) Beacon – Relay
(40) Spare – 30 Amp
M0110641-02 309
Maintenance Section
Hydraulic System - Purge

Alternator Circuit 125 Amp (56) – This

fuse is designed to protect the
Power Fuse Module alternator. If the batteries are installed
with reversed polarity, the fuse would prevent the
alternator from damaging the rectifier.


Hydraulic System - Purge

(Air - Purge)
SMCS Code: 5050-542
Prepare the machine for maintenance. Refer to
“Prepare the Machine for Maintenance“.
Purging air from the hydraulic system is required in
any of the following instances:
• If hydraulic oil level is too low, under level 0, while
Illustration 536 g06266781
the machine is parked.
The power fuse module is located behind the rear • After hydraulic components are repaired,
access door on the left side of the machine. Remove
the cover to access the fuses. disassembled, or assembled.

• If the inlet hose is removed from any of the

hydraulic pumps.

Note: Make sure that a qualified mechanic performs

the hydraulic system air purge. Special tools and
training are required.
Refer to the following procedures in the Service
Manual for detailed instructions on purging air from
the hydraulic system:
• Testing and Adjusting, M0086311, “336, 336 GC,
340 Excavator”, “Main Hydraulic Pump Air -
• Testing and Adjusting, M0086311, “336, 336 GC,
340 Excavator”, “Hydraulic System Air - Purge -
Fan Pump"
• Testing and Adjusting, M0086311, “336, 336 GC,
340 Excavator”, “Hydraulic System Air - Purge -
Auxiliary Pump and PTO Drive"
Illustration 537 g06266787
• Testing and Adjusting, M0086311, “336, 336 GC,
Spare (49- 52) – The fuse module also 340 Excavator”, “Hydraulic System Air - Purge -
includes spare fuses (5) which can be Medium Pressure Circuit"
used if one of the installed fuses opens.
One spare fuse is provided for each fuse in use.

Main Circuit 100 Amp (53) – This fuse is

designed to protect the wires between
the batteries and the fuses. If the wires
are shorted to the machine body, this fuse would
minimize the damage to the wires.
Spare 70 Amp (54)
Spare 40 Amp (55)
310 M0110641-02
Maintenance Section
Hydraulic System Oil - Change

i08473416 1. Park the machine on level ground. Lower the

bucket to the ground so that the stick is vertical.
Hydraulic System Oil - Change
SMCS Code: 5056-044

Cat HYDO Advanced 10 Oil

Change Interval
The standard Cat HYDO Advanced 10 oil change
interval is every 6000 service hours or 3 years. But a
6000 service hour or 3-year maintenance interval for
hydraulic oil (change) is strongly recommended with
S·O·S monitoring of the hydraulic oil after 3000
service hours. The interval for S·O·S monitoring is
every 500 hours. The Oil change is strongly
recommended when the oil deterioration or
contamination is detected. The maintenance interval
for the hydraulic oil filter is not changed. Illustration 538 g06283567

Hydraulic Hammer Use 2. Remove five bolts (1) and washers (2). Remove
cover (3) from the top of the hydraulic tank.
The use of hydraulic hammers shortens the life of
hydraulic oil. If a hydraulic hammer is used, the
maintenance interval is shortened, refer to Table 38
for the intervals.
Table 38

Percentage of Hammer Hydraulic System Oil -

Use Change

50% Every 1000 service hours

100% Every 600 service hours

Procedure to Change the Hydraulic

Illustration 539 g06283580

Hot oil and hot components can cause personal 3. Clean the area thoroughly to keep dirt out of the
injury. Do not allow hot oil or hot components to screen cover and filler cap (4).
contact skin.

NOTICE Pressurized system!

Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are con-
tained during performance of inspection, mainte- The hydraulic tank contains hot oil under pres-
nance, testing, adjusting, and repair of the product. sure. To prevent burns from the sudden release
Be prepared to collect the fluid with suitable contain- of hot oil, relieve the tank pressure with the en-
ers before opening any compartment or disassem- gine off. Relieve pressure by slowly turning the
bling any component containing fluids. cap until the cap reaches the secondary stop.
Refer to Special Publication, PERJ1017, “Dealer
Service Tool Catalog” for tools and supplies suitable
to collect and contain fluids on Cat ® products.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations
and mandates.
M0110641-02 311
Maintenance Section
Hydraulic System Oil - Change

Illustration 541 g06283591

5. Remove six bolts (5) and washers (6). Remove the

hydraulic tank access cover (7) that is located
under the upper structure. Removing the cover will
allow access to the drain valve.
Illustration 540 g06184990
Filler cap
(A) LOCK position
(D) OPEN position

4. Release the pressure that may be present in the

return hydraulic circuit with the following
procedure. Refer to Illustration 540 for filler cap
a. Turn the filler cap counterclockwise and move
the arrow from position (A) to position (B).
b. Release the pressure for a minimum of 45
seconds by moving the arrow from position (B) Illustration 542 g06283598
to position (C). (8) Plug

c. Move the arrow from position (C) to position Note: Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,
(D). “General Hazard Information” for information that
d. After the tank pressure is relieved, tighten the pertains to containing fluid spillage.
filler cap.
6. Remove plug (8).
7. Inspect the O-ring. Replace the O-ring if wear or
damage is evident.
312 M0110641-02
Maintenance Section
Hydraulic System Oil - Change

Hydraulic Tank Screen - Clean

Illustration 543 g06182192

8. Use a bar to push the plunger up to allow the oil to Illustration 545 g06283653
drain. (1) Bolts
(2) Washers
9. Drain the oil into a suitable container. (3) Cover

Note: Dispose of used fluids according to local 1. Remove bolts (1), washers (2), and cover (3).

10. After the oil has been drained, clean drain plug
(5) and install. Tighten the plug to 68 ± 7 N·m
(50 ± 5 lb ft).
11. Open the access door on the right side of the
12. Clean the pump, the hydraulic lines, and the
hydraulic tank.

Illustration 546 g06283658

(4) Spring
(5) Screen

Illustration 544 g06283634

2. Remove spring (4) and screen (5).
13. Remove plug (9) from the tube. Allow the oil to Note: Do not allow spring (4) to fall back into the
drain into a container. tank.
14. Inspect the O-ring. Replace the O-ring if wear or
damage is evident.
15. Clean the plug. Install the plug and the O-ring into
the drain port.
M0110641-02 313
Maintenance Section
Hydraulic System Oil - Change

Case Drain Filter - Clean

Illustration 547 g06283660

(6) O-ring seal

3. Remove O-ring seal (6) from the screen.

Illustration 549 g06220559

(1) Hose
(2) Hose
(3) Case drain filter
(4) Tee

1. Remove hose (1) and hose (2) from tee (4).

Remove tee (4).
2. Remove case drain filter (3) from the hydraulic

Illustration 548 g06283663 3. Wash the screen of the case drain filter in a clean
(7) O-ring seal nonflammable solvent. Allow the filter to dry.
Inspect the filter. Replace the filter if the filter is
4. Remove O-ring seal (7) from the tank. damaged.

5. Inspect O-ring seals (6) and (7). Replace the O- 4. Inspect the O-ring seal on the filter. Replace the O-
ring seals if wear or damage is evident. ring seal if wear or damage is evident.

6. Wash the screen in a clean nonflammable solvent. 5. Install the filter in the hydraulic tank. Tighten the
Allow the screen to dry. Inspect the screen. filter to 175 ± 26 N·m (129 ± 19 lb ft).
Replace the screen, if the screen is damaged. 6. Install the tee onto the filter. Tighten the tee to
7. Install O-ring seal (6) on screen (5). 65 ± 10 N·m (48 ± 7 lb ft).

8. Install screen (5) and spring (4). Then install cover 7. Install the two hoses onto the tee.
(3), washers (2), and bolts (1).
Hydraulic System Oil - Fill
Note: Make sure that the O-ring seals and the spring
are properly positioned during installation. 1. Fill the hydraulic system oil tank. Refer to
Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Capacities
2. Inspect the O-ring seal on the filler cap for
damage. Replace the O-ring, if necessary. Clean
the filler cap. Install the filler cap.
314 M0110641-02
Maintenance Section
Hydraulic System Oil - Change

Note: Make no attempt to start the engine until the

pump has been filled with hydraulic oil. Serious
damage to the hydraulic components can result.

