WordPress Tutorial Document
WordPress Tutorial Document
WordPress Tutorial Document
WordPress Tutorial
This document is meant to give a general overview of using WordPress to edit content on
your website. The intention of this tutorial is to cover the basics of WordPress and is
meant to supplement any additional training you receive from our team. Always feel free
to reach out to our design team for any additional support and assistance you may need
with your website.
(515) 520-8200
What is WordPress?
WordPress is a publishing software that is used to create websites. Since it was estab-
lished in 2003, WordPress has become one of the most popular website platforms, pow-
ering 35% of the internet! WordPress powers websites for a wide range of businesses
from small hobby blogs to large companies like Miscrosft, Best Buy and Walt Disney.
One of the primary benefits of using WordPress for your company’s website is that it is
easy to learn and use - no coding knowledge is required to make basic content updates
to your website. WordPress is also extremely customizable and has virtually endless
functionalities that we can implement on your website.
1. To login to your website add /wp-admin to the end of your websites domain.
Ex: https://yourwebsite.com/wp-admin
2. You will reach a screen that looks similar to the image below, enter the login
credentials that our team has provided you.
The WordPress Dashboard is the starting point for administrative tasks such as editing
pages, posts, media, etc. It is the first page you will see after logging into your website.
1. To navigate to the front end of your website: Hover over the site title in the upper left
corner of the screen > click “visit site”. To navigate back to the dashboard, follow the
same steps, except select “Dashboard”.
2. Google Analytics Quick View: From the dashboard you can see some quick data
about traffic to your website. Interested in learning how to increase traffic? Contact
our team to learn about our SEO & digital marketing services.
3. Other links: Make note of all of the links along the left side of the dashboard, the tabs
you will probably use most often will be Posts, Media, and Pages. You may utilize
some other tabs depending on various functionalities of your website.
4. To log out of your account: Hover over your name in the top right corner of the
dashboard, click log out.
Your website might inlcude blog posts to display news, announcements and more on
your website. Blog posts are great ways to continuosly produce new content on your
website, which can be useful for current & prospective customers, as well as help
improve your ranking in Google and other search engines.
1. To view your blog posts: Head to the WordPress dashboard (/wp-admin). Click the
“Posts” tab on the left side of the screen. You will see a table
with all posts that are published on your website.
2. To create a new post: Click the button near the top of the screen. View the
next page in this tutorial to learn how to edit your new blog post.
3. To edit or delete an existing post: Find the title in the list of posts > hover over the
title > click “Edit” or “Trash”.
1. Enter Title: It’s best to keep your post title short, yet descriptive.
2. Enter Post Content: Use the “Visual Editor” to edit content. For further information on
how to use the visul editor, visit this resources from WordPress.org.
3. Post Categories & Tags: If your website utilizes categories or tags, select the
category(s) and/or tag(s) that you’d like to assign to the post. These make it easy for
users to filter posts based on what they are looking for, and may also affect where the
post is displayed on your website.
5. Publishing your post: Click to publish your post. Use this button
to save your post as a draft if you don’t want to publish it yet, or you can schedule
your post to be published automatically by clicking “edit” here -
The media library is where all images, pdfs, and other media is stored.
2. To upload new items, click then either drag and drop your files in the upload
area or click to upload files from your computer.
Attachment Details
1. Click on an image in the media library to open the Attachment Details Pop-Up.
2. Alt Tags: These are important for SEO and accessibilty. For screen readers and web
crawlers who can’t view images, these alt tags will be used as a description.
3. Copy Link: You will mainly need to access these if you are linking PDFs on your
website - ex: newsletter archive. Copy/Paste this link on the front end of your website
so users can view and download PDF files.
The Pro Page Editor allows you to visually adjust the content of your website.
1. Open the page editor: Navigate to the page you’d like to edit on the front end of your
website. In the top black bar, click Pro > Edit Page. This opens up the page builder.
The left side of the screen contains all editing functionalities, while the right side of
the screen is a preview of what the page will look like on the front end.
2. Text Editing: For most text edits, simply double click directly on the text that you
would like to edit, and type your changes directly within the page.
3. Text Links (PDF’s, External Links): When editing text, hilight the text you’d like to add
a link to, click the link icon and paste your desired URL. Click “Okay” to attach link.
h ttp s: // s al te c h sy ste m s . c om / w e b -d e s i gn
I ow a w e b d e s i gn
Change the “Target” if you want to
open the link in a new window
Slider Revolution
If you have an image slider on your home page, we have probably used slider
revolution to create this. For the most part the slider should be all set up for you,
we are always willing to assist you in editing this, but if you’d prefer to make
simple image and text updates yourself here are some basic instructions:
1. From the home page of your website, in the top black bar hover over “Slider
Revolution” and then click the title of your slider. (You can also access this
from the tabs in the left of the WordPress dashboard)
2. You can click on any text and edit it within the right side bar.
If you have an image grid on your website, it probably uses Essential Grid.
1. To open the plugin editor, head to the WordPress dashboard - find the “Ess.
Grid” tab in the left side bar (it is typically towards the bottom of the side bar)
2. Find the title of the grid you want to edit > click the green “Settings” button
3. To upload a new photo, click the “Images” tab near the top center of the editor.
4. Select “Bulk” > this will pull up the Media Library where you can select your
desired images.
5. Some image grids contain captions or titles. To edit this find the image within
the grid preview in the bottom half of the page > click the Green settings icon
to open the editor. It’s easiest to base the changes you make in the editor on
other elements that have the correct fields filled in, as there is many fields in
this editor that you won’t need to use.
6. If your essential grid requires more advanced editing features, our team is here
to help train you, or complete the edits/updates for you!
7. To save your changes to the grid, click the green “Save” icon on the right side
of the screen.
Events Calendar
Most events can be added just like blog posts, except in your WordPress dash-
board there is a tab for “Events” instead of “Posts”. There will also be additional
fields within the post editor like date, time, and location. We will go over adding &
editing events in ypur WordPress training, and we can always assist with your
questions via phone or email!.
We use caching software which helps to speed up the load time of your website.
This helps retain users and improve your SEO rankings. Due to caching, some
changes may not appear immediately on the front-end of your website.
In the top black bar of your site, you can clear the cache by hovering over “WP
Rocket” > then Click “Clear Cache”. You may also need to clear your browsers
cache by pressing [Ctrl], [Shift] and [del] on your Keyboard.
If you want to add a new page, blog, custom form, online store, memberships, or
any other functionality to your website, contact our team! We have the ability to
implement many different functionalities on your website.
Always feel free to reach out to our team, we’re happy to help!
abigail@saltechsystems.com (515) 520-8200