Main Pump and Hydraulic System Air

1. Access the hydraulic pump. The hydraulic pump is
located behind the right access door.

Illustration 551 g06284230

9. Operate the joysticks to circulate the hydraulic oil.

Lower the bucket to the ground so that the stick is
vertical to the ground. Stop the engine.
10. Check the hydraulic oil level.
Reference: For the correct procedure, refer to
Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Hydraulic
System Oil Level - Check”.
Illustration 550 g06284191
(1) Hose 11. Close the access door.
12. Close the engine hood and latch the engine
2. While the engine is stopped, remove hose (1) from
the top of the pump. Add hydraulic oil through the
opening. Note: Purging air from the hydraulic system is
3. After the pump has been filled with oil, install drain recommended following a hydraulic system oil
change. Refer to Hydraulic System - Purge for
hose (1).
information on purging air from the hydraulic system.
4. Start the engine. When the engine is at low idle,
raise the boom. Hold the boom in this position. Fast Fill
5. Stop the engine. Slowly lower the boom until the If your machine is equipped with a deluxe service
work tool is on the ground. The hydraulic tank will center, you may drain the hydraulic oil through the
pressurize. fast fill port. You may also add the hydraulic oil
through a fast fill port.
6. Slowly loosen hose (1) until hydraulic oil flows from
the connection. Oil flowing from the connection
indicates that the air has been released from the
7. Tighten hose (1).
8. Start the engine. Operate the engine at idling
speed for 5 minutes.
M0110641-02 315
Maintenance Section
Hydraulic System Oil Filter (Return) - Replace

Two different filters are available for the return filter.

One filter is used for standard applications such as
digging and normal use of a hammer. The second
filter is used for an application such as demolishing a
ceiling in a tunnel with a hammer.

Note: If the message display shows that the

hydraulic return filter is plugged, turn off the machine.
After you make sure that the warning has
disappeared, start the machine and run the machine
on level ground for approximately 10 minutes. If the
warning still appears in the message display, inspect
the filter and replace the filter, if necessary.

Hydraulic Hammer Use

Illustration 552 g06279640
The use of hydraulic hammers shortens the life of
hydraulic oil. If a hydraulic hammer is used, the
maintenance interval is shortened, refer to Table39
for the intervals.
Table 39

Percentage of Hydraulic System Oil Filter (Re-

Hammer Use turn) - Replace

50% Every 500 service hours

100% Every 250 service hours

Return Filter Replacement

Illustration 553 g06284237

1. Remove the dust cover.

2. Attach the hose to the male coupling.
3. Drain the oil or add the oil, as needed.
Note: Purging air from the hydraulic system is
recommended following a hydraulic system oil
change. Refer to Hydraulic System - Purge for
information on purging air from the hydraulic system.


Hydraulic System Oil Filter Illustration 554 g06283567

(Return) - Replace
1. Remove seven bolts (1) and washers (2). Remove
SMCS Code: 5068-510-RJ
cover (3) from the top of the hydraulic tank.
2. Clean the area thoroughly to keep dirt out of the
return filter and filler cap.
Hot oil and hot components can cause personal
injury. Do not allow hot oil or hot components to
contact skin.

The return filter is a cartridge type filter. The amount

of foreign material that enters the hydraulic system is
reduced when the filter element is replaced.
316 M0110641-02
Maintenance Section
Hydraulic System Oil Filter (Return) - Replace

Pressurized system!
The hydraulic tank contains hot oil under pres-
sure. To prevent burns from the sudden release
of hot oil, relieve the tank pressure with the en-
gine off. Relieve pressure by slowly turning the
cap until the cap reaches the secondary stop.

Illustration 556 g06640480

5. Remove four bolts (4), disconnect the harness

connector from the filter bypass switch, and
remove filter assembly (5) from the tank.

Illustration 555 g06184990

Filler cap
(A) LOCK position
(D) OPEN position Illustration 557 g06254829

3. Release the pressure that may be present in the 6. Remove filter element (6) and discard. Install a
return hydraulic circuit with the following new element into the filter case.
procedure. Refer to Illustration 555 for filler cap
a. Turn the filler cap counterclockwise and move
the arrow from position (A) to position (B).
b. Release the pressure for a minimum of 45
seconds by moving the arrow from position (B)
to position (C).
c. Move the arrow from position (C) to position
d. After the tank pressure is relieved, tighten the
filler cap on the hydraulic tank to position (A).
4. Check the hydraulic system oil level.

Reference: For the correct procedure, refer to

Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Hydraulic
System Oil Level - Check”.
M0110641-02 317
Maintenance Section
Hydraulic System Oil Level - Check

Illustration 558 g06640480 Illustration 559 g06284260

The hydraulic oil tank is on the right side of the
7. Place filter assembly (5) into position in the tank. machine.
Install four bolts (4) and tighten to 30 ± 7 N·m
(22 ± 5 lb ft). Install the harness connector on the 1. Park the machine on level ground. Lower the
filter bypass switch. bucket to the ground with the stick in a vertical
position, as shown.
i07323743 2. Open the access door on the right side of the
Hydraulic System Oil Level -
SMCS Code: 5050-535

Hot oil and hot components can cause personal

injury. Do not allow hot oil or hot components to
contact skin.

Never remove the fill/vent plug from the hydraulic
tank if the oil is hot.
Air can enter the system and cause pump damage. Illustration 560 g06216919
(A) High temperature range
(B) Low temperature range
Note: In addition to an oil level gauge, your machine
may be equipped with an automated function for
checking fluid levels. Refer to Operation and 3. For a cold machine, maintain the hydraulic oil level
Maintenance Manual, “Monitoring System” regarding in the low temperature range (B). For a machine
the automated system. that is at normal operating temperature, maintain
the hydraulic oil level in the high temperature
range (A).
4. Close the access door.

Note: Perform Step 5 through Step 8 if the oil level is

Note: Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,
“General Hazard Information” for information that
pertains to Containing Fluid Spillage.
318 M0110641-02
Maintenance Section
Hydraulic System Oil Sample - Obtain

a. Turn the filler cap counterclockwise, with no

downward force applied, and move the arrow
from position (A) to position (B).
b. Release the pressure for a minimum of 45
seconds by moving the arrow from position (B)
to position (C).
c. Push the center of the filler cap down. Without
tilting the filler cap, move the arrow from
position (C) to position (D).
d. The hydraulic tank pressure is relieved.
Remove the filler cap.
6. Add oil if necessary. See Operation and
Illustration 561 g06284277 Maintenance, “Lubricant Viscosities”
7. Check the O-ring seal of the filler cap. Replace the
O-ring seal if the O-ring seal is damaged.
Pressurized system! 8. Clean the filler cap. Tighten the filler cap on the
hydraulic tank to position (A).
The hydraulic tank contains hot oil under pres-
sure. To prevent burns from the sudden release
of hot oil, relieve the tank pressure with the en- i07323802
gine off by slowly turning the cap approximately
1/8 of a turn until the cap reaches the secondary Hydraulic System Oil Sample -
SMCS Code: 5050-008-OC; 5095-SM; 5095-008;
7542-008; 7542

Note: If Cat HYDO Advanced hydraulic oils are used,

the hydraulic oil change interval is extended to 6000
hours. S·O·S services after 3,000 hour is
recommended. Consult your Cat dealer for details.

Illustration 562 g06184990

Filler cap Illustration 563 g06284299

(A) LOCK position

The hydraulic oil sampling valve (1) is on main
(C) PRESSURE RELEASE - END position hydraulic pump housing. Obtain a sample of the
(D) OPEN position hydraulic oil from the hydraulic oil sampling valve.
Refer to Special Publication, SEBU6250, “S·O·S Oil
5. Release the pressure that may be present in the Analysis” for information that pertains to obtaining a
sample of the hydraulic oil. Refer to Special
return hydraulic circuit with the following Publication, PEGJ0047, “How To Take A Good Oil
procedure. Refer to Illustration 562 for filler cap Sample” for more information about obtaining a
positions. sample of the hydraulic oil.
M0110641-02 319
Maintenance Section
Indicators and Gauges - Test

i03753191 i07833447

Indicators and Gauges - Test Oil Filter (Hydraulic Hammer) -

SMCS Code: 7450-081; 7490-081 Replace
1. Look for broken lenses on the gauges, broken (If Equipped)
indicator lights, broken switches, and other broken SMCS Code: 5068-510
components in the cab.
2. Start the engine.
3. Look for inoperative gauges. Hot oil and hot components can cause personal
injury. Do not allow hot oil or hot components to
4. Turn on all machine lights. Check for proper contact skin.
The use of hydraulic hammers shortens the life of
5. Move the machine forward. Release the travel hydraulic oil. If a hydraulic hammer is used, the
levers and the travel pedals. The machine should maintenance interval is shortened, refer to Table 40
stop. for the intervals.
Table 40
6. Stop the engine.
Percentage of Hammer Oil Filter (Hydraulic Hammer)
7. Make any repairs that are required before Use - Replace
operating the machine. Every 250 service hours

i08066994 100% Every 100 service hours

Light Emitting Diode Lamp

(LED) - Replace
SMCS Code: 1434-510

1. Remove the electrical power from the light emitting

diode (LED) lamp.
2. Disassemble the housing for the LED lamp to have
access to the bulb.
Note: On some LED lamps, the bulb is a part of the
lens assembly. The bulb is not removed separately
from the lens assembly. Replace the entire lens
assembly on these LED lamps.

3. Remove the bulb from the LED lamp. Illustration 564 g06181120

4. Install the replacement bulb in the LED lamp. 1. Park the machine on level ground in the service
If the bulb is a part of the lens assembly, install the position as shown.
replacement lens assembly in the LED lamp. 2. Move the hydraulic lockout control to the
5. Reassemble the housing for the LED lamp. Ensure UNLOCKED position.
that any printing on the lens is oriented correctly 3. Turn the engine start switch to the ON position.
for the LED lamp mounting position on the
machine. 4. Move the joysticks and the travel levers/pedals to
the full stroke positions to relieve the pressure in
6. Reattach the electrical power to the LED lamp. the hydraulic lines.
7. Check the LED lamp for proper operation. 5. Turn the engine start switch to the OFF position
Note: Consult your Cat dealer for additional and return the lever for the hydraulic lockout
information on LED lamps. control to the LOCKED position.
320 M0110641-02
Maintenance Section
If Equipped

Pressurized system!
The hydraulic tank contains hot oil under pres-
sure. To prevent burns from the sudden release
of hot oil, relieve the tank pressure with the en-
gine off. Relieve pressure by slowly turning the
cap until the cap reaches the secondary stop.

Illustration 566 g06211151

8. Position a suitable container to contain the oil.

Note: Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,
“General Hazard Information” for information on
containing fluid spillage.

9. Loosen the filter housing and remove. Inspect the

plug on the top of the housing. If there are signs of
Illustration 565 g06184990 leakage, replace the O-ring on the plug. Tighten
Filler cap the plug to59 ± 5 N·m (44 ± 4 lb ft).
(A) LOCK position
(D) OPEN position

6. Release the pressure that may be present in the

return hydraulic circuit with the following
procedure. Refer to Illustration 565 for filler cap
a. Turn the filler cap counterclockwise and move
the arrow from position (A) to position (B).
b. Release the pressure for a minimum of 45
seconds by moving the arrow from position (B)
to position (C).
c. Move the arrow from position (C) to position
d. After the tank pressure is relieved, remove the
filler cap.
7. The oil filter for the hammer is located near the
Illustration 567 g06211156
base of the boom.

Note: Some configurations may invert the hammer 10. Remove the filter element and discard. The
filter installation. element cannot be reused.
M0110641-02 321
Maintenance Section
Oil Filter - Inspect

Note: Used filter elements should always be If metals are found in the filter element, a magnet can
disposed of according to local regulations. be used to differentiate between ferrous metals and
nonferrous metals.
11. Install the new filter element.
Ferrous metals can indicate wear from steel parts
12. Clean the filter housing and install on the filter and on cast iron parts.
base. Tighten the nut on the filter case to Nonferrous metals can indicate wear from the
98 ± 10 N·m (72 ± 7 lb ft). aluminum parts of the engine such as main bearings,
rod bearings, or turbocharger bearings.
13. Start the engine and operate the machine slowly
for 10 to 15 minutes. Move each cylinder evenly Small amounts of debris may be found in the filter
through several cycles and operate the hammer. element. This debris could be caused by friction and
by normal wear. Consult your Cat dealer to arrange
14. Return the machine to the service position. for further analysis if an excessive amount of debris
Check the machine for oil leaks. is found.
15. Stop the engine. Using an oil filter element that is not recommended
by Caterpillar can result in severe engine damage to
16. Check the hydraulic oil level. engine bearings, to the crankshaft, and to other
parts. This can result in larger particles in unfiltered
Reference: For the correct procedure, refer to oil. The particles could enter the lubricating system
Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Hydraulic and the particles could cause damage.
System Oil Level - Check”.

Oil Filter - Inspect Pump Coupling Oil - Change

SMCS Code: 5062-044
SMCS Code: 1308-507; 5068-507

Inspect a Used Filter for Debris

Hot oil and hot components can cause personal
injury. Do not allow hot oil or hot components to
contact skin.

Note: If the machine is parked on an incline or the

engine has been stopped for a short time, the oil in
the pump coupling will not return to the housing. Park
the machine on level ground and drain the oil after
the engine has been stopped for at least 15 minutes.

Illustration 568 g06224663

The element is shown with debris.
Use a filter cutter to cut the filter element open. Illustration 569 g06284414
Spread apart the pleats and inspect the element for
metal and for other debris. An excessive amount of
debris in the filter element can indicate a possible 1. Remove the cover plates to gain access to the
failure. drain plug.
322 M0110641-02
Maintenance Section
Pump Coupling Oil Level - Check

Illustration 570 g06284420 Illustration 572 g03208836

(1) Oil drain plug Sight Gauge

Note: Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual, 6. Remove fill cap (2). Fill the housing with new oil to
“General Hazard Information” for information on area (A) of sight gauge (3). See Operation and
Containing Fluid Spillage. Maintenance Manual, “Lubricant Viscosities” and
Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Capacities
2. Remove drain plug (1). Allow the oil to drain into a
suitable container.
7. Clean and install the fill cap.
3. Clean the drain plug and inspect the O-ring seal. If
wear or damage is evident, replace the drain plug 8. Check for leaks.
and/or the O-ring seal.
9. Close the access door on the right side of the
4. Install drain plug (1). machine.
5. Open the access door on the right side of the 10. Install the cover plate.

Pump Coupling Oil Level -

SMCS Code: 5062-535

Hot oil and hot components can cause personal

injury. Do not allow hot oil or hot components to
contact skin.

Illustration 571 g06284424

(2) Oil fill cap
(3) Sight gauge

Do not overfill the housing for the pump coupling.
Overfilling will the cause the engine oil to overheat
and engine damage can result.
M0110641-02 323
Maintenance Section
Radiator, Aftercooler and Oil Cooler Cores - Clean

4. Clean and install the oil fill cap (2).

5. Close the right side access door.


Radiator, Aftercooler and Oil

Cooler Cores - Clean
SMCS Code: 1063-070-KO; 1353-070-KO; 1374-

Personal injury can result from air pressure.

Illustration 573 g06284424
(2) Oil fill cap Personal injury can result without following prop-
(3) Sight gauge er procedure. When using pressure air, wear a
protective face shield and protective clothing.
Note: Check the oil level for the pump coupling with
the machine on a level surface. If the machine is Maximum air pressure at the nozzle must be less
parked on an incline or the engine has been stopped than 205 kPa (30 psi) for cleaning purposes.
for a short period, the oil in the pump coupling will not
return to the housing. The fluid level cannot be 1. Open the access door on the left side of the
checked properly. Park the machine on level ground machine.
and check the oil level once the engine has been
stopped for at least 15 minutes.

1. Open the access door on the right side of the


Illustration 575 g06289706

2. Check all the core fins for debris.

3. Remove dust and debris from all the core fins and
Illustration 574 g03208836 from the screens.
Sight Gauge
Compressed air is preferred, but high-pressure
2. Maintain the oil level in area (A) of sight gauge (3). water or steam can be used to remove dust and
If the oil level is low, then add oil. See Operation general debris from a core.
and Maintenance Manual, “Lubricant Viscosities”. See Special Publication, SEBD0518, “Know Your
Cooling System” for more detailed information
NOTICE about cleaning core fins.
Do not overfill the housing for the pump coupling.
Overfilling will the cause the engine oil to overheat 4. Close the access doors.
and engine damage can result.

3. Remove oil fill cap (2) and fill to the recommended

oil level.
324 M0110641-02
Maintenance Section
Receiver Dryer (Refrigerant) - Replace

i08192239 i07349192

Receiver Dryer (Refrigerant) - Rollover Protective Structure

Replace (ROPS) - Inspect
SMCS Code: 7322-510; 7322-710 SMCS Code: 7323-040; 7325-040

Personal injury can result from contact with

Contact with refrigerant can cause frost bite.
Keep face and hands away to help prevent injury.
Protective goggles must always be worn when re-
frigerant lines are opened, even if the gauges in-
dicate the system is empty of refrigerant.
Always use precaution when a fitting is removed.
Slowly loosen the fitting. If the system is still
under pressure, release it slowly in a well venti-
lated area.
Personal injury or death can result from inhaling
refrigerant through a lit cigarette.
Inhaling air conditioner refrigerant gas through a
lit cigarette or other smoking method or inhaling
fumes released from a flame contacting air condi-
tioner refrigerant gas, can cause bodily harm or
Do not smoke when servicing air conditioners or
wherever refrigerant gas may be present.
Use a certified recovery and recycling cart to
properly remove the refrigerant from the air con- Illustration 576 g06184357
ditioning system.
Consult your Cat dealer for repair of any cracks in the
If the refrigerant system has been open to the outside Inspect the ROPS for loose bolts or for damaged
air (without being plugged) for more than 30 minutes, bolts. Replace any damaged bolts or missing bolts
the receiver-dryer must be replaced. Moisture will en- with original equipment parts only. Tighten the M24
ter an open refrigerant system and cause corrosion bolt (1) to 425 ± 50 N·m (315 ± 40 lb ft).
which will lead to component failure.
Note: Apply oil to all ROPS bolt threads before you
Prepare the machine for maintenance. Refer to install the bolts. Failure to apply oil to the bolt threads
Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Prepare the can result in improper bolt torque.
Machine for Maintenance”.
Do not straighten the ROPS. Do not repair the ROPS
Refer to Service Manual, “Air Conditioning and by welding reinforcement plates to the ROPS.
Heating R-134a for All Caterpillar Machines” for the
proper procedure to change the receiver-dryer Consult your Cat dealer for inspection of any
assembly and for the procedure to reclaim the potential damage or repair of any damage to any
refrigerant gas. operator protective structure. (Including ROPS,
FOPS, TOPS, OPS, and OPG) Refer to Special
Instruction, SEHS6929, “Inspection, Maintenance,
and Repair of Operator Protective Structures (OPS)
and Attachment Installation Guidelines for All
Earthmoving Machinery”
M0110641-02 325
Maintenance Section
Seat Belt - Inspect

i07103309 i06970675

Seat Belt - Inspect Seat Belt - Replace

SMCS Code: 7327-040 SMCS Code: 7327-510
Always inspect the condition of the seat belt and the The seat belt should be replaced within 3 years of the
condition of the seat belt mounting hardware before date of installation. A date of installation label is
you operate the machine. Replace any parts that are attached to the seat belt retractor and buckle. If the
damaged or worn before you operate the machine. date of installation label is missing, replace the belt
within 3 years from the year of manufacture as
indicated on the belt webbing label, buckle housing,
or installation tags (non-retractable belts).

Illustration 578 g06183390

(1) Date of installation (retractor)
(2) Year of manufacture (tag) (fully extended web)
(3) Date of installation (buckle)
(4) Year of manufacture (underside) (buckle)

Consult your Cat dealer for the replacement of the

seat belt and the mounting hardware.
Determine the age of a new seat belt before installing
on seat. A manufacture label is on the belt webbing
and imprinted on the belt buckle. Do not exceed the
Illustration 577 g06224278
install by date on the label.
Typical example
A complete seat belt system should be installed with
Inspect buckle (2) for wear or for damage. If the new mounting hardware.
buckle is worn or damaged, replace the seat belt.
Date of installation labels should be marked and
Inspect seat belt (1) for webbing that is worn or affixed to the seat belt retractor and buckle.
frayed. Replace the seat belt if the webbing is worn
or frayed. Note: Date of installation labels should be
permanently marked by punch (retractable belt) or
Inspect all seat belt mounting hardware for wear or stamp (non-retractable belt).
for damage. Replace any mounting hardware that is
worn or damaged. Make sure that the mounting bolts If your machine is equipped with a seat belt
are tight. extension, also perform this replacement procedure
for the seat belt extension.
If your machine is equipped with a seat belt
extension, also perform this inspection procedure for i07327814
the seat belt extension.
Contact your Cat dealer for the replacement of the Swing Bearing - Lubricate
seat belt and the mounting hardware. SMCS Code: 7063-086
Note: The seat belt should be replaced within 3 years Note: Refer to Special Publication, SEBU6250,
of the date of installation. A date of installation label
“Caterpillar Machine Fluids Recommendations” for
is attached to the seat belt retractor and buckle. If the more information on grease.
date of installation label is missing, replace belt within
3 years from the year of manufacture as indicated on Note: Do not overgrease the swing bearings. Do not
belt webbing label, buckle housing, or installation grease more than the recommended maintenance
tags (non-retractable belts). interval. Refer to Operation and Maintenance
Manual, “Maintenance Interval Schedule” for more
326 M0110641-02
Maintenance Section
Swing Drive Oil - Change

Wipe the fittings before you lubricate the swing


Illustration 581 g06289887

Illustration 579 g06285449 1. Remove the access cover that is located below the
swing drives.
The swing bearing grease zerks are at the front of the
swing drive housing near the boom cylinders.

Illustration 582 g06289893

Illustration 580 g06285452
Note: Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,
Apply lubricant through the fittings until the lubricant “General Hazard Information” for information that
overflows the bearing seals.
pertains to Containing Fluid Spillage.
i07349047 2. Remove drain hose (3) from holder (1) on the
upper frame. Face the end of the hose toward the
Swing Drive Oil - Change container.
SMCS Code: 5459-044 3. Loosen drain valve (2). Drain the oil into a suitable
Note: Drained fluids should be disposed of according
Hot oil and hot components can cause personal to local regulations.
injury. Do not allow hot oil or hot components to
contact skin. 4. Tighten the drain valve. Return the drain hose to
holder (1). Make sure that the end of the hose is
facing upward.
M0110641-02 327
Maintenance Section
Swing Drive Oil Level - Check


Swing Drive Oil Level - Check

SMCS Code: 5459-535-FLV

Hot oil and hot components can cause personal

injury. Do not allow hot oil or hot components to
contact skin.

Illustration 583 g06289903

5. Remove dipstick (4).

6. Add the specified quantity of oil through the
dipstick tube. See Operation and Maintenance,
“Capacities (Refill)”.

Illustration 585 g06289912

The dipstick for the swing drive oil is on the swing

drive at the rear base of the boom.

Illustration 584 g06188660

7. Maintain the oil level between the “ADD” and

“FULL” marks on the dipstick.
8. Check the oil that has been drained for metal chips
or metal particles. Consult your Caterpillar dealer if
any metal chips or metal particles are found.
9. Drained materials should be disposed of according Illustration 586 g06289915

to local regulations.
1. Remove the dipstick.
328 M0110641-02
Maintenance Section
Swing Drive Oil Sample - Obtain

Illustration 587 g06188660 Illustration 588 g06289915

Obtain an oil sample of the swing drive oil through

Note: Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,
the opening for the dipstick. Refer to Special
“General Hazard Information” for information that Publication, SEBU6250, “S·O·S Oil Analysis” for
pertains to Containing Fluid Spillage. information that pertains to obtaining an oil sample
from the swing drive housing. Refer to Special
2. Check the dipstick. Maintain the oil level between Publication, PEGJ0047, “How To Take A Good Oil
the “ADD” and “FULL” marks on the dipstick. Add Sample” for more information about obtaining an oil
oil through the dipstick tube, if necessary. Refer to sample from the swing drive housing.
Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Lubricant
Viscosities” when you select an oil. If the oil level is i06988169
above the “FULL” line, then remove oil from the
system. Restore the oil to the correct level Swing Gear - Lubricate
position. SMCS Code: 7063-086
3. Insert the dipstick.
Note: Refer to Special Publication, SEBU6250,
“Caterpillar Machine Fluids Recommendations” for
more information on grease.
Swing Drive Oil Sample - NOTICE
Obtain Improper lubrication can cause damage to machine
SMCS Code: 5459-008; 5459-008-OC; 5459-OC;
5459-554-OC; 7542-008 To avoid damage, make sure that the proper amount
of grease is applied to the swing drive.
When the amount of grease in the compartment be-
comes too large, the agitation loss becomes large,
Hot oil and hot components can cause personal thereby accelerating grease deterioration.
injury. Do not allow hot oil or hot components to
contact skin. Grease deterioration can cause damage to the pinion
gear of the swing drive and swing internal gear.
Not enough grease will result in poor gear lubrication.

Remove the inspection cover that is located near the

boom base. Inspect the grease.
M0110641-02 329
Maintenance Section
Swing Gear - Lubricate

Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,

“Capacities (Refill)” for the size of the pan.
4. Check for contamination and for discolored

Illustration 589 g06188728

(1) Bolts
(2) Washers
(3) Cover
(4) Gasket

1. Remove bolts (1) and washers (2). Remove cover Illustration 591 g06188788
(3) and gasket (4). (5) Bolts
(6) Washers
2. Inspect gasket (4). Replace the gasket if damage (7) Cover
is evident. (8) Gasket

5. If the grease is contaminated or discolored with

water, change the grease. Remove the covers
from below the swing drive underneath the
undercarriage frame.
6. Remove bolts (5), washers (6), cover (7), and
gasket (8) to allow the water to drain. When you
reinstall cover (7), inspect gasket (8). Replace the
gasket if damage is evident.

Illustration 590 g06188736

3. Check the level of grease. The level of grease is

correct when:

• Waves of grease are present from the rotating

swing drive pinion.

• The grease is evenly distributed on the floor of

the pan.
Illustration 592 g06188791
Note: Smeared or waveless areas are evidence for a
lack of grease. 7. Raise the boom and turn the upper structure by 1/4
turn. Lower the bucket to the ground.
Note: Add grease, as needed. Remove grease, as
needed. Too much grease will result in the 8. Repeat Step 7 at every 1/4 turn in four places. Add
deterioration of the grease because of excessive grease, as needed.
movement of the grease. Too little grease will result
in poor lubrication of the swing gear. 9. Install gasket (4), cover (3), washers (2), and bolts
330 M0110641-02
Maintenance Section
Track Adjustment - Adjust


Track Adjustment - Adjust

SMCS Code: 4170-025

Personal injury or death can result from grease

under pressure.
Grease coming out of the relief valve under pres-
sure can penetrate the body causing injury or
Do not watch the relief valve to see if grease is es-
caping. Watch the track or track adjustment cylin-
der to see if the track is being loosened.
Loosen the relief valve one turn only.
If track does not loosen, close the relief valve and
contact your Caterpillar dealer.
Illustration 594 g06208711

NOTICE 3. Place a straight edge on top of the track grousers

Keeping the track properly adjusted will increase the
service life of the track and drive components. between the front carrier roller and the idler. The
straight edge should be long enough to reach from
the front carrier roller to the idler.
Note: The track tension must be adjusted according
to the current operating conditions. Keep the track as Note: If your machine is equipped with three carrier
slack as possible if the soil is heavy. rollers, place a straight edge on the tracks between
the carrier rollers. The straight edge should be long
Measuring Track Tension enough to reach from one carrier roller to another
carrier roller.
1. Operate the machine in the direction of the idlers.
4. Measure the maximum amount of sag in the track.
The sag is measured from the highest point of the
track grouser to the bottom of the straight edge. A
track that is properly adjusted will have a sag of
40.0 to 55.0 mm (1.57 to 2.17 inch).

Illustration 593 g06188816

2. Stop with one track pin directly over the front

carrier roller. Park the machine and turn off the
M0110641-02 331
Maintenance Section
Track Adjustment - Inspect

5. If the track is too tight, or if the track is too loose, Loosening the Track
adjust the track tension according to the
appropriate procedure below.

Adjusting Track Tension

Illustration 597 g06188830

(1) Grease valve

1. Loosen grease valve (1) carefully until the track

Illustration 595 g06188820 begins to loosen. One turn should be the
Typical example maximum.

The track adjuster is located on the track frame. 2. Tighten grease valve (1) to 34 ± 5 N·m
(25 ± 4 lb ft) when the desired track tension is
Tightening the Track reached.
3. Operate the machine back and forth in order to
equalize the pressure.
4. Check the amount of sag. Adjust the track, as


Track Adjustment - Inspect

SMCS Code: 4170-040

Illustration 596 g06188830

(1) Grease valve

Wipe the fitting before you add grease.

1. Add grease through grease valve (1) until the Illustration 598 g06182929

correct track tension is reached.

Check the track adjustment. Check the track for wear
2. Operate the machine back and forth in order to and for excessive dirt buildup.
equalize the pressure.
If the track appears to be too tight or too loose, refer
3. Check the amount of sag. Adjust the track, as to Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Track
needed. Adjustment - Adjust”.
332 M0110641-02
Maintenance Section
Travel Alarm - Test


Travel Alarm - Test

(If Equipped)
SMCS Code: 7429-081
Move the machine to test the travel alarm.
1. Start the engine. Move the hydraulic lockout
control to the UNLOCKED position.
2. Raise the work tool to avoid any obstacles. Make
sure that there is adequate overhead clearance.

Illustration 600 g06181631

6. Press the alarm mute button. The travel alarm

should shut off.
7. Stop the machine. Lower the work tool to the
ground. Move the hydraulic lockout control to the
LOCKED position. Stop the engine.
Illustration 599 g06181402

3. Use the travel levers or the travel pedals to move

the machine forward. The travel alarm should
4. Release the travel levers and the travel pedals to
stop the machine.
5. Use the travel levers and the travel pedals to move
the machine backward. The travel alarm should
M0110641-02 333
Maintenance Section
Undercarriage - Check

i08233399 i06954326

Undercarriage - Check Window Washer Reservoir -

SMCS Code: 4150-535 Fill
SMCS Code: 7306-544-KE

When operating in freezing temperatures, use Cater-
pillar or any commercially available nonfreezing win-
dow washer solvent.

Illustration 601 g06182923

1. Check the carrier rollers, the track rollers, and the

idler wheels for possible leakage.
2. Check the surface of the track, the carrier rollers,
the track rollers, the idler wheels, the track shoes,
and the drive sprockets. Look for signs of wear
Illustration 602 g06181546
and loose mounting bolts.
3. Listen for any abnormal noises while you are 1. Open the access door on the left side of the
moving slowly in an open area. machine.
4. If required, clean the undercarriage to keep excess
material from building up and solidifying.
5. If abnormal wear exists or abnormal noises or
leaks are found, consult your Cat ® dealer.


Window - Check
SMCS Code: 7310-535
Check the polycarbonate windows of the cab for the
following conditions.

• yellow or haze
Illustration 603 g06181644
• scratches on either side of the window that can be
felt with a fingernail 2. Remove the filler cap.
• small cracks that come from the edges or 3. Fill the window washer reservoir with washer fluid
mounting holes through the filler opening.
• contact with fluids that result in haze or clouds on 4. Install the filler cap.
the window such as brake fluid
5. Close the access door.
When any of the above conditions exist, contact your
Caterpillar dealer for replacement.
334 M0110641-02
Maintenance Section
Window Wiper - Inspect/Replace

i01258249 Soap and Water

Window Wiper - Inspect/ Use a clean sponge or a soft cloth. Wash the
windows with a mild soap or with a mild detergent.
Replace Also use plenty of lukewarm water. Rinse the
SMCS Code: 7305-510; 7305-040 windows thoroughly. Dry the windows with a moist
chamois or with a moist cellulose sponge.
Inspect the condition of the wiper blades. Replace
the wiper blades if the wiper blades are worn or Stubborn Dirt and Grease
damaged or if streaking occurs.
Wash the windows with a good grade of naphtha, of
isopropyl alcohol, or of Butyl Cellosolve. Then, wash
the windows with soap and with water.
Windows - Clean Polycarbonate Windows (If
SMCS Code: 7310-070; 7340-070
Clean the outside of the windows from the ground,
unless handholds are available. Special care is needed to clean polycarbonate
Wash polycarbonate windows with mild soap and
warm water that does not exceed 50° C (122° F).
Use a soft sponge, or damp cloth. Never use a dry
cloth or paper towels on polycarbonate windows.
Rinse the windows with a sufficient amount of clean
cold water.
Note: Naphtha or kerosene can be used to remove
labels, films, paint, or marking pen from
polycarbonate windows.
Note: Do not use abrasive, or highly alkaline
cleaners. Do not use sharp instruments, such as
squeegees or razor blades on polycarbonate
windows. Do not clean polycarbonate windows in the
hot sun or at elevated temperatures.

Illustration 604 g06224268

Typical example

Cleaning Methods
Aircraft Window Cleaner
Apply the cleaner with a soft cloth. Rub the window
with moderate pressure until all the dirt is removed.
Allow the cleaner to dry. Wipe off the cleaner with a
clean soft cloth.
M0110641-02 335
Warranty Section
Warranty Information

Warranty Section 3. New non-road diesel engines installed in

construction machines conforming to the South
Korean regulations for construction machines
Warranty Information manufactured after January 1, 2015, and operated
and serviced in South Korea, including all parts of
their emission control systems (“emission related
i08375716 components”), are:
Emissions Warranty a. Designed, built, and equipped so as to conform,
at the time of sale, with applicable emission
Information standards prescribed in the Enforcement Rule
SMCS Code: 1000 of the Clean Air Conservation Act promulgated
by South Korea MOE.
The certifying engine manufacturer warrants to the
ultimate purchaser and each subsequent purchaser b. Free from defects in materials and
that: workmanship in emission-related components
1. New non-road diesel engines and stationary diesel that can cause the engine to fail to conform to
engines less than 10 liters per cylinder (including applicable emission standards for the warranty
Tier 1 and Tier 2 marine engines < 37 kW, but period.
excluding locomotive and other marine engines) The aftertreatment system can be expected to
operated and serviced in the United States and function properly for the lifetime of the engine
Canada, including all parts of their emission (emissions durability period) subject to prescribed
control systems (“emission related components”), maintenance and operating environment
are: requirements being followed.

a. Designed, built, and equipped so as to conform, A detailed explanation of the Emission Control
at the time of sale, with applicable emission Warranty that is applicable to new non-road and
standards prescribed by the United States stationary diesel engines, including the components
covered and the warranty period, is found in a
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) by way supplemental Special Publication. Consult your
of regulation. authorized Cat dealer to determine if your engine is
subject to an Emission Control Warranty and to
b. Free from defects in materials and
obtain a copy of the applicable Special Publication.
workmanship in emission-related components
that can cause the engine to fail to conform to
applicable emission standards for the warranty
2. New non-road diesel engines (including Tier 1 and
Tier 2 marine propulsion engines < 37 kW and Tier
1 through Tier 4 marine auxiliary engines < 37 kW,
but excluding locomotive and other marine
engines) operated and serviced in the state of
California, including all parts of their emission
control systems (“emission related components”),
a. Designed, built, and equipped so as to conform,
at the time of sale, to all applicable regulations
adopted by the California Air Resources Board
b. Free from defects in materials and
workmanship which cause the failure of an
emission-related component to be identical in
all material respects to the component as
described in the engine manufacturer's
application for certification for the warranty
336 M0110641-02
Reference Information Section
Reference Materials

Reference Information

Reference Materials

Reference Material
SMCS Code: 1000; 7000
Additional literature regarding your product may be
purchased from your local Cat dealer or by visiting Use the product name, sales
model, and serial number to obtain the correct
information for your product.


Decommissioning and
SMCS Code: 1000; 7000
When the product is removed from service, local
regulations for the product decommissioning will
vary. Disposal of the product will vary with local
Improperly disposing of waste can threaten the
environment. Obey all local regulations for the
decommissioning and disposal of materials.
Utilize appropriate personal protective equipment
when decommissioning and disposing product.
Consult the nearest Cat dealer for additional
information. Including information for component
remanufacturing and recycling options.
M0110641-02 337
Index Section

A Machines that are Equipped with a Long
Reach Configuration ................................ 199
Access Door and Cover Locations................ 247
Boom/Stick/Bucket Combinations................... 55
Engine Hood .............................................. 247
Cat Pin Grabber Coupler ............................ 63
Engine Service Door.................................. 248
CW Quick Coupler ....................................... 68
Left Front Access Door .............................. 248
CWS Quick Coupler..................................... 69
Left Rear Access Door............................... 248
Pin-On (Without Quick Coupler).................. 56
Right Side Access Door............................. 248
Bucket - Remove and Install ......................... 201
Storage Box ............................................... 249
Installation Procedure................................ 202
Additional Messages ....................................... 19
Removal Procedure................................... 201
Air Conditioner (11)...................................... 24
Bucket Linkage - Inspect/Adjust.................... 271
Alternate Exit (8) .......................................... 23
Bucket Linkage - Lubricate (DB Bucket
Data Privacy (4) ........................................... 22
Family) ......................................................... 273
DEF Purge Indicator Lamp (10)................... 24
Bucket Linkage - Lubricate (TB Bucket
Diesel Fuel Requirements (13).................... 25
Family) ......................................................... 272
Engine Oil Requirements (12) ..................... 25
Bucket Tips - Inspect/Replace ...................... 273
Front Window Usage (1).............................. 21
Bucket Tips (Cat® Advansys ) - If
Hammer Operation (2)................................. 22
Equipped.................................................. 277
Hose Burst (Not Equipped) (7) .................... 23
J Series GET Bucket Tips.......................... 275
Hose Burst Protection (Equipped) (6) ......... 23
K Series GET Drive-through System Bucket
Hydraulic Oil Level Check (14) .................... 25
Tips .......................................................... 273
Joystick Controls Alternate Patterns (5) ...... 22
Side Cutters ............................................... 278
No Step (9)................................................... 23
Side Protectors (If Equipped) .................... 278
Quick Coupler Operations (3)...................... 22
Burn Prevention............................................... 29
Air Conditioner/Cab Heater Filter
Batteries....................................................... 30
(Recirculation) - Inspect/Replace ................ 268
Coolant ........................................................ 29
Air Conditioning and Heating Control............ 158
Oils............................................................... 30
Operation ................................................... 160
Selection Method ....................................... 160
Alternate Exit ..................................................119 C
Rear Window with Lever (If Equipped) .......119 Cab Air Filter (Fresh Air) - Clean/Replace .... 279
Rear Window with Ring Seal (If Cab Door ....................................................... 167
Equipped)..................................................119 Camera.......................................................... 163
Rear View Camera .................................... 163
B Right Side View Camera (If Equipped)...... 164
Camera - Clean ............................................. 280
Battery - Clean............................................... 268
Capacities (Refill) .......................................... 256
Battery Disconnect Switch ............................ 131
Condenser (Refrigerant) - Clean................... 280
Battery Electrolyte Level - Check .................. 268
Cooling System Coolant (ELC) - Change ..... 281
Battery Hold-Down - Tighten ......................... 269
Cooling System Coolant Extender (ELC) -
Battery or Battery Cable - Inspect/Replace... 269
Add .............................................................. 283
Before Operation ......................................39, 116
Cooling System Coolant Level - Check......... 284
Before Starting Engine .................................... 35
Cooling System Coolant Sample - Obtain .... 286
Belt - Inspect/Adjust/Replace ........................ 269
Counterweight Removal and Installation ...... 234
Boom and Stick Linkage - Lubricate ............. 270
Counterweight Installation ......................... 236
Boom, Stick and Bucket Operation ............... 196
Counterweight Removal ............................ 234
Digging....................................................... 196
Crushing Prevention and Cutting Prevention.. 29
Lifting Objects ............................................ 198
338 M0110641-02
Index Section

D Cleaning of the Films ................................. 299

Final Drive Oil - Change ................................ 299
Daily Inspection ..............................................116
Final Drive Oil Level - Check......................... 300
Daily Basis ..................................................117
Final Drive Oil Sample - Obtain..................... 301
First 50 Hours .............................................116
Final Drive Sun Gear Removal ..................... 242
Declaration of Conformity (European Union
Fire Extinguisher Location............................... 34
Fire Prevention and Explosion Prevention...... 30
Declaration of Conformity (Great Britain).......115
Battery and Battery Cables.......................... 32
Decommissioning and Disposal.................... 336
Ether ............................................................ 33
Demolition ....................................................... 43
Fire Extinguisher.......................................... 33
General ........................................................ 30
E Lines, Tubes, and Hoses ............................. 33
Electrical Storm Injury Prevention ................... 35 Regeneration ............................................... 30
Emissions Certification Film ...........................113 Wiring........................................................... 32
Emissions Warranty Information ................... 335 Fire Safety ....................................................... 34
Engine Air Filter Primary and/or Secondary Foreword ........................................................... 5
Element - Replace ....................................... 287 California Proposition 65 Warning ................. 5
Engine Air Pre-Cleaner - Clean ................. 290 Certified Engine Maintenance ....................... 6
Primary Air Filter Element - Replace ......... 287 Literature Information .................................... 5
Secondary Air Filter Element - Replace .... 289 Machine Capacity .......................................... 6
Engine and Machine Warm-Up ..................... 183 Maintenance .................................................. 5
Hydraulic System....................................... 184 Operation ....................................................... 5
Improve Cold-Weather Performance ........ 184 Product Identification Number ....................... 6
Engine Oil and Filter - Change ...................... 293 Safety............................................................. 5
Fast Fill ...................................................... 297 Freezing Conditions ...................................... 229
Procedure for Changing Engine Oil and Frozen Ground Conditions ............................ 187
Filter ......................................................... 294 Fuel System - Prime...................................... 301
Selection of the Oil Change Interval .......... 293 Fuel System Primary Filter (Water
Engine Oil Level - Check............................... 291 Separator) Element - Replace..................... 302
Engine Oil Sample - Obtain........................... 292 Fuel System Secondary Filter - Replace ...... 303
Engine Starting........................................ 39, 182 Fuel System Water Separator - Drain ........... 304
Engine Starting (Alternate Methods)............. 244 Fuel Tank Cap Filter - Replace...................... 305
Engine Starting with Auxiliary Start Fuel Tank Shutoff and Drain Control ............. 181
Receptacle (If Equipped)............................. 246 Fuel Tank Strainer - Clean............................. 305
Engine Starting with Jump Start Cables (If Fuel Tank Water and Sediment - Drain ......... 305
Equipped) .................................................... 244 Fuel Transfer Pump (Refueling) (If
Engine Stopping .............................................. 43 Equipped) .................................................... 153
Engine Valve Lash - Check ........................... 297 Fuses - Replace ............................................ 306
Equipment Lowering with Engine Stopped .... 45, Power Fuse Module................................... 309
188 Relays ........................................................ 308
Machines Equipped with Boom Lowering
Control Valves.......................................... 188 G
Machines without a Boom Lowering Control
General Hazard Information............................ 26
Valve ........................................................ 188
Containing Fluid Spillage............................. 27
Pressure Release of Auxiliary Lines.......... 190
Dispose of Waste Properly .......................... 29
Ether Starting Aid Cylinder - Replace (If
Fluid Penetration ......................................... 27
Equipped) .................................................... 298
Inhalation ..................................................... 28
Pressurized Air and Water........................... 27
F Trapped Pressure ........................................ 27
Film (Product Identification) - Clean.............. 299 General Information ........................................ 50
Guards............................................................. 48
M0110641-02 339
Index Section

Guards (Operator Protection) Symbols Found in the Lifting Capacity

Other Guards (If Equipped) ......................... 49 Charts ........................................................ 72
Rollover Protective Structure (ROPS), Falling Lifting Objects.................................................. 43
Object Protective Structure (FOPS) or Tip Light Emitting Diode Lamp (LED) -
Over Protection Structure (TOPS)............. 48 Replace ....................................................... 319
Lubricant Viscosities (Fluids
H Recommendations) ..................................... 250
Biodiesel Recommendations..................... 255
High Pressure Fuel Lines ................................ 35 Coolant Information ................................... 255
Hydraulic System - Purge (Air - Purge)......... 309 Diesel Fuel Recommendations ................. 254
Hydraulic System Oil - Change ..................... 310 Engine Oil .................................................. 250
Cat HYDO Advanced 10 Oil Change Fuel Additives ............................................ 255
Interval ..................................................... 310 General Information for Lubricants............ 250
Fast Fill ...................................................... 314 Hydraulic Systems..................................... 251
Hydraulic Hammer Use ............................. 310 Other Fluid Applications ............................ 252
Procedure to Change the Hydraulic Oil..... 310 Selecting the Viscosity............................... 250
Hydraulic System Oil Filter (Return) - Special Lubricants ..................................... 253
Replace ....................................................... 315 Lubricant Viscosities and Refill Capacities ... 250
Hydraulic Hammer Use ............................. 315
Return Filter Replacement Procedure....... 315
Hydraulic System Oil Level - Check.............. 317
Hydraulic System Oil Sample - Obtain.......... 318 Machine Operation .........................................119
Machine Security System.............................. 133
I Activating Bluetooth Functionality ............. 134
Armed ........................................................ 136
Identification Information ................................110 Components .............................................. 134
Important Safety Information............................. 2 Disarmed ................................................... 136
Indicators and Gauges - Test ........................ 319 Engine Start Switch Troubleshooting ........ 148
General Information................................... 133
J Grace Period.............................................. 136
Navigating the User Interface Touchscreen
Joystick Controls ........................................... 169
Display ..................................................... 137
3 Button Joystick Controls ......................... 170
Operation of Status Indicator..................... 137
Medium Pressure (If Equipped)................. 171
Operator Login........................................... 138
Vertical Slider Joystick Controls (If
Pairing Your Device to the Machine .......... 135
Equipped)................................................. 170
Reading the ID of a Key............................. 136
Joystick Controls (Joystick Steering) ............ 172
System Overview....................................... 134
Joystick Steering ....................................... 172
Machine Storage and Specified Storage
Joystick Controls Alternate Patterns ............. 178
Period .......................................................... 231
Changing Machine Control Pattern(If
Machine Storage ....................................... 231
Equipped)................................................. 178
Specified Storage Period........................... 231
Maintenance Access ..................................... 247
L Maintenance Interval Schedule..................... 266
Leaving the Machine ..................................... 231 Every 10 Service Hours or Daily................ 266
Lifting and Tying Down the Machine ............. 236 Every 10 Service Hours or Daily for First 50
Lifting the machine..................................... 237 Hours ....................................................... 266
Lifting the Machine Segments ................... 239 Every 100 Service Hours ........................... 267
Tying Down the Machine ........................... 238 Every 1000 Service Hours......................... 267
Lifting Capacities ............................................. 71 Every 12 000 Service Hours or 6 Years..... 267
6800 kg (14991 lb) Counterweight ............. 72 Every 2000 Service Hours......................... 267
Configuration Identification.......................... 71 Every 250 Service Hours ........................... 267
340 M0110641-02
Index Section

Every 3 Years............................................. 267 Left Side Switch Panel (2) ......................... 123
Every 3000 Service Hours......................... 267 Monitor (5) ................................................. 126
Every 50 Service Hours ............................. 267 Operator's Seat (8) .................................... 127
Every 500 Service Hours ........................... 267 Right Side Switch Panel (6) ....................... 127
Every 5000 Service Hours......................... 267 Service Port (26)........................................ 130
Every 6000 Service Hours or 3 Years ....... 267 Travel Control (4) ....................................... 123
Every Year ................................................. 267 USB/Aux Ports (23) (If Equipped).............. 130
Initial 500 Hours (for New Systems, Refilled Operator Station .............................................. 48
Systems, and Converted Systems) ......... 267
Initial 500 Service Hours............................ 267 P
When Required.......................................... 266
Maintenance Section..................................... 247 Parking .................................................... 44, 229
Maintenance Support .................................... 258 Plate Locations and Film Locations ...............110
Mirror ............................................................. 161 China Pin Plate ...........................................112
Mirror Adjustment ...................................... 161 Electromagnetic Emissions ........................ 111
Monitoring System......................................... 149 Engine Serial Number ................................112
General Information................................... 149 Product Identification Number (PIN)
Logging In .................................................. 152 Plate ..........................................................110
Machine Warnings ..................................... 152 Sound Certification .....................................112
Navigation.................................................. 153 Prepare the Machine for Maintenance.......... 258
Mounting and Dismounting ............................116 Product Information Section............................ 50
Alternate Exit ..............................................116 Product Link .................................................. 132
Machine Access System Specifications.....116 Data Broadcasts ........................................ 132
Operation in a Blast Site for Product Link
Radios ...................................................... 132
Pump Coupling Oil - Change......................... 321
Oil Filter - Inspect .......................................... 321 Pump Coupling Oil Level - Check ................. 322
Inspect a Used Filter for Debris ................. 321
Oil Filter (Hydraulic Hammer) - Replace (If Q
Equipped) .................................................... 319
Operating Technique Information.................. 191 Quick Coupler Operation (Circuit for CW
Coaching Tips ............................................ 191 Coupler Hold to Run (If Equipped)) ............. 203
Operating Precaution................................. 194 Coupling the Work Tool.............................. 204
Restricted Operation.................................. 193 Electric Switch Operation .......................... 204
Operating Techniques ................................... 191 General Operation ..................................... 203
Operation................................................. 40, 186 Uncoupling the Work Tool.......................... 206
Critical Failures ............................................ 40 Quick Coupler Operation (Circuit for CW
Limiting Conditions and Criteria .................. 40 Coupler with Alarm (If Equipped)) ............... 208
Machine Operating Temperature Range ..... 40 Coupling the Work Tool.............................. 209
Machine Operation ...................................... 42 Electric Switch Operation .......................... 209
Machine Operation when the Machine is not General Operation ..................................... 208
Completely Assembled .............................. 43 Uncoupling the Work Tool.......................... 212
Operation Information ................................... 186 Quick Coupler Operation (Hydraulic Pin
Lifting Objects ............................................ 187 Grabber Quick Coupler (If Equipped)) ........ 214
Operation Section...........................................116 General Operation ..................................... 214
Operator Controls.......................................... 122 Quick Coupler Operation ........................... 215
12V Power Receptacle (24) & (25)............ 130
Dome Light (27) ......................................... 131 R
Engine Start Switch (7) .............................. 126
Radiator, Aftercooler and Oil Cooler Cores
Hydraulic Lockout Control (1) .................... 122
- Clean ......................................................... 323
Joystick Controls (3) .................................. 123
Radio ............................................................. 154
M0110641-02 341
Index Section

Radio Function List .................................... 156 Severe Service Application ........................... 264
Radio Operation......................................... 157 Improper Maintenance Procedures
Selection Method ....................................... 156 (Maintenance Procedures Which May
USB/AUX Operation .................................. 157 Contribute to a Severe Service
Receiver Dryer (Refrigerant) - Replace ........ 324 Application) .............................................. 265
Reference Information Section ..................... 336 Severe Environmental Factors .................. 264
Reference Material ........................................ 336 Severe Operating Conditions .................... 264
Reference Materials ...................................... 336 Shipping the Machine.................................... 232
Restricted Visibility .......................................... 36 Shipping a Machine that is not Completely
Rollover Protective Structure (ROPS) - Assembled ............................................... 233
Inspect ......................................................... 324 Slope Operation .............................................. 44
Roof Hatch..................................................... 166 SmartBoom Control (If Equipped) ................. 173
SmartBoom Operation (If Equipped)............. 199
S Advantages................................................ 200
Excavation and Loading ............................ 200
S·O·S Information ......................................... 257 Hammering ................................................ 200
Safety Messages............................................... 7 Sound Information and Vibration
Aerosol Starting Aid (11).............................. 16 Information..................................................... 45
Crushing Hazard (14) .................................. 17 Sound Level Information.............................. 45
Crushing Hazard (16) .................................. 18 Sound Level Information for Machines
Crushing Hazard (4) .................................... 12 Required by the Applicable Regional
Crushing Hazard (7C).................................. 14 Regulations ................................................ 45
Crushing Hazard (7D).................................. 14 Sources........................................................ 48
Crushing Injury (3) ........................................11 Vibration Information Applicable to Regional
Do Not Lift Over Personnel (8) .................... 15 Regulations ................................................ 46
Do Not Operate (7A).................................... 13 Specifications .................................................. 50
Do Not Weld or Drill on Operator Protective Application/Configuration Restrictions ........ 50
Structure (OPS) (9) .................................... 16 Expected Life ............................................... 50
Electrical Power Lines (7F).......................... 15 Intended Use ............................................... 50
Falling Object Guard Structure (18) ............ 19 Specification Data........................................ 51
High-Pressure Gas (13)............................... 17 Working Ranges .......................................... 53
Hot Surface (10) .......................................... 16 Stopping the Engine ...................................... 230
Joystick Controls Alternate Patterns (7E) ... 15 Engine Shutdown Switch........................... 230
Jump-Start Cables (12) ............................... 17 Stop the Engine if an Electrical Malfunction
Lifting Level Warning (1)...............................11 Occurs...................................................... 230
Lifting Notice (5)........................................... 12 Stopping the Machine.................................... 229
Overload Warning Device (2) .......................11 Sun Screen.................................................... 165
Product Link (6) ........................................... 12 Swing Bearing - Lubricate ............................. 325
Relieve Hydraulic Tank Pressure (17) ......... 19 Swing Drive Oil - Change .............................. 326
Seat Belt (7B) .............................................. 13 Swing Drive Oil Level - Check....................... 327
Vapor Explosion (15) ................................... 18 Swing Drive Oil Sample - Obtain................... 328
Safety Section ................................................... 7 Swing Gear - Lubricate.................................. 328
Seat ............................................................... 120 System Pressure Release............................. 260
Comfort Seat.............................................. 120 Coolant System ......................................... 260
Seat Belt ........................................................ 121 Hydraulic System....................................... 260
Extension of the Seat Belt ......................... 122
Seat Belt Adjustment for Retractable Seat
Belts ......................................................... 121
Seat Belt - Inspect ......................................... 325 Table of Contents .............................................. 3
Seat Belt - Replace ....................................... 325 Towing Information ........................................ 241
Securing the Machine.................................... 233 Towing the Machine....................................... 241
Service Interval Chart.................................... 258
342 M0110641-02
Index Section

Lightweight Towing .................................... 242

Retrieval and Towing of Machine .............. 242
Track Adjustment - Adjust ............................. 330
Adjusting Track Tension ............................ 331
Measuring Track Tension .......................... 330
Track Adjustment - Inspect............................ 331
Track Information ............................................ 34
Transportation Information ............................ 232
Travel Alarm - Test (If Equipped)................... 332
Travel Control (Straight Travel Pedal (If
Equipped)) ................................................... 168
Travel in Water and Mud ............................... 195
Procedure for Removing the Machine from
Water or Mud ........................................... 195

Undercarriage - Check .................................. 333

Visibility Information ........................................ 36

Warranty Information..................................... 335
Warranty Section........................................... 335
Welding on Machines and Engines with
Electronic Controls ...................................... 264
Window - Check ............................................ 333
Window (Front).............................................. 164
Window Washer Reservoir - Fill .................... 333
Window Wiper - Inspect/Replace .................. 334
Windows - Clean ........................................... 334
Cleaning Methods...................................... 334
Polycarbonate Windows (If equipped) ...... 334
Work Tool Control (One-Way Flow) (If
Equipped) .................................................... 175
Joystick ...................................................... 175
Work Tool Pedal......................................... 176
Work Tool Control (Two-Way Flow) (If
Equipped) .................................................... 177
Joystick ...................................................... 177
Work Tool Pedal......................................... 177
Work Tool Flow Control ................................. 180
Work Tool Operation (If Equipped)................ 222
Crusher Operation (If Equipped) ............... 225
Hammer Operation (If Equipped) .............. 222
Shear Operation (If Equipped) .................. 224
Work Tools....................................................... 39
Product and Dealer Information
Note: For product identification plate locations, see the section “Product Identification Information” in the Operation
and Maintenance Manual.

Delivery Date:

Product Information

Product Identification Number:

Engine Serial Number:

Transmission Serial Number:

Generator Serial Number:

Attachment Serial Numbers:

Attachment Information:

Customer Equipment Number:

Dealer Equipment Number:

Dealer Information
Name: Branch:


Dealer Contact Phone Number Hours



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All Rights Reserved “Modern Hex” trade dress as well as corporate and product identity
used herein, are trademarks of Caterpillar and may not be used
without permission.

344 November 2021

